The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 20, 1861, Image 2
11 TILE JOTJRNAL. Coudersport. Pa: Thursd.ay;'Junkf2o, 1861. :1 - IcAT:II2NEII EDiron; fe''The dtslalD ition of so many Southei ;r1 from the Army and : ;Caltinn• out of the slave I 1 c.a., ._,_ght the North z lesson from which they should derive much counsel, and station guide posts along the road ot government •pre fernacni`,,whose hands, pointing out a (11f-I ferent course from that pursued by Pierce •iind Buchanan misrule, would avoid the difficulties under which the 'government. now labors.. Men who have been suppli ed, from their youth, with education, pe cuniary support and the. advantages which "lore acquired by high civil and military positionS, have, when the time of greatest need come upon the 'country, - proved [ thenfselyes to be open,tr?rors, or seeking refuge behind .the-Ilimsy veil of "not de ' slang to-fight ,against their .friends at home," have resigned—thus aiding and übettieg in the work of treason. This has been caused. in a great Inca, surti'by their fealty toslayclry —the curse Lto themselves and their country, the great miasma that has floated over their States preventing their advancement in civil!ia ' lion and internal- improvethent, clogging the wheels of emigration, laying waste the I most fertile of soils, snd fur which they aze now - atteqpting to dismember their country. fut, let us the causes !which have produced this great majority lof Southern officers. ,Wherever slavery exists, laboi..l considered disgraceful ; hence, young men, especially of the mid dle classes, who have not the weans tb establish themselves in a business or prii- Ifession,seek offices under the government, land for that end their education is a( the (particular kind, best- suited for such posi• tions. ! From their childiMod up they sre wade to understand that such is to be their life and . that the - better the preparit- - lion the greater the probability of being -promoted. Acting Upon this principle ff the. South has become one great nest of office seekers, and We .are sorry to say it is a very successful one; and as shivery -is ever suspicious, and or laic years been xnuch alarmed by . the :progress of free principles in the North, she has been tinb into the hands. Of her children the best positions,--and we Jr the result; The Northern youth whose life' ts labor and who .delights in the excite- .inient of carving for. himself a naive, has . heretofore looked with somewhat of tempt upon the '•blue coat and bra'ss but ton': positions, choosing rattier thnsuposi : , tion S which will bdist qualify him for ben efitingks fellowmen and gain for hiMself an honorable position in the civil world. By•these means the South have here , t4fure held the Majority - i;f offlees, altho' lief ei!nal to the North in Population. The .question ,new is, shall this state of things cont4.ib ? Will not the North endeavor hereafter to occupy those-positions which in jbatice , belongs to her, and fur whielr her' sons can easil'y qualify themselves. • Thus, the' North, übt from inability, but for lack of desire 'for such puirsuits, Las been giving into the' hands of the; enenties of her country the very advan tages she should improve and use for the preseriStion Of her liberties. • —ln the future Would it not lie well for every Mem ber of Congress, from .the. North, to sec that his district is represented in . b4ll Akiny and 'Nayy, and by thoie who•will make the • proper efforts to successfully - compete with those of the. Southern, sec tion of oartnion. iSuel young men can be .found. .Let thew not be taken; as they ttogatly are, from wealthy families, but let them come from the pc i ople.and he those who have to look to their'oWn - individual energies tor ,a liveli'aoodpand we, will soon Bo a different state of af:, fail in our country.;, we will' then have mert - who will pay some respect to their oath of allegiance, who will not'saCrifice their honors for the spread of slavery, but -who when the time comes 'for'ttotion iviu be found true to:the: principles ,of right and humanity . , and true to their Cciintry. • - .IZcZir'Aa the Fall Election is approach- tog and . licretofore_ there has been sonic trouble in regard to the men nominated, *would , it not he well to adopt the system `orneminatinz by hallot - , and at the time f voting for candidates vote also for or gttinst the system; and see 'which system eitsuited the great mass of people in ,the county. The 'Mode is -thus : Candidates give notice to the people of the county ortheir 'desire for promotion to certain offices, 9e County Committee meet and appoint a sa the peoplil of the different districts appoint officers .to hold I nc election,-anti they go to the polls and:vete the same aS they would at anfother, election. .111.4 system has many features that . commend \ rit to the. con . sidei-ation_.of the people. thisl„system the' fecliiv,of the viliole county is - ..known woulei be' most popular at,:tho there is no jugglery practised whereby Men who are eminently unp3pular can ,c nominated, there is no -"nominating ittl men from one particular faction Only: there is no foreirg of Men, into voting for -.hose they think weictuOminatedunfaifl? as it searely probable that •my tinfahri 44 ness - 1.12 exercised; there into littor 1 ing dflhow or for whom L urrytriC — dast th done defeated ndeiluildent el i tuiidate u influence, not run zu the plea t.. 1735 by unfair means ti he was deprivedof the neMination. It might be well forthepeople of t county to tcy this, sy4em and see whet It has: I not virtues that should comnien • to the. consideraii , ,m of evor3- one who sires to avoid much of the strife aMitf ble that follow-in the with of Can Conventions. It has been tried in nt, counties of the State ard. ivhere a trial has been given it the people are no haste to get • back tv the poli,ticiap's, . mode; of nowi , nating.ll If prevents, °Teat measure the necessity for "olecti4n ecriu 1 " for the reason that when the eXpressed wish Of a ,iitijority of the part.3lthat, a certain man . have the ofTlee it would naturally fLi i llow that .The. whole , partylwould seek success. Mostsef the -cifrices arc not north I the troubleiof seekiu . g for, and if they only .be tain4d by a large expenditure of time 49 , money they had better net be sought ter. Of course . no,ae bit Republicit : n4 would be expected o'l' v 46; i We therely suggest this and would 1114 e to have the opinions of those who inf ence such wafers. n) . _ , • . Va - reotinT Pricci:Lpilm3.—L-Very iit.i l tie business has bee' done this weli d most cases having been c(intinued. So to 18 or 20 parties hiti.e tan the - benfifil of the new Stay Law, ec'fo,ring some Fq judgruents,athounting to S4eral thousand 11114 s. But one civil action will reali the Jury and that was not called at thiS writing. ,The critnival business is abduf t t as follows : . ' . I CUM, vs. Jain II ..:1/is on—.A.etiou rot forcible entry and 'detainer. 'l'ha prope tutor not appearing, the Deft. was (lis . ; Charged nlhe Jury directed'the prokt cutor,• . john B.PorgUs, tO pay the costs.! • .11 - 0//4,15r - oseguis were! entered in tine following cases : COni. vs Moll: ell.cllle et al, assault and battery; Coro. vs-. 1 1 • MeGsaire et al, assault anOlbattery ; COI vs. Darius BrOwn; assault and batte6- Com. N:s. Geo. Edwards, obtaining go3ds wider false*pretences. 1 • i Co ns - -v s.Gotliel.,Lehtnan—r-JnoScli ni4id, proseentl. Jury trial; 4ctio:4, tuan,lo l ' uhstruction . of bighway..ilTerdiet—B*. found guilty and and costs. l.' . • ..,,, .-.....:..--,..-- •-.1 . : ... . --. For t, Potter fournai i I Mn. EMT:DR.—Is t4re going to any " Fourth of July" in Couderspott 7 irso, it is- high tiMe that a cornmititee I- - ' • ' .! .. I were sent out afrerit ? ilire are invaria r lily eleventh.,liour folks liu this matier l y , - and under, ordinary. etreunistanzesj 1 would not at this late da , y,.urge a eeleli - ra• tion' l tirion our citizens- ' .. but now: wliei , • , • when h e principles- founde€l ulith that day are being severely tried; and! patriotism i 4 so valued whatever rimy' beLthe furin'of fit t • I. oxpressiou, .1.. think the Patt ithe pe4l l . , . of 'tliis place, aria .vieitAty . can, do isi .to celebrate, the anniversary, oft their na4n . - ality., I would. thdrefoidsuggest. atriOet,' ; ing at the CoUrt room next — Nonday v 4e', i • ning•at S o'clock, for the purpose of niiilr'-, ing preparations for a Olebration . . ' Lel ladies and gentlemen .both come out to the meeting and• there •i 011• be. no need for extra eointnittees or future Meetingi• 4 the liusing;ss can all be diine at once. ll have plenty of native Oatcirieal taint 1 ,-,. equal to a plain; •ohl-fashioned Inlcie' ; 1 , pendence Day. • o : r . June 19, IS6I. • , In the congressional Election in Mtliy: land, the Union men had: no • formicl4lo opposition in . three distilets. : In - lhilit• More, Ilenry May is reported. at 2,'44 maj. over)Yinter. Danis `Both repres4nt ed as Union -Men; but ay was prefer4ed . by the +S. eceSsiutais' ts.• 'Pieston,'Seuesston ist, reported 'elected: in itlio. other 1341ti more district. :- - -• ' - . i The Presidebt's )4ssitge to•Cong,rk, now soon to meet, is approaching cilM pletion. It will take strong ground in favor of the most 'energetic '•ineasuresi in order that the war ma:y Ihe.concludedihy the *next Winter. Ilalf a millkm men, and two hundred . MillicPs of money' M arc of as likey to raised,. i LtCy. The following is a certified copy of -" Ain Oct Supplementary to an Act to Consolidate, revin and amend the Pe nal 1 - iris of Pennsylvania," and;read by ,fittige White in his charge, to tlie Jury' at the latelsession of Court - 8E01 . .1 . 6 xl. Be it enacteq* the,;;S:tin • ate iiiiltiiil:O/ise of Rrpresentir tires of the Comni9nicOlth of l'ennsylcattia in, Gen eral AsseMbly met, and, it is hereby en• a ct e d by 14 authurity,qf the same; That ; if any rerien - or persons ,belonging to or residing Within this State, and under-the protection bf ; ,j,ts shall takea'_cern mission or:couituissiona from any person,'. State or States, or other / the enemies of his Sate; or of the' United States of ; America, Or who shall levy war against; this State; or GoVernment thereo — f, or; 11:nowing4 , ;and willin ly shall aid or as. asst any enemies is open war against this] State or tile:United States, by, oinine• their armies, or by enlisting, or 'ordeal ing, orpciritualingctliers to enlist for - that pur pose, or by; furnishing such enemies with I arms or animunition,py any other articles; for theh. aid and comfort, er by Carrying on a traitorous edrrespondence with them', or shall form:, oribe wise concerned in forming - any 1 combination or plot or conspiracy,; for betraying this State or the 'United Stales of Awerica into the hands' or powerj.of any foreigu • enemy, or any Organized Or pretended government en gaged in resisting the !laws of the United 'States, or shall give Or send any:intelli gence to the enemies of this State oref the United States of America, or shall, with intent to. oppose,:prevent or subvert the government of this State or Of the! United States; endeavor to pers - uwle any ;person or Persons frone entering the ser- I vice of 'this State or of the United States, 'or from joinine. a any volunteer company! ;or association of this. State about beingl mustered into service' or shall use any I thr, - ..ats or Persuasions 'or offer any bribe, or hold s -out ; anv hope of reward, with like! !intent to ititluc - e, any person or persons to! abandon said i 'service, ;or withdraw, ftotn lany volunteer company or as, - ;?ciatiion / ready organized under tlie.laws Ibis I 1 Commonwealth, for that purpose ; every person so'offentling and being legally con victed thereof, shall be guilty of a high; misdemeaner, and shall be sentenced to 'undergo solitary impriSonment in the pen- ; itentiary, at hard labor for a term not ex ceeding ten years,' and ' be fined in.a sum not 'exceeding five thousand dollars • or j both, at the discretion' of the court : h•o- I Ividid, That this act 'shall not 'prohibit 1 any citizen from taking or receiving civil Icommissione for the acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments of writing.. SgcTioN 2. That if any person or per sons within LliiS Commonwealth, shalisell,l build, furnish, construct, alter or. fit out,l or shall aid 'or assist in, selling, building, constructing, altering, or fitting out any vessel or vessels, for the purpose of matt ing war er privateering, or other purpose, to be used in the serVia of any person or parties whatever, to make war on the United States of America; or to resist by ; force or otherwise, thq execution of the I laws of /the ;United States ; . such person! or persons shall be guilty of a misde meant, and 'on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to undergo solitary impris onment, in the. penitentiary, at hard la ' bur,. not exceeding ten years, and be fined in a sum not exceeding ten thousand d,o1 ; tars, or both, at:the diseretiun of the court. SECTION That every person hold ing a commission as an officer in the red= unteer or militia forces of this Common wealth, shall within thirty days 'after the passage of this aet, be required• to' take the oath of allegiance to the St.ite and to this Uuited States; end in'ease any per. sou holding sack cominissiou, Shall refuse to take such. oath, the Governor shall have authority to revoke and annul' the commission, of such person, and supply his pile(' by appointment, until the va cancy thus • created shall be supplied, provided for vacancies in other cases by existing . laws of this Commonwealth ; the said oath of, allegiance shall be adminis tered by the Autant'General; or any Judge of the' Court of' Common Meas.! and may ke:transmitted to 'the several b'rigadeinspeetors-of this Commonwealth, who sliall in turn .administer the same to the officers 'embraced wit hin Abe bounds) of their respectiv6 brigafles. • I SECTION 4. 'No civil procees shall sue, or- be enforced against any person! mustered into the service of this State - or of the United States, durin g the term fur which he shall be engaged in. such-ser vice; nor-until thirty - days after :he have been discharged therefrom : Pro: sided,. That the operation of all ktautes of limitations shell be suspended upon all claims against such persona during such term. - . . - A ?prayed, !be 18th day of April, 1861 Philadelphia (,the old City . ) elects a Member of Congress on the 2nd of July, to take' the place , of Edward J. Mcrris, who has resigned.. The names of many good many mpu are suggested in connec tion with the *post. \Ve beg leave to add that of ILENn.Y-C: CAttEY to the. list. A desperate effort is to be made to break, down the new tariff, and Pennsyl vania should' send her strongest men to to resist ir. Need We-say that,lieury Carey is -oue of them: --Tribune. . . . A, propeller which, with:a detatchnipt from the Oth•Reeituent, wen': from Anal). olis the other day with stores for Wash ingtOn, was' while returnieg, fired into on the POtotnae;•bY rebel batteries.. Several shots were fired,- none of which-t-e9i&ffeet , The attao was promptly, and probably effeetively- ' retnrned; reeult not -- • . . • • • : • 1 . COMIICSICAT3D.!I .li Extremes Daillgii' iiinp: .. 1 -- The American Pea . * Scietir . ..;eccritly hold its thirty-third Attneual.incetitig in Pork Street- , ehuin4: &skin i-liion,-• : .A. Whiffet in the .chair.^,'-‘ -, - .I( 1 '......._......... ....-:- 'llic•Directors , . shy that . 010) , itaud'in an unexpected position—face 01/1 'a rebellion i They are ailted43i4t• ceirsn' should be[ pursued ? :--The Justver. is, " Under the peace system stich evils' could never have oceurred.' They would have every peace -man stand by!the Gov crnwent,. ib every way corfststnnt with his peace principle's A series 'of resOlutiolis Avere_thenlpiesented, of iviach'ilic follow ing is the sub3.tanee: -. , I < • - • - That the couise of affairs, in ,Europe 'end America shows how necessary it is thalthe SOciety should tnal,:iii reamed es, lertions; that the rebellion ;4 tliis country and the attempt to suppresS if . , calls furl the' Society's most earnest atteutiou; that I had the principles of the :Peape : Society I been heeded, much. of . this silistraction might have been. prevented ; - f . that the] adoption of th . e,war policy Will 4ntail upon us 'evils berodd . 'mortal imanimition; that more confiilence than ever is held in peace principles, that until suelf principles are 'adopted tberci can be no ;sect that true peace principles ate euro to *ale the existing difficulties. :•. ' 1 ~ ' ' ' - The'abdve is the milli-and-Water post. tion of the American Peace Society—s societY•that has :dwarf - .taken the ultra ground tlia all war is iri,tiful; and that . • has requir. cl its mcinbers.t.o„ - phidge them-j selves not ; o bear . arms in ans tver " for whatever 1p •pose;' declarddi: waged Or c 'iri - aintiiined.'! .the time has t) . oree when ' the Society must either • tibißdon its arti cles of faith, or the GovernMent which has protected it. It does tlie.'ltitter. I Its language is "Every peace an should .:,--.. 'd by the Qovernment in ' , every way consistent !with lis.pcae,c i prig ciPles."-- These arq that all war, for whatever pur-i pose, is sinful; hence, trip:Present war fur the defencle of the Goverunien6: is: sinful; consequently no peace Man is. idle - Ted to stand by the ,Govermucutl Without aban doning .the Society. ' , 1 If the patriotic sense lof'putliC scnti . , l ment detests an avowed neutrality,. what ought to be the feelino-'4abhorrence tod ward a society claintinz the principles oil peace as its basis, and yet wouhi„ quietly I acquiesce in the foul plot's' and 13.'cids of! treason, surrender 'the . - Pi decalovern- went to traitors, and -ye - Cstolictly regret' that the principles it advecates leould not have been heeded ! ' ' ~ : .E News Items from OitAer Cioucagles NORTII6IBERLAND.-411e milpia start-, ed for Ikarrisburg; on last.,:atiitiday.— . — TheY are making extensivei4arations fur the celebration of the etiming;Fourth. —The weather is warm', and The crops are &big, Farmershave izr'erit' hopes for, large And good crop.s.--• Sha mokin Register appears tinder the control of DANIEL I.3olvEz, formerly of the Will iaruspciA Daily ':Times: l attend you'Dait:f—Tlie' Milton land •is to pir uish. musk forthe 4th Itecitnent'. • . IP UNtos.—G..lde_Megarty, aged 24, was drowned in the ricer near Mundy , Dam, on the 11th inst. His body was taken to Lewisburg for bu i rial.----There were'hut four graduates from the l'em+ Departmentof Union Seminary. F - - Dies: Hayes, of Lewisburg has been appeinte Register in the SurveyOr"eofEuie in Phi). I adelphia—Chas. M., Hall, Igif LcwiA burg, has been appoitited Deputy Survek I or of the Port "cf Phitadelphiaj M'Coy 14s orgaik ized a Mile Company inTarmell.'s The ladieS have presented the Con - Tani with a flag.--There ; Was al - tneetink held at the Court Houselin Smethporl for the purpose of raisinftaMilitary CoMi- I pang.—Court' there next wee k 'LITOMING.—A lad named gayer had his fingers cut off in a sawmill near iamsport.----A . man named' W. Count sefof Bush Creek, was accidentally sb by his brotherginlaw Janies:Claik, trhil outhunting.--Severah etternids• have . beeri.made to fire the 'house of .or. Lyonil iu illitunsport, and a younglgirlihas beeti, arrested on suspicion. --:—The pert Legion has been accepted anti started for Harrisburg. LUZEllNE.—Entbusinstic Union Flea. meetings throughout the count i y. : -:-. special election for - metnber' of Pongres (in place of Scranton, dec'd,) onoe 22nd day of Jtine—Keichem i 3 spok6 of as a candidate:--There haslJeCit damaging frOsts in the county during the past wee 'ln the, hee t aug Conventiorf yeste from the Basins CO4 'thittee, reported an: ordioance ivacatinz the seats 'of all State officers v?lb.3 are now in rebellio9 against the Vial States, providing for a' Prorisiorial GkVerninent, and for the 'election of offiecrsi,. This or dinance was made the 'special - Order for Wednesday, icslebate,took plape on the policy of dividing the State,. - against which,Mr. Carlile took *rongiground. I,oursvlLLE, Jnne' 14, 1861. The. Courier says thelmajoitty against separation in East Tennessee ip estimated at from 1n 000 to 72 tioo. -F_-_-7 - __ 1 , :ibunst of Sal a rday. 1 , , , , oe .„ oroN, 'tl one ito .i.p . y.t.."-i-;- , , I pnt his rewired - aisi);!t 411- that Atrpet'4 .Yerry 43 esacuated."4.thl thq trogPs Fienz the 1! 1. WAsti,i: T, he Governs es which state completry stataotied to Earias4iii 4441 Sonie'apprkk. iurilines but[others relyi reportS, zieri of the Hari tliai they will: 'd the rniare mffro y that at n11:0 31a0assas in nn aetiye, operation: the' s truo state 61 The retreat: fers? 'the itnin l ol to 31 - anassas els 'Will inak . • our lines berei live, or will is and!await attael er (iur eolurn4, the et ontittanked and at a disadvania enable. Beaure'v tnoralized;as Lit are juuons on Bu e9tisiderin the.:_general 'point:Arc oit:tl:uipreli nct ieedo kit.4ck upe'n vet , ;hi epaibioPti Jorco, igvio:on uuetiog the - Tad condi ees I? . erry ic14,31i believie ispersc in - ti cure Winchester to( St,rashurg. cuts 'they will! Arrive At f condition to ecinitrictice s. _Vie last iis Prubably the[. t 'ease. • I i ' ' oth . Harper's li'ertv,tranS , 'ate' centre of t oPerations etidn! 'Whether (lib 'Rel it desperate assault upcin s soino_ still, !een-,i to bh .treligt hen „thnir i pOsititin at the Jtutotion 4 wilali.: 4al';:q Unto asifyabeefroin orth,,uirtitftL Rebels a 0 forced 'to reire4 c or fight . re, - or.will viiiit awhile to 'rd's force to bpoonie de rse at the ferry? hate beep, , whielt nien may (iiffq the carcityi of food and.l pffeetiwn, we eat t .ebels . will soon feel oblig ,n actiton or retreat. We ely to utoye !until thol.- think: that ~ tha ed brimi ot - 61 'shaft- not be .hl> oug readYSl I The" report Feri ; s'is-not,lo by military Me that 1 large Ito bave btien, con4ttlerable lr Thal Governmett s'av that Lett to. day. G i en. Setitt:t night in the 'et'' evacuation of :I.Tarpers e'veC, altog ether, ereditCd . ?lave dout,tei ion of the force,s theie rawa, but think that, a I ison tie place. t h;:s dispatekeg stith some I d0...4t of tlie 1 , . rapresed his belief las.t , ,(:.uattiffi. : : ITARRISBITRi liatiOn man fee the Southern ie June • 12, 180-4 9 V fleeing In oil terror, who. fir!irPt.l in tllia city thi4 Test hecouut ,Liorniiig. gives the g-iotim ttgairs to the 01(11)6- • ,samn.ol). 1 • 1 Ile left Lye liluirg on the 7th, his :plan'tatiMi beixi , time wiles' east! of that , , , place.. Lyucliii rg was couipicity sur f rounded by oath is, and looked like a place besiegeil...Tlie e is the caen of instruct, tion.'„, Among: he ranks are to be seen bearqless buys side by side with the'graY headed. As a amberal . thing they. were' welll 4a . equippc ,- id priivisions were plenty. It is true the la ter command exhorbiMet pricesims for iii tance, beef 20 cents pc.r, pound, barn :',15 cent's, flour! 81.9 to :32.51 per barrel—otlir articles in, proportioii• I In ekryilireetinn the! planters wcre:inu* disconraged at ; te ruin before them. On' ? inforMa l t pssed within',' fifteen ,/,,, miles of !".I.lanassls Jupctiou, and says that therewere ati nit rm.nt not, more than . 15,00 trooPs,, - ho'tiaily expected ap al.-_ - _, , tack by, t lie 1.74.1 ertil - foices. -. C en. I.l..aur i re , mid was teliave taken tire cdminand there,: but it,:ir l as thought .he would be t sent;toorfoldr l .: and Gen. Lane' left in'. charge. The,:lfirginians hav i e every con fide rice iu thnniiiitary skill and juilguiept of fl)elatter o.T!cer, Hut Jeff. ;Davi:s e m - 114-, eneec:Uhy tlie;:,qputh !Carolinians, prefers Beauregard. Jan. B. was tolissuc a proe laniatipu;to : Ord troops on 3londay lait. l i , He had givep!,i as his advice toeVaeuate Ilanr's Ferry and hold the Junction The TeLinforcedtut Would enable them tb 1 with4arld any;, ttackl the ilunders mi g ht make. : i, There were( about,' l l l ooo men at Lues!- bur Passinti through Fredericic,•.Mdl, he 4ned the ]Secession clement; to his surprise quite strong, as it Was curreatlY reported in V.,iyginia. i that Maryland 641 beencomnletel4 Abolltionlzed. '.l%.lany -ilielWealthiest planter.; of the Old 'Pominion:dre.antiously awaiting the apPrOch of the! Federal troops, that, they wa repew their allegiance .to the Go.i ernucient . of their fathers; As it is ,now,. .:suelta . shouglitlexpresSod .. would be their ,deth seutenee.i . - Ail who eau, have left Orr the North, vet_ verk Many are coin pcbt ed Ithrough necessity' to remain their prpperty to tPravent mniiscatiou which, isiteing.parried,,out l in tu - erous ustanqes )there, the:owners 'of I . prop e rty ; to turgid . ' conscription, have fled the State, .• . the.Secietary of the TreasurV has tel , elraphed to I.l.4rrisberg that the Federal Gevernmht is ready to pay, the troops mustered into the service of the country. .Fennsylvauia ,is able to pay her otu troops, and will do so if the Administra tion] will Meta,l the pay,masters. Gcivarpor is wciling• to•second any e.ifcirt onObq part ofithe Federal Goveranient for this purr 01!,.... Not a single -State has thnsifar been tilble,topay, or at.least, has not paid, her .;lit t 'oltiiitccirs. At any tine IPeprisylvinia . Ould.r. have liqUidated this indebtedness. sand ail she now asks is far ,th 4 Proper authority and legal officers : to make the payrtient., • Cuitinlhas appointed H. D. Mat , well,lof Easton,l - Pay master-Gen - dal of this • State; Mr. Ml 'is one of • the most truSt , wcirthy men ini . this Commonwealth, and 4ppoi.utardit will be a deservedlyfiSdp ular one. - .1 • ' • j• • • From MisS.uri we 'darn that 2,000 State (Rebel) troops Ure tt Boonville, that ;others ai arriving., and that they axe preparing for' determined reSistance• A. rawer of-a skirmish at IndePendene , r in whicili the National forces were defeated prevailed:at-St. Louis, but as the tele graph was in: the hands of the Seeesaion is4,: authentic _information , ennuot be aniuM. • IJ . 1' ' . • _ TIM LATEST WAR 4:,o1. Anderson is to be B4adiei-General. The Government proposes a iub:trarine telegraph be, LOOkout and Fortress 3lonr• frielzs, of Diarylo:tadi Callid - on by the. Leaislatur thcal with copies of all pa clearly his relatiCus with the erument,lie replies in.a sh stating that he has already s ail necessary'docApleatsi and is in Oe. , natut:e uf an-insult A strange. , and unfortuna 6 . - affair oc curred at' Si. Louis vesterd y. A regi- I . meat of troops' was passing throogh the. city, When One company s denly fired nt the windows of,a. court- in, killin g fourMeo and wounding two thers. The cause of the firing is u not ,cle r. One no': cOnnt.says.thet :Cabot was fi - ed from the • Court-ro An upon the troop; ut tit he truth is not known. _ I: .f• • . The preparations for an i•ance upon Richmond seem to be goin,,"ein steadily. The concentration of troops r ! and about ' Washitlgton,continues, and nr,rny ofTicers are confident- that the grand'omovernent t. of the campaign Will be made within fortnight. There. are said to,ibe not more ' than 4,500 rebel troops at Richmond, and 2 9 ,0.06. at Manassas 'Jiin t etiO The rear • • guard from llarper's Ferry i had reached Winchester. A-number of.the 'retreating I • r,th;ils arc said to be at Fairfax Court- - tiousevhere rciinforcerue l n s from Ma nassas Junction Note arrived, prepared. to make a stand. They feared 'to retreat' further lest all their Men, should desert. l'trap has been.set italic moods between . Failfax Court ITouse and Alexandria, according to infortnation furnished. to the Gov'ernnieut. , It appearS' that a number of sinall.batteries haye been concealed the purpose of the i.'Obels to make -- a feigned tack, upon Alexandria, draw out the N.itional troops, lead them into an ambush, and there :El :ugh' ej., them. .001. Stone is in .Posse reeedily evacuated b, Gen, Patterson u moving with his col- Unin : of 2:2,060 men to Washington. It is thought more probable than ever that the .11ebels Will continue to retreat; and. indeed, we have a rumor that they have really ,fled froM :Leesburg. After Patter ;son ireacheS the.. Capitol there rill be not loss. than .75;600 National troops, and if. I 'en. Mcdlellan, with his force. also comes t Washington, we shall have 100,000. She plain -policy x of . the Government is to •-coneentrate there a great army, probably fdr:anadvancer on riichniond. It is said j that the relielS at Manassas Junction num ber.2s,ooo, iiteluding the_ llarper's Ferry body,- the last of whom have left that I place. - AV - Richmond, as the same au thority':states, there are 40,000: They are 'represented as Tieing tolerably well armed, but Inidly Clad, provisioned and drilled, and as mdcli dissatisfied • with the ' appearance of things. jeff. Davis is at ltichniond, Personally superintending the operations of his army. Last'evepipg it was known at— ingtOtt that a- forward : Movement of our ' pickets was niaffe on the Virginia side of the river,-but toward what point and for What purpose ont correspondent was'not at liberty' to - ,,state.., , It appears, however, that the rnovemeritlwas important. A slight -skirmish occurred yesterday at Seneca Mills, a point on the Maryland side - of the Potomac, above Wailtiugton. 200', of:. the District, volunteers, under. Lieut.-Col. Everett, Were 4itaekedfty : company of-Virginia cavalry. Shotirwere `exelianged fc r souielime. No one of our men was hurt; but the commander of the cavalry, supposed' to be a Capt. Shroves, was killed, atid,tlie rebels retreated. ' 'From FortreiS Monroe we. learn - .that preparations are-,Making,. - for an advance onitielimend ;-bOt - no particulars amount! municated.;- , • • Ter ty ti es atii repTesetited lir the Union Convention now in'. see situ at Wheelinc , • - I • Loss of the Ste. ever Canadian. . ST. J.ortN's, N.. F., June 11.. The - Montreal -` Steamship Comf4xil t 's screw-steam-ship Canadian, Captain 'Gra ham, which sailed from Quebec on Sat -urday morning, June . 1, for Londonderiy and Liverpool, struck on a field of sunk en ice, eight miles south• of - Belles!lsle fr . on' the ,4th inst Wand Sunk in thirty-five , minutes: . • One hundred and eighty-Onb 'perSonav were Eared in boats:, anci - 2 1anded . 'ioli - Bauld, from whiclilhny were brought in to:this port, - this 'morning, by a :French: barh. • . . Fronitwctity - to thirty 'lives were lost,. including six cabin, passetwers, but as the Fit i p t .q. papers went downin the sink-- log ship.' it is itnpos • to tell the'exact number,drown . . . • A. portion• of ,the mails Were saved. Amting thog drowned were the .offi-- .eer and th second officer of the tteemer. Canadian struck the ice liin / der her foremast, and her three !compartments were all broken:in ar„once, whereupon - she filled rapidly and — soon went dowp. The lee field did not attract nittoit'aften tion when :first diScoVered, is it looked small and was scarcely abOTe water. The .steamer Was'going -at .slow:speed qt . the iii»e she strucif ' . NEWS; duinted a to establish Ween Cape having been to furnish ' rs shorting .enerai Crv. rrp MCSSage, nt copies of hat this call on of Leesburg., the Rebels.