The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 24, 1861, Image 4
-, !' , ' . '5 , 4'''''•V r:":t. r•ill MISCELLANEOUS. nor=dims iisi imicintoni.-4Thiiii ing landenct - in this age-to •ripPrOt. ptistatifincit expressir,3 words of other lan- lIP-Ws t ligliiicter awhile to.incorperate them bit'o:ll42"-oWit Ohiis the wcird Cephalic Wlah t isNtitAll rikek, signifYing "fortlie head "t is.riliw'becTiairig popularized in connection i with Mr. SpziTsOng's great Headache- remedy, I bat it wilias be, used -in svniore general IKasauf .thq. N ord, Cephalic will become as 1 :eciiifton fasialbct.Otype , and. rainy Otliersi Whose distination_as foreign words has- been worn awaziklicommon usage until they seem 0 4atixt and tothe_pianor born." W 210 1 ( 111 "' l 'As ' ":: ' - ''......-..-'-:---------- : _ 'ardly Realized. 'ad "eadache this hafternoon. UV I itepPed.iato ..the hapothecaries hand ~.,111ttottA.nien,1 • Catk. you. hease ntirof an Itit6tffel —k- '' , Toes it !niche • 'aid," . sa?s':'e. oEferSt.e4inftlh",sitys hi,,hand. upon., that 'e - gave tie4a t ephal a Pill, bead lion toe ~.'onor it ed tne soquick -that / 'ardly realized I •tad'an 'eadaehe... Ber4.IpDACIIE Isthe favorite signby whicli natal kitnwn.nny deviation tellnite.ver from the isa aim' state of the brain, add View ed..AnAhis light it may be Ipoked a safe- Wid-intinded to give notice of ; Milleif Mighrotherwise escape attention, till ton late ' to 4e, Tetße.diE;q . ;:and .its indications gritpuld never be neglected. Headaches may beselims ilied under two names, viz: Symptomatic Symptomatic - Headache is excecdixli aC common and is the pveeursbr of a eiyiof diSeases, aiuong, which are tbfolexy, Albin, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach, con atituting-sicrt headache, of beptic disease con stituting bilious headache; of worms, consti 9nd.other disorder's of the bowels. as .well as.senal and uterine, affectiOns. Dis eases eff the heart are very frequently attend -411r0fth-llcadaches ; Anemia and plethora " affections which frequently occasion oeadache. idiopathic .Headache is also very common, being tispally diistinguished by the , name of nervous headache, sometimes corn 'inti-Pri suddenly in- a state of apparently sound health,. and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances. it comes on 'slowly, heralded by - depression of .spirits or acerbity of Mayer.— In, most instances the pain is in the front of ,-lbeleacl, over one or both - eyes, and some `times' provoking vomitin g ; under this class mayalso be named Neura lgia. For the treatment of either crass of Head ache thw Cephalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its sub • tle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is RM.:lt:erring index. • Butucer.-31issus wants you to send her a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepar ed Pills,—but I'm thinking that's not just it neither . ; but perhaps ye'll be antler know irig what itis. You see she's nigh dead and -gene with the Sick Headache, -and wants some more of the same as relaired her be fore. Druggrst.—You must mean Bpaldin,g's Ce phalic Pills. Bridget.—Och I sure now and you're seil it, here's the •quarther aud•gir me the Pills and dont bell das.about it nither. • • - • A Real Blessing: Physician.—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is that headache? • ...Mrs. Jonfs.—Gone Docter, all done the spill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send more so that I can : have them handy. . Physician.—You can get them at any Drug gists. Callfor Cephalic Pills, Hind they nev er fail, and I recommend them in all cases of Airy Jones--1. shall send•for n box directly, and shall tell all my suffering friends, for they are a real biasing. Ack - L i CJ RE e)' - ead •Tirl c „. Q seis, CURE -T oA. e Nervous Headache .4 1 ., CURE c_ liteadaeilem By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nerroue or Sick headache may be prevent ed ; and if taken at the commencement cf an attack immediate relief from pain and sick ness will be obtained: They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so sub jeet. They act gently upon the bowels.--remov ing Coativeaese. - -For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Fe males, and all personsof sedentary habits, the* , ire valuable as a Laxative, improving the ap petite, giving toile and risuir to the digestive or gans, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS arc the result of .long investigation and carefully:conducted ex periments, haring been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether 'oritrinatin7 in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the slontach - They are entirely vegetable in their compo ,sltion, and may be taken at all times with pei feet safety without making. any change of di • tt, and Me absence of anydisagreeable taste ren ders it easy to administer them to children. ' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The genuine have five signatures of Henry Ce Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and-all,other Deahr; in Medicines. A Box will be sent by 'mail prepaid on re ceipt of the . - PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New-York. ** SOld by C. S. & E. A. JONES, Couders port. =EI OM 13110 EM!IMIMMICI mOri"r"S REATt v -- ) PILLS AO aperient, and Stomachic melioration of IRON purified of.Oxygc4 tind - Ostbbn by com bUstion in ;10drogen: Bnnctibned -by • the bigheit Medicai 'Anthoilties, both in Europe' and the UnitedcStates,' and prescribed in their practice.. . The cxperiettc, of• thetisands daily, prelims that oo preparation of Iron can be compared with- it.- -Imp Pit' the blood, . depression of vital 'eller ale if otherwise !sickly complexion's indicates _ its necessity in almost every conceivable ea*, • ' Innoxions iu ail:tittiradics in which it has been tried, it itniiiioved abioltitely.turative in each of the following complaints , viz In Debility, tre-cnotii,..tenemeiations, Dyspepsia, C'onstipation, Diarrheca, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption, &sedum Tuberculosis, Sairßheum, ltismenstruation, Whites, Chlorolis . , Liver Complaints, Chronic 'headaches, 'Rheuma- Intermittent Fev-rs, Pimples .on .the . Face, I 4 .6. • in eases of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease; or of the continued di minution:of nervous and - muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial-of this res torative has proved - successful, to'-an extent which no description nor written . attestation would ruder credible. Invalids so long bed ridden ns to has'e become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-np peared in the busy world as if just rt.turned from protracted travel in a distant Some very signal instances of this kind are attested to female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent inarasraus, sanguineous exhaus tion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dcspeptic aversion to air and excicise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxide, it is vig ,orously tonic without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient evetrin the most obstinate cases of costive ness without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this • latter property, among others, whinh.makes it so remarkable effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles; up - on which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes a single box of these Chalvbeatc Pills' has of ten sufficed for the most . habitual cases, in cluding the attendent Costivends. In unchecked Diarrhcca, even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emaciating, and ap palmay malignant, the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. • In the local pains,-loss of flesh and strength. debilitating cough, and remittent hectic,whiCh generally hid citte Incipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in. teresting, instances. „ . Tu Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known lia bilities. The attention of females cannot be too con fidently invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly affecting them.' In Rheumatism, both chronic and infirm. matory—in-the latter, however, more deeid, , edly—it has been :invariably well reported, both as alleviatidg pain and reducing the swellings un& stillness of the joints and mus. cies. In Intermittent Fevers it must neeessr?ril ben great remedy' and energetic restorative, and its progress in the-new settlements of the West, AI ill. proluilAy be one of high renown and usefulness. ' - No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects.— Good appetite, complete digestion, .rapid ac quisition of strength, with an unusual dispo sition for active and cheerful exercise, imme diately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing SO pills, price 50 cents per box; - for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All let ters, orders, etc.. should be addressed to It. B. LOCKE & Co., General Agents, 4—ly. 20 Cedar St., N. Y. HANDSOME WOMEN. A UNT'S " BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich . and elegant color for the cheeks or lips: IT WILL NOT WASH OR RUB OFF, and when once applied, remains durable for years. The tiht is so rich and natural, that the clos est scrutiny fails to detect its use. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure the skin. This is a new preparation, used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with directiOns for use, fur $l,OO. -HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," im pelts a.da7zling whiteness to the complexicin, and is unlike anythin c .l , die used for this pur pose. Mailed free fur 50 Cents. HUNT S " BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the ykin. Mailed free fnr 50 cents. • HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it from falling off, and is warranted to make the hair curl. lilailtd free for $l.OO. HUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gum..., purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. 'Mined free for $1.00.; • HUNT'S •‘ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms and co logne. Mailed free for.Sloo. 'This exquisite perfume was first Used by the Princess loyal of England, on her marriage. Messrs. Hunt Co„, presented the PrinceSs wlth an elegant Case of Perfumery. (in which alto( thelibove articles were included) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at-515( 1 0, particu ;ars of which appeared in the public prints. , All the above articles sent Free, ty express, for $5:00. Cash can either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on de : . livery of goods.. HUNT & CO., Perfumers to the Queen. Re,qat St. London, and 71 Sansom St. Phil. Pa. For Sale by all Druggists and POrfumers. M.. The Trade Supplied. • E.. A. STEBBINS d; 13110., Coudersport, - have - the tbo've articles - for sale. BMA TO THE LADIES. Gieat - Wink -o4 the °rile!. Tit - :,IIORSE tpid.Ats- PISEASES: 110i3E4T , tTENNINEIPi Profeseei<ifrafhology and .opriatire in'the'Velerinary College of Phil- • adelphie; efe.":ete. • . • - • .! W 11.14 TELLAVIT'Of the Origin; History and distinctive traits. of -the varicuir, breeds of 'Euro peen, African] ands-,:Aruerican Ilorsea,l ••'; with the physical.'foruia !'--itioti.", nut .peCuli ri ti es of the animal.` and how, to ascertain bis Age by - the 'niunherand condition of _his teeth; illustrated with numerous, "7 expla . natnry -, engravings - . -• TFIEIIOIESg A:ND'IriS• DME.kSES • MO MEM ME= WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding,' , Isreaking, - . Stabling, - 'F.,e:c ding, • Grooming, Shoeing, and , • • - • the general management of the, horse ' - with the . - modes of adminis tering medicine, also, how to treat 'Ming, Kick - • Ing, Bearing, Shying, • „• - ' :Stumbling, Crib Biting. - :•.- ; • Restlessness, and vices to which he is sub ject ; with numerous es , • planatory engravings. THE lIOIISE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, syniptoms, - and Treatment of 'Stran gle's, Sore Throat, Dis temper, . • .Catarrh,' , Influ enza, Bronchitis, 7Pneu , • . • ' monM, Pleurisy; Broken. Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling; Lamps, Sore Mouth and nears ; and Decayed .Teeth,n - ith other diseases • of the Mouth and Respir . atOry Organs. - THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES - WILL TELL YOU Of tbo causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bots, Colic ' Strangula • lion, Stony Concretions, Ruptures. Palsy, Dia rrhcea, Repo . thrlice./, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Mamma , tion, and other diseases • okhe Stomach. Bowels. Liver and Ur/nary, Or gans. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YO' Of the 'causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blbud and Bog- Spavin, It i n g-Bone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked floofs,Seratehes, • Clinker, Thrush, an d Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Stag gers; and other diseases of the 'Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOI: Of the - causes, syinptoms, • and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glanders. Far. • cy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, • Surfeit,. Locked J a w, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and !feast, Sc., and how to manage 'Castra tion, Bleeding, Trephin niag, Roweling, Firing., Hernia, Arnim ta tion,Ta p • ping, and other sorgical • operations.' • THE HORSE 'AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL TOL' Of Rarey's Method of tam ing Horses; haw to .Ap . proch,. Halter, or Stable a -Colt; how to 'awls " 'torn a horse to strange sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and' Break him to Har ness; also, the-form and law of Warranty. The whole being the' result of more than fifteen years' careful study of the'llab its, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of This . noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engrav ings. kis printed in a clear and open type, and will bo forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $l.OO, or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO - A YEAR can be made by entel prising men every-where, in selling, the above, and'other popular works of onrj. Our inducements to all, such are exceedingly lib eral:, • For sin - gle copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to, or address JOHN. E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom street, PhiL. Pa. ME STORE g Main .abov_.e—Third St.., COUDERSPORT, PA. DI. W. DIANN, .PROPI/LETOII. ' BOOKS, nuis, LOBES, BLANKS DOCKETS- LEDGERS DAY-BOOKS RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS; • PASS-BOOKS, - , DIARIES, PORTFOLIOS, • • npgßAniums, LETTE I ).-BOOKS k • INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin, French and German Text- Books. • All School Books used in the. Count!, kept on hand, or - immediately procured. when desired. , , • Magazines or any PeriOdicals supplied when desired. A good assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw 'Mg Materials, Water Colors, 4 . e. BIBLES, T ESTAAIE NTS, PRAYER lz HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds. . MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC. Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards Chess Men, Ste,, kc. TRODITCE of all kinds taken for Books, kv. (.11-34]. • MORFA,T'S LItZPIALS.AND'FIRENIXL AMWAY. riIIIESPIEDICI\ES hive noir'been ore -the publie'for t a period - of.Tninry• YEARS, innt during that time hive maintained a high 'ebaricter-in, almost every ,part of the ;-G lobe; Glebe; fnrtheir, e*traordivaryand immediate power of restoriaeperfeet health to perrns suffering tinder needy every kind of disease !ta l which thelituninlfratne is liable., `.The following are among. the: distressing Variety of human diseases 'Which the • Vegetal4le Life Medicines. 'Are welt4own to be infallible:. -• DYSPEI„SIA, by thoroughly clearing the first and secznd stomachs, and.creit uga flow of pure bialthy, bile; instead of the stale- and. 'acr4l..kind FLATULE.NOY, 'Loss oflAppetite, Wartburn,l Ileidacbe, Restlessness,,lll-Tem per; Anitiety, Languor, and Melanchlly, Which are the general' symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a - natural conseetience of its Cure. • COSTIVENESS, by cleansing-.the , whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and withit, violence ; all violent purges leave , the bowelienstive within two days.i • . FEVER of all,kindsi by teStoring*e bleod to a re,gnlar circtilatiOnthrough. the Priem of Perspiration in such "cases • , and : the titer-. (nigh solution an!' intestinal obstruction in others. : , • • , 1 The Life. Medicines haie been known to curd. RHEUMATISM permanetitly inthree weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by .re- Moving loal inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. . DROPSIES of nil kinds, by freeing .and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they Operate most delightfully on. these important l orgites,rind hence hive ever been found a cer tain remedy for the. Worst-cases of GRAVEL. .1 Also wqnms - ,_by dislodging from'tlie turn-' tags of , thelbowels the•slimy matter to which these ere:Wires adhere. SCURFY. ULCERS', and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE 31EDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. scottarrig:EßUPTlONS and RADCOIE PLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the flitids'that leed,the skin, and the morbid state of Which occasions all - cruPtive complaints, sallow; cloady, and other disagreeable, com plexions. . The use of these Pills for a very short time, Will effect an entire cure of SALT ;RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin COMMON COLDS and; INFLU ENZA willalways be cured by one dose, or by two in the i-orst . eases. PiLES.-Tile original proprietor 'of these Medicines. I was cured of Piles of 35 years standing, by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. , FEVER, 4ND, AGITE.—For this scourge of the Westerii country, these Medicines will be mind a6safe, speedy, and certain .remedy.- r - Other medicines leai.e the system subject to n l'eturu of tho disease—a - cure by these Med icines is petmanent-- - rme TIME, SATISFIED, A*D nn cuitt:o. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.4-General Debility, Loss of Appe tife,,and Diseases of Females—the 3ledicines have been Used with the most benefieirl re sults in cases of this description:—kings Evil, and Scoriala, in its worst forms; yields to the mildiyet powerful action of these-re markable Medicines. Night Sweats,!Nervons Nrvons Complaints of all ildnds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Culle, are slieedily.cnted.• ,MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have betome impaired by the injudiaiousluse of IlEaccai, will find these perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate &Pm She system; all the effects oC Mercury, infinitely sooner than the rnostpow erfal preparations of Sarsaparilla. • Preparediaud sold by N. B. MOFFAT, 335 BROADWAY. NEW-Youx. . - For sale•by all Druggists. HYDE'S PLASTLR, Tdarrimouth Bases for 2i Cents !! UNG PLASTERS—for all, disclases of the Lungs-itmf Fpinal Affections, kc. heart Planters—The most reliable remedy known for' FalPitation and all other •Alicases of the Heart. flack Plaaters—For Crick or Lameness in the Back, Side or Chest, 'Weakness in the Stomach. • Knot 'Plasters—The' Best Remedy known for, coldness' of the feet and limbs, escellenY draft in all cases of.sickness. Womb Plasters—For the Cure of Falling of the Womb,t_Whites,- and all other Female, DiSeases. iEach box contains enough tol spread 8 . or , lo large sized plasters. This is the only absorbent Plaster before the_public. i A single plaster applied to the' bottoms of the feet will be carried ihto the circulation Of the Blood , , and every part of ?,he body be thoroughly' medicated. Testimontols by thousands might be printed but it is deemed !useless. The afflicted. seek it and find rlief in all cases. C. D. Lutlittr. Groton, N. Y., cured of ex= treme Lame Back, long standing. ltlrs. Hart*, McGrawville, Cortland Co.; N. cure&of Rheumatism acid other local pain,'. I -. • ' Mrs. Wm. Powlpr, the Landlady at Alton; Wayne Co., N. Y., says: "I wish my tongue could reach every female in the land. I wo'd sag, use Hyde's Indian Plaster. It has bene4 fitted me more than every.other applieation.'! Por sale tiY,C. S. A; E. A. Jones, Couders-1 port. . 71y. VOW' THEY COME. i 1. ..s. " Ever so Nany" NEW GOODS a .112 1 the Neu' Store in Brookland, (late Cush, [ gni ville.) ~ BOOTS a, SHOES -.DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,- : HARDWARE, 'PORK, - 1 ' ' I FLOUR, ' and lots of things that people need. ,WELL WHAT OF IT.? • J All, fer sale—for READY PAY only. - Bring 1000 oats. Bring 18 butter: Bring 16 eggs. Britt 10 blick'wneat. Bring 1000000 cash, and 18090000. 14erries. Bring. hides; furS, pelts, and old iron. All which I call 7,' ready pay."l • 1 , " Whit ebout Prices ?" Coale and ec-. . • L. 'BIRD. 1 NEW' ARRANGEMENT. ff c - 2.* The undersig n ed having ; 42 just received * a large and 0:10 well selected stook of CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY } offers them for sale at prices that. will aim- , pare favorabfy with those of any city or town within .100 miles. Every article of jewelry and every style of Watches and Clocks usu ally found in retaiLStores kept constantly on hand, and warranted to be as represented.--, Also, Benl's -Patent Revolvers kept on hand. and, , sold cheap. zie.• Repairing, done; on short notice, in good style and fair rates. Call and se me at the sign of the." Big Watpb." . ' C. H. WARUCER. Coudersport, Jan. 1. 1861.. ,1 . _ . TEE POTTER 10 ; -is PUBLISHED Arndt TUURSDAY3tifiiitiiii iiir Thos., S. z 'l'd: *horn' Letters and*Co:mtautiteittions sbo'uld'be addreisedi tei seturo attentien. : :, Ternis.-IniariablyinlAdvance • $1,25 per . A.nnuim._ • -A oa ,AL/311M BIANSAIN It, I: s . - Having ta7 l the Sbop . '-':.. faiio'erly : eiuil dby Ili . 1 . ' P. D. etilf..lN,. .. • .- . I, 2 Claxies.doine 'a, - ..., jes North of aonderspolf, Pa., ---.- "a.' 11IANur4cirwiE , , ).: it , tf -0 Y 0 e. ~,, NI6 two nil' Iffif all kinds of Chairs &I Cabine such as .. CANE; • • ' _'' . - _—. ' • - " -.::. and WINDSOR CHAT S; CANE-BEAT.BOST N-ROCKERS, SEWING and-TABL CHAIRS, . .. - SMALL ROCKING CH IRS, - OFFICE arid BAR-ROW/034135: - -. ' ! BUREAUS; ,- .1 . . - ~ . : • • SECRETAES, WARDROBES,' Tables, . . , Wash-Stands, , •- ,Lounges -• I Cribs, . . Cradles, ~ - Common andi . • Cottage Bedsteads. . i.tepafiing done on the shortest notice, anti in the most workmanlike manner. ' TURNING . done Immediately and to Olin All orders promptly attended-to. Pleas give me a call : and examine for yourself. 1 . . • ALBERT MAN rANIA, March 26. 1860.-28:1y. Planufacturer. • ' . ROHRER'S ROHRER'S • ROHRER'S ROHRER'S . - ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU ATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. • PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. -o--• 1 - RO t-IRERrS . PRACTICAL CALL TLATOR. A Book of Plain Rules an for Business Operations, by illatm N. Bottum, Practical f urveyor and Conveyancer. New Edition: published by J. B. Lippincott & 0., Philadel phia. This Work contains 204 ages. and up wards of 500 Rules and Ex4mples, entirely and thoroughly PRACTICAf., sulch . llS arise eve ry day in the common Turbo ts of Business. It has already poised through a number of Editions in rapid succession, and is pronounc ed by all classes of business inter to be the HANDIEST BOON ok nzszIIENCE/ pertaining to calculations, that,has ever bean published. • • Every: Example in the book s Li woanxo OUT IN FULL and stated in a plain -manner, so that when a parallel case arises, Alime referring .to the work will find no .iliLffeulty in readily solving it; in a -word, the glineral arrange ment of the-CALCULATOR iS so simple, that any one who knows how to I,ADD, SUBTRADT, l i muurims, on DIVIDE, can ensil,v solve any or dinary example that arises in ibusiness, or ar rive at the true result of and 'estimate requir ed. . 1 The chief aim of the author has been to es chew theory and philosophy in figures, alin ing only: at facts and simplicity, believing thakbusiness-men care little pout spending time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or . the science of figures, deeming, it sufficient for their,purpose to be able a t t a moment, by reference, to arrive at the TR S nEsurs. The CALCULATOR differs in thisirespect frOm all Aritinnetics of the .day and 1: ndred works— it is a key to practical burin ss calculations —it is in the hands of the business man what the key to mathematical worlds is in bands of the, teacher in the schoolirnom—ig facili tales. timo and insures eorreetnesr. - ME WOLIIIrL -TREATS OF Measurement of Lnnd, of Lumber, of. Brick and Brick Work, of - Stone add Stone Work, of Grain., and Grain Bins, of Coal and Coal Bins, of Wood, of Solids, of ..dquids• of Cir cular, Square, or Irregular Vessels, oiCisterns and Vats, of Robfing, of Plast+rers', Painters', Glaziers', Pavers', Plumbers', Paper Hangers', and Upholsterers' Work. It seats of Curren cy and of Foreign and Domes is Exchange, of the Decitutd System, of Reduction and its ex- Landed application to Ifusinesit, of Simple and Compound Interest, and thei4 entire applica tion to Business transactions with the laws and usages governing and regt toting the same, together - with numerous Com2rcial Forms,-- if Legal Tender, of Partial Payments on Notes, of Banking and Bank Discoaint, of Equation of Payments and of Partnership' Accounts, of Assessment of Taxes, of Weights and, Meas ures, :of Square and Cubic Measure, of the Square Root and its application to Business, of Surfaces, of Excavation, an'd of many other impoitant practical matters hot." within the scope' of an advertisement to p3entioti. IT IS JUST', THE BOOK' FOR. THE Farmer, the Merchant, the Mlchanic, the Ar tizan, or the Professional map. It has prov en . a valuable auxiliary to the Lawyer, the Justice.Of the Peace, the Conveyancer, and Real Estate Broker, to the Assessor, the Bank er, the,Glerk, to the Civil Etigineer and the Surveyor! to the Carpenter.and Bricklayer, to the Stone' Mason and the Pla4erer, to the Pa per Hanger and Uphoisterer ' to the Payer nod the Tilerilike., &V.; each and! all will 'find it adapted to their;-various =tits better than any book published. .. Cdr. Mailed ( post 'paid) toinny part of the United' States upon receipt lof the money. Price of a single Copy, in Clo'th, GO Cents, or two Copies for $llOO. Bound in Pocket-book, form, Morocco, $1 00 per copy. Address, M. MI ROHRER, Boxll9ll Philadelptia P. 0., Pa. 14—p mo. 1 • Administrators' Notice. WHEREAS, fetters of ad ninistration to the estate df ELI Rem, lite of Couders port, in the counts' of Fotter,i3eceased, have been granted to the subscribirs, all persons indebted, to said etate are requested to make immediate'payrucat, and thosei having claims against the same present_lthem duly au thenticated to AMOS FRENCH, or HARIII . EF PEES, I • .eldniinistrators. Coudersport, Dec. 20. 1860.-44 DOO SHEEP' Y.ELTS, wiradtl immediately I at ' tTEBBINV, BIM - JUBSON'g MOUNTAIN HERB p' .ABOVR. ive inesent you 'With a pert ness of Tezuco, arybief of a tribe of tla - Aztec Nation, that once ruled Slosh i4ll find 'a full ackount of Lim and • • -Ware, in :Out PaiaPWiti.and Alrnanacs—:to gratis, from the Agents for these Pills: The inventor and Manufacturer of son's Mountain -herb Pills," has sp e , greater part of his life_ in: traveling, visited nearly every Country io the la He spent. over' six years among the:ln? the RockS-.Mouwains and- of Mexica was this that the •...11ocsrety Hess' were discovered: - A very infereati a m, of his adventures there, yotiwill Almana6 and Pamphlet.. It is an established ftfrt, that alt arise from IMPURE BLOOD! The blood is the life! and when eaq or u' nbealthy matter gets mixed . \yids, at Once. .distributed to every organ body. -every nerve feels tle poison; at the vital organs quickly coMplaih.. The: nelr:will'-not digest the - food perfectly. liver ceases tot secrete a sufficiently of .1. .The action of ' he heart is weakened, ar the cir&latio is feeble. The lungs ix clogged with . he poisonous matter; het cough—and.. I from a slight-impurity; fountain-head of life—the Blirod I As had thrown some earth, for instance pure, spring, from which ran a tiny rin a few minutes the whole course of the becomes disturbed and discolored. ,As If does impure blood fly to -every pat leave its stin,g!behind. All the pes.a g , come obstructed, and unless the obstrt is removed,i the lamp of life seen diesel These pills not only pUrify the blued, regenerate all the secretiuns of the hotly; tore therefore, Unrivalled as a. CURE FOVPII.TO LW DISE.I, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, kc. Aflti-Bilious 31cdecine expels front the the hiddemsecids uroliseaCe, and Tenth the fluids and :secretions pure, and clearing and resuscitating the vital erg: Pleasant indeed, is' it to us, that • able to place within your reach, a Calculations like the Mount:flu ter)) . PiDS," that co directly to the .afflicted parts, tbrosi blood and fluids or the both., and CAW sufferer to brighten with the flush of I and health. Judson's Pills are the Best .R.enlaly istcnee for tke Allowing Complainl Bowel Complaints, Debility, Inward ' ness, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases,' nessi Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, aches, Indigestion, Influenza, lotlaua Piles, Stone and Gravel, Secondary tows. GREAT.F,tniALE ZEDICE •Females %lip value health, sbouhlnt without these Pills. They purify the. remove obstructions of all kinds, cleans skin of all pimples and blotches • and the rich color•of health to the plan cheek. The Plants-and Herbs Of -which Pills are made, were discovered'in strut prising way among the Tezucans, a tril Aborigines in Sleltleo: Get the Alma: our Agent, and you will read with eel the:very interesting account it contains( GIItIAIEDICINi; ." of the Aztecs. ObSe:MM.—The Mountain Iferb A put up in a Beautiful Wrapper.. Each be tains 40 pills, andretail at-25-cent: palm genuine, Laic the signature of B. L.. 10; S• CO., on each box. . JTJDSON & SOLE) . PROPRITO" rro. 50 Leonard Street, • :NEW YORK. Agents wanted always—Address as& NATURAL TEETH PRESERVED TO oio Shares . Charcoal Tooth Soap. NO ONE ARTICLE is more deserve popular as a means of cleansing preserving the Teeth than Charcoal. In this beautiful article of Tooth Soap Charcoal is rendered so perfectly fine as be in reality but the superfine dust of tilt most valuable substance—not a particle d grit is used in the composition which call possibly injure the enamel of Teeth. It elated with articles that remove the tarl ) 1 0 prevent its farther accumulation. , This Soap is the best known means ofia" serving the teeth, curing Sore Clams, twain Mouth.. One will last one year at a cost of only 15 cents. DIRECTIONS.—Wet the bruSh and rub to or three times lightly over the Soap, Abel thoroughly brush -the Teeth, and rinse 10 Mouth with pure water. Sold by C. S. & E. A. Tones, Couderepair Penn.. • . . HOW AR I) AS SOCIATIM PiIILADELPIIIA. Benevolent Institution established by !pew -Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidtse Diseases, yid especially for the Cure of Div eases' of the- Sexual Orycins. EDICAL ADVICE given 'gratis, by iFio /Tit Acting Surgeon,. to all who apply Dl' letter, with it description 'of their condition, (age, Occupation, habits of lir?, &c.,) cases of extreme pm erty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Sperrnatorrla ti, and other or the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in tbe Dif• Pensary, sent . to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of . charge. Two or the° Stamps for postage will be acceptable. • Address, DR. J. SKILLIN 11OUG11101 Actin.. Surgeon, Howard Association, NO South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BY° der of the Directors. -• . EZRA D. HEARTWELL,Presi dent. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. The Rophebter Straw-Cutte r. 01.11STED 45; : KELLY, Coudersport,' bee the exclusiee - agency for this celebrate& machine, in this county. It is covenient ,dl7 rable, and CHEAP. Dec. 1, 1860.-1!