The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 25, 1859, Image 3
£ &tint and Conk 111 al 7 6, OUDERSPORTi AVGIIST-25; 7 1 . 66 e Conderspori Academy comnience4 'pktall Term Just Tueiday, Viek.AUnil 0: 'students, and-we learn_ that • several : m oinaro to*me . 2ext week. Eveirtiiii r i t :pp:ldes a prosperous and profitable term. Teachers' Assciatioiu—The seeOnd beating of the Hlysses; and- Allegany .District 'Aachen' :Association will be b e the. Raymond School House on goriaDAY SEPT. 10th 1859,at 10 o'clock A, ,M. •_ _All ,Teachers and friends of ed ucation are invited, and expected to be present and aid us in the good *cause. E. A. BENTON. 4Srec'y.. Upward of 800 of the graduates of the last year at the Iron City Commercial College have :secured employnient,"reeciy iag.the first ; peat' from ptfc feve hula kr.oeflLttpoti the investment made to.obtain a pleetiettl , tettsiness education: For full iff, &Oft:talon', • Cirettlar, Opechn ens of -Hairless and 'Orn a mental Pettaiariship 4tati Ethbehished .Yiew of the College, &ale's° fire letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburgh; Pa. .ibr the'Potter Journal. A Pee Nic Rquiet.—The children of this District assembled at the Red School House, it being •the last day of school, and enjoyed themselves with a real - treat, provided by their• patents and ethers. - Ancl such_a treat I never saw. .Such.a. supply. of eakes, candy, raisins, :sweet-meats, pies, am., I never saw on such an occasion; not even - at a wedding. Seventy-one' took supper, and there was lots of_the delicious viands left, which was distributed to the needy. The children have, made good progress during the Sum mer term of school, which speaks well for their teacher, Miss Pomeroy. 4 Every thing_ indicated peace and harmony throughout the entire afternoon. _John Lyman - addressed the children with ashen, but feeling Speed'. Then they all went to their different kinds of amusement.— At evening all went to their homes, satis fied that it hah been a profitable season for them, and pleasing to their.parents. diouLsr, Aug., 17, 1859. L. L. The scarcity of all kinds of fruit in this region renders :he following domestic recipe very • valuable just now. It is furnished to an exchange by a gorrespon dent. ' "A dish of what I mistook for pre serves teas passed to me, .w. ich upon tasting, I was much surprised to learn fruit. The ease with which it is prepared, and the trifling cost of the matertals;nre not its chief recommen ! datiOni, for unless my testing .apparatus deceived me, as it is .not usually wont to do r is emphatically a tip top substi tute for " apple sauce," "apple butter," totnato preserves," and all that sort of tiling. Its preparation is simply as follows Moderately boil a pint of molasses from five to twenty minutes, according to its consistency, when add three .eggs theroughly beaten, hastily stirring them- in, and continue to boil a few minutes longer, when season with lemon or'a little nutmeg." • "Wino „NATIONAL CONAINTIO.-19. corresponderif of 'the Natiool Intelli yrncerreoommeuds that a National. Con. vention of .the Whip of the United States be held f , on the 4th of July next, at Richinond or Philadelphia, for the pur poad riceninatiol, , f . candidates for the of fices of President and 'Vice President of the tivititeci : States, or.if separate nomina tions be deemed inexpedient, for the pur me Rf selecting, among' the candidates altiady . ip the - field, such as may be most acceptable to g tnajority, of. the party. ONzot the Inost oheeiing•hints of the timis r says - the 'Pittsburgh, Gazette, is the return of.that honest man, the son. John A. Gilmer, to the XN.XVIth Congress, from : North Carolina. Wiliaw yesterday s litter from that gentleman to a mutual friend, under date, Greenwood, August 8. Be says: "I am re-elected by 2,000 ma jority over two opponents, one the regu lar 4dininistiition nominee, the other of :my On party, bitterly. denouncing my Anti-Leeompton' vote. Gen.:Leeeh (Op position) beats Scales 800 ;lye doubt not That Vance is re-elected, and we hope hat Shaw is defeated by Mr. 'Smith. I feel lirrouci 'at nobly sustainedby. 0, .Southern constituency for doing my .duty in the hour of sectional nadnese Wgyrnit at Long Island Camp Meat .:Liz; 'says '5 Orville ( , Awful') Gardener . ' Aarne on Thursday evening, bringing sated 'character' from the Bowery, and .dog-fighter. This man, under the preaching the nest morning, was struck thrsugh and; through with conviction for this•_Siu, and came forwurd iu ate crowd, falling on his knees, weeping, shaking, And crying :aloud for — mercy, - $o well had the work been done, his terrors were scan turned. to triumphs. The Sun of l'ighteausnass had broken in upon his soul, aid, when Orville Gardner bad finished 'Peaking they both fell upon each other's ne4ka, and wcpt like children—embracing, sho'uting over the joys of 'sine. forgiven.' Oiberie§nstantly followed , in lib min- • Pp ea Uotiees, ' • " AND STONE. this tie understand a collection of sand like sulistattee having been lodged its the pas sage of.the urine: -When the system is in a la calthy.etate, this substance is carried off by the natural passage , of the. body; but - when there hilt : weakness of any ergots,- especially • , kidneyS, theybecenericaptibie!,Of such sandypsitcretions, and conk9uently theys-aro ,lodgetkin the kidneys, uretbra n or the bladder, causing great, intim:one...lou 'to iltosi-nigans, and-great pains 'and -swelling, amtgreot - ditliculty in vtildin4 urine.- It has beeitadditted mapyphySinuess, thistkorsles Indian:Root aremadectut Gramm perlicFr tar 'plants wbieh lawn a wo nderful e charming influence in diesolviee the sob:Stance - -witicb has clogged the passage, and by their cooling properties, they expel all , int:WM:nation, sad leave the water passage in an active and healthy state. From three to four . of these Pills night and morning, from two weeks, will decide hot' this dreadful disease is to be treated, and as they :earove the cause of every, kind of diseases, it is , utterly impos< sible for them to fail in curing the gravel as they unclog the passage, and leave the parts in a healthy and live!y condition. -Dr. Marse's Indian Beet Pills are sob) by aildealers in Medicines, ofitieql ligliottßeetqaiti. Announcetnents of Candidate:, till Co. Con• vention, $1 each; Independent Candidates, till General Election, $2 each—in all cases, IN Ars= veatig, ELY3IIIS HACKETT, of Mysses, offers him. self as a candidate for. Sheriff at the ensuing election, subject to the decision of the Repub lican Convention, • To t he ~ Electors of Potter County : . Fellow-citizens--Having long been a real dent - of your county, (being among the first), I offer myself as an independent candidate for, the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing election. I do not offer myself through the solicitation of any person, but because I desire the Office. I have not. the Means nor the disposition to to hire any one to canvass the county forme, or'to do so for myself, desiring rather to rest my claim with the unbiased feelings of the people. WM. CROS'B'Y. . Homer, June 2S, 18541—* . Itepubliton County Convention . The Republican Electors in the. several election districts of Potter County, are reques ted to meet at thr usual places for holding elec tions, on FRIDAY, IHE 26TH DAY OT AUGUST next, to choose Three Delegates from each dis trict to meet. in Convention at COUDEP.S PORT. on THURSDAY, the 1. IRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1859, to select candidates for the following offices, viz ; One person for Ds trict Attorney; one for High Sheriff ; one for Coroner; one for County Commissioner; one for County Auditor. Also, three Senatorial and two Representative Conferees. JULIUS BAKER, - Chairman of County Er. Com. Coudersport, July 30,1859. • 0 / • FM $lO,OO Pays the Tuition for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, nost extensively pat ronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. FOUR LARGE HALLS, For Writing, Commercial Calculations,'Book- Keeping and Lectures Usual time to complete a full course, from 6to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon gradua ting, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO tO $l,OOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Institution. The best and great est variety of Penmanship in any one Hall of the found here. sta„,3iinisters' sons received at half price. For. Circular and Specimens of Writing, in close two letter stamps, and address • F. W. JENKiNS, Pittsburgh, Pa 10;9-1y* • Insolvent Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors of E. C. JENNINGS, of Ulysses Township, that he has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Potter county for the benefit Of the' Insolvent Laws of this Commonwealth, and that said Court has appointed the 19th - day of September next, (being, the first day of the Term,) at Coudersport, at 2 o'clock P. 31., for the hearing of the case at which time his creditors can attend if they think proper. , Aug. 9,1859.-4 t By order of Court. Insolvent Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors of JOHN LANNEN, of Hector Township, that he has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Potter county for the benefit of the. Insolvent Laws of this Commonwealth, and that said Court has appointed the 19th day of September next, (being the first day of the Term,) at Coudersport, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the hearing of the case, at which time his creditors may attend if they think proper. . Aug.. 9, -1859.-4 t By Order of Court. NEW JEWELRY STORE, H. BUTTERWORTH having located AM • himself in this Borough,ln the-store of J. B. SMITH, on the corner of Second and Main streets; has opened a JEW RLRY ESTABLISH MENT, for the purpose of - • UFA/RING lurcus, • CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, - Having some years' - 91rience_in the busi. fleas, ifeel confident in giving the public GEN- IiBAL SATISFACTLON.The patronage of. the public is solicited. ' lease give me& call. All work. warranted or no pay. - A general assortment of Watches, 'Clocks and Jewelry on hand and for sale: , Coudersport, June 30,1859.-48. • • PLASTgAIor Gabs by P. A. STEBBINS. FOR SHERIFF FOR SHERIFF. . , PRICE CirafiENT.. . , . Corrected :eyery_Wednesday, by - P. A. STEB . BINS, 'lt!ablesali add fetal! Bealer,i,n Gm- • - ' oeries• and Fn . :Ms/oils. Main Street; . COUDERSPOBT, PA: . . , _ , ... pples,•green, 3,8 bush / , do . 'dried, ." ' , ,250 , 300 Beans; ' - • " ,- , . : 125 . : 200 Beihsnra2; *V . 1111: 1 - , , ~ - , . . ' , .20 - -. - ;25 Beef; - , ...**- ' ~..- ' : , : 0 7 BeefAltderi" - ' '' - ' ' ',. : ' 4: ~. ',is 1 Octriei t dried, V van ,- I et. la Ifuckwhlfs...l,ll - bush., 10d, - -. • ' 1- Ero Butter, 'll lb., _- ._ l 5, 'lf3 Meese, " -' ... t;• - .. . . 12 Cedit,r`p bush.; -, I Oci •. ' /12 ' Corn Neal. per evil., 225 -', ' :2 70' Eggs, 11 dog., ' - 10. • 12 Flour, superfine , v bti., . 100. . . 7 50 - i do- &rabic elkta l ' , i't - -. ' "700 ' ' 800 Hann el lb., ' • •—" -12' -- ::14 Hay; 41 ton, POO • I 0 00 Honey, "e lb. ; • ' . • 10 .' 121 Lard. ~ ". - - 12 - , 16 Maple Sugar, per fo r •', 0 .10 Oats. 'ipl bush:, ; 40 50 Onions, " 671 100 York, 11 bbl. ; - 19 00 23 00 do" VI tb.,- 4l 1 11 10 • 121 do In wbole hog s ' fb, s . 0 , - 17 i Potatoes, it bsfsh,, -40 50 Peaches ; dried, 'll lb., . - 25 Poultry, V lb., • 5 • , 6 Rye, ".lil bush., lOO , - 1 121 Salt, 1p bbl.,. 3.00 . do 11 sack, -25 Trout,',? 1-bbl.,, 600 650 Wheat, 1-4 bush., 150 • 1 75, White Fish, per. 1-bbL,' 600 6 , 56 Wool, per. 114,, , . ._ •• . _2B .., ;35 . ._ 0 1 11 1, 1 I - WHEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White, 11' I .President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges or the Courts of Oyer it .Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Court of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued .their precept, bearing date the Eleventh' day of Aug.,'in the year of our Lord•one thousand eight hundred end fifty-nine, and to ine,d& reeled, for holding 11•Coort of Oyer and Term hier and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Conder sport, on MONDAY., the 19111 - , day of Sep tember next, and-to continue one week : . Notice is therefore hereby given:to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables Within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. EL of said day, with their rolls, records, .ingnisi. l lions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are .or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be thee and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at CounEtisponr, Aug. 11, 1859, and the 84th year of the Independence of the United States of America. . A. C. TAGGART; Sheriff. AT OLMSTED St' KELLY'S Q TORE can always be found ate best of AJ Cooking, Box and Parlor . • .STOVE-S.: Also, TDI and SUET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also, Agileultural Implements, such as PLOWS, ' SCRAPER.S. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &e. THEIR - WORK. is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the Coln:ay—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store ou Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 18,59.-50 HUMPHRtYS' SPECIFIC" • SPECIFIC SPECIFIC •. SPECIFIC . "SPECIFIC 1103ICEOPATHIC REMEDIES; HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES, HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, HOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES, - HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, No. 563 BROADWAY. • No. 562 . BROADWAY. No. 562. BROADWAY. ' . No. 562.13110ADWAY. No: 562 BROADWAY. THE 'GREAT FEATURE - THE GREAT FEATURE THE GREAT FEATURE THE GREAT FEATURE THE GREAT FEATURE Of this series of -Domestic Remedies is that each particular medicine is a SpEcuetc-for the particular disease or class of-diseases whose name it beats, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular affection. Hebee, per sons-suffering frhm a chronic disease or long standing ailment, in buying a case of HUMPH REYS' SPECIFICS, obtain the partiCular one de sired in their case, and thus themselves make a cure which otherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small amount of time and medi cal attendance, if, indeed it could be obtained at all. Thus multitudes suffer from DYSPEPSIA, Dn.- MS CONDITION, COATIVF.YESS, BAD TASTE, COAT ED TosouE and DEBILITY, which is perfectly controlled and cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or fornit of this disease which is not promptly controlled and ultimately cured by the use of thin Specific. Thousands who have suffered for years with this "Bilious Condition" having purchased-a case of these Specifics, have obtained a perfect cure and immunity from-their old complaint. COUGHS. COLDS- AND SORE THROATS.. which so frequently lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION, are all in their early stage secured by the - COUGH PILLS. • Many cases of long standing Bronchitis and irritating Coughs have been perfectly cured by this specific But more I many persons have a specific liability to colds and take them from the least exposure. This will be entire ly relieved by the use of the COUGH PILLS, as scores eari testify from experience. So CATA.RRH • is one of our , common most commoand most trouble . EOM' diseases, against which the Old School Medicines and even Homceopathie prescrip dims, are of very little use. Yet hundreds 'of persons have been cured of not - only recent and fresh, but even long Standing arid obtain - ate cases of CATARRH by the ascot ;this specific: One aged lady' id' Syracuse was thus per fectly enred:of a Catarrh, which hadinnoyed her all her life. A young lady at one of our COO filseclass boarding rich oolsi4lto w#ti*lttillict.-; ed With thii disease:is - to require than. fOrty liaridrehiefs a -wee,tirsts entirely cnted in a single week by-this-Speci„fic; Pr-tre-. • i; bleeding and -blind r ie one of those common and-obstinatc forms of.'disease whiclt'hre so difficultiCo'enre on the,?cirdinary.triethOds, bat which find an entire and fundaniental Atire in the Piles Specific.. True, time reifulred;• but the Specific is 'pleasant' to lake t i requires neither diet nor' restraliotud followed,' up a perfect ctire is, the, result. Hundreds persons;` in purchasing a case of Specifics hive obtalirect a cure for this ntostitrAng•antf obstinate form of disease, ,whieh,Chas !Weis' worth to them ten times the coit oftfie entirt.:l set. • Cases of over tWenti. , ,feare standing have been Cured ;with this stmide SPecific; and We believe:ell may be cured by .pcfseverancer.' Thecase'conetins the best 1 - FEVER -A r ND.AGI/F. SPECIFIC .. • ...• . k - acnvn. A remedy :without any, deleterious or poisOnOs_sulistances, whieh nOonly,cares the ag n e,:' and old, mismanaged agueS; bgt may be 'rolled = upon as u preVentative when persons Are residing in a fever .and,‘agne trict..•.•,lt prevents or protects, upon. the same principle 'that. vaccination prevents! small-po; or belladonna prevents scarlet fever s = bypre= ocenpytng. tile system with ;true, Specific,. Hundred& have been thus protected atillcyre& 'The , Ophthabny_Speoirtc:, has . proveda Most invaluable rem eilY for SORE EYES and EYELIDS, tad 'for WEAK • and BLHRREHSIGHT: On :fad); in Indiana ; who bad been a= sufferer. from sore - eyeil for 'Many years; and for two years was entirely- blind, -was-cured-perfeetly by the Ophthaltny Specific slope. : , _.._ ILE ADA CH .E. ? -S' , ' • , - ": ...... _ •.., . . . • • '; • . .0 to which so many are subject, finds curative in the ease.. There is a specifiewhieh relievei at the time of the attack, and alio one which corrects the ,condition _ of. the _ : System Upon which it depends, and so destroya,the predis position to-return. - • '..- 't .1 . 0 :'? The:Spectifie-for-tbe various foirmS of FEDIALE . .00.1NPLAIRAT 4 3 . have Proved invaluable. Old long, standing LEUCORRIKE4. 'or Arnir; are,' attended with debliiti or exhaustion, and for -which Other. forum ttf. Medicine are - of little Ivalite,:er'e fully eontrolled rind cured by,, the 47Ell'ALE PILLS, while the specific .for Irregularities control almost every forM of seanty, painful or irregular , menstruation.,, DIARRH(EkSANDPIAMERCOMPIAINTS. . 1 in adults orlildren are -controlledilike mag ic by the D arrleceis Pills, while it' may be averred withtit the possibility of euccessful contradiction that the Dysentery Pills are the 1 . most perfect,. pecific for that disease known. For the Various forms of - - ' ' ' FEVERS, SEARLET FEVER, - MEASLES, Feuerand other diseases of children, the PeUer Pills may be safely' and surely relied elien. ,H TheseSeeofies are the ofProf., 1 HUMPAREYS, used for-years iu his, extensive practice, and to the perfection of which helms cevoted thz resources ofeatensiVe,kbeWledge, experience and study. 1- • i . The public' may rest . assured that during the life-time of Br. H. tin ono- ha? been or shall be ios.u.sted with the'preparatton -of his Specifics, and he offers-ti e guaranty of hiS professional life and reputation thatlthey shall be just as he, represents them,..• •.. I . , TheYhdve noW. been before the 'etiblie for five years, and Imetzt everywhere won golden opinions_ from' the many thousands Who„ have used them. - Simple, Trial - tom intricacy, teehelcality, or danger, they have become the ready .recourse and _aid of the parent, traveler, nurse .or in valid, "and 'has t e becothe the family Phytician and medical adviser of thousands of families. Nowhere have they been tried without having been 'approved, and their highest appreciation is among those who have known them longest, and most intimately. . 1 Every Family will find tip -- Specific,. _. y ..all ....__ Jese Sscifics ai they hare ()e'en recommended: prompt, relia ble, simple and' efficient; often, a friend In need and a friend indeed. . . • . . , - i • . i LIST OF SPECIFIC . REMEDIES. ; . No. 1. FEV,E4 PILLS—For Fever, Congestion ' and Inflaination of all.'kinds., 1 • No. 2. yoo3i PILLS--For Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic, and Wetting ih - e Bed. No: 2. laill''S PILLS—For.:CoIi Crying, Teething and Wakefaliiess, An Nervous niii Of Adults. ... . i ' No. 4. DIAIIREEA: PILLS—For 'Diarrlicea, Cholera lafantumAnd Splniner Complaint,. No. 5. DVSENTERVPILLSVor Celle, Grip ing, Dysentery or Blocidy Flui.t)'• ' No. G. CHOLERA PILLS4For Ch olorarChol • • era - Morbus, Vomiting. ' '.. '- .- • ' • " No. 7. COUGH PILLS—For Coughs, 'Colds, Ifoarsene,s, Infltienza and SorelThroat. No. 8. TOOTHACHE PILLS—For Toothache,. ' Facerielie; and Neuralgia. ' ; No: 9. HEADACHE PILLS—For ' , Headache, Vertigo heat and Fullness oetboead.. No.. 10- DYSP,EPSIA.P ELL:SI-LA:4Z Veak and Deranged,. Stomachs, Constipation and Liver CoMplaint. ' ' No. li. FOR "I'EMAI/E IRREGfL'ARITIES:— Scanty, Painful or suppressed periods: No. 12. FRSIALE PILLS—For Leacorrhcca, Profuse-Menses and Bearing Down. • No. 13. CROUP .PILLS—For Croup, Hoarse Cough; Bad Breathing. . 1 No. 14. SALT RHEUM PILLS—For Erysipe __ las, Eruptions; Pimples pu-the Face. . , No. 15. RHEUMATIC PILLS--For Pti in, Lame. ness or Soreness in the Chest, Bit'ek, Loins, or Limbs, - • • A.—For.Fever and'Ague, Chill Feier, Dumb Ague, old:mismanaged Agues. P.—For Pips, Blind and Bleediag, Intrrnal or External. o.—For SOre, Weak or Inflamed; Eyes and Paililig,.Weak or Marred Sight.' C.—For Catarrh; of long titandirigor recent, either with -obstruction or profuse discharge.. . W. ,a—FoOlthoopin g Cough; atuttiug its violence and shortening its Course: 1 Full set; 20 large vials in Morocco Case •.1 and 11)0, _ : ss' 00 Full:set:2o large curls, in Plain Case and Boot; • 4 00 Case. of 16 "lumberedboxes'and Book*: 2 .00, Case Of any 6 "lumbered boxeS and Book' 1 00, Single numbered boles, with directiens 25 Single lettered boxes, with direetions:' , ,-. Large plantation, or physician's case, 'l_ • and 2 oz. vials ' 15 00 Look over the list, make, up a case of what kind you choose; rand enclose:the sithount'ile a current note or stumps;: lip mail, .to- our ad.' dress, at .No. 562 Broadway, New-Rork, and the medicine NMI* be duly returned by mail or express, free of. harge. _Address • •• DR. P. IiII.MPEIRErS k • - No. 562 Broadwayi , • Sold in Courier:Tort by D. yr. SP all Druggists. [4 t- PRICE - S. OUR REMEDIES` .13j 7 MAIL. OUR REMEDIES EY MAIL. OUR REMEDIES'EY MAIL. OUR ,REMEDIES BY MAIL:* OUR' REMEDIES BY'AtilL.' MIME •. . . • „MAIM !war' i ; • STORF4I;:- , -- Main Street; (err v !- *te.llaktratte Akßroe ; . . ghat • oCki.,2lr. Jr, "NEM P'roprletor I Och e abcirr estetilslifirtt /.:;;4ratild - reiipectfttWinfo'rtn theinfitiEribuipf, of Clondersiert,!atottmcounty4enekally, tbat. be Is vow, pre par e d;a?, sop tlietnlritli .iirdaffB,„ SHOES (74LITERS, ZgATII4II-. "PIIeDINGS;',4t; of eveTy;d4Friptientit'priL i. air:Ai-blebs 'cattniftsjibil' to fini •" - Yrti - la're 'no hand; and are constantly Jec Iving'frenr 'New] ' York,:the.finest is,sertnsent ti . goods:dna cani be found in thle pOrtion of , theleountry,,,andl ell•th will se setae at, prices whiCh 7i1.1 ~ .. ... . ~. BOLE 1,44271E1A1, : 'l' . ;., • i, ... ~...- tIPPER.LRATIIBAW : IPS'ii2.I , ,*, ' '' '' .PREllirgff t'1...1.L"../17.A'A .Csfeinete), PEGS, NAIL'S, AWLS; end iIIthINGS, Of et.* ery clescription,:injquantitie. to suit, .ptircha. sers,;ltt , - - 1- '" ' • ' ' •:, . • : REMARKABLY LOW;P i RICES.• FOR CASH; ' , .. All-goods sold 4,opriestablislunent are '.of , the Itest Quality, and will be WARRANTED. 1 Terms C a sh Oulk:' ,Give us 'a tiML . -, GEORGE T. WARREN:. Wellsville -May 19, 1859.-40. BO.Orders sent, by tnail, l left at the SOMV,k:AL Orrtce;Deudersport,itill be'proinit ly and carefully attended td.: I ,-. ,-,..;.‘,.. 1•• NEW 117 ? ci7 ir ;I`, e F. 1.3 9 JUST Itr,CEIVED, F r y C:11: SIMMONS, in C t .:sB.wa a.. .2 n • ..Ltivii`l`Priee4/ - 4. AND ‘i; ' 0 it 1413 TO Cash a nd, "Short- Tip Le liqt.Vers• • NtSPFREOIVING:my SummefStock; JIL-: which-embraces everything usuall y kept by a Couri_tx.yAgre4ut— DRY. GOODS,.' ' GROCERIES , BARD-WARE,' ROOTS 4. SHOES, READT-MADE etartrolo, . BA.T S . 47 C S I CROCKERY] &c., all of which will tie "sold At low figures for I cash approved - credit. ' GOOD TEAS FOR 45 CENTS; - ' Ladies' Fine Congress and othertiraiters, from 75 - etsl. to $l.OO. HENS STOGA BODTSI, - $2,50 " CALF " 3,65 FINE DE LADIES, , 21/ 'GOOD imv - xs, • l 2 and fall otlier,.g,oode in promirtion, for Ready Pay of most . - gar Cash paid cox: GOOD LUMBER. • C. 0. SIMMONS. Clif . wayo,'June - B. -S. .COLWELL WILL SELL Flour 9 ' Mel. al • FISH, PORK &C., Che4pe'r • Atit- OTHER AfERCITANT, OAN 8Et.1.• FOR 'Wu and will take, in ,payment all' I:lids of good LUMBER: I, wilt also Pay Cishi for.LOSOIER., ilsc;,, will pay. ,th,ei .highe~G going ,prices in CASH FOW_WOOL.. c,o . viwnspont June: 82, 1859. I, • : • . PENNSYLVANIA. •• • - • . tate - Agrionituial Society .• . • , • sldißrnY TAnntial Exhibition-of the Penn ulvanta StatejApteultural Society; will be h 'flat Powelton,-.Philadelphia, on Tues. day,Wedgesday, Thursday and Fridayi,the 27th 28th, 29th and 30th, days of September. On te let September, : the Secretary will re mov to the Room!lof the'Philadelphia.Soci ety for the promotion of Agriculture, No,e2s, Chestnut, Street, Philadelphia, where Books of Entry for the:Exhibition will be - opened. Letters addressed. to the Seareletry, at Ilar risburg, John JtcQoeiten, Philada., or 0/mass/C. Engle, 1311stleton, will meat with attention.till let, September. TAGGART, Pre t. .L 0. HELSTER, slam - Viar Goods for Exhibition, carried on all the Railroads in the State , to and fro, free of charge. . ,•j 52-st. !LIST O - LN9B. TRIAL pt. ,Court of Co ty, Po.: • S. S. While, -Purdy, for me,: . W. 101. S. Ennis, W. Jones, . Hillyert.Bush, Vi/J-Bllis. W: T. Jones, . Jacksan & Bees; - Sheppard,.:, . . "G. WI. Lewis. - I Kalen, • • ":Jones, Hann &Jones. Starkweather, StierWood; • Baskin, use of Platt; ;" .H. Ellis. - . Stever, ; Jones:& Brother, • -11.• Lord, • • Wilmot, " . Trust's K. .B. Church Dent; ' C. &C. Loucks, Lansing, "Hall:. : ; Janes, • " Ives Straight, White, 1' Stevens, el:at. 1 • Ford. for 'Safi, W. T. Jones r .etal.• T. Jones, _ 4 l' N. 11'• Jackson. • Jones & Brother, •-• • • , Killhaurn, use Gorman," R. Bice. Canfield, Btarliweather.. . A. F.'Jattes, 41 C. et al.- ChiP,:l?ek:/ain! • :j -g II 4 II YI • - Keating, d at,. Foltes & Backus,.. :. J. L. Phenlv, i jr.,_ W. T. tones,` Byitm, , • • - 11 ' 0: S.i Jones; , Willet, • •. - 1, Kinney: ~ 13reneman, " Barclay. 1' Setae " Sank • Abagaii Btiongi et tali ; " W. T. & A, P. Zonal: Dual, -.' - 1 ' M'Neil & _ Henry tanker, ' . a W. B. Ctitler: HI, J. OLligTED;'Proth'se.' Coudersport, Aug 1G; 18.59. I CO., • ew York: O n Wier 1-4mol gM STOCK Eli - .:6AugtB; :epi...Term, 1859; of the on Pleas of Poiter coon- vs. Clark k Phillips,.d al. B..Dedrick. •t : " J Staysa. . ":8. Bridlee.. .;; n ~,.. m ...~, ► INEMIN 1104.46 . 0kiit• U. . .. ' 1:.. 41iE c0r0ttuy,4,444, - _ IkE .EI V , 11l A.:OO3IPLarE 445 4 §02 - 191. 4N .1:. SUMMER . lfoop 4. Bricks„ - , 4 44 4 0AUtP, . airriator, -- .4suickmaselk, .wiztrwxor.eify leo :_ - .;..hat_ *lB6;* Solid stoCk cif 41-I Se EI4S . I WWWVaI : • 5ehi ,,,, 0 .,. n ." i„,. . ._ , . 4 , 4Tf ., ~.,...,,,.:,,,: , ,6 , ,A. or * thiy * ltiltaW \ Ad vii 'gl,t 4 '. 'ls t 016 rALS rittr 1 : • Tllig r i PROOJOE OE Atli KESINVit . ! .' .. . . T Ait s ,,, ,, :i, ••..,fril ,r.,; : oa • ' DTI ra..ViioGr' TOR : 406 k i'or 'which the lllGl49l l .PAll#Tiiiiibee ' 1': • 1 can ' ' . /'- and Sunday exceptedj at *ba'Stti,:fe r . occtOad by D . BA ! . gE " ; :- , .'f- , !'-a, . . ..!... 4 • ' : • UlTssps i 1 ' 3 . ready ti:. w i nk Upon - L*6l°l=6; ..:) ""' !' ). T. - N..B .. " — WC. 1 have come Wilke 0 :W44 11 00 _- 1 7 ` REMYY: PAY - '!y - ifl beni'rfor an Psctiesi 4 0 4 'W.9_l ll figlil illailP fore du ' business niktibr systeip.., r ~, '''iriffit UlYsSes, june 1% 1840.-til642*. .'r/i^...011% , .. - : THZ OECHET 137.411THl A 1 1, A YOUTH' , AND Itii,TDßlTtud i. itteleilishe 6, Olitt,i.2slfaliiis .... :;, A. .gEtit irtoilDS PH" t• .:". ,•--17-',." - --: BATIO`N4Li" TO - 1, " ^:"-, *, - .2.lENTovithont of Serteatskyrisea L oi• bled •Witak:4 ol .l): Mitt* ant Etnissickii. 'Oinital arid Nertoes,De*Al t Premattiie ,Deeny.i24 The. 0.064-.„1_1110.411,1 and Impediments tci - Martinge r osteicamiq x BY B. DE LANEY; ED.' "- ..••• ,1 " .4 ‘. ... _ fa c t f ._ __ iiiisiott The important fact . • a,tutip complaints, originatitik lathe' treprtidende - sall solitude! of, youth, IciaY - be easily. pall WITHOUTI MEDICIgi, is in this stailliitisea ly demonstrated; and the • highly, siteeessful treatment, as atota-tiYiNik Author i lfully explained, !v . ...l:paps : OAF . 6 . l,:ery ode is .' enabled tO,eure incest..? per*. / and at the'least peisible - .- o - st . ',' . ilielehy,avkll ing all the'advertised nostrirnsi'tifilieihip" I Sent to any address, grktis . and ptistikilt Ili a sealed envelopevby remitting:lpol two postage stamps, to Y) B. DE I 4 Bait. MI, Street, New York Vity.. . .. . .. • • . ' ' .Unsiele'tlir?` l 4 . lr44 ` NEW .slr(3.V.lfir,! ::SUMMEIVCOODS° 6 ' IcEOB7BIi.IIY ri.L-STRBBIW 7:40 FAVORAKEIIitft 01011.04- ,o .l l ,l l . l l n4l**Flpft • LADIES AND . ANN NOW. 'RECEINING 'm4 ,-2 ;81.44* 1 Stock, which. embrates almostievorythisW u#uallykopt,,br tlp;CottatmAlerchtio,:el'iti : - . l ;tiat4 • • • ; • 'l'..agooll • PARDAVARE, : f„, r• ROOTS :I . STIOES;' . ' `'=l;.;* READ 4rAog , tahnitio, - - tt , •_ -- • ••.. LT. A:T.B /ale A4rlSl b - 7 , 7 nll, ot•witich.l propose tollell at Icimtergelt for or apprciKed Call tend eee our•, GOODS. and: ;Bei ug ,thankfol for past , fauss o ilis lkope , t4, l he ablo_mOw' to offer more fad bleindtteements.- •P. , I , 'STEBBINEG3 ra • Widen/port" May . 2541859.-40.'Txt ' • irit' ' -41.- iirjA;Cllvirfa ifkr.llYl4l7-1F tal E: OLMSTED reinoMAul i tt dcioultorth, into the stereikibu' copied by Schoomaker k Jackspa.••:: Thankful fpr past favoro,i,irenid-soMettot cOntinuarioe of the veUllhersiEtatTejlie belktt tofo're 'besteweq, which • — T .Cllde a metirbYirdealini and setlnigtohi Aa~o able ± A r o My stork, Oonsistiog of thP pss4t:litqaiso.o 3 , tilnearitons; 'CLOT %MIL • ~• • soooys Items *-s GR I N D : CROCE EERTS tih i 8 note - large, , pld , to 8P1;*,) CHEAPER THAN EVER llEFOlif4„,:,t G.IIEAt.REDUPtION on Lawnl4 rn chnelilik LaineS, Itlniffigiiir;:r!Arasols; Fitts rind , St SumerAibds. Pants ' reduna THEM OUT I ISAI A H BIA 0 OTOS- 'Wettiiiiii(W Scythes, of German-steel,•Cm4;titeel and: vcr-steel also, Smiths. , Eorica,c Sakevieits* many other Farming Utelksils, Atlthtaitligh prices; conSfantly,on hand., - -tspoTt & suotB4oo hies i o • in the count - Y.. EsPeelatMire taken In Eng to:get those which 'tire - anod•irol: :41~, THE C.LOTHING -DEPARTNVAM . ' is well caockekand pripmwill: he mlde:rQi +a factoz7. : -.• 1 : • 'Slja.4 TEA, 0 1 00 E, :a"m sortment ef 9rOcaries,Brooms,. #l4 , low priced .'" ' t - Ja,rn P;il,6 le. Di e • . ' Gat told the Goods la-mrlf:E W QU i AttiEttillitil Ready ray, And, on-Creditte-00111110.-' -4 paylugcustooto7i I shall sello g las, D. E. 0111STRIV Coudersport, July 6, 1850.-46. - . 2 :;17.1 , i:o..Y.ft„f:iii Lag MEI