The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 08, 1860, Image 3
H Ciatatts. • COrDERSPORT, NOVEMBER 8, 1860 Notice to Collectors. riaLECTORS of State and County lases, U . D iust settle their duplicates on or befqirs she Dec. term of Conti. ' By order of the Commissioners. Coudersport, Oct. 26, 1860. Pomeroy, an old and much re spected citizen of Roulet township, died i n Tuesday last._ - Ile was 80 years of Rain, rain, every day last week, and ort Saturday all day steady. Mud fath- A, and people generally forced to t oo§ at home. Sunday, sun shone cg essionally, and at night a slight freeze. NO9d3y, sun out aga!n, but wind cold y ~dwicary. Tuesday, snow and election. The Rev. Mr. Strong, who was up- Fo i n ted to this charge by the recent M. r h Conference at—Brockport, preached twice last Sabbath. He is d quiet, think jog man, and made a good impression up his audience, not only_by the manner md quality of his preaching, but by the ?t actical treatment of his tests. Mr. Rice, the -late excellent pastor of this C hurch, goes to Poitville. Sad Accident.—A little son of Mr. Thos. Sullivan, of this place, aged about /years, was kicked by a sucking colt last Thursday forcuoon at about 11 o'clock ad died from the injuries on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. His parents were visiting at Mr. Charles Kernan's, at the north end of the village, and the boy was playing with Mr. K's children in front d the house near the barn, where a team belonging to a man 'named Fitzpatrick was standing. The children were pick lag up hay and feeding it to the colt, when it suddenly wheeled about and kicked Mr. Sullivan's little boy in the abdomen. He was picked up and after reviving a little was carried home by his parents, and did not seem to be much in jured, as he told them how he came to be hurt. .About noon Friday, however be began to get worse, and a physician was called in in the evening about dusk; but ho grew worse very rapidly and died at 8 o'clock that evening, doubtless from internal bleeding. Fire.—Heary Loss.—A week ago lust Saturday evening a fine new Hotel, just completed, belot ging to Col. J. M. bourn, of Pike township, was burned to the ground. The following letter from Mr. Kilburn, received just after our last paper was printed, explains the cir cumstances : For the Potter journal Mn. EDITOR.—As I learn that there are different stories afloat relating to the burning of my house on the night of the With inst„l will make a true statement of the case and the public may judge.— In the first place it has been said that the house would be laid in m hes before I went into it, but I did not believe that there was any body in this community wicked enough to fire the building, but I was mistaken. It was generally under stood that the buildino• c' would be finish ed Saturday night In the fore-part-d the evening I held the candle for Mr. Barnhart to pack up his tools. We left the house at 8 o'clock. John Metzger, lad Wm. Trask (the latter one of the joiners on the house) had gone to Esq. 3lerrick's and between 9 and 10 o'clock they returned--the moon shining bright —and Trask went to-the house and put hia hands On the sash each side of the llall door, in the front side of the house. These sash were put in While he was -away ; he noticed -thorn and had there ,been any fire in the house he would have seen it. He then went around the house to the back corner and drank at the pump. The pump is only 12 feet from the cor ner of the house; here is a door and Trask looked into the house and saw that one of 019 folding doors between the cook room and dining . room, was taken down. (Barnhart took it down.) Here Trask luda full view of the whole back side of the house, through the cook-room, din ing -room and bed-room, 12 by 36 feet. In the dining-room lay most of the refuse and waste lumber. It was in one of the .`runt rooms that I held the light, where , the bench and tools were. Now, after . 1 - 1 1Ais Mr. Gross passed •the house and no fire then; about 10 o'clock I under nand Mr. Qonable passed and no fire then; if there bad been either of ,these men would have done all in their power to save the building. After 10 o'clock I lot myself to the road and put up the ,baes in front of the house. -I know there lons no light in the house then, for I stood Al the bars and looked at the building some time, thinking we would soon be Under a roof that would shelter us from Abe storm. We went to bed thinking of so harm. At about 111 o'clock I awoke and heard snapping and cracking like re; sprunc , out of bed and discovered the light taough the window. I rushed out and _to my horror our house was the arrapped in flames—fire bursting out.of barber windois, and the door near the `Pump 'pimp and the side windows. At the front door this' latter blaze came through the ball from the dining Nom. My cries of fire ebuld reach no one but nny family, Metzger and Trask. Now mark in the room *here I held the - light and *here the tools were, • when Trask got' tbeie, there Was no fire yet. broke the window in order to save his tools. ' -- As soon as this was tiOne, it made a draft and the room filled with fire, driving. all back. All we could do then-eras to stand and see it burn dotin.- -In one and a quarter hoar from the time we saw, the tire the building was all consumed.. If lit had caught by my candle it would have, burnt down before I went to the bars or Trask to the pump, and would certainly have taken fire when I had the candle. It was plain to be seen that the fire was 'the work of an incendiary, or incendiaries, ' and fired in three places—at the foot of the garret stairs, in the dining socin and in the cellar. Fire was bursting out of the chamber as much as below. • The lhouse so far has cost us eight hundred dollars—all I have in the world. besides this Barnhart and Trask lost. all theit 'tools', worth to each of them from $5O to $75; all my grain was in the chamber -24 bushels buckwheat, bushel of clo ver-seed, poe bedstead, one coverlet worth $B, two quilts, 24 yards of carpet in a roll, one buffalo robe, every pound of! flour and meat in the cellar, 75 bushel apples, anew stove and pipe, &c., &c.— The fire-certainly was kindled not more than fifteen minutes before we discovered tt, becauie it sped 'with_ the velocity of lightning, almost, and in an hour and a quarter from the time we first saw it, the whole was level with the ground. The whole loss is over $lOOO. Thank God! we are all alive yet. The house was built for a Temperance Hotel. • Yours, &c., J DI. Kiruoun PRICE CURRENT. Corrected OTT,- Wednesday by E. N. STEB BINS k. BRO. Wholesale and' Retail Dealers ha Groceries and Provisions, opposite D. F. Glasstoire's Hotel, Coudersport, l'a. Apples, green, 12 bush., $ 37i to 62,1 dried, Beans, (4 1 00 1-50 Beeswax,' lb., 20 25 Beef, 4i 5 Berries, dried, 11 quart 6 .12i Buckwheat, bush., Butter, • Cheese, ". Corn, 1,1 bun., 75 88 Corn Meal, per cwt., 150 2CO Fags, ? doz ,-12 i Flour, extra,`" , e. bbl., - 650 700 do superfine " .- .5 50 600 Ilanis,-? lb., 12i 15 Hay, 1 - ± ton, Honey, Re: lb., Lard, ft Maple Sugar, per lb., Oats, It bush., Onions, " POrk, V bbL,23 50.24 50 do 11 lb., ' t lli ' 13 do in whole hog, I? lb.-, ~ • 8 9 Potatoes, per bosh., 25 371 Peaches, dried, 3,-1 lb., l4 20 Poultry, "{-:/ lb., 5 7 Rye, per bosh., ' 63 75 Salt, -, t) LW., • ' 225 250 do '4,:?. sack, 20 Trout, per 1 bbl., 600 700 .2 .- Wheat, is Sash., 100 L 25 White Fish, — 0 bbl., ^ 650 700 HYDE'S INDIAN PLASTR. Iffa=outh Boxes for 25 Cents N gg LAG PLASTERS—for all diseases of the JZLd Lungs and spinal Affections. &c. Heart Plasters—The tnost.reliable remedy known for Palpitation and all other diseases of the Heart. Back Plasters—For Crick or Lameness in the Back, Side.or Chest, Weakness in the Stomach. Foot Plasters—The Best Remedy known for coldness of the feet and limbs, excellent draft in all cases of sickness. Womb Plasters—For the Cure of Falling, of the Womb. Whites, and all other Female Diseases. Each box contains enough to spread 8 or 10 large sized plaSters. • This is the only absorbent Plaster before the public. A single plaster applied to the bottoms of the feet will be carried into the circulation of the Blood, and every part of the body be thoroughly medicated. Testimonials by thousands might be printed but it is deemed useless. The afflicted seek it and and relief in all cases. C. D. Luther. Groton, N. Y., cured of ex treme Lame Back, long standing. Mrs. Harvey, McGrawcille, Cortland Co.. N. Y., cured of Rheumatism and other local pain. 'lfni. Wm. Fowler, the Landlady at Alto; Wayne Co., N. Y., says: " I wish my tongue could reach every fewale in the land. I wo'd say, use Hyde's Indian Plaster. It has bene fitted me more than every other application." For sale by C. S. & E. A. Jones, Couders nort. 71y. Administrators' Notice. 117 - HEM:AS,- Letters of Administration to the Estate of Nicholas Schoomaker, late of Coudersport, in the County of Potter, --deceased, have been granted to the sub scribers, all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated te, W. H. AIETZGAIL, H. J. OLNISTED, Administrators Coudersport, Oct, 23, 1860. 5-6 w Auditor's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given that the under .lll signed, an Auditor appointed by the Court to make distribution of the proceeds of the sale of real estate in the case of D. Am merman vs. Versel Dickinson of Feb. Term 1858. No. 88, will attend to the unties of his appointment at the Prothonotary's office, in the Dor° of Coudersport, on Saturday the 24th at 1 o'clock I'. M. Those interested will at tend and present their claims if they think proper. H. J. OL3ISTED, Auditor. GEORGE BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER,—in the building recently occupied by J. S. Mann, Esq., its a law of Coudersport, Pa.,—would respectfully solicit the patronage of the pbb lic. Shaving,'llair-cutting and Shampooing done in the mogt approved style. pat-Cloth ing neatly and expeditonsly CLEANED and SCOURED, at reasonable prices. Oct. Is, 1860,-3 mo: . L. ; ,: Special l%olicc. VEItALES SUFFERING from Scaldinv of 1: the Urine, Prolapsus t Lucorrhea, should Fever, and Canker compound. -It removes all Fevers, Irritation, Itching, and leaves the - parts la a healthy' condition.— Please consult "Last Ray of Hope," to be lied of the Proprietor, Syracuse. , y. Send stamp to pre-pay. postage, or it may be had gratis of Agents. For-sale by C. - S. B A. Jones,. Coudersport . 71y. Try one be of Hyde's Celebrated Indian Plasters. It removes Pain, Sorenesi, Lame- Mess or Weakness, quicker:lnd more certain than any other known article, and is a specific remedy for Rheumatism. It .is the cheapest as well as best Plaster before the. public.— From Bto 12 large Plasteri for 2,5 cents. Cir culars to be had gratis of Agents. Sold - by. C. S: &E. A. Jones, Coudersport. and by dealers_ generally. (*iv ,lIE undersigned would respectfully inform 2_ the surrounding community that he 'ha's taken the rooms formerly occupied by A. G.. Olmsted, where he is prepared to do • All kinds of Harness Work on the shortest notice. .." LONG STRAW COLL &RS. • I also kept constantly on hand. • These • collars are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success. - Repairing done in good. style. Sureingles, 3fartingrale-rings, Hume, and Hame straps, kc., kept constar.tly on hand. The public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. S. I'. nINAIt. Co:dersport, Oct. 16th, 1860. HOW THEY COME. T ir e e"wEwtrorseo in a E n IN d . . GOODS at •BOOTS SHOES DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PORK, • FLOUR, and lots of things that people need. WELL WHAT OF 1T ? .411 fer sale—for READY PAY only. • -- Bring 1000 oats. Bring 18 butter. Bring 1G eggs. Brirg 10 bnckwneat. Bring 1000000 cash, and 18090000 berries. Bring bides. furs, pelts, and old iron. All which I call " ready pay." " What about Prices ?" Come and see. L. BIRD. 100 200 40 50 16 17 8 12 Used 15 years in an Extensive and very Success ful Medical Practice. A CERTALN REMEDY FOR Fever Canker and inflamnzallon 1 BR. 0. ANDREWS' Fever end —Canker Compound is unquestionably the best end most reliable remedy for Scarlet Fever, Measles, Sore Mouth or Throat, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding at the Lungs, or for Fever of every grade. Hopeless Cases • 550 600 10 - 124 10 121 8 12 30 40 75 100 of Bleeding at the Lungs, Coughs, (called Consumption,) Debility of the System, Female Weaknesses, and all general Fevers cured. 10,000 Certificates. could be published, showing the most aston ishing cures. Nelson ITalladay. Esq. Groton - ,N. Y.. cured of Bleeding at the Lungs, severe Cough and General Debility of the 'System, called Con sumptiOn. All hopes of relief had failed from every other source. • The cure was performed five years since. lie is yet, (March, 1860,) enjoying good health. Mrs. Henry Vanderhelt, Orleans, N. Y., cured of extreme case of Female Weakness, Prolai)ius Uteri, Itching and Irritation of the Privates, and General Debility of the System pronounced incurable by many physicians— three years standing. Now in the enjoyment of good health. Mrs. Luman Johnson, Summer - Hill, N. Y., cured of extreme 'Female Debility, Nervous Weakness, Irritation, Szc., The afflicted should consult "Last nay of Hope," published for gratuitous circulation, by 0. Andrews, Syracuse, N. Y. Serato any address on receipt of a stamp to pre-pay pus tags, or may be had of agents gratis. C. S. .CDI. A. Jones, Agents for Coudersport. 71y. FURNITURE T coxrs, Haying enlarged and refitted his WARE ROOMS, at WELLSVILLE, has now en hand and will keep constantly for sale, a larger>and better variety of Cabinet- Ware and Chairs, than have ever been offered in this section of the Country. His stock of common work has never been equalled. flaring made extensive additions to his assortment of PARLOR FURNITURE, he has now on hand Plain Mahogany Sz; Mar ble top - Bureaus, Card tables, Marble top side and Centre tables, Fruit and Toilet stands, Marble top Wash stands; COTTAGE AND FRENCH I3EADSTEADS. COUCHES, SOFAS, AND TETE-A-TETES, new and benutiful varieties. • Cane Seat, Mahogany, Rocking and Easy Chairs, In fact every thing in the line of can be found at his establi , ,hment. having the best facilities for manufacturing and pur chasing hia stock for cash,. He will . not be Undersold. Those wishing to buy, will save 'at least twenty-five per cent; by calling on W. 11. Coats. READY - RADE COFFINS • of all sizes kept constantly on hand. Per sonal attendance with hearse when requested. W: H. COATS. Wellsville, Nov. 1. iSCO. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed, an Auditor appointed by th: Court to make distribution of the proceeds of the sale of real estate in the ease H. J. Pack burst, ca. Vrial Atwood, of Sept. Term 1857, No. 60, will attena to the duties of his ap pointment at the Prothonotary's office, in the Boro, of Coudersport, on Saturday the 17tb day of November next, at 1 o'clock P. M.— Thdse interested will attend and present their claims, if they think proper. EL). ovisirm, Aniecr. SMITH Afflicted ! FURNITURE Auditor's Notice. HANDSOME WOMEN. TO THE LADrzs. PUNT'S "BLOOM O ROSES." A rich , and elegant color for the cheeks or lips. IT WILL NOT WASH OR RUB -OFF, and when once applied, remai us durable for' years.. The tint is so rich and natural, that the clos est scrutiny fails to detect its use. Can be, removed by lemon juice and will not injure' the skin. This is a new preparation, used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and : Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, With directions for use, fur 51.00. • - HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," iinj, parts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion; and is unlike anything else used for this ptir. pose. Mailed free fur ,50,Cents. , . , HUNT'S -BRITISH BALM," yemoves..tan; freckles, - sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. Mailed 'free fnr 50. cents. HUNT'S " IMPERIAL:POMADE " for tl2 • ! hair, strengthens and iinproyes its growth keeps it front falling .off„ 'And is warranted tq Make the hair curl. Mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'.S" PEARL BEAUTIFIER." for thq teeth • and - gums, cleanses and whitens . the teeth, hardens the gums,-.purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'S " BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME,'? a double extract of orange blossoms and c'oi• logne. Mailed free for $l.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by the Princess Royal of England, on her marriage. Messrs. Hudt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegapi case of Perfumery. (in which nll of the above articles were included) in handsome cut gins§ with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, partien_ tars of which appeared in the-public prints. t ' All the above articles sent Free, t y express, for $5.00. Cash can either accompany th'e' order, or be paid to the express egent on de: livery of goods. • HUNT & CO., Perfumers to the Queen. i Regetd. St. London, and 77 Samar:: St. Phil. Pa. For Sale by all Druggists and Perfuniers. Tn,,, The Trade Supplied. :' E: STEBB,INS , Coudersport, have the above articles for sale. to .% wa t " O ,, caa, • I ktk * • ‘ , . SI VV • A SUPERLATIVE D I UR ETIC, 4 tf r v ox* DYSPS_._AD _ D inoutfitc CORDIAL . To the citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Apothecaries. Druggists, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe'S Pure rdaderia, Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix limn. . Wolfe's Pare Scotch and Irish Whisky: ALL IN BOTTLES. 1 beg leave lo call the attention o£ the citi zens of the United States to the above Wmis and Liquons, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, Of New York, whoSe name is familiar in every part of this country tor:the purity of his cele brated SCHIEDAM SCHAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, in hie'letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says: "I will stake My reputation as a man my standing as a mer chant of thirty years' residence in the Clty!,!af New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are purd as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon . by every purchaser." Every bottle has the pro prietor's name on the wax, and a - fac simile of his signat'.re on V•e!certificate. The'-pub licare respectfully incited to call and exam ine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia.' GEO. 11. ASHTON, No. 832 Market st. Phil. Sole Agent for Philadelphia: Read the following' from' the NCNV York Courier : Exonmocs BrstxYss FOlt NEW Tonic MERCIIANT.—We are happy to inform our fel low-citizens that there; is onefplace in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and 'purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as im,.orted. and of the best quality.. We do not intend to- give hn elaborate description of this merchant's ex tensive business, nithoitgli it will repay any stranger or citizen to Visit Udolpho Wolfe's extensive ware -house, Nos. IS, 20 and 22, Beaver street, and Nos'. 17. 19 and 21, Mark etfield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases ; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 183 G to 1854 ; and ten thousand cases Of. Madeira. Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. emit Hum, some very Old ' and equal to any in this conntry . . He also had three large cellarS, filled with. Brandy, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom-Honso key, ready for bottling. : Mr. Wolfe's sales lof Schnapps last year aniounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope! in less than two years .he may be equally suc cessful with his Brandies and Wines. . • His business merits the patronage of every lover of his .species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders dirrct to Mr. Wolfe, uptil every Apothecary in the land'make,up their minds to discard The poisonous stall - from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines and;Liquors._ We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accom modation of small dealers in the country, nuts up assorted cases of:Wines and Liquors.— Such a mail, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of 'op ponents in the United:Slates, who sell noth ing but imitations, ruinous alike to bantam health and-happiness.' [s2—Cm* NATURAL TEETH PRESERVED TO OLD AGE • Shares Char Coal Todth Soap. 43.i . E ARTICLE is more, deservedly .L poptilar as a means of cleansing. and preserving the Teeth than Charcoal. In this beautiful article of Tooth Soap the rendered 'so. perfectly fine - as, tb be in reality but the superfine dust of that most valuable substance—not a particle of grit is used in the composition which could possibly injure the enamel of Teetb.. It is united with articles that-remove the tart, and prevent its farther accumulation.. ' . This Soap is, the best known means of pre serving the teeth, curing Sore Gums, and Sore. Month. One box till last one year at a cost of only 15 cents. Dineen°Ns.—Wet the brash and rub two or three times lightly over the Soap, then thoroughly brush the Teeth, and rinse the mouth with pure water. Sold by C. S. SE. A. Jones, Contlersrort, Ponu. ' - Svo4.--_.lBoq, D. E. OLMSTED & CO (D. E. OLMIST CD, B. S. COLVirELL & L. C. 'UGC AttT,) Arenow prepared for the FALL TRADE withrclarge anunesually attractive STOCK OF GOODS, which are for Sale at the Lowest Prices, Without going into details, etery depart meat is filled with careful selections which CANNOT FAIL o_please both In quality and prices. Thankful for past favors they would solicit an ezamination ROM ALL before purchasing .j[l PAID FOR e Coudersport, Sept. 10, 1860 MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PIIGNIX BITTERS. liIESE MEDICINES have now been before the- public for a peridd of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of rlisease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing rarlety of human diseases in which the Vegetable . Life Medicines • Are well known to be infallible DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; ,FLATLILENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, per, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will Vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of perspiration in such cases; and. the thor ough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been . known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeksoind. GOUT in half that time, by re moving local inflammation from the muscles • and ligamente.of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate =St delightfully on these important organs, and henre hive ever been found a cer tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. . • Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVEY. ULCERS, and INVETERATE' SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICLNES give to the blood, and all the' humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of whiCh occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable .com rilexions. . The use of these Pills for a very short time, will effect nn. entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the 'clearness of the skin: - COMMON COLDS and INFLU ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. • PILES.—The original proprietor of these Medicines.' was cured of Piles of 35 - years standing, by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. . FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of thei Western country, these Medicines will be sound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— Other medicines leave the system °subject to a return of the disease—a these Med icines is permanent—ray THEY, BR SATISFIED, AND BE CUBED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER ,COM PLAINTS.I—GinseraI Debility,- Loss of Appe tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines have been:used with the most beneficirl re sults .in cases of this deicription :—Eings Evil, and Scorfula, to its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these re markable Medicines. Ntght Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all 'kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of 3lsaerav, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fall to eradicate from the 'systeirs, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the mostpaw ctrful preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 135 Bito.trws - r, rr.w-Toar.. For salt by all Druggssts. EWSTOC.I . _ 0 F L AND WINTER, FA Co GOODS, AT if. SIMMONS' tiLocK, OSAVA.YO \VILLAGg; THE PROPIHNTOR HAS RitraeiNtsiii froiu 'AIF; _ - • • - atia"ltdst ock of Goodg EVER OFFERED iN . POTTER COU:ISiTY ' 'rho assortmcni .consisti of ••• DRY GOODS-: ll'ats and Caps.l .Boots •ilr• Shoes, CitOCKEB3ri 61{,OCERI.ES and . PROVISIONS,. I fitra determined to dill goods as ioir the; ran be purchased in Wellsville. - Hay.; iilg purchased for dash, no rents , or interest to piy, and selling a large amount for READY PAY I am enabled to Share the Usual Prefits with my customers. - •I4v'ing thade simnel:gents with some of the best houses in the city, goods-viill be • • SIIIII ND to Ifiti , ennubling me constantly to offer the ',Atte . STIILES and BEST QUALITIE§ of Goods. BEST GOLD AND SILtEli kepi on band for sale. Tedlars supplied 01 . reasonable terms. . 61.A.511 FOR GOOD LUMBER AND SHINGLES.: I HAVE ESTABLISHED A 1313HANCII STORE At Elitsbur6 1 under the name . and style of i Siiff.NEOPTS &. PERRY, whet.' e a COMPLETE GENERAL ASSORT= I MET wil be constantly kept on band. I C. IL SIMMONS . : 1 o:crayo, April 2, 1860.—1y,c4t. - . 60-'OOO Copies already Sold, EYEIIYI3OIiY'S LAWYER AND.. COUNSELLOR IN RUSINESC, BY FRANK CROSBY, i OF TUB PLILADRLCIIIA. 13.0?..; 1 IT TELLS YOU How to draw up Vartrteiship 1 Papers And gives general I forms for Agreemitis of all 1 kinds. Bills of Sale, Lead :- ± . es and Petitions. IT +ELLS YOU How to draw up Bonds and i Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers of A ttorney, Notes 1 • and Bills of Exchange; Receipts and Releases; IT TELLS YOU The Laws fer tile Coliectioti of Debts, with the .stati ; sites of Limitation, and amount and kind of prop.: arty Exempt from Exemv. 1 tion in every State. IT t DLLS YOE I.lbw to make an Assignment properly, with forms , fof Composition with dfeditz ors. and the Insolvent Lasts of ceery State. IT TELLS YOU The le:gal relations existing i between Guardian: *lnc Ward, Muster nnd Ap -1 prentice, and Landlord and Tenant. [ IT TEI :LLS YOB What constitutes Litiel and Slander, and the Laiv a. 4 to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Prepertyi Divorce and Alimony. The. Law foe Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Naturalization Lawi of this country, and hot to comply with the saine: The Law Concerning Pen sions and• how:to obtain. ' one, and the Pre-Emptior Laws to Public Lana& The Law of Patents, with mode of procedure in oh: taining one, with Infer.: ferenees, Assignments. and Table of Pecs; Row to make your' \Vitt, and how to Administeron art Estate, With the law and the requirements thereof . in every State. . Tee meaning of Law Teern4 in general use, and ex plains to ytin the Legisz lative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Gov.: ernments. Bow to keep eat of Lair, by showing how to. do yeue business I o gal th n et. baying a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, 'by its lithely' emisultation. • Single copies will be sentlV mall, *Mee: paid; Every. Farmer, Every -Mechanic, Every . Mani of. 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