The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 15, 1859, Image 2
- Sin • 31,,K.F.Arrou.—Izanuet doubt the 141:0-g Eng - laid or%gin .of your correspondent = ibeeause of the gallant jsithet be is 1,1 - 44 ed ,to apply to me in Werjsuro' A i notaticp:? 7 -for it savors sthalikly of-rtixe patigyr in widelt the old-time New klng,- . fleti men nere wont to nut their wives to ile • e whene esj.hei . way.ll ,vpiklye s-qm presoVjapTif ir,ttlioat tritltaAi ir .i.erurssherlf Ertfitit Arabia ds at home." nii:ef e ltfAtlir'tVeie 447 . ,y" , •41.4 . 424 MINEGESII. — tiLme - titY # l , mrß 4E42.1Wi1L.N.401Z, *-r e g ' :11 1 l';' '' -11 1 , 2-4-1: ; :* ilii ; e Viiteiofiriiter #l".orloet4 Pipvis,-.. ,4) xr,014 - 4MilAtiy,:of .241111 - -cam Is o stertre greafist 001 of.the 01 6 4&-; .2,1,14bc 671 . •R) get 4 - tllis ' Ol ?Te - et , ~ga . -232AU"kl i 9t, s. ltd 7 66 # 4 111.9!‘: hila,s.,e.if e „ 9 4 4 l 4 .crig'ttr „Ivy f . ct . ,.. ' -AIL, n nyons . g 91 . 1:. 'ttki f i t terg r * 4 45•' . d:oilia i4 ' tgiVtlgli - rils:etePtil96,,,iiaTi9y opitt,k, , at1 1 . 074 - 1* , 1 i1,11 9 seeps their :k'' .4 4.4 ..4E - 0 6 :: 1 "I'j' 1 4// 6 47 , :in ',;.A.WirVe.43--bi)3l.oY4rifiie 6f:1" -:;,, , yfeari. d l hf_ gfeaf,ist at.gpoi.l. hn'weatest A kt*gr.o,4llio, sit odd' he 'the 6 rz.. t,du py Xf49ll*.ilF i pit man: .1. o on e tg expee X4Altkojout'or , ,6lS - liviri`.aplieie to effeet, - Xtieitliitt;iabj*;•,hiii "iel4tioti4, to this: his,,fel- PTP 6 iPIY.-L 14.- ; - . e.9- 14 n,tiYare 44441i9,V . ,,,uju.,p_41i.tina1, aiatters _ he may , NoctiLitailly,Oip, l 9,yo . l9 fivilgirfng the' ii . o ewes orthe 'Snprenie in ameliorating the condition-of-411am --,This-brings us to "the Zultt2diity Tifjteprthlicans-;-cluty to taiiiccOtuitry-i.; which-is to;seoure to each illtrtr:44.o.llO - Tbei.utilie - the "inaliena aflinAgogeuntein: plnted in - thelconstitu -4118114...-Liftip Lib er t y-a nd .: the pursuit of ,„.., ._ likayllitteiNhvo -,..%.:.: _. :- _ , ~. f.,..%4P.1this important work their. influence ,it..111:00,1,-.Abrotigh".:ilier .fialltiadx:..: No jzffhcry bhou(Lbe use Con any: occasiaw; ferthpy : ishottld -seek.. not the. temporary 1 .tiatilaittng,-tgood: of . ..the:country. . No Of floeiteeker ? ,::a.t . atich , „should be made a P.irsfflidate,ll:neclttnitis.ter the affairs of gov eititikent.thatlnen imbued With the spirit 'I itralibefty.aandNprogrs. , • The. duty, of I )3opuiztjettnainAlikilocality where they ttte tellett.upod- ' ttr act ) is to guard against , orirtiptiori:i r::: .7 • • .- . f 1 he'. chosen to fill 'offices of at piesent profit; but tollsalultimatairintnph of liberty not in Sujrl):Articitler -place, but through the firlteleX:orintry and:world. -- -f - .,Fitepubli - Cans, :if we` mistake net, are making- more ntlombout some petty offices t:hin the: ,case deman d s; and the worst feature cif the-whole is; they do not seem tuanderstand that they are neutralizine:, [foot-entirely' destroying, their own, effi ciencrurn united body - fOrmedto oppose OppreEsion and'advance the best interests of matrkinthrf - - -:Every office which palls is suit& with the avidity manifested by the igtiteirat tend excited multitude who seek .forLgold at - Pikes !Peak. The shadows ire>petrued: while the substance is left by the wayside. it' is: to be hoped that the pilote,ik,the safely moor the ltepiibYican - tfie'Earen of Liberty. T. R. C. 11=rEM '3;32i;'1,1,0',. I;»,!i:FOXPV:4LSPORT, PA., > s4,:b4Akillohi;4o,.sof , 15, 1850. NASELfinfOR' AND - PUBLISf!EA, 1 {epghti¢~Z sfi fie i i.i{d;, k 59. - ttt-; - :n 1..4.1A4.11p.g0rt. GENERAT i , . [OM - E. .doo.llitA.N;of York, lOn URI, EYOR uENER ''''.7o - 1 - tr t iAm of Berks., eogrlig Zre,S? ATE ' S ' R T EMATOR, .q.',...ZSA.AC-BENSON, of - Potter, 49_49cision. of t:onforence . ,] Fedi 'ASSESitinr,.. _ 7 - • TAW, of. P utter, of Tog 'qe'cifigli of Conferenv. , , 3 • - •-1 ERlre, 4 :* 4,IaI.FItIRALEi 21C"11 'oitoNen.* c ~a rzv - -DrArEsity ruItUISON: - . toiniTy Vcimailt*thimat; ,s-72 , :!„; THATCHER. .E.7-1: - Fint,Corivril A ctotron; . S.GADE; • J:F4311 CairFkr SUItiTYQR,f - QPINS ON- ,ry-NaKke•Aopuhlieark State Convention .riamietated - the following fie&:''...leerefe'ry: of State f fl. Leaven- Ontinclag - a;::c4tio114; - RObert j3epuisto .o .Oran ei,Attorney _General, 0,_ 1 4-4410 - 3' l 'bretotStr LaW.renaa State Fngineer, Orville W. Story:.of Allegany; treililit bf Erie • = - t t atiiiiVojnrAgi t iOtki;'Ogden' - /lS Chapin grOi b tt n i;,4- 4 .0 -- Cif:APPOI s e titoll*-.P.a.41 tor - iNgYiNPricl Sta te , Porresf of Sehen2, Walk • 74 1••• :_"' -: 411.10ffAerie kee ived from Hon. Da. yid arti:ileeilloni :of 'flie:Stafe--!kg rinatiVirS4i4l;;A:cointliw_entar,y.Tick- kfreambanirrto - Ithe.Tair. Ao'betiold: at ircritire ai - o - 27 ; i=2"8 - 5 -- -2b 4, 7 gifili 4 2*latctic'eil/ idili&:SOCiety" are - 19,,kligiklatt Rff9l_4;4ifeMer Tataititnetiveftbibition,Pf the kinilover 141billi1aStateptna bid' fair, to be etn, tiallytkiCe4fliOlre: • )41:401; 711. T. • 'resident Tager Taggart. Some of, our „ however; intend to be on hand, we _earn. "Or s . 4-; ~• 1 . wai 0 , l , fr , Lfzuw i ctv ; ecrvedly;AeoulP un 'ondmiateens' o ows .4„ "Tile Republicans of Tioga and Potter Senuties - have re-nominated L. P. Wil -1 lis.tou and_ PeNvis M ann . ,. • for _ Assembly. Tliey - T'arc eseelldift men andivilt of eoui3e be elected - by overrihelmitig - niajmitieSl - -31r. - 11riflisTiiii'iaf lia.s - . - represente4 the people of that county for thit'-:leat ta.reP' 7e41 1 117./lnit'' hir:JEWO.nrUidn'irr' fot tbe,fourth..terruskegs i that-hja constitu- Anovr.llC;,:iitp,,ai. 1 Tie ij'Snetenry.... ,stoupgh,..R.epubll.c4 . ; . I;34t'ilke..noklest'.Kork : pf .-houest man," w ho can "neriber. - . l.4e,doigen nor ciaxed into, qapaspresighiu.44_,- - Rnsid.r interests. , of dais" cop stltacits „md State , , 'the : Mast: 'atteaife'aail l igitustrioga. mg . in rbeis,ef..lhe 4414 - wf) ; -Eire glad 3.1 t Mann the.: otbeu nomiuee Arras ,alip.orke of the members of ,the - last la.ouse 417 d 4one, hisTcluty_ably* gad fa ith.: Ttiq, With : th.e.q . xperience,pf sa sipn .34.1 . 11, :be able to. make: bituaelf tane ' h More useful the coming.wipter." fierThe - l'esiiiiiiSter' at. Washington City. a few, days since -peremptorily re-- fuseto . send documents put in: that of fice for distribution by the . Secretary of the National RepUbliean As.speration, - and franked by ofeorgress.The reason given Was that the franking-priv ilege 'could net be delegated; but the real reason was that Sibley, - of Minnesota i did not wish to - have documents Circulated .among .the ,that state ; which -would be iikely*io expose :the frauds and Corruptions through which be 'proenred his ciection'eS .aevern linger "a Black Republican lie" that the. pres ent Administration will lend itself to any fraudulent scheme which• its party 'de mands of it—it is - a national truth,'ineon trovertible by argument . or apology. The agent 9f the Republican Associa tion has published a statement of the facts relating to. - the matter, which we will pub lish as soon as our columns are less crowd ed. 1 'l6l"We recently took occasion to cen sure the senseless adulation which cer-i Main Republican presses in this State have I been bestowing upon Senator Cameron in putting him forward as a candidate for President in 1860. The McKean Citizen, last week, in a nominal attempt to answer the charge, labors hard to ex cuse its complicity and increases the bur den of its sfu.. We have no personal en mity to Gen. Cameron, and object to his Presidential aspirations only on the ground that we do not regard a man whose political reputation and statesmanship is I only local and Pennsylvanian in its Oar actor, as au available person for the-Re publican nomination for President, when such men as seward ) Chase, Vesseutlen, Lincoln and Blair—men alike representa tive of national and party principles—are put forward. The fact that Cameron would certa Wu carry . Pennsylvauie, (not taking-into- consideration the possibility that he" . nzigld Ws,e - flll the rest,) is not a sufficient reaszn - With us for believiug that he is the proper persollo be nom inated. We desire to see a man nomina ted who has a large national reputation fur statesmanship, and who is at the same time a representative Republican—we care not -what State lie hails from. Upon these grounds'-'We object to the claims of Gen. Cameroni neVertheless if he shall by fair and consistent means be plaped in nomination by the:National Conven tion, we assure the Citizen of our hearty support of him. - The Ticket--Duty-of Itepubli- rags Towards It.—The Prospects. .IV,e, stated last week, in noiieing the nominations. of the Republican County Convention, that we would have some thing to say this week in regard to the duty of Republicans with respect to nom inees. !The crowded state of our columns will not admit of out-speaking as fully as we could Wish; therefore'we will confine out: remarks to the brief statement of a few factS" and 'reasOns , "Irby Republicans should stand,., by tile: ticket :to ..4 they ute• I. litfeihse the - qoniferition pine= e them vou.'to select ciiididatss'frole,thii.nwnei. ; ous carnifriates-beforeioir fo, those YeVf 4rsqb6fiti4 bopoi to sustain 'tlie..acti9rt: of the Contention, uu less 'you : know qr boliece- that action . .was :Corruptly brouelt-abbut.r: Sink alai& bits not-been 'preferred ab inst the Conyention 0f . 1859=- 7 riot d'O' lielioVe , it can be, justly. ll... Personal and local prejudices against, candidates. should 4ot lie allowed• to coatrol•tho art - fi elity of the iet .e . _ presentet,by alit party who are not•open to verlaeriotis - --Indid or personal objeatiOns in sometiorfloa , eof the county. , gen e, unit* I:llose,vre)udicee are toVgr 4 6t e greireOriserve.4.altuost any candidgte in* bc',ilefott7teaf:tb" ),p,gh that inflneueli-if !jay' imait themselves' of Personal sod-focal prejudices we may jUst ly_deseribe, as ,a great breaeh in ,the walls of political organization,, which fa:nisi covered bithe Sappers and miners of Elie WPo.sißg' fc!re.N.4 l3 4%who ktani.to4l ll o'fqr it until- _the:--mainr, ttruly-; comes -,:up marches throunh the-hreac i and cantures the: fort, at .orice,. and :so. disewiderts garrison' that a futurefresh' assault. easily ovirdomei4liein.' ir,r„ i - ph t pe T , dent, opp.i4tei.,;', iGng - from gi••• g ooa aff tee parfy he people 'at larp,6 in -vicsv '-in •bffetina their iimes:;:,the'y I • c • fi ' ' Bimp or9 p person-1 al y o ; orwar :by o seeic connivance:4 Ae _hnn'tier,leaders. to ac-I complish the disruption of the - Repuhli-I can party:- : - Therefore, Personal friend..., are - the reasons, winch ' a - Republican can offer for Vot4ig. for aul . • • independent candidate; and either lof them•eould bo as justly urged, as arearn for supporting n regular hunker eaidi date—and indeed we are not Certain tbot the latter would tho most honOra ble 4eil manly course for.a. ,Republiean who has in any 'way had to tie with the Republican paity'coniention., The Duty of Republicans; 'therefore, is givl tiieir.entiro energy and wishes. to the haruic nizing of:party differeneds,'llo eal and Personal * prejudices and all.other disaffecting causes Which come kinder t heir notice:off, influence. : In this connection we desire . to cal attention to the+ co nication of "T. R. C.!' imarrotlicr-part of our paper. Though- not particularly per tinent to the present contest, it is full of ,good logical reasoning , 'truthful , and ror thy of the attention of voters generally As to the , prospects of a large maj4ty for our county ticket, the presage was nev er better: . M i e have. talked With irony peisons from the different.sections of the county, and we , are led to believe that in stead of 300, the majority of-Mr. Jones; for Sheriff will e4peed QO---equal, per haps, to that, given R. J. Olmsted for Prothonotary in 1857. Leading RepUb licans throughout the county are working faithfully to maintain the majorities of 18$6, and exceed them if they can. ,ThCy are giving that importance to the election this fall pith which the impending _crisis of 1860 endows it; and which everyllc publican should bear in mind. Let a large vote be rolled- up this fall for the County and State ticket, and it will en courage our friends to warmly engage in the good fight of Freedom ncxt year..l New Publications. - TjIE FARMER AND GARDENER: Vol.: 1.., No. 1 Supt., 1 . 850. A. M. SPANGLER„ Edi tor. Publication office, 633 Market Street, Philadaelpbia. MonthlY; $1 pet' annum. We have received .a specimen copy (of the above named periddical, just Started in Philadelphia. It has 16 large .quarto pages Of important agricultural, horticul tural, veterinary and gardening infertile , Lion, distinctly arranged and 'printed in the usually eicellent style of typography peculiar to Philadelphia literature. The second number (October) will contain a full report of the Stato_Fair at Philadel phia. We heartily CoMmend the work to Farmers snd Qardeners throughout our country. IIEA,RT OF:MID-LOTHIAN, and TtTIL FOR TUNES OF NIGEL,- being Vols. 11 .t 1..) of the clie.up,Weckly flditiou for the. Million of the Waverly Sovels of Sir Walter Siloa, non: in course' of Publication, at2s cents ti N0.,1 by T. 13. Peterson' .& Brothers, 1 30 C Chestnut St., Philadelphia.; , We.hete raceived.Copies of the above from the publishers. The world-wide .rep utation4lf the Waverley Novels will !in ure u ready sale of this cheap edition, and .prove, we trust, remunerative to the,len terprising publishers. It is commend able -to do anything.that will even in small degree, stay the present raging ap petite for pernicious : tight reading. •By satisfying the ,cravings of those sire'ficition With-sonic of the, healthiest of its bider, is preien - tinW evil, and negative ly, at: least doing .goo c d,. There are works of the imagination whicii can so effticuallv accomplish this as the novels of „Welter. Suitt.: They, to say nothr big:lore, are mien as ton; iehing - That threngh SC; Many voiuniei thenq should so...little that,teligion or Mor ality would, disapprove. beauti of itylc,,ceTilensness. et eipieisionivividnesS Or.desertption,_and . interest of - subject, Scott stains in the.fereinost . ra'nk: be reacralway,i'vrith interest, and•not • unfregnentlymith. profit. .one voluine is issued every , Saturday,ind each oneis got up .in a neet-stile,, all of the sine size, and aree — pripted at the rate of 26 cents a voiume„or. thp , Whole twenty six folaneefor'fivedollers,'end sent free Of piestacie tQ' all, 011 receipt this suin. This low price slieulcfplace a sett of them within the reach of everybodyin the land. _ 4i w m pga, Cwirosir.—Mr. Daniel Kel ly,.A.otored Mall from liiikeria,'callCA on, • tif. - ..intis es c hebrought With him i frnin`7.that)reolblio. MNK.elklkis a native of BaiitArtt . ..lp - Mist vankU Ka i father no j w r c rsio* sfld 4)T -- fi!L. PrciP,ltlYaNg9Ottpvtltooo,Olinite, taire the 'ougli,loglnittgi''..T.,NTha'soii,b4ngs 'tuna iala flow Aev., , lfra neje-. Ifurpas -..thg,, 4 4beriaja4 at . s&:•liiio"nin tuat4 peitscikvliaf, appears to be an intelligent; earth truthful mall': The'artieles shown us:were a- lirsgaca4 'V"rat f ift piathe nativ4 of Africa, out of heir baitabbo track a satchel ,Of terk ;_anprn - ' chief, made - the''native Afrioan . cotton nimialitteloiettlryti.i . .& j o ibmiart itou:•.otet verylpure,- and said tiy,3lr.-Ki to: liel:vfyittbondaot:.itOt • far 'from J O* - coaat;-,eaniples. en(- - .44,frietm caree:icti ehOtolute. alen-has .'s9l4l,saMple4-,0 roeweo4,lthiolt..ltekah-. 1 r es, t0.•! , e11, and -Weig4:. bo-;-glad ',.diaposc, of ( hisr, ether puriosities, to,s:Eio intends. .yetpru l t.O: biyerix, pleaaed,latith that • country,'passed. through ..the "an el heat in e fever" i rt• safety and. intends to ?Bake it : 144 future. home.—fitiabuiv, ___ _ • , Tpj..rric r ti t ,FEELINCI *2 . TIT 7CStetleerrespoutient of , .the „New York' Erezifttg.Pot writtis; • '" The filet is,'the People of -, the.ttorth , west have.but one .opinion aatoc.,the „fa tuie policy : of the Republican :party.i,:l - . must do its own' • icork. It 'Must! look for success in the justice of ita.tanse and the strength of its own. 'organizittiOe. Those politicians:who think that' all• is fair: tu that. any s electinu is' a pitblic. where 'prizes ere to _bo' lest ori won by!the contestants,! may perhaps with .propriey seek, for t :and ':coalitions; with dead - whigs ',who , never eherislied Republican • prinCiple).:and 'with Americans who have , no ( sympathy with' tr ue A thericanism; tut thepeop/6will. protest against it. • •• '• " ' . !i; The :B,venin,ry Post speaks the western language . . 1- :Republicans' here' understand ithinti'will• vote secordingly... dive us a good .ticket 1864 J; say Seward' and Biriir, or Chase and'. a . abed . man • with him, and will do Our whole duty. • • • j TVENIttpLE-AGED I:it:TU.I.3IAX MI DbEsN'T'aiiiKE.—•-.V.Veryinornin,;a;rnid -1.11i3-all:ed, gentlethan walks ,down 7 B l road:' way, fropi.lileeek'‘r, to. Wall :*reet,l.who has trod daily,the.s . anle.yOute for twenty :. five years. .'Twenty years ago,, being con-: yineed of 01(1 2 evil and,. - extravagance of sniolciag, he resolied to Tap aside the tri fie spent itteigars, amounting to only two on three daily: He has, adlier4 , to. that rSolution ever. sine°, and, the- sum of t. ‘ psedittle expenditures, weeiiiy„deposi t . i in asavings ,baiik i . has - reaehe4 this day, two thousand five hundred, and nitie . tyidollars.-4ali-S4aver.y. Standard. . 1, ['Phut' LET i ga . new work "Love," hag ben ruled out of the 'Tiureliase list of the New Yort ' 1 le1 . 0;414110 Library, as, an obscene boOk. This is p. magn f ificeat ad vertisement; and the sale of the book here al er will no' doubt prove enornicas. Wm A N;clior i s of McKean County, and Isac G. Gorden, of Jefferson County, arb the Republican candidates for Assent-, bly in the district composed of McKean, Clearfield, Jefferson and Elk ICounties. The district. is strongly Democratic. . - - PRICE CURREIVir. • , corrected 'every IticdnesGayiloy E A; BTEB wlible'sale, and retail Liza r in:Crro. _ ceries and Prorisiot4. ;§trect, :CPUDERSPORT, PA. . . Apples, green; ?busli., $ 7,5 to 100 do - dried, 7 "' ,2 '3.00 Scans, " ' 115 1 00' /teeswax, ? 1b.,, . . 20 . 20 ref, - " . 5 6 Beef hides, ": • ~ 6 Ilbr.ries, dried, qaart " 10 18 Backwheat, 1 bush.; 62/- Butter, ? lb., 16 Cheese, " : • • - •18 ' • 12/ Corn, ? _bush., . • 1 00., .1 12/ Corn Xlcal,,per cwt., ;2 952'75 1 1 32-g•5,1.1 doz., ,lO • 12, !'lour, superfine, ? bbl.i - ' 4 00 , 'do double e;tra,' 65'0 '7•50 dams, ? lb:, • • •-• • ::12 ; h, ? ton", , ;9,90 10 00; oney,.! 1b.,. ..- • - , /0 . -12/ Lhrd. ..„ 12 31aple Sugar, per _ ''B . ' olltsi bUdli., •• • 371 °Mons, •'. • ; ' • 87i -"I:00 I'ork, ••• :19 00 23 00 . :do ? lb.,- • , 12/ do in mitcilellog,.? "6 I/ PotatOes,Al bush., • ' B7f rec. Paches, dried, , %l lb., • • 1 ' 25' ? lb., • ' ..5 6 11., • 75 • 87/ Silt, •1 bb1.,,, - , 3 00 . 25 Tr;out, 00 - 6 50' Wheat, ? bash., 1 50'. -1 1'75 White Fish, Per. /JUL', '6 00 • 600. WPol, per. lb},' ; „- . .35' . Jizciq . 'ii. LNFLAOLMITION OF TILE. EYES Pike all other inflammation,: is Jean:sad by inpurity.ofthe:blotukrbieh ea,usea.ell er'PP" tire diseascs,!tts •Sores t Ulcers, ke. T hit hie od nen:Mei:44 hyl and of Mi'irnPtire"..nat4e -; alsiitircashinS Drop- , lee. 'The-blood beeOralfig obstriteted icr'•the the watery part orthelrood. iu :cone. •qqenge.isthrown.out, from their, extremities, and dropsy, ia the reanit.." , Many ,trines it is occasioned hy 'improper treatment' of sortie, former disease, and the iTSgela' • beiiii filled b y serous humors iiiiteadOf bided. Free etan; cations by these pills,.open the passage :into the bladder a'n4l2,earry off the ,corrupted: mors, and renew them with pure and, healthy blood, ,whidh,wlll drive aut,of the "body all iniammation', together the ;kin, and rill debpsicaTOOmplaints",l - They rviil be:a sheild to every Ibrni•of disease tol . guard, and keep you from,f,he aold.grasping,hand. of dehth,.utO *lse life and strength, to remain, 1 addilie;cbutiteruinee* to brighten .with' . `, the nfb'eality aged 'health: ' IDr, tn .'n''Ro'o't' 0 : 801a by, 41. (leareo " , 1 • • .• . . lAb 1h L'lrelors of Potti . r Cquely : / ;...r4 q ii- lt, Fellow - citizens -• es' AM :0 of your county, (being, Rum ' fit), • Ii offer myself ai an ingypetident rli ale o • the office of If irk 'thofifsuing e re e tion.2 e do not offer .• 4 - h rctellOhe-sulfrittißoit. . •• ny persim, - •bn .. attMf fasirk .the,bince. i I,hive not the ite t i# . 4 nttiitlAtdistiositilm . m At o ire any one ttgr..firna ,t1f8:••• - co,intY4.4:gly: I Li , . - t to d,o so for myself. - deprtng r.lkhest" to . , rest y claim, with the "unbia4ed. feeliWgrartife people. • I, Nkii Si. CROSBY. - limner ,ftme..."B /8 5 .9.7. * !•• . - - :411v altinttiontato. TFA'ai4,elAgagra-, DEAL/WIN 61S11;:ellEEtE AND:pit)VISIONS , Jt:isortlo oo t , : of PRIED xis rICELZD v r r . slf, kc ft y . iz: . hack, 1 04 siyia; - Oalitiali„,l3l - tic-Frili,.l-fer-p 9 i400- I.B:sti.. (, - ,,poi•k;:Li eile ‘ e ; #4' .THE TERM ULYSSES' ACADEMY. •, vl . t .. 7.l n s ipee.ort Wettnesday, VT . 2 day of September, , cOntinfid ten weeks. ' The. TruSteers. "Would i announce :that they have secured Alrieriicie, of RISITII 'Ak. - (101.1,PEll; 1:1; of 1..0ng 'Aland; -(1;ate" of Yale .of; he InstittriOn. Competcat-Assistant Teachera have also bum), sccared:n . crery .departinent • ••• " • • . from three tc/sis •• • , the( netraV atei of Other tu- Board in good families can be obtained :at , $1,514. per, week,: and rciOtitS: call be-secured nt 'reasonable rates for thOseitylio wish 'to board All IlillS.finist be pic r tiatd,Or.,iatisfeelOrjiy ari:tngetl' 'ailiMeeti. et.tering fore 'tile hniclale"Of theleim paY furthe full term; and in the last half of - the term. fur half term.' .-All'necdsidry "IloOks d school requisites • The -regulations of - .iho'l,Adadetny. are 'anal as 'are deemed necessary • tO sei.nre - the pros perity of the..lnstitutiod, and . the-Correct portment•of the ntudents, and all arts expected cheerfully to unite in their support. :.0. -• . 1 President di the Board cy . Trustees.. • .•.DAY B.trertc.S'rerctargi; -. • -•-- 1.45• olver4,`Noticp. xTOTId.E is licret,i• itrt to the: eteditrii IN' E..' JPIN of 'Misses . , Tuirnship, that lie has apptiet: to the Court. of .Cennupn Pleas of :Potter eOunfyift4 . the' benefit of the friol vent . Th 6 'CleittitinOw ea Ith, end that said Court has iippoinijd the iOth day of Septernb:r next, -(being, the, first day of the Terul,).lt CpudersportLat i 2 for the: hearing . of the eabe, Eat:wh iich time his creditors can attend if !tack think ptof er, • • 1859:--tt order of Court.. .NEW lEWEVMSTOILM . . BUTTERWORTH g' 'locatedhavinohated R.. hirncelf in this Boroligh, in the bnilding recently occupied by- Or: Ellison, on Main St., opposite the court hone has opened a. JEW ELRY ESTABLISHMENT for the purpose of BEPAIRI . • . 'WATCHES,' . . • CLOCh3, and : • . . . 'JEWELRY. • Flnving some years'. experience' in the busi ness; I feel confident in giving the public GEN ERAL SATISFACTION. 1 The patrounge of the public - is solicited. -Please give me a call. All work warranted or no pay. A general assortment of Watches, Clocks and-Jewelry on hand an.l"cor sale. Coudersport, June 30,1859 —4B. At( Ger V&A f OF 711 $4.0;00 . • Pays the TOitionAmaffull.coorse in r the.lron City College, the largest; mrhit, e4renairely pat .roni C(1. 44. hest, orgfmiz,eti Commercial School in the United States L. ' -•-- • - - - - FOURLAR GE HALLS,- For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book- Keeningaittl, Usual time to ompleto a - full course, "from 6to 10 AVeckS t Every,Stdent, upon gradua ting; is guaranteed to be complteut to manage the Books .s)f , ttny "timl , qualified to carp a salary °Mem .; $l,OOO. ' Students enterat any time—No Vocation-r -.l4ti#wAit,pjeasare., . , *,iratl l *Xduras for 11451.Wriarg - - Awarded .thin Tha:best and great est variety,.ofyentnanshig,in any one Hall of the fcittndlie're.L i •••• • ney;Miiii4er • l'soni rcCeiFed 'lit half price. Fpr • Pitcular and Specitnemk . of crose trio'laitcr sta.trips,'•and address P. W. JES'ETICB, pittstiuFgh,Ptt,- 10:9-:-Iy* • BOOK STalitt itv abbv'e l'hird St., 'COUDERSPOItT, PA. W. MANN, Paorzurron. ' OOKS, • 'A.PS; LOBES IVI G , BLANKS— I ;• . • • ..DOCKETS— - LEDGERSH ' •• - • • DAY-BOOKS r : - I RECEIPT-BOOKS; Km . tORANDThiSI . 'PASS-1400%5t,..: ' - ' TOTITFOLidiS;-' " ilEßßAttiums,- ' .:r 1 LETTER-BOOES IN.VOIC.EzPOOK.S. :French i nci,German::Text silPq.Pks,. ths...County kept en; I.u.ritd,.:or;:iniotedialell,lorpurid. . • .i - • Magazines or any Periodicals suliplied when desired... 7; -A. goo'd assortment: of 1 3. aper, - Epyelopqs, ?ens and Also', of NV:lll 7 l'4pr; Draw:- inkltaterials, Wiitir , ,COtorA, ' . . .13IBL , • a 8; 8 I'4imEXt§ k • PRAYER _~y lilm*.ttipli' l s; ' 101C.-:13900 Chew Bled . 0,14741: . _ L . :IItEE I I • • ON, uu k‘Nrf to -n n .. n net of the Genecallt. semblv of the Commonwealth of PennsB, Vtimilantrtied " An Act relating to the eli t . C144-..,0,thf is Commonwealth," approved 11l 8%00 day of SulY, A. D. one thousand eigh t IhtsstttielL and thirty-nine, Ti A. C. Titacat; Sheriff o f .ho county of Potter, Penir Ati'lieirl.6 make known and give notice to th electors a f the county aforesaid, that a Gea t , ral Elartion will be held in the said countyo reitte`i on the Siecond Tuesday (I lthk,z October, 1859, at which time State and Coutt l '. .ifiWS an-f0119 4 w8.41r4-A4-be OlorAede to-wits One pnrson.j(K f ittAiloy ggrti. of Me Con. ntontrealM'o - f - Piinz6touVids. • - One - perms for-.ficereeejeirVeKvdr-Arlhetim. flionikeltllTrefincethAfa' 3 TILL , .itit 7 Orie ,ker5. 2 , 1 1 91 :40 . 0, 7 1 q ? 07p ,ropput liATD7strillf4tiictrimeirPffe'ecialities - o--Fini e , Pokett*Aximftd sue" - -4eta .p. , -09pR i Pr.1a4. , .0,0.1. muse. of Rep. Gehieal 2lnsm4y of remj, s , t . vania, in coiijuricitoil teida ttieocesslsty of 2Vo 9a . Te4,telent Macautitiei of 2" 144 m ll Pottery dna peracer.forsDiiitriet4ttliiinegfoi thepoo ty •P. o , l kri • rdr ''OnePerzAnkipreOleqol,ll44o,2jlloof • a le / il ri d flfts c, eck.rg i p;i s AA: e One pereop tor' Ocannyasioner of ihe r eounty of • One personArAitrlitoi.tif Met:aunty oll'otta, :One zanon for .3in-rpt-of:the county of , 0110. ‘ .l also make knOwn and, give notice,,ns and by the nth ieCtituflirtlieitfoienaid n e t I mu directed, nine ei-ery penson, ekeepting tietis of the - Fence, 'Who holds any office or ap. potutrifetit KpiofiCor trastOnder the Govern. Meat of tisk. Vcsited S'tatVeir of this State, Or fneeipqateCiri - strict, tebeth tf tt clitaritit'isrolied ciflieer'oy eitlierWise, suLcip. dinate "efficicr - of cigent, who is or Alai: be ere. -Iloyed - uiter'tsele - gislative,judiciary, or en• es calve derTaittneitt of this, Stagg or the United States,:of 6f:fiti - y, - eity:oi . incorporated diariet, and'also tha t every membeit of Congress and ef tbe State"Legylature t ,and of the select and eiadmon.iouttoir.of any pity, or commissioner ofiLny InborporAted di%lplet, is by law 'neap. ble of holding, orexercisingot the same time the office or aLi`p6iiifnienr of J'Adg,e, I.lspectcr, or elarkdtany CleCtielti and that oys.lnzpector or_Judge, or other otti• cer, of any - Minh election ain't lie, eligible to any office theit to'be voted fcir,',` Also; that inure fiatitis,iictlon of the Act of tAssbnibly; Entitled' ".Iti - .ita relating to elections and for othep % prippies," approved April 7ttfl4B.lo;liii emitted dint the said 13th section shall not he sp'co'nstrued at to prcrent'a nY Officer or I3orongh of, firer from seri-lag 'as, Judge,- Inipector, Clerk of Fin); gentiralpreipelial election in alit' Cornmoltwealtlf. is dititerAii4ifed meeting of the return jtrdke - g ileapert to iriakeenit did ieiterni - returns, shalt be.on the first-Friday succeeding tile kenernl elettionriviYitriVilrbiflE6.‘l;ftli'dvy Oe• Tlift , refui'd.ju_Ages- ofEl4,covitties,of Tien, Potter 'McKean and 'Warren, :comprising- the i . th:Sertatn - riala-distylet - erjikluret at the Conn House "in the. Boroifgh-of, on the 18 tlilctiik:cif tlit Edit; trAriake Olit•nti offy chit retard for manlier - of thb•Sonate.;•. . .The :return .trucTges of •:Potter. and Tioga counties shall tneet-.lll:the Coortfionse in Mei; ' Borough of IVellsboto'i in the ofTioga.6. Tioga. on. Tuesday, the 18th .day. - :if October, 1859, tot , :,•: make return - forMerebers c!fltc-senild.r, - I also hereby-make- known- and give notice 6 . , that the places for-iibldigg=tlioaforesnid gee. eral election- in .the - several 'townships and boroughs within .the tounttof- Potter,- are ae..„ follows, to wit: . • ; For the &Walt ipjof the boon formerly occupied', by' T.• IL :Abbisitt., township. • .„ . For the township cf All..gany, at the school house near the place formerly owned by Chos• • ter Andrews,:in said. township.'• Fair the township of Bingham, at the hotnel of A. R. Lewis; in said teiwriship. * -For - the ,township of Clara,. nt the schoolegi house near Sala -Stevens', in said towushp. 4 For the township of Eulalia; at the New Court House in the Borough of Coudersport,; For the township of Gene See,. at the house now occupied,by4 , RaSco, - ;in Ellishurg. Fox the township . of Harrison i ticsthe house recently occupied by Ira BartholameW,•in Said. township- - .• • :. . • r For the township Of•Hebrory house No. 6, near:Henry -..l.ngraitam!sr• in- said #1 township.. FOr- the township, 9f liegtoria t-the -S u n den , lm school housbl inisitid township. - IFlir the: totinship or-lionnCr, - at.lllsl:qched housed:car Jacob Peet's ire said' townshiP. • • For the township of •JackSbni at thelonse formerly occupied ay. Betijatuin.:Barse; noir M. (lappet, in said township: -For the.toWnship Keatireg.,' at .the house of Pliny Harris, in said township.;- •?•• - • • - - For The township: .oswayo, at the hones .of John in . sold township.- - toWnsnip ittt IslTte; - 9t the botise aft Elijah . Joh niou" i said. toWilsbiK. •:••.• • For the:tow:pt:hip of Pie:is:int:Valley, \at the r . school:house.insuill-townShip:• • - • ' For the (own:ship of -POrtag,e;•at -the Sizer school housey in aid itetinsltiii. • • • ToFtliefotykShip - Of 'Roulet - At - the - school -house near George Weinices . ,:in ( shid township, ... Tor the township. o 1 Sharon; itt the Shama Centro school , house, Pear. John Voorhees'. - . - .For-the toWnship;of Sweden, , at z.the .hoagie of.Asenath Taggart,;in actititoWaship... • _For -the: township: of Stewardson,i nt the house of John S. Clark;. its said township. -- For'the - townshirof-Summit; at - the hones "I forinerly-Ocaipied by •IJOI CoOk, now JODI. .!" than Redsoii, -• • - ,•; loorlibe townshiplstSylrania, at •the School houselnear.J, M. Rees," in said, township. • • .For. the- township.of,Klysses,. at the hems of-Atlas Bennett. in said township, For the township of-West Branch, at the house of S. 3f..eolfalile`, l in inid. township. .1 Tne the' towia ship, of V. teiit ,• at the. hiksO of Steplm-Iforton,la . tatd tovOiship. • . • • For the Borough of Condersp_ort.• at the Court-House in-saltl;lloro.ugh, . - Given undei'Eriyilandl this sth day -of • SePtetribei;l. - .;n.118:41- •"; "`" 7 '' -"- • '2 ":--IVt" - . 1 . 4 -A..0-TAGGART, Sheriff. azisolveht.:Notice..- - N OTICE is liere.rgier; tolhe Creditont of IINI";S;ENT-ol,ifeitoi. Township, ittlic liAs'Afkiiir pa r ill 6: at; Common of Potter viii4ty orlho losotwon"4:A4Ws ":or. this: Otianicltiv• - e3rth, - lind thly of stttetrit2ec`ruc yang firsLday_ ofino Term,.) at . coa . tlerfport, at : 2 o'clock P- , i fa 'ate ,cif,tko creditors ?6143' jr . th . ey. proper., .. ; • •13y Oider of ,Court - Audithios - Notice. . NOTlCEiLhirebytife:te- thatthe Auditor appointed by the Court triliktke' buticiff - orthen.ate• - int - r - 4 4resfate, Sit : PA e 6ie °f Evans ti.)llitiO . "I,t; F. Aarar4 .d 1 ',rune;Ter .f ret, 1756iliti. '9OllOl attend' tollie dodo: f 1 s aopointiiieat , tiffthe:.9ffiee: of the PrOilionotary, on Friday, the:l6th day of sir teinbef - next; uk one a'elock a -P, M.- -.Those in-. terp.stetkrtre - TecvgtetbAepres'eni; • • OtgSlgD; - Andlior; ''P'6Udei r tOit,wig . : Ito