El SINGLE COPIES, 1 0011172 E XIIL- - -141T11113ER 17. -Term Advertising. 1 Square [lO lides]' 1 insertion, - - - 50 • - 31- 4, : •$ j 50 Rack s nbsequirtt inairtion less than 13, 25 1-§quareilirgeeicintbs,. 7 - 250 1. six„. •• - --- - - • 4-00 r a - nine 550 'year,, - - 600 Rule and figure corky' per sq., 3 ins. 300 every subsequent insertion, ' 50 I;Col'*um six moaths,_;. -- -- - 18 00 f,a u' i 10 00 , .. - -: ca: to -cc •- ' .- - 7 00 •' • " per yeir. • 36 00 A , • st.t :; ~ gc r _ Displayed Singio-column, each iiiser tiott Pset.hali.four,' " • - --. 3 . 00 :sichitadifionaltinsertion, - oubl6-column;ifiiplayed, per annum 65 OU . six mouths, 35 00 •• .•. c.- " 7 . " • three " -: 16 00 ..!:; . ,!. -- " 1., ono month, 600 ..,; 1 .' . - .per square . f 10 - lines, each insertion under 4, 100 Parts of columns will beluserted'at the saute t - rates. • ~ Adininistrator's or Executor's Notice ; 200 Additer's NOtices, each, - - -- - - - - - 1 50 Sheriff's Sales, - per tract, 150 Marriage Notices, each, ---,- - - - 100 pirorce Notices, each, 1 50 Administrator's-Sales, per square for 4 • insertions, posiness or Professional Cards, each, not exceding, .8 lines, per year -- • 500 Special and - Editorial Notices, peg line, 10 reirAll transient advertisements must be baid in advance, and no' tiotice will betaken f advertisements from a distance, unless they &re accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. Caos. JOHN S. M ANN, ATTORNEY AND- COUNSELLOR AT LAW. - Couderiport, Pa., will attend the. several Courts in Totter and : Wßean Counties: All business entrusted in his care will receive in•ompt . attention. Office corner of West and Third 'street?. • 10.1 F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will regularly attend the Courts in Potter and the adjoining Counties. • 10:1 • ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY .1 . COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his care, with promptnes and fidt'ity. Office on Seth-.west corner of Main and Fourth streets. 12:1 ISAAC BR&SON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to him, with care and promptness. - Office on Second st., near the Allegheny Bridge. 2:1 0. T. ', - ELLISON; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfplly informs the citizens of the vil lage and Vicinity that he will promply re spond,to all calls for professional services. Office on Main st., in building formerly oc cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 0:22 .C. S. X E. A. JONES, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods, Groceries, Bc., Maio st., Coudersport,:Pa. 10:1 -D. E. OLMSTED, D. S. COLWELL, C. TAGGART. D. E. OLMSTED & CO., - DEALERS IN DRY GOODS,, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, 3:c., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 1, M. W. MANN, DEALI . I3. IN BOOKS & ISTATIONERY, MAG , AZINES and Music, N. W. corner of Main and Third sts., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 U. J. OLMSTED OLMSTED & KELLY, DEALER IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WAR .E, Main st., nearly opposite the Court House, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to ordet, in'good style, on short notice. 10:1 COUDERSPORT HOTEL, D. F. GLASS3IIRE, Proprietor, Corner of Main•and Second _ Streets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pa. 9:44 ALLEGANY IfOUSE, - S.I3IFEL NI MILLS, Proprietor, .Colesbnrg PLl,ter Ca., Pa., seven miles north of .Cou d,.",,,,Nvt on the w.lisviilo Road. 0:44 CHARLES MANNING, 53 - LACKSMITH, Fourth street, between Main and West Streets, Coudersport, Pa., is pre-' pared to do all kinds of work in his line, on the most reasonable terms. Produce taken in payment. 12:39 EZRA. STARKWEATHER, BLACKSMITH: would inform his former ens : Comers and the public generally that he has reostablished a shop in the building form erly occupied by Benj. Rennels in Couders port. where he will he pleased to do all kinds of Blacksrnithing on the most reason able terms. Lumber, Shingles, and all. kinds of Produce taken in exchange to! _ wo: k. 12:34. Z. J. THO3IPSON, ARIIIAGE WAQON MAKER find .R.E 14IRER, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., takes this method of informing the pub lic in.gentral that he is prepared to do all work in hiS line with promptness, in a workman-like manner, and upon the most accommodating terms. Payment for Repairing invariably requiredluitielivery of the work. lle.„ All kinds of PRODUCE Sken on account of work. 1':35. L. BIRD, lam prepared to do jobs of Surveying in Ulysses, Hector and Pike townslti,s, and anywhere within 8 or 10 miles of my home, and can undoubtedly give satisfaCtion, hav ing had over 6 years experience. L. BIRD. Brookland, (CushiAgrille), Potter Co. -"a Oct. 24, 1860. 111". . .., - . . _., ... . . ...... _. __ .. ... ~.. - . , . .. .. - .. .• _: ~.:. :.‘,.,... , :i - :W . _., ':: -----'..-4 . 4 . 5. _:' : - ~.- , , . r : : . .:... _.,,_:,..,,,, e . . f • - ..• . - . •_ . ... , &_, ik-•.,. .;: , .• . -_.- i, , , • - . _ , • ~. , . - . . .. .. , . • :,..,:-.7.!-„ . . ~,, ....-• :. •......,...,,,;.„1,• .... • f ) . . ~ - ._ •'. ..., ..- 0 ~ . - 1- . • - . ...-..•:, .• - -...i ... t .7.,„!;.-ti,,::: . , , , -.4.- 0 .„,,, n; .......,, . . ..„,. ~...... . . . ~ ~..,. - '" '' ' 4 - - . LAsp. ° t - - --. -.------ - - -.," • . -- r. ~.._ 0 ~.. ‘. _ ....., :.:...........,„..„....,.._:...i.1....„...? . 9 : . . i - . ~.-,---;:--.-. - .. . 1 . .„ . .. , ..„ - , - THE FOUNTAIN OF LOVE Ti's the fountain of love in this wilderness gushes, . If you thirst for the waters, yet pause ere you • d.-ink, ;The' red is the rose on the margin that blushes; And pale Is the lily that bends o'er its brink. Bow; it breaks over rocks,how it steal among flowers, • Dow: it - gleams in the sunshine and deepens in • : shade, - Now dancing along like the roseate hours, Or - ninkratteing,'slOwly its soft serenade: , .'Tis the fountain of love—and of happiness Ask that of the thousands that drink, of its tide. Of all that approach it the happy are few, And many, like Sappho, have tasted anti died, • When the waters are troubled, it is not to ' cure; No Angel - deseendi the affi'cted to save. Drink little; if little you wish to endure, But if you love sadness, drink , deep of lite . wave. • • It will double your.cares, and divide your delights, Plant grief in the heart of the constant and trite, * -And a sorrow,* the peace of 'another that blights, Must be borne in its pain and its anguish by You. 1 50 But 'tis thought that this current leads far, far away Till it reaches a distant and happier shore, Where affection and love will hereafter be gay, And sorrow - depress and divide them no more. GOVEEINOWS 11111W4AGE. (Concliided.) • By the act passed by the last Legislat ure, establishing a system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and securing the public, against loss froin insolvent banks, radical changes were made in the banking laws of this State. 'lnstead of corporations created by special laws, voluntary associ ations are authorized to transact the busi ness of banking, without further legisla tion, and, as an indispensable pre-requis ite to fhe issufna of bank notes for circu laden as.money, ample security mist be depnsited with ' the Auditor . General fur their prompt redemption. 'flip law makes provision, not only for the .neorporation of new banking asseciations, but enable banking institution's already in existence to continue their business for twenty years after the expiration of their present charters, upon complying with its provis ions, by withdrawing their old elicitation and giv.ng the securities required for the redemption of Cleir new, -issues. The public, I am sure, will rejoice that no fur din necessity existslor legislative action, either on the subject of creating. new or rechartering old banks, and that the time and attention of their representatives will now, happily, be no longer monopolized in the consideration of a subject hitherto prodUctive of so much .strife antfeonten- Lion; if not of positive evil. The rapid increase of private banks, throughout the State; makes it eminently right that they should be placed Limier proper legislative restrictions, and that the large amount of capital thus employ ed should be made to contribute its fair proportion to the revenues of the Com monwealth. Their business, in the ag gregate, 'is now telleved to amount to a sum almost, if not quite, equal to the whole buAness of the regularly chartered banks; and yet it is entirely unrestricted. and, with the exception of a merely nom inal license tax, is free 'from. taxation. This is unjust to ciery other class 'of our taxpaying citizens, and especially so to - the banking institutions lidding charters from the_eommonwealth, for which they have each paid a liberal bonus, and are, in addition, subject to a very large tax on their dividends. I..respectfully com mend this subject to the attention of the Legislature. _ . S. D. KELLY A high sense of my duty impels me again to call the attention of the Lectis iature to the inadequacy of existing laws regulating the receiving, keeping, and disbursement of the revenues of the State. The public. moneys are now .paid directly to the State Treasurer, who deposits them. at his own discretion, whenever and wher ever he chuoses,-and pays them out in sums, either small or great, upon his own unattested check exclusively. Theamount thus received, kept, and disbirsed is an nually between three audio& millions of dollars, with. balances-on hand, at times, qacceding one million- of dollars ;" while the bond of the State Treasurer is for only - eighty thousand dollars: His ac counts are settled monthly by the Audit-.. or General, by whom the receipts for money paid into the Treasury are coun tersigned,- and these are .the only safe guards provided by law to prevent thell legal and improper use - of the money of the State, by the State Treasurei. Happily; the revenues of the Common wealth .have hitherto been safely kept, properly disbursed, and promptly accoint ed for, by those in, charge of the public treasury; - but, in view of the seriuus de falcations wltu h have occurred elsewhere; • 'Debota '2liivi . plai 'of i rklie. 410 biso'zNitiqtioq - KiiO4f.lll'4 40' ifeths• „._ POETRY: POLITICAL. COUpERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY,'' . JANUARY 24, 1861 , and Jo Oilier States; this' fhcrshould furn iish no reason why -we ought 'not to guard. against iossin the future..,Referring to my former annual .messages,.l respeccful lyi ,but - most earnestly; ieemw eend. that provision to- made by law :' ' - Firxt.--That *no money shall be - de posited by the State Treasurer in_ any bank, or elsewhere, without first re'quir ing- ample- security to be given to the Commonwealth for the prompt:repayment of such sum as tiny 'be deposited ; and that such securities shall be deposited in . the office bf the Auditor General. H - i Secoutt.—That all checks issued .by the State Treasurer shall be countersign ed - 14 the Auditor General, . before they are used, and that daily accounts shall be kept-of :the -moneys received, deposited, and -disbursed, in;the Auditor General's office, as well as in the Treasury Pepart intnt. - . , ThircL—That 'cbrideased monthly state ments, .verified by the signatures of the Auditor General and State Treasurer. shalt he published in one newspaper in Philadelphia and one in Harrisburg, shoW ing the balances in the treasury, and Where deposited, with the particular amount of each deposit ; and • -• • • - Bret/IL—That: the bond of the State Treasurer be incrcased - to the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Our various charitable and reformatory institutions—the State lunatic Hospital, at Harrishura—the Westurn Pennsylva nix HOspitaCfor the insane, at Pittsburg --the asylums fur the blind, ahe deaf and dcmb, at Philadelphia—the House of Refuge • at Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and the Pennsylvania Training SOhoul for idiotic. and feeble-minded clildien, at Media, will present their usual annual claims upon the bounty of the., State. These excellent charities are-continually 'dispensingd benefits and blessings 'upon suffering and erring humanity which can scarcely be overrated They are heartily commended to ,t4.discriminating liberal ity of the Legrslature: I refrain, as I have heretofore done, from recommend ing, as proper objects for appropriations• from the State Treasury, other charitable and benevolent institutions, not because. they arc,Undeserving the confidence and patronage of the public, but because they are local in their character, and in my judgement have no claims upon the com mon fund which can be admitted, injus tice to the rights and interests of other portions of the Commonwealth The inspectors of the State Penitlntia ry for the Eastern District of Pennsylva nia, in their annual reports for the years 1858 and 1859; called the attention of the Legislature to the insecurity of such parts of the Penitentiary building as were exposed to their own fires and those of the neighborhood, and recommended that roofs of such of the Corridors as were cov ered with shingles, and needed , renewal, should be replaced with slate or metal. On visiting the institution, my attention was called to the subject by the inspect ors. The necessity for the.chan ,, e was so apparent and urgent, that I advised 6 them not to hesitate in having the old, dilapidated, and dangerous wooden roofs of such portions of the building as requir ed. renewal, replaced with s - oule substan tial fire-proof material. This - has accord ingly been done, and I 'respectfully re commend 'that a small appropriation be granted to defray the expenses incurred. I commend to your consideration the report of the State _Librarian, whose at tetrion to the Interests of the Library under his care deserves - the warmest ecminendation. The systeen of exebanges with the different States of the Ilnion,.and with • foreign Governments,'eowinenced and prosecuted under his auspices, has resulted togreatadvantages to the Libra ry, and deserves the continued counten ance of the Legislature. The increase of the Library, at a comparatively small ex pense to the State, has been such, that tt now needs enlarged accommodations for Ole safe keeping of the voluthes, and, it the increase continues, will soon require a separate building for its exclusive use. The reports of the State Treasurer, the Auditor General, the Snrievor General, the Adjutant General, and the Attorney General, will inform yz,u, in detail, of the operations of the Government; as present ed by those several departments, for the last fiscal Year. They are entitled to the attentive consideration of the Legislature. Soon after thy -inauguration, upon the recommendation of my predecessor in of fice, a dwelling kouse was 'purchased in this city, for trio residence or the Govern. or of the Commonwealth. The purchase included several articles of heavy furni ttire, then ittlhe building, and a.swall appropriation Would complete the necee sary furnishing- of the houSe, so as to make it a fit and convenient residenee for the incoming. Executive. I *cheerfully recommend the immediate passage pia bill waking a suitable • apprepriation*.for ; this purpose. ,The. extraordinary and alarming eondi lion of our national affairsrdemands your immediate attention. On the twentieth of Deoembei last, the Coofertion of South Carolina, organized udder the authority of the - Legislature of . that State, by a unanimous vote, declared ."that the union now subsisting , between South Carolina and the other%*tafes -- under the.imme of the United'Stotes of America, is hereby diisolVed i" and- the action already taken in several other , Seinthern States indicates, most dearly, their intention to follow this. example". • ' _ Ou behalf of the advocates of secession, it' is claimed that, this Union is merely a compact I)tween the several States com -positig it, and that any' one if the States, which may . ..feel aggrieved,' may, at its pleasure, declare that. it Will Lao longer be a party tolthe compact: This doctrine is' Clearly erroneous. The Constitution of the United States is something more than it mere compact or agreements tettreen the • • several States. As applied Ito nations, a compact' is but .a treaty, which may be abrogated at the will of either parry; re sponsible in the other party. for its bad ,• faith in refusing to keep its engagements, but entirely irresponsible. to any surerior triLunal. ;A government, on the other hand, whether created by consent, or by , conquest; when .clothd with legislative,' judicial, and executive powers, is neces• sully in its nature sovereign ;• and from this sovereignty - flows its right to enforce ! its lan's ,anddecrees bs civil process,-and, in au emergency, by its military and naval Power. The government owes protection to the people, and they, in ,turn, owe it their allegiance. Its laws cannot be vio- laced by its citizens without laccountabil• ity to the tribunals created to enforcee its decrees, and to punish offenders. Organ ized resistance to it is rebellion. If suc cessful, it :may be purged Of crime by revolution.' If unsuccessful, the persons engagedin: toe rebellion may bp executed as traitors. The Government of, the United States, within the limits assigned to it, is TIA. potential in sovereignty as any other. Government in the civilized world. The Constitution, and, laws made in pur suance thereof, are expressly' declared to, be the ittpreme law of the land. Under the Constitntion, the General Government has the posier to raise and support armies,. to create and maintain •a navy, and to provide .fur calling forth the militia to execute its:, laws, suppress insurrection, and repel , itiVasion. A ppropriate statutes have been enacted ';by CongreSs, to aid in the execution of these important govern mental powers. - The creation of the :Federal Govern ment, with ;the powers enumerated in the Constitution, was the act of the people of the United States, and it is perfectly im material that the people of - the several- States acted separately within the terri torial litui:s ! of each State. The form of their action: ; is of no consequence, in view of the factl that they created a Federal Government; to which they surrendered' certain lowers of , sovereignty; and declar ed those powers, thus surrendered, to.lic supreme, without reserving. to the States, or to the:people, the tight of secesson, nullification : , or other resistance. It is therefore' clear that there is no constitu tional right of secession. Secession is ocly another form of nullification. Either, when attempted to be canted out by force, is rebelion, and 'should be treated as such by those whose sworn duty his to main, tain the supremacy of the. ConstitUtiot and the laws of the United States. It is;certaiuly true, that in case of great extremity; when the oppression ot gOl7- eratherit . haS become so Intulernble that civil war is preferable to: longer submis sion, there remains - the reioltitienary right of resistance; but where:the authority of the Governthent is limited by a written I Constitrition, and each departuient islield fin check 14. the other 'departments,- it' will rarely, if ever, happen that the citi zen may not be adequately 1 , -protected, Withoutreserting to the sacred and in alienable right to resist and destroy a ':(lovarinnentf which has been; perverted to a tyranny: lint; while denying the tight of a gton'to abselve its citizens frOM the al legiance which they owe; to the Federal Government; it is, nevertheless, highly proper that we should carefully and can didly:examine the reasons which are ad vanced by :those who have evinced a de termination to destroy the Union of these American Skates, and if it shall 'appear that any of the causes of complaint. are well founded, they should be :unliesitat. ingly • removed, and, as far asp possible, *eparation made for the past, and security 'given for the future.; for it is not to be tol erated, that a government created by'the people, and Maintain.ed fur their benefit, should - do lops:We to any. - portion:of its citizens. I • : 'After asseking her right to withdraw from the Union, South Caroli4,t.hrough ner:Convention, among ether reasons, declares that,she is justified it - exercising at. this time, that right,—_bitaws'e several of the States;havl for years .noC . oniy, re fused to fulfil their constitutional ooliga tions, but have enacted laws either nulli fying, the Constitution, or rendering use less the acts of Congress relative to the surrender of (fugitive slaves • that they have ,permitted the open eitablishm -at of societies, to disturb the peace or otliei States; ,that the people of.nop-slavehold ing States have ; aided in On / escape- of slaves from their masters, add have in cited to - servile insurrection': those,. at remain and have announced .their-`de - termination to exclude that South frPtu the common territory oldie Union. 'As tLe representatives of the people of Perin- Sylvania, it becomes your solemn dtitylto !examine these serious charges, made ity the authority of'a sovereigti State. - Pennsylvania is ideld - denetlie Hard States that are charged mith having re fused, compliance with - that mandate: of the Constitution of the ...United States which declares ''that no person held j'to service or labor in one State, under the laws. thereof, escaping into anuther ' _3+ll in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service ] or labor; but shall be delivered up, claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due." So fur from adniit ting the truth of this charge, i unhesitut ingly aver, that upon a careful examini- Lion, it will be found that the legishitive and judicial action of Pennsylvania, Whether as a colony, as a member of the old Confederation, or under the existiiig Constitution of the United States, has been almost invariably • influenced by a proper appreciation of her own obligat idns and, by a high regard for the rights; he feelings, and ile interests of her xis er States. •As - early as 1705, the provincial au thorities of Pennsylvania, , after recitt l ng in the preamble " the importation lof Indian slaves fi-om Carolina or other places, bath been observed to give the Indians of this province some, utub4ae for suspicion and dissatisfaction;" passed lan act against the importation of Indian slaves front any other province or colqny in America, but at the same time declar ed "that no such Indian -slave as, desert-1 ing his master:s.service elsewhere, shalll fly into this province shall be understood or construed to be comprehended within i this act." And when, iu 1780, -more than eight years before the Constitution Id the United States weot into operation, _Pennsylvania passed her laws for the c-r4ltial abolition!of slavery, mindful lof thd, right of her confederates, she decliir ed-that,"this act; or anything in it min tamped, shall not give any relicror sl4l- ter to any absecnding or runaway negro orMulatto slave-or servant who has ab suited' himself, or shall absent himself, from his or her owner, master or mistress residing in any other State or, contiqy, but such owner, 'Master or mistress shall have like right and aid to demand, clai'iu, and take away his slave or servant as le might have had in ease this act had dot been made." -A provision mach in4re unequivocal in its phrpseolu,- and dirlet in its connuands than those found - on the same subject, in the Constitution of the Union.' The act,: by its terms, was made inapplicable to ddmestie slaves attenuttig; upon delegates in Congress from the oth er American States, und_those held by persons while passing - through this State or sojourning, therein fur a period-. trot longer than six months. In 1788 it was made a l bigh penal pf fence for any persen, by. force, violence, or fraud, to take but of this State nny negro or mulatto as a slave, for a term of years.. Soon after the passage of this act, the Sopronla Court of Pennsylvaoa decided that it did not apply to ,the forc ible removal of a slave, by - the owiserior his agent, but that its object.was to pun ish the forcible or fradulent abducqon from the State ot free negroes, with the intention of keeping or selling 'them las slaves. Thus, at that early dPy, givicg judicial sanction to the doctrine, tha4 a master had the right to take his slaves wherever ho could find thim. The first act of Congress providing for the rendition of fugitives from justice ior labor was passed in 1793, and originated • from the refusal ot the Governor .?f Virginia to surrender and deliver up, pn the requisition of the Governor of Penn. svlvauia, three persons who had been indicted in Pelmsylvania for kidnappig a nettro; and carrying him into Virginia. And when it was found that this Cdn gressional statute did not afford a simple, speedy-and efficient remedy fur the re covery of fugitives:from labor, the Legis latUre of Pennsylvania, at the request,:of the adjoining State of Maryland,•in 186 passed her act "To give effect to the provisions of. the ; Conititution 'of tie United States rotative to, fugitives frcup , labor, for the Kotection of free penplelof: :color, and to preverit kidnapping." Tips excellent and well-considered late met oil the existing emergencies. It requiid the judges, justiceS of, the peace, and. : aldermen of, the upon the oath Sof. the claimant, to issue their warrant. for the arrest:A:it any,' fugitive from labbr capirig.iatothis State; directing hoiv- - ever, .that;suoh warrants should be made returnable, by Whomsoever issued,. bet+ a judo of the proper county. -It requir ed sheriffs dud constables to execute warrants'. It-authorizedlifetouuittueUt PDUIt .CENTS. TERRIS.- -$135 PER, gartok, , of-the fugitive to the county - jail,, :a134 otherwise made provisions to-secura, i l k effective execution and itt thi saine,Alinit to prevent its abuse. ' •':', t: .• : .•-fil-i,': This law continued quietkrin toperit tion until the decision of the . Supiirtm.e- Court of. the United , Stites. • triada, i* 1 1842, in the case ofTrigg vs. The.'o* - monwealth of Pennsylvania. • Thelkisti. ry of the case may :be briefly midair,* ward Prigg was - indicted 14.00.0041 ._ _Dyer and Terminer, of York countx,i,fay kidnapping a colored person,. MOO ;Margaret - Morhan: - ,Upon the triallt'sji, 4 1 peered that she was, held us ft elave F tii the State of Maryland,' and•that. she • ear caped into the State of Peonsylvanfain the year 1835—that in -1837: Ed.iard Prigg was appointed by the owner otitis i 4 lav,p, to seize and arrest, her--asa fugi tive from labor. , In puraumime.of ,this authority, and under a warrant issue&by a justice of , the peace, Prigg caused_ ~the nero woman to•be arrested, and withoit hazing obtained any warrant of-,retuoval. he delivered her to her owner; .io the State of Maryland. These facts siern founded by a special verdict, and by the agreement of counsel .a judgeruent . was entered agah3stPrigg. Vow this judg ment a writ-of error .sias taken ..4,0-' - ,the Sirpreme Court of the State, where. a pro forma judgement of affirmance - was, IF again by agreement entered, and the ease removed to the Supreme evart of the United States. *- . ' It will be observed that the question, whether Edward Prigg was really nifty of the crime of kidnapping, under, the Pennsylvania, statute of 1826, was never actually passed upon, either by the court or jury, in the county.of York, or , by, the Supreme Court of the State. The jury merely found the facts, and the action of both courts was but a matter of fcirai. In the. argument and . determination of the case, in' the Supreme Court of pre - United States, it appears to have trciA, taken for granted, that our act of ..La-, , ' made it a criminal. offence fur plupt.tf. , r to take his slave out of this State, wide out a warrant of reutal; and upon this construction, the act t , as declared uncon stitutional and void. This. I submit, • was a clear misapprehension of _the pm." port and meaning of our legislation. The first section of t he act of-- : 1826, ,under which the indictment agaiest Prigg was framed, was almost literally copied from the seventh section of the act of, 1781, to which a construction bad alreay been given by the higheit judicial tribunal of . the State of Peunsylvania, where it was held to have no application whatever ; to the rem oval of a slave , by the master' Of his agent, with or withoat a warrant.-4 Such was the undoubted lased the State under the statute of 1808, and in re•en, acting.that statute,-in the act of 1826? with an increased penalty, it is manifesit that the intention and object of the Leg., islature was to protect free persons. of color, and to punish those, who by fraud; force or- violence were guilty of . kidnap . ; ping, and holding or-selling free men as slaves. This the State had-a clear right to do ; and nothing but a misconstrue tion of :her act cou:d have indneed the declaration that it. was forbidden by &elf Constitution of the United States.. It is :perfectly clear,'. that Edward Prig had committed no - crime' in removing' , Margaret Morgan from the State of Penal ' sylvania to the-State ofl Maryland,' nal delivering her up to her ( owner ; and ft; • is equally clear, that no. attempt Fa's' made, by the statute of Pennsyivaniii, t:o! declare his act a crime. lie should have ; been discharged, not because the act ~el the State was unconstitutional; but be , cause he had not transgressed hi_ dont- • elands, . . -The Supremo Court of the Uni ted, . - States not only pronounced theparticulsi . section of the act of 1826, then before - them, nuconstitutiOnal, but a majority r ok: tlie court held that, the Whole act was . void, because the power to provide" for the rendition of fugitives from !abet was vested exclusively in : Cugirls, and the several States were, ;therefore, incoliipe . tent to pass statutes either in . aid cit or - to, hinder, delay, or ,prevent the deliver); - of such fugitives. That this Was tneexl• tent of tbe - decision,as delivered by JudiCl Story, not only appears froth the opiuitatA. , of the majority, but also from , the- dissent-. - ing opinions delivered by the minority of the court. By this unfortunate declaim), it was authoritatively proclaimed' thill, Pennsylvania, In enacting her liberaF statute of 1826, making it the , defy . ..it her own officers .to aid in erre - Sting:lWO delivering up fugitives from lab4,.„Aid mistaken her constitutional, thlioation.. and that her , act wis in violation of, rather than obedience tii %- tiiii - CO.u. , stitution of the United States.`... Under such circumstances, it tvre til'e manifest dut..) of the Sae to repeal. law thus declared uncorstitutimial: was don° 14,the'aci ot 1841, anfi - act had' contained 'nothing - more*:!,.: repeal of the law of 1816, and the Id enactment of the it could not . haie been, subjeo3,t. k.i any just complaine. - But the'third aßectiutt FIEBE