The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 28, 1861, Image 1
MUM . - i =I ; :; =I 112/1121 SL'stOLE:i COPIE iroLtrzit Terms or Advertisin g., iniertinn, -- - ' • 50 • 1 ,• - $1 50 Eaciiiinlisequenlitsertiiinle'ss than 43,- , 2,5 ..;14.Square:t1troe month);:- - 2 50 1 ," 4OO 1 . ,nine , . • ' 5 50 " 'one` year;.:` 6. qv -little•and-iiipire work, per sq., 3 ins. i 3 :00 try subsequent insertion,. 50 1 Column six months ) * - - - - 4 18 OU " _" " -•-- - 10_00 ta .•• • - 44 • • - 00 " per. yea . r. - ---- 30 - 00 " • •" • " -- -- "- 'l6 Ou isployed sin,gle-colurnn, each inser- '• lion less than four, P. .I 3 00. gach additional insertion, —• i 2 ,00 eubic-csinnua, displ4,yel,!per_annum 65 iOO *.2-t .35e0(11 44 s three " 16 430 One. month.- 6;po , MEM ~„ , . per square 1 -1 cash; insertion: under 4, •r po Parts of columns will, be inserted at the' satne rates. , * • i Administrator'i or lExecutor's Notice, 2 1:10 Auditor's Notices, each, 1 50 Sheriff's Sales, per tract, I,po .Marriage NOtices, each, 1411 I4vorce N9tias t .eapli,- AdMinistmtoet•Sales, per square for 4 . insertions, • I • 1 f p ;Business or. Professional Cards, each, il not exCeding 8 lines, per year - 5 1 50 Special-and Editorial Notices, Re., line, IO tri,usient ailvertiseinents must be paid in,advance, and no notice will bey take' , of advertisements from a distance, unleeg tl arc accompanied by, the money or satisfact.r . reference. • . •-' ' guouteso. eitOL. . • • . • • • t!runumutimpamenminumnamisann - s • i • I • • IorUst S. MANN, ° 14.TTORNEY A..,ND COUNSELLOR AT LA , Coudersport,, Pa., will attend the sere 41 I Courts in Potter and APlCean Counties. k 1 businc9s entrusted in his care will ,rece prompt attention. Office corner of. AV . 4 s • and Third !streets. • 1011, F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY, AT L.A.W. Coudersport, • regularly Attend the 'Courts is Potter iii the Adjoining Counties. 11, _ --- ARTHUR G. 0131StEDJ ,'ATTORNEYI & COUNS,ELLOR AT ,LA,F, (fond e rspori, Pa., Will attend' to all basin4s enfritsted to his care, With promptnes aild 54 ity. Office on Soth-west corner of Main 1 and Fourth streets. . 12;..1 • _ 1 ' ':::'.lgAAO_•: - BENSON. '- : • : I '':ATTORNEY AT LAW-i.:Oisudersport, Pa.,. y i :111 :...', l 4l.ti.eild,in all linainss- - eiltrusted 16 him,lv; h -,tareafitipi[omptness'i- follice - ircoond • ".`sear the Allegheny Bridge. . . ' 12: . • • _ - • , - T - ELILISO -_, -- - - O. - . N , ITtODiaPiIk:SICIAN, Coudersl _ respectfully infarms.the.citizeus of tile - '`Jaye and ,vicinity that 14e will promply rC ipotid to all calls for professional =services. Office on Main st.,in building formerly o& cupied by C. W. llis, Esq. • 0;122 111 • -" C. &E. A.:JONES, , 'DEALERS IN.DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT Dili, Fang', Articles, Stationery, Dry G 090: Groceries, .te., Main st., Cutrdersport„.l 3 6.. 10:1 , D. D. OLMSTEN - 11- S. COLWELL, A- C. TAG , GAII.I% . • D.,-E.. OLMSTED & CO.; DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, READY-MAD Grockery, Groceries, cocidersport, Pa. M.- W. DEALI3R IN BOOKS STATIONERY, MA l- AZINES and Music, N. W. corner of, Ma'n and Thir,l.sta.,.Ooudersport, Pa. 10:1 i. J. 01.51,. TED:. •• ''''' ' "r ' • bbISTED & IMLY, 3013ALE . R. IN STOVES, TIN St- SHEET IRON :...;WAILE, Main st., nearly opposite the Cot House; Coudersport, Pa. Tin and She t. fron:Ware.iiiade to , ordet, in good style, do -;4lb4rt. notice. *. 10:111 •- •00UpERSPORT TIOTEL, . 11 , GLASSMIRE, Proprietor, Corner. Main and - Second Streets, ConclersPort, Pol.- - ter Co.', Pa. , -' 9;44 ALL trousg EAVUEt M. `)FILLS, Proprietor, Cole.slm g seren•miles north of :Con ` Al.roy - Mrt nu tile wPilswillc , Road 0i4.: CHARLES - MANNING, BIiACKSMITH, - fourth street , between Man and. West Strentg, Coutiiisport, lin„, is Pr"- iared,to do all kinds of work in. his ,rne, .s..en the most reasonable terms.'t Pro. uce taken in payment. ,t - .12:39 EZRA STARKVVEATIIER. BLAPESIITTIL would inform his foriner, u•- *Ater's' and the-public. generally thut he ' h s • Iretistablished it 'shim in the building fo M. aril. occupied by •Benj. Rennels in Coud r i l r -- port, . where'll° will he pleased to do 11 - kinds_of Blaeusmithing on the most rea on - Able Aenns. Lumber, Shingles, and all • kinds , of Produce taken in eichange qtei - lOVOili._. . • 12:34.:4 I Z. THOMPSON, CARRIAG k WAGON - , MAICEII and pt. AlRR,'Condersport; Potter Co., Pa., k r es tLis method ,of informing the pubf-- lie in genera . ) that he is prepared : to do all Work in, his line with prompt 'ells, in weAklnan-lihe manner, and upon the aencinintodating . terms. Paymen fcir ~:irtepairing invariably required on deliv •of the work.. tE9:..AiI kinds of PROqiCK "Ikea on acconntof work I '*-4 5' L. BIRD, I .arn.prepared to do jobs: of-Surveying in _,trlysses, , EfeetOr and Pike Touuislii,s,li and savwliere within 8 or 10 miles Of ray libme, 'arid can tindionbtedly give satilfaction,tilav - • Inc had over 6 years experience.` • - i ' L. BIRD 2Kalisad.-(Cdshingrille), Potter co. ';')a i l (ref. 24; Tot, rtr. - -?- FA= ZIEMM ii [l . I • [The Ina dis I thinks t treason. war. 1 treason .or the Ppiter Journal.` IVO Stili r l4EXPEß.,,,t" ,: ~ ifofkiwinglincti„ are from a - I,,Qualteress ant'part , 4 . the State., Shecyjdenly 'lint the .b est uuy to get ',peace, out of is, through fineness and , if, necessary ye ere with ber—nocomrromise with' In tiinis.—Eii.l ' " i ' tlen i for the Unidn how can you stand gazing, On Anderoti's, peril; nor stretch forth a hand; The enemies' fires around'him - are'bluziug, • IS tlire none to. liis..rescue, - tio Chief iii coin mend ? Oh,l i loved country, -.. r say ' what shall restore 1 / , •j , thee; . ~, •, - , ..- .., I. To , ,peace: and tranquility ever. again, The maddest confusion; isrife now before Gme,, Prodtkeed by, the ung,overned passiuns of men. . The godess of lib rtg bpws her head weeping., llumt ttity mourn o''f.r, the deeds being done; Near, and More n a.r, ire the combatants meet ing, Alas for the day Stai'nnot your I.u. othr, l v -,I It pro, es nnarail 0: And widens: the 1 ,brother, o Rendering the ca God grant f stee Our to pest crew, His strong learri fei,y • !rel.., 'Fe i ' In 'view of? The ;wide. s • • ' 11 , 1 from! outitr i ' Coming up I I 'dere e Jan. i >ti ' i . 1 ' i IV° 1 • 17: i I r eiiict Itipr f to the t raWiag i I was. a jeer,) daughter if th a number. t old uNlal Arometi i- - _My ittte fr . , was a lai .-! cal to ottle fr etid c*er,jcve !but 1 we could 4ee a After• l it short 1, tiutt bdganj to a supposed ;j thoi intiulry iota to lest . .lsliould 1,,, then- held 1, ott, P !-AV Ii the qi' shauldreturn, 1 together Wiiiii heard o4_ iii n.t, I attribute •to a few ,words ineilden ally • tfroppedin.couversa= tioif a slioilt tit le•:-ilipei "'Winne!' are' tie judge- of tlael,t other's' • beauty," 1 heard a gentleman 's • ye.Starday. ft was t, i V ry 'saute thought that had been in my! id id on' that evening after', I had been te r rte lin the roam fora couple of hours, al, I ad - heard ' the • comments passed by to aclies;Of : the party: upon each ctber aild theeery remark which I would ltd. -e +tide to` ny little tompaw ion;had I- uttersteon, what I felt or known in. what w rdslta.eencli the feelings that another might tilinpreheud' it too. • Sirce then he sante thought, though Ithitik 1 never gava it •exii , esitioL, has beeti . in my Lund,; I,":Wptuan are no judges of each! other'S beauty." • Every' tithe I bear.onle wo.nair criticise the per sonal appesranee'of annther,l am more convinced - 1 ha - btlfere lof the truth Of the remark .1 have githiethl; .. ' .• . - :'• ' . „Mrs. Ealrre. ee Fitzgibbon speaks to we in terms o the most rapturous adinir-, ation of her lend; _Miss Ella Clarene9. The sweetness of dispOSition; the charms of mind' ilie eleoatic '' the wit, the bril liance—all' 1. ' . r t- . c the ringappertan and 'belonging to that. oliarming %person are almost in credible: ",But la! in'y dear,” :continues Mrs. •Fitz,L she isti7t handsome,: you .know; and ItlMCis her :weak point--Lthat and, her age, You _ wtinldri . t.t.hitik' it bat dear Ella IS well on to; 'tarry, and there are peopl, who, knew hera long . time ago; ,who . .eciare that!, for Some - iyears it ha4eeu tin the si - aulY side that berelaiins even to that rage were to be' f0und.. 1 ..130P Idp 't beikve it ! .People are so unnat ural ;;SII oan't. be Mare thaw thirty-_;- pert ps-th rty,;,,atie,-.qtisSibi . _•thirtptwo. But then . aft to ,beauty I Oh ! Bless you innor little. iheartl 1 could tel you owe' - lieei things abbot . sVottien.`ivhe thin theupieWes . beautiful, and ciemetna i Irk' ,-- Heaven and thenrselves beat know bow and. perhaps -I, know too, slightly--L to p ss for. beentiea. ! \V hem Ella was, ten or t "elve years yminger than - , to -day.. she . is, 1 -is ,no harm to . say-that her, claims to betnity wefe rather: morastiiking thanlat ' prcol , t4.ll y are., Shemay perhaps hsve beei nite a•pfettrgire v - - .:-' l-- - 1 OMEMI 1 .. 1.4 ty •eleu i 1 qi I Is. MS=M f., 4 ;''..., , ocl 1 . 4 . 1 - . , i' •: , . . . '' ' 5 `i ~. i re/~ ztlotza to fife tiiiieii)l43 of 'lmie, POETRY. •ben the victory is won= nds 'with the bluod of each 1 lag tl. 'wrong to redress • .1 • • chasm 'twill :thee and thy tse of contention no Jess Ica" may, be rise in his ur ‘ 4 ng, 1 -tossed "Ship" with its turbulent rmonr-bearers no taunting foe I/ passed by bold tnen and true. e our earnest petitions a9cended; hellion-and-treasons' foul aim; , uding brducbes , that have to-be ' 1 • r N tion is! wnshed.the foul stain. & tue patriots Will •lot surrender raitors, liut'forma bold line, lfrom the North and the South to 14 her; 1 - 11• 4 ' upward hand upw•ard 3 ' through MEI 1 1861 EliN From dhe New fork Leader About woniptit. haring been amugglectin i roonf of a lady, (Mee, yotteg child, by a pet Imuie: In tiie room were put, fasltion ybly drest 7 ed, to thenfwept- 7 -beautiful ad whispered tneibat it - oiree Oren by her mother !, and 'drawing me inte . a . seat id out:r , elves where rd. hear all tliat Went pse.of time, the male pot.- rive from :anothor room, I •gli I'da'red not make any le loud, enough to be heard 6thl3 euvlable pusitiuti I' '1 . I l m'ery'ef that little erisede i o me th*, after many veers all that, I and ) ,-.*.- ..,,.. -,....._ . , , -,.....,, -; -. :, •'_,.. , :- 0 111. v. . . ...‘, l _. • • • :, , 1 ,,,,R • "~", : _ a0 ... 1 .- ::±7.. - 7 ~. ..;4 : :; , .. . . . In =ll ISE OIIDEitSPORic PUTT EIR . , Mrs. Fitz burs& lioterect- Bowe bettteen..thirty-five and forty,;: Wd eatp petty. colors; b,hort eurly ed girlishly, hod aete;l,the youth:l! !Von 'with - wore "er 1160 . _ ,O.s l2 pee, eeid . speakino' . of er. , When she had, for that momem chided ber.observationa,.Mrs.•Fitii: l slightly, toyed With the strings',4 kat, and glancinn• into the looki4 oripoisite, .smiled . pointedly , add"' wondered if it wasn'•t,' . 'time'. Tor.% bring her visit ,to aloae. - .lloweSi fore decidingafirtuat ve,ly, nponthii inentous question eh .. thoitglit ;she i afford Me a litileitnit justl 1Y running 'oer - tie chief dek prii.cticed •by . Miss 'Ella' Clareno e Make Art; well' ;fill d on,- pass fib lure. . • ' . I VIM I.'awai:e - that arling Ella rot Oh', dear! Why.'dii I look so iji, loa's ? Did she Would assn: untruth ? No! . Then why look..! as• _tot bed ? Though, to bstire; to those uninitiated in the myat 'ries .of ii • 'la's toilet it, was no great won er that .I sten ishtuent should be shown : nlearnin *that thd delicate rose. pink thet , lay - sq i; oftly upon her Smooth. fair!efideli, and )chicli an,ipexperieuced eye Wuti)d ,have eielar ed natural, fur it aanost Seemed to 'fade and 'flush as naturekon i ly . - eiultl;-;- i was goings!:- EU' she litie,W--:she Was 1; Ella's took; intimate friend;;' vr; s admit'ted'to 'heri. rodni 'at al! hours' of t, e:liiiilit 4 , daY; had - seetnler apply costuoics.---hati even i seen her prepare, the i%mge,,forit.. Was,lao ordtriary substitute for tr y e roses;': at: a I Prfintratioo 'so exelitsit - that tie did Man st pinctieed 'eye' c - aid' etect the, aril. ice, nor would_ even 31; .. Fitz Herselfr i I.have dii!eovered it, b 1 t fd i thenonfidenee dea..• Ella .reposed in; her—she tx)isted hercatirely _and cooc.ialed nothing!' rfrom lik . 1 ' ' . i'l • .. ' 1 At this pointmy. v sitor paused' meta to.tiWw the full sjgoiticancele last statement to siuklintokuly miud; tlieti.werit on to observe that it weal Elia had beautiful, lairltif her mil lemit she suplio - sed - sotL-hut .why, if, Was t lie.ease, . why would isle perSi ~wearing false braids aut plabie il 1 hair cl ne,cAp in the P i ton i twist at • I. Did I think. Ella's, ey s . partic i li i beauti ul? . I must, pardon,the _clue but sh i r t: rather valued toy, opiiiiinj, upon this particular point. She Was•jt maim a to know if our opinions ciiii ed.. id I teallYthitik Ella's nyesil it) tiful ? s ' iuD T ., o t b:, e,y sti ha re d , l a th ewyou wondrous b t i f,, ; they % pre capable rof l a great varlet: r. ' - iitehing.people ; they seetnet „even men ; but if Dhad ever aiuinethem. cluselYt must have ceived, that they were ,of nu decided c ti it was impossible to class them "undel `head of grey, blue. bruwo or h. zel- 1 -- 1 „ i - were such queer eyes.' Did 'I think' nonde.cript eycs'pretty.? ' Could '' sider ' queee' a complimentary tel apply town eye—did I; ii short,- Ella's 'ves'beautilnl? '-• ''' ' . ' 1 1 Oh, i did ! Ali !very well. Bhp! was delight ed she was Charined to agree' with ' meoit d-..tu know that I agrelid.w4 'her. She to), thought them lierstiful; but .there were people in.. the• l wOrld I nure wanting in good taste why would i! disputed with us both. Then fond; dories of questions as to tlt! tneri Aiiss Clareuee'w nose. Didn't 1 th , a litthi, just the least degree in the i !retrouSse, Mrs. Fitz said, because'. ' . horrid; blionsh word, once ' applied nose, - itiiue r d it forever, ruined the 1 I , ruined the . woman, and utterly and ler ruined her reputation'as a beauty : 'ever . il'wlt-kss- she mightbe in ad li be', in fur would not the public! away in,' disenst even from. Vu mina ! ) Vana3 if mid that its nose was a psi And Yet., if 1 could only credit it ; were pbuple who- had nut scrupled' sert:that Ella Claremie's nose masa' But that was wanderitig away the - ori.rinal 'question., - Diod i t I that,Eira's nose ..wa.s , "Slightly,--e% Sli„,i - 4,tly, retrousse ? ••• ; . l ,, .Yes.`' I did: think Ella's nose wag'{' ev er so slightly retrousse;. • 'lint that ip ‘ mY opinion- did not de froth ,the beauty ofher,Piee, - on' t! - .e . entit - rury; I thcicglit that - a tioSo of that type on such a faceas uature had bleSsed Miss Clarence With; gave to it': a certain piquancy of expres sion; Without which it had been 'altuost too'.perfeet. - - - ' , - - .. -Ting delighted was - Airs: Fitz that bere again our opinions ei?ineided; - butisrini, had•l said about a i countenance I ahnOst too perfect? Was it possible, tbatil th4Y.' Ella handsoMe? ' .. ' Beautiful !. - ' • , , teonsitlered Ella beautiful! . ' 'goy; Strange! Well, she was_ more enraptated and, enchatitd toliear . .ine say so than she could' readily express. H'ow pleaSed darling Ella Would le l - Poor Ella ! Eve , ry one knew She Was ehartningand sWeet, every one' knew that 'she . 'esteeitted her 's'elf 'beautiful ; but. tolearn that - 'another and more disinterested', person 'waggly er...nnded that opiniowl-- . ilil'ilt.alw4Hin ex press in be attract) LMEN!!! A. , ;;;i1 4 • • - MOE t , . , ENE ota NTY, ;R - CO arm m deli: ,I dress ul wu- ME noth ~ in Was it pettsike that'ad mired the pont ing iftouthr Men, [I, astonished 'h little! She I 14 thought my wife ivory censonant Wit! her' titirn,. but perhap s ' was,fight:. • ' .[ :''i 1. ll , ll' Of course' gited with her;thoughl,,i i thiukfug.'a lips. were ,toe re j[ 4,, thai. 1 however, was heft own , fault ftill r l . Used 'too unfelt carmine lin ceforiug.. .. ,`•• I; didn't this k thei lips in lquestteifitO red ?I ' How at' ne I -lIOW eFtraordinarY ! Well; there wa fio;peco,u.ntil*, for LIMO' '•-• I surely enotig't,liter teeth too white ; lan too perfectly!re Oar ? 1, Why: every "; nit knewthat real 'teeth were nut regular a., pearls upon is stringy; [ hike- l lilla's Ish olf course. people ttought theM false.; and-in strict! confidence she would tell. Inc 'trust ing to :try ..discrotion that it shoul&naver go .a rep farth4r--ibeY,iwere falsel‘l ' 1 Aftd wouia stiff p, [in .declaki-ue: that I thought ilEila 11, ndsoine '1 Weil l wellll it was ,very funtip : But perhais was 'right;: perhaps Fdle,[walltandsotnes--- bcautVul ~!lout then she :need, unfretuirld me again---oli ii 3 Or eoutTe not—there *as [ no, danger of .„ tity „ ,forge 4 t ing-that l Ella talfdly approachitigl - forty, ' that 1 her completion Was'entirlyl a, :make ',141 a compound of ;r4 ge, pofder laud &Haiti , lgredierrislltnewn to Ei 1 bet.lhe, as 1 of Whicb, havinlr , no needl of' them, b4isel 31, Mrs'. Fitz was irot aervai, ted with ; 'hat she wore falsi braids aiulla false roll,latid I need' net be tbolish 'enOugh to bizlieve that, they' were all madeltf' her owd buiti and 'worn furl conventence; OtatidOpit i all I might uge agait4t-It, bey nose ;was la decided pug;,l that green. was the enl3i name that could with any degree'd eel curacy be applied Ito .the 1 color of'? her eyesit, that he'r lips.. were I thick, tbatlishe used cat:mit:mite color title i ti land thitilier teeth,' beautitulas they , zr Ie kthf, were And, having thus concludedi the cateeorj of deaeptionps l ed by 3 ii'i Ella Clatlettee, [ , Mrs:Laws:onto ritzgib 4 , departed; leav4 Isar fine to b011;e 1 tWO illq,'t 0131 1 I v. FiAt.:—INIII3f, if .1:1f.141 hair were false] 1 i' correspoudt i d ito exactly `with her owit--1 I,while her bat bel l .' had once lin:11v nrceence? ~ r •,1 , ['' -.1- , ' ',spoked of haring Made{ that : T ame go e 1 colored roll, Ind thoe! same sun fi, red 1 'braids from I air that lie hiteself severed I .from that lad' 's super li lbeticl:—WitY,ltl 1 her complexi n and the hue I of her ilipel were made u by art., they bore the 'tell of water 'pie tifully. r applied li—Whji, i 1 her teeth wer false, she always slept. kith thin:lllin, and 'used [her teeth -brush tu,a nianneivig,or u enough tc have displaced the setting ot any defer. t that ever lived 41 1 --Why,y h f• eyes were green, wbitrenl,l t envied then], en raved I tlem,andrptetel wrote sonnet to thenil; ,and 1 why if 'she was fast app ae,lung. ferty, the statisiiesl, of lici native c ity should prove beyond al 1 doubt that, SI 1 Was exactly twenty-4ree'l -' Seeonrcl: i 'Vhy is it that i women are; nej judges of:eac :,Other*e beauty '- _ }'. ,t, ,',l'hirdly:--tCau it ! be that EnvY,- mull I Jealousy hat ; audit tO[lde, with it ?I 1 4 Of course root the ,e l ntire sex' comes the iniligtian r&-porrse4.-No !1- . l - i 1 1 l I ( ''i LIZZIE . CAM PBEill : I 1 J; I , t lii•:,l ,' eon wiled f her OE t tied lek to eti be ' t am would light- WM NE ged ? redu- NIMM ME f her stud true that Nt ID ill of I le y L tu', and little neid e it- y of tosser !t' to ex- per- e'er, the they the eon to ,think ,ave il,ed a t 6 of tik it rorld, le : 4 • '. • n o 1 M 1 .! Artens r Nirarc! n " FOrt I EsCr4 inan ofiluteledlii . , lias Ids F-414. ' , Datiier We trs Fort 'was to speelther , 'fy in ;the, liltu ' of Klorigri.,s & tua - .e Dicksliunatic.l. - L\\ H I' i ' e . W t.y @. £& ri3ta .;::4/ I sd plaYp bu't I ;liti de -11'a.biti synth a pint of old Si 'der as a sie tferiiapltic tporter( . iod he ? ' ile ? 11 , bet 2 dollar he woode:nC ' Old' ebri , l'ushinfttob's Fort 'Was! to , ~ 4, i t: 1 not lies ally , u lic routuof tbe• present day se'se üble dill to any Ilarrivn,' exteilt ! »&¥Asan'Unoilge's.ekui be funlid? L a..1k,.1'&, &AIR 4iisivoi_no l , whei l es, °rail wliarcs els:e. ' \ = 11 ' ' ' , ' • ::: I. Oid.nian ii. l ,en' Fiart Ns-a to make Saisyperrill r l' -'•Goy to. the' tSol Id I ini-: utlierli¥&/I7 (Clotablitua\p:oiui i'dyrj . , ace: how. a tiler turn ler's I c here ,i.) as- Vog 1 row thank • so ssn's advertth ant.)4, Cyriis Fi 1' 's; Fort' is to iti lav l?,- .t a..; shone telleifir f wrier tb(3 bouti 7 Oin bill* t , of 1 h i e Obliiiit • . heir .L4 - it, 13#:;-, t; ~ 1 -, j i 4 - My !Fort - is: 1.11 rites . ehoie4 fat nuospap, 1.4'. i -II wit!: we. Ete;,-qte: i eta., hadetinet 'extent: i Twice I';y1; l i me was Wlie ' I whlehi thy iv 'Sn l dashuS cusp ORI 1 0 1 .) crawled thr Cl: out or,'• I slin I a! Wade in ' • kd I went forth ii MIMI on the head 1&"' k into' acow tu, tack k. ftuni ire aroia and tueuts I koilkl,td Ile cow ru•eitlie 1 1516,' ... '...-4 . it ., . . E ~ , ..1..:, I: .... t - - - 1•-•-"': . - . - - ~r ~ - . 1 , l ' : ± 7 ....-.. i . !.. ~,, ... , ~ . IIV J ) la• . . - ..1 A -. 4 ,'''' ~ -.. ,' ' -:--_. ".- •:•.. 4 41r.' ;'" . - ":• ; t ) , 7.,. :.-,. (-, . i -4. il , !.' .w, - ;;;;: •1- 1 :. • ; I •ii!‘"' i ! . ncimq 0 0 11So1•;11 - 1g, p_ifetql FEBRUARY t, ,the,kncigled4a;pe, ofri' or ' , Stri:LawrOij hi , Aentatton's Of •Ithe'-!ii3O . I ; idn't t ttirik Ella's knout • ' decct deb.lloll it'deFl"the' r eif i b'it.igibbot 'in! Ilejleietkej i., Bile, tb u; i might be irie Nol. - -- moral-- --:...- r --2- I s r it - A ,.. 6110 Vi ibtit i . ,erly,lllt6ratoo foil the t's', what's thei udatiei-, i .'1 - ", o Ipi lintto ;onto an ' ' .l E, i od q ed'l to, do -tliin f ; it, qui poit. 'pie Ft'ist . 1 untie toot to liek a on cog a liola in lily Lek* Se I tny jentio sir, go 0 101 : ,iiou putty beaq., as tiggets," wliareOpOn let r ie ca w t ute powerful sett. it i t'e 't.llreti7l The 'tetit I . ll'e' tiursord Ella lit= utd.a thud - puddle. 1 4s' / g ut. imp drenett t gi ‘ r.:., d ten, wpsn't!nly I,?oi:t:' uy in ";;upon ecn ;ntbi: 1 t 'iat I'Seeli . c iisciltikttiia l iol 1 : =Mt. in- 'a ~ .• vtii •.1 , i • ;' " ' I Pn ii , !rs I 11 - ME ME - I • c , tt, A • . I =I .14 - 10 Ifews. ii=ilB6l~:: ' : town itC•liajianiaV - id: the Faul:cf my orgin i!•grnader fgot sink :of tit fever 5,-;• 1 - died. '1 1 : never felt so asha6- edl in tuy! life, and I thawt:lde hst in a few sir:tilers ONuthen strengthenin. ricrinseq,ne4is wasj histed- in so much didn't zackly no where bowtsl was. 'I turuned my liven rsild -beesta "of Pray 'Masi , into - the t , tteet andl,upsot my% Wax r a-Mrks--I then 'Bet I conld play hosS..i: 1.-hareist Myself to a: Kenai bote,''there bein two outer: bosses btehed on likwiz,• I behind and anuther alkd of me:• 'The 'holered for -its% to git and `, we did. But the bosses; befit etaused to such a arrangement:l:gait Naeal,St :rdre up:' KonSequetits was kicked Viiently ,the:stunmau,eek ,and back 'and' presently ISciwnd tu*-1(elt in the':lianal with the other lbosses, ktckin • and - yellin Itke a tribe.ef Cusscaroims.savvajis.- • - I was rescood and. az I was' bein carried to ihatavern on a, hentlock Boold:Ised in a s feefale voice,:"Boys, playin Loss ain't my #ert." , ITSIORAUL::---Never: don't do notltin nLhich ain't your Fort, forif you'd° you'll find yourself--- spluAin in routid:a fi'gplrativly !speaking.: • .. . . ~ 1 WM..' HPLETIILLJONii; who went Senth as the Special Agent of the Tiea.s tiry'DepSittnent, to try and save revenue cutters at the South from ;seizure by the SOessioniso, has 'arrived back . toiday, frOut: .NeWr-Orlearts. 1: - lie ls:- preparing letsl report to Secretary .11i xi: la nd it. is - .es:- peeled to•be - comMunteated to -Coogr2ss toin, erre*. ;; He says i that, ithe 'People of .tile South are ,wild with.eittitement .and madness:: ..:i o days -all thelb.latue: to the Collector of . Telt-Weans atid the officers of the-sette r Robert:McClelland,- Piaci) was the bcst cutter in the,serviee. -I- • He thinly tiwilf: be back in a short' time, , irh perhaps: the exception of South Cur line, which :wilt, probably come back it' the en& Bel ...was ;treated ' welt there, tv th one or tw exceptions- I tle thinks I) cis and Steph , us frill ;favor • rMeonstructi' a and ha'ye. bee elected ivith 1 that purpose. - Tlimows c .. Gen.. Dix 's . b i :ders to hilt ;by teleraph. published re I :ti , : t, ' , ceny, treat, id ,wort exciteritcrit in 'New Ode ns and - ',lt . tbil.. 1 , .. iE. 1031410TAIi. ' ' I —.-_. Objc.cts a tat 1011INI. I "'The °NO of recitation. is, at least, I tbree fold; t escallop, to explain and to instruct. W'iliout 'recitations a-teacher , cannot. tell w tether his pupils'are study { ing diligent! or not.;] front their g:eneval, appearance n d coadnct he. may Judge, and often ju ge correctly; yet, without regular recite; tions,' at !which he examines idle schola!rs ud obselves, their familiar -1 ityl with the , tudies, lie cannot know that 1 they eithera, e,, or nod faithfUlly employ ; ing their fiat, . - r i . , ,-, - In ;etery 1 ; sson there ate. points wl,Ach require eiph , nations. No text buukl nii -1 t4cipates all; he difficulties with which different rain& meet{ ' These explana tions on - be. made , to an entire Masa as 1 easily' as to a single individual, until for this reason should be kive q at the' reditm., ~ iiiio . audat km,i whorl time. .Connecteu i with every' Snbject ° ° there is much ;which n ] thei seholara ou. , iirs co' know, and which 1 . .nnetle r they eaarn frotMtheir schoolbooks. 'Vit.- books;; if properly 'writtn, Ygive the i general ° prineiples of i the - ,seleitcp:s, but 1 leii.e the minor (10614 to maiittels and to eStensive wiclis'of reference. , The teach; eri eturam give i i•ltould ni .ire his Scholars much . I . valuable itiforation'on suchpoints t and s infermation4hich ought not to'be in the tel.i. hookel.. Ile an point out the rela- OA of the Subject in hand to other sub- jets, and ;Make known the . best - ineotis pnrsuitg.iifi;rther i .. • •-• _' . in .1 There are common use three Modes oflOnductirig recitations, known as "the pirring in precess,". the drawing nut pro=. c sa,t! and .' reciting by .sections,'.' each of which is . lobjectienal when; ptirsued to eittreines. , • ! . . • . i i Irk first :.metliod consists in excuSing t elclass frdm all nartieipation in-the re citation, and n'endkng the tittle in talking ti'pziii whatever F . :lll).feet Lamy . Occur tp" the t 'zieber. The object it l teins' to lie, to give t many new idea 4 aS,•possi -1) r!; but; as , they are generally . •.presentetl without any lciiiriectezVorder,, and forced :101 :the tii;teiitiou?, of 1 iiiindz4 unwilling, 'a did! if\lvilbrig unprepared toilear thew, , tileiseholars,are. injured-rather than,ben euaed. This plan lia.l aptly been eclat,' , . pkiiiite'a. hi s iiii "Whu . slionld proVide•huu-1 slri aw& witt : j iii'liaslet.ef :sti'eet meats, and or-' !cry l he :shotild conic- within reach of a child shotild ,seize bitii* aTid botupel Min I • - to swallow-4•egardleesbf t;he condition of bisi - stomaeh4 T nliat;ei,'Ur„ fetish'. lid.rlduld' ihatipen &At tii'foree!intO'''bis . uiodih." . (I.: The " dratiini out PreCess " 4c . onsists in lasltine "'lf(f ding qiiesqinis."'.l( can, lbe heArillusitated by. an example, and:l Italie one from: the "The Science . of ..Edu (cation " -:: , .r ~ r . Teacher. kYou - Civil& add =fractions ,hat have not a comalowleueruinator; iLie e • -No, • En =EN -- 7,t . t . .if, ' , E . — r•r.:, .-: . ;111 , • ,'.:'• s':-I'l . . MEM ;;mss.: re.::;;: _ :. - i^.?.;:.Z. , irEwAs t 4i.2§ PEA Await" T Wel! when you _Wish to ma tiotts of this kind' they ',must he vet to a common di:dominator, intiat`they - P. - Yes; sir. '-: • , 'Very i ' dons` otorn Mon 'denomi nator 'you multiply all the dernominntors toOetl foi•ia new denOtninator; Mint doer, P. Yes, sir', - -:‘,l 1 %' trot., hen; to rtnirtheseverat .. meraiars; littin't Soto liiiie . ..Fi aialtiAy'elii one by- tlie,produei'af• the ilenominatni except it' . awn ? : , ._ •-, ; 2•1 -: - P 'Yei sii.- -• -,' -1 ; , -: T. 71 en 'to adtl - : yen must Linn et i Sum, oft] esa,ainsiyou not ?- '' '' ' 1 . ..'. • '1). ys. Or. s - '' , T. A dllien you , 'place 'thedotaint!iti 'dertomin4or under this sum, (1 1 3 , °dna? - --Pd Yes; sir. -;• - - - 1 I T. _l't ry • well f Atz t teq/ ii • Here not one bf the pirpOsesjc tiou are 'ansWered; and the soone system is labzindoned by; 'any teaq itay - he -practicing it,' -tlte pettel school.: i -When lirecitingby sections"' t ni aszs p 6 questiuos, but reLiair?, 'pil-no rise' and repeat the sub'stun;cle by ,attict.e. T 1 oagh' ekeelictit in - sot he re has- its objections. When full . _ closely it Attains bot one of the, nds pf;d. ! - poSecl,,!that - of eiMulination. - r ..13*sidos, scholars sninetimea l- -fall,'info'lli - .habito reed • . ing o ' w I • 4 , - rds without' ideas: 1 knewi - piing !n• - .'sin to learn a'•booit of - 4 4, -- 14 , Ai li ibrmigh, 'On& recite it 'accurate]. ! artlu.. by Mticldi - tatid yet who'confesse hidlif . !not nuder Stand anything - about it..: U4ll f less tlie text hook is eery systematic add, !liigici s d;-the'popil is liable to conect th i s oraildi'a with a particular sec ion, a thdd ; :i nut perceive - its just tolation to the sub-: l ! ject iu hand. : The phi is a - good one fOr "soMe.studies - , and -some - - classes of schdl 7 . hirs4ut like other - gobd things, is' - somb,: f.titiles'useif to excess, and often !reacirtd: 1 to by igioadini teachers - to hide their own. Ideticictiev.L I, remember -- siichl ai teacher •whose wily Question ' Was, "Well, 'whiie does the itithor say iiext ?" He esteeni 7 T ed repeating an ulduiportaut note, Or beC: i 'tion of ifrelevant, matter as highly as fa. 1 : n iliarity With the pOiiciples of ,:sciettee: - .: IlExplairiation or •iestruction, he never ii. !tempted. ! 10thei- teanhers are liable t';',l ! [fall into siMilar errura when pursuing this' system too - closely. , Anotlitr ;method :called the I" ttipical" ' is coininginto use,' laud is exeellentlerall except the Alan: jest purill.; - ! • • •' ! A 1„. The teacher announces a topie ge thb • , 'subject of the leSsiii. • ;If: the subject is extensive it ii,.tlib ! .diVided.. The - class understand ihat,tlie Must'actitiaitit tbeiti seives! With! the 'Wli - Ole subject; andrecitls' siyi th ou tvies don s - , :each, ane-havidg aces win amount of tine in which to ltreat of - i• tlic.- subject., When - 'Called to recite, thi) - scholar detliieS - 4_be i lterata - :used;'gives tid' aualy.tis or outline f the subjict and e.i." !plains each point'in l :fdll".. : 'rhe in!enibefa . lure expected to criticise-each other upoit: , i llie I:louder of yeeitini, - , style of4xpres4-,, ! lion, fulineiii, aceur'cr';, pronunciation &a . .. - . lAftu theitlass ha iii, 'given their Fiettis' i and !criticilims, the teacher mentions all the omitt4 point• , 'explains those nit 1 thoroughly! udderst - cid;. -- and- givesthem .! speli:info . rinalion as they-are not likely tb; meet .with; In their est books. Then hilt! iissfuns',adew leist+, and• perbaPs-giveic . , •, • tlicini - the outlines. If eShould always rd.... • inove:such i - , ditEuult]ei as they. would nail I be likely -to surinoubt, and point !out- the ];rue sources 'of ifermation; Siiideutis . . i tthushectiii' r. e logical. systematic and, t or Migh, amtr - soldoin fstake words for id 4. 1 I mild' - le 0 - ,ta to fol . origiball4l 6 +; !quire ! desire to know lie" - - ready to obey ft. , - ,1 J. A:Cddrtit r . !t 11561.--- -; • (1. ! • of ROcl- tlysse ; Jan. 7, 1 • . A. Leffroricilniy N#tp lioilW •4 ' One afterPoott tree of the larger g hi' ! 1 roomo. ofafter that . 1.. ad . something to lay before them. '1.8• tdi "This angritcob' lom4 ' e. - the scho arit' 4 neglected pair by ks.andripeat keen id r . erable of thl ju l w iisperifig: Brow in I.' i cr think - they acted ri p .htly?l! . None ti o't, 50...'1 asked henry to 011 *hilt. a s not right. .-1 ." llec;a use it lis -against 14 . ,. rules of the chool.r - ..-"4 - Ohtt. - iteve (id . aiaaother re. nr 1 .. "*eimbe.;it. 1 ratit; waszing tithewhic Mii h shoulti - be. eatplo , ed: •in study:" ' -I.laS,rfatiOther r•ago ??. Bccarse Eby were forthibg bad habi 8.7; -`l.las any en another. reason .1 why. t .ey were doing wropgr.: - . ; Stlia* -- repl: t 4.! .liecause Ea p were setting led .ex Cu+ pies." T 4. I sFlid.-ISktispois i Owe 1)4: - pe i on I ShOUI4 uevolent ` eiftititit4 f.O ,ti 1 ", care a finial*, iislitli: directions in est ! 'l. it for hiM,a4 4 - .1 should by carol-'oi,;•_. ness lose the whole of it,1.1 i Would-. t at' be right.? "1 ,‘;140.”. - 4 ,11 7 1j4,.1!,L f . i , , pa! would tie false to soar irusOt 1 aIV Ilir - Pow. email of bessitliolait,l liali i rpcpiy_ sv, treasure` fro alriena.r.rlilita_nic.: ~ 411::, who th'a(frlend - js,. ht*.a: frithEil:l* ,_., ,'• i. ._ , .t:lded. tiLettil-:witik - ;Opp_OtuAitt:;.iiio; _ -. • -- it - --,1- . MI OM 11111 ir. -.1,-4 ~r3n:%^*r~nc~s • 7,:;••=:"fw x EalfMil J j'. MEN =ME SEE BE ~.~~Fo~~ ~~~~rs~==. re more ngt, WM MEM reciti.c r iucWa her who_ ictr. e teach the p - e of pects. wed