The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, October 28, 1858, Image 2

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    .°w~ I'~ik'a • ice, j: ~' ~r.'t'^'"
Judge -Porter's Resignation?
ForHey' Opinion thereof,
I'. nu. etc Philadellphia Pras
'There is nothing more graceful than a
4-rreeeful submission to defeat. • The true
philosopher is he who meets disaster with
.en j, _ to retirement
Irittioutn4 ; A: /his 'lesseri seems to
Levc - heen lost upon -the bighly'• - stititt-'
guishEd*entleinariLwite Was a.ciindidate
lor.aSupteute4udge,-iwthis State, at the
Nii,, - 61,eetio — n, -- and was Lary .I.)Eacn by
g0 : 4,44A M.. Read..:. We aikido to the
Porter, whose letter to
.llovernOr :Packer, resigning bis pOsition
pfkiti the - ,S,Upretue Dena, to: which lie
liad - been appointed by the GoV . e.rnor, we
,teprint.iii another ,colunin 'We are free
- tu:safthat, in point of style:and- temper,
tvdoeS.lfinige 'Porter no credit. 11l the
fh'Aplace,- it reflects upon Governor Pack
er:" - Would/it: not have been at least dee
krytuk-jer-J_ittlge:Porter to have held over,
under the commission conferred by the
oernor in , Stteli manifest, good faith,
f :r the very lyrief period KealaPiit! ,-, before
assfint,esthe ,ertnine? Why
,this-hot .haste to get rid of the
,rubes ? Surely • his clients would :have
Aisite s ilytittle ivhile longer in order to let
Ouse as provided by law.
_Judge Porter is not less unfortunate
when he says that whenever a judge can
"iie- elected by reason of his sentiments
:QV question of politics, that moment
the real .poWer of the judicial office will
4isappear , " Then, the Convention that
nominated him did wrong in taking. hint
tip lac t eartail he was a Democrat, aud in so
fiit he jehnk-es ficev. then_ Judge
P.ey,V,r Lad ':sentiments" on a certain
"question:" lie took care, in some plac
es, to declare his anti-Lecomptonistn,
*hile iii others he allowed himself to be
hunted as . of a reverse opinion, and was
.urea-.content to stand on "any platform"
in order to get votes. Now, more re:
ptarkable, than all, lie allows himself to
k hy what. is neither more nor less than a
rebuke nf those who, if they sinned at'all,
slu tied only in standing where he professed.
to stand. What else does he mean
lie peaks 'of those
. who "remain
jo' the kemi?eratie party to do the work
of disorganization ?" lie may allude, in
deed, to his uncle, James Madison Pot.,
ter,._who ra n as a volunteer candidate for
jgdge•soute years ago, iuthe Monroe ju
dictaldistriet, or to his own father, Ex-
tilovernor Porter, who iSltnown to oppose
theHregiilar nominations . in the county
Itherche resides, whenever they do not
please did not suppo • that the
.tamot-at the.glorious Democracy,. which'
refuses to endorse Lecompton, as so many
dblorganizersTwould-react upon those so
pear to him: That Democracy may now
see -how- Tight they were in distrusting
,inclge•Potter,_and: we only regret that he,
did notollow his.real sentiments to appear ,
/of insteaffofofter the election. • •
Eid..fie.doue this, the majority against,
hip would have been five times larger
than it is. judge Porter is
: one of the
last mep to use ' harsh langulge to any
portion of the. Demecratie party. lle is
the t last man to set himself a model
panocrat. Ile has never rendered any
service to that party; has in most cases
refused. to, subscribe to its expenses; was
more than indifferent to it in 1856; and
even now, while declaring thatite obtain
pil, the appointment of the Judgeship.
without solicitation, and that lie expected
to reach-it-by election, without doing any
thing to promote his success, he forgets
that he vas in consultation with some of
the most reckless local partisans before
lie preenred his nomination at Harrisburg,
and that these partisans acted under hiS
lead. •
• Judge Porter makes an allusion to his
youth, in his singular letter. It will take
'Jilim . malty years to recover from the hp
rivession it"will make on the public mind
lle haS had a full share of patronage, and
he must not think that he has any claim;
either of family, or of intellect, or of or-.
thodoxy in-matters - of faith, to entitle him
the right of holding office, or denounc
iug those who do got think him deserv
ing of it. The days of the Bourbons of
polities are over in this State; and we re
gret that so young a matt as "Judge Por
ter doetirnot know it.
Ttin FIRST DISTRICT.—At the meet
ing, of file Return Judges of the First
flongressiOnal distract on - .Friday moraine,
affidavits were -read from the watchers
appointed by the Court for the Eighth
precinct 'Or . l.l:ieFourth Ward, setting
forth th,t_outragemis:„frands were prac
tised there by.the friends of Colonel Flor,
price: -Votes- which had been polled for!
} were counted fur Florence,-no
ttention Whatever was paid to the elec. :
7 g01:1 10;4; the votes of all persons throra r
,le _to Vlorence were received without
question, and several persons voted frc- -
fluently at tivt precinct. There is -no
fjoubt that the yetftrus from the precinct.
arc grossly fraudulent, and it is extreute 7
ly don stfto whether 34. Florence has rei
eeiVedvenaugh lepl votes to entitle him
to 11°14,4 seatitt the nest CongreSs,. '
decided are the proofs of fraud, that a
i,fiajoroy of the Return Judges were in
fovorßf refusing a certificate to Florence;
hairipg emisnlted the Judges of the
Court as to their right to act upon the
clear evidences of illegality presented to
them, they, were informed that it was not
jfi their power to go behind thereturns
kreAutniA . to thew, notwithstanding, their
ftflutlaletst, character. 31r. John W. Ry
fio, nornitte!!„ who, on the
tem of OR: V. s4 Ptis, IA defeated by a mu-
jority;o . .33l rotes, tutoatlF, ,IS-Saki., to
contest the election; and it is possible
that, after all, the hormst will of the ma
jority in the First District may ,prevail,
andtXr.!Florence . be 001otige'r:allimre4,to•
illuminate" the Nationl 4.ose._of "Rep
resentative* by his inaj*ic
Phil: I'iesv.
Official Vote 9fthe Stale Ticket.
CaUntica "- thlUdreolltner:
• 1:1Md. • Portfr. Fr.i.zer. Frost..
21220 2446 2'.17 2236
1105157 9,927 G 573
A l rros:rutigi 3 : 31.13 2,003 2.301 1,993
.1;4131** 1,80 1 1 • -1.,1-ct2.-----1,870 Ll3l
liedtbr . :l, •-; • 201171 . • - 1,831. 2;068
I I - 5,024 5,6541- 5•040 9,724
2,714 .1,619. 2,696 ~ 1,677
4.632 1,098 • 4,633 'O5-
. ,5,205 5,171_ 5,189 5,1.64
. 1,384 2,527 1,972
Cambria, • - 1.671' 2,100 1,831 2,101
Carbon,. • 1,467 1,263 1,400 1,255
o,mlre, 2,34 2,060 2,379 2,081
Clarion, i
. 7,371 4,742 7,371 4749
1,366 2,185 1,277 2,142
Clearticld, • . 9.911 1,314 964 1,492
Clir;tod, 1 '
; 240. 1,367 1 . 239 1 ; 362
Coh:uu'A:l, 1.438 1.902 1,430 1,902
Crawford. 3,070 2,11 ' 3,109 2,024
Cumberliol4, • 2,501 2,811 • -2,493 2,930 , pliity, 3.344 2,185 3,204 2,302
pelewlre, 2;818 1,1;04 2,780 1,646
' 353 ' 519 340 504
Erie, . : • 3.233 1,921 3,187 1,525
Fo•S'ette,; .2,205 '2,50 2,117 2,454
Forp;ty! 77 • 70 81 52
. .
VT:lll4lin, : 3,395 3,020 3,381 3,085
Fulton, '
Greiille, ' . 842 1,941 838 1,777
Huntingdon, 2,079 1,300 ' 2,075 1,290
Indiana, _ 3,02.7 1;410 2,999 1,410
Jefrerson, 1,257 1.1:13 1,238 1.121
Juniata,: 1,210 1,215 1,179. 1,201
Lane Ister, - 9,6'25 6,0130, 2,843 8,099
I •o 4l 'encr 1,923 (101 ' 1,807' 584
4elanoili 2.057 1,508 2,1178 1,509
Lehigh,: 2,017 3,102 2.908 3.125
uierne, 4,147 4,491; 4,050 4,417
ovomitta 2,223 2,290 2,225 2;206.
Nteli:ean„ ; 773 . -548 781 555
Allreer, F F 2,823 2,120 2.811 2,118
Mifflin, 1,400 1,122 • • 1,1191 1,198
Monroe, - 599 1,424 511 1,305
31ontg.nnery, • 5,570 5„523 5,580 5,029
111ituui, Bl3 . 770 806 741
Sioit.ll4mpton, 2,223 3,041 2,220 3,035
Noitlinnaberkl, 1,034 2,459 1,599' 2,281
Perry,. ' 1,791 1,V.29 1,794 ' 1,034
Philadelphia, 33,385 26,867 33,094 27,509
Pike, . . 176 ~497 170 498
Putter, ; 983. 498 971 480
Schuylkill, 5,703 b5,4:44 5,703 5,483
Somerset, 2,475 1 : 585 2,477 - 1 : 582
Snyder, - 1,402 •1,055 1,402 1,035
Sullivan, 3u7 488 . 281 495
Suecitielianna, 3.121 - 1,954 3,103 1,953
Tioga, .3,084 1,449. 3,064 1,415
Union, 1,285 748 1,293 737
Venitngo, 1,902 1,743 , 1,889 1,737
Warren, - ' 1;t105 1,697 1,583 1,064
Wa. , liingtoni 3,906 3;677 3,919 3,509
Wayne, I 1,763 2,121 1,809 .2,130
Westin oOland, 3,783 4,456 . 3,784 4,442
Wyoming, 814 r 815 . 938
YtPrk. ' 3,042 '4,520 3;973 4,550
Tot❑la 198,119 171,056 1911,620 171,335
head's injority over Porter,' 27,023
Frazer's m ijority over Wrest., 25,284
Total vote for §upreine Judge, 1853, 369,215,
TotAl vete fur. .Gorerlior, 1857; 363,197
Increase in 1858. • • 6,018
Congressional Districts.
l'hiladelpleia.—Thomas B. Flor
ence; 11ecoutpt9n.
ll.' Joy Morris,
1111. Ph iladelph ohn P. Verree,
. IV.' Ph 17mIelphea. illiam Mill
ward, Oppositiop.* • .
V.' Montgomery county and part of
l'lr ;(nclef') hia .—J 18"oo(), Opposition.
YE. Chester (hal Delaware.—john
Hick - Man, Opposition.
' VII. Bu I.•v and Lel/I:A.—Henry C.
`Longneeker, Opposition":'
• - VIII.. Berkleounty.-John Schwartz,
atitVLecompton bemocrat.'
Lancaster county.'—Thaddeus
Stephens, Opposition. -
X. Lebanon, Dauphin, (Won, Sny
der and Lower Mahoney townships,
.Yorthumberland county —John W. - Kil
lingel4.,' Opposition.
XI &Any and Northziniberland.
—James Campbell - , Opposition.
XII. Montour, Columbia, Luzerne
an d. Tyoni l ing.—George W. Scranton,
X I II: .LVOrtlintpton.; Monroe, Carbon,
Wayne andPike.—William 11. Dial
mick, LecoMpton. • ;
XLV.-- , Dradj;m7, 7iaga, and Sus
quehanna:L cralusba A. Grow, Oppo
XV. Lyrom &
iny, Mean, Potter,
Clinton, Ciintre and .ifijlia.—James T.
Hale, OppOsition:
I';n4,•, Perry and Cwinberland.
Henry L. IFisher, anti-Lecompton Dem
ocrat.' . I
XVII. ; Adams, ;Trait/Jig, Fa/Nn,
I3r"rlji,rrl. burl Juniata.—Edward Die-
Pherson, Opposition,'
XVIII.' ,SontersV Crttrz ! brin, Blair
and Hantipaquie.—b. Steele Blair, Op.
I.l'estmorclan(l, Indiana and
"drinstrong.—John Corode, .Opposition.
XX, paziette; Green and Washington.
_Nviiji4n4,..3l.entgotuery, anti-Lecuurpton
XXI. 'l//c9lre»N eennty.—James K.
• XXII. Butler and part- Allegheu,
,—LRobert McKnight , t) - ppusltiPLl :
XXllli,Beacer; hatoieerce and Net :
cer.--iWilliam Stewart, Opposition.
re:holly), IYiirrei ifeKean,
ote q 7fidd and
Clarions:--;-Chapiu Oppolitio4.
;Erifl and.
B•ibbit Opposition.
Oigiositien j ;0
TlAid I - - 25
• . 0 .
Tlt' l e Hon. J. Glaucy'jones, the
best-nliiped man in the country, has ac-
--- i, -- i ii - - cctriiti ' 'i; id -t: .i• 1 ;• they
_ : t, e appolu men o .: mister ,to, .9 . e i nu ie o
. :pary ~ no t,
AuStAit •Niielf the , President offered ih:iut .have:butravedand abagdoned.': : tt.iSole'iri
in kneh ' ,.bot haste after the. news
,frout WOrk - 4tatilhey may claim fron!:thckne#:
l'enrnAlm.l.ala readied the, White House. I allies fall 'eolinpensatinn Ifni-I:Ole iiir,viee
The tr A tion. of - Yd`Sterflay remarks'-ilitit the they ItiVerenderetk - :. ,:fh'ey s atiel the DiaCk .
uppoitittnent was "en iucntly fit to linii.'epublicatis:liiii-C: been, faithful,co.:work
ntacle,"' 1 WO,arc glad to kno-t; what ;awl firs ; liOgittning with Judgc_Dianglals's at- .
All min iitrati On deems -official . fil:it.<a..--L- tae': - -u,li-14esiiiciit' lltieha rian'4: -. Mitt i nia-
What faajOrityag.iiost a LeComipto' al)eui- frtiti..:: at thl, connucacentent':
. f the- WI 1
ocrat Would.' entitle - bhp: to The: islitusfry to session of Congress, and : erniit g ' in - Abell*: <
England? ,What' to the Ministry td i presentjointandingloriousviet ry. They
France:.? . Let ushave the official' scsle, - I have . Ifourztrt - well and success' Ily - togeth- -
Mr. Duchanan. . :het us ltdVe it before the lei. ;Let Thom, togetlir i rejoice,. and, i ll -
Noveuiber elections.= .ri4uff ' . :. - • .. 1
conntion prepare for the . fivaltdootn. that
- —-- -'- twits alike-The original ei:ftruiea and , the I
recast deserters of the De. fuderiatie. party :!.
- jliotliet words, heiiie - ClainiS i " ' Me . S ' S - . i3 ' ;
, . . . .
‘<‘ Forney,,Dottglas & Co„,yea will pleztO
"'consider'. vouraelves.. ''.excornmunicated
44r01n the DP;toeratic- party lof Messrs.. , ~.:
"13uUltanan, Davis, Keitt
" nieniber; too,.the Leconinton,
"'to be the test of party fidelit
".ty;anfl:you, and the large nta .l
- I
" ity of pebple at the north who
• 1
" seduced' front mg suPPort,' c
"back into, the Deniueratie ' I
<, you swallow ; every bit of myl
" pnliey." .'Verily, we saY unto 3 ,
Douglitf - .S:• Co., you've got
down,: but he thinks you're
- -
Judr,e Portees Succestioi%
HAR*BLIRG: Friday,,9eL2 . 2,-1.858
The lion. Gaylorll "Church. of Crawford;
has .:
been" appointed Judge of the • Su
kerne Court in place of Judge Potter;
'6l3t Nolttr
11)tic.5NI . 11 Iffohlip.o, (ht. 28, ISIS'S.
15th Congressional District.
The return Judges of this Congress=
ional district met at the Court IloMse, iu
Lock Haven, on 'Tuesday of last week.
The following is the official vote:,
WurrE. HALE.
:1911 25:.1-1 • ;
. 1294 1370
.228 2484
.1130 1471
. 488 - 1048
. 489 . 314
Tlalc's majority . ... 1689
list has become so oppressively large, that
although reluctant to do So, we must take
some measure to make it self-Apporting:
From the weekly and semi-weekly papers.
with which we exchange, we must ask, by
way of difference, one dollar for our week
ly and one dollar and fifty emits •for• our
seuii-weekly.— Mail:Ny(4a lkiablic.
!`. Cut" is, Mr. Brputar, if yOu wish.
We like your paper, but the money mar
ket in this region is entirely tou Stringent
just now to allow us to think of paying
you a dollar for " exchange." Scratch us
off your list immediately; we have - come
to the conclusion that the 3OURNAL, $
worth Of advertising and a whole dollar
n cash are entirely to much pay for your
paper, when we can get your neighbor,
the Era, (not a bit less worthy), for the
Journal and a good deal loss advertising.
Scratch, while your nails are long!
1163- . We last week copied a brief tela
graphic dispatch annonucing the appoint
ment of J. Glancy Jones—the Presidenes
"fool and butler"—as Minister to Aus
tria. The appointment has been accept
ed, and we congratulate the Hap4urgs
upon having received so distinguished la
mark of King James'- personal respect
for tyranny. indicated by his appointment'
of one of his most trusted serviles to
fit e Court. We truat, hoWever, fill- the
sake of out: National honor, that be wOl
not go nny lower iu the scale of Subserv
iency to the Hapsburgs than he has al
ready done to his master at Washington.
13y-the-way, Mr. President Buchanan,
have'nt you a nice little foreign einbasity
or consulship to which you can send otle
Allison White, of Lock Haven, Clintdn
Co., Pa.,—recently the candidate for r -
election to Congress what didn't. get ele+-
eil in this district? Say, for instance,
Tuscany or Parma—or we are not very
particular, £0 that he be sent 'to some
Court where be could 'be used to advatf
tage in behalf of the great principle irtf
Aciministerial-absolution which you are
so nobly endeavoring to-establish: Then,
again, you ought to provide Gillis, Lan.
dy, Reilly, Dewart, Aid, Leidy, Phillips
and Owen Jones with places to which
they can retire to grieve over their recent
disappointment. Do, sweet Mr. Buck,—
for their and Your sakes, not the nation's
or ours !
Presidential Bitterness.
President DlNhatian—who, if not the'
editor de facto of the Washington !
is at least the mentor of its Columns and
the direotor of its animadversion's upon
the conductors of those papers which dis
agree•with his policy—is sorely • troubled
by the recent disastrous defeat of his party
in this State. -He is particularly bitter in
hisdenun'ciation of those of the Kansas-an,
tipodal wing of his party; and his ire has.
fo'und vrt in long diurnal -editorials. in
the colUnins of the bizion, since the very
next day rfter the October elections. Here
is a sample of his temper and tone, from
a recent i l inethemasis - •.
." With those Democrats who have
leagued with the enemy,.,and given them
the yiettiry, we can have no faith or alli
ance. hn looking over the field, - Douglas_
and his iperneys inay find cause for ye
juicing :ma setf-lautiations. They may
glory allko in evil; shame, and the de
You arc" Vanquished victors,' and should
never :raise your heads - . again Numbers
are ucithing-patronage is poient in the
handslazi: * Presidtnt backed bV the mighty
, • 1 ,
:350,000 Voters of the You are
PulitiJal Orphans, and the jßepublican
party dares not to fqster you Out of pure
.fear of the President mid •the l 'JSolith
whom, lay:the-Way, it owns alliite present
vigor and; strength
,You are; political_
bastards; and you cannot (at least, just
now,) be hurried in the Ruch-Dealocrat-:
is • .
Kinge and Emperors in the Old Woi7ld
have their . Gazelles and Sit itgu rs through
which to denounce those who are not their
co-thinkers—and the 7 would-be 7 King-or 7
Emperor of the New.Weild has his hiion
through which he shoots hot shot at the
rigging of 'the: clipper-ships REFORM and
PROthtEss--legitimate American craft; of
which LIBERTY and EQUALITY are the
respeetiv.eaptains; and FREE' SPEECH .
and 110m-iN are the helmsmen.
The shcit, ; of course, :fall short, of their
mark, and are virtually harmless—thOugh
they wilt Surely recoil with tenfold foie&
7549 1 9238
upeu - thOse who aim and propel them.
This:Much have ve s' aid about the.affaits
of others.. We hope we have not wound
ed the feelings' of the victims of King Bu
chalnan's Martthenini—we . know . the King
has! no right or Wish to meddle;with us
further than we have heretofore 'rendered
ourself liable.
. We take the liberty, here, (although it
is evidently none of our buslueSs,) -to ad
vise editorial friends in the iutcrest of
.I.4glas and Forney to take wai - ning by
the above extract from the Union, and
flu sacrifice their standing in the regard
of the King,--at - present, at least,—by
exPressing their preference for thcse party
exiles. The Kiz g may,. possibly, conde
scend to notice editors in his head-chop
pink; process,—though we. are inclined to
believe he went as far as he desired to in
thdl scale of meatiness when he proscribed .
Illinois backwoods' postmasters. biscre
, l•
tion, however„wtll not go amiss with edi
torlS 'who are in t . c: least danger. -
iqulatto-Denocracy In Tioga.
The defeat of - Mulatto-democracy in
Tioga is utter. The " greese spot;" that
u4tuotis residuum sometimes discovered
un o
iltin , * the place whore the last kick - of
a party was made, as far. as lltinkerista is
coaCerued, is wt out. That party had
the field 'mostly to
.itself. Its tuninbers
sminred• the con ty day and night, solving
shildeN breatde t and exhausting every
are,, to . create dis• li:cation-, in tire , Republi
can ranks.• To .ounteract this, with .the
exe Option of Mr Power,: not one of the
*publican eanidateS_ lifted a finger, so
i t to say, until the eleventh hour. The. ef- 1
feet of this judo atme may be: seen in'the
falling - oriu the majority for .the eandi,
dates - for ''Asseu , bly. On the whole, it' ,
eqUals the victo i .y of last fall. Then Ives
.el4c . ted our loca ticket by an-average'nui-1
jortty of 1,909.. The average majority for',
thb local. ticket just elected is about 1,800.1
W.,!intot had 3,284 votes in the county—
Grow, has 3;211 ,!•—a decrease of 73, only !
The majority of Mr. Grow over the igu
latto State ticke, (and this majority, next
tattle average mjority for the ticket, ix.uit
tine,: State offices,
is the best measure of
pa ty strengthilts 1,762! His •majoritir
.)%?.or eompetitots is -2,422 ! The entire'
vote of the comity, last.year, was 4,477 ;
this - year it is 4,03-leXs by 56, only than
th entire poll of 1857 . ; This is indeed'
a il r olurions victiry ! Well may the Re
p I
orblicaus be prpud of it ! - All honor. to
th masses eveti true- itol Freedom where,'
the c y
are intelli74ent. . 1 . .1
j!far It. will be seen that Mr. 111.tir - N'S
it4jority falls abbot 100
. below Mr. Wil
liltotfs. This -inist be credited to, the
dislionorable.coprae of Mr. A. J..Munro,e-
Tbis gentleman" (sot :Out in '.opposition to
Mr. Willisfonwhich, in itself, Was all
.well enough. IBut Mr. Munroe found
Jiprdan a hard - rmd to travel, and .couclud-,
ed that it would bo Well enough to run
I to l ith Williston iind a_gainst M. ann. - jPot ! .
ter hacf.tio.right to - a. - Represent4ice;' , iir: 7 7
~ue,dthe. consistent Mr.:s .;-
iris :weak and Tioo•a stroil i , • atitt aS - Miaht;
'wakes Right, and as Tipga,:c•outd' sneak
oct of her en ga 'Rent; she thightio
1* 'S at o Mr. Mutiroegetsliekets - pifilt.
ed stibstituting fer•Mr..Mann's.
This lost the lat . l*--100;_vntes,'
Ve apprehend that 11r. Atinitns.4.
Munroe has now distinctly dptiiied his
Z"- - IVe liiiii - friifimililtfo-qc!ncientisin
this county'who are feeling quite bad just
The mawwll,i 4 ffrit led the:Repub
. lieans Party to cietorv, and ‘,ca going. to
kick b - jekwarils - noir,"' is a giaid
,11, : ori,e he not
,be displeas
ed with' 111E4 akin
. _
. "IF every suing)" iti Kansas We're a ne
gro, every tree upon her soil a .lace driver.
and evefy . twig -upon the fret* a lash to
scourge 'a iiegro to his daily toils I would
vote ti) . r . the becompton Constitution."
issue is still
y and puO-
I ss ormaj
;n1 von have
This; infamous - sentiment was uttered
upon the stump, ft feW days ago, by the
Ron. 'James, thighes, the Indiana went
her of tiongress, who challenged- a man
for the avowed purpose of avoiding:a fight.
We doubt' whether - there is a demoe-at
in the Uttion who will' refuse to indorse
this " infamous s'entiment."4Loaisuille
Democritt. •
,annut 'come
;arty until
ou, 3143r5.
old Buck
• LIST OF 1!
First Annual 'Fair of Op Potter
County Agricultural and
Socie- •
ty, October, 18.5.
The Committee on
.C.ITTh E. awarded
pretniunts as follow
For best Devon. Ball, 3 y':; old ;and up
wad, blood. to H. 11. Dent, qz3,00
+tbest:Hereford Bull, 3 y's andayietvatl 4 ,
to A. F. louts, • • 3,00
" best Durham Bull, 2 y's undrupward,
. j blood, to Almeron Nelson,; 2,00
" best do dti IdodoW. B. - Ayres, 1,00
" 24 best Durham Bull, 2 }•'g old and
upward, A blood, Jerry Burrell. 1,00
" 112 st Bull Calf,l Duch., 0. 1C IG', Judd, 1,00
" 2d best do .4 do J. C.170 - aua ugh, 5o
" Best Yoke of 6i:en; 1:ale Prink; 3.00
" 2d best I d:> G. B. Oterton, '2,00
•L Bast, Yoke of 3 frs old SteeT.4,
ron Nelson, i 1,30
" BesE Yoke 1 y'r old Steers., Gee. Lyon, 00
" Best Heifer, 2 y'rs old, Durhittn, to
Chas; 11. Cushing,
" 2d; best Heifer, 2 y'rs old, I. l parhatn,
to Bennis Ha 11,1,00
Best Heifer C.df, Alderney,' to 11.
11, Dent, •30
", do - do Native. Cleo. Lyon. 50
" -Best y'r4 old and upward,
Hereford. to - G. B. Uverton. l 1 3,00
" Best Mild' 'Cow, Elyirvis fideltet; 3,00
" 2 , M.lelt Cow, Giles tiostin, 2.0 U
anntiii!tee:" Aslibel. Monroe, Almernn Net
son, Jo-ierli Kutmititn, G. W. G Judd, Wtn.
B. Ayres, A. U. 'Stevens, G. G. Culvin.
The,CoMmittee on HORSES awarded
premiums as follow :
For Span of Breeding Mares Dennis 11a11,.53,00
Braeding Mare, J:icob Feet, • - 3,-0
" Best Sucking Colt, to Jacob Peet, 50
" Mare and 3 Colts. Sain'l M. Mills, Diploma
" Best Span of 3 y'rs old Colts, .
ran Ne!sr.n, - 1,00
" Beat Span of
. 1 y'r old Calls, Walter
Etlgecimb, -1.00
" Best Carriage Horse. G. 13 'Orerton, 2.00
2J best do D. F. Glasszoire : LO
' Westprauglitilorse, A. F. Jones, 2,00
" Ilezt Stallion, 13. F.
" 2tl be, do \Vin. L. SMrkwoather, 2,00
t , Best Trained Span or Horses, Samuel
Thompsol,.. 3,00
" Prat 11,1thell do S. Foss , 3,00
" Large Iron-Grey Ilorse J. B Smith, Dip/.
" Three 2 y'rs old CJlts, Bari' Clark jr., 1.,00
Span of Ifr Colt-, I).trid White, 'Dip/.
" 3 frs old Colt, No. 218, no name, do
" Span of 3 y'rs old Cults, Fly Yeutter, do
Breedro: Mare, henry Ventzer, ,3,00
- Span of Draught Horses, to Geo.
Ayres,- 3,00
;.Couttnitter: . Nelson Perham, Lyman Nelson,
!:.% J. Mills., Era Canfield.- • .
The Committee on spEra. awarded
'piemiums as follow : •
'FOr French Merino Buck, to S. M. Mills, $l,OO
; . 1 .6 Yearling Leicester Back,Jos. Phillips, 1,00
3 y'rs old Buck, ,I, Leicester iunl
114kewell, Joe. 2,00
J'en of 5 Buck Lambs, Jos. Phillips, 1,00
0 do 0 Owe d,) • " ,". 1,00
5 y'rs old Buck, French Merino, to
[! Sylvester G•Veentnln, 2.0 0.
IT" Committee wou:d alS'o Stntd that Buck
No. 794 (uo none) they consider nearly equal
t•O No. 205, I Sylvester Greearnan's,) on which
they have awarded a Prelniunt.
e'committi•e: 14. W. Lyman' Seth, Taggart,.
O." Perry,- Ilenry Nelsou, _
H The Committee ou SWINE! awarded
liiremiums as . follOw : 1 - • •
l! For Best Sow, over 1 fr old, to Ahntron
Nelson, $1,50
liest_Boar over 6 months old, to Al- , '
moron Nelson, - 1,50
" 2 Leicester Pigs. to Dennis Mall, Dip/.
" Bacir Pig, S:itlolk and Leicester, to
• ICH.
Commiuce : Lewis Lyman, Jatue , Nelson.
The 00'11'11h:tee on POULTlttYliward
ed premiums as follow :
loos Pair of 011iekens. 'nnti
Cothin.China r to Benj. I:9linals, 50
"" Pair of Guinea Hens, S. 31. 31111 s, Dip!.
" . do Geese, " I ""I • do
" .' do Doek3, g. ' 4c I do
Committee, John -M. Killiournj Sobieski
Ross, 11. Andresen.. - I '
• The Committee on GRAIN &; GIUSS
awarded premiums as; follow •
For Best 3 ActeS,Grass,l Mason Nelson, $3,00
" do -4- acre Peas, (13 buShels,) Hen
ry Nelson, . 75
" Sample ofSwamp Wheat,S. Vii. Mills, D;pl.
do - Golden Drop,
.‘‘ "- •50
" • do ' • Bye,• IC ,it 50
do: Rio Grande Wheat, to LP.
i• • • 50
Handsomespeeitinis or COrn were exhibit
ed by W.-B. 'Ayres, H. P. 'Sizer and others,
which were Understood by the Managers to be
iltended• as samples of Crops raised, but were
n ot accompanied by any statement of the num!.
ber of acre - raised;orAtiantity per sere. ;The ,
fino,-,ZaWiftd is, therefore, withheld by *.
Baard--f4 - 4 future meeting:, that th e
:ors may IhiTe-an to
- of filt a i shi
their - it:atom:ants the Secret, l zg
,Conemigee: Isaac P. Rowe, J; P.
D. White. -
Th - exormuntee on G.A.RDEN Ott
'CH Slid) :FRUIT awarded Inataium
follocv •- • • -
Kir - Best'assortmeut of.-Garden Fruit, S.
P. Hart, (H. A: Fisher. gartleuer) $ 21 , 5
Bumpkin, H. 11.-Dent., ,
Best. (itaita-Naga) Turnip,
.Best'Sanipl'• of POtatnes (Crlifurilia)
.for. Field culture, T. W. Beaton,- • ,
, Best;Samiile of Potatoes (Orleaus) for
Talile; use. A. F.J 9 fit,,
Ap" 7.Cal?6agC, [all sainplet
good.] Dike, •
o^ Winter Squash. reth„'
er samples toodl-Nelsoit Cini It
:Sest Sample Of Citrons, C. H. Arno,
. strong,
Li ~ Best,; Acre of Beansi•titisetl by youth
itixler 12 years of age, Geo. Lyoa,
o Best Sample or Mulish, Iry Ytultzer, Lr i
• :•do Kohl Ii ibi, •" • " L ,
. - do. Fetiches, Mrs. C, Smith Si
,s do- -
.Pears; John P. [framer L i
" '•Best Assortment of ()reliant Fruit, to
" Best V.iriety of Apples. H. W. Nile. ,
- Li
" Best Soityles of Siberian. Crab ,
. • Jacob Peel.
" Best:Samples of hire Corn, S. Hau,'sL"
u ;B es t lii lb's. Maple Sllg,ar r , [all sm.
pies' line,] U. H. Armstrong,.
" 13esi Maple Molasses, C. H.-Aringroa v „
Nel ;on Clartt: exhibited some Grave, of a
large bine variety; not of a tlavor
Vim-rant a premium, • Dip
Cominittee : H. W. - Beuloil, S: P. Goodsell
Henry Yeutzer, Dr. H. Jeorg,.
The . .Ccimmit tee iii II OUS E OI,I)
MA N I:FACTURES awarded preuThalis
as I'ol fins': .
For It Carpet, Mrs E. Canfield, sl
•• Woo:en .Sluckings (depsited by MN.
Taggart, made by Mrs: Jan
Taggart. who is 4"; years old, 2 -
" Stocking , Yarn; Mts. ; T.
rpk: Mrs. N.lyt. Tagwirt, la
" Blt nkets, Mrs. Itiinda rq gar t t 5 (
" Lamp Judd,
" Spre Normak Dwight, • fel
Tarn Carpet, deposited lay [li. 0.
Perry, made by S. F., Darrow,' 5r
" Hag Car: et, Mrs, Pf P.. - Metzger, 25
" IledQiiiit, Dirak". tdi
" spread, Mrs. 4i, g. - 31
The l tominittee would also recommend the
fol:owing 'articles as worthy of notice, ti
though . not:of such a etiaraeter to lear ra t
a simeial prentium :
litanket Shawl, itcpc;sited hy . ,Lmon Lehi
utqrs, - Mrs.• GLissinire,
S i a.cinwas of Plain Svwing, Par
S!iirts, Machi Sewing. dPpo - - - iil
by S. GI tile! work of \li,+ Gret ,
,•;ntroi,leretiMc-rino c`,:treileposiielibrM
I).T. GliasJsmire, nridel by Mrs, E. M. litni
ton. : I -
Embro:dery, I v Mr:. M. C. juntq.
-Three Linen mule by 31 ,
Barak' Niles. 1 [ Fly (hc Onii
• : . :
The Committee oil MIi,CLIANICAL
& FA 11,31 ENG- 131 PLE 31 EN IS awarde
premiums iis follow :
For Cheese Press, T. M ThOsett, ;1,6 ,
6' Cider Pri•ss, (Hickok patentee,) S.
H. Storrs,
I .
" S,lf-Acting Wagon Brake, (13. B.
Monroe patentee.) J. C..CarauSugh, -5
" Two Pieces of Window Sash, iwole by
(71111 - . A:Starkweather, under 12 y'ni '
of arc, . , . - CO
" Flat Land. Plow, Pe id B. Brown, - 7i
" Mortising Machine; %V. B. Gordinier,2,o
" Straw Cutter, .; ] l i 1.6 4
' Two M.alels for Gqters, I. P.llowe, - 55
o Mouse and Bat Triiiyil. F. :_4ivr, • -5
" Sett of Shoes on Doric No - . 103, ;G.
B. Overtan's,) AV. j:- A. Dual, 1,65
• 0 Pair of Harrows. U. I. Brown,
Cwitthift , 4: \Val. 11: 31etzger 7 H. L. 111,
Eli Lees.
cO:II3IrrTEE aw:ar4ed prewiutui
For Pastel Painting. Mrs'. S..nos3, - `;IM
" Crayon Drilwin:r, Scene in .Kan.. , :‘s.
by Miss Susan Rus.ielladepositel hy
young,] - - .1.0 1
" Crayon Drawing, , Cat,-kill Mountain
Home, by Miss 2.l.etiger, • 50
" Mono-Chromatic Dr:wing, by Miso
Ellen Ross, 1.00
" Mono-Chromatic Drawing, by Miss
Lois A. Butterworth, 54
The Committee would also recommend tut
follo‘A log articles as svoutby .of
Pickled Peaches, by Mrs. P:A. Stebb43'•
Strarberry Preseives,
.by Mrs: I'. A. Tag
Blackberry - Pyeserves,.be 31rs_11. A. Ne:sort
Currant Jelly,' by 31. Judd.
Jelly Cake; by Mrs. - Mary lick , ..
Frurt Cake, by Miss Imogene Butterworth
Steamed Bread dud Biza•uit, by Mrs, .J.l;.
Smith. .
Yeast Bread: by Mrs. J.. W. Butterworiii
Pastry, liy Mrs. E. W. Hamilton. .
Currant. Wine, -by, Mrs. M. C. Junes.
Uest Oil Paintings. by MiA,3 Virginia Fnui
Moss-B , sket, be )Its,-1;. C. Fl.O
Fancy Bake-, by Mr 4. J. B. Solna.
Woman Cover, by Miss Rachel Taggart.
Two Oit Paintinv,—Taio&cope and Fruit
—by Miss I:lorcT•Ce Smith.. These paintings
were deenrd worthy ' of t:.esv,ciat notice,ot}.. -
count of the youth: . - k the Arils being
but 10 years of age. [By the Cutedtite :
AltY COMMITTEE repdrt that they
have examined. the articles referred to
them, and award the following pieutiumsi
For Centre Table, to F. M. Jansen, •SO
" Parlor Stove, to.S. D. Kell},
" Sulky, to Z. J. Thompson,
" Butter, to Mrs.:J.. iledsoa-
" Butter, to tlytuus Ifarkeit, -5 :
" Centre Table, to J. U. Cosolattllq,
" fOr kirsi Annual Fair-=,. Pen-
W0V14.- - -drawn and riresentbd to
the SocietY by Mast. J: W. Mayeard, Dpl
Pair Fine Boots, Bork Safei;(o
- do
J. (4: Briusself,,
" Norwegian Salve, to Iry Andresen,
" Batter, to Colvin, -
" Piece of Satinet. Mrs. J. I..Nelsou, dm
" Pair of- Fine Sewed _Boots, 1• SO
Armstrong, , ' P
Nos. 4 : 1. (Mrs. A. Nelsons) and 13.1' 3 rs. •
F.• Glassinirc's,) the Committee consider,.
samples of Butter—nearly .equal to No. 05 1,_
(G. G. Colvin's,), for which a Diploinl,l3
awarded... •
CoininifteiF :S.. Ross, .It A. lsielson,.A l ! z '
t 3. 10 , 9 2, .r6Ytt . 4eclittpW, Sala. Stevens.