List of Premiums Awarded LT TAE THIRD ANNUAL FAIP.. OF, THE Forrr.a Co. AaILICULTUILAL (S: t 1013.• TITURAL SOCIETY, OCT. 'DTI" -Alp 11rn, 1800. CATTLE Best Nall, 3 years old, i . Durham ; Michae. Weimer,. .^ s4 00 • 2d best do, part do, • Daiid White, 3 00 Best bull, 2 years old do, James T. Hill, 3 00 2d best do, do, Joseph Mann,2 00 Best yearling bull, do, Henry Tentzer, _ . ; , , _ 200 21 best do, • ' 'do, Lyman Ne ß lson, •. t ..- -- -•-• - 100 Best bull calf, i Durham, Joseph Mann,l 50 ' 2d best do, Devon; William S. 1 :I,y -mon11; ', '' - ' 100 Bett.cow. i Durham, Almeron Nelson, 3 00 STATcuswr.—Saved the milk from June 10th, to hine .28th, 10 days, making 181 lb., but. :rioin'Sept, 27th, to Oct. sth, 10'days making l3l lb., " lllatld id 20 days : !: - 31 1 1- lb., " ',Time from calving 5 months. .Age, -10 Se ars. . i . . ... . 2d best cow; "moole,y " Miss tOuisa M. Joer,r,' ,' - • . 200 " Bes.t:2 year old Heifer, part Durham, Mrs. Nancy nustin, .- , , • 200 2d best do ; , do i do, Dennis Moll - , . _1:00 Best Yearling Heifer, / Alderny, 8.11. Mills,'' • 1 1 00 • , .. 24 best •do,' do part .Alderny,• giles Dustin, • 50 Best heifer, calf; / Hereford, • Sobieski Rolm, • : Best yoke of oxen, ger, Irq•' ' - 300 2d bcst do Sobieski Ross, • 200 Best yiske of steers, 3 years old, Robert \V. Niles, ' ' 200 Best yoke - do 2 do George . " 2d bist do lenbeck, POO Training yoke of steers by boy 10 years old, George Boa:. lIORSES. • • Stallion,for draft,property of (JAL Wright.) Lucius (Juane,, 4 0 0 do fur all work, Ww. L. Stark ' tietber, 4 00 'Best brood mare, John Pebt, 3 00 2d best do F. W. Knox, 200 Beet 3 year old colt. IL W. Niles, 2 00 Bert 2 do do Jacob Peet, 200 - 21 best do do Frederick Chadenber ger, I 00 Best yearling colt, " Garibaldi " A. F. Jones, - 2 00 24 best do Jas. 11. 'Wright, 100 Best sucking colt, Henry Yentzer, 1 50 24 bost do Jacob Peet, 1 00 Best single carriage horse, C. 11. Sim mons, honorable Mention. do . do do do Amos French. M. D. 3 00 24 best do do Lyman Nelson .2 00 Best thatched span of carriage horses, N. Glassithre, 4 00 2d best do do do N. L. Siarkweather, 3 00 SHEEP Best Spanish Merino buck, Gen. R. Ilar- IME! 2d best do do S. M. Mills, 200 Best Spanish •Meriao'elves, a yard of 30, Gen. IL Harmon, nest do do. 15 yearlings, Gen. R. Harmon, 1 00 Best French Merino ewes, 6 do S. 31. Mills, 1 00 Best pen of 5 lambs, Spanish Merino, Gen. R. Minium. 1 00 fair of goats, D. T. Hall, 1 UO SWINE 2 Guinea Pigs, POULTRY. Best Brahmin Fowl, Marlin E. Olmsted,l 00 '• White-faced Black Spanish Fowl, Wal ter Hamilton, 1 00 Best Bantam liens, Milford L. Rice, zo ". Pair of Ducks, Eliza Taggart, I 00 . 1 Pair of Turkeys, Scotch Grey, D. T. 1 00 ME BUTTER AND CHEESE Best•Brkin Butter, sun, . 21 best 'do Mrs. Mary Redson, 157 Rest roll Butter, Mrs. M. Clark, 1 00 2d best do Dennis Mall, 50 Rest; Cheese, Mrs. M. Clark, 1 00 21 best do Mrs. M. Redson, 50 The Judges compliment the maker upon the appearance and 'quality of her cheese No. 204 deposited by John Lyman, although it failed tp draw a premium. All the specimens of Butter and Cheese were worthy of com mendation, and they believe the ladies of Potter County can compete with those of Orange'County, K. Y., losing nothing in the comparison. PLOWISG. The competition was very slight. Few feeling sufficient interest to furnish themselres with plows for the trial. The first premium was awarded to Jolin Iledson, 4 00 Second do to Wm. 13. Ayers, Z: 00 GRAIN AND FLOUR . . . Best ncro of corn, W. B. Gordnier, 300 2tl best dd Seth Taggart, 100 Best acre of Winter Wheat, Lyman Nel son, 3 00 Best do Spring Wheat, 261 bu.,Nelson Crowell, 3 00 Bast sack Wheat Flour, Ira Canfield, 100 2d best do o Jacob Peet, 50 The Judges urge 'the nccbssity of a full statement accompanying all deposits for com petition. GRASS AND - FLAX SEEDS Best Timothy seed, John Pect, 2d hest Flax seed, Seth Taggart, GARDEN VEGETABLES Best assortment, Wm. B. Ayers, I 00 2d hest do -W. B. Gordnier, 50 Best sample of cabbages, N. M. Glass-- mire, Best sample of Kale, Wm. Bearer, 100 do of Globe Turnips, Peter Teat 1, 00 EMI Best sample of Pumpkins, man, 1 00 Best de" of Winter Squashes, Isaac Lyman, 1 00 Best do of Sweet Potato squashes, S. D. Kelly, 1 00 Best do of onions. Sylrunns Jones, 100 If lbs., hops gathered from one pole, Giles Grustinil 00 SUGAR AND RONEY Best sample of Maple Sugar, John Peet, 50 do do of Maple Molasses, John Peet,so There was no honey exhibited during the Fair. GERRARD AND GARDEN FRUITS Best assortment of Auttinin apple, Robert W. Niles, 1 00 Best do of Winter do (12 va rieties) L. IL Kinney, 1 09 211 beet assortment of apples, Leroy Ly- gd beet Wiacr Best sample of Pears from Dwarf stock, Giles Gustin, ' Best sample of Red Siberian Crab, Jacob Peet, 00 Best manufactured 'amber, • Gilt's 2 tin; ' • 06• Satnple of 30 ,yaids of Carret,Xrs,:lra Can field, s". 1 00 2 pieces of Carpeting,' Mrs. G. W. G. Judd, 1 00 2 pieces of Flannel, Mrs.W. IL Ryden n,l 00 2 g , of Woolen yarn, do 00 Roll-of Flannel, Mrs. Win. R. Ayers, - fiu 2 Bed quilts, Mrs. Alnieron Nelson, 50 I do ' Mrs. A. Rounsville, ' 25 Worsted Tidy, Miss C. A. Metzger, ". 00 ItIECH.ANICAL AND FARMING-IMPLE- - :BENTS, Pendulum Churn, W. B. Gortlnlet.; Paten tee • • - 150 improved Horse- Fork, Gladding's Patent, J. Weston-Bird,. •50 Flat-land Plow, P. A. Stebbins, Jr., . 50 Revolving Rifle, J. B. Smith,_ • - 50 Best Ironing Of Democrat Wrgnit, ,G. C' Manley, -,- -50 . Best OA-yok.., G. C. Manley, , •25 Making Copper Boiler, James Turner, 25 A New .'craw-Cutter invented by the de positor A:II:Goodsell,- the Judges considered deierting of notice, - but n.3lt was not in work-; log order, thought it best to withhold a pre mium. They 'also noticed a good article or Bash exhibited by C.. C. Lyman, of Ulysses, not entered iu time, for e6wpctition.. EQUESTRIANISM. The Judges labored under some hesitancy to decide between three of the Equestrians but taking into consideration that Miss- Ann Washburn rode without a .raddiC they-awarded her the premium, . • Riding Bridle, Nariingal and Whip. GENTLEMEN'S DISCRETIONARY COM MITTEE. 1 00 C. Chadenber- Writing Machine, for the Blind, Ira G.Bal corn, 1 00 1 50 (la John liol- Specimens of liorse-Shoeing exhibited . on horses catered by (Dennis llall, and G. B. Overton, Chas. :qanning, 1 00 horse Shoe and Os shoe, • Ezra Stark wetber, '5O Horse Slide, Abner Fosiner, Diploma. Sash Door, Andrew Gordnier, 50 Axe Helves, G. C. Manley, hO Ritle, A. 13. Goodsell, . Diploma. LADIES DISCIU CO3I3IITTEE. Pencil Drawings, Miss Rhoda: E. Rath bun, 1 00 Landscape, Oil painting, Miss Virginia Smith, 1 00 Voyage of Life, crayon, Mrs. 11. 0 Spaf ford, 50 Wreath of Flowers; water colors, leather work frame, Mrs. IL 0 Spafford, 50 Coudersport Academy, water colors, Miss Susan Missed!, 25 Winter Landscape, Miss S. Russell, 25 Large Ilair Wreath, in frame, (made by Miss Jane A. flowc,) M. D. Briggs, 75 Ornamental Burr Frame, Mrs. E. S. Ben son, 75 Muss Landscape, burr frame, Mrs. J. W. Butterworth, 50 Embroidered flannel, Mrs. S. A. George,so do Slippers, Miss Louisa M. Joerg, 50 do Ottoman Cover, Miss R. B. Rath bon, 25 Silk Patch-work for Chair, Miss C. A. Metzger, 25 3 00 do do 'do Benson, , 2 00 Crochet shawl, woolen, Nichols, Crochet work, " sunset " Miss Louisa But terworth, 15 Pair woolen mittens, Miss ILE Rathbon,ls Lamp Stand, Mrs. Wm. S. iteymoud, Preserved cherries and currant mite, Mrs. S. J. Simons, .50 4 Jars spiced Fruit, Mrs. P. C. Metzger, 25 Jar of Raspberry Jam, Mrs. Ida B. Chase, 20 Jar of 'Raspberry Preserves, Mrs. J. M. Judd, 20 Laaf of Bread, Mrs. J. IV. Butterworth, 23 2 Boquets of dried grasses, Miss C. A. Metzger, 25 Ir -14,Dttft Almcron Nei -2 U 0 COUDERSPORT, PA., Ii)111‘$0.41) 113 Onii), Oei. 25, tSCO. FOR PRESIDENT. ABRAIIA.7II LINCOLN, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. HANNIBAL HAMLIN, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. Renatorial, 1-Jamr.s PoLtoca - , f TIIOMAS JI. 'IOWA • nit/trine. • MST. 114. Ulysses Mercur. 115. George Bressler. 16. A. R. Sharp. . 17. Daniel 0 Gnhr. 18. Samuel Calvin. 19. Edgar Cowan. 20. Wm. M'Keunau. 21. Jn. 31 Kirkpatrick, 22. James Kerr. 123. Rich'd P. Roberts. 124. Henry Souther. 1 25. John Grier. LIM 1. Edward 0 Knight 2. Hobert P. King. 3. Henry Burnm. 4. Robert M. Foust. 5. Nathan Hills. 6 John M. Broomall 7; James W. Faller. 8. David E. Stout, 9. Francis W. Christ to. David Mumma, Jr 11. David Taggart. 12. Thomas IL Hull. 13. F../L.Peuniman. 1 00 75 ,M'll'e hoped to give the official vote in the State this week, but it has not yet come to hand. Andrew Stewart is sot elected to Congress in the Fayette dis trict—Lazear receiving 1600 majority in Green county, which joins Virginia.- IVe would like to know how many times three fifths it requiredto make the :1600 ?ve 1 00 Isaac Ly- re' We want all kinds of Groin, at the highest market price, in payment of debts due this office, and for new sub scriptions. One bushel of good Wheat will buy the JOURNAL for one year, it delivered at tl.e new Grist Nil in this place. Some day when you are coming to mill throw in a bushel of wheat or enough of some other kind of grain to pay your Year's subscription in advance. If you do not come to mill here, send the grain ,to us by some neighbor who is com ing hereon business, and we will send you back a receipt. The plenteons bar. LUMBER. UOUSEHOLD MANLlFAcrtints T. S. CHASE. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ilepttlifielm iidliti--1860. CEMBEZI MOM] Pepras cestAatlicred this fall , hai 'enabled all ,in 7 deleted toAtsto vay . -up; and many _ wllo havo,miker tliken the paper to commence . - doing co. Nay -tee not hope their atten 7 tion'will be called to the fact, by this.par.. tgrapti,?. .1 . air"We ,trust 'Our friends in - `every township in the - County will take meas ures to send in the returns a week from Tuesday night as soon as the votes are counted. Whether Lincoln gets a thou: sand Majority or not in this county, we want to tell the world - of it Wednesday etenitin -- .L-andwe can do it if the returns all get here by - Wednesday noon. , Will not our friends h-dp us to do it, and carry' the _printed returns back - with them Wednesday 'evening'? Posting Books. . . • In closin , * brief uotioe last weekcor rectiug some gross and flagrant, misstate ccents'of 'the Agirator in, regard to , the Legislative nominations; we sterfoundeu our intention this week to reply to Abe fulloWing characteristic , perso'ual abuse bestowed. upon us by the editor of.l.llAt paper : ' "'hat this kind of talk is not to our taste and so we will close- it. The truth is that Potter county, like to many other counties, is cursed with a super-abundance of office-seek ers, • The Whole- end and aim of the leaders seems to be to hold or control the few paltry offices of the county, and in the struggle' for [these they have already,sacrificed the strength and harmony of the party. Political heart bu.,nings and bickerings, factions, entities, lo cal jealousies, and indepeudent tickets, seem to be the order of the day in that county. It is truly laughable to hear the Jour nal tiling its discordant-notes about " &moult titer "clairus,","interests," ',desperate games" and other clap-trap and nonsense; when the Jounal itself instead of being the organ of the party over there, is but the organ of a faction, and when it known to he i. disorganizer of the meanest stripe, denouncing 'everybody who does not agreeLwith it, in . the ,most offen sive laugnage it can command. It is known hthat the Juurnal—once a useful paper—has long since lost its power for good in that county. TEAS is because the people of that county have no confidence in its fairness, and because it neglects the local interests of: the Whole people and devotes itself to the politi cal interests of a few. Personally we care not e straw either fur its abuse or, its com mendation, but politically we regret that its course rlow is, and has been calculated, per haps unwittingly, to divide and .distract the Republican party of that county. The soofier it changes its course, the better It will be for the peace and harmony of the party, for its' own prOsperity, and good feeling all around." As . the . .Agitaim., under its present pro prietorship, has once ,before attacked us in a similar strain while attempting to man age our private affairs for us, unasked and unprovoked, (of which we took no notice at the time), we hope our readers will ex cuse us for-digressing from- the ordinary course of an- editor's duty, to make this . final and complete posting up of accounts with our censor and self-installed guardi an, by a comparison of the past and present of the Agitator. It is a prominent and well-known char acteristic of the subject of this notice to pay more attention to others' business than his Own, and particularly since his ele vation to the tripod of the Agitator— and until he mounted that tripod, the Agitator was respected at home and abroad: 'We coped with it then without The expectation of having our arguments replied to with slanders, or our criticisms of its political position—(nearly always up to the standard of the party, ,though occasionally differing with the party press at largo)--met with personal abuse of ourself and our friends and neighbors. If it attempted to be. witty then, it was not at the expense of decency and its own self-respect. It was independent then because it was the advocate of princple for principle's sake, and not for the per, sonal advantage of its editor. Its editor I was satisfied in those days with teaching the principles of Republicanism to the people of Tioga, plainly brit firmly, and I reflecting their wishes to the world at larcte • and did not aspire to the control of the district and State politics, and be cause it could not obtain it—because oth ers would be more independent than it self—besmear them with personal denun ciation. It -was not then -- controlled politicians residing outside of Tioga coun ty; nor by Emery & C 0..; nor did it then abuse as " factionists " and " guerrillas" all who did not precisely agree with it and would not be governed by it. In the days of Cobb, the .Agitator did not, in its controversies with cotempora ries,,go-hehind facts to seek cause for making personal issues with the -editors thereof; nor did it insult those editors with the unprofessional assumption- that their articles were written by, or at the instance of, some ,person -not connected with the paper.. Neither did it assume to conduct controversies, in which it had no interest, between this paper and others —nor did the editor then feel so sensi tive (by reason of his position and the circumstances connected therewith) ,that the=mere- doubting of another cotempo rails politiCal integrity by us should cause the Agitator to attack- us in the most personal and walignOnt wanner. As Mrs. E. Mrs. R. L to. the influence of flic Agitator--Lienos. have only to say that itrWas 'tan : fold greater - than it is now,' and „was, greeted by the "sincere nonfidence'and esteem readersits and contenipora!rici :13ut-wi fear wet are . .:doing the former' editor of tuting, these comparisons though:o l 44o: always in his favor; but those who read it now and also read it in 118.50 and pre viously, will readily : ickri vyledge that we have made from the "neati . ve of the Agi7tatoi.s past an- unmistahably . . 14 p 9 si; lice" picture of its pr'esent.'-' The .d.q-itater of to day . lhaS , lost its* in •fluence ',through its feivd i mistakes 'and short-ceininas, : rather than because 'the people 4Tiogo. county. : fail to .appreciate, its labors—or rather becausc.'Of -its ee , ;- . • P feet of Principles and dev l otion- to' petty schiAmi : , ; personalities and:selfish' ambi tions. ll'hen it shall•fo4ake its inordi nate practice - Of. pusillanimou egotistii; grovelling witticisuis ant contemptible personal harangues; when it' gives the public •',some evidence that _its political sentitocntsaresincere and not tune:serv ing—then the people of Tioga will con; fide in it and give it a generous support, anditscotempararies will respect it as.of 01d... But -it will have to make a very Marked change resent charac- . effect:even the beginning of such a reform. It should first cleanse itself of its own impurities before it preSeribes for its co temporaries—and -first Of all should it drive off those scorbutic 'affections which it claims to have discovered upon us. We have I..already devoted more space to this matter-than vie at-first Con templated, But it is aline'st impossible. to take up such a Subject as this and treat, it thoroughly without Occupying more - space than it is deserving 'of. Let this,*linwever, suffice for all time, 'for we shall 'not soon again so far forget our spit respect and the . righis of cur readers: as to uctieO the personalities of the Agitator. PerSonally and socially we have great respect for the editor Of the Agitator, and we'llave•known him for about four years Very intimately. ,We only object to his professional - and political career wll4 , we cannot regard in any other light than'as extremely unfair, and as calcu lated to make him ten enemies Where he gains one friend. It has been no pleasant task for us to write this article, and iwe regret the necessity of doing it; for there is nothing so distasteful to us as a con troversy of this nature. In conclusion, we have a word to say to all concerned in reply to the insinua tions in the above extract with regard to the Joeuxai's party standing. Like every other point discusied in the. article from which it is extracted, it is reflected from this place \Vo heard every -argu ment'contained in that artiole discussed here-more than a week previous to the election, and two week before we saw the article in the Agitator. We have never been'the organ of a faction, nor will we be,,—and it is only because we will not be that we are charged with being so. 'We claim to advocate the principles of the as we interpret them, eschewing all cliques. and ,factions in county politics, and laboring for the suc cess of each and every, ticket regularly nominated by the .party conventions of this eouuty. It is for this, and because we Will not-be factional, that we are de nounced'as a " factiOnist" by a few here who 'find a ready andwilling mouth-piece in the Agitator. The Final Charge: Never *as campaigi more nobly con `ducted on the part or Republicans than 1 the „present. Everywhere our frier.ds worked, organized and triumphed. In eveg part of this State, eqecially, the necessary work has been cheerfully and effectually done. Ab j raham Lincoln, in consequence, is about to be elected Pres ident. But as he will get but few votes lin the Slave. States, his enemies are,pro. clalining in advance that he wine a mf noritll President. If that should piove to be the fact, he will not be the tirst of that class of President's. The present in. was elected by a minority of the votes.; But there is 4 fair prospect not only of giving Lincoln the Constitutional maturity of Electors, but the moral power of a' majority of all the votes polled: Let us is Little Potter do? our share towards securing to Mai, this, ,moral power. Let us Make fin mediate.aoaugenients to bring to the polls on the 6th of Noven.ber, eve ry voter who, desires an honest Adminis tration. Having been the first county y in thiS State to declare forTieedoin and Free - Soil, let us lead this final charge against, the Slave Power, byi . giving • the largest 1 majority of any county in the State in proportion' to our whole vote. Sixteen j hundred votes fur Lincoln will make this 1 -theßtiencr jCnuniy, :Ma tbev are .h re: `bill you bring them oui ?:-.l.Tlysle.S.Anw4; - .- ship has her arrangements alreakmade, and - Will swell her majnrity Ala 0 efk : ,,./tun • : . 4/rat. .If the. otiterZilarie:'.. : toiins lipS l ''‘yill dci,4• 4 Avell, re shalliiv4el6l ousaid . _ • ...1 •—• for rait k coid. bl'W' then, le t=..l , oak: tri :_ii f e , mp/ hant shout in the 'final - ehitrife,_,* heard in every log cablu4cfp all our hill: tops—iu the recesses of o&'fordsts, and Ithrunghout:all the land. And •o. shall the _Flag of Freedom sweep on t 4 a map. tkiticent victUry. - . 1 - A-wecii.droak.-next Tuesday:is Ite:time. fixed upon for the damnin,g.. , :of tihe. : new day of American politics—the Sentinels on the outPOsts In INlaine, l'ilrinc i int, Con necticut; Pennsylvania, Ohio.a udi Indiana have alryadyprociaitnekthe coming of (nearly day", and on the - Gth'nf November 4.3,9.00,,000 votes .will . co { firm; its Idawainn• in the natal of 'Freedio: - 'Re-. publicans of Potter; .will ye. nit all bn heard in behalf of Freedom ?Two i theu : - . Sand and twenty-five-votes wore Feast fir this connty,l6Qo fur Free dom would ba nearly fonr.-fifthsiil that; -shall it nut be•So? * '. : : 1 • Dortg•lns 9 iPeech In Du curie: "big Injun," : front the i'etniiina country, who came to Dubuque Ipys the Times of the 13th,) on Thursday last to listen to the great Squatter Chief of De mocracy, •took down the speech in his own dialect for circulation awlmig the Breech-clotits, and having been rivercowc last night'by the ". h o s pitalities 4 the oc casion," and fallen asleep upon 4 curb stoner. lost his report, which, however, was found, and has bocci handed ito us fur preservation and perpetuation : "Ugh I • Big Squatter, werheap . Me great Man; drink heap whislry; talk loud. Great big • country—we 've it— all my• country ; : we save it ac i d -hang everybody. ale love all de peoples—we great .Squatter. llreckiuridge no good —tight we, big Squatter. Ile talk some —not heap, like we. Breekinridge bad man—wolf.. Me good man... 3re whip Breciriuridge. Lineoln no good—fight tue—L.bad Wan—no Squatter. I.Lincul A u coward—squaw—uo talk—no eri'ulr whib ky.. Me drink heap' whisky—rtiakes we feel great big. Me have :- . , ootiltnother". Mother have great son—big Squatter. , Me g o see mother. Lincoln elmard— no d are go.sce mother—no got nother—, no got . fathcr—.no.dare go. see ?Ito:bier's and father's - giave. • - Me whip !Lincoln.' . Me hang Breckiiiridge and Liuebln, like John lirown... Den me be great Chief. Mc protect all de people.. Lincdln no do, it; lireekinridge no do it. Lincoln no good; Drcolcinridge no-good; nigger no! good. Giants good ; whisky griod; ruCl heap good. Me no care fur your votes —no want your votes. You vote for . we —we let you--yiaku you great • men.— Let you du what please, if nicase Vote for me—we be great Chief. Me say what please, all over dis great coun try. Lincoln no dare talk ; Breelduridg,e no dare talk much ; we talk heqp, loud. Whisky good—big Squatter , 1, 'W hoop ! icaul,:a wad: 61 due !" To the.Pcople• of PennsylVania. I . PI:01'1;0S SPATE CJ3III/TTEE ItOO3lS, lit:111111a ; Uct. 11 ; 1869. Pennsylvania has spoken in ''thunder tones in behalf of the Union, of her in dustry, of freedom. Her people have met the combined hosts of sectionalism,; disuuionism, free trade, and all others who sought markets for their siiffrages; and a majority of 32,000 for OoYeruor, ll twenty Congressmen, and more than twoi thirds of each branch of the Legislature,' attest the fidelity of our ,State the in tegrity of our institutions and to the common p6sperity .of our country. - I Indiana, Ohio and MinticsOta have joined the Keyctone State imd4nandinp, , ! that seetton l al discord, Wanton profligacy, and the desolation of free trade, shall cease to be the policy of the national gov ernment. ' The decisive battle has beehth . r ' fountt— a nation has been redeemed fro .disun ion and dishonor by the verdict of Tues day last: The issue was wade by our foes and accepted by our frien:ds, and wiiiions today" greet the triumiih as the unerring harbinger of our nation6l disen . thrahnent. Let the friends of the•rjght riot be con tent with an ordinary victory—Abraham Lincoln can be called to the Pr l esidency by a clear majority of the people of the United States, if all who .shall rejoice at his coming will but Mist their 'Suffrages for him. To that majority Pennsylvania can and will contribute full fifty thousand. We have but to he faithful to our great cause, and it is done. Let every wan be at his post; on the great day, and the largest majority ever given in f.'ennsyl yania to a Chief Magistrate will be cast on the Gth of November for Abraham Lincoln, for Union, for Freeloin, for Fraternity r• • A. K. McCulttE, • Chairman People's State Committee. PULLEP IT TOO Ilaan.—An iutolli gent German of this county, whiyhas for merly voted the Democratic ticliet, gives the following reason for votingwith the Republicans : "1 fink? long tithe ago I leaves the Democrats, but every year dey pulls de wool ober mine eyes, and so -I goes mit them again; but . dis time dey pull itiso - tam far dat ./ sees right.eber de top! Dans!' vy I votes de ROpublican &eke t."--IkKea Nine r. - I.7.g*AuDs - tirelcc'ldie3 y oun . - -MeikyfrOin toenty.eight different States, hash been bducated for . business at, t h 6 Iron, City Oollege, Pittsburg*, Pa., wi t hi n Cue hist 'three years; awl of the 12rgi truiater -:graduating there, not one is knoirdie taro failed In' being, able td satiSty his tuployers, or-to manage sue. 'e`ei. c sfully the books entrusted to his care. This-is-the result 'of the settled policy of the school, to grant Diplomas to none bur . thortmglily qualified and skillful liceoust,- ants.- /-'ittslnt ry True Pre,ss, Sept.lB6l). York Tri/oota-rejuies ove r tiro result - in pat: State - ia' 'ilte' iober . • weee.. got • ' , Balmy/n:64 a Taos done They.may-fuse and con: fuse to their heart's content, Withdrawing: all their spaiined candidates and inn - 64 Fusion for Prea.itient with Dry ,ilo6ds'f(ii Vice, but the deed-is done. As.the col: ored gentleman remarked aboui the ex: piriug quadruped, 4Theie's tie ,use doing anything - ,about that eyes is - . 2P• Catharine Botts - ford, young and intellicent, and peaceably pnrsuing'bei vocation of • seatustre*,s in OM . city of Charleston, S. C.; was recently arrested. on suspicion of b_eing engagedin circa; lathy". "'incendiary documents," and default of bail, was coMmilted to prison!. On examination, the, only proof that, could be adduced against her. was that she had been heard to say that she "loved' liter& orsxlec did th e Tel i ion of Jesus." F or this sentiment; uttered . in the free city of Charleston as a free citizen of thee, United States, she_was condemned, amt• non pines iu a prison. TUE election iu/..Srebruska resulted the choice of Murton. (Dew.) fur Dele gate to. Congress, and a democratic ma jority in both houses of the Legislature. NAN.Es, Rome, and the whole of Southern Italy is now in the hands of Garibaldi and • ictor Emanuel. n)edql -ofices THE MIGHTY rEALER. Let not disease, with its fangs, pray -upon you, until the cold baud of death hurls you to an untimely grave. Shake off the feeling of despair and hopylessnbss ' so liable to . costs upon the invalid., The plant born of the Stk we place within the reach of all. We care not what may be the specific form of the dis ease. The cause, the fountain of the disease itself, is impure blood, and through the dii fcreut channels of the lungs; the stomach and ; the vital organs, JUDSON'S 3IOUNTAII' HERB 111LLS will .pass, _mingling: with the blood, search but and grasp and then expel, all hurtful poison that there is in it. Mita.. cleanse the blood by a few dosesOf these Pills, and disease, in any form, will dissipate. and vanish. As the Sun, with . its - glotious beams first causes the morning dew to rise es mist, then growing stronger, casts his burn ing rays upon it—and behold 'tis gone—se cleanse the blood, and diSease, like• morning dew, retreats and vanishes. There is no blood purifier equal to Judson:s ' Mountain Ucib ['ills Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. To Consumptives. 1 - 1111 E Advertiser, having been restored to. health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and -that dread disease, Consump,tion—is anxious to. make known to Lis fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of: the prescription used (free of charge), wiih, the directions for preparing and using the. same, which they will find a 61.7111: CURE fur CosScitertos, ASTLINIA, &c. The. only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and. spread information which he conceives _to ho iuvalnahle, and he hopes every sufferer will, try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, . and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON Willianistbufgh, Kings County, New• York [3-13.] A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND GEN TLEMES.—The subscriber will send (free of charge) to all Who desire the Recipe and' directions for making a simple 'VegetabieDaira ithat will, in from two to eight. days, remove Pimples, Blothes., Tan,. Frecais i Sallowness, and all impuritie:s and roughness of the Skin,, leaving the same=-as Nature intended it sho'd clear,smooth and be6utiful. . Those de siring the Recife, with full instructions, di rections, and advice, will please - call on or ad , dr.:ss (with return postage.) JAS. T. MARSHALL, • • PRACTICAL CIIEMIST, 48-13 t No. 32 City Buildings, N. York. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday by E. N. STEW— BINS & BRO. Wholesale Enid Retail DealerS in Groceries and, Provisions, opposite D. F. Gl:lsm - titre's HOW), Coudersport, Pa. Apples, green, 74,. bush., $ 371 to Of: do dried, gg 100 100 Beans. " !‘c 100 150 + . Beeswax, "illb , -- - 20 25 Beef, ta 5 • Berries, dried, %.1 quart • ti I . li Bueltwheat,.ll bush., • •40 500 Butter, 11 lb., 15 IC , ' Cheese, " ,0 ' 12_,: Corn, -e bush., • 7:5, Sa Corn Meal, Per eel., 1 00 • I, 50. 2i • Eggs, 'V doz., 12: Flour, extra,• 11.• bbl„ 050 700 do superfine " L5O 8001 Hams, 'il lb., . , 12/.. 15 ' 11ay,.1.1 ton, . * " 550. G . OO O Honey, per-lb., - . "10 1 2 1 Lard, . ;t ~. - 10 1 2 1 Maple Sugar, per lb., - . 8 12 Oats, ? bush, - • - 30 40 ' Onitms, (.6 . 75 100 Pork, %1 bbl„ " 23 50 24 50 do %.11b., • „. lli -13 do in whole, 100 Ib., .B 9 Potatoes, per bush., - 25 37 1!: Peachee„dried, eil lb., • . 14 -2 0 Poultry, 14 1.b," . " 5 7 IlTe per hush.„ - ,63 75 Salt, il bbl . .i , - . .. .....2 25 250 -- do il sack,• 20 • Trout, per 1.bb1., 7 - ".6 00 7 00, Wheat, 141 bush., '. '"100 1 25 111.1ite.:Fie),.1 4 .1 hbl, ' 6 50. 70 0 •