The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 29, 1859, Image 3
r ME MEE omwox..l3Npeant.E.4.4 i 1.f159. , iy4i:4 - $404 i***Tiiib,P Oid*t a te 3 : - anzithrucezt . :*4sar cohamus leek. 111110 ::47;:iii'4elic14 - of ,P4llksTOßlitd dvedise.a useful rand - 41n:pcirtant artiseratOlor:pacnswarm,, 60i-dike fnitt''of dst of .r new goods. ,if•A word 0-the. trise."_ Nr. say 4394:_ thing, reeently remarked' bat the :" t Pees 1 4vite:W4.Pass, .d by on the'ether side; leaving the: man . 6o ;foil Jarnott, thieve4'Were Didlitaciatie lon-intervelitfonists!'-:. , Get Atisesged; It is the duly of every Iteptiblican . `iu et asseEsed, and see that all his ,neigh. .ors are, before Saturday, _Opt. "Ist. 41. er tat, date it will be too late for this ear: a.epalioaosAlleucl .to,Y,our duty, Married: CORNFoIiTIi—tt:DBURY..---In this Bor ugh on the 18th' initt,.ny'Rei. S. D. Morris, C,,C9g200/1.7.1 : 4 O.IE, Mnouuag, I of this Pl'i6e.--Sniedcpirt CH ASE---t#TYFRIV Oant .. —ln thii Bor . g b, irednesfay nioruing, Sept, 28th; .st., Tuos.S. CHASE ESCI., Ator.of tUe - Pottei.,Taizrarii, to . Miss in.t J 3 rr caworric, - (eldisbdang,hter'of tke late W. C. utterworth, sr 1) a 1 Af Pludef 4911. One!' gong - Wbo . r wi:4ol.d lia4e .osight, when rea.dingilis.calitions to the un ary youtbs r that be .ty - ouhlbe entripped•by e witching smites of one of : Bre'i fuiidangh rs: But alai.? oink reScquiions aieas the foot ints on the ,sandy: shore; to, deep and rongly fortne(l 2 .Lto-rnorrow, washed away by e waVes 941: best wishes go with em,:and piny their liFes passaa . calmly as .e.plessure-boaton. the Alnrllla surface ofa tnitney and 'when Ikey .0 par the .orei - of:tiiiic i n;kny they joyluily rß.siga their istence to tbe.P9o. - who gnye.-- 7 TELE DEVIL. For the l'olter Airrnal. LA,ggp Nr„ ug'RepCgtlitd itirbashets of ; potatoes, 1 - • •••• 444 . 4rea,):illt=:of 311:64 .I*/: weighing e.ounds—,—,.2l each ; ten that weighed 7 and , fifty- measured one bushel. selecting . chose ',the smoothest, not e largest: , They. were the California, , d the Iteli_patatoei, ,eernmonly called sorlardland loam.. If any your patrons eau grow larg er potatoes •t us hear frog, theta, W3I. ° IIOQX4B. BROOKLAND, Sept., 1859. . Tim I,3wpwhibiting Chinamen from .igrating to California has. been pro .unced unconstitutional. and their num .r, now 13,000, is rapidly increasing. THE Court of Queen's . Bench, in Eng nd, has decided that ill heaidt in .11 suf ient excuse for breach of promise of arriage.t W _ - - PB/Cla CIJILR ENT, , rrecte4, every , Wedneaday, by / ) ,:A. STEI3 irbojpsrileltad ccta4 - ccries . 4114.rreTisions,,,taigt COtiDgit:BVORT; Pies, gr,e-M , V,-bgsllse. .0 " ans,L _ _ ef, tf,- e(llldep ' • 5, rries, .?" quirt' ' 10 . 18 ckwheit, 'l l 1 : 0 0 5 . 11 4 44' 56 tter, lb,, . , • • 1.6 17 eese,' 4 i"' 12,1 , rn, Xllltiab.; ' 1 00 1 12i , ra Meal. per cwt„ .• 2 63 ; l2 our, P.F`bril„. / - 1 700 do double extra, " • 600 7.00... nisi t 1 lb., • 12 14 Vioac -- , - 0-00. 10 go .ney, " 10 'l2l r d . "' - _ -111 16 aple Sugar, - per lb., - '; ; :•8 •10 ts, jbusb. 3 . - 7 •,. , - 1 - . - 30 -.37 mons, ,rk, V,1)131.,,f •• • 4.0 09 23 00 do lb., • ( I . 10' , 121 do is whole hog, 7il . 6 7l otatoes; • 311- 44 caches, dried, 12 lb,, -• 25 ' .ultry, • •. * 5 ye,"ti bush., -15 It, b b 1., . 3.00 I' 4 sack, • • 25 rout, 1,1 6 00, 650 heat, . 150 175 hite Fish, per. i-,bbl„ 600 650 • 001, per. lb.; 28 - 35 - FOR SHERIFF.' • " o the Electors of Potter County long.heen.,s , resi ent of your;notiqty, (being among the first), offer myself A s. an, independent candidate r the office of Sheriff, Utile ensuing election. do not offer myself through the solicitation • f any person; but because desire the office. hare not,:th,c;;lnettns nor ,the disposition to o hire may one to cp.uviss the county for me, .r to , do claim so for ,3:4,yself, desiring rather to rest with the unbiased feelings of the 'eePte— • - CAOSBY. Horner, Julie' 28,.1859. * . Sherif*: ' '.- / o the Electors of Potter'Co: ' • . - • hereby olrer nsyself as-an'INDEPgNDENT .aiNDltlATil for :tie office of SEIERIFF at he ensuing SOlicit he votes - oft all Who Are wlling.,tci give me heir support: • - • ..yrg.- f. BURT. Htcru, Sept: - • .• •• For Coluity , Coininissioner: . • To thi Indepetyleid Citizins of Potter,Co.r- I offer royself as a' candidate for the- office .1" , COUNTY- COMML.SSIONER at the ensuing leetion, - .respnotfulty;nolieiting- the rotes' of be people ' . ' .•: - HTIDSON-FIBICDRYX. '18:4 - tb the 'cif Jiti.DDlr c-0 ); 1 0 lielibtacktified tfiroin r-s 1111( .se44lol4eir aceonntS fmtneit444.Y, Atkfrll. o be praeed ill.tka-b4ds.tlf-AlaWyer,l9;Taoll4o - The flmictics':cii4 4 4 1 4 4. 4 41 e1l • • •krl l Fi.,b. ,Je ;u4ersiioA,'Bept 26.- 1830. - ; 1N111..4.100.,T-Itf)s TllE4V,9flt‘7.l' • Like 641•.oilmi..ibtUfalnntion,l'in:4 1 0'4.-...1iy impurity . of the blood. wl;fich causes all,ernp tive diseases, as gait. Rheam , Seur,4,.Boils„ Sore.s,Dlcer•?,*c. The blood being Unhealthy,. and of ari., impure nature, also.oeca.sionsPiop sies.. ~The ,bloo,d,beComing obstructed in the, th veins, e wate,ry part.of the bloodju L eohis r, lateneels thrown' out from .theii eitietnities, and dropsy, is the result. ". Mang', times 14 4 oceasicmed by 'lmiroper t reatment of :anise, former disease, and the vessels being filled by serous humors Msteadof.bloo4. l 42ekVAC.; nations by these gills ,, open .the 'passage- into, the bladder and carry off the' corrupted ho-. mom, and renew them with pure apd healtliy i iilOod; - . Whicit Will drive out of the body all inflammation, together eruptions of, the skin, and all dropsizal coreplaints. They will be .a sheild to every form of disease to guard and keep you from the coil g,rasping hand of death, and cause life and,strengthto ,remain, and the :eountenance en brighten with the hludin of beauty,and health. Dr. Morse's Luitinn. Root Bilis are sold btalt dealers in Meaieites... • . Mil c it& PATENT POCKET COIN DETECTOR, For TFSTING tho various kinds of GOLD AND SILVER COINS, IT 1$ - ADMITTED BY ALL TO DE THE 3IOST PERFECT THING OF ITS KIND EVER OFZERED TO THE ITALIC. IT AS SO SMALL THAT IT CAN BE CAR RIED IN THE POCKET WITHOUT ANY INCONVENIENCE. lEvory 3LEIICHA.NT should have it I, Every STOREKEEPER. should have it!! Every MECHANIC should have id I! . Every MAN IN BUSINESS should have itl.l!ii A warrantee goes with every one -that :is sold. • PRiCE ONE' DOILL.4IIi, rost.paid in any ptii of . 14 U. S. AGENTS WANTED • • In every county in the United States, to whom a liberal Discount will be matle. Address. lIILXY b• BICKNELL, Box 1150. Philadelphia, Pa. ,Administratrix' Notice. HEE.Rt Estate S l of e j t o t u m: l o i f e s m t e r a o lat e n o t o f r e township of Sharon, in tke county of P.otter, have been granted to the subscriber, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immadiat# payment ; and those having claims against the same will present them, duly Matitentieated fOr settlement, t 6 DIARY E.3fcWILLTA.3I.S, Sharon, Sept. f o 'o, 1859.-5, Admthistratrix, AdmiTiistratrix Notice, wE E s i t fi t s l of T e t u t e K r o s p o o f at, a .fi d u c a o R n l t a o t the e of the township of 13lugham, in the county of Potter, have been granted to the - subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, to CHARITY CARPENTER, Bingham, Sept. 20, 1859.-5* SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING HOUSEI 100.0 00 Catalogues, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED-NOW READY . FOR .DISTRIBVTION. Superior,lnilecempts to the Public: $.75 :0 IN 250 3 00 g 4 200 20 .25 4 5 far A new and sure plan for obtaining GOLD and EILYER WATCHES, and other valuable 'Prizes. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all up on application. Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to $lOO GUARANTUEDto each purchaser. ..$lOO,OOO in Gifts have been distributed to my patrons within the past:six months-slsl ,000 to be dis tributed during the next six - months. The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. • Having been in this Pulishing, and Booksel- IMg business for the last eight years, my ex perience enables me to conduct the Gift En terprise with the .greatest satisfaction to all. se- AUNTS W.ANTD in every Town and County. For full particulars address • - DUANE ItULISON, Quaker City PubliShing House, • • • 33 - South Third Street; • 5-4 mo. • Philadelphia, Pa. 3 00 BOOK STORE; Main above Third St. COULS_EftSPORT; M: W. MANN,. PtOPINETOIL. _DOOR'S, . MAPS, GLOBER, BLANKS- • DOCKETS- _ LEDGERS- • DAY-BOOKS _ • RECEIPT-BOOKS'; MEMORANDUMS, . • , , • PASS-BDOKS, • ;DIARIES, • - PORTFOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, LETTED,BOOKS k. • Greek, Latin, French and Gorman . Text- BOoks: - - All &Mol Books used in flti •County kept on hand, or imitiediately j n o cured when ilestrea. : - • Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired.' • • -•-• •A good assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also r of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, ate. • - 13IBLES, TESTAMENTS, - PRAYER .k HYMN BOOKS; of various kinds. MUSIC - BOOKS.AND 'MEE:MUSIC, -' Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammon' Board.sCtiess Men; ke., kn. [11 ; 434]_ - • 43010.114.0e5, ELEOTION PROCLAMATION.:, , , ifRSUAICT ."to art aCt 'of- die .eemblyof theOolhnionwealth , of-PerinsYl- ,vaiNjerititikf "An'Act retrithig ltions of thliVoiLledivitalthi';'atipicired the 6econd day of,Jaly,,A,. D. oneihtkirittind , elMiti buidred arid ' ili.Erty=nite; TAGG,Latt, stieriff of the:'§oiiiiti of Ntter',.Pepasylvailiaj 40 - herebyltialee known' aadVve . notice to the 'Flectore of the , county aforesaid; that a' Gene.' at 1144ar.:AULN IWt,T+P :Potter 9 0 the Sigcon4 Taesdaty-41 4 thor. etob er, - .4859, iit,yrhicliiirtieStataotbnoty Ctffteer?.,folkiiv4 4 6 0 I)o,',4 l er'*.;zo'Niit:: One person , tor. Corn .ngontrealtk 6Y - Payz:titOdlita;, - • '040 0 41 0 i StiOeSla!!if t cP . g'43 - et inonwealthe ' _ 0nef.07 014 far;St.Pgt ql4atoFf rePit# ll t- :the X .oi3triet, cosprion'tehel'eOuhlio;'94.Tioita; -Potter, 41e.Yea,h"" 'Pk° pOrsons,for *l4ol34) . the WU4e . O/Pp ty.s . citia4res, ofthe aineral .4147n61 . 01 Pztinsyl-. amnia; in' eolv - Onetiokicith the ;aunt y . ‘ll 21",0,:gai to reproe#s.the eoypties pf iosiq .2 . hd • , , Ode person for piatri4 sittoriszey/d/thlooyVi of Potter,. ' .:" ." : - • ' One ierion for I Slkertr "ofthi?oti,nty of Potter. One person fw: Caroni, of ih,E.eoasty of Potter. 0114 p riori for eoinratsliciaer of the oOttiity .i . of Potter,• .` ".. • --": 0 4 e -fo r dzig,iror of county oj:Polter. Ohe person for Surveyor of the county of Potter. I also, make kaourn , anti, eve notice,. as in 94d b 3 the 13th section of the aforesaid .act I am directed, tbat eyeriperscin,exceptiOe/os-. tices of the Peace, Who holds.ariYOfficeoraP: pointment of profit or trust under the acivern ment of the United States of of this State, or of any city or incorporated distrietcishetber a commissioned officer or otherwisq,,P. dinate officer or, agent, who is -or Waal: fie ern- ployedunder the legislative, judiciary, or ex ecutive department of this State or the United States or orany city or incorporated clisirict i. and also that every member.of. Pohgresi and of the State,l 4 egislature, and of the splectind common council of any city,-or commissioner of any incorporated district, is by.laWincapa, blo of bolding or exercising at the same time, the , office or appointraent - ofJudge, Inspecter, or clerk of any election in this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or ,other ofk cer of any such election shall bp eligible tp. any office then to be voted for. Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "Ali .4 - ct relating to. elections and for other' purpcises," approved' April lEab, 1840, it is enacted that the afOre said 13th - section shall•nOt be so constroed,as to prevent any military officer or Sorough Of ficer from serving' as Judge, Inspector, - or Clerk of any general or speeralelection in this Commonwealth.' - It is Outlier directed' that the meetbigZof the ret.6rn judges at " the Court liouse in Cou dersport to make oat the general returns, shall be on the first Friziuf succeeding the general election, which will be_the 14th. day of Oc tober. . . The return judges of the counties.of Tioga, Potter, JiCKean and Warren, comprising the 11th Senatorial district will meet at the' Court . House in the BoroughWCouderspisrt, on the 18th day of October next: to make out an nia cin! return for member of OM Senate. The' return Judges: Of Potter and Tioga counties shall meet at the Court House the Borough of Wellsboro', in the county ofTioga, on Tuesday, the 18th day oeOctober, 1859, to make return for Members of Assembly.. [Also hereby Make known and give notice that the places for holding the aforesaid gen eral election in the several townships and boroughs within the county, of Potter,, are as follows, to wit: For the township, of Abbott, at the house formerly occupied by T. B. Abbent in said township., For the township cfAll. , gany, at the school house neat the place formerly owned, by Ches ter Andrews, in said township. For the township of Bipgham, at the house of A. R. Lewis, in said township. For the township of-Clara, at the school house near Sala Stevens', a said townshp. • ' For 'the township of Eulalia, :at the; New Court House in the .Borough of Coudersport, For the township of Genesee, •at ,the house now occupied by S. S. Rasco, in Ellisborg. * Forthe township of Harrison, at the -house recently occupied by Ira Bitrtholamew, io said township. For the township of Ilebroni;at the:school house No. 5, near ; llFitry Ingraham's in said township. .•, For the townshipofilector,at the Ruder lin school house, in said township. • '-• For the towtaiip of ITonier, at' i's6:School house near Jacob Peet's in said township. - ' For the township of.Jaskson,' at the house, formerly occupied by Benjamin BarseoiOw H. Chappel, in said township. ; ~ • For the township of Keating, at the house of Pliny Harris, in said township. .„ , Fhr the township" of. Oswayo at the house of John Wells, iu said township. - . For the township-of Pike, at the honse of Elijah Johnson; in said township. For the townef .) of Pleasant Valley, at the school house in said township. ' For the township of Portage, • at the Sim . school house , in said. township.. For the township of Rciulet,' at the . sehool house near George Weimer's, in sa'd township. For the township of Sharon; at the Sharon Centre school house, near-JOhn Voorhees'. For the township'of Sweden',' at the house of Asepath Taggart, in said township: For the township •of Stewardson, at the house of John S. Clark, in said township. 'For the township of Summit, at' the 'tonsil formerly occupied by Uel Cook, now Jona; than Redsom in said township: • • • For the township of Sylvania, at the school house near J; M. Rees,' in said township. For the township of Illy:Lses ' at the house of Atlas Bennett. iti said. township; ":For the township of ;West •Branch; at the house of S. M. Conable, in - saidtownship. • For the township - of Wharton, at the house of Stephen Horton, in said township - . • For- the Borough', of Coudersport. at the Court House ih said:Borough. • • '.Given •uuder my' hand, ::this • fith day ,of September; A. D. 1559:' A. /• . - • • A. C: TAGGART, Shoriff. COUDERSPORT ACADEMY ) '1859, REY, J. IIESPRICK, A. 3f., l!uiFcli.A.L. SPRING acid SUMMER TERM-commences Tue Way, April 5. FALL, TER cotriTeEices ' . . - :'1 , ug541 . 4,y, August 23. . -• Primary Btlancliesi " -' $2 50 COMMOD•Rnglish,,.. - , . , 350 Higher English, WithA4ollra, : ' 475 Higher Ilatheratitics• '" -, 600 Latiu'and . • ' 4.00 Drawiligle.itray • '• • • • 1 . 56 Music, with use of Piano, (axiira) ' : 10 00 (eit6o ' • ! 3 .9 0 French,lviihoo atbec.studic, • 500 Room Rent.; each, '• • ' 100 s Eir Competent Teachershave been secur ed for every bianch of.stridy.' [31.1' A D.IU RTINE C UE. Sii,at ex( ran Ur 4 rots.o4amrg. fa • Whit:they-mann etare,:=l • „ ! UM - AMERICAN, SNORER, ; erariettotunique gild beautifult,paiteria,pf Cigaglubds';'lalse,-.eeTr etal Tuleeek TlOesullarity• 'about these at-tie:teals that eieh,Untiis r r rrarig ed SiVai'tiiredeitre _which the smelie'nf the lititaing•ei 16 paiMm ititterwtt,ho-mmittirvamp sponge*ole i Aipititracts from it th e nicotine nil; _the poisonOtts prop er 1-ty of the Tobacco, renders tho -breath less offensive, Srneltercwiliihnd the use of I,tliese Tubes A luzullsqtieVertliefoi'e attained 'except by Using the Turkishivater-jar. Their use will al,fo , gratiy.promet*thelo;iktfk,iof the 1 habitual snieketanitipreserve , :theixWeetness j tit the „;,,1 I . THE AMER/CAN CARPET-'nbox. to a little eon tria'ance,ibr vatting-down - carpets without tacks: • Thia:b3,4",,new:areidie, which' I has never befdeebeeti - Aion; . the max et. But tt - possesseS the' e . enehliiii person to pat down or . t4e' n Icerfipt;itif - the, largest -size in general ix,ie° in Afteea,ltnitititei;:ivithout any injury to' finer very cheap—cheat'. rl Vae long fmi thilo lacks-- end the greatfaenltyirit:`,styielt Oen a serv ant ean take up and put down, Carp 4 with out the possibility ern mistake; ','reiiilers it in *Linable to the housekeeper,' = iu • THE AMERICAN PEN HOI:DER''p StrIPER: It=is a neat inituntion - forholding a wet sponge into ;Which ,the pen thryst,.. alWay,s corning, out clean. andrready for' use.: A very conven ient-article for, the Couuting;Hciuse.pesk and Library Table. • j , .. . The Areearten Trddes Cortipa ny, was organized Novemb& tf, 107,- with a Capital of one, hundred J:thousand , dollars. This Company was formed withlt View-of tak ing up inventors of smallarticles of. general utility, who ni•etinable' to make independent a rrangt alents' for introdneing, - ttreir inventions, j t by trq an uitable - arrangenient- titili them •for their rights hy purchase - outl i and ou ~ or by a: tariff on the - arjielei'manuraetuke,d ad :gold. The inventive genius of this ountr,,V has long Balled for an Institution' of I this kind; The American mind is so active, ,hatthousandifif things are invented, i,:uany of, whielf , ,would'l4'f! really Useful to thepirunnini ,y,biit'which tire never intreduced; because the Anientars of them have no means to carry" them init.' . - The capi tel. of this ConaParly will be devoted to the development of-really Useful inventions. The Company have a.Cominittee an Patents; whose- duty 10s:to pass upe!all applications, and from their large experie ce in : Such mat ters Inventors have a security that their id veutions will not be inisjudgedl anti the'high character of the parties composing that Corn mittee is a sufficient guaranty that illens and specifications may be subniitted before patents are applied fur, without any, risk Of advan tage being taken of this circumstance,- and when desired to do so, 'the Cpmpank will take out patents for 'others, - seenrlng for the inven tor all of his inyention - that is pateatable. This. Company resPeetfialliinVite‘ inventors to submit to them their plan #; andi it will be furthering the objects of the Coaspany - -if its officers and agents.ead - be of. any - pervice .to them. ' ' ' H ' i , ' "'"'Any' one of the followiag . trtodes' is accepts bh - 'his Cr •--2 - ' ' ' - I ie to, tT'T sC : Eri m p itttar Company:. articles: for which their, machinery is adapted bY contract, the.inYentersrechiving the articles d paying' for the' same - on - detiverf.l. "I .1 Sie . ond: They buy, any patent which, is ap profed' of by their - comuilttee. Thin They will and sell any article whichthey ehocisettd adopt, givlng• to the Inientor such a prOportllon: of profits as may be-agreed upon: , • The extensive• building, No. • 2211 and 24 Frankfort-st., New York, being abodt GO feet front by over.loo feet deep, hnd 7 - staries high above the sidewalk, is owned bythe Ptcsident of the Company, and is .occupied in part by all the machinery, wareroom ; and °Mae of the Company, where.all . its business and sales are transacted. , I• • • Vi 939 SELLS THE AMERIpAN SMOKIER? WHY EVERY DRUGGIST- , AND, CIGAR iDE4LER-- If they dont nciiv, they vrif hoe4er. 'Dont fail to engage one: . • ' • THE 'C.:4LUMET Or,PEACE! THE -CAIUMET - Or PEACE! THE - CALUMET-Or-PEACE! -) • WHAT - IS THE.O ALTIMET OF PEACE ? , • WHAT IS IT 7 JWHERE•IS IT Z 1 E It IS TEE AMEBI,DAN'SMO . :R.... , : S&-See advertisement. ' QUIET NERVES, QUIET. NER 'ESI NO-EXCUSE FOR' NERVOUS HUSBANDS HUSBAND GO BUY THE AMERICAN • - SMOKER _• 1 ,THIS .IS TO BB' THE. ORDER OF DAY, From every Wife who has' a smoking hus band--and no go'od huskiand''Who iivantS to have pesae,in,..the;familfivillfall:t4 obey the order ' , W-See. i4certise'3l6nt: : See T LUIS- I . 'II RA : NACHLATgO. .• TEE PATENT LEVER SEWING MACHINE, NUFACT-URED-, BY • GLOBE 1141,N1lEACTURING 6ozpikir, - . 339 Broadly y • • . New For '. • , , . • , , . - ... . May be truly vegarded,as.t e " neppis altra". of- sewing ..machines i :and a :1030 .arla 'wishing to find a Machine which is capable( of doing any kind of sewing- for :Tailors mid , House.- 1,1 wives, with a satisfacti iv heretofore-funknown, should idea no time" t - Orderirig, - olie - of the PATENT LEVER' it qZ(IIVES;*b?:ch are to occupy a similar ositiOn toward 'other sdwing - 31aehities that a Patent Leri'er 7atch (add everybodi knovis! Its value) 'occupies to= wards a Laptne or any other' se i cond rate watch. ~ ''.- - - •• r , •' - ! - _. k ' -This Machine makes : the "Lock Stitch," which looks the same -on-both sides of - the fabric,. arid ealfuot-be,ripriet.l.'! - 1 -.. .: • ',' PRICE -- $59; ' •1 . , - • .., • In all respects equil-tO diaehines lteretofdre , sold'at a hundred dolla - rEi . 4143 niiwards.-:' • • . 11 'SPSeimeds of shwint 'd6 dby the! PATENT LEVER MACHINE; Will! he forwarrk,d; tdrany part of the country, upott . receipt ofi, postage .. N. B. An energetic and reliable agent is I wanted in every town , nd illage, of the Uni. ted States and Canadasto ell theabove nam ed machine.. An adianta eons aMagement will be made - with-tbe rii4 kind ofonereliant who is :willing to have., the exclusiye agency. Address Globe itanufaeurptyr,:,Gompany, 110 , 339,BrciadWay, N . , y. . ~ • : - The American Suilokeritran arts-' cler_of great utility and. benefit toi Smokers', "Persona ,pfllicoted- ; lvitti Bronchitis; Astlima, Dyspepsia, Liver complaints or I.ltiticy affec tions,. cim. procure - SPONGES MEDIATED for these various-diseases by Oid Dr. !haw: So,lll' by, the 42artte.iN,Tn.toss CO*l.4.;iv, N'* 22 and. 24 Frankfort-st. , j -1 .• P LASTER core*: by . , A.-STatixB. ...., it. ~,....: 0 l' '.' t i ,.7 ' • OREitr.%;`: 01: ; 12 ~ ...., ~,,..1 , 3.! Z,..-, - , I. al '. Man r atreet;(n ' egr/.5 Oppos to rtacatdue i l'aiiii. v VOriehl . :0, iMmi - tirer jit , Wax 14 9:: . 1 0 4,,,y,{ c0 . , ,w..y,i iii:., .--, ir ". nrlProprietor of the alkoce establishment ould restieatt.iiffitatialfikshabitants of CouditSpor4amalotter counts- ge.nekally, that he isllpav preprealo supply them wi L th BOOTS. 'NOES, I..4.TTERS,-..ZEATBER.: FINDINOS, v ..te., pf' reg deptilßlOW;',it'Prl.2 ces which Ciaaattfai te- mit.' -Weiliive on hand, and aiiebnai.intir...receiiink , froia Wert York, thp final. asaorggitpt of. goodkthot eaa be found In. clAs j portiowof the COUALW 9,114 will sell th . ,., e . anie ht. prima whielr,Or .. ,, s ., DErt COVRETITIcaIsT ,' 80L,4' *Tri',E4.LEAT,tiER .S RTPXMT,' PRElitarf 0.4 1 .141 SKI:2IA - (e#niine);'" NAILS`A*IA, and FINDTNG§, of ev ery deseriptioocittAnantities to kit Varebo sers, at v - 4 1; „ REMARKAI3IY BICE& FOR CASR. All goods . sold 4 - our 'establishnierit4are" - Of the B r est - C i dality,'atedlivlil be WAttROTO TermAlCift4lti Only. Give , - • GEORGE TftV.S.IIIIENV Wellsirillt , May 19 . 1959 —4O riy-Orclerq,perit .by. mail, 0r,14ft : `,41 tb,s outiza%p l rp t ipzi,CoFderaport, ly and carefully i4len`4e4 to.- • i : ' - :NiV,W :; - F : To_c.K: • 6. 9F . SUM .111 'coos . RECEIVED BY.i";, . i c.,..u.5i.A..fm08.5;".i in Oswairo.: -„; , t . . . . . , —.l . : 10. D 1,..., c :14: i•,..: ,_ , . .iiP A TO R A BIL'E , T E . IVILt r i' l. ',,.. • "" '_-- . :.TO, '"‘"': .- ' -. " 64ilt crid ; . igh•irg, Time .Buyer'}. -§- AM NOW ;REOEITING my S4raaler,§tocy,' whictr4mbraces.evarythiiii . "y - 9t, by a countrylleictialit--- ' ',..' •, " , • il ~' DRY-GOODS, • " , • • ~,, . • ' ' ' . '1 TIARD-WA RE,- ~ . , . t-- , • -," BOOTS,,t SHOEB, itEADT-MADE CLOTHING, • -'''• - ''''` ,;.' . 11 4ZS .4.}C AP S, i. C R.O CER Y. /4c„ •,: all of lihich will he !siqd at law figarei cash or approved credit. — "' '.' • GOOT/TBABFOII 45 OENTS, - • Ladies' Fine Congl'essnnitotkr Gaiters, from ;5 cle f to $1 ) 00. • MENS:STQG4 BOOTS, '52,50 "- 'CAM' 3,65 .FINB'DE•LAtkES, 20.' GQOD,LA.WNS,• ' I* . •• •:` and all other goods in proportion, for Beady' Pay ofpost•ltincls. • , • E 6- Dish paid fof GOOD LIIMBEB. • • • • - • C. 1 - 1-.'SISIIIONS. - • t - Oswego, June 15; 1859.,--43-Iy. B. S. COLWELL WILL SELL ' • • • Flouri. Meal, FEED, FISH,..:PCoith: Cheaper ihan ANY OTHER' 31.tRCH I ANT CAN SELL FOR • ~• + • and will take in-pa cut all kinas good ITTWIBEV: A • Op* tor 1 .01 RER.. Also; 'Will pa:y• ligVese - goiht - prices in :CASEI-FOlti - WOOLf: , COUDERSPORT, June 22, 1839.-44-6m0.. • , , f 0 TIC-Ee! ' • T'Eyon want te get, yoorlYntott,l - ' J_ ea pr ploCifslottt jrt geed run, nirig order, tale You t will find him . on - hand to — do 'y'etir :Work 'on shot notice, and a workmanlikO inditter,-4 ' 110. r 2 ' PfICENI.'BL ' OCk, 'opposite P4irmelee'sj DrFg r p t noil,,Pook Store: jewelry neatly fepg.tre4, And _wprk'• . d.oap, '; • -• rl SOHN fki; VAYT0111:"' Wellsvnli,T4prir 17; /859; 4 AMSTEI)". 'VZ-15:ELLI T N't .. Q TORII; cap! always bp.fonact.tha best': of ,10; Cookiug Rox ao.q. _Parlor, ~, i 1 ... ~, S.l- " ,' Oc 2 Y 7 - E . S - e: , :: Also,' Tll4 atid:SflET-IfiCiN . • WARD, - POTS, KETTLES:)' SPIDERS; i SCOTCH 0 BOWLS, FRYING-P.ANS,•. SA.P,P:aiSisaoti W:trilDe RW(S. Als . o, --.. 1 . . ; •,.... , , , ,: Ili -:. griouliutil - finsplenients,:= ~. 'sue as PLOWS, - ' SCRAPERS:, CULTIVA TO, S,, C9RX- L SHEELERS, -HOiLSEI,RAJCDS, D 9 -P9WERS t io., •,..„ ~ : • ~, , -;,,, „,. !? ;. T ' - - • ' , HEIP:,*O.:IIK .„ . is well tna,4l pm il thojroaterialgo94 9 i ?„ Good and , , .sutistaptia,l,',EAVDST,R9Ddll,,l p!p. n any pars of thif cainity-retiab O'dy. - 14adv,Pay_ • of all kinibb,lnOludiiir Cash,"-teldoiii refused: Storeftan Slain Straekoppiaslte the•Ofd Cotitt Haqso,-;CoodexiPprt,: f :' - ~ ..Auvrf, 1554. 7 5,9 1;: iiiiekialitat)ol6;it46!l;fi'd!o4l'" MI OIDLEY tenders her thitnis to the citizens of ,Potter and • adjoining counties, for their geiietoiitt 'peliOnake:-• *She w6Ll4say to the: public; that! she has on hand a 7splenrlitl assortment of MilllneryGoods;;which she will. sell retell or wholesale,at the,lowest rates,, es, piehilly to those in 'the ,fridC; at a small ad wince-frond-I,i". Y. prices ;prompt- ly attended to. 1, • ' :* dRIDLEY-will delireißonnitsiny place ordered.; Bleaching And:Repairing done the.latsistrstylei with taSe.., !The _large quantity ibf Work' trilbe `" over , 'Aeriewill be, delivered at i the earliest moment;' • pleasiecall - or send ihyouroideisi'ShoPteent tedZi wain west Learlsrille.::,}r) t „ ..Ulysses3, 1859:7,38. gllßSOßlßZbaliglotritrag; "it -PitrftDqhfa v D . 141Ik VAS • ft . - • ••,. . • 1 , -f t ls • 4.1 cwwI4ENiAIW. Dia.MEN2_ , GP • 4*.` , di. gr ; g t i eltiMi r En rlttratiVinV BOCa§,Szig(flgF*4 l 4ll l AhAt44ll t bllTLEßY f tfißeg=l634 CrootriEt i r a ••• 41150,.,ft LAtod o 1 . Ag a ' 111.1 Aen/049 il 1 MS) ST P9AN;34 4 OI Of theimuititAkkOMASlOlA t 33 : , ,POPPittrATAFAVIAStW i IIO4I TIM COLTNIrC • .• ,11411.•-irb' TRODUCE - OF AlltiltlNASN - ah: Tessa 40 1 L i' E-Ice,"`frANGE 'FORIO ;3 dOD4 toz tror Avhich thoitIGHEST PRICS*III,4OdIt , 4 The i can be found at 'all tia r ei;'o4l4ll4l -1 1 And' "ianda.y eiefv,ts4.,/ • ikt4i!„-§tßiilfilWC3 'siceapied bi D. BAlgilt, E • ' isb r . In Ul • • I 1.4.bi1f 4,04 esof , to wait upon custonets. ,;,„; ;i . .,11 4 144 N.'l3 - --We have come to e concitistoedfSX . th 4.1,0 TEA Pc1,41.144 6 Stter for•all P a 74 , 44,,W1t v 17 3 j 12 941# 1 1 1 1 , ,A fore do business oh this qcstenn :n bliss • gptsA.ints.- ',"°T'' nv .• 3 1? , 14.112 - 10 W - ;04 141Vdri. 'TV.; • I 1 . F 7 ; -ote ; 4 „f bract S 011E1 01)S;: , ~,tzu,sT,REclivEDitrlr "'Y _ A reel 3 (- o' * 4 z r i , T t _ • • Pizets ,..„ F.,,ltYlt s ..i;sls; `311;7:"s41 FAVORABLETEkiitS 3 , • -• 4;~tsh and Short-Time XtureArso,. LADIES AN±FdtlittrAENl 1:Wl• tait ..ziu*:.ltElgtpiterd3 !atnilunk4a Steck,lwliteh embraces almost saileythist usually kept by the g.outtity:Atershisilt*l4, DRY GOODS, . . p‘)K.S . Ar-Alibtit; fiAs iik:ADMQLI3,IIII3I(I;V: S: , ‘, • ,CAO.Cptill' 4;1 - 01l of whili iaropose tojaell .161144/148, for eh o approved credit. - «Cl CES hope to lie able now to offer malt arnip , ,,, l bleinaudement. P. A., STUBBIA: Coude*Rert; . .gay ..?..p;:i?§9:40...:::;',,71 REmovAL td4„r. i_E - • •• — ' 7---, ••_1 •,-,.• -t-•;• , • :.: I :_:.ia . 711 . 0.;.I FAISTEp,*as,, reroi7o: - .", .113 • ' doprAirtii, nib') the 'atbiii tbrmerVA* ; , 1. cupied by srellereiniit!4."&.' Jackson i . : :.;;. ‘,". -., 4 71:: Thankful for riast-fatiii; rifoill4 0114 la- -- ' ft continuance of the very liberal pairii4agtlii l . i s g Ofore'l3 esj.c, argq„ xvb lel; I; ~abaili ' eaUeay.iiie ,c• . merit tv Piii'de'ilircealid'abliiiit glicil Isittill - At lieasonablel Prices...a aim , " My stock, cansistipzAttorttsaal variety or DRY: GGODS . i . I: , _ ! '-` , Qlt.'.7- , %.:- , :fl :z 5 .^Glat '- ' CLOTHM4;I4-' l '' - ', 3'a.' ' l ," - "' '''';''', l • ()trawl, • ' - • , - •- . '••-•!-,--• ',.. .1 )11 st 'l4, ,• _ , ~ . -.., -:. ciiiticicEnt '&O., . ,mc?-10.4 is now Ilaitd,it iiifinteritichnisla Ain Al CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE 1,,.. a 2 t rj, GREAT IiDUCTIOII on Lawnifbligillillii;; teines, estOiff; Tkices,Miieed -46 .colr „ TBENL OtiT IY' l '" • • •-` • --- • • ;1- a L'3l4 BLO,GD S , t scyo - 9f4:o , GPF.cau4-4tve;Pas , gseLAK:Akis4s ver - gPel- it illiioi:s. l Zittit B, -44 8 ,nii l o4444lWite, many 6 ther•Tar4 l 4 l l3l44 4 •DiiiiEh r-atAidi2o444 prices constantly, on BdOTS . 4. SiaqESPihf,Wrielelirea • in the, county. EsPeciA'esit4 4 ' l Eljfee. _ ing'l.o get those which are gook,. THE, CLOTH-P , T.G .DLkAiljtigizz is 714.1ato'clip4,1ii . crp6ci factory..,., . 1 hari SCGAII -00FEVA73 _fa WeA, .sortment of Groceriesp gtookns,Rsilitzag4fst Icsv•Priceis•.: r- •,:r;f ri"f James BIM/131$ Die • • - 1 +I4Z, 'lVlk*s 3 eca'fileit, • 0. . car: , & o f t : mic the Gos ai in - 4 ; l;4l'v' QVAPTEitk: -. Tie ' il? ! .eady. Pay; and oh trOdtc ta„proppip t , 3 Fustomers I shall sell 'aelcaii'ffiltrisg` • c Coudoriport, July:dPlttttir.74G, i JEVVELRYSTORP4IO4V 1A: H. - 131:InERWINITH luiving:locatiof . himself in this liorchigh . ,inthhAntiNing ricentlyktoicow.Drwitnisuoisamerstia 1 - omfosite the court house has opined 01134.• tLRY, ESTAOLlSllMEngoithevortpimeoria (LI • . • •vrAireßsis; '4r • •cLocricg;JA Af t MEDI% tiring son i iie years', typirienailifitEfiantp., neis, IfeetconEdeffilifgivingflielallittlr." F,RAI; SATISFACTIM the linhlioi*lolibited:" 4 PieirseTliiiiiiiiikief. - ', All work warranted A:general aaadrtment-ofaliratehetrOaCkiii rind Jewelry on hand arid Arreaale.,:l - June.3o; 'ava. - Market i Stieet"lV7 4 f. Pur44 -,./ pEttLERIN7FISIt tiiEiSiAND , 0. yave, constrincly- onjukid , ARArloylmllpl DR,O_,ANIY, rfgoplo.l.4*.viwrasiii erei;'S ii . 4;*riiioP;.,4 % 13iiifisb, geztiwthßeg a i Beef r:6oc,f4fiid2l64PillaPthlikol4664:l3 Cheese,Beaus;Rice, dc 5 . .,, 149, , it '. p .. r. ^ .~'' $ 3aa~ •# „_.~. y DM