The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 13, 1861, Image 3
'IRE[ POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL Is the paper published in Potter county, circulates among an inielligent' class of peo ple, and is thus an Pscellent mediuth few both City and Country Advertising. Transient Advertisements and• those from a distance must ho Cash or tiave responsible re .. • (ermine. All communications, to receive attention, must be direeted tokho Editor, and contain the name of the wfiter. No attention paid to anonymous communications. , TEPIS.--70ne copy,one year, $1; Six: copies $Ei ; Twelve copies, $10 . ; Twenty copies, $lB, with one tc the person raising the Club. The money must accompany the names. tpudaoll., Thursday.tturrAng, Juno 13, IS6I . ,a—Subseribers who desire tiering the paper left at their .homeo in the Village will 'please inform us daring the Weolc7 go , -Sharpshooters , see tato notwo •of Lieut..Weich. Yon' will there havO chance to test your at;a"lon' , v shOt." ta2.lVe hear they are organizing a new Idilitary„ Company at Hebron, in this 'county. At last accounts they numbered iover thirty men. rr There• will be a Concert given in 'the M. E. Church on Friday evening, by -Miss KATE DEAR, the celebrated Amer loan Frhon. 'Yonne. She comes . , well,re 'eouithended by the press. .Our yoang friend .E. N STEBIiINS has been appointed - Paymaster in the Navy—a life office—by, President Lin coln. We congratulate him upon this well-deserved promotion, and hope . thatin the nevOmme to which he', bas gone he may find friendS as trueaS those he left behind. Vir:iVe publish, the Cards - . from the Harrisburg paper and another Communi; cation in regard to the difficulties of the County Volunteers. The stories conflict and•the trouble gets very little Clearer by this frequent re-telling; in the future we shall srofuse to Publishanything in relatiori to it that is not decisive and .ity of some responsible eiflcer; 113oth have had a fair hearing , and to pursticit fur -ther. can not help either party but will only serve to engender bitter-feeling. j2EO•At the last t initual Meetind of the Ag . riculthral Society, held at the Court louse, the flillowing, list of Officers were elected for 'the -.ensuing year t • ; 'Preiiidmit—JNo: M. K.v...nonx. . Vice Presidents—S. ,M. Mills of arc,; any, ba‘iid. Conn-4 of Abbott, laaac P. Howe of Jlinghais, W. a. Gord4r of Coudersport,.Sala Steven of CliarE; Seth-Tag;art of Eulalia, G. W. Hackett of Genesee; iTauab Bartle of Harri 'sun, Edwin Thatcher oflifomer, Cyrua Sunder lin of 'llector, W. 14. 11 Zorn of Ilebron, Jere miah:Baker of Jaeksoniljason,Lewis of Keat ing, Jerome. Chcsbro of )sway, J. Q. 'Merrick. Rolierts tif Pleasant Ar,alley,dl. F. Siier ofruitage, SolLa Lyman, Sen. of . lton-• iette, Leroy Crittendeniof Stewardson, Edwin of Sweden , Sweden , Rol t: R. Young of nit, 0. C. Warner of Saaron. Duiek Whipple 'of Ulysses, Daniel 8eM716,y of Wharton, Eras tus Cripped of West Pqatich. Committee—G. B. Ovortol S. Foss, D. P. Glasemire, Almeron Nelson, Jultunacigart. Treastirer=P.. 110Y.1.. Iteeordin"g Secretary-S. D. rrllr. Corresponding Becrefarc—JAo.Nl:: liamiltou Librarian—Aleandr The Board bf Matmgers •will meet, atNYie. new COurt House, on Monday the 17th of Jun MOTHERS, READ Tm.s.L.The following is an extract from a letter written 13y t i e pastor of a Baptist Church to the ." Journal and Mes senger," Cincinnati, Ohio, cud speaks volumes in favor of _that world-renowned inedic i ine— Mits. i ‘Vt:zsr.ow's.Soorztrin Svaur FOR CHIL DREN' TsEntrNr:::.. " We see an advertisement in your eoltfnins of Mrs..3Vinslow's Soothing. Syrup. icb NV . we never scid,a word in favor of.a patent.medi eine before in our life,j but we feel compdlleci to sai to y ! olyi.readers,l-that this is no_humbug wn "rearm IT, .'Ni) liNoW IT TO I.IE ate IT crews. It is, probaldy,!one of the most suc cessful medicimls of ttie day, because it 13 one of the best. And thOse of your.readers who have babies can't do etter than, to lay in a supply." Adaninist:mitinos 'WHEREAS, IcitM* of administration on V the estate of RU 'US TflOMPSON,dec:d,' late of Jackson Tp.; Pottei .Go. have been , .granted"to the subscriber in . due form of law, notice is hereby givcri to nil persons knowing themselves indebted to', said estate, to make imtnediate payment; itna those haVingclaims will present them duly authenticated for .set tlement. .PIIIMIDIA THOMPSON, D. W:BENTpN, February 25, 130 . 1.6 w Notice to sharpshoOdes • CTIVE able bodied Young Men, between . .V 1 '2l, and 30 years cif age, tif - 5 feet 10 inches 'Jr over in height,' are ' wanted, in Rantiey's ItegimAt of Light Infantry, to serve for the Avar as Sgrts for thel Ahoy, on the advance or flank of the march. The best of marksmen And woodsmen arc wanted: Here is a chance :Tor hunters. The wea - i on used will he .the latest improted. rifle in k the service.- ' It being intended to employ this command in the advance or outposts ofthe army,where . great exposure add Much fati,gite will be en countered, and constant activity and rig - II:Ince in the, field 'will be required, only picked men att'be taken, and therefore the regithent will form a distinct corpi oC area of the service in itself, in which the perils and hardships .ofi the campaign will be!.reWarded by any spe- Mat favors, such ,as promotion fromMeranks, the careful vigilance•lof experienced senitir officers in providing for.their healtlfand cont . fort, with extra!: pay Ohen engaged - et work , ing parties., Men et4istinm.:Will )41 soon as I possible be ,sent on to, head-quartprs at New York city. . k will be at the follo*ing places at the times set opposite for purposes of enlistment S.methpork—Saturday, June 15th. Port Allegany—Monday, " 17th. Coudersport—Tue'sday, " 18th. JOHN .C. WELCH, la* in Rams4y's Regiment Light Ttrant#: 152MMEI ,TVOTICE is hereby . given, that tllse follow- i -13 lag accounts have been exlinctined and passed by me, and . county, tiled n• the Pr)- thonotary's Office-of Pditer ourtty„ for the Inspection of beirs;,legatees, ex/Alums, and all others in any- way intereited ,a.n.n.'d will be presented to the next Orpbares•thiurt of said county, at the COurt House in the Bordugh of 'tlauderSmort, -on Tunday, the h:l3th day of .4isne, A. D.,.18d1, for confirm:lln and allow ance. Account of .ISrm.. T. Leach, mirainistrator tof the estate wf Ifiram Leack, /ado of Irectar 'township, deceaslaL , • ... . . . • Account, of It. W.: Benton and Ail:dine S. Hoge, , administrators of the eltate of Eri Hower, 111te of s ., -illegeny township deceased. ', DAN BAKER!, Register. Comiersikirt,.May,l4, 1831.- I . _ sirEfugrs . b-Ahh. 0. Y YIR.TUB of sUnLiry wefts cif Veuditioni 11.1 1 11xpotias, Fieri Facies and Bevan Facias issued out of the Court of ConimonlElcUs of Pot ter County, Pcnniylcaiiia, and to tpe directed, I' shall cxpose to public rule or"ouleryi at the Court •House in Coudersport, on MONDAIY,,the 17th day of June 1861, al 10 o'clock, 1 I : 7ft:, the fo-t- lot:Yinydescribed real est.,te, to wit : 1 - ' All that certain:tract of real eistate situate it - a - lector AdvenshipzPotter county, Pti., bound ed and described as itaoNl - 3, to it:w on the north by lot No. 63.ancl lands of I the,Bitigham • estate, cast by the Binodiam°.e.3tfite, south by lot No. 80 and lands of, the Bingham estate,i and west by lauds of the Bingham estqte, con-- taining about fifty acres r about twenty-five acres of which are improved, with on frame house one frame -barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, - tak•id in • dentition and to be sold as the property orMaritle .4.100rr1. ALSO—AII that'nertitin tract DT real estate, situate in Allegany township, P,itt':tr county, Pa., bounded on, the north by 141ds Of David Raymond, on the east by lands kif J. J. II .; ,v 1 mond, south by lands ,of ] Geore A. Benton t and West by lands of George .C. Benton, eon-' laintag• sixty acre=, about filt,en acres of Iwiti,eh are improved, on which 43 erected one frame house. Seized, takeo. in Ocecution and Ito be sold as the property of D. L. Pintail. ALSO—AII that certain tract I t of real estate' situate in'Genesee township, Patter county, 'Pa., hounded nortin by lands of D.W.llicknot and lot No. 138 Bingham Tp ~fast by lands of the estate of Satin 11. Fox, south by lot No. 83, Bingham townShip,•and lot (Nn. 49, Gen esee township, and 'west by lot N0..106, con : taiding one hundred and tivonty•l2.••ix acres and six-teutho add' an lallbwituce, ic., being lot No. 50 of the allottannt of landlof S. :11. Fox, ' in Genesee fo,iviiship, of whichsi l ixty acres . are improved and nine acres nu whiph are erected one frame house,:one grist mill ;kid one board stable. Seized, taken in estecu4uu and to be sold as the property of G. W. iLicket. and Elj nate llucket. • , ALSO—AII that certain tractiot real estate vie : A certain plena or parcel or land situate in Sharon towhshiP r Potter countv, Pa.,bo nail ed. and described, as follows, [icing part of warrant No. 21.73 ;. beginning aq a beach cor ner in the north linti•of said wariantill6, l per ches west of the N. E. curlier ofpaid warrant, thence soutli.o.long the line of land lately in iiiossession of Thos. J.'ur,lio, titanic farther ip ß south across 'the U3l ayo erccli in all 207.4 perches to a post c•iiner, thence clist 51 perches to a post corner in -the. line of! the warralkt, thence north crossing the Oswayo creek 2 )7.- 4-10_ perches to a post corner is the line of the v::arrant, thence by said warra at line west' 54 perches to the Place of begitinrof which :tbotit thirty-five acres are impr veil, wills one frame house, one frame burn ; onP shingle mill,. ither out buildiags an orchard bf apPle trees and, some frifit trees thereon. tie;zetl, taken in execnticri and to - be sold as the property 0. Thomas IL Don e /1: , ' .1 i A certain lot of land in laarristn:Jp., Potter Co.,ya., bounded I ,and de - serial' as fOHOW:i. viz i: boginning at a certain postiat the south west corner of a kit su.vercd for:Seth Graves thence east 161 3 , rods, thence I south 4 rods to a post, thence Oast 33 rods aid 7-ipths to a post, thence ,s.o•ath SO rods to a post, thence wesr2o4 rodsi to , a beach Iran, !thence north 84 rods to a post, the place of b4ginuing, con taining 100 acres, iiirtre or less, dud being part (Awn:rant No. 1100, about 50 iticres of which arc improved, with one frame hopse, one framebarb, barn, and other out-buildings, haul an apple ore!tarli thereo ;Seized, Caked in execution and I to be sold Ss the propertyqr. E.12..4,:,tii, . • ' 1 NV:+i F. BURT, Sheriit Coudersport, HaV 27, 18.31. NEW STOCK F FALL ANB -WINTER - • GOODS, AA n T t , tcz ryl 's\lps \4,00 p Lap PZ IN OSWAYO VILLAGE. THE F 01 3 rtiliTuit I!AS ,TustßoothvOd from New York • • THE • .1. Largest and L Best Stock of GoodB , EVER' OFFERDD IN . P 0 T TE _C;O__ti_~_TTY Tile assortment cousis~s oP DRY GOODS 9 Hats . and Caps, Boots 4- Sle,oes, HARDWARE, CROICKERY, GROCERIES, and . PRQVISIONS. I. am deteriiii;el4tos — eic lic;ckails low ns'l 1, they can be - p rchascd in Wellsville. Hay- 1 ing purchased or. pash,' no rents iir interest to pay, luid sellpig s alarge iinaouitt fo'r IiEADY PAY, I mit enOlecl tol - 34carip Oe Usual Proills Ivithln3Y. caitomers. i .1 , . : Having made :arrangements With some of 'the best houses inJlic city,goolls will be iipinD fo Nc, ibee r iiiili ennahUng me conS,tantly to offei the LATEST ''STYLES and BEST QUALITIES of Go&ls. HEST GOLD ;AND SILVERI WATCHES kept on hand for sale. Pedlari supplied on reasonable terms. - I ' I CASH F0.1, - GOOD LURBEI? - • - AND :SLUNGL4S', 1 A'Y'En 9 S S4r,g4panna • FOR PURIFYING T E^ BLOOD. • And- for the speedy cnro of the folliming complaints: ScrOftilia, and Scrofulous Atfectlores,attehl as; Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, PLusisles, . Passttales, Blotches, Boni, ' Brains, and. all Skin Diseases. —• . . OAKLAND, Ind., 6th June, ISM .I. C. Arch .t ,Gente: I' feel it my duty to ac knowledge what your Earsaparilla has done fur .11avIng inherited a Scrofulous infection. I have softens] I from it in various ways for yours: Soinetimes It burst - out in Ulcers on. my halals and arms; sometimes it. turned inward and distresied meat the stomach. Tejo years', ego it broke Put on my !lead and covered my scalp and ears with one-sore, which Was Fulani and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and severe] physicians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I 'was rejoiced, to read in the (in...pel Messenger that , mitiaid prepared' an alterative (Sarsaparilla), Mr I knew "'from your repute= thou that any thing. you nuale must be good. I sent to- 1 Cincinnati and got it, and used it till It cured me. I took It, as' youpulche, in small doses nf a teaspoonful , over a month, used utmost three bottles. New and healthy skin ,soon - began to f.ant under the scab, which .after a . while fell off. 31y skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the diems bas unite from icy system. Yon can well believe anal Ant I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the ago; and remain ever gratefully. " Yours,' ALFRED B. TALLEY. t. Anthony's Vire, Bose or Zrysipelsub, Wetter 'amt. Suit Rhetun, Scald Head, Ringworm, So'rn Eyes, Dropsy. Dr: Itaberi . M. Weide writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1950, that L's lia.s cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the I persevering use'ef our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous Malionant Erysipelas, by large doses of the same; says he cares the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronehocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Zeindon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes I "Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Cottre —a hid eons sweUleg 6n the neck, which I'. had buffered from t)TCT two yeatTa'-' ietteorrlicen orWhitex, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Disease*:. Dr. 3.'11. S. - Cliamilng, of 'New York City. writes; most, cheerfully comply witli_the request of your agent in yittg I have found your Sarsaparilla:a must excellent t tea-Mire in the numerous complaints for which r we employ inch a remedy, but especially in Female Diseasea of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many iuveteir-',. atecitsea of Letworrimea by it, awl some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer+ atiou itself was soon cured. Nothing within nay tio.irl edge:eittinle. it for these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala:, writes, "A don• gerous ovarian tumor on one of the fernalesin my fanitlyi whidiflind defied all the remedies we could employ, has It length been completely cured by your Extract of Ear tamtrills. Our phyalcian thought nolliing but extirpa tion could afford relief. but be advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, And it proved effectual. A fter_takingyour rimmily eight weeks so ayes tom of the disease remains." • typhills and Mercurial Disease. •: New OILLF.ANS, 25th August, ISM Da T. C. Area: Slr, I -cheerfully comply with the re peat of your agent, and report to you smiled the elects I MU.° realized with your Sarseparßia. I have cured with it, In my pinches, Moat of the corm plaints for which it is recommended. and have found its . !Recta truly wonderful in the cure of Pewee , / and Deri aerial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers .n his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of hie mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, :ured him in tire weeks. Another leas attacked by sec- Dndary `symptoms iu 1,11 nose, and the ulderation bad eaten away a considerable port of it, so that 1 believe the Jiiiorder vollbl-scon reach his brain and kill Wm. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of ,01111,0 without tonic disfiguration to tile face. A woman who had been treated for the, same dieurder by mercury was suffering from this poison fit her bones. They had bacomeke sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex :ruclating pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was :tired entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its Connate, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from, your laboratory must be it . kreat remedy; consequently; these .truly reutarkable results with it bare nut surprised me. 11 - Lawfully yours, 0. T. LARDIER, M. D. • , Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint 4 f:iDEVENDENCE, Preston Co., l'a.;f.flt July, 1559. Dn: J. C. Avon: Sir; i. have been afflicted with a pain nil chronic Rheumatism for along time, which baffled the thildof physicians, and iittick to me in spite of all the,l retnedieslcould find, until-1 tried your Sarsaparilla. Ono nettle Cared the in two wedhs, rind restored my general wealth so !finch that L am far better than before I was' xttacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FREAM. Jules Y. Cat-hell, of St. Louis, writes: "I have been: afilieted yeale with an affection of the Veer, which destroy t ed tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; aria I have been a broken-downthan for some years front no other came than derangement sf. the Liar. illy beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr.Espy,"advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, because lie said he knew yen, and any thing you made was wcith trying. By bless ing of God it has cored me, and its, so purified uty'blood rs tolmitke a new man of um. I feel youne . again. The hest that can hp said of you is not half good enough." Seitirrus,Cdpeer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of them ISoarcs. A great variety of cases have ben reported to us where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted ft om the use of this remedy, Lot ow' space here will nut admit theni. Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish, gratis to ell who cell for them. . Ileart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, 'Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable tires of these affections bnTe been made by tine alterative powlir of this medicine. It stimm itites the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus '..ivercentei dieerd,r:i which %you'd be eupposed beyond its teach.„ Such a remedy line long been required by the no. :C9iitiC9 of the people, and we are confident that this trill to for them all that medicine can do. • flyer's Cherry Pectoral, .POR THE RAPID CURE or Coughs, Colds, In4l - 4 , enzrz lio:Arsebeffity Croup, Bronchitis,,lndplent Con.. touloption, and Or the Relief - Consumptive 'Patients 'in advanced Stages - - This Is s remedy se 'universally known to surpass any other for the cute of thrcat and lung .complaints, that it nsrlesshere to publish the evidence of its ,virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of The earth.' Few aro the 'committal ies, or even families among them who have tot some personal experience ofi its.effects..- some living trophy in their midst of itavictory over the subtle and dangeroui disorder. , of the throat and lungs: As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder?, and es they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we steed not Is more than to assure them that it has now all the vir• toes that it did have when making the cores which Lave wets no strongly ~ 3poti the confidence of mankind. I= • reynotl by Dr. 7.0. AY Lo CO., Lowell, Mass Bold );,' 0. S. & E. A. Jones, CouderSport ; Mann &,I:Jichols, Miliport ; N. J. Mills, Coles burg ; Colvrell & Lyman, Roulet ; A. Copy & Son; UlY:sses ; A .B. Horton, Cushingville ; and b • Dealers generally. • •-0 - . COURT noOLADIATION. . _ WiIEREAS the Mod . : Robert G. Wh ii . e Y Y PresideueJudge, and the lions. Joseph Mann and G. G.•Colv in, Asoeiat3 Judg,es or the Courts of Dyer .t. Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessiou3 of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common. Pleas for the County of Potter, have - ; issued their precept, bearing date the seventh day of January, in the year of 0u.7 Lord ono thou sand.eight hundred end sixty-toe, and to me dirc.etcd,for holdin! , a Court of Dyer and Term iner amk,,Gcner.Ll Jail Delivery, Qmirter Bes sions of the Peace ; Orphans' Court! nod Court of Com Mon Plea , , in the Borough of Couder sport, on MONDAY, the Vith day of June next, and to continue one week: - '• Notice is therefore hereby given'to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that th.ey he then andithere in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of ~a id day, v -,, h their rolls, records, inquisi • tions, examinations, and oche r remembrances, I_to dO those thiazs which to their offices ap pert:llh tube done. And tr t s,pse who are bound by their • reeiignizances'4O -prosecute against the prisoners t'mit are or shall be in the jail of said 'county of Potter, are to be then and there to-proseote agaiut them as will be just. Dated at CUM'S:W.:TORT, May. 27, 1861, and 1 f the Slth year of thelndependence of the United States \of America. .. • , WI!. F, BURT, Sheriff. IRE,. JAYNE'S FAMILY" MEDICINES for of the' Dlseixse STE3I3INA BRO , 11 ' 4 - PIIIICE cirtgENT. - ,-, 1 Cbrrected every Wednesday by E. N. 'STF.. 'BINS & BRO.. Wholesale -and Itatal 11- 1 Dealers in Groceries and Provisioo, opposite D. F. Grassmire's Hotel,' l . 1 . Condert3port,lPa. • ~' Aiiiples, green,' bush:, ;$ 140 Ido dried, " ;1 1 100 2 Bans, " '' : - 100 t 1 „ Beeswax,ll lb„ •, 1 . - 2 2 0 Beef, st Berries, dried, 1:1 quar t Buckwheat,, s 1 bush., .1 Either, 11 lb., ts , Cheese,4. .• . Obrn, ‘tl bush., COrr Meal, per cwt., , Eggs, tl dos , 1 • - Flour, extra, 1,1 , bbl. • do superfinQ • " Ilams, `3l lb., Hity, 70 tont, ' ; - Roney, per lbi, ; i • . Lard; . ample Sugar, per l ll.i., Olits, 11 bush., ,: • Onions, . ",„ , ~ - Park, qll bb-12 - , ! ~ Ido V lb:, . ' Ido, in NthoTh bog, V lb., Po a ta c i h o e e s s , dred , pe i rbl lb ., .•;; , 'p altry, `ll lb., e, per bush., Slilt, Ifl bbl., - ~ do 11 sack, 1 Tr9ut, t p; t u b s b li l., IVie Fish, `tl i bbl.; TBlq , I 176 , giSt cop 1 1 11 t`• • - 1 1, pooDs I' ~1 : s 18 I. I.i 4 . , • . s. • g . , , ; - lIMI A. GENERAL +ORJ. Just ...4.lRpeceit - irt I ' 1 1 1 , And for talk at thn ! , It ‘.\-1.. . I • , I 1 I CORNER c ISTOR ,„... , . i 1 • [1 FoR PARTIOULAIRSI 41'11 1 , 1 1 1 I it- L.N9p1.14E OR MIMED .Couderport, Feb. 18 FURNI • w. c i f flaving-,enlargecl ROONIS, at ELLS has now. on hand .axid ova sale, la larger and Vetteil \Cate and Clauits.; ; tharth: in this section of.the Co , His stock of common equalled. Havin i g to his assortment of PARLOR, FUI he , liar now on hstil - Plai ble top Bureaus, Card tab and Cen i tre'tables; Vruita Marble top Wash stauds.l cOTTAGBI AND. I I BEADSTE ADS.: COU,i AND. TETT-A I now and beahtiful Cane Seat, Nahogany, Ba ,Sce 4-. e. Inflict every thirig,in tI , FURNI___ _ Can be found at his' estalidishmenti, tfaving . thel)est facilities for manufacturing anepur chasing big stock for cash, . , •'' I , /Jo will not; be Underpold, ~ , 1, .. Tlioze v.ishing to buy,. will sivre et! least twenty-fire - e ent, by calling On Wi. H. Coats. ' I - i. - READY MARV COFFINS t constar all sizes ke tonal attendance with he isep . 4 tV..V'.',-7.lfki", ''',, Atioalkie 7 ' 14 .' 4it • ' i.\) . .'SkY.Y . ' SO_ „,,,,p i .4VP, ' . 1 ,, No-- •"tr-dr.., ,1. . , , .. 1 , ' A SLIPEALATIVt '1 ; i ',, TO IC ` , 9DIURE,I7:ICi 4,4, 1-1: - I tip' , c___ . . ..., Il INYlNecie 110111_ ~ ..,.i To the ptr o i ens of 3eto Term/ arid , e.trisylecatict. kiptlt°caries:Druggists; Grceers dad ' 2 , ;r' ! 3thvate Par..i4es. 1 ' N Wolfo'4 P Cognac Brandy. 1 ' I Welfe's Piro Maderia, Sherry end Ptirt Wine. Wolfe'] Pi -eZamaine and Bt. Croix Bnin. Wolfed Pa:e Scotch add Irishlr.elsky. 1 • ii a. - lve lot call Oa, attention'of the chi p Unitta States to, the jtbove, WINES itris, imported. by lidolpbo Wolfe, o' tt, whose dame is familiar in every is country for the purity of his cele cutr.nam SCLINAPPg. Ml'.! Wolfe, in to me i ! speaking of the purity of his d Liquors, says : "I -will _stake my das a mart my standing as a mgr-. thirty years' residence, in Lite City ef I k, that all the Brandy i And Wines ottle are pare as !imported., awl of uality; and cNirhe relied upon by thaser." x. Every bottle lifts tile pro dame 'on the wa,,and d, foe simile aabirel on tbe certificate: The-ptib - : pectfally invited to call and exam- Inselies. , For sale at pciail by all ries and Grocers in Philadelphia. H. ASIITI)if -No. 832 'Market sty Phil. . I Sjle ' .).l gent Yer Thilitifelp/i'a , Read the follwv incr front the New York Coutier : 1 1 1 , ; - Excintrbes 13ustNiss von Otili New;Tonic Mna'cultS .—We are happy,to inform our fel -1 low:el - Liz ns that there is one pla i ce in our city whereith physician, apothecary and country merchlint, chn go pad purdhase t pure .Wines and Liquhrs, as pere as int',- orted, and of the best gunny. Weide. not mtend to give an elaborate description of this mdrehafit's ex ' tensivo b mess, although it. THIL repay any ;stranger r citizen to visit, Udolpho Nyela's extotaivwareLhOuse, Nos. 18.; 20 an 22 ; ,, Beaver;S reet, and Nos. 1i,"10 and 21 Mark e etfiehl street. HiS stock of Schnapps n hand 'readyfor shipment could not hi&e, con less than thirty thousand' cases; the litrirgy, some ten thousand ewes—Vintages o'fiiS3l to 1850 ; ,and tenttlecusT - Melt di case's of Madeira, Whisky Sherry Red Port Win , Seeteb and , Jamaiew ; nd S. Croix Itiutu„ se, . ine very old and equeil to any in this country. lle also had three largd cellars, filled. With, Brandy, Wine; itt., hi cask, Under custorn-liouse key, ready, ;far *frothing. 1 Mr: Wolfe's sales, of Schnapps last year amounted tol l else hundred and etgliity thcersand dozen, and we hops in less than two years lie may be 'equally suc cessful•with hiS Brandies and Wines. His, business' merits the patronage' of every lover :of his sifecies.l Privet), ;families who wish pale Wires and Liquors far tnedicaliu se should' Tad their orders direct Ito Mr. Wolfe,l until It y Apothecary in the hug make up their minds to discao the poisonous stniffrom their 'shclvos, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines awl Liquors. 1 . , ' ; We understand Mr. Wolfe, for are siecom modatioli of saran dealers in the country, puts up assofted eases Of Wines and Liquors.— Such artine.n, and such a mere' t, be sustained against, his tens of thousands of op ponentslin thelThited States;tir ho sell noth ing hilt imitations,, ruinous alike to 'human health' mg happiness. - 52,-6rxi* I ,I D°'l°7- 1 \.. t 5 460 1 00 IT 24 / 00 'OO 8.50 5,50 .12} 6150 110 t 8 I'l's 2VOG ,1 beg 11 zens of th and Ligro New YOrN part of tlil bratO: SI his letter, Winetanu reputaticiti chant of ti New " . 1:10 whiettill) thO every.kur prietor of his Eigh lic are; res ine for ti Apothees - 16 6 1371 5 . 63 i 5 00 00 6 50 . 1 fa DO DO TO :1 DO ~ 1 EEO , 1 ror s t; they bl.; now en., the jib.' nowned THE II Is prep inent.p to brinN I ~. I==l aws•sz.' Bro.. in frdM the 061 . and in It is stimulai upon tli( luxuriat cure 13% of the. Applie RED dr to its, and fle pensaleli 'and aft} any CoLI "• Thb article tiers ptl URE 1 1 , A.TS, efitted his WARE 1-114 - Ei Lheep constantly for iariety, nf, Cabinet- . vo ever been offered try.l - . .ork has never been I ester sivEi :aadition-s Priu Druggi' guent "! will be reet), postage :Mahogany Mar ks, M a rble top side and Toilet stands, I TRENCIT • ' _SOFAS, TETES, 1 . . . rt itilt giatitto 4011.-t ...„,.,1 • Itir, tmdereigr.ed would reipet, !Illy inform tll surrounding corarauniti.llit 'lle- has taken:the rooms formerly occuvled,hy ~ A . G. Olinste'd, whei - c he is prepared pa t : do 1 A;lilkinds of Harness Work'a i ghort`eit notice. f , . ''' l l,,. !., toDIGI STRAW COLL &RS, l obo iiit.coilltfitio on hand. These collars are al perier article, aid r...ted , htit tiiiial to \ nsure their success. i: II: • : ~ I.Repctiiing doi,e in goodlsfyle : Stir4gles,l Martingale-rings,,itiames, and Ifaß:s•S raps, ISze,„Lkeft constantlY, on . hand. The4`hblic ;are invited to call; and examine, before I &chasing elsewhere. ', 1 .1 ' .. • 4. ;P L . 'kINAFe. rspoit Oct: V3th, 16160:: ir .. , MEE ig 0 line of IT RE on hand. Per-. se - when tegnesied. W.11.` COTS. Cm:d i NW • • •'• T•Al'•iT j« HIS .. • I i I [YOU IWANT WIIISKEitS3 . 1 I . it WANT 'A I'IL'STA.CFIET ' IYOU WANT A MUSTACHE ? It BELLINGHAM'S .:' ! CI.i,BRATED , tULATING O , NGUENT, i theWhisiters at td Eitallr.. [ .iltscri ' hers take pleasure i n announc he Citizens "of. the United States, that e obtained; the .Agency for, and are bled to °Ter to the American public, re . ju P stly celebrated and world-4e article. • • STI4ULATING ON GUEDIT 1 by clan fik''D .10.,P. BxrpN t rtriksr, an cm, by:sit:l4n of London, and :is warrtMted out a. thief set of , • II• ' ' biOrers cr a 'Mustache, 1 _ .. three' to six r weeks'hi.; article is one 9£ thhl kind used i.y . ,y the French. 1 , ondort and"Faris it is in t unirersal use. Lbeautiful, economical, soothing 4-et ipg, compouud, acting as if by magic ic morals, causing a beautiful growth of ht hair. ?f:appliedj to the scalp, it will 'osnsg, and cause to iprlttg_all In place nld spots a fine growth': of new, hair.. [ according, to direetioni; it will turn iowy hair taos, and restore ray, hair iginal color, leaving it soft, smooth ible. The'; "UtiouEN•o is an indis.- lie article in every gentleman's toilet. trtr one week's use they Would not for sideration be without it'.:, ' subscribers are t onlyAcrenta for the en the United Stites, to I - thom all or st be adilreSsed. \, •! .. One 1 Dollar a hax—fo'r, sale by all his-and Dealers ; or aboi t of the "On 'warranted to hare the desired effect) sent tp any who desire' itk'hy mall (dt-' L ( , urely packed, on receipt Pf price and i, :pit& ,' Apply to or address t i HORACE L. HEGEMAN & CO., 1 „ t DRUGGISTS, de.. I ' .24 William Street; New York , s u e v VIRE 4440- Cl'j (16)F Vie' . / ' 49.- CURE 4 NeVousileadathe =II ._ • : . -,,H.C . pil, E _.--- ,C,' , .. - .. li tl y , • ._ . di By the tto of these Bills the periodic attaclo . of ,Nrrootto . or Sick llcadoAe, may be- prevent ed ; and if taken at, the commencement - efari attack immediate Telief....CaMi pain and sick• oesswill lis obtained,. 1 \ ~ Thry - seldom• fail ,in reintiviug the- Yitusci and Llctoiaohc to - which feM - ales are so sub jest. . - , - , ... Tlie act gently upon the bowels,—remov ing Costiveness.. • • Fim, Literary . Men, Students, Delicate Fe males': and all persons of <.(lentar- habite r tl4ler are Valuable as a:Lai-alive, improving the eri petit l, giving lane and 'vigor to the dikestiil, Or; gani, and restoring tbe natural eiesticity and - - strength of the wholestem • • ' The PEPHALte, , PILIA are the result ol long Investigation aid carefullylcondueted ex periments, having been in use many years; during which time they have prevented and: relieved a Nast amount of P:tidand sufferi4 . from, Headache, whether , originating in the eeruous sysPient or from a deranged'itate of the. a mach.• - They are,entirely vegetable in theircon:lp 'sit op, and may elalren at; al Os with per fect safety with at makin , any changeo . f dt et, and-the, abie re fan disagreeable taste ren deF; 7t easg to ao ..tintztfr Own to children. • os,enuine haVe five Signa.tures of fren i rY 0 Spaldirig on, each Dox.. Bela by Druggists and all other Dealers in - _ A Box will be sent by mail prepaid:on re ceipt of the • • ' PRICE, 25 CENTS; c----AU orders should be. addressed to HENRY C. SPALDINP; 48 Ceder Stieet, !slew-York: THIt FOLLOWING ENDOP.SEUEUTs OF SPALDING'S tiEPIIALIC PILLS; WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM 1-IEM)A_GELE # TUTA - • SPE..tqr. AND SURE CUBE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH it! , theqe • TestiYathihrls Uere unioliciteii Sf.ALDING, they afford' vnqueirtioiuzble of (he efficacy of this, scientific discovery. • , ;-• ~.' ". Mismivii:Ln; totta., Fch 5, 1861: , lre.. SriLniftn. . -• [ . . - Illare triet ra ynur Cephalic Pills, and Ilik4 them so :cell that I want you to send utatwo dollars worth more: . • :-. -.••- . , • Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom, I gave a few out of the first bo.**l got think Yorl; - ' Send the Pills by mail, and ob, Igo 1 1 ; Your ob't Servant, JA.3IIiS KENNEDY. —. . _ ~ I. l. ..Aver.roin; ri .•:: Feb S , 6,186 g Ma: SPALDI'f“i: . '-' ;', , ... Slii : . . f I you to senttuie one more box ofyoiir- CelibOe Pills, I hove received 9 , grecy deal of - bencitfrom them. Yours, respectfully. • • MARY ANN STOIXEIOUSE: Spaccr Ca Ertc., Huntington Co., . • 'January 18, 1861. Ir. q. SPILLDINCi. t .• . _ ton will plea - se rne two intros of your Cephalic. Pills. Send-them immediately. itespeetfulty yours, • - • JNO. R. SIMONS. P. S.—.t h , ire itsal one bra of your Pat, and 'lna them" excellent. - , DEttE_Vcitwoy, Ohio, Tan. 15, 1861., - HENRY C. SPALDING, Esq... Please find.: inclosed twenty-flee cent a a, 4or scedino niocher bokof jour Cephalic y •arc Snit the loter'ill, Mare osier fried. Direct A. STOYER; P. _ belle Vernon, Wyatt(lot et?„0.,..„ ntIieIIMILMIIM7IIIII3-nraItOIIOII4IIIIMUMMISISWIMMU, I III I Mi_ A single bottle of PALDING I S . ,PIie: PARED GLUE:AriI, save ten times _ its cost annually, €. SPALDING'S .PREP.ARED GLUE! PREPAREIS G4T.I SPALDIG'SPREP/RED-,GLUE i • SAVE TE.P.:PIEC.Dit,. .• -, . z gppNoitY yn • . DisPATcri -1- . my- "A STITCIT IN As accidents will hut n. e' en in well rev Waxed families, it is very desirable to liave. sonie chenp and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Croe!:cry, • ' SP.ILDINVS PREPARED GLtE • _meets all.sucli emergenctes; , a,nd no lismse4ol,d,„ Can afford_to .1)„e 3vithont. it. It •is - 14waya-_, ready; and di - ta ti)c• sticking. Point. • - • . _ "USEFUL Di EVERY n0t7.5%." .• N. 8.-,A Ifinsh - aCcompanies each Do #l4l. Price, 25 - Address,_ • 7 ,", C SP.ALDING„ X0.•48 'CEDAR Stre,et CAUTION. AS dertninit nprin ei pled p arson s n ren t tempt" . ing-to palm off. on the unsuspecting puldie, L imitations ofqny.PREPA . RED wonl& - eautton MI persons to exn.mine, before purelms : .. ing, , Mid' see tb at the full name,. ; - • - gerSi"Atl7o"G'S VILEPAILED: CLUE e - Is on • the outside: wrapped; othets swir.dlipg, counterfeits. • - =IN -f El