„ JOURNAL, Tau . •• S. : - • etter d ommtt r ge ,41/uat 411 1 4, bon. 'atte a ; c3 : 41 '414 be !14artgae.a...--y : P sudi auni:.s,,JimuumowNwiluranuuscrin SS‘t R I . the Potter Journal Our Fanners. a _ • (pOrX . V.sip ED. ) AVleit .1 proposed a inanure-,tank,lilid inteu;.l to nor' .blanio.anybody_of or tallO we good hfraising to the order of the day.— shouldlry to learn 'fpm one and ,anotheratid:keeptbe best. Certainly i ss Giinnati! I. am - apt used to see-aild corn :prebend a:very pft,en reckless and cateless ',way ' 4 w - it as same of my " go- Lead Iltigh66ls do; nay . !l only can praise; what is wo'rth praising and-rejoiee to see - 1 pity luau trying to get along, without ow lug one man a dollar: maimre : tazik'pan be easily made.— If 'You hav'ilt got any clay ou your prem ifel, may be a progress•lovitig neighbor ',as :tante to accommodate yott with—to puke 'four walls and.a bottom about one dot tbielt and'about 6 feet deep-length pod wiatir.as sou choese..llint clay mils; 'int Worked stiff without con'taining any :luMps, and tiiade Up into Walls by using koards to rub' the surfSce'smonth. Be trice!' now and AugUst is the best time :fur u.akirik it. Keep up the manure it 'square and leave a Fp , acti an one end, e,iyherti the livids l i quor will gather, -*With you have to.pour ai least once a ,iyree'k 'over the heap. No soap-sups ought to come anywhere near here, yourwater ;closet should .stay here, it convenient; and your hog-pen, which would save cop all ').our troubles ten times in a stugte year and yOu will finvo the,prpfi , ts iliaziy years to come. Ho* much refuse straw of all !kinds is wasted on farms that can be ren dered- profitable ! On a farm, there should be •Ao waste whatever. The bed dings, droppings and liquids ought to be k•ought:in a combination to forbid the fs alacid. 4 Mon4ieur Anitnonh,? - the blue air; no! toke maned into a nice and apmpact loom to increase in power and enrich wore out farina, and bring us ease, joy and wealth ! Maik my Words, almost everybody is able to leave one and let us hear and see next fall, - who has the nicest, best and largest inanure-tank, then, where there is plenty of manure in theground, these are heav: en's blessings unbounded. I suppose. that a field tionured in such a way vionld ,undoubtedly surpass your expectations, besides it must be understood, that a fair tilling of the soil . is'allelutely necessary, Corn .ought to be soaked in nitre or cop- peras before planting to protect tt against ehipmuks, ac., and rolling 'in plaster Would not be objectionable, or . to spread two spoonful hi the I ill. before pi:lmin. Oats and 'Wheat otThit to be salted. with about one bushel to the .acre to prevent rust—a sure, cheap remedy. It is now the time to do it, if you are afraid that the previous weather will cause it. Be Watchful and work as long 135 it N . yet ilhylight, then night will come (or a bet. Ter time) 'Where - no one can work any pwore; and too late for all, wishes: Mark : nrsight is, cheaper tliar.,a4ersighs. . J. SCH. ThintlotedAir the Potter JourVayrom the Pitts, • ." . burgh Courier. Our Candidates. The news of the - nomination of. Ahra haul Lincoln for the Presidency created here the gratitesi. enthusiasm; because his Fharacter is everywhere kuqwn liquesp and fair, faultless and'unspoted,liis views arc truly healthy, as Nee judge from a let, ter he wrote a yeal• ago, before anybody pr he himielf could hate thqught of he- ILIF 01:4 yeai!'later, chosen fur the Peo ple's candidate. 'The warn part of tllp letter reads follows : • SIIRIGFIELD, May 11, 1859. DR. To. CAxistus—Dear Sir:—Your letter, by which you ask ra opinion • about the pro-. iisiona of the naturalization laws in a case of Interest for yourself and all other German cit izens, especially if I would be for' or against isuch provision's as such, which Massachusetts adopted the other day, f 4 'received. Massachusetts is a sovereign, iudependent State for itself, and therefore I have no right to call it aright; 'but my opinion 'about this provision is, as I understand it, tliat I would bptmse it wherever I would have a right to do so, Win Illtriois or nos other State. I un erstand that the spirit of our iustitntioni pims at the entlobling of mankind and clop trot lead to their depravity. lam known fur ilityingThe negro in his oppreszed 'Why 'shall . ' labor against the riglos of while men, from shat part of the world pr of what laUguage they may be? - 4 - the South are yet to-day patriotic and able statesmen; whom I would sur l portif they poald join theßepublihan party and princi ples, but I am entirely against tbe . lower rig *f the Reriublican Stan4l4ll; if it was only t 4 Zreadth of a hair. Yo9rs 9fectionsit.ely, • A..*Liscom We believe that we are ftiirly con yincid that his noinination satisfied all Tils'friends, as well as the petiple in . gen erah. ;" The ballots proved that Mr. Ham .4n is -the. most excellent- candidate for With such ittile candi dates and'stach a vise platform we may. 11(qm io *in for ua in unity thn victory and .great fortune; std,greatcr bie;pju g s fur our common coputry.. • `,A, TON of perfect pain can be more ea, sliv foundthan an ounce of perfect hap itiness; liciAno7s little of himself' pr of I . lle,siorld s ' who` does. not think' it soffr c.ent,bappiness to !mires from _sorrow. ,Soma .mop - Seem born to. be lucky; Tchnerer -they toucb turns to gul pared with the philosopher's atone. At. isn't., of eliance the y ' have no chance, • . . but,. that is better &certainty, they fear suits of trulups; - they get "windfalls" without a breath stirring. WidtiAwaki Clubs " ate 'Abe -order of the &y our ezchangna from-al quarters noticing -the foliation of Deintificaii‘clnint undeethis name.; 10. imp . SUCCESS 'Rob: CITY C9.I;LEGE.--" Mating the-past tinnith upward‘ of young men,' fromvarious points of the 7-yesteru i states, have . the Iron City' 0.41 c ge l ,P . ittsbargh, J. :College was pever to a mote properoAls ana suecessf.9l condition than at ,present and since having removed to 'the new ,buildiug., the number's in attendance have been constantly . inereet,i9s.--,Coptiii:i.l.ii,tl 1 9 untal,Pittsburgh, miry 8,18 . Q ( ..). • A ff OLIISTE D $ KELLY'S CZ TO Ite can always •be found the best of. Cool i ziug; Bos: aud Parlor S 0 V E..,8 Also, TIN" end SUET-IRON "WA ?. r . E. POTS,. KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SA:P-PANS; and CAULD RON'S. Also, .. Agricultural • Imp . 4maants, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SII.ELLERS, llt)R>I -RAKES, DOCI-pOWERS; &e. -T.FIEIE, WORK is weli maae and the material good. Good au substaalial EAVES-TROUGB.S . put up in any part' of thti County—Terms easy. Beady Pay of all kithis, including, Cash, seldom refused. Store on !ain Street opposite the Old Court !louse, Coudersport. Aug. I, 1859.-s'o 50,099 Copies already Seld. - EVEAYW)PY'S LAWYE R EEO COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, Tyir BRAN 4 . pnossr, OF . TIDE PLILADI - 41.1'1;1.4. 11.111. IT TELLS YOU Bow to draw up Partnership Papers .and gives general forms for Agreemeus of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leas es and Petitions. IT TELLS YOU Uow to draw up" Bonds end Mortgages, fli davi ts, Powers orAttorney. Notes and Bills Of I.4cl).angc, Receipts and Relmipes; Tile Laws for the Collection :Of Debts, wig) the Stat. tit,es of Limitation, and tinsountand kind of prop : erty Exempt from Execn : tion in every State. IT TELLS you now to snake au Assignment . properly, with forms for Composition with Credit, ors, and: the Insolvent Laws of every State. IT TELLS YOU The legal relations existing between guardian and Ward, Master and Ap prentice, ,and Landlord and Tenant. What constitutes Libel and Slander, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's p e ight in property, Divorce and Alimony. :The Law for Mechanics' Ideas-in every State, and the Naturalization Laws -of this country, and how to Comply with the same. The Law Concerning Pen sions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption Laws to Pqblie Lands. IT TELL:i YOU The Law pf Patents, with mode of procedure in ob taining one, with Infer ferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELLS YOU How to snake your-Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. IT TELLS YOU Tue meaning of Law Terms in genetal use, and ex plains to nit the Legis lative. Executive and 44- dicial Powers of both the • general and .itate f..40v 7 ernments, IT TELLp YOU Ilow to keep p. 13 pf paw• • showing bow to do your business 1 ega I eh u • • caving, a vast amount of property-, and vexations • litigation, by its iililsiY' - eon.viltation. • Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in Every State, on receipt of $l.OO, or in law style of binding at $1 25. IT TELLS rog IT TLLS TQTJ IT TELLS YOl7 IT TELLS YOU $lOOO . A YEAP ri c l a ad ri eb b i e enterprising inn everywhere, in selling the above work, as au; in4yeerneitts to all such are very liberal Por single copies of the Book; or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POtfER, Publisher. Nc 617 &Imam Street, Philadelphia. Pa Divorce: Notide. Smith P, Finch, No. 47 Sept: Term, 1859, v.t, LIBEL IN DIVORCE, Betsey Finch, A Subpmna arid alias Sub pcnna having been issued and returned nag, notice is hereby given to tho Respondent tq appear at the next Court of Common Pleas of Potter compty,.to be held on the 18th day of June, 1880, tq answer the .complaint of•the . Libellant in this case: WM. F. 11UP,T, Sheriff. Coudertport, May 18, 1860. DiVorpe Noti.ce. Joel Maskios, ) No. 45 Sept. Term, 1859. vs. L, LIBEL IN rgronta. Almina Fiasltins, A Subpmqa and alias Snit mom% having been issued and returned fajta iiptice is hereby giveo.to the Respondeot to appear at the pe tlourt of pommon Pleas of Potter rounty tote held on tVc 18th day of .httll4 186% 14 answer the .maplaint of. the Lih i ellant in this case. WIL F. gpra i Coudersport, May 13, 1860. 4drrtinistlttqrs' _ T , E,TTERS: Of achnioistratio; to the estate .5.41 of Eatito..ve, late of Allegany- township, &ceased, lit4ing. bee gratitld to the under signed, all 'persons indebted to said estate are requested, to make komediate'payMept, and there thtilt.g claims against the same, will resent,tlieM, duly anthenticated for Settle- Meat, tO ADALIE S. HOWZ Ad R. W. RENTON. 17:71 ' Allegany, illy 28, 18.4.;0.—:.;t:. What Eitrerybody Wants. ' 1 THE j'AMILy DOCTOk: - • euyratia.so SIIIPLF; REMEDIES, 'EASILY. OBTAPTED . ,I FOR'TflEr CURKOF DISEASE . _ PROFESSOR HENRY 8. TATT,oR,*. D. • IT TELLS ick; lloyitpatteutfupon the pick, ' • • . and how to ctiok for them; ' how to prepare - Drinks, - iPoultices ! Ste. and how • - to pardaga ipst i',feetton . Trout Coe tagtons Diseas , es. IT TELLS 1. - 9 U Of the various diseases of ! Children, and gives -the . •-• best and simpleA mode of tre'l'i.tmetitAarip.,y,! • ` i reithiug, ennyulsions, - Vaccination. Vhoopiug., . • cough, Measles, Sic. !! IT TELLS YOU The synnitoms, of Croup, Infantiim, Colic Diarrhoea, Worms,,Seail ed 'Bead, Ringworm, Chicken-pox, a n d gjies ton 'ho hest reme dies fgr their cure. IT TEJ.LS'i9U The symptoms of Fever and Ague, and Billious,:Vel - low, Typhus, Scarlet It n 4 other fevers . ; and gives • you lat! best. Ntc(sistiplest remedies fur their cure. • IT' TELLS The, sympt,imsuf Intluettra - t. ' bonsiimptiou, Dyspepsia, Asthma • Dropsy, . Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Erysipelas, d c., and ;fives • Yon the Lease remedies for their care. IT TELLS 7011 The syroPtorns of -Cholera Morbils, Malignant Chol era, Small-pox, Dysen . • they, 'Crau3p, Diseases of thjßladder, Kidneys, and Liver, and the best:rem edies for their curie. - • IT TELLS IrPU. The symptoms of Pleurisy, • Mumps, Nenralgia, Apo plexy. Paralysis, the Va rious Diseases of t it e .Throat, Teeth, Ear, and Eve, and the ticst ream . dies for their cure. IT TELLS YOU The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of , the Heart, Hernmorrhage, Venereal Diseases, and flydropho . bia, and' gives the best remedies fur their cure. IT T.F,Lii t s you The, best and simplest treat ment fur -Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains, Lnekjaw; Fever Sores, White Swellings. peers, Whitlows, Boils. Scurvy, Burns and.Serof- IT TELLS YOU Qf the varions diseases of Women. of Child-birth, and of Menstruation; Whites, Barrenness, kc.", and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure. The work is written - in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be : easily under- Istood, while its simple recipes triay•socin save yqu many times'the cost of the hook. It is I printed in a clear and open type.; is illitstra- I tedwith appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address. - neatly bOund and postage paid, on receipt of $l.OO. , • 1000.11 YEAR menebbre enterprising- men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to ill such I are very liberal. For single copies of the Book;.or for terms t 0 agents, with other information. apply to or address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 017 Sansoin Street. . 35-6 mo. _ Philadelphia, Pa. [ADVERTI3ESENT.] For the INSTANT ASTHMA' A R m ELIEF and.PER NExT CURE of this distressing complaint, use • FENDT'S BRONCHI Al CIGARETTES,. Nlade by C. B. SEYNIOUR & CO., 107 'NAS SAIi STREET, N. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. :FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. —[2pt3.] NEW lEWELLE-11. • C. H. wAgiggivEm, IJAVING rented a window in the. Store of 131 S. Colwell, one door east of the l'ost- . office. is prepared to 1.?..P.A/11. WATCHES or JEWELRY on the shortest notice and in the most; workman-like manner. Having .a new and.supecior stock of tools. and a large expe- . rience in go busipess, I otter my professional services to this commUninty, hoping that my promptnPss and strict attention to my legitimate calling will . secnre-rne a literal patropage. I give special attention - t.o cleat - Ong and repair ing ci4icKs and Watches; and 'no pay will be requited unless the work is satisfactorily done. Torras, Cash on - deliveYy of work. Coudersport, May 3, 14'6.0.. LIST - OF- CAUSES, • Put down fur trial at June Term, 1860, of.the Court of Ccmmun Pleas of Potter County. . Purdy, for nse, vs. P. B. liedrick, Joucs, • - " Jackson k Rep. • Jones & Co., - " Wbriclcock.: Jones, use ofplatt, ' " 11. Ellis. I Brown Brothqs, " Wood. ' !Jones . 4 .; Bra, " Lord. Brenneman, • " Barclay. • Same, " Same. • - Jones.l.: Aro.., • " Culp, Jackson Schqol Bist„ " Roltrabacher r , cs. , - 4. Spafford, ' " Starkweather, • Jones, - • "J. W. Smith', Byttul; : - " C. S. Jones, Adtp.: Ilydorn, ' ! -'' 1 ! Milk White . 4' H. Stevens, el. q. Jones & Bro„ " Wftedcocl, Ilugtes, - 't Johnson, 1 Curtis, Erwin & liiciolts, '4 Aylsworth, • Hughes; -.- 't Foster,', A. A. H. Ford, " 8. M. Mills, Pearce, . - ii Lit rr ddingto, ' ... P 071 1 44 . '4 Wood, Wharton. ' 44 Smith, ' . • 'Cavapaugh, '• - 44 Jones- k Bro. Same, - 4. Jones. Ives, d. at., ... •44 Hart. . ' . - Same, • '4 Same.. Einem% . " M'Connell. . 'Owen, ' 't Maynard. ".- Haven, • • 4 " Rossiter. ' ' • Parker,': '. - - 4 ' Bake., - - • Stevens, use of RAiley ,• ! Monroe. - ' • Lewls,gnardof4.4tvley,." Russ 11, ' ' 1 Pits.e.To*Asbip, - ... " KiThourn, . . - ' 11. J. OL.MSTED, PtoWIT 1 Cct.;(lPrtr.qt. My D, no.• 1 T W ; , . Manufacturer of apt Dealer in . - gOits,lrt4P.4s;:gf atYtg;, „. • -4 ! - FINDINIQS, I •-• WIIQLS.4:LII AND 7il T3IL, 1 ,Mait4treit, iietirly opposite lai4wirt 8r04.; IMPORTANT ANNONCEBIENTI WARREN'S • . • • , • si f o E. , SToRt - -; .111a6 Strect,l(iyarly oft site Baldwin ' 4 1 .4frds.'lrocerg.) iL falij 00., N. r: BCgJS .AND SHOK CHEAPER! THAN EVER! 'elms Cash Orkl3'. rirlol Proprietor of the above establishment: having ju.4 returned from;? ew York with a larL l e and side' ndid stock of • Ft 810 1 ,4 , • P E S, , . • Itratinr;einntis, &c.., is now offering; the same at prices much lovgy than they hare; ever before I)4M offered. . Qing to iris - Superior advantages in N. Y. Ciiyi P ile is enabled to purchase goods at ranch low6r rate; than : other houses in the sane line.. ITaving au Agent in the-market in Nev York Oftyllhe is enabledl - froni timel to - time to take adyrtags of the rise and fall of the market, amid (thus obtain goods at veryl low figures. - only necessary to call, I to be oonvinceet o - f the above facts. . • Stuict attention paid to DrdlrS. 1 _A call is respectfully GEOWIP,,T. WARREN; • Wellsville, Jan. 20, 1860.-2?. The Campaign I FOR 1860 IS AREDY OPENED, A T C. 4.,510,018' • .! 11 1 LICK, IN OS.WAYO VILLAGE. ~~ ....._..V.L_.,_.. THE :PROPRIETOR HAS '4'114 Aeceiyed from New York EMI Largest and pest .. Sioc,* of Good*. OFFERED IN Pb-TT R•COUNTY --- ----- The assortment consists of ,DRY GOODS , . Rats : mid Caps, lEoois . 4. Shoes, . H 4RDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES and , •PROVISIONS I'am determined to sell tds as low as . theyjeart. be purchased in W Hay ing iiurelmsed for Cash, no rcints or interest to pip; and selling a large amonnt far READY PAY , I am 'enabled* to Rli:l2l%ke the Profits with l my eu.loiners. l ,.. ILtsing made , arrangementr —i,th some of igt.. .ents wi, Ant the best house in the city, goods 'will be ) il l - r ' iSifillka 10 il e-- eeblii, fr i, encinbling me constantly to .o erthe LATEST STYLES and BEST QUALITI 1S Of Gdoils. • BEST GOLD ..1141) SILVER _WATCHES kept on hand for sale. Pedlars .supplied on reasonable terms. 1 . - C4I.SLI FOR- G.OODLUNBER, <ID SHINGLES. • : I ITAVE ESTABLISIMD A i I JI INCH STORE ..:, At Ellislaurg, , . 1 under the nano and style of. 5111.140,N5, : ,4 PERRY, where a 6011',LETq q-ENE 1 1 4.11.4 ASSORT MEN ail he cOnstaniiy kept on hand. . - C. Hi SIMMONS. Os l wayo, April 2, 1.860.--- . 1y,4•4t.. • FARM - FOR S A 1 . " Jlll SUBSCRIBER has a Farm, containing .11 ;. acres, which he wishes to sell. Sit. uUted in the town-of Sweden, tibout pve miles frotni the county seat of Pqtter'Co.; about 75 acres under MgOod state of improvement, ou which is growing a young,Orchard of various kiudS of Fruit; a- good Barn. and Shed; corafertablelionse, with water convenient; a gourd .11.oad through it, and is an enterpris ing :neighborhood. Soil, Red -She lo Timber, Beech and Maple : land nearly level ;. Title uncyiestionable,l Any person desiring a good and Cheap property, well_ adapted for. a large !Stock and Sheep 17aziri,- cannot do better. The subs.cr4ter desines to sell the same because he is engaged in other bushiess. I Zettne.—,A part cast be paid down, and the balance on time, Any conummicaticon to the. undersigned will be promptly answered. Address . 1 JOHN' B. . Coudersport, potitor CO. r Pa. 1.Tn.y.8; 14GQ.-;-,34t.fl Tr IS WISDOM 40,,D TO V E R rt,S ... , , . . . 011.F.THV4 .P . A.V.-Hlik - , T. 49.88 T '• • .1 -' ' •-•.- . ' itt , ,tcol4l4sAigg,i'rug. 'ls totoi.fa attired frolpcoMnieti a elt. and is prepared- eaite,ly different fqttn : tlther'S:tluratni r •.. AlVtlte - del , l aterious matter . extrateted,in:such . n Imanner as to prailtic4reatl,Aiseuh, lifitl• all klndS of Cak4; without cons itaini;,ig a particle tif,Saltratus when We Broa4py !joke is baked i. there by prßElising, WI: oleSorne . yestnts,— i Every partiCke of'_SaWratus is turned 'to -gas'and passes thrOugjt.thelireacl or-Bleu it while Bakiniz; coascanCnt lv nolhingremains but common Salt, WatC'r:ltndylotti. Ilmi will readily perceive by the tast,elof Wis Salera• i ttis that it is eutirelyitlifferent from lother.Saleratus. 1 - It'is -packed in ond, ppund . papers, each wrapper branded,' " B. T. Bab-, bitt's Best Medicinall,Faleratus ; . al so, picture, twisted loaf 'of bread,! With a glass ofelferve i scing water Ein the top. When you I purchase one: mi per•ypa should pre•Serve the wrap-I per, ant] be particular to get the uexf.4.actly - li4e"the..firSt-L-brand as Minya; - • I Full.. directions-furakirig Bread, with this Saleratus 4nd Sour Milk .. orCream Tartar, w II asonmpany i ' each plickaae; Mlsoddirections for, making all 7kitids-.of ) Pastry; also,; for making Soda .Water and Seid, lit?, Powders. - 1 MAKE YOUR ON'i'N SOAP, ' WITH i 1 B. 1% BABBITT'S PURE CONCEN-: Tn. NTED PO!I'ASII, • ' Warranted double the - strength of 68 ortlitary Potash ; pui. up in cans—{ .1 lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 6 lbs. and 12 lbs. - '—with full directions for making AND. hard and Soft Strap. , Consumer: , will- find this the cheapest Potash in market. -I 70 ,Manuthetcred and tn"'sale by . • •B. T. BABOITT, Nos. CS and 7h Was4ington-street, • I New York, and No. 3,S In dia.street„ 1 Boston. • 1 D1.1:4-1-Iy*.] 1 :4s AND 70 EEO 7p Ps IND 70 TOllAqi EgT.piN, IT is a fact that, nt some ;period, every mem ber of the human family is subjectto disease of Asturbance of the 'bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of good common sense, they may he able so to regulate the system as WI secure permanent health. In order to accoMplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that whidi will produce natural state of things at the least hazard or vital strength and life: For this purpose, Drillostetter has in troduced to this country a preparation hearing his name, which is not a mete medicine, but one that has been tried for ert.rs; giving satisfac tion to all who have ` 45,4 it. The Bitters operate-powerfully upon tl estomach, howels, and liver, restoring 1114 to, a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess astrongthenihg patnie, ezah.l4a the sys tem to triumph over dismt4e. . For the cure of Dyspepsi4, - Incligestion,..Nan, sea ; Flatulency, Loss of Ajmetite, or any Bil ious Complaints, arisin,gfrain amorbid inaction of the Stomach or tiowelso . .roducing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, .Cholera I.lorbus, .&c., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhma, dysentery or flits; so 'generally eodtractO tw new settlersl and caused prin..' cipally b.y the change of witter and diet will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation: lAyspensia, d disease which is prohablv . nmre prevalent,jin various forins, thin tiny other, and ithe . cause of-which say AZwzty.s be attributed to d t erangements the digestive o;T...ups; can ;he cured, without fail by using IitISTEITTFARIS sTc.w.Acit BIT- Tus, as per directions 4t the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some kind then why not use :in ar tide known to be it fallible All nations have! their Bitters,. as a prexentive of disease and strengthener. of the sysieth in general; and .among them all there is notto he found a more healthy people than the tie - mans from v,•horn this preparation emanated„ ripen smell, tific'eAperiments which haie minted to prove the value of this great preparation iu the spate'' of medical science. j IZEvrat •AND AC t ßE.—Tliis ,tryiug and provnk ing.disease, which fi.):es itsirelentless grasp °RI the body of man,reducing hiin to a rnereshadow in a short time, and rendeqng- him physically ' and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use or HOSTIVER'S ra.: , N OWN ED BITTERS. Vurther,• none of the above stated diseases can be conttiteted, even in ex: -1 posed sitnalons, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they p,ei titer ereate nausea nor nffend the palate, and render unnecessary any chatig.i., of diet or interruption of ordinal"! pursuits, hitt promote sound-Sleci, and healthy, digestion, the complaint isJrCmoved as speed ily as is consistent with dr i p production of a thorotiglr and permanent For Persons in ..4dconced.- 'ears, who are suf fering from an enfeebled constitution rind in firm body, these Biiters aye invaluable or. a restorative of strength audand need only be tried to be appreciated. And to . a mother while . nursing these h Bitters are , pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishmeut.is inadequate to • the demands of the, Child ; consequently her, strength Must yieid, send here it is where a goial tonic, such as Bostetter's Stomach Bitter 4 is needed 'to int, part temporary strength an vigor to the sy tern. Ladies should by 41 .means try this I reinedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the • Bitters, will recommend their use it all cases of weak ness.. . - Caution.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter eits, but_ aSk for IlosrErTErt's CELEBRATED .TOI4IACII BITTERS, and see ghat each bottle has the words 4, Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" town on the side of the bokleAintlp stamped on the-metallic cap coverin4 the cork, and ob serve that cur autopraph signature is Oa tho • Pawed and gold ht TIC/STETTER & SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa.„ and sold by all druggists, grocers, .And ilealere generally 'throughout the United States, Call Ada, SouthlAnnerica, add Ger many. • .iMITH & JONES, Coad.etiport, ,-.1 A. COREY & SON, Ulysss, • „;',,N H.-INSUN & CO., , Ronltti. POWELL - & CHAL ' IN, Ri4gew i ay. :1 LLICIIIB WILCOX, linen 4 yist % . r 4, CLOVER n gE F.: D. AL. LARGE QUANTITY ofi first quality Clo 111V ver Seed can be purehltsed at the hard ware Store of . OLMSTED & KELLY. Coudersport, Feb. 8, 1888; r,AsTER far sale bp:. P. STERBANS. MoltYrkerßerst: N.OSTLTWER'S CREAPF.ST I . BEST!: .1,004 T111 • 1135;00 Pays for Tuition it► single NA .Pouble Book-Keeping, Writ.ing,Ccuumereiel tie•nnd Lectures. ' - 68 IM:1 Hoard S •sseeks' l B2o, Stant _ tirj, Tonto') stb; entin . expense#sß: • 70 _ :Usual:tittle from 6 to 10 weeks ; • Ea upon gradtititing, is guaranteed lent to. panage:Jhe books of. any. I , and qualified tti.. cavil a salary prim • • .7 • .8500 yi• !Students : eater at .p.ny Review at pletisurci . •- First Premiums For Best Business , far 185 . 9, received -at Pittsburg, and Ohio Bade Fairs. Also, at the pri Fairs of the Union for • the past four j -eat 68 IM:1 70 Ministers' Sons roccivc.t.l at 4ilt '-'or Circulars, Specimenp %O.En haw" of .the College. incloge fixe letter I co F. W. JENKIN,S,. Pittsburgh, 11:10.y* - • . 68 • - • 110 VAR I) A S SOCIANt Penerotent Instilufiun estatlished E.ndihrnient, fur the Relief of the Sicker treaseit, alliefecl -with Virulent and 4, - Diseases, and es;uccially4or ilte Cure • (flies of the. Se.triui Organs. - MEDICAL ADVIQE given - gratis, Acting Surgeon, to all who nut letter, with a description of their. mud .occupation, habits of life, ie.,) cases 'of. ex trem e pcq erty, Medicines fr free. of - charge'. . AND 70 68 Effi - ii'ALUABLE REPORTS ou SPermatot afflrother DiseniTs et: the - Se4mil Ornate on the NEW REMEDIES employedipth t pensery, sent_ to the afflicted in sealed' ent•elop.es, free of cbarge. - - Two-or Stamps for postage will be acceptable, ..keldresa, DR. S. SEdLLIS' 110tiOl1 Acting Sum:Jon i - Howard Association, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia; Pa. dor of the Directors. 70 . EZRA D. lIE4RTWELL, Presi. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secrei:ri: NB STORE: Main above Third St • COUDERSPORT. PA, • rm. W. MANN, ruoritaror.. Doorcs, IBPS, UFLODES, BLANICS DOdKETS- • LEDGERS -. - pAy-booKs - ItEcEivT-Doox MpfORANDUItS, • • • • 0 OR'S, DI;. roAtTFo,r,ips, . • 1N . 111 3 A • • I.,ETTEP.- BOOK:3 • 1 1N VOICE- BO Greek, Latin, .French and Germs's. T Books. • . : • - • All School Books. used -the• Cat kept ,on 'hand; on, immediately yr. when desired • • . Magazines or any Periodicals s.uppliede desired. A good assortment of Paper, Enve'lo - Pens and lake. .Also of Wall-Papers, Dn. ing Materials,- Waterolors,.ko. BI RLEs, T STA KENT'S, pp,AyEr.; S 4I M\ BOGIcS, of rarionsk.k l . MUS*l3OOla MW SHEET-MUSIC; - `Slates, Rph,r.4,.Baelc-Gawnon Bhardstl Men, &c.; &O. PRODUCE of all kinds t in (..xo:tange• for Rooks. he. a . 11-341 COURT fiRQCLikEtiTION. lib Preside tt J;edge, and the-Hone. o. Mann and Q. G. Colvin, Associate Judge the Courts-of 'OyerS.' Terminer and Gee. Jail Delitery, Quarter Sessions-9f the Pes - Court and- Cow of .Common F for the Conuty of Pole!, have issued . ti" Preeept, bearing • date The seventh day May, in the year a ou, .1,. 01 4 one Sand - eight hundred-and sixty, and to me t rected; for holding.a.Court of Oyer and Ter: iner awl General Jail Delivery, Quarter • sions.bf the Peace, Orphans' Venn, one° of Common Pleas,,.tulhe-,Borongh of Cozdt. sport, On IhlQ.7\ - DAI, the 18th day . of ,1 next,- and to cestiatre ;me Week : li - otice. is therefore hereby given to the C oners, Justices of the Pence and * Cortsah'.• within the county, that thekbe then and tt. in their proper persons, at 10.1 Y-clock A. X . said day, with their rolls, records, Cup's tions,'examinntions; and other remeadmine ta do those things, witich to their otrAces pertain to 'e,e d ;vie, And these who are be by their recognizanees to prosecute tgair the prisoners that are or shall lie in the PH said county of Potter, are to be then andth to prosecute against them aswill be just. Dated at Courivrtsronr„ May 'I, 180, 4h,e E , ‘' 4 t e.sr. of the I do . pt ndenc e of the States of Aw,oic44, - -TtegiPter ' t; VOTICE is hereby given; that thefolloi , unenunt tins 14;en examined and pfuo; by me, atid remains - filed in the Register‘ Office of Pottor enunty for •the inspectin; hell% legatees, creditors, and all others in n i other - way interested; and pill be in'ese 2 '' to the next Orphans' Court ofsaid connint . the Court House in:the Borough of COO T. ' port, on Tuesday, the 19th. day of June, lig for coeßrmatiOn'and allowance: AccCunt of -William Hurd, Administrito 6 the-Estate of Samuel. Hurd, late of Gene township, deceased. T. - IVES, 800, ' • by I BUTTERWORTH) Der` Coudersport, Nay_ 23, 1860. NEW JEWELRY STORE , - 11. BUTTERWORTH havi . ng 1 04 AA, himself in this Borough, in the bunk; recently occupied by. Di. Ellison. on Mehl ft opposite the couit house has opened s JE ELRY ESTABLISHMENT, fok the purposed REPAIRING - WATCHES, - CLOCKS; are JEWallt • Having some years' exPerienee in the nese, I feel confident in giving the public GE , " ERAL SATISFACTION.. The patronise ; the public is solicited. Please give mes t All work warranted - or no pay. - A general - assortment of Watches,...a" and• Jewelry on hand ani fiir Sale. -Coudersport, June 30i 1.653.-48. ' WM. V. BURT, Sheriff.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers