The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 01, 1859, Image 4
Kitgritutturat, fit, eP_ AW4 :Elie sneer; ilia state of nature' inclines o /Ws, Arid in a domeaticatel State Wirtferribwbilly lands, and in such loca: limor atilifiVtd Orixe ibore:no other "pima UsAft goat.cag. 11.4, winter the keepyig.ig,sheep posts conparatively 45801/ 1 04,1r9f 'cattle, as tliey . need only 4 01#1, fur a gyor life on. coarse: ArY'redim'llro pqaadi cif hay or its equira pantlibitelailfieient per - day' for - eakh ntualW-tiTherer modeubtrof shiep being oe - better stock to bring upworn outland.' Os theisnitter Agis 1141311TP Mike evenly ca tbiiirfape - Orthe !wadi, and it causes the finer {Oases to grow. and on billy meityland, where manure cannot be /Applied; they are decidely the best stock bq.keep:tp hpart, gizd they kill out, the foriati and bush& on the pastures on which they are kept. No , animal,, it is ntended, will return as much to the laad in proportion to what it takes off es Sk. sheep; sod it; is a rule that the 'great en:woof the orop of the farm should be I:PU*4llnd at home, except in cases where manure is , bought. With this class of 0;66, mooch depends on the object the farmer has_ltt view, as tp the choice of breeds. ,If.iretil is desired, the Spanish Merinos,' or some of the-sub-varieties are best i near a market where mutton is of Mere consequence, the English breeds me afore profitable. I have succeeded well by crossing the )'aular Merino with the common sheep, and with Cotswold and South downs. The result was an increase arid improve. Ingnriwwool and weight of carcass. I tbasiderthe Paul ar and - Mon te rko 3. le ritIOS ltripnited by Col. Homphry, the best •sheep, all things considered, that have bgen , introduced into this country. So tarsi my knowledge extends, they have troved the most hardy and consume the ut ftied; compared with the English breeds, and the crosses. have produced Inittion equal to the best. There i no doubt at the present .time that mutton ban be produced at the present prices in market,' sit a greater profit than any other Matti Clover bay is more profitably fed to sheep Its the Winter than any other, es pecial/ to breeding ewes. Rowers or af tefw!th may bc fed to this part of the iciek especially before dropping their lambs, as, it enables the ewes to supply a larger apply of milk. Turnips arid roots of various kinds, cut fine and mixed with wheat bran, mill-feed oats and buckwheat are fed with good results. Experiments bare proved that wheat bran, at d rate ding pouud to each per day, fed morn- log and evening to ewes_ with lambs, is one of the best kinds offood to produce a flow of It produces no febrile isroutritious, and seems to exert a speciiainfliince in producing milk. Chem ical aanlysis shoWs that the fattening qualities of *beat are mostly contained tn the bran. Corn whether fe whole or gliattnd, I oonsider so far as food for ewes *ith lat Abs, and so far as milk is concern ed, fed i% any quantity, is dangeions.— 'Where the farmer is feeding for mutton, aorta fed whole or in a ground state, in Moderate quantities, mixed with other food, and ent turnips, I consider as good end profitable. In all eases let us return to, the true principles of agricultural edonomy r =that be - Who produces the most at the least I expense is most deserving, and the sheep that returns the greatest profit is the most valuable. .4mer. Stock Journal, A. SECONT)..DANIEL COME TO JUDGE SENT.--4 am not aware of any tatutt or code of morals which makes it infamous to forgive a wonian.'--Danie/ E. atclat ketter. Poes be know of any statute or code of fitoials which makes it infamous' to forgive a man?—.Ar. Y Evening' OREGON has agreed on a State Seal, Besides its name, there are on it an eagle, the words The Union7—thirty-three stars mounted In hack gonad, an antlered elk, an emigrant woman, a retreating British man•of-war, and an advancing American steamer. 'he find American woman who ever went ashore in Japan was Mrs. Baily, wife of Captain Baily, of Philadelphia, master of ship Mary Ellis, She was sur• rounded and followed by a large crowd of Japanese but all their movements were perfectly respectful. At( Monday Mrs. Rope well Jackson, of East Granby, Ct., round a-rattlesnake in the door, which disputed the right of way. She took a stick of-wook and after a brilliant con flict stibdUed the foe. The reptile was foltr feet icing. Twenty summers had pitied oVpr . his head, and seventeen rgilea - had grown to his tail. MEI OPItiTED nEL Ly i s TORE can always be found the best of COk,ing, Boz and Parlor 'SIT .0. V " • E m„, 3 _ 4 l,"dstrpT_ l ßo N WARE,. POTS, IPTTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH* BOWLS, Trit:md:rass, sAr,r4ris, and CAULD WMI!, Also, .444 - ictiltuyal Implements' Web as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, teous-san4Lu ß s, HORSE-RAKES, 159P-Y9SYPIIs., WORN is well truldeisu3d tie material good. Goodand aubstantial-EAVES-TROUGIiS glut up in any part re tile . Cquuty—Terms easy., Ready Pay jiiß'6, including Cash, seldom refused. Sy* gm. Main Street opposite the Old Court litgtqPteßtlersport., Aug. /, 1859t-50 TJIVIPI . c" . ,SPECIFIC . • SPECIFIC" • S,PECIFIC- • - SPECIFIC r 'HMO SFL _ t • HOMIZOPATRIO REgiEDIERS,;: POMCEOPATAIB REMEDIES, )3031r I PATIJIO*EMEDIPS, 15031 r 8 PATIIIO REMPOIRS, • • HOM.(00P4TI11.0 'REMEDIES, - . NO. 002 -BROADWAY.. , N0{562.• BROADWAY. No. 562 gROADWAY. '• 'keg 563 lIRGADWAY.: , • f - - ;No.: 563. BRQADIYATi • • • VIEF GREAT •FEATURN • •" 1 THE OREAT FEAT.I.T.Rg• ••.-• ' • ..TIIE GREATt.FEATUREI • • • - , • 'l'llE GREAT-FEATURE- , . • ~ :TEIE GREAT .FEATUII Of this series of Domestic" Remedies is * that each imrticular medicine is a SPECIFIC fur the particular Alsease ar class of diseases whose name it beam - anti maybe relied upon for the cure of that particular affection, Hence, - per- - sons suffering from a chronic'disease or long standing ailment, in buying a case of HUMPH nays''SPECIFICS, obtain the particular one de sired in their case, and thus themselves make a cure which ctherwise Would cost them mitny dollars, andpo small amount of time and midi- , cal attendance, if, indeed it could be obtained . . Thos multitudes suffer from DYSPEPSIA, BIL IOUS CONDITION, COSTIVENESS, BAD TASTE; COAT ED TONGUE and DEBILITY, which is perfectly controlled anti cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which is not promptly Controlled and ultimately cured by the use of this Specific. Thousands who have suffered for years with this "Bilious Condition" having purchased a Case of these Specifics, have obtained a perfect cure and immunity. from their old complalgt. COUGHS ! COM SOREIH.ROAM which so frequently lead to B12021 7 C171T:IS AND CONStigPTION, are all in their early stage soma(' by the COUGH, PILLS. - Many cases •of -long standing Bronchitis and irritating Coughs have been_ perfectly cured by this specific: : Bet more many persons have a specific liability to colds and take them from the least exposure. This will be entire ly relieved by theuse of the COUGI - 1 PILLS, as scores can testify from. experience. Ehr CATARRH • - is one of our most common and most. trouble some .diseases, against which the Old School Medicines and even llomceoPathic pfestrip tio:ns, are of vnry little use. Yet. hundreds of persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstin ate cases . of CATARRH. by the use of - this specific. - One aged lady in Syracuse was thus per fectly cured of a Catarrh, which had annoyed her all her life. A young lady nt one of our first class boarding schools, who was so afflicts ed with this disease as to require more than forty handkerchiefs a -week, was entirely cured in a single week bythis Specific. PILES,. bleeding and blind, is one of flioFe - common and obstinate forms of disease rolfieh arc so difficult to cure on the ordinary methods, but 'which find an entire and fundamental cure in the. Piles Specific. True, time is required; but the Specific is plevant to take, -requires neither diet nor restraint, and being followed up a perfect cure is the result. Hundreds of persona hi vtiecliasiil,g a case of Specifics, have obtained a cure for thiff Most trying and obstinate form of disease, which has been worth to them ten times the 'cost of the entire set. eases of over twenty years' standing have been cured with this simple Specific, and we believe all may be cured by perseverance. The ease contzius the best YEVER. AND AGUVSPCIPIC kiiown, A remedy wilbent any deleterious or poisonous substances, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upa_ as a preventative when persons are residing in a fever and ague dis trict. It pfev'ents or proteCts upon the same principle that - vaccination prevents small=pox or belladonna prevents scarlet fever, by pre occupying tne system With true Specific. llnnilredp ilAye been ihns protected and cured, The Ophthalmy Speeifko' has proved a most invaluable remedy for SORD EYES and. EYELIDS, and for WEAK and MAIMED SIGFIT. One lady in Indiana, who had been a sufferer from sore eyes for many years, and for two years was entirely blind, was cured perff:Ctly by Dm Ophthaltny Specific alone. 1TE.4.1) ACHE S, to which so inony are subject, finds a curative in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time of the attack, and also one v,rhich corrects the condition of the systetit upon which it depends, and so destroys the predis position to return. • The Specific for the various fortns of FEMALE COMPLAINTS have _proved invaluable. Old long standing LEL - COMMICEA or WHITES, apa attended with debility or exhaustion, and for which other forms of medicine are of little value, are fully co:tingled : and cured by the FED AL PILLS, while the specific for irregularitiei control almost every form of scanty, painful or irregular menstruation. DIARRH(VkS AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS in 'adults or children arc controlled like mag ic liy the Diarrhera Pills, while' it may be averred Without the possibility•of successful contradiction, that the Dysentery Pills are the most perfect Specific for that disease known. For the various forms of FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other diseases of children, the Fever Pills may be safely and surely relielrupon, These Specifics are the prescriptions of Prof. EIUMPARETS, used for years in his extensive practice, and to theperfection of which he has devoted tb? resources of ex.teneive knowledge, experiepco and study. - The public may rest assured that during the life-lime of Dr. 11. - no one has been' or shall be Intrusted with the preparation of his Specifics, and he _offers the guaranty of his professional life and reputation that they shall be just as he represents them. ' They have now been before 'the public foi five years,and have everywhere won golden opinions rom the many thousands who have used theM. Simpfe, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have.beconre the ready recourse and aio of the parent, traveler, rinrse, or in valid, and have hecorne the family physician and medical adviser of thousands of families. Nowhere have .they been tried without having been apprOved, and their highest appreciation is among those - who have ic : nOvVn thetalongest, and wont intimately.. - Every Family will find these Specifics All they hnve been recomtnerided: f,r0.7"14 Me, Aimple and went; 'often 11, friend' in need And.afrientl frielleed. - • • . . LIST OF ,SPEOI7IO , REIXEDIEft 1..1 1 5VF4 PlLLS—i•For:Fever, CongeetiOn agd . lnilanintied Of all -kinda. 2. • WOJAI PJLLS-For Worre-Ferer ' Warrnueoliii mid Wetting the . Bed. ‘ No. 3. BABVS PILLS—For Colic, Crying, Teething and-Wakefulness, and Nervous- pegs or 4duitt, - • - • , ffori 4. -MARRIKEA PILLS—For - Diarrivia, • Clioleralnfantuniand Summer Complaint. No. 5. PYSENTER.V PILLS—For Colic, Grip ing; Dygetttery or Bloody Fins. - No. 6. CHOIJERAPILLS—For Cholera, Choi" era Morbus, Vomiting. --' No/L ,COUGH PILLS—For - Coliglis, Cold? ' Hoarseness, Influenza and Sore Throai. No. , 6,. TOOTHACHE Toothahe,, Piteeactie, and.lbfeuralgin, No. 9. HEADACHE PILLS—POT Ileadabe, 'Vertigo heat and Fullness of the Head: No. 10. DYSPEPSIA PILLS—For Weak and Deratpgett Stomachs, Constipation and Liver.Complairit. - No. 11. FOR FEMALE IRREGULARITIES-- Scanty; Painful or suppressed periodn. No. 12. FEMALE , PILLS—For Leueorrhr, Profuse -Menses anei.Bearm , g Down. • ' - No. 13. CROUP PILLS--For Crocip, Hop e Cough: Bad Breathing. No. 14. SALT RHEUM PILLS—For .ErysiPc las, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face ; If No. 15, RHEUMATICPILL&—For Pain, Larne - ttess or Soreness in the Chest, Back, Ldins, or Limbs. • A.—For Fever and Agne, Chill Fever, Dinrtr Ague, old mismanaged Agues. i P.—Far Piles, 13fInd and Bleeding-, Internal or External. , • o.—For Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids, Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or re 6M; either with obsfructimt ov profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating, its violence and shortening its course. PRICES.. Full set, 20 large vials in Morocco Case . and Cook $5 5 0 Full set, 20 large vials, in Fiala Case and Book ' 400 Case of 15 numbered boxes and Book 2 00 CaSP of any 6 numbered boxes and }look Since a' fiumbered boxes, with directions Single lettered boxes, with directions Large plantation, or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials OUR REMEDIES- BY MAIL. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL, OUR REMEDIES BY „MAIL. OUR REMEDIES BY NAIL. Look over the list, make tip a case of %That kind you choose, and enclose the amouut in .a current note or stamps, 'by mail, to our,ad dress, at No. 562 Broadway,' New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail Or express, free of charge. Address DR. P. IIIiIIPUBEY'S No, 562 Broadway, New York. Sea ig Coudersport by D. W. SPENCER and all Druggists. f [46-4ino.) BOOK STARE 2: Main above Third COUDERSPORT, PA. rd. W. MANN, PROPRIETOR. BOOKS, MAPS, GLOBES, BLANKS DOCKETS- 1 ' LEDGERS- DA.Y-BOOKS RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, DIARIES, PORTFOLIOS, HERBARIUMS, LETTE''.-BOOKS INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, Latin ! French and German Text- Books, All School Eooks used in the County kept on. hand, or immediately procured when desired- Magazines crr ring Pcriodiads suppliorl when desired. A good assortment of Paper, rnvelopes, pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw-. trig Materials, Water Colors, &c. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER S HYMN BOOKS, of various kinds MUSIC-BQOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC. Slates, Rulers, Back-Gammon_ Boards Chess Men, &c., &c. [ll-34] Zo 7/440ttortteeptra. METHING NEW.-B. T. 'BABB BEST so MEDICINAL SALERAT VS.! Is manufactured from common salt, and is prepared entirely different from other Saleratus. All the del ieterious matter extracted in such at manner as taproduce Brend,flisouit, and all kinds of Cake, without con taining a particle of Saleratus when the Bread or Cake is baked; there, by producing wholesome .results.— V.very particle of alcratus is turned to gas and passes through the Bread or Bicuit while Baking; consequent ly nothing•remains but common Salt,, Water and Flour, You will readily' perceive by the taste of this Salem itus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus, G 8 CM 70 G 8 It la packed in Dna pound papers, each wrapper branded, "B. T. Bab bitt's Best Medicinal Saleratus; al so, picture, twisted loaf of bread,! with ['Vass of effervescing water on the top. When you purchaSe one paper you should preserve the wrap-, per, and be particular to get the next exactly like the first.-brand as' above. dpVD 70 Full directions for making Bread -hi; this .saleratris and Sour Milk or . Cream Tartar, will accompany' each package; also, directions for making all kinds of Pastry; also, for making Soda Water, and Said, litz Powders. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, 08 EEO 70 - WiTfi• 8.-T. BABBITT'S _PURE CONCEN. TRATED POTASH, Warranted double the strength of ordinary Potash ; put.up in cans— il lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 6 lbs. and 12 lbs. :,-with full 'directions for making Ilard and Soft .SCap. Consumers Twill find this the cheapest Potash in :market. 68 lED 70 Manufactered and for sale by B. I'. BABBITT, Los. G 8 and 70 Washington-street, New York, and N 0.38 In dia-stree Boston. •'" [11:44-Iy*.) ettameritan Mralits eamp - 'e. . v 1. Virkitt they mantifa9ture. ; • __ - . - I TIRE AMERICAN SMOKE R l l . • l• Con isting of a gre t variety of unique and bean ul patterns of Cigar Tubes ; also, see d! era!, i t 'sties of Pipe Tubes. The pe,onliarity about\these articles Li that each one is arrang ed so as to recetve a damp sponge, I through which: the smoke of the burning cigar has to. pass on its way to the moutla. ~ This damp sponge not•only etarlithe spike, but extratts from it the nicotine oil, the poisonous proper- I ti- of the Tobacco, wI ich renders the breath less offensive. §ntokers will, find the use of these .Tubes a luxury" never trefore 1 , attained except by going the Turkish water-jar. `Their use will g4O 'greatly lromote the health' ofthe habitrial snioker and ;preserve the - sweetness of the ' reath': ": • " ' .. THE AMERICAN CARPET HOOK. . Is, a little sentrivance for putting down carpets withoht tack's. 'fbrislis d fiat* article, which has never before been upon the market. • But -it posSesses the m e eritjof enabling a person to put down ooake up a carpet of tbe largest size in general use inififteen minutes, without any injury td the flobr or carpet It IS. very cheap cheater in the long run than tacks and the great faculty Iwith which even a serv e ant can take up and put down carpets, with ,' out the possibility of a mistake, renders it in- I valuable to the housekeeper. THE AMERICAN PEN HOLDER & WIPER. It is a neat invention for holding a wet sponge, 1 into which the pen is thrtist, always coming oft cfean and ready for use. A very conVen ient article for the Counting-House' Desk and Libraty.Table. ' ' . I 11:29 . . _ ,be Amerlacine Trades Compa ny, was organized November 8, 1857, with a Capital of one . hundred thousand dollars. This Company was formed with a view of ; talc.- ing up invent Ors of small articles nf general utility, who . are unable to make independent arrangl vents for introducing their inventions, by adi rights liable arrangement withrtheui for their rights by purchase out and oit, or by a tariff on the articles 'manufactured end sold. The inventive geniusof this country, has long called for an Institution of this kind. 'The American mind is to :active, that thOusandi of thingS are invented, Many of which would be really useful to the community, but which are never, introduced, because the Inventors of them have no means to carry them nut. The capital of this Company will he devoted to the development of really useful inventions. The Company have a Committee on Patents, whose duty it is to pass upon all akilications, and finch their farge.experience in such mat ters In% enters/ have a security that] their in ventions will not he misjudged; and the high cliaraher of the parties composing that Com mitte is a sufficient guaranty that plans and specications , may be submitted before patents are a plied fer, l without any risk of advan tage being taken of this circumstance,. and _when idesired to do so, the Company will take out patents for others, securing for the inven tor all of his invention that is patentable. ThWCompany respectfully Invite inventors to submit to them their plans ; and it wit! be furthering the -objects of the Company if - its officers and agents can Abe of any service to them. I , . . Any one of the following modes.iseetepte; ble to this CoMpany: First: To nadnufactare any articles for which their machinery id adriptld by contract, the itiventors receiving the articles and paying for flip same on delivery. Second: They buy any patent which is ap proved of by their committee. gWird."fileyritilt manufacture and sell any article which they choose to adopt, 'giving to the Ittventoi such a proportion of the profits as may be agreed upon. - The extensive building;. NO. ill eatil 34 Frankfurt-st., New York, being abodt CO feet frOnt by over 100 feet deep, and 7 stories high allttro that sidewalk:, ia owned, by the President Of the Company,: and lis oeoupied in part by all the machinery, wa'refcitiiri and offices of the Company., where all its business and sales are transacted. WHO SELLS THE AMERICAN SMOKER? WHY EVERY. DRUGGIST—AND CIGAR' DEALER— If they dont now, tile); will hereafter, Dont engage est.. - 11 THE CALUM ET OF PEACE!, miN CALUMET OF PEACE! IiTHE CALUMET OF PEACE! • WHAT IS THE CALUMET OF PEACE? WHAT IS IT? WHERE IS IT? 'IT IS THE. AMERICAN SMOKER. iCr-See advertisement. - - I QUIET NERVES, QUIET NERVES! NO EXCUSE_ FOR NERVOUS HUSBANDS. HUSBAND GO BUY THE AMERICAN 1 SMOKER. THL.SiIS TO BE THE, ORDER OF , THE DAY, 1 Froin every wife who has a smoking hus band Land no hood husband trlio wants to bare peoce in the family will fnillto obey the miler I ]11:29] gi4 4 See narertisempnt. See tul±7ortiqement. HMI TI NE PLUS -ULTRA or SWING' MACHINES. THE PATENT LEVER SEWING kACITINE, 1114,NUFACTURED BY THE GLOSS 68 MANUFACTITR/NG coMPANT, Broadway, . , New York, May be truly regarded as the ri ne jilus nitro" of sewing machines, and all who are wishing to find a Machine which is capable of doing any liind of sewing for Tailors and House - - MVOS, with a satisfaction heretofore - unknown, should lose no time in ordering one of the PATENT LEVER .MACHINES, which are to occupy a similar position towards other sewhig Machines that a Patent Lever Watch (and.everybody knows its value) occupies to n-arra a. Lapine or any other second rate watch . This Machine =lces the "Lock Stitch," which looks the same on both sides of the fabriC,' • and cannot be ripped. PRICE $5O. • . - In'all respects equal to machines heretofore sold irt a hundred dollars and upviards. , • Spbcimcns of sewing done-by the PATENT LEVRt - MACHINE, forwarded to any part of the country, uplift receipt of a postage stamp, EEO 70 1 68 MI 68 ED N 4 B. An energetic and reliable agent is wanted in every town and village of the L'ni ted States and Canadas to selltheubova nam ed mchine. An adyantageono Arrangement will be made with the right kind of, merchant who willinglo have the exclusive agency. Address 9/a4a „Vann/Oaring Company, 11:30' " 339 Broadway, N. Y._'- 70 G 8 Tfite.A.merlcan Smoker Is an arti ck 6f great utility and benefit to Smokers. Perscins affliccted. with Bronchitis; Asthma, Dyspepsia,Liver complaints or Kidney affec tion& can procure SPOYOEB MEDICATED for • thee various diieases by Old Dr. THORP. Sold by the Am ERICAN T&WEB COMPANY, Nos. 22 and 24 Fiaakfort-id. . 70 p 1 STER f°l. sale by P. A. STEBBINS. 1 - ' Above ice present you ' , with a traencia of DR. '3lORSE=the' inventor of MORSE'S IN4 DIAN; ROOT PILLS.. This philanthropist has spent the greater part of his life in traveling. having visited - Europe, ASip., and Africa, as Well as North' America—hhs spent three years iirtiongllr Ihdians 'of our Weotern - country= it was in thin way that the . Indian Root Pah. Were first discovered. De. Morse was the first Man to establish the faci titat - all diseases arise froni 'IMPURITY OF THE 13400 D—r-that out strength, health and life depended upon this, vital fluid.: - i t ' : ' iWhen the various passa l ges become clogged. and do not _act in perfecharmony with the difFerelt functions of the dy, the blood lose i :la action, becomes thick, cerrupted and dis ased ; thus causing all pains,, sickness and iSfress' . of eery name ; hur 'strength is ex, tiauSted,. our health we atie 'deprived of, and it ature is not assisted hi throwing off the stag-, Mint -huntnirs;'the blood Will become, choked and cease to act, and thus ourlight of life will 'f'orever hw blown out. How important then i ' that we should keep the various passages -of l'the body free and open. I And how pleasant to us that we have it in Cur power to put a Medicine in your reach, namely. Morse's In dian Root Pills, inatrufactisred from plants end roots which grow around - the Mountain eers Cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health and recottry, of diseased man! One of the roots From which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the pores of the skin, arid assists Nature in - throwing out the finer parts of- the corruption , within. The i seContl_ is a - Plant which is an Expectorant, ,`that opens and un clogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a Soothing manner, performs its duty by throw ing off phlegm, and other humors from. the lungs by copious spitting: The third is a Di- I tactic, which gives'ease end double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of impurity from the blood, Which is then thrown out bountifully by the Urinary or water passage; and which could hot have been discharged in any other WV. The fourth is a Cathartic,. and accol ii rtft n i ce the other properties of the Pills wlnle engaged in purifying . the ' blood ; the i coarser. particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up hnd conveyed off in I great quanlitieseby the bewels. ~ Trou t the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's ' T t actitin Root Pills not or lY enter the stomach, but 'become' nutted with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the system from all inv . , thy, and the life of fire'bcily, which is the blood, be- Comes' perfectly healthy; ' consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, 'for they cannot remain when the body becomes So pure and eieat. The reason why people are so distressed When sick; and tdlfy so mafly - die, is because they do not get a medicine whilch will pass to the•afilicte6 pins, and which will open the natural passages for the disease tote cast out; hence, a larye quantity of- food and other mat ter is lodgea, and the stomach and intestines lire literally overflowing with the corrupted Ma Fs i -thus undergoing disagreeable fermen tationiennstantly mixing with the blood,which throws corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease, Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions of the Sick to blooming health and happiness.. .Yes, thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning, elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were. within a Step•of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead. had it not been fer this great and wonderful medicine. Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and abso lutely purpiised, in *it •mssing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and tal‘e away all..sickness. pain and anguish, but they at once go to !work at the fonndation of the disease. which is the blocd. Therefore, it will be Shown, especially by thosci who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse.and purify, that dis ease—that deadly enemy-Lwill take its flight, And the flush of youth and beauty will ngain return. and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your dayc. CA.UTION: Merchants 'and Traders will be on their guard and not be imposed upon by.n. Coun terfeit of Dr. Morse's Root Pills, signed A, B. Moore. All genuine Pills will hereafter have the name and sic 'attire of B. LAKE JUDSON, (successor to A i J. White 5 C 0.,) on each box..- All orders aril letters relating to said Pi 11.4 must be addressed to WM. MUDGE k CO., ;proprietors {if Dr. A. TrAsk's Magnetic Oint tuent,) Madison Co., N. Y., General Agents for Dr. Morse's Indiati Root Pills. B. LAKE JUDSON; (stfacessor to A. J. White & C 0.,) 50 Leon: , fd Street, New York, Sole Proprietor. Sold I 1 SMITH & JONES, ,Canderspert; also by al. Medicine Dealers in the county. • I0:46-1y. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rimaDF4l4PpiA. A Bennolrnt las-titraion, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and i:Pidentio diseases. rplIE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in crew o . 1 the awful destruction of human life, caus ed by Sexual diseases, several years ago direct ed their Consulting Sargeon,to open a Dicpen .sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their fornis ' and to give MEDICAL AD VICE GRATIS, to all who apply by, letter, with e. description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, !c0..) and in cases of extreme poverty, to 'FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Directors of the Asiociat'on, in their late Annual RePort express the highest satis factOn with the success which has attended the labors of their. Surgeons iu the cure of Spermatorrhma, Seminal Weakness , Gonorr hea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-Abuse, Disease of the Kidneys and Blad der, &c., and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing'year, ' An admirable Report on Spermatorrhcea i or Seininal Weakness, the Vice. f Onanism, Mss- Aurbation or Self-Ahnse and other Diseases of the, Sexual Organs; by the Consulting Sur geon, will bo sent by mail; (in a sealed envel ope,) FREE OF, CHARGE on' receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTO:kt, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, lie. 2'South Ninth Street, ,?hiladelphia, Pa Ll1:14-1y, ,Seroftila,.or Km is is eenstititienal 'disease; a corruption of • , blood; - by which this fluid: becomes vitia, weak, and poor..,Being in;the circulation,-, pervades the 'whole body, 'and 'may burst ui.disease an any' pail , of it; NO" organ is ft_ from its attacks, nor ID there ono which it ~ not Alwhuy. The ectofttlous taint is variant caused by mercurial disease, lotirliving, ordered - or unhealthy hod; - impure' air, fdA and-Idthy habits, the depressing vices, 4,4 above all, by . the ever be its origin it is hereditait in' the co t , stitution, deicendi ng siftlim parents toe . unto the third - and fourthgeneration;" indeed, it seems - to be th 6 rod - of -Him who says, - lIM visit the iniquities of the' fithethru , theif childreisP Its effects canudence bidepeslfon bkod of corrupt or' ukerous =Mari:Witte,' the lungs r liver, and internal organs, is terms tubercles; is the - glands,: Swellings;'-and ~ the surface, eruptions or sates,. This _ foul co t ruption, which gerulerS in iterylood, d the energies of lite, so tbust*sCrofuhkut constitu than rot only suffer fonn scrofulous 4b in . plainti, but they have far lets power lo with. stand the attacks of otlief, tEserneV; e, quently, vast nunibers perish , f:;,y &orders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fitfof fry this taint in system.. Most, 'of the consumption , which d curates the human family has its origin dined in this scrofulous contamination ; and man destrfictive diseases of the Niter, kidneys, bra , and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous their persons are invaded by -this this lurking is fection,. awl their Iscalth is undermined, by i To cleanse it from the system we must renovst, the blood by an alterative medicine, and is vigorate it by -healthy' food and on- , • Such p. medicine we supply. in • AYERS. _ San - Compound Extract of a - parill, the most 'effectual remedy which the mai skill of our times can devise for this . where prevailing and fatal maltay.. It is coat bined from the most activb remedials that bar, been discoverafor ttc expurgation of this fo disorder front. th.l blood, and the rescue of d systein frr,rn its destructive - .consequences Hence: it should be employed for the cure .. not only e,erofula, but also those other affee tiisns which - arise from it, such as Ea. • and Sits . DISEASES, ST. AXTIIOXY . B F Rosa, or Enveirsus, PIitPLEs, PCs BLOTCUES, Drams and Dons, Tenons, T. and SALT HDEII3X, SCALD HEAD. RISORO3I RHEUMATISM', STTIIILITIO and Msaccursa. • • ►• • PEPSI. HETI py indeed, ALL Collrimarra annum moss Vnu TED OR IPURE BLOOD, The poplar beli, •impur M ityofihe blood" is founded in tin for scrafula,is_a degeneraticat of the blood. .particular pnipose and Virtue of this Sams rilla is to purify and regenerate this idtal without which sound . impossible' • contaminated constitutions. ' - Cathartic. Pal • • FAR ALL THE PURPOSES' OF A FAMILY PHYSIC'. are somposed that disease within the range their akt co ion can rarely withstand or evade th - Their penetrating- properties search, and el and invigorate every portion Of the human caw ism, correcting its 'diseased. action, and rests its - healthyOtalitieS. As a consequence of th. properties, the invalid, who is• bowed dqwn pain or physical debility is astonished to find • health or energy restored by a raised? et rate simple and inviting: • Not only do they eare the erery-day ecimpfait' of every body, -but also many formidable dangerous diseases.: • "The agent below named' pleased to furnish gratis' my American Aitnas containing - certificates of their =Tea and directi. for their use in the following complaints: - Conk rtes:, Ifeartburn, Headache arising from disorder Stomach, Nausea, Indigistion, Pain in audited . ' Inactionof the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of A. tile, Jaundice, and other kindred -eomplaniti. arising fiom a low state of the body or obstmotioi of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, , zron. , Tnt zarizo cans OP F Coughs,' Colds, Influenza, - Hoarsene Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consum tion, and for the relief of,Consunlptiv Patients in advanced stages of thi disease.. So wideis the freld-of its usefulness and so a• merous are the cases of its cures, that, alm every section of country abounds. in persons pit licly known, who have been restored from als and even deiperate diseases of the lungs .14 i use. When once tried, its superiority over. other medicine of its kind is too apparent tosses; observation, and where its virtues are known, 7 public no longer hesitate what antidote to imp for the distressing and dangertius affections of pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate While many inferior remedies thrust upon communityc have failed and been discarded, • has gained friends by every trial, conferred b on the afflicted they can never forget, and duced cures too numerous and too remarkable be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. .C, ;AYER & CO: LOWELL. ILALSS. Foid by SMITH & JONES, and D. W. SPEIC C ER, Coudersport; COREY & SON, Ulysses;h A. B. HORTON, 'Cushingville ,• •MANN *l5 NICHOLS, Id illport r C. IL SIMMONS, Oswayol and by all, Merchants and Druggists.. [11:21Z) PTIMPORT BEAD-QUARTFARS: . subseribers .take this method of ht.': forming their frieuds that they are in re:. ceipt of, and are now opening, a choit.e_ sn F desirable stock of - STAPLE AND FANDY DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of all wh • desire to make purchases. Our steals larg has bden selected with great care, and is par ticularly adapted to the wants of this - Beetle of our country. 'Our stock of Dry Good," con sists of " • DRESS GOODS, TRIMrINGS, RIBBONS,. F,MBROIDERIES, PARASOLS DLOTIIS, CASSIMERES . YESTINGS, DOS • 14IESTIp5, • . SHIRTING A; LINENS, PRINTS, !HOSIERY, SHAWLS,. and a carictY of other articles, too ‘anzneroal to mention. ,We hare also"a complete aisort, ment - ' . _ • GDOCOTES; = RAM/WARE AND ' CROCKEItYi * all of which will be sold uncommonly cheap for ready pay, and for approved credit on .ss reasonable terms as any °that-establishment. DIANN &NICIIOLS. Millpert„Ank.;ll, 186.-9:13 ly.- Z.. J. THOMPSON, CARRIAGE , k WAGON MAKER and RE , PAIRER, CoudersporVotte; Co., Pa., takes this method of informing Ma:pub-gm • 'lie in general that he is prepared to do all Work id his line with promptness, in a workman-like manner, and ',upon the most accommodating tern's. Payment for Repairing invariably required on delivery of the work: tn.; All kinds of PRODUCE -41r,91.4 oa a c count of work. Vi3s*