The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 31, 1861, Image 4
it 3 MISCELLANMOUS. • Tan OS LAxamotaxs.—Thera •tea gro-,rat tetdeticy in this age to appro. litiat-stbstac t t expressive words of other Atitig!s; KO after a while tolncorporate them our own ; thuS thp word Cephalic Which is .frous.theGreek, - signifying "for the-head," -tramming popularized in connection with Mr. Sralding's great Headache remedy, butit, will soon be used in a more general way, and the word Cephalic trill beethne as common as Elect.otype and many. others whose distinction-as foreign words has been Alcorn away by common usage until-they seem :"native and to the manor burn.". 'ardly Realized. :;*- - idt tad -'orrible 'eadache.this hafternoon. hand I stepped into the. hapothecaries hand says-hi to the man, "Can you hease nte of an 'eaduche?" "Does it hackie 'aid," says 'e. "Ilexceeditmly," says hi, hand upon that 'e pie me »Cephalic 1 ) .114 - band 'pomme 'onor it -cared Me so quick that I, 'ardly realized I -'ad 'an le:Lignite. KcW.fl MACH c is the favorite sign* which mature makes known any deviation whatever from the 'natural state of the brain, and view ed in this_ light it may be looked on as a safe guard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be remedied; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches may be chiss ified under two names, viz: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of :ii great variety of diseases, among which tee- Apoplexy, - Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach, con stitating sick headache, of peptic disease con stituting bilious headache, of worms. consti pation and other disorders of the bowels. as well as mat and uterine affections. Dis eases of the heart are very frequently attead ed with headaches; Antentia and pletflora are also affections which frequently occasion 'headache. " Idiopathic Headache is also very coMmon, beitig usually distinguished by the "nente' of nervous headache, sometimes com ing .en suddenly in a state of apparently sound hedith, and prostrating at once the mental and- physical energies, and in other installers it comes on slowly, heralded by depression of spirits or acerbity of temper.— In most instances the pain is in the front of the bead, Over one or both eyes, and some times pic;vol<ing vomiting ; under this class may al,o be named Neuralgia. For the treatment of either eass of Head ache the Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the tuna acute pains in a few minutes, and by its sub tle power eradicating the diseases of which 'Headache is the unerring index.. BELIDGI:T.-Mi*:llsllltS you to sew . / her a -box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepar ici Pills,--bat rut thinking that's nut just it !blither ; but perhaps ye'll be afthcr know ing what it is. You see she's nigh dead and tone with the Sick Headache, and 'wants some more of the same as relaivcd Ler be fore. -Druggie.—You must mean Spalding' Ce phalic Bridyet.—Och I sure now and you've sed it, here's the quarther and giv rue the Pills and dant be all day about it :tither. A Real Blessing. Physician.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that neadaclie? ,Yrs. JJlM—Gone! Dorder; all gone! the pill yon sent cured inc in just twenty minutes, End I,wish you mould send more so that I can have them handy, can get them at any Dreg gists. .Ciill for Cephalic Pills, I find they nev qi fail, reconinaeud them in all eases of .Errs• doves sball send fir a bra directly, and sha!l tell all.iny stiffering friends ; for they area real blenina. • -t Vlle •k 7 1 , 4 CURE , ",_ 4 dc . to . " (4 S CURE 0,4 e Nervous Headache CURE kind - .Pito k i - dozo • 1, By the use of these Pills the periodic at titclo of A - eirousor Sick Headache may be prevent til;',and if taken ut the commencement cf an n:ttaek immediate relief from pain and sick• ness will be obtained. They seldom ftil in removing the rausra and Headache to which females are so sub- FM Tbey. act gently upon the bowels —rcmov cti:timcse.' Fur Literary 3ldn, Students, Delicate re males, and all persons of sedentary hubits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the ap petite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive or gabs, and, restoring the natural elasticity and sttength of : tly . whole system: -The CEPIIALIQ PILLS are the result of ldnit, Investigation and carefully conducted ex- T4riments, having b l een in use many years, during which time they hare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from , Ileadacbe,- whether originating in the ta:rimii,i 3 Ofenz . or from a deranged state of the. etemtoe4.• :They-are entirely vegetable in their compo sition, and May be taken at all times with per fe.criiAti without making any change of di t;.44 aAtinee of onn disagreeable taste ren ders *easy to .administer them to children. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS t Th'a;genitihe•bare fire signatures of Henry C. Siirtliiir* - On each Box. _ 'Sold' by Druggists tendall other Dealtrq in Medicines. ' _ Bux will be sent by mnilprepaid on re celpt - if the • . •• • ',PRICE.2S CENTS. All cam sb . ottlii be" addresieil to , HENRY C. SPALDING, -, 48 Cedar Street, Neer-York.. , I ,,,*taa by E. E. E. A. JONES, Oondera. - -- --jt i l . ct --- '"4lltON!,,:i '7...0.TD, -- 0I?,,-- : -_... - --,-: • ...4' l4i .An aperient and Stomachic, preparation. of 1120:1 puritied of Oxygen and Carbon com bustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical - Authorities, bath in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that vo preparation of Iron can be compared Wit' , it. Imptirities of the blood. depression. of vital energy, pale and. otherwise sickly complexions indicates its necessity in almost every conceivable case. ' Innoxions in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved . absolutely Gurative in each of tho following complaints, viz : Ia Debility, - Nervous 47feet:one, Emirnriotions, Appepsia, Constipation, Diarrhcea, Dpenteri,q Incipient Conetimplion, Scrofulous Tabercutoeie, Salt Rheum, Niamenetwition, Whites, Chlorosiy, Liver-Compbrinlts, Chronic headaches, resin, Intermittent fey_rs, Pimples on ide Face, To cases of• General Debility, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued di minution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this res torative has proved successful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would rmder credible, Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly reap peared in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant Some very signal instances of this kind are a!tested to female Sufferers. emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sang uineons exhaus tion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion - to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familia, to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxids, it is vig orously tonic without being. exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient even in the most obstinate cases of costive ness without ever being a gastric purgative, or- inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others, which Makes it so remarkable effectual and petwanent a remedy fur Pile., upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and -specific action, by dispersing the locartendency wuicb forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable ,as are ifs causes a single box of these Chalyheate Pills lies of ten sufficed for the most hunitual- cases, in cluding the attendent C'os:ivenecs. In unchecked Diarrhma, even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed, erhaciatim.r, and :11)- parmtly' malignant, the effects have, been equally decisive and astorii:hing,. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength. .debilitating cough, and remittent hectic,which generally ind'eate Incipient Consu.nption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in. teresting instances. In Scrofulons.Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of wi ( tkont any of their well known lia bilities. The attention of females cannot be too con fidently invited to this remedy and nstoraticc, in, the cases peculiarly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflam matory—in the latter, however, more decid edly—it has been invariably well reported, boil, as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and . stitiness of the joints aud Mus cles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessatil be a great remedy and energetic restart/Jive, and its progress in the nest settlements of the West, trill probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects Good appetite, complete digestion, rap.d ac quisition of strength, with an nnusual dispo sition tnr active and cheerful exercise, imme• diatelv follow its us'. Put up in neat flat metal bones containing 50 pills. price 50 cents per box: fur sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any, address on receipt oftl3e price. 111 let tera, orders, etc.. should be addressed to R. 13. LOCKE S Co.. General Agents, 4-Iy. . 20 Cedar St., Y EfIENRSOMI:- WOMEN. TO TEE LADIES. RUST'S " BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich 11. and elegant color for the cheeks or ltps. IT WILL NOT WASLI OR RUB OFF, And when once applied, remains durable for years. The tint is so rich and natural, that the clos est scrutiny fails to detect its use. Can be removed be lemon juice and will not' injure the skin: This is a new preparation, used by the celebrated, Court Beauties of London and Paris.' Mailed free, in - bottles, with directions for use, fur $l.OO. HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," frri parts a dazzling whitene.s to the complexion, and is unlike anything else used for this pur- Pose.: Mailed free for 50,Cents. • HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM," removes " tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions-of the for 50 cents. HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it from falling off. and is warranted to make the hair curl. Maii:ul free for .51.00. HUNT'S " PEARL BEAUTIFIER;" for the teeth and ,gnms, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums. purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free for 51.00. lIUNVS BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double eitritct of °nine blossoms and Co logne. Mailed free for ::31.00 . . This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess_ Royal of England: on her nvirriage. Messris Hunt Co., presented the Princess w ith a n e l t p, an t. Can of Perfumery. ( in which of the above articles-were included) in handsome cut glass with- gold stappess, :valued at $l5OO, punka lars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent Free, ty express. for $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order; or be paid . to the express agent on de livery of goods. - - HUNT k. CO., Perftimers to the Queen.. Rego t St. London, and i 7 Samson: St. Phil. Pa. For Sale by all Druggists audi_Perfumera. - te,s,..The Trade Supplied.. E. STEBBINS &BRO., Coudersport, bare .the abere articles fox sale. Great Work on. the Horse. THE HORSE nod hi s ,DISEASES: BY _AOI3 ERT -J &NNI • Professor, of Pe:AO - logy and Operatire'Surgery in the Veterinary College of Phil adelphia, etc., etc: WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and - distineuve traits et the • - - various breeds of Euro , Nan, Asiatic,.. A fiigav and American - liurses, with the physical'forina . thin and peculiarities:of , the animal. and hods' to ascertain his age by the number and condition of Iris teeth: illustrated with • ninterous explanaLgy engravings: THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOIT Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general management of the horse, with the best modes of adminis - • tering medicine, also. bow to treat ltiting,,Kick ing, Rearing, Shjing, • Stumbling, Crib Biting. Restlessness, and other vices to which he is sub ject ; with numerous c.x planatory engravings. THE HORSE AND, MS DISEASES . WILL TELL'YOH Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Stran gles, Sore Throat, Dis temper, Catarrh, Inllit enzA, 13-onchitis, Piteu- Inan'a, Pleurisy, .Brokem \Vint), Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling, Lampas, Sore Month and Ulcers,' and Decayed o Tecth,with other diseases of the Mouth and Itespir utory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU or the canses, symptoths, end Treatment of Worms, • .hots, Colic, Strai-ruin tion-, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Dia rrlnea; Jaundice, Hepa thrlicea, 'Bloody Urine, • Stones in the Kidneys nod Bladder, Inflamma tion, and other diseases of the Stomach. Bowels: Liver and Urinary Or gans.. • THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and• Bog Spavin, It i n Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, •f Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel. Cracked Hoofs,Seratehes, ,Canker, Thrush, a n • Corns also, of Megrims, VertigEir, Epilepsy, gers, and -other diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. • THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU - Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Pull Evil, Glanders. Far , cy, Scarlet Fever, gauge, Surfeit, Locked 1a w , Rheumatism., Cramp, • Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, Ste., and. hew to manage Castra tion, Bleeding, Trephin . ning, Roweling, Firing, Bernia,..rimputation,Tap ping, and other surgical • operations. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU- Of Barey's Method of tur ing Ilurses; bow to Ap• proach, Halter, or Stable a Colt;- how to accus tom a horse to strange ' sounds end sights,. and . how to Bit, Saddle, nide. and -Break him to liar . ness; also, the form and late of Warramy. The whole being the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the hab its, peculiarities, warts and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One hundred Engrav intrs.. It is printed in a clear and open type. and - will be forwarded to any address. postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $1.03, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO A YEAR can be made hi enteiprising awn erery-%% heir., in selling the above, and otherpopular works otours. Our inducements to all such aro exceedingly lib eral. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information,• apply to, or address JOIEN E. POTTER, Publisher, Bro. 617 Sansom street, Phil. Pa." n,” ram BOun at , UTa6 s IVjain above Third St. COUDERSPORT,_ PA. Di. W. MANN, l'itomuroa. AA/ • - BOOKS, .atiPS, GLOBES, BLANKS- . DOCKETS- - LEDGERS- • DAY,LOOKS- . RECEIPT-BOOKS; MESIORANDIDIS„ PASS-BOOKS, • • .DIARIES, PORTFOLios, • HERBARIUMS, LETTE , -BOOKS INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin, French and Test- Books. All ,School Books ltsed in the County kppt on hand, or immediately :proeured when desired. Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired. A gond assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors BIBLES, ESTA ME NT$, i'RAYER. 1; HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds MUSIC-BOOKS. AND SHEET-MUSIC, Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards,Chess Merl, &e.; &c. PRODUCE of all kinds', takor in r =hoop for Books, dc. .(1144) • civtoPF AT , LIFE PILLS 3il A,I'X~3'II„BITTERS. rtiIIESiStEDIcOTgs hive now been beforeT .11.• ti . te public foralPeriodof 'Aunty Ysitth. and duringithat,tim4havetnaintairred Whigh character in altnost. livery itrt - of - the Globe, for their ex ! traottlinniy, and inntaidqtte power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to Which the human frame is liable. The following aVel among the distreising variety of li,muttn ditkases in which the • Vegetable Life Medicines • - Are well known to be infallible. DYSPOSIA,ty - -thoroughly cleansing. the first anti-seem(' stomachs, and creating a flow ofintre biettlthy uile g l instead of the ovate and ae - fid kind; FLATULENCY; Loss of .I , 7petitv, Hearthcruj Ilea rhicl)e, - lit-elleSsMe_ss, 111'-Tem per, Languor, and Mellon: idly, which ' are the general s)Tritptoins of (Dyspepsia, will vaniih, as 'a natural consequence of it; cure. COSTIViENES',. eleanSing the whole I - length of . the intestthes with a solvent process-;. and withoht violcnce ; all violent purges leave the howel.4 costive within two days. •T ' FEWER.ofall kinds, by restoring the blood td a regular cirealatiou, thrue l gh ;the process of perspiratvm such cases, j and the- -thor ough solution of all intestinal obstruction in Others. . The Life .ltledibines_ have been known to enre 1111E1.731ATISA "permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that tune, by re moving local inflammation trbm the muscles and ligaments oil the'joints, Dif.ol'll.2S of, all kinds, by freeing and strengthening . the kidney's and bladder; they 10 operate st delightfully on these , " important organs, and heni,e hive ever been found a eel , tan' reniddy for the worst.'eases•uf GRAVEL. - . Also WOlt3113; by dislodging, from the turn ings of the bowels the slimy Matter to which these creatures Ottere. . SCUR.I; - EY. ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES. by the Iperfeel .purity which these LIFE give to the blood. au& all the humors: t SCORBUTIC F.R UTTIONS . and,IIAD COM PLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that reed the Skin, and the morbid state of whichl occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, Cloudy, &ud other disagreeable con= plexionsi • The uSe of thcse Fills for a very short time. an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, :tad a striking; iinprovementi in the clearness of the shin. COMMON cO4DS and INFLU ENZA will alikiys-be cured; by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILE:S . .—Thii original Proprietor of these Medicines, was,' cured of Niles of 35 years standin, by thOtse of theLIFEMEDICINEI; alone. I AND AGITE.—FOr this scourge of the Western cahatry, these Medicines will he wand aisate, stoetty, and certain ioncely.— Other medicines le are the system subject to e return of . the disease—a cure by these Med icines i3•perur4ient—TßY T111:31, 111 S.IT.USPIED, AND 1ir..61.:s ED 1 1311.101'S FEVERS AND LIVER EOM PLAESTS.—GeneraI Debility. Loss of Appe tite, and Diseaies of Females—the, 3ledieines have been nsed With the niost lierieficirl re sults in eases of this deseription.:—Kings Evil, and Seorfula. In its worst forms. :vields to the mild yet' powerful action of these re markable Medfcines. Night Sweats. Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cored; MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persoris whose eonstitUtions have betome impaired by the injudicious asO of '..ilEttccay, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, ae they never fail to eradielite from! the system,i all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most pow erful preparations of Sarsatiarilla. Prepared auil sold by W. E. MOFFAT, 335 Llimitrivn, New-Youri. For by all Druggists. HYDE'S INDIAN Mamm-Outh..33oes for 23 t TING PLAETERS—for all .11_4 Lungs and Atfecti • Heart Plastdrs—The most reliable.remedy known for Palpitation ❑nd all, other diseases of the Heart. , Back Plasters—Thr Crick or Latnc•dess in the Back. Side Or Chest, Weakness in the Stomach. - . Feet Plastrs—Zte Best Remedy known for coldness of the feet and limbs, excellent draft in all ,caSes or .sickness. Womb'Plasiers—For the Care of Falling, of . the Womb. Whites, and all, other Female Diseases. Each box contains enough to spread 8 or 10 large sizedplaSters. This is the onl.v absorbent; rlaster before the public. A single - pla4er ;applied to the bottoms of the feet will be carried into the circulation of .the Blood, :and every part of •he body - be thoroughly medicated. TesiimonialS by thousands might be printed but it is deemed useless. afflicted seek it andfil.o relief in all cases. C. D. Lt her. Croton, cured of ex treceed,arue Back, long staudilig. Mrs. ParveY, McGrawville; ,Cortland Co., N. Y.; cured of itheumatism and other Joeril pain.. •-• • Mrs. Wm. Fowler, the tandi L ad; at , Alton, Wayne says: Vrxsh m y, tolgun could reach every female In tbh laud. I wo'd say, Use HYde's Indian plaster.: - It has .bene.'- fitted!me more than every l applieation." For sale by C. S. S E. 4. .1 - Ones, Couders port • • HOW 111 E COIN E. • T ir t ° hr e"wErSetrorseoilnitr="d', GOODS Cu li : BOOTS & SHOES .DBY GOODS GROCERIES, •.,11RDWARN, PORK, 1, FLOUR, ind lots of things that n t eople need. . WELL WH AT ? All fc r sale--for REl)l,'' PAY only. . 33ring 1000 oats. Bring 18 Britt r. •Bring-I0 eggs.' Brit-g IO linekieteat. I 'Bring mouopu cask and• 18090000 lictriefi.. Bring hides. ftirs,Telts, and old iron: All which I call .‘ ready pay .2.' • it What about P i rices 9'' , Crme and see. L. lIIRD. f liilaillY ARIL ANG E;),11 CN Ir.. , 1,. • . - :, ~, , , _ The tintle!segned having - -,... - ‘-•,/4" . just qceivell alarge, and ' e . '• - e..%.47" ,',--4C kw.- well selecteif stock of .- . • 1 CLOCKS, WATCHES fit , JEWELEV, •I L i offers them for sale at prices lint will cian pare ifavi irtibly with those of any city or tnivn within= 100 'miles. Every' nrilcle of jewelry and ivery Style Of Watches ti 4d Clocks usu ally:found in retail. Stores kept constantly- on hand, and warranted. tb Ibe ct 4 represented. .Also Beare Patent Revolver's' kept on hand. and sold 'cheap. ..• ;I .: 1 i •-•-• ' zEitm Repairing . done on short notice, in good: style" and fair rates;-: -I; ‘i ,- - .Call and see me at dui elk of the " Big Wat4h." . - . • : : ~P. iI,.,WARRINER. i Coudersport, Jan...l. 1 f3la'; '' '' 4 - ' -.' .1' . . , ' T HE POTTER JOURNAL, IS p*Russso EvErty TilunstiAysuntsiim, : . . 1 Thos. S. Chase,:: " I t I'o irliont. alt Lettes. and Coatruunicaiioi{.:~ should be addressed, to secure atteaticm. q . Terms—lnvariably in Advance: 01,2 k per . Annum. • samennamusuutuinstuutuuniuniumnauftru mausrunne ti D— 4 ',, ,r r A re. (ALBERT jITANTANI - 5 1. F ov' +- •,- . • , . • ' ve,„ , Ilarims taken -the Shop - .7. u. fornierly occupied b - . 1 3- 14 ,4 . "i- - - se cl 'P. D. CATLIN; '. .. ' 1 1'.• : -1. I - 4 h l a 0. , G 1-1: - "1? - -C 1 ark's Corners, two miles North of Coudersport, Pa., --L--:. *1.141, 34ANIIPACTURi all kinds of Chairs 8: Cabinet-War CANE, : FLAG, • - and WINDSOR CHAIRS , . . • CANE-SEAT-BOSTON ROC SEWING and TABLE CHAIRS,' • '• SMALL ROCKING CE AIRS, • OFFICE and 1L CHAIRS. BUREAUS, - SECRETARIES, • 1V ARDROB.E Tables, -I - . Wash,Stands, . Lounges - , ' - . ; • Cribs, , i Cradles, i • - " Common find 1-1 • 1' Cottage l3edste RCpai rig* done on the shortest no. anu•in the most workmanlike manner. I TURNING done Immediately and to order. All o promptly attended to. Please give me al and examine fdr yourself.• ALBERT 11:1N i'ANIAI March 26. 1860.-28:1,y. Nontrfachi ROHRER'S ' ROHRER'S, I ROHRER'S TOURER'S , ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CA LCULATOR .PRACTICA f,..CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR VACIVICAL CALCULATOR 1 : ' 13:0 B, E S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. N ;Ronk of Rules and Caleutai for Businss Operations, 1)37 11 t Routt*.n., - Practical Surveyor Conveyancer. New Edition. pUblit bir J. B. Lippincott & Co., PhilJ lin. 1 This Work; containi . 204 pages. and wrira of'soo!ltuies and lizAtupies. cal and thoroughly PRACTICAL, such as arise] rylday in the common pur.snits of Bush lli tas already pasSed a numbe d Editions in-rapid succession, and is pronto 'edi by all classes of business mei to b L I!. NOIEST nook OF REFERENCE, pert3iinin , ~. calculations, that has ever been publishd, Every Example in the book is WORKED .OUT IN leutmalid stated in - a plain manner, so that when a parallel case arises, those refe ring 1 toithe work Will find no difficulty irr re / dily solving it; hi a word; the' general arrange ment ofthe CALCULATOR is so simpleithat any one who knows how- to ADD, scar ~icr, 3tOLTIPLr, OR DIVIDE, eAri easily solve aci• Or dinary exaMple that arises in business, or nr riye at the true result of and estimate reguir ed. i . 41 • The chief aim of the author has been tO es chew theory land philosophy in figures, 'nip- jig only at• facts and simplicity, bellring i lint business men care little ahout nit.: dirig, Hine in discussing the philosophy of rulis, or tit; .science of fi gures, deeming it sufficient fdi trieir,porpose to be able nt a moriieni, by rt'erence, to:nrrive at the Tau": uric T. I The CILCULATOR differs in this respect from all A ittimeties of the day and kindred Avoik... 4. -it is a key to practical business calculations —it is in the Ifands ct' the business man Wbrit. ti o key to mathematical works is in thellands sr the teacner in the schoul-rnom—ii fit:id/i -ttcs linsc and insures correctness. . ci I . - THE WORK ' Tit EATS 0 k:: 3leasurentent of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, of Stone end Stone Work,' - of Grain and Grain Bins, of Coal. and !float Bins, of Wood, of Solids. of Liquids, of:c ir efilar. Square, or Irregular Vessels, oiCisiterns nOd Vats. of Roofing, of Plasterers', Pm t i ers', Glaziers', Payers', PPiriThers', Paper Hail crs',i land Upholsterers' WOrk. It treats of C ', en-1 1 1. (-Iv and of Foreign and Domestic Exelin, t 4, of', the Decinial.Syste'm, of Reduction and its ex- tinded application 'to Business, of Simpf r and Compound Interest; and 'their e n ti re op ica • tion to Business :transactions, with Hie Taws and usages d governing and regulating the ikrue, ' together with numerous Comercial Forios t f Legal Tender. of Partial Payments on Votes, of Banking end Bank Discount, of Eqtintien ' of Payments and of Partnership accounts, of Assessinentof Taxes, of •Weights. and )leas 'ores, of Square end Cubic Measure, df the Square Root and its application to Bushiess, 1 of Surface's,' of Excavation, and of manylOther important practical matters not withidi the: scope of an advtrtisetnent to mention. I. IT IS - JUST UST THE DOOR FOR TIIP i ' ft Farmer, tbe'3lerchant, the Mechanic,' tli'e Ar- tizan, or the Professional titan. It has,iprov-! en a valuable auxiliary 'to the Lawye ' , the tnstice of the Peace, -the Conveyance'; and eal Estate Broker, to the Assessor, the park-'', .r, the Clerk, to the Civil Engineer and the, Surveyor. to the Carpenter and Brichlitier, to 13he Stone Mason and the Plasterer, to-the Pa er Hanger and Upholsterer, to the Pitvli and the Tiler, ke., ac.; each and all will Padit adapted to; their various wants bette than any book ptiblished. • • --- Mail ' ~... Cents!! . discuses of the ons, I arb Mailed (post paid) to any partof the United Stites upon . receipt of the coney. Price of a single Copy, in Cloth, 60 Ce ts, or tiro Copies for $1 00. hound in PoCke -book form, Morocco, Sr 00 'pep copy. - . 1 . _ _ • v !' Addreis,. M. M. ROHRE. Box 1911 Phi!adelphia P. 0. 14—C ma. Administrators' Not. WIERPAS,- letters of administrattew to the estate of ELI ner.s, late of Cquders, port, in the county of Potter, decensed„, hare been granted to. the stiliseribers, nil persons indebted ti,:said• estate iire requested tchoake imniediap payment, and those having lelainis against the same will present:there dtrly Au thenticated to FIIENCII, • or 114IUM;T.REESi Adminisultors. CouderSport, Dec. 20. 1860.-14 • 1000 ,SHEEP PELTS, Wanted. immekliptely - At STEBBiN§!!• such as 1 ers kali, long TIN and leve poss. 7 OP rune the ,R, , Pa ' JUDSON'S. MOUNTAIN HE RB _A l wyn, we present you with a tiers of Tent co, a' chief of a tribe of the strange ztee Nation. that once ruled Slexico,. Yeti will find a full account of him nfid'his people in our Pamphlets and Airnatmes—to be had gratis, from the „Agents\ for thesaPills. The itotntor and mantifacturer of "Jail. son's 3lountain Ilerli has spent the greater part of his life in traveling.; ltritit visited nearly every country - in the' Ile spent over six years amont , the Indians the Rocky 3loun:ains and of ' 3lexico, end if 'was thus that the " 31ousrAis Ilr.un Pats" . were•discovered. A verriuterestinn•aceee n i of his adventures there, yon ;till .s;tl in ouf Almanac and Pamphlet..' It is an established 'fact, that all ditearei • arise front , _ • , Enruain+ O,LOOD Z The blood is the life! and when aby foreige or unhealthy matter gets mixed with it, it is at once distributed to every organ of the body. Every nerve feels, the poison, nod the vital organs quickly complain. The storn: ; . nclf Will not digest the food perfectly.. The liver . ceases_to secrete a sufficiently of bile: The action of the heart is , weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. The lungs become clogged with the poisonous matter ; _ hence, s cough---•and'?eill from a slight imPurity at the fountain-head of life—the Blood! As it 'you bad thrown sense earth, for instance, in a pure spring, from tvbieh ran a tiny rivulet, in It few minthes the whole course of the stream becomes disturbed and - disOlored. As quick ly does impure blood fly to every part, end leave its sting behind. All the passages be= come obstructed, and unless the obstruction is removed, theltimp of life soon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate all the secretions of the body; they are thlerefore, unrivalled as a CCl2ls FOR 13.11,10 CS DISEASES, Liver Complaint.. Readac This Anti-Bilious Mede ibe expels train the blood the hidden seeds of disease, and - renders till the fluids and secretions pure_ and fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. - Pleasant indeed: is it to us; that -we nre able to place within your reach; a Medicine like the -" Mountain Verb 1911s,".that trill pass directly to the . afflicted parts, through the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the sufferer to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. Ison's Pills are the Best Rowdy in ex .' iste4ce for the Alto - wisty Complaints: Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward Weak ness, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costive, cress, Dyspepsia, Diarrham, Dropsy, Dead aches, Ind•gestion, Influenza,. Inflammatidn, Piles, Stone and Gravel, 'Secondary. Symp. toms. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINES! Females who value health, shoultruever be Without these Pills.' They purify the blood, *remove obstructiOns of all, kinds, - cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotches, and bring Ithe rich color of health to the plae-cheek. La"' The Plants and Herbs of which these trills are made, were discovered in a very stir. prising- way among. the Tezucans. a tribe of { 'Aborigines in Mexieo.- . Get the 'Almanac of I our Agent, and you will read with eelighl, 1 the very interesting account it contains ot the " GREAI 3ltmicist " of the Aztecs. Observe:—The ilouptain limb. Pills ors Iput up its a Beautiful Wrapper. Each box ton e tuitts,4 0 pills, and retail at 25 cents per boz 411 ;genuine, !lace tie signature of B. L. JUDSO3' 14 co., on eachlocr. . . . B. L. JITDSON" 8:: CO., SOLE PROPRITORS, Ro. 50 Leonard Street, - NEW YORK'. Agents wanted always—Address as above NATURAL TEETH PRESERVED - t - 1 OLD AGE Shares Charcoal Tooth Soap. "Nr 0 ONE ARTICLE is - more deserycdly II popular as a means _of cleansing' and Preserving the Teeth than Charcoal. In this beautiful article of Tooth Soap tho Charcoal is rendered so perfectly fine at to be iu reality but the superfine dust 'of that most valuable substance—not a particle of grit is used in. the composition which could possibly injure the enamel of Tepth. It is united with articles that remove the tart, and pre - i - ent its farther accuinulatiOn. This Soap is the test known means of pre, serving the teeth, curing Sore Gums, and Sore. Mouth. . . • One box will last one , year at a-cost of only 15 cents. esnsevioNa.—Viret.the . brush and rub bro . or three times lightly over- the Soap,. then thoroughly brush the Teeth, and rinse the mouth with phre Neuter. Sold. by C. S. A: : Jones, Coudersport, Penn. • HOW AR ASSOCIATIONx! PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution established by •Tpulle i Endowment, for theSelief of the Sick and Pis- - tressed, afflicted with •Irinitent and Epidemie Diseases, and especially far the Cure of IW' eases of the Secaul Organs. I • - ' VaEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the ANL Acting Surgeon, to all who_apply by' letter, _with a des'cription - . of their - Condition, - (age, cicupation, habits _of life, L.c. ) and ill cases of extreme pot erty, Medicines iurrilsbcd. ; free of _charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrbinsi' • and othir Diseases of the Sexual Organs, end on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary,_ sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free. of eliargo. Two or three_ Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN lIOUGHTCS , Acting Sume'on, Howard Association, N 0.3: South Ninth Street,; Philadelphia, Pa. By or' der of the Directori. _ • - • - EZRA. D. HEARTWELL, Fruitiest. , GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secrilary. The Rochester Stravr-Cutter. - ./ALMSTED k KELLY, Coudersport, have I,—/ the exclusive agency for this celebrated machtne, in this county. It is covenient, do" ruble, and CHEAP. - toe. I' 1E60.43