-s_ CM • Itairterylii this Fedi& Of , z17;77,1PL111* ,- 2 • • --p • 04 0 - o:gcliOuted -with the same- G slbkilinuer,ecary . d a y,oither will hF t,:qt,ieaKiireli for:nontinit4li tuself to one!arrit;le itholelolue it 'lSo',„;:cia„ator has , prOlided a .r,c.t7,9044-larietyof ripening, fruits and graiii - iftuNtreapi;opit with man's desire for eliantre. A iiitooFlialr4l kiecsatile want ettll9 try°, !spent, ; tl,qtsdme provision. 111%.14 rarigets over- the-61d to find- of "aiirerant:•Fafietfe'a A.nimals. in tee}ilttt ,refusolleap 1 0 20 0 k titt.ciiiiqtbilik, diforont.Tipm their fec4f. The; pig turns from • regular meal of corn;-to root- for-nuts, las,. end ot her :tit bits: The faetti should be rep be Winter -.care of isteel: p tiltprnation of roots, cut feed, oil moat, eta4..wltli in, occasional 'treat of; grain and shorts i .,will, please their pal ates, kofpArttpplie, pyralote digestion, an4,geffet4l:thriit;:;ll4l, - tio well as 'ot h, er — arifinals; - tiadd• a ellango. The sweepings,of.theharn, which contain clo ver-hea4s. saeds,-bits of Lay,andr straw, etp .2 _fihottlithe thrown into the: pen where I ,gigy itiAki,eigerly devoured, and will. 'cOntribute pot a little to the 'health as well as-Ahg: 448 animals.,-.4m. ' .7TrEtinAng .Steers. .41 . 010f:00 State Fair, a boy of - fif, '''frUrn: the . toi of Woodst ock, had a paircifihree'veal• old s teers which . - nbe i y,4l7,l4ilKas:aartbedinnt , his parent.. By a motion of his hand they wi viforwa 1144,: and -. r eturn ; .,, to fie right orleft, kneel down, and per. for vtheft7Lihrug9riunch tei 'the: surprise BVsiirria:rild'Wfarrtiers who are-in the half . - ft of putting the brad through the hide. Fair - there was lkirdot'RdrOy .of an Or-tamer, • who pract ie. edlre4l2tng - Steers for farmers, who ne 'n,i.tiprits I.lte=uf,lnhunisely,but he goon has item under perfect control; and as bid4blli adWeilitrained children: • c:Toun'g thelflifey,"tulte a hilt froth tbia, in condliating • an'y business, even wigi'..the,bruto" creation, coolness, ftrutuess.and patience.will make.all things oniouthi which 'fretfulness, discourtesy will ,peter_ da under any circumstance=. -.lCOgopiaint of the Man ws/th. Belly. ' on earth makes a man's belly grow three times as large as it ought to be, and pot: qqv of thil rest of his body-1 frw,my _part I - cati't see. Why don't al man's -nose' - grow so? Why don't the ethefanlinals grow so? That's what likql - Fi7iinnw,,".l4angli and grow fat l" II sayi Ivo* Tat . arid: be laughed at, Thel hfitnan' - forn: divine indeed ! Adam; woilldret. Te i e ! !i - gb17,0 ma for a fellow man,' if Faslatrotlneed to him with these he4kan, t As spine one said, it seems as thcnigh-Tliattstopps.4,l giowing for a time) ari s trwriinT - Pcinimenced again, I grew the i Tnlicgttay-7 TIC-tried eVerything to stop it. Tie drank green ale.. I've slept on my laccf.': I've - - dieted. I've tried buck-; le;. „hilt who can sleep on his faCe 'o;,go ' . without - his victuals, or be straptted-isialight - hi can't whistle ? - not, respected _on, the street. No longer! age than yesterday; going along the street aniappitdept f sclietOoy ran' up by niy side, _kicked - heels, and squealedl likex‘Pig4(hela .tiff. before „me. • I pre tended that.l took no notice of it,' but han,g,the young rascal; if rd got My hands, ofr yd'e r iffed his impudence out of him. - _Aliny •wouldif . t any more dared to do ilia - Wen - I iretit-td school than he'd lniveitruek 'a -- seleetirian -- ; but you might' as welllry teiffind a lost sleeve button as to find a boy now a days. We don't have any hoys.-I am-open to , everybody's jokes higliand - loi. - Every time there is a city ii - handre.d or more tell me that, rsliiittld. ! lac Made an aldennan. I lib:o'6ols' run Mr. 0. and then they all laugh. . Day before - mtcrday that confounled Tinkhani-commenced running me before! the whole board; telling them . that an itinerantnionkey jumped upon me in the! street, thinking my stomach was his mis ter s and wanting to know 1 how I got into bed, and if they didn't roll I me Avon' I could have clawed; his eyes out,..but. Iliad- to laugh with the I rest:- - That- • man jokes too much. I'll bet ksupPer. that, more than five hundred! havir:: titled - Me:this year "bow-much I weiglar :.What -business_ is it to them ho* - I_*bigli?" And `then 'every body asks airs 'if' I'm n'ot: dome of the Dutch, irnlon't eat toernauen ! It makes me mad. Come of the Dutch, when tuy namlealfirtstAhe purest; English ever spok en—Waddle? I eat what I please, that's what I eat; can a man starve?. Then Some of them want it was al ways so; if,4,-iyaaa: fat,: fipy. When I wat.Y.IP.7I-741.:iJitrl' as .ft man's hand; there wasn't a boy could jump,fartter or climb a tree quicker, than I, within twen ty miles. I was thir, enough *then, -hut since I have awelled-frem the now to the full tooon r y,:llMet: oneOf my old school knew me when I 1M1.,,1.0nePP.-cilighi:Pinst. speak of-it, and give m e a punch with his fist,• and say I tha, , 'flaw, in Sliakspeare, I had "a44-vekgrealnerts:::l'l would I were a boy again." l'd be as lean' air a:tele wrnh,pnle.and, aa„tall too, if, I could get rid of tots thorn in the . flesh. I'm told to exorniseilif.takeas - :rna - before breakfast. Ilirtv?-Iq.b•avesit'iliiii.a step for fifteen years. Ilow_plin r :On , half - , kills me to r ialli.4lcisiii tloWn on .the-See-though, hilt I didn't get over it iu ail . .iviutdr;''.: don't ctijny e.Tz„s4l)9sil?g-44 1 . 11 . 5 .4 14 . , ; 4 4 ,- ; , ;thrOwn a'svagoul - ft wakes use quake to think of it; what a WASS should be! •01 01 iwair it .Off for a hiunp . - on the - hack:- if-- r cOuld jt,s 'bad enough to be atueli,backed - but it'S - a. wise ihingtti be The guture is dark tome; my body • casts .n shadow -over it all. matiter size,like.a rolling snowball. But suit'.yourSelt.. ,*inAcpendent of you. and if ii s . Any stitisLiction -to. you, why then grow, grow, grow' 1---Springfield fteriAlicav, - • . . . pier young gentleman iu.one of -the Southern State., eftera lotig.'and ?vinous cou4- ship.; 'foetid hiiiise(rone bright eVetifog, the'bettOtlied of a. pretty girl, the 'very pink. of modesty. Qu a- certain.oecasien. be was about to take . departure, and after lingering - about the door for some time itt,alidget.-. 7 ofiauxipty, and_ protested to• Miss Nancy that he couldWt-aud wouldtit eve until she lieu kissed him. Of course Miss Nancy blush. ed beautifully red, and protested in turn that she could not -and would not do that ,—she never had done such-a thing, and nevnr would until she was married'—so now no, had it. The altercation and de, bate became deep and'exciting,.tintil the betrothed 'huffed outright; and declared if he couldn't hiss her he wouldn't have her, and was marching off. She watch, etliritn - to the gate, and saw " the fat was in the fire," •ruiless something was done. "Conte back, then," said she. coaxingly;. 0 I'll split the difference , with you—you mkt . / svitecie 'my.heihd • iIOSTET • TER'S STOMACH BITTERS. • IT 1311 - filet:that, nt some period, every mem her of the:human family is subject to disease al—disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of good common sense, they may be able se to regulate the system ns to secure permanent health: In ortlet to accomplish this desired object, the true course'to pursue is certainly' that which will. produce "a. petal...lt : state of thing's aCthe least haiard of vital strength and life, Pm this purpose, - Dr. Hostetter has in troduced to this country a preparation hearing his name, which; is not a new Medicine, bat one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach. bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enables the sys tem to triumph over disease. Per the curs of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nam sza, Flatulency-, Loss of Appetite, or any Bil ious Complaints ; arising frhm a morbid inastion of the Stomach or tlowels„ , roducing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera.Morbus, Lc., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoza dysentery or dos, so generally contracted by new settlers. and caused prin, cipally by the change of water and diet will' be speedily regulated. by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more "prevalent, in all its various fortes, than any other, and the cause of which may alwayS be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can be •cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS, as per directiond on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some kind ; then why not use an ar ticle known to be iLfallible ? All nations have their Bitters, as a preventive of. disease and strengthener-:of the system in. general; an,d among then; all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scion, iific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. Fauna AND Autic.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentleAs grasp on the body of man,reducing him to a mere shadow in short time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTEWB RENOWN ED BITTERS. Further, none of the above stated diseases can be contracted, oven in ex posed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. Aud as they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and render unnecessary auY change of diet ur interruption of ordinary pursuits, but proinote sound sleep and healthy dig,estion, the complaint is removed as speed ily as is consistent With the production of thorough and permanent cure. For .tersons. in Advanced recer,t, who are suf fering from an enfeebled - constitution and in firm burly, these Bitters are invaluable a . s• a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters itt4 indis pensah)e, -especially-where the 'mother's nonr ishment is inadeqoat.c to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must ylcid, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to part-temporary strength and vigor to the sys tem. Ladies , should .I.ly all means try .this remedy for nil cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weak ness. • CatitiOn.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter eits, but ask fur HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED 'dTOMACH HITTICRB, and 'see that each bottie has the words "1:or J, Ifostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the battle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and ob serve thEitimr autopraph signature is on the label. -" CP Prepared and Bold by HOSTIATER GAUT H. Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealere geherally ,tbroag,h,o at .the .TinitedStatea, Caxiada, South America, and Ger- SMITH 1: JONES, -Coudersport. r7I A. COREY & SOS, - Ulysses. HAYMAN n-Ponet- • - • cu PO WELL eCtIAPIN, Ridgeway.. LUCIUS.' WlLPO.N...ltneua Vista. TAKE •NdTIC:E F you want to gat yo Watch cs-or Clialtalart in good run=l:tra• fling order,' take _them to DA YTON:S. You will find him on band to do your work..on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, at .6ro:- 3 , P ittE I Gig Q Cr. Opposite Parmelee's' Drug and Book Store. Jewelry Pemly repnieed, and work done on short notice, cheap for cash. ' - . .1011N.D. DAYTON Wellsville, April 17. • I 85;4 . —flmo. pLASTER for sale by P. A. STEBBINS .Markel .Strict DEgEft,SIN TAIL CHI ROVISIONS.: IlaVe halia an assortment. ct DRIED ; , ,ND PICKLED FlSllote., viz: ntletr' pad- Lard.-Sliouicleis - Ilams,ll4es, Cheese Beaii4, Mite' • [ 4tl UNIPHRYS'E ' • ; SPECIFIGr' • SPECIFIC: ,SP-El4llO . ;!: 4F. RE.NIEDTES, RENIF.DIES, IIOIICEOPATIIIO REMEDIES,' lIWREOPATHID REMEDIES,; 11.01IcnoPATElfp 5112 BI.QAI.4AY!, No, 56; 1 BROADWAY No. 562 EROADI !,. /AY. .No „662 BRQADWAY: N0.:562 BRGADWAY; — , ! THE GREAT FEATURE THE GREAT FEATURE, • THE GREAT FEATURE TILE GREAT 'FOATURE TIIE GREAT FEATLIR,E Of this 'serte . s• of notnestici - Ttemedies is that each particular medicine is a SPECIFIC for the particular disease or class of diseases whose name it hears; and-mak be relied upon for the mire of that - particular affection. Bence, Ter sons sufferitte;.from achronic disease or long standing buy.ing cass'of IlumPn- REvs',Secetetes, obtain the particupr.one de sired in their case, and thus them elves make a core which ctherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small amount of time and medi cal attendance, if, indeed - it could bP. obtained stall. Thus multitudes suffer from Th-serPstA, t'S CONDIVON, COS B TAtiTE, COAT ED. Toiioun and whieh_ is pcifectky controlled and cured by the .1 DYSPBPSLA.- There is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which is not promfitly controlled and ultimately cured by the use of this -Specific. Thousands who have, sniiered- for years with this " h4ing purpliased case of these Specifies, italic obtained a perfect cure and immunity from their. old coMplatut. COUGHS, COLDS.AND SORE THROATS. which so, frequently lead to ' BRONCRIPIS AND - COYMIPTIOY, are all in their early stage secured by the . COUGH PILLS. Many cases of l.ong,..stauding Bronchitis and iriqtatlni Coughs have been perfectly cured by this specitlc Bat 'more! Many persous have it•pecitic liability to colds nod take them from the least exposure. This 1011 ha entire ly relieved by the use'of the COUGH PILLS, eis scores ann testify from experience. - So CATARRH is one of our most common and most trouble disease., a,gainst 'which the Old School Ntedicines and even Ileinceopathic prescrip tions, are of very little use. Yet hundrAs of persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and ot,,;t.in ate cases of CATARRH- by the use of this specific. - One aged lady in Syracuse was thus per fectly cured of a Catarrh, which had annoyed her all her life. A young lady at one of our tirst cla r boarding schools, who Woe Co aftl,ct- eil-With this di-;case as to. require more thin forty handkerchiefs s: week, wits entirelyletired in c single week by this Specific. PILES, • bleeding and blind, is ono of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure on the ordinary methods, but which find an entire ant fundamental cure in the Piles Specific. True, time is required but the Specific is pleasant to take, requir.4 neither diet nor restraint, and being followed up a perfuet - cure is the result. Hundreda persons, in purchasing a case 9f Specifics, hare obtained a cure for this most trying and elistimte form of disease, which has been worth to them ten times the cost of the entire set. Cases of over twenty years' !tanding have been cured witli this simple Specific, and we heiieve ill may he cured'hy perseverance) The case cunt: ins the best - . FEN - ER AND AGUE SPECIFIC known. A rometly withqut- arty deleteriousU poisonous substances, which nal:7)oy cures! the u, ne , and old, mismanaged agues, butl, may be relied upon as. - a preventative whew, person: are reAding iu n feVer and ague trict. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that vaccination prevents small-pcmi, or belladonna prevents scarlet -lever, by pre- I occup}•tug tae; systeM ',with true Specific. hundreds haV'e been thus protected and cured. The atihthalmy Specific has proved a most iuvalualde remedy for SORE' EVES and gYELIDS; and for WEAK and' ELLTREEO SIGHT. Oae lady in Indiana. who had been a sufferer from sore eyes for many. years. and for two yearn was entirelj• blind. was cu;cdpmleetly by the Specific . alone. 17E4D A'CICES, to which so many are subject, finds a curative. in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time of the attack, and - also one which correct; the condition of the - system upon which it depends, and so destroS•s the predis position to return. The Specific for the various forms of FEMALE COMPLAINTS have proved invaluable. 'Old long. standin ., , LEUCORI{F,RE-1. or \STITES, are ettcnded ' with debility or exhatistion,. , and for which, other forms' of medicine are of,littloVi.tlue, are, controllca and cured ti,y - _ • the FENIALF. the - spieific for -irregularities: control-almost e'very-fortn of-scanty, painful or irregular menstruation. DIARRHEAS.AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS in adults or.children are.oontrollekt like mag-, is by t 1 e Zflarrhan Pilbs," while it may be averred without the possibility of succe?sful contradiction, that the "Dg.lentery Peltv lire the , most p€,Frect Specific for that disease known. For tbii various - forms 'of ' FEVERS, SCARLET . FUER, MEASLES, and other diseases of children, the Fever Pills. niay be safely and : rarely retied upon. These.S'pecifies Are thet rOfferiptionsOf Pt-of ETIMPAREYS; . uSid for years in hiseltehsive practice, and to theperfertion of which he has cevOted tit-resources of extensive knowledge, experience and study. • The public may -rest assured-that during; the'life-timi of - .Dr. no one has been or shall be intrusted with the preparation of his Specifics, -awl he offers the gin:slinky of his professional life and reputation that they shall be just as he represents theta. .They have now.been before the public for st•e yeitrs, 'lad' have everywhere won 'golden opinions from the many thousands who have used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or dangf.r, they have becbrhe thejOady'iiicourse and aid of 111. e parent, traveler, nurse : or in:. adviserlof Plousands of nannies. ere ilave thay:been.triad nitkaakt havinif approved, and idroir Ingheit-appiicreiatioti 9or,thoo . vrho kuoAa theinloOgest i «oat intiivately.l . ' 'unity.ry wilt, find tite:+Sfiecifies all' been reodta mended . eifieinit:f often' d friend in area' • friend incleed.:,lj: LI T OUSPEOLFIUREMDIES. • No. F.EVEIt.PILLtf;—Ifor Fever, epogestiou 'e`ntl Itiflttintition kiti'4l3. N 0... I'4:- WORM PILLS—For Wortit-Feter, - . Worm-Colic, and Wetting the Ectl. . • No. BAIIV,S, PILLS-I'6r Colic Trying, Teething - and W tkefuluess, and :Nerrods j. liess. of Adults; DIARREItI4 PILLS—For. Diatilicea, .. oler.t:lnfan NO an a Summer Con:44llin t. No,. V. DYSENT EityiP ILLS—For Colic, 'Grip .' ttig, Dysentery or. Bloody •Flux. ME G. CHOLERA Pl' .LS--FOrCholera, Chol era Morhus. Von icing.• 11 ,COUGH PILES—For Coughs,: Cobh., •Hoarseness, lullUenza and Sore,Throat. Si TOOTHACHETILLS-For Toothache, . Faceatehe,.and Npuralgia. 0t ITEADACHE SPILLS-‘ 7 For Heada;die,' V - ertigo heat: antt,Fullness of the Head.. 10: DYSPEPSIATPILLS—For Weak and .Deranged -Stomachs, Constilitiou:,and River Complainhi I FOR FEM,AbE IRREGULARITIES— Scanty. Painful or suppressed periods. 12. FEMALE Leueorrhcea t Iroftise Menses a:nd Beartng Down. ' CHOLT P11.1.5-For Croup, hoarse Cough. Bad Breathing. 14. SALT RHEUM PILLS—For Ervsipe. 1:1 2 q, Eruptions, Vnaples On the Face. RHEUMAIC !ILLS—For Pain, Lnme p ns or Soreness ifl the Chest, Back, Loins, --For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb_ ~old misruanage[l Agnes. . . Pier;Blind and bleeding, Internal . ernel. • ' ME MEE For Sore i Weak or • Intlained• Eyes latid Failing; e 4 or Bluireit Sight. For Cutarrh,-otiong standing or recent, obstructil or profuse. discharge, —For Whopping Cough, abating it. la . auct.shortenillg its course. - . ; 1 1311 ME GEM . • • . •• P ES. t, 20.1arg,e vials' in Morocco Case.; ~ d Book • 00 , 20 largeTlals, lin Plain Case and '..ok • • I. • 400 15 numbered boxes and Book : 200 any 6 numbered boxes and Book '1 00 umbered boxei, with direction: ", 25 lettered boxes, Iwith .directions , ,50 lantana:l, or pbysiclans case, 1 d'2 us. vials I • ' . 15 00- . _•_ a ralkej Case Case p Si gle Single Largo OUR REMEDIES AY MAIL: •' ' bUR REH EDIL'S' . BY MA IL. OUR R EME DIES B Y MAIL. 0 UR. REMEDIES BY 'MAIL. OUR REMEDIES BY MA IL. 'over the list, 4 - lake up a ease of what u choose, and ienclose Ate amount in Int note or stamps, by mail, to!our ad - - tSo. 5G2 Broadway, New -York, - and icine will be 41y. returned bY mail or , freo of charge., Address : ! Dit. F. FIPIPIMEY':67&. CO., , No. sG2Broadway,. New York. in CouderOori by P. W. SPENCER and riIING, and nil prteggists, [46-4mo.] Lool kind . y , l cure the me expri.B.l l Sold L. Cf C ' ,W JEWELRY STORM; Er. lIETTERWOR.Tii having located iincelf in this Etorbu7,ll, in the building recentft occupied by Ellison. on Main St., opposieo the court'hoOe be opened a JEW ELRY ESTABLISHMENT, for the purpose of REts..IS"'..ING RI 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, ar"' JEWELRY, some years' experience in the busi ne=.9, I tent con 'idora in 'giving the public GEN ERAL Thu patronage of the public is solicited. Preaso give me a call. Ali worik warranted or:no pay. A goheral assortment of Watches, Clocks and JeWelry on hand a - til for sale, Con cfursport, June 39. 1839 —4B. : - . moo. IL)otissitErpero. ........._____........... ........._ _, 3IBTIIING NEW—B: T. BABB TBEST . 1 MEDIC:IN/4J, SALBBATI7S.I I .:, matt lactic tu red from' co ramcM sa It. laudti is pr,epared entirely,ditTerentl lfrera other Salcratns. All the "del-1 i - etrious - matter extracted in such .0! 'inunner as to produce Bread,Biscult, iand all kinds of gilt), 'without can 'tali-deg a particle 4f Saleratus when thi Bread. or Cake-is baked ; there by oducing wholesome results. F'., , , ry particle of Saleratus is turned , t ma and passes through the Bread loricuit while Baking; - Consequent. y it l °thing remains but cowmen Salt, W3ter and Flour. ; You will readily t perecive by' the taste of this Salcra 'ta that it is entirely diifercnt from other Saleratus. ' t is packed in one pound papers, eath wrapper hraUtied, 4 11. T. Bah bit 's Best Medicidal :. , 'aleratus ; al so,l picture, twisted loaf of bread, , wi b a glass of erfeivescing water on tlttop. When yit , ku purchase one 1 pa er you should preserve the wrap ,1 pe , and be partitular to get the; ne t exactly like Vie first—brand, as above,l- - Pull:directions for making Bread wait this Saleratu and Sour Milk. oriCream Tartar, ..1 will accompany-4 ea' 11 package ;-elso, .directions toe ImAting- alt kinds'lof Pastry; also 1 ifortmaking Soda Water: and Seid-:! ditz Powders. - - ,- ' • '.- ! ' F3iAliF.. YOUR 9WN SOAPi i w I lit - 1 B. T. BABBITT'S !PLTB,E 4 CONCEN c,lO 08 70 68 70 68 70 TRATE') POTASH; W4rranted double the strcegth of ordinary 'Potash"; put up in .eans--. 1 lb., 2 ih5.,.3 lbs.:and l 2 lbs.l full directions tor • makingf AND and: Soft Snap. ' l Consnniersl !will find this the cheap*. PataMt in 'ta.tEcet. 70:_ litanufactetect awd for sale by T. 1003BITT, Nal. 68 •and. 70. AV.asbingtnn:.street r New York,autlN'o.3B India-street. Boston. 1 08 AVFICE 'N(Yrtc,T, • . T.T. indebted qtheinbseriber; either rP hy s Note or by bdok . aceount,, will save VWTY:2MM CV.,l;:r„ -hyl calling and .payiiig their indebtedness before the first day of Jan uary ask,,!'i:.an :this sav iug be rktple'?.". Ta cos for 'you - and - tile 'to pay if, fail to, PAY, 13P - by tila; time. P-;Goods's - old at cost. , • • • -• • , JOI;N B. S3IITIT ,r;:port. siCOLI'VELL prty Oath for FUOS IP • mid SHEEP Also,'for OATS. Cotielitsport, Oct. _ -1- we' present Itizeneis of I DR, 11.0.115E, 7 -the• inventor - 01 MORSE' S ,: f,DIAN ROOT PILLS. .This Philanthropist has 'spent the greater part of his life in traveling, having visited Europe,- Asia; and Afriett;- . aft, well cf -3 :North Aduericarbas speurthree year: among the. IfTdiatis of, our Vestcru . , coontrk— • Witras in this waY- that the Indian. Moot Pills. 'were first digebirered. Morse Wits the first man to establish' the fact that alldiseaseS arise • front-IMPURITY OF -THE 131,00D- 7 -that our strength, health,and life 'depended Upon:this Vital tlnjd.. -; ' . . : . When the Variousiutssages become clogg,ed, and do not act in perfect tarniony,witli "the • different functions of the'bOdY, the.blood loses lits action, becomes.thick, Corrupted and dis eased ; tints causing an pains, sickness and j•distress' of every name ; ofir strength is ex boasted, our health we are!depriyed of, and if Illative is not-assisted in thrOWing off the stag ant humors, the blood Will become choked and cease to act. and thus Fur light of life will !forever be bletvit out. Hew important then that we;shotild keep the Various passages of the body free and open. And how . pleasant Ito us that we have it in aft, .power to, put a 1 m e dicine in your reach, nahaely, Morse's dian •Itoot Pills, manufactured froth phints !and roots Which grow around the-mountain ous cliffs in Nature's gardeni for the health and I recovery of diseased man. One of the roots t from which these Pills are made is n Sudorifie,' iwhich opens the peresnf:t4 skin, and assists I • Nature.in throwing out the finer parts of. the 'corruption The second. is :' liltuit which is an Expectorant, thitt opens and On ! dogs the passage to the lungs, and thus; in a soothing manner, perfortiis its doty:l-Ihrow !ingsoff•phlegm, and other humors from - the lungs by.copious spitting. , The third isn uretic y. which gives case and double•strength te:the- kidneys; thus encouiaged,, they drat' large amounts of impurity' !from the blood, !which is then Thrown out .bountifully-liY the "urinary or.wa ter passage., And which could I not have been discharged in any other -way. i IThe fourth is a Cathartic,. And accompanies the other propertiei of the Pillswhile engaged fan purifying the blood; the "coarser puoticles of impurity which Cannot pass : by the: other I outlet-3;4c thus taken up aMI conveyed off in , ; great quantities by the bowels. • - 1 From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's !Indian Root.Piils not or ly enter the stomach, 'but becinue united with th 4 blood. for. they ! find way to every part; and completely font out! and cleanse the syStem from all imp..rity, and the life of the body, which if the blood,. be., ; dunes perfectly healthy ; consequently All ; sickne4S - and pain is driven front the system, ! for they cannot remaih when the body becomes; 'so pure and clear; The reason why people Are so distressed" when sick, and why so many; die, is because I they do' not get a medicine ; which will pass Ito the afflicted parts, and whiCh will open the : natural passages for the disease to be•cast out; ' enCe.-a large quantity of fool and other mat- ter is Icidgeti, and the stomach: and intestines" are literally overflowing wiq4 the, corrupted I mass; thus uadergoing disagreeable fermen ' tatiou, constantly miiirg withithe blood,which throws corriipied matter Diming!' every vein And artery, until life is taken' tram the body i by disease. • Dr. Morse's PM r;s • Imre mbled to I themselves victory. upon vietory, by restoring ; millions of the sick to blootning, health and happiness. Yes, thousands Who have ' been racked or tormented with sickness. pain and! anguish. and Whose feeble 'frames have been: scorched by the burning elerfients of raging! fever, and who have been ftrought, as it were, within a step of- the silent gravb, now stand ready to, testify that they would have been I numbered with the dead. had it not been for this grent and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. - After one or two doses bad: been taken, they were astonished, and abso lutely surprised. in witnessing, their charming! effects. Not only do they give' immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, bat they, at once! go to! work et the. foundation. of the diseased which Is the blocd. Therefore, it will be' ' shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will- so cleanse and purify,. that•dis ease-:-:-: that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush'of youth and.beatiry Will again return, and the prospect of a long rind happy life Will cherish and brighten your CAUTION.: • • BM 7 P Mercbants and Traders. will be on • their guardland not •be impOsed upon by a COun terfelt)of Qr. Morse's Indian -RootPills, signed B. ifoore,. All genuine PHIS will hereafter Kaye the name and signature of B. LAKE JUDSON', (successor to A. J. White Se. each box. 68 All orders ar.d - letters relating to said Pills must, be addressed to WM. MUPGE & (proprietors or Pr. A. Trask's Magnetic Oint meat,). Earlville, Madison Co., N.A .. .., General Agents for r .Dr. Morse's Indian flout Tills. El 7 1 0 B. - LAKE , JUDSON, (successor "to A. :J. White . k P 0..,) 5.0 Leenai,d, Street. Ne“ , York, Sole . Proprietor. Sold by SMITH it JONES, Coutlersport; else by all _Medicine Dealers in the county. . 68 HOWARD ASSOCIATION; THILADEj.,P.En.A. Benevoknt ..rnOtt4tion, , ta6kihed ly spccial meta:ride& for the relief of the ,siric and (Ks - .frersed afflicted ieilh "Virulent and Eria'entic disca-les, 70 MITE ritilyAßp ASSOCIATION,. In vl.crr 1. the awful destrurtion ot t human life, caus ed by diseases, several years ago flit:cc:l, ed their consultin - g Shrg - eoii,to. open a Di :pen . nary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and, to give MEI)IO.4L..AD VICE GRATIS; AO' 'all' who :tinily by letter, with a description of their condition, Jege, occupation, habits of - life; and in `-cases of eztrerne poverty,. to FURNISH MEDIMES FREE OF CHARGE: - • - •, 68 EMI 70 The Directors of tire Associat'on, in their late Annual Report express the highest sltis faction with tho success which has attended the labors of, their Surgeon's in the core of Spertnatorrbma, Semiital:Weaknesi; Grin - Orr. hoe, Gleet, Syphilis;:the' vice of Onitnisin or Self-Abuse, - Disease of the Kidney's and 1310- der, 4c-, and order a,continuauce of the same . Plan for the ensuing your.. '• • 1. , •, • • • An admirable' Report on Sperninforrhina, or Seconal Weakness, the vice of Onanism;.Mai- turhatioir . or Self-Abuse, had other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, tv,the rionsuitind,Z.im geon, will he,sent by mail, (iii iCsettled envel ope,rFitEE OF CIIARGE,int receipt of TWO STAMPS, for pOstage AildrcsA, for Report: or treatment, J. SiilLi.L~i BOUGHTON, Acting: Surgeouf ji . oward association, No. 2 - Southinth Street, b in, en, [1144-Iy. 1111111111111 11 1 11 F . - 7 . A.yers - arsapati ~i„...,..„.„......? ~..! . , .-.4., compound..remedy,- in- whielov e 'bored to yreitititte: the Aubsit4llbe iti idalt . , ..- . .tligt-ean-batntsde,,.—•lt islreoneesittertea •- :of scr 'With s' , substances of„stillogreateg4dterative , • to afford. i iffc:ctive antidote, for th e ~ Sersaparillit ikr:teillttid'isi'enier' - it - is b t • Abut .such_ a remOY 4...W4P1Pti... - by the% iuffer'frOrdStrinnous coraplaintsond , whiats will aceoMpliih•theirlatire-:mast , of immense service - AO-this' Jarge-elau latilieted felloi't-diiienti. - Jlifoisi , ecimplit i a,. ; compauml*illdo,it,has..Wproyestby , isitcnt'on' inini),- of ilia iliorst eases to, be of the'fulloisingeomplairitii-'-=' , _,; - - ' •Scagrei..s. /,:sp .. ScristoPutottl: V 031114 EauritoNS ixis'EatsixivgDtstAsrs,llt, --, Pisiral: Biarcittg';'• TiritemVS - it?' It, SCALD Hams, BYtustr:savoip Axt.nstrtie yr.erioN, ,MtuuT4,'LL.Dislokst_e-Ditci,l'al7” .as.r.pr.s. - oze, Tie Doctotiittux,-ipaisfth r; PEPSIA AND INDIGESTION'," - . I4I TX:DPV.LAS, 1 OD ST.:A.NiDONX . 3 rillzo•diulindeed . the' ll cla&s-cof complaints a rising, ; -lures; „- _,. • ,-, Tilti liI.OOD. ' -- ‘ „ ...This compolind:will ;IA lbithd a gree t motor of hearer, _when ,taken Amite I>l i a, expel tlie - foul humors -.which_ teSicr i e blood at thin sea:vari oftlie r Year. "••'lty that' ly expulsion of, them many rankling di: ~ are tripped in; the loud: Islufatedes 'e a; the aid-of this remedy, spari thernVers'es f, the' endurance elf foul eruptions raid nle,, sores, through whieli•thio- system will snit rid itself of entruptions,lt s not assisted to this through tha.natural etasnuels of the b: 'by an , alterative - medicine.' 'Cleanse nut vitiated blood wheneyer.yott find itSira, _bursting throng's the shin in pitnples, c Te p t i •ar -soresit eleanse it when you - find it is strutted. and sluggish: in thel•yeins ;' elel ee , -vhenever it is foul, and your'. feelings ;Sill -sou when: - Even 'where no particular di ~ ..s. felt, .people enjoy,. better healths and ‘• hiiider, for cleintsing the blood. Keep -blood hoillthy, .rein all is ivell; but with pabulum of life disordered, there can be lasting health. -Sooner- or :jitter soma' must- go.-Strong; and: the great : mae.hinery life is;disorcleretl or overthrown. ...., ~ .• I Siiii l Parillif - 1 1 dg . , and: deserves much, t. reputation : - of accorapliithing.th r ese:ends, i the world has been ,egreginusly.deceived I , preparatintis Of it;' partly because the ( fr. Lalotte : .has:' riot .all -the - virtue that:ia claim for it, hut more.. because-many,Preparati Pretenelini7to be earstentratell extracise{ .cositain'btit little'of'-the'virttie of l'Sursai or any, thhip t - else. , r During late years:the Public' have teen ledasybarge bottics, - pretenditiglo - givei t qi of liktraet.of tilarsaptuilla,for,oue 11.: of' these haVeliceri fictuelS' upon' they net.only - .contain little, , if any, tiara rillu, but often' no curative properties "what, er. Hence, bitter-and painful clil , appcinta. : has followed the . q.e,0,1 the various extracts 'Scirsapdrill's whichileinl.the market, until name :is juStly.elespiseel, and .has : hen sysion.:,:rnpus with .impositicln, and: cheat, S we call this compound. San-laparilla, and Iv to supply such 'a remedy as shalt-rescue name from the load of .oblOquy which upon it.. And 'we thiidt we have kround: believing, it - has' Virtues' . Which are n - rtsist by the, ordinary, run of rhe, diseases it is hat ed to fn order to secure their eert. eradication from the System, the reneeclyslc. be judiciously takezi:aceoreling - to dircctiaLs the bottle. PREPARED 1w V.VR & co, 1",(:)INFita„ . MASS: Price,.Bl per Bottle; Six Bottles for( • Cherry 13. Ayer s nerry PectOrait has won . for itself nrenown feir -the mai) every. yuriety of Titraat and Lung Complaint, et. it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount evidence of itS virtues, wherever it has Leen j ployed. As it luis "loi4:lFeeit lit Constant throughout this section, wo need not do more assure the people. its quality is-kept up to the f it ever- haS' been, - and:. that it' May be relied or do to.F.thcia s'eliet all. it has Over been towlto Ayer's Ca.ihgrtiC Pills • POli TEE CrUILE:OI` asfirrness; , „jaundice, Dyspepsia; liidiget s, ; .I . )yse2u . ery, Foul Slosnaek,-.4 7 rssipstas, Ileadaut ErUpiimiecisid Skip Disci!. Liver, eatilplizilit,. Dropsy, tTetter, Tumors Solt Blatim, iiornJs , -.0 *0 . 1 4t0 Dinner Pill,' ewer for' Purifying Me Blood. -;They_ are sugar-coated, .5o that the most sm ti•re can take' thorn .pleasaut)y, and they are best aperient lin .the world for all'tlfe - purposesd family physic.. : Price 26.cenis -per Box; Ilia fOXe3 for $l. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians;St ' meM• and eminent :personages have lent names to certify the unparallelnduseculness of th remediei, but our Space li - ere of permit m insertion of the: The' gents below named nish gratis ourA'SfEDICAN ALMANAC in which are given ; with alsci fall descriptions of the e , complaints,land: the 'treatment, that should be lowed hie their cure'. • , Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers other preparations - they' rznake more profit Demand LAYEa's, • and take no, others. The want the best aid there is for them, and. that hate it. - - All our Remedies are - Sold by S3liTlI & - Jo NES:and D. W. srEl CER, Coudersport; COREY SON, Liss A. -B. BURTON, CuShiintville •,-: IiANN NICHOLS, Millport and by all %Ilerchants' and - Druggists: rpHE 'subscribers take' this - taethod o • -formhig.tkeir if:lends , that they arc in ceipt of, are now opeuin,ii , -a choice '‘) desirable Stork of = afrAyug. AND . TANDY DRY G OES, to4hich they 'incite , tho attention of all nil desiro to make purchases, ear stock ialruej has been Seleetcd with great care, and is pa ticularly- adapted to the trantp ; of-this secti of our- country. .O . pr.ptock: of Dry rOoods sisis of 2.,.1 DlItSSGOObS;111211611 1 5081,4fIBBONS, . V.:III3 . I;OI.DER : TES,: rARASOIX. 41.)j.(3r5, c. i tsspiEߧ;,' . • - • . -VE'STP•;(I I .S.Ii. - Sl - 11RXINPS . ;"'L, • ' 1 b IiENS; ~ and a variety of cithi• iiritilehitde Mime! to mention. We have - ltistifh - eorriiilate hr4oe meat of • - aRcteERIF.S; - IT.MIDIVAI2, all of crhichtwill , lie "hOlii-_ - nneoraznenly...elio , for ready pap , and for hpprov . ed,credkt pa • reasonable' terms ifir otlier'ehtiabllshmert .M.A.NIIIzNICROLS. ISillport,.'4lng.',ll,,lB6-. 7 , 7 943 ly. . „ CAERrAGE WAGON. 4A - K.Eli...nna rE PA 111E$; Con'aersittirf, i"Oter - r 4 .; itike this: pi ethotkot infUrnting lie in, general that . is • ,rePare.G.S. - to do, all work is hla U - ith premptoo s ; in a' werkniari‘like•lnitnne , :und • upon • th roOst. accontroodating.terins., J'itylueut fr Repniring invariably required en delivery 1. , the " 116 ", -- -Xll -kidds 'of PiiilDf`t: • takin on account ofwork . , • •.1 /13:7 . • . ,
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