The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 10, 1860, Image 3
... : I ,l;tivit,.}l4-,,q . :01:g --- ecTUDERSPORT, MAY 10, We learn that our ingenious - townsman, B. Gordnier, has obtained a patent for Pendulum Churn," one of the neat, t and most practical inventions of the se . Success to him in circulating them. NI the Year Round, foi May, is pl ead,/ oa oar table, containing besides the .sual variety, "The saunted• Honse," ticker's' celebrated Christina." Stories.-. lc Emerson & Co,, of New Ye rii, are he American . Publishers. Price 25 eats a number, or *3 a year. On Monday evening last, during the under shower, an old , pine stub. on, the 01 , of Cartee Hilt buck of Mr. Collins .with's residence, was set on fire by i g h tm log, and binned• fur about an hour, a ki n g, a beautiful Haze. .N' , o report Sc. oatpauied the 'Dish of lightning that et ilou fire, and the ignition I`as instant aneous, and was a beautiful sight to hose who saw it—we being ono of the :mbar. The shower of Monday afternoon has iven a bright and healthy look to all iadi of vegetation. The drouth had ,at yet become very oppressive to crops, ,ut thsy were grateful for the timely afn, and are swinging forward with re , arbble rigor. Many of the spring ropi Aare not yet been sown, but our amens are energetically at work putting heal' in. _ P. S.—About one o'eloolo this Thurs. ay) morning a very heavy rairr fell which ill 130 doubt make a flood that will allow he Sinnemahoning lumbermen to get to arket. Very few have as yet got out f the northern tributaries of the Sus. llama. We fear this rain will iejure le new sown grails by washinJ.3 it out, lt we bone not. List of Jurors for June Terra. GRAND JC11.0123. ..Allegany—A. G. Fresh°, Sumuel Winegar en; Coudersport—Z. J. Thompson; Ilarri .n—Benjamin Johnson, John E. Jones ; Reb a—Daniel Thatcher, E. H. Bishop ; Elector— rash's Guernsey, Daniel Sunderliu, Ira Doug-! ss: Keating.—ElcazerDingee; Oswayo—Win hat'uck, The!. Crittenden; Pleasanil Val ley •Israel Burt, M. McDow*ll ; Shitronf. 13. ichois, George Nichols ; Stewardson-,Henry arra : Summit—Merrick Jackson ; Sweden SylvanusJones; Sylvania- -Rol?% K. Young,; lysses—W. W.Gridley ; West. Brant h--Seth -9tartort-/.. L Ne)t. rstxvistst .11.1110114. Ahhott—Wm. Ackson, F. 1 4 . Buhr . ; Alle us—Stephen Darling; .Bingham—Walter ionard, George Daniels., 4. P. B. nowt ; lara—D. F. Merritt;. Coudersport—A. S. rinstron , John M. Hamilton, A. B. Goodsell. Spencer; Enhilia—Harry Lent, G. W. cCielland Harrison—Erastus Finch ; Deb n—George W. Stillman; Hector—Horace isson ; Jackson—David Crowell; Oswayo— . C. GMT; Pike —Abram Kilbourn, Curtis ilhaarn ; Portage—H. F. Slier; Roulet—J. . Curt; Sharon—George Bemis, M. A Nich • C. Manly, Lake Stevens, Simon Drake : weilen—John Roberts, Johnson Chase. Ju. Is Neill; tilysSes- -John A. Brown. Edmond oil, G. A. Lewis, -Joseph W. Stillman, Thos. 'arkir ; Wha.rton—Denry Nelson. Election of Count!' Superintendent.--- 'arsuant to act of Assembly, the School; tireetors of Putter County met in Con ention at the Court ['louse in Couders ,ort, Monday, May 7th, 1860. Called Li order by J. Hendrick, Co. Superintend nt. Organized by calling. Hon. Joseph lann to the Chair and electing Almeron "elm, Vice President ; C. S. Jones, Sec etary, and E. T hatcher assistant Secretary. . The list - of Directors was then called hen mie hundred, and - twentito»e ans end to their names* Jne. M. Kilburn then moved to tix the salary of the Coun-1 y Superintendent at three hundred dal re per annum. J. S. Muon, moved to mead by inserting six in the place of three. Alter debate by .Ttio. M. Kilbourn, no. S. Mann, Pliny Harris and others. the question was called on the amend,. went. Ayes. 40; nays, 73. A tuition tra s then made to amend by fixing the salary at five hundred dollars per ann - tin. ote on the second amendment resulted ta.Ayes, S 3; Nays, 4 . 1 So the salary was fixed at five hundred dollars per ant ham. On :notion, then proceeded to vote for County Superiutezclent, with the annex ed result : lei 2d 3dl4llllsthi6thl7thl B fla J. Ilendrick, 351 38 38 45 43 42 41i I 53 E• T. Clafilin, 29 26 53 24 23 25 23 Seth Len IS. 41.; 47 54 43 54 51 54 63 L. S. nebertson, 8 ,9 6 1 . 1 Adjulr'ned sine die. JOSEPH MANN, Pres. C. S. JONES, 1 0 ' E. THATCHER, ?:, 4-'ee's. REPORTS from all- gections of the country agree that the fru, crop is yet uninjured, and promises a bout..e,ll har vest, if nothing, hereafter befalls it. DIED: Ersfax—ln Portage, April 22d, iqa fy, Rife of William Ensign, - aged sixty one years, nine months and sevon days. Her disease v,as inoysted dropsy, and for ten months she had been a constant though ( patient euflereWk: 'dallied her senses It mull the very her dying words were 1 , 'Meet me to: - void!' And.with "t a sign of fear or piin, she gently fell asleep. . , . - X. ` I .THEODOLiE Nl:mut writes from Rome that an American there is astonished at the sacrifice of the useful aril; to the fine arts, and, says, "If I had a son, I shpuld rather ho would be an engineer, a great mason, carpenter, or railroad builder, than a great painter, sculptor or fiddler : and certainty I should.rather that ray son were an ordinary third rate tailor, shoe maker, brazier,. than an ordinary third rate sculptor to spoil 'marble, and waste the time of the mem ho strove to make statuea of TIM two principal - centres' of the Boot and- Shoe Itfanntaeture in the United States, are Philadelphia, an&Lynn, the latter being the centre for the•com mon and chcap work, the former of the fine sewed work. There are about five hundred Manufactuters of Boots and Shoes in Philadeiphiw, including some. who do work for both customers and job hers, and their annual piodtret exceeds in value foUr millions of dollars. Tile en tire trade of the city in these indispensa ble articles is estimated .at fifteen millions of dollars: ME Jogs Baows Fu have two West India meiChantt who have just arrived from ilayti. One of them, who 6 an accomplished and educated gen tleman, and a cousin of Preildent Geff rard, informs us that when he left Port au Prince, two weeks ago,the contribu tions of coffee for the benefit of John Brown's family amounted to about 2,000 bags ofl2o pound sv.ach, and it was the gen :oral opinion that another thousand bags ', would be added, as everybody regarded it both a duty and a privilege to contribute. lAs these bags are worth from $l2 to $l4 iemh. it is pr , bable that the Republic of Hayti will add to the John Brown fund from 530,000 to $10,000:—N. Trib .une,24th. • TfIE crops in pastern Pennsylvania. iitttl Western New. Jersey, (says the Ger mantown Tclegrap7j, of Wednesday last,) never looked better at this season of the year. The winter grain is especially line; and the grass, so far as we have ascertain ed,. was very little winter-killed, and prom ises a heavy yield. The oats crop is beau tiful, having been mostly sown in March. Corn will be planted to some extent this week; but next weak and the treclt after the bulk of the crop will be put in the ground. The first and second plantinc , of potatoes will now soon be followed bY the late or last planting. The promise of fruit tvcs never more encouraginff, though the frost of the nights of the 13th and 14th (and since then, of the.2.lth) did some da•tier„e. We anticipate a sea son of plenty. PAINTED Posr, May 8, • 1800. —A most destructive fire occu - red here vester• rkur_dria s: nta -Infact• 1..,rt null ....c,rio_ckaa! I nre was tItSI.. utseo ! crew„uhtou - kouo• dory of Curtis & Colviu,which, with the • building attached, was destroyed. The barn and livery stable of the Lovell House, the building known as the Badger Block, the dwelling of J. P. Bennett, the dwelling of H. G. Blood, the dwelling and shop of Mr. Wilder, the dwelling of G: Brown, and the dwelling of 0. Jordan were also completely destroyed. The fire is attributed to spontaneous combustion from the Thundery. Curtis St B:win's loss is $50,00; in sured fur $lO,OOO. Loss in the Badger Block, $2,000 ' • DO insurance. J. P. Bennett's loss, 81,900 ; no insurance.— Mr. Wilder was insured for $1,200. G. Brown's loss, 0600-; no insurance. THE Hon. Jacob Fry retired on 'Dies - day a-week from the office of Auditor General of the'State, the dutieS of which were that day assumed by his successor, Hon. Tho Mas E. Cochran, of . York.— Hon. John Rowe, thesatne day relinquish. ed the office of Surveyor General of the State to Gen. Kelm, rsho was elected in October last to succeed him. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday, by P. Al. STEB BINS, wholesale and retail Dealer in Gro ceries and Provisions. Afaill Street, COUDERSPORT, PA. Apples, green, "ta bush., . . $1 ao to-1 25 . do. dried, " • 175 204 Beans, it 125 150 • Beeswax, 7 6 lb., . 20 • 25 Beef, u 6 7 Beef llides, " • i 144 51 Berries, dried, 7EI quart lB Buckwheat, bush., 50 156 Butter, 1-1 lb., 121 16 Cheese; " 10 12 Corn, /1 bush.,l 00 1 121 , Corn Meal, per cwt., 200 225 Eggs, V d0z., 121 Fiour, extra, v bbl., 600 650 Hauls, "t 1 lb., - I 2 I Hay, 7Ep ton,• . I Honey, 12 lb., 10 Lard, " 14 Maple Sugar, per lb., - 8 0. as, • ? bush., 44 Onions, " 75 Pork, 19 bbl., - 19 00 do -1,1 lb., . . 10 • do in whole bog, 70 lb., 7 Potatoes, 7.! bush., - 311. Peaches, dried, V lb., Poultry, V lb., . Rye, V bush., • Salt, 171 bbl., . do ef sack; Trout, ? 1-bbl., Wheat, ' bash., White Fish, per. 1-bbl., LIST -OF CAUSES, Put down for trial at June Tenn, 15360, of the Court of Ceronson Pleas of Potter County. Purdy, for use, vs. P. B. Dedrieli, Jones-, . - " Jackson & Rees. Jones de Co., " N,Voadeock. Jones, nse of Platt, ".ti. Ellis. Brown Brothers, "- Wood. Jones &Bro., " Lord. Brenneman, " Barclay. . . Same, • " Same. . ' Jones & Bro., " Culp, -Jackson School Dist.; " Rohrabaeher, et. at. Spafford, '++ Starkweather, Jones, . - ; ++ J. W. Smith Brain,- "-C. S. Jones, Smith, " Mills. Ilydorn, White, ".11. Steven's, et. at: Jones is 8r0.,. " Woodcock, Hughes, 1 + Johnson, Curtis, Erwin &Brooks," Ayls worth, Hughes, -" Foster, A. H. Ford, ++ S. M. Mills, . Pearce, " Lueldington. . Downs,. • , ++ Wood, . Wharton. • - " Smith, - v at ~.......------ Cavanaugh, . " Jones di Bro. ,7 1 1,::1ALIR'S-TIES of the female, con- Same, " Jones. stitution, sex is subjecta . triels to which the Ives, ei. al., " Bart. course to stimulants It -VA occasional re- Same. ++ Same. ever, that these sballlyo af B. lwatant, how- Hughes, • . " M'Connell. and at the same time accomplish icy nature, Owen, end. Ilostetter's Celebrated Stomach-mired Haven, \ is the very article. Its effect in all c - ases•-.. debility are almost, magical: It restores the tone of the digestive organs, infuses Fresh tality into the t h e system, and gives that . Parker, " Ma) iard. ' • " Rossiter. . " Bake., +.' Kilhourn, ~.- , ..e.p5. use of Bailey," Monroe. vi- rig.' - 4e.r..4 0 fittwley, - 1tu55. ,, 11,- L_OLMSTED, Prailey cheerfulness to the tem,p,erament, -Which is the ConderspO-rt:-.:.•_: . , ,p ; spealqi Tio;.sieo. most valuable of feminine attractions.. The prourictors feel flattered from tbe ftitt that many of the most prominent 'Medical goittle men in the Union have bestowed encomiums upon the Bitters, the virtues of which . they bare frequently tested and- acknowledged. There are numerous counterfeits offered for of..whicli are destitute of merit, and positively injurious to the system. c. attk giltinttintanttg, FARTYI FOR SALE. /VIM• SUBSCRIBER has .a Farm, containing 2.1 t acres, which he wishestoselt Sit uated in the tows of Sweden, about fire miles from the county seat of Potter Co.; about 75. acres under a good state of improvement. on which 13 growing a young Orchard of various kiods of Fruit; a good Barn and •Shed ; a comfortable House, with water convenient; a good Road through it, and is an enterpris ing neighborhood. Soil, Rect•Shale; Timber, Beech and Maple : land nearly level; Title unctuestionablit.• Any person desiring a good and cheap property, well adupted for a large Stock and Sheep.rarm, cannot do better. The subscriber desires to sell the same because he-is engaged in other business. TERMS .—A part can be paid down, and the balance or: time. Any communication to the iindersiTied will be promptly answered. Address SOHN B. SMITH, Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa. Noy 3 ; I'ello:—?Atf. May, p 1860. D. E. OLMSTED & CO (D. C. OLSISTE Dell. A. COL W 3 1 .4.. A A. C.,) RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OP &natal, Butijanlaiss, adapted to the wants of this-county, all of Which will be sold at the Lowest Prices, FOR READY PAY, • or on T IMF: to prompt Iving, customers. An examination of Goods and comparison of,the quality and price with that of atty .- other es tablishment in the County, is solicited. In addition to the Astra stook of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, forrrie -- rly - fiefit;:t .:= tl = le sF :Ci gore o 1 1) { ,Titi s . is offered a full stock of Hardware, Iron & Nails, Provisions, Clover and Timothy Seed, Wall and Window Paper, Paints Sc Oils, neatly every thing wanted by, the peoplo of the Oomaty . . Until better itrraugemenfs can be made, the Provisits, Feed, Iron, I , Taiis, Fisb, and other heavy articles will he•keht at the store for merly occupied by B. S. COLWELL, GIV US A. CALL 12 00 124 10 50 3 00 21 50 I?, MB 1 00 2 50 25 600 650 ii2i 125 600 650 ARE li OM Groceries, Feed, and in fact \ -...- 1860. g' . • ./.. ; cyt N - -..-..- •. U . -7 1 PR. E .31.:1 U {.IS ----:.:. UILS - C}R-IBER&.) TO , THE . . .„'•-'' - ~,... ;•• . Porter . ttr .- oitat -N fiy . ,NOW IS T IE TIME- TO SIT B..Sf R LB E' ._ following.' We willTalhe pre-. ~, miums -for Clubs of subscribers , procured and 6rwarded to us by. the 18th of May next, .at 'which time . the Presiden-tial.-Campaign wilt be earnestliy opened :. • FOR THE LARGEST. CL'llot j less than FIFTY, ($0,50) SACO() SECOD,LARGF;ST CLUB, not less than FORTY,{SSO) f . THIRD.LARGESTug, not less r m tla n THIRTY, ($37,. 0) . FOURTH LARGE'Si CLUB, not less than; TWENTY-FIVI! C 531.3.5- FIFTH LARGEST CLUB, not less" than TWENTY, ($2O, • SIXTH LARGEST CLUB, not less than FIFTEEN, ($18175), SBYENTII L5R45 . 7 CLUB; not less than TEN, ($12,40) rerFor all clubs of Five and less than Ten. the person getting ui r the dab-may retain 124 . per cent (25; cents on each subscriber) as coni misssion. OUR TERMS tUr copiteti till's for the above Preilitiqis will. be .. $1,25 PER ANIIII3II, - - inrari,bly its advance---the pre miums to_ be retainers from 'the amount - by the, getter up of the chit?. We offer these preinituns in the hope to induce our friends to make some . etfort to place the S'ubscription- List of the JoUR,NA upon the basis due to its.poSitiOn nS the only paper published in the county, and as the party l organ. We think :lip are honorably entitled too - i the S : upport J and en couiragemeint oil the Republicans of this County—if earnest and honest- de‘fotimil to the priciple i s of the party iS:lthe standard hy which our claimlis to be adjusted. Increased suppcirt will encourage us to increased c ieffort. - I • r ) •'. We do not re. t thr. tacz clubs tbe -•. ...."4" — SM • 77F - rhutuerous At the ditTereat" Lr.t ottices. tin writting.the ad‘lressisiit iho\llThe done pinin. : with the post ofTie nddresa .oppd4te end) name. Address all letters-to THOS. S. CHASE, PublisAer„: COULMRSPOIXT, P April 18, 1860. j LA DVUII.IIO . EVE:NI'I 11 4 1 m Fur the INSTA. A RELIEFand PER '•MANENT C UR:E Of this tlistressig,,cornplaiut, use •PEN )DT'S ONCRI&L CIGARETTES, i )tad by. P.,.8..5ZY OUR St CO., 107 NAB- S. - STREET, N.. ,Price $1 per' boa ; • fr'e post. . ; . CrEt SALE-AT ViLL DTGVQISTS. [2. ••i . . ' *4 ' . ' 't= •our7l). Ordnance- ".. • 4 T a ! ler , ettn of the Town Council of the PlL,l;4,t(ugh of Coudersport . , held on the , 3rd dar-of Aril, 1860, the following Ordinance iwas pas* . j On veca , it Zr hereo resolved and ordained, That it . 431 be the . thity of the Street Coni mission. a...6cl I3orOugh of Coudersport lo requir ~ owner or owners of any lots over which 1 plank . side; ; wall:3 heretofore con- vc,rbecome defective by Ivea - r, Cr structe lAi repair ttie same on or before la otlirrn certaii4:l„to be fixed by .said street corn mis'sicuArlwho shall give at least, - ten dais written 'ts,4;e to repair said walk within said. time; an ease said owner or owners shell refuse•or glect to repair 'said sidewa lks within sh itne, it. sIMII, be Vie duty of the said streotntnissioner to repair said' walk at the es! se of the Borough, returning the ante of e lid expens'e in each case to the Tol cil, to be , dellected as provided fM• by c ' tittws. ,k.. G. GUIS rED; 1 ATI 3 1 . flurgcsa. j \ ' orORIZS, aril. 1 1 .. i. , -1. ..: coat rect (tilit • foregoing ttrbe a true and cori rect c IN. The ordin;n l c t e s a r s o i r t ,r a ,s ;:p c :a zer r k s c:e the b !... the Borough in my - possession'. April IP, I 860.:-30-3t Couder2 t ANr.. , tD. rs of the!Nor of Eulalia Towj to obtain -situations for fol lone Gto 2 years of ant, ma n elden, al town charge. 'Tbe..ti! theta until they are 21 years ofm beziltliy itnd Fagged boys, aril r farmer; or mechnuieS. For, ly. to I hi subscribers; or to 1.,u4 sq., Cohylersport. • . 1 . SPAFORP, 1 Overseers of LIP L4IINIAN. j the Poor. i is, 1810.-31:.1t. rrtrtE Or ghip or tiro B of Mr. Jess will lade& age. The: well Suite' particular:. cas Cusliin Enlalift, 1 ...-1 • • NLii LIVELIER Ill • : C. WAItit,INER, •:, t Li AVl:v9 da IT ad . * in the Stony of Lit 13; W,',11, one dooteast of the Post=, offiCe. is '), d to R P. 41,11 WATCHES - or, i 1 JEAN I E Yn Ile zhar .e.sY notiee and in tlyer most r; 1, , a like. ine:knor. tElaying ,a uew and su j.VOeli 'ef l tdois, and a-large el - pe-; rience I linsines4 toffir ray,profelsionall service 14 ei::ipamunlaty, - .hoping.that,tny p7omPt Mt.ltpiit i , t Ltpitial . : -to ,ry .lepthlate c ,,ili n y lz u t:6 . m e a pber#l,:patponage.' I give sP )!itentioa to7ealung and repair ' la« PL :ind Wqt'elie.s.; 'OO ~n 0 'Pa) . Win be req )!less the *ork• is saii4factorilY done., paaatt oftii:Olivory of y0rk.,_,,... BM ~.Y:3 , '/19 6? . 186,1 1 . ~- - r...Q) it ;... , i. „ t. 4 , 'IL 1 1 N. -.l° ALBERT MANTANIAI "-linving.tahea the Sh'op formerly ocea pied by h P. D. 1) .. CATLig, Clark's Corners, les North of Coudersport, ra., ILL.-MANUFACTURE • all kinds of • Chairs & Cabinet•Ware,4 - • each as.. two •tail W . i ... mAct._.,..,... . ~ . and WINDSOR , CHAIRS; t CANE-SEAT BOSTON ROCKERS, ' SEWING and -TABLE CHAIRS, ! SMALL ROCKING CHAIRS,' • i OFFICE and BAR-ROOM CHAIRS. BUREAUS, . . , SECRETARIES 1 WARDROBES, , . Tables,. . F Wash-Stands, • • • ' Lounge.. . Cribs, .. , Cradles, • - " Common and ... 1 • • . Cottage Bedsteadr.' • Repairing done on the shortest notice,t and in the most workmanlike manner. 1. .2 I 0 0 EM , TU R N I N done: Immediately 'and' to order. AU orde l s promptly attended to: _Please give me a call, and esamine for yotirself. - • f . - ALBERT YANFANIA. ;- . • Marc]] 26. 1860.-28:ly. ifonufacturcr.i I OE 5 50 4 50 3 100 • GREAT REDUCTION ON GOODS FOIL C4ll AT E. K. Speiioer's.• Fornicrly. ;Voir.; Men's Cal; Soots, . $4.00 $4,00: Kip 4g . . 3.:5 3,25 + ' " Counnon . Boots, 3,50 3,00 " Gaiters, - 2,25 2.00, 11 Coarse Shoes, 1,50 1,12, Ladies' Congress.Galtess, 2,00 1,15 1, Gaiters, ' 1,60 1,12:1 IC a , .., 1 a 1,06 ~ " 1,00 'h", and all others in the same proportion. 'Om making the sacrifice to close out my stock ;in this line the present winter,.. GROCERIES • A better stock in this line cannot be foubd in the county, if as good; and will he solo extremely low. Beat quality of Brown Sugar 10 cents, all other kinds aysluall profit. .TEA—:Black, formerly 87c now 801.1. 1. Imperial, " 87c " Sed " Young Hyson, " - 87 c " 80d, t. 44 " o 70d " " 63c "' GOd CL IL ti 56a it 50e. CANDLES—Best quality, Home made ror City. " 18c " I f.lo SALERATUS. " 10c " 1!1=M . - "A9 lowns'at :way other, stgri.3ri thifi Buckwheat Flour, inr ; hundrea, $2,311 Corn Meat, 2 2S' Beans, per bushel, a 1,50; Gibson Pork, per pound, 1u Gibson Lard, limns and Shoulders for A. full stock of Drugs, Medicines, Oils §•c.; Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps ' 4 of I ahnost all kinds, Pens, &c., at. reasonaqlei prices. Call—one and all. • e„. Reduction made to Wholesale buyei-s. E K SPESCEI?..4 Coudersport, Feb. 8, 1.860,--22-3mos. WATCAES GIVEN AWAY I Valued Crom.two dollars to one llundnd Lars given with every Book sold nt - - retail prices. AT LEAST ONE WATCH IS GUARANTEED To EVERY TWELVE BOOKS I These inducements are offered by THE SUFFOLK EXCHANGE Co., 'll6 n gtntt street, Boston, The most extensive and most - liberal Gift con cern in existence. Send for gatalogup. Those who hare patronized other Gift itouSes are particularly req.uested to acquaint them selves with our terms, Our inducements 4e unrivalled, and put all others in the shade.l, The following are some of -the Gifts to -poi.- ; chasers of books: English Lever Gold Watches, hunting cases. -Patent Lever " " a Ladies' Lever " " open face. Detached sever Silver Watches, hunting case's. Lepine Silver Watches, open face. Gold Lockets, various sizes: Ladies' andGents' Gold Chains, various style'S. Ladies' and gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons add Studs, all patterns Gent's Bosom Phis, new and rich styles. Gold Pencils and Pens. Ladies' and Gents' Go.lti Gatti WatciA Keys and Belt Pine A great variety of Ladies' Jewelry. Pins arid - Ear drops,' comprissng all the styles now worn, such as Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Lava; Florenttne, Gold Bracelets, all styles. The List of Books comprises a. great assort ment of gtanclard works in every department ofliterature, interesting to the young and old. Do not fail to send fur a catalogue. Cata logues mailed free . to any address. Apply to SUFFOLK' EXCHA&GB COIIPANY. 116 Broshiogton street, Boston, C. W. EGVIIIDGC, Treasurer, [28.:3t.] To the School Directors op Potter Co.: GENTLEMEN—In pursuance of the 43rd sec-. tion of the Act of Bth May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in Conventton at the Court House in Coudersport, on the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY, A. D. 1860, being the day of the mouth; at one o' the after,l noon, and select, Won veer, by .a majority. of ' the whole number of Directors present, one . person of literary and scientific aoriremente, and andexperience in the art of teach= ing, as County .Superintendent for the three succeeding years ; determine the amount of compensation for tho same.; and certify the result ;to the State Superintendent, at Harris hurt, ftS rectniyed by the 30th 'and 40th sect' tions of said act. J. HENDRICK, Co. Supt of Potter County. ;1 • Coudersport, April 6,.1860. 12 S. COLWELL will pay . Cath for PERS JLP and SHEEP PELTS.- Also, for OATS;, -:,Coudetaport, Oct, 20,1869. :• ;: AhD ~'~L ` 'U P~~-~ ~` p~~~ _` y o~ } MI N. GIFT Notice. The Campaign FOR , IBGO- IS ALREADY OPENED, IDE S , wISONS' . IN O'SWkr:o LLAGE. ?TIC PROPRIETOR MAS Sit Rat-laved from. Nevi York. THE Largest and Best Stock of Goods EVER OFFERED IN POTTER bOqYNTY The assortment Corisiati of: DRY GO6DS, -- Hats and Caps, Boots 4 a Shoes-, HARD : IV ARE, • GROCERIES mud PROVISIONS. I am determined to sell goods as low its• they can be purchased in Ifiellsrille. Hav ing purchased for Cash, no rents or_ interest to pay, and selling a large amount for READY PAY, I am enabled to ghare the esuat Profits with my customers. • Flavin made arrangements whim some of: the best horses in the city; goody wilt be 51)ippea fo ii.leeth, ennobling me constantly tp offer the LATEST STYLES and BEST QUALITIES of Goods. BEST GOLD A.ND SILVER WATCHES kept on hand for sale. Pedlars supplied .ort reasOnabie terms. CASH FOR GC‘OD LUMBI? AND SHINGLES.- I HAVE ESTABLISHED BRANCH STORE At Elaisburg, under tile name an style of s rit ra (lair s rEitity, where a C)MPIETE GENERAL. A§SQRT— SIENT wil be cewstautl" 1 7 15 - 6 : wfv63, al,ril 3, 1860. 1 -11,c4t.. `.. •-• • • • al q 4 F 2 'Tf ) ," OtrAt l / 4 0- tti .- Months. Should - IWO - C - 4*W, ..ireekly,_P46liestiort NT_!.lalC,, "Ott 1115:31CAL . Pf pii:Oion for the W 1 e'r , Every . Pianist,:' Everr Sinn•er, Every Teacher, of Yocal ar3d . ..Pittio , 4 Every Pupil, 1- .Forte Musle;costhor. Every Amateur, but .10 CENTS . number, and pronounced by .the entire Preis of tile Cotintry, to be _ "THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORN Of' THE KIND IN THE WELD." Twelve full-sized rages of Yoeal and • Piano l'oqe slusic FOR 10,CENTS: - Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, $2.50; Qnarterly r $1.25: Snbecribe to. "Our MasiCal Friend," or or ! der it from the nearest Netredeaier, and yod nil have. Music enorigh for your entirt ramify and at insignificant cost; and- if you want Musk for the Flute, 'Violin:, Pornet ' Marione, Accordion, etc., etc., subscribe to dm' SOLO MELODIST, Containiug 12 pages,'co%ting only - El Cents a Number; Yearly, t 2.50 14X • Yearly, .A.ll tho Rack Nuntbers at 10 eta., and Lou' Volumes, containlog 17 Numbers, at $2. .eacli, constantly 01 hand. • - - G. B. SEYMOUR CO., . 107 Nassau St., Now York NEVirsiTEVirELRY STORE. 113 H. BUTTERWORTH having located • hinsrelf in this Borough, in the building recently occupied by Dr. Ellison", on Main st. oppa:ite the court. house has opened . a JEW. ' ELRY ESTABLISIINIENT, for the patpoSe of REPAIRING WATCHES, • CLOCKS, ar, Vaving some years' experience In the but. neqs, I feel con ident in giving the publie OEN. P,RA.L SATISFACTION. .The patronage Alf the public is solicited. - Please girettlea es& Ali work .Ivarranted or no pay. • A general assortment of Watches, Cloeks and Jewelry on hand ani for sale. ' Coudersport, June 30;11853.-48. COURT PROCLAMATION. • IVIIEREAS the Hon. 'Robert G. - 'White, V V President Judge, and the lions. Joseph Mann and G. 0. Colvin, Associate Judges - or the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and. General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace,. Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued -their precept, bearing, date' the seventh day of Mar, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty,- and to me di rected, for holding a Court of Oyer and Term. iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Couder sport, on MONDAY, the 18th day of - Juno. next, and to continue one week: Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor i oners, Justices of the Peace and Conitables 'within the county, that they be then and there ' in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. U. of said day, with their rolls, records, ingnisi Lions, examinations, and -other remernhrattees; to do those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. .4nd -those who are hound. by their recognizant:ea to prosecute against the prisoners that are or, shall be inthe jail of , said county of Potter, aro to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just.. -Dated at COVOZISPOST. May 7, 1880, and the 84th year of the Independence of the United States of America. WM. Y. BCRr , Shade. !!!!!! 110 JEWELILT