The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 21, 1859, Image 1
SINGLE COPIES, • • V LUNE XL -NUMBER 48. : POTTER - JOURNAL - .RED EVEPX TLIUTISDAY 'MOIESING, EY T peDLL - Thos. S. Chase, .m all Letters and CommUnications 1 be addressed, to secure attention". To wh shoul Ter I s--InTarlably In Adrance: $1.:25 per Annum. ;rips Of Advertising. ' !e [lO lines] 1 insertion, - - - 50 ti 3 •" -- - $1 50 i hsequent insertionless than 13, 25 e three months, 2 50 s ix tt 4 00 nine " 550 one. year, 0 00 I!= ICE 3uch snl Squall =I figure work, per sq., 3 ins. 3 00 bsequent insertion, 50 n six months, 18 00 tale an Cohn it 1.0 00 it - It 7 00 per year. ' - 30 00 IL - . .16 00 toltam, displayed, per annum CO 00 - " • six months, 35 00 tc three " 16 00 " one month, 600 " - per square i IC )oublC lines., each insertion under 4, • . 1 00 colunits will be insetted at the same of 10 'Farb oi rate_! Auditof Sheril 1 117'1.1 Nom ipso. ,strator's or'Exccutor's Notice, 200 i's Notices, each, ' 1 50 Sales, per tract, 1 50 e Notices, each,- • 1 00 , Notices, each, - 1 50 ! trator's Sales, -per square for 4 i ions, 1 50 3 or Professional Cards, each, iiceding 8 lines, per year, - - 500 and Editorial Notices, per line, 10 •All transient advertisements must be advance, and no notice will be taken trtisements from a distance; unless they ,ompaniecl by Me money Orsalisfactor3 - rtference. MEE not 1 Specia paid in of advi !ht,s int 55 Cias. JOHN S. MANN, %NEIL AND COITNSELLOR AT LAW. ersport, Pa., will attend the several is in Potter and M'Kean Counties. All ,ess entrusted in his care will receive pt attention. Office. on Main st., oppo the Court House. 1u:1' ATTO . Goa. Coun bu 4 pro site I F. W. KNOX, I.TT,O?ITEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will regularly 4ttend the Courts iu Potter and t)ie 4,1°1121?-4 . g counties. 10:1 ARTHUR. G. OL3ISTED, INEY l; COUNSELLOR, .A.T LAW, fiersport, PAL, will attend to all business - L usted to, with promptnes and lity. Office ioTeteperaace Block, scc door,.llain St. 10:1 ATTO Cou, REM (kit. mid ISAAC BENSON. NEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will d to all business et - Amsted to him, with and promptness. (Mice corner of West ] Third sts. 10:1 ATTO' :ate, G. L. HOYT, L ENGISHER, SURVEYOR and trGUTSMAN, Bingham, 'Potter - Co., . will promptly and efficiently attend to business entrusted to him. First-class p e ssional references catf bo given if re i d. . 10:29-1y* MI J. W. BIRD, ,•EYOR, V. - 51 attend to all business in his promptly and faitlifnlly. Orders mail at the Post Office in Coudersport, or lie house of H. L. Bird, in Sweden Twp.' rticular attention paid to examining hinds pon-residents. Good references given - 11:30 . . La 1 1 ( at 11 Part far if r X. KING-, VEYDR, DIZAFTSNIA.N AND EY CEIt, :WKettn Co., Pa.. will i•int to hlisiness for non-resident land ! Oen:, upon reasonable terms. Ileferen7 given if required. P. S.—.llaps of any t.t of the County made to order. 9:13 ME O. T, ELLISON, ,TICIN G PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., pectfully inform - S . the citizons of the vil, : je and vicinity that lie will pi'omply re nd to all calls for professional services. Lige on Main st., in huilding fortoerly oe ded by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22, LINS SIIITII 53.T.1T71 & JONES, LERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS Is, Fancy. Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods ocerics,..&;c„ Main st., Coudersport; Pa. 10:1,' 1' PEA, 01 D. E. OLMSTED, V , it IN DIY GOODS, READY-AUDI! othiug, Crockery, Groceries, tic., Main st:, i l tutlerspiort; Pa. 10;1 nde Nq.. Al; W. MANN, MR IN BOOKS S.; STATIONERY, MAG ZINES, and Music, N: W. corner of Main Ld Third sta., Coudersport, Ta. 10:1 lie( ) 31 ARK GLEJLON, kPER. And TAILOR, late from the City - of ,iverpool, EMgland. Shop opposite Court !ouse, Coudersport, Potter Co. Pa. N. 13.—Particular attention paid to CUT -10:35-1y. mice itSo' tan calo o 0 5, tb - _gen o od loot r go. bLIISTED. : : OLMSTED KELLY, • IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON ARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court Ouse,Coudersport, Pa. Tin and` Sheet i ron Ware made to order, in good style, on illort notice; " 10:1 APB Fs to s COUD_F:RSVORT P. GLASSIIIRE, Proprietor, Corner of lain and Second Streets, Coudersport,. Pot, er Co., Pa. 9:44 bulk, d at GIPS • ALLEGANY HOUSE, I[UEL M. MILLS, Proprietor, Colesburg "otter Co.; Ps., seven miles north of Con sport; th e wkllsville Ruud. 9:4:1 „..........., 1 ;1 0 -ft I '. , i . '' '1:::- .-7 - N...._.- ...., ' .- • 'mot s . (- v 1 ...°— e 0 tf ~ - 4 . •.! - T. , _ - itt 111 0 ' 49 4 , , 1 I I . , .. A 0 - / t 7 P) i d/D , Pim 1 They sat and combed their beautiful hair, Their long, bright tresses, one by one, As they laughed and talked in the chamber there, After the revel was done. idly they talked of waltz and quadrille, Idly they laughed like other Who over the fire, when all is still, Comb out their braids and curls Robe of satin and Brussels Lice, Knots of flowers and ribbons, too, Scattered about in every For the revel is throuffb. And Maud and .Madge in robes of white, The prettiest night-gowns under the sun, Stockingless, slipperless, sit in the night; iror the revel is done,— Sit and comb their beautiful hair, Those wonderful waves of brown and gold, Till the fire is out `•n the chamber there, - And the little bare feet are cold. Then nut of the gathering winter chill, All out of bitter St. Agnes weather,. While the fire is out andd - the hour is still, Maud and Madge together,— Maud and Madge in robes of white; The prettiest night gowns under the sun, Curtained away from the chilly night, After the revel is Float along in a splendid' dream, To a golden ,gittern's tinkling tune, Mile a thousand lustres shimmering stream, • , In a palace's grand saloon. Flashing of jewels, and flutter of laces, ' Tropical odors sweeter than musk, Men and women with beautiful faces And eyes of tropical dusk,— And one'face shining out like a star; One face hunting the dreams of each, And one voice sweeter than others are,, Breaking into silvery speech,— Telling, through lips of bearded bloom, An old, old story over again, As down the royal bannered loom, To the golden gittern's strain, Two and two, they dreamily walk, While an unseen spirit walks beside, And, all unheard in the lover's talk, He claimeth one for a bride. Oh, Maud and Madge, dream on together, With never a pang of jealous fear! For, For, ere the bitter St. Agnes weather Shall whiten another year, Robed for the bridal, and robed for the tomb, Braided brown hair, and golden tress, There'll be only one left for the bloom Of the bearded lips to press, n — Only one for the bridal pearls, 'The rode of satin and Brussels lace,— Only one to' blush through her curls • At the sight of her lover's face. Oh, beaiitiful Madge in your bridal white, For you the rev.el has just begun ; But for her who sleeps in your arms to-night But robed and crowned with your saintly bliss Queen of heaven and bride of the sun, Oh, beautiful Hand, you'll never miss • The kisses another bath won 1 BY 0. 0. WHyrTlErt. Time's band is even there, sweet Kate, Yet let the sign remilin— It gives the no regretful throb, • • Nor should it give thee pain ; • 'Tis very white, I grant thee, Kate, Yet pluck it not, I pray, - Why should thy loving heart regret ;\ That lam turning gray? Four lustre's, Kate, have ta'cn their flight Since thou and I Erst met, And darken'd morns have oiled since then, And murky suns•have set, Yet light from that warm heart of thine Ras been around my way, And with so dear a guide and friend, would again turn gray, • The wife may view with unconcern - Time's signet on the brow, _ • Who ne'er gave to the wearer's heart A single throb of woe, And if angelic worth, sweet Kate, Might keep the churl at bay, Time nn'er had plae'd, in triumpli - tbcre, his bauneret of gray. _ _ Then let the stranger live, dear Kate, Amid its neighbors dark; Until they too, iu turn, shall pale Beneath the smoiler's marls; 'Tis very white,l,grant thee, Kate, Yet pluck it net, I pray, should thy loving heart regret IThat I am turning gray? j. 4. JO!.'1:51 Cc Mother, was that once ?" " Yes dear," replied the pale .woman, casting a long look at the splendid build ing." you were born in that front cham ber. ' But hurry on 'dear, it is ours no longer. Hold your shawl tight about your chest—this wind is very cold." They- were meanly clad—both mother and daughter. The mother was past for ty a few years, the daughter not yet sev enteen. Annie Low was not beautiful, I nevertheless, her face - was a rare blending of amiability and intellect. They passed. quickly along over the well trodden.snolv, and vended their way toward one of the lower quarters of the city. There .they traversed a long, ill-looking street, till they stopped before a:narrow shop door, I and, entered. S. D,Lcy "Any work yet, Mr. Merely?" asked the widow in a quiet tone. DeOdteD io fl & ITiri,:ipiis of Inc, foif) 4).l . sseir)iintioq of -I.6oV4iiiti4r.iialhi-a &Trutt. AFTER THE BALL The revel of Life is done ! From the Harrisburg Patriot 4. Union DIY lIVSBAND'S GRAY Ci SIR. et,lt t 'Atalaing. THE PORTRAIT. ISY MRS. MARY A. DENISON' COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, FL, THURSDAY, SULY 2,1, 1859, . "Oh yes, niadam," . said the man behind the . counter, ."we .have plenty of shirts now. Shall - 1 gyve you a bundle ? " and cast a glance, half impertinence half ad miration; towards the young girl. " What are your prices ?" asked - Mrs. Bartlet. - " Well you - know- we generally give a shilling a common customers, but as it's you, you know, why I thinli_Artfill pa3i_ two shillings. Shan't I take -it home for you? It's a heavy bundle, too niuch for you to carry." The widow hesitated. She had done sewing for this man before, but she did not like the way in which lie looked at her daughter. A. mother's heart- takes alarm at a hint, a question or a glance: Antiie was too precious to 'be exposed to rudeness; She was the orie, the• only fair child of a widoWed heart—but the bun dle was too heavy for either mother or daughter, so she concluded to let it be brought. . . You can send it to us .by-and-by," said she. . • " 0, I can't get anybody to take it—l must go myself. No inconvenience, I as sure-you—right on my way to . snpper.— Missi wish I could offer you one of my arms," he said, "but they happen to be both full." • , They xv - alked on, till they came to a very ordinary looking house, whose steps were covered with children. - -The man smiled. to hiMself as they ascended the steps. . I will take the bundle now," said she with dignity. • • .. . - " 0 no ma'am ; couldn't consent to let you carry it," said 'the man, "I'll take it to your room." '- . " Put the bundle down," said-she with flashing eyes. The man . started and nearly let it drop. However; he threw it with an impatient curse, on the lower-stair, and turned mid left•the ball. . " What made you speak so crossly," asked Anuic. "Never mind, child. Help me up stairs with it," said the widow, recover ing her equanimity. • She had seen the tailor wink across the entry to a vulgar lookinf , man, who came out from a room near 15:v, whose reputation was none of the best. - .• • "0 dear." It was said very bitterly, and with a. heart ache, as mother and daughter enter their own neat room, an attic; lighted from . the ceiling. "It seems strange, dosn't it ?" mused Annie; looking round. • • " What seems strange, darling," asked her mother. " That you should have lived and I have been born in that..great beautiful .house, and after all be reduced to the garret of such a place as this," replied Annie. " Who lives. there now ?" "Yon have heard me say before, child," replied her mother—"your Uncle . Harry-, and your cousin Eugenio. Your uncle Harry, your father's brother. married my sister—poor Annie (you are named for her,) °she died before your father did, or we should nut ).o snaring in penury, or be forced - to take insults from our infe- iors." "Well it is home," said 'the young girl, gazing round, "and not so bad a one either. "Now, it we can get those shirts done —why, we can buy a beautiful thick shawl to wear between us. Shall I make sothe tea to-night?" "Yes, if yob. please," said the mother : sitting wearily down, "I'll undo the bun dle and sort the work." ' " - Robert Southey, you are always stand up: before that pieture."- So cried a beautiful, high• bred girl, as she entered the. splendid reception-room where stood the young man, gazing upon a sylph-like figure, enclosdd within a mass ive frame. Young Southey- turned around hastily —a rarely intellectual face wag his‘,--and greeted the girl with a smile. " I cannot help admiring that pi'dure," he said, "it has a fascination for me which I eannot a explain to.myself. Is there an original,.or is it one of those gentle dream faces that artists sometimes fashion, when under the inspiration of heaven ?" • .1 " 0, it's no dream face," said Eugenie, lightly, "but a cousin of mine, I lielteve —that is, I have heard papa say so. She is living now I •believe„but dear me, they are dreadful common sort of people." • - " They ? " queried he. mean my aunt and cousin. They are in reduced circumstances,. and T. un derstood that Annie had . got so far down that she takes in work at the shops. You smile, and I suppose you think I ought to know more about them, but I assure you it was not my fault. .Ever since they would not consent to make it their home here,- papa has forbidden me to have any thing to do with them." . "But why -did they not - stay ?"• asked Robert. • " 0, they had some foolish notions of indevendeuee—said they would not live on the bounty of those who had robbed them, and many other impertinent things. I wonder papa was so patient with them"! I am sure be couldn't help it if it - was their home once, you linow, if his brother willed it to him." • . , -"So, so—," said Robert Southey, And his fine eyes roved, again to the portrait. The noble face seemed lighted up with a trusting smile, ass he gazed, and yet; it. was but a child's face- 7 -a child of only seven years. " B.oii old is that cousin by this time?" lie asked 'carelessly. ' '• " 0, about my age. : 'I assure you she is a very plain looking girl. . The painter idealized that face." . . _Eugenie •Bartlet *as both vain and heartless, and had not even it enou;gli to . conceal either defect: She had - fan cied that she loved, more than, once, but never till the poet face of Robert Southefy met her vision,. had she in.reality kno the true meaning of the Much used, m ch abused word. .Slie fancied flint her be ty Was irresistible—it was to some but not to him. Ile liked to, call th because he often Met Mr. Bartlet, . was a liberal patron of the arts, a g scholar and an - interesting conversati alist, but for 'the handsome daughter he had nothing more than friendship— scarcely that. She however, fancied that he was pi 'Wrested in ber—nay, that he - was despe rately enamored of her charms, and did not dream that be sought for heart,;not beauty, mind, nor. wealth. "How long .did they occupy here?" asked he. • "0, till she Was seven--in fact that picture. was - taken the year my Uncle died. There _was a great time about the Will, and when she found it was really in Ifa vor of my father, the ividoW left .- the house: and went . West, where she has resided until within a few . years. When they .cainc back father offered them a bine, but they refused. To tell the truth, I was not sorry, for Illiought ,!my cousin was a • gawky. How could, it! be otherwise ?—no boarding-school Isuppose her .mother must have beenbeen her teacher, but-dear me, she eau% know much:". Robert Southey glanced at the spiak;' er with a look she would not have rehsh:- hd, had she noticed it. .Fertunately• l ler eyes were cast down. "" Do let us change the sribject,'...aid Eugenie with a little start of impatience. "What did you think of Guardaliue (last night ?• - Wasn't he superb ? • I poSitive ndored him—for the time, I Mean. • Robert Southey seemed quite indiffer cut whether She adored him for the ihne or for all time, and replied to her arch ook with-a quiet almost contemptuous smile. " The ' Barber of Seville,' is I think the most charming of operas," . continued Eugenie," " - doift, you ?" " On the - contrary, I dislike it the inost,"• replied Robert Southey., • • "o,is it possible ? Why,. everybody goes iu raptures over it," replied Eugenie: ✓ "I don't -agree with everybody then," he said quietly. "I have but little sym pathy with everybody." She looked as it she did not know how to take this declaration, and it annoyed her to see his eyes again wandering to the portrait. "I'll take it down and burn it," she angrily ejaculated to herself. ° • - After a few more common-places, Rob ert Southey took his leave. : He walked about Until it was quite twi light, and then* remembered an errand in, another part of the city, he retraced his steps. Wds. it .his - guardian angel that prompted kite? •- He had nearly reached the place towards which his stops were . bent, when. he felt a light, touch- on hiS arm. • 11 - e looked down: There - was the face of the Portrait, only more nature—much sweeter .in ex pression. His heart beat as it had never beat before. „ " May•l ask your protection ?"- said a sweet voice—" some one has followed me and spoken to me more than once, and I—" the lip treinbled,. the eloquent eyes swam in tears: "'Certainly I will protect you." said Robert, drawing her hank within his arm —" and as to that- scoundrel, over there, I know him—he should he chastised as he deserveS. He will be before long if he is not careful." * • .. . The man met liisOye and skulked along a back street. It was Morely,-the keeper of the slop-shop.. "I should not have been Out- alone et such an hour, but my , mother needed medi cine," she said, as they ivaiked•-along. The fair girl. trembled excessively.. • They moved rapidly away, till they came to the miserable building where lived-An nie and her mother. Annie's cheek burn ed as the - young man ascended the steps and ripened the door for her. There Were, loud and disagreeable sounds up 'stairs, the entry was dark, and poor Annie stood hesitating. - - "They are very noisy and quarrelsome, some of the families' in the rooms," she said,. timidly. "Stop a moment," ejaculated :Robert Southey. And lie knocked, quickly at one oflthe doors. "Lend me a light to show this woman up stairs," he said to the woman who appeared. The: occupant or the room hurried to light another candle. As she . gave - it to him he.placed 'a : piece of money in her hand 4 , hieb she was nothing loth to take Handldesiring Annie to follow . him,. the voun!rithan went .as far as she. directed. The &Kw of the great garret steed open, and Mule's mother, with a strange glad ness in her face ; looked out towards Annie, as sheleame the stairs.- " " Thank this `gentleman, mother, for. his kindness in .protecting me from-insult," said Atinie, gently. "But" left you sick!" ." I 'pm. well' now," exclaimed the ex cited Widow,." and here is what has cu'red me." 1 She held' a folded. paper: in her hand, [ " The will that was lost I—the Will that Lawyer Orandall and Other witnesses knew he made, and is here in mi hand ! It_is dated a -year. later than the one:kis brothr has ! Annie, my child; thank God Vkith me—thank God - They had gone into the neat little "I.;ar: ret-room—Annie, and Robert Southey fol lowing. The latter made no apelogyhe felt acquainted. with the circumstances, and told theiu so. Annie's face-was mai alitit was the picture . quickened into beautiful life—the same innocence of.ex pression, thd same spiritual loVeliness.. " Anme, You know liew'sacredly I have kept this-little Bible since your father's death," said Mrs. Bartlet; " only intiincs of peculiar joy or affliction reading from its saercd pageS,. because it was the : one your. father used in -his. private devotion. One. day when he was ill, but not yet sick eueq;ll to be - confined to bed, he asked me fc# a piece of green baize. I brought it to hum -and went somewhere—l forget Wlierd. -When I 'yeturned, the Bible:was covered. I-asked him what - he had co c erea- t for, and - he replied With . a smile, ' for You.'. I thought lie referred to the possihle event of his .death, and- it made ma sad. After- that he was struck With paralysis, and neither. spoke nor moved. Gucci before; when .thought -to - be very sick, and under the influence of his broth er's - stronger _mind, .he made the • will in which Mr. Bartlet now holds our lawful right He had a strange fear of his:broth er—l never knew why he could always .control my poor husband: To-day, after Annie went 'out, I got this Bible and read it, lying upon. the bd. As I opened it, I thought the cover felt strangely slippery, and curiosity led me to push .it hither ani thither, until I felt sure:there was a paper underneath it. I unpasted.' the baisd,. and there, folded- carefully across' the hack of the sacred word, waslthe 'will. Q, praise Heaven 1?- We are poor no long er." I " Will you allow me - to trausnct l , this busiflcss for you ?" asked Robert . Scitith-: : ey, turning:to the mother. "I am claw= i yer, bud it would give use peculiar' pleas ure to serve I am acquainted '.with youil relatiVes.". - - ,' Ohe glance at the noble facebefore, her, decided the widow. She accepted the offerl.with thanks. • - "I will find you a -better home than this to-morrow," said the young Man. " An uncle of mine- is on the point of \ris-' itin4 England—you shall immediately be put in possess.ion of a part of his house. Thii is no home for you. ' . .Alnnie blushed, for the.looli: he (Bred- . od towards her was full of meaning. . She, felt hs he be did, that ti cir meeting was: no e lance eircumstanee,..but a direct .Prov- Wed , e; and. his appearance won insensibly; upo her heart. 1 . "IR is -very strange,_ daughter--cry stranger 1", exclaimed harry Bartlet, walk= ing back arid•fourth hurriedly, -1---" arc you sure.?" *- . " Certainly I am sure," replied Eu-: gente Bartlet, with flashing eyes, lifting heribonnet with a spiteful jerk—" don't Robert Southey sit right in front of us? .17eA, he tame in _with Annie, that low; sloP-shop girl and her mbther—and - yoti sho.ild have seen how splendidly they Were dr4sed—that is, richly.. Annie Bartlet never mould show off, she isn't capable." "That is very strange !" repeated her father, -Walking more quickly. "It can not i be—" He stopped short, a cloud of perp t icxity gathered across his features. The beautiful Bu,genie was 'Savage. She snubbed her maid, and kicked -her . lan'idog, and broke the Sabbath twenty timeS 'before night came. - The„next day the'Mystery was diselos- - ed.l There was no use in • disputing the will=in contending against the powers that; were--but it broke the merchant doWn. He had lost previously in foolish spdculations, 'and had in his hands only the . house and t few. thousand dollars, which he had managed to save for his claUghter's portion. The widow Offered. Engenie a home; however, and she was too-thoroughly humbled to decline, She felt that it was useless attempting to earn her /own living, for she had barely a smat tering of any essential knowledge She could playa few tunes, she had. painted feW landscapes, embroidered a few collars and worked a few lamp-mats 7 —there her aciuirements ended. Harry BartleVbro- FOUR owrs:, TERDIS.--$1.25 PER ken down and conseienee•smitte*, :went to California;and there he-died.. :Robett Southey married Annie pnOyearaftoittii( finding of the will. An d. as,o' .she is always' reported engaged,- bat : lto fear will never be married.' To Ac ,hire a , Bearttiful Form. Take abundant exercise in the open air, free, attractive, joYoils'exerciii, sack as young girls; _when not : ' false and artificial proprieties, are wont take. 'lf you are in the' country ; or can get there, Tamble over ,the hills and- throu eh the woodlands;. hunt bird'snests;; and chase butterflies. Be •a romp,, even though you may .be no longetp little girl.f If you area wife and a in:Alter, so much. the better.. . Romp with Your children:: Attend also to your bodily positiOns standing, sitting, lying, and walking;und employ such general or,eipecial gymnas.7 tics as your case may require.: while in doors, in well ventilated .roonts ;- take sufficient, wholesome and nopriahing , food, at regular hours; keep the live and cheerful, in short, obey .a 11,41101 laws of health. Take a lesson from the. English girl, as described in the‘follOWlT ine extract: •- „ ; ":The English girl spendB more 'thaw one half Of her w.frking hours in:phySioall amusements; that is, in antasetnenta: Fbieh tend to develop, and invigorate,-, and ripen the bodily powers. • She rids,' : walks, drives, rows upon the water, nunti) dances, plays, swings, jnreps the - rem! throws the ball, hurls the quoit, draws the haw, keeps up the shuttlecock, and all this without having it forever. nn-: pressed upon her mind that she is there by wasting her time. She does this ,evet: ry day, .until it becomes;a. habit, - which - She will follow up through life. Itor, frame, as a necessary consequence, vii: lareer, her muscular System better devel r • oped, her nervous system in snboidina-,; tion to the physical, her strength_more:,i enduring, and the whole tone of her mideke healthier.:. She may not know so melt,: at the ale of seventeen as the AmerignLl girl; and as a general .thing she, cloes but the growth of her intellect: bas. been-f Stimulated by. no hot bons° culture, ,an 4 though, maturity comes later, it will last-1 proportionately longer."lfints ."totogrthi.: Physicall'eijection—; . : ; A WOMAN, not young,'having likterifor the success of Effie Carstang in St . . , m recovering $lOO,OOO fromher lovesr.,:.. . ',determined to proceed against a syntor,of !her own. She accordingly *Consultida • 'lawyer in Richmond,. submitting,'Eti-thii' irmin- evidence of his attachment, the fol. - towing billet-dous that accompanied - a bouquet oCflowers: - ' , "Deer--,.:1 send u blithe boy, a Inickett of flours. They is like my; lose for u. 'The :nit° shaid'lnenes kepe dark: The dog foul! • !merles iam pre Moire. ROSis red:and psis luv for u shall never fail." . - Letter from the 1•911 con: Miss - _ 1111 ;ray." ' - ' - nErt. PROJECT FOR ABOLISHING BIAVE6T. .... ' Ftolh the St. Louis Derizograt, ...Tutu 1; '- ' - We are permitted to Make the subjoin. ; ed ex.tract from a letter !written. by Miss - Murray, (dated BelgraVe. Square, Loti f T„ don,) to a friend of hers in, this - city 'a - gentleman of eminence, It _ will be remembered that the book whieh"-- she published on her idturn to - gngland„ was liberally quoted byl the - adyoeatoS of - slavery as a complete refutation of - .What", had been said by other visitors derogatn...'.. ry to . that institution..: Our 'southOrtt . friends arso contend that the -laid - .,0f :. Honor offset both the Ptitchess Of Stith... erland and Mrs. Stowe.;! • - .Her teitiirthiiy.:. being that - of an eye-W4fiCSS, was coikiid- - .ered conclusive on thei:conditicin - of the . . slaves in the southern tates, -The Opia- . _ ions. which she had t e. courage .to ex. : i l in pres's entailed upon her ,` isrepresentatiutt: and obloquy, and, welibelievd the - di - 5 . ... pleasure of her Sovereign, -- together with; the social ostracism..Whlch that 4iSpleas- - ure involved. These Circa:l:stances:en- - title her to a respeetfUliteariag•lrom'the s South. - Let us add that the gentleman; to whom the letter is addressed _is South ern, by birth as well a 4 residence, 'and'a . warin opponent'of the aholitionhite : . ''••• " New having given yoUtarindividuatjin,,- media history, I must eilt your aid and - co-,.: operation in a more public matter, 111r:which' I think you are - even more deeply.: concerned. than- myself. About two months ago Otte or, your people having told. me,•thavhaving_ proved.• my interest for the welfare 7of 'the.. southern states, by - playine 'the 'martyr . - 'la their cause, their warm and - giateful,'-healiti. would allow me. the privilege of ,offering: my . : advice even on the tenderi.and eiciting,..strb.'i. jeet of shivery.- I at oncelelt, that .if , indeed, the iehst hope - could- be • entertained; "that '4", few words from me Would - be listenedicie'.ariC considered that I should fail•ittiMe , orthelin- r ties, of friendship, if I hesitated illant mak.: ing the attempt. Therefore, during last month, f - wrote to Mrs. ---, at: Charleston,: to lay., before-her these considektions(tbong4 my; opinion respecting the filly of abolitionism' remain unchanged7)—that public opinion, not only in the northern state§ but in Europe gen ciatiy, is strongly' a,gainii- the, institution of -- ,. slavery,' that it -is dangerous -to - the vary, existence of the United States as a federal; Union; that it may ultiniately cansoltadla;„. raption, and .even rebellion, massacra-..aatt, bloodshed in -the very heart of the South;. N II EV NE