The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 07, 1861, Image 2

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    4Oligicrs privileges of thc - p - aeple, -and
. rornote the union, prosperity and bap
* ars of the uountry.
Letter "Irma Pike's Peak.
: - r- DENVER CITY; Jan. 11;1361...
DEatt Jetuairay.—lt hiving been
. serne
time since my-writing, I will endeayor
-- - give the present prospects bf our New
decade, the Rocky Mountains. ' Probably
at no ptiriod within our existence, have the
prospects of the mining region of the
Itoeky Mou.ntaina been brighter and more
kopofid than at_prereut. Though the de
lay hat been - lex; and the labor severe.
that has - beet4required to prospect the
cpuntry, and establish beyond_ the tiered;
venture oft doubt, the existence of the
auriferous and mineral wealth With which
the Mountains abound; the fact is in.,
controvertibly et - sablishedt :and the- day
of realization is near at hand.
To the pioneers of Jefferson too much
eredit - cannot be awarded. They have
shown a courage, a resolution and an
demitable • disposition to succeed, in the'
face of the most adverse eircutus.ances.
Therhavebraved public opinion, resist edl
a surging tide of panic-stricken men who
game on, loud in their 'hoist of va'or and
determination, and fled, still louder iu
their anathemas' and curses, that rover-,
berated from the Atlantic - to the Pacific.'
- arid - have held on through •the tuns of
Summerand the snows of Winter, to the
present day of dawning prosperity. It is
a.pleasing thought that -at last their la
bors, privations and struggles are about
to be revrarclei. We do not think that
any one
. eau review the 'Oast, and'cahnly
consider the 'condition of the present,with
put coming to the cot.clusion that we have
just expressed. AU must admit • that
heretofore our career haS bean one of ex
periment and developMent ; that the first
Summer was experimental in gulch -min
itag, and the second in the . opening':•of
quartz leads, , and experimenting with
mills.'and yet-within that time we have
found means to live, and many have made
their piles. We I:eve also-built towns
and cities whose -extent and solidity of
business and improvements cannot be
equalled - by any in tie world of a like
age. As far es explorations - have yet
been prosecuted gold and silver hate been
found in a region of country' extending
from the Black Hills on the North, te
New Mexico and the San Juan 3loun
taias on the South; and it is.the settled
eninicia of those who have explored- the
couutrj South and West of us and have
made a gold belt of the Earth their study,
that the richest mines on the Confluent
will be found between the sources of the
- San Juan river and the head of the-Gulf
of California. But - within the limits of
our immediate neighborhood there is ev
ery reason that a sane, man could require,
to believe that there are riches illimitable,
and-that all the preliminary labor has al
ready been,expendedthat is necessary to
wake them produCtive equal to our most
sanguine hopes. In proportion to the!
yield of gold, will be the increase and
prosperity In every branch of business;
consequently, 'if we are correct in the
conclusion that we have reached of pro
ductiveness on the part of the mines
dMing the next season, and an ab - mdancei
of gold in circulation, we may naturally I
our streets will be crowded with 1
eager business men—with ionumerable
teams—with the, bustle and excitement
incident to prosperous trade—with the,'
growth and improvement so pleasantly
'engendered, and Will be in fact the seal.]
ization of those hopes fur whose fulfillment
we have waited for two long years.
t-will „give you the yield of gold. I
witnessed the retorting of last week 'while
I'was in the mountains. • From four cards
of quartz•.takett - from the Gregory lead,
whielabeloti.s tt Cul: J. E. Bates, there
was 6856 Go, which I think pays. well fur
the trouble required to obtain the oar.
Itespeetftilly,yotirs, C. P. SLADE.
Rilitithr Imaintl,
c rililrso4ll iffartiog, 'Db. 7, 1861.
Items from Ike Daily Papers of
The election in Virginia for delegates
to the State Convention, has resulted iu
a cstuplete overthrow of the secessionists.
It is said that this will turn the tide and
hold all the Border States bask from the
impending peril. „
Fort,Sumter has not been rekiforeed,
nor will it be unless Major Anderson re
•quests it. Hesays be is able to bold It
at all hazards.
A truce has been concluded between
Lient.,Slirumens, of Fore Pickens, and
the State forces of Alabama and Mississ•
ippVand the fort is na to be assaulted,
at prasent.
Str . .K.ansmi is at last a State—ful:y
and.irrevocably. The bill admitting her
to the;sisterbood passed both Houses of
Congress by a large majority, and has
been : approval by the President. R a il
Kansas - !,-,—born of mach labor: but born
free at last. Now for Nebraska and Ida
be, with free labor and: free speech for
ours watchword.
:Er We are in receipt of a•letter from
Judge Hale, (not-intended for publica,
Lion,)' partially e4litioing his pruposi
linn for sal% the 044jooni
We however' make'the followinf; extract
which justly heloop to his coostituents
"fsball never, under any • eireamstan
cos. that I _can Conceive.of. vote .estab
lish. extend or preuet Slavery - in- free
territory. With that 1 - wani n,y Repitb.
Rein. friends to rest Fatisfiedfor the pres 7
ent;lndawait the progress of events." .
For pet-part we are disposed to grant
31r. lisle the suspension of judgement
he asks for, hating five faith in his fed
ty, and that, he will not betray us to the
dematds of Slavery. We will "await ,
the progress of events" io the faith that
he has announced above.
. .
On Dlonday last the 'Committee of
New York merchants who are in Wash
ington for the pnrp us e of urging meas.
urea of conciliation, had a meeting, at
which several Senators and Representa-1
rives were present, and made speeches,;
among them-Judge Hale- We find they
following brief report of his remarks in
the -N Y. Express of Monday' evening
"Judge Hale member of Congress from
Pennsylvania stated that he-had been a)
member of the committee who reported
the Bottitir State resolutions. lle
proposed the di - vision upon'the. *Missouri'
compromise line of 36 degrees 30 min
utes, with the understanding that neither
Co - ngress nor Territorial Legislature
should have-power to establish or pro
hibit slavery south of that line. He had.
accepted this proposition as 's& fair Incas
ure of-adjustment. In the House Con;-)
Mittee, he was surprised and' _twilled to'
' find this proposition approved by Mr.
Harris Breckinridge Democrat from the
Tenth Legion of AcitLtirlia,,find that h" - 1
orable gentleman lad given him. assur• )
once that Virginia would be willing to)
accept it also. The Southern members.
of the committee had generally approved
it. He regretted that in The Republican
caucus held in regard to the Various se• I
ries of resolutions proposed, this plan had
not been favorably reeei. , ed. He did not
regard the proposlion as a violation of
the Chicago platform. He expressed ,
himself anxious to give the Chicago plat
form a liberal and fair construction, be
lieving that the mass of the Repubican ,
party entertained the same wish."
The Doughfaces at 11114rrisburg.
The LegislatUre . has been in session a
mouth. There are many subjects ofekirri
portance coming legitimately and consti
tutionally Within its sphere of ittion ;
but none of theM have hardly been men
tioned. The majority, of the members!
have beC . n . intent on tr;ing to persuade
the slave.holders that tile election ofa
Republican ,President was of - no conse
quence—that the slave power should rule
as of old—the only difference being- the
Northern agents should be taken for the,
o;st four years from chose-heretofore ex
cluded from office. This effort of the
majority is not exhausted, and we do not
yet know What disgrace they have in!
store for us. But this much has already
been done : Commissioners have been
appointed at the request of Virginia to
repair to Washington to yelp put through'
Congress some plan to strengthen shivery
In opposing this pro-slavery schemed
Williams, of Allegheny Co., a true Repult- •
lican—all honor Tor his noble efforts for
freedom asked the majority where theyi
gut their authority for appointing these
commissioners. No one of the majority
has yet had time to answer that question
—for the simple reason that, the appoint
ment of these commissioners is a gross
usurpation of. power on.the part of the
Governor and Legislature. The people
had already elected 25 men to represent,
them at Washington, and the Legislature
had elected, two - men. If that is not
enough, let us have the Constitution
amended, and select them according to
law.. •
But this commission btisiness is a small
matter compared with what is expected
to be dune, a part of which is foreshadow•
led by the 'following extract from . the
Harrisburg letter of the North America,,
of Jan. 30.
= "-The Republican tnembers of the
House Met in caucus 1.-s1 night, and had
a long discussion upon the report subitlii-:
fed by the special committee up:pinted
to suggest_ some course of action. The
committee verbally, reported:in favor of
the repeal of the last clause of the 95th
fsection which reads as follows :
If any person or persons claiming any
negro or mulatto as a fugitive from serv.
itude or labor shall, under-any pretericel
of authority whatsoever, violently and
tumultuously seize upon and carry sway
to any place, or attempt to Joize and car
ry away in a riotous, violent, tumultuous
and unreasonable: wanner, and so as to
disturb or endanger the public peace any
negro or mulatto within this con:Mon
wealtli, either with. or without the inter'. I
tion of inking such negro !ir mulatto be:
lore any district - or circuit judge, the
person or persona so offending against the
peace of this commonwealth shall be
guilty of misdemeanor; and co conviction
thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine
not exceding,one thousand , &Aims, and
further to be imprisoned in the county
jail fur . any period, at the discretion of
the Court, not exceeding three montlut.l
SPeeChairele inatticifSsia
strong,'ElltepPard- and Patterson in favor
(A• the repeal, and Alr.- and -
Speaker'.Davis against. The
. discussion
was lung. The caucus' adjourned - 744 7
out canning to any- coneltision." • . '
That part ef the 95tH section ~ of the
penal code-hero rererted to, is the entire
4th section of the Anti.kidnapiing, act
of 1846, approved by honest Franca R.
Slnk. and, which Could tot be repealed
even *under t ! the . pressureof the Conipro
mise fever 0f1859., The men re
vised the Penal Code were all Democrat
ic lairyers appointed by Governor Pack
This dins° was deemed, necessary - .to
the peace of the Commonwealth by thein 7
And so -it has . 'passed every democratic
ordeal for thirteen years: But new, n
Republican caucus, at-the request of
Governor-Curtin, it is said; are Aiscussirig
the propriety of repealiez this safeguard
to person:il Liberty in Pennsylvania. We
thruk they had much better discuss the ,
propriety of adjourning sine die„; o r go
home at once. • -
There is howover one other. - measure
[still mere disgracful than this attempt to
make kidnapping easy. ; It is q Bill in
troduced by Mr. &Uhl' of Philadelphia,
to make the people of each county in the
State pay fur all fugitives that may be
rescued. And . in• this way have the
Dowi e .ifaces at Harrisburg asked -pardon
. .
of the slave holders fur being so tipda•
eious as to elect a President Without first
asking the consent cf their triasters.—
What lower depth these poor, miserable,.
week-kueed wretches - will.dive into we
cannot guess. But this much seems cer
tain Republicanism has about fizzled gut
in them. There being but thirteen vot
ers against sending compromise commis
sioners to Washington.
• The most conspicuous of the men elect
ed as Republicans engaged in this work
of surrendering at discretion to slavery,
is - Armstrong of Lycoming, Ball, of Erie,
and I. 3 .atterson of Juniata.
A correspondent of the X. Y. Tribune
under date of Feb. Ist., says : • .
, •There is now every prospect of a re
peal of the Kidnapping law, or its entire
emasculation. There is no Republican
majority to WI/ von in the' Pennulva
nia Legislature! The' Chicago plat.
form could not pass here to-day, notwith
!standing the Republicans have, -noini
pally, a majority of furty-two. By ' an
i alyzing the votes taken fur the last week,
lit appears that there are a nunibpr ' who
'vote steadily with 'the radical Democrats'.
Mr. Arinstrong of Lycuming, a main of
ability and influence, makes as g ood dem
ocratic speeches as could have been' de- .
sired before election. Mr.' ratiersow 'of.
Juniata, who 'was very radical the-;-first
' few days of the session, has entirely wilt
ed down. Mr, Harvey, a plain farmer-1
like man-.----a new member—from Dele-•
wire County,.(largely peopled by, Quakers
I believe)—was supposed to be among
the strong men, -but he, I am told, has
expressed his anxiety to vote fur the re
peal of the Kidnapping law. Gen. WU•
son, of-Beaver, goes as directly_ against
the will of his coustitueets as dues Gide- i
on J. Ball, of Erie. Both arc now sadly i
inisrepresentior• those whose votes sent
them here. But one representative from
Philadelphia can be called r RepubliCan.
They generally work with the Democrat's
on ail national questions. The exception
is Dr. Seltzer, who represents the seventh 1
District. He never dodges or flitichesl
when oppertunify offers to cast a straight
Itepublibau vote. Mr. Bartholomew, ofl
Schuylkill, made a strong Anti• Slavery
speech, when he first commenced his
legislative career; but he has gone un
der on "the 05th add 06th sections- of
the Personal Code," which is the Kid
napping law.,„ . These are some of the
prominent legislators of Pennsylvania,
who are responsible for leaving the Re
publicans without ally re'tablc power in
the Pennsylvania Legislature. When
they return - to their constatutents many :
of them will huvd_leave to stay at home."
We arc glad to notice that our Sena
tor stood up to the rack squarely and
honorably, and that our Representatives
voted right—though one of.thent wanted
to postpone the matter in order to get
time to hear front Ids constituents.
The Border-State Conference.
It'4sruscroN, Monday, Feb. 4,18 . 61..
—The I3order•State Convention wit, at
Willard's . Hotel to day.
The Convention room has been closed
to the meincers of the press, and thepare
not to be admitted until the vote of the
Convention is taken on the question of
admission after the organization.
The Virginia Delegates are desirous
that the whole proceeding shall be con=
ducted with closed doors to the press'and
rublio. [The Convention has so 'deter
A CoMmittee of Secessionists ate here
from blatyland, to protest against the acIL
mission of the Delegates froM that State.
Bill the State. .
The joint resolution read in place,some
time since by .14.1 r. Etztorr; ,instructing
the Committee on Ways and' Vcans to re
port a.bill to organize and nein -the mili
tia of this Commonwealth, caul° up iu its
regular order this morning. -Mr. Wu,
LIAMS, of Allegheny, supported them in
a strong and able speech, whilst Messrs,
BURNS and' Li Mi. (Delo' ocreiti):eiPre'ssed
theuiselves"oppased 10 them. The reso
lutiops were fitpilly postpoUed till Wed.
nesday next, in 411rder to see tvhat - the
Peace Commission, which Meets tit Wash
inatcin on " No l tiday,- leccOMplish.---
Harrisburg Tefegrapri, Feb. 2.
mAILING 1 . 11 ‘iFFIcE „
Extertv'T. 7 4 , Tite propnsitiOn to ni_alie
t he' office of Post thrOter electivO is' being
ugiteted ut Wasitington.
4titt-gtiftrtii,Eloo - 0 ‘ ;
Of the Funds Of Potter
first day of Januuri
I • Dn.
To Com'rs ordero outstanding
To bond payable:to Wm. Bell ii
To do do! J. F. Con 4
To do . do; Eli Rees
To do do! Wm. Bell,
To ,do do; J "F. towat .
To -do do Wm. Bell
To do do! If. 11. Den!
To do - dol J F Cowin
To do do! W. V. Kiatl
Int-Test on the 011co•e bonds•
Probable expo's Of the cure!
By ontstandinglaxeson una
lands for 1 69
By outstanding taxes due
collectors for 1860
Due from E. Johnson col. o
for 1859
Dse from D. P.. Roberts col.
Valley for 1859 •
I Due from S. T More col. of 1
I ton fur 1858 •
Due from J. C. Wilkinson c
Oswayo for 183$
Due fom A. ,D Corey col. of for 1858; . .
Due front Samuel
,Brown ec
; Pikelfor 1850
Due front Harry Ourd col. of
I . esee for 1855
I Due from N. Nl'. Jackson
Wharton:for 1854
Doe from Sanindl Sherman- c
1-rke for 104
Due from Nathan Puller c
Ulysses for 1853 .
Due from J. M. lifilborn col. o
for 1852 1 r. ,
' Due from John I I. Y man - jr.- 01. of
Roulet for 1852
Due on Judg ; went against A. \ '
Due on judgment against
Martin l
Due on judgment against D.
don i•
Due on recognipande itgain
Rounsville ;
Due on recognisance again
icAthson 1
Due on note against D..Whipiple
Due on note against M. Ja;clcSon
Due on note against flurry ] Elli ,
and 'F. W. Knox ,- ; '
.95 93
Due on note against N. lion-land 12 50
Due from Cameron County •- 533 52
Due for village-lots . 10-1 00
Dye from seated tuxes returned as
• unseated , 1
-- I 29 43
Probable atnout of taxes seated and
, übseated foi the current'year 8,505 00
Excess of liabilities over ass t tts 1,990 28
, • ---
I- - 513,27815
We the Commissioners of L ot ter,e County do
certify that the foregoing itAtemant of the
funds of said county is correct and true, as
appears front the books and locuments in this
office. • ,
,Arresr.; • MARTIN D. BRIGGS,--
.. LA. COLE, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, Jan. 17. tlB6l.
Putter County for the year ending
on thc•3lst day of Dee.lB6o. .
Taxes on unseated lands far 1553 $2,776 70
Taxes on unseated lands for 1859 -.4.473 86
Taxes on unseated' lands for 1860 - 831 22
Taxes on seated lands rettuaed as
unteated • • 93 04
Taxes on seated lands and person
? , al Property for 1860 2,443 06
Taxes on seated lands and person
. al Property for 1859
Taxei on seated lands and persoa
property for 1858• and preyi
ous years ' 233 86
For rennlsitions, notes and judg
For tlie!old. Court Rouse bell
For election expenses ,
For' appropriation to Coudcrsport
Academy . .
'For E. Tlintcler's cones trages,for
For L. H. Kinney: do do do
ForJeromeCheeabro do do do
For Basco. 'do do 1859
For L.ll. Kinney do do do
.For J. Cheesbro • = do - do do
For J. Cheesbro do do 1853
For3lortin D. Briggs do . do 1360
For clerk.hire balance for 1859
Fcr clerk hire balance for 1860 .
For stationary
For clerk of qUarter sessions
For jail expmses
Fbr coroner's inquests
For fuel "
For boarding prisoners
For damages by roads
For attorney fees far 1859 •
For auditors wages inculding pro
th-Jnotary's rtec't
For incidental expenses:
For asses'sor's wages
Eor blanks'
For public printing
For viewing bridges
'For costs - in civil suits
For wolf and wild-cat bounty
For qualification fees
For constable's returns
For laying out roads
For commonwealth costs
For grand jurrrs fees •
For traverse jtwors fees
For constables attendance at court
For tip staves
For court crier '
For bond to H. H. Dent '
For interest on Wm. 'Y. Keating's
bond 66 00
For interest on bond of Wm. Bell 1,023 04
For money refunded - 72 6'3
For tending town clock 25 00
Tor protbnnotarfa
For taking priaonen
I '' 6 r figrieultural sock
Foe repairs -_and impr
public property
For justices rettiftis
Fort interest on .boud
For treasurer porcent,
/670 26 •
Excess - or receipts o
We the' Colunissio
certify that the forego .
irietit of the Ree . ipts
county for the 'y6ir
of Dec: A: D. -1868:
dant entrees and clo<
Witness oar handa - ni
lice, the 24th clay, of 1
°was , :on• the
$2.824 84
in - 18i4 1,000 00)
934 18
do 500 00
1853 ' 1.000 00
do - 1 Logo oo
do! 1,000 001
18 - 52 294 53
n 'do . 1.000 00
ingdci•• 500 001
!DRY :VIRTUE of set dry treks of Venditioun
.11_, I.xp - ourts, Fieri F Islas and Levarii 'Paellas
issued out ofthe.courl of Commol Pleas of Pot
ter county, Pennsylvania, and to me diieeed,..!
shal,t,expose topublic sa l ts or outcry, at die Conti'
House in Coudersport, on' MONDAY, the , 16111
day of Feb. lap, at ' 0 o'clock, a. 10., , the fol
lowing described real es .te, to wit: .1
All that certain piepe or parcel of 1. nd.sit
tuate •in Sharon tow ship, Potter Co: ' Pa:,
desribed as follows: Bounded - on.thi North
by lands of Pt ter 13. : edrick , on the Et st by T. I
N Butts, South by thelD'Orbigna lot, and Wet
by - E. White, Jr., beillg apart of warr tut. N.
4331 : contuining 7941aeres, be the so e moite!
of less, about 30 aer i es improved, w th . one
frilive house and barn thereon.—AL O—Alll
that piece or parcel or land situate in lebrOni
township. Putter Co., Pa., known as t le Hig
ley lot, being Part of tuvarr.tuits Nos. 1 - 94 arid'.
1841 and lot No. 86 of the allotment ofoanct 4
of the Fox Estate; cotatting about 22B;acre's,
be the same mire or
&. ess,. with
.the uinal al-1
lowance for roads, with abort 311 acres
improvement, and one frame house, lo frame
barns and some fruit revs thereon LSO-1
Another tract or pare l of land situate in the
township, county anStato last meOtionet;,
containing four hand et] and sixty-84 acres
or thereabouts, boundd as follows i i dn tliej
North by lot No. 46 If unseated Tun of the
( i
Fox Estate and by west - and Mist part of 191
No. 37, on the East b . - west part of 14 No 37
occupied by Daniel Thatcher, and by lots Nos.l
83 and 89, On the Sot th by lot No. 33 'occut
pied by Norman Dwight, lot No. 86 belonging
to the estate of Daniel Higley, and ,by lots!
Nos. 50 and 106,..and on the Nest by Ihts . N6S.
50, 57, 136 and 49, the said tract 'mini knoWn
as lots Nbs. 43 49, 51 and .121 of the Allct-;
ment of lands of Samuel M. Fox, deeeitsed,in
Hebron 'township, Po ter Co., Pa., and parts'
of warnts Nos. 1281 1291, 1291, 1294 and 1841—
on which are erectedtaco log houses and two
stables.—ALSO—OU other piece or jiarcel ofd
land in Hebron tow ship, bounded 1 oti •the
North by lots Nos. 49 48 and 51 of the 1101-1
i i
went of lands ,Or the estate of S. , i o ; de-
ceased, in Hebron township, cm le East by
lots Nos 45 and Si, o the South by lOts Nos.
86 and 87 - , and West by lot N. 106;',
containing 82 and 710 acres, with the
allowance of 6;per ce t. for roads tke.),.. being
lot No 50 'of th'e aforesaid allotment, ituid partsi
of warrants NoS. 1294.6nd 1841.fotterlCo., pa.
Seized taken in exbcution, and to ibe sold
as the Pceoperty of Jo to Holley and George ',j,
Adams. - . i
ALSO-Certain real estate shard:: in Ulysses,'
Potter Co., I'a., bounded on. the North by lot
N 0.170 of the . lands 9f S. Ross and fonds Of
H.H. Dent, on the E,, st, South and West byl
lands of 11. IL Dent, wing lot No. 124 of the
allotment of ' hinds f Sobieski Ross! in the
' • : 1.220 60
y'r 1 7..000. 00
$18,278 15
4,155 8
1,741 G 7
I Pike !
1 1 of
1. of
103 66
90 11
59 47
1. of
I 5 00
64 04
218 15
100 00
19 18
7 09
Township aforesaid i containing lair" acres
-anc allomolce,.of wbich' twenty ace are bit.:proved,
proved, on which are one log-house, !one log
barn and somi fr9itrees.: I
Seized, taken in e. ecution. ^nd to !be sold
as the property of Ntman IL Rogers,
• ALSO—LotINo. 5 in Allegany ttriship,
Potter Co., 'Pa;:_ Beginning at a tuapl at the
south-west corner of ibis lot, thence North„one
half degree East on hundred and ifty-live
perches and seven tenths. to .a post on Smith
line of lot N. 54:til l ience South 8.1: 9 Ea st fifty-nine perches a d six tenths tO a post
the seutli-caS I Z corner of lot No. - 541 thence'
Norta along the line of lot No.- 54 thirty-Six
perche3 and three tenths to a post dile south
west Corner of lot NU. - 05, thence past tilting
South; line of lot N. 55 one hun'elred alud
sixty perches to a p St!the north-east, corner
of-this lot, thence &loth one hum.' red and
nine* -two perches I and _seven-tenths .to a
beech the south. east corner of this 14, thence ,
North 8:.- degrees, West two hundred 'and
twenty-one perches to. the plit-e of bekilthing,
containing twn bun red and fifty acres and
thht-tenths Of an acre strict measure. One
hundred and' twentyl-fire acres of whit!, are
improVed..nn 'which Are One frame Muse. one
log house, one frathe barn and sonic fruit
i recs.
SeizA.taken in execution, and to
as the !pi o;erty of Jas. A, Lynch.
- ALSO—Certain real -estate situate in the'
Boro' of Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., bounded
on the iNurth by Second street.-East by West
street, South by lot. 'of C. Ayleswortb, West
by lot Of •Wf-• T. Jones, being one half village'
'lot on 3(111/11C No •-"-, on which areerected'
one two-storY;ll.lacksmitliss- Shop, on e frame
house.-:-ALSO—Village lots hounded on the ,
North ay lot 4 of J S. Mann, East by West
street. South 1,3- Second -street, Westjby Hill,
street, zontairfing four village lots o square
NO. -4-, on :which are erected mai frame
dwelling. house, one frame barn and One cel
lar-hotise.—AlLSO—Certain real estate sitti-.
ate in I Sweden township county and State
above mentioned, bounded on the North by
the lands of Bingham Estate, East by, lands of'
,Jones and Aylesworth, South by land4tifJOhn
Neison, jr, West by, lands of H. B. Ives and
—Brown. containing one hundred aid twen
ty nerds, of which' twenty acres are it proved
and on which are erected one frame house
land one frame barn. .
Seized, taken in execution. and toi be sold',
as theproperty of Benjamin Rennels.l -• '
ALSO—Certain real, estate situat, , in the
Borough of Coudersport, Potter Co. a.,13e-1
Ig - inning at a post in the West line of Main.
street,: thence l northerly by the line Of 'said:: '
street twenty six feet to the corner Ofot oivti i
ed -by !II: I. Olmsted, thence westerly 'along,
I the line of said Olmsted's lot one hundred, od
I •
sixteen feet to a post, thence_ southerly twen- ,
I ty-six feet to . a post, thence ecaterly one him. :
l dred and 'sixteen - feet to the place o begin=
ring, the same beinglot No. 5 of thll
plat of
the prOperty of John C. Knox and pp t ofilcit
No. on square- No. 11 of the plaof said
ii• Borough of Coudersport, together ilt 'the'
privilege of a 1; court or alley sixteen Net wide
commencing lat Third. street and funning
South parallel with the line of C. Reisstitairs•
lot to lot No. J 27 formerly occupied hly W.
Jones. l On said lot is erected a one-and-a-half
story store mid out buildings. 4
- Seized, taken in execution and to, be sold
as the 'property. ofJonei, Mann 4 hit.
. , .
1,739 15
104 37
2G 00
$12,720 26
$1,294 77
300 00
130 98
146 01
138 80
7 96
12 44
11 62
35 Oft
55 54
337 45
108 72
84 91
146 77
15 54
93 82
248 00
10 00
50 00
91 00
43 31
to -pe.tPltei:4'
68 20
remeiga: of
to Wm. V.
600 00
cr expendi
•i - -
12,120 213
ers of Potter cotinty . :do
ng exhibits a true state
ind Expeaditurest,of said
nding on tie 3 st _dad)
S'apfertiifroto tl e OrIg :
lentnents in on office.
i f the Commissioners Of
, nwiry. A. D. '1461..
TBATCHER: jeom'is
erk. - . - 1
. !
ir 1
Seized,rtaken in execution, and to be old
as the. property of Thomas heeler. •
.ALSO•Certain real'estate situate - in t 1 .10:
township of Wharton, Potter Co:. Pa„ to
All that piece and parcel of landin-passessiont
of the defenthint, bounded on the West by P.
W. Hughes & CO, and Laban Riodall, on the South by lands nth. W. Hughes & Co., on Ike
East by lands of Hughes & Co., L
'Rounds and Nathan Bailey, and on the NortC
!by lands of F. W. Hughes S Co.: containing;
labout eighty acres of land, of which ten acres'
are improved, and on which are erected_ one
fraine house, one saw Mill, nrid one log ban'
and with' same fruit trees thereon. e
Seized, Mken in execution, and to be sold .
as the property of James L, Barclay. . •
- ALSO-Certain . relil estate situate in Pike
toWnship, Potter Co.,Pa.,briunded ob tbeNorth
by lot No 14, on the East by lots Nos 14, 22
and .35, on the South-by lot No. 2 - and cm: .
seated lands of the 13inehana - .Estni i e, and on
the West by unseated lands and byTots No s , •
13 and 36, being lots Nos. 11 had 12 of the -
sub-division of the lands of the Bingham Et.
tnte in said township; containing one hun
dred and fifty-five acres, of which abont-6fti
acres are improved, with three frame houses,
two fraime barns, one saw mill and some fruit
trees thereon.
Seized taken in execution, and to be told,
as the property of R. folustan.
ALSO--Certain real &late" situate- in the
tawnship of Sylvania. Potter Co., Pn., bound
ed as follows,' to wit : on the North by Jams
GlaspY and Columbus Rees,-East by unseated
lands. South by 3teCrady Earl, and West by
Jos. Hall and Columtnis Rees, Containing fif
ty-eight acres, of which about - twenty acre-
are improved, with one frame house, two hi
barns, and some. fruit trees thereon.
thken, in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Thomas 31. Rees. -
WM. F. BURT, Slimy.
Contlersport. San. SO, 1861.
-Pevle's Store.
i ,
be sold
'r And for sale at the
Goidersport, Feb. 1.851.
- )1.1,80t - ertsiitt:, rens:estate situate In Ceti
_esee: thittiship; , potter Co., Pa.,-
fallows,`4o hennaed „on' the Nadi b_
lands of G.0..-Pearise, East by lands of d u ll
-flinitiga,'Souti t by hinds of Mary tistriey lad
:West by lailds .of the liingliatniEstate, eau,
talaing - seventy _acres,' about idrty
which' -are, improved,' on -.whichgare erected
one' frame .dwelling one.fraine bam ;
_one mitre Ouse andsont buildigs,tid Strap;
pie and plu b m orchard thereon. n - n
seized, taken _ in mention, and tehe'soli
as the property of S.: S. Robeits,
ALSO—A certain piece or parcel ofLedi
situtite In Allegn sly township, Potter Co., p a
bounded on-the .North by unseat e d t ads,
o it t .
the East by the lands of C. Stanley, iank,
South by unseated - lands, , and 'smile West hi
'lands of Oliverlames, containing MY acres
with duet usual' allowance of sii'per cent kit'
roads &4, and- of_ which about oUe seri ie
cleared and improved, and about nine acres
are chopped ; and -on which is erected ens
frame honse. ' -
Seized, taken in eiecutiOn. and to be eoli
as - the pre - perky of L. D. Rosier.
ALSO—A' certain piece or parcel, ot
situate in Eiliaberg.Oenesee township. Po s e
Co:. Pa; buithded on the North and West hi
lands of J. C. Cavanaugh and Jas. Locke, oa
the East by the highway leading from Ellis:
burg to . Coudersport, and oti the South
hinds of gamtel Rollie; -containing one-fourth
of an acre, be' the same more unless, on whiat
in erected one -frame_ house, and with sYttsti
fruit trees thereon'
~ ~ ~.
Just Received
• y'B Medical Discovery.
- For Sale by
SP fe A. JONES',