The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 06, 1860, Image 3
tlttblit ditinths. COUDERSPORT, DECE4I3ER G 1860 IVinitir is upop tis--:lhiegroun.d is frvz ze , so lid, and is val . :at..luta NI covered IN-it'll snow to admit: of: short A Nurpeys ou run neve The' hubs, loVirev:sl-; 'Stick their black heads dikatritzlngly.. OUr citizens h ave "gone into.ivinter :habit," and buii oess is reviving rapidly upon the promise of more snow. TueSday-nire• snow has fallen to•day, makifig fair-sleighing. iVe hope our friends - will remember us Coot week— lie never nettled money horse than now, and our iittle dues; in this county when all collecfect would get us entirely 'jut of 'Alai and l e ave us a fair amount of money. to - go ahead with. We hai'e about $6OO now outstanding:, all iu little dribs of front - $1 to $3. May we not luipe fora laige share o f it Court week ? If you are.not com: ing to Court yourself, send the. Looney or home kind of grain by some ocighbor who s coming. Blaclacood's ilagazine.=--This excel lent British monthly fur .No.vember is on 'ea table, and re have read it with n& than oi'difiaiy interest. 'lt opens with an excellent criticism of the _Civil Service A ointment 'Worm, and. contains some halldozen Review articles Vesicles two protracted serials. 'The 'only obj ection we have to Iliad:lt:6oa is the leugth to Which its stories are drawn out. it is reliubliAcd by L. &oft E Co., .New York, rod is supplied to American read trs at a sear. The ninth annual meeting, of the Poi . - TER CO., AGRICULTURAL 11ORTICUL 7 TERM, SOCIETY Win be held on the even- iog of Monday, the 17th inst., at the Court [Muse in the Borough of Couders port, for the election of Officers, and oth er business of importance. B.\ RIK NILES, Pre3'l P. A. STEBBINS, Jr., Rec., Sec'y. Mmobers and others interested in the promotion of .Agrieulturein this county are hereby notified that a resolution "giv ing the privilege of locating the twit annual Fair, to the Township furnishing the largest list of Oetobers aceomfanied Arich their subssription for 1801," w ill •he presented for consideration. Tre this week conclude the legitiruate report of the proceedings of the 'County Teachers' Institute at Ulysk , s. They have been much wore copiously reported than beret:)fure, and though our columns bare been croiided all the time, We have given' them with pleasu're,:as containing mach useful and practical- educational Thfurmation, and. which could Mit other : wise have been made pub ie in so brief a mariner. It should also be rementl,ered that the Institute was in session two weeks, under the charge of one of the most distinguished educators of the na tion, Prof. Sanders. The essay of Mr. Shore will have to 'ay in our drawer until our eulutnus lens crowded. Godry's Lady's Book, for January, t hick commences a new volume, is on our table already—in fact in advance of the Djeon.ber No., fur we hare tot yet veeired that. The number under• notice a Inaguilicent one, and indicates that the new year of this first-ehtss lady's rnau,- tizine is to be better if poFsible than ever before. (t is filled with a large number d useful and tasteful cuts for the benefit of the ladies, and is rich in irs literary .41:tinalfants. \V will next '.'reek give F.e first installment of. "Mr. and Mrs. Rasher," a very life-like and amusing iimaestie history, by the author of "Mrs. Boardin , House," which all ~ Ar readers Willifind worthy of their pe raal. We furnish God,'y to subscribers the JOURNAL for $2 a year—the reg.- ear subscription price being $3. • Tile small-pox has broken out in some fftlie small sneers iu the western part of hifiulelphia. and a number of the poor lave `died. 11'nole families ore I) r( Strut- Witll it in its most virulent character, a:ld it is rapidly spreading,. Cu As. P. EnowN., Artethus Ward, for some years local editor of the leselaud Plainrlcalcr i has !...everecl liiq aacctipu with that paper to 'take a ace on Vanity Fair, Now York. ~JIZ~I~i ~ Jii~2;. Shares Charcoal Tootle Soup. cleanse better and preserve the teeth Gums longer than any other known sub uace. One box' will last 12 months fur only I qntF.. To he had of C. S. A. Junes, I:4tivrport. . Uncle Steve's Pills, \ 'IDE from Mots, Barks, and , Plants.— I. Not recommended to cure everything, - 7, as the best and lIIOSt F.ELIABLU FAMILY h;tsickmam. They leave the Stomach and iu a healthier and better condition ..1.14 any Other physic. Try one box, and re :l7i it' net s. - tti:tie7l. .&01:1 by C. S. & A. Jones, Agents,Couders t. , , 7.1%". L. BIRD, ' ll ll prepared to do jobs of. Surveying. in Hector and Pike Townshi..s, and ii.yvzhere within S or 10 miles of my bonze, 2nd can undoubtedly give satisfaction, has'. izg had over G years experience. L. BIRD. Oct Brookland, - Piitter Co:. Pa. 21 . , 181:10. - 'itr. CHARLES' MANNING, 'O-eV:SMITH, Fourth street, between Main :•nd I Ve:it Streets, Coudersport, Pa., is pre-, i•amd to do all kinds of work in his line, '. r : 1 , the roost reasonable terms. Produce .z 4v , • - l'a Payment. ' 12:39 ZEE SEiee! al ' Notice; . rENIAT'S SUFFERINU fr,om Scalding of IL the Urint":; - ProldPsus, tucorrhea, should pie Andrew.4' l ever and * Canker compound. It'ritndres 'Fevers, Irritrition, itching; and leaves _the' paitg.iti eliealthy, Vialtse consult - . 4 t Last:Ray, otllope," to be bed of . 'tbe -,. Proprietor,- Syracuse, Y. -Send stamp to pre-pay postage, or it may be. _had 'gratis of:Agents. For, sale by C. S. - -,.A. Jaties,'CondersPoii_ _ ,tly. Afflicted' Try one box of Llycle's Celebrated Indian Plasters. It renew:es Palle, Sureness, Linne miss tle Weakness, gnieker and more certain Ilian any other, known artittie, and is a specific reinedv fur Illtentinitisiti. 'lt la" the cheapest as well as best Plaster before the Frinn:ktO 12 largii.Plaiters for•2s 'cents. Cir culars to be bad gratis' of Agents. Sold by. C. S. E. 1. Jones, .Condersport, and. by deniers generalli = 71y. - To Consumptives. MITE Advertiser, having been, restored to Weeks in aifeW Wes by a!very simple remed:y, after. having suffered several tears a severe twig affection, and that dread disease,:"ConSamptiou,is anxious to mace lmown to Lis fellwx.stifferers the means of cure. To ail who desire it, he will semi a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direct:l.MS fort preparing and using the same, which they sill find a Ewan Cunt for CONSCMPTIOS, ASTHMA, 41:05CifITIS, ttc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every• sufferer will try his-remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a- blessing.. Parties wishing the prescription,will please ad dress _ Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON AVilliamsburg.ll, [3 : ly.] . Kings County, New Volk 4tilt,.3.inttizriiinitz, . The Rochester Straw-Cutter. 4 - 11,11 SM 5: KELLY; Coudersport. have the eiclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in tills county. It is covenient, du rable, and CHEAP. Dec. 1, 18110.-12.- Administrators' NOtice. xvITIIEREAS letters oradministration to the I :estate of GEORGE A. BENTON, late-of Al legany-township, in the county of Putter. de ceased. have been granted to the subscribers, all persons idebted to the said estate are re 'quested to make inmiediate payment, and thm-e having claims against the sante will pre sent them duly a utheuticated to the Admin istrators., LUCINDA BENTON, W.M. - ROGERS, Allegany, Nov. 29, 1960.---L12t17. A 000 SHUT PELTS., wanted immediately .1 at , - STEBBINS'. Horse Team for Sale. V 11 E subscriber ,desires to sell a Team of BAY . MARES, G years old, both with foal. They are well matched, gentle, and so far as I know. sound. They are well broken to farm use, and will be sold at a, very reasona ble price. Terms easy. Apply immediately at the Jewelry Store. C. IL WARRINER. Condercport! NOV. 28, 180.-1 T Nov. 1860 Q I=M=l - INOWT READY AT TUB CORNER STORE. The choicest and most complete stock of FALL AND WINTER 4415: 41* 10 EVER. OFFEIED This • Market which affords buyers a iplendid Opportunity to suit.thernselves with articles of every va.- i•icty - of cost, elegance, or cmcellence We cannot, be beat in QuANTrry, QUA LITY OP FM' 'A •,4'..'ri,,, all of which, every department, challenges competition We takc all kinds of PRODUCE iu EXCHANGE FOR GOODS and allow 'Vie highest ..ilarket Price. PURCHASERS Look to your interest, IN SO DOING REMEMBER TEE tOrTtrt gittri OPPOSITE TUE Cou'Ocrap.ort Pottl. STEBBINS k 1300. Coudersport, ::or. 1850 PRICE CURRENT. . . 'Corrected every Wednesday _by E. N: STEII - BINS . BRO. Wholesale. and 'Retail Dealers in Groceries - and Provisions,;:_ opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, * i Coudersporty Pa. • , Apples, green, 7 t,i WISL., $ 37.3- to 621 do -dried, • " 100 200 Beans,. 1 00 E5O. Beeswa; - • 20 ,25 Beef,' ' " . .4 5 Berries, dried, /7 quart 6 _lli Buckwheat, %.1 1 bush., -.- 40- 50 Butter, 'll lb., 17 15 Cheese, , 13* Corn, 1 busb., ' ': 75 88 Corn Meal...per cwt., .. '1 50 . 2 . 00 l> . Eg s ;1 1 !LI .O z 1 . : 15 . Flour, extra, 12 bbl., 650 7.00 do superfine " - 550'6 00 ' 'Talus, 1 . 1 lb., - . . 121 . 'l5 Hay, 11 ton, . .5 50 GOO Honey, per lb., ' . 10 121 Lard, " 12 l5 IMaple Sugar, per 11;., . : 8 12 0.11..8,11 bush., ' . '3O - '33 Onions, ." . 73 100 . .. Pork, V bbl., - ' ' 23 56 24 50 do `11,1b„ • • la .' 13 du in wliole bog, 11 lb., . ' 4 41 71 Potatoes, per bush., * 25 ..37.4. Peaches, dried, 'CI lb., .' - . • .. 25 Poultily, V lb., . . 5 7 - [ Rye, per bosh., - ,63 75 Salt, 11 bbl., ' . 2 - 50 275 do V sack, . . , . * 2O Trout per . bbl - ' 6.00, 700 Wheat, V. bush., 100 1 121 White Fisb, — Vl bbl., , 650 700 List of Causes fOr_ trial at Dee. .'rertia."lB , 6o. Johnson, We Co. vs. Forgus Gee, T. Jones, IVO3 & Strait, W. T : Jones 8 Bro. " Culp & Cuip, W. 11. Ilydorn, " S. M. M.lls, C. C. Kenyon, - " W T.S.: A F Jones W. II Metzgar, et. al. " :, '1: A. 11. Ford, " S. M. Mills. • Asa DOwns, " Coe 11. Wood, - J. C. Cavanaugh, " w,T & Al? Jones J. C. Cavanaugh, " WT Jones, ~ • Painter, IveS et al. . 4 MOWS Hart, Painter, Ives et al. " Thomas Bart, Wm 1.7 - Keating et al. " Harvey Manning, A P Jones, . Roswell Owen, " L. F. Maynard, Stevens', use ofßailey". Win B :Monroe, O. A Lewis, guardian " John P. Russell, Samuel Gridley, " Lord & Dwiglit, Nathan Phillips, " Lord &D. eight, Win T Jones & Bro. " John M Kahan, P. A. Stebbms, " W T Joue‘ . , A P .. Jones, C Smith, . The Commonwealth, " C Swartz,t Julet'n li L Austin et al. ' • " Reynold & David'n Pomeroy & Smith, " Rosa and White, S W Payne & Cu., " WT& A F Jones, S W Payne & C 0.,. , " " " Olmstcd,nse W T Jones ". Isaac B. Baker, Potter County, " C. Ayleswortli, Thomas Hart, " John Jordan, S P Reynolds, - " Ben))'. Rennells, H Mattison, " Fratklin ~ Gale ' . Manual] Matteson, " II Lord & J Dwight Manoah Matteson, IVT&AF Jones. H. J. -OLMSTED, Pro'y. - Coudersport, Nov. 22, 18G0. GEORGE SMITH, BARBER, AND ITAIRDRESSEII,—in the building recently occupied by J. S. Mann, Esq., as a law 011ie, Coudersport, Pa.,--would respectfully solicit the patronage of the pub lic, Shaving, Hair-cutting and Shampooing done in the most approved style. Dis7-Cloth ing neatly and expeditously CLEANED and SCOCRED, at reasonable prices. Oct. 16, 1860.-3 mu DASSOLUTION. MITE Partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned under-the title of SMITH JONES, in the Drug and Variety business, is this .day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts are in the hands of C. Smith for settlement and collection, and all persons indebted CO the Erin are requested to make immediate pay ment and save costs. COLL/N9 E. A. JONES. Coudersport, Nov. -26, 1860.-llt.ll - ( 4.161 •PariMs - 111. 111 • VILE undersignedould respectfully inform the surrounding community that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by A. G. Olmsted, where be is prepared to do AU kinds of Harness Work • on the shortest notice.. LONG STRAW COLL ARS, Also kept.constalltly on hand. These collar; are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their sucess. _Repairing (lone in good style. Surcingles, 3Zarting,ale-rings, flumes, and Hanle strops., &-c., kept consta, tly on hand. The public are invited to call dud examine ; before purchasing els'ewtere. S. P. MINAR. Co.:dcrsport, Oct. 16th, 1860. Used 15 years in an Extensive and very Success- f .;1 Medical Practice A CERTAIN RENIEDI7 FOR Fever Canker and hylaninwtion ! R. 0. ANDREWS' Fever and Canker .Componmi is unquestionably the . best and most reliable remedy. for Scarlet - Fever, Measles, Sore Month or Throat, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding at the Lungs, 'or for Fever of every grade Hopeless Cases of Bleeding ,at the lungs, Coughs, (Called Consumption,) Debility of the System, Percale Weakluesses, and all general levers cured. 1),000 Certil:ato. could be published, showing the most astou ishiug cures. Nelsonlladay. Esq. Groton, N. Y., cured of Bleeding at the Lungs, severe Cough and General Debility of the System, called Con sumption. <kit hopes of relief had foiled from every other source. The cure was performed five years since. He is yet, (March, 1860,) enjoying good health. • 'llenry Vanderbelt, Orleans, N. V., cured of extreme case of Female Weakness, Prolap.sus uteri, Itching and Irritation of the Privates, and General• Debility of the System pronounced incurable by ninny physicians— three years standing. Now iu the enjoyment of good health. Mrs. Lyman Johnson, Sumner Dill, N. Y., cured of extreme Female Debility, Nervous Weakness, Irritation, Ste., st.c. - The afflicted should consult "Last Ray of Hope," published for gratuitous circulation, by 0. Andrews, Syracuse, N. Y. Sent to any address on. receipt of a stamp to pre-pay pos tage, or may be had of agents gratis. C. S. L E. A. Jones, Agents for Coudersport. 71y. .4Rommie•l 434 tjr A SUPERLATIVE TONIC ®I ` u ETIC, 4 Nri sirt° lIVIC,OIIATINC, CORDIAL To the citizens of -Veit. Terse!). itnil Penns7,dcania dpothecariea.Bruggists, Grocers and . Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pareildaderia, blterry,and Port Winer Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix :Burn: 'Wolfe's Paie scotch ead MILIE 4 ,II%..BO'I'T LES. I beg leavelo call the attention of the citi zens of the United ! States to the aboye WINES and Lagoons, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, vhose name is familiar in every part of this country' for the put ity of his cele brated SCIIIEDAit SCEINAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, in .his letter to me, speaking of the purity of Ids Wines.and Liquors, says: "I will stake my reputation ms a man my standing as a mer-: ehant - of thirty years' -residence in the City of New York, that all, the Brandy ,and Winos which I bottle are pure as imported, and of thd best quality, and can be relied' upon by every purchaser." Very bottle has the pro prietor's name on the wax, and a fac senile of his Signathre certificate. The pub lic are respectfully invited to call and exam ine For themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEo. IL ASHTON, 13,2-Market st. Phil Sole kfinzt fur P4iludelpliin. Read the following from the New York Courier: • . • • Exbamors AksixEss eon ONE NEW YORK 31enciANi.—We are happy to inform our fel low-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country morchaot, can go_ and purchase pure Wines and LiqUots, as pure as iru. orted, and of the best quality.. We do not intend to give eti elaborate description of this merchant's ex tensive business, although it trill repay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's extensive ware-boa - ge t Nos. 18. 20 and 22, Beaver street s and N05:.17; 19 and 21, Mark afield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand :pay for shipment could not hare been less tha'il thirty -thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases ---,Vintages of 83i; to 185 e ; and ten Omits:ld cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Witfe, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica; and St. Croix - Rum, some very old end equal to'any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may, be equally suc cessful with his Brandies and Wines. His lr,,siness merits the patronage of- every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines anthLiquors fur medical use should send their. orders din et to Mr- Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the landmake up their minds to discard the poisonous stufffrom their.shelvos, and replace it with Wolfe's puie Wines and Liquors. We inadtirstarid Mr. Wife. far the accom modation of small dealers hi the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors.— such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell noth ing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness., [s_—Gut* NATURAL TEETNIRESERVED TO OLD AGE Shares Charcoal nollt Soap. IVO ONE ARTICLE is more deservedly 1, 1 Popular as a unqtns of cleansing and preserving the than Chnrcoal. rn this beautiful article of Tooth Soap the Charcoal is rendered so perfectly tine as to be iu reality but the superfine dust of that most valuable substapee—not a particle of arit is used in the composition which could possibly injure the miatuel of Teeth. It is united with articles that remove the tart, and prevent its farther accumulation. - This SC:rip is the best known means of pre_ Nerving the teeth, eating Sore Gums, and Sure Mouth. One hos will last one year at a cost of only 15 cents. DIRECTIONS.—Wet the brush and rub two or three times lightly over the Soap, then thoroughly brush the Teeth, and rinse the mouth with Pure water. Sold by C. S. & Jones, 'CouderspOrt, Penn. 71y. Z-. To PCTSO723 out of Eatplo.linzen!. AGENTS WANTED, In every County Of the United States, engage in the sale of some of tie best 1.7 ° a meet elegantlY illustrated Wo . rks published. Our publications : are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farm er, Mechanic and Merchant; tbey are publiA ed in the best style and bound in the twist substantial manner, and arc Nit pally a place in the • Library of every HoUschold. in the Land. Lc To men of enterpriseand industrious habits, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employ seldom to be met with. ri.,•, 7,- Cr Persons desiring to act as :agents will receive promptly .by mail full . particulars, terms, A:e., by addressing LEAlri, GETZ CO.,Z PubtiB,Wrs, No. 224 North Second street, Phil. FRESH. ARRIVAL READY-MADE CLOTHING—SALT, TEA—SHEETING, and OTHER NEW THINGS CONSTANTLY COMENC4, At L. Brooklond, -troy. 21, lEGO. Register's Notice, lt t i t piTicE is hereby given, that the following; account has been examined and parsed by one, and remains filed in the Register's Of ce of Potter county for the inspectiou of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any oth er way interested; and will be presented tc, the next Orphans' Court of said county, at the Court House in the,Dorough of Cuaders port, on .Tucaday,' Hie Bth day of December, 1880, fur confirmation and allowance • - Account of Samantha Presho,,Administra trix'of the Estate of Samuel Gee, Jr., late of Roulet township, deceased. T. IVES, Re,qiecr, by I. BCTTkInVOIZTI1 2 Drridy. Cciudersport, :coy. 21, 1550. • A T - .01AISTED KELLY'S T~ltE' Can istsyieys Lo iiiuti&tbe best 'o - .. CoOkia r t,'Ecia - - - and Parlor Alga . , TIN and SIIET-IROLVVAM I P:TTLES.' :SPIDERS, .PQTS EOW.LS FitTNIS-PANS,': - '4ISO - EE suelt as PLOWS, F30.R.-irEits. Ti cORN-SIIELLERS, lIORSE-RAHES 'DOG-POWERS. cr. ; THEitt WORN is well made and the material good. Good and substautial EAYES-TROGGLIS put up in any pail of the County=-Terms easy. Ready Pay of al! iu(Audiag Gash, seldom refused. Street . upposite the Old Court [louse, Coudersport. -: 'Aug. 1, 1.59.-50 FURNITURE . ! w. a COATS, - .Haring enlarged and refitted his WARE ROO3lB, at . • WELLSVI.L,I,E; has now un hand and will keep constantly for sale; a' larger and better variety: of tlabinet -Ware and Chairs,. than have ever been offered 14 this section of the • Cimutry.. stoek of common Worlt has never been equalled. Having made extensive additions to his assortment ttf PARLOR. FURNITURE, he has'now ott hand Plain Mahogany We top Bureaus, Card table's, Marble top side and Centre tables, Fruit and Toilet Stands; Marble top Wash minds. 1 ' - COTTAGE . AND tnExcri DE.IDSTEADS. COUCHES, SOFAS, - 'AND TETE-A-TETES, new and beautiful varieties: Cane Seat,'Mahogany, Rocking'and Easy Chairs, Se., In fact every thing in the' ine of FURNITURE can be found at _his estaldslinient.:. Having' the best facilities for . mitnunieturing and pur chasing Mc stock for cash, He will not be Undersold, Those wishing to hay; will save at least twenty-five Vert cent, by calling on W. H. Costs. •READY MADE corms of all sizes kept constantly on hand. Per sonal attendance with hearse when requested. •' W. H. COATS. Wellsville, Acv. I. MO. U YSSES ACADEMY. ,TOSEPH A:COOPER. AD. Principal. ' I MR. WIL GILLILAND, 11 2i MISSH. 11. 00.NEs1 ,, i ASSIST2-NTS. I 'The ULYSSES ACADEMY was commenced! in the spring of 1859 anthopened to students thedollowiug, September. , It_ object is to rtf ford to the youth of its vicinity, and to othersl who may choose it, as ft plaite of study, the. requisite facilities for obtaining a thorough and practical education. The school is in a neat; two'+stcrybnilding, beautiful 'y situated on a gentle eminence commanding a view of the village and coun try around. The adjoining yard contains about thriee acres. The upper story contains a single room ; and is used for a-chapel, reci-, tation, and study room. This room is lighted i by 14 large windows, furtiished with seats far 150 scholars, tables, black-boards, maps, charts, clock, thermometer, and Library of Reference Books. The lower story contains two rooms for recitations, one for library, al dressing room, and a ball 8 by 44 feet. - The students board in private families end] study itt- their own rooms. Nearly every fam-1 ily .in the village open their houses to boarders. ! As several new houses are being erected,; there will he no lack of accommodations ;1 and, in private families, stulents can enjoy! the comforts of home. 1 1 1- 6 - , r. This Institution is better furnished with maps, charts and Rafereuca Books than any similar institution in the country. The Library 9f Referennet contains over 40 vol, mines, costing a b.:Alt $3;00 a NEW' Among Them are : APPLETON'S NEW' ..A.MERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, 9 vols. TUE lit ME CYCLO PEDIA, S volg., Ize.' There is a general li brary under the care of a Librtiittn ; and a Teachers Library containing 25 vols., u, on ntn.tacs. There are three Sessions mycar, of Fourteen Weeks each; Commencing as follows • Ist Session. Tuesday Aug. 21st, 1860. 2Jul " _ l, Dec. 4th " 8,1 “ ~ ;}larch 26th, 1861. The Winter Term will commence De cember 1860. Dliitiolb Ni 7 Tetiq of 14 ,liieZlifr INVAIIZIAELY IN ADVANCE. Common English—embracing. Reading, - Writing, Orthography, Geography ; Grammar, and Arithmetic, history, Calisthenics and Drawing, 55,00 To which is added for each higher study 1,00 Incidentals ' 50 .... ;. We have no extras. , .....,, , ,,,Tuition in no ease exceeds . ' 7,00 Beard, room, light, fuel, 5:..c., $1.50 per week. Rooms without board, $2 or $3, per' term. School Books; Stationery and Drawing ma terial., as well as Maps, Charts, Globes, &c , Zan be obtained in 'Ulysses, froin 15 to 500 per eeht. less than elsewhere. 11.434 A e respects fine and convenient building, beautOd and healthy location,thoroughpraitical and sOdeniatic instraction, efficient aide, pure strong land noble.incontires this institution Or knowleciges no superior, and few equals. The-in tercorMse of the students with each, other and with td e Instructors is expected to conform to the cot rtcsies and proprieties Of cultivated soviet_ P. - Their admission to the institution and capymeniof its - privileg,es, imply a- sa 'cred contract on their part promptly tro, ob serve is Refutations. A copy of ihcso is far , nislwa to each student and conformity to them is indiSuensible. to continuance in the Institu tion. I - - ' . For .CircularS, address J. A. COOPER, Nov.ll, 1860.-s:4t* - 451vsses" Pa . ... , ft - .kppiicat in• r , tirce. 1 Perth ehurchill, Ly hsr next f Albert G. Davis : fro Jaei B. ChureliilLßesp dent :Where '. as a subpcena and alias su ,tpcina, baring been issued, and returned Wilt . / you are -hbre by notified to be and upped ocir 'next Court of Qorninnia Pleas for Potter i County, at the December Term, to show if any pun have why the said Court shoul• not decrre'ti a divoree.on the part of Libellant W.ll. F. BL" Conderspert ; Yev. 10, 13C0. TNEw STOCk ---.. '-' " '0 l''' - ' - '•" ---- , - - FALL,AND,-;:IVINTgR GOODS, 4T - L-30-11MMONS.' ,i.:.,•..,,0L.0.:vg-iii,„:. IN . OSWAYQ yiljAp:;V-, itBTßOii,RifiTua rtAs Zfust Received ifothifevt 'Torn EHIE Largest and Dest Stock q( Gr0(.44 EVER .QFFERED T.r.r Y The assortment consists -6r DRY GQ‘:)lls'4 pats and Caps Boots 44* Shoei; #ARDITIRE,_ elk KS. OCEY, GROCERIES and li •PROYISTONS I am determined to sell gooda its; they can be purchased in Wellsville.. -111. r. they purchased for Cash; no rents or interest to Pay, arid aelli g a larie nmount.toila44DY I am enabled to Share the Rilittit s t p'rotits' with my customers : - - •,.. - Having made arrangements with EOM& e'r the best houses iu - the city, goods will bo • • nabling rue constantly to offer the LATEST' TLES and BEST QUALITIES oeGoodi:, BEST GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES 11 pt on band for sale. V . et. ars supp e .on :asonable terms. , . • DAVI FOR GOOD L nif,DER • . AND SHINGLES..- I HAVE ESTABLISHEIi BRANCH STORE 9t Ellisburg, , • under the name and etyle of r?' IMMONS -& PERRY, : where a' COMPLETE GENERAL ASSORt: MINT wit be eonrantly kept on: ltatid. o; H. SIMMO:4j; 9.stvayo, April 2, 15430.--4y,e4t. The People's Cook-Book • MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS St-INCHES. 1158 ELIZA 'ACTON'. C.S.P.LFTLLIC REVISED BY 1141.13. IT TELLS YOU How to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and most , approved modes •of dressing 1 and, cooking Beef and Pork ; 1 also the hest and simplest 1 way of salting, pickling. anti curing the same. . , IT 7!ELLS YOU Ali the various. - and most approved modes of dressing, 1 - cooking, and boning Mutton, - 1 ' :•-.): Lainb, Veal, Poultry, 'and 1 Game of all kinds, with the different, Gravies, aud•Stuttiugs appropriate to .1. 1 -, • • each. . IT 11ELLS YOU flow to ChOdie, cisan, and i . presetve Fish' of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when -tain tcd , also all the various and 1 most approved modes of codk ,„ lug, with the different .Dress 7 t 1 ings, Sauces, and Flavotingi 1 - lipproptiale to each.. IT TELLS YOU Alt the t'arittiand most ap. - I - a pfored modes of preparing 1 ' ll.g over . fifty-different kind.. 1 of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Gams; i r 92 . and Vegetable-Soups, Brethii ! and Stews, ivith 'the, _ltelisltes i• and Seasonings 'appropr iate to-each. . . . IT TALLS YOU All the various and most tip, 1 proved modes of cooking - Veg. I I etsiblcs of eFenv ilklscriPttclii also how to Apare pickie.s, '1 Catsups and Carries of all 1 kinds, Potted Meats. ; Fish, Game, Mushroores,:kc: IT TILLS YOU All the various aztd most sty., ' I proved modes •of :preparieg . awl cooking all kinds ofThen and Fancy Pastry, Puddings; 1 Omelettes, Paters, Calin«,: 1 .Confeetionary, Preserves,Jeir i lies, I:04 ireet...Disue;:;_of pi -1 ery description . ; IT TELLS YOU All the various and most itp i proved modes -of making 1 •• i Bread, Busks, Muffins, awl Biscuit, the beet mike& o! 1 preparing Claire,. Cliocolate, I and Tea, and how to make 1 Syrups, Cordials, 'stud Wintis' I of various - kinds., ... • . . IT TELLS YOU How to set out and orna-' 1 meat a Table, hoW to Carve, 1 • all kinds 'of Fish, FieSh .ar . „ . . Fosi.l, - and in short,'-hoW 'fo eimplify Lb a vil)ole..kylof.Cook. 1 - - jug As to bring the tlininese; i . luxuries of the .table - w,itliin 1 . - everybo - dY's - reaiii. '' The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelVe hundred Receipes, all of which= are` the results of actual experience, - . having .l:le0 1 - fully mai carefully tested under_ the personal t superintendence of the writers. It is 'prin.' in a cleir and open type, .is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded; to any ltddress, licallf b t our,; l , ';lad postage paid, onlroceipt of the prize, $1.90, _pr i 4. cloth,'ex,tra, $1.25. • . • A' . can he mndifllf - $lOOO - A YEAR enterpri4lng men everywhere, in selling : tin' above work - , our inducements to all - such beg ing vcrylitteral. For single•coples of the Boolt, or fOr'..ferinn to agent 4 With. other inkfmatiow, apply - - ta or addrc.l2 . • "JOHN E. POTTER, Putiti-ber, 10. 617 6ansom erect ; Phil ; TA, -