The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 15, 1860, Image 1

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i rerr as of Advertising: -
wre po lines] 1 insertion, - --Q-_ 50
.‘ „ ‘i 3 It '
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• ore three months, 2 OD
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r e ad figure work, per sq., 3 ins. -"3 00
subsequent insertion, - - ...: _ _ Bo
Catania six months, -18 00
„ a tt ..
II " IL 700
It per year. 30 OD
" ti
it - “ .. - • - 16 00
llayei Single-column, each laser-
tau less
. that! !our, 3 00
Ath additional insertion, • 2 00
4We-column, displayed, per, annam - 65 06
..c " sixmonths, 35 00
is ic three " 16 00
ti one month, 600
•t 1 " per Square
t rflilines, each insertion under 4, 100
of columns will be inserted at the same
hastrator's or Executor's Notice, 200
Notices, each, 1 50
•Os Sales, per tract, 1 50
, 'age Notices, each, 1 00
.rorce Notices, each, 1 50
liainistrator's Sales, per square for 4
l is ertloos, 1 50
tisess or Professional Cards, each,
not excediag 8 lines, per year - - 500
vcial and Editorial Notices, pee line, 10
l eAll transient advertisements must be
'din advance, and no notice will be taken
advertisements from a distance, unless they
I accompanied by the money or satisfactory
gltSrilttss Carlls.
Coudersport, Pa., will attend the several-
Courts in Potter and SPECcan Counties. All
tonic:ens entrusted in his care will receive
prompt attention. Office Corner of West
and Third streets. 10:1
iTTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will
nularly attend the Courts in Potter and
the adjoining. Counties. - 10:1
Coudersport ? Pa., will attend to all businegs
entrusted to his care, with promptnes -and
fide'ity. Office on Soth-west corner of Main
and Fourth streets. 12:1
MONEY .A.T LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will
attend to all business entrusted to him, with
care and promptness. Office on Second st.,
near the Allegheny Bridge. 12:1
CABINET MAKER, having erected a new and
convenient Shop, on the South-cast corner
of Third and West streets, will be happy to
receive and fill all orders in his calling.
Repairing and re-fitting carefully and neatly
done on short notice.
Coodersport, Nov. 8, 1859.-11-Iy.
PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa..- 1
respectfully informs the citizens of the vil:
!age and vicinity that he will promply re
'pond to all calls for professional services.
°thee on Main st., in building formerly oc
cupied by C. W. llis, Esq. 9:22
Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods,
Groceries ; Lc. ; Main st., Coudersport, Pa.
Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, &c., Main St.,
Coudersport, Pa. 10:1
, AMES and Music, N. W. corner of Main
• tad Third sts., Coudersport, Pa.. 10:1
'WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court
House, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet
Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on
ELort notice. 10:1
D. F. GLASSMIRE, Proprietor, Corner of
%in and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
ter Co., Pa. 9:44
%.IMUEL M MILLS, Proprietor, Galesburg
Petter Co., Pa., seven - miles north of Goa-
Aerapnrt on the wPllsvillP Road. 9:44
t• C. LYMAN, Proprietor, Ulysses, Potter Co.,
Pa. This Rouse is situated on the East
toner of Main street, opposite A. Corey &
Son's store, and is well adapted to meet the
treats of patrons and friends. 12:11-1y.
B LACIZSMITH, would inform his former cus
tomers and, the public generally that he has
reestablished a shop in the building form
erly occupied by Benj. Rennels in Couders
port, where he will be pleased to do all
kinds of Blactomithing on the most reason
able terms. Lumber, Shihgles, and all
kinds of Produce taken in exchange toe
A: WAGON 11.410E8 and RE
PAIRER, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., takes
this method of infor - ming the pub-
Lc in general that he is prepared'
to d o all work in bis line with promptness,
in a workman-like manner, and upon the
most accommodating terms. Payment for
Repairing invariably required on delivery of
the work. All ikinds of PRODUCE
*On on account of `cork. 1
. .
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•t _ ,
Par • -
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. .
Oh l the merry brown wood-birds aie singing,
In the valleys of Autumn to-Jay,
With voices as siseet and as tender
'As sung through the forest of May: ' ' ,
_ ~ .
And the leaves, dropping • slow through the
sunshine, _
. _
Are flushed with tho Autum aglow ; •
Alas i that their glories' era sh tiding -
The flowers that lie blighte below ;
The beautiful blossoms of Summer
.Strown, dead, over mountain and platn
No odorous breath of morning
W4ll 7ttke them to.beauty_ogain.
0 I the Birds of God's mercy are singing
In our heart's sad Autumn, to-day,
With voices as loving and tender
As rung through-our childhood's sweet May;
But the fancies that drift thro' our dreaming,
With Hope's radiant beauty aglow,
Are the shrouds of the spirits dead blossoms
That lie in the silence below—
The beautiful loves and bellevings
That charmed us from sorrow and pain—
Will no odorous breath of Heaven's morning
Recall their sweetness again?
Oct 26 1560 Eva.
From Godey's Lady's Book for November
A woman fond of dress is a term of op
probrium. What does this condemnato
ry phrase mean—if it has any meaning?
Is it that the woman neglects her
her manners, her husband, and her chtl
dren, while she trims tawdry yellow with
sky blue ? Or that she tries to be neat,
clean, and clothed in a manner becoming
her position in life, her age, her figure,
and her complexion ? Dress has been
described as affording an index to a wo
man's character. It doe's more
.; it actu
ally affects her character. A woman well
dressed, and conscious of being well dress
ed, becomes a very different person when
she is put into slatternly clothes. In the
first position she respects herself; in the
second she feels not only .discontented
with herself, but with her neighbors.
Goldstiith, in the "Vicar of Wakefield,"
says : " A suit of mourning has transform
ed my Coquette into a Prude, and a new
set of ribauds has given her younger sis
ter more than natural vivacity."
It is a question open to some debate
whether manners have affected dress, or
dress manners. No one can deny that
the one has always reacted on the other.
Stiff, elaborate dress is connected with
stiff and courtly manners; the high-flown
compliment, the minuet, the rivolta. No
knight could have borne arms in defence
of a Bloomer, nor. could the most deter
mined lover drink a toast out of a Balmo
ral boot. The hair in long ringlets, or
wrapped round a classic brow, speaks of
poetry, music, painting, and all that is
refined. We imagine these visionary per
sonages thus clothed, walking on some
pleasant terrace, feeding a peacock, whose
graceful plumage harmonizes with the
costume of its fair owner. A woman is
decidedly imitative; and when you put
her into the wide-awake, the short skirt,
the jacket, into the pockets of which she
is very apt to thrust her bands, you will
generally find her sayings curt, and her
laugh loud.
We applaud a connoisseur who buys a
picture because it is a beautiful piece of
color. Why 'should we not have these
charming combinations in woman's dress?
How often a little bit of scarlet velvet,
well placed, gives value and tone to the
dress ! When the eye is cultivated, it is
as irritable as a musical ear, and equally
pained by discord. In many pictures,
the sole charm arises from harmony of
color —a harmony which. the eye drinks
in with delight. The French have an
innate tense of color; we see this in all
the trifles that adorn their shops; a little
bok is painted with two colors which are
so harmonious that it is a delight to look
at them. The English choose two colors,
but, as long as they are opposed to each
other, they consider that sufficient- but
these heir' , " often discords, give pain.
As you look from your window iu Paris,
observe the fifty women who pass ;
forty have noses depressed in the middle,
a small quantity of dark hair, and a swar
thy comp!..aion ; but, then, whatlt toilet!
Not only suitable for the season; but to
the age and complexion of the wearer.
How neat the feet. and hands How well
the clothea are put on, and-Imre than all,
how well they suit each other ! Not one
color swearing at another color. We have
been imitatiug the French for centuries
in the matter of dress; yet how little
we have succeeded in learning from them
If we were asked what would secure suc
cess in dress, we should answer, Fresh
ness, before all things; better a clean
muslin than tumbled satin. A lady once
held up a collar and said, " Is it soiled?"
" Yes. " Why, you never looked at it."
" No; but if there is any doubt, it is
You ought never to buy an article be
cause you can afford it. The question is,
whether it is.suitable to your position,
habits, and the rest of your wardrobe.
There are certaio clothes that requife a
Detiotia . 1() 11)e, TOQoipie;s of . Dig - Diiirgolle, qi7o fig ' . & 4oeii)iqqtioil of ljjok019; Eifehtto - 4. 1 1 . k. If eiiis';
_" .:
For Me - Parlor Journal
carriage to be worn in, and are quite un
fit for walking in•the stieets.. Abodetail,
do -not buy wearing apparel because it is
miscalled cheap: There is no such thing;
cheap clothes are dear wear. The article
is unsaleable because it is either ugly,vul
gar, or entirely•out of date. One reason
why you see colors ill-arranged is 'that
the different articles are purchased each
for its own imagined virtues, and w ithout
any thought of what it is to be worn with.
Women, while shopping, buy what pleas
es the eye on the counter; forgetting whit
they have got at home. That parasol is
pretty, but it - will kill by its color One
dress in the buyer's liardrobe, and be un
suitable fur all oth eis. An enormous sum
of money is spent yearly upon woman's
dress; 3 -et how seldom'a dress is so ar
ranged as to give the beholder any pleas-
ure i• To be magnificently dressed cer
tainly. costs . money; but, to -be dressed
with taste, te, not expensive. It requires
good sense, kuowledge, refinement. We
have "seen foolish •go;ins, arrogant gowns.
Women are too often tempted to imitate
the dress of each other, without consid
The difference_
- of climitte and complexion.
, The colors which go best together are
green with violet; gold color with dark
crimson or lilac; pale blue with scarlet;
pink with black or white; and gray with
scarlet or pink. A cold color generally
requires a warm tint to give life to it.
Gray and pale blue,' tor instance, do not
combine. well, both being cold colors.
The first inquiry you mur.t make, if you
wish to be well dressed, is into your de
fects of figure rind complexion. Your
beauties you are alroady sufficient], well
acquPinttd with. You - are short : you
should not wear flounces, nor stripes go
ing round the figure. You arc fat: don't
wear a check. You have high - shoulders :
avoid a shawl, which is very graceful'when
well put on by a tall woman, but ugly
when dragged ao.ois the bosom as if to
hide an unticligown - . To look well, a
shawl must lfe large ; no arrangement can
make a small shawl look well.
All imitations are bad. They deceive
no one, and, the first gloss having passed
off, theystand revealed for what they are:
not "for what they pretend to be. Let the
cotton be cotton, and not pretend to be
silk.' : A velvet dress is a prudent pur
chase. It never looks too fine, and, with
the addition of lace , and flowers, is suita
ble for any occasion. It is, of all mate
rials, the most becoming to the skin.
Satin is not so, because more glossy than
the skin itself; so diamonds, being bright
er than the eyes, serve to dim rather than
to brighten them.
It is impossible to speak too strongly
on the subject of selecting colors that suit
the complexion and :hair. White and
black are safe •wear, but the latter is not
favorable to dark or pale complexions.
Pink is, to some skins, the most becom
ing; not, however, if there is much color
in the' cheeks and lips ; and if there be
even a suspicion of red . in either hair or
complexion. Peach.eolor is perhaps one
of the most elegant colors worn. We
still think with pleasure of Madame d'ir
blay's Camille in a dress of peach, colored
silk, covered with India muslin and silver
ribbons. We forgive her for having run
into debt for it. Maize is very becoming,
particularly to persons with dark hair and
eyes. Whatever the color or material of
the entire dress, the details are all in all ;
the lace round the boiom and sleeves, the
flowers—in fact, all that furnishes the
dress. Above all, the ornaments in the
head must haignonite with the dress. If
trimmed with black lace, some of the same
should be worn in the head, and the.flow
ers that are worn in the hair should dec
orate the dress.
Ornaments should never be merely and
evidently worn as ornaments. Jewels,
Sowers, and bows should do some duty;
they - should either loop up a skirt, or fast.
en on lace, thnlle, etc. - There should be
Bowe reason for placing them; a-bow of
ribbon that., bas no mission is a fault.
Flyingstreamers are unpardonable. Mil
ton's description of Delilah dues not pre-
possess us in her favor—
" Sails fiird and streamers waving.,
Courted by all the winds that hold them play."
Nothing looks worse than a veil flying be
hind your bonnet. Either draw it over
your face, or leave it at home.
We bare not yet mentioned the sub
ject of dressing the hair. By attention
to -this, much - may be done to decrease
the defects of the face. If this be too
long, the hair should be arranged sous to
give width ; if too short, the hair should
be plaited, and put across the fore part of
the helid,.or turned back, which, if the
forehead be low, gives height and an open
We have not, perhaps, pressed suffi
ciently strongly on the necessity of the
dress being s•titable for the hour. No
dress, however charming, is admissible in
a morning but one strictly fit for that
time of day. Every woman, whatever
her station in life, has duties to perform
in the forepart of the day; and to - see a
lady ordering the dinner or arranging the
wardrobe in' satin and artificial flowers
would be:simply ridiculcins. 'A velvet
jacket may appear at the breakfast table,
but the simpler and, neater, the Costume.
the better. All jewelry in a morning is
in bad taste.. • Gobbet kvarns a 'Man
against a woman " fond lof hardware."
The imitations of gems 'which arc. ire
quently worn,• are not only iu- bad- taste,
1 but.` are absurd.. Pearls :which, if real,
1 oniald,be a monarch's ransom, and meek
diachonds before which the lioo-i-noor
looks small, arc. sometimes heaped, upon
tasteless persOus in terrible profusion.
.Some, years ago, the Eiiglish.imitated
the French in wearing
,almost. entirely
steliii:eefored or gray dremes; but neg-
lected the ribbons,of either scarlet or pink
with which they enlivened those grave
Colort. Another great mistake into sup
pose that a ball dress, when its freshness
is gone, will do for a dinner or evening-
Idress. There are some 'small folk who.
appear 'on the first of May, to whom it
would be S. suitable and welcome present.
Gloves and shoes are most important; a
new pair of well-fitting gloves adds won
derfully to any dress, morning or even
ing. Coblietti in his work, " Advice to 1
Young Men '
" - says : " When you choose
a wife, look fo see how she is shod, if her
shoes and stockings araneat ; a slipshod
woman is a poor look-out." --
We do not advocate spending' money
upon dress; but we ask 'to have it spent
with thought and tact in its arrangement
and color. We all know beautiful women
—wise, good, charming women—whose
dress is_ generally totally deficient in
taste, and we ask for the same improve.
went in tuning colors in dress that our
artists, our architects, and the stage• now
display to us. Hew much of our asso
ciations.with people depends upon dress I
Elizabeth's " muslin name " seems needed
for her charaeter. Mary Queen of Scots
only rises before us in her black velvet,
apd the cap which bears her name; and
the vision of Laura is not complete with
out the dress of green ve! and violets
which . Pdrarch •did not disdain to Aroni
de. .
[The scene of the following interestingDia
logue is that of two farmet:i on opPosite sides
of a fence., Mr. Smith, who has beside him a
basket of very small potatoes, is leaning on
the fence looking wistfully over at Mr. Jt. nes,
who is digging a spleud•d crop, of big Pota
toes. A picture of the scene was prepared
with the original dialogue, and should be
here, but we have not the engraving at nand.
The dialogue is pleasing and instructive, and
should be read by every one.]
The Potatoes, they are small,
OVer there. over there."—Old Song
Mr. Smith—How is it, neighbor Jones,
that your irotatoes are so large and fine,
while just over the fence, on similar soil
mine are as small as pullets' eggs, and
precious few - at that?
Mr. Jones—l manured this field with
Mr. Smit.h—l'sbaw.—All the Cincin
nati bog-killers couldn't supply brains
enough for this ten-acre field.
Mr. Jones—l used human brains, of
which there are plenty.
Mr. Smith—Nonsense--Now don't
make fun of me because P.m unlucky, and
Providence has sent you a•good crop.
Mr. Jones—Providence helps those
who help themselves. I used my own
brains on this field.
Mr. Smith—So did I wine, and they
are as good as anybody's.
Mr. Jones—Ab I There's the• trouble.
You know it all yourself; I don't, and so
I get all the outside help I can. , I've
been collecting other men's brains for my
laid for twenty years, and you. See one
result in this crop.
Mr. &nit...l—Yes, I see the result, but
I don't understand it.
Mr. Jones—Well, when welegan here,
20 years ago, I thought myself a good
farmer, but I believed others
.had good
ideas, too, and I made it my business to
get at their thoughts . ; some. I - found in
agricultural books and papers, others 1
picked up at the County Fairs,
by asking
how the big things were raised, and often
I've got,a good hint from a neighbor.
Mr. Smith—l've always been down on
this " book farming," but your crops stag
ger me, they're real knock down argil
meats. I'm sick of the poor,show I get
for all my work, and am desperate enough
to tg anything for improvement.
'Mr. Jones--I'll give you my experi
enee; it may aid you. About nineteen
years ago . l heard that some meta who had
been btought up on farms hid -clubbed
together, and one of them was going to
publish a paper, which should consist
mainly of accounts of how different farm
era cultivated various crops, and such like
matters. I sent for the parier . .and have
done so every year since, and now I have 1
nineteen large volumes, every page of
which I have read, a little at a time, and
the whole has not cost the produce of. a'
single acre Why I ‘ am 'astonished when
I think over the ten thousand theughts,
and hints, and suggestions I • have, thus
gathered. What a him* would be, left
in my head, if these thoughts were taken
Mr. Stnith--13ut tioes the practice et
farmers on other:kinds of soil and..iith
different climate suit your wants ?;:
Jones-Why no, not eFeetly,pr
biipe. then, every thought
another, starts A new thoughein 4 1 2;
own tuitid, and thus I am constantly •itu
roving, in own skill and practice. - YOu
see, I get all the braloa I can; limn other
Men's heads, and compost theni.. well in
My,Own bead with a mixture pf l common
sense; and then make the appiication'
my fields. In that way, I have tnaniired I
this'crop of potatoes with plenty.of brains. I
The editor ; callnd-here last week his
Western, tour , among farnierN'..ani .see l ing,l
my good crops, be asked me to I , rite out
just how I have treated this j field for
rats past,-and 'I promised to -dn. it as
soon as wy crops are gathered . I He will
probably . print. it, as he constantly prints
all such practical matters, and perhaps d
hundred thousand' persons will read a;
and - though nobody else mayldo just as I
do. many. will get'a new hint,' and im
prove upon it. • You may read it if' you
will. • -
l‘. -4. would borrow
Mr. Jones-=Better take it yourself,
for then you Will he more likely to read
it. You will - find hundreds Of plain talks
about various kinds of crops, during a
single year.. One hint gave five bushels
of corn on each acre of a large field iu a
stngle year.. - ,
Smith—l via% afford, to take it
this.year. '
Mr: Jones—You would think notbing
of spending two cents a week for extra
tobacco, or;a cigar, or candY, and that's
all the paper will cost. How little .it week
it costs to supply yourselfand family with
a large amount of informtion - through
any good paper.
Mr. Smith : —What are the politics of
that Finer ?
Mr, Jones—lt doesn't touch politics.
It is devoted o such subjects as Field
and Garden crops, Animals; etc., and has,
besides; a . good deal about Woman's
\c k, which wife says * 1 worth more
than ten times the few pounds of 'butter
it costs to pay ,f , ..1r the paper. Then there
is also a department the' young. folks
containing many things which plia.e the
children—mot mere trashy stuff, such as
is too viten printed for them, hilt infor
mation that will hale a good infilienet; on
them. I would sell a dozen bushels of
wheat to have my young people get the
good reading in that paper, but the aver
age price of one bushel will pay for it a
year. My John says he can pay for it
easy with the eggs from tiio or three
hens. If I was a meehahic or merchant
and had only a little garden, I should take
the paper to 'tell tne how •to make the
best use of the little plot; and if I had
not a foot of land I should still want it
for my wife and children.
Mr. Smith—Does the editor know any.
thing about farming?- 1
Mr. Jones—The editor who owns and
publishes the paper was brought up on a
farm, where he learned to work. He has
itudied all the books on farming, and ex
perimented for. yearn in the laboratory,
and has besides; traveled all over the
country to see what was doing. Then he
has several associates—Farmers, Garden
ers,-and 'Housekeepers, who know what
they write about, and ..aincing them all
they do gather up a wonderful lot of in
formation every year. • The language,
too, is so plain; so like talking with you,
that I enjoy reading it. Then, too, every
p4er has engravings, which show one
exactly how animals and plants,, and im
plements, and household furniture look,
much Letter than words could describe
them. Among these are plans of build
ings, that help one to plan other; and
also many very fine large pictures, which
are, worth more than the cost of a whole
Mr. Smith—l suppose those engzav
hags and descriptions are partly to help
the editor sell implements or fertillizers.
Mr. Jones—Not at ail. The editor
keeps nothing of the sort' to sell, so that
he may be perfectly free to praise or con
demn anything, according as it may be
valuable or worthless to his readers. You
would laugh to see how he comes down
on poor Inventions, patent manures, and
Tall kinds.,of humbugs. •
Mr. Smith—ls the paper adapted to
our part of the country? -
Mr, Jones—Exactly. Soil and crops
and eihnates differ, but the general prin•
ciples oteultivation are the same every
where, and here is the benefit of a paper
published for the whole Country. Every
reader gets, new ideas by learning what is
done somewhere else; and farther, I , find
that theiaPer has lettera from every part
of the country. and one or more associate
editors in different sections so ;that we
get information from many' regions and
our own too. , One thing I must mention
particularly. The editor is constantly
warning, his readers twainst" humbugs,
telling heti sharpera tak e 's the advantage
of Teeple. Why, I was just going to
send a dollar,for an articie.adveitised in
glowing colors; when I found it shown up
e.t -
TEMS.- -35 Mt aisiktrz.
il - titi ' - But' 1. . '
as,4 humb-g in a -paper.- . .iwi
not stop
„to talk more . now—l vlmNietAtiti
a hit' to ~h arvest:
Mr-.'Saiitti—l wisti I bad. I must try",
thatpaper til,Year, arid .4,e what There a
in it.,:., I_ earl manage to *eve tWileents 'it.,
week :.', : v l - ., ' .. .
Idr. Jones--Never fear; Tl.f. j(011 illOn'l '
find it - pays !I'll buy year canes at hest, ,
for my, boyslto keep.
Mr. Smith - -What did ititt Ay tltep4=
per is called ?, . - ~.
Mr. Joneo-Th v o ..dinerieart., Agkietatit-:
rise. It is ,uttlished in ;New York City,
The editor, ttbough - enti of dor. country
farmera, an living in tite' Cauntiy fin&
t i
he tan pub ish it cheaper there . ,. Whe .. ic
printing, a d paper, autism:tiling 'facilities
aro all cony t entent.
Mr. Sinithzi-llovi shall I get it?
Mr. Joqesi- - -r-Simply inclose a - doll*
bill in a letter, giving .yortr name, Po s t
Office, Cettuty. and State plainly, and Air
rect to Oringe,Judd-, 41 Park-floW,l'.le*
York City.
~ - • '
Mr. Smith -lithien does a volume 6: - .
gin ? i
'Air. Jiines—ihe, I'Wenfieth :voliiihe
begins, Jap . Ist., hat all who send in the
dollar no#, get the remaining; numfgrs of
this year; in addition to tlieWlioWof next
year's. Si' if you subscribe niiii . ,Yoll get
fourteen inonths' papers. The proprie
tor also °Furs some valuable preiumms to
those ttrho .get up lists of idistribetS.
Send for the paper, •and yeti may attct
wards find it well worth while to &Ate
tp a elubl . Some 1700 personsvhave got
good premiums in this way duritit tiio
years. Some of your German neig-htiors
would joili you, perhaps, for the :,4;grier,i
hirist is printed separately in German.
I did intdud to start a - Club.myseir, hilt. I
have so 'Pail potatoes to die:, I. can net
get the ti l ute. My tiSter•in=law in Juwai
zot up a Flub last' year, and received a
preiniutni of a 850 Wheeler •4t, Wilsoa
sewing machine; an old Weiinaintante iii
Wisconsiir got two or three good-farming
implemetits, and a young; nephew of mice
in Ohio gm a beautiful copy.of Webster':-.
great Dictionary. These.thingS billy Cost
them a Bella time, showing the paper
evenineis and election day. Send ii) Your
subscription and the first paper. *ill tell
you all about the premiums. I forgot to
tell you that every year the publisher also
sends out; to all his'subscribers who want
them a• int of dbuide garden and field
Mr. Smith---What fled he Charge for
them ? i
Mr. Jcines—Nothing; they are sent
free, except the postage. They are of
the best kind and one single parcel 1 got
last year ; was worth more to Me than the
price of the paper.
Mr. Sinlth—l'll try it a year, anyway;
if half what you say is true it will be a
good investment.
Mr. Jhnes--You'll find every ward
have said true. • .
Mr. Smith—l'll send this very night,
while inj the spirit of it. -
,Mr. Jones—Do it, and you'll always
thank re • for this talk, Good day, I
must h
.rry up digging my potatoes, I've
such a fot of them.--thanks to a hint in
the Agriculturist. •
Mr.'§mith----41ow did golf say I should
direct the letter containing the Dollar r
Mr. Jenes—To Orange Judd, 41 Park
Row, New York City. _ •
tAirlit. is worthy of remark that the
only man elected to the State Sedate by
the Democrats in the late contest' Hen
ry S: Mott, the old Canal Com IssioneP,
who w4s a Know Nothing in 855, unit
was elected to the above named offtec
when Pollock was chosen , Governor.—
Erie Gazette. ~
. ,
It is aho a significant fact that he
comes from the "Tenth-Legion s '! (Carbon
Monroe, Pike and' Wavne,) which gave
1;995 'majority againstCurtin-:--only cite
countY- . (Wayne, 73) ping majority
for Curtin. Reis a flt representative of
the darkest district in the State.
Tti reason why, the nunSei d
dents Uttendino. the Iron City College is
so mu l ch larger than in other sao.:!s;
their work is so complete. style "
finish / and their success in busisiess
unifovn and complete, is because each.
studeat receives the direct - personal ac
tention of the Principals throtighotti the
entirti course of study.--Da4 Trite
IP.OTIIEIC, these are: reffe.slume sea
sons,7 Squiggle gazed vacantly at
. the
apeaUer, and groaned inwardly: The
brother pursued
IS It is good to be here."
Squiggle, :still absorbed in ieVerie,
groaned a g ain. - -
" brother, yort often think oF . Your
future stoter .
At the word "state," •tiie eyes -of our
Det4ocratie friend lost ,their dreamy leek,
and his jaw clashed into place Eike. a rat;
trap -
"Mate," he exclaime&hridging deVm
his +lenohed fist with rair einphasia "11 -
its gone Black Republic= by 15',000'