The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, May 05, 1859, Image 1

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ttillall&D ; Wy,. niCRaDAT ORSINO, BY
• Thos. Chaoc,,
10 w hom all Letters l and Communications
Meld be addressed, to secure attention.
y e rais..lllVarlably
$1,25 per Annum.
Terms of Adz ertising.
Square [to lines] 1 iusertion, • ; 50
. -
, I
3 • " $1 50
pr yiubseinent insertion less tins 13; 2:5
s q uare three months, - - 2 50
six -- " • 4 bf►
." ry
1, one year, G
qule and figure cc:.cirk, pet sq.:, 3 ins. , 300
sulkze(panit insertian, -
t Column Fils. ntonths, 18 00
10 00
l; ig 7 00
per year. 30 00
/ 4. - - . 16
bouble-colunm, ailplayed, per annum 65 00
• " ais months, 35 00
" three " 16 00
" one mouth, 6. 00
per square
of to lines, each insertion under 4, '1 00
Parts of colamns . will tie inserted :it the same
Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 2-00
Auditor's Notices, each, 1 50
Sales, per tract, 1 50
IL, T riage Notices, each, 1 00
itirorce Notices, each,. 1 50
Administrator's Sales; per square for 4
insertions, 1 50
Business or Professional Cards, : each,
not creating 8 lines, per year, - 500
Special and Editorial Notices, per line, 10
• ,E4PAII transient advertisements must be
paid in advance. and no notice will "be taken
,f advertisements from a distance, unless they
in accompanied by the Money or satisfactor .
Coudersport, - Pa., will attend the several
Court:: in Potter and M'Rean Counties. All
butith-cs entrusted' in his care will receive
prompt attention. Office on Main st., oppa
rite the Court House: • • 10:1
ITTORNEY AT LAW, Condersport,-Pa., will
npldrly attend the Courts in Potter and
the adjoining Counties. 0:1
Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business
tiqusted to his care, with promptnes and
Ed_ ity. Office in Temperance Block. sec
ond .loor, Main St. ' 10:1
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will
attend to all business entrusted to him, with
lire and promptness. Office corner of West
and Third sts. ' 10:1
lIILIUGHT6MAN, . Bingham, Potter Co.,
Pa.,Nyill promptly and efficiently attend to
all business entrusted to him. First-class
professional references can be given if re
quired. 10:29-1y*.
CCCF,I"OR, killattend to all business in his
line promptly and faithfully. Orders may
Utica at the Pout Office hi Coudersport, or
at the house of 11. L. Bird, in Sweden Twp.
Particular attention paid to examining lands
for non-residents: Good refeiences given
ifrequested. 11:30
ANCER, Smethport, 3111enn Co., Pa. will
attend to liminess for non-resident Pa.,
ifpon reasonable terms. Referen
ces given if requirecL P. S.—Maps of any
port of the County made to order. 9:13
respectfully informs, the citizens of the vil
lage and vicinity, that he will promply re
spond to all calls for professional services.
Kee on Main st., in building fortnerly oc,
copied tryC. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22
tuLLlse Sxtitt
Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods,
Groceries, Lc., Main st., Coudersport, I'a.
D. E. 01,3ISTED, •
Clothllg, Crockery, Groceries, &C., Main st. ;
Coudersport, Pn. • 10:1
.IZINES and . .slusic, N. W. corner of Miin
:41 Third sts '7 Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 •
9 RAl'Eft.r. 4 4 TAILOR, late from-the City of
Livt . rpool. Ea;fond. Shop opposite Court
llonse, Coudersport, potter Co. Pa.
N. B.—Particular attention paid to CUT-
I o:3a—ly.
~ 01,31STED & KELLY.
nearly opposite the Conn
ittilac, Coudersport, Pa. Tin, and Sheet
iron Warn order, 112 good style, on
4ort notice, 10:I
r • OLASSIIIRE, Corner' of
Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
ter Co p a - 9:44
M: MILLS, Proprietor, COlesburg
?Alit' Co. ; Pa., •seren miles north of ton
'import. on the Wellarilic Road. .9:44
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- • For .the Potter jouitzaL
...• . •
A bud peeped out, the othermorn,
To greet the rising day ; .
Anon the Rose spread out its for
Id gcrgeous, bright,array—'
So beautiful and fragrant, too,
• It seemed a thing
So chilly out the cold winds blew—
• E'en cold as winter time. •
It was just•a Mae scion,. ••
When the autumn winds-Were chili
When the snnimer flowers were lying
Pend and sear upon the hill.
It was Frien ship's gift: I prized it,
And tended it with care ;•
Oh, could you, realize it, • •
Thus flourishing so r
Howsoe'er_ the gift we value • •
• For its precionkself alone, •
The giver throws a magic charrik
Around it, all her own !
An act, a loving word, will bring . •
!, Sweet recollections back; • •
Ofevery one who kindly.lays . •
A Rose across, our traCk. , ; •
ERCILDGCN, April 10, 1859. --
She always made home happy t
With her kind and winning way,!,
With her voice of cheerful gladness--
With herjoyftil hymn 'of pm*.
She always made home happy,l =
Thcitgh she charmed no passerby
With the tieucity of her perscin,- '
Or the brightness of her eye., '
Though no pearls or rubies glittered
'Mid the ringlets of her hair,
In her heart there shone a radiance
'Of a jewel ftr more rare.
She always mane home happy I
Though her song was not di•ine, :
Though no harp beneath,her fingers
Thrilled to notes almost divine.
Though no.artist, yet she painted
Many a beam of heavenly love
On the friendly faces round her.
That shall shine in realms above.
CID ire tttabing.
From "Shfthmah in Pursuit of Freedom, or,
The Branded Eland." Thatcher t f
inson, Publisher,, 543 Broadway, New
York. GOOpp. 12m0., price $1,25. -
[The following chapter is selected more to
exhibit the power of the author as an, anti
slavery writer, than to indicate the geOeral
character of the book's literature.Ed.yiiur.)
The Crimson Scorpion , of tlie
I hare been for several days involved
in one of those inexplicable gloms which,
you know, at times afflict we. what is
their philosophy ? for philosophy they
have. I observe that they always have
some connection with special events), or
revelations, either in the present or future.
I believe that no strong mental impres
sion or etrotion. can lie aimless ? or mean
ingless. If ire would, lam sure we eotild,
always trace these involuntary experiences
to direet,relationship with coming events,
which they either disclose or foreshadow.
Last evening . the mental disticsa aCtu
ally reached the culminating point, which
it had been for some days approaching..
1 could no longer struggle against it.
Under plea of illness, which indeed Was
true, I lett the Gentlemen early, and re
tired to my State Room, -that I - might
nurse and>coneeutrate the:vague sense of
suffering and deprt ssitm, and so aid ;the
final struggle, which I knew Inust'couie ;
otherwise, I could nut well preserve either
my health, or my reason. Wilt these
moral tempests and heart-quakes - always
be necessary for me ? Icannot tell. , But
so it , has been ; and so it is.
• -The load was, not immediately lifted ;
but the great cloud, thick, black and im
penetrable, still bung over we, when 1
went t.o . sleep, ruse this_tertn for want
of some other, not because it is proper to
that peculiar state, which, sleepinfr t' or wak
ing, consciously or unconsciously, now
seems euteriug into a large portion. of my
I lay lookiug about we, until a sort of
dreamy transition, gradually, chaired; the
scene. I seemed to stand in a wide chain•
paign, which I ituusediately,recuoized
an American landscape. There Were enor
mous Caue-brakes with Riee . atid Cotton
fields; while here and there a swalt find
beautiful Palm rose: up. - still and s'olennk,
in the, stifling air. A dense; but ; yet
translucent vapor hung over ad; and this
was of a dead, yr, liwid flame color. It *US'
as if the sun had risen,lbut had transmit
ted beat, and; color. rather thaeldigbi; .or
else the fight, was aPsorbed, and peueup
in t,he . smotbering air. . •
.. .
Then I beard a .voice that; qpqweit to
open out of, the, Heavens, .orsiug
" Behold .tlte . great Idol of many worship
pers, the Crimson Scorpion of the South 1"
-ryas gre.atly astonished at this, never
having heard before that the 'American
people arc
. Idolaters..: • I
Debote,O. iii ijic ilii)lol4s..' - gi'lpti:ef,"bakeiliiii 0,,,, ifialis .. .iiiriifyilitiil ;:of **i,:iiiiill, '' 7:4:1,4 . '4it1•? , 4lia,:lfepis.2
LET. ER iii.
AT SEA, Feb. 20
001311*118?811,7;',.1 . 1 8TTE11. COITOTY, PA., THIMSDAY,'IIAY 'B, 1859..
• Then the Voice answered my Thought , ;
" Unhallowed worship, •under :whatever
or by hate ter people it•is offered,
can I;e nothing else than 'ldolatry, .or .a
- subStitution. of the False for •the True.
And nowhere, under Heaven: is there: to
be found a. more deplorable spiritual dark
ness.than in this very Christian and ire
publican land."' . •
"And is this the end of all lay la
bors, sacrifices, sufferings 7" I exclaimed.
" Shall I always hear only, this, that, my
search and my hope are vain ?" •
And the Voice, in a tone Of , mild au
thority, answered, 6 . Wait."
• Then - I sawn Gigantic Form borne on
a lofty car; and casting .a deep black shad
dow a great distance round. ..This: shad-
Ow seemed •to be in itself baleful. .Flow
ers could not bloom there; and small birds;
as: they 'flew over, often fell and: perished
suddenly, as ,if they had beeu.struck down
by poisoned arrows.. ,
But as the - car was rapidly approaching
me, 1 was, questioning with Myself .heni : 1
should escape this common . pestilence,
when tilt. motion was arrested - by a sudden
shock ; and when I would.,have fled in
extreme terror, the Voice said
nothing,- over._ the true life this 'Moral
Death has no power. But .observe : well
what thou seest i for nothing in thisphe
nomenon -is without=-its protOtype and
and reality in the -present and in. the fa-
• Theo I noticed carefully the featUres
of the Idol, as one by one•they:were
'bided, • for at the tirst the whole
form - was too horrible, - and :seemed to
quenOh the clear sight which yet had post',
or to peruse the details, as the car stood
directly before me. Aud as I locked, my
eyes were chainetlto the Idol by a-hOrrible
laiceination. Even such as I saw, I describe
Though. of vast superficial. dimensions.
it did not present the appearance of great
strcugth or inherent power, as a whole.
Its terrible to:.Pect arose from themaligni
ty of spirit which all the single'leatures
were combined to express. Its front was
the head Of a woman t Its hair was the
mane °fie lion ; its crest was the hair of-a
goad,; its arms were the anus of a- ernco
dile -; its hands were the, paint Of a tiger;
its•nails -were the. talons 'of a harpie; its
shoulders were the. wings of a dragon ;
its tongue was the tongue'of en asp; its
teeth wore the fangs tf a viper; its eyes.
were the eyes of Jbasilisk ; its body- was'
the body of a scorpion; its brain was the
brain of a fox ;. and its breath was the
breath of a vampire. ,• •. •
The ononuous body being-thrown • into
many coils,
lay prone, while the long neck
was : arched, and the head and front ele
vated, towering up with a kind of Majes
ty that. made the very /leavens astonished
to hehold. With every motion, the yel
low scales that covered it ignited each
other and burned with blue and .crimson
boas,,whieh, in certain connections with
the Moist air, became irrideseent, and the
splendid coloring not only heightened the
hideousness of the loathsome form, but it
had a blinding quality, which -sometimes.
caused a total loss ; of. vision in the wor
shippers. The hair of the mapealso burnt
witlLthe same color, every hair emitting
a stream of liquid•fire, as if it. had been
fed by_ a fountain of melted sulphur; and
the whole air ; was impregnated with its
fumes. Yet the, creafure did not-seem to
be angry. This was. simply its_coml:llolt 1
habit-and nature.
Nor was the car itself - less curious in
structure and character. Its body was
wade of two scrolls, laid one - above. the
other, each being turned over at the front,
the, lowermost curving outward, the u -
permost inward. This, form showed the
inscriptions that distingaished,,them to
good advantage. On ,the first or lower of
thent I read "Law," on theapper," Gos
pET;" and the large conspicuous lettering
also burnt blue., The sides and the back
of the ear were-comp:lse:id of living and
conscious human forms, three at.each side
and two at the back:. They were - pia - ion,
ed to each other, nailed down inn - kneel,
lag posture, and sitting on, their .heels.
The, clenched hands - Were ero4ed on the
scarred bosom; the' . head .heat
. forward,
and the faces were expressive of the hope
less anguish of thek positiOn,.piereed and
bonnd forever, 'T4e - three that were look
iiia ilia the skinand faiturea Of
Life Negro, those on thewestern side had
the' akin ad . featurekor "the.Americanln.
ditin ; add those at the back had'. skin
rind'lentlirce Of - the - White - Maii. One of
thi . lattet, Tfaticigtl, ore a c oae ut
res -
biance to My sailorfriettOVilliatu
'As the our was: &Ong .the &Mil, - I ob.
1 sen i red . that4h elli Bites were in .the deep
eat shadow
.f • ' • •
Wert,. the keystone of ao
,directly hirerthese U fortiiiitt t6,' and
apparently organized rout their sufferings,
I saw n - large Ilninan Huna impaled at
the' Wiist,, itapread'9oo. OiLthe paha
;Of it was te , tecri . j*,',is'it burned
'ltiit" iron, some
,t he ; Iland
but it tiliriVe
. conspicuously .bore
•thelettering 7 -qt alwAysliore th - e brand.
'Ali I looked, wondering .what All this
, .
might mean, Ileard again' the voice of
the Angel; aayirigi.' "-This is the 'great
WorkingHand,' - dishonored atid'ipur 'to
grievous sirong.' l ' But 'the Coming shall
restore and reendow it with ita own-40
true unfolding" of all =Beauty; and Idajesl
ty; and'Power. : Fear nothing."'
Quieted by this - aseurance, I turned t 4
,the' car. It had - six wheels, alike
irrsize and :structure. The spokes were
bones of jthe human kg - ind arm ; the ntn
was 'composed of huinan blood and tuusele;
wrought and bound together with the eet,
meat of the scourge, then petrified 'and
hardened to adamant. ""
The moving pOwermaidectricity. This
was generated by-the panp and struggles
of those miserable' men and women
whose brains, stimulated by the tortures,
evolved a current. - Once to
fill and inspire the engine that it Moved . ;
-This 'mucking was very curious' in struc•
Cure, au& acted on the, same principle) as,
a living heart.. By, its perpendicularpa!-
pitations,, it struck laterally :against" die
wings of a central Shaft; thus causing it
to reveliT on itS axis, :and, at the same
time to Carry round the wheels.
In front of the. car -was a high" dim_
grittily overlooking the Branded Hand,
That vrai fixed behind.'" The franie of the
altar AVII£ a hnmattskeleton, and the open
skull was the censer. ' The , fumes of the ,
burnt-offering made the air' still more
clouded andpestileut_i_but,l did not then
see what it.was...
. Agaiti . ,l .heard a deep, 'hoarae, Under
ground. Voice, and looking out Lavards the .
middle of the plain, I. saw a largare.d'hu-
man hand:stretched .out of the.cletid, 'and
clutching at sonietkim4 in -the distance..
Then rsavi it was continually seizing hu-
Mali beings,, and branding them with its,
red mark, sa s they and their Children Might,
be, made slaves forever. TheSe.utifortu
nate andhelplOs beingswere many-of them,
Negroes ;.but.they:were gradatilly,becoin-.
int; lighter colured,,and souse of them were l
pure whites:
_There were -.mining thein,
men and women and small children.. The.'
little ones- had ,a Odin' and appealing,
look,. when the great. remorseless. Hand
tore them from their :mothers. r could
not choose but weep, :to look upon them.
The Band niade . a.lcint of getting all
its captives,in the, valley roundaihout, or ,
in the neighboring valleys . ; and, on the
borders of the 'ocean there was ti . circle
drawn, asit were, in the air, With asign
that it shOuld not pass. But Wlieti* no .
One was looking on, it, would be' thrust
out slilpover the great wateriii'a distant
land, where it seized the innocent people
and put the Mark 'of the slave on them;
'Mid such as did" not die in its merciless
gripe, it , brought • hOme. But ifi at any
time it was in danger, of being: seen, it
dropped its
_prey. in some remote place or
sheltered is and;' where a gang of inan,
hounds' might be found to watch; itsvie
tims until thasearch.was over,, and• then
it went again in the night and took them:
This was, often done, and many good-peo
ple knew and 'declared it, but "the false
lights and stupefying vapors of the Idol
so clouded
. the Sight, - and unsettled the
wind of their Leaders, that they. .who
knew, and should have done better, with
much fear. and trembling only echoed still'
more fiercely the popular cry, •' Great is
Cue trimsen Scorpion of the - South !''!
• As I followed the direction 0f.4116 re
treatinfr. Hand, I 3=1114 it' was drawn
back into the Earta ; and at the same time
1 two great, cavernous jaws openedi[and I
loi'ked down into the fissure. There sat
the High Priest of. the Scorpion. ; nahad
the stature of a Titan; but •the head and
front : were:of a familiar type.:''.They bore
a strong likeness to the' ancient' Idol of
Egypt; and,the title they .gave him„bor,
. responded with this ;.: (fir - he was .named
Apia ;I and a great Idol he Was, here, as
elsewhere ; though it occurred :to' me that
the forma of-worShip coMe.tardilii hither,
seeing. this-Deity has been out otVaShion,
even an Egypt, for many centuries.
This •American -Apis • was so. intense'
black, that he seen . only by : t e
light that carne from.. thin plabei in
h l
skin,. which, however, were quite numer
ous.' Looking. hrough these, I Saw that
his interior' 'substance. was composed- of
fused lava, in a state. of fearful: activity.
He :was the owner of the great .Crimson
Hand ;.and he had another te.tuatchitrifl
inky blackness, perhaps for.. the convea-ji
lenge ofwo . rking r in, the. dark ; tor though'
he 3Fas very bold in
his'individnal uiov,
rits, e-
Me literally''. .
oing to . iiork 'iviiii ,
.. - ,
outstretohed ' hand," lie ivaa _rather Se
cretivain;regard to the ii.iBULT 'of iiiS
operations, which,; indeed,: fiirnished,bnt 1
little:to boast of, even for an avowed and
profasSionat .mati=thief, 'who acted 'under
the high •sabetiens of- Law - land ',Gaspe!.
The-fun - 061)0'd the two bands mere es
sentially: different ; for,,,ivhile ..tlici :Bight,
wWO , was of the. deep, aolor of blood-stone,
was capturing victiius; the Left' was :a s
rapidly,,. conveying' their remains, isjin
offering' of the !Idol . • : •- : 1.' , . . i • - 7 .
Bur by: a, nearer exa.uination-of .the
inuacla in the.hitud,, apti th*lityneture (if
the whole form, J. saw that.the-first indi
cated, irritability, rather than tenacity, and
that the hist was by no means so terrible
as , it would Make itself appear; for al.
.though the gaseous nature'of the 'gaited
substanees: within,,had caused a great
dation, I saw that a sudden, or accidenkal
lowerino , of the.l temperature, must- datite
a painful, ifnot - dangerons' collapse of the
whole system. Even the bug's head, that
looked so genbine, and set: itself t¢. butt
zuld;roar so Beriely; did not, seem to-be
long there; , tut thotigh it-.was evidently
arse; it served the purpose of. its Captor
just as -well -as .if it had been :native' to
bitn, .as: you shall see:.- ' I
I' was thus led, by close observation,';
consider, that, as there:was so little. SlM
tainin,,,, power in this terrible form, there
must be a continual supply of force ; from
Some foreign body. ' Fullowibg the sug
gestion,. I began tracing, a kind of clectri,
'eel cord, which. was attached to the head ,
Of Apis. and it.led ine to a corresponding
forni at some distance beyond; toward the
North, in a much.clearer atmosphere,
yr" . Web I instantly recognized as the:Sburce
of the .power:l This form also,.Jhough
Titanic, was far more bateau ' than the
other:--aot that helseemed to have been
'created any better; but lie :had not been
; 'quite so much weakened, and .degraded,
and poisoned, by the ScorPton. He had;
however, a leash Of bloodhounds, about
which, he seemed' very • solicitous. • He
was feeding them with something; that I
was surprised to
_see, looked very, much
like a .piece.of - Negro , flesh, although the
general;buttlanity of his appetcrance indi
cated that: I must be-.taistaken,..-Hut
when I. saw him hand over a
,piecls of a
back' that :bad, been fairly -crisped with
the lash, and a, black foot, Worn and travel-
sore, I was forced to give' op the ; point,
though I could not avoid thinking how
much he-wron g ed himself by these ac
tions. He had, also in his employ acme : .
pany of Man-hotinds, all ;of whom. were.
distinguished by insignia of their different
ranks-and. orders, of offde. i - Whenever he
imagined n
that Apis was looking that way,
he appeared anxious, - and ; even uneasy,
it , -regard to their behavior,, and..waa cou-,
tinuallv reminding them' of the ; favar's
they, had received, seeming to . think there
were no other good , gifts' in the World,
than those of the Scorpion:
,Whit is very
remarkable, though he had a truly human
physiognomy, - he sometimes wore a mask,
_was not 'at all becoming to him.
This was fashioned after the model' of the
head of a Female Deer; Vutthough I was
unacquainted with the sPeeies, I could
see that a name not in the least -tattering.
or honorable, had been applied to it by his
'neighbor,- Apis, whom he' was so over
much zealous to please, notwithstanding
lie`inust have known, that even his best
qualities, were held . in derision by" that
august Animal. He appeared - ashamed
'to have any one about him see this mask,
which was, indeed, a great insult to him
self, whether we consider his strong hancl;
his honest face, his really true heart, °T
his genuine bravery; tha I is when he felt
- himself perfectly safe froth the attacks . of
his• engrossing Neighbor,: which, howev
er, must' have been, tat rare and remote
intervals. ' I
I could see at once that if he had been
a greater villain, he 'Tight have found a
better disguise. . i'o sibly there were no
mirrors about; and lib could not see what
a ridiculous fl..ure was winking of him
self. But biThis as' it may,-every 'time
Apis roared, or the cord tightened, though
only. the least in the world, the Man of
the North thrust his head into the mask,
with an aspect of the greatest terror,
pinch' as we Imve seen the Ostrich .dip
hers law the sand,:notivii.bstanding she
left 'her' whole body exposed to the spears
of the pursuer. The moment the roar
ing. -ceased;-he Would try to pull it off
again ; but Soinetimesit stuck about his
ears.; avd then he was fluttered, and•con
fused, gibing, for the time, much of the
properlignity of so grave and well-in
formed a gentleman.
When at' engti: he got off his head=
sire would quickly hide it away, as
if the very sigh tof it mere hateful to him
But if at any moment the cord:straight
ened, he would clutch at it again ;for the
one supreme terror of his - life was, the
breaking of that; cord.'
So the Man of thz Mask; thotigli'more
than a great equal Power; Was enslaved
—`bounil Witlfan Insane fear"of breaking
a which, .under. existing • conditions,
Only robbed him of his strength. And
while beheld in his, own hind the
that-WOuld 'effectually rebuke and silence
all apposition, ; he stood abashed and ii . c.tub
at the sound of nil empty'roaf.'
Thua he hecinie Subject to A.pis, and
a 'Worshipper of the Scorpion, not froiii
love. but'the most
.senseless and frantic
'fear. Thus for' them he 'fattened-his
blood-hounds with
. Negro flesh, and-con
verted his Man 7 hounds into the most ab•
ject and .despipable of slaves. . This ,h 9
captured the miserable ..ruu-aitay, and
ther killed or carried -him ` back to It ; con
aition' worse than death. Thee he .gath
ered up the offal, , andsnuffed the,ineensis
thereof, though he would not wil . /Ing4y
have. touched the dirty Work,. with the
Very 'tongs. Of a Freeman's' fireside =iflie
had not been so afraid, the great and ter-
the'"' •
rible' Chinipion o - Scq • &me
times:6si tor* end mi. ameitinti-:1
ly. And thel, 'many' wage,- he 411.1
wrong"to his ot!to (groat heart,- that 'liras
_only 'in the - bcgtrining Meant to be . '
true, but had'lacivallp *wet.: to be-true;
if it had not been frigliteee4 oat-of its=
:own. proper , 4ef-poseastoti. , _Even: as: it=
mi.'', it maintaibed'it'self-generating pow- -
er, that still fed,: -- and ;tilt-snstainedobeJ
Roaring ,Pqrvevor: cd the Smith, -who ! --'
without it, could -tot even' tave:-foiansi
filth 'enongh tofeed own "
Meanwhde Apie was'extrenielx jealous,
of his Neighbor; as saw by' watching;
awhile their carious procecd. ,If
there-vies the least hes4ffsion ibovoi:be
.wuttld toss, and Mari and ibreaten. to
break the cord; though he well- knew:'
that it-he ehould' - do so he must stianglo .-
himself with the hither end. -
Then the Mari dile North; pros teat-,
ink hiniself,' whisked ion his lying' mask, !
with many promise* for the future.• -Fur
suant te these geed resolutions,
looked on his miserable victimsi,toiling
in the utter darknesi of their deplorable/
condition, and proclaimed aloud; so that
all the land heardit,' that the worshippi:
the Scorpion was good. The Man ofthet
North answered bock, but to feebly:that::
only small sections of the country
that the -; worship ler the Scorpion mass
good; meanwhile his teeth chattered ? atitt::
,his knees smote together.
;• In - return fe'r- thirOialf-waytietnf eai
ty, Xpis would very'courteonsly
a coward, and graciou.sly'retntin•frotitur;i:
mediate'; externiiaation; iirhereripinti'stiw
show his loyalty, 'ttie Mau of the Norsk'
would thrust' his !own
. good right hard
:ooreeeply into the crimson nitre,: - •
This scene would have beeri really
dicrous, if it had riot:involved so inipar;2
tant and terrible. results. Bat evetrasit,-.
was, 'find though not a mirthful inarr,i. ,
I could not help lau!:;hing to'seethe•reaL
back-bone, the , sinew -and musele,Ahir
mind and warm!, so cowed dewrrity
bag of wind; and even now, the eriraggerl T
of the' Bull and the trepieOtion of Alm,
Lesser Animal, though Oreiter.Man--Au.:
view of -the breaking riord;ial=reniinis-:-
cence rich beyond expression. , ..:Happilyi
for me, I was permitted to take thiiviete
of it; for had I regarded the mitter:ii;
riously,•seeing„ as I did, sueltza
bend of evils. in its ;train, -it *oat have
been a great shock, and perhamoutirre—,
parable injury. I was thus, savettfronc
the scathing effectef thohinvers that tom
followed. 1 , •,' "
Directly after 'the above scene, the
great Car was' putsiti motion. - It wasimt
polled with a spasinedic energy,,and.wens
with great speed, the vamptre breath atol
venom of the Scorpion, everyibere delik
ing the earth and tainting the air: The:
High Priest stretched forth- his great,.
black - hand, and seized the worn-out, the
sick, feeble, and heart-broken, and Cast
them under the wheels of ther Car 4 :and
the crashing of their holies, and their dy,
ing shrieks were horrible. - •
Then the ' fragments, full of festering.
flesh, and foul sores, uncleanliness' And',
all- corruption, were ;gathered up; and east ,
_the altar, as an lappropriate'sacrifiee."
The decomposing marrow and muscle,tbe!
'maddened . brains ' and cramped- spitithif
were the substance and. essence of tertur
ed bodies and dwarfed souls.: All these
were represented in .; the smoke and flame,
and Incense of the offering;.and whert the
SCoriiion smelt its goodly savor, the eyes,
and hair, and scales, all shot forth mote'
vivid and blinding flames.
Her breath filled, the air with-a subtle
poison, that entered into everyttung., - -All,
the fruits of the ;Earth and_ fabrics . of.
whatever kind,' silks, and gold, avid jew
els Were tainted with it. 'a
nil, strong men, innocent children, and,
pure women were Changed and,sullied by
it. Even the milk of the nursing;tnothet
was infected; -'unit: poisoned ;the , :babe;
while; it lay. yet in .her bosom. ,The, pear
tilent effluvia pervaded the 'whole sub'
stance ' and entered into, the compositiott
of t hings:_ :
. ;
Then the Car wiw carried into re,otni
where it had never been * talon', bearing
the shadow, and lenving the trail °fib')
Scorpion' in once free and happy. hands. -:t.
Many voices from, those that were akiwto
the Man of the. North, but not , consent=
ing to his actions, cried aloud thacit:was
going too far. Then the; Southern alull
pawed, and: bellowid, and swellestup:bigi.
ger than he had ever done before, roaring
out a bilge oath. tliatile'tamtkilresak.ihe
cord. Then the-Man of the Mask seem
ed to smother all those five voices,.or in
some quiet, '?or silence them,,tr
. Anil ao. the Car went owagain,
went over a..broad" and beautiful. lands
still farther south. IThereit tested. , The
Free Voices said it'should go te farther;
and'they said it so firmly ,thatAliefeNtom.
ished Bull tather drawls, ids horns, ; , apt
said •it , should go Olyso fa'r..aut.a . gttm
it. went, on, with rammed impettuht, ap4
ran entirely over the landmark's. Agtin. ?
the Free Voices cried that jt:aboukti go
no 'farther. , _Then 'Agit!, After, -roaring,-
and tossing, and'thieatentng to break the
; ,pir
i ~ ~
.. L'