The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 18, 1859, Image 1
'.::c ~ i EE - , 4 , •= 3 :;•r+ l 7 - - • - I ' • ' - 7,4;747414-3 = -r•-• tai== IS EMM=EM 7 . MEV SINGLE_`COPSk 110$0M •- - _ VOLUME L. N U MB= THE MOTTER4O • URNALizI n ianD x 1013 e • - sC2SfpoiritAtivittia; - • -.: -- 4 . erins . orA T- a*A - weisia?.:g . ;:: ,. .- a Bguare,[l.o liiios3l:'*ltitimi 4, ,- -7..i . ,-,., , ..,-; 50 1 1 1 ::. .± ; : r k';:7 3 .:. : '! ' " ~'", : ,, ,; , :- - -'.:.-!•;: r•:-. 1 1 ' 5 °, Sac aulksitilliiOttjOi .' ~ rf.J.epqtliiilB,., '' ~ ''26 - 1 L' 'S tiar,6l.broeiliiiiii t,. 4. - :,.. - '::--.:- V.:.;.' -- -i'.'s•o if ,' 4"...- 0r.,it4:•'...,-‘ --: . ' . ..:.‘.;:`i:!..." - ;;;.:.. .... i 4. , J90 . ., 1 i 1 ,..-: ,if • - n i n ti.,.....- ...,- .i t‘l:, - ..;:;;;A:i7,;:. .....:.. i ,.. : , ....'s .00 0- ..‘',: . Altte. , '' , _r -- ',..' :.7.... - , ."..:' , :ii; -•-: ~" 06 ' 04 . atitkfi . , ~ ~ .it'Ork,lt . er • tN=.,O 4ns. ,::,8,.; 00 II 1 —._ 1 Y iii '-''' ii - gtOliailiiii, ..- :-..:- .t 17... 4 - -' - .‘74:; , 50 E. hi , o* - rocittki 3 , ..'_„'. fr --- ..=•^l - ---: 1.8 00 4„ . .it ..,-:;:, , , ., , ii , i--- ; , : -111',...,-'....-:::...7"- •.4 ...,:,- 10'00,, • ' ; - t i- '-' l'' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' i i,r , .' l i* - ,.-" - -- . -',• ...::' I : oo a, -. .1'44 '',•!•'pr*:iletir.:".-• , ::;:?_.,',..•,, , . .,:e .•-!. - I ;.i'ao_ , 9o 1 111 ,.'; : - .,,.;?:? - : ; , ; , - ,:::-i! ‘ .: : , ; : :. ,‘ : ,; 4 .I;;!'1:• - • . ,: ,'.,. • ;,-. 4 ; j fi . ,',00 VOA le•ttitig , 4lo4Bl4#444 ; t:crAlllllllllLC: ,65:',90 1 . -'i4 :: : - . r. : - ,:' : ;•: .1 ‘ - ':1- ~. ' i3C - IliP,DtilS;• ' ,l3i.'oo ~..; 1,.F41 , -.) , - - , , .:--.':', - ,1;1‘1-.;,- ; hilei s ..i Ai .-- -;; , :ig..00' . .... , eels- 144 -":-‘: 5.- t si- ' t'') . -3.4.-:..- 1 A; OS ,:, -A-tinfniontlii4: , 0400 1 -- ."..i•J'; ,- .:i.i.r.. 4 .!Vi - S1 IP - .or, tAL I *-Itiu•-...- , l'il - . 0 /9 - 1 / 0 0 0 r;!ack.ing9Fit I( . ) ,tV4ot l Orf 4 , ,;., :'; ) ,, -4 .9. - pa; .., f . c o/ 4zant , :r in N o nsFt id at 4 earae. tes..-' -',-:•-"-:''' Ad Ititstriticieittlyiecilkwisotlcei-i 2-00 Au itor's Notices, each, - I .-. .• ..., .. : C/;: . 5 0 glaftbliaPet li . i'''" , :" • """ ' /(50 ria Ma 'age Notlce.tei,epOs j . j.t• :-....-;-... - "•- - 100 Div rce-Notyry oath, .... , s . - - L.. -._.1 50 AO inistratott'Seles.sipitie for 4 - 13 - ettleti,a,' f ' -'' -- ' -..';': -:-: Realness or Proicestonal,Cards; - each, - - tiotexceding-8 linei, - per rex, '- .- 5' 00 Bp ;lel and I.:ditorial hrotiee!, per line, ~. ' ' .10 • serAu transient'. itdvertrseteents n'inst be m piiadvance, It in add - niknotice-:Nviil be , takeri of; diertieenion rn ts'fro a d i stance, 'unless they iiii accompanied by:tilt/oney er Satisfactory ref' renee. - - '..- =--- - ..-..!,,' ..: - I- : .'''' :. git,sillo l s . S. 31ANN, A ,ORNEV,IICD - COUN'SEI;LOR" _LAW; oiideispprt, Pay attend the several arts in Platter andlPiterin Coutities; - All usiitessi 4 hip ::eare will 'receive :prarapt, atteution: st - 4 cipp,o 7 l e ipe-the"-ceotirt Hoitte:";- ' - 1.0:1 ' .TC,B.IOTEY .- LlAVT,Pailderspoit, Pa., 7111 gUlerlf attendAhe - Courts sePotter `and :e iidjoi , ulng_Countie.s. •- - : 10:1.:. X.RbEitTlf:G. 9LMSZER, . 1 ORNEY,44 - C0m15t1y0u,....4, - ,-.LAw i onderipnit; PEL., ivill attend to all Business his care, -with promptnes and deity. Office in Teinperance Block, sec nd door, Main St. . - 10:1 ISAAC BENSON TORNEY AT LAW, .CoUderspcirt,l'a., will attend to all buiiriess entrusted to him, with hare and prangitness; 'Office corner of West ad . Third sts. ' • • ' 10:1 • - C. L. HOYT, VIL ENGINEER; 'SURVEYOR and DRAUGHTSMAN, Bingham, Potter Co., Pa., will promptly and efficiently attend to all business entrusted .to him. : First-class professional references can be given if re quired: _10:29-Iy* 1 I J. W. BIRD, VEYOR, will attend to all business in his line promptly and faithfully. Orders may be left at the Post Office in Coudersport, or at the house of ILL. Bird, in Sweden Twp. Particular attention paid to examining lands for:non-residents. Good references given if requested.. - 11:30 „- ,W. K.. KING!, RVEYOR, DRAFTSMAN AND CONVEY ANCER, Smethport, M'Kean Co., Pa. will attend to business for, non-residentAaad holderi, upon reasonable terms. Referen ces given if required: P. B.—Maps of any part of . the County made to order. 9:13 0 I • O. T. EJLISON ' RLOTjCING PIITSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens . of, the Nil , lage and vicinity that ho will , promply - re spond. to all . calls for professional services. Office or,Main st.,,in building forMerly Oc C. , 9:-2 itt ►yo;. 1:28 iu *LA (thiAgik S3l/11 1 . , E.A.JONES. .0 3 1101 k 'TONES, - 'ALEFt.S Di DRUGS, MEDICINES; PAINTS, Pils, fancy Articlen, Stationery, Dry Goods, groceries, Sc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1. *to, a.rg e • Par; tic; con-. D. - E..: OLMSTED, - • , EALER IN DRY .GOODS,. iIEADY"i 4 " ,Clothing, .Crockery, st., ,Coudersport, Pa.. • • . 1Q:1 .Eamt-Ekr Boas & . srxrponny, iN 4S':Eind 31usic, N:'W `corner of Main 11 01141r4 its„ Ciiziti6rspOrt; Pa.. • MILO 4 - • _ . IiPER sad . TAIT:Ott, ftopi the City of UverP.o o l; gogland," Shop opposite Court Bonne; Condenpart, ?titter . Ca. Pa, 8.1-P_articular attontion:paid to CUT. - • 10:3-1y. ;root sort- - • . , P. J. eutsiato; : r g. 01431gigEi. DEALER IN.STQYKS, SHER+ , InON FARE, Alttitt AL; ttorly.oppo4te the,..Court Rouse, Couderspprt, Pa. Tsq Awl Sheet Iron-Ware to order; in2goad•stlle, pti • - ..short...uottgo. 1_ • • -10:1 heap alas ant- AS ' BE takes C.OUDNItBrORT.-HCIT.4o; • Mu , D. ;jdIaSSIgIItA, Prtvieto„ C r; . iirrtel J OI /lain sikd - Second St.reetts4esport,Tot teeCo4 .B:4A taleirt the for, ery Or . AMS " • AtifitGANY rOtrat; . SAMUEL . it 11}11:3; ' Colesburg Pulyerpo., Pa., Tieven Exiles, no rth of:Con= 4wriP4ris 9i44 • - - , -,, ~ - -.-,-,. , - . -•-•‘• - • z - • ~,,e' ;- 1, • - -_,..?.. - 1:T=.- - . -,-- : - . - ..-it•-- - . - ' .-,,...-- -" •- , . • ~ ,:.I ' . . - . .:. , :i' . . -,i,,, • - -, t7- , -,;;,,: ~.._ NA, - ,::" , ..4 4 ,1 : " :- ;_-•„t1f.044.212tAt, .1,'','4,0110/F*C-Z '-' 'c t.c4c,, - 1- ,. .0.fiZi,v......,., ' " ''' "-'"- ' - ' - * s'-' '- ' - _ .- , ..- ~, --7 — s, , > • - iii' ---- , j -c., - --ctipc ukr,c, --_ ,,,- ..;,0 , c' I. -.1,. .... ~.*? - ~„,.,„.- 1. „„.. _. .c. so c. :.• .rP i-? . ..,--' - [„,r,k, - ~.,. 1- - .- „ .,...., oat , : ~.., ..- -.„ _ .• , , C . . •--.F•i•-•.Nia r i ti • €, l 4eavias„to requiret plltt„OaP* --..,. z; , 4,..? Th---;......._ -,- 4....v. , i- , ,5;,?-:1,-_!, ,-,.- ~ - ..- - -t.,pL., .- --- f> • , " .' _ . , t%' . .' ~.... ~4 ',.. 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''' )- ' 1 7 '.z. , . --- ' ii -. ...c^ r , :•1 ,,, ,: , ..,: - 1-,tic: c ,, ..t •-""--•- ' - IP4O ..,;c: S_, ;..;:,-_,,,, • . ~,:,6:_ ~,• . , . 4'..,„=,!` .:7 3 1"1 - - . -', —,N, -- - . . .. • , ~: -r e .-. - 1 -, : ... -,,,--. 1 .!...:-.- --i.,'- - ~.9 c o . , ... "or ' re-es -,,,--- , • - '. 214 "i'itf - ligi . biryoi.they,' 4110 - sle 1$$e11)10010)) ~ .. - 4 , a , . thoo, 4 . nuy..c.:, ..• . . Ay, e t - ''''' .4 •-, -TRTIRSDAY, viztei -, n, `AavA t. : :. ;:i,,,_ ; ;.:::. , -- Irie. } 16 to,I. taiigiis , t, • A Thci-BOoks l earn it s ~, • . .a CAS , ' — ., ~shim . WA' - qv ., W ..,„, . .1 , --- , •-:-C-.-. :: /-uul -.-Like - gtearnsors‘nsume s ii..*.= ~-----. -.!, p , f co n nw; isat i „as . 10,iino ~,,,,,I ~,,„4 ” 1 , ,„1 :, ., ...___ 30,00 :-_,, iniickleaves of misletufk- •'., 1 - --.3 ens a , f - h • 1;1 0 ' f'' - " • '-o liere is a seihewhich relieves - .. . ' i ; • .. , ..„.4. .• / • • ',, , ,_ r u . . , . '3 . ' •• - the;- • .-.4/2 1 1 1 ""' '' ' . '.` '` - • - ..• " - .the attar, anda k, lso one.whieb I.' . - 1 t'.u - ,,- u ~. . S 1:: ~l . - '• ''' --' nature; ego o, ! e.ftwin- , ria,, pa,.F anon _ _. ,,,,,". „ • " - • "'•••". - IL -- ee n. -,,..-,.. , ~ t if'• !.1.1 e., ~V i• ...).; i•., ,6.;... , r,o - 41, ' 'at.a lefieremeir. Vest nounr time, or . ett. .. condition. of the System. upon , ~ a ? r; ITe 4 ' dose tvio letter,si ' . !: . 'n'oir.widi cotintries m:#y ilj.vtdo;,fly; ~,,liy-l . g.ts ds, and so destroys the predis- i i ,/..: , •- , ,p. Iv. jp„,. ..,,,,, • ''''' -cii'rigi'lbefitiel'ir.' jihosep ra, ~., , _ . j i,I . • ( _Sr I .‘ : i „ ' i , - - :4 °" . ' - f IV various fcirms of , IL , ~;( si d, or e ? k , '' I, ‘ JUS! .n ,° ECtIVED ~..iiy. ' , - : • 10;9 7 1 - y*:• - _ __,- -- - • '.• • -,.--... - i . -- , .. . 1 - -1). Os*ayo. .. n"TviLAINTS:' - C . ' .1181.311VIONS; ~._, , iL 1 -- -~ .~. ~'~~~~~ CM I= 1 5o ME EE BEE --. Iff .:-., iitiTti. :- ;, r . - -.-..,.- . , ,, ..... - .. ; . , :„ ..,, , i,,:: :, ,, ,,. _R..-:-. P-_ •••.va' . .. .• • - • . ... .....• ... , ~ . _ t THE 6013EBTOF - ix w.--imainit.93e. j'We, take, this leautifel poem Cram Tieknor 3t = Co.'s:f , e.ditlini -Of L'Otigrel= row's . Paems; , -edited by.4limself; and 'the 'oarY American ieditlintie believe; whi*eootains Al the parly'and - poems n,fXthe, great Afacticantclet. Filled is goblet ApAkebript;',,: ,, l' And tbeugb_layeyea with:Kars.are.dim,, I see its sparkling bahbles . • .. And climint a melancholy hymn: - With solemn voice and slow: ' • Nor,purple flowers; .. -no garlands green, Conceal ilie,goblet's shade Or' sheen, %. , Nofrnaddeninedrargbts of liippoerene,,j. : 14e - gleaunrof ermabine, flash between- Thick ;eaves of toisi4ofk.i, .thilgoliTit; maw:leawith .eurious .art," . with.woters,,t4nt;up.s4rt, ,Wll.4 . ..te4e,ep . .fonnta'nis_ nfitin:,l;tef.r . 'llY:titrong_t*giibioris#lll. - -np:art," , , : And'as it mantling passes round, Wig} fennel wreathed and eranni`ed, - - Allioieeseetrinur -Are in the wateis steeped:ruid:drowned,-1, =. l And:Givkl► bitten Wye; „ Atiooi the it:towers, 'he :fennel,: iti ;yellOsr: flowers, - And in aniearlier age than ours. Was gifted with the wondrotts pOweris, , :Lost:fusion to-restart!, • It gave new strength, and ,fearless 'mood ; And kladiators, fierce and rude; Mingled'itin - their daily food;"' -And he who battled and subdued, A tread; offennetWom Then in Life's goblet freely press,. ,The leaves that give it bitterness, Ncir prize the colored Waters less, For inthy. darkness-and distr6ss. . New light nod strength they - give . , And he whil his not learned-to know, How false its simeklioglabbleS shoir, • :How hitter are the drops_ofwge, • With which its brim ruay.overflovr,..,.. Be has not learned"tOite. The;prayer of Ajax was , "for light ;. Through all that dark mid desperate , fight, Tho,blackuesa of that. Rbond . ityjitglth Ile asked but the return of sight, • 'To see his foeniduli . face. ',. - ' ' Lei cittettneta sing inmost prayer - ,Be too, for light,—fcir:strength to ',bear Onr _portion of the weight and care, That trashes' into - dumb' despair Otielialf the human face. • ! O 'suffering, sad humanity! . 0 ye afflicted ones, mho lie Steeped to the lips id misery-, Longing, and yet afraid to die, Patient, though sorely tried! . • I pledge you in this cup of grief, Where floats the fennel's bitter leaf,' The Battle of our Life is brief,--. The alarm,—the struggle,—the relief,—; Then sleep we side by side. • .. Ittalti4 The Unsband and Wife of the Eighteenth Century. AN INTERESTING REMINISCENCE OF THE PAST. [When we visited home lait winter, we se lected from the library of our deceased grand father„---the Rev. Amos CnAsr, late of Centre ville, Crawford Co., Pa., ,a Presbyterian. min ister,—three or four volumes, as typographical curiosities, printed, respectively, from li 21 to 11'91. In looking through them since'our re turn, we find thelolloiving Sermon; Preached by-him on- the occasion of the death%of his first wife; and we re-publish it now,(Sixty eight years 'alter it was preached, and ten ,af ter its , venerated ,author's death),- . confident that our readera will find, it atilfiCiently inter- . eiting to folio*, it through 'the font. or . ' five numbers of the' JOtriniat through whicli - "We 'extend it in order notto eneroiteh/too much upon the other departments of lour paper.-We retain the orthography and syntax, and, ,as nearly as our types will admit, the typograph ic construction of the original. Nebegia its Puhlietition with Vol. XL, No. Jounsit:y • " Oil ititi4i74o.***,':',-- A DISCoIiTR:SE, Charrtctor tk,desorilied North and iroportanedofsnaChattieteri e botettected; brAinbe Pastro-Ortlie•Sechtid - - :Ohnrch Litchteldf: Occasioned .the Death Of Vs _Wife.; .And : deliveredat Lioh. ;"field, Poth-FaTroc, ta r ; ! ord!spay, i ,garch "Giye Ilet ; of the tvOrks of her lninds." • ' ' • ' ' "“ It:SE4NONz' " - Pnovrnns mai. 14. •• , .: "rouses and riches •are lite itiileritctirci offatho 1 arida yiudeut..w.ifo ,fiv:lnt Of.hard. • onc uston.) _Apo. 4. Were the properinfinenoe:orl the truly prudent or aeoimplhihed*eitini dangerous, _the ,W.ise glii4POPAgDivine, Inspiration *01( . 1 , hnye o,lhdlpajt Bri,f4r above grO orihe .inhprituroii .of fathers, o as: in: the tat ; this. brings ui U. To, pansidOr -why: a infden 3 should h be,iinid: to be from .t . Ord.' while'honsea and riches are ; Only, he, itiletrehe intierikince joJjcietteri: Of b.;_lheet:4ey,' ihO the Netklity, Pteigt)trit lbomA,msporkTPoTTEß: , COUNTY, TA T 2 1 4URSDAZ A UGUST .18j 1859 > ME - • - bocausollie .71attirtire nate .bitiecniiettair froM tho Lordartd with ihatilmgiyirg.ft.tlllut particularly, *' . l 1« _Became- a: virtuwasi prudent: orj pi; buktempanioir, throughowhdiebenikein. lituutikvaltliat which tiff honeatiamiable, pure, thumane, gentle; beneficent and irk tnichaitteadilyi encouraged: and <culti= vattaiiiinie'iolaboily4,--itud . extended :Ito connectesl society are,nmil as r ofYt goo alai:6 gi ft -=link 1X Merely - divl *porl • • 2. - Because:the providence by which 'a Emmen is introduced-to -the _possession of suelk, a companion, is far more special and mysterious,thiCO.that by which a person is-outman:ea 'to paternal inheitance: Thalatter isi an expeded tind !info= pens-of ,course-.: .to:lthe` former; thei,eatiMAlM l 9f.4 PP; ttvirie 4 vvta_ areftenata loakiempfe., Vest mouri r oissibilPfis ottiol - Arvew-thii4liatanei?-ifriisaible?ftioni hatmiddaed , .bfrithkdittferent reenditionit-ef their early life: '„-Lfence itfsequentlyseenia impossible that Ile" at fast,. hipp y should ever find and ,lic'O'ionieil" Whe`iiniPerhips" alOieamo*rifen, fezlin ed-X-to-beejhecddight'q 14 si , jes;. and, joy of . ;f; v:. 3.! A Beeattaeefair Prizes o f kaell,t64 aecompli.4hed Because; ami4ble corepanions, are more iire4han,those. 'of Paternal in heritance.. Solomon;Liiho half Veal 'nit der eminent advantages' to decide in this aiatfer,ftithreftrusatta 7 deliberit'in saying; "'-Who can find a virtuous Woman ? Her price is far nbova Not thet,the virtuous,feinalei n srui ly to be found, in - the - age`in' which:_wl live, or in the happy: clinics which' we pcissess, lheLir , vvere. m the . times of Sol.l omen : : .13ut still f luay,it-Joot be ,aahVger price ,if,ab?ve,.ritiries .Beeense the Choice„if.happil,f yoade.„ is` in n' eenie ilitecte# 'by a diVine over-ruling eare,ilthan it is iiiiregard to paternal inheritance. In regard Aciihe latter,..thercijx. littig;r9Owv3o l 9, ll l9ft , to 09** dqu_ l 4 o.vAtamPletalatito . teuchinglleppoer,guelencholy fact bath ;fully ihewn that the ,wi.sest, of mew are liablato emliracq.a fa lee stead of e yirtuaussealit,yt,A.nd - that they have heel? sadly, a, 9 12 -Plesaedja the-nicest point- 7 -d: (Pestle -. , 4.4Ppinese. .t fore, who is happy should not be unmind ful that his awn bath , beep:directed by the special; providential eare of a *vine hal/A. ; ,:. 5. Because prudence itself is , a direct gift :from= the halid of the Lord'; in a sense that liciesei and the inheritancoof fathers are not. - ',lint the wisdom that-is from above is, first pure, thep,peaceahle, gentle, and; easy to be entreated, full of mercy and' ood fruits,. without partiality, Lad without hypocrisy.' Jae.. iii. 17. Becauseparents are generally more anxious for the outward, superficial accom plishments of their children,. than they are to decorate and endow them with the , better accomplishments of, the , mind. • ' Finally, even in Paradise and innocence, man:stood-in such :need ;Of those.: lens- and, Pleasures -whickttend:e . seehd inticourse,—as to ,des,erve a special cr,ea 7 don. liet r hoir intieli more needful amidst the inhltiPlicity 'of - liesineli,:'carei and sorrows ; Whicti , atiend !epee& state: f A' prudent wife, therefOre, of so salutary and useful: an inguence,,, inlamAy ,to seciety, around her-4s to be •d' • those — 'far coest ere among essential good things -which -are,- in' 'a' peculiar liens; worthy. Of ti Grod4dtive. •••••, I. • THE ittbjent IS- milted to charge the Mind' afresh *with the special 'privi leges of conjugal attachments and family connexions: And it should impress those extensive . obligations r iaiting on the, science a nd' the heart,--Which are mute. ally - bindink'Onliiisliiitidiniid Wive:3;llloi ly toYespect each • 1-I•l•Sue,kts Wog dahipisike.hig,hest cordial in life:„Withent : it,l either of., the.. are never - What they Tyne ners. • Morals are raviihed=4 - theliiiiii& deal, •ther:chigheiit licautpa: ionl is falgftivitli .1449.44:Mi4.6 - L - 4 1 1 -UPIPau ,prospectsond i sneoesfie,i,, without frieii d Willi* taitelnis' tires, joyless gyiefil-- 11 your wiires, lir Christ loVed. the ;China. And/ as the Church is•stilirt unto chriSi so let wives be, tp their husbands gVery; thing. v:24:*25. . sn jec c es is no t) apleere,'in rhicti'rraare'oalted z .td a6i, amt. makes one most: beloved or :happy;; that lieoures tlie•guatest pleasure!.; or . i—but.o9l , wise ,t 4 14, Willful 44- charge sif,the. dritien inenralient.— ; .- 7 For inStance;'ilth i ongh iiocOrding 14persVnal "constitution'sfemale:partner c annot = -'be the head; iiilheiliensivthatlierliushail is, ors I.l4t 43 s'*PkTriAl i g th in,ll9.PinalYA9M praPie acting in t h e_ ohapoter •of a pint int, nieful,liielY lvoman `irshe is the crown of her husband, praised in MEN IMM ME D!PROVE3IENT. , A•oprietor of.the above it eenp i nctfully inform tht. 2.../lPotter county,,dt*Tylt °S, ' GA/VMS, Ixte ~. ,..4., of everrdiscripticn, ,__..- ------ ....err . t ..-_,, _, ,„_ ,_. t -* __-_ not: ', - .Tait to , :suiy...We; lit '61 1 40 3 14 1 /li,Preinj. ol •Wlß,RuTvilm vust s6 : el' awl& constantly receiving from Oa i lVlii i lt.h e ., #l i g YtlPPP e l7 ,: ;:l.ll . lv't P: ' finest assortment of it3pcln".that, can ... I , ,llLtt:Legyn theognitn* erred t4ose the n i .. .i. ll , l 4ii r Pbltl9 l A ill? do l,;ind . parintslywindwge kextremelauxioy4ct t ts , h the sanie ot prices which` will '' .. t: . PrPOlatbonso and rlehen-for. Akeit,nbil„,' PEs'iticovEPPTITION:,'-_--il dren i-while.tlmy neglect -the!. otiltileiv i SOLE LEATHER, _ . - - of.their Minds.:..Ave., not timint the - t : ~.... ;WEER. PEATH - E'R 4' rip *Drs,, , Wined' :4110illaste• Aargi:,fllrnielieti , pea PEG S, I F-i l i E rl ll "I ' PSgllV'Srit ti e*si ' lq) ' Prlidenqe!"-tat, MioSt*i.pellnizti,Antli pi l e- e description, l'4 3.7 L o S a ' all i tt P s I tt mL u l ii zS' of t! " assamtdoe.e.of:greges; mbich,l44l, , pecif l6 . s era; id. ._ ',• ii . , 2 Pure 11. . , Aid cured. r 1 ' j . ' Ms lord: 1:1 -. " ,....:3 , .;;'-'i =1:1:1 '. ' i t,. ! ' REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. FOR '''' ~What coulaakelveketidtid c o . ' `;L. . All'' goods nold'at ohr - eiMblishir nition.of their tinselled d.2.te,, mett,,„Yf Floetit the Best Quality, and will be WA minds, through ilieli i i i i d /1 ?k Z Y d r ' 4l 4. 1 a - Irene*" emhonly. 'Ol iliiiptii6fi e'sseqt;;A: sore eyes ir:. ii rg • ..,,,s1 n .. ii nilt.'T: Wiihitaite`aidieuis was elitirell.. bli a tit4 . „,,, k „...' 4119 0 .1r ,." - A „,. e .,' , a ' Y 1!1*- - E !....„. 5- it' --.. pensation. to 1? by the Ophtbaluiy. Specific ... a•-or -':.__--#'- !----_,. b - Z . -.,--.1 '0.... .tounltAkumos, pop ,rsport, wt! whnat,thel-tc s • ly amt carefully siteid.g4 to- • Alas,,=tis.,4l4 - I) A GI ,11" 4 S; . trantpliPitsolny are subject, finds a curative finrittoilrortiere is a specific which relieves time, °1 : alsoet lo h n e dtt ek e; n :i l ie .system. on e which upon , _ , 42.- 0 I.tTl s ds, and sti destroya the predis ol-09seipora. , . , j iilli -thkod i for the various foniis of Oren:Wale LE COMPLAINTS . the teireral ,7 4niable. -. Old long statang ' ities of prutkvr VIIITES , are *ender/ tensi7,inport:la:s irirl' n4lifittie74l: thetitiiowea i yte l pess,.4o pietrcific for irregularities live beloved of scanty, painful ''. Yen, liles;dl.4ie t:, ' 1 have' . made. succnit 2 .OMPLAINTS I godlike wudertakieg!'-• “ Volk like mag thiiidti.and tench, - shalr'be _ctl,„maY be hi th e .lziPiad al ic ; f -h e aYo•7l -, ,la le ' e f. l B l4 - V. - - The simjeetAeaches tne Many t., 1 great Obligations, to gratitude , and faith-- fnlnesswhieh must ever nbidethithap' 2 0,4440:. to his,', l3 eaekel&c - who tath.receivedifrem ..taei...uoid p,- Trudent. 'wife. He bath 'been made. partaker of the most pregifarpfall'ectrthly blessings. ' ti:l - :' , .the:giitifrig.4 of tii Inis=When such a rare islikei awn by death I ;4'"And,'es tie iaso May. beim the midst:. ef.lier leveliuwit:Ond. ;Isefalitelis;: jPglas -the*ellent . gnplitilemo(mArndOt: wOmatt:began tp.iii9oooa:shioe7,extOna- ; log their kihdlyltifillencAl6tcliat tor,anCti, ell of 'detnistitiand'isobitil Ilk. "- 1 -'"-' l ''' ,- .Euw . gtiakthe r ttemodoitofritburtlingetci Iliva=to ~Whnia)lihe:4l l s"...havet 104144 ,pecylinrojoyment•pf I:spenitil possession. fromheaven I :Indeed, the 4lightUf.hiS: eyes—and i the.' joy of his heart f '' "-' - ' - How greati-the• sonrc&rif grief 'ttyl nit surviving,nyinpathetinfriends I , t; -Even as when Jesus - .wept for the-20111PM, ;that Lazar:es was dead. And. as the ,brethr ien, talto ',wept, sorrowing inos(i2l , 411; - iii their friend's departure,beta usetheiskondd see his face no snore. , '' 1 = ; , f i , ' •:‘' VII.. - We should; howevei;-• weep on such an occasion, as tho' we wept - not: It, , would be very. ; wicked ,and ungrateful to ihdulge the lettst mixture of; repining, in the grief, ,itiorti. than .the immaculate 'resin: did. It is the Lord. 'Ho takes hat what he gave : Aml, - Ms we have rea son to believe, has taken to himself--Tfrom the evil to come. See Ise. liii.2.-=Rev. „, .• .. . , xiv. 13-,-and 'l,' Thes.' iv. 13. a,They , shall rest in ; their beds,J each one walking in their"OWn iiiirightnesii. ; -,Y4,aith:the spirit . , 'Blessed arc, the'.o;3a43,:whe; 'die in the Lord: Fiir they &I rest; .and thelr :works do follow them. 1 For I Vint:lain:it have' you'ignotini, brethren, centiPining them vaiich are aileeri:' We shall he'd:milt up together with them, tamed thelord. Thetefore.; comfort one-another with these virevds7'..--Wit Are not called, therefore 1 'Io the ' extreme anguish of hopeless Mourn; Wit` Lear& ilie'ierishable;aiuris of all e'reature; earthly joys. - - The.heit And most divine of all--makes but a -moment cry, stayl „fg W.9d0,., all ,fedetqt a It* I" , Let,: all. theveaFei-z•Ae jadastviwilsste make the thatikftd r improvement et,Potl i t,3 Mercies:which reinitin ; anif , i;tile..'we have tippoittinit . Y.''' Brik'reOurneri -, evri . ill:t , &Kitt:w:mit:veto 7 istiy,% , " ft is gaud for hue, that!' lava tzetitafflicted."?:•: .. -.:. 3 -;' . ' ii , :e.,: ' 11Will 1 9P.:)1 1 P MdtetttleatvAPWlPAß : , alfalt ! lett l AudeYez. dellglltfgrafiit thuSbecoznes theniytnt shmOn - frtencn have geue-1 -4 / 4 .lwtruvospealtabli bless-. ,ell, - V5 :meet inninainee; innewiegTabOlit -aotsmajoys stirintrtur, refmed;tuninter- Ete:Alqv,t l l.l - .S. tyl.: 4."1.1.1: , person ought spcll.,, t blig, f vfhat,„vninmer, •Of 'Orson tinglit_Mie to I '''''' Tor, helioll ibie 'it:lf-mimic' thiCiolliiitli fcirrovred -41fidis. go . dly sati:l b iitai'.6l.4fiiltiss§ is :wrought.llll you; , :what clearit)gtof,-your 2 selves, y,% :wkat, intlignation,ly9kwhat 'Mai', yea _what vehouje A t desire, yea whiii zeal. —2 COi: vii. It '' ' - ' " L ' ' . Let vis ill;atviVel fa,r-tlakrirtideatie•itt . the exercise ot.ihich, .e ve , fore-see 'Ovillemporal;ind evil 'eteinall Let us - rieli the: etidotiMent of vie seal, `and lie'riehli: 'faith: 'bray Vkli inaltinely;, r,,everc!,Go,d,: i iill.o.l -hiss,'7o4.. gir e F,,,re-; nisOlbriptr, t he :liiiit"iiiipctiiiincolilso of relativeyaritietulltillylkinviiiiti6n: And vrhen ininur afttitimohimiturns,f! - We' shall, repeive risteaso_frintivhat ielow.Aai, - ; P l 4, 7443:1e0"0,1)41B&A-`.`aOvPF, 'of; good : nags, wilich, is beitgv, Waif great Tio es.. ' •." ' - --= A ikr Eli ': .-=- - ow rives . t l ~, Air; D • ,*, ~ . [ • - .11 `'.. - TO - • : , e s, .C .r FAVOR , kBLE .TERII ;9P, - - - 'woos. 4 , Short-Time. B4/! : e .i i lt i oc le 7 , lr I t 'AtiON itECEllrliG n;YSuple,4o4io - IS ) I. which e ibrace.4_erprytbing a - .o e j e is by -a , Country Merchaut--, .. , it'ilt: ' e 4 f; biotti: , - ; -_', aromi- - tAilife" - - is n(;;.. .; - - i b livbieh - is to-be`fig 16# a.' l '-: ; BOOT,gtolUk7 1 .1 There lila Too:oeit i v,„cLurfftawitit - ,,npfetjoid,a, yilio . t i ..riii#4 , 4.c 4 =,:.ari" - -1 1 1'1*er- Wociili . 1 , yr ere graxes are. fir. aut,..;.- IBleatjaUri `I) ondllie'ski " 4:. To - reach it we mist 1ii"......5 i iir 6 , --t :,. -., .... ,-., 1 . • . P, .....!.!:,__,,,..._ ,I: .. 1 'lice Fo co or imagination 3, 4: _, zi ,--- , -1 P PE swri • BOTTS as 'au TENTI7ItEWITI rf SSJ , LEF. 7 ' I.l'oo of stron limas `temperament ar,9'grea . lalave4'co Cs*._ Itaa andcal.r.le °slog tb 41 imagin ~ions:;, aid !mode, pee pie of ood meoth ~: bilt of veiy. ordinary Pll's til.-ziratti o nleste - auh - Sect . :thitAfranni . of mind tiger matter. O,Pc lonelly, ivery ordinarylsort of per= j inn", ' hat 1t - it sa' inaividal Of ;#Bldella-: bfe (Mink but whose 'mental: canecities 1 unsiitteined r urstsepartiallytnideVeleiOd —+tuffers from this peculiar &kali/ a most dui t tressing degree. :No doubt (tays the best physical tauthorityl- one half ; the ills [ that ileth.laheitto i tire superinduced by tbofaney,Of the trifFererniOue.' l ,'Hundreds hive died'hi,utere-iiyinptoms. of cholera, [Yelloi feVerand'pkguej - indueedhy sheer dread and fear of thoseterrible.maladies, 1 A. case is recorded whereinU felon pen demned to death bit phleliatomii babis aim laid bare to the shouldet, and thidst through abole .in a partition,. whilfebe was fast bound to the opposite side; the hidden executioner, upon the otter side. applied' the lances, to his arm With a - cliclr, the f poor eulprit heard the muddy stream Outpouring, and soon growing washer and feinter, hp fell into a swoon, and died; 163.01 when-the 'fact was r virt a d p of - bleed bedbeen shed;,a sum* h a ving merely epapped his lancet upon the t and vim tinned, to pour a small stre . m of water over tbe limb and into a amu .., . Ancith i er - e4i ik_ . !_fp . iiit"' Was' that of a RhiladelPhja aiiiteur, bite, ber t iiiho,., in Plaoin.g-his.' , lniai Uon , 4 .4 0 4, sliPPedt and hung himself; untead•orhis beef 'Up on'the barbed point)' 'His agent was pin. touse=he was quickly taken dowi:Und carried to, a . physician's officerand So great was his ,pain (in L ituaKinatien) that 'he cried piteously upon every . Motion *de hy; the dOcter iir efitang lb'? "Peat' and Shirt'sleeve fro - nal:l°dt the wounded 81'110 .When: at: lash the aria: was; hared,-_aot a scratch was , there! The hook pomt had merely- grazedialong..the-skin t -and torn she shirt Weevil tv.rt-p...4-11 itu' 7i:.0 --:- ...i 411 willinqtltaultipli ihol l varioill:fants 'extantih proofaf tlor fisreet.ribreised by tpitit;' ditleted ImigiihrimhatAtilr mak= ticurgnikciier ne- , llitlicrowatiinpoidig , Es hx-cruse tg piettphroadiniilt r if.not lava otherwise interesting. .v.v..V. 4-i.:t..-0.41 1 SWIG 1. 0441 " Pear toymotpisad. m g , 'E ßer .--PPtItiPNIPA L LRIN,t 4 t O iNa - a-caiPla faFnulT i m iTta sffei glV . - o ,l4eGirineti deiietkithd r iiclienVuo, , es his speech ' ill inditati: , v,i)ldirnan li 51veighoffer.hed - toi `there 'as a-member 16 5 theliiisiattitei'aid Wit herdero'Ru' *ioir=`•-aboriis he lid idtm; ong ago tit is a NAlun*cprps ortift 11004; A9c ppnla.Ahrals- s PI v FIPPIA, a iyclu a nei tp- P9449/a r io, ion Pete ins hui - • 944 , Son, a strihing,lalif seventeen'; tina upon old Peter and young Peter.devorvell theiirificiparvoareplunC toils', at Iberout igeutlemanTfarink now Andithen ;akeisttli ivy, thejlord lady; and Aket#lrglitett4ink, ,dautlitini--tor it is Arbrittnin:lbat' IState.ta see:464omM Aidtrirt , iitiork ih'llie : #9ltistalta 4birj extra AriettarOxis siiineliredlialkds, i i ?-;:. ~.dp-w i, ;,i 0 W ell,'; one` warmlaiinizikayial . gri*, toid Peter and young Peterl wittitutO at nt k 114 - AoAck:44l-*YA" .4"64Croter;:the ireatite his:fihalafii4g lentatretigth,toltia:logf, - , like.a.aeared bnr7y-Thitchmatklwhci;liatraiFft 07 distant part of the ther`aiift with tlie: Old Jake, the 'farmer* isslitio,.sists7 boinding, aloug soon sitin:lietird,the news, and passing_ [the -fence whom: ori-tPeter and lq _hip bad hung their, ."•llosel weohiel" Iva* grabbed one the garments ,Old man. Peter, who tillmanageddto keep oe his pins, , although.' he was Oath% and' trembling I ike an aspen: leaf tea' ale of wind. Ohl min&Gott Conripoteesitielt . ; Jaen& He bite, meialto-prOs here ; up' up mine le!g.": -; I • Old Jake tstitinot particularteentitiVe to fear, but few. peeoer 3TOpO , (Je - Ms re dead to eland when a" luzettoce.:,:rptdilo is About:, ...Gathering., up - the - . 4 kr; stiff stalks of a stalwart weed,- old-JaloPtold: the-1;0A to stand steady;:afid:he'werildisk least:Stull the' sake, e`it d not kill itliriiiesPiad"- and the A r Peter, lesa t loth to have both , low .• broken than to 114 bitten to death , by a snalreolesignated the spot to strae, and old Juke let him him is. The flistillow. broke •the weed Una knocked, oldr:Siireig;- heifer off his pegs and a haycock ockbint I -`' . •,,- " u roared old Peter , '-"tot broke - mine leg and di tam • &bnaltes goner.' . I , Vero? . verso ?" t cries old 4akes 1. 321 3 V• ing briskly about, and; scanning rawly-the:ground stned • ; iTever mindhim,`Jacob; - helpme hOme."- 1 „ " Put 'on pair 'sheet, den here it " said the old-krout-eater,.gatheringsp,bie boss had trying to get the garment upon his' lumpy back The 'Moment ota'Pen* • made the effort t he:grew, fees bie_hair 5t0 . 04,0n e4d t _alike!tbii upon -.the frightful porcupine," as ' Mrs.: c obServes--4te alivered-4e - shoOk—his teeth chattered =-Lud 3 /1/0 kneesknockedla stacato morripinitaant: '-gg 0 1 Yacobi me hetne I'4 - dead as ruts 1"1 " Vat I Ish nodder- shnake lola* trowshers ? - - tip I len4'igoinniny Gott!" qTaider - andblixenV. P .aried obilLab si. as he teok the same conclusion, ad-with • mi g ht and Main'tha old maw etiled into a•mostWondeiful feet* yainalstringtk, lugged and mailed the • or half -= "-Young Peter had ahigned•it thweirliestatige of the dire; erase Marina theOrli tliut:thw . Willie Math excitatectiffirlieer, , • saw thialitmatehart . the good obidailsor • assistguit.l 'lf,' o3i z. , 4401ds man :Peter **chalet ht,!. gim:yti die iislanaTaillifii; thee old Ed:* ims - gbiafitbisetle is itio ed tcilitiow_twhat OAP& hl4- in-the t gaspof go ir iindinsire; iress,Lopenndhis eye, and-ietibl,t poialtot ta; big. , ..-;rllie 1 the. peataloonscandliniffell - namak t„hl. and du the ilitnh timii"towildelo tde • of a: seisthh: inis.:Oade cMlulltdias - Bahl taw/. the 45g:wolfram , r, +a, but kru 1 Is'Bee I'm pia Otlex , o6 is :dear, ins; vheit not come Ater1101!le liodyEi ,„ -; • $ 4 6 Haw ! hit 4 :oared the womilin--"Yatis Pder'e vhisi t. hair , 1306111 1 3 hrotisirold - Peter e death's' icy - fitterii if one a*gi4:andlinllO. * ine foal= tinorlitbel* aall , yash shtol4.- bite - " - Cki - rur buehuesreii± ;. Pagibting**l.l.linneligi,":-:12D}17,,:,;.t --"4l,Zhe:tird,iyptatiti saved PottV o tlifiCae, , A. et; =..„. • • mimic iiiiimiidast are hioardiabre. i PSZI