The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 26, 1860, Image 3
MaMtMMI . RSP@ICT; ,: ii~Rli : ~§ + -I~BH6"'' .ripe'tt "this roitriiiiig.„:„that 4 - 1 ietkri'wi.4 last, 14 tile failiug:of:At.ted:' to particulars, and: the infor es indirectly. - - , „ . ; 1 1 sHOw, hit it disappeared by It was not acconipanied by. ugh Tuesday the - atmosphere winterish. The grass on the ddes.isikeginning to, look green, le J . :bi; has taken quite a start, lola can get a tolerable living We also notice that buds are ,n fruit trees and vines. Unguent subscribersan getting lbout " where_ they'll 'clio when :o." One voluntarqy brought us. ,of. a yearZs - •subscription tr a few days since, and another us a couple dozens of eggs to. he nrillennititifis surely coming— nd we trust the guilty conscienc , few mere; twe by these examples:' Tiring on fitter, eggs and sugar, and enroll yes on the list of true men. stated that 20,000 Swedes and .gians are preparing to embark early coining Summer for the United They will bring much Tienlth them. but, what is better, being a , them], and industrious race, they /ring scmth them habits of industry morality, which will render them valuable citizens.—Tribune. e trust a few, at least, of these cull ,ts may Eid their way to county, climate and topography of the county 7., adapted to their habits and phys• '6)-3. Catherine Dent, the venerable her of EL H. Dent, Esq., (who is ab it at the Charleston Convention as a del- ce), died in this place on Tuesday morning last.. She was 71 years of age. he was highly esteemed by all who knew and by our citizens generally, among whom she has resided a number of years. fler remains leave this (Thursday) morn ing to be interred in Maryland, where her friends reside. They are accompan ied by and in charge of her son, Mr. Jo qialt Dent, and two of her grand-children, who will doubtless meet the other-mem bers of the family at the place of inter ment. New Publications. TITE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. vol. V. No, 31., May 1860. Ticknor & Fields, Bos ton. $3 pf:r Annum. CoNtvwrs—ltistinct ; My Own Story; The Playmate; The Maroons of Surinam; Circum stance; Crania; Mary Somerville; Raba di Roma ; Threnodia ; General . .I.lranda's Expe ition ; The 'Professor's Story ; Nathaniel ; Itcviea-s and Literar,Y Notices; Covent American Publicatiims. The articles arc generally by favorite first-class contribu tars, embracing variety, strenght and retine mint of literature. • HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE . ; No. 120, May 1803. Harp:r's Brothers, New York, 83 a year. CoNrmirs—Lounzinz in the Footprints of the Pioneers.-11. Raleigh and his City; An cient Monuments in the United States-No. I ;- The Silk Worm ; Miss MufTet and the Spider ; Milton; Rosalind ; How a French King once Overthrew the Papacy; Tho o'- Conors of Castle Conor; Mary Reynolds—a Case of Double Consiousness; After the Fun eral; Level the Widower; Chalotte BrontG . s Last Sketch ; Oar Cetneteries; Monthly Rec ord; Literary Notices; Editor's Table, Easy Chair, and Drawer ; Foreign Bureau ; Master Charley's Prize Fight—comic illustration ; Fashions fcr May. The first three articles are Illustrated, and the whole table of contents is up to the usual standard. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE; No. 534—American Edition Vol. L. No. 4 April„. 1860. L. Scott k Go., re-publishers ; 54 Gold street, New York. $3 per annum. CosrEsTs Wellington's Career ; Lady llamilton ; Our Position with China; Stabat Mater; History of Europe from 1815 to 1852- 4BUon; Norman Sinclair—Part IV.; Poetic Aberrations; The Rulers of the Land; Our Worthy Friend Nap; What we hare done for the Princes of India; Parliamentary (tongue) Duelling. THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZIWE Vol. So. 5; May. 1860, John A. Gray, New York, $3 per annum. CONTENTS—The B.uins at Prestuni ; The Wolf-Chase—A Lay of the S::scic lamb ; Some Thow-lits on Cheerfulness; Stanzas—'Alone'; Electing a Pope; To Weimar—poetry ; King Rolf, continued; Lines—' The Woodpecker'; Stanzas-- Last Word'; Stanzas to 0— 1:1—'; Trout-Book of the Year, No.d; Stanzas —‘The Dead Watcher; Remembrances; Lines —'The Lover': That 'Tick' Family; A Sonnet; A Popular Fallacy Exposed; Stanatts—•Bac ehus and Ariadne'; Frederick the Great and Love-Communings '; Stanzas—' The Mountain'; Literyry Notices; Editor's Table. SINGULAR PHENOMENON - BLACK itk iN. - " A singular phenomenon," says tho Syracuse Journal of the 6th instant, :",occurred in this city yesterday after -1/60n- About four o'clock a dark cloud arose in the northwest, presvmting.the op e4tance of an approaching thunder show cr. As the .clouds passed over, a slight shower, the drops in appearance resem bling faint ink was quietly dispensed, 4.,:: - ~; M I givinA:esm Inwhite o jeets t o.appearancq 'cif.-11Aii,,g'.`Sien spattered . ' with:skallikroias ; Ola:4k ihk...'''..Th`iicoPle virel-litiftivisc-d.;:to, - find clioiisfacei • 'and lidirid even sbittili4onis spotted over Ritii:`this-sungularls-oobred xlp -.. .5,13.4 sibs -of a rid.Tence.i . pain telt Witite'atuf thai'shoyi-bills'cethe bulletin bOards about 'the thwn, - ,slioiv tine, es of the saine - .liind. sire hear several instance's iii whiely.clothes hung, out to wefe marked by theAnysterioili A.'reilileni of the ..Fifth ward, 'who had clothing disfiguredin this,manner, had the garments_ washed-out in clean water, and-reports to us that he has preserved the sediment---nearly a .teaspoopful ; in quantity, for the puriloge of analyzing it, to discover the cause of thidsingular phe nomenon." Syracuse is fatnau - s----through the .Tour not--for-.its phenotrienons. We :have 'beets favored .with several - of them in the last twelve months. This one -seetns, however, to be very peculiar to thelocal 7 ;ity, and we fear the Democrats, (for want of sounder and .better_ . argutnents-,) will endeavor to aweille:.peap - le of the north into t7le belief that it is a judgment of the . Almighty - upon - jttie'petiple of'that city for their devotion .to • us..tvan-malreTit ustic_l Our friends of the Journal should not fail to have the sediment analyzed, inasmuch as the Dem ocrats will depend much on the analysis. for arguments in the current campaign. The President's Celebrated Let ., ter to Gov. We'alticer. Below we give the, celebrated letter written by INIr. Buchanan to the llon. Robert J. Walker, when the latter was Governor of Kansas. It vas produced by Mr. Walker before the Covode Inves tigating Committee, and affords an ex celle.nt insight to the private policy of 'the President.. The pious invocation which closes this choice epistle is likely to be fulfilled ; unless the e,xposureS by the Com mittee shall. bring the old hypocrite's `ray hairs nova to the grave iu sorrow and di grace : - WASHINGTON, July 12, .18.57. ML- PEAR duly rceGiv . ed your letter of the 23th ult. on Friday last, and read it to the Cabinet then in sc:ision. The views ;shich it contained were nut calculated to assure us of your success, though we Out despond. Hence you may judge with what satisfaction we re.- ceived an account of the poccedit as of the National Democratic Conven tion, held at LecoMpton on the 3d inst. The point on which your own suc cess deptinds is the submission of the Con stitthion !;o the people of Kansas ; and 'by the people I mean, and I have no doubt You mean, the actual bona fide residents, who have been long enough in the Terri tory to identify themselves with its fate. The Legislature deterMincti three months es the period of residence to entitle indi- iduals to vote for memberslif the Con-- yeution, and if tlie Convention should think proper to illopt the same period to entitle iudividitals to vote for or against the Constitution. it appears to me this would be reasonable. On the question of submitting the Gonstiftition to the bona fide residents of Kansas, I am trifling to stand or fall. It is the principle LA' the Kansas Nebraska bill, the principle ut Popular Sovereignty, and the principle at the foundation of alt popular government. The inure it is discussed, the — stronger it will become. Should the ConveUtion of Kansas adopt this principle, all will be settled harm miously; and, with the bless ing of Providence, you will return tri umphantly from your arduous, important, and responsible station. The strictures of the Georgia and Mississippi Conven tions will then pass away, and . be speedi ly forgotten. In regard to Georgia, our news from that State is becoming better every clay. We have not yet had time to hear much from Mississippi. Should you answer the resolution of the latter, I would advise you to make the great principle of the submission of the Constitution to the bens fide residents of Kansas conspicuously prominent. On this you will be irresist ible. With the question of climate eve ry person is acquainted, and the more you insist upon this, the more will our opponents urge that we are-violating the principle of non interference at.the foun dation of the Kansas and Nebraska-bill. It is strange that people eta distance, Who have no practical acquaintance with the condition of Kanza, , , should uudar_ take to be:wiser than those on the spot, It is beyond all question . the true policy to build up a great Democratic party there to maintain the Constitution and the laws, composed of Pro-Slavery and Free-State: Democrats, and if the majority should be against Slavery, to obtain such constitu tional provisions as will secure the rights of' slaveholders in Missouri and other States, and maintain all the laws guarding the just rights of the South. You are right in your conjoettire as to the cause of Judge Williams's appoint ment. We supposed it would be pecu liarly acceptable to yourself, and that he might aid in carrying out your policy. Col. Coinniing lies been appointed Gov ernor of Utah: This will cause his place to be vacant after the brief period requir ed for settling up his business, and I cer tainly shall be disposed to fill it by the Lappointment of Mt: Stevens. .Gcn. Harney has been ordered to com mand the esnedetion to Utah, but we must continue to have him with -you at least until you are out of the woo 4 117eIrieis -vastlyriediel*portailt the pint ntomt ut,hair;_Utah' ',The press' uie:epon me'eootiOues without sjyg.- - I:pray:0)ot Divine'„Provideliee;4ll ] end; of Iny'tarni.. : : . "ButiGocl4,Nill be - clone;- rin env e%ept; -With 'ortri - seniiiiient of osteeni; I tii:Aju ativ"#:lsinsicrely-our , • (Signed] DUCHANAIN•:-*. To /Jon. noDEILT PUGILISTS VP:POLJTICit.tiS. , .-We Were, unfelt amused few days since,- yelttle . ..., listening. .to a conversation between kin lISII - M32) • and pto-slayery Deinocrii • the subject 'being pugilism. Tlic" , Deutr; erat was eetis.uring: the. tnglisli for 'per--- r - - - G =fx) witting; the celebrate pngi is., 1.1 , become a member of the [louse. Coln - 411mi mons. .i 4 A.111" replied Julitt.l.3ull'Z'tk nroe pugilist does . not strike his- antagonist,',' the •- when down, as your PArJUkg id Sumnetil repeatedly." rile surprised Demcdrat4 l . l m . e I went off with an 7.lnexpeeted fien iu I Will . ear.—Xelo Bpiliqrd 2eferrury. - . The -Statv Executive Committee :of have i;:sucil a call.ftMallepub lican State'Con ven mil, to be It'd& a . t-13a1- tiMore ea Thuriday, the 2Gtti inst., firs the parpoic 'of electing delegates to Chi- ecn the nate of the call j land the. day for the assembling of the ICo_nvention, and - also 'by reason of the r-Q -litical atmosphere of u Slave State, it may I be difficult to arrange hical meetings in isouse places. Under these circumstancesl the precedents of the- ConVentiou of 1848, 1.852 and 1856. authorize us . to say I that a stiff to credentials will not F.e laid down at Baltimore, provided only I {the ratio of State representation is not; exceeded. Friends of the . Republican cause in places where meetings cannot be, held should make themselves 'delegates, and go Baltimore on the 26th. PIEUCE CURRENT. Corrected every Wedneselay, by P. A. STED . - DlNS,wholesale and retail loealer iu Gro ceries and Provisions. Main Strout, COUDERSPORT, PA. Apples, green, 11 bulb., $1 00 to 1 25 do dried, " ' ]75 209 Beans, n 1.25 1 l'.o 8. - 2:.!swax, 'V lb., 20 25 8ef...f," I C 7 -Beet' lilacs, " - 4 5 I.3t , rrie:,•dried. ".,-) quart lO f 3 Rlp.!kwheM, 1.1 bu,dl., 5.) 7„,i5t; lb., 12b,ese. " Coro. :11c•a1. NI. cwt., 11)., "V übl. l G 00 1 1.10 - ne.y, 16:, I/1 rd. '• 14 14 Maple. Sto - _,:ar, per lb., g .10 44 50 Onions, " - Por!i, 7is! 10., (1 , ) V lb., ,). in whole 110,7, 1 0 11) l'otAtoo3, b»=ll.. j'eaclicts, dried, TO lb., PooPry. 1-1 Ili., Rye, ' l 4 u' h., salt, p. lAA., • (10 - 0 grtek, Trout, Wheat, ^Il bush., White. Fish, r2r. 1;11,!,:;i0 1(.01ia:; Teacianrs' Exanzina:lonis- Oswayo Village, Tuesday, May Ist, at the Seloolhouse. Summit, Friday, May 4th, at Nelson• port. tor Sweden, Saturday. May stli, at the res idence of C. L. Carsaw. The examinations will commence punc tually at 10 o'clock, A. M. Teachers are requested to furnish themselves with pen, ink and paper. lt. is hoped that Pireetors and friends of education, will be present as far as practicable. J. lIENDMCK, Cn. ,s'irpt Coudersport, }larch 12, 1800. TOE PECULIARITIES of the female' con stitUtiMi, and the various trials to which the Sea is subjected, demand an occasional re cotme to stilpulants. It is important, how ever, that these shall be of a harmless nature, and at the same time accomplish the desired end. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters is the very article. Its etreet in all cases of debility are almost magical. It restores the tone of the digestive Organs, infuses fresh vi tality into the whole system, and gives that cheerfulness to the temperament, which is the most valuable of feminine attractions. The proPrietors feel flattered from the fact that many of the most prominent medical gentle men in the Union have bestowed encomium; upon the Bitters, the virtues of which they have frequently tested and neknowledged. There are numerous counterfeits offered for sale, all of which arc destitute of merit, and positively injurious to the system. , *IV: PiUttbrf.iittirts'. WANTED. Orerseers of the Poor of Enlalia Town -11. ship.thsire to obtain situations- for four or five Boys, from 6 to 12 years of age„—ons of Mr. ge s so Sheldeu, a town charge. They kill inilenttire them until they are 21 years of age.: are healthy and ragged boys, end Drell suitf.d for farmers or mechanics. For particulars apply-to the subscribers, or to Lu cas Gushing, Eq., Coudersport' D:SPAFFORD, Overseers of PHILLIP LEIBLIN..f the Poor. Enlalia, April 18, 1860.-31:2t.. Auditor's Notice. , OTICE is hereby given that the under -1 V the person appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to make distribution of the proceeds of the sale of real estate in the care of Sydney Starkweather for the MC of S. V. A: J. W, Warner against Christman, of Dec. Term 1856, No. 88, 111 attend to the duties of his apr6intrrteut at the office of the Prothonotary, in Coudersport, on Mondry, the 14th day of msy nest, at one o'clock, r. Those interested can attend if they.think pro per. • 11. J. OLMSTED, A aditor. Coudersport, April 13 ; ISZO.-31-3t; . ~ ~~.x ~. '+~i - 17.- -- .. 1; - , 1 ,•.--- .., . _ • i ~;,,,,- ~- - 2 _1,, , , , , , L... _..., ~... ' - iE lit li - ums 1 ... "lIRSUR I RS' ' ~. itEr '- :- :TO • 111 `:" " '' . "' .- ' ', ' ll4. -I 4 ; 1 teei eir tirtztiti , I ' , ' OW 'IS Tut 1 1 7tdE vrp, -,- -: II , - 1.8. - s C . 11 L E.I . , ir ill,paytivi toligring..pre7, - -foy-CloVsibr 1 sub B ii ii 3O* " d and forsOrded to tis by' itt' ' Or, mitiii-xt, 3 t 1 which tire -il'Tesidelltiol Campaign e earnestly ''Pened'.. -, '..`' tri .. .. . , , t'7o ...TEIVEARGEST „ ',C4I: I I3'I'MP , :_--. , leis t '-'" y.t:FTY4 - ($02,5'0).:-.... - 1 :: - Zi,rt . .o6 SE OND I,l3,GE*TraLt. l l!, titie.,sp - kg ' lai bIiTY; ( 4 451.1)- - •'; .1 — . ', ~.. ‘..'-' ` ,', iIiiIRD.L.A.IIdEST.Ct.I.T, not .less.• \ t ,ti ,T.9IILTY; (SO,K - _ : :;'- ' .. , !*_.,41:43.2..c.z.....ii: cLuil, not 'Liss ~ t ''''FIFTIA. LARGEST CLUB, not less than TWENTY., ($25) SIXTH LARGEST Cill7B, not less than FIFTEEN, ($1.8,73) • SEVENTH LARGET .CL1.713, not less than TEN, ($12,59) - 3 co y 15C-irFor all clubs of Rive and less than. Ten ,, the person getting up the club may retain 12/ percent (23 cents ou each subscriber) -its coin- sssi un.. OUR TERMS to, oompetitors.tor, the above Premihms - $51,25 PER .4PIETUBI, invariably in ad' atice—the pre - 1 , 1 initials to be retained from the! amount by the getter up of the club: We oiler 'these premiums in the hope to induce our •friends; to make some ettort to place the, Subscription List.of the JOURNAI upon the basis dti e e'to its position: as the only paperpublished in he ounty, and as the. party organ) We think we! are honorably entitled to the s6pport and en-- couragement :of /the' IlepublicanS of this County4-if earnest and honest devotion l 'to the pricipleS of the party is she standard -by, which our claim is to be adjusted,' Increased suppotit' will encourage us to increased error". Ij '1 121 2 2, ME OM ME MEM 4 .a.'"", We do not regtiire that in .making up the large dabs the pii.pers shall all be ad dressed to the same post ntlice; though we prefer that the rz.unr , 's';rhall be as numerous as possible at the .dinrent post offices. In _writing the ad l irescisi't shotaa be done pla-iJ. ly, with the post oflieeiaddress opposite each name. .Address all letters to _THOS. S-CHASE, Publishrr, l ... April 10860. . 75 3 nO 19 00 21 90 8 31} • 41- 1 00 Jtt 25 G 125 6 30 C 00 I I 2 cool TIIMAFur the INSTANT : RELIEF and PER • ° MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint, use , F EN'DT'S BRONCHI &L , DIGARETTES, I, - Made by C. B. SEYMOUR S. CO., 107 NAB - STREET, S. Y. Price Si per box;.. sent fre ; 'e by post. Fop. SALE AT ALL DItIiGISTS. [2813,j Borough Ordinance. T a meeting of the Town Council of the 11.. Borough, of Couderz.:nort, held on the 30 day of April, 1860, the * following Ordinance was passed: On motion, if is hereby resolved and, ordained, That it shall 'he tire dt . ity of the Street Com missioner of said Borough - of Coudersport to require the owner or oismers of any lots over which any plank shievallts - heretofore con structed have hecomeidefestive by wear, - Or otherwise, to repair the same on or before it certain day, to be fixe!il by said street cont l - Mission-ex, who shall give at least ten days written notice to repair said walk Within said_ time; and in case sai(Powner or owners-shall refuse or neglect to repair said side-walks within said time, it shall be the duty of the said street commissioner to repair said walk at the expense of the lorough, returning the amonnt of said expenie in each case to the Town Council, to_be 011ected as provided for by -- existing laws. •A. 11 - OLIISTED, ATITAV: Burgas, I . S. H. STORMS, Clerk: , I I =airy-the foregoing to be's true and cor rect copy' of the ordinance as it appears on the books of the .Borough in my possession. IS. H. STOEMS, Clerk. Coudersport, April 10, 1860.-30-3 t .Sls4l. , Calair assrars.. Lime tit LOD 1. *gait $5O a Month aneall Expensa paid. • S6DO a Year. . • - I A N active Agent is itanted in every Count ll_ in the United. States and Canadas, to so licit. orders ; a nd' in trod itee our NEW NATIQN; AI, DOUBLE THREA.II $2O SEWING MA CHINE... Warranted any high priced machine. Practical.* every family, vthich makes it the che.:pesiiind.rtioSt popular mu china in existence. Allimited number of re sponSible Agents are Wanted to travel and se licit Arclers by Sample} at a salary of $3O per mon4,and expelises illusiness permuuent.+- AddOss, with stamp, - ifOr conditions and in struclions; ,J. W, 11 AhtRIS R: CO , Soe and Leather Exchange, Boston, Huss. 1 Ex - ectiro - i‘ " s' Notice. , i 1 IriTE TESTAMENTARY of the laSt . RS /will and testament of ASIIRET. MON11.0i: 1 latelOf Blagt:1111 town hip, Potter county. de ceas.d, having been granted to the undersign- cc!, II persons indebted to the said estate will ) mall inrmediate payorere, and' those !ailving claibs against the same will presentthem, dq ly Wltlittoticated for-seWernant, to - L. S. ROBERTSON ; 1 LAVIN), LYON, -,‘• Exevlior l . - MARY RACKET. J . 1 Ifrgbarn, Feb. 22; 1850...,-2-1,-t4 -4 . ~ .1.:. -..:. REIM WM " 1.1 QO, [ADY2RiISEXEST. :;,1P- - ME ..... c, . --..-- - - • _ _ ..I 17-4 /14M IT : 1 .1 ttc- 1' itluiti*itn it:B49-Zi, ii9g !Lku-1i,10,4:,.--1 , •f 0 rla - ell-b.:lsa, ,-.l'•-•'.;. . - _ _,.., .::;.p... - „ , 1 - - , •-.._ 7. ' ,: ' ,- ` ,. .^ • 'rf T (i -' . '5-',::,:'-'''''''''' '.• -' ~ 'i k e, " ,, z ~-;,- ~.,,,—,..,- -.„ ),_ , .7„.::,,,:r1:.!#•:,:-.- -.- --,.;:„..7e111.5;,_ 1.,,-.ilikkift.-176-'0144:1...- '4si ,i -c!... •-- :• la, -,, &id EttreT .j . * trim --".. - - -?•••--". ''::7 il!' Cif ... ' A-0 , ...,'4 ,e='(..)' 'initeg :I.qi.l.„TirrA, 01 37124,,, - '', tt. ~' trzt....,....,, , A, - '•••' i.p__=,'," • • .:W •,".- .•'-• T wdr i-..!: ;..,.: ~„;iaet --, _,' . • -...: ..,.....'---- ~,g;; -. ,--. - 'i t ..- c ciiritu:s ~. smora.? .:,. '-' ''''t•-`,' :.'-'•;;--v:, •-% - , .',...r,.4_,;• .;_A., ~ on , , i ' -- , m; : 71.,,,,°RA8A,- -,.,.mats ri ox.R.k.t ~, ,-.._4 -1,..804 •- ti tiftbi, :,; - t ---- :::-ff.- -' ;;CANI-SEA TABLR.O 2, ..).:--' .:t. I,t* -'. • ,-1' DzGlikii - ca-AIRSK-i :,`,::',F.;.',-',, ii _-7 . -.. ! SgIN$ gIN 7n-rpoo_KVA Cr if kia --, ..., , 1 I k' i` ''' SM AL1,,,,‘ ..tioo.ll Pl'. ~.• - ~, P" -,i{ "A: . I [i icE ard 13-n us; - ''''' '' - ' .ti§, ~',- :-,, I OFF urEE:Lt RFTAR" ' 't --.- II , , -rc a % ',.. ' •-• 6 ..,. :-.m a, juLut Ir. •;• i -•• ,•,2. - ;• • ,!' -•-••••.-- • -' ' -„Cottitgejße ..t done on the s , st worknyt 1 1 6 a P th a e l . r m i o nS . : =-T4 9 00 done ;In arec) intety'''' ti7 l -0 , 4 - iviz 7:atr = oraeifi proMptly attended to. Please give nie a cal . itnd examine fur yourself. MAN rA,NrA, -I r March 26.1830.-28:1y. - Manufacturer. 1. 5 50 4t) GREAT REJECTION] ON GOODS FOR OASII 4"2 • ; E. K. Spenceesi.l Voic. llen's'Calf - Boots, 5.1.50 $4,401 : Kip o 3.75 • 3,25 H " Common Boots, - 3,50 3,00 " Gaiters, • 2,25 2,00! " Coarse .Shoe.!, 1,50 1,120 Ladies' Congress Gaiters, 2,00 1,75 " Gaiters, - • '1,50 1,12? . it Li , 1.33 .10i1; IL II ' 1,00 . 15; , • . and all others in the same proportion. lam making the sacrifice to close out my stock.,m this line the present winter. GROCERIES. • - A better stock;in> this line cannot be fonnil in the county, as good ; and will be si4d extremely low. Best quality of Tlrown Sugar 10 cents, ; 1 01l other kinds at small profit. 'Pl:A.—Black, furinurly 87c now .SOC:' " Imperial, - ." .. 87c " SOC " Young flyson, " Scl - " SOC c. . o o • 75c “ 70 , • . 44 " 63c " 604 :I it o ,s 4 4 56c " 50i: r , CANDLES—Best • quality, Home made/ or.. Citi-, - j - 4, . 18c " 14 1 SALERATCS. • . ." 10c " B . t: 1 CURRANTS—very nico, 194 1 CITRON, . ' 30c • 1 FLOUR—as low as at any other stor4 in;! - ' thip. Village. IMMA Buckwheat-Flour, per hundred, $2,3,8 Corn Meal, • " ' . • 2 2;5 1, Beans., per hust(el, - • - . l,tk.) Gibson ,Pork; per pound,: At - ! I .G.LbsouJerftril, 1fpr011,..4.nd shouge . rslitr,gen. l .41- full stoclC-of !Broga,".iiedici*iOil' i t:gte:;l Yankee YOtiofl.4, Beefurnerr."- Toilet 'Soa-04 . '0f ahnost - -all kinds,; 'Benz, . kc., at reasonable! prices. Call—one and all • ' 1 —. ..i ll`' Reduction; made to' Wholesale btisers.i E -Kt SPENCgit. Coudersport, Feb: 8, /SCO.-22-3rnoß. • , WATCAES GIVEN AWAY ! I .A. GIFT Valued from two dollars to one ltundri.d dol lars given with every Book sold at retail prices. . . AT LEAST ONE IS GUARANTEED TO EVERY ; TWELVE BOOKS, 1 These indueerdents are offered by THE SUFFOLK EXCHANGE 116 Witshington street, Boston, The most extensive and most liberal Gift con-' cern in existence.. Send for a Catalogue. Those who hare patronized other Gift Houses are particularly requested to acqnaint them-, selves with our terms. Our inducements are unrivalled, and put all others in the shade. The following are some l of the 'Gifts to pur- :chasers of boOks English Lever Gold Watches,.hunting cases Patint Leier Ladies' Lever " open face. .? Detached Lever Silver Watches, hunting cases. Lepine Silver Watches, open face. , Gold Lockets, various sizes. Ladies' and Gents' Gold ! Chains, various s tyles. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons! and Studs, all patterns Gent's Bosom Pins, new and rich styles Gold Pencils and• Pens Ladies' and Gents' Gold Rings. Gold Watch KeyS and Beli.Pins. , ..4: great variety of Ladies' Jewelry, Pins and Ear drops, compriSM, all the styles nowt worn, suci as Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone; Lava, Florenttne, &es. &., , &c. Gold Bracelets, all styles... The List of Books comprises a great assort- meat of 'standard works in every department ormerature, tatero - ithig to - tne - youngautt old: Do not fail to , tend fur a catalogue. , Cata 7 lopes mailed free to any address. Apply to • SUFFOLK E'ICHANG. COMPANI.% 116 Washington street. BoSton. C. W. ancution, Treasnrer. [26-3t.]: • tio,o To the School Directors or Potter . Co GcsTfmtEa*---in pursuance of the 43rd sec tion of the Act of Bth May, 18;4, you ore. hereby notified to meet in Convention at the ' Cou:t House in Coudersnort, on the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY A. D. 1860, being the - Ith day of the month, at one o'clock In the.after `moon, and select, men race, by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of iterary and scientific acquirements; and of skill and experience in-the'art of teach ns County Superintendent fat; the three succeeding years ; cletormine, the amount of compensation for the same; and certify the result to the State Superintendent, at Harris= burg, as required by the 39th . and 40th sec= tions of said act. • J. HENDRICK, Co. Supt of Potter County. Coudersport, April 6; 1800.; ly S. COLWELL will pay Carlt for PUlts IP • and SITEEP. PELTS. Also ; for OATS. ConderspOrt, Oct. 2 /830. ' 1 .. - %•:-..1: ,. .. ,, ;.: , -v , , - ,:< - ‘,...:-...i-, , ..z..:, , , - ,.,: . ,;: _ ...... ... -- . - 4 , -, - '1 - - - I ~ , •c. '\,,,-:,. ,„:4;"- , i x * " ' lit , ".! Af• - „, 7: i• , 1 -, ,-,, 'T „ , ..., ',,,--,,,,, .„.1.,..- '-`,--. '•.- ' ,A...U. '''.., -.. 7, -1 , ,' , 1.,' - - - r ,.., ~,, , 5 1....6.4:5,-..._ •,• ~, •• . ' ...;e:A4.lltelaft4P;•„,--i'l,;',:\-__' .v...' pit* ;1-.,f ••-• '-'•• !‘. ' •, Oil 1,- - ` - , 111W:j : 4 -.--:- 4jW y -, -, -'' -- 1 - ;;;;• 'l ,- ..;414. ti 5 ."..r., - *.‘t •=' ..:,..",;,,tVik:•=4l- Wi.4 4 44 ,I ‘..' 4 ', T ` „ , - ,,L„-:, ,--, '' " - - Ml ',- e 4 -- : 1 li r tr> " . • j '-'''vv' ~71-r.:;, _„7, • „,;3,-, ~, , ,i . .f . .. ) ;•!"" - -' • "',l:_, 4,4:2: ' P-. ,' t j:„1::::.,-,114:140e. '''*.k:',l:--•74l'Ss-j'i;,:` ', -- i v .- , ~-.%, ..-,-e;,- .. , 1". ,- • '.7- ''. 2-, •- 4- - v . :.N . I f • 1,4 Z..91,;-. ~, ,v .,,, 1 i., ,, ,, , , ,, ... w• g ;;iiiiimptmAiia - sk.-....` '4, i 4 l2,killtikdePt. , ---_ ,_77.:-..,:t ; -,, , --. , 417 . , ,..•,....--,f 4 . 41 t - -.,- i'.;i ,',7, ',''.4^',:;!' '5-,:',"`,,-,:;;;M:;,;;;;:;,,-'al.,,1-:'•.-Zs', _ 4.-,4,, -- .`, L.,- ..- 1 " 4 7 • 77 . -'t'i_if,t^".„.-c-Wliep,*t„t,-Y-1-`-,i,:. 7;f.-'--7.---- * 5 .." t To', ct , ,rgP4TYA";:- ..-,..,,- ,_•- .. t i , -* - 7 , 1, 7' 7t„ to ; ' dii;••10---til-`,,,,,Ar-YGTOOffiF , ..c ,) ,..., ,.:. ,i,4-:iiiit.:--k 6f i li t EßEOrt- - . Y [ , P-I'-' - v- -I t - ,- - - -,, ,.... ,, „,, , po - T -I Yez . v , c , --.• ..... iq ~.......- 1 i......t -------.7t---. ~,. iv;-a-ssbripi:eittgaiisls?%!f. '"; I. . , iru lli : ... w -.' ' '':,, .6'061),* 4- t-;! -- • • Dirk,....x. , ., , ,,....,, , ~ ,..,I,L,=.. -~f, , - ir.-:•.,..• ~,I,l.,sifsees ' a a .... 0 Trii-8,-D 4 , GPO L CERIES ;- I am detertflined to sell gaol; as' low as they, ?:an be purchased in Wellsville. Hay dng purchased for Cash, no .rents or interest to pay, and selling a large amount fur MAO PAY, I am enabled th , Shareithe 'Usual PrOrlitit with my customers. Ifavirig made arrangemerits with some of the best 11(),BeS is the city, goods will be' . • siiiiinc3 - to i•liz , , o,paLlin z me constantly . to offer the LATEST .STYLES and BEST QUALITIES of Goods. BEST. GOLD AND SILV . EII. WATCHICS kept on hand for sale. Pedlars supplied on reasonable terms. BRAN CI-1 STORE At Ellisburg, - • • under the name and style of SIMMONS & PERRY, where a COMPLETi', GENERAL. ASSORT_ ME T wil be constantly kept on hand. - C. ILSIMNIONS. Ogwayo, April 2, . A Live.RTuhlican 1. 7 10ga County-, Pb HUG vouxq,j4l -DITOR. - MIFF: AGITATOR for 18GQ quite in teresting, to the citir.eas Nariresea tatire District. t will give,each week a Sara - • 4:Pt - Bola:rank-Saws -, • " : POTTER, BRAIrFORIi, S UaQ U EI/A NNA, . MCKEAN, CLINTON and lacowpra Cocsries, and will contain .Reports of the Conventions, Mass :\ leeting.s, Clubs and Can cu es of both parties - in 'the above countiett. It will contain, also, reports of institutes, g . rieultural Fairs, Temperance Meetings", Thula el Conventions, Se., kc., and Letters from Harrlsbarg and Washington, daring the mit ious of Congress and the Assembly. • Ternm—Osr. DOLLAR A Yain, saf Any person sending us Five suberibers - al, ono time,mill receire,.free of postage, a Fifty Cent Copy of " Helper's Impending the Son th." Address 20tf. oi - tr. - Musical F.tiend... "Owl MUSICAL FRIEND," a 11,:tro DlA pinion for the Winter -I\onths. Every Pianist, . Should procure this -Every Singer, • weekly Publication Every Teacher, of Vocal and .Piono Every Pupil- I Forte Music, costing, Every Amateur, but 10 CENTS - n number, and pronounced by the:entire Press of the Country, to be "THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK *OF - THE KIND THE WORLD." Yearly, $5; 1131 f-yearly, $2.30; Qttarterlr r $1.23, •Subscribe to " Our Musical Yriend," or- or der it from the nearest Newsdealer, and you wil hare Music en.ongit foryourentira family and at insignificant cost; and if you trent 'Music for the Flute, Violin, Comet, Clarions; Accordion, etc., etc., subscribe to the • SOLO MELODIST,. Containing 12 pages, costing. only. - 19 Cents a liurcber;Yeasiy, $2.50; Ear - Yearly, . . All the Back NumberA at 10 cts., - and Don* Volumes. containing 17 Numbers, at -$2: eac h , constantly on /land. • : ' . . . . C. 13. SEYMOUR do CO., • . . 107 Nassau St., New York _ . H. BUTTERWORT_II having located I.te himself in this Borough, in the building recently occupied by, Dr. Ellison, on Main St., opposite, the court ho'use has 'opened a Jaw- ELM" ESTABLISHMENT, for the purpose of - • REPAIRING • ' WATCHES, CLOCKS, ace "Having some years' experience in the'busi ness, I feel conUent in giving the public GEN ERAL SATISFACTION. The' patronage of the pnblic is solicited. Please give men call. All work warranted or no pay. A. general assortment of Watches, Mete and Jewelry on hand itni Tor sale. - Condersport„June 30, 1.6.59.-43. and PROVISIONS. CdSII FOR GOOD LC.VBER AND SHINGLE& • I HAVE ESTABLISHED A THE- A OYF R : 12157 a -• li;gLtsaono', PL Twelve fall-sized Ptiges of Vocal and Piano Forte Music FOR 10 GENTS. NEW JEWELRY. STORE. ; `;V. ES JEWELRY.