The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 24, 1859, Image 1

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    ;,i ::emu .;r.. 7'
kl-74Z 1 4-14
`,- -- jeatt}-cl4,Ta
: _ 0z,40 - int
nialig;VOßlES;4l;tte 1 1. j . , f „
4 44 ." n -r7 Y:Vr9 fv.c.3l tS Llultra
1 =Fir
••••••• '°"^"'" """ .1 1 . 12 7:
thrik tilgt • $ . •
.. - •••••46
• rf el )11. tr4.: t k,...1 C 010.14
"" , 1.1
011 1- 4000:161
Mint pMOW& 110,211144.
4/11 - 0:4 1
v a11 1 1041.04
• 4 , -" ron ,11 766.i
F:~ls~Fißm..~sr;r:~+ f
geilnattf*VdfVerilitii:4l : l`*, tas
ars +Mittel)) .1.; nrCit
siz , tra ,, Y=4 l / 4 1 0i is tO
.:45ubieqiehinn/iiiibEitiasttic2#./ t 2-51'
Square tlitOG raiksit.lispf ti-41- 4- 4i , t,til
: 9' OIL; j 01, tglpf.; , b di
• t a te 4 -tzt 50"
•II • one- year; t;'*- 1 !..• b(L
nod figaVE , :triirk t ;l:krici.;
g;r - s übseg uo *ie rti tin; I
Colon= :sit :in
41' 14 •ftrz.
- perryvie = z:-30 . , 1011
11,1itholumniditida:te4; :05
. 06
- - -
- t.lrit.‘ •
to iiiittl,r; 0 0-
of it lives, ea etiin!Ortioh
Tts or co fangs wilt tie insetted-itShi' adicle 1
iinistrator's cr ZreCtitor c s , NcitiCoi 60
litor's-Notices; eti:cir;
riagn Notices; Cita},
rce Noticegitacii, - Tis 0
Ainistretfor's SalesAur icitiater for
insertions, =
sines& or Profeesiottal 'Cards; " 7 -
Dot exceding 8 lifica;lser year, ' = • 5 "00
ecial and Editoriall-Toticen, per line; Ltk
orAll-transient •adycrtisenients:iMint.!pe ,
yid in advanoe, and no notice will be, taken
adrertiiements from a d!sta.ficeiutilee3 tley.
accompanied by-the monoror sati : if`4,Ctory.
trence.i'- '•
u~ t,n€~~~ =.
Coudersport, Pa.,...5s ill7nitend the ser'erar
Courts, in Potter Counties. . All
business entrusted in ,his care reeeive ,
prompt attention:. sOffiee on Main st,`, re ceive
bite the Court House...., .
F. W. , KNOX;
IRNEY . :AT 1.1757; Couderspoit.,
regularly attend' Ihirtotifts:lii - Pctitet , and
the adjoining 1 - 9 : 1
.„ ~..„ .
- ARTHErk•
auderoport, a., al - 11a.ttcu Jo:a . t usi:aasP.
antrosted to .hie: care,: pfimptnes,ald
EdLity: Ofraie . inTeuii)epiitce plojk; ace
or.el;. -- 1 0:1'
JR:qtr.-IT LAW; equilerspart; Pal y - wll}
attend to all bAgioess: entrusted to bid,,witil
igre god prouiptu . Ss. 411.4 er,of
god _ 1 0 .:1*" :
G.- L. -HOYT, '
IL SUICI(!ty()R . !aid
Pa. l will imirtiptly efficiently' to
ill businisilintrugled, to WWI..
professiOnal : referensti cat! I?o,'g:itlon'ff
quiret l• I
M. .131R1), • • =:- ..:,
TTOR,*: i ll'-attend to' all binirieis irrbis
line prouirit p' and. rid t btu] li."- 'Order.3.:riiriy.
be left cit:r i lle;Post.OLlice'io Coudersport, or,
at the housc-0r.11.. IL Bird; iP . Screllan - TvP..
Particular aitotion paitita czatuininglarli•
for nos- t residents.- - i;Gocy:krereFe j ices given:
if requested :" —"' - . ' 11) . 30
-...-- .-- - ' = .-,-;-?: •:-1.-. -. .' . .
CU ARLES.:. llF,tBs 31. A NN ii'i
) .
fIiET )SAKER,. having erected.mmete and:;
convenient Shop,: on . the Sonttr-east cornkr
of Third and West 'streets; will he happy tai'
receive and fill nil orders• !n• his calling.'
Repairing and re-fittingenroftllly nnidnieatly
done on short. notice.. • - :
7dersPort, Nor.: 8, 1859.-al-1y...
:TILING ederspoyt, Pa..
respectfully. informs .the pitizeris.of :the :Tit::
lageiti4 yieinitytbet,,be prongply , re
-4po;d4tall cajle, for ,profentislOaLsegicee.
Offieelait ilign,st., in bnilding v fopieciy, QC-.
CUPiellit , YA*F t ,E 1 ~Esqv•
I.or.i.iic.,! A stoik,.. s;
JO ES, : q.;
l.fERS_L'i DRUGS; AtEDltiltigS, pAnstra,
414bnty Articldi t Siptiozamthy . Goods,
;.afeeerica, ite.,r3iaittltlGitattdatsporti
. roz-. - 7 taLit
1):1. - 10LMSTED,
Clothing, Prockvrjriarocerieci
IN 8WK . § , 74 STATIONERY, ?iab-
ZINES and .111usic,-N.- W. eornar-of -Main
Lil 4 :Ti!jr4- 11 W, .Coadersport,' 0:1
..(11111,0;:' 401 / 4 1 1
:AtAid TAltitill; littVliotint l ee
Acerpool, England. Shop - opposite 11
goose, Condeenticiri,-Pbtter MtPa:; : 1 4; , " fti
W. B. •rratliettint attention paid tTo"t r i7l4
TWO? L 4
J. OLMSTED. iji,b,l," : 4 ii..DiiIiELLY.
1 /
OLMOT L oitigtiff•-, - . 4 ~-;-,
)EA.Lsp. INfarov,:, Pi, i efit r itoi
wA.E.E,.. ~3. 3 ~ rapft? ere i - knrt
Rouse, Oa .. Y. - . 1 - • Pa: texit i .„..# 0 ; ,.-e - ot
Iron Isr. , ..: ...-.1 ater.Alltworie;.lln
.bort utreamr - - ?. " • ' • r imt---:
D. F. GLiASSMTßEt.Ptoprietoy,
Main and Ser:iiritt-ErtreotarCiAdoiipfirt,
ter Co., Pa. , T u 'it . ""` " t 9:44
Emma, - .31 -, BLELLS; Proprittor Tpaleakuri;
stree...miles north orCou
ileroport, ou tht Wplla ille R9ad.:
- 11
t'Ailsl46 ':W.eifl.l 0' 1ite.k41,03 04
AL- , ,y m. Ott - 10 ,:t 7.Batet t . lll' I .
C,- " 1
";^,,," .0j +: 1 ,!•.'0,3C'1l 1" 1 ) ttilriVr.2- T
Miff iii'Xan.t; ; I
Vg4itirelidt "c s ittingiFeli;' Tji .v="
d Thisl4llt/ititigeitCYN - fit tPlisitTJaVd r 4iiiFitt,o l ;
s Zzg tAgle . estladVbx;i4ttAith o3l ESsi.h s li ; a I
tAlittrlsWloltniarch t ecfpfil.ll 4 , o l 9 77 !L.
1 4giatfii:Aiga-iii4faista , tre eStirszttisr sigtf
4041e4t. ta tisk:l;49oser I
,IteANlS } Ver* 3 ' =
sfi r llitif ill P APPY:I7
j ttlLitirelirjr - sna_yeA•ou ,troto t:1ke"1694 - ';
Irst , l
rpu imps n e ver Alifnit to ;eari ,
r OF: n3li . : tretdil '-
Rktg'arinS'teitircif tint.;
' teach you not to touch the ;iit'ilif4;al;
lielotit 4:44 t c 'ertTirirlili2 -
r:.b MS, d t
0 :everp/trs - :5.
(4 1 / 3 -- W ,I nP e T fit t f PF.; ll oo l-8114 T.4:9;61
It is, this dog b.cttinti •
.• 6.-1
, „ , t-/eit'it
fril--111414§14AFF41blein... - Izzt .
The snn.:liadiaif*y. - .Tttink behind the
.ohs, as if ; to ; ~carn-tliq;tr~vetlei: : fltittpight
came early - these ,ditrii—Deeetnber
bot-Alipe -, lee-iat:vfeeping bestde::a-stile,
'tlie"re,ftdside;;:ireizirait'± - :, other. ,
lessly at a Intpilleyof; dicks, Ant: Jay,:.b/,.
side ber...--lievt- ling -she 4ntended• to , sit .
there-no one kriews; hurt 'seen xtistling
tfoisd'ivps - je`
througl4:44d c a,;kliiiibetitb4,4iirii•
ago clambered over the_stilesith a'rheaq.
burden - of sticks on - her back:
`" ',can
jeu there in, thp -cold ! :You'.ll:befre' ;
ien. to death ,
4 4i1 - 11; he-vrould-enin T! snid Slice.
€arits - :
r:'irt-Fixould,!•,reiniud her friendlitugh
itiftlY ;'''; and ,- -s9ty • via,uliti'f inuchlihe it ,
let Us. I.ea.who .will -.lte .fifit:hOme.'" ---.
But Alice-was.--too Sullen to be persttad r '
cd, and at list Ellen lyilSMOs'ent-ou,her
"wey:more . 'ilniair than'` billire; ' Ini, - ,lnalce . .
up,4'4l.ldgrAlitia.: 2 7 . 4tlie . e,:eit . .ifal4teTilieT.
:retreating figrine.l4 a ti) -a turii-in .thesrosid ''.
hid, her from. miew.;:theac -slowly : - raising
irevoill 12iliOIC:=.iShet-bt..n - to' tialli in the •
'alve direction - but. fery - sjo - 51,*0 . i
- iv r ijo - g. ,-- btifertst: - .,...!.. ,-•,:; -:: •,.,. ~,:.
...;:T he - g tliefyilley,an.i..
both : the 'girls- were Altair...hag? towards tyro
mittlotii w hi ali stood spa rt freill',lh a I Nil i
!!!gc.' and 'a good, Way pp the' Vill; - hilt' th
dire:l:Once. Was. g between ri4,t..the'!;Wciehil
dren..W.lntlyek4 • th ns, :feliowl ag . - lbt , J. •Illu ,
nath4o homes that seemgdAaauneh - alike
Both Wern';'ery riser', blifotifal9 It - CI - 1010.i
eojild,be'ealte'd 'fi.:linfir . iilli i,., ' 4lie
O ki
onefore'd''O'Od'. ntidTtheo ottnu; . exini - u!
Mai,or itiLothur.wori)s t -th%outs ,wasslisfipy,l
and the other - Wais•-uil4arahle.f.' , ?AtiescAnnt
never felt' 114.-ientgibebtiweeii' IMiself,
and Ellen so strongly - 114lb night:x.4d;
vas : layttuty,lorliynrrali?W'Ailitlti
Ellen's *geol.-Wis . ,'4;4;eirl - stitiarone who
hailibeeii ira It ttik Inifeli aibie'raiiidii-thini
- 11Mself"; die* ft ear,..aillfSl4 irlisjiiined' s liy
A Aind-laciki - n r g elderly ' ien demo n' ''.- Be .
e'sl . inci, her v 7.4, 4.l?e,pths.efyinz; . en;
sh q,tol cL . h i to beeatitie:-.She-. was :.e.cildza.nd:
weary, ,- fand , We's'Sfraid.'thae her mother.
'would scold her . When'sye'reaelied - haine,
lia.ll3riiad NferYiiiitY - C.i... : liir cli,lit . .siiid'.h
`did not thial, eryie4,-;iiduld ! do nilii_oecl.
•..'',:l .
ei4;afiaid, i iit;legir,!;..lieadied,!! that dun% . keel* bew.t o be happy .. .'!..--.... -
....A , 4 :A e 1 , .. "U
~'. :i i, 1c i. :. ...n1w, ..a ,..y‘ 5 , : e ry , iiig_,'s , - t - r,t , .siaid i,
. 4.- ' - ..i - r dare "Say not,' ' lin - .- ra. 'Plio(. l ..; , fivill;:4,
kln(ketolek.-t` but jt„is .04f0.....t1)ipg..t0,f)e:
sometimesluerty;:andluite , anothertling,
-to be al Wpys .,, li appy.'' ..- ,'-' -''-• :kJ . -: i ,
''l. : 4-Al - say?;irci . riliiii;iiii4i;
,ypry' . , - spuilig,i9i.,;,ifli,::f4i,ikit .;c4 . ..114:,: . f.„1
ii. ; 0 11 4 ,1 i lie ;.o - beialway.s' linppy., , 7si ri'f!i she:
said..--;;, ::,- , . - 3 .0-.: 7,:' -':.., 7 , .,.•,1
-' l. " -( f ; Nisbi -f tifi ," happy 'en :•"ertrth," -ti e 419'd
:4641,i1,,T0ici J.' - e4;? l .illj'4 l :g N. 1 .4.er4
1 Thai 'makes them contented Ai ar tikeirld
lin the world; whntevenr it: maite,.beeiikse
it is God'a iqiiiieelbf':tlidte.:. -DoLyet; see
tkosetWO:nOit , ;iilii l 2;liiip t tnii.lialtll.lSider' :
• I - , . 1 , - --: -- - , ---4,i--.,1,fv-A 3 .- -': •• ~.- 0 , -. l;' ' 1 .
' A1R,1 , ,...Y,EML,,,..4 - " " 13 ‘. I Fe" 4
!iv z tviu.ecti viataeuvaagateriather live
ittlitearalthit ', Cgra- la il.-_ - ; --..,:.:: '‘,.....-.
I C4)4%1 t wig siiir3.4 4 l Ctitire'eloil'itkit
''' --. '!'"'-- - .0' i I:',ltitirlergier:tijie
alqeMt.-:tiret.. 0 .-a c
-aci4 l '.o.sitiiti
eia.;.lv..ka.eeikequi . :ticov.4kkey..grawidAtk ,
eranti darker"; --filli.iltualiciAtattiekf fkad
thirifitakiip.lthe IfiltAclig i ': l o.4eniF,ikr t .4li, 't
op iiY , i'libit.ilil•AtdiliiliffiliAtil fkidinl.
tikillB "...**:
‘J an,yes tell' tale_ e reasok,..q i 1,... 1 , 4 ,,
':. "1:b Oro : is: it„ 41i - ittt`..wittiirtl ir.' s ' , 'lsolci
Alice.: c'Etienlida . optionlentdaiabli to
ki n ak,• d4 l - 4
..f k i.e.,--. , 2 4;4 44.41. ' . t.21;:1 , ,ii.i ,ViN . e c.. 1
- ""''''...)6t^ tilAlr! , •*"..o:
if,ft Ei 9f, Ilikkie rDC Tr i l
1i a t :04,f', 1 4V4,4194- Igl Y,ktb qiiirgirg§
whether old cr young. .4.tda , ..eastlndeaki
bright wheirtha-isiltr , ii -iihintiig , cldtaide;
blit ete ti darki - s..riliteragile'ertinl4,.l4lll .
ya'arti'lviftaa'*.h.l . o,4ll4l4..,fll.) . iig,
'"T i .1 c 4--- .‘
' -- ''
A t 3,. ! lill r „_ n3,4l_44,4,g,thcillatyjigtit
fiitAltese darkotinftikheartaorau*, , lit tha
Linta:tit :JeOus;:atitill 6 , 13* itetispititaf eon=
Piiiiiff RE Wit Eribl Vto ft ittra "Ail,.
4,fir i rivn taw eti; es = stiff az:Arlen= , IL
' Mello2itttaitiroffreVZiditi tcolittAiNt44o
in an opposite direction; btitiliticalidikl
icsa.plr,ki,./k, totAVl4.llpr tti
lies ViYi n i - WPV e-91 "ailkiller
'Mira) JharGokrd'u thurnse Vie i
lii, 'Aaftiflifßillizi d
• -,• 41r:to .1 -- ttol toe: ot twtoltlllui to ;
Talicn +line 0 iv? n bArsitti9 rhea' adeentite
j wf ik 9,9,.§Yoatt I.VATIWIRIFIV. •
e a. t • ~, ,rnctit cottaye A a .. riptched
weiveaalivge af,l3 tog4 - M' - iiialiitig
fill 4itryffiffoiEttitrrfittieligi4fiWn. s o4)T.
shot chalets, etfrltilm:stirpriluip, Ellett - 4h
tha light that the genticinhu•slutite•Qf chb'-' 1
twist she hffpBG.' - od i and that tnay he,why,
SheTs lia , iipy„, while r a:kil iijisitiible.":'#,tit 1
i'll'dit'dd ws? iinie for'ftirticor thuhiht, :fori
Who Ward. the ith,: , :tioite•tof-her Inothel
setealwingi-V Ctnite , iloa,t ,- ,uow idlitlittle
T-niaPrct;c9*- -11 1*;,..4 .- . 1 1 3 .1.WX tPakeY94 1
walhrstwartei'l7, . • . , • 7 . .0 ' ' , , - g we.; r .. , •
l'olif - Al i CV juld ened7ini with .h 'e 'r, bur
, al4 . ..iitlaial'oi,e's6ll:fe fib ' itio`iflA'9li , ds
kale:4fiteita a - e g , tottade. - - - %7416-; kicks
IrP0 1 1:It 0 b . tIlltw; i :they Sa.nly epiuriil deird.
.9 0 - 11 :g 9 1 !)-inqacfst:hrt!!e.Y.:..44 4 . 1 4e9P. &Alf-.
erect troiti . lh:‘,ueaist and dapigest t ectruer
if tit'd •wouty,iod . ,ftvr,:,f! , e§hs torrent of
abuse, theVoorchilLt - kVa., , 4ht-sUpOi.less
tOltAd'''hilitshii..q2rin fon:),)i . r - .'s,tri.
isailth,-thip1,11),t . .14t . - 010 - cpliiheyersie4, l
and feeling that ajrwaS 'V'ery j r;dat: l 4 - ,both
itithiwiit , tyttP Within. ..; ' :- • '-'".
.:;;;;;, Bit :chi Idreti , tkr Wot -Ofteri ,iii:.. a wake,-
,oT qp , rwhen cold . a n 4..11 u n gry .;;Act-11 I io itfel I
asleep, and 811 e ..dt;eLaui ed. a Area la
. i. l 1 , ..;. •
... - ' §he fiitieled.ll7B4 I:l4 . ;_,anl;:tityle_fo s r
ier tWititie'"NiiWbr, 11:e "aim' `iii the 'hid
'side ;:hitt.when she teielied . the'dcibr; thoie'
was Icarceiy anj , :i - light, .r. otuinr:fionl:t he
suw, 'fort a j -day)t : w4dow Be9tWed:orer; it,
and there..was _a, rpfsterious. chill it! ) the
pair, just _ as she reinendieri;d:fe'dling when
there had been' - a 'Wohderftil eclipse:
- : . -.4 INliitheil biotite - HP thderied; rtinniltig
in to the* ;: ,oat z age., tgain,- :," whj'; is. it . so
. . . . ..
" pgrl7,l'.,rcpeato4. lier-..mother,,r"strd
the Sno'Shining.. - solifiglit. *- .17611'.te .not
n . lialie;:yei; or jou!ri - iilfnit, - ciiqcite; 'find
that mere dike tM bd:the, Why - Of -it?:;Gi , et
tO4ogr Y4Prksiallibi4im - i'lLgirei yeilt,: ; a r
heatingAliatliaim . 7,l7i-yiiiii?ce right: , -f?:
Alice - did_ not, gait a ,s.pend 'bid ding-;
but eS'sbe went On i astiri; She inet.seirer
irti64l6,lfin'il 41feii she Spoireil tflein'of
did tlarkursts;.sheislirthit they only totaii:'
dercrj,_nmi,:thAuglit .tbstf obo lv,sa i rapa;
;ttnt tlkere . str l ,au
,untts !i ale.tV ill t.49 4 1,ti1i0n,
ion, 5,•C0ef4, , 5 , - .. s6 . she . .itirigvt itl..ther,s. - El
viiviio,6kwitilifiii- Iftiltiol&gt'idad E i t . i . o4 I
ow', - tit)* a- stuall'hundTtftraPtatifbriii iilier
•-'..-:,' . • : ,-...3
,* LC? !...File9,7, .ebe. sqict r; yltere ; sire Iciu
-- .7"
in tip looked as if surpriseaat the ques- 1
tie 1 ••f"tannot stay here,' Isife'44lil%l
.." tjlis__Me.e.tiit-on -
ire'rlril - I am, going . to ! !
ihe' Mittfti I 'Con' 'n try' ` iori' . 'hiive heard
' abeutittirritrti' ;nth neithliAlSi siifiliei -the
mood !to - lightenlC'b f.:tZTOL.I t' i :.' , ' 2. :,
L . , 4k lieQr . l4e,O, ‘,;*? . ..:l,yqu:.APigg'. ARP @TY
!00,pti. I . l !..said Ellen„"tbap..voultknev
or do.. •I bare. a Friend with me ttipin ,, fii
• , ti .ar .1,5%)
iiiii 'Calmat' ite'liiin;:naiie . 'hal tiro' tinge . I
lo,:eialte tie* safety there!! -.1
I.....i.. 4 Afice...asked , if. it *ouldlai a Icing jiartrf=
ruw ,
' 77:7.7 • • 7 .77: ,7
'jam nei sure, 7 I))301 ,repliedi.,,,...4'hyt
it 'iS - ii* idetigitit7folid,-`o47j r _oji ife wriat i
- iirgriw twin. lii4l " - ' ' 6 . 1 :::'
iSiSlielled:iiPllii hi ii i ' ettry*tid I .AliderNid
iaigfi'laett leltb.tsf ail arouildit,'A'Tliy=wiii - d
is ilartip . unto my: feetr.and,alight unto
4 1 .. path,„,. , c
~ -
;?. ...., :. i....„ . ..,, 4 ) 1-
' '"'Fililiblr `ii;e.iiiig . 'foj?6llciii iner,"coi
titiiiifid Oliii, , "Aiiit 'ken iiiii.l.t'ceuie'te'e''i
but I .bsv e .fico- iiiuesto wait - lon'yetti'!': , .',',
So she-trimut pti - tier I:Atte - km R - afresh,
And' teli'li!ei ifiyivie'" 4 "" 44 ''' '''
i n"Aite - -itStehetf 'hei-as'ihe XS - stoned co
!iblitiiith"d "rtig4 , 44 Aefild'etSeng'tliiiliill:4;
sometimes the reatFleelie,d liet'Ai : rough,
foinetiiicW sbiedili'er'.gintin,''lifiC:She'Lw
thdr VieAi r ,(Ait"iiiiidll'had'ilnind'iliiilj ,
Inititif file funs of ihS-itillek - ,izrilitiilei t:
€t-I:alifitil hrikritiiii;:-ni'Etreli-;aFeetid'ea: - thi..
11111:lilt -it • thiow' . qiii t ifitioi:k:iiiii' 0;6
oil4afrifiTiffosiiiiil.hiiiiiiirt 6gflii; i nnt'l
A 'fee Gould 4.Je'=" th fitq Fie' Viiiffine'covi4VA
WillitiCl d tit itute:ti fifttitiit::
.blie iiiis;'s Frei
Whys ire"irefS'bf ) plonsjaitnesii; q,'ittPelFh4+
atlii'ite:itearei ;,11ifOthei.'; - 103:''lliiiIii ,
tliesl4iiky-*Lalkl:fegn.zit.":‘ But I:tlie 7 efie I
that pliinieVAlrq"teAczweethiS l' - ''''''T4
t)itli oflthE9Off"tit!iii iiiii'lhitiiniAigit
i hitekhigefilisiiiiii& atitillfdjfe iinte 1 ha.'per! I
fw-46y. 1-1- isabtioig , rnit:iizbildiiiiii
iii,e , : glitiiiiitieliardii 11 - n*4 1 030 firltittlii
leoli:i'uu'rciroie rii . ;:' Elleirl' ,. -iit lihielt6
tietidied.‘:fti::-)iiitel‘bStfititiall:rl4i Iolice4 1 ; ein'd
dreslmid'stiptliiiig.hb'Onfi thiiitlAistittiiii,'
till ''Ywikeil24l:l));Rlticiireitltigtrriiiif
Th ior li vi d i t ,.: jetzsi6-flar ...1y. , ,-.;,, ti.i.ii - 44 J.l 4.9 r
IkiiitefiitiariPhEi iildreingi Wir?lel Mit . ' cab', '
her dream was gns, its plesiliitipi;fry
feinalifedliqdhti.eagitir-fdld'lT di 101-
; litit- - -airiA 4aid tilie4Miiight,4cliafeitritlsi9niel,
i iiii i ft:k e ,inielttp, 'IA 14.46 , 6*0;iiiii'
:IsTfectizlfc 4 i& l' , irtiuld,t MA' tMeacF 4 tiliaf
'ttliii4al4{l (lit gOn ~ ...I D itetiiiiiiiellii
• c liia , vii i. , !.J.F.-1.-_.1,7'.: .4.=l:e: r , -:...1 4 - .4: - Tr ..e.tvir.rte..t:i:
' ' ;z4feilikiiAtlikaiiiriliiitA"li'it'l'iliiiii
- 167: 7"- - -7:Til
atof , pit 1,10
, :,stuAT
uT• It ..
;its* hot
h - o d a .
a 4
4 4 " g.
*dip ig. fait* best WO, 4likli t.
ad/ to anilaw e
!dn itit * WV
4Mit gti*AST Mt • L
Alice. - - p.KI oit
itiV,ii.tieA t ut4-tha-e4o , vivertorrt4ilf
iiii - Aiiii,:adic , ;alicetiqnoliMit.iv hl
.. 1 1 14 '
f!itre rig a qiiiiilerbOrar'l t OITEr FAO
Out of theliiiineAryingl4itl' thmkgiii,l
•‘Y list ill ;Mit arable, nuovrabl 46TP:3411W ,
ikrif-,T:bn .I;.rr. l strlA+e.r.9o:;llkd Vessir toil'
left his throne to coma lat4Abiit)t7e))+"
world. and-to auffersand-die fhp-usJ and'
it: seetnettainchl 'Aim:ale - de, .1 iiVifcali-
DoktP!l+ hO,Ve. .W.imiclogiftit- - ed.•!+, - -And
u N ther: bad, bade, iffflLkGo . d -Tor ; bnip ;
*S . O . T•a lic'tllliiiillien, and a n'lal'ies'lne,so
happy to have ' - 'learad v jo Vra3:::"'N6'.W+
tschen :riff-flit eV heatie'fik - ; I ban" bc4e it
i, sdrfietinici'lhavariiih - Sivd,et
..tho ug hti l .p7l. .:,...;+-.... +,:‘..:.-
~... '
.., +..-, 1,: , : ,: ,
--'"WhtitdriinPOtthOngli:ta't '+' - ',i+aird Al:
•ice:+. ,i+7 ;'-'+- '+'!+ - li'l ,J - 1::!+ . .....f. ; .+. - 4-. :-., ..t...;•,.;+:::
1 +. l 4.l4,hilik.,Plelx:' ;h`eacen'"ls
iffy+ rear (Mine; :+w+ here+. jeiittiOild -itSC rin!-•
-gels, and my mother are mar that this
is mdra sciool wherefli;diiii • giv;ing,. me
some hdi;d dessens'to leatWfon his iake,"
--",- Now , Alide'•Wlsheii linit'iiigtiat 'that she
night dream+ her: iktitiful: dream' agai Cr !
But thongh,itorold I, , ..actt tectkrn . at+.7+:llcr
.biddiug., it, was; norcr,riforgottin),:. for-she
felt as if•all - hel:,...lite nill'nOtiliafl been r a.
drcaril;'en a that , stie-illifn - 9 "ii , fllvaliO n e'd
to see •iiihy",:she
• ba4 cobik , inti, this'wortd;
and. to: hearof _the glortausttrnhritance
4a-t-na,ig44yet :be jiers. : - t -.! ; _...«+_,r;
• 'The, true lighi, , had ,51:+or(o into ; her
heaif; and' even ber, ictiOthcr`iintiero' - ,iit
ihc'eliiii,46 'whiefi she' could'11161: rtri dl
sit ar "Ellen rejoiced; ; .and n t-alTeir'saiv,
that , apoillerdittia. pilgrim s had %left.the
.kroad for t";++./Wrowilw-?-9+l l ,na:lYA,-+.. 6 9 0 4;
In/4 a . "h'e ter •CoprAry4that„is'i,antpteav f i
- enly"-± ltq P;all7ylTreti:sitri 1, ' i
'''',..,=- --- ',..." '
."0 Pit i
thePr - Y44 WATlia aVecike4., 4.A - I.4kt:
, ex Ai it ir 11,.
,c ,; 1
: 11 - i: lii ,11 Ni.4t, fli,.
(says thr iiikleFai7tol
. _
loiya, o' tit : ~a , •, f,
-4 a;ni iyacti-ot - -itiror prk...,entetatexcif'
our latitt , to•nitdi: sonle:aentinic:itts':uy e.
•' 4 l ll ).i'c' l : ll Vijlh -4 , - lit:',iiicigl 2 :"Vir:l4v 6 ':* l
sl§nY : ikffjl: '4 :sqn ., toe'yoi.i ii4?§. - : . :114
491 3 .3ti , >7.,grPatly.L.,o4sitea4angl - 4 ite,ply
concerned about the-ittcynt•-:laudderrand
unexpected:, attack. atliotorls: Ferry . :—
iS es en teen white rile)] , withcit orgartiza
tinAtrit,hout aluili tory basia 15toper4tions
Hithcpat Ale coynicpance, Jori',approyaktf
Any q) l or.4eliherative :budge. most :nu,
pNpcgtfdlyltud-, openly fdtkeel;,,an-:e,ntire
state ta t nletskand,,,Teseueln-.4‘nelaved
race. They were not galled,'pipb.:the
sliffccehs., au„ r evccte4l,,ren':-b): p4etn•
they,.undertakp till';tlieui . s.clidi!,, .Iyeq,
iheise ie;git'Cen = afte" . Arlen 'summoned
tiro thinnittn dliefiplb - lo'slitrati ler Co fitful
at d: they did:as thdyit•ere•ic4uired i . .. and
0 csß.PVcnt4Yri .1 11q 1 1- 1 1elf,1 01eaLa..11-irlAn
ratibe,,,fo,,,tiFi? : fulL Clays. g`,l?"ey..,ls:ai i %.,d
lintil 146 . . forces of fssO 4tai . iji‘ 'ere ci!asseo
to rt.fAge''-tilelli. 4 'l iloltie.',l4cliirilni
the Virginians' rent TilAitrlii3tcls"ti;iiii'
one fella Tot - tbeiii:` * :"Neeue sTOßktiqhe
brav'erv'Of 'ills" Viriiiitatialnot,,..X all,
LS:uglit§F. - i• - 'llut•penPfe -- tiny be siiii '9 - ,
tittib'w,!turprise - ir - and tak i erit niiii - rafes.
,llbme.Ker,, _this - -.may Jbe',.it seems.: sto Its
4 '. o Pr.thal. - thil . I !Fasien 4 :§evel&teea
4pcn . 34o4,llttr_o_ cu.3ed so such, alar,tu,
so niiieli'CCnrtision and noise. - l'ils no
ICO'ndir 414' - Vcroilians try - to' re Orn '- - tlib
niestfol:itt: :-Triey -feel • asha6ed - Of -.- the
facts i .autreyery,buels syttrpailising:With ,
/1292-'? There Y.,411 . 4 11 - 01 4PTARr htle,4kat_l. 1
ter, ; and killitnA.lyq . ,l):ln;t : lla / re 1 1 .y.17?,0T0
'otit,,diqiiii - ili‘nk likelt.' - `.11),i - •,e; i's 'gait:::
ibilt inihe llithedi iihiCh - cannot lioliii
e /i
ordr,..ii. the' factlltailse‘nitt 'men ibbld
tuv.thOusaud: people . - ..Priseu Clor two
(iapt., 41'lley f a ii, n o t4--,lAi 4e < . th , ni6oiripe
. 0:1 jiiis2Aingle fa;ct,.d(i, rrhattl,,y, , 7i11.:
esrtilot''l36',:ccin'celiled.t, - :' l lhesU' - s - een'tvrii
Ili enin irdrled.a itatilieiitili)rtiii' th'ci:ibi-
nib nicntwatun orY; - and ',het d ItiTo ' ; : tb (unit d
Q tth,,e• in habitap ttof ,tthat state mi.-It:Wet&
for, t w ° daP , 7.4 1 .4‘ 17 9.i51, 112 ,4; 1 ) i dtrise4VPA
. .ieCenlied'O, tb,6r`ao,pons. , ite'S trOn
iiiiiife4P , iciu t e'd;To 1370 - iniV, l li i Viol*
reitiirieuviirtlicilirgrY= i*itte.To"i' %slab'
gCt 14:taiLatitrzfftinfw:Grap7 tuttitentert , - ,
icityoTectt_n,fgut e ,t)ic,, , ,i - othe. excanto; gel
0 et r,19 n
t , pit i n • a rqi 2 , 91 , 49 f ! r, ,bu,,tinut? R
orMem'ir - Ould'dO it. There tlsoniethino
iraiiiiitigilieiciiii4lidng; l in'leiealt ,
ti is canidd=t4vovtliclisg,C4Nlig4ni- -
austtinsubniitotolli. lettlio . wei:Or.. severtteett
. coin; till ttinjorimo,E . „t,AF,q iluile:::B4.*
Is . boolcf , bo,t•umittelletnahllac9l- 7 till t •kftl-,
uilleeni Aoilld assetub - re frorn..Vvery,pprl'
,tli4bVtifelig - W3WW-AiiiMiet'ulteif
'gam cfbiewstimilviiiirtiv lilc a ei.fg&fi'el
itto - ,ther'attilloty.-:-.4iilithd'A little Saadi
should be excited aoL4dxtp, 6,-Auhlt ,liik
the NoToiijoddloprllr, ind pathife.-,
.1' wt not say any morrabo t , this_ not. - I
Tliefe s Vai'oac ca irlic cilgNreTtehiiinilioiiil
( 1
..ul 7 flaugl wrr.
smassmi. sr a cids lOU ,
.1. , .
, • , Jave,,,l
aelittim etb Nftuteco Vtirtrt ,1-1 r tala - (W1
:tiltvrati,AA WWI& alit-04_0'A
A•cho USW=
M I V P IIV 31! "Atilt b44seattott CUBA MIS , tea .."71 ba4fidnisegAreluis.ol
-' .510147vekg6fIrehts4~o - ria e d
1 1 , utiiilkos4tiittt italek *cid "Iti''
i 5
tintr46lo4livitifilitU egttegiiilth- •
I fami:v In the Nirest.. liiiCiWedta- itt
nOtakat 1
AvkitilSilrff [ittifinalVieitit
Etibtailoairtifitett4 Wit'ffitidn,Affilif
itl Jlblive6eeriioegitia4tuitraifigolin
them to uphold, slalArbydfilise.tirttitiii.
ThtiyareopthetiblitiltwilloAssitivOt the
1 :,
war. 2401);*Illitt! litra - Allititboit,b =4
cagy,-,4l,4pAtetriln , 4l,4grgi,lyLllptypig 'and : l
cleittlijartir,ttz t,lte,„qujet . volt*tgrAiii,3l.7. - lie
silitivirlASTLlll " 4. - .e-1.,' 12 .9.1P4A i i i 91 , 14 11 4/Pilii i hl'
ser#,,l9 .4pgse t.ttsit, 77 ll6;;4lt,9re . .ygr'e
, forces illeie,
n. : „ .h .j it, t-.k ey.aeto , ~66 their
it,vas9n,llie. - ii4 - oftpTirOtg , #or, the
ioykleis' . r(yeASlitrgtit-13104 7 N8 -
liefethitt:o4,titai,ol44t hil: pit, if:
4Ji:i4s - ing4.34otli6r 7 his , fitttiil,`,ii2o
it - tYO4liveiy ; iiiir34leit
.6t,.ti- bi4l:-
in'e;' sun ROA, itiiir'arifS7,, ii.iiit.'4l6ftit .'
f: , 9 :- -, r- ,'"- 77 .t.r..' - ': "- ,:,f, s =,.,- .3 :- {; •
ate.p etAeer.s.,:c4.o,o.p. - 10g t ,.:_40ipilict:, ton,
• iiis'sli"ii'' - iii3 - ift(4 - 40: - soil iiiO4:::ii . g..:,
'iiArlii;'). 4 ita- liidie''ridaclii''' "ii - liie — itiVid','
-...-- •,, t;!'i the *). •-•...3" ' ;', l '
' ' 7. •'
:agalitsr , SAtct!t,jni . ti;ivi? . .o:4: . tolerate
Od'eOiiriterigttee . `ioeli:2oti:;l4 ; "aka, IiIAS - 94 7
AiedAh is o,4iiiit4l . g y:liis'osii - o - fe'elior*•to
a mad but fixed . Vetertilin'aiion'OOppiiSe
it to the etitnfilailifer 4, i 7 4iiid now 'as he
' is , t',ri the ilepreist airOlie,thoit'trybig' eir
etialateb4ei;si crstl'itii6 "eatfPfkif 4o' - ''elVeCoVer
iiti 4.fii4iirne"Ctld.ifiatii.&iiiitirZ Wtisiiir,li;
forward,. indepude,nt soul i ‘ , Wllielf , ti see
high above all tlioie'tiiiiiii*iribbin - b e 'is at
'l4tagehtrlhe'We'v t 'er ;-in, sane, 'h e they be.= •'I
slitioki fee - Oahe:Th(li of 11' the , bloody'; fray
itiwhich . iferaS ehOige4 l 'i i I SIM n ki . :frti.
theft ficiut- , th el . tlbb'dy fray'-Whiel.f. ii;,ll :fol.;
10 . 1iiit7f! brit iiiiildliii4; , litecl:thilt - - Ati;
-'an tl -tiyei-Wlieii - peoPTeieirill read WO fee - Oil
'et t!i'o whOle• tragic Seenei; fkey.xiiiil2lvciti-"
ildil-lii:ancktidnife the-tie;trinif, Of rthe-:ON:
tehn *lto, t,ltt'itlegli•ell...4iii* , :tuisfortttrieti . ,
Wiieratid;ittifterinWin'airtti4ed k . dir ., iiity,
itpdritid,OPetideriee.tifid'al'ietitiliterit fitteh,
.619' 4hinealii }.• fitt'briniltbdt."-wtten' ; Ati-i
ItilSitd - tioitii Ilie'iotddeV!of:--111i-ic'euiers,
*4)6 ftiPsh r dslttiiftitisoii. 4 l :' l .:illit tinelitord
.thi;r4tfkitliese !!fttitei VlitpichiMt:: - lio;ktiet
, .14:lltei ri= dargoel4.:•: ll- Stititiseis'eeveafeeil
in'ed4e i z ell Aba 7 ktritipqr. , .;&t t.tptin - gtol4-,
-I,l4o6tiliattre;: l kkej64otitt Wel .N:tairai
ttlisjecO6ibbufirtrAbifilirsot thAt 3 fil:1461i 1 ;
! Ilidg. OM i115:5'4014 iki di -`2 06W '''!Vtir ICI, 4iffd
Massachusetts,, and other neighbolitik
`l.sinte*Aotid , tilOpfleifitirlitc pi . ,'- W . olitt - 'tiave
to be Hantittiut; in tbreat*:tpeititivf4Vtive:
comp the seventeen? I)ti , ytfUL , sdplitito
: -tbat.qtecittrtdrittti:ent.)',.alarhfied,
and that the President worddnhate Ito
ae4b4 r 4o, - wifb th Er S derthry:!of i Vat on
~ vi 11 a t :-.wapitcti*.clon 61.-.1.14ati g 401 , .'iNittt
. at WI, I;sAr,otiteair!itot:2-.Yeavalld-ev . errotte
_else; would yestl,tiatisfiedAkat tkelpeoploftf
eririogo,odlrohLiae fulliable.-to:matkege
the.. :b4sinesft. - AeinseireOw. ,l l4ll.hPfthqc4
would feel: . .alarmed. ',',.. But., there, fis z 4
LlTe44:r4anginglOte-fthe .1491101.0 A _states
which' ;paralyzes Chem on 34e,verx.ebed,
9.sq l .44o,a,nger.aqabeg.4; ; :J.=-; ;.,,,- ...,,,,l,
••,'-- -
:,71 j 11e: . . , 44 ,1, :
c... , hep ll
t_ s .
~ a g . e. • .
:.ree ' •
f reatton - - s,
illerPth:liqle4swil, I *llaws : iOused
theinseliei:ly,,,gip6tnValaiis Nt
tOnid . ierhelpfeff . i 7j9q4cs;,to..iyo;lßi
near„,.tbey,eoAld'; ee,9lciilehesi
1 iiili n&
ibein . ;"but" sets eciilly, cruel
,ere pc4p l irted dalliltileregrt drawing ?TeinS t by
ihi "moat .dulcet-set: thii.:eYer
sun;. out :of; 11 4v'l01 7 clia. - 7ri:;'ti ,
4reepfuliy, too; alaiere , y.op6 ,
execEh: 1 h s
sufferer is
,en.i!rained:fe,,,tipp,4n4; ~- ken
gro3y. :try - I,i; aoilltirnes i . Trthej,sirear :arid
make:batnin Ors ,ef : their. iliand4 . and tfllli
big and laid'," and i:ery., Alta& yiirociden
upon ,but,t0,75.,4 ip;,, , is`,.'i i fair, ; .4 . ght., , NOi 6%0
,yontig,linyes „,bay,,e,lie fatal :gift of
biting : . kaadoil, :slid .!.wi tlt , a . rne,io, - ,telp
fi,nni a torn ale ‘yle,at,..inuie,p'! . Or o ftli:elpiyh v n
is:bonn'd; is, rntieh'al,rAtAilket,Temeirke 1
lesslpcl , iatis, ' 4 alti,b ib , ,ky,, , tllil;;qip.tii§.
!.116,1iii :ni,.ithk . r
, wats.iNVemae, en'il Oa(
he &nit ti'eat vi; 4610.0
,e . 'egft.eeital.,;:itii
her sake,, ..shis ,ISeffeteikin. why iii7tit
-'' '1" - lr " . .'1
the T f ''' `fl rf f
riTAT:ila •c9,.p I PAP.I°, I T I : alreY ai P
b uin a til ti: are kti`e o.ailaiitei . ro u titiisinie .
10,1)0. 11 11 MITI I.thet 4Pest'AliciP
nO 4 !i vat
oen r ID 0 te , r',
„p j af l V:un'ir, rxil; anri c y".,,,r7`l`ll'eSe
young [Tidies are beefare` i'pel:a : diven`Oge
1 even, 1p the city pf ,p.le . , 7.116 1 ,haV d . a - Ali:
'ey ferl,bewg,al well
~is Atllog,
an d:ityft:eincias titlir 'aey i ii?gl,,evere; tlii . ,egi:
. We' mean bbldisteStreApillt,:*4",,lio - ne`stly
'think 'a sheiy.i.y,elnL - wpuitlls 7 ;sluitilit.' , le
dnk :r ilidiiiie,' ,. .., pe - ii i ,i.: i 4 .u . e±=r7- . A . 4 iyoitii,
1,.!-0,.p.,, .. : . I-, i'' ..-, .7 ••,1: -. ;- -.. ..,;ter , -
'''''Vcrislia:felcipW* - Flinfi ikdies:‘ Utile
"fr ii - i''' t— - ite 'lid. tie ,
I wit t e swee es .am , won a,,, e
,81. s-,
'IV: taiflPf t o l:Pl9ew .14 1 4 t q 04710n41:4;
asZa..lketaniltrvilitird.,',lifld,,wer; - liftNut
ii.andii, ijii thilil'44l,ie iiiittko ihellii'',
iflinT4V itiltifi:i4iitiaiielithav '• : .&i4ireii
ki dili t in lle4,ll,t,tfo n l feinin
: 4qta. il g
'ii rkfk:PtA ii ilet t 1 1 : ittili'
•n ' ietif: . ,:i tie . 6 .fr ui' - ;
in , itb, st ill .. )siteeer 1T114,-ifi'ek,`‘Voliii:
icitaillWrihintintnt,lirid deelinTiliej
ra - CPei . fOli {4'l'o * .rfah i Viefii tifit3 bear,; hifely -- 04:''''''.Iik;13:740 , t Vekiiiitirefili,
'ee,Tli . 4:vbieli . tr iel
iifs r a s piliitgil l. RnaTiriiiiii.
1 i NvOlillit":"2 . ' Be a c iiibititig folifsizit iviiit.
~ pyzetie c? .,:tfto.a.iiiir-titter , iiV ili81;'
w.%,"grarentliern'f&igictileri of'.ihe
l'sterner sex" - who are r " iritliir%liiiiiii-
„ I
ds mom avaits r .•! '1:111' -
Alt ,tit .1110' Ataituiti
4utt0.,32 otirtgaiti
. __ArbstterAli iota*
AD xbol vismassi)
Jrail, orit A uct 4014 w
kodle sta I* Arosi mos*.
43073 57.03211113 dusow
',once by ti t1111,1 4 ' Ellie.; ' •
ile C I Ab i gtift'l4Atifimntoo,v4•;ltt%
P.: 4 t ", ;T . 4. A • , .. , --. , ... 0. ,i , ri -
ax ;ft; u ,lolmv. I. .l iont% entail
ivprotinitindaatbnutptntadsdinniv W 41141
RoinlygNiitlon," tnalieicllitriVlltig
earittefor our igitelirrtitskitjtlve
in dto i cono tiles %Atlantis%
thee - ttatitrot"bun4. dant iptig l ino
tßestvn Ali ''7. 1 irkS-" g "'" c
ulViAifftit_i. Eh ' ilia itiaii*•.
Itrini /Oa! . AV& l igt 5int,416442 - '3
I ?
h ~ a t r e'ohli4“l2lkik l iiiiiiii'4444iiiii4if..
iieti iiiiiles'Y'inni*ftrl4riliiili;,iiklijd
it° F e Oiticitnittitil
seltlititid.a:neyeligtonsieo;l4lliilliill .
• a' doiei 7 ficen'iiikitiiiiiiolvit * =.
ifeite r ai*dl Finii a'i ipre iii' fii , T' --
'E*lll i nithrilro poiidiaWifittiiiiia.
11 gl itipe,',:l)4g, liiittlrAi,
founded-it fattork; ionWiteiVetrailiol,le,
gone.rennd the, wprjd, apd read ,th sl - einit.
treielwali,i'd Wiftei gOteizsAlreielt- -
mitt' 'hal' iEfiiieeliliiikel;lisiltiiefie
iii 3 ite'w4papotii;r;bo ) , en''irOun 44 Ttirtties
•Va6l i 1 . 'twice tt'entrifeil sini . eitiik-- - iii4l4lii . '
fag rt;en b astidiidi, and'
ties Ypiiliteeill times;" :'A Germ& bas
siovealoiii i .;fiiii3iiiiititi(friekiii,liiiii.
towed 41O0ipi,d,t? 'of ~ l nieCitisalljo
piiilorialjrlif liiker,At:nr7 01fiiiiirthlifti
'hugtimid, smoked - h-iniiiiii A oftfiEtosi s inta
'bOeu i pii aed tip - nitte - :'ai least two' oiii•
k 4 -Tli6Rtiiiihriirpfbe lidaZoee'nottittl,
seela fiat
ifik; 7,
opla a elbititei-gateiisilie*itii
, i6fOtiiihae4 ) 6r . 4loielf )
the - t:Tiajr;"of
kneel tie:fait? a 4rje:st,'-'*lici:tigia?liiiiiis
p r eralialiion
•-•;...46,, •
. t i Jorarsoil
From the Louisville loussal.
The WashiegtanStatetbatiehat!ged Its
log : tii ket , mirn:panitorrtliergtoutiktititt
ell le judges of thigup r eine c a dif, t ois r
die:: andatni.toTicriositiort , ;PriAidenCitaU
Stat6leertainly{ mulct kiittreascortiiti
Ihisciu !Ifo,pet:ti, matrttluaxsortdif th'd.vlii
trick's of federalism), which wertidedokittei
ataelb;) cUbileriorr via nbilt Ack.brs to .116 he
Biekirism4ll:dur Vatsbinfon aity.,!iibitit
data-lot DeeenilralfiFlSOVnWerrectscap
bymits,:cilled:,R4tublidifulow, gone and
.10Deti:if it 'min ta.„o3,tatv Amt. Lbut ApiSatio
risrpeefed,-..r.asTramtdoikhhgetituie tho
38iireeletGoutt;:1Qtbit legit . tli fi tc.t:J .::c..-:: 7
NyiaEnzigKONif.D. Oat; - .402 g, ~ -a
'Dear Sir :,,Ny_zraat atuF s i . y , ty:it pres
ent is to,av'aiLoyrselvei4ourpconirs
cv4i e4,ilAli`jgc),o
riiiici Allikv
practices i : tp. fortifv,44ibljiiinn
hind as many 4 Fri9r ll, as ;P,°6ll4°An-k# boi, ilii. ! iiri-rs:iaAg give tiu9. t0n417111,
save sficurd l t4at 14"Ituq ; ja
ca49r :: ;o.tiii payi l Oiila , 94ertri4 i
into IleodictaiY,.AY 4 .. 1 .4 6 ,Pg1ic, 1 1.41. TX-41
the, rem ai ns -6 t:fedeTalisa IfTS4! ) .. ,i tfrt
icryed. 4iiii7."fai kotikAlke,:!.r*ligli; an
from th,ii 1 131 a.tre0: 111 1 tlx. 6: lol° 4 , 4.#/#
gkiili4nisin pr 3.9, lip" Ve;i4.Qn i , , 1(01'14
p .,. . 1 : 316 :CeL I Air o,fizingooo*ioti,4 4 _o.,o4 l .
L444 - in,..lviaAil 14 iiiilC3tittgW;rift
, 90,e19:iii - ei.-, 6 vl..PitiPhel-Irrtsi.
judges u,tereixpiikag,thgas,l46 - Fhlmtpisy
•ettol ..2 = , ::!:..7.1‘;r! Pi1?,.'i..+4,:.:411.11.,,,*"
4'le ti 77 irit - bd
4eidges- n mio
The ProSliiieiy - Deititiefie:y gain.tuse
United;Sfittes tletiatalF - by 4-etddzbirkttil
assassination. They
,have, by th&tolis
vioeing'jtigie tif i the :4:ristoticViitedliho
sea`t; htlibrte-beeti 14d 4 10:13tbittihkPi t'' , ".'1 •
',Th IV. Reliiibli crane lga it; theta ;4:Nitta
StateS l Seriato qhezlitiest4 s -iratif
thcil'petile":OfAllithn Y
Sylvini ti a,VOltitir
b la
IVlintiesjiti:-!. - iMetterS.'' Bigler; PugVantil
SiiieldscWill 1W replaced b r ovpotiagrat
slaie-ry-titti,Al-662 , 74. ~.,_.. uz, ;.ail I .erd , ';'4
Both changes ar6 ,- -iiinificintrixttiktlik
1 of the desperate:and otioleotimlleY arm
which the .Democracy.YglyaeallitlEflis;
tinitthe etliniefAbit:gradd4b4l4llolo.
tda sptetictoftcfrde •priacipttiat,thrbuttl*
alb ~*
bittie-.1; 5;, , , 1 : fail T . b :.; .. a :1. - ;-: qt , -.:..; , ;•; 47+ , ati 1
"THE N.' Y.')/livi/el - 411 - I'--r 4 cllilaiii:
'ocratic partyHthn: - l:ite alt-i4iittd . W
tional , dcalociattillail'i*Tril atra,
fieiiki-fiiiisiiedr-Weatiilleft*;ZPlSP fecillsk
northern electiotfa iiiitifreinis3loWAtil
Teiniiiiii i ieatiasintiing t,.ciiiiiiiietial,j'A *
iferStitileihaffliii-ireljt andlPTiti4etielty
, !ill
' Viiff t 'iabkt"4oie,in ter.
aiWitirthkktileipposjtata tltilifint ijijlie stibitiiiii• itViiiitikaz 4, - .Wi
morthciu„state Ibis side the.ltsiked#3 , l
bins: "Mtt &.. , , , t7r , ,,'.,t ,a,vit;:,,,5.4. 1.=!...1,'
1 t: EfiksonAtot-v_e.clabOtii - 4 1910111 , Wr
dependent of , a large inc0ma t7 ,141% . 144 4 ,.
at: scent itpLaelfgppActf : .;f9TertY ea
:'neter,44;l44‘l ll Q B l. i t . I I 49CKMA .'" ,4l Org w
1 ltheinselves by preteOce ; 4l4.4oll,l4l v
1 - t lkiioßo4olfligfitnitglistt
itliiii r iet4tatitiiii.,sto Vidt- tlitoif'fie,t . i!sid?
inttli.' 1 I c / '''''' . 4- "u i''''V .:',F