The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 25, 1859, Image 4

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hj:2 l . . 1 17 - 0 - I '
WAT-61430ilitifiMVIditt'aiii,leitil tlititie,
patieFeAtt,-tieli n evttig-that the publication 01
' _ Ittava 'Aid etpethpetp , iolgolprio the
V/ and gorticalturill pel4.49es D J
*lra 449 1 141; tietieo l afiXihnuers,
' ,1 ranAler*orNttePT'Eß•Aturttfp..]
r 7 4
fn '~tpger
Wilfl4 - qhe' fdiwink r ' senr4l
of PrOqtrifietc)
, f alfr ) .o . 4l-1140- DE VW Slik4.7-74
ii;ilays Isine4igr4Shig into_ iikrbahk .
rLll4rtkPriiiiiiiily ~killed:pii. he just
41 1g 41 P;' 145 ?Ow wbo - knell j',Araa
7410011RFin: such . Madam said; t o Thetei
poglAge§,tikinaric a.,gac4:4 made in
-WO #44244nrida. before - th ey rail - down
We ofilkiato . - the . sea,": -poi n ting to five
` A i
marki o n. the 8 1 49 of ; th,4&-pside,of
fiefil!io64:l;oo,,l4 fit*i99lDi Mtn,
flederte4:tae`lihakihkhad,neir4 . ,noti, a
TjAtt . th o 4 I. - ( l 4vkaina,eAeolie.d
e an d . /hey had the same;) and - he
Ilihrtliti *IWO- fiatl• tiiie'illir swine had
*help ever sigee , the, pasting oat of the
4 1,- 1 4 1 **Akidegt Ve4; t l l.l' ketg ti" the
. -M l f, a-g. Y) aeries are, ones tkis:! 1 ?.? 1 :k ,al
- tug anatomists account
1 , - - .ltt4 -7 , ... 6 14 aq . QiiiTies?. ' • 2 :
" • '' ' 'tiiilifilei referred ; to, in this , section
of country are called g ;
-Devil Hotel." They
63-4° 'l6
e.6ll'hfig or Piiiihich we
ever si‘i or heard of, and in all prohahil,
Iv it would be no more difficult to — find
V4roiwitirout si month, than to tind - a hog
without' his 1‘ Devil Holes" When pigs
Wrkei4 in dry dusty places and 'not al
lowed acpe*s to water it frequently 'hap
pens- that the _Deal 'rotes" become ob..
otrocted. When this happens the - pig
means to-lose the use of his fore-legs,
from the joint to the foot". - When
w :101040i tetwaill he itumble:s„ and fails
yttlirs. Itnees. and in a severe ease . walks
wry on hia.Vriees. The-remedy .13 to
the .holes" hi sop and ix
fetiona open, them sligtly and gently with
latliOnn needle. If the pig is' allowed
ace* to a Pool of
water it is frequently
tidevod without-further troable.-11/a
ktOttinlitit Qftotece4tinglraile.
• - tiett.
The book in the_ library belonging to
the British Idusenna occupy 12 miles of
ahelf.,The painting and culpture gal-
Witt of the palace of Versa les extend
over eix the tours of three
lid a-half yeara 270,000 trees wre felled
istr order to get at the gutta-perc a.— The
tilos cif needles are punctured by a ma-
Ideirtlithteh, superintended by one boy,l
Gan punch 20,000 •in a day.—A ray of
artificial light travels at the rate of 70,000
leaOriii a second ef time.. _Natrona-
Inerehave given - the rate of solar light - at
19%500 miles a second. _ln the form
stioncof_a single locothotive engine there
are over4,ooOrpieces`to he put together,
and these require - Ll' '-as accurately
10.14 1 iJe4. - 10 the • works of -a Watch.---*---
Ev lir-tratch - .• consists ' of at least 202
plicee;-'eritployiug probably :Over - 200
ersons,,distributed among 40 trades—to'
Iry nothing of the toolmakers for all these.
Gas-lighting was unknown in 1800; it
wßillut until two cars after., this that
lictirdtick Made_ his first public exhibition
Olt in' London: Since that time" hie.
silvery haa encircled the globe. In . Fill
fitiriatil this 'country - all the principal
eittetlatid,ruany large towns. are lighted
littlt - it; and even New: Zealand villages,
itheretto white man had (milt his residence
in 1800, are now illuminated by the some
ardatile and beautiful agent of luidian
comfort and happiness.---,•);very pound
cif cochineal contains 70,000 insects boiled
to death; 700,000 pounds are annually
;teed 'for scarlet and crimson dyes.—
The tidomus matter of flowers is Milani.
Maple, and 'arises from an essential oil.l
When growing ins -the dark their odor it l
diminished, but restored in the light, and
4 is-strongest: itt sunny climates. The
plantkouown as thefraxmella takes fire
in hot craning by bringing a-flame near
its roots.—:At present there is no really
inceessfulyentilating and dust excluding
appainturz combined for - road oars,
Much' ingeduity has been dis=played, and
litany patents havelteeu issued for devices,
tbilhes pro -loses but as yet the' System'
needs . tq periected.,The natipual
Wad Over the Cumberland mountains is'
were' 'extensive and durable than' the
Celebrated Appian Way at
Zu 604 thneontents of a
,cask in imperial
gallons - gage` the bung diameter and
multiply its square by 2. To the prodnct
add the square of the head - diaina'er.
and multiply these by thelpside length
TIA-divide 'the last . .product ' by 1,098
forlintierial gallons. , --=The Julian aque
duct ofitornEs is' two - miles
,longer than
the CretonliqUeduct of New - York, but
the Croton carries` more water than all
the soyepiiqueducis of Rome put together,
old More thatf.any other,'acitteduct in the
world, 'and Is longer , than any other,
eepting theJulian.—The Illinois Len-,
traPalltuad is the_longest l!nwever c on
itittUted. by one conipany, and in point of
ntorktuatiship is, equal' toany 'European
stone arch
~ Cabin
44in'Creek i entheWashingtonaqUeduct
0'40460 feet`crre,ater. than alai! other
110 - 00 are . z to, u. yor , and as more
tillatteut .n' , proportion :than the 'era
ox_ex , :tho Oen,•in Italy, so long celebrated
for its,..magnificence.=-3he tunnel '
thltinitAtuit - 4' c nnsyl va na. rim d
wad f•More'diffierilt work than the ittnitel
under the, Thatnes.—r-ralle structures, on
the -Baltltenre-tiiid''''Qbio' Railroad; 'at'
iiiiiiiei r sldriyi'matheStarrucCa viaduct
.on thetAier,-Yorlc,aud „grieltailroak, are
tes a nything B rtin el
Itioramin Vmnee.
l'lmomispensiott bridge over the :Niagara"
.14eitioowli - 121 012 feet ,10
thanijoyjitherinnglu,pati in ;-tile world,
being nearly.lisititat-greiit the cele
brated bridge over the Menai straits
Iherrilii';ikoeilptt is Me; 3.14e* dry
Adelt-inttlie-World:by iyinne The
plates of irriii'ilsed7,ll,,EtNiA'gates of this'
dealt Ars Waif egtilditlad.been made,
itp titne..theY.were relled!--The
estiiMatiMiginally , tuadeily the 'Belgian_
engineers for theWearet mils upon their
lines present, ten
56= ./' , l6t , Undet the. ivetage lifiK of
whilet , matty - are actually so much
worn (Ilya month as to:be ‘ im longer;-fit
reported,,basimpleruptires, Which o ft en
occor from- over : pressure f aAd
farther:consequences than the :loss. .of
steatn`Andiocal injury to the .bOile'r;': ate
,p ij licly `reported , and ; liars are
ni a nyL OM' Mgr aware -thet ze , s cas
...9vey.„ happen:oThe of,
trees thickest' north- 1
Tus damsels of 'ArOOstOok county ', binuie,
are,3‘;,sonte'pamitias,v!!•.es, - seen by
thelollowing: extract from a correspond
ap'es,let letter in the ipOttoikl3ec . : .
ju.stlhe right companions for those who
want a helpinate in tha r nroods. Aiany.of
can use the aic or the rifle with as
much grace as their brothers. • As to the ri
can speak from,my own knowledge:
having'-esperienced the iniortfication of
being beaten by a lags of seventeen, in
slinoting at a targetiri dr a si47.shootei,":
MoNS.7—TI/.6 '4ooeret, Wiles of Ljuly._ 13
thus- - ; chronicles; ,t bpi arrival Ifornee
Greeley In s a l. City
" Horane Greeiey, , Ess i ,, editor- of the
New WitlC : l-Trikuite,• ' arrlvecl fi4 'Sunday
evening last in the mail stage from' the
East, on, the way- to . -the -; We un
derstand` that' he' iideriffS - foreniain' here
4 short time to see the "lion," as there is
ne "elephant," and 'other curiosities that
may be found in and about the city."
Po'tte'r . Cotinty, ss. :
. .
AT an Orphans' Court held at Coo
-IL. S. dersport, in and for the County of
Potter, on the 21st
. da.i,of June, -A.
P., 1859, on Petition of Jarees Barber & Ches
ter Robinson, BxeculorS ortheßState of 0. B.
Goodman, 'deceased, setting forth that Where
as heretofore' to wit, on the Bth' day of June,
A. D. 1850, said Executors Presented their *pe
tition to the Court by which it appeared that:
the personal property of said Q. P. Goodman,
was insnfficient for the paymput of his Jus:
debts as by twirl petition will more fully ap
pear; and whereas by said Petition it ap
pears that said 0. B. Goodmari,'died. seized of
and- in certain real, estate. upon which such
.and • statement so filed, the Cowl
granted g.O order for the sale - thereof, and .the
same 11W.313Qt sold for want Of bidders on the
same; amilbat'there remains unsold the fol
lowing described realestate to wit
The undivided two-thirds part of.a tract•of
land iii - Pike3 - tisltii,Potter.Courity, Begin
ning at a Black Oak in the west line of Tioga
County, thence west 836 Perches to a White
Pine, thence South 611 perches:to is post and
stones; thence east 'llO perches to a poSt and
stones.-thence; north 212. perches to-, q Pine
Knot and Stones, thence east about 150 rods
to a post, thence - south39o "perches to a post,
thence east. 170 perches to a hemlock, still
cast 84Perelies to the *Westiine Of lot surrey
ed by the Trustees' of William Bingham . to
David Kilbonrn, thence south one degree
-117.9 perches, thence 'south' 89 degrees east
66.5 perches, thence south dcgress west 66.6
perches, thence north 70i degrees 56.5 perch
es, thenen :olith eighty . ..nine (89) degrees east
110.4 perelies, thence north 11 degrees oast
49 perches; thence east 'perches? thence
north,,,rdegrees east !68 perches,, thence oast
18.8 perches,. thence north - 80 degrees east 29
perch es,• th ence north 11 perches, thence north
78 degrees West- 26.7- perches, thence north
three degrees west 44.3 perches, thence south
r 81 degrees west perches ) thence north 80
perches, thence 'west 67.9 perches, thence
nortlle 44 perches, thence east 104 perches,
thence north by the Thiga "County line 475
perches to the place of beginning; containing
about' three, thousand -eight hundred acres
more or .leSs, with about one'' hundred and
thirty acres, improved,' a sawmill, Ovc `o%rel.
ling hotises, a Khoo; house, twq barns; a store,
a blacksmith Shop, and some other small out
buildings thereon, • • -...-
.ALSO—The undivided two-thirds part of a
lot in Pike•Townsnip, Potter County, Penna.,
bounded-on the north by lands late of Abra
ham Bruner and 0. B. Goodman, and on the
east, Bona; and wesf by landS of the Bingham
Estate; containing fifty acres, with about two
acres. improved, and alog,house thereon. -
.. - Alko 7 -The undivided two-thirds part of a
tract of land in Pike Township, Putter County,
Beginning at alien:dock the north-east corner
of Warrant-No. 4653, thence "smith 'six hun
dred and forty pereh'es to a Hemlock the 'south
east corner of Warrant No. 4654. thence west
two hundred sixty-two and a half perches TO
i a. Sugar Maple, thence north six hundred and
forty perehes to. a' Beech, and thence east two
unwired and sixty-two and a half perches to
the place of beginning ,• containing 990' acres;
being the east.part of Warrants;lios..464"3 do
4654 ..• ;;. -
And praying ibe Court to grant them an or
der sell said lots and . parcels aiand for the
Payment of the debts &c., being read in Court,
the Court upon due 'consideration had in the
premises, do ortlec and decree the salo of the
aforesaid realestate z : in accordance, with the
prayer ,of.the said petition. By the Court:
11. J. OLMSTED, Clerk.
August 1, 1859';
• And note; tOwit, Aoost Ist, 1859: .Tn pur
suance and by vittue of the above Order' of
the Orphans' Ocrurt for • the County. orPotter,
and State-of-Pennsylvania, the 'undersigned
Executor of the c 4 tate Of 0.8. Goodman, de
ceased, will expose' to 'public sale 'or'ciutcry,
the Lots; oi'Warmnts and parts of Warrants
of land and 'appurtenances, as set forth in-the
above Order, ftnd to which reference is made
for a description of tbe'sarde, cm , • '
. .
..• .
Thuridat; Spin. Ist, - 1859; -
at .1 Ofalocl4 M,,;_ said day, at Pike Mills,
in tile Townghipof Pike, Coanty of Petter
and State of Peti!isyivania. The conditions
of said sale will be made known on the da! of
VIIESTER rt.oliiskcs.,
if 0. B. 'Goodmap t Pee.s . f.
• ?.W,Fiso.,...4leithr.Bxiet.f.tori.
fdt_ ~n-,;)greaur,
Executors' Sale.
Mai'n•ii.bove-third , St:,
.COUtkERSP.'6II7 4 4 . PA
M. IV 3141VNi Pit.Q.WIDVe.
..' B
90E,5,,. APSi s . , LOBES -2
• . •
• ,:;•DAY.;BOO11190,-;
2 • '"•••••-• :RECEIPT-BOOBS;
D ••
• - ' POR.TPOLTOS; -•
• I,l4B.BARittifS,'" "'
• 4. • ' V
. -
Greek, Lan, 'Frenckand "Gi/rnian Text..
Books. -- . •
"rill 11300ki Coititg'
'kept on A o ;ift; or imunicliakly, ,pri)eiired
When desired , - • '
Magazines or an): Periodicals whim
:good assortment of Pdper, Envelopes,
Pens itnd ' Inks. :Also, 'of Wall-Papers, Draw-.
ing lialprinls, - Water Colors, .ke. • -' •'•
PRAYER . A . HVtIikr BOOKS,• of VA riouvitinds.
. Slates, Riders, Back-Gammon Boards Chess
Men, tte., [ll-34]
UQ• pousE4erpcv9. •
Is manufactured from common salt, -!
,and is prepared entirely different • •
'O°M-other Saleratus. All the del, •''
eterious matter extracted. In -such n 68
! manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit,
and. all kinds of Cake; without con
taining a' particle of Sitleraiiiialien AN!?
the Bread - or Cake is baked; there
by producing wholesome results.•-,-:-
Everyparticle of buried
to gas and passes tbro4.h the *dad
or ilinuii While Baking; consecpient,
Ivncitbingrenihinabut cominoti Salt,
Water' and Fleur. You Wilt readily
perceive by the. taste of this Salem
uts that: it id:entirely different from
other Saleraths.
It is Recited in one pound papers,
each wrapperbranded, "B. T. Bab-,
'bites Best Medicinal Saleratus; al
so, picture, twisted loaf of bread,
with a glass of piferveocing water on
the top. When you purchase one.
Paper you should preserve the wrap.'
per, and be. particular to get the,
next, exactly like the first-,brand as
above. .
' Full direetioni for making' Bread
with - this Saleratus and Sour Milk.
or..Cre,im Tartar, Wilt - accompany)
!each package'; also, OroutionF for
making all kinds of Pastry ; also,.
for ;plcing Soda Water and Seid-;
litz Powders. '
WarraTite4 donbie the strength of
ordinary Potash put up iti wins=
r l, lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 6 lbs. and [2 lbs. L.With full directions for .making
Hard and Soft Soap. - COnsuifier,
will find . this the cheapest Potash-in
market. •
Manufactered and for sale by
1 B. T: BABBITT, .
Nos. 60 turd 70 Washington-street,
New York,and N 0.38 India-street.
Boston. [11:44-Iy4.]
If they- dontalow, they will hereafter. Dont
fail to engage ere. ' • ' " •
$' See advertisement.
SMOKER. *. .
From every wife who base a smoking husk
band—and no good .linsbaini who wants to
have peace. in the family will fail to obey the
order - - . 31.1:29]
SEir See advertisement. See advertisement.
special the L4.411e5.
MRS. GRIDLEY tenders her: thanks - to:the
citizens of Potter and adjoigiUg counties, for
their generous patronage. She would say to
the public, that she has on hind a splendia
assortment of Millinery Goods, - which she will
sell retail or wholesale at the owest rates, vs
pecially-to those in the trade, at a small ad
vance from .N. Y. prices, All orders prompt . -
ly attended to. • „
T. E. GRItm4Y will deliver Bonnets to any
place ordered. Bleaching and Repsiringdone the latest style, with taste. ITIm large
qiiant:ty of work to be " done 0ve1.," will he
delivered at ;the. earliest inninent.l,a lies
please pall or send inyour orders. Shop Meat
ted a miles westof Lewisville.
. F t , I. N. CdIIIDLEYrf
Ulysses, Nu a, 1.859.-38. -
Rev. J. 4ENDRICK, A. M 4, I'lasatem„
Tuesday, April 5.
FALL TERM commences '
Tuesday, August 23.
Rates .of Tuition ;
Primary Branches, , s2 50
Common; English , _ . 3op
Higher 'English, - , . 4 7I
Higher 3fathematics,6 op
Latin a Greek • ' ;T. ', 6
- - •
Drawing (extra) _ - 2 5,0
Masic, with use of,Fign,o, (extra), ,16 00
French, (ettia) 3 00
French, Withoutither:seudies, - • 00
.D.oom , -100
• SEr COapitent. Teachers have heertseauf
.cd for vier:). branch ofStidy". (31.) rL
Tile American Smoketle an arti 7
Ole. of great utility, Ind .benefit to Smokeri.
Persons - aftliceted with..l3ronebitis,••Asthme;,
Dyspepsia, Liver Kidney affee ff
tions k er), pacqe SPONGES 'MEDICATED for
these various - diseases by Qld Drz"Tnonr. Sold
by. the AMERICAN TRADES COMPA.*Y L -1 503. 22 and
24 FT:ankfort T st. i; - , •
IntfrittrelfatrittalititArif l t ittglr':
AV be l t- thetntatinfitctyre, ', ' - ", ,
:Tr ''' 'l' TifSSAMERICAN;SUCIEig i C s .; ".1;' . :
' ebtiiist, ing,qf a gre4, 4 tariel•y. pfAtitigue" and
bentitifol patterns' .of.C,i.gor . Tnbes t alsn, 'icy.-
.004 1 vsaricties . ontie Tplies,. _Thexeculittrity•,
.abont th i ste. - erticlesis that encti - olte,ilarring r ,
ed ;so as to receive -8. dump spong, throu gh Which t.he, smoke of the burning , cignt'llas7lti
puss on its way 'lO the moliik'` Thfi"i4lop
sponge,not only coolsthe Smolip,',lint.Oracts
from it{ the nicotine oil; the.poisonotisiprtifei
''t- nf the Tobacco, which renders the -brealh
less otfenSiret sniokers Will` find:ilic -
these lobes, a luxury never before attained
- except„bi.using the Turkish .water-jarj . Their
use will• also greatly promotelbellealthtif the
liabituitt smoker'.'and preserve the oWeettiess
of the breath; ' '.l "'' ' H ".." • -
, .. .
fs alittle_contrivonce. kir putting down carpets
withoo l t.tacks, This is a new articlei which
has never hcfore been upon Ent
it - possesscs the merit of enabling at erson,to
pot doWn or take up a ,carpet of • tit largest
i size - in \general use in tiftoen.minutes,lwithout
,any infury:to the fluor' or carpet:- It' is Very
ellen'' cheaperlu the long run Abartitacks—
ncd th great fireulty with which even a seri.-
ant,ca - take op. and- put don't' carpet , with-.
out th possibility of a mistake, rend reit ill;
eto the liousch . j .eeper. .'. ._, •-•:;:. • •
It is a neat inyention fOr holding a viol sponge,
intii which the pen Is thrust, _ alvia,,Ys conting
ent glean and ready for use. A very,conveit
ient'article for the Counting-House Desk arid
i Librari. Table:; • - '; ! 11:19 ' i
' Th • Ainerlaen Trades Campa:
- by', w i aa'or . ,V niOd"l,lOVeitilier- EV1857, - with
a Capil.acoLism,himilrett . thousand 1 dollars.
This C mii% was formed with it rimy of .11ik-
ing Up inventors Of small articles of! general
utility, who lire linable to" 'make independent
arrang nents for introducing their inventions,
by an gulletlle arrangement • with tbom"for
their r ~i its lili purchase ourand out, or by a
tariff o the articles...manufactured and sold.
The i 'entire !geniuS of this country has long
calla or no.. Institution of!this kind. - The
"Ameri ;in mind . s so active, that thotbandkof
thingS . re invented, many Of WhiCh.Woold - be
really sefut to the.colinimnity; but which -are
never • ntroducedi.because .the 'inyentors , ; Of
them li re, no means to carry•them opt -' ;J "'
- ' The apital of this Companywill beldorated
to the evclopment of really useful Inventions.
• - The" umpany have a . Cominittee on Patents,
whose uty it is tolinis -upon all applieations,
and fr m their large experience in such "mat,
tens In miters hare . a ,sectiritr that their in;
ventio - will not lie misjudgea ; 'and the high
charee er of the-parties composing thht Com
mittee is a sufficient guaranty that plans and
specifications Piny be submitted before *tents
are applied for, without nil ;risk . off advan
tage being taken of this .circumstanct, and
when d sired to do so. the Company Will take
oubpat nts for others, securing fur the inven-
Willi 1;) his itive i ption . that is patentable. -
This mean) , respectfully invite inventors
to sub lit to them their plans; and it! will be
furtlie ing the objects:of , the Company if its
officer and age* cap be "of any service to
them. .
An i One of the rnedei is #s . e:epta
tale to this Company : - I .."." ' •
`First : To munufacture any articles,' for
which their machinery is adapt eilliy .coptract ;
the in entorireceiring the articles and paying
far th' sitine"on delirelly. ' - .
- They lany'atty patent.whiet! is ap
profe aof by their committee. • 4
- TM d: They will manufacture and 'sell any
NAM! which they choose to adopt, giving to
the I. veutor sizaba proportion. of the profits
as May be agreed' upon.. -
The - extensive building, No. 22 and '24
Frankfort-st., New York, being about GO feet
front ,hy over WO feet deep, and '7 stories high
above) the "sidewalk, is owned by the'President
of the. Companyond is occupietl in part by
all the machinery, wareruom and offices of the
Chitup t itny, where, all its business- and sales are
, .
Which - has been ordered of
• ..CciMPANT. •
?1 b 2,4 Vranidopt: Strefit i :
iNthy IL74rlr t -
.PLUS . l7 T A
• - 339 . Broildwity,
-- .- ! •-• - !NeW'lrork; : ' ,.'
. ,
. ,
Mrty, , lieltuly regarded as the k( ryt:Filu,s &erg."
of serritigin*ehines, and all - who are livishing
to fi,lid a MarlainC,whicli is capable of doing
any kind of sewing -for Tailors and liodse
wives/svith a satisfaetion heretofore nnknown,
shoal lose no time in ordering one of the
.1 ,- .EII ALICHLY.ES, which are
to o copy a•siniilar position towards. other
sewing Nrachin99 that a Patent Lever Watch
tankteverytiody knows its value) occupies,to
war, s a, Lupine, or
,any . other .secOnd rate
Ti is Machine makes the "Lock Stitch","
whi li looks the same cm both sides of the
fubr c, and cannot be Opal,: • •
;PR $5O, ' • '
I • all reipectsAnit I to machines' heretofore
sold 'at, ,e.' hundred dollars arid :upwards.
S ecimens of 'sewing doric,by the PATENT
LEN ER MACHINE, will - be : forwarded to any
part of the country, upon receipt of a postage
stn P,'_.•.- , • •. %., t -, •;.- , , .
N 8., An energetic apd - religble,a,gent is
waned in 'every' town and village. of the Hui
ted- tates itstd,;(..lanadas Co sell the'above nam
edlaclaine. • An advantageous arrangement
will be made - with the right kind of Merchant
whoi is willing to have the texclusicelagency.
4 . 4teas ' GtObc - ,Manufaduring Conmany, ..
llidi •: i 1 - . 3.39 Broadway, Ni . Y..•:
TF sou want to etsburNutEh I
qa or Clock pitt ingood-run."
nin4 tabo, tbdm to Di T'UN'S' y:ou
will find him On; Land "to fib • your, work on
sheik notice; and in a Vorkmaltke mane
. i ya; PIICENIX L62CIA,
, , . .
opposite. Parmelee's Druki and- Book. Stare,
Jewelry neatly repaired, -, and. work .done:'on
short notice, chdap for cash.
, : - . - JOI N'B. DA - .XTON;
. I`ellsville, April 17 1859: .' ; .10—Cano'
Ver. wej present yon• wlthi a - lateness of
DR.-11.0R.SIP,==the'inrentor of atOItSE ' S`IN
This'philanthropiat - littS
sneta - the'greater partjof his life iii
•havitiglisited .Europe;'• Asia,' and :Africa, its
well as !North Atnerica-has spent three• Year s,
ninon the lndises of our Western 'ceittritr"
id was iii this way , thattlS'lndian 'Root Pills,
Were first discoVerell. , rll-.- was the first
men to estabfish'the fact•thitt all diseases arise
from IMPURITY OF THE' IiROOD,= 7 •• • DAV our
strerigthchialth•taiddife depended' upon thii
vital o • Carious phssagbec become clogged,
donot Act In, perfect harthony with the
differe hinellotis of the ba'dy,ll“.: blood loses
itjSection;becames thick,'ehrnipted . . - and' 'dirs
ease c• ow causing all pams, stekness and
distress of every naine';-60 - strength is es
our health we are !tleprived.of; audit'
Mature is not assisted in throwing off the stag
hitAt.bumons.the ,blood will, become choked
Ahd cease. to. act ; and flits opilight of, life :will
'fOrever important_ then
thal' we :should keeP . : the various passages, of
I the holly free and_oppn. And low pleasant
to ue that we have it, in. out -power to . put a'
medicine in yOur reach, namely, Aforse's
dian Root ,Pills'Aitutufitc6red from plants:
and roots which gni* around the mountain-'1
ohs cliffs in Nianre's garden' for the health arid
recoverY'of diseased mait.
, i one of . the roots
from which these Pills are Made is a Ptidarille
'shirk opens - the pores - of - We skirl, 511 tissikt.;l
l'inthre'in throviing"out the 'liner parts :of the
ehrruptidn within. The second is a plant
Which, is en Rxpectorant, that opens and un
elpg,s the passage to tpe lungs, and thus, :
shotithigtinner,'per orins its duty by thrcihji
itig'off phlegni,‘ and ether humors fret/141e
ltings by eopidus spitt hg.lhe third is Di
uretic, which - Ore - S.O;
. deuble -strength
liiiiheyS;•"thitS riedfiragett, they oiraW:
lrgertimotlids"of- impittritflfrent - the blood,
Which is thenjthroWn lout deuntifidif by 'o6'
urinary-orwater - pass Age• -'And which could been cllscithrged irii•Any other .Way,
The fourth' is a Cathartic, hall acemparries
the' other properties of the Pills While engaged , :
id - purif3-ing - the blood the! coarser partieleS
or•impnrity which cannot' pass by'the other 1
o alets, are thus taken up arid conveyed off
great qaantities by the hotels.
- From the andre, ft is sitoilA that Dr:Morse's
Indian Root Pills no t enter the sUmfaeli,
hitt become united :with -the lload,- fOr they 1
filit to every part, and ehmpletely rout out
and cleanse the system' fronrall imp,:rity, and!
:the life of the body, which IS the blood, be
comes- perfectly healthy; iconsequently all
sickness and pain is driven from the system,
fOr t liey eauxiotremitirt when !the hotly becomes
so pure mair clear. .
.. • .-
• .The.'reason "Why-peOpTe'hie so distressed
When. siet, 'and'whylseVniany die, is liCertusit
they do ,not get tr: titedieine which will pass
to the afflicted partS - And which will open the '1
enthral 'passages fur the disease to be east out;
hence, a large quantity of fond and other mat-1
Or is lodged, and the' stomach "end intestines
are literally. overfloWing with the corrupted'
' nins's ; thus dadergoing disagreeable forineh-.
tAtion, constantly mixing Witit the hitiod,which
throws 'corrupted matter: through every Vein I
and artery,- until life is taken from the bodyj
hi diseaso. Dr. Morse's PlLLiSlave added to,
themselves victory upon victory, by restoring!
j millions Of the sick to blooming health and
hjtppiness. Yes, thousands! Who have been
racked or tormented with sickness. pain and
anguish, and whose fdeble frames have been
scorched by the burning eletnents of raging
fever, and Who hive bech - brbhglit, as it were,
withina step of the silent grieve, now stand
•ready to testify that they N"Ottld have been
ninnhered.with the dead, hadjit not been for
this greht. and wonderful
,niedicine, gorse's
lhilinn Root Pills. After citie , er two doses had
been taken, they were astonished, and abso-1
hitoly surprised, in witnessing their charming!
effects. Not Only is they sit a intro ediate ease I
and strength; cud takeaway nil sielneis, I
pain and anguish, but theYi, nt once go to
work at the foundation the disease,
•whieli is the hlocd. Therefore, it will' be
shown, especially by, those Wito use these Pills,
that they will - so cleanse andlintrify;•that dis-,
ease—that: deadly' enemy—Will take its flight;
-and the flush of youth and b'eanty "will- again
return. cud the prttspeot of along tYnd happy
'life will cherish.and brighten your dive:
•t Merchants and Traders will be on their
gnard.and not be imposed ripen by a C,oun
tarfeit of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, signed
B..ffoore: All genuine 'Pills will hereafter
bnve the name and-signature of B. LAKE
JUDSON, c,:plecosgef, to A. J. White & C 0.,) on
cinch box: -
- -•--
orders ard letters relatip' g do Said-Tilts
test be addressed' to . MUDGE 1r CO.,
roprieters of-Dr. A: Trasl4,'tie Oint
ent,) EarTrill'e,'Ma.dison Co., y, getlerpa
Agents for Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills,. ..
I:B. LAKE JUDSON, (sumessor to A.. J,
C 0.,), O. Leonard, Street, New York,
&de Proprietor. Sold by .SMITII .10,NE.E.1,
(I,(?udersport r,..140bT goic ino Dealers'iti
the °panty.
-. I! 10:46-Jy.
.I.olyAßr) ASSOCIA'fIOiN,
Benooleni Inatilufinn; establi.thid by special
endaninent lot' the reliej of the wick and dis' -
,• ajlicted kith ji'ruient and
- - Irpide fi ii:c; diseases. • '
7fllifi HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view o
. the aWful 'destruction of 'hums n. life, cans
by Sexual diseases, ieveralyears ago direet,
their Consulting Surgeon', to open a Dicpeu
'sary for the trc.atment of OHO class of diseases,
in ell their forms, and to trice' IkIEDICAL AD
VICE'GRATIS; to all whOl'apply by; letter,
With a ilescrilition of, their condition;' (age,
occupation, habits of life, 4..) and in cases
of extreme poverty; to - FURNISH MEDICINES
1-The'bireetors' or
late Annual Deport express the highest s 3 t 4.-
fact'on,;with the - success whiclt has, aiiei,Ued
the lab Ors of their -Hurgeoni• In the cure 'of
Sperniatorrlima, Seminal ;Veakbess, .Gonorr !
hce, Oleo, Syphilis, the 'vico - qf Onanigni or
bisoaco of Ole Rldneys hurt Riad
dO, km, and order.% continuance of the same
plan for the ensuing year:
,[ An'ad,inirtitile Report on Spermatorrhcea ' sr
Seminal Weakness; the . viCe , of OnmaismiTaa
turbitlon. orr:-Solf;Ablizeiiind 'other Diseases
of the Sexual
.Organs, by 04
goon, -will be sent sealed envel
ofieFREE OF CHARGE';'cia - ,receipt sof TWO
STAMPS .( 0 1.'PoSI4P. • , -
Address, for, Report ~ : treatment, Dr.
JI SKILLIN' HOUGHTON,-lAleting -Surgeon,
lib ward Association, No.-2 South.Niuth Street,.
libiladelphia, Pa. '
. .
yer s arsapan
A compound remedy. in which we hoe
hived to produce the most effeettial idteran
that.= be made. It's ttconcentautedextran
af Para faniapanile, so 'combined with orh
substances of still miter alterative pooh:f a ,
to afield an cffectite antidote for the daw n
B7parilla IS reputed to ewe. it IS bel l e T ed
that ,such = a remedy 111 wanted by time wh,
suit from , Stromboli Eomplaints, and that on
which Inn riet'6nplish their ctue must prom
of immense service ter dos large class of ow
atllicted fellow-citizens. lbw cinupletely the
compound will do it hie( been proven brow
liiieut on mans of the worst Caseitto bunt
a dm followur , complaints
BoteosniA An Semiramis Grastrut`Prts,
Bayern": lint haurnvoDineascs, Thous%
l'iner ass Bterearai /intuits, RUT 21113:1M.
rumor t on Tic Doutonuntrv. Danztrrt. Dr(
raisin D latDtnrsrtor,a hut gartras, Rom
ou Sr. AN ralystv s Funs, and indeed the wh o l e
class of complaints:arising trent Istrotaryo y
TUE Broom.
This compound will be fount a great pro
motetof heath, when taken in the spnng, t e
expel the 'foul humors which fester in the
blood at that season of the sear. fly thetinie
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the:aid of this remetts, spaie tkinselves from
the endurance of"foul eruptions rend rilterens
sere% through which the
. system =will - strive to
rid itself of corruptions; if not assisted to do
this threugh the natural, channels of. the body
by an alteratis e medicine Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its Impurities,
hoisting through the skin in, pimples,eruptions
ar ; cleanse it' when you find it' is ob.
structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse
whenever it is f nil, and s our "temp will tell
yo.i. when Even whereno patteular dawn
!s kit, people enjoy better health,• and live
longer fur cleansing the blood. lieep the
blood ,healthy,' mid all is well; but with this
pabulam of life discFrekrul there can be ne
Lasting health., /miner on later tomething
must,,,3 ron o , aid the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown,
_ .
•- Sarsapaiillit 'haS, :and ttiertoe_t ittttch, the
reputation; of accomplishing the-sic - ends. 'But t
the world lies; been egr, egiOnsly - dectived. by
preparations oT.ssit,' partly, because the dnir:
alone nut. all "the virtde, that is, claimed 1
Tor ;mare' 'boOninternarry IrreOratiouss,
pretending"tn'bo . .coneentrated 'extracts of it,
contain, hut little of thmtirtue.of Sarsaparilla,
or,zmy 'thing else.., ,; ;
Nixing-lute yeers the pUblie,have been - reds
led In large bottles, pietending . l6:glic"ii glum
Of Extract - of Sarsaparilla-for one dollar. ' 3lost
of these hate been frauds :upon :the - sick, fcr
they not only jcontain little, icz.ailf; _Stusapa.
rilln, but often no curative propertiesycluitcw
Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the'use of the' arichis extracts of-
Sarsaparilla which flood the thSrkit, Until' the
name itself is justly despised, and barbeconnV
synonymous Ivithimposition mut:cheat. • Still:.'
wc . call this-compottnd Borsdparilla, and intend tr,'s •
to - .Supply such remedy as shill rescue thel : „.
name from the lead of obloquy which•rrestf,f'
upon it, find we think we have ground fot
belieting: it" huts virtues winch - are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases ifis intend- V i
ed to .cure.- In order to secure their complete; s'.!
eradication frnrn the systein, the remedy Fhou I d
be Judiciously ;taken'aceording to directions
the bottle. - s • s •
OR: J. C. ATE 11.,c0e
L .
OWE L Is, .MAS S:,, t.
Prlcei -. sl per Bottle I Six BottleaßWOr
c -- 1
Ayers :Cherry ora
has won for itself such : a renottzt for the etire of
eve!) . variety of, Throat and:Lung Complaint," thit
it is entirely 'unnecessary for• us: to reeountibt
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been enk
nloyetL As it hiia nug been in :constant -use WI
throughout thiS:.section, we need not do more thine;
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best=.
it ever' has been, and .that it'nUty be relied on to;.1
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayet's ‘Caattic;Tills, -
volt Ti Gnat OP H -
Costirencsa, Jaundice, Dyspepsia', Indigestion,i'•
Dysentery, ...Foul .Brysipelas, licadache,l),,,
P, files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and SkinDiteases,t,.. :
Liver .biopsy, Welter, Tin ibri and , r.
Salt • _Rheum, ! Trorms; Gout, Nedralstla,-
Dinner Pill, and for Purifying - the-Blood.
. • , They are sugar-coatcd; so that the most sensi- ;
tire can take them
„pleasantly: and ,they era
best aperient in thc!world.for all the ptrposee of a
family physic; - • ! ‘• • !
Price 25 cents per .Box; Fivellow,f(rrSLOO...
Great numbers of Clergymen; Phjsieitchtr, States ,
Yuen, and eminent personages, hare lent -their;.
11i - 11m:so certify the unparalleled usefulness of them'
-remedies, but our space here will 'not-permit - the -
insertion} et them, The AgentslieloWssmedthe
rash Fads our AwarroArr Ar t sorraein *ilia they
; are given t. witiValso tiescripttans the sbari t
complaints; and the treatment that edrciuM be ibb ;1;
lowed for their' eure:_ 7 - • --
- Do - not be - put. off by imprincipleardealere
other. preparations they notice more. profit. GEW-4,
Demand Amts, and take no goers; The Lick
want the best aid there isles them, aucl.theiskOlia;-,
have it.:... t, , r
All our Remedies are , t,„
my SMITH & JONES, and D. W. SPEN ,
CER,.Couderipert ; COREY &SON, - Ulysees;
A.: 13. HORTON, ' Ciashingville ; MANN
Millport ; C. 11.43131MQN5, Oswayo;
and by all Merchants audDruggists. . [11:28;i
rf, subsciribers take : tftliTtOet!iod• of in-.
,orruipetboic frieods )hat. Alley are!iri
cefpt of, and'nre, n i cov owing,
desirable sic k e,t4 „
-ST All'l.ll AND TANDY PAY GC1,0A54,
to _which they invite the attention of all NthO
deSlre to to*: ItUrilliasOs: OitT.stock is lann
has been selected 'with griat 'care, and is pitr-,
ticulnrly adaPted to - the wants"of 41ais sectio4
of our country-.• Qpr stopic ci.f Dior Coods.cinks
gists of j• • , •
• ':DLOTITS, '.
- • TESTING:3, DOt' • ;'
• •••-• SHIRTIN.GB, ••
• , , LTICE.NS. ; PRINTS, ; • ' :
• • :TIOSIERX; - -
and mi . -al-jet : 7 l of Otlier tirticleit, too. unTacitOo;
to' tneottop..: Nire itlaci* oogiplete •assottl
mont of ,•••
r*: ' is -(111()MiEltY;:. .
all•dt .be sold.ribeommonly cheap
fop readyipaY, and lor.ripproy.ed credit on as
rC;Sonebile' terms es .any other establishment.
1'1;136:L3:13 ly. •• •
CAltlliAGE WAGON IiIAICEB and .11g
FAIRER; COisileispWrt, - Potter Co.; Pa., tali!!
this method of informipg_the pnb•
'll6 - Irreenefal "that he Ass .pFoßrea .
to do all tvOrk-in- his line With promptness,
in - a worktuanAike ; Mannar, : and ,upon the
most aceoMMOdatiei terms. - Payment for
Rcpairisig lnvaiialdy required on delivery of
work..! gam, All kinditi of PRODUCE
talion; o - st account of work._ • IPS.