The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 04, 1858, Image 3
- PE 50[1ilt :11.11iiitti. • il„ us eofvur subscribers whOhave•pioni ,3 us WOOD on account of subscription do us 3 great favor -by • bringing it s• i m mediately:: We have a bnin:neW and no wood to put in it. Y.177;4-411 Independence, N. Y., 27th. by the Rev. Henry Robertson, 1 1 : Enks L. NELSON, of Middleburo, . to Miss EMMA, eldest daughter of • WNI. COBB, .of Independence. Jf j rprr's Mvcrzine for November is ,ticed-full of gooll things,ope of which .1 p)ein, on our first page- .The leading in the number—" Life in 'the fileeenth. Contury"---possesSes :Ind literary merit Which rarely I ts way into Magazines. We Will oar readers to a part or the whole of . 15 soon ag we get room. IL/advertisement of the Sheriffs Sales .Cmisford county for Noc. 6th embraces ) -iracts," 41 of which are directed - :24 the property of J. Porter Bran - ley ••1 :c'l km - an in the political circles of ;i-burg, and late Surveyor-General of state. The entire list embraces 39 Hard times, we guess, iu " Old 6rd," IFyou wish to keep your sons on the you must put more intellect into farming. A bright boy wants food mind, as well as work for the bode. `:rerouting will not satisfy him. :Ile waling to work when wind directs :ad. Otherwise you cannot keep Luc. lie will be off,, e re y ou are Therefore, read and think,. acd out Four farm. your boys will stay call art_ e a . tlie.l'th inst. a valuable barn with belk aging to H. H. DENT; Coudermpurt, Pa., wa.; destroyed .tite , wurk of an incendiary; lass two tl.,,,usaul dullars. In speaking iNemliatickt, the Potter Democrat : tli act caniat effeet - pceuniarily,a tuensesceal t as Col. DENT.' rzlpase that mean•s if a man is rich no great harm tita destroying his ConSoling r i: Waf ran !T. are too . cruel .on our nekhbor, JAMES. You should not foret his hot baste_ to got in a big do-e 1 1 ,aany - he f.arg , )t to put any 'sense" Ld;ine from his paper, '26 it appears week. cre droalet very much whether ni any of the latter tai furnish * to his We trust you will make the ai:owance in future, de wit. :7eare within ::ro weeksiof Thanks and Lever a Turkey or Chickin us. We lust our turkey last ntiSt! we were impolitic and fot fish to anurtu:.e,2 our bac helorie forlorn ] plaintive strains of defiant depend ju.,t a few weeks previous to the o..iia:ouwmlth feast-day. Thisyear tot: t bachelor-any more. That is, Ifter Thanksgiving. So, don't be ie send " hub" to town with that , bbler you have been fattening up editor's thanksgiving dinner—the iathurizes the devil to inform the generally that he will not feel with the offer of a thanksgiving If you (:anuot give him one free,- for-nuth ing, why you can send hiw 2 account of sti'hscription—at, all send its a 'turkey orio}L's nnterftit Detector and .tote List is corrected by Dream the well known Bankers and Brok! I is the best Detector of Counter- filtered Notes, published in this '7. The November number, issued T, fully describes Eighty-six New ffehs, and contains a fac-simile en of a bogus Bank Note that is be- Ted to various Banks all over the . and which is being put into ex eireuration. It also contains Bev-, tee of other valuable information thing appertaining to Bank Notes.l ;e no hesitation in pronouncing it, complete, reliable and best pub. of the kind in the United States. Id be in the hands of every store in the whole country, and we would :11 auah to send One Dollar in for a.. year's subscription, to the `ll , , and thus subscribe for it at It is published by T. B. Peterson hers, O. 306 Chestnut Street, . Conference Appo Ailments.— 'Wet Session of the Genesee Con , held in * Perry, we learn fiom the .kivertaer that . the following ap- LS were thade for Olean District': CIIAIIBERS, P. Canmtdea, ,Reddy; Olean, P. W. Terry - ; Rush- G.hiller; Allegany. W. Gordon ; Jrille, A. Mclntyre;. Pprtville, S. cr,r.lond; Ellicottville, 8.. Cooley; 140 , G. G. Roberts; Bradford anti tte, T. W. Potter;• Cc,uclersport, Lice; Otto & Mansfield, N. Jooes & Liberty, E. ‘3l-..- Set-leek ; East L 11,- Jrusby; linneoge, J. Miller; ), edambvrlayne ; Gowands and ln- dian Mission: D.. Brooks;; sJltvar, Wc„lii4rdi FriemiShip, U.; W. .Annis ; dolilus, T. W. - taton ; 114- kins; "Cluideti;' , , It fAilfield ; N.' - Hudson, I II;•-rarristsMili; Opring vile. A. P. - Curry •,' treffast/j; ; of Siariiierille Academy. • • -- _ _ • . - - Machias is:* taken into the Wyoming District.- C. D. Burlingame for the last four; years Presiding elder of this 'district is appointed to Pekin; Niagara Co., N. Y. We learn that Dr. J. "WINTont, who has been travelling much for this purpose lately, proposes to treat our citizens to a Lecture on "Burns and his " Idnr ing the first part of next week. ,Some thing of this kind is much needed to while away the long evenings; and the - Dr. conies among us highly . recommended is will be seen by the following notice from the Wellsb:Ao' Agitator. ' Da MCINTOSEL—The lecture of this gentleman on "Burns and his Poetry," given iu the Court,', Mtednesday evening of last week and repeaitell on Mon day evening last, gave unbOutided satis faction to our people. The lecture es not only literary ability of a high or der, but fine analytical powers joined 'to that subtle discrimination which invaria bly characterizes the true Poet-Soul. (The Doctor enriched the : lecture (if that be not treason in a Shalisperiiiii sense) with some of the sweetest of-the poet's lays— singing "lliudatict.Mary" and "Willie brewed a peck o' Malt," with marked, yet diverse effect. He - concluded, with; a re citation of "Lord Lllin's . Danghter," the which was received with prolonged ,ap plause. •, On the succeeding.' evening he'recit ed a satirical poem entitled "NaPoleno 'Le Grand" to a good audience s .ot viiielit ! as is usual in Welisboro, the largely contributed. The poem is racy with sat ire and rich in 'that wit which does • its . work upon the risibles of the Inner, rath er-than the Outer Man. It,- shioild be read in the drawing-room, of a winter The Doctor is an admirable reader. On Saturday evening. at the titcnt solicitation of friends, •the Doctor read Macbeth, and to a full house: The high est praise we can bestow upon the per formance is, that it di closed, more of the animus of that great drama, to our 'per ceptions, than the vaunted acting of est. It must be rememberedAhat to ?earl Macbeth, is to take upon tac`iThands; not, only Macbeth, but the labors of a compa ny of Star actors. With these facts in mind, the performance entities the Doc tor to high praise as an artiste. • • He will visit Corning, Addison; iTor neilsville, Wellsville and 'Coudersport, next week. ...We bespeak. full houses fen.' him wherever he may ge, and •ean'a.ssure i our friends that they will find him ge-1 nial and kindly in soul as the best lays of his illustrious countryman are genial - in sentiment and beaming in inspiration. The Doctor will deliver his entire course of lectures•in this place, if our citizens desire him to do so. We I rust will be greeted with a - full._housei r tbe. first night, due announcement of which will be made by handbills. No TIME ECU: SWAPPING'—An Indi ana man was travelling dowm the Ohio, in a steamer, with a mare and a,two-year-old . colt, when, by a sudden careen of the beat, all three were tilted into the river. The Hoosier, as he rose, puffing and blow;ng, above water, caught hold of the tail of the colt, not having a doubt that. the natUral instinct of the animal would carry him safe ashore. The old mare took a " bee line" for the shore, but the frightened colt swam lustily down the current, with its owner still hanging Cwt. " Let g of the colt, and hang on to the old Mare," shouted, some of his friends. , "''Plit*e, boa I" exclaimed the Hoosier, spouting the water from his mouth, and shaking his bead like a Newfoundland dog," "its mighty fine, your telling me to let-go the colt ; but fur a man that can't swith, this ain't exketly thetime for sicappiizgliarso." —State of ..Ifaine, Oct. 6. ~peaitjf L• tfoilaes. rro CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertis!er bar= lug been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after havine snHer ed several years with a severe Ludy .4ffectfon, and that dread disease. Cousumptionl- 7 i-is anxious to-make known to his feliow-sufferers the means of cure., To all who desiie it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free nf charge), with directions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, - Asthma, BroacAitia,::Sc. Tae only object of the advertiser in *ending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and be hopes every sufferer will 07./1/6 retetedy i ,!es it will cost them nothing,, gad may pre blessing. Parties wishing. the preSsription will please adiwess • - rtsv . . EDWARD - 4k , IMSON, -1.0-3 mod Willtamsburg,topg Isiah - ! ! Teachers' Absoclationt The next session _of this Society will be held iu the .Court• House•at Couders port, conimeneing on Monday, Noy. 15th 1858, .and coatilining. five •days.;. The days of the session will be devoted to drilli,"which will be condueted by Teachers of known ability, while the evenings will :chiefly 'Seen - pied with listening to Orations, Essays. Critical Re- views; Discussions, &c. - Greenman and Harlan Bird Will ' i deliver Original Orations. Mises Caroline Haw ley -wad Jennie M. Lyman will read Es says, Rev. J. Hendrick, C. Hl Allen Esq., and Miss Hawley will read Critical Re views of Brown's Weld's arid Kenyon's Grammarl. Arrangements Will be wade ..,. . . . . . . . . ~, . ' ,-- ---....T,P..4-.1.. 1 _ -7.7.,,-.1----.,. 1, ,,,, • -.,,,,.._, .., ,;,.., , ~, ~ N. ~,,,, ,I . , ~,,,,.„,,s . , ...,,,,, , ,,, 4 „, r ,„ .. .„,"„ z4 ,.. 4;7., , A... „, am00r • 31 . t. ,, ,,, , i , . z.., ,,, am5etcAu,.., , 4 ..... w. ,.. 0ir0w,... . , - ... -7 1 to renderlho 7 extiensei:of-thp..4e...whirorty I ' attend d' '''' ' - 'll — ld ' , from ii istaireaslm t . ,a, pops; o r All frienk!of Editatiop are - ordiAt t init rited .to favor tis.viitlkt their presenee.ana, taid ,' and all _in eiaberg of the' Aisocia iron arei - araintlirequested to'bo niiment:' .1 0 ' • ..: -.. _ W. 'A. M()ISTROE, svy. :;. ULYSSES, Oct. 9, 1858' -1 ' '.., , E. i 1 ~ • , • . , ! DIFLANIMATION OF TilE - ETES'' 1 ' . , in Like all ' nther'irdlammatioti,;is,natil ,-- ed hr inf= purity of tbe:btood: which' causes all eruptiye disease's, as sale Rlieurd,'Seurvy.• polls, ri ce*: &c. The blood being unhealthy. and of an linninre tiatnre: . also cc 61 , ions Dropsies, The blood becoming obstructed in the - veins; the', tinteryl part of the bland in consequence is thrown out frourtheir.atrimities, and dropsy is tho result. Many" times iris occasioned by improper treatment of some; farmer disease, and the vessels being tilled by Serous huniors i instead of blood .. Free evaeuitions by these. pils, open the pa ssage into the bladder and carry off the corrupted. humors, and renew them with pure and healthy blood,'which will drive out of the body all inflammation, to- getiter witlyeeaptions of • the, - and all 1 dro;mical complaints. • They will be -a shield I to every form - of disease to gwtrd and keep ! you from the cold grasping hand of death, and I cause life and strength to remai n ; and the I councenaneb to brighten with the bloom oft, b6auly and health. i i Dr. Moises 'lndian Root Pills are' sold b y all deal ers in Medicines. I . i 1 i ti u( gb4olshuptts. IMPORTANT !! OE •4-TLi f ANTICI CABLE. NOT YET Working Right ! " HALL() DAN ! - dotArrun iover a fellerl %1 hat's your hurry ? • Where pin going?" "Why Doci I am going tip to the GREAT I EBRO on Main. street--=- Ito ,STEBBINS' STOKE 1 , ! riean—=to 'get some Dry Gdods land a few Groceries. I can get !good Print that never'll fade; for 10.cen4 per yard ; good sugar for 10.• cents. He keeps . everything there. :It beats all now cheap be sells fOr cash. I reckon he'll do the thing up - about right.. Whol, Sale or Retail just as you wane to buy--comeiip Ir, " Well I guesS I 1. want a barrel of flour and a few tuitions. Haa be gOt a bicr '' StoCk ?" " - yes he's got the ; best aisortmen( of - Dry Goodsj, Groceries, • Hardware, Crockery, Boots 4. Shies, .Hats CapS and Ready-Made Cloth ing in the country All kinds of produce taken in exchange for trade. '' P ; A. ST 11: BI3IN S. Coudersport, Oct. 1858. GET TEE BEST." A NATIONAL STAiNDARD. Webster's QUARTO DICTIONARY. fje ei-friN 1)304 Ilimbigifek). "All young persons should have a standard DICTIONARY at their elbows, And while you are about it GET TO: REST; that Dictionary is SOAR WEBSTER'S—the great work, unabridged. If you are too poor, ease the amount from off your back, to put it into your head."—Phre noloyiea6 Jourzuzl. From FrOfe.tior, Hamm, of ,the .Univeraily of Ifichigan. If called upon to sacrifice my library, volume by volume, the hook which I should preserve longest, except the Bible, is the 4131Enicax DICTI9Nekr or• 211E'EatiLL9.11 LANGU4OF, by Dr. Webster. . E. 0. EIAVB.N. "Every farmer should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared. with the avails of rrhick they may buy it. Ev ery mechanic should puts receiving box in some,conspicuous place in the house to catch ‘the - stniy - pennies for the like pnipbse. - Layit upon your table by the side of the .Bible ; it is a better expounder than many which. claim to be expounders. It is a great labor saver; it Luis saved us time enough in one Year's usC to pay for itself; cud that must be deemed good property which will clear. itself oaeo a year. If you-have any doubt about the. pre else meaning of the 'word clear in the lust sen tence, look at Webster's tairtecn definitions of the v. t."—Maseadhusetts•Lfe Boat; . OFPICIAL STATE RECOG.N7T.IO.Y. 'Nearly every State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the truion, or Corresponding-of ficer,- where such a one exists, has recommend.; ed Wearren'a Dfcrios.tuir , • the strongest terms. .Adong-thern are those of Maine; New irompshire, Venuont,_ 4assachn4tts, Ride Island, Conneetient; • Ncw. York, 'New Jersey. Ventisylvania,' - Kentucky; Indiana: Illi nois; Missouri, 3lichikan; 'lowa,-Wisconsin, Louisiana;' California, North Carolina Ala bama, Minnesota, and Mao Canada,—TWEN TY-THREE in all. ' STATE PURCHASES. " • , New York has placed 10,000 pries of Webster's Unabridged in as many of her public . echools. - • - • Isc °Ran, 3, - 300-nearly every Erchool, New Jersey. 1,500 -=-nearly every ech'i.: 311ehigani 2,000, and made Fovision fur as her schools. • • Massachusetts has supplied 3,580 ..sehoole---pettrly 'gore thtin fen 'times as many; are sold of Wet•iter's Diaionaries, as of any Other series idthis ceau.ti,t.; At lest 2ur -gas of all_the Schoul-Boolt published ia this . -country own Web - Aar as their standaid, !idd of the remainder few ac knoWlyclge afiy standard. • • Published by G. Jr. C. MEARLOl,'Spring field, Mass. • - Mit { 3 SOUTUNVORIt, , COLONEL. G. W. CROCkETT, • 'CHARLES BURDETT,. TIIONIAS DCNN ENGLISLIrItito., . • TICNRY CLAPP. juNI, ;GEO_IIGE'ARNtiLD;, : •: • _ SAMUEL YOING, Mns. ANNA WDELPLET, I V,111(41.NI VAUGHAN', - Mfts: DI: VERNON, , : • Mi HATTIE CLARE; , rpLey . :JOHNSON, ' ' ' Write only for the, , GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN - GOLDEN ; PRIZE. GOLDEN:- PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZ IN3 101 D2l 571 ILLUSTRATED: DEAN & SALTER. SUCCESSORS TO BECKET & CO. The Nett/ York Weekly GOLDEST PftlzE k one of the- largest and hest literary papers of the dayan Imperial - Qtta - rtn,- coamlning right jidgce, orrtg colnnzn4,. of the mot ipter estiug and fascinating reading_ matter, from the very first writers of the "day, A PUSELIT, WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO -..5.500 00, Wilt be given - to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money: This is presented as a Memento- of I:*r!etitiship. -and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. . I • 'TEDNIS: One copy for 1 year,lF,:•.:o? and 1-Present. (too copy fur 2 fear:,3 30 ant 2 Present) Olio copy for 3 years, bO and 3. • Onc copy for 5.N-eta's, 1 . . AND vo CL1.11.3. , • 1 Three copies', 1 year, $5 00 and 3 : 0 - - I Five copies, 1 year, SOO and 5 ''" Ten copies, 1 year, 15 00 and 10 0 Twenty-oue cop's, 1 y'r, 30 00 sad, 21 g‘ . /1 1 The arti - des to he given away.are comprised in the following list : 2 Packages of Gold, con- . tabling 's3oo 010 each. 5 .do do do 200. 00 each. 'lO do do do 4001)0 each.' luPatentLevertlinttingCas- 1. ' '... 1 cd Watches. - 1100 00 each.. 20 Gold Wt.:tulle.% i 73 00 eacb., . 50 do do ; 60 00 each. 100 do do - 50 00 each., 300 Ladies' Gold Watches, 33 00 cavil,' '5.'00 Silver iluntiOg Cued . 1 Watches, 30 00 - each. 500 Silver Watches, $lO 00 to 25 00 each, 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and rob Cholas, .$lO 00 to 30 00 each. Gold loekets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, BroaSt Pius, Calf Pins. Sleeve Button~; Rings. Shirt Stud's, W.itch Keys, Gold and Sill ter. Thimbles.:and a variety of other articles, Worth from 3 0 cents to $l5 each.. ' We will present to every person ;sending us !ICI subscribers, at $2 each. a Gold W.a.c'a, Worth s4oi ta'any one isending . us 100 sub . , Scribers, at.s2'each;:t Gold Watch, $99. Ev ery subscriber will also receive a present: ! Immediately: on receipt: of the - =Joey ; the subscriber's name !will he 'entered - upon our hook, and the present will be forwarded with in one week. by mail or eipress,post paid. ' All communicatious sboitl4 . be ad-: dressed to 'DEAN Si. SALTER,' -Proprietors, 435 Broadway, Sew York. THE 14 BROADWAY OBINIBLTS," TEM OREATEiT PAPER 07 THE AGii! A:beautifully lliustratei? .Monthly shed, and a Paper what- is a Paper, A budget of Wit, Flutnor.• Pacts; and Scenes drawn from here you are, right away, right away, Brouduiy, firoaixay„ right up!" Only Fifty Cents—jump in nod take a ride. Once seated in our ...01INIC CS." we will endeav or to:both amuse and instruct you, end give you, in the course of the year,' at least lifty cent's worth of Fun flail useful; informaticin. We' , will show you up Broadway, clown -ihe old Bowery. through Chatham and tbe other prin eiple streets, giving you ranple time to see the Elephant and get a good peep -at the Peter Fun's, Confidence Operators, .k.c. &c. We wit show you the city by day light, by gas light. by Moon light, by cai.dle light, by star light. and will 'drive the - Oltsiscs '-to some parts of the city where there is no 1;011 We .wiil en-. dearer to on all. the tricks and ; traps of the groat metropolis,.and also amuse Many. an hour ; with interesting reading mitater. " Throw physic to the drigs." lf you have the Blues, the Dyspepsia, Gout, .Rhe,mnatisu, or are unfortatnatelytroubleti with. a scolding wife, we hill gua Mee to tnakeiyou forget your troubles, laugh almOst against your will. and grow ra. Everybody should suhicribe to the "Ousters' at once.• he " - Oumans" . vill make its appearance on the first of each month. filled with aniasement and in struction for all. Price, Fifty Cents a year, in advanc6—three copies to one addres; One Dollar ;.the cheapest paper in the Stites! Who will get us two .subscribers nud receive one copy free? All corumnaicapons should be addressed to CHAS. P. BRITTON, Ectitbr "BrotlP.4-ay Omnibus," 10-nt.297 Pearl Street, ti. Y. , . P. A. STEBINS HAS efuvi Received, FROM NEW YORR I ,' A Large ancli Compl.ete Fall Anti- Whitet ASSORTMENT OF DRY 10018 i BOOTS .& SHOES, HATS CAPS; Hardware, Cutlery, Groceries, WHICH -HE WILL SELL AT 't '4;l. arga S GOOD PAY. Coutierspott, fiaptt - 14, 1858 eittentzon THE %WI LE ! •CL - ARK have rtm the well-kr.orm "OLD :REGULATOR,,-". fur Ric last tiro years, taive rade a general fitting, .up omtsidt! and in, and . filled it up to:overflowing with , - , OR00,1111117S:k PROVISIONS BOOTS 4:S : 11.0 E S , a gepearal tariets - o Harai,vare& OWt.lerv.. , comprising all 'things necessary\ foFamilies,l Ntill3, Mechanic - 3, fartnert. .we are hound not only tit Regulate ; but to( beat the crowd in the - LOWEST: PRICES • BEST.' (itiALATIES; in thie town_ anil,olean.Otte - of the firm Inv 'trig lind OVEII 20 - YE IRS'' R.,.,PEP.IE,'NCE in 51ercitarldizing,anncrwit4almnilant'pecuuia ry facilities, we, inow , ll-e' eau- ' - ' B::•A'-JGK.- . : 'ill - - P our statemeuts, and everybody is invited to test•the truth of the same.. . farniFl Orefebants and Pedltirs CHOICE STYPEEFINK FLOUR at 54 -141ib1. ; SALT at :51,753 Tine YOUNG-111'80N. TE:, 374-ets. ChoiC:e. WHITE FISH and TROUT 3-4,50 BEST NAILS $4,25-' l 4. keg,—other (things in proportion. We can do you good, and expect to, receive pay for our labor and I Investuc•nt by selling large amours, in the wholesaleway, to 'Merchants, Note/6; ?rail:::; We. are -a ware that every Picaniuni ;tells the aurae ; yarn; and udyertise. tra _times more than. they hare or can do • but coup and ,see it.:, and you will sac,.'. . E. P. c3..411E--one of the firm—bas built a.' 8 OU ani 5- 4' • • Banking -i)frace • adjotninb the storei and i%.prcTured to furnish ' DRAFTS AND"BILLS - tf‘ EXCHkNGE for this country, Englund. TreLual nrol . Scot 14nd, make Collections A' iteuilthnces. all • 014 ?, E : 11 3110 if E. H at its value,.furaisii Gold and Sdrtr; Sc., and other things growiug out of th'ultdshics.. LOCATI4)N—F , mt of I'L.INK.-itOAD ST.. on the Rail-Road Track.' (;LARci PHILLIPS Wellsville, July. 7, 1838.-19:31:tf:. • TO ETTEY FEMALE IS TILE ITSITED STATES. .1' MRS. MNITAGES - AlAif :CORDIAL. 'FOR THE CURE (WALL THOSE liAlsruL PECULIAICTO WOMEN: 3lrs. MtiNTAGLT. for many, years atirciteil trith"nruA Of the 'diseases that are con inon to fmsles; spendiag a largeesfortune in ten years idtrying tae ditierent means of treatment for ter relief, to no avail, wns pr4Vailed upon - by Many of her-friends to visit cOba, :Deem:Ober '33, for the purpose of regaitiiitg ber health. He- there,she obtained a preimip thin from a Spanish Physician-- - "Whose Silver locks Were tending to the griare." • r' ••• 'Fith which, through the -merry of God;, she was'restored to her youthful iiie;;lth.. . . After her return site mtde 1 knowri to htts'• dreds of her female sufferers tfm cifeets of the remedy with eqoillf great success. - - This eitraordinary medicfle is offered to the public for the relief and cure I f all the painfil and dangerous, discuses to women and root the.femile corOtittnion is subject to. To those suffering frolin "F',rolapsus Lticorrhoeli—Artriio:rhoea. Melorrliagia, Dys nienorrhoca-Chlorosis, a 'speedy care can be obtained. Tothose suffering frotr.FalUng of the Womb or t - terinc-IVeakness of aoy ltiud. the Female Cordial is especially'recamineit led. It is war rinted'to cure this -painful disease . if perse vered in. . ' , An all spinal anctiona, in - the region of the Paris, LorrneSs of Spirits,, Sick-headache. and Ml tiles& diseases arisin_ from the peculiar of'women. the Cordial will be found o: an immense value: This - medicine moderates ail excess, and re moves all ohstrurtion ; it invigorates- the de biliated constitution for the duties of-lifc,n when taken in tniddle age .pro'ves. a blessing. Modesty fo'rbid.:".us. in a tlublic -daverise ment, to make full the details; but the,wrip per around each letter will fully explain every case. • • - Merchants. females. or others, by s , •_‘r ding three cen:t stauip; can'itave,any respecting the operations of the raed - Agents *anted la every vill.Tge in the Uni ied States." Put up in half pirttbottles; $2.00 per bottles; 50 per cent. off to tile troJe. t ali orders Moat be addressed to -_ • Dr. J. D. STO.IMROAD, iShte,Proprtetor,l Lewiitown,'Dox . . DYSPEPSIA AII - D FITS. '''• -I • . Dg. 0. mars ipowitr, • ! ... THE - GRRAT CURER OF cONSOIIPTION, - was for Years so badly afflicted by'Dy'spep ( sia, that: fur a part of the titad he watieruthneci to his , bed. 1-fe : Aras eventithily cured by a prescription furnished him' tv_ h young -cla,r voyant girl, ..This.preiCriptiOM.givbn him by a mere child; While in a state of .trance, bas cured' - everybOrly who has-taken it, never hay . , lug filled once: '.hilt equ;lllr..a. - sure iri:ea scS of Fersas.o.f.Dysprests. , . The Lig.redients .. -maY be found in any drag store. „'I will send this valuable prescription to :tiny person oa tho receipt of tine stamp ,to• pay povtaite: 2 .A e dress -.;•". - DR. - 0. PIIELP:i DR CAVS, "''. . : ' No. 21 Grandstl,'Jerrey - Oityfli. J.) i-3 mos., inside. 22. cuff Street, New-York. st.ouTaGrene. 4•17 • Gpli33 STpUIGEG, HONSOPATUIC ITIALS s GRADUATED 3W . EASIT3tS, NURS ", ,EDY BOTTLES, ETC: .01:1:s.5",,Wlite Toe Chernistz, Drtizeist, Pes• furners,lThOtographer , i etc. Green Gl:tss sate 5y the ri - aelthrgts.. A literal dise-ount- made - the tr:ade. Prde.rilronk Conntry Drugg,ist3 and 4 Dealers solicited. f. Price Lis s.ient appli- F OR TH E 4, porrEit JOURNAL.", A, - , - 0...-V.f , ,..11.:' : ..T. - :1 N..' 1N 'TUE 'POTTER JOURNAL CM NO - LIE - TO. TiILY! t A IL C.I3ROCKEN,- 1 1 ,•• - 1 r-P -. , - .1... •.- -1: __,,-,.,' _IRON CITY COMMERCIAL_ PV . /7 . 00,3P.GU., PA, - -..•- -,. .c iaßp ., RED ,l"_,46.3t. -..... • . 300 Studer.ta attending January; 1,4*....p1a )".../Wllle larke3t, and most thoraugh:,;%4- , alercial School of the I.7Mted State 3, Youpg. men pierared 'for. actual duties of tli4 05.fun1... • lag Rama., J. e t S..arrn, A. M. Prof, of Dook-keeplug' , dit;d _ Science of Accoaut3..• -. - , ..t. 4 . _4,4,- ..3,.. T, pournErr, Teacher of - 2k.riihraetl44tnal Commerci4 Cakelation, • J. A. 113..yaracc. sr .1.1 T. C. •JENIKINS teFlirs of B4A-kcepiag. ".., .• - A L10v.: . i..1.--c nod w. A. Manta Prof3, - Of Phi • - SINGLE AND - -11100 S. , KEEPING, • • ',": 40 t3 A . • s isetl in rery department of,buslie4-4 . t•SS WRITINI:—.-DETECTINct • - couNTErs.Err ••• mr,rteANTILE COIIIIESPONDEI'CE--;0102- NERCLI T. Are . tatight,':ind subjeavtit64 sary fo,zithe success ayiti l frioroughecip,c4 ., *, - of a practical p,a.thless:ll - air,,. ~8 11 .1- 1 P.ll E 5.4 Dr. 116 all the prentlums the post three ye,r3,- also :n l;as:cruttncii}c~- tern-Cities., for NOT ENGRAVF.D. tri:ORTAITI" IBTFOtiqkTldtit., Students enter rft any tinp--No yaqat,i9l. 4 L- Tinie unlirait6 - 1-frneview ztt ztsiisted i 6 obtaiaiallsituatiOds=Tol (ion for fell Cianrrieicial CoirspiSs..s. - tio; craze tiinc 8 to 112. Boht.d, week ; Stationery $6,00--Eutire to S;0,00. Sene received at half -Fur '1!1' - ZIA; neis and °mai:lentil' Writiiig,--inclos4 1 - 11 A Stalllpff, mid 'ti) . , W.[JENKINS, Vittsbur,;l4:F!er- 10:0-41 -1 '7 A. 'Card "1e roro Dr. .11:tim U es-. .Ifarret of the Neu - Voril" Lting nikfirinary.4..)iyconnectiqn f' t!refiis'3t. -eight veers with !the above Institutioil, althlef and al twelve ,years' coluseof-steaalir devution to the cure of ruhrt mary C011 . :i1J11(4• 1 ,1:11d• . its kiidred, diseases, togetfief-7.ith ntr unritithed oihlortunitles and advaritagisZf pstholeglc..l earvit—.laided not a Ilftl. -4 -b? . it, perfect system of 11.•c/teal ;.,bled me to art-l i ve at ni decisive, .qirce.t,llned . successful course of tre.atment for. the posititao and radian-1 core of ail diseases Of 'tlieri;c;tzi, Lls.j.r. and Inhalathm„l'lltp, vapor an.l curative properties of Medielhei arra directlf addressed to the diseased org,tuts - abt.. the inteaments• Ido not advise •the ,yee,• Medical - Inhalation of any kind_ to the etciuc ax sloe A,fieneral treztmen(; And althowillt recat ; eider it a useful adjuvant in the props; m+n agement of those fearful and ofteri'.fittardisie eases, yet I deem it very neees.4ary: that 'each,. patient should have the benefit,of, hoth getto-fd. and local treatment. The success of nry l treat; met inane above diseases, neter of the Instltution over hin,g had the lltinor to' preside:,. tirequo. l 4--4 known to need :any eulo - .or coialficr:t•fiaro% toe. At the solicitation Of. nrtrty privu.itaettitt. pr..tfessional friends, ,througlipill} taro; is aid the 'above ciaarity'laio and liberally supported, and after T have col:eluded toTtittlk with` 4‘tili rargements as will bring...the benefits..of e:rperiettcertnd treatment within the Teaela . 4 all, and nut confine .myssf,,es beretofore,,,9-,,nly who entered the InfirrnarY,..6l-IWh `, were -.hie to visit.' me at my - ofileet 'rpao .liereforc that - the a rrqn velment -kill:give iarisftction, both to my , profnesioriaddliethraiii, and the public. I would respectfullyNariont4 ist con,lasion, that /can F?;.):r be ccilgtti?driez:.r, .ori . or kv lef!;:r, od, diseases:fie 'ab6ib;" - nod . thatthe meal: bars; the s:ime 'esS thelastittien, prertered'io suit enehin?.ititill; cal case. Ali:zit:lg i r dpors,l-VviicallihtticrejAc4 Stc.," W.ll be forwarded by express the Uinited States ur the Catiatlts„,Tzmis F ae ternis'of trtlatmv:A letter are as 2 pair raouth for: 'each patient,i:ti-liii' will inclodh medleincagtolicient tor one trhirillilit) use"; . also, InhelLig Vapor, and en rnh:tijtt ' Apparatus. n . tyt.'ldn foliows • $6.- to 144- paid toExpress Agent on receint,the of Me.lichie., and thedialar.ce. Si tci h'e'paiitkd the expiration of the montli..if the - patititit±b4 cured or is'. entirely 6.tistied•with.:the:. tre2.o) rnent. Patients. by 'giving a fall - liiitent94 their case, and their : s3.-mittoms infair t nap s l24, tre,-.trd as well by letter as by iiirsoonl. ea ra illation. Patients avvillin . ,r= tif.,l4- ,Thisett's treatment rosy rely awl pert:its:zeta CitirOnli :has , * tieat a case over. thirty days.,,z, Letters foritrit l i prompt:3- answered. : .I'or further. parfie l ., ulars address JAMES t JATiRETT. 4 ti .2.() Brnaiwas, cor. T*6lfth.'SC,N.-1:"€ P...3*- - :—Traysi:lans'an4 dthere Yrs;ling the city ere respectfully invited toedit bridle tirmary. where inaby interestink. caFes ; cacti° witucs ,, ed, and where our improved _ up:un:ll,44i for irthal4tioa of 'medicated ralidr seen and in-pected". ' 11:2-:Cmci • Ct DR. CULVERIAMEC -O NT .IVI A Nl4 Q.O_D L . :Lz A MEDICAL ESSAY ON A NEW, dEDTAM ,A.ND .RAMCAL CLIRE•• OP.. SP : ERSIA4r TORRH(E.i, 4x.,. WITHOUT . THE - A-, .USE Di? INTERNAL '11EDI •, CINES; OACTERIZATION OR .MECHANI.. , CAL APPLIAN..; CBS. Pttrmaram, the 6th random,. in - a". se4e4" • eveloPe, gratis and mairel to any ticitire - sa;:l post-paid, on receipt of twcistataps' - ": , :14 This little work, emanating froth-a cejtabiii.w ted member 'of the 'medical profession,.:givit.' the most important informatitin ever putt:Wtted; to all persons entertaining_doubts of', their, pi l ysi,cal condition, or rho tiie -rains - CiOns="43l, 'taring hazarded their hetdth anti ha : ppineit.r..L4" contairam; tho partirulays of an er.tfrely and perfect remedy for :Spertriatorrhea Seraimd 11"eakedss i Debility, :Feryousnr:pn,'De:4' preseioa of 6pirits, Lev' of Energy; lavoltintary Seinifial Dischaige:Tna-. paired Sight and Memory, Blotches mad • ple.3 on-the Face, l'ilei,i-Indig'estion. Palpita;' , - don of.the Heart, end I3pdily Prosirettion.:2ot the whole• induclitg mental - am.: physical ineaitttri;-y,-b}• ine:anss% evc Ty orm.may enre himself privntetz,, pt net cx.prme. • • • Ad.lresY DR. C. R.LIN enue, cor. 19th street,. Nev York; Po:st:Baztit N o . 45sG. , [?-'4 mo., inside.] AftRANGES AND LEMONS-jug receltid ILI' 10:3 NV /L.& 3. IL GRAVES. GI Et 23 1222 C. OEM EU