The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 02, 1860, Image 3
EnnE=l ault eoulttgr ItSfMtpirEßßUAllt 2 t 1860 st regular meetiorof thf COudertliort. Jean Glob wilLbe held at -the' office of l Jsbing, Esq.; on TuesdarEveniem Feb. 1860. A goad attendance Is disired. ' r - EL J. OLMSTED Seey : • regular Quarterly meeting of the Ansociatiou held it, the of the Librarian itext Saturday at M.. A full atteudanee is earnestly ted. the new advertisement of 4:1; G. in another column: By-the-bye iserve that Evans—who is no, hum s a book dealer—has given $l.OOO Lawrence sufferers. He thus shows liberal in brotherly affection as a s business transactions. Zberi."A moo named Churchill was xi 6 times during . a drunken brawl' ,-Jdiebaugh's, near the Salt-Works, is county, on Monday evening last. ras stubbitd twice in the back before . ts fully . aware of his &net, by a tan whose dame we have forgotten, and closing- with him- for a , was stabbed four times more with Jon jack-knife, each of the wounds about 3 inches deep, but not any em necessarily fatal. As the parties no doubt be brought here for trial at nes; Term of Court, !we forbear fur remarks now. -- ..97firy.--The Jewelry Store of B. J. But rth, in this village, was broken into on ;day evening of last week, and robbed of .hree watches, -valued in the aggregate The watches had been left for re and some of them were very fine gold ies. The robbery was committed at during a brief absence of the proprietor, bief bursting open a side-door which was ted by a latch-button, and passing to the window took the watches off the hooks iich they were hanging. The thief was A to the corner of West and Fourth s, but the snow was falling so fast that ack was there lost; and notwithstanding, ;e number of our citizens spent the et:- wening in a diligent search for `traces of fibber, none were found, and - none have found up to this date. Mr. Butterworth I hasidbills the next day, offering a re ef $5O dollars for the arrest and convic of the thief, and $5O for the return of the Editor.—Please publish for the of the Election Officers, Constable s ) :hose who nay hereafter be elected ices of the Peace, an Act of Asseiu xssed last Winter, a copy of which nth transmit to you, and oblige. 'Tours very truly, 11. J. OLMSTED, Pro AN ACT Terence to the Commissions of Justices of the Peace and Aldermen. trios 1. Be it enacted ty the Senate-and t f Repreetniatives of the Connninntnala Of tsyluania in General .Assembly met, and it ix Sy enacted by the authority of the'eaml; T h ht 7 person hereafter elected to the office of ice of the Peace or Alderman, shall, with irty day's after the election, if he' intends zept Said office, notice thereof in mg to the Prothiinbtary of the Common s of the proper comity, who' shall imme dy inform the Secretary of the Common th of said aregptanec ; and no coratniFsion issue until t - he.Se•-retary of the Common- LI) has received the notice aforesaid. :VON 2. That so much of - an Act of As ly as requires Constables to send copies ,c returns of the election of Aldermen and ices of I„he Peace, to the Governor of the mwealti). is hereby repealed. W—C. A. L A W RENCE, 4Speaketf the Ifonxeof Repreaentative?.' JNO. PRESS IV ELL; Jn., Speakeifiy die Snare' mOvr.o—The thirteenth d'ay of Dnmini one thoue4nd eight hundred and •tiine. . Wu. F. PACKER, Large haul if 7 hieves.—On Sut-1 last three men, named Ira Potter, 1 Lewis and Merrit, Cnapel, each ig . a load of hay, came to the Sum 'use, at Nelitittport, on their way Sinnentalioning, where they u ads II of $3.50, and presentor a $5. coun it or altered note, but Mrs. Nelson not make change, (deeming the good,) and they passed on, promis to pay when they returned. They went to old Mr. Reed's, on Ayres where they made a bill of $2, and :rated another or the same note, which Reed changed, giving Lewis $3 good iu change. They then went to Booth's,. in Sylvania, where they icted a bill or $1.25, and presented' note, whiCh :Mrs. -Booth (Mr. B. absent) could not eban;e, and there they promised to pay on their re- They next went to Clark•Haskins', a bill of 75 cents, which they failed ty for the same reason; thence to Bar- X. Brainard's Mills, in Wharton, re they stopped and got their horses by Win. Gore, making a bill of 75 , ts, and stealing a "pig" of "Babbit tar and a pair of boots, while the mil. I were at dinner; and ifter leaving the I stule a lock-chain and as axe from a belonging to Clarkj,laskins, which scantling tha4oad ; thence went-to - Junes Bartron's and made ill of 8-I,2l..whibh:th44id they would when they sold their hay and came back; thaiiie;',4ley - - witif2to W.- Me.l tnt,y*ai Tittle - fur/tine down, tha.creek and made.a bill _,af 75, gents agreeing to pay ttrhen returned.- They. , thee went ktn..and add, theifluty, and ante beck. Monday. night .reparaing Mclntyre's and . -Bartven's abont'lo and' 11: o'cloiki and stopping..fer_the . night at Abram Jones' .tusking a bill of-. 52. which thCy did not pay. They meet- daine on to Par don Haskins; where ..they made a bill of $l. - end dottlct hat pay it; and then pro. - ceeded to M.S. 'Booth's'again'Where they made a bill nod Preseqted a 0. bill. Mr.-Geo. Barclay, who was in pursuit of them for the thefts at and near mill, just 'then drove by.the door, and Mrs. Booth . ,,hailed hint to change the note. He stopped and on offring to change the bill, Potter put it in his pocket and • said he "guessed he would'at change it." Mr. Barclay then examined the ;led and . found the stolen articles ender a blanket on Potter's sled, when he arrested tile whole three, and brought , thew to this place and on WeclueAlay morning, atter a hearing before Justice C ushing, Putter and Lewis were vonimitted to jail ou the charges of passing counterfeit money and stealing. Chapel *us discharged on bail. Putter hails from Clymer, Tioga Cn., Pa, Lewis from lurk State, and Chapel= lives iu Jackson- township this county. Put ter has been in jail in Tioga • county sev eral times, but always escaped the lull op oration of the - law by some means; and several years ago he broke out of "jail iu this place. • Editor.—Last Thursday evening*, the following question was discussed at Lytransville ;—"Resolved, That A filen, Slavery. is a curse to . Ainerica." „There was a large audience, and about twelve disputants.. Those who argued•the af firmative, were Republicans in sentiment and 'manifested considerable . zeal in tell- Eng the effects of Slavery upon the &Stith ern States, in regard to morals, free speak ing and free printing,--which were said to be the true safe-guards of the nation ; and also of the. vast atnount of capital invested in human flesh, it being consid erable over two billions, and further, the opinions of our greatest states Man, with that of Von liumbolt, and many! . more bright literati of the age, upon thallub ject of slavery. The Negative was. ably sustained by gentlemen who argued the uncut:geniality of southern climes to white. laborers, the 'cheapness of southern pro ductions, and that negroes were doomed to slavery,. /to. The decission was given by Messrs. Ostrander and Ryan', who, after a patient (perhaps caluilit) hearing, declared for the negative—that slavery is a blessing to America!! Perhaps some of the cor respondents of the POTTER. JOURNAL will continue the discussion. . B. Sweden Jan. 27th. [lf Matthew Ostrander is th 3 man re ferred to, who, in the face of enlighten ment and religion, save his assent to such a decision, era wuuld say that lie has for feited all claims to political associations outside of the blackest phase of modern democracy. We don't, know Mr. Byam, but we conclude that he is a dyed-in-the wool bunker, who is ready to swallow any excuse fox' the privilege of votiug - bljnd for the "democracy" withoutregard to principle.. We can scarcely realize chat such a man can read at all. If our friend Ostrander will call at our office we will give him a Dutch paper to peruse fur information hereafter.—ED. Joint.] Married. KELLY—NELSON.—At, the parsonage of the M. E. Church tit Coudersport, Jan. 26th, 1860. by the Rev M H.Pice, Mr, S: D.KcLLY, of this:' plitce, to Miss ANN AUGUSFA Nta.soN, of summit Township, this county. . - DIED: MONROE —ln Bingham township, Potter Co., Pa., on Friday. Jan. 26th ult., Aannet MoNnoti; Esq., one of the oldest and most worthy citizens, and a leading flamer of that olthe county, aged about 00 years., (iilt4-Zt.laillrlisottitto, Dissolution'. T - -- - - HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore 'cxist -1 ing between the undersigned under the firm of CANFIELD ik LORD, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the late firm have been transfer ed to Ira Canfield, for ssttlement. IRA CANFIELD, HARRY LORD. Coudersport, Jan. 30, 1800. The business of the late firm will hereafter be carried on by the undersigned, and a con tinuation of the liberal patronage heretosore extended, is respectfully solicited. NOW READY. THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID ! THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID ! THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID! By the Rev. J. 11.INGRAHAM, LL. D. A. new and rerisd editiOn, with the author's latest corrections. Onerolunte, 12m0.., cloth, 472 pages. Price $1.25. • Published by GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Etihst qqs Dola $ 2 , 'Nue, - Aliteral translation in Gerinalof the • PRIDILMOR THE LT.01:13.h.V.1D.. One volume, 12m0., cloth, 475 pages. Price $l.OO. • ,„ iii' , llPg boa LiEOBGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut St., Philadelphia TIC PILLAR OF FIRE!" OR, ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. liy the Rev. J. H. INGRAHAM, One telltale, 12ma., cloth, 600 pages. Price ;':Publiahedby GEO.: - G. EVANS, SO, 439-Che,stanat.rrhiladelphiAi •" - 'T XIECO4DS Or TOOT - ItsgverovtlotirAitir - ,4trAR .1' • / •Oc r intoinjng THE . MILITARY AI D. 1111SICIAZ PQND 7 - ` KED OFFICERS: _ • ar!..7zima. OabEu Op WAtittillGTiiNi Xiltll. AND GBILCSE; • Ivaaies of die Officers and Piivitter, with the Dates of their Commission and •Thilistmetits, with a list of Distiirtished Prisdhers of War; the tithe. of their. Capture : - Botclsinge, etc ;' to Which is added the Tialf-pay Aco of the Ctin tinental,:Congress i the' gevolutiotiqry Pensron bows;: and dlist of the Offiters of the Conti nental Army. who' acquired the right to Half pay, Cousinutation, Land Narrants;' etc., etc. BY W. T. it. - 13AFFELL ! •' counsellor# n d Tgentfor RevoldtloneryClaims. One volume, l2mo„; cloth, 654 pages. Price $1.25. • . T. S. ARTHUR'S POPULAR BOOKS. True Riches. Home Scenes Golden Grithis The - iNlartyr Wife Sparing to Spend. • - Room, • ' • Tales of. Real Life. Angel 'of the Honse- The Old Man's Bride: t •• • • Th W e ay, to Prosper. • The Hand hut not.the The Withered Heart. Heart: , Tales of Married Life. I Heart Histories acid Steps towardsHeareu Life Pictures: What can Woman du? • The Triali Of a House- Tales of Domestic life: keeper. Good 4ime Coming. Lea% es from the Book "In the nnior fthrillingdramaticincidents, with moral,lessons of the highest. importance; these vtotlo of T. S. - Arthur stattd.forth pre eminent amongst modern authors." They hate been.introcluced into the Dis- Wet, Sabbath Schobl, atal.various other L',•_ hritries throughout the country." Each of the above Books contain nearly LOO pages, and are illustrated with finely executed Mezzotint engravings, and, handsomely humid in one Pluto. volume. Price $l.OO each. :ipt • Oak 1. TRANSLAMEDTROikt THE FRFNCEI MEMOIRS PRESTIDIGIT HUE, • AUTHOR, MAGICIAN, ARTIST, Soncsamt, " • WizAtm, NecaostaNcen, • CONJURROR, ENCHANTER, OASSADOII, ESCAHOTEUR — Professor of• Sleight of Hand, .etc., etc. Written by Himself, Edited by • 11.. SHELTON MACKENZIE. With a Qopioas Index, carefully arranged. 'Bound in:ene vol. 12ne0., cloth, 44G pages Price SI.OQ. NATION L LIBRARY. LIVES OF HEROES.HUNTERSANDPATRIOTS. LIFE OF COL. CROCKETT. LIFE OF LEWIS WETZEL. LIFE OF COLONEL DAN'L BOONE. - LIVES OF GENERALSIEE AN.D SUMPTER. LIFE OF G EN'L SAMUEL HOUSTON. LIVES .OF SOUTILERS HEROES AND PAT- RIt)TS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIFE OF DANIEL WEBSTER. Each of the above hooks are illustrated with fine engravings, and bound in one volume, 12m0., cloth. Price $l.OO. _ LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND. NATIONS, Including, the Empress Josephine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Are, Anne Boleyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiramis, Zenobia, Boa.di cm, etc., etc. Edited by MARY E. HER ITT. Embellished with finely engraved Portraits on Steel. s • One volume, limo , cloth, 338 pages. Price $1.25. LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE, By the Rev. FICG fl STOWELL BROWN, of the Myrtle Street Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, Eng land. First Series. With a Biographical Introduction by DR. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. Published under a special arrangement with the author. . One voliime-12m0., cloth, 414 pages. Price $l.OO. . Upon remittance of the .price oe• the Book and 21 cents additional for postage, copies of either of tlfe above books accompanied with a handsome present. worth "from 50 cents to 100 diillars will be mailed to any person in the United States. ' BEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE Containing the most cowplete list of books in every department of Literature ever pub lished,-and which will he seat gratis to any person, sending their address. To insure promptness- and honorable dealing, send all your orders for hodks to GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, and Originator of the Gift Book Business, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. And you toz:// be satiVied that it is the seat place in the country to purchase Books. • •• •Iter Special siviettee to Agents. G. G. Evans, havlng'parclittsed•tbe sterete type plates; ',clipyrights, etc.. of the "?dome of the Hohse or David," "Pillar EiFite,""i49:., would call the attention of agents to ihetie truly valuable Works. . THE "PRINCE OF THE- HOUSE OF DAVID," is one of the most popular andiiest selling _books ever published Over 1911, - opo copies have, been sold, and it bids fairp:but: rival the " Pilgrim's Progress," or auy.oitter similar work. THE "PILLAR OF FIRE," by the samvtu , thor. is now meeting 'with a rapid sale k Ter 90;000 copies have been sold since its pplig-, cation, and as a companion to the "Piince Of the Honse,of David," every reader of that book should pnrChise a copy.- ‘ 134 . " THE RECORDS OF THE IBV„pI t. UT . a a- bark Filtered-au d gives a volt athoont of information minim to the Soldierk of the Revolution; sind . .,talt9 in taftiable it'Ook of reference for On deeendauts of its heroes and all who are Intcreiled itt`,l*- sion Claims, Land-Warrants, etc.7o". - IRA CANFIELD The most Liberal Indncementi "ore r red to Agents, and upon addressing theimblikher every information will be given. . 1. Ai mo SEND FOR A 4L 4 VAILAS;4.. 41dress GEORGE a. EVio2CS, • . dvilsAttrips 433 ObeFtsititSti:eet, 'itogei and the Demon. Three Bran 1Vo• man's life Ten Nlght4 in -a Bar- of Hunian Life ROBERT-HPUDIN, OF BOOKS, 5400,11.0 1 4 -, ' - - sniattypErsArmv! . •1-, ri Y VIRTUE of sundry wits of Venditlo I JUI F,xponsis, Fieri Facia.44ndlevArl Fasil S issiiid out of the Court VA* OiiPlevsit - Of Ftit i County, Penn:Au:nig; anew mitOit,ted, r ,l;ih . ~ i n n to 'public:4f* or,ptiterY alike 110 ." : in-COuddrapeit, on MONDAY the 21/th - dak 4 February, 1880,:tti 10o'dcie dx,is.i:the fug , : ribl ing:describeoi , cd , estates tows : : !-- . ;:- 1 : . Certain rent estate situate 4 n titrifeen Tow - ti- - ' ship, Potter Co., Pa;, Bohnsied or(tlte north by lotiNcis. 81 & , 27 - of.therallotrnaut Of lands . Of M. - C.' Barber; in . Rarrisoi(Tow`nshiri, :east ' by the Comity line, south tif lot in pOssessiOn • of j.rllarris and mill lot; and west by mill fot I andrrpart of-lot II oe 81; co Mining sirty•ftVe 1 sLuctfour-tensbs aeres(beiti_ north put Of let '.V o. 84; a *Mat ten - acresrejuspxssved, 'on which ii . erected 's:Sue log ho se, and some fruit trees thereon. ... . • Seized, taken in - executio , sind to be sold ss the property s ef Charlotte P arse. . ." ' • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sweden Township, Potter no., Pa.;' Dr minded north hv y lot of Andrew & Michael ss. east by.lanSs of George Fos, I[. D.. and lo astStephen Mitch el, south:lSY lands cif .'llusildredintsili 4S. Y. Acker; and West by latids cif .Gulta - viss'lleiff, Elytrius Placket, Andrew Zz Michael Gross; Containing one ban4red-ariB, fifty-seVesCand one-tenth acres, of-which three acres are ins, proved, heitts-lot No. 30 ofi the ellotruent ; saf la uds.of Fox 'S, ltbas :in SWelleri Township. i • • Seizesktakewin execution', and ta be - sold ss the property of DanieLSny'def. - •., -, , 1 ALSO—Certain real estate 'shrike in Hec tor Townilip, Potter Co., lT„ Bounded north `by the lands of Daniel Sunde lin, cast by lands pf George Bat tleit, south.byrlands of llutigick er -Ss *Garlock, and west- b lands of W. S. I Leach pliontainingseventy cres, of which six acres are improved, on wh, eh is erected one frame dwelling-house, one - log barn; and with some fruit trees thereon. I Seized, taken in exeentisirfrand to be sold as the property of Charles Pqlcer. ALSO—Certain real-estate situate in Whi l r- IMn Township, 'Potter Co , ea.,. Beginning at a post in the north-west co -nor of ,n lot con tracted to James Ayres, the ice iitirth one hun dred and fifty-seven roll; to. a po st , then'ee ~ , east twenty-nine runs to a y o st; thence north to the west hank of Siruahottiog Creek, thence along the west ba wlof said Creek by the several courses thereof in - the Warrant line, thence along the said Warija nt line; west five hundred and-twenty-fiver°s to a post, thence south three hundred and thirteen rods to a post; thende west five huidred and . twenty= live rods to the place of beginning; containing six hundred and tWenty-tilue acres be thelaine snore or less, and ;being part of Warrant No.. 402:7, the same belagunimisroved land. Seized, taken ittl execution; and ts.}hesoldl as the property, of 11. W.. max ; ALSO—Certain' real estskte situate in Shar on Township, .Potter Co., Pa.,, Batindednith by lands of Mann's Nicho l ls, east by land 'of 'Gabriel Barnes, south by (lands of .Manni & Nichols, and west by ficattng lauds; contain ing one htindrad neres of la, d, of which fiftaen acres are improved and ix acres choppO, with one frame house, o ne s ,frame barn, find some fruit trees thereon. 1 , Seized, taken in ext.:matt, and to be soldas the property of L. ebri truan. , . - ALSO- -Certairrreal estate to wit : Two cer tain village lots situate in the Borough of COu dersport, Potter CO., Pa., iinown as lots Nos. 134 k 135, on SO:lre - NO.-13, bounded north by lots of L. Cushing, eat it by Main Street, South by rourth.Street, and west by, lots be longing to the School Distict of CondeisPort and - lot new in po'ssession {)1 L. B. Cole ; ctn tainting sixty-fourerches of laud, on winch is erected one Ma ksmith-shop. l' Seized, taken in!esecutio,lu, and to be sold as the property of Sdninel iid,ven. A LSO—t'ertain real estate situate in Gelnc see Township, Potter Co., f'a.,. Bounded north by lot No. 31 of the allotment of lands in said Township, east by lot N0.L32. south by lot No. 18, and west by 16t No. 24. ' containing- fifty three and six-tenths a cre' with the usual tol lowance of six per cent. fppr roads, being ;lot No. '65 of the lands of S. Rdss-iu Genesee town ship, of which two acresare improved, and ten acres chopped, on Wl ich is erected one i frame house,-one frame barn and outbuildings, and with some fruit trees %hereon. l , Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Versel Dictinson. , ' ALSO—certain feel estate situate in Whar ton Township, Potter Co.-, Pa., Beginning at a Chestnut the S.;W. corner of Warrant No. four tiousand nine lythdrad and twenty-one, (4921), thence east' by the south-line of said Warrant one hundred andleighteen pereheS to a post, a corner of a tractof land conveyed to John B. Smith, et. al., thence south by the i line of said tract one Lunde .d and fifteen perch es to a post, a corner of sad tract, thence Cast by line of said tract, fork-five perches to a post, a Corner of Old' tract, thence south' by line of said tract one hundred and twenty-five perches to a post, a cornerOf :aid tract, thence west by line of said tractllone hundred and sixty-three perches to a pst, a ca r said 1 canner of I, 1 tract in cast line of W a in nt No. 4925, thence north Iwo hundred and orty perches to the place of beginning; coatAinir , two hundred and twelve acres and onetentt of an acre;' be the same tnesre orlL less, beng Part of Warrant No. 4920, about two acr s of which are im proved, with one log 'lid* and one log barn l erected thereon. I - Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property, of A'. F. Bog Worth. ADDITIONAL SALES. - • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gen esee township, Potter Co 4/ Pa., bounded and described us follows: BcOnning at a Beech the S. W. coiner thereof and a corner of; lot Nos. 1 ,S; 2 of Bingham.lhnds in Allegany do Genesee Townships thence by line of lot No. 1 N E 140 perches to a post, thence :east 82 perchei to a post, thence south 104.6 per Ches to a post, thence south 88° E 86 perches to a I post in west line of lot Nb. 4 in Allegany Fp., thence S - 1° W by line 611 - sniill3lBo.lpere:hes to a post in north line-4 dot No. 5 couveyttd to David-Ross, thence north- 89i° west 87.7 perches to a post in thetat line of lot No. 2 in Allegany Tp.-, orth 25.3 perches to a post, thence:west by Line of said lot 81.1 perches - to the'place - oftegintling - ; containing ninety-nine acres and ninn-tenths, with an al lowance of six. per cent. sc: ,'being lot No.'3 of the Bingham lands in Allegany Si Genesee Townships,Potter Co., Pla.,-and part of War rant No .- 1874, about 40 aeres of which arelina provect, with one frame hOuse, one frame liarn and some fruit trees thereon. ' . . Seized; taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles CPats. ALSOLIt. No. 63 of the allistment of lands hi GeneseeTownship; Potter Co., Pa., BoUnd ed north by State Dine, east by unseated lands and lot :No. 61, south by tots Nos. 61 k 62, 'and west-by lands late of Sil Billings; contain ing 100.3 acres with an allowance Of -six. per cent; &c., about 40 acreSil which are' improit - ed, with one frame house thereon.—ALSO— Lot No. 57 of said allotruint in said Township, Bounded north by lands ate of Silas Billings, Deed, and lot No. - 62, eoft by lot No. SP, s9uth by.lot No 58, and - west by lot No: 56';' contain ing; 57.7 acres and an aDlowance of six, per cent, .of witich teq acres proved, With one saw- ; t ill, one frame barn-, two board Watttos, Itiolitnurfruitlreos there on.- •' - - 2, ~.; '-‘ ••., .-- ' ..,'"- •-:, , Sejse)_;,.ttii.eilititziecnifOtt,,ainsjotie sold tiq ilia pcOperty . oflciltn - Billitigs. . _ • , WM:• F.-BURS, Moir ConOersport, Jan::2s, 180, • _GEOII-411IRA . • '34.annfactnrer. of and Deem' in ' # • • • . .NVIIOLESA - Lt AND RETAIT4 oppopite • - • VBEISVILLE, N; Y. . • IMPORTANT ANNQIINOMM' RREN'S 0 „ .• STORE e Strot„ (nearly ; & Bray?, Groe4r.y.rifeltsvige,'Aile-' Ighaiw Go., IV. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN . EVER! Terms Cash Only. THE Proprietor of the itbore establishment having just.returned frora New York with a largillndsplendid stork of - • Bo' q T. - s, - - 5..11 '0 ES, • . it.r4ber, efratings,.&e., is now offering the satin at prices ranch lower than they have ever before been offered. Owing to. his Superior advantages in N. Y. City, be is enabled to purchise goods at mach lower rates than other houses in the same line. I A Having au 1 gent in the market In New York City, he is .enabled from time to time to. take advantage of thir rise and fall of the market, and thus obtain.goods at very low figures. It is only necessary, to call, to be convinced of the' aboe facts. - - - Strict attention paid to orders. A call is , respectfully . solicited. GEORGE T. WARREN. Wellsville, Jan. 20, 1060-20. 1 0 // cif) .CHEAPESTI BEM! LARGEST!!! , $35,00 • Pays for Tuition in Single rend Double Entry Book-Keeping, Writing, Commettial Arithme tic and Lectures. Board S. weeks $2O, Stationery $l, ITuitiolia $35, entire I expenses $62, I Usual time . from 6 to . 10 weeks. .E.very Stu dent, upon gradnating,- is guaranteed compe tent to manage the books of any business. and qualified to earn a salary of from • ' $5OO to $l,OOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review at .pleasure. First Premiums For Best Business Writing for 1859, received at Pittsburg, Philadelpnia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union for the past:four years. In. Ministers' Sons received at half price. 'llor•Circultui, Specimens and Embellished iew of the College. inclose five letter stamps to . IF. W. JE:.'NEILIS, Pittsbtirgh, Pa. 11:101y* Oui• Musical Friend. "OUR MUSICAL FRIEND," ti Rare Com panion furl the Winter Months. Every Pianist, Every Singer, Every Teacher, Every Pnpil,• I Forte Music, costing Every Amateur, f but 10 CENTS a number, aud pronounced by the entire-Press of the Country,•_to be "THE BEST AND CEIEAPEST - WORK OF 'THE KIND IN THE WORLD." Twelve full :sized Pages . of Vocal and Piano Forte 3lusie FOR 10 CENTS. Yearly, $5 ; EA . -yearly, $2.50; Quarterly, $1.25. Subscribe to "Our Musical Friend," or or der it from the 'nearest Newsdealer, and you toil have Music enough for your entire family and at in.signiflearit cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clariouet, Accordion, etc., etc., subscribe to the SOLO MELODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only . 12 Cents a Number; Yearly, 450; Half . • Yearly, $125.. - • All the BaeleNutnbers at 10 ets.„and Bound Volumes, icontaining• 17 Numbera, at $2.50 each, constantly on hand. • • C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., • 107 Nassau St., .New York. 1 T . I OLNSTE D &* KELLY'S TORE can always be found the best of Cooking, Box' and Parlor • S , 0 V . E S. - Also, TIN. and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS; KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, 'FRYING-PANS,. SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS.: Also, _ . • Agricultural Itekplemente s such as. PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS,. CORN-SHELLERS, lIORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. . • - THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS plat lapin any :part of the County—Terms easy. Beady Pay of all kinds, including Cosh, seldom refused. 1 Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1859.-50 Di*+;•i.ceotice. .George W McKinney, No. 4a Scp. 'term, 18- - vs. 59, in Common Pleas 1'67 Ann McKinney. :of Potter County. LIBEL IN.Dreoncr.. • To Mary Ann McKinney, Respondent.— Whereas a Subpeenz and alias Subptaus hay ing been issued and returned' ltiihil, 'you are hereby notified to•be and appear at our next Court of Common Pleas for this county, for an applieation will he tnade-in said Court for a divorce, on the Part of Libellant.' • . . ! W3l. F. BURT, Sheriff. Coudersport, Jan. 24, 180, SPECIAL-ANNo - ritox QUAKER CITY PUBLIIWO • 100.000 Xgr',. - .ENLABSED. OD . . : 4 . • t- 1 ' • AtIADY4OII r t• RuPeriortnitacemileP V) I* MAO 116rst sue - illuAAte:eblebilt 'GOLD and SILVER. WATCM, oGoof vabable Prites. partleilott time le Catalogtes, 4111c100111,oliat itae te-alrelp -on application. - Valuable Giftsornitb from 50 eta 10 Vie GI;ADANTEED.toeaIh." i!ooOsio inGifts - bsie • bten In': patniim within the pass sit montbs4lso;COSbelatilio• t r ibuted during the next The ffiduCinsentt Need loft" slik WOO liberal Glatt /12088 of any ottli*,lnnith WIN Baring been in the -Ptilisbibit and ling Ihssioess.•fos.lbe busl, Yebri. sky oil% pErience enables me to conduct tie Gift 111. tetptlie with - thiS ggteatesi eatiefactiombe oily OW AGENTS WARTED In sew' Sipa and County. •• , For full paitleulaks additlt MANN 11171.13011, gust - ker • 13 - Sonth TblidAyok - 5-4 mo. ' • - 1916- .8.1 S. COLWELL F10ur.., -Meal - Flour -Meali FEED; FISH, POltitAC:i I . Cheaper " - ANY :OTHER MERCHANT CAN 8111. 1,011 • CASH, _ and will take in payment all -WO of Veit . . I Will also pay Coil' fir LIIMISBIL,:_ Also, will pay the highest goio4 prioll. CASH FOR :WOOL:i: rEB„. Store in the building fornierlioevii; pied by L. F. Maynard—THE PEOPLE'S CASA STORE now, more than evcr bitfore. ' COUDERSPORT, Julie 2! 2850.;-44.11100, - . D.. 6 & M. IL DANIEW giBC'UVING:Ii - . This Days....'*: A SPLENDID .ASSORTAHNT DRY GOODS;' of all descriptions that pertalataLadisalant srareir• , SILKS, MERINOES, - • . BROGUE SHAWLS, ALLMOOL DELAINES, DELAINES, • • CALICOES, - • - DRESS - TRIMMINGS, In feet, erarything nice: Also, . CASSIMEST3r . ATINETTO, BEAVER CLOTS, SHEEP'S GRA', VESTIN.GS, SHIRE ; MARSEILLE S; SHEETING'S, Etc., Etc: ' And this day received, a full =anoint e GROCERIES at wholesale or retail. PORE, COI N, BIM WHEAT, BEANS, OATS aad POTATOUtaI , sale. Jost received, 20 kegs NAILS, II via assOrtmeut of • arrzaink BOOTS & SELOCk • RITMIERS - -• HATS & IMPS, - - and CUOCKERY. Also, an kinds of WOO used in the County, SfATIONBRY, YALU* TINES, Sc.—and on all *e shall charvi M - A PROFIT. N. B.—Cash Paid for HIDES, PILTS Sat FURS. - • _ Ulysses. Jan. 23, 1860.-26 Should procure this weekly Publication of Vocal and Piano 3'arrabrt, ratio HAVE JUST RECEIVED a full and complete4kaaortensat.4ll FALL and . WINTER. DRY GOODS* Which they will sell cheais as tan ile-to n the county. Alsc, a good 'Static GROCERIES, • CROCKERY, .dio.. They sell for READY PAY only, MO toa4 sequently can afford to sell for _ LESS PROFIT than usual. not being obligedlO 'asks Sp lilt losses on bad debts. • -- • All who wish to get the _ • WORT:H *THEIR. V. N '-givt- ' will - 1 please Ore us a call. ALL KINDS OF PROMOS • • TAKEN AT :A GOOD ram N. D.—We . earry oe the businesket BucKsiurrAuNG., - - . as 'Canal, at the old stand of IL LEWLSAINN all kinds of . • - • Making and Repattinig will be dono r - from Mill Iron to a pair ato Tongs, or a Chain Link. - flood aad HORSE- SIEWEUIS • will attend to.that branch ottlii bodll4ll - ' LARILLI3EN, IMINNI4101417• •• * Lewisville Nov. 5, Administrator's Nogg** WHEREAS letters of adminstmatiakellt-40 estate of Isaac Dittmar late ofillagbaw township, Potter connty;demaumk bale* grimier tb - lbe litiderligned;loo(tal - hk; debted to said estate are sequined to salibia Immediate rayment; atilt thosa,baidasetatell against the same will preaeng . lbista . 6406, - thenticatea, - for aettlement..- - • - - -THOMAS coLsol, Bingham : Jan 9, 1960.-19t23* , =MM LUMBER. ARE ~,,