. tow I' `, i our ` . conntgq avtix, i - gclitlit )l3 -44i4 , .rtisei pr i e cio. tie is highly recomutfisied by t h c iev i ho were acquain te d with him at p o ttsvipe. _ , °knifed, las purchased the store build ing adjOin'ing hiollOt4 locatipn,—(he = got s good' bargain;lbj ! t)3e-w!,y,ind : , roT Ed i his Bool l is'oew a dvertisement:' • - We learn , ; boy; abft . ltt -19 yean ót sg e i ntimed• killed by the ex . plosiott of a 'Cannon h atWellsville ir N. T., sturilaj, IFas sta44ing sevAral ro b from the cannon; and abdig the tin* t et the explosion attempted -the o ening in , fmnt of..it; when a piece :of thelmetalstru c k " ienne eaa kill- log him instantly. His parents , resided 4\ -1 ill Wellsville. We are informed thatoth- t r s were ;lightly injured by the explosion. I Tra ted, immediately at this. Office, 1 100 Nandi a - f ociorot#Ax, ,§ICIGAit on atedaunt of subscriptions.. ' We will lalso take all kinds of edible produce 'at marked price on settlement of old accounts :--i or in p ymeat of uetrsubscriptions. • Ten copies f the JOIIItT4IAL W n kit Tbe : sent ,to a club fo Ten Dallnr4 'or, we will `send a ~ copy o any $3 marai' iiie - to any one who sill d u ct us ULM in cash for ten cop.. 1 ies of he JotrailAL. - We earn that i'laan was • Eanniered at Ceres, 1 Meit_ein 'desk Friday; by : ten Irish Man with .whoni`lie had pecuniary difficulty during the day. We did not learn. either .party's name. The Ifishniaa ewers the deeeased.should nev er see 'the Pourth . of July unlesi he paid • him certain money heowed him; and that be would beat his.brains out with .a beech 1 1 club. i Theman 'started off in , his wagon, and was found" dead sOonaft4r, with his bead terribly_beaten. The Irbihman was arrested, and afterati examination corn ", muted t S thport Ja, l • . , " One who Knows".informs us that we snails mis e m .saymg that ultasky i vas at the bottom : of ,- .the , rowdyism of a week Lio Siturday.iiiAta—ii was Aim nor. iL . -- We - ,regaid this as a libel on the ftrYeh in+)..Pedlirs ; noticed , , in bur - article of - the, :week: before,: . iii - asainch as' their /ouppl4tnust have beea more limited than ;we were led to. believe; or- their poison was not powerful enough;--hence, those line ,Creekere r 'fiternaebs, (able, perhaps, -.! to tak evettp,rustic acid . without wino log,) equir ... .. . . ied a stronger potion. Their .1 ;,. bowel§ are said tO..be (*kited With a fire proofl cement, formed by the action of the , ttryelmine -and otherpoikinouti substan 'k tee feand in the, wfiiiky they had hereto -1 fore teem in the habit.of ',Touring down" )their throats' ::'. The - cernent neutralized gibe Ornery Object , ' Of the whisky, and - ,1 they are now endeavoring to t•cut" the ileceti . oft their stointichs with alcohol. i t' • •c - IVe t rust they. may have . success in their .1 ,Indertaking, though we are inclined to lbelieve the result will &tali be for the ,-Ipublie good. _ , .., . • BROKE 013 T.- Three Prfsone Tit Escap- • edfrons jail.... Jiiiiii Gross, (convicted and sentenced „at la4t.' Court; to $5O fine tad one year's:imprisonment' in the coun ty jail, for assnt!lt and, battery, upon an old German naMetilig3,ier, . in Sweden .tovnibip,) an& Satibuel and Wallace; . Aus On, the suspentedlintaii-thieves noticed daesihere ' ) escaped from onr jail ou Tins- I day night. lt is . supposed they were as , tteci l by friends,,,nn the outside, as they ;ed , sawed off one pfthe iron window bus and tiren• with. a e' 'hemlogli stick it , roltcl it' off,- Making an .aperture large lenbilgh for any 7 ordtnary sized man to get i throUgh. The tar was of Sweed. iron, lo4ibottt * of an inch thick; it was saw. td nearly half off. The Sheriff describes tlieo in our , colunans, and has issued 4bills 'offering reward 'fat their sp . - ,__----, • Preuension.. JJa sent two or three men oat Wednesday morning, to , k)ok after then a eo p. ga E 713 me ,'ins, Imh and ent t Be - ite I S.—The Austin were retaken two North of Ellisburg i 'duWednesday 'con. The elder brother evinced 1 disP°Bl°c":lt°'figh at t first ; but was (mimed, down.. . They were 're-corn . to our jail late Wednesday, night ; .'d not learn.tha 'Omen' of their cap. who reside near Ellisburg; 4 00 2.09 i do - 25 50 FE estrudive Elatut4ay nternoon between 4: aid .6 o'clock, the tether!) portion of this empty,: and this 'itn i lity, was visite:4 n" heavy tornado /Ind and rain/1714h; An, far an We can tints 'been - very !lestrtictlire to' die _ som* ew,to property. The t°1 1 1) f Mr. Flgonomb's home, inlintntn4 t'll)lown off or in; The house was ita 'ne. In Bower aver 50 Meg of tim of In. • ad= nniß 'Cork. C zuld ell b9F-rs4°Vid!ilrOikih4:3lio4l-AfAr• Reet* AbiTA:t;::Yi aan o f be tinging to wl t fi t to l 4 1111 ::*.4 Vidclniar Me Peitt'a they, ri ing,t a, something like 10 acres on eaoh - Side - Ofilciamj,; se pale - did7tiot get the horse out until gunday morning. Alra..C. having proCeeded 'With grea4:dif fieultyto a neighbors', house, Where, she remained over night. In the village along .the riier: bank"finit trees' were blown down . ; and we learn that in -Eulalia and Roulet, _'south . d - .Ekis in :the Apeghany Valley, a vast amount of forest was blown . down, and, in one FiTlfall : sp,.., , o heids MEI . . of cattle were ,fenced in with trees so that that they could not he got'out by a 'num ber of men who worked faithfully all day Sunday. We have not learned the extent of its ravages south of us, but this village seems to have been its northern boundary. Horse Theives Arrested.—Last- Thera day. forenoon two chaps, _one, a. boy of about 16 or 17 years, came to Glasstnire's hotel in this place, driving .a middling sized dark-bay mare in au old buggy, and having on the mare a nice oilier-motinted single harness with breast collar, worth about thirty-five dollars, and in the bug gy a very. good saddle and a blue fly-net. Their . appearance and manner, as well as the•jaded condition of the horse, excited the suspicion of Mr. Glassmire, who with others collected about the• buggy, and Mr. G. proposing'to purchase the entire prop ertY, .114edifie. price; wh"ep all Was offered for: $3O.- .Tha parties •were allowed to pass on 'their way, and when" they reach ed the south bank of the river, they were observed to abandon their property and "make 'for the woods;" whereupon two of our citizens "made after them," and after a short run arrested , them and brought them to the court house, where they were, separately examined before Justice Cushing. They gave their names as Samuel C. and Wallace Austin, broth ers, and stated that they lived in the town of Nuuda, 14 miles west of Bor. neilsville. 'Samuel, the elder, said that they, left home on Tuesday morning; that the horse belonged to his 'father, John Aus= tin, and the bUggy to dharles King, East Hill, ..blnnda; that they bought the har ness, saddle and fly-net of &stranger on the road for $9 in cash; that his broth er's name was Benjamin. . • Wallace (alias Benjamin) said the horse belonged to' David C.. Howell, of Brook's Grove, and the buggy to Charles King; that they traded a 2-year-old colt for the harness and buggy. They were committed to jail on suspi cion, to await furthe; investigation and correspondence, and we learn that a let ter has been received from Wellsville, stating that that two horses, a buggy &c., were stolen from near Nunda a week ago Monday night, and that the prop erty intercepted here answers to the de, l seription of that. No doubt the chaps will Boon have justice meted to them. P. S.—The owner of, the horse, buggy &c., Mr. E. Howell, arrived here on Wed nesday, froth :Brooke drove; reclaimed the property,' and took the theives home with him. Az Pittsburg, on Friday evening week, a policeman named Richard Jones killed his wife by stabbing and .shooting her, terribly !mutilating her body. He im mediately, gave himself up, alleging that he had found her in adulterous intercourse with a bUtcher of that city:, RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—Another fright ful Railroad accident occurred on the 27th, on the Michigan Southern road. The heavi rains carried away a sluice was and 4 , train was , plunged , into. the bieak, 'near South Bead: Some 150 passengers ware on the train; 35 of whom were killed and fifty to sixty wounded. CHANGING NAMES.--Persons wishing to change their, names,have hitherto had to, apply,to ,the legislature.; butaccordinF to the provisions 'of an act of the last leg• lature of this State; persons , hoeing a desire to chose theif n'ameecaWdo•So by appiAt to the CDint, of comitionTleas.— hymning :Gazette.. SPC ; , l .4 l A(e ti eM' : ' DISEAAk - 0F . TH4: . ;31:0440ff; The stomach:is the , most liable to get ,ont of order. ..genca how important:that no:dis eased matter clog its operation, which would cause nausea and distress, by our food, , Jt al-. so - weakens the ,brain , destroys the memory, Creates pains and.diuiness, and. various MOPS In' the head- prodnGea diffinnt ty in breathing and swallowing. •Sometimes , fainting and fits will , ensue; als, bad breath, restlessness and great loss of strength. !; If not . immediately attended. to, the bleod will carry the disease through ,the whole system; and death will end the work. From 2t05 of these Pills tt,dity will keep the. digestive ,nrgans, in a healthy condition, and anelogormarrystwel all impure matter, and thoroughlyputore,and elearise the stomach; at„Lbe satne time the Pills will so purify the blocid,,.as, to . ,drive all manner ofdisease from the system. , WORMS. In a quantity of corrupted matter there is itlwitys to be found a nest of worms. They cannot, neither will they itaf anywhere *lse. Weak stainiChand beads 'sire subject to them, ns they hare net sufficient power to digest their .food„ . Hence s large heap of matter is lodged, and Ivor= most be the lzega,t,.: A few, doses of th ese, Pills will. disturb..theet in -their. neat, and- driv_e them out, of the system. • • It should be' remembered,.that woceaalon el dose when in health, especially after, tak ing cold, will preventrue disease from forming Dr. Morse's Indian itecit Pills are sold , L by all dealers in• Medicines. • `:• it LAiII..II4:DANIti;S HAVE • 4,, ,c0411411.TE 45,,0R.2 1 ,31R1 V 7, _OF S:U4IISER.:.:-: '''-..01tV-.:0-0.0-13.i$::•.,: BOOTS & SHOES, HATS '& CAPS, CUTLERY, GROCERIES, Crockery & Glassware. . ilso,.a good stock , of MISCELLANEOUS and SCROOI I B o ok s, STATIONERY, &0., All of which they will sell AS LOW AS CAlq . 13E.BOUGHT ELSEWHERE LNT'' THE 'COUNTY.. . PRODUCE OF„ ALL . KINDS rareit IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, HIGSSST PRICE be paid. They can be found at all times, (Saturday and Sunday•excepted,) at the Store formerly occupied by D. - BAKER,_ , • - ' - lin::,LeWisOillp ready to wait upon Customers.' N. 11--rte .bava eerie to tbe conelesion tbs. "READY PAY." is better for all parties, and:we' stiall, there fore do linsiness on this"system. .` B. tAITIELS, Ulyssei, June 20, 1858.-16t52*. Fifth Year ei the Enterprise I NEW LIST OF GIFTS, FOR 1859. CATALOGUES FREE TO ALL. G.- G. EVANS t his Origirmi gift Zook &al% No. 439 Chestnut Street, "iludelpia, Commences the New'Venr, with an enlarged Catalogue, a greater. vorietyof Gifts, increased facilities for buying Goods and doing , business, and is now prepared to offei, greater •induce ments- to Book buyet4 than: ever' Time has proved that the Gift SYsteMispermanent. EVANS is determined to prove, that ,hii Estab lishment is conducted under that system more liberal and impartial " manner , than. any, other. Having,lifed down almost all opposi tion, and having-the legitimacy of his plan of operation acknowledged fro - in Maine to Cali fornia, he can afford to be generous. Try him, and judge for yourself. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS, Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $lOO 00 Patent Anchor Lever Gold 'Watches, 50 00 Ladies' 18k, Case Gold Lever Watches, 50 00 Ladies' 18k. Case Gold Lever Watches, open dial,. 35 Of Gents' Sillier Lever Watches, 25 00 Gents' Silver Lever "Watehes, 15 00 Gents' Silver Lepine Watches, • - 12 00 Parlor Time Pieces, net pattern, • 10 00 Ladies' Elegant Black Silk Dress Pat terns, , 15 00 Ladies' do Plaid do do 12 00 Ladies' Cameo Sets, (Pin and Drops,) extra fine, l5 00 Ladies' Cameo Sets, do 10 00 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, Stone Settings, 10 00 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, plain or engtav ned Band, , 5 00 Gents' Solid Gold "Vest Chains, new pat, 15 00 1 Gents' best English plated Vest Chains, 500 Ladies' Guards, or Chatelaine Chains, choice, " 15 00 Large Gold Spring Lockets, double cases, 10 00 Large Gold Snap Lockets, - do 6 00. Medium size, No. 3, Lockets, do 300 Heavy Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens, 7 . 50 Superior Gold Pens, with Holders & etor, 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 2.00. Gents' IleavY Gold Pencils, • 350 Gents' Gold Pens, with Silver Extension Pencils, ' - • 1 ' Ladies' Gold Pens, in Boxes with Ivory Holders, • 150 Ladies' Mosaic Gold. Stone Sets. , 12 00 Ladies' Florentine" Sets, Pin and Drops, 10 00 Ladies' Jet Sets, do do '1 50 Ladies' Lava, - do do 'lO 00 Ladles' Cameo Pins, large size, 5 00' Ladies' do do medium, 3 50! Ladies'_ 'do do small, 250 Ladies'• Gold Stone Pins, small, 2 50 Ladies Box and Glass Miniature or Hair Pins, - 2 00 Ladies' Plain Gold Pins, new pattern, 250 Ladies' do Ear Drops, - 200 - Misses' do Gold Pins, 150 gents, Cluster Pins, opal centre, 2 50 Gents' Single Stone Pins, • i.OO Gents', Cameo or Mosaic Bosom Studs, 460 Gents' Engraved Gold do do 2"50 Gehts' Plain do do • de 200 Gents' Sleeve Butione, ' 2 50 Ladies' do do . - -2 00 Ladles' Pearl Card Cases, • 5 00 Ladles' Cameo, Mosaic, or gold Stone Ribbon Pins, ~ Gents' Silver Pencils, . Gents' Pearl Pocket Knives; 3 ,blides, - best quality, ' 1 00 Gents' Buff or Ivory ; ., .do,.- ,do ,75 Millses' Lava Pine, . .. • • 2 50. Gen& Gold Watch Keys ancL Pencils. coMbined, .- , 200 Gents' Gold Tootpieksi s with Slides, 2 00 Gents' Gold Rings, with Stone Setting, - 2.50 Ladies_ do • do do, 1 ; 60 Sets Silver. Plated Tea, Spoons, 3 00 Silver-Plated Butter Knives,- 1 00 . Ladies' or Gents' Norte-Min:Males .. 160 Gents' Gold Watch Kays' or Vestlooks, '1 00 Ladies'.Florentine Breast. Pins,: , - a so Ladies: Jet- ,• .. :do .. - 3.50 Ladies' Mosaic • • ' do 500 Cameo• Ear Drops, . • . • 4.50 Misses', ~ . do" do . 250 Misses' Ear Drops, with Stone Setting, 200 Misses' Gold Bracelet, Half Round Band, 4 00 Ladies' • do.. " da • do 600 Gents' Scarf Pin, • • 2 00 Gents' Jet Studs, 00 Gents' Set Sleeve Patton; ilisses'_o4gd,Grosses,, . • - 4iseellaisions Gifts; tioressninetistetin Ake Afi.ove vs lag in val A t ) e„ nl2. . fri ;6 Tits s2qoaj 't T. 1 gar:Seoo4oal2 r abovh Gifts will be ingargallydistributed among Pnrchaßers with 'every' $l ,OOO worth of lSooks 141'0 •Publlshera govrest ' • 'All Nvans dond not Oldish him self are bOught'dire'ct from Pabliiheti,, and In large iluantities; Books-to suit everi taste are to be' fonnd on his Cctploguo, at prices which Would - be . an iodunituest even' Withciut the' Gift System, Wbich 'addi tional advantages. . ' `.l - Works' by - the.most popular authors. ilving and dead, in. all styles, from, the most costly to the substantial, :at 'astonishing 16wprices, . .•, .• • . • . . „ CATALOGUES, SENT. FREE TO ANT, ADDRESS, - .bay'd-Taylor's Tiav's,: Works of Dean Swift; :Works of Miss Bremer, .• 4 . 4 .. Jnd'e Haliburton Bulwer, , .. u ...Dikivingstone, . - : 44 ,'l;awenceSterne, " Addison,- Waverly Hove 44 Thaekeray, " Works :of B: Franklin, u . Dr. Johnson, 44 Thos. Jelfersou,' , 44 J.. F. Cooper, 44 Charles Dickens; 44 J. T. Headley, a Mrs. Southworthi 44 Frank Forrester, " Mrs- Houtz, : 44 Hugh Miller, _ _ 44 Mrs. Sedgwick, " PaP-114tynee41; - Virg; _Townsend, " Charlo'e Bionte, ,- 44 . •S. 31.:Sittucker, • 44 lk:S.`Aithur, 44 'Grace 'Agailar, 44 - AL:S.-Roe, . 44 C. H. Spurgeon, ' 44 •D. P. Thompson, 44 . Capt. Marryatt, - Sam Slick, • : ", • Peter : Parley, • • 44- Jane Austin, 44 Mrs. Moodie, Marion 'Harland, 44 Smollet, 44 Mary Howitt,.. 4 4 • Fielding, - ." Charles Lamb, • 44 - Perry, - 4 Edward .Everett, 44 Wilkes, " Lorenzo Dow, Barto!lr : LOr4J 3 4curar HISTORY-A:9 BIOGRAPHY.OP - ISE -MOST CEIABRATED'AUTHOILS. Allison,• Hume, , • ' Macaulay, - Prescott, • • • Gibbon,. -Robertson, —• _Headley, Amin host of otbeis, to ANCIENT AND Butler, - ... • T. B. Reid, Mrs. - Jamieson, • Byron, : Scott, _ ...1 1 Pore; S Dryden,.. Pope, Burns, . . Mont,. Siglininiy; „Rogers,, , Sdathey,' - 11. Kirk Tasso,' • • Mrs. Jamieson, Alice Carey,. 'Seats, • '" • Edgar A. Poe, has the above in all stylei,".of hindiug, from plain cloth to the finest daf and antique, to - suit all clithei - of pfirchisiets; 'lle' sells . these as cheap as, any. other house A c t, Ocicou t r yOnsides the 'adilitionel-advantAgeotrt a Gift; with each Book sold, . , - ALBIIiiS FOR•THE LADIES Albums of all sizes and styles of binding, to suit.alllisteS, profusely ilinsthititiivith:mag iiificenkSteel Engravings. -r;• . -. :: 'lr if , BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS & HYILC, BOOKS. Method‘t Hymn Books,l Episco'l Prayer Books; Baptist Hymn Books, Catholic Prayer Books; Luth'an Hymn Books, Presbyt'n Hymn Books, Of all: • sizes, and t.ound in all styles, Ara besque, Turkey morocco, Antique,Nelvet, &c.; with and without clasps. - - ' . FAMILY BIBLES. • ' A large assortment of Fathily Bibles, of sll descriptions and all prices, from, $l to $5O; illustrated with fine engravings, printed with large type, on good paper and in various styles of binding, ffom the simplest to the most ornamental. Also, Pulpit Bibles, in va rious styles, at low prices. 4' A complete Classified Catalogue of Books, in every department of literature, con.' taining a complete List of Gifts, structioes'te c ti °este Agents an dp ersoni forrriirig,ClUbs, will be sent free to any pert of the Union: Per sons Wishing to form Librariesoihould'hkOefit as a book of reference before making ouitheir lists. Send for it, and you will be convinced of the cheapness and variety of the Books, be= sides being pleased with the liberality of the system. • ' - Orders from the country promptly and sat isfactorily filled,. and.go,ods sent by, mail or es press to any-, part of the country. Any book published s in the United States,: the retail price of which is 'One :Dollar ortipWards; ,will pe promptly sent by ineiE on receipt of publisher's viith poituge as per catalogue. . Libend - cominissions all r ovred to all persons forming Clubs. Perions acting ' as Agents for us can -. reap all the advantage's of the Gift sys tem without 'any cost to themselves, thus get ting-it Libiney of, good books in a very short time;beitdes which, the Gifts, received.wi the cornimssion books, will sell h for more the enough to' amply pay diem for theirtro Agents - wanted in every town: in the'Efnion. Persons wishing' to act as such, and all those desirous of, a Catalogue; will con&i. a favor by sending their address to •, - ' ' 2 00 - G. G. E Y ANS, Gift Boob:Store and Publishing House, 439 68E8Tiqu'r STREET, [33-19.5.1 . , • =WOOL 1 . WOOL ! 1 WOOL itr Want.eiCliti-E.ihiiiige lb* 'Cloth, AA • the old' add yell known 'WoolLearding and Cloth-Dressing eduiblielinient Of the subscliber. River. „near Genesee Yorks, :where he :has : IF stock ofPLOTIp, Selected with special liefir? eine lo the wants. : of,the,!"prmers.4nicl• barmen of .Potter conniy,,,which, he. Willi ox-, , change"fOr WOOL:lo,#,Vpr t hat-will pe:thg railkera aoa l 4ol . ge.F.9 lll 4alFO say.. 9ne wor f4o Yarrners',Vives : Jis yon all, like spJtto good.:ftells:,. don't * forget to 'send. your Wool where .3 , 4 are. always •sorgs . to - ;ge4 : good work done. ILO. PERM'. . Genesee, dinie'2o, ,1858,L-4446*. 1 50 75 WILLIAM OARR, SIIAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING SALOON ) Main, between IThit' d and. Fourth ;Street!, Conderspott Pa • . 11:36. HARDWAR,P r Iron and:Nails; GlastliSakh and Putty, .Fainta and. °Hsi .Aleohi4 Camphene and Burning Fluid, .1, • 20 • , . 'CLARK & PHILLIPS._ RE LEAF LARD , In. Mti aine' tut•tubS; Pcan be had at. the Old Regulator.- Alio; Sugai Cured trams, aplenty:of Heads, Shanks and .Albs:' 20 • WARREN'S OT,&. • - STOR (nearly - oPlasite - li(Shin . " .11!,:og.' Grocery,) Alle , TtProptiet t ar of the itlxrVie establislinseht :1 1 .4 respectfully %fond the inhabitants . of coudevirt, and Potter corntr-gEnatalliy; • that hits row prepared th "apply theinNvith BOOTS, SHOES, a-prints,' :LEATH:FR FINDINGS, 4c., of ev,ery description. at.pri. cos which? cannot fail; to snit; . We hart on band, and are constantly:receiving frets New thelnest assortinent oi,goods that can be-lound In:this portiOn• Of the- countryOuld mill nil the same at prices. which. aril:L.o, • DEPT COMETIT/0); , •40LE, , .UPP.EIC LEAnit SIP Sip": ..MPT-CAT PALP # 1 1.): PEGS, NAILS, AWLS, and FINDINGS. of evl ery description, in-qtrantitieito,snit purcha- EtiItOKABLV .- ioyA PRICES : FOR~GASH. oar establEthrnebt are of the . Best,Quality, - and be WARRANTED: 2,ls‘finhistilDash (111116 C :Give okairia,L GEORGE, T.., WARREN. Wellsville, May 19, 3,59 50 aitif,Oclier4 all, or left ttie Jock:2l4x. thartea r Cou4eraporti will be proaipt ly-And: carefully attended :.Bancroft, Goodrichi, • Russell, t -., : . Ferguson, " ~, Rollin, , ~ .! I : • ,Lord; , .. : 7. I. • Sparks,' , • , • :. o nurberomsto, mention. n °DEAN POETB: ', ' , V , FAITORABLE TERMS, Spenser, • • Ctkaucer, • Hrs. Hemans; Mrs. Norton, • ,Hemble; =• • Longfellow, Tennyson, Cowper, • _ 11 1 1iittier, Panie, . :r.W. Ellsworth Hood, Tupper„ Goldsmith, • --T7odsvrorttr, Shelley Montgomery; .• .rYaq , , • TO ••-, • I Cash ,'and' Shiiirt7Time . Ba,Pcis., LODES AND OENTLF4PIN I Aft NOW Itgait.Nd my smiSTER which atabilitei abilast eye4tblig tonally, kpt,by_the ,CariatrplarChaat—r:- , WAY GOODP, , • tiIItOCERIN§, • • 1 HARD -WARE} . - • BOOTS. At SHOES, . BEADY,-114DE • 'HA T C. P, , • *0 Itt):C - K all, of lefhtoh Rralmia to, 801, at lo* qgaris, for, cash or, approved credit., • Call and see our GOODS and PRI, CES:}. 'Being thankful for past favbra, -1 btopa'lm'be able no* to aer more sTEBBINK ivray 25'1186g:40i rr COUDERSPORT ' June -- 221 , 185914:44.4mict.'' -SATE grcE TwErrririitirtdr %W. rXiiitiNriiiitior.E3, Iby pint Pi• A ::STEIIIIBINSI 'andb4-, lug; ex.ll6las the exclusive sale of the' Etee t iTesi- Scyt t lates, and the only pb?,CAN - 7s_he,rit'r:4l- .4. 1 e. 1 $ h the county, ' ' 2 0i11111%; C441)1W,.. 1.; HAY Fol;lo,`ELANlES,ShOels;Sectles,Corn.. ' BilFereteel. arid, Casfisieel A;tt*N #4( , llislict7,tkiiig.iti the Bird: warC line.. ,: ' ' " - - • We wearMiroldclotheeandboard ism.xtlyeit; so- : to !give- on* mummers' bettilfall the profits. Please g ive us a call, one. nd a ll ; •at the old.itatid; and:We' will try. and do what we advertise: ' STEIIIIINS.. Cotdersport, June 29, 1859.-Imo.. CLARK & PHILLIPS :ST : OO,K 0 r ..,. iNtigNgt - ::0000 . k.: JUST ,RgOETVED cLow Priceg AND El NEWSTOCK , ov, SO, ),i;R GOODS JUST `RECEIVED BY C. H. SIMIVIONS P? Ps:waY9- ,LOW-PriCes • • AND rAVO,4ABL,E,TPRISS Cash and , Shart-Tinze.'..Basers: • T AM NOW RECEIVING- tax ?.tiMrrier stock, which embraces.everkthing usually k4t, by a Country Ilerchunt 7 --, . • , • . ...DRY: GOODS, • 1., _ -GROCERIES, FIARO , WARE, BOOTS 4. SEtOEFI,. REAHVI-111.4DE lEt , " "'S- • 'CAPS, T • ;.0 9,1% EA X c., all of which will bel l sold at low 'figures 'for cash'or approved credit... I GOOD TOl3 'POD 45 ' COSTS; Lades'. Fpip co nb , 'ress and other pnitess, , ,tran,,::ls ets: o $l,OO. I,IEi7S•SIVG:A.I3OOTS,cf - ,• f' " CALF , , t .3,05( FINE t)E LAINES, ;0 GOOD LAWNS, 12 and nll other goods in proportion, for Eteddy Pay of most, kinds. • , lid Cash paid for GOOD LUMBEit., , 4 C. Oswayo, Juna , 115,1859.-43-IV , - Bj OLWELI. SELL- , • , • rlour MeW ‘l3, FISEI, 7 VPIIK &C., 'Cheaper .than . .AN ontEli*mum' SELL FOitt and tr4to 49°d• :::I 11MB' I will also Iray,Casit . for 1 ,1 :10tn; ,‘ Alio; 's V OOLa. 43 40 j: - ,- - I' , /) :ii' ' , ;1.4. 4 • .•. , _ W . W4V • If4. !I t. . . C° r A ltli cFPPr iebl P 4ll F 4 t lCi l l ir a qi t ; a .I. 4 ac r the largest,hamost 2 *afflinOrelifpatronized- and es , ta t ,t4Stott .34 013 t; {7 • ißfare, pa; ,f,tti Uri! 441 3 . tPc(11114 t _f4l 41qp_taa,4fropi 4t0,.16-atielta: .tiag,,ia taara,nteed,to csenpatent icy:name the'llooko of aujr'Aosaontle*oct•VlZAlPlTAG MSS earn :~ ~ ~81at~ : of `fzo~ 4: Iwo to ..t: :.; MIMI MEM „. . Madent*.elabir , * UM. ,44 1 01 , 4 1 04Y4W1T .Revient it pleasure:: _.l‘ • , : • . • • rt- ;2i 51 .ftemituos Ice 'belt ..Thaudiedst .1.1444 • :.;. ! ..2, ,let I MP! rOAITIaf;h! INtrist ,- For-Cirdplia. andiSpeciateris 4 0 , tlositvick-lettailettitifp4 dad kddrei6 7 * 3 •'• *,:niaßig.;rits4uAtat;Thi. ,; „„ ISE lENTISTRI ..311 Uid, 4gq4PAßiy.ent , i4 Of: lii . tr.illt .L. , ..,*lieg,nY , P o l!l , l' fi x • ' ' l 3li 2 ritoincps to the rieep eof, et and . loliiing Cinaiitieria Piiiii`Otiiiiiil,li; Oa:qui , neatly estatilkilied'iti'Sellatille'rebad la`tk ' pared:to' perforni %the seationiotipetatioha ;to DO 2 t4tiit,' F4r.dal iAtenikin ;4 i blielted-,to iau atyje of Ausertink,,kigrr.tCl4l.,;,FlTA Superior'' to, any . other WIC' ikftwil?, * 4 * ti Allen'e Continuous' 4:;nint! 3 #• ; .iill,ifort' an& ranted...Littera 'of iriquiry'penfieptly4inineared• ,". Noy. 10, 1014; .o. .4.14',03,X1MEERA11.,:', • to: - $lllOO iitit igitiii ,' , -". ' , ; , • • , lr. ~.•,,, .... 4 ,fi r ..1 . 1 Ik. )11 ETII I NRIINATiTrra t , IrjAY4lllMria 1 .. f.1...6 1 ) '' • '''l 'lribisa.." 14 . 16 .04,Lt . 'litariiifahfuired taitlandoicat, ' and' 4s l pre'llaked i 'thinly': tßffeie4 4 '' froteoilier Snleritto93l-11t11.4110* ' eter,ions:matter,aig*, te)isiThArgett-p manger • as io produce /LIT 4i pip 43, find, - 4 . kiiitts a Cite, witho4f,',eon tifillni'lqiirtintli bflalifitne 4 if,den the` 8ie411 , 6i-Cakeds.bikeeth Irjr,irroduolngtwholtanthe itsiil " 4 kerY. par 441 e OUPI@TAWded tl •P 3l * tr ea * IP OAEB SPl TbrliediAt el4ing,cquiegOn lytiOtaldgr , ehuiiiiintikhittiiSl i Wablfvtinl Flout. , llTAVliill'ialukft pateeliu , liyititellnetet of thliaideelk. tus that it 'is •et,d4elyi s rerWit?'...".., - _ 0 0-eX,SOckraigs• I. 1/71_, , id 4.1.10-r, `'c, 4' hijiaeged "in line ,pound papga i , ~ enctilvfitiqierbiltlifidi'lifil;W l-1 10 i . itt'agest , lifedioldtdcaleratual.4l.l =;,` • • so, tun,' tfarilited Aunt ial . breadifili:: I . * a ghtlg °4tre.i . "Bo/440,a,taltit 70 , . the ink. IVb ea ,yii,U julpiltiattotAl 1i•,.;-,I• paper you should preserve tioiwrati , 1 ' per, • and 'be Vartictiliii"Vlint Itt .." • ''' il l . next exhetl yl like lite fits brand •: , i . ';', above. , . ~...4.) .-1 , 1,;; ,:,., ....gaiip 4 . ',.•,,, .!: Eull. aireptkoui 10 niskittftlf4. '631 illy thitt'SnlecutiZt iind;', 1 , 3 94041.01 •:I or Oream '404 I Will '''V , VP I P?. O .1 ••' each inpliage•; ii i 1 3 9!: altectiar for, 'lab" na r aking,•all`ltinde 'Of , PciatrYtidsoP•"Th'l'!. for making:Soda, Water undifiliddi ii :; -;.: ihz , Powders. - if I ,Ttilr;'- 11r v.. VO , g AKE Y9Uy, OWN pap . .- , .: ~, WITH • ' r: II- I': BABBI l lufi& 'Rini& OONCP., c " z ' „ , ..TRATED.:POTII, 4 j:vi q l l 4- ':: Warranted., don th eblil Von& ati i, , i ,;ordinary. Pc[taf,4 ilPPkilPrili,,.-ca*.... '.yl lb: *, lbs., 3 lint.,l/ lbs•Jula}"Pilbs• ~, •-fi With hill .thructions, for nsakin '.' Asnlliiiid iiiidnpo ft "Sci&p.l,"Ciiifeutifire 'i • :I ' will dturtliiitliettiemi,datitolailalin '. IneVile.t.. :.: • : ,-"!,,, • •,:il I Ii . 7 ;• iir;•4l a , • ' 7C.,Ch Ni.ClPWitCred:Alli It *4. l 4Gth I I ' , Xi; •T: lattß6tl , f ' ',Noii..ate r nii4,leVi r itititattnii! c itivii, ' 4' Ninvlfork,antilitidd Indigitriii ' .1. il3nsunii 4 1, 1 .:: t t I . l f iii4Vii:"Pi' EN 111 6.8 , k, t il .70 1 G 8 AND 70 6.8 70 88 Thy Anieir Cap tilatokitt, , cle - greitt ntilityi-itiebtitiefii to.; = Persons afiliected with BrOletrithk, Dyipepsia, Liver-complaint-or Kidney affec tions, eau: procure .13PosoicilwayinC.for these...m*o iliseasesim.ol.4.l44ftanti Sold tbf#,Ammuc.oTtuanseopoNEßNor...224tul 24, Frainkfortest. .‘ takeEo 3 4l Tairta , i„ tist polovek ekiti4. l 2o) /100,04/o;.‘ 10 1 114PN " +.44.3111104M " -" • MElitiitigTAX4l4#etw , or offin - ot:ii=44.iii.. s tici„lA-,0444-itAcie4ten t nal kip#plotis.. ReiPtaPa_kkoifigrorPePOifity.; P4kiat.t,mAcett 33104nbato;POINIVN 11 4: 44Itidgnfr0411011,111#41141MOUrclav a 4:r. : 1 :: - BY Ba DB:WSBY4Likr, '',44i. - ffi.q - The , itnprfatit feitittif . 4teerlifint itiktfilit cOmplaints,origiiistiiiikftillitifiltrifdiiiiiiii / solitude of youth, may* C'esibiliiiiiiiiik iVITIIOUT BrEtirentirffinErtnin tract elm ly.,4¢Fistefm4lfdilehfir,theieutitittrnewaiiiid i 111 0 1 7 Icle*Arllct :P 1 "1 9 104k . . 4 1 1; Ati.the'r, ,t ,exp Kis ~.,, y 'sil t n ok, eitiy l o - ali 1 '.'sq.o4 ttl Cali . T• 4' - gif t ati&iiihe lean iielhilsii Ciro , :ibliati - Z. iiitgalittbiudvertikedAtostitirukorifilie: .1 i!i''. -.4sPA-P;#l* agidreSCltratiellOWEPllMktgliu si3OßTeicittri tarrirefat th rfa m it tloiocts 1 1lieStamPs."f . rif •ti r4 , c.rxf:; Did 310;dtkiipisir ow ..,,,,,•,.., , ,,114..,... It (11,,,i. .11- 4,41,,,-.:-.,;,- :40, Wli, li.ktaf.)*Bi*liii Ariiiiittacia* , bi hattg a til i ltsl3#s 4 o , Mlo* ...,..: l kie tE -w*t.xi t -tttAtrA, „ hi tliii meet olq: B. lErnalthie atere, he will supply the public with Fresh sftraid Muttonevery Tikeldttrir,tattrida - 7 7 eis i bm and riesli'VenisoiliMpipiei*C ' ' 13. y , f ro. low pilcds , , promidiesArid kali' h e fitly's' to deinrie and receive klibeial Patraisge. Coudersport, June 2"ii, 1859.-15-Iwo. i• , '~7 " ` 4 lEEE "a. SIAM; ;r Ma El r-;:. ~c SS 411) . rts,t• 3 MS m: 112 ~,.., MI 1 • ) :+: