The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 01, 1860, Image 2

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Curtin's Majority 3.2,164.
' Complete official returns hare now
beets reeeived from every county in the
Stake, and Col. ANDREW G. CURTIN'S
majority is 32,164. This is the largest
majority ever given to a gubernatorial
candidate, with the exception of Gov.
Pollock., who was elected during the
snow Nothine excitement
113 5 4
Legislature Co
The following is a complete list of the
members of the Senate and the House of
Representatives as complied frem the of
ficial results :
Ist Distriet—Philadeinhia—*Jeremi
ah Nichols ' P., John H . Parker, P.,
George B. Smith, P., George Connel, P.
2d-7-Chester and Deleware—*Jacob S
Serrill, I'.
3,1-31ontgomery--John Thompson,
4th—Bucks—Mahlon Yardley, P.
.sth—Lehigh and Northampton—Jer
emiah Shindel f .p.
fith—Dierks—ftliester Clymer, Ti
7th—Sehuylkill—itobert il. Palmer,
Sth—Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne
—" henry S. Mott, D.
9th—Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan
and Wyoming—George Landon, P.
1011)—Lnzerne—W. W. Ketcham, P.
llth—Tiega, 'otter Macau and War
ren—lsaac Benson, P.
12th—Clinton, Lycomintt, , Centre and
Union—Andrew Gregg, P
I.3 . ll—Snyder, Northumberland Men
tour acid Columbia, *Franklin ,Bound, P
14th--Cumberland, Juniata, Perry
and Mifilin—Dr. E. D. Crawfor, D.
15th—Daupbin and Lebanon- 4 ' A.
BouAker, P.
16th—Lancaster. Hamilton,
Pa ,*Jolin Hiestand, P.
17th—York--William H. Welsh, D.
18th--Adams, Franklin and Fulton—
A. K. McClure, P.
1 1 3th—Somerset, Bedford and Hunt
ingdon-4'S. S. Wharton, P.
20tb—Blair, Cambria, and Clearfield
—Lords W. Hall, P.
21st—Indiana aid Armstrong --J. E
Meredith, P.
22dr—We.ittnoreland and Fayette—
*Smith' Fuller, P.
23d—Washington and Greene—*Geo.
lir: Lawrence, P.
24th—Allegheny--John P. Penny,
P., Elias H. Irish, P.
256—Beaver and Bader—D. L. Ira
brie, P.
26th—Lawrence, Mercer and Venango
—*James H. Robinson, P.
2811—Erie and Crawford—Darwin A.
Finney, P.
28th—Clarion Jefferson, Forest and
Elk—K. L. Blood, D.
People's party's Senators, 27
Democratic Senators, 6
People's party's majority, 21.
fsrwly elected members marked with a star.)
+ Mt, Mytner, of Terks, was elected
c+41.4-4* oceabioued by the
4-14 et, Pf•
Eleven • lumbers are elected every
Veer, anti of this number the Detooerats
have elected but one, fro►u the 10th Ie
This body is composed of one hundred
members, which are elected aunually.-•—s
The following is the official result oi the
elcetion.held - on the 9th of Octubcr last,
Adams; henry J. Myres, D.
Berks.; E Penn Smith, . 'Michael
I'. Boyer, D., Henry B Rhoads, D. .
Lancaster: Henry M. White, P.,
Joseph hood, P., Michael Ober, P John .
Stebutan, P.
York; -John Manifold, Th . , Daniel
Rieff, 1).
t 7
Cumberland and Perry; B
Irrim"P., William Lowther. I'.
Franklin and Fulton ; James R. Brew
ster, P., James Austin, P.
Bedford and Somerset • Edwardiii
Shreek,- P. Charles W. At:hewn, P.
Iluntint,:don ; Brice X. Blair , Blair , 'James holier, P.
Cambria; Alesander C. Mullen, P.
- Philadelphia; I. ,Jtisaph Caldwell, D.
2. Thomas Gaskiil, D. .3. Patrick
McDonough; D. 4: Robert E Randall,
D. •5- - Joseph Moere, Jr., P. 6. Dan
iel Cr. Thomas, P. 7. Dr J: IL Seltzer;
P. 8. J. E. Ridgeway, P. O. Henry
Dunlap, 1.).• 10. Henry G. latisenrini,
D. 11, Isaac A. Sheppard, P. 12.
Richard Wildey, P. 13. William D.
Morrison. D. 14. Geo. W. 11. Smith,
D. 15. John F Preston I'. 13. Thom.
as W. Duffield, D. 17. Charles P. Ab
bott, P.
Delaware; Chalkley Harvey, P.
Chester; llrilliaut T. Shafer, P., Caleb
Pierce; I'., Isaac Acker, I'.
Montgomery; 1)r. John H. Hill, D.,.
John Stouebacts, D., John Dismant, 1).
Bticks; Joseph Barnsley, P., Dr. Ash
cr P.
Northampton ; Jacob Cope, D., P. P.
Eilenberzer, D.
Lehigii and Carbon ; Wm. Butler, D.,
Mehteriwaliner, D.
Mourne and Pike; thiarlcs• b. Brod
head, D.
Wayne; A. 13. Walker, P.
Luzerne; L. Pugh°, P., H. P. Eti!l
man, P-, Peter Brvue, D.
Sio , quelianna ; acorge Frazier, P.
Bradford ; Henry W. Tracy, P., Dr.
C. T Bliss, P.
Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia and
Montour; Thomas °stall - out, D., Hiram
K. Kline, D.
Lycomin-c , and Clinton; Wm. 11. Arm
strong, P., 11. C. Bressler, P.
Centro; WM. C. Duncan, P..
Mifflin ; Adolphus F. Gibboney, P.
Union, Snyder and Juniata; Thomas
Haves, P., John J Patterson, P.
ICrorthumbellantl ; Amos Bisel, P.
Sclrurlkill ; Daniel Koch, P., Henry
Huhn, P., Linn Bartholomew, P.
Dauphin; Win. Clark, P., Dr. Lewis
Heck, D.
Lebanon; Jacob Bixler, P.
Indiana; James Alexander, P.
e 3
3:.9 0
Armstrong and Westmoreland; J. 11
MeGenig;al, P., James Taylor, P., A.
Craig; P.
Payette; John Collins, P.
Greene; Patrick Donley, D.
Washington; J. A. Harper, P. Rob
ert Anureson,
Allegheny ; Kennedy Marshall, P„
Thomas Williams, P., Charles Goehring,
P., William Douglas, P., Alexander B.
13urns, P. '
Beaver and :Lawrence; Joserh. Wil
son, P. J. W. Blanchard, P.
Butler; W. M Graham, P
Robinson, P.
Mercer and 17enango; George D.
tiofius, P., E. W. Davis, P.
Clarion and Forest; Williams Deck's,
Jefferson, Clearfield, McKean -and
Elk ; Isaac Gordon, P., Samuel M. Law
mice, P.
Crawford and Warren ; Iliram Butler,
E. Cowan, P.,
Erie; Henry Teller, P., Gideon J,
Ball, I'.
Putter at d Tioga; S. B. Elliot, B B.
Strang, P.
People's Party i t ; Democrats 29.
Huuse of Representatives,
People's tnaj. on joint ballot 63
The people of Pennsylvania have set
their seal upon Henry M. Fuller, (says
the Ilarristurgh Telegraph). .and from
this tithe henceforward he will fill a trai
itor's page in the political annals of the
Union. In a juncture of politics when
the vital interests of his native common
wealth were in dancer—when the labor
that has enriched him was threatened
with extermination by a slavery propa
ganda—and when a party that gave him
in pity all the distinction he ever pos
sessed to flaunt in the eyes of decent
men—Henty M. Fuller indulged in an
ungrateful assault upon his friends, and
became a traitor to the north, the country
and this commonwealth. Ye has met
his dOom in the overwhelming defeat that
has overtaken him. He has ended his
career of shame in the most consummate;
disgrace—and he crawls to-day, before
the people of Pennsylvania, stripped of
the false dignity in which he has so long
concealed hie political deformity, a brand
ed apostate to the glorious principles of
freedom, protection, and the sacred inten
tions of the franchise. He is a political
corpse, offensive to the nostrils of brave
and littler - cutlet:it men.
People's. Democrats ,
• 27 6
71 20
DR 35
Inenry M. Fuller.
Sham Democracy of Nebraska chanted to
bave elected Estabrook, their candidate
for Gongrass, by 800 majority; but the
House scrutinized the returns, and gave
the Feat to S. G. Daily, Republicitn. It
was found that a solid vote--maiuly if
not entirely fraudulent—had been cast
for Estabrook in certain unsettled couu
tfes—as follows:
13ulTalo, 292 Leauquicourt, 128 ) Saline, 10
Again Mr. Daily has been elected, and
again --if we may credit our last tele-,
graphic bulletin from Omaha--=there is
an attempt to cheat him out of the seat
by bogus returns. But this will not pre-
Tritunc, 2.5111.
Natta Pumal.
Il7odag.7lloßing, !SOO.
• i;x• We are indebted to the Bon.
James T. Bale fur a copy of the Covode
Investigating Committee's Report. 'This
volume is dsad memento of modern de
mocracy as James Buchanan
Co., and will tend to correct many of
the dcmocra;ic evils which our govern
ment has become heir to.
&II- Gov. Wise has written a short let
ter—only twenty-seven written pages—
to repel the charge that Breekinridge pe
titioned for John . Brown's reprieve. Hav
ing done this, his monomania returns to
vex him, and he winds up the document
by saying :
" it is time that the slave States were ready
for the revolution, which is inevitable, with
the purpose to take from theta not only their
personal- property in negro slaves, but their
political property in this great and glorious
Union. Let neither class of rights he invad
ed ; fight first, and don't let the invaders seize
the power to disarm you,"
We agree With Gov. Wise that a revo
lution is inevitable in the slave States,
but it will be a peaceable one, and one
which they will praise God for when, it is
fully accomplished. No fighting will be
needed to accomplish it, though such as
\Vise thister terribly over it—nor 'will a
single right be invaded. The revolution
will begin with the results of next Tues
um. The editor of the Agitator ~ says
in his last paper that be never cast a vote
for the so-called Democracy. Well, upon
inquiring among those who are familiar
with his course before our advent here,
we find that he did not—we never said
he did; but in 1852 he was correspond.
ing Secretary of the Coudersport Demo.
cratic Campaign Club, and in that or the
nest year was dubbed a " Colonel" by
Wui. Bigler the then Democratic Gov.
ernor, fur his eminent services as said
Secretary. The society a man keeps de
termines a man's character, 31r. Agitator,
whether he acts or not:
, Thomas
Will the editor of the Aultiltor (while
taking so much pains to harp about reg
ular nominations) be kind enough to in
form its few readers in this county how
the nomination of Messrs.: Strang and
Elliott came to be any more "regular "
than Mr. Mann's. Both the first named
gentlemen were nominated by th. Tioga
County Convention, and Mr. Mann by
the Potter County Convention—neither
of them by a conference. Please tell us,
Hugh, how you go to work to make your
irregularities regular.
The last Jersey Shore Vedette says :
" Potter counky gives Hale 826 majority.
Three Cheers for little Potter." Yes, so
we say; but if she gives Lincoln from two
hundred to four hundred more majority,
you'll give her a loud "three times three"
won't you ? That 826 majority slicultthe
847,* and more than doubles the majority
given by any other county in the district
—and besides doubling on the majority
in Centre,swallows up the majority of 161,
given to Fleming in Sullivan and leaves
twenty-two to crow over. Again : doub
ting on Lycoming (the largest majority
given nest to ours) we contribute 121 to
wards smothering Sullivan's democratic
majority. How do you like that kind of
figuring Mr. Vedette?
Little Potter is great on doubles this
year. In the first place she nearly-doub
les her population, and her valuation on'
the census of 1850 ; neat she early•treb
les her vote (in 1850 , there were 734
votes cast—now 2025); and now only
lacks about 200 of doubling her
can majority for Congress over that of
1858—she will double it belt .Tuesday.
We think she richly deserves the com
pliment of the Pittsburg Gazette, which'
last week Said " Ntter count— is.not on
ly a good, but a 060.1 Republican eounty.'
We have no fault to fuld vitt): thatjudg-
Moat, :and little Rotter.,asks •no higher
compliment. 1 •
1 13 do* we give the ogleiai tote - of this
aistriet fo.r.CoOgreiS, as corrected:
, .
Itale',l Fleming, "• ' 'Maj..
Mifflin, ~ ' 17n3.' ' 1437 ' , 2901.
tycoming, 349 3llO - - 36.34,
Clinton, . 1720 1707 ' : 194.
Clitro, :;102 l 2830 - 33_R.
Potter, ' . ' 1419 572 e4iii.,
Sullivan, 354 545 1011),
1,6:16 I
/late's, maj
NorE.4—The official returns of Harrison
ttivynship, as filed in the Prothonotary's office
here, exhibit 1S morn; votes for Mr. Hale than
the table from which the returns of the Con.
gressionai retermjudlie _were made up. The
error was - discovered by cc mparison soon of-.
tet• the return jodize hiol left for Ludt . . Haven,
and too late to appeati in his' count. The to
bib published in'theJturts.u. of the 18th inst.,
was correct.—Eotroa
The Allies of Slavery.
• I
Most of our readers can retnewher what
, a sheet time it is since our opponents were
indignant at being called the allies of
Slavery. But now their papc:s, and their
speeches, even among the free hills of
Pennsylvania, Jose no opportunity to nob
ogise for and defend Slavery and its Ca
erbaeltinents. When a Republican.ex
presses his belief that. there will be no
were Slave States admitted into the Union,
our opponents, big ,end little, set up a
howl of dismay at the expression;
showing that the detimet :my earnestly de
sire, and actively later Jr.f the extension
of Slavery ond the increase of Slave States.
The Pennsylvanian is so anxious to serve
its allies the Slavelholders, that every
week it perpetrates ainenstrous falsehood
in order . to bolster the failing portion
of Slavery: We cut the following from
its last :
" REMEMBER, that the South can get
cheaper elsewhere everything which she
now gets from the North. - -
RemEmBER, that the North can get
noWhere else what she now receives from
the South. If d.sunion is dangerous to
the South, it will be ruinous to the North."
Ever . / person of common SCllizO knows
that haat of these statements are untrue.
We call attention to these simply to show
the pro-Slavery sympathies of what there
is left of the once bold and manly demo
cratic party. Once this. party was the
champion of the masses;' now it is the
tool of the aristocratic Slave-holder. The
evidence that the party opposed' to the
Republicans, is the mere tool and ally of
Slavery, is so notorious that any person'
who will merely open his eyes and look,
cannot help but see it. No person can
secure an appointment from the Natitinal
Ailutiuistration, wbo dues not prove him-,
selfthe supporter of Slavery ; and no per
son is allowed to act, even as a clerk in
any of the departments that is even sus
pected of being unfriendly to Slavery.. In,
proof of this last statement take the fol
lowing extract from the Washington cor-1
respondence of the N. Y. Eec. Post:
"WAstumvroN, October 23, IS6O.
"The fanaticism of southern men at
this time is forcibly illustrated by a fact
which came to my knowledge a few days
since. Last winter- the ease of a slave
girl was brought to the knowledge of sev
twat Member-of Congress, and one of them,'
' Van Wyek, Of New York, agreed to do
what lie could for her redemption, and
the New York joiroals report that he is
most faithfully redeeming his promise.
The circumstances iu the case are enough
I to stir the heart of a New Zealander, and
they ; did enlist the sympathies bf a south
" ern clerk in one of the depaftni2nts to
to such au-extent that he became person
1 , ally responsible for the that she Might
leave Washington fur the North. In the
affair he became somewhat wised up with
Republicans, and this fact was-noticed by
his COll6'eres in the department. Stories
were, circulated to his disadvantage here
and in the slave state from which he hail- !
ed. Suddenly, without the warm!
ing, •he was dismissed from his office.
His Whole offence consisted in his givingi
security to a slave-ownei for his slave girl, I
to enable her to purchase her 'freedom.
Ile never had a leaning towards Repithii
eanism ur anti-slavery—hut the shockingl
fanaticism of the Secretary who dismissed
him, Or 'rather of the Men who demanded
his dismissal- of the Secretary, opened his
eyes, and he does not regret very intense
ly that Mr. Lincoln is to be our next
President. Is it not time that such gov
ernment of were displaced by wen
who will alloW a little freedom in regard
to the humanitarian quest ions of the dity."
E. CowAtv, Esq., the editor of the
Warren Alaikis elected to the Peuttsyl
.by 975 majority Over
his competitor. This is ahr ,, er nijOrity
,y thirty than . , the other candidates re
ceived in Wrrcn County. Good for
Tin WITAICST DLSTltier. —The offCial
majority for - Col. Curtin, in Bradford
county, is 4,2,36, and h the Cone,ression
al District composed of Bradford:lumina
hanna and Tioga, 8000.,. David Wilmot
writes' to the TriOune that Brad
ford *ill, gh'o Lincoin .5000, and the
District 10,000 . majority. There are aoti
many *lid cats oat there.
:;:....::.7- - ..:...:L..._ 7 .T.:._.-:_e.--..-. -
4.l.llti!key 4 ‘_,
r) re,PF.l44*.bie,?,
-?: ('''-' ''' ' Pir the I,'otler Journal.
M. CHASE—A(6 .I 'B;r:: I wish i n an.
nounce through the celunins df thCJouu-
N - A./. to the soalled Detnoiii.ats of thii
county, my withdrawal in full from .tbeir
party ; and also some: of my - 4asons'for so
doing. I haver been a metpber of the
Dernocratic party ever since have!been
a`vtiter, contending earnestly Ilia its prin.'
) ciples, and voting faithfully tr its ;Candi
I dates, until within a few, nio itlis! I have
b** 'Satisfied that we we e clinging
only Co the Panic, while eveu..principli.
worth contending for has been; left fur our
opponents. The party, too, bas become
so split, and each fragment claitnirig to be .
the' • , ./?eg'iticii.'-' that one can tat•dly find
himself. - I have also Leconte p./4:fly dis
gusted with the course taken tith regard
to our last County ElectiOn.ibstead of!
coming op in any respectable Ohape, and
selecting candidates of their nuinber, •they
have sneaking picked up a set of 'disaf
fected Republicans and even. rank. Abol
itionists . (much as they preteaid to hate!
them) arid attempt to whip us into their
support, at the seine time they eny teak
in; any nominations. Only 10.4 at the
i r co7trso of .31r. D. W. Speuccr-2first corn
leg to me and.claiming my voteps a Dem
ocrat and then the Republican.' as a lie-`
publican, and altogether as TadepelAtlat •)
i aand'.then the lies he has reprinted i f4ed . about '
the opposing candidate, will bola profita
ble subject for reflection durini , his slay
~ 5.
up Salt River. I hope he is convinced
by the returns from Harrison, t`l il iat Bur
, tis did. not use any stratagem toigct &lc
gates. Let me here say, I havel been ac
quainted wiit Woolsey Burtis t slenty! two I
years, and know that no eliarges against 1
his integrity aLd veracity can helitruthful
ly made. 'W. J. Coamt. .1
Bingham, Oct. 20, 1863.
1 - The above caw:: to late fort publica
tion ;last week, but it is never, tto late to(
tell the truth. There arc fifty democrats in
this County who are quietly embricing the 1 ,
truth where there is one publicly aQtluUnt- 1
• )
Mg his conviction"; and we will not be at
all surprised if Lincoln gets 1,20 ;0 major-1
ity in Little Potter next Tuesday.—ED. 1
JOUR.] ) t
• . :
The 1111) Congreszdosil Distr.let.
A ;comparison of the vote east at the
late election in the several Congression
al districts of the State for (governor
shows that the Fourteenth Congr t essional
District, compesee of the counties of Brad
, ford, 'Tioga and Susquehanna, is the ban
ner district, having given Curtin far Gov
ernor seventy and ntnety-three•huudredth
per cent, of the whole vote cast, al higher
per cent= than any other district in the
State,. Shalt she be permitted td be the
banner district in the coming el talon ?
Let Ws see. So high a honor is tvertliv
contending for by the Republicans of
every l district ia the State, and idshould
be understood that those who coni6bUtedl
so nobly in the Fourteenth Congrdssional:
District at the last„will not leave an ef
fort bencrably untried to increas their
vote at the next election.
Iu this connection we give the per,
t cilium of the vote cast for Curin
the following counties at the recetit elee
tion. The increase proves the atdor or
those engaged in the cause of Ripubli-1
canism, as well as the glorious prospect
of the ,permanent organization of (Air now!
glorious and victorious party
La cirett co,
Crac r ford,
5 6 a
5G "
[ 17( irri4Zurg , q'cleyrai
ost Ey, V. S.. SENATORS —Cal i 11
D. BAKER (Republican) and J. Ncs i tnith
(Douglas) were elected li. S. Senators
by the Oregon Legislature on th 4 2d
inst. Joe. Lane is thus repudiated by his
own State, as. Le will be in a short time
by the People of the nation. We rejoice
at the election of Cul. Baker. Ile is a
RepubliCan in whom there is no " yar.
ing or shadow of turning'," and. will be an
acquisition , to the Senate. 1
ONYEN LovEJoY, of dor' g
recent stOuiping, tour in "Egypt," select
ed twelve men from the audience, ?sine
of whom were Douglas men, swore tern
as a jury, and defended the Republican
party from-the charges of the Dentoci-ats,
in due
_legal form. - Such was the force
of his Oratory that the jury returned a
verdict of " not guilty."
THE following is Lae eloquent close of
Salmon F. Chase's address to the Wide
&wakes of Columbus, the other night, on
the occasion of their jubilee over !the
election of Frank Blair: •11
" The fringes of the vast curtain which
lides the future, are all luminou's 4ith
the glories of the coming day. I
not attempt to lift it. Let us only stead
fastly maintain our principles; let us sus.
tain each i other by generous syniptithy
and cordial appreciation ; and -in his
spirit, let ,tis work and wait. Tice rail
will rise; the future will be ours."
,Sleart'sCitorcoa 1 Tootle C 4
Will cleanse better and w t t
aut! Gums longer than any other knon
stance. One box will last 12 mouth s f or "'
15 cents. To Be had of;C. S. 4.; j c "z!
Couderport.i .
Uncle Stette s Puls,
AA ADE from Roots. Barks, and Plant;
IVA; Not recommended to cure evp rlthi :' ,
but as the, host and most uLtunte
PIiY.S.W . known. They leavelhe Stonniett
Bowels in a healthier and better comi tll
than any 'other-phy.4lc. Try one box, 4 11 ,1,
turn if not satisfied.
sold by C. J. A' 4. 'banes, Agents. Coutien;
port. -
Special . Notice.
TxmAL-r,s SUFFERING from Scalain,,,,
r the Urine, Prolapsus, Luenrrhea, hos:
itttd Irritation of the privates, should us e b r °
0. Andrevrs' Fever and Canker Composo:
It removes all PeVet's, Irritation, licking, s o
Leaves titer'parts - in a healthy couditios.....
Please tumult "Last Ray of Hope," to o t
t t
of the Proprietor, Syracuse, N. y, set;
stamp to pre-pay postage, or it may be ho
gratis of Agents. For sale by C. s.
Ames, qouderspott 11y.
Try one box of Hyde's Celebrated lei.lic.l
Plasters. It removes Pain, Soreness,
uess or weakner,s, quicker and more ernaie'
than any other known article, and is a specitic
remedy for Rheumatism. It is the clicape4
as well as best Plaster before the public--
From $ to 12 large Planters for '25 rents. G I ,
vulars to be had gratis of Ag,ccuts.
Sold by. C. 5.14: E. A. Jones, Civimport,
and by dealers generally. , 71s:
1 1 Let not disease, with its fangs, pray 4 6 ,„
yon, until the cold hand of - death hurlsyou to
'on untimely grave. Shake elf the feeling ef
despair and hopelessness, so liable to mil t
upon the invalid. The plant born of theSue
we place within the reach of all. We on
not what may be the specific form of the di:,
case. The cause, the fountain of the disease
itself, is impure blood, and. through the ail . -
ferent channels of the lungs: the stomach and
the vital organs, JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN
lIEIIB HILLS will pass, mingling with the
blood, search out and grasp and then expel,
all hurtful poison that there is in it, The;
cleanse the blood by a few doses of ;We
Pills, and disease, in any form, will disipate
and vanish. As the Sun, with its glotieus
beams first causes the-morning dew to the a;
mist, then growing stronger, casts his. burn.
ing rays upon it—end behold 'tis gone—so
cleanse the blood. and disease, like morning
dew, retreats and vanishes. There is no blomt
purifier equal to Judson's. Mountain lleth
Sold all Dealers in Medicine.
To- Consumptives,
lIE AdvertlFer, having been restored tc
health in a few weeks by a very situi.e
remedy, after paring suffered several revs
with a severe lung zifrection,.and that dreml
disease, Consamptiou---is anxious to make
known to Lis fellow-sufferers the means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
the prescription used (free of charge), with
the directions for preparing end using the
same, which they will find a sane CURE tor
CoNsoirrios t ASTHMA., I.33ONCRIT, &e. Tie
only object cdf the advertiser in sending, the
Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he•ConCe,ives to he
eruct be hopes exery sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.'
Parties uishiug the prescription will phasse
\ Rev..EDWARD A. 'WILSON . .
Kings 'County, New Yolk.
C 3- 1 3 -1
TIMIIEN.--=The subscriber will send (free ref
Marys) to all who desire it, the Recipe and
directions for making a simple Viveldlc helm
Bait will, in from Iwo to. eight days„icinovQ
BlOthes, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness,
and all impurities and roughness of the Skin,
leaving the same—as Nature intended it she'd
be—Anft, elear r ertoodi and 6cauliful. Thosede
siring the ftectle, with full instructions. di
rections, and advice, will please call on or ad
dr3is (with return postage.)
75 per c'
74 "
') l{
i -.1
69. "
66 "
64 "
64 "
64 "
63 "
63 "
61 "
61 "
61 "
60 "
58 "
57 U
45-13 t No. 3?. City Hui[thugs, N. York.
/Auditor's Notice.
NoT . G . L;: , is hereby given that the tinder
sgped, an Auditor appointed by tilt
Court to make distribution of the precceds sf
the sale of real estate in the case H. J. Pad:-
burst, vs. Urial Atwood. of Sept.. Term
No. 69, will attena to the duties of his ap
pointment at the Prothonotary's office, in the
Boro, of Colidersport, on Saturday the MIA
day of November next, at l'o'Lliiek P. M.—
Those interested will attend and presenttheie
claims it they think proper.
li. J. OLMSTED, Auditor.
Administrators' Notice.
" n"
a' o Le tter s
o Nich olas A ul c l I t o r „ °3 li:
late of Coudersport, in the County of 'Potter,
--deceased, bitre been granted to the Ed'
scribers, all persons indebted to said estate,
are requested to make immediate payment;
and those haring elaims - • against the same,
will present them duly authenticated. to.
Conderspart, Oct , 23, 3560. -3-6 W
X,TOTICE is .hereby given that the unikr
_L'lt signed, an Auditor appointed by the
Court to make distribution of the proceeds of
the sale of real-estate in the case of D. Am
merman vs. Verse' Dickinson of Feb. Term
1853. N`o. 83, will attend to'the unties of his
appointment at the .Prothonotary's oftice,,in
the. Bore of Coudersport, on Saturday the ?Atli
at 1 o'clock P,ll. Those interested v4l.i at
tend and present their claims if they thirds
proper. LI. J. OLIISTEP, Auditor.
BLACKSAIITII . , Fourth street, between:--Ma
and West Streets, l'ondersport, Pa., is pre
pared to do a 1 kinds of work in his line,
on the most reasonable terms. Produce
taken in payment. - l`9
building recently occupied by J. S. Mann,
Esq., as a leo- oflie,'Couderspart,Pn.,—nould
respectfully solicit the patronage of the pub
lic. Shaving, Tlair-cutting Sbarapooing
done in the most approved style. •
Oct. 16, 28_60.-3 mo..
Vt. H: EIETZC .t R,
11. J. 01,1ISTED,
Auditor's Notice.