Es Tfoti;es; . glalUrrtr VP% Vlittl4'et.;Stiudrj; its of tetufitiOki attd:-.Fieri father issued Out or 4liette'Urt. of Conftwin pleas of Potter Co t ; .Pa., lutd.lo p 4ircetett, I shall expose. to public, , - pol)* or ontcr,y, at - Court House hi the Bor. flush .of l.toiviersport, on Monday -.tire 20th day of 11149; at 10 seelock, ,4; 111„ the fpllowlug described real estate , to wit Certain real estate situate in, the Borough - PrCotideraport, - Potter Co., Pr;„ lots Nos. 211, ;12, 213, :11: 217, 219, and 229, on Square llo.20„, on which are One frame dwelling house and . some fruit trees. - ALSO—Lots Nos. 132 pod pp, owSquare N 0.12, on which are erect .ittl'ong frame, dwelling house and- one frame barn, the same heing, known: as the 'Reath _ALSO- -- -Zot No: 60,'-aird - the rear Pallor lot Nu." 73 on Square :No. 5, -on which fa erected one-,ashery. ALSO—Lots Nos. 94 -juid 93, Square No. 14: ALSO--One Other lots.tuate_in Wharton Township, Potter Co., Po:, and bounded as follow. 4: Beginning at a lleutiock is Om-north ,bank of the Sinimma hoeing Creek in the west line of Barclay & iffaistard's lauds, thence north an said' west - line, one hundred and four-tenths perches to p. past; thence went ninety-seven and four-sixth perches a post, thence south sixty-fo urperch es to a corner to Sinnemahon Mg Creek, thence Ruth 691° ,east in said. Creek one hundred and fuur , perches to the place' of beginning, con ,. taiunig fifty acres, being part of Warrant No. 4874, of which 46:acres arc improved, on which la one frame storehouse, two frame dwelling houses, and one frame barn. ALSO—Certain -real estate in Allegany Township, bounded porch by lots Nos. 74 & 55, east by unseated lands of the Fox estate, on the south by lot 674 tad &nein& lands, - on the west by lots lips. "54, 63 & 65, containing two hundred and Plenty-four acres and eight-tenths of an acre, being lot. No. 58 of the allotment of the Bing ••1101r,i laude iu Allegany Township, of which eighty acres are improved and twenty-live pores chopped, on, which are one frame, house, one lag house, one treble barn, and some fruit 1 trees. ALSOCertain, real esuate to wit: sit pate in Wharton Township, Potter Pa., Beginning at a Hemlock on the bank Co.,f the Sintemahoning Creek in the west line of Bar clay-At Brainard's lot, thence north 691 0 west down gioso4d Creek 104 perches; - thence north 64 perches, thence east 57.4 perches to west line _of, lands of Barr!ay. Brainard, thence Nigh by said line 100.4 perches the place of beginning; containing fifty acres, of which forty acres - are improved, on which are erect- 1 ed one tavern house,. one old, frame dwelling house, one:Store house, one frame barn anti with some fruit trees, thereon. ALSO—Cer tain real estate situate in Oswayo. Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the north by lands of the Bingham` Estate; on the east by lots lips. Y 3 & _ 3B, South by lots Nos. 21 & 80, and pn the west by,lot,No. 254 conveyed to John Walls, -containing 'one hundred and. twenty. four and'aix-tenths acres, being lot No. 22 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in Oswayo Township, Of which sixty acres are improved, Ou Which are erected "one frame house, one log barn, and one log house. Seized, taken in execution, and to -be sold Its the property of Zt. T. Jones. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter Co., to wit: fiquare No. 20, containing one ern and si.s= tenths of =acre, with one frame house,. and ;loran fruift 'ries thereon. Seized„ taken; in execution, and to be sold lithe peopeity Of W. T. Jones iti A..r t Jones. If, lck.. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in WltarttniTownship. Potter Co., Pa., begin l sing at a Chestnut the S. W. corner rot War rant NO. (4021). four thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, thence east by south line of said Warrant ono hundred and eighteen perch, I es to & post,"a• corner of a tract of land eon ',eyed' to John B. Smith, Joseph Smith & E: rune Smith, thence south by line of said tract one hundred'ruid fifteen ; Ferches to a post, a confer of Said tract, thence east by line ofsaid tract fortY4Ve'perelles to a post, a corner of saiCtract, thence.suuth ,by line. of said tract, one hundred and twenty-fire perches to a post, a corner of said trict, thence west by line of said tract onalittndred and sixty-three perch., tie, to It post, AL corner Of said-tract-in east line, of Warrant„,No,_, (4625) fonr • thousand nine hundred and twent,y-tive, ;thence north two -hrindrettand NM perches to the place of he ginning; containing two hundred and twelve acres and one tenth of an acre, he the same *ere Or less, being part of Warrant No. (4920) four thousand nine hundred and twenty, about tiro, acres Of which are improved, with one log 'those ariaone log barn erected thereon. • ' relied,..taken in execution, and to be sold pis We . OrOperty.tif A. F.,Bodworth. ASQ-rCertain real "estate situate in the BOrotigh of Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., known on the twin plot thereof as parts of lots Nos. 903 .t 228 on Square No. 22, beginning at the, W. corner of a - lot formerly occupied 8.,C01e, thence N. 5° E. two perches to a post, thence 5..85°: E. by 4th street 16 perches to a post, it being the N. 'S. corner of Square No. thande N. 135* W. la perches to, the place of begintiing; With One frame house, one frame barN,other ont- . hcm.sei, ; and some fruit, trees thereon. • " Seized,,talmn in execution, and, to be sold Os tlie4roperty-Of L.- P. Maynard. • ALSO r :-Certairt real " - estate "situate in Eula liiTowitsltiti, Fetter Co. - Pa.;- bounded on the sitirth-by'landi of the" Bingham Estate; On - the east by ranc - weir. A. Webon and 'the North golloivroad south by the Lytnansville 4 Cud. 4er - eon road; and west by lauds of L. D, Spar fThkenntaining eighty-eight acres, of which tweak aaresare improved. ALSO—One other lot situate, aa aforesaid and. bounded cin the north bilands of the Bingham Estate, east by leads of I). Spofford,. south by lands of John Crittendew& C.AY. gills- and west by lands °Groh». Crittenden At S. hoss,'-containing. one bitodred acres, of which twenty-five acres are tamieored, -on which are , one frame dwelling hoop% two frame barns, out buildings and pante fruit trees. :41450,-Oue other lot situ e,te sasfariSaid t boundeden the narthby lands of E.Starkweatner 4c1 4 . D. Spafford, east by tbie HightiraY; south and West by lands of). D. Cipafford,.containing seventy acres, of which fifty acres are improved. ; '' ' "Seize 4 token in - execution,' and to be, sold Ai the; -proi)erty"of 'Nathan Woodcock St A. Woodcock, - • ' . ettalit relit estato sittiato ffebron TOwaibip, Pottee-Cci.; PM, hounded- on the north'hy landa of Clark Ingraham, 'Weston L ad; sad It. - &l3.llattlion, solidi by lauds, of Ingraham itT 4 eimarcl Davis,' and westby lands of. Weston Co., containing sereuty-thren iseres;'ol'which twenty-five acres are improv, 04,.`0n which are erected one fmme da ening house and . cMe frame bain - Onrtly 'enclosed. sotintl, taken in execution, and to be sold sts - tboliroperty Of Phineas• Goodwin, ' ' ' • Avou—,certain real estate situate in Alle iraV Vwnsh4 ) ):'otter' C 0,,, Pa., bounden on thellatigh,by unseated - lands, on the --- east. by 1 0 04, 414, ;oath , unsewed land and lot Igo; O f end west by , uoseated lands ; contain ing one hundred and twelve and fotfmentbs, and toe .nsifiValionrande of six per cent,-of which eighty acresare unproved, with one tratne hous'e, one log house; one frame lam, ode bliekarnith-shop, and some fruit trees thereon ; said premises - being of the allotment of the rox Sc !loss estate in said Totinship.- . . Seized, taken:in execution; -and :tn. he sold as the prop rty ,of N. L. Dike. • '.'4l4o—Certain real*- estate= situate- Os.; 'Waco Township, Potter,Co.,, , Pa.,- - hoinided on - the north:. by' lands of' William r.Shattacki east by lands of 'Sbattnek.k.... 4 a!nesToty : V sordb , ..lands:of:Jarnis `Pox,' and UreSt:'b.,r landa'of Geer& Estes;' containing acretioncire or lesS, of which eighteen are acres imprersd, with *one ;frame-. house, one frame burn, and some frdlt trees thereon:- Seized, *taken in execution,. and to .be sold as .the property of -Georgoßtadley. •7' . • ALSO)-:=Certain real estate situate in Pleas . ant Valley,Tonliship," Potter 'Co., Pa:, begin, nine. at James. Reed's north-east corner, thence • east GO rods,thence - nortkG3 rods, thence west 137 rods, thnce., souttr.66 rods to the West line Of James Reed's lot; thence east by said linei 67-rodi to the . placeof beginning; :containing fifty acres, of WhiCh- five. acres are chopped, and one , acre intprnred - , with one log house thereon. . - • - = Seized, Aitken is execution , _ and to . be sold as the property of Sapdets Fr. Ostrander. • ALSO-Certain real estate situate in Rector Township, Putter Co., Pa., bounded north by Thomas lAnning, east by lands . .of Lemuel Redner- soulh by - lands of-the Bingham . Es ty.te, and west by lands of the Bingham Estate ; containing ninetyp.five and seven-tenths acres, of *Web thirty acres are improved,- on-which are one log hbuse, one frame barn, an apple orchard, and other fruit trees. - Seized, taken in execution; and to be sold as the-property of Chttries Seely. - • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sharon Township, Potter C0.,-Pa., bounded north by lands of Wm. Mattison, east by lands of J. J: Burdick, - south by. lands of Simon Drake; and west by lands of _Amasa Manly; containing twenty-five acres, of which sixteen acres are improved; with one frame. house, and one frame barn thereon. - Seized, taken: in executton, and to be sold as the Foray of Robert C. Manly. . ALSO—Certain real 'estate situate in Pike Township,.Potter Llo.,'Pa., bounded north by unseated lands, east by unseated lands, south by - unseated lands, and:west by lot No 20 be longing to o. — llunsicker ; containing sixty acres, it being lot No. 32 of the. allotment of the Ashley lands in the above mentioned town ship, and part of Warrant No. 5127.: ALSO— One other:lnt situate it township and county ' as above mentioned, and described as follows, to wit : Bounded north by lot N 0.3 belonging to Jos. Sunderlin; east..bY • unseated lands, south by unseated lands, and west by. lot Nos. 19 & 42; containing - one hundred and twenty six and seven-tenths acres, it being lot N0..1 . 0 and part of Warran6 Nos. 5122 & 5127, of which . ten acres are improved and five acres chopped, on. which are erected one 'over-shot saw mill, one frame dwelling house,:one frame barn, and one log house, ALSO—One other lot described as follows : -Bounded north by unseated lands and lot No. 29,' cast by lots Nos. 17 & 19 and unseated lands, south by lots Nos. 22 23, and wrist by lots os. 21 &27 containing one hundred acres, it being lot No. 9 and part of Warrants N05:5123 & 5120. - -AL SO—One equal undivided half of lot No. 27, described, as follows : Bounded north by ut seated lands andlot No. 29; east by lot Nn. 9. south-by lot No. 21 mid unseated lands, awl west by unsealed. lands; containing 97.2 acres, being part of Warrant No. 5123. ALSO—One other lot described as followd: Bounded north. eas s t south and west by unseated - lands of tfnnsicker & Garlock ; containing forty acres, it being lot N. •33 and part of Warrant No. 5123, • •'• - • Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro:1110v of Jonathan Stevenson. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar ton Tciwaship, Potter Co:, Pa„ boginang at a corner in the forks of the East Fork and First Fork .in the Sinnertiohoning Creek, thence south MI perches Loa post, thence 105.5 perch es west toga corner in the First Fork of 'the Sinnemahoning Creek, thence up said Creek to a corner of a lot surveyed to S. Freeman, afterward to James Ares, thence north 126 perches to .a post, them north 87? _east perches to a nemlook, thence north' 67° east in the Creek 22 perches to - a corner, thence north T° east in the Creek 20 perches, thence north 27° west in the Creek 114 perches, thence north 40' cast in tho Creek'43 perches, thence north-16° east in the Creel; 12 perches, thence east 70 _perches to a. Hemlock, thence . south 251 perches to a post and stones, thence cast fifty-four perches and four-tenths of a parch to a stnia,/thenee snail eighty-two perches to a Hemlock : theuoe west twenty-five perches to a corner in the East Fork of the Sinneroahon ing, Creek, thettei north 70° west eighty-three perches to the place of beginning; containing three hundred and forty-eight acres and six tenths of an acre, being parts of Warrants Nos. 4(385, 4737 St 4023—excepting fifty acres con veyed by James B:trtron to Stephen Horton, on the south endrof the tot ; of which fifty acres are improved, on which are erected one frame house, on.: frame barn, one. frame shed, one log house, and with apple and peach trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Bartron.. ALSO—Vertain real estate situate 'wiling brim ownsbip,Poiter Co., Pa., bounded north by jienry Rusted & 11. IL Dent, south by D. Y. di P. Id, Stevens, and west by 11. 11. Dent;. containing 71.4 -acres of land, be the same more nr less, being part of lot No. 103 on War rantsl23l. 1252, on which are eight acres improved; with - one 102, - Louse and, some fruit trees thereon, • Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold s the property of George B. Baker ' with notice to Cyrus Cornish as Terre Tenant. ALSO---Certain real estate situate in Hector Township, Potter Co.. Pa., bounded north by hinds of M. 11. Wilkinson, east by . lands - of Daniel Sunderlin, south by the south line of Warrant No, 1787, west by lot .No. 98; con taining 106.6 acres, being lot No. 51 of the allotment of the Bingham Lands in the above mentioned Township, of which twenty acres are improved, and twenty-tive acres chopped and, partly Improved, on which are erected two frame barns, two frame dwelling houses, and one log shed. ' .; . Seized, taken in execution,_ and to be sold as the przjperty of Luke Scott. ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Clara Township, Potter Co. Pa.,_ bounded north by B: Graves, east by B:Stevens & Co:, south by S. D. Tracy, west by unseatedlands'ofJolin Keating & Co.; containing, seventy and nine tenths acres, of which twenty acres are im proved; and three acres chopped, on .which are ere.eted one frame dwelling house, one log bard, andwith some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Alexander P. Hay. ASLO—Certain real'estate situate in Bing ham Township, Potter Co., Pa.,- bounded north . y the New York State line. east by. the lot known as the'Doty lot, suntli by slot occupied by Isaac IL Hurd, and west by lands of Orlan do Hubbard; containing: one hundred and eighty-four acres, of which one hundred and flity apes are improved, with one frame dwell ing house, two frame barns, one shed, one sta.- - ble, an apple orchard and - ether fruit trees therm, - . . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the tiropertyof J. L. Rooks.: ALSO—Certain real estate sitriate on the waters of liettle Creek, Stew.ardson Towrtslip; - rot* Co, Pa., end tract, in - the :Wart arifie ' natio 'or-N . l(llin & Griffith, :grante".by the CommoriwealthofPennsylvtimallo2sBso; con:1 taming one Thousand ninety and one hafacres of land -Which 'Crosby W. Ellis mid 'George Stetrardson;:by Deed dated - the 16tIt','.day of Sept. 1850, conVeypd to Oliver WaisotOvhicit Deed is .recorded in. Potter County, Li Deed BookE,iplgei - 191 & 198, and the sitid.Oliver Watson' Conveyed the same by . Deed• bearing date the 20th day of November, A. 2 D. tB5O, to - John F. Cawa u • ALSO—One other tract set.- Voyed: in the' Warrantee - name of Nicklin & Griffith, T .granted by: the Commonwealth of Penueylvania afdresaid i No. 595'l ; • containing one thousand and ninety-four= and one half acres of which twenty acres are iinproVed, on which are erected one log house, and three log barns. . - - Seized, taken in 'execution • and. to be sold as the property of Young & Volverton. ALSO—Certain rear estate. situate in..He bran Township, Potter Co.; Pa., bounded north by lands of Joseph S. S;. Joseph C. Riley and lands of the Fox Estate, east by lands of She 'Fax Estate, Joseph Stone and Post,.south by lands of Jesse 31. Greenman, and west by lot No. 54 and unseated landS of the Fox Es tate, being lot No. 52 And part of Warrant No. 1298; containing 150.0 acres, with an .allow-. ance 'of six per cent:.for•roads; dtc.. of , wluch iifty.e ores are improved, with one frame dwell irg house, one frame barn, and au apple or chard thereon. • . Seized, taken in execution, and to, be sold as the property of James .A. R. Greerautui Charles S. Jones. - . , , ----- ALSO—•-Cej,luin real estate situate in Whar ton Township, Potter clo. r Pa., beginning at a post in the north-east corner of a lot contract ed to James Ayres ; thence north 157 rods to a post, thence east 29 rods to a post, thence. north to the west bank of the Sinnemahoning Creek, thence along the:trest . bank of . said Creek by the.soveral courses thereof to the Warrant Line, rods along the aaidWarrant Line-west 525 rcids to 2, post, thence sonth.3l3 rods to a post; thence east 525 rods to the place of beginning; containing 629 acres,. be 1 the same more or lest, and being - part of War rant No. 4927, the same being unimproved land. .• Seized, taken in'execution, and to be sold as,the property of IL W. May. . _ _ ALSO--,Certain real estate sttnate in Alle ganyTownship,PctterCo.,Pa., bounded north by unseated huids of the estate of S. - , 31 . ! Fox,- east by-lands of Sobieski loss & S. M. Fox, smith tij unseated landa - of the,estateof S. M.- Fox,- autl west by lot No. 87 and unseated lands of the estate of S. M. Fox; containing 113 acres, with allowance Vic.,-being lot No, 130 of the allotment of lands of the estate of S. M. Fox in .Allegany Township, of which-25 acres are imProred, - witb one franie house, one frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. . Seized, taken in;execation,. and to be sold as the property of Mercies . J. Presho C. Fresh°. . ALSO-Certain real estate situate in Whar ton Township, Patten Co., Pa„ bounded north by lands of 8,-Itoss;JOhn Mahon, Jr., and Sin nemaboniug Creek, cos\ by lands of john Ma hon, Jr., H. W. May, Stephen Bearfield and the Sinnemahorting Creek, south by, ands of John Mahon, Jr.. and west by lands of H. W May ;containing.-175 acres, of :which 25-acree are improved, on which are one frame house, one plank house, two log houses, - one. store house, one meeting house, ono, sate mill, two frame barns, and , some fruit trees. ALSO— One other lot, bounded north by lan& of: S. Ross, east and south by lands of S. Ross, stud West by lands of John .being part of Warrant Nib. 4924; containing fifty acres. Seized, taken in execution, and sold As the .property of R. W Mclntyre. ALSO—AII that portion or parcel of land in the township of Oswayo, is the county Of ' Potter and State of Pennsylvania, conveyed' by the . Trustees of the Bingham Estate to Samuel P. Lyman,. and'recorded in the Clerk's 'Otice for'the said county of Potter, and known mid described on a map of Oswaya made by Fleury B. Miller, Civil Engineer for Oeueral S Lyman - in 1352, as the " Lane & Simmons tract," 9'6i-uprising-and containingsixteen hun dred and thirty-seven (1637) acres, more or leis. ALSO—That portiori of lands 4rotrn and described on said map as the "Lathrop & Fisk tract," comprising and containing seven hmatired and eleven (711) ncres . , - ntriM or 19sS, and situated in said township of Oswayo, with the appurtenances;' which said real estate is more particularly described as follows : Be ginning at a hemlock, a corner of larids of the estate of the late Win., Ringtutur, deceased, thence, by lines of said lands, S. 181 rods, W. tto rods, N: 61 rods, W. 102 rods, 5, 70 rods, E. 32 Pods, S. 77 rods, E. 14 rods, S. 78 rods, E. 39 rods to west line of lot 'conveyed by 'Trustees of the Bingham Estate to Jiihu Wells: thence, by said - line, S. 62 rods, thence S. 69i° W. 111 rods to a beech; thence Northintrods to a hemlock : . N. 88° W. 122 rods to a sugair,l N. 9 rods, W. 41 rods, N. 16 rods, W. 27 rods, N. 34 rods ; W. 16 rods, N. 104 rods, -W: 105 rods, S. 113 rods, B. 30 rods, S. 30° E. 97 rods to a beech, W. 90 rods to a hemlock, N. 8G rods; W. '75 rods. N. 375 rods to a line of lands convey ed-by the Administrators of the Estate of S. MM: Fox, deceased, to Henry,& Wm. S. JohoSon; thence, in part, by.line of said jowls, E. 63 rods,'N. 101 rods, W. 20 rods, N. 45 rods, - E. 64 rods, S. - 16 rods, E. 15 rods, S. 72 rods, E. 41 rods, S. 42 rods, E. 8 rods, 102 rods, E. 15 rods, N. 44 rods, p,62 ros, N. - 61 rods; to to it sugar, E. 54 rods, _B.'Bo rods fo u beech, B. 153 rods, N. 20 .rod.s to a hemlock. E. 124 rods,'N. 50 rods, E.- 95 rods, N. 100 rods, E. 71 rods, N. 50 rods, E 225 rods; S. 48 rods, W. 11 rods, S. 49 - rods, W. 86 rods, E 171 rods, W. 34 rods, S 27 rodi, - W. 42 rods; S. 76 rods, \V. 17 rods, S. 49 rods, \V. 18 rods, S. 29 rgifs, and W. 84 rods to the plane of beginning; containing 2348 acres, be the same more or less. - . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel P. Lyman. • . ALSO—Certain•real estate situate and de scribed as follows: 136uraled' North by lands of Anthony W. Jones, East by Henry Leather. ton, South by unseated lands of the Estate pf S. M. Fox, deceit ed, and West by the west line of Warrant No. 1866 and lot 'conveyed by G.. Fox, Administrator &c.,- to. Caswell; Chamberlain & Easton ; containing one hun dred and nine and .fire-tenths . (lo9.s) acres, with the usual allowance of six per cent. for roads, &c.; being lot No. 59 of the,allotment Klands of. the estate of S. M. Fox;deceased, in Hebron township, Potter Co.,' Pa., and part of Warrant No.' 1866; . of which about 25 acres are improred, with one frisme house, two frame barns, sheds and some - fruit trees thereon.% Seized, taken in. execution, and to bo cold as the property of La7rton •Willcox. ' • ALSO-Certain-real estate situate in Mys. ses.touaship, Potter Co., Pa., bounded as : Nortli-by lands of H. .11; Dent,' East by H. H. Dent. Sof:tit-by - H. 11. Dent s and West by }La Dent;- containing fifty acres, of which about forty acres are, improved,' with some fruit trees thereon. - . • • • Seised, taken iu eseention, and to Ile sold as the property of N. N. Kelly, A.1.,5Q . -7Certain real'esitate Situate in the Twp. of Allegany, Potthr and de. scribed as follows', viz: Commencing at a stake iu the centre of - the four corners near Robinson Nelson's store thence N. 4r rods and 15 links, thence E. 37 rods and 3 Inatc - S. - STIVaIcM - 47 , litill4,4l:4l o. lol:Atticle - Osa O ling; -.IiIT4IV ST. : ;"4. i rOls and 10i - :linktr,to the place of be.' glifiilitgkitTandi t.t..t.t lifEtVai.. , .litatiX" 511 !lids, $.05'47 1 ..1.140d5,10 Ilnks,,: - .N. .7or E. 6 rtitl4lo links N . ' Bsrlt Tried 2 , 216 rods; ,N. 4 r .VV. T eI _rode - rake in tenter_of high wet!, otie e ST. 47 Vil, 3 : aufalktp,l6 roil.i3 eon taintag: 2 defett,' e thWiaite liforedi Use, of whickA 4 F l Y 43l tqc .. .-tI allriii! 2. o4vediti;nila . on which arcerected one• franie house, - !ma:log house,' Oh° 'aiiii.ll store-house - aid 'One frame barn,„ .. „ „-. ; 7 '. -,- .„;: . ~ ...: ..Selied; taker in: execution, and to be, sold as the Priverty!of N. if.."Esi, , ers.. ALSO-,Certaiu.real estate : situate in 17lys ses toiruship, Potter CO„ . Pa,, 'bounded and deseribed as riiikos, to•wit: North; by Sarah Smitli;Etist liy A NV; smith, South by4 . .3lutr., ferd - ond T. IL. Rey:lapilli, and Wesl i by ianas. of N, Fox; equfainitu, , .tWentY- . clue .acres,;of Which about ten acres are impro‘T ~with one log house and Otteloghla f cliamithSli p tberedn. .St*d, taken in! ex - option; and o be sold as the property'of Horeee Cliaridle• . .:-: - ALSO---Certain real 'estate &lute. in IllYi sca township, Potter no., Pa.; botinded and described as.frillows,AT.wlt';' , Nortti by lands of Geo. Lewis, Alvsv Carpenter,. East by lands of :lath-sit Fidler). • Sotithlqiarids of Amiran .Grocer, and \Testily. lands of George Lewis and the .publie•bighway ;:containing 1 fifty-acres, of which about ten acres are itn- I proved, with one frame .houSe, out log shed rand-some fruit trees thereon.. , - ' ! ..-. .. . . • • i.Seized, taken in cognation, and. to -be sold as the'property of Josiah Rowe. , ALSt);—•Cettain.real estate ;situate 'Syl iMnia township, PottAr Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit; North by James. Glasby and Columbus Rees, East by unseated lauds, South by M'Crade - Earl, and! West by Jos. Rail and Columbus Rees; contaitiing s .fiftpeight acres, of which about twenty acres are improved, with one frame house, tWo`log barns an d some fruit treesthereon. -! • . '• Seized, taken iu execution; and to , be .Sold as_ tile property of Thos. St Rees'. ALSO—Certain reitteetate situate in Sher. on Township, Potter Co., Pa:, begicning_at post-corner in' the line between •Shoron.#nd Clara Townships, two_ hundred and ;twelve perches west from the east line of Warrant No. 2139, said land Acing part: - of said ,War rant, thence , by said.Townshipline one hun dred and fifty-nine 'perches T to - a - post-corner, thence north one h nedral and forty-six perch es to a post-corner, , thence east -one hundred and fifty-nine perches to a post-corner, thence South oue hundred and forty-six, perches to the place of beginning; containing one-hun dred and forty-five acres and fourteen perches of land, of which, forty ,acres w areimproved; with tiro frame dwelling houses, two frame barns, ono frame shed, and an apple orchard thereon. • Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Ransom Slant. •• ALSO—Certain teat estate situate in Rou let Township, Potter Co., Pa., beginning at the morth.west corner of a lot surveyed to C. Knowlton, being a. post in the east - line of d a lot contracted to John Barr. thence -north by said line 80 rods to a corner; thence east .f.O rods to the north-west corner of a lot survey ,cl tall. Lent, thence south by said lot 80 rods; thence-west 80 rods; to the place of beginning, being part of Warrant N0..392 ; containing 40 acres, the same Being alrunimprovedladd. Seized, taken in execution, :and to be sold as the property of E. robes 4. SethilackuS4 ALSO' Certain real estate situate in Pleas ant Valley TownshiP, Potter Co., Po, bounded and. described' as follows: Beginning - nt the south-west corner of. a lot convoyed by John Keating 4. Co: to .SolOnon Sartwell, thence east 96 rods grid tonr tenths of a rod, thence south 52 rods, thence west -60 rods, thence north 17 rods, thence• west 36 rods and font-.; ' tenths of a rod to the east line of Samhel Palmer's lot, thence north 35 rods to the plate of beginning; corititining• 27 and five tenths acres, being part of -Warrant N0.,2199, about two acres of which:are improved. - .1 ' Seized, taken in ; execution,- and to be sold as the property of Wha: Pessenden • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar ton Township, Potter 'Co., Pa.; bounded north by lands oFJohn Mahon, Jr„ east by unseated lands, south by lands- of Stephen Deerfield, - and west by the Mclntyre mill loti containing fifty'aeres; be the same more or legs. • Seized, taken in exoention, and to be sold as the property of Oti; Uournes. ALSO , —Certain real estate situate in Genesee Tp., Niter Co., Pa., boundedon the 'North by the -New York State Line pud, lands of James Osbosn.• East by lands of John Chambers, South by lands of Charles tti Ira Leach, and- West by lands 'of 'Michael McNulty and tlanies Osborn; containing one hundreu aud seventy-tire acres, of which sixty acres are improved, with: orie frame house, one ' I.og house,- one log, barn and; some fruit trees thereon. t Seized, taken in execution, and to - be sold as the property of Patrick Burke. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Allegany Tp., Potter Co., Pa., bounded and . described as follows : Nortkbylands of the Bin i gkam Estate, East by , lot 'No. 81, Seat West by lands of,the Bing. ham Estate and let 'No. 81; containing' Ilona hundred attdone:tentli acres of land,' , or, thereabouts', of which about thirty 'lacrea are intprbwed, with tiro frail° hou- Isee one frame bain'and dOnao . frdit trees . thereon. i ALSO—One other lot, situate Lin Township above ' rnentioned, bounded on the North ,by Cheries, Coats and J. Benson, East by lands' of) John . C. Bishop, South by lands of the Fox Estate and W, S.-Johnson, West by S. P. Lyman, being lots Nos, - 5 3 . 6 ; containing qua hwidred end fifty-two and one. tenth acres, with the usual alllowatme of six per cent. for roads l ye.," of which about sixty acres ' are improved,. with one _log house and some fruit trees thereon. • ALSQ-4)ae. other lot situate in OsWaio Tp., county, and ewe above mentioned, bounded on the North •by the Public Highway and lands.of.John Wells, East by lands of the Bingham .Estate, - South and West Ify lands now' r formerly of Shelden Bradley,, it, being part-Of lot No: 20 of lotment of lands in • Oiwayo ,Tp.; -containing about forty...two acres;,' of land, Oa - .which is erected ;on - e, orate' I ,• . Seized, token In execution, alai to be sold as the property of W. T. Jones. - • ALSO:—Certain real 'estate sifnate in Gene see Tp., Potter - C0., , Pa.; Bounded As ;fellows North by lot. Of Warm Bobbins and lot No. 62. East by lot of Wm. Hill. South by unseated lands of the Estate of.S. if. Fox, deceased, and lot conveyed to Oliver W. Hiekox, and West by lots No 4 59 62 3 containing 7.3:3aercS., with the mil allowance six'per cent. for roads, 4.c., it being lot,',No. do of the allotment of lands of S. M. FOX, deceased, In GeiteseeiTp„ and part of Warrant No. 1.258; about 3,saeres or avbielt are-improved, mid . on which are ereetedl fraMO louse, .t . small frame' abop, arid I frame barn. - - • ; , P Seized, taken ;in execution, and te ,be sold as the property Of _ A. C. TAGGART,wSheriff. Coudersport stay 25' 1859. • • • . 8 Above -We, present yoti With. a ntutiess ot, DIL-MORSE—the iresentOr 'of MORSE'S•M*I - ROOT . This philanthropistitte. spent the greater part of. his life iirtraveling having visited EuroPe,:itsia;: and'Africa. a well-as - North America-has spent three years arming the Indiane.of ottr Western conntry 7 -- 'ewes in this Way that the' Indian Itoot"Pills were - first disecivered: -Dr. Morse was the first man to istabliih thefactthat.all_disenses arise from'IMPURITY OF THE' DLOOD-that our strength; health and , life; depended•-npon this vitailluid. •-• .• . - • • • • •. When: the Ntarioo passages heeenieciogged, and do not act in - perfect - harmony:with the , differeqt.functiOns of the body„the blood loses its action- ' becomes thick; .corrupted. and . dis eased ;•thitS'-caneing all Thins; sickness' and distress .of every .rtamel - our strength boasted, our health We are deprived of, and if nature ii-not assisted in thrdwing'otrthe,strig mint. hemors, tlie:.blood become choked and cease to act, and thus our , light of life will foreVer be' blatrn - out: How 'important then , that ire should keep f the various passages.. of the body. free and open. And. how pleasant, to ni that webrivelt in oar• power to put a tnediclint - in your reach, -namely, Morse's dian !Root Pills, manufactured from .plants and roots which grow around the ' "mountain= pus 'cliffs in Nature's gardea, for the health and recovery ofdiscased Map. .One. of the roots from Which these Pills are made-is a Sudorific, which opens the pores - of the skin, and assists Notre in throwing out - the-finer : parts of the corruptinitt Wiftliin.!. The second is a plant„ which is an Expectorant, that opens and un4l clogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in rb soothing manner, performs its duty by throw .i,l log off phlegm, and other humors froth 0:4 lungs by , copious spitting. The third is a • Difl, setid,whic4)3ives ease and 'double - strength totlie kidneys;, thus" crtiOntii.ged„ - they 'diaW large amounts of `impurity, from - the blood, Uhich - is then' thrown out bountifully ihe urinary dr,water passage' and Which could.) not have beert.,discharged in any other way; The fourth is - a Cathartic, and- accompanies the other properties of the Pills While engaged in purifying - the blood ; the coarser partielei of- impurity which cannot pass by the Other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the boWels. , From the above, it is shown that Dr:Morse's Indian RoOt.Pills not only enter the . .stemach, but become united with the blood, for they find Way to every part, and - completely'rout out and cleanse the system from all imp,:frty, and the life of the body, which is the blood, bit.: comes perfectly healthy; consequently all. sickness and pain is clrivett front the systenl, for they cannot remain when the body hocomes • so pure and clear. • • • :,; 'The reason Why people are so distressed when sick:and why so'inany die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass - to the afflicted parts, and Which will open the natural passages for the "disease to be cast out; hence, a large quantity of food and other mit ' ter is-lodged, and the stomach and' intestines are literally overflowing with the' corrupted! mass; thus moder,going disagreeable fermen-; cation, constantly mixing with the blood,which throws corrupted matter through every vein and artery„until life is taken from the body; by disease., „Dr. Morse's PILLS hare addedlo themselvesvictory upon -victory, by restoring' laillions of the sick to blooming health antli happiness. ,' Yes,. thousands wh..have been; reeked or torthented with sickness, pain and; anguish, and whose feeble frames have bOn scorched by the burning elements-of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within's. step a the silent grave, now' stead j ready to testify .that, they %maid, have been j numbered with the dead, oad it not been 01" this great 'and wonderful 'medicine, Morsp's Indian Root Pills. -After one or two doses bad Been taken, they *were astonished, .and abso T lutely surprised, in witnessing their charmingj effects.' Not only do they-give immediate ease 1 and strength, and take away ..all sickness, pain - and anguish, but - they at once go to I work !at the foundation of :the dis cap which is the blocd. Therefore, it Willi be shown,' chose who use these Pilla, that they:will so cleanse anfJ purify, that dis ease—that deadly-enemy—will take its night, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return; and the . prospeet of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your day:. j: C4UTION 3Teralants anal -Traders will be on theli guard and not be imposed upon by it COun terfeit of Or: Morse's Indian Root Pills, sitnttd 1, B. "More. AR gentiine-Pills will bereafti.r have the name' and signature of B. LATE JUDSON,' (successor to A. J.:Mato Co.;) on each: box - • • ' All ordersard letters relating to said Pills lutist be addressed to WM.' MUDGE & (proprietors 'of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Oint ment,) Earlcitie; siadlion Y, General Agenti for Dr. Morse's'lndian Root Pills:, • B. LAKE JUDSON, (successor to A. - 4. White it Co:,) 50 Leonard-Street, New York, Sole Proprietor. Sold by SMITH it Jokrqs, Coudersport; also by all Medicine. Dealers IA the oounty..';' . , .. 110 WAR I) ASSOCIATION. . - --PIIILIADELPHIA: 1 c . , A Benevolent Institution, establislied Ell spe4:ial enclotement for Me reel of Me sick and d,is. 1. • - tressed; a ffl icted trill& Virulent and I? I Xpidsmic diseases. • Pi I I If WE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view o 1 ..1..-. the Awful destruction of human life,'caUs-, ' ed by Sexual diseases, several years ago direct ed their Consulgog•Sorgeonito open tt.Dirpen; sary for the treatment of this class of diSenees; in all their forms, and t.ogive npawAti -4. - -1 VICE GRATIS, to all who , apply by !letter,l with a :descriPtit.a of 'their condition, i (nge, occupation,' habits of life: k 0...) and in; slues 1 of er,treme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE, -,' r . li , v :-. . 1 : 1 - - The- Directors of 'the. Assoeiat'on,•:iu , their i late 'Annual Report ezpre,s3 the highest sitis fact,on with the success hvhich -lots( attended the labors of! their Surgeons, in the tern of Spermatorrhaki, Saiuinal'Weaknoss, Oontirr hce, Gleet. Syphilis, the:,vice of - Onamsm or Self-Abuse, Disease. of the' Kidneys and Blad der, tic., and Order'a continuance-of the - Same plan for-the ensuing year. = - r, ' , ' :L: An admirable Report on SpertnatOrr cue, or i SeminalWealmess r the 'visa of Onanisi i, Mos- turbatiou -or Self-Abuitei and other - Diseases of the Seitual Organs r by the.Consultiiig Sur= geon, - will be - sent by nail; (Iwo sealed envel ope;) FREE'. OF CHARGE, on receipt il TWO STAMPS for postao.: •• '. , " .". --. ' ‘-;,''t Address, - ,for Report' or treatment,, , Dr. J. SKILLIN J IOUGHTOI; -Acting surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South.Nintli Street, f Philadelphia,; Pa. • . • 111.:24- - y. ' , z--.,,e,r5: sacra ._.... „.:........:.„.:, ~..,_ .....,.......„...„....,r, ~ ~,,,,. „i......, , 4* . .. . 7 1 P514341 remedY, ‘rd whech we , have la. - to p ,roduek the most' ealliettod, alterative that catine wade.= - It-isa.concentrated e xtrot :Imis klamapitill2s-soreorttbitied4vith othei far "tancod of, stilt gredter: tdtpratilv poTrer,as to' afford - AV effective' antidote' for die diien4es gexpaparilla jar - gin - tater eift;C: : It is ,beli eve d that suckiireniedriaWirritett by .- thoie wh o cs - front Sttuntomt emntlaints, andthat hie 'Which will accoinplish their cure mutt p out e immense.. miitice 'to' this' rage bliss °Void tOlicted" fellow-citizent — How completely did eompound 'will dd it haS'betn tWeiPenby-exper. idient l on many _of the weTat .0 he 4* to . found 4 the:following coinplaints;— : , _ 1 _ • l' Scnepont- 'Jodi -• 13eaortztioni ' Ceszprj am . - 4 Bitumen Azin.guoittv'2 DiszAsxs, ULM; Vflit'LLS t . tLOTCULSc:TpLOAIL, SALT Bilalai, O.ttr, He.o - ,' Sirintiii AND Sirnttrrze Ai.- hertex's, MERCURIAL DISRASIL,DROPay, NEli. NALOIA. OR Tie Dom:Wu:zes t Dcanrm DTA. IltraLA. AND iNpIDEATION A , Ellyeirgs4k,q, n un n ST. - ANTRONVO FL E; •iila indeed the whole ' lam or complaints taking front- liirVIUTY VP =i n eomPonn . 120 folind oat ' • oter of healtli,= When taitiii in' .. tke - spring, dxpel,.the, .foul .hurnors, which..fester in the blood- at that season of the-year.. By the - time.. ly expillsion of them Many 'rankling diimders two nipped. in .the butti illultitUde* can, by the aid of this remedy mom themselves' from Ittie - endurance of fonferttptiona - and ulcerous 'sores, :through Which tho system ivilf strife to 'rid itself of corruptions, it not assisted to do ;this through the natural - channels of the body by an alterative nimßeino....Clemwe out fito I Vitiated blood Wheneve'r you ffrillits impurities bursting through the - skirt iripiittti)ies, eruptiotor, or somq • cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; eleansc it ',vhenever it is foul, and' yOUr feelings will tell you when. Even where no partieblar disorder Is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer ' for eleansing, the.. Wool k'ttto the. blood healthy, and all- is well ;,butwitht pabulnin of life disordered,. there' tdn do no lasting health. • Sooner -or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery. of is disordered or overthrown. • Sarsaparilla has, alai' deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But :the world ,has been.: egregiously deceived by preparations of. , partly .beeause the dnig 'alond'has iiot all the virtue' that is' claimed for it, but' Moro because mannireparations, pretending to concentrated extracts, of it, ,Contain but little of the iirtueiif Settapatille, I , or any thing else; ' ••-•- • During late . ycara the public have beenrnis' ;led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar.- Most ~of these have. been -frauds upon the sick ; for they not only contain little, if any, Sim l a. rills, but often .no - curative properties whater. er. Menee i bitter and painful disappOintment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which-flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised ; and has become synonymons with imposition rind cheat. Still, we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such, a remedy_ as. shall rescue 0 numb from the loti . cl of obloquy which n. it. And Ise think we }laic grow. eying it has virtues nltich=are irresist he ordinary run of the diseases it is intei o cure. In order to secure their 'comp) ;'cation fromthe system, the remedy she udiciottsly takentleceriling to directio• bottle. • • - - • PREPAREO BY . • , DR. J. C.-AYE - R. 4 : do. LOWELL, 'MASS. ice, $1" per Bottle; . Six I:kitties Ayer's Cherry-..PeCtO EZEJ won for itself such a renown for the y variety of Thioafand l i ungComplaim entirely unnecessary for us to imam /once orits virtues ' -wlerover it Las been yed: As it has long.been in earistaat oughout this section, Ave need,not do me sure the people its quality is kept up to t, ever has been, and that it may be relied ) for their relief all it has ever been found.. Ayer's 'CathartiC:„Pills , ii= eatery, Foul Storm - h, Ery.vp . elas,:lleat es, Rheuthasiszn; .. E.rußtlonsalui Skin Due er Cbtapiniat, .retitr, • Taman Rheum, Wows, put, Nniralgia, finer Pill, and for Purifying, did Blood. "hey are sugar-coated, so that the inost u can take them pleasantly;,aad Wry are aperient in Move/afar all the prirposts ily physic. -.- - toe 25 cents per Box; Fiyelfoxes for $I ireat numbers of Clergymen, Phyyssicians, 81 and eminent personages, es to certify the unparalleled usefulness el 'dies, but our space here will not per tion of theni7 The , Agents below nat gintis our Amen:wan A.,titsatac in whit :iron ; with also full `deseriptitms of the 4aituts; and: the:treatment AIM :0941 far their oure, not be put off by vnprinelpled.dealeni preparations they make more prof 11 d A.Ynn's, aild -take no others.: the best aid there is for.t4rojoaul. 12 our Itersiodiea are . 'aid. by - 6:11.112H‘k ,tONES;and Si Cmucierspar!.;_,COßW SON, 1 . 7 . 1 5 1 13 .: HORTON,' . .Cialithgv)h , e 3.141 , 1 'TOLS, Millport ; a IL s)mmosp, OP a4 c ,3icre t liano and Dry • Eyes 'Open ; • Eari -00 en . RIGHT. ABOUT FACE= tI OI all-y_ that bath eare,let him . hea and he that.hath eyes, let him come an , Fee the wonders-being. done in Wellsville; th City. of Tannoriea;,..and.:espneially ,at the 01. Regulator,, Where thirty =two men- and -sem belyi are wanted to Work fifteen' "bowl VS el!ceW 4 ;,) and he that hAttl 11' money, come. .13ring - A board, bring a shine , bring a hog, bring agiese,-bringe deer, brie: a hide, brings Taialtkbring a pelt; bring yell batter- . —bringyliat, ypa 4110, you &ball not b turned . eiripty.airay 'beenrise-vou have - not th filthy .luore, to:buy. y.our breail Thus ende • the tirg, . CLARK 4t-PRILLIO. VBRYTEILtiG bon - eh - and SOid - at the 01 Regulator: ex - chit:Gas, Gas, Sendai Erfaidey.t - s4t s s64p avid 'Soder, nt ilspeare pound must balvid arSoineVratlieri, at Brothers; in tbis.tow n - : 20 1 ,:.. TITILLIPS; l , 4 ' PHILLIPS re,ndet: their. thin to people of this "Coriao° ° wealth for the most liberapatronage ,:ato they do.rtender their ;pedal .thanks to Abel competitors, and any s othera, for their Bona' Varking for, all' time, Pantoeted. falsehood to time, envy and, jealoitsy ; for no doobt, i M wasenot 'for evil; - bat bas proved our good So go' ahead; Vito afore-the better. ' 2o ' " ..; 01.41 1 K .1 4 1LOUR,yPbRE and !Beans, Horse Feed Corn Reol, :eats r 'Shorts,triqagh to ply n smail . nation, at the 014 Regulator. 20 : . , era ftK CEkcacE , STOliR LIM?, in bbl. or bulks greatly reduceil prices, can be bed 20 - CLARK & PSILLTYS POR WM. C131113,0r Jatincticg s .:Duspcpsia, Ind(