The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, February 02, 1860, Image 1

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„~~; ~:~.
1, 3
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time: bix. mouths, - - 4 AS, OS)
it %It " 04
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of columns will be inserted at the sacral
istrator's or Executor's Notice, 200
is Notices, each, . - 1 so
s Sales, per tract,
;e NotiCes, each,
;.c Notices, each, .
nistrator's Sales, per square for 4
es. or Professional Cards, each,
excedirig 8 lines, per year, - - 500
' and Editorial Notices, per line, 10
3 transient advertisements 'must be
[n advance, and no notice will .be taken
avertisemeuts from a distance, unless they
accompanied by the monoy or satisfactory
once . :
4deriport, Pa., will attend the, several
lads in Potter and APKertn Counties. All
;ino:s entrusted in his care will receive
unpt attention.' Office on Main st., oppo
e the Court House. 10:1
JRNEY AT LAW, Coudersport; Pa.: will
!ipiarly attend the' Courts in Totter and
le adjoining . Counties. , 10:1
Idersport, Pa., will attend to all business
.ftusted to his care, with promptnes and
_Ctilice,in. Temperance Block, -sce
nt door, Main St.. 10:1
41.,NEY AT LAW, Coudersport; Pa., will
end to all bftsiness entrusted to him, with
e and promptness. Office corner of West
Third its. 10:1
C. L. lIOYT,
AUGHTSMAN, Bingham, Potter Co.,
.t., will promptly and "elllciently attend to
I business entrusted to him. .1 I Bt.class
- ofessional refet'ences can lie given if re
- : 11:29-1y*
iNET.M.AFER, having erected a new and
mreiiiiiit Shop, on the South-east corner
Third and West streets, will be happy to
:eire and fill alt. orders in his calling
pairing and re-fitting carefully and neatly
.ine on short notice.
dersport, Nov. 8, 1859.-1 l-ly.
• O. T. ELLISON, _
:ICING , PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Ps.,
ectfully informs the citizens of the vil-
Se and vicinity that he will promply re
ond to all calls for professional services.
thee on Main st., in building formerly oc
tpisd by C. W. Ellis, Esq... 9:22
COLLINS 6111111
Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods,
Oroceries, &c., Main et, Coudersport, Pa.
Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, &c., Main st.,
Coudersport, Pa.- 10:1
-11114.Es and Music, N. 'W. corner of Main
and Third sts., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1
MARK --G114.401.1,
--Vnit and TAILOR, late from the City of
Liverpool, England. Shop opposite Court
lionite, Coudersport, Potter Co. Pa.
N. B. —Particular attention paid to CUT
TDiQ. .iO 354 y.
st., nearly opposite the Court
Rouse, Coriderspcirt, Pa. Tin and Sheet
Iron Ware made to ordet, in goad style, on
short notice. - - 10:1-
F. GI....ISSSIIRE, Proprietor. Corner of
Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
ter Co., Pa.. - 9:44
tilliEL M. 3114L5, Proprietor, Colesburg
Ptitor C0.,-Pa., seven miles north of Coil
aorimort,,o2l th e wellsville Road. . .9:44
C. C.',LT3LiNi Proprietor, Ulysses, Potter Co.,
Pa.' This House .is aittiated on tho' East)
corner of - Main street, opposite A. Corey &
Soit's•Sore;Ftind:is"trell'adapted to ineot the
tentitt'of patrons' arid friends. lattl;.ly.
D. 14. &
Ready• idade'Clothing,Grockery, Hardware.
DAB; Statitmery, Hats, Cal* Boots, Shoes,
Pahats,'Oils ; ttc.; Ulysses, Potter Co.,
PfL:lgarb Crish paid -for- Fars, Hides and
Pelts.' All ds of Grain taken in exchaor
for trade.=l2:2o. - • •
9. , . 6 . 211 -4. : -....".. 5 , 3'2:,:t.14 Z-41! es-0:,..t1i -Agr.I243FT 7 T- 71 ....toz-4 14 I' 11::: .
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mnea or
7 , ;1••••••••• . • •
. •
• VH..I fliaE
; I V * *gia7 •)ii I
3 41, 1 1 bilA n 'iTiffkl at f.V
.4 8 t9T t ' a t.77
.* 1 4 0 iF.A4 -4 31 117 1?R , 4 .it.4 l . l;l l lf'rLi
For is o rs.tLhii hie ming? ? ,;.
Vcirtia ottraptPtine . linen, 4 * ‘•*- 4 " •
; / 977 "'
- thildoibeilitattaS brlWillie *0%1.1;1 :At'
Au d cringe -in Anean-serviiityy,
Is a roan!, the ; worse • lr
For a lowly ,dress of rag =? „
TlAongli - Lif owns my lordly rental,
If his heart is kind and: gentle,
I : 3 a num a :bit the.worse 7 ;
And if a man's no bit the worse
For a poor, and lonely stand,
For ait ever empty pocket,
And a brawny working hand ;
Why do:thousands Toss him 1:1 ,
With-ft cold. and scornful - eye..
If a min's no bit the worse?
1 00
1 00
Poirf' t
-.- " ' 1111 E 'ANGEL - PAIN. '-.'. ,
- -- ' "' : ii.i i. is.) 4ittitnni , i ,--,:-....: -.: •
• -" Oh, if it' wasn'rfor , palb," .said -. : Mrs.
Warren, " life- %timid be. iltdeed..4,:ble,•s
ing f -But. pain . mays . everything„„, It is .
pain, pain, paini , This is, the heirloom
whiall every one'pnsSc'sse'; 'add th'c mind
Mint accept 'tlie fauil •legley as wen' as
the - Idody. • : f. ' 7 . . : ' . -.'...7 -,, ,. :.:.
And the;
-lady sunk, • liaeli wiih_ L a,,sig,ll
upon, the pillow from whielt she,hactrais
ed herself while speaking,.. - .
"An angel who sorer sleeps"at - her
post, is pain," said a gentle.voleo, the low
tones of which tilleiLthe :room:like a:pasa". 1
lug strain of music. - ,
1 . A 'in'alignaiit, 'destroying' angel "
M M rs. • Warren spoke with 'alintisi - angiy
, . , . -
"-A- kind, wise, loving angel." _was
answered firmly, -ever seeking to save.
No enemy, tvlicthei at the body or the
soul, can ippinanh the citadel 'of lire
without a surd: warning:from .tbiS? faith'.
lul sentinel."
.. . . . • , , .•
Mrs. Warren's only response was- a
groan, accompanied by a firm pressure of
her hand 'against her side.
"Dues the pain" increase?" was asked
in tones of sympathy.
"Oh, yes I It seems at each breath,
as if'a knife were passing thronzh Me."
"The doctor will scon "' be here, I trust;
and from him We,. way hope' for speedy
relief.". . -
I. mn so oppressed !" said, the, sick
lady, panting as she spoke. " It' seeins
us if a heavy weight were crushing in my
" You did not feel that in the begin
ninr,?" • •
" No. The patn eame first."
" Warnine you of 'danger. lam glad
we sent so promptly fur the physician.
You dressed too thinly last night. Bare
arms and neck ! I said the imprudence
would bring its own punishment."
" Was that the bell ?" asked Mrs. War
' ren, raising her head and listening
" Yes."
" Oh, that it may be the doctor I.This
pain is-dreadful?"
The doctor enured in a few moments.
" You did not send for me a minute
too' soon," was alinost his first remark,
after examining into the symptoms °lbis
patient. 'lt visa case of aoute pneu
monia. Mrs. Warren, •who tsar a fash
ionable woman, had attended a fashiona
ble party ou the night before, with arms,
neck, and part of her chest exposed.
company was large, and, the rooms op
pressively warm. Im prudently, She sought
an open window for fiesh•air. A sudden
check of perspiration was the result, and
inflammation of the lungs the final cense.
quence. - Pain gave timely %yarning of
danger, and aid was promptly summoned.
Skillfully applied remedies met •the. de
str4er at the threshold, and he retired
after a brief-conflict. '
"Thanks to the angel pain Pr said the
sister of. Mrs. Warren, as she sat by the
feeble convalescent._ ",Your precious life
has teen spared." .
There was a faint,Ossenting
"If she had ni.t been-true toiier mis,
sion ;AI she. hint , slept one_fataLinoment
at-her post,- and.perinitted disease to pass
in withcut a stroke of.waruing, the dark
ness Of death world now 'veil the eves'af
our-sister, and our hearts beshrinnledin
mourning. And
.so say, blessed be
pain! -It is God's lutreiftil gift ,
" Wise counsellori sweet ebtisOler!,
What Would I not gii.e,,der siiterAnba,
for- your . clear-sighted itties-ryour Christ
ian philcaopity,-your. 51tviuu faith—your'.
acceptance, not only in . my person,. but in
your own,.of'paiii as a blesSieg!" ,-
"In nearly" all eases," . was the - low-,
Voiced unSwer,"paiii comes from a;viola
-tion of either natural.Or woral.;laws:. flf
the former, the body suffers ;if _the-latter,
the wind. And thus . be .k ing warned of er
ror by the approach of - ev we turn , to
the phFsioian and are heald4.l, . ;
an a rt.
fief: 4741041.1tCtrigiberolitge ierglattA
Ick 3 4be i floijr o gutbrkrutaieti•JostAncileatt4
404 hi* tlpLlght, ua etc :'c7 gt.:i
-1/ , B.4Ait,a(kineatAt 115.ftrki 0410.0314,;01
lakettPirSittAtiis kat4.llsFM'ax t> ie.
41 4 41fragert:therV.0 8 :01W-OftiorPTie
in A t m: M r 45011.48 Ca 4 rt b 3
" But w114,t,iii04404t 1 3 Atise4raga .
" 9-B:Yellen !)?$ 9,00
. re9eives external
t i wsl'itires fit An
; the ••budy.. in ; ftettlt Rif en ff 'band
I . or. the bruised?"flebruised?",asl;esl
the 6 4
'6iiddeti Main gilt's "wiirni g of
he sudden inj try. :=A Condition.of healih ex . istsiand death way as surely
follow ,without th, , aid , as if
every pure in the Cody had absorhedcon T l
takido. — ' As it i with tli:eAhtlY,so is it
Stith the spirit.' One is iii serially orori;
taed...; ? the: other.,as I have Often.:said to
you, is spiritually ;.organizer,l.;,,anek.hath
are subject to' laws, winch cannot he-vio
lated, - inaliest particular,
tsithotit `evil ccini-Ce i eeitcoi,.. It matters
iiui Wh'e . tth6 l , uriked of harinorly
fr.)in within-the
ceases 'riot, itfitil-,the dal/ger has pasScill
If it,:were notso, ~ri_iritligch.aith, which
is the'ei4uctiou oralrgi:lod iitTeetions'in
the.'youl, ;ivoutd'a§ certainly" fullOW rit
ual diseaSe - a;- natural 'death follows' nat
lleat disease."
" r - see; but died said Mrs.' Walren
With a sigh. .tDlease—pa:n-;--;ileatli
Alas! a ! -- Therels" pt.'. ali u an flow
er untouched by their bligl , t. As• fOr
pain-pain of .wind, awl I ) ? of:.bbdy- 7
it-is the tleathavleathgtioning at all our
feasts," :,-;
rather, dear sister, tile angel who
points to the enemy of our peace,. cud
cribs,'' BeWaile rbeware Imok down
into your heart, and question it clOselV.
Froin -what. have • nri;:en pain at
mind? -; From :orderly: or disorderly sc•
deities% froM:neigliborly and
divine ''.lffc4tions e or ;worldly •and , selGA
affeetiMis; for in these two•lie all t he.el
ements or life. , Thera is-not an impulse
of- feeling, nor the motion of a thought,
lying outside of thew. As the fountain
is, so will the stream be. As the life is
—orderly or disoiderly—so will be the
consciousness of life:: The orderly move
meat will be smooth, harmonious, delight
ful ; the disorderly, wttli shock, and-jar,
and pain.
" Dear sister, look into your heart, and
answer the question—What has.caused
unhappiness The activities of neigh-.
burly love, burning with a desire to bless
others; or the activities - of w3rldiy love.
seeking to receive-rather than to bestow 7;
Were we in the true order of our lives,
we would be God:like. for we are-the work
of his hands ; and to be God-like is to lov':
others, and-tu•seek their good. • But if,
' departing from true order, we love only
ourselves. and seeltElnerely ourown good,
disease of mind follows as a sure conse
quence; and pain, true to her inissiem,
will give the. needed warning lest we per
ish in eternal death. Mental suffering
is,. therefore, a sure -sigh that -4)ur life
motions are in the wrong direction. Pain
touches us in Mercy, not in wrath. Let
us he wise,- and iteca her .divine admo
"The memory of a good deed." said
Mrs.-Warren, speaking: from.a new state
of perception, rarely gives us*,pain."
" Never," was ant-weredi when the
prompting motive is good. But if we ex
ercise neighborly charities from selfish or
i i
worhilV'ends, we cannot claim the high'
reward. ofinteriordelight:: As our ends
arei so always, will he the quality of our
. :njoyments.. heal good must be genu
ine, from inception -to act." •
" But how are we to know whether our
motive be :selfish or unselfish ? Euds'ef
life are most deeply hidden."
" surround ourselves," replied. the
sister, ~•witkan atmosphere so-dusky that
vi.sion is, often at 'fault. And so vre.inovt.' •
forwards, riot always certain of our steps.
But-thank& tc the prompter; pain, she
•ivill : not . permit .us to swerve. a. hair,'s
breadth from the rightlath, without giv
ing a
S eign. - If we heed not her gentler
admooltionS, epenlis - in eldrer tones
and if we heed' not yet, her vOica take
oit' a harsher thrill. Louder, sterner,
I.larsherit beeothes, if our feet continue to
the ; yap_ that lead downwards;
and she ceases not her cry, even unto the
end.' 'A blessing dn thco; I repeat,
dear sister I A blessing on pain!'She
is:lreaveq-seat/ and Vould•lead 'us to
hearen.”' .• -
A IlAnsit LAW.- --Iletterthe new Black
law witin'passed the Senate ou
the 6th inst., a master cannot emancipate
a slave unless he first gives his. bond fur
$.200Q that such slave shall quit the State
forever. very negro , .more than
r i
I v./
0104.4r454, 9:,
4 1 1;!teerr,yparcot
iti fy'oloofi eel
pie xtisregtuvilt
firjA4., , ,A0913411.
,!1• 4 3 , - dr, ep mia_
igcrifiltna i lbilK i „
eicciteigtottitditttiutig ttfiA* "ittittiamta,
• iileaf., •• 1 --"'. . • , , , • ' "Igini
1 / 1 46A4g#4.4 c tift114\ .00 ?Pr. •
' 0
il t u_:zi r.,,5 , ,ir - II: Zi . I relt *slii - mitii •
.4111troie •viesci Icalico 'qr. Itunseitf
' ` '''- -'1 ' "-.. 4itod , ,lll'ends . .ne. stltl9 l l-:'?i & 1
:!•[We And the•foltUrring,imoviofie.Oorikresp
sien4-dehltea :of 1.4 . 11:04.,--- F,ltinlea4a-foir iAelf.i
HEP..•. ll'oußA : .:. , :, ,i ...... . .7., ..-,, l i ;A..,_
.Mr (Deni.,lo.) ,Said :he had ,
iii:OWed his - purPoiel'`itiViMixid' tell ''tha
; •
gentleman that lie th atiliad:two- oppor -
nitiea to make". his
.explanation, but • has
failed to : tibolve. liiinscht fromAlie.respen
sibility of iecoinmendin'g the circulation
of the
.Helper book.. ('' -
."...' . . . r
" Mr. Slitliktiktßeti. 'Oh io)—Tli e geti'
i s
tleinan•froni, MiStlllri li now' fa, - thefirst
time annuli:need...J.4t bi V3rpost io offer;
ing ; tjigt:resolutio a ,was to giselgcntletrien .
an ; opportunity,to,:eipla n their, vela' tiOris
to' thiS 11e'10.f = :13001f...1 . I 'a - 8k `'hiiii - `Oir
whetlierlie is Willing NI WitharaWhis4ts'z
elution for that purpose,
rg -a nY Li Cli.e.:•• i : ,1 - -: , '.. .1-;!
~)$ r.-- ciL4RK 7 7I, - . avoW cd ; my
. .purpose
,tranklY When I' intrcidancd the"fesolntibn;
'in - the' remarks' which. accompanit •1 .
~. ~ , ,
The .gentleman,from Olio • , plopo,ses
to tqueition• directly; wlieth •• • will*:withi.
( 7 ,
'draw i the resolution:for th e pur ose wh'ioli
I avowed I entertairiediyheiLl offered, it.
rsay thiS—that ho has bad two'opportti.:
nities, to make that explanation, and liell,
hint he.has failecljiperi leach opportunity
to •exMefate'hiMself - kin. the ieSponsibili•
ty-lie tool Wlieii he'Sigiiedtifat bbok'itud
recominerided-itS•'ffirdsilaticiM' , 'a It r. •I': ~:'-,
. - -lie. SHEIL3tAiIt"I: NV cl I; say, , Drr.Clbric.,
that. that opportunity. has nevurboen rejit
dared me.. Wlithi the,-gentleman intro
duCed• his resolUtiMi;' ntlensive in its-char
acter, at an•imPtliper tifit& f ie.tirl-iiiratiiiiti
proper Manner;,. hematiofft4liat be ',says
lie, desired, : to ,6-i,0777;an ~9111)5414niVj-f-9.!
ex plans tion.,.'
.1i is tru . (l, .that,,, thry.e f d,ay7
aiterward. when the - gentleinaiiiiuM Vii.
ginia 'appealed - tri . inc,ll anaWered -. hiiii
eatididly, and Statedlo. him how- my name
became connected with that-paper. . Lilid
nut sign it, but wseenis that, a colleague
came tome in my plael,,While writiug at'
my desk, and aliked ine to Sigh "a *recent
mendatien for the•eireillation :of 'irl-Hliti
cal pamphlet: '1 Old librl , had no time
to exantifie. the. book,•but ; if: there.l.was
nothing improper or, offeusive in ,i,t, lie
might use my
,namei . and s tikereupon! he
attached my name,(othe paper. r have
stated that•li bad not thatinforniatiOnlip
on -which - the On tleman of.. Virginia , !ad
dressed me, having f0..-gotten•the‘circPm
stance, but thectriminitances were rceall
ed by ,a letter from[ theillOn: 'B. D...Mor
gan of New YOrk; a in t eniber of the ita,ti
PoiCgress, after:that e.ulanation had been
.published.. That, rbelieve, was the Sub
stance olit,-mid .T2.also believe . that any
entleuian sho uld construe it as -a satis
..,., .
factvry xplanation. - I started that I had
not read the bOok, anti Old nut know what
was in It at the•time, 4ind•- I stated 'bow
tiiv name came. terbe.aoached tb that:pa
per. The gentle Man alluded- to
.. another
-occasion the, out e . r
,day,l when
,the .stibleet
was introduced here. i l ano i lzt o w hioh,
though claimed to - b - ,. oartoons; Pcbuld
-hot so understand it, When -I was - charged
with treason', with dissmainating.treison.
and ,lighting.up the hich oldie . i,tirmildi•
ary,• to be, applied to. the
s housei of m'
Southern brethren ; - Oliarged with . Crimes
which, had J. 'been guilty. of-theta,;. - WriMld •
have renderedi'me unworthy: tabe.entiEled
to a 'scat on this fluor. I Then W• lieu that
resolution 'was' still pending I ruse Mind
told the gentleman fratir Missoitii. that 'it
he would withdraiv hiS resolution, I would
answer psge by page the - heak - waS'read,
or tell hint my' opinionlef the-sentitnento .
of those extracts in the book-es.they tivere
read, 'one by one. ; by tbe : Clerk ---w.hother
I,approvod of them or !not,
~;- B utthegen
tleman refused to
,wit4dfair: that :reSplii-,
tic; n, and I say no,WAat'l Ad 'not:beliii've
it is : the deSire otthatTgeptlemaii - Ao:igive
that opportunity, :or tG7Telteve itiie from'
difficulty -I latkor.cider. ~.1f he ,does
so desire,
.1 any, eiiialjyjhai ' ta`pi
Willi ri 1.-..t0 do ii now; - a r ia I•Say with •alital
einplOsis that; never Whilii IliVe , •;--ifever;
-so:help me -'God, .wlipiliee.the'Speaker'i,
chair is before me or: inot*nover,.,.*hikel
t hat .resolnt . ion.ja , befo9 th,o.Akotiae . -iii an
improper 'Jima . ,n,p l ,4e,tit T y r .n i arther; '
and. its adoption urge ,' as hi,. s;„l4:off . en-•''
Isiveargument,".._ r.p-ver. fila explain : a - mil-,
`gic word .contaloed , In: thi:)s , .. I,4etS.,
[Great, applause - net the Ilatif. aid'
. iit" the
gr,dieries4 ....It A hp' Ai iiliman :wilt' Iqrjth-',' l
draw !ii resohpinn, s ".Ithat It.wiTielioO I
. tuo from .t.h4difficulty -(a-44 ke,rne - y, earl-
sate it afterwdid'i f her 'plii , *) - Illiiill illeu .
say what I haVe,tuSai in regaYd•iii:tiMie
extracts; but while it - isthereandintind-'
cdas . a stigma,,andii, • k;ustiiiMid.bY ati"ar ,
guineut wholly %Odic& "pre4dentiU•pa'r
liamentery history,,l,,iiunOt he_Mcpdo - te4 -
to - say-more than _I 10:te‘alteady..4 , 1, - alid
rasffitRAIVII /4 1 . 1 4 1=46. LI
, ~4 , , , a
„.• ?pi t
4it , titiA,,flf'S44.ll os ltrkStri%till nYX-44,6
4,911 0 ). 0.M 1 ),1g dtPcIRIW3 - f4. 6 c0.44P
PWqiiina4/7•JqFP.,4494 3 1' 4 8 41 ) -, 3 4.0i 1 441'P
t.TY 1 0 . 4r
r u l P tJY
AYcgr A P F ,t s illFsq uISY4
ii!?MA-IPlr!RsbrsP tbeiut:lt; 3 e99lA°l9 4
iidnim-eidise,whieh.t greatparty,as , the
,be, ought,td 7
iike.!:, 1.,,ibi4 thakwiile we
wake up our'
Polities) . ri,ua . reeli, dur Political issues—
While we play disenis all' these:, 'natters
with sinee.rity and determination, I say it ,
k iught be done with frankness, fair. ,
'less, ,add courtesy ;and the mode in'ir hieli
this "r,esolntion,was proposed, and ressed ,
before till Irp'use, the_ wenn& . in Which
tbe., aid,balelidi ' been,
~pleSsed, before the
Countri; ; ,Wbile..l. hdie-eathe,i'd,lini,idktied
ind lips se4a: is,`i'We-earitlidafe , ,,,f; ty.y
f,..ais,,..l lr rei g ,heil beforAtherli,owie,,aigil.)e
fth'e' t!; ,3l lnteY4*iiY'daS :ii 3- '4*Y r i: l- 1 3 1 1 . Y .;
it is without Ig:4:jeer : le:int in, Parliamentary
lio4iesi iri Ptate: Le i - 4 1 00110s, in ecidien:
itous, in Likty'e.apeust,i,„ or adywbere'etsg:
I stitd,',.the ether
~dai, thst,-'my `OitiCei
dpi li t tin 8 *ere, upon 'dieaie
, Publiaree.ord - . "'•I
lay now.:l G.enterc on- the oilier
Pi de, say illa t' 'they_ 'lisve • drinribed thdie
records tricsee what, nip political opinions
are. ' - Who hes •lindli - gbt ag l aintt tile tan S..
hitii tjuit Is •Woith‘ while to ii‘s'wer 7. ' It
~ : i' ti: du t hat,:(iii, geritlemad has 'said - thiit
: Id f. Sh6rnidnitirether Words I ant chuck
ed With being ii. itePiablican:'
I''Vniel.4 niY.P l ui l eseratte • side' 'That That is'
.4..,i: :.. :41 •,4, ~ : • . -,, „ • -• . : • :
4. I .• 1 -, ' * '
'' Mr.
,BirEßiA l ii—Tliat sie .- ,try &Tens,
•nd no Other''' I::never sought to invade
1;Ite riiiitS' of 'the Southern States:- I tier- I
ir•idu , :ii. to invade the ilt of •;t; '
rgis . c...•
. t- ~
ien'-Cifl' theie -State's". ' t•objeeted mthe
t i ntrtilueineof a bill."--'-po I did ; but
the lijmtituiati'wliti. prapOsed. if inlid6" 'a 1
"•itil..kaOtoiy., - 4:x pl`miOrt& - 4: - With d feti:th e I
objeetiolt;'and t litit.'was 'all , ttiatWaeprap ' I
err •fiir ',nth to •da, and }on and this - 41'0u-•e I
ivillrta'ke'lititlee: that . that is the only aa , 1
cusatidn''' inede'agaitisf "Me "-Mitibel hare
been a. ,member of the House. If there
be an9;6thei; let it be ulide. :" - -':' r .
I ''Mr:- -1-Itictiitmtr (Dein:, Ark.).—l charge
the geritien:aa with -having adrocated:Mi
thig 'floor a proposition to exchide Slarery
frini:: the Tet•ritories- by "-Congressional
tegielatiOn; and of having' avowed his in. 1
tendon' to :oppose the'• admission of any
-lave- StateS into the Union, and of hav
ing buMded ',the Fugitive Slave law as
S'iViciti arid` inliiitiiiet. - reharge hi ill - P/i II 1
haring stignialized, l SMithern Slavery . as
injurious - and 'm crime. • '.. "•' ' •--•-.
Mr. S i ligß.SlAN—ln other words, I am
cliart, 'I ed with beini7`a Republican. - This i
.', 0
is my •offeuie---nona. .other. - I never)
sought tO invade the rights of tbe,South
era State 4. -.- ' l l'llare my :opipions,on, the
subject of Slaveryiu.the : ',l:erriteries, and
at a proper,
, titue..Lam Willing to difine
!.. heat, I never made but one speech on
1 the, subject of Slavery, and . ' that was up
-,;,whatpril I regarded as an iMprope.i re
Mark in Ithe liNicsage of President Pierce
in 1850., - I then spread upon the records
4ny opinions itimni the subject, and I find
' - t .
no man to cal! those opinions in_ques ion.
They are the opinions of "the body of the
Republteart party, te-daY, and: they are
the Opiniobs I now entertain.. ; ... ,
' Mr. -.1-Thiroimts-I. deiire to . -say—
[Cries o f
. ". (311 :4 1 ! . 3.,......'. ; .1:: :
Mr. Sii.Eo.tit..r: 7 4l - ,titit ~now speaking of.l
my personal record. Again,` those gentle
Men On tfi m e oilier side, publishing their .
, speeelitY4 all Over the military, have pro.
I claimed tinia am a traitor,. &c., in order lto serveiapolhieal purpose: It is true it
has been done by . implication.; it is true
they have disclaimed any personal appli
cation," but it has 'answered the Satileptit."
t,ose. - 4114 .have• cal lid upon me ie silo*.
criy , in n nee nee . , and ;vrl.m.n.., t bey;make-..tlnee
'char - o•es 'they are called upon to shot the .
proeFe.and..the,apeci,ficatiPtis,_ and - they
have "failed-t4-atterly- failed-r,-., toi,estabfisit
1 1 t . li pi r
.c.. , 11) . 'ge4 r; i' , 14 2 9 gnJYl 3 Pli'o lo t , they
li h avp .allegedjal.haf when er'sgentleinan
"d4ile `here to'me, 'while" sitting'it L 'itty .l
ab 7 le,' - and' islied 'in& to ''iaigti li 'patter:re-. I
echniitendintila tract-=lconianted:'ito _the]
~ • ase IX , -. hiy, pante, i .andr,Ahey:44.ttelmre that.
then i , :thy thatttpt,,.l4acaPeal,..tiairr, and
'. wapl4:pat - lite torch: in the - in Ce ndiails
hand:;` "'I say ifit:ii'not a .. fiiit '"argument,
'anti rinittfip - eattliat; if nip friend' 'frotn
Mihsouri Valli desires tiiitioutlwhat my
sentiments - are4tr regarclt4hoserextracti
'fitiM: th ft Mel per:ilitiOk' w hicli , intirii."-fieeti:
read in the plcit'a:desk-the only n . poi..
tionzof the hook, which I s hase seen orreF . td,
.up to,this'xime—Lwill -toll hin4lif he will'
..reutckvi . ftiMi . .'ne ihat i must atiMaidei an
linsiiitMg menace." But. I never yet' did
' anything . under • - a: `menace, and never
• will. It is ";notlit lily. bloodi,and-- those
gentlenien: cannot put it tongs. ..[Great
P'i: ) lP ne .J - , Now' M.F...q 1 0 1 ; 3 9.4i , as I
am con4riadiii tliii•iitittit rhireliereli-
4 11 it .*;siat4
4meq . *, faall
4. 0 .414 # 4 y*.• 4.4f*tull
ItUUNAVaaIt bt;tax
4 440 , 41 t rer-qtrilsit
f thist_
MOP. Woo"
iNgPiit** o4 ll lllo 4 4o
11641 .. "814
iirttlfaai tt I
thtikvaiticolnamit §4lll ittit4idkAPiam
01114 ettat* Afieteadt:itor, . .
thiioteginntli tit 414 14 ‘— ,•' -
that rvetiwfrfolitiAttillowthol
butinestraffaitazimattatlyheatiatti! '
andilannttee 94Bich titt!gitillittAten hit -
adininiatdred the Qove iu 'o4in:4 lo ' l ) 64 =
thinkritherelwaa 'atty.
question- upon . :Whieh Slavery fiould , '4l3ine ,
up; 'and but for- tho :unfortunate affair of
John Brown tit . Harper's Ferry . I deitdc
believe - there would hovel:4in tiny feeling
on the . subjeet. rsay no*, - that we Bleak/
have come here with kindly feelintt-.4
no man approving. 'of the' act -lir:fan,
Brown; and every man ireati3batitUadlling
to-say: so. and td eandeum .theraekttfttloft
less "violeTiee Weautfunleritjaay - ifirdial
i n that' - wet m igh t-dti °mild atyrantLi6ates
tigste , the adritinistititinit cif :the Govem
Mentl. but
:when ke:artired:l6roti - keforti
al ballet ; or inaniediatetyAfiertboAattaito
forniatibaliot, thle`AttestiPoirttiotTAlW
erl;"thtPit 4 n pot) it 141 4 1,010101
effo4, Alci!ing ,:pubJiCjritrtuLto
preyenting:..:ieritietnetk :ft= ~ itaAtieil.ll:
' theirvieVrend their
this whole proceeding lia# heel:p..o4m%
u f riondly na yn ,nn4 wroog,lnotfanly4
_those gentleman here whosa-tim area
sealed, but 1p ,our - : common: eonstitneopy„,,,
These gentlemen 2op the.-other4,4th. va
stirred - up the bad bloo t d. , :itaNfAithaA
beep dune, they have done it giny 4 - avA'
stirred "up tliis had feelink iftbtre
I ba . lieve now, that, we, Alight
. goAtoiOrk.,
and organize if, these obstacles
,ofrord.p . o.
to#ed, and, administer-the \ ,powera„, apt
Alutis of this goose with firmness an 4,
impart:laity. . :eonelhnott,,
that trlienever stand s in tite j wayl.
as a ; barrier to the organizatiett 4104.
ouae, whenever I
are' satifted - that 'any man,
Can the:yotear6iej and.more ,
so as to elect,. tilt ler.liy-,a. inajority,os,p l it.
+ltienrality, 1 will;4t riny4Welentp9,•,
jiotirti AY ll ii l CY er ' , *yjhi a ,k,
they Can combine ii.,tlarg#,4l/13.t4PPF
rotes on anotil F r Oniliii,anto,l will, retike
frotp the - ,fitAd andiyieh q o
,Iritoin.l 4E4
Who will ,rcept the tiarrei(lion,ori.„.ilt
the, s
Mr. ClartlC. of, Misspicul-expresand
astonishment' that the gentretnan i ,bad to*,
en, the ground he had.— Ile .144, - , - .by- i ttla
remarks, destroyed, the lase'bepe that„'ho
(Clark) would ,withdraw .ttio repintion.
It Attacked no . man: in diyjd natty,: dtti
not / weed as incendiary
,the doctrines of
the Helper, book, and the ,only, tAtteitiort
was, that - the , man. ho: 'indorsed ; not.,
,to be Speaker. ;he
. genttemeo
tie / and his -Republican,frtends,,hatilloeln
abused, and that the debate Nas kat:neon*
ducted in ; a pcisonat - ;The Demo=
cratic side . are not to be _blamed -for. that.
Tate gentleman
.spoke,- tog, of: bad blood.
being li,roduced by the inirodnotion / Of_thtt
resolution, but kad .. Wood' wits.,..4rred-up
Congress Conirs assembled,, Zitifittf P 9;
minion, that has atoed,from
she Revelation,‘ . had -been sialpf4ps l 4.l4
blOod toy the acts
/ 91„,the I . 4intitlfestirter.
iy;„and could the ; geniAtunsa popailtup b
when 014 t territ or y h a d invadedolill4
the rights 4f-„the, ~state assailed;* Cker
safety iMperiled,lithe'cirenl4tOn`pfAtti,
doclinc‘tt c that - hte
. shcMidbe.persisted,in...TheigeiioO4#
,passed - the:44 ofire:ce"-:—lie hakbeen
' airatgnedbefoie the cotin (Clark)
- would never Withdiali,the'resolittioit:::'
' 3lr. RUST (Dem., Ark.) referred to
the course . of Mr. Sherwin on the Army
Appropriation bill in 1856, wheo,lit3
bored au amentitnein that no part al
military force should,ho eniployed to Id,
in; the execution of the , taws of tint stt ;
called, : Teri itorial =,l4cgislatiKe of Minus
Goagr 4 ss 813 441a1ca deeida 1 . 1 4*
.iP.I•*TV YisiP Pott-Jact thAi 1 .4/ the
P 3 P 4 ' time 4 ( . 3 ' ?rgsident'
eam ,disaciti the v CPI"- gtiu 34 o 7 a
AepOli.PAn Ole "Thai 1" gle g ol.4o
said. M. Aug's thiPk . 0 4.4, hSt
has no right, to disaim hat
would - IgivY o ( l *- 00 4 . 1 . 4.10 1 9 6 ,
Shcrl4 o P l s l 4avq,
r 7
.MT. GROW (Rels.:PesnOt44,4l**l
what Gov.' Geary ALL
M r ri di " lt Ceitglif ifiltiaiahig l o
of , eh& nsroan riot be delirtyedr: s z
Mr. fritirattati_ipokeilliotr Vier
man's 'coiirss'O'n the bilrintrcidnied
Mr Gbaentiood-hisl tuition; 11l posit
' dita stealing = in the Indiad =` i'emteriu
meSheralau havini 'withdrawn - hiimbt.
jeetion to its introduction, atter it brief
expination that white men go intwthil
Territory to steal- negroes with iityptinity,
and sell tnein in the' Font:llene States.
Mr. !bridal:lo ilresi from this .itir,lofer ,
price unfavorable, VS' MrAhennan. &SO
gilitA the 'Duro- 'ltlietlittlfe' *maid' Iffp;