F = :.•,6,0 t t . _ • cOrDERSPORT, JUNK- it' Pro ' eeks from sest.3londay is - Inde- Ondeac Day. _Yell, What of ft . t..:, . 13 , . .ff Kit Ore has opened a 'Neat m a rket here, atrd will supply'onr cititens withrall finds_'Of freill meats.: - .. - , .. , ii ' Read theadFertisement of C. IL gi. 00, i n another . another. colufun. - -He is one of th os e in rchantS Who sell , goods , a arn ' a il fronts, a l vertise freely and - fealizeeinfek whetvo i f capital and 'profit_ ; I`#e griis wilie of his figures: ve received;- with n - request to tx; Montello (Virte.) Ledger, pub ihed 11 C. K. Simonds . & C. DI Com riecli, is Marquette County., Mr. Corn dock is, we - telieve, well known -to our citizensas "Charley Comstock," and for merly wbrked on the liKryldand Patriot, In this place. The Ledger is a - clever i(vking little sheet, and devoted., to , the I;Lassis iwterest, Anoth- er severe frost Occurred on Fri t, and also a light one on Satin it, These have.been folloived by. • ins; an. 4 vegetables re-planted first great frost, hating escaped ast, are. coming forward rapidly e genial influence of the rain and I sunshine. Farmers who have d their corn la, will have good , if we are' not greatly mistaken. i iug l y frig] ince tii 'le two /der ti bioll Aanh eek ends the olercrolrae4 state .lumns by legal advertisements;. few weeks, at least; we will be ice a later'share of reading mat -lour friends will get us 300 more brs in this "county we-mill so ire paper as to give one-third more liti . .3 I . 0111' a ' for ;• f ro any person sending us the f 10 new subserit with $12,50 we will send tt eo of the At olithly for one year, This is a offer for a paper of this size;. and Tiring that excellent magazine good opportunity to get it cheap. auli, - - ' For the Potter lournal. Is IL SO? - tron—Willwinterrye when cut down, I as headed out, and perhaps blown, again, and produce a crop?.;lf so, "ounteract the frost. .K man to-day, Ie had - seen it -dune--that on Ayres' arititY - of fult-giowa- rye was, cut, for one-'who was - preparing pound for • t—that' it grew .again and yielded I can hardly. believe it yet, „ '.;3l,Y.W.lnter wlieat i.4 - also kill .e say that,hy mowing it off, or feeding "during the summer" and fall, it will another, year.,.. . I don't believe that - What - do you know abriut these tags friend. • Please comntuicate. B. iin.El er it 1 • re is philosophy in the suggestion, think farmers sari not lose any nd may gain much,hy experiment at:lenst balf•of their rye crops. : . t glarg.—Last Thursday night, the of H. Lyman St CO., in Roulet, was rell, and goods and money to the it of about 6150. Oaken therefrom. is that the r obb e r very coolly op tided several carpet-betas that were up in the stere, and after filling rith ready made clothing and other to the , amount of $l4O, took 610 the money drawer and left for parts lawn, and up le :he present tune has Veen seen or heard of—tbangh we - dimmed that a person driving a dark Ise in a buggy; and having several Ins in• his- possession, stopped at 7 e on Friday And got his-, dinner. also informed that' the same es teak passed through tlii place - at 'ednesday evening; the horse up very weary, and the man sensi .ebserving of thoie, whom he saw a- sidewalks. ' • , FIE or three suspicious persons have seen in this neighborhood lately, is thought that a.regular_gang of have resorted to our thinly pop- county to escape the vigilance of in other sections, It: will be well he citizens of our county - to keep watch of thelr property, end exer moderate surveillance of the actions suspicions diameters. - they may no inderingabOut. Lewisville 4cademrt,-.111- , other _Teislon. For Ai l'olier Z94rziaL Finolt--Ydin Lewisville corres gaire yon _a.good description, of 11 of our Academy 'frame; together an opinion as to the cause of its fall; tee6ml hand estimate Of the dam- I will -give you a`counter-opinion; 1 ' is, thit, - the- iculete - cai n oa was a in.the, knell 'Pt kilr.BhPtt.bPP's A went into the maim:long beams on iortir-aud .south. sides , and into the. ' , and south ;posts, - and'iwere -dovg into the - posts. and -Sot', being up shouitter, l'by - 1-innhei they did hinder it yielding to the press or the wind ; !the -intermediate' cause !lack otitay lathing, and the proxi t cause was the wind. Row lunch t4#44x.im_ l ooCa4 l l;o4ooldittplet. kUOW OM o4l i 34o4 *Wit)rilfii - 0* falfaifiav#4l(ooreeigalcf)doi k ti l e =write ttiniersbnalitry:eontaimidii ;the Cstscnpt = above ' merely to give `a deli) Otir lewisetlfti z enit'espend , • . . • ..•• • • • viile"..- . ent.---:Vbether P.Lewcotsg-write his name :or:niot, We _cannot- Say ; . !bittln this instance ho did net; end' We lean': not every guess it. •_lle signed himself "your friend and `subscriber,": it; his private note - :.• We make , note of ins; neglect,. to estebliih a rate for. the future, which is that ".All 'communications intended for the columns of the JovaNAL mast beae companied by some responsible name, for the -private security of , the editor." We hope all,Wbo write. for ou paper Will re-' member - this. . While we desire to 'pub lish all events of interest occurring in the. county or its neighborhood, we also:A(3 7 inatid of correspondents the editorial con fidence id their real name and' address, CorrespondentS may .assume WhateVer . 210711. (1C plums they choose for their pub lie appearance, but he who withholds his real - name from the editor simply attempts to - throw hi,sl• errors and responsibtlities ' van the ohowiderg of the, said editor-=- and these we most respectfully decline to assume unqualifiedly.—E.J-oultNALa DIED , JACKSON-On the Nth inst.; at Gerinanie t CHARLES SOD of nnnivf and litAat .I.OK ioN 7 I ge'a five PRICE CURRENT. ; - eVrreeted every Wednesaay, by I'. A. :inn- BINS i wholesale and retail Dealer vales and Provisions. Main - Street, - .O.)'IIDF:RSPORT PA. • Apple; green, 701msh., $ / i5 to 100 do dried, a " 250 325 Beans, ." / 125 . 200 Beeswax, ef! Hy., 1.0 25 Beer, • ,g G . • 7 BeCf Ifides, 14 • - 64 . 0' Berries, dried t ll quart ]0 18 Buckwheat; 14 bush., 100 - 150 Butter, 14 lb., l 5. IC Cheese, " 8 l2l . Coin, 14 bush., lOO . 1 124 Corn Meal, per cwt., 230 . 3 00. Eggs, "6-1 doz., 10- 12 Flour, extra, -e Uhl., _9 00 9 50 do doulde extra, " 0 . 50 10 00 _ [lams,..] "la si? ton e 'Toney, "t) 11)., Lard, Li Iraple Sugar, per lb., S 10 li.bush., :50 Onions, , 41 100 . .1 11, 21 50 24 00 10 121 11 lb.- 6 Pork, 1,1 do do-. in whole ho Potatoes, 't) bush., 75 1 00-. Peaches, dried, lb., . -23 Poultry, 11)., Rye, bush., Salt, re . ao I-2 sack, Trout, 111-bbl., Wheat, 11 bush., White Fish, per. 1-bbl., Wool, per. lb., 5pee.141 Eutiaes. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH The stomach is the most liable' to get out 'of orde:. Bence how important that no dis eased Latter clog its operation, which wOuld cause 4usea-and distress by our food. It al so weakens the brain, destroys the memory, creates pains and dimness, and various affiic, flops 'in the head. It produces great difficul ty in breathing and swallowing. Sometimes faintiiig and fits will ensue; also bad breath, restlessnOsi and great loss of strength. If not immediately attended to, the, blood will carry the disease through the whole system, and death will end the work. From '2 to sof these Pills a day will keep the digestive organs in a healthy condition, and, unclog or carry away all impure Matter, and thoroughly, rostore and cleanse the stomach ! . i at the same time the Pills will so purify :he blood, as to .drive all manner of disease from the system. WORMS Ina quantity of corrupted matter, there is always to he found a nest of worms. They cannot, neither will they stay anywhere else. Weak stomach and htwels are subject to them, as they have not sufficient power to digest their food. .I.ldW' a law . heap of matter is lodged, and worms.musttbe the result: A few doses of these pills - will' disturb theta in, their nest, and drive thenal'ent of the system. It Should be remembered,. that an occasion al dose when in health, - especially , after .tak= ing cold, will 'prevent tite disease from forming, in the body. ,•'.. - Dr; Norse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in, Divcirce Notico. 1 . Me'cilia larlOarn,. , No. 27, Dec. Term, by her next.friewl,. XV'? 18 58, in Common .ii. liste4,., - . - r Pleas of Potter Co. VS. - j taukt, IN DIVORCE. - .1 . F. Markham. To .1. F. Markham * , Itespendent. - -;-Wberena a Subpcena and :dart Subpcena. baying .been issued and .returned .Irihil;lyou are hereb,y notified to be mid, itp= pear nt'our nest Cotirf' of Common Plena for this co untY, - for an-application trill be inside to said Court for i;Dicorce, -a rine*. .matrintonii on the-part of libellatits•• A. C., TAG OART, - Sherif. , Cchttlerpitrt,ltay .10; 1859. , ...,.. roi.orce.Notice: Elizabeth,A.' Webb,.l N 0.153 Dec. Tenn,lBiB, • vs. - , . ,-, •, In the Common Pleas George W. Webb;-, . of Potter Co.. :. . _ . .. LIRWIN DIVORCE..., •, A Subposna miantios Subpmian having been issued in this case, .and returned Nihil, the I said Court, at the;Feb: Tennfor , lBs9, ordered notice to be published in .pursuance of the Act of Assembly. Therefore you, - the_ said, George W. Webb, respondent above named, are thereby notified and required to appear., at the. Court of Common Pleas of said county, to beheld at. Coudersport, on the :2uth day. of June - nest, to answer the complaint of, li bellant., • :A. C. -TAGG.A.ItT,:Sheri9I , Coudersport, lfay 2, 1859. ' MMMI SITAiv-INa t IND lIAIR-DRESSING SALoON Main between Third and Fourth Streets • Coudersport, Pa, 11:3G. . _ .`o ••:Vl.• :v • S•:• , •••"' ••-••‘ unfi t :ook 1t 5 9: ._ _ . - -:::0,4:0 : ,.'!t:YAN: . - . 5.' : :. 1 : aitt geolt sioi yfgo;:pr v - igifo • Conimencee the New Tear, *IO on .enlarged 'Catalogue,grenter.varietiof Gifts; increased facißties or . takring Goods and dithigbasiness, tndis now prepared to' otter. greater i . ndnce, mettle' to Book - 6nyeis thnit 'ever to9fore. Time 'hislpro*ed _that! theGift.§):Stem iaperuienent. 'EVANS ii'detitniined to'prove that Estab lishinent is C . o . :lnducted - under that, iy4tem in, a more liberal find imnaititiP nanntitr. thin .any other.'`Haying yred soivn nfnnlit Lion, and haring the iegitimacy'of _his plan of operation , acknowledged from Maine' to Cali fornia, he'Curi afford to be generous: Try him, and judged for .fcntr:ielf. , - geHEOVIE Of 61 ,riito4 English Lever Gold Watches, $lOO 06 Patent; AOchor-Lever Gold Wittclie%, s'o 00 Ladies' Nit: C'a.se' Gold Lever Watches; 50 00 Ladies' 181 c, Cate Gold Lever Watehesj- 'Open dial, ' Garda' Silver Lever Watches, • . Gents' Silver Lever Watches, Gents' Silver Lepitie - Watches, , Parlor 'riven Pieces, new patiently Elegant Mack Silk these' P'at- , terns,. ' 15 00 Ladies' do i Plaid do • • do 12 00 Cameo-Sets ; (Pin and Drops,) • extra fine, : 15 00 ',Tidies' Cameo ffels-, Ao 10 00 Ladies' , Gold Bracekts, Blame Sestings, 10 00 Ladles' Gold Bracelets, fllairi orengrar- • - j ed Band, • 5 00 Gents' Solid Gold. Vest Chains, new'pat, 15 00 Gents' best English . plated Vest Chains, - 5 00 Ladies' Clards, or Chatelaine' Chains,- - choice • . 15 00 Lake Ocd4pring Lockets, dnuble case*, 10 09 Virgo (fold Snip Lockets; do 5 00 Median , / size; rfe. 3, , Lockets, 'do 200 Hbavy Gold-Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens, 7 50 Saperior Gold Pens, with Holders A: Max, aOO Ladies' Gold Pencils, 2 00 Gbnts' Heavy - Gold .Pencils, - - 350 G6nts' Gold Pens, with Silver 'Extension Pencils, • Lndies' , Gold Pens, in Boxes with Ivory 150 Ladies' Ilosaie Gold Stone Sets::" * 1.2 00 Ladies' Fiorentino Sets, Tin and Diops, 10 00 Ladies' Jet Sets, - do. -• do 7DO b i ndles Lava, .do do 10 00 Ladies' Cameo Pins, large size, - 500 Ladies' do , do • metlittni, 350 'Ladies' do do small, - 112 50 Litdieg Gold Stone , r" 250 Ladies Box and Glass. Miniature or Mir IPi ns , Ladies' Plain Gold Pins, new pattern, Litdiess •do Ear Drops ! Misses' do Gold Ph*, • • Gents' Cluster Pips, opal centre, . Gents' Single Stone Pins,•. Go; tits' Caine() or Mosaic Bosom Studs, Gents' Engraved Gold do Gents' Plain • •do do -•.• do 10 00 11 00 - 10 12/ 13 , 16 Gents Sleeve Buttons, L t dies ' do do • _ I, dice Pearl Card Cases, • Ladles' Cameo, Mosaic, or Gold Stone Ribbon Pins; ents' Silver Pencils, - - - ents' Pearl 'Pocket Knives,' 3 blades, best•gnalitp, • ents''BudY or Ivory do do 6 OD 1 121 3 50 650 1 T 5 6 50 35 isses' Lara Pins, - Gents' Gala Watch Kip; and Pencils canbined, (jree rd s' Gold Tootpicks, with Slides, • _ nts' Gold 'Rings, with Stone" Setting, - 2 50 I:dies' do - do - do . 150 is Silver-Plated Tea Spoons, . 200 Silver-Plated) Butter Knives; - 1 00 ti Ladies' or G' ts'`Porte-roonnnies; 1 50 Gents' Gold 'itch Keys or Vest hooks, 100 Ladies''Ffore tine Breast Pin's, . 350 Ladies' Jet do. - , 350 i t Ladies' Mosa c ' do 500 Ladies'•Cam Ear Drops,- 450 Misses' do do ' • Z5O Slisses' Ear rops, with Stone Setting, 2On —'' -^. l ' -'ld racelet, Ilatf Round Band, 400 1 - do ' do ''' C 00 1 50 6 00 28 S[isses'. Gold Ladies' db Gents' Scarf Pin, Gents' Jet Studs, Gents' Jet Sleeve Buttons, Misses' Gold roSses, . -"non_ kiscellanbOuS Gifts, not enumerated in - ' . the abOe List, varying in value • from 25 cents to $25 00 $5OO worth. of the above Gifts will be impartially distributed among Purchasers with . every -$1,000 worth of Books sold. All Books sold at Publishers' lowest. prices. All books that Evans does not-publish him self are bought direct from-the Publishers, and in - large qUantities. Books to suit every taste are to be found-on his Catalogue, at prices which would, be an indueeuten; even without the Gift Systeni,•4lfielf 'offers so - many mini tional advantages. - ' • - ' ' .• -Works. by•tho most popular adtltors. living and; dead, in all styles, from the most costly, to the plain and' substantial, at astonishing low prices. .- CATALOGUES.SENT FREE . TO 'ANt ADDRESS., Bay'd Taylor's TraV's, Works of Dean Swift, 'Works of Siiis Bremer. 44 : • jud'e Ilnliburton ",: Bulwer, " " • De Foe, "- ' .• Lawrence ' 44 Sterne, " Addison, WaierlY 'Novels, . • 44 Thackeray„ • ' Works of B. Franklin, . 44 Dr: Johnson; • • " Tho's. Jetrerson, • 44 3. F. Cooper, " Charles Dickens, " -3.-T. Ileadley,•' • " Mrs. S.'futhworth, ' " Frank Forrester, "' • Mrs: Bentz, • • 44 Hugh Miller; • 'f• . Mrs. Sedgwick, " Cap Mayne Reid, • "- Virg. Townsend, Churlo'e Bivinte, "_ S. M. Smueker,. 44 Waslen Irving, • 44 _. S: Arthur, • .4 4 . Grace 'Aguilar, - • " A. - S. Roe, - , IL-Sptirgeon; : 44 D. P. -Thompson, • 4 , 4 Sam Slick,' . 4 Peter Parley, -: 44 Jane AuStin; - 44 Mrs. Meddle • 4 4 Marion - Harland; • " Smollet, •• 44 Mary llowitt, • " Fielding; • ~ Chsitlei Lamb, • " Perry, '4 4 EdWard -Everett, •*" Wilkes • - • 44 , .: Lorenzo Dow;' " Burton, 44. lord MEMORY Ail) MOOIXArUY OR_ TUE NOES : •_ , CELEBRATED'AIIT4OItS. • ' - - , Alllsoix„ - - . I - ' Bancroft,.: • - ; Milne; .= ' I 'Goodrich, 1 31acanliiy, , ' , '• .- - Busselk ' • • - - , • IliCicott,` - ' - - Ferguson. . • '-'.' Gibbon . = nollin; - ..' Tolierdon,: . . - -I' ' ' Lord, licadlen . : - ''.: ‘ . I . ' - Sparks;; ' 'And a - twit of Others - too numerous to rinittion ANCIENT, - AND MODERN. _ POETS. N . Butler, T. B. Mrs. Jamieson, Byron,' Scott,. Moore, . .. . ' " 'l';oittfeilow, : ..- ~ , . ... A .. D;_riaen , . --- -•-" ' - 'Wilily . 599, '-• . -1 : 0 Pe' , ...' .' . ' ',' Cowper, -., 1. 4 -, • ,' :litalms r • ... • . - , Whittipr, '. .: -., J.,utgli lliint,., - ; ". -, : ',,,.. Di - „t e , ,:. _ ; , clirs:Big, , i,tirtr.T.,;• . .., . E., IN,-. Eui,w,)rth, . - 'Rogers ; :. .„ 1 ! • .. - Irood,-'.- --• SOMIIeS, • ''Tupper,. ~- 11._ ; Kirli White, : ~ Goldsmith; •••:; • TasO l . • . Wordsivortla; ;_.: - Mrs. - Jamiesm, ,-••- Xlic6 9areY, Shelley,..Montgomery;t . ! KUp,t.'?, , • • • ".Bliant, - - dgitr A. Toe, -. . Ile luts t _ rein. a11: , of bigding from. plain cloth to the finest calf andantique; to suit all elasseS of.purchasers,-'.HG- sells these .as ehearkits any other : house in ; the coun try, besidiS the additional advantage of a (lift with , nacli'lloyal . - ALBUMS FOR TUE-LADIES._ • "Albums of nil siiesntid styles of binding, to snit nil tastes`, profusely- illustratelVith tuag . - ailicent Steel Eito.rnviii- , s • ' '• ~ ' * BIBLES,"PRAYER BOOKS'S: IIIIIN BOOKS. . a [ 3letheill.lTymßoojcs, EiiiscolPrayer Book S; BaptiFt - llyinu,Books, CatholiaPrayer Books, Luttean hymn Booke. Picsbyt'ullymnßanks, Of : all sizes, !anti. I guild. hs a}}, 'styles,. 'bra,' bisque, Turkey morocco, Antique, Velteet,...k.,. ,with nod Tslthout clasps. . . • . . . : 35 OC 25 00 15 00 12 00 N) 00 A large assortment of-Family of all • 'descriptions and•all prices, froso SZiOt Mastro tetl.'with fine esgranings, .printed With large. type, on good' paper and',in various styles of binding, from ,the simplest to • the most ornamental. Also, Pulpit Bibleslin va rious styles, at low prices. • etnttplete elassKed Chtala,Tce of Rooks, ht. - every department of literature, con-, taming it complete List Of Gifts; with full iu str e dons to.Ag,- - ents and p crs nn s foriu i will be sent free M nhy partof thetnion. Ter- sous Wishing to form Libraries, should have it as a'book of reference before-trsikingnitt their lists.. Seth for it, and ho convineed of the 'cheapness and variety of the !looks, be sides being pleased with the liberality of the system.. _ • arders from' the country . promptly and sat isfactorily filled; and goods Sent by mail or ex presi*to any'part of the country.. :Any book published in the United Slimes, the retail price of which is Out Pollar Or upWards, will' be promptly sent by mail on 'receipt of publisher's price, u ith postage its-per catalogue. . • .. -Libettl commissions allowed to all persons for Ming Cliths. Persons acting-„as Agents for its 'can reap all the adVantages of the Gift sys ten.) without any cost to themselees, thus get- Library ofgood books in a very:short time; besides Which; the Gifts received with the commission books, will sell for more than enough to amply pay them for their troable. Agents' Wanted: in every town in the Union: Persons visiting to' act as such, and all thOse desirous of a Catalogue, will Colder a favor by sending their address to -• ' ' •G. G.' EVANS,' 200 Gift Baok-Store and Paldhshlng drowse, ' 439 CIiESINIST STRERT, [33-13t.1, Philadelph in t Pa. IL - Oe a merlon Era cs (To itip'g, What they manufitettire. THE AMERICAN SMODIER, Consisting of a gyeitt‘ variety of marine and . bearitithl patterns - of-001r Tubes; • also, - ses - . 7 ernl varieties of Pipe Tubes., -"The peculiarity about these articles that each one is a rnulg ed so as to memo a. damp aponle,. through which the smoke - of the burning cigar has to pass on its way to :the nimith. This &imp sponge - not only cools the smoke; but extritets from-it the. iticoti ne oil,' the poisonous proper ty ofthe Tobacco,'-which renderi. the breath" Less offensive. Smokers will find the use of these TubeA a; luxury never before attained except by using the Turkish water-jar. Their use will also greatly promote the health of the habitual smoker and preserve the 'sweetness of the breath. 1 50 75 1 00 75 2 50 200 2 00 Till!: AMERICAN CARPET =I Is a little contrivance for putting down earpets without lacks, ' This-is a new article; which has never before been upon the market. But it possesses the merit oftnabling;a person to put down or, take up a carpet of the largest sine,in.general use in fifteen minutes, without any injury to.the floor or carpet. It is very cheap..---chearer in the long run than tacks— and the great .fitenity with which even a serv ant' can take up and pnt down carpets, with. out the possibility of Itmistake, renders. it int.. valuable to the houSekeeper.. TILE AMERICAN PEN HOLDER • k -WIPER. It is a neat invention for holding a Wet sponge, into which the pen is thrust, always. coining out clean-and reedy for use.. .A very conven ient article for the Counting-House Desk and Library. Table. . - 11:20 7 - G 00 2 00 3 00 350 50 :TheAmerlaen Trades Compa . - ny, was organized November 8, 1857, will? a Capital of one hundred thousand dollari.l This 4 Company was formed with a view of tak-' ing up inventors .of small articles of general utility, Aliq are unable to make independent arrangt merits for introducing their inventions, by an. tquitable arrangement with . them for their rights hy.purchaSe out and mit,_ or by a tariff on the - articles ‘mantafileinred and sold. The inventive genius of this country has long called for an: Institution of. this: kind. The American mind is so actiye,.that thousands of things are,inVented, many of which Would be really useful to the community: but which iire never introduced, because the -Inventors of them have no.means to Carry' them out. The capital of this Company will be devoted • to the development of really useful inventions: The Company have a‘Committee on Patents,_l u-hose-Aiity it is to pass upon all applications, and from their large experience in. such mat ters Inventors have a, security that their in ventions:will not be misjudged ; and the high '1 character-of the parties composing, that Com mittee, is 13. sufficient guaranty that plans and speCifications maybe submitted before patents, are applied for, without: any. risk of advan tage being taken of this circumstance, and when desired to do so:, the Company will take 'out patents for others, securing for the inven tor:all of his invention that is patentable. , This Company respectfully invite inventors to submit to them their plans . ; and it will be furthering, the. objects of the Con pany. - if ; its Officers and,agents can .ho may service to Any one of the following modes is acceptat .ble to this Company: First : ::, To ninnufacture : ,any, articles .for which their ; machinery is.adapted by contract, thejuveritors receiving the articles and paying for the same•on delivery; „ Second:, They:bny any patentwilich is ap proved of by ;their committee,;.--,- • ", • Third; They will marinfacture and sell any artiele.whiclathey choose to adopt,. giving to • the Inventor such 'a proportioir.octiao. profits as may - be : agrged, upen„ The extensive..iniffiling, 22,' 'arid 24 Frankfort-A., New York, heing•about 60 feet • fron(bpoyer:loo, feet.deep, and 7 storieShighl above the sidewalk, "is owned by the Fresident of the Company, andis occupied ini.part, by all the machinery, wareroomaitiloffices bf the Company, where all its business and sales are transacted. • ' Milton, t' • Spenser; Chaucer, ; Mrs. 'lemons., Mrs. Norton, Kemble, • FAMILY .BIBLES •. • : vOTICEds herel)y.!givea. l ;iliat- Letters of -14‘,:Adrisinistratica apart : Ai...estate_ pi:remit . 1,1 : ;s t late !of .Weat:Brapeit y,caraship; -Potter, C i ttuat..): s 4leceaSed, have ,hepai granted,: to_..the a dersigried.:- 4 persouv_kbdebted: to. said ~ estate aro .re(iirested.Aa papraent, _ arid Orsons haria..k7 elaime • against. requesOtr. to pr,esent„them, properly autheati,- c4ted,•ferfiettlerneet. 1i.. 1 1.U51.411/mer., West Branch, .711411,-4859..7-.39. • COURT-PROCLAMATION. •• . - • . tike Robert prdsident'Xiidge; A Vnd the lione.'Joseph -1.• :- ldentt a'hil;G. G. Colrie; Asscieiate , Zuftes ov the Courts of Oyer - &•-Terininer-sint, General Jail.Deliitery,'' Quarter Seisious of: the Pdac'e, Oephans o l Court and Court of _Common' Pldas for the -• County" of Potter; baiiNissued their precept, finarinr•date the •eleeenth - Any' of June, inithe , year of ;our - Los - d one thonsarivt, eight hundred and' fifty-nine r and. to mic di rected; far hohlizig .. e. - Court cif Oyer unit Teeth-- iner era (ieneral Jail' DeltFery; •Quastier' Ses- SiOns of.the Peace,•Orplians' Court,. ancllC'ouri ComninalleaS hi the Berotegfe ott Coudei spest;, oar IS4)XILUY, the'. %RIP . tlny of June next r aud- tofi.contingeourareek ' • ;1- - oiceist therefore hereby given bet& Cor oners,-Jetices of the breace" and Constables I t county ; that they bethdre and there ie. theft' proper persons,-at .10 o'clock A. :L"Of said day, -with their rolls; •recerds, 'inquisi tions, examinations; and other remembrances, to: do these things which to .their ; raced ap pertain-tcibe-done:-. And Those who are - imam] , by their recognizauces to , prosecute against the•prisohers that are or. shallbe in the jail of : said 'comity of Potteri• are to be then and there to prosedutc against them- is willbe just. • ' • "Dated at Counnasimen; -June 11, 1859, and , the 83d Yearof the failept ndence of the ,United' States of America. . : - .• r. A. - C. TAGGART, Sheriff. - WARREN'S - - BOODTH.ra:-SME ;' O .- STILW:- . . .. ~ - , . Main Street, (21e!trl.y 'opposite Bfflately &' .BrOs.? Grocery,) Wellsville, Alle- .. .. f ,g 1 any Co:, N..- Y. , '1 • - T. , . . IM Proprietor of the alc o veestablishment Wo 41d - respectfully inform the inhabitants of Couderstort, and Potter eounty .geriewilly, that he i row Prepared to - slily thein with BOOTS, SHOE'S, GrAITkR,S; LEATHER -17.1ND1T,G,,tc., of every descrirm tio, at pri ceS-whieb• cannot fail to suit.' We- hate on Mind, aid' are' Constantly rCeeiTeg . frila Nei;York, the finest assortment of Mrs that can' bt . found in this portion of the countryi and Will sell!the same at prices which . will , DEPIT COMPETITION !. Saill .ISEA.7'IIER, • '-7 ~.‘ ITPPRIZ LEATIIEII.4. KIP SKINS, FietsCH.OALP'SKINS, (genuine), PEGS, iTAIr.S, AWL, and BINDINGS; of'ev- Ory description, in quantitiesY to ° suit ptirclgt . sers, at • . REMARKABLY. COW paicE.:FpII,.tASIL 1111 goods sold at our estniAishment are of the 'Best Quality, and will,be AVAiIitANTED.. iireOus. Cast), Only.. cave us A trial. GZORGE T. trA.RRN Well4vii.le, NCW: STOCK SUMMER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY P.',-IA.G.'_,STEBBINSe. -- 'Lote Pricog::',: : Ea AND FAVORABLE TERMS, . . Cash :and Short-Time Buyers. .: LADIES AND. GENTLEMAN irl I NOW ;11,ECEiVD:' O. my" SUMMEE. Stock, which lembraco almost everything, usually kept by the Country Merchant— DRY GOODS, • GROCERIES, . • . ;. • . BOOTS & SHOES, - • •• - RgAHY-MADE CLOTHING, 11.4.T5•k CAPS, • • -CE,OOKERY,•&eIi all of which I propoSe'to sell at low figures, for cash or appr4ved cre4it: • Call and see 'our GOODS and PAI CES.i-. Being thankful for past favors,. I tope to, be able now to offer more,favora ble in4neeinents: P. A: STEBBINS. Con4ersport, i ga,V 1859.40: Special Notlee to Ittotadtes.. SUMMER FASHIONS: - GRID:LBY tendert her thanks to the citizens of Potter and- adjoining.counties, for their generous patronage. She would snyloH the Oldie, that she has on hand n .splendid assortment of Millinery Goods; Which she will sell retail. or Whoiesale atthe loWest; rates, es peeially to.those in, the trade, at a small ad: ,ovanee'frorri-N, Y. prices. Alt orders prompt-. 'ly Attended to. -• . • • • ;-•' ~T. E. GRIDLEY Will delFrer Bonnets to 'any .plec ordered. 'Bleaching and Repairing - done 'lip blithe latest style; with tAste. The large 'quantity ofwork to be done over,"' Will be delivered • at: the earliest moment. Shop please call send inyour 'Orders. Sh'op loeat ted 31 miles west of Lewisville: . • . - • E. II: N. ORIDILEY. Inyssesigety 3, . d oi SUBSCRIBMIS WISH 0 . 01U1Os to employ an active reliable man a.e• N ery county ; to travel. and take ordera ,by samfile.for , i . .- - • ICENNIDY 'S • MEDICATED - SEGARS lAND•TOBA.ccO. "" Will pay n salary of $6OO . to $BOO per year, payable monthly: . : roi sant [pie and full particulars rs address ER PRESTON: - r • • .; • " TobaeconistS,' ' 29 - Williain-st. NiefriTork:•••• . ; The American Smoker is an arth clo of great' ntility..and benefi'f - to..SmOkbrs. :Persons afiliccted , with tronchitis, 'Asthma, Dyspepsia, :Liver_ compinlnts.or. Kidney- affec. : can procure...SPONGES, MitDICATED for these carious diseases by Old Dr. Timm.. Sofd , l by the A3tr.rdcas•TtempEsConr.t.sy, Nos; 22 and '24 Franicfort-st. . U . EAVY CORN-FED: BOGS f r om Wyo. 7 ',wing and Livingstodenuuties l nie'being pricked, and will be' until January, 185 J, by . r Lo CLAIM MI=EI .:‘ --;., ,: '• :.:::,:;: , , '.i _ , ..;., '7 .i•- , 1 . :•, , II:7 , 1 :% ,1 - 11 ! * . - i - •' " i'l ' I' , ZY riiys ' :Th r:''n n lol:iiseiii tfilriitiP'itigq!l‘o• l - the, lthii2,l, - 'ino:st e.4t6iiiii*ii:siiioltliiiiliik •'.', ' •, •• , ': - -:. .', -o'l:' , - ,'%,•': A __ .. bvit orgatlize4 Comiaeiciai , Scf4coo,Linithil* tea .Statita. - '''' ' '' ' .."^ '''''-: -- ''• .'' 357 Stu:cte - rds - , attendtngt. , Bail Ivtai 4 ol , 41,85 b .047x4: tsszi 4 - irsual.tiine.tof compfete . (on ...touTstilf,cogp ' .1' .1 es — jal to 10 weeks-- ,t- s, ting r its guaranteed to be corlizielitt, ilte; Uvula of any Easiness, intr.qualited4o, anima salary of froint:' . • $5041 . le 101;00e, Stufents-"enter at any tirae=Pki catiga a+ Fie4ieme at pileasurd, . ••• • i • •, • • - 51 • - tni foi test tethiatuibig . . MI • • • •11 • ••• • • 3fidfs tors' tons - re . ciiice ia tat' '7". For Ciscolei situl - aeliiins Wiltlo' - : vrr,ea close two letter stamps, atulitarltesi , . • .t.)er.t . • • i• s;•.to •F. JEN/44'4.q,liIttebOrAllafi , ..11, 16-Z-.ly* . - LIST OF; CA-IJSES,:: "VON TRIAL. at 'lan . ° TeroF 1869;. IV Comb of Clottunoa 'Pleas or Vottet Ndiifrk . , I Y ;Pit; . - .. , • -",, ::.....i ;1; -.;:..1-,..--all Pu'rdy.use Coopei& } vs, - DeiliiciC. , ,-• ,-- 7 . 1-- -et - ' Pea}xitly i , _ ': •• - •,;• .. ::-..• iones," ' ' ':, :f . ,, 176 ... , i 1 :1 -3 ,..Y.27' r: ... - a . ~ Ifillyer & Bush, ' ' E11 14!„-•-• .... ••, ,T, , - • "`Jackson & 8.60¢,..• Jonv:s, - • ~,• . • ... . t Slietpar4 r . . " ": - 1 . 4 4 W 1 , 2 ,;, , ,',; :-J.: - :,..1 griinliaii; . ' u: 401 41§V, E l . ~, ,;,:il I L , Ilaskinuserlatt&Platt,,!! L . 1114, -. i- --. v •,;.1, Jones - -‘ • . JOfies & Bro:, ' : c ts'h S. 0; 8.; W. ; } UN-: , Jones - - -H t . .Tv -681& : 8 titig 1 f•$.ff_t JacksonSehoothistriet, P1,5*401r1, „Tones, ••• ", Tag - .on Strait, Beaph. Gillingham, use oftills, It Eldridge, '." 'Ben4ey4zOntilerd Keating, et. AYS O S-.• ; i t Canfield; - tr Stark v - - - ,Llgiro" • . Jones & 8r0.,. ! 1- ..1.1M a/4% • gt mo - 61„, 13 , ackns, . • • •. • Japks on School Dit srie t, Atittizion„ Wiljeov• ny n U Ite Ot " ,Wly.tittol4Fri!Fihtji. l .3:611e34. -• t: tounsviße, ;_ " A gg '13004 &.14ansley b t " Hopkins & Jones,,„ St9vens, a ! 15.91, I - PI! - IT. 3; OLMSTED,' rro,tbry,- Pikhcinotory'A.olfice, May: .. 111 lie, Willcox, ALINOtIIirCEIttENT DINART A LADIES':' FASHIONABLE- , ' - FURSISWPO' •-. • . STORE IR potrElucouNTY! - - - ,- RS.' E. GRIDLEY, - has establidht _OIL 'a 'fistsiOna* and extenitro nishing SfOro;ottlisge4;Pottei,C 9 ooa.,'thitiial miles west of Levrissille, where jibe, Win tag Oenscire itr foruishing ling, and Ladies' Apparel gt[teralli,ltilbatiii_, style and at . muCh * lowereittianel,4l34lo,ol olfered this .c-Ounty. ' Mrs: r a. Oceli v ed'Oir fashions from 'NOw therefore enabled to make:or ;rePalt' in;the latest style sad with,prniKeiiit, ble taste:lnd - durability. - ',All - Articles *Al.y*"; ) ed to be as represented - Ehei'desirekthorgr% lie to call and assure thantielies „Of_tlf.e rectness of her staternentsf. , : Messrs. Lambee wilfreiotTO atel)piph ply orders - to customers at, LeyrisviDei t „` T. E: Gridley will reeeireAMPltttirY'' ' iW' orders,' thronglkuit thiS 'Mat . counties, et .qhop Special 'arrartgenienti 'fcirll:**; supplies. • .". In connection with the aboire,T.M.ollollh• LET would'annOmice ter and the adjoining counties, thiatAlo4-14! regularly visit them, preparedr t hi lurnish, : 4l 4 articles of Female and Mali Attiiri, pladklamAlt, Goods in general,Watiunted-40:11,.,,precirgit setae shall represent, and 0, IP,ltch.lplr.e,rP# l t than can ho bought.o . ranyltheipmoikin - c e tuuty , , - • _,• , , • ,(Ilat).;', TOITTH AND: Iti&NROOD. _- dvsTPbiitast # si> r ithe 25th; '" - tbonsaniV an a•miledini) : - sealed enVelope, W.:40 address, postpaid, on receipt of three ettelps l 4 31soicAt, F.SSILT - 031 Axo pEc.ti of the fiarrie, 'tinsel' hi:484 1 • AbtirSe," :Irifettrolf, , taid 'the hinifeits,eriiiii:L i (pence§ lit - 11,t M. D., Member Of thelloyaliColf*."frfitiT, SinrilitiOrrha , ;i 3 t,a o 4 l 4l*i4i4% Genital and, Nervonspebiliti,lP9potinay,..l 4 oes of tnei*, pelire - ssion-a.§p!itta r Titaditt";pl,l,- - ease Of the Sexual Oidans,intl impedimentf to Plan:lege, ore. promptly,.aod effeetu4li i re: ipkredby the authoesnoveli*d ingetsttseespijia mode of treatateet;liy,triettespf mrhiekt valid can - . pr i stine: health withiftttliityl ing recoats e tp kTg*u4 :11Te40****1 11"\o ' Irtm thelondon Laieat 7 R Tiseki erf , 51.0 ieci• tmitelt ova lit401 1 ***11:0 wal worthy Me Adthoei, , exag(flrePla*, :Address, the .T.Oblishers .a KLIKE" . ac ht Avenue,-cos. „leth':§treeti)Pestileat 4556, crew York City. [34-p:mes.-ittSide4 PTIURS LAT' IsAßri, in' iiins.:anCtubs3 _can„be,,had at the s t igar C died J.lants,a idiot% 4,lol.iiefidas and 3 '24 - • Ci.Ail'Olk.PiTiLLiPS: 1111ATITTIV.A.Itg, Iron and •t . and Putty, Paints di, eattipirn - e and. Burning • 1 • ..;1•:- iiv,:..;,.,:7,r,,-.,7_,:a40- MEI r c`. a~'f Me Oils, MEE