The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 14, 1860, Image 2
~: . _ -:~~t~~~:TE.~: EBBE 41tervsKacce:ptanpCtleiiiii , s. 11,1noolit -nod 3111Ituilin. The following iwithe.-Coi'mpondence lietiieen the officers "of the' Republican National Convention and the. candidates -th Cite' for President and' Viee-Pesi. dein: -.* _ 'Cnic.tco, May 16,1860. Toli;a:Hon.,4 ittaira* I.v; cowl of Illinois. The representatives of the Republican party of the. United tates, assembled in Con- Ventidnitf Chicago, have, this day, by a unan imous vote, selected you as the ltcpublicap candidate for the office of Pre,i ent .of the railed states to be -supported at the nest election; and..thet undersigned " - ere appointed a Committee _df,the - ,Conrentiesi to apprise you 'of , 111 . and - respectfully to re tintextili aeverielf . ....:2, declaration of the pramtplei'aiiii.'sentiments a - Opted .by Conventidifaccompaulesthis*conanunica- In the petf.iiriaunce of this agreeable duty tic a lear e - to add' ur confident aasurauces that:the ticialin - atiOn of the' Chicago Conreti tiott will be ratified. by the• suffrages- of. the people. . • • • • - • We have. the honor tube, with great re spect and regard, *ui•.friends and fellow-cit. itens, .'GBORGA - 4,511MUN, of Massachusetts. • •': 6 -"r ti ''.• - ..fiesident of the..Pon7eniion.. WrciAdiEVait; ICornian 'Jotid;•ILL• Joel .Barlhigathe, "k`B,.....stuither.4, McCritlis. Me. Gideon Vreils,'Conn. Alfred Caldweß, Vir. D. - F-,...corici% Ohio.,%gitaii autitli•i Ind. • • Wis:.: ~, • tustin•Tilair,- J.•F. SA - unions; L. •,.W:pa." Glarkt , •li.r.wa:. • John W l liorth,..kliii.• .18. - Graiz Brown, 'Mo. Geo. F% Tracy, Cal.: Peteil 2 .lrtisatui•n,Vt E. D. Webster, Neb. , A. C. G. A. 1101 . , C. C. .17.. H. HoHinF., N. H. FiancisB.Curkrun,3ld John A:Ainfrew Mass k: H. Reed Or. Penn A ;;SPRINGFIILD, 111., lidy 23, 180. /1021 `GEIMPLE ASIISICN Preiident of the lirpublican .Natignal Conven tion. • T • • accept the nomination tendered me by the Convention over which you presided, and of which I am formally ap prized itk . the !letter of yourself and iithers, acting as:a:COuitniktee of the Ctinrcution, for that purpofe. The declaration ofprinciples and senti ments, which . aceutnpunies your letter, meets my approval; and it shall be my care nut to - violate, or disregard,it, in any part. • • Imploring the assistance of Divine Providence.; Ana nith due regard to the views and feelings of all who were rep resented in the Convention ;to the rights of all the States, and Territories, and people of the nation ; to theiiiviolability of the Constitution, end the • perpetual onion, hard:6l4 aid prosperity 'of •all, I am most happy to cooperate for the prac tical success hf , the-principles-decla'red by . the. donVetViltti'•:' , . Yothtligo w and feno,citizen; - • -4 ••• { ABRAHAM 'LINCOLN. . „. A similar letter was sent to • the nominee for the Vice-Presidency, to a hich the follow : ing is the reply : , WAsaiNGTos,ll,fty GENTLEMEN : Yonr official communi cation of the 18th instant; ieforusitsi we that the representatives, of the, Republi can party of the United States,assembled at Chicago, on that .day, had,. by a unan imous vote, seseete . d use as their cats& date for the: office of Vice-President of the United 'Seat has been received, to gether-Oath...the . resolutiosia `adopted` by the Convention' ii.4l6 . ,deelarsition of prip-: ciples. _ Those residutions aanaciate clearly and forcibly, the principles which unite us, and the 'obj-cts proposed to be ace.anp- Balled. They 'address themselves to all, and the're is neither necessity nor pro priety in tlifetacrino' upon a discussion of any of 'them. They have the approval of my Juiliment, and in any action of mine will be faithfully and curdielly sus tained. am profoundly grateful to those with whom it is my pride`and pleasure peliti cally-to cuiiperate, for the nomination so unexpectedly:conferred ; and I desire to tender th - Pigh you, to the members of the Caniention, my o'ncere'thsoks fi r the confidence thus 'reposed in me.— Should the nomination, which I now ac• cept. be ratified by the people, and the duties devaitvc upon me of presiding over_ the Sendte of . the United. States, it will be my earnest endeavor faithfully to dis eharge.them with: ci just regard fur the rights of all. It. is - to be observed, in connection with the doings of theßepullican convention. thati paramount,. object with us is t. preserve the normal condition of our ter ritorial domain Ts .boniei'for fred The able advocate ,and deft.' dex:..of have_noin• teated for the. rghest place that can gratify the ambition of nian,"cotnes from a State which has been made what it is, by special actied . iii - thai respect, of rho wise and good mcp who founded our. in stitulons, • ,The . 'rights of free labor have there beee. vindicated and maintained,-- The thrift.aiid enterprise which 80 bite."of the . .most., flour ishing St/44,4,th° "glorions West, • we would see,:sficared-to all the Territories of the Uoiorriand.festore peace and har mony-to W0'101010: country, by "bringing back the,Ciii.ii#niiient to what it-was nu der the wifencl..natiltitia ated it. -• ItepittilieiasfaTiall?"i*= ceed in th*ibiekkLaa they-hap t 6, they will be heldittlitOul Mtnenibiance by the busy and-taexatt3g whims of--future ages. trulY,l.ours. : • HAMM. • The . Bow GEwin Asar,iat, President of the Ceacchtiou; at& others .Of the Committee. llow.:Fieratinytinur has published a letter , wtihdrawing.his name-asu reandi- Jute for t b a Democratic nomination for OA -Presidency, ' , .I.lClay;wep — another-•-viiitiirY peeeli; d - 'week :a gtie - d_ blew iii behalf of linpublicanismatilichwond; tliticounty seat of Madison County, on - "the-4th ' - This *s the day of the opening of therituntv Court, and a largo neither pf - piePle,of ;course .present from the - sunosieding c ountry. =Mr. Clay had.pnbliery'annonnced through both the papers issued at Richmond that he in tended to speak on this occasion, and the subject was -much canvassed streets. The-more violent punkt' of the Revolutionary Committee, welt.larn, was for silencing him... At 1 o'clock p. m the large Court-H ouse was packed:4o its capacity. - llr. (Ist took tin 'the Republican platform and , read it, wafting no allusion to the mob,, but going on to vindicate'the principles laid down in'that platforni. Finding him prudent.enough to avoid any mnution of .the mob, one of the mostviolent of them declared that Mr. Clay should be ' shot .through• the head.' . Mr. 0: said he claimed the Sinie equal rights as we:allowed 'other "parties, atid•thatle would 'Stand The clamor against. him continued, but the groat mass cried on • .Mr. Clay then 'said Gentlemen, I see what :you are after. : If nothing bUi . a fight will , do ready for New tr;i, it. Shall I sieak; r Yps ; yes ;. 'OO was the response' from the great majority of .the irowd. • A dozeu voices cried out, 4 No,! no ! To which MT. C. Thep 1.r4 out ! (;rest applauie] don't waitt. to-hear !'-. And they.werit out, completely foiled in their feebly attempt at assassination. Mr. Clay made a strong speech, which told with great effect upim his large audience." . --- • -- EMI SENATOR SEWARD'S RETIREMEET,- Thn intention of Mr..Seward . to Withdraw from fpublic life at ' he exiiiration . of. hid present Senatorial term, appears- to . be fixed. : A committee of the leading cid- . zeus of Auburn having recently waited upon the Senator with a request that he would consent to deliver an oration in that city on the 4th of July next, Mr. Seward declined, but added, "that if liv ing on the 4th of July, 1861, he would then cheerfully - consent to-deliver an ad: drdss to - his, fellow-townsmen, as ...forty years date he bad com menced his public . life, and that occasion 'cony lie its conclusion." TUE Baltimore :Sun , says that "John B. BroWn, of Alexandriq,' so entered in the proceedings of the . Wheeling Repub lican Convention as one of its Vice-Pres idents, is, it seem•, a_ resident of Alexan dria county und,was arrested and commit ted. 6%141 on Tnesday,.dharged with cir culating the Helper book and other in, cendiary. documents.. He was a delegate to the Chicago Convention.• Vottrr 4gurnat. cOIpIPCRSPOJRIr.;, -- PA.; - ltli'd4Y /Yraniug,, ittqa OF, 1860. T. S. CHASE. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Be,ptiblienq IL..l;ef--1860 FOR PRESIDENT. ABH, 0101. LINCOLN, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. HANNIBAL HAMLIN, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, JADES POLLOCK. • • Sena torial; •f TEIOSIA.S M. HOWE, 14present alive. DIST. DIST. . • 1: Edward C Knight 2. Robert P. King. 'Henry Bumm: 4; Robert M. Foust. 5. Nathan Hills. 6. John M. Broomall 7. James W. Fuller. 8. Levi B. Smith. 9.. Francis W. Christ 10. David'3lutnota, Jr -11; David Taggart. 12. Thomas R. HulL 13. F. B. "Penniman. FOR GOVERNOR,. • 1 • ANDREW. G. • CII R.TIN, OF CENTRE COUNT le - The wedibers of the County Com. mime are again reminded of the meet ing Monday. evening. one at which matters of importance will be discussed, and at which alull meeting of the Com mittee is iinnintant, ••xter We notice that our young friend Jan H. Jones, .14:811., formerly .of this place, has .. been occupying the tripod of the Sheboygan' Times for one . or t'wo num• hers in the absence of editor Ross. • - We hope John did not get " clean tuckered 'eout" by so short a trial. RZif" We take great pleasure in an nouncing that the Hon. D E. Maxon, of Alfred Centre, Allegany Co., N. Y., has hen etigazed to lecture on Temperance, 4t,the Court House, on Tuesday - text, rt.week and on Slavery on Wed. pa' esiiay evening.. Mr..Maxon was one of the .13.tpresentativis of that 'County last winter in the State Assembly, and took a front rank among the active, earnest and effective members of that body.: -.His speeeli oa the license law was: iistened to ,Witb :marked attention -by that entire botiv„ and was extensively circulated tbrough'the state by . the press'of all Par , ghim a e ask for a good audience., ERE I= MIMEO 14. Ulysses Mercur. 15. George Bressler. 16. A. R.-Sharp. 17. Daniel 0. Gehr. 18. Salim,' Calvin. 19. Edgar Cowan. 20. M'Kennan. 21. Jo. M Kirkpatrick 22. James Kerr. 23. Rich'd P. Roberts 24. Henry. Souther. 25. John Grier; . Sifir-env , -1-lutniff; - I 'MWPORM warm irk-0;9.0)00m; tbapt:Lim Sitalcci: no`t_i;o4iiitit'adAk-galtfliitire . iio will be as . ratk n:independent candidate This 2 41` to•bieipe , eted in , riew , of moray bow% exiituig in NS" g4Elt, IXI - 4e0.. Ti _ Title : party . The matter trill a decided some day, next' week or dis. ' l 44i -1 4 6 i; tbe : entmention"miets on 'Ajomiai. far The lion, Francis .P.,=.l3lsir; Misiotiri, hes succeeded his • .. _ seat in Congress', until no* , lield bylfr. Barrett. - The triumph ii a:great piie'foi .Nr. Blair Perioually,. while it isinitalua: ble to the -cause of emeneipat.lo- in Alii soun; which he rinresents:- Large DU 027 bers of ilierral .'voteSWero . lleielo'fiedg.) St: Louis, nhd iinquestintiable frauds , were made manifest tbroughont This is the th . ird eas.ein-whicirtar admin istration member hai - beent urn' 4tFoixt of - his seat by reason of frauds _proved - by. the contestants. • Ser "Lichen Tins_ fi•oni - ,1,4'501 - 04:. nies;'" by Elizabeth 0:1Vii;1111,9,s . announced by . ..the :foit* in `the press. of M. Doolady, sof We greet thii . boOk with_ sincere ifelco44, as will every lover the coon-' try, and _partimilarly .botanical students; -for in . this book, ive we - are to have faithfill' and special :portrairnre of the Most magnificent mosses aadjlatits . in'. the - world=-thOse of YAM' r owri:.iored mountain and valley forests, Miss -Wright has lived amongst them and studied their bUtics for many years, 'and almost 'every reader of the.JouttNAL. will be willing to testify to the ability and tasteftiluess. of her. pen in writing upOn ,any, subject'; while all who heard her lecture 7:before the Potter Count); Teacher'S AsSeaatiOn last tenon which botanyWas.her theme, will readily estimate the worth or her book. When her book is publisted,:we bespeak for it a large list of. purchasers . among the :people of this county i.,and we are sure it meet with a larr; nland among the student.and: levers of Nature everywhere. . tip One D. S. Koon, a-one-horse Jaw- 1 yer at Scranton, Pa., has - been trying to nin some cheap honors before the .Covotte Committee. A few weeks ago he inform ed Mr. Winslow, a democratic member of that Committee, that the, overwhelming majority of Col. Scranton for . COngress from that.Distriet was brought about by bribes.; whereupon Mr. Winslewsoteited the Committee to make an order.' alarp number .of- witnesses at'i largeexpense. The Committee declinedi i and Mr. - Winslow made his detnand'ie . , the House 'which . was granted - , - and the witnesses summoned and examined, and nothing being proved by their testimony but the most flattering end.orseinent of Col: Scranton, the case was disoharged and the Committee unanimously ordered that Mr. Koon should not receive 'either mileage or fees, regarding his conduet as au attempt at extortion. Mr. Scranton, however, very generously directed his re turning expenses paid, notwithstanding his base aspersions. All the other wit nesses were discharged and paid. This experiment has cost about $1,000. 1 When Mr. Covode protested against call-I ing witneses without specific inforiee-1 ion, Mr. Winslow.appealed to the House, I and obtained the. order, and Democratic papers alleged there was a design to ex.. l elude evidence involving • their own friends. Tbcse disclosure's vindicate llr. Covode completely, and put the.Detime. racy in an embarrassing Predicament. — . ,Among the papers filed before the Co nde Committee last Saturday, was el4 - - t ter stating that Mr. Florence had written a letter to Koons, the person who Made' the false charges against Scranton; re-I questing him to Milk after witnesses. '"'!'he A:dmiaistration has been hunting uptei tiniony In all directions to make iirsoine else as an. offset, but. has Their own witnesses utterly exploded on - ) the first attempt. • . tra, On our last page will be found the telegraphic report of a meek torhado in the West. In lowa, alone, to far -AS heard from, 109 persons were killed, while a large number are reported killed in Illinois. The tornado traversed about 150 miles distance iu about two hoir's, destroying nearly et orytbing Oat catnc in its course. In order that - tip readers may be able to.judge of the tor-. riblo character of , the storm we couple of incidents gleaned from 'western . papers illustrating the force of it.: "Near Cedar gitpids, a man observed the toi-, nod° approaching, and.instantly threw self among some haiel bruihes with his. face to the ground; and clung to their •btanClils, for protection. 'They passed over him; hurl ing him a distance, of some rods. and strip ping every - _i•estige of clothing from:.b!c bofly. Another man Was surprised in eisimirman rier, 'and threw his arms aroonits:' beach tree, holding on, .his . gtreng 2 _ -• ' " ... .. :20410111.**444 1 tiithli;littlif. ititititititiSiti=. t-s4l 7 949Weifal trigift...: - .7he Avb r irlriquili however, ras . •tillith as - : tliciaght,.. ttnwreuched;. - hik . grasp; as. ode wclitd,-st - titp a pipe ate iit,-;htirled. him into the au., and dashed hiria?-to the ';'ground, attd twice anti thrice.. repeated it; of-.coarse leasing hini..a. corpge., Another.,mait i ., as .es ,tablisbed . by affidavits:of. - re3pectable. citizens Oft. Bertram, _the first 7stitiOn eitst':of .Cedar Ripidi; Was : ettnght. ' itl). *urn the plat, lidd * ct burled in, air, an . carriehigh above the thither, until' he 'was, out at sight. Cattle. hitises and sheep wire also drawn:tip; in - the siiry . ..3laelstrout, whirled terrificallyabout and dashed, to.the earth again with a fciree. which reduced them 'to a. mere pulpy : mass. The ! Vrairles .h,etWeeif Cedar . Rapids and • DeWitt were literally strewn- with-the . ',carcases of-pat tle, and the .toss in - steek..alone,must be. im moose. -. There is scarcely a truster .between the two Stittinds, a distance of forty miles, but . his suffered the, loss:Of either a part;. or -the whole of his stack. - • . • . ' ~" At LiThon, the Large brick and frame ,grzi r iuwapeliouses belonging to 'merchants .of that town, .and the freight depot of the C.. L and N. Railroad were utterly demolished and thfiir Conte:its:scattered.. . Teri. freight cars were hurled from the track _and broken up,-, ()tie of them heavily loaded with..tuaiber was lifted into the air and turned offer twice:• fin altvEdisceudine• with stich'ibree ris to . . &mt_.: pletely shiver the car and its Contents .into fragments. - ' . ' . _ • . . . ; t . . . ~ ‘.. 4, The most tirribli.effecg. - of the ptriaslo were felt at . Cautabette, Iowa: . :TiOre . ,• . at 1 - o'clock, - the tot:ledges:were seen coming; with the ittuiclity . of . liglitnibg. The • sky-assumed a.iellirwlA•tqae_sy,agiieefind the.air Seerned -laud:' • The turited,cs therniclves - reiNtibled huge balloons 'at first, oboist the size L-of Ohm!: - rely but gradually increasing, arid sweiiim.,— . At-one time they rose - and agt, tin . fell to the earth, their bleettlolditindulating arid whirl.. ink-„with snapphig, : cracklinfflreportS r like a (voiley of.nansketry,. distinetry, audible at .a 1 great distance.',; The interior of the. airy fun: 1 ttels'ivas filed . with it lieterogeiiu4 mass of leaves," brettelies of trees, titn bent, and . stones, which scented to- iiniiart a yellowish tinge in- ; side the black outer folds There !Was.. but little time for gazing, however, for in an in. 'Stant; and with a _force inconceivable, the . doottiedqowit' was - struck full- in the ' center. and the air choked with fragments.of timbers, ' bricks. stones, furniture, and ha' ottani - places, 1 witlf - hugmubeingA, who were; hurled about like stratvs-. The affrighted horses and cattle ' filled tie air With their terrible Red shrill iscreams; but above all yes heard .the snap. pihg - and cracking of these fearful bosoms of i destruction. - -- • ; j" The scene beggars description.. and one, after gazing upon, only. wonders how a single person was left to tell the tale. j There are brit one or tWo building's in thiS town of 2.000 ,souls which were untouched,. all the others are a shapelesi mass of ru'n... many places, for several acres, every remnant of a house is gone, and only a few 'scattered slivers mark the spot where they stood. A singular fee -tore of the scene is the fact that frotn one end of the town to the other not a-vestige of the furhiture can. be. found. Here and there a feyY shreds of clothing, or a mattress torn into rib - bons, tell that the town was once inhab ited," • Atfem pt to Assassinate the Hon. .Charles Snmaer. WASHINGTON, Jude 8;1960. Many rumors of au . extraordinary character prevail as to'Mr. Suinner. It appears that'eirly last - night an; individ ual, represent:Frig himself from Virginia, called at his room, and imperiously .de, inanded au • explanation of "certain , parts of.his recent speedh. Mr. Sumner gave hiiii iio sada - fiction: " and :i.rdered . 'Min 16 depart, which he did with threats. At a subsequent hour, 'three others called, halting in the passage-way, and sent up word that they wished to see him alone. They, refused the' invitation to enter his room—where Mr. Suniner was surrounded by friends—and left, sending a thieatening, message by the servant that they would come with a force to -assault hitwat 10 o'clock' • this moraine, when Mr. Sumner's frienchsi were again present. In view of these occurrences. Some of thein acbompanied him from his residence to the Senate to-day, apprehen sive of personal violence. They are de-- terthined to exercise watchfulness and piecaution. The attention of the Chief of Police has been• called to the subject. LATI.N-ARItEiT OF TEIECIIIF VILLAIN 'Mayor 13erret called upon Senator Stunner at the Senate Chamber on - Sat urday forenoon, and obtain-4 a statement of the matter from Mr. Sumner. He in vited Mr. Sumner to give an affidavit-of the facts, or lodge a coMplaint, which he declined 'doing, saying that neither he nor ibis friends had any inducement from thepast to make any appeal to Washing. ton /magistrates ; to which the Mayor re plied that during the term of his office there' bad been no reason to complain, landn he would resign his office as soon as he 'could uo longer preserve the peace of the city and pretect every person in his rights. He left; declaring his -determine . ma — to sift the matter to the . bottotti.,— :',One:Oiptaii Henry, of Kentucky, exam iner in the Patent Office vras I suspected, whO'had given himself up to the officers :.of the law as soon as he saw a notice Of the matter in an' evening paper., The 11/nYor called arairi at 8 o clock and stated !that, denry had been arrested, and wish, ed .3lr.'Sumnettn say whether ha would have'Henry putniader . bonds,. or would Le cOntent with; an apology;; to which Mr. S.. replied that lie bad wade no ..r.elu-.1 .plaiot, and that personally he' regarded an apology as a bond—telling the, Mayor to take.such measures is he saw fit. ,The Maye'r then :retired again, and soon re turned, accompanied by Henry, and found. Suumer's room filled with. friends. Heti . ry said he came to Apologize for his - con-I drit 'ou Friday; evening; that be had' been with` friends and tiiscuising, big regent speech'; and left them:to 'tell Ari-Sukner what be, thought of it • that theAory he:tol 'ham% arrived that was incoriea(l:thailiiii,Periin' iii - eWledge- had so tirriied•i'•thtit:heiriew oleo person who me:ditate4.llo2o.l9llUlt, Of other iuspidious characters who bud twice caked and inaisted On:•_siehigktr. Sumier He also,atated.:lthikle had said and done more thin he. intend ed, because of lir. Siituner shotring him the door. These proceedings quieted the fears of 31r. Sumner's friend! aud allayed _tlie.ex eitemeut created by the affair. ' GE N. jESSUi. Qnarter-maste.r-genonti of the' aruy, died on Bunday morning from the - effects of a paralytic Attack on Thnrsdr eitirThe Corode C'owthittee hare dis covered-that 1500 then were trauspinted froth New York to Connectidut in March last, to carry the election for the Slave Deinocracy--and in what . villages the frauds were coMmitted. THE Jolni Bxoticn COMMIT'S* —The Senate's Committee for investigating the origin of the John Brown raid nem to have'eshausted their evidence: 'No wit - ! !lessee% have . been.called . furseceiat weeks. It is ,itainitied that no,.:nyiApneti . hap,heen produced - atifwny,„s - tfitainine.the orig inal, charge that the!John- , Brown affair was the Jesuit of a*;c(..mbination or con spiracy awouviie Northeu people, instt gatettly. hostility against the South. IN 1832; when M. Lincoln was first a candidate for the Legislature of Illinois, there Wore cast in the New Salem pre cilia where he resi&d, for candidates for Congivss 276 votesi--dov. Diineau the Jackm3p - ..candidate„feciiiiiing 97. votes, and I'ugh. the Clay candidate, receiving . 179 iiotes. Mr.. Lincoln .at the : same timei received for rCpresentative 'to the Legislature 277 veep's,: being' all which were, cast for both lett*? Whig and the Democratic - candida4s.for Congress; and one to xpare. TUE RePublicans of Chantaugne Coun ty sewn to be awaltd to. their own good name, and to their ditty toward the party of which they are membirs. At a ratifi catiotimeeting just 4ld at.Fredonia, they adopted a resolutiou. hieh wilt very ptis sibly .not •be without, imitators in some other parts .of is us follows: . " Ilesolve4 That we. etterly and totally dis countenance and condemn the despicable and mercenary coarse purseed at the last session of our State Legislature by Walter L. Sessions, Senator from • this District, and invite him to leave the Republican party.". Was not that tbuOder?— Tribune. „ Mr. ISRAELAsiportN, jr.. was nom inated by the Maine Republican State Convention for Goi4rnor, on Thursday last. 'Mr. Washburd 'has lung been fa vorably :known for !his assiduous. and 'faithful delietion to the Republican cause in Congress, and this notninatiOtris -a well-deserved tributes to his tried ability and integrity: Re will be triumphantly elected to the post fo l r which he is nomi nated. Gov. Morrill) ? whom he succeeds has bded elvcted for, three consecutie terms, , aUd declines . further service. He leaves .his post with a high 'reputa:ion for adthinistratiVe laitbf l uluess, and with a reputation for ability and a strong per sonal popularity that ] ; are likely to cause his early return to pblic lift.--Pi ibutce, 9th. 1 WE regret to recol l o the death of the Hon.. John. L: Seheoleraf, of Albany, which took place yest i erday at St. Cache rives„ a village in Canada; about twelve miles from Niagara Fails. Mr. School craft was seized several days ago with severe illness at this point, un his return from the • Chicago COnVention. but be I was at one time thought to be recovering. He was formerly a member of Congress from the Albany Di4riet, and hag long played a censpicuouslpart to the.pclitics Of this State. lie was a gentleman of decided opinions. bn of genial temper and kindly dispositiS, with. a large cir cle of attached friend. lie lived to the age of over fifty years a bachelor.. About eight years ago, he married a near relative of. Senator. Seward, of .whom he was al ' ways an ardent .frieodand supporter.- -Tribnue.- 9th; I • THE Prince Gootaiie, who was at the . head . of the present '.Japanese Govern ment, was ass.assinated on the 13th of March. He was goitig trout . hi t ; - house to the palace . with his when he was attacked by 14 JaparMse_dressed as trav elers. tHis retinue . IM six _killed and several wounded: • . . One of the-assassinSi who Was wounded and couldnot escape,' had his head cut off by .his cotnrades and carried tit to prevent his being reeogoized.Two of the s's:zissins.Werepioved of high rank. and had tbe privilege:given .theut of _cut: dug open their Own !abdomens with a *curd, thereby 'prevetling thCir property being con6seited, and 'fitiiing'their lenti -1 es, die disgrace whieli would entail upon them; had they . Emit] • beheaded.. 'Thirty people were belieadd .- ciii theist of April, having been:interested in, the affair. • A. AWFUL WARN'tNG.--Tbe 'Balti more tii:pper of June Ist,has the the fol lowing : "We heard Yesterday, from an entirely satistaetoryl and reakisible source, the particulari of an occurrence which can only be leoe4 4on. ati an. in stance of Divine rebulie for. taking - the name of the Almighty in. :I'ttatificatiOn at a falsehood. We rep= from meinion• names - thlounh cOnsideration of`the parties, who. are %respectable 'peracins,. re: siding ide the's6uthWestefn.seotiots.if .tho thittliTe* - Tdais since erlirt at ofityadircgutshout . 3reasiZot age, itecusett.i ‘ ter of.h u guilty of some nuscondn'et;whi c h vitively-denied, and on being agat ed',lllC-* Called - upon. God td to blind. if she Wu not telling the lu *moment after, necordins t o statement , him seemed to pij a her eyes, and in the course oni, utes she was totally blind; and tinued sightless ever since. Thi victim of ltersown impiety :coaf she had called upon - her Maker her iu w,bat: was a falsehood." A Lle 'The joarea s Hs . hien. the following ll -as ' d er made` Mt:- Lincoln' in 'a _ . ,Springfield. 'lllinois, in July(185 ) d. I 9Or.ertheloss did mean. to g t banks.qt the Ohio, tit:1(1411cm! salmi to Kentuoky to disturb thew in 11 mestic - institutions."' In Older that our readers may ate the _electioneering ingenuity friends on..the. other : side; ,we fnim the apeeelt- the entire sentence, repelling certain chhrges of seeti or wade by Lintel " I Waite )(gib] and again said Would not enter. into any State to the.inkiitittiow 'Of slavery: , - 'Judge: las . said . at Bloomington that In n gh . age icon 441 and ; ,ingenious c.eilinw _what ..I ieally,tueint,.and while- "I prOtesteOcainst n.t:terin f the)slaie States, I nevertheless dii -to.go oti the' ba oks . of. the Ohio and missiles into Kentucky, to disturi iu -their doinestio iustitutiOns."- When it - is' ttecessary at the Ye giuning.oi the canvass to resort to ti trick as is here exposed, the case tin pretty desperate. Lying of this tit tion ought to be postponed till just the electionp—Tribune, A snowy time sinus the Pqstmash Bunkei Hill, Ohio, received a lour Mr. Vallandig, , ham, froni that requesting of him a list of the Dal all the Pemocrats and-the leaders, fiut!ntial men of the same; the oar all the-Opposition, and also the net. the doubtful. in the bounds of the% erg 'of his office, so that he Might' abled to Bead documents to said The Postmaster replied that he. perform the labor on the receipt el Mr: Tallandighatn-then responded lows Boi..sit or .lizrossr.rattrli.l WASIIT.,:GTON, D. C.'April Std. 1860.* I :Sit ;=lnstead of the $25 yon impradt write foe, I will eend you , notice Of yet moral from office acsoon as the paper bir made out; Which is now being dant , C. L. VALI4NDIGIIA, To the Postmaster, 'Bussiter 11111, 111 Co. Ohio. - - The Postmaster - states that the at income of the office . 823, that the - discharge - of its duties sat posed -upou -him by his • aeiglibms, justice requires him 'to say, voted at inously in favor of his . appointment, against either of themselves taking .N. Y. Tribune. gay 411401,5001tc LOU' SALE. WILL be sold to the highest bidder V TtiurSday, June 2 ist, 3860, at 2 eel at the .Commissioners' .office in ( dersport, THE OLD COURT HOUSE BEla . By order of the Commiszionen. Coudersport, June l'2th 1860. -CHARLES MANNING, . BLACKSMIT.II to 4 Fourth street, between I and West Streets, 41ondersport i Pa., is y pared to do all kinds of work in his. Is on "the niost reasonable terms. Prod< taken in payment. 4:39 ARRIVAL OF:THE JAPANESE -EMBASSY AT PHILADELPHIA. NEW .GOODS AT SPENCER' JUST receiving an extensive stock of lry ombig, - Ccnnty Flour. Any one_ desitout getting a better article of , FLOUR at less,l roat than at any other store ht ten well to call at ALSO. - PORK, MEAL and fany other article %n the Imo of PRO lONS constantly on howl. Dedncticiaso to those that bny at 'Wholesale. GROCERIES *of all descriptions: Also DRITOS, MEDICINE ace... U.', ice Ktent.Mndieincs of most all kinds. • T 1163 wishing Dr. polait<iculedyi *dies! Pis' corer! will_ find it at AE. efLiNISTE:I3 &CO , * - are paying the RIGREST MASH PRIGS '` s ueL - -SPENCER'S PERFIIMERr, , SPENCER'S