The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 20, 1861, Image 1

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Don't she d a tear for him I
Lay him to rest,
The bright cross of honor
Ablaze on his breast. i
The shouts-of ri. nation
Shall cheer him to God,
The hope ota.piople
Spring Ili It from his blood
Don't shed a tear for him l
Keroes mu t die,
Is g,laduesla and triumph, ?
Like sons ram the sky.
tf b
Battle-red anners :
,And war tramp tibore,'
thil , only beak camp up
Forward to mere. _
bon't shed, a tear For him( •
Idourn hint , in blood.
Quick-dropping bullets .
Shall work him most good
Fight fur ltim! fall with him I
Die as he died ;
Living or dying, I'
Our hope and our pride.
Don't shed a tear for hits
Betterloi ) .o,
Eager An. tittle, the foe. .-
For one life like his life -
IA thousand shall pay,
And the'fury it kindles
Shall 'carry the day!
Mr. and Mrs. Rasher.
Darn your stockings, Mr. Rasher? If
that don't cap the climax ! It would be
pretty work to occupy my mornings in
niy boudoir;
,or no, I'd fnitter keep 'em
fin- parior " fancy work" of eveeings , ,
When I've only a few calls, and Flew
petty is drumming rt the piano Or making
Himself agreeable„to Fitz. I expect he'd
-Want to -take lessons in the fashionable
.and elegant art of-darning old socks, he's
-0 critical altd fastidious. He alway. 4
-holds my silt faeine, when he's here of
titornings and I've got any to wind, and
I. presume he'd be delighted to hold a
:skein of 'blue Tarn. If you're really not
able to buy yourself-new stockings when
the old ones get holes in 'em, perhaps i'll
provide myself with a darning i needLe, and
-stay to home and mend 'em fur you: You
frequently, advise me to be more econom
ical, and here is a fair chin:tee. to begin.
I chi believe a man, be hag: 1 / 4 h. to low,
rich or poor, is never satisaed with his
wife, except when she is darning, his socks
or making a pudding. If an} one should
ask me my idea of the male sex, I should
describe - it as a rapaeious puilding:br
with a pair of word-out soaks on the end
-of it; while the female sex would be repf .
--resented as everlastingly busy trying to
fill the bag with ceaseless paddv, and
-darning the socks at idtervals. lowing,
poetical ? Hdsband, there 'ls tha in the
;treatment of the masculine race that 'a
-calculated to make us indignant, If there's
:a spark of resentment in our breasts]
" They were such nice lambs'-wool,
and you thought, as I'd , nothing, else to
do, thsy were worth"—Nothing else to
do! nothing to dol. Hurried, and wor
ried, and turrivd to death, 'with six ser-'
vents setting me distracted, and company,
and goiog out constantly ! Arotiaimg to do
but set down and darn socks ! Here I
am-, just'home from the matinee, and hun
g,FY for my dinner, cape - King half a doz
- 'en friends in this evening, that I asked
when I was at the Academy, and engaged
fersill day • to-tunrrow going calling, and
:,Put to the ball in the evening, and I've
-,tierthing .to do !
You thought it would seetrrso old-fash
ioned and - pleasant to see me with my
work-basket, passing a quiet evening, you
talking and reading the paper, and me.
darning the heelsand toes of your socks ?
Once for ail, 'ray dear, I don't - 'consider
knything pleasant that's old-fashioned,
and as for baying, seen in the habit, in
former days, of. elonomizing, I wish you
wouldn't refer to it ; it makes me uervous.
You're' as sentituedtal as Cerintha, this
. minute, and I'm sure a.person, to look at,
you, wouldn't think there was a particle
of sentiment in you, which I heartily wish
there wasn't, as it's always, making -you.
ridiculous: I've got so many other balls
to keep a rolling-I can't eondescend to a
wi:of yarn? NoW add something about
"spinning street-yarn,", and then you . II
have run th'rOugh the usual Lists of a
man's witticisms. , -
. What's that sticking .out .of your vest
pocket? Dear mel rim delighttd. 'Why
didn't You tell me when you.arst came in?
"Artists' Receptions. Admit - Mr
Rasher. Dod worth's Hall. Thursday
Evening, Febrtiary 21, 1861. Geo. A.
Baker, Wm. Oliver Stone, Launt Thomp
son, xecutive Cornmittee. Compliments
of Lake Brown." • ,
f ia! and another o, e for me.
Admit one Lady.
Mrs. Cornell wanted to go awfally lest
month, but she couldn't find a gentleman
who bad an invitation to spare. - you may
thank me, 'husband, for these tickets. If
I hadn't proved myselfti patteron of the
fine arts,. by getting. all these _pictures
. ,
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when the house wag furgished, we
shouldn't have been asked. !shouldn't
care much for gottr, since there's no sup-
per nor dancing, and nothing but to look ,
at pictures which I don't care a snap
about, if it wasta't a compliMent to our
taste, and nice to:have been there.
You guess it Was you wh6 procured
the ticket's this ;time Inified ! And
how ? You've been- ordering: i : wo or three
pieces to be painted by Some Of our first
artists ? You were introduced to some
of them, and the! were such' good fellows
you couldn't help it., Well,' I expect it's
all. right... For my._ part, admire the
frames more than! I do the paintings; but
other people of otir r-et seem!' Ito have got
up mania about,• such things, and we
runriqollow the lead. ,
i'Ve a mind to Igive an Artists Recep
tion myself, after. theirs is over. num-
Mery says that it's the duty 'of wealthy
people without genius to encourage au
thors and artists; to , scatter' as he.said,
golden showers upon the des ly pathway
trad by the aspiring foot of genius-. Ile
said that even money earned bk the whole
sale pork business mightlbe'llowed and
exalted by being liberally givln out fora
charming picturcior a glowini book. Of
course I saw: throngh it al, taut it's true
as Preaching/ nevertheies I've an
'ambition for preaching/
it's fa being con
sidered patteron of the fines arts. - hly
own particular taste runs to wersted work,
and those cunning little dogs land things
in Build wool, and next to that I admire
mono.ehromaties,! but we roust do as our
1 set' does. 1
SpeakingOf one thing reminds me of
another. I ,wonder where that Signor
Fingerari is that .:ed to give ,the girls
music lessons be ore they wait away to
boarding.s.chool. Am I thinking of tak
ing lessons myself, at this ' 'day ? I
am not, Mr. Rasher; thourrh. why you
should consider tee too old to learn, if I
was a' mind to, I don't see; alit only for-,
ty-two, come April. The f#t is, I had
hard work to coax Resine ta stay, after
that time you gave •her waroin7; I had
to raise her wages, and make tOr a present
of (mod my best second-best silk dress
es, and now she's 'taken a fanny that she's 1
a natural talent for music. IShe thinks
she'd like teaching music better than
waiting on ladiei, or at least 4 would help
her to pass away her spare tithe, pleasant
ly, if she knew how to . play the piano,
and I've thought some of gratifying he;
for the sake of keeoing her.' I
Now, Rasher, that's just the wav - you
always, do when !you're out bf patience
about nothing, asyou-alwayslare—flying
about the room Rhe a mad hen, making
yourself ridieulou s. sureiyou needn't
interfere withMy management of my own
servants—above all, my own, lady's maid.
There L, therei there ! jyou needn't speak;
,if you do, you'll be s re to stutter; con-
trol your temper,imy dearest; for when a
man stutters he's sure to get ! the worst of
it. You see you can't talk IM.lf as fast as
I, or half as well, and you Might better
not! hegin. Ll:tok out, my
love, and don't provoke'me, .or yqu'll get,
yotti ears boxed soundly: ilfe pjg-head
sid-1 one; indeed ! ' And who hut a person
With a natUral liking for pigs would be 1
engaged-in the pbrk business'? If Thad 1
a married as I might have Married, and
as I've -often 'regretted I didn't,' I might
have had my-choice of a doctor or a law
yer, 'and been More congenially united
than I have been, instead of being tor
mented all -my days with the!smell of ba
con.; and feeling myself bound by chains
of steel to the destiny of a pqlr, merchant.
But if 'stoo late'to mourn over early in
descreAn. I might have bdia— What's
that, her? You haven't 'forgot the
tailor'you cut oue?, Served him the same
trick he/ served ;your clothes ? There's
the bell tbr dinner. Put on your cravat,
my .- dear, land' harry. Preferred pig to
goose, atte all ?_ Come, come,the soup'll
be cold, and it's yobr favorite, kind. You
flatter yourself you Saved me froth cab
bage, if not flout pork? Oh,' quit your
nonsense; &ear nonsense!? Well, if
,you want cold soup, I doq't, !and I'm go-
Mg. What's that he's hollet , ing through
• the keyhole about my first! suit-Iter
" tie 'd have been a fitting blimpatiion."
Quit your silliness, for I'm down stairs;
and I can't hear you. " Did he press leis
suit ?" ph, get .out /bee you come,
down three stairs. at a time; and noW
you've got rid of l imit' a dozen miserable
puns, I s'pose you'll be good-natured, and
want to bug me, right in the Mining-room.
Why were your puns .so miserable ? Be
cause they , generally are, !Dguess. Be.
'cause the were only sew-sew'? Do pleaSe
be q.uiet befbre we get in wLere the wai
ter is.; and, dear,' do try nrd remember
not to put your knife in youi• mouth.
I tell you what it is, if we do have an
artist's- and 'author's' recepiion; as I'm
bound to,' I. mean to have he girls to
home. It' wilt be a fine. oppprtunity for
them to display. their aceotuplishments,
and take a step upward in the social 'lad
der, as Fitz calls it. ,You. "soy ; times are
&little easier; and I'm going tot& what
I like. I' believe you've ben trying to
do what I like. I believe you've been
io Thirteiples of hchiooileD, of
trying to frighten me about your business,
when there wasn't the least necessity, for
it, just for the take of seeing me going
without the comforts of life. I haven't
got them white furs yct, and it's coming
time to get a camel's-hair shawl for the
spring. La, Rasher! I never thought of
your ordering pictures painted. Did you
choose your own subject? Tell me what
yon ordered; for I want to speak of, it,
this evening, to'Flummery and Mrs. Cor
nell. : " Yon saw sodie excellent portraits
of hogs, by Oestel, and ordered two corn
panionlieees, to hang in my boudoir ! "
--q-jdso a sweet little landscape, that re
minded you 4:the old homestead, where
you!was brought up—which You took,
only Yon ordered a group of pigs, in place
of the cattle, in the field." Now, my dear,
if there's money to be wasted on pictures,
preer picking 'em out myself, and shall
insist upon doing so. As for having your
pigs in the house, I . sha'n't do it, no mat
ter how well they're painted. " Connis
nrs pronounce 'em wonderful." Well,
the more they are like bogs, the less I'll
like 'ern. If you'd had 'em so they could
have passed for sheep, I wouldn't have
minded, but as it is, if they hang 'any
where, they'll hang in the smoking-rom.
What? "smoked bacon"—yes, make
smoked baton. ef 'em, for all I care.
. ,
I'm always in my, element, Mr. Mum
inery,when. I'm surrounded by congenial
spirits, a on this oceaSion. You an my
dear friend Fitz Simmons have been ex
tremely kind in inducing all these cele
brated artists, 'and so many talented pee
plc to honor me with their company this
evening. I hope the supper will give'sat:
isfaction and pay them for'. their trouble
in coming; if nothing else does. But, of :
course, I don't expect that people of such'
gifts care for such things as suppers and
liTiors ; I have spared no expense to feast
their minds: as well ai their bodies. You
observe I have added twelve new pictures'
to my colic - mien, which I bought on pur
pose to add brilliancy to this soiree.—
Aren't, they splendid? the coziest 'and
most superb I could find, that would go
in,a privatel house ; and, to whisper the
truth to you,l got them., surprisinglyl
low. Purchased all at one place, and
they made a reduction in consequence of
the size of the order. Those fur
nificent companion-pieces, t ,
Col's Voy
age of Life,' the real origin. , got for
three hundred dollars, and the frames are
worth. sixtV apiece. Seems to me the,
company is in unusual good spirits-L--don't
you think so, Mr. Flummery? I knew,
you'd 'agree with me. The artists are
snch a pleasant, sociable kind of people;,'
they ain't as particular abodt their dress,
some of 'em, as they might be, but it gives'
'em an air. It makes me quite happy to
see how delighted they are with,the pic-,
tures. Don't you think the girls are look-.
ing well ? 0 dear, you flatter them, Mr.
Flummery.. It's strange you Seem to ad-,
mire Felicia most. She is a good 'girl,
amiable and sensible—but she hasn't.the
genius of C'erintha. Cerintha's real sen
timental, VI am her mother that says it.
She writes the sweetest compositions, and
secs an exiled prinee in every Italian or
gan--grinder. Am not I afraid she'll run
away with some ragged hero, some daY?
0 no'! not shel she's prudent as well as
practical. She'll. never marry less'n half
a million. If anybody makes a love match,
it'll be Felicia, quiet as she looks. By
the•by, who's that she's so much interest.
ed in, now? that tiarkeyed, handsome
young man that's talking to her, about
that little drawing on the table. A. very
promising younc , artist? Rich? I thought
not by the looks ' of his coat. - It's decid- ,
edly rusty, and six months out of date.
Will be a lion some day ? I shall allow
Felicia to cultivate him; then; but I must
warn her against any tender interest.—
He's handsome enough to I turn a young ,
lady's head, that isn't hardly through with
school yet. How admiringlyhe looks at
her,; and she's : actually , blushing:
,( 1.
thought Madame, Finishche taught het
young,ladies not to blush,, it's so child-
ish ! r I must correct Feliciafor that fault;
to-morrow. Don't? and why not, Mr
Flummery? But if yciu say so, it's all
right; you've the credit of , knowing eve
rything. Do you know, Cerinha writes
poetry; and are a poet, ou ought
to betindred spirits. I wish' you'd cel
ebrate my soiree in some verses, won't
you, now, that's a dear, good man ? Fitz !
Fitz! darling! come here! I'm trying
to persuade our friend, Mr. Flummery,
to immortalize this _ivening in some of
the poetry which he prints' in the maga
zines. ' They say pure so sarcastic, Mr.
Flummery, and say such 'sharp things,
eretiin your poetry, but I know you won't
make fun of us. • it would be so nice.
Do you think they are enjoying them
selves, Fitz ? ,They sant in excellent
spirits; and,l'M sure I've taken trouble
enough to -please 'em. Why ,didn't
ccnsult you before I purchased so many
pictures ?, Well, I was down to Stesvart's,.
and coming back, I saw a shop fall of
handsome -oties,rand the idea struck me it
I ,l ' - ,10111 . 1D:•-Pteillttiv 4r i a :: : ! ' iebi..
, 1
would impress my niiviri guests favorably
to find lots (af picture i s, and I (stepped in
and bought what you sec. You've told,
me that size wasn't'! the main point 'in
buying paintinas. tgness I know that!
l3ut.everybody t. knowq .t Cole's' Iroyage,of
Life" is a fine thing, land' all the rest are
choice copies of the' cad masters, who
ever they are..• Il • 1 .. ;
Everything seems to to lie'gaing off
splendidly; even Rasher's behaiing him
self remarkably. Ht Hasn't said arv,ulgi,r
thing this evening, immi hearing. There
he goes - , off to "the'Snioking-romn, with
half-a dozen gentlemen to show ',ern his
, .
pigs. He paid a hundred dellara for a
little thing no biggerAhan my two hands.
(Soto voce.)llwrsh Felicia Would leave
that fellow for awhile He'S quite too
agreeable; and she' fooling] so pretty,
now, with her eye fiilll of smiles and her]
checks glowing, e'll fall in love 'with her,
Artists are all 6 verywell to patrouiie, but
when it comes to so,nTiri-laws, it's another
thing. Bless me Mfr. l Flummeryi I did
not know you were sii4ar ! Lnw 7 "That
young gentleman, talking to My daugh
ter, owns millions of neses of the . lofreliest .
and richest landS of the' earth owns dia
mo;ads and pearli, and - the uncounted gold
of a thousand sunsitsr't Pshaw 1 does he,
he really, or aroyou speaking in a meta-,
Physical sense ? 1 You know they' don't
take the gold of tl eisonset at Stewart's
. or Tiffany's—and Liirefer that kind that
has the stamp of the :mint on it, that's
always current. ;1' Like old mother Bums
, by's wine!" Rasher, remember ; make'
no puns but good ones tienight. What's
that,. Mr. FlummerY ?, a. hadspitn i. 4. often
better than a good ione, if it's only bad
enough ? Well; that's queer r don't for
get you've got to write me, some verses,
'Mr. Flummery,; I'll have a little; game
'supper and invite Fitz,; and same ethers,
when it's ready tot be I ready.l 'DO you
promise ?
I hope 'you're enjoying yourseli'Mr.
Easelby. But you always do•ndini'fr . e myl
pictures. I feel plioud to be surrounded
by so distinmaished a iathering, and'you
are one of die brightest stars in my axle- i
, tree of 'guests. - flow do you like this one ?
The vender assured ins, that itwas an old
Italian, copy of the original ;Raffel. -I
ididn't know they had ratites in old times
to sell off ftaintiaiiza That's What We la- 1
dies do now, - when! We get a lot of pin
cushions and faney!artieles left over from
our. fairs. it's a slery , good Plana. I've;
no doubt the old masters b oot rid of a good 1
many in that way, for I often bear it,
mentioned. I *as very much 'charmed
with your reception, the other evening,
Mr. Easelby., Yea artists are really get.l
ting 'to have very good society about yen.'
I saw a good !many of our wealthiest peo
ple present. We ididn't use to think;
much of your class; blt we're getting'
over our prejudicet. There's Mr. Alon
eybags, talking to t.ifiat young fellow with
the seedy look, .as of they were equals.]
We appreciate tale t, Mr. Easellay; it isl
one of our privilege . , Dear' me! where's,
the man pun?l o ; believe he's going
t off before supper, a d I haven't said any
thing in the world o offend him. ' I've
treated the Whole.
„et es well as if they
could return the ,ccimplimentf.the ecistii- 1
est music, gameler supper ; *sari best
wines, and all the > r onn - purpose
to consult their tastes;' and of course,they
will never ireat , us o supper* mid '.ainsie.
But I'll have it to talk about. I've got
the start of Mrs. Cruel! for once, and I
can see she is dyi of, envy. I've got
the.auther of "Poes of the Century;"
and that matt that'44elebrated for writing
I somethin-p,,1 doll%now what,but he goes
to Liverpoolsl cone ly.; and Professor
Donderland, who's been kind enough to
the piano wit playing, and every-
I nt.
body that anybody wants to have, and I
call it a perfect Suceess., ,
There's Felicia and that young artist
gettin tog-ether ',agaiii,lafter I've warned
, her not to pay too t , uch attention to, our
guest.:,. t'rn i :
I asked Flu ry What made the
crowd so cheerful, find lie 'says it's the
anew picture,s ; so 'they'rei successes of
]course. He says ill Va p id be a good idea
`for us to have ag4.llCri to display;them
to better advaiitag . iHaran'ts to -knew if
there isn't room im
the gallery tO e
Istruct one. . ' ~ I .
Rasher ! Larkin i says supper is ready;
and get Mrs. M '
eybags and I'll take
Mr. Lake Brown's arm. _ La! La ! ;what
are you all laughieg at? Mr. Rasher? lie
is so fib:my 1 What has he said now ?
"He wants to knovi, why we are all like
a parcel of pigs ?" ,tEleeause we alikrant
to be first at thci,. rough!" Hound I
shall sink throng, the
~floor I !That
wretched mantis enough todistrad ia wo
man., It's dreadfuft his vulganty alWays
shows itself at the. est conspicuous mo
ment. If I didn' t have; hold`-et Mr.
Brown's arm, I shoi4la sink through the
floor and likely as' ot light in thelxrel
of chicken salad;. li ' '
What did you;s i; Ms Plain nierh .
"Why is Mr, RaSh . r like a tame bear?"
I' ure I don't kr' w unless its because
he's(so rough. ealse he has given
. 93
us azrear faux Jialf.." He! be ! you're
• ..i 1 • I
so.wtty, Mr: Flummery, I (141'5 exactly
kno# kihat you mean,, but PM sure it's
fanny if you said it s . ' ;,r• 1-
:All w me to help yat to some of the
celery Mr. IBroefil ; : I'M - sure , you Must
be fee of it, I salt Sueh beatitiful.greons
in tli4 picture .of yours at podivoith's.
(There's Rasher at' his' puns again. 'gel'
make Ime interable all throtlgh supper.
"DOii) be Isheritr of the. wine; there 's
pleat; of it.") -I should think' a person
who c uld. ;draw cows s natural as you
would always be drawing them. ("De
. Claret s'Nol I.") I' . fOrdof coWs'in
landsc pee t I think everY.).dtdscape
ought to ha l ve cows in it. ("Why' idthis
bottle like my amiable Wife ? ' Give it np? .
Retail e it's mytearyl") i, EspeCially
those dreary deserts that Mr.;Gambcige is
so fond of.painticg; a 'pow or two Would
give life to them. ("Why lis there' no
6uchtlhing as a headache in the morning
after.: taking a little too muelvthe.night
before!? Give it "up ?1 , Beeause it all
Sham-pain:l ('But that's as! old as the
hills!" 1 "All the better for be,itg opt")
I've thought,a good deal, Me. BrowO, of
1 sendi g my Cerintha to take lessons of
r i
some' rtist ; I'm certain shelhas a telent
for it dear- girl ! shot had al talent f,,r
most, verything. You ought to see her
specitiens that she's brought home 'from
school ; and she's embroideried awhole
scene lin worsted work=-Rachel andl . Jo
seph* the Well. It'd sweet,especnally
the Well, which is done to ierfectipu---
the curb, and, the bucket and :pole,; just
as they had diem in old timed. (" Why
are g*deners stingy te• their belp ? I Be.
cease . they , order their ',salary Pat down."
Saler , good gracious !) Don't:you think
It we. ld be advisable to have' my .dinigh
ter take - lesson of some of olli firstl-art•
ists ? I I should like td have an ailist in
the family; it would be something to be
proud -(Good. gracious? There it chines
at lad I "Why am I . ilike the; basement
of m' ) (mil l warehouse? Bebause . We're
both.: ork.sellers." . If I don't pay Bash
er for that after the cothpany'e goneithen
. 1 do 't knoiv what ;revenge': is ..4 the
[brute ).. 6 yes ! The Mas.queracielßall
was t e most delightful part of ithe opera.
I went on the stage Myself4Charming !.
(Larkins, tell the band to strike up al per,
feet crash. 1 I'm bound' to clihke Badher
off, if Jt have to . droWnd •the , Whole Com
pany In the noise.) *. *l'. * 'I- .*
Thlre 1 'they're gone at last, .andl I'm
glad: of it . Basher lyit never forgive
you for the fool you've. made Of yourself.
Dear me ! it's tiresome work, 'etrybow,
trying to be literary. ' ,I.folt asjuneasy'as
a, . fish I oaf of water. , The ' oely, comfort
I've .hnd tolaight was When IkVas resting
on the sofa beside Mrd. 3loneybags; ',talk.
inr , Oilier our new dresded-j-the re !. r '
I i i . ~ io . ' •
1 , .
' Influence of Smite. •1 •
A;mile is indeed a thing! of behuty._
ai l
Whet er living on the lips o(Flatidome 1
youtli orflickering on the, dging features I
of worn out age, it holds its beauty !still. I
Whether making loveliness yet wore 1 t's ie
some, or-rendering Ugliness less repulsiie
than - its wont, a smile' yet bolds its: na.
turetet it is beautiful: Magic lurks
therei ", and sways the, human heart as
wordsnever can-- - -qtrickerit ,its , quietpulse, or soothes and, calms "the hurried'
throb they may need. And beneath
the e c
t i ff
ouraging influence lone sweet,
uphal, ing smile, the', heart - 1 itself ;may
change its Mood --may yiel&its mad in
tent,if not east out forever its evil piempt
ingsand its dark propensities: And CO
may the !Smiles of derision Madden be
yond - what the utmost words en do,:even
as the smile of praise Will, humanity
to gitat, an& 'noble deedS Ley l and tli`e . ay.
preach . of all other proruptings. Its si
lent 11 . 1wer sinks in the heart, andsheals
some new made thrust, as sweetly' and
gently as , falls the mysterions du f cow
benVegi., And the smile of love 1- i . It
beam in the mothei's eye as she. • sees.
beantin b i er infant'sface, and a silent
laugh of unknown joy from her da,Wing
babe. It plays with stronger and more
thrilli g magic on the maiden's lovely
,countrance, as her heart's iOO tneetaher
far-seeing .eye,-and draws near Ito 14 her
leok'of love lose none of its preciouS Value
in netiless distance betvmen ilieni. 'And j
with eeper, purer joy, it` comes to, the
wife's glad face when her buSband's;fond
gaze ,tells how rough is gained singe he
first'otilled her wife. - Holy, heintiftil in
deed', Is the smile of tthomiess - and per
fect ; lave. Too seldom, ind, does it
live-L T toci - seldom lightens heaVy cares and
earth); sorrows. Too SeldomAoes it have
birth too; oftetr&oei it !Mori leave life's
pathWiljr; :even if fairly born t ;'aiid• dearly
. :
tited there. 1 •
many miles from I;64.pri tiro sis
i," the rfame"of Pepper, are ethploy
thel same establisnmeq. One of
, mired hair;:and'goes by 'the name
• d-Pepper;" ,her: ;sister'' 'with
a air, is knoryn as 6 .l3lacl'f, Popper."l
relative is alsn employed in ; ,
the .
lace, and is callea• "Pepper ;and
his hair fairly; representink ;and
ters, bi
ed iul
of them
~, ..
TEAMS:'-,-sl'4lo . PER
. .
God Sthre Our Noble Vialtiu
• It. came to as through, 4.4Fne: 9 1
It came to as thrciutllooci ;
It shone ont like ithe ".I'romiso
Of God" upon, the flood.
A bea - con it has4erved us
With trill., uneryini;
'And cast a blft of Og i r
Upon our nation's wi f e. •
God save onr noble Union
'Twas-lett ni hy,pur fathers, .
Whose sinsofprlceless worth—
'The noblest types l 444naultood
That ever walked the 'earth,
qwas i ,boyg l tt - ,witli,feaffaitruigles;
By sicriEce sublime r • •
And stands a proud memento •
For all the coming time.
God-save our noble Union I
Our 'and, a.tvaste of nature, •
'Oleic' beast and savage, strayed,
Its wealth` of lakeS and rivers,
Unlocked by keys of trade.
Then, sun-like, tose the Ersiost-
A terror to ohr.foes----
And !of-this ",%::, : ste of natnre"
•lNuw "blossoms As a
God save our noble Union(
there earth Jay hid for age 3
In deep, primeval glo
Behold a boundlet4
A continent in bloom. •
With iron hard_;, of railrom.l3, •
Electric tongnes of wire,'
Anti energies within us
Which time shall never tiro.
God -save our notie Union f
But now upon ourfloaven
Arc signs of coinflig, storms,
Anil tierce, uubtily:passiona
Unfold their hideous forms.
The biavest heartS.anton'Ps
Aje lined...with doubtantl fear . ;
Witife'solitirls of hOicia. dlsOord:
Are ftrutiag on our ear.
God'uave our noble Union I
!. .
The lialic3Wed
' 13a,g,t.liattiare us
o proudly ttiruutii 4 . - 17...3 wur-s,
n-thura a baud would s6v.r
It,...,ioterliood of. stars ?
Great God! cart we so blindly
Cast all Thy gifts :may ?f. •
OKAProbs there in this nation
One heart ticttrauld.rtot . pray—
God save our noble Union!
'No MomEtt.---She had no mother r
What a volume .tif sorroFfuitruth is COn
tainedni that single senteoce—no moth
er 1 We must go down the hard, rough
paths of life, and become4nured to care
and sorrow in thelisteinestforins, before
we can take home to our own experience.
the (bead realityno mpther—without
struggle and a tear. But .when a frail
young girl, just passing from childhoOd
toward the life of a womatr,{ how lads is
the summed up in that one short.
'sentence. Who shall now cheek the./
wayward- fancies -who shall now bear
with the errors and' failings of a' mother
leis g_fil? Deal gently, with . the Ohild.
Let not the cup ot: sorrow be - over•fille&
by the harshness Of your bearing or you'
unsympathizing coldness: Is she heed- •
l'es - s of her doing ? Is she Careless in
her movements ?- Remelt, bar, oh remem
her, "she has no mother I" When her •
young companions are .gay and joyous;
dues she Bass with .a downcast eye and .
languid' step, -when your Would fain wit
ness the, gush i ng and overt wing glad-_
ness of youth ? Chide her not, for she
is motherless; and The great sorrow comes:
down upon her like an incubus. Can_
you gain her confidence, • ean you win her
love? Come, then, to• . the motherless
with the loon of your tendereit care, and'
by the memory of your oWn mother, per-_
haps already passed iiiity- 7 by full-_
ness of your owns remembered sorrow—
by the pOssibiliti that your, own child
may be motherless"-contribute, as far as'.
Yon-may, to relieve the loss of that fair, - .
frail child who is, Written' Miotherless.--
Exciedn'ge. ' . - '
e The reign of terror in Virnia is ter.
Eirery man t ut. in die ranks is:
looked upod as,a spy or a Many
Northerners as well as 1.7m0..n ; havo:
been eomPelled to take
_up in : de.:
fence of the rebellion. - These *en wilt
not fight and' we may rest aSsrtred; that,
When the' opportaidty is' offered - they will
desert the,rebels.-
ThdOharleiton/tfercury,eallithe Yan
kee raps now threaienine the' Suuth''
",tin peddlers." It is true the Yanirees
are generally,
_in their visits
in Senth,z . ,
peddled tin, hut we zness they 'ean'eol
peddle lead this tinio.
The Free Pres.s; of Burlington,' Vet:"
mod, says that togl,l G. SA.XE, of that . :
otty, has purchased' residence
on Caftol Hill, an Albany,: and is.about
to remove his family analiongehiild
Araiilor lib° s had teen boasting of, the
nmerous foreign place& be had seen. was
askedif he had ever seen-Vitirsiaiia. "PIO?.
said Stick " *hit obnuiry •does &belly° .
in ?V
Nearly' alFthe 'beea in the 'mill .of
Enginna - have died this' yeii: .-.A.‘pereon:
in tilelsteiryt:**holtitl7l49 hives hail
Ickii - eieiy bee. '
. .is
. , .
_ luneaccaetewing teen an gnu talcmg
women shoiall never be perrnittpl to kits .
, .
anybody-but each. other. !