MEE =I MB ES , ENGLE- oOPIES:, 101.111 11 erats of Aibio: itieos - % 0. - . :" ~,,r , [lO lines] I insertiou;.- 77 . fic , ~, ~,- ,-. 3,, -, ,-- - :_ . 51.,60 hsabsequent insertionlesstiuuki3e ls Awe three months; three a " • • • =,',..• • ' 4141 Y a nine ". ... -.. -_,,.... 530 u one yee'r) '--- - - - '6 00 le and Apse work) per sq‘,l ins. .. 3. no Elf tebsequeut insertion, *- -•-.- - 60 (;,,tams six months, .1B 00 a cc le • 10 00, 1 ' 1 " «.. 7 - 700 u per year. 30 00 „ 41 ei ,--- - . - ... 16.00 !aye& Single-column, each:inser tion less than four, ~__ _ _ _ *3 00 ch additional insertion, 2 00 nblecelumn, displayed, per annum 65 OU I „ it six months, 35 OD three..' l 16 00 ii one month, -,. 6.00 ' 0 . per square If 10 lines, each insertion raider 4, 100 of columns will be inserted at the same saes. *nistrator's or Executor's Notice, • 2 00 ding's Notices, each, 1 50 its Sifles, per tract, -•-- . . . 1 60 'age Notices, each, 'force Notices, each, 1 50 ninistmtor's Sales, per square for 4 1 00 It • it insertions, ulnas or Professional Cards, each, net exceding 8- lines, per year - - 5 1)0 peeial and Editorial Notices, pe. line, 10 sir All transient advertisements must be •d in advance, and no notice will be -taken advertisements from a distance, unless they •:accompanied by the money or satisfactory • erence: gzsincso ta,os. JOHN S. MILVN, - MENU' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coodersport, Pa.; will attend the several Courts in Potter and britean Counties. All businrus entrusted in his caro will _receive prompt attention. Office corner of West sod Third streets.. - 10:1 F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, will regularly attend the Courts in - Potter and the .adjoining - Counties: 10:1 ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, TTORNEY .4 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his care, with promptnes and fidt'ity. Office on Soth-west corner of Main and Fourth streets. 12:1 ISAAC BENSON. ••• ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to allbusiness entrusted to him, with care and promptneis. Office on Second st., near the Allegheny Bridge. 12:1 2 * CHARLES RFUSS3I ANN, CABINET SIA.KER, -having erected a new and convenient Shop, on lht•South-east corner _ of Third and West streets, will be happy to receive•attd fill all - orders en his calling. Repairing and re-fitting carefully and neatly ' done on short notice. Cowiersport, Nov. 8, 1859.-11-Iy. 0. P. ELLISON, PR.kOTIONG PITYSICaIsi, Coudersport, Pa:, respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and. vicinity that he will proiply re spond to all, calls for professional services. Office on Main st., in building formerly oc eupied.byp. W. Ellis, Esq. 0:22 COLLINS 10112 a. E. L. JONES. SMITH & JONES, DEALIMS LN DIIITGS,.3II;DICINES, PAINTS, Oils*, Fancy Articles, Stationcry,lllCoods, Groceries, Am:, Main st., Coudersport, Pa. - -10:1 D. E. OLILEEEO, /1.. B. COLWELL, Al. C. TAGGAILL. - D. E.,,OLMSTEDA CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, /ze., st. - , Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 DI: MANN, DEALER PI BOOKS & STATIONERY, MAG-- AZINES and Music, N. W. corner : 4 Main , an& Thirds's., Coudersport, Pa- -: 10:1 OLMSTED. : : : : :": : D. 10ELLT OLMSTED & ~ER IN_STONES, & SHEET,-IRON ' ARE, Main st., nearly. opposite:the Court onse,._Coadersport, - , Pa. . Tin_ and . Sheet • on Ware made to ordci in good style, on short.notiee. - -- COUDERSPORT HOTEL, - A. F. GLASSIIIRS, Proprietor, Corner of Itain And Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co., Pe. 9:44 ALLEGANY HOUSE, - - - - - 0.11111E1..51. AjIL .LS, PropTietor,. COleshurg iPotior north of Cou -4Prvo.ort no *he Wellsville Road. • 9.:43 • . LYMAN HOUSE, C. C. LTMAlT,'Proprietor, Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa. This - House. is situated on the East earner of Main street, opposite A. Corey ' San's Store; ands is well adapted .to !neat the wants of patrons and friends. 12:11-Iy _ EZRA - STARKWEATFIEP , ;. AtacKsmtra, would inform his former eusr tomers and ; the publicgenerally that be has rek i ablished it shop n the building form- . erly occupied by. Benj.,RenneLs.itt Couders port, where be will he pleased to, do all —kinds of Ilinewsmithing on the most, reason able terms. Luniber, Shibglos,, spd. Alt kinds,of Prodnee,.....taken;Lin. - exchangei:tor work:. ,; 11:34 3,''TIIOI. I IPSON; -• CARRIAGE & ,WAGO . N, NAILEtt . iirid ,Rst. PAIR W Con diriTiSrt; Patter Co.; TIA:. * lll oi this.rne,thokor inforOng 1, 1 6:1): , 9k - ..:' • lie in genial that hi `id itroPared to,do air as , ork 'Otis Una( iyith„proiromese; itiorkrciii-likeS brinier; arid irpng - Stie most_ fecourmodating. Payrnetil for litiartilily76olred opdelffeiyiof the work. 119);;; All' Eicts - is , CTROD I 7OII 4415 P 00 account of work— 1,35. MEE ‘ • --•-- -- - - ' '• -"l'', -'-: . —.- .- 2,,, " ' :: 'l. . ' ,4lClea.._ . -- ' ..:::. . 4 -- .." ., ;:::-.z÷L;4 ' - ' , tL . i". - - ' i: : Yr . :4 - .: ' . ' ; ' :' ' .-i -:'-; :' .:-1. '' i ';.....:'-'''':€ . ;iii . .;4 7.*: :... ' ;. :.1 .- 1 ; 7 . Z.: 7 : ', ..... „......„ 1I ' - ''' 4 - - -- .- - '.' I -. .. - ‘i -, - • - - '..________ •••--,..,--- .- . -- ..: :4: •: ;:-..:. ,• - - - --- . -- ~. 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'''',..=.-...,:••• '..-' .."'"- ' ..`..- 1.. :1. ~,-::-.„,:: , ' 1•1 9 -- "11,17i - .- ' laie:to eater tboneaadb and Pithit4tiai of Ei-i m the ap i aii&r nts : ;: foe' every: plotitatitq;ta THE 'OECII2DREN I .B HOUR. - 0.Pe .6 -I*-404i10 0 4*t r o -011ii w -a r iont • • ' • • • - - • ••• bordeilioriteihrtaixt slardStati-Wifl irettplr39:ll,panyllTll LpSCIFE4Ow: " '• rhere ' I letWein the ;dark the'daylight, . 6eed;1**11111111141 " 1"I ' alla • . l. When the night iibeginning to lower, tie tl►e material fur the eoncentruted atoms? :"Comes a fanSe la the day's occupation . Smattered:Over- That is knoWn as the Children's HoP.r. out-theltossibillity . or coneeqraticm. , ,C. I hear irithe'eharaher above me • :.13esidni,_ : the,Slave•Stntes_hinrher The patter of little feet, gerons`eiteauY, brittrOtr: The sound:of a door. that is.openede - .ries, and that is_ slavery : itself :" _ Tina 'ae voices soft and sweet. - they err anti-sliverti::tte.o -_ From my study I see in the lamplight, - ple, Whom ilitiy,:havd - exii4erated.4l4o* • Descending the broad hall stair, ; - will b r i],tbir-iaria ;-,OraVe , Alice andlaughing-Allegra,:',l: *, U - ICt4h e."B te , titt And -Edith with, golden hair. •• • • whether the' Setthi; will instigate idaye, A:whiiper, and then a silence ; . , rebellion 'for .I:Suppose •thel..Willniii - ; the Yet I know by - fhiir eyes - • • • h • . • '•• • emotion' w etuerthey.ean prevent. it, They ire - plotting and planning together - -•- • • To take molly surprise. - - • - and TAMA they cannot,: But . the mere •• • • A sudden rush from,th anticioationr a•: of tiegret insurrection . (and e stairwa - • ' - l5 • A sudden raid from the ball, y, 1, heat e d: tmagmatton t h e aveh o 'By three doors left unguarded • .will:disentef;Sytuptinns of a .rebellious They.-enter my castle.. Wall!priralyze - the • • • They climb up into my tenet.. - 1• whofettituth. Do. you remember the ef ' O'er the arms and lodic of my 'chair; feet of John,Brown's attempt The se •_lf I try to escape, ; they surround use; serest blow he ',struck:at the slave power • - They-seem to - be .evereyhere. • was-.not that he