SINGLE COPIES, } VOLUNE IL-11112111ER. 11, THS POTTER JOURINAL, riugHED EVNItY TN URSDA.Y 11011NING, BY Thos. S. Chiiis s e, St ,e r ,,,n an Letters and Couununications should be addressed, to secure attention. Teri a4.-lav;lrlably in Advance : $1.1.5 p?r Annum. op riffmat.m.sisimenimuitinwsilisimitianiilMMlsinti. Terms of Advertising. i Sluare [iu lines] 1 insution, - - - 50 3 44 . I lt .. . $1 r. Ci Each sibsei uent ins2rtion less than 13, 25 iSqc-ii three months, 50 if six " 4 00 1 " nitre " 550 " one year, 8 00 ,le tad figure work, per sq., 3 ins. 300 Teer isli.v.qaent insertiou,. 50 !. Colson six months, 18 00 , „ II •II 10 00 3 a ,I a 700 U per year. 30 00 44 " " 16 00 file-column, displayed, per annuni 65 00 41 41 . six months, 3 00 a 41 three " 16 00 a CI one month, 600 SI Si per square 410 lints, each insertion under 4, 100 rh of columns will be inserted at the same rites. iinktrator's or Executor's Notice, 200 itor'3 Notices, each, .. .... - 1 50 ills Sales, per tract, 1 60 e Nu!ices, each, 1 00 nree Notices, each, 1 50 .sinistrator's Sales, per square for 4 1 50 42:3 or Professional Cards, each, zot exceding 8 lines. per year, - - 500 acid !lad Editorial Notices, per line, 10 te.V.l transient advertisements must be tidal advance. and no nctice will be taken advertisements from a distance, unless they acompanied by the money or satisfaoto:y ranee. goiltr,:i - g Caos. JOHN S. MANN, 'ORNEY ..:ND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Co.:den:on, Ps., will attend the" several forts :a Potter and 31'Kean Counties. Al! lus:n,•cs entrusted in his care will receive lrenpt attention. OtTice cu st., oppo ate the Court House. 10:1 F. W. KNOX, fOIINEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa., will atgularly e.ttend the Courts iu.'• Potter and the adjs.:D:lg Counties. 10:1 ARTIIUR G. OLMSTED, • .1011NEY k COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coader o yt, Pa., trill attend to ail business entrusted to his care, with prompt:les and ideiity. Office in Temperance Block, see end four, Main St. 10:1 ISAAC BENSON. JILEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa., will mead to all Irtiinesz entrustelto him, wit'' can acd promptness. 01Sce corner of Wet and Third ma. - 10:1 L. P. WILLISTON, .i'OT.:EY AT LAW; Well3boro'. Tiogs Co., - 411 attend the Courts in. 'Potter and neap Counties. 9:13 R. W. BENTON, iVEYOR AND CONvIiVANCER, Ray lload P. 0., (Allegany 'Tp.,) Potter Co., Pac. will attend to all business in his line, with tare and ti;spatch. 9:33 W. K. KING-, TOR, LT AFLSM AN st.:•:D CONVEY ANCFR S.Lettipu:t, Ji'rican t2e., Pt.- in Etend to ot,siat.os tor non-l - e....ideut ?^.wd !t'scrs, upon rcoE,ona'•ie terms. P.^_:eren• requ'rel S.—Maps W. on:. ;art oF the Co inty maL'c to order. 9:13 0. T. ELLISON, aCTICIN:i PHYSICIAN - , Coudersport, Pa., :tspecttully intorms the citizens of the vil hp and vicinity that he' will promply re 9-,ond to all call, for professional services. (dee on Main st., in. building formerly oc c4pie,t by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22 CLIZE SMITII SMITH & JONES, AZERs Ls DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Ode, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods, Gtottties, &c., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 D. E. OL3ISTED, ALER IN . DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CiO:L talding, Crockery, Groceries, &a., Main s?., ervor, Pa. 10:1 DI. W. 11..hasTN, ERIN BOOKS Sr STATIONERY, MAG AZINES and Music, R. W. corner' of Main 41 Third stS„ Coliderspoit, Pa. 10:1 MARK GI1 0 1 0 0:1, iI,BER and TAILOR, late. front the City of b'erf ,o ol, Engir.od. Shop opposite Court ctti. CooderAport, Pinter Co. Pa. r , .—Particular attention paid to CUT- I'ING. ! " . 10;35-1y. --__ iiENRY J. OLMSTED, (SUCCESSOU TO JAMES W, IMMO 4 tEii. IN STOVES, TIN & SHEET lIION ICAP.L, Main st., nearly opposite the Court R "let Coadersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on then• notice. • 10;1 COU'DERSPORT HOTEL, - GLAs3IIIRE, hoprietor, Corner of ua Led Second Streets, Conder6port, Pot fen., Pa. ALLLGANY iIOUSE, JEL M. MILLS, Proprietur, Cblesburg 11 4er Co., Pa., seven miles north of Con- Mn i on tits Wollstille Rue 4. 9:44 . ._ . . ... . , * ' , ..,.... .. . 0... ... e i _.. _,....„.. ::.........,, . ~......___._._._....._, ...._. ..... , ; ......}.,:.:_,. F .. .., • , , ....,• ..: • ; 9' ..- i ' .•. - 7. , ' 1 ": : •iel. • ...:° : • .. .. • ~ • .. ..c .-.,i tig - --:. • ..,- _- -. ~- .I' . • ~ ..,. 0.. ..,...., .•• es_ . , . - • ... —. .., . . , . . . ..., . . • . . .. • ... . . , . . . . • ilgefo Cont e. lrysterions stranfzer, stt.rtling each star-gazer ! Ob, tnest ex-orbit-an: ulazet! Tell rce,: pray, of your Siderial status: Belong you the pone roaviatre Of heavenly spheres, enrolled to Icep the peace— . . i" Argo,q ti.member of the Golden Fleece?) But stars no icng•r serve in the police, So this can't be. .7 think I've found you out: You're Inen tale-beuripg: 'mid', thei stars, no doubt, 1 Or, much the same, erehance in Leslie's pay, You've been illumining the Milky Way; And. like poor Frank, yon pryoT, stump-tail sinner. Taurus has had you tamed away from dinner. Have you made Jupiter ofJunti jealous? Earth wants enlightening, sdinlLatin telitui, nemo sibi sorte; _ Coneentus est, Evenit scope for 4. .1- " ! Aparalax of rupees for an answer, • 1 ' By Gemini, explain it if You Cancezi! Have you been serenading femaleiStars, To the intense disgust of pa's awl !Afars, WI:O . -think your sps:rking round iiibaseintru sion.' I Your kisses but eliplical delusion ? It may be you've eclipsed that thievish hero, And some cold 'night sent Nercuiv . towards Zero. Or, did you wink at Venus and enrage h• • At least you're pointed -at by Ursa Major. Dou't hope to parse me .wtth your deelinalioh, I'm bent in-tease-1y on an explanation, Youftarinot hide, as through the heavens you That you're a star, aria thei-gg hangs a tale;! I've Saturn hour.waiting Or your story, Thou gh non- Conzet-a 1, be =-planet,org. I fear you're risen übove your proper station, By scan atirav ion gained your elevation, or some cpemlie cause assum e d sour graiity I r'ie heel chrolgh yourself andycinr depravity. Why thus persist in snob - ecceerric courses ?- Are I.:ley internet or eiternallorces . Tuat guide your actions as through roll? Do you resolve on a magnetics pole Like this same world'of ours? I hope I axis !.toper question, tar belief it taxesi., To iliiuk you wander in this course erratic Without plane reason. Are you sp.femalie, to what you do? There now, you're out of si •1 Without so much es-bidding n 4 good night. very nude. but 3 et I gather from it, You mean to tell me that I cannot; comet. eDvitt Pal.iin. Wheat -or tares—whio- are you sowing, Fanny dear, in the Mind sof this sweet little fellow ?" said Uncle Lincoln to Ins niece, Mrs. Howard, as he lifted a not yet beyond his fourth stunmer. upon his knee. and laid one of . !iis hands amid the guided curls that fell about his neck, and clustered above his anowy tem ples. . ,‘ Wheat, I trust, Uncle Lincoln," re plied Mrs. Howard, smiling, yet serious "It is the enemy who sows tales—and I am his mother." _There was a glow of proud feeling in the arm:ten:awe of Mrs. Ilbward, as she said. " am his mother." ir It Wis Mr. Litieo first visit to iced since ncr and removal tc , city rome haadrecl milas;away from Ile: id home. ' Even a riOther's hand may sc7 tares,' , aid the old galfleman. " 1 have a,. n it. done la.:my times. Not of lesiw.. but in thoughtless inattention to: the qa:ality the seed she held is he: hand. The et.- .lEu mixes tves with the wheat, quite a.. often as be scatters evil seed. The bus bandnuvn mast riot only swatch 1 1 i 3 by night and by day, but also the reposi tories of his grain, lest the enemy cause him to sow tares as well s wheat upon his own fruitful ground." • ';Willie," said Mrs. Iltavfard, speaking to her little boy about tear minutes after wards, " don't upset my qiork-basket.— Stop ! Stop, I say, you little rogue;!" Seeing that the wayward child did not mean to heed her words, theulothei start ed forward, but not in time to i prevnt the spools of cotton, scissors, needles, !emery cushion, etc., from being Scatteredi about the Boor. Willie laughed in great glee at Ts ex _ ploit, while Mn. Howard _gathered, p the contents of the work-basket,!'whieh she now placed on a shelf Ole reach of her mischievous boy. Then[ she shook her finger at him in meek resentment, saying— .1 " You little - Sinner I . If you do that again, I'll send you off with the nailklman." Wheat or tares, Fanny ?t Uncle Lin coln looked sobelly at his " Neither," replied Mrs. Howard, smil ing . • 1 " Tares," said Uncle Lincoln ompliati .l, ca..y. • i\7onsense, Uncle!" " The tares of disobedience; Fanny. You have planted the seed, audit. bas al ready taken root. Nothingwid chbke cut the wheat sooner. Thetares bf falsehood you also thicw in open the nwvlpbroben caul.l What are you t Aukingabout, niy L. A. JONES child r i• "The tares of falseh6d, Uccle Liriooln I .;hebojelp . JO:ll)e, - billeiples : of - ailtlo hoiTioeiwtj, ofo Qiss . e,iiiiimtioir of .111'044, Eifel fito • qqa 4 . • qqa.DERSPORT I .I`OTTIIa .COUNT 7, p*„ . THL7RSDAY, 00T0g.11. 7, 1858. From the N. Y. .Cocnitig Post. A COSiEtARY. !3 heat or Tares. BY T. S. ARTHUB What.are .you think about?" said Mrs. HOward in real . sUrpriie. ." Did you ray that: you would send hilt: 64 . the milli-Man if he ea that again. I Wonder if he believed you ?" • Of course he - did not." • "Then," said Uncle Lincoln, "he bai already discovered that iris 'mother makes but; light aeceuut of truth. WilJ hs mother be stirprised if he should grow to . Bet I rmall value ou Lis word ?" "Yon treat the - idatter too seriously, Uncle. He knows that lam only, play: c inc with him." -1 • • '" -He knows that you are 'telling hi'M *hulls not ,true," replied Mr. Lincoln. " - It was mily in sport,". said ' Fanny,- persiStantly. " But .in sport with sharp-edged instru tnents—playing with ,deadly poisons."— The old gentle:4mi looked and spoke with the seilmisness that oppressed hialeelings. " Fanny ! Fanny I Truth and obedience are good seeds; falsehood and disobediena are tares from the Evil One. Whatever you pima, iu the garden of your child's wind will g,row, and ,t 4 harvest will be wheat or tarots, just ss you haVeliown." Mrs. Howard did not -reply, but her countenance took.soira sober .cast. Willie," said she, a few minutes after - ards, :"go down to Jane and tell her to bring me a gllss of water." Willie, was amusing himself -with . some pieturee, looked'up OEI hearing his uaine. But as, he did not feel like going alto the kitchen, he made no vsponse, and let his eyes return to the pictures, in which . be had become interested. , " Willie !" (Mrs, Howard spu'ae with decision)" Didyou 1-.Qar ?" "I don't want to go," answered Willie. " GO.this minute l" • " I'm afraid." " Go, I t:ny !" • " I'm "afi aid." "Afraid of what ?".inquired the moth er. " Afraid of the eat." No, you are not.. never hurt you, or tanyb. - xly else." ." I'm afraid off milkman. You said he should 'carry me:off." :1".11e. Miikmati is not down stairs," said Mrs. Howard, her face beginning to Crimson ; " he only comes in the morning." " ves ' - he is. I heard his Wagon a lit tle while are,, and be's' talking with Jane now. Don't you hear him ?" the little fellow put in with remarkable skid, all the semb:ances of truth in his tone and expression. • Mrs. Howard did not look towards her uncle; she was afraid to do that. " Willie," (the mother spoke very ser ious-7y) " you know the n.i!kman is not down stairs; at.d yi.o knew that you ale not afraid cf cat. What you have skid,' therefore, is not true ; and it is wick ed to' utter a falsehood." " Ho! ho lauhed out the bright= eyed little fellow, evidently amused at his own sharpness, " then you'r wicked, for you tell what is not trae every day:" " Willie !" - "The raillonan has'ut carried 'lie off yet." There was a world of meaning in Willie's countenance and viCe. whipp. , cl me fur throw ing toy 613 nut'ef the wlntiow." " I" ejaculated the astonished mother. " Wye see that ?" and the young rebe. I thew iron his apron poc,:iet a tine alosaiel, wh:ch •he had positively bee), forbidden to tuna.. and ietd it up with E. look of mingled triumph and defiance: " You little wretch :'' exclaimed Mrs: Howard; " this is going t'oo• far I" and Springing towaids her boy, she grappled him in her arms, and tied with him, strug cling. from the teem. It was a quarter of an hour before she returned, alone, to the apartment where she had left her uncle. Her face was sober,and her eyes betrayed recent tears. " Vheat or tares; Fanny'?" said the old gentleman, in kintrbut earnest tones, :as his niece came . back. ." Tares," was the-. half mournful- re sponse. . " Wheat were better, Fanny." . " see it,,Uncle." " And you wilt look well to the seed in your hand, ere you scatter it upon the heart of your child " "God helping ine,•l will, dear uncle." "Remember, , Fanny," said Mr: Lin coln, " that; truth and obedience are good seed. Plant them, and, the, harvest-time . will come in blessing." . , The ./lulocralf oirth.?. arealrfast- • Table. From the Atlantic Monthly, October, • THE LONG PATH. (Last of the Parentheses.): • Yes; that was nly last • walk with the Echoolniiitress. •It .happened to be the end ,of !u term ; and before the next began, a very nice, young woman, who had been Ler assistant, .was announced as her nue eessor,l and she w: provided for eisewhee. So it -kas no !anger Ike I, that I wailed with, but--=Lotus not •be in unseeniky haste. I shall call her the shooln.lstress still; some of you loYe ,her under that name. : • • .• :1; , • it became krwn among the boarders that two of thei r nutikber bad joined hands to walk dov.-a tlie long, path .31 1 life side, by side, there w's zs yen May suppose, no small sensations I coares i. pitied our landlady: It took her all of a suddi,—she said. Bad not! known that we wos kcein' compaUy, and never Mis trusted' anythino. particular. Ma'am ivas right to better herself:. Didn't look vary 'Qgged to take care of a feniiiy,bilt could get hired. hatilp, sh 4, calc'lacdd =Tire great maternal instinct catnep.owding-up in her soul just - it:eh, land her eyes wan-• dered until they settled on her daughter. No, poor,' , dear won , um,—that could nut have becu. But lam droppi::g one of my internal.tears for you, with this pleasant smile on my face all the. time. The great mystery of Godli providence is the permitted crushing out of flowering instincts. Life is . ruaintaiued by the res piration of oxygen and of sentiments: :In, the lorg catalogue of scientific cruelties there is hardly anything quite so; painful to think of as that expriment of putting an animal under the bell of an air-pump and exhausting the air from it. never saw she accursed trick performed.. Laus , , Deo. .1 There -comes a time when. the souls of,huumn beings, women, perhaps, more even than men, begin to faint for the atmosphere of the affections they were made to'breathe. Then it is that Society places its transparent bell-glass over the young , woman who is to be the subject of one of its fatal experiments. The element by which only the 1 heart lives is sucked out of her crystalline prison. Watch her through its transparent walls ;—her bosom is heaving ;'but it is in a vacuum. Death is no riddle:compared to this. _I renaern:- ber a poor girl's story in the 4 ! ,of Martyrs." The " dry-pan -end. the gradu al lire" were the images that frightened her most. How ninny havewithered i and wasted under as slow a torment in I the Walls of that larger Inquisition which we call Civilization ! 1. Yes, my , surface-thought laughs at you, you foolish, plain, overdressed, mincing; cheaplkorganized, :self-saturated youne , person, whoever you, may be, now read; ing*this,—little thinking - you are what I describe, and in blissful unconsciousness that you are destined to the, lingering asphyxia of soul which is the lot of such multitudes worthier than yourself. But it is only my surface-thought which laughs. For that great procession of the UNLOVED, who not only wear the crown of thorns, but must hide it under the locks of brown or gray,=under. the snowy cap, under the chilling tuArin,—hide it even from them selves,--pal haps never kn o w they wear it, though it, kilts them,—there is no depth of tenderness in my nature that Pity has not sounded. Somewhere,—somewhere, —love is iu store for them,—the universe must not be allowed to fool them so cruel. ly.- What - infinite pathos iu the_ small, half-unconscious artifices by .which unat tractive young persons seek to reccommencl themselves to the faiier of those toward, ' , xlioni oar dear siste,s, the itaLived, like the rest, are impelled by their Gud-given instincts ! Bead what the singing-wornan—one to ten thousand of the suffering women--- :, and think of the - griefs that die auspoheal Nature - is in earnest when she waives a woman ; and there ere women ei , ohgh ty Lig, in the next churchyard with very comwonplace blue slate -stones at their !lead and feet, for whota it was jnqi ns true that "all sounds Of • lifeassumed one tone of love," as for Letitia Laudon, of who.n Elizabeth Browning said it; but she could give words to her grief, and they could you hear a few stanzws,of wine? TTIE VOICELESS We count the broken lees that rest Where the sweet wailing gingers shinaber,— But o'er their silent sister's . hreast 1. The wild fiowers who willstrvio number? A - few can tun& the magic stung. And noisy Fumeis proud tol win them;— Al,is fur those that necer sing, ' • , But die with all their music: in them! • I • Nay, grieve. not for the dead alonel Whose song has told. heir hearts' sad story,:- 'eep far the voiceless, who have known Tits cross without the crown of glory 1 Not whore Leucadian breezes sweep . O'er Sappliq's memory-haunted billow, But where the glistening night-deWs weep On nameless sorrow's churchyard pillow, 0 hearts that break and give no sign Save whitening lip and fading tresses, • Till Death pours out his cord:al:wino Slow -dropped from Misery'strushing press -. es,— • If singing breath or echoing-chord To every hidden pang were given,. What endless melodies were poured, - as sad as earth, as sweefas he - aven. * .* *; * THE AUTOCRAT'S FAREWELL Good bye, - I said,—my dear friends, one and all of you! I have been long with you, and 1 find it hard partitg. I have to thank yitu fur a thousand courte •les, and all for the patience and in dulgmee with which ycu have listened*to me when I- have tried to instruct or amuse you. My friend dui rrnfeetior (who, as MBES WM ESE I well as my, friend the P. - is tuttict'itin-lra'nit ; Ln4Uter.;tiiiie.. - -r. - '..thli i bly absent on this interestieg occasion)" Walls, of °ie baVe..-f '09_4103,04 has given "tee reason to su pPo *-- .4 that he ft:‘7..guAtenitlieir oliangettillapostry f ipf . 4lo.- - would 'occupy try empty. chair about flier t liglit first of January nes.t.' If he i], CS . :I - 11tutig jct ho th , l , el - A - eery Cj yen, be him. aS you been to ;witli me. the Lord bless'you all.l- - -;- - - - -Ard!ddy.e.hatineleil. with , furrow's which bare - we shook hatres all round tittj . [Tacit their hist.M . Yof find::,`tatre.- 7 , Half an hour afte:Wards! ute brealifltst *allteth thii,iirelight-- thinp land the cloth were gene.. I looked ; Woo sang,, init.liaart'.ftill- of :trit ußand down the length of theibare boards, tb;e `thou 14 Walking - _on -,other . over Which I had so often ! Uttered my sen- shore and with Who,- ar tit-vents:and experiences—and—Yes, II neVcr Sad. am a than, another. . All Sadness-vanished, as. in the midst of these old friends ofrnine:, who in know; 'and others' a. little more up in 11u:- world, perhaps, to whom !L have nut in troduced you, I took the Schooltuistress before the altar from the bands of the old gentleman who - used to sit opposite,' and who would insist on. givinit 'her away. And now we two are calking -the long path in peace togetbl. !The " school': mistress' - finds her skill in' teaching . call ed.for again, Without - go ing abroad- to Seel: little Feholari.. Those I visions of mine have all come .true. I bope you all love itir noneithe less for anything I have told you. I Farewell • THE OLD HOMESTEAD: • A homey Sketch. LJ 2 ,zl7..rous ' i From the Wfscoasiii Chief. , The shell from' the far-off beach Of childhood murmurs agait3. The.ulti house,: crumbling under tlic infirini t 16114 two-and-twenty years - and the hearth smoke gone out through the - epeningl in the ridge forever, ansWers' i mii fora Cairn. The wealth of the little, Meadow' is litre: gairved, rich with it fresh fragran.:e and its associations: :Warned hy the heavy' sends in the sohtli- . West and the large drops on the leaves, tvel. climb 'in through the opening inithegable awl lie on the hay.. We know'-not 'of atiedly in life More calm and gratefttl !than this.— The labors of-the farm 7litnl the cares of life, are strangely forgOtten, and a dreamy, contented, happy influence Steals over . the spirit. The rain is thiling and we have .au ex.cusnfor feeling thus.l The diups patter upon the leaves without. lAt anpre aiusically upon the old roof They irip on before the gust like the young thoughts of childhood, awakening a pleasant mem ory at every footfall. '',The icricket in the chinking of mud, chirps in . unison. We forget that a quarter uf.2, century lies be tween us and the days at the old home stead. And yet se go, o silently Inn these . Mem ories come and w, the inner thresh old of the heart is scarce worn under their tread. - Upon the mow, under the oof, and while the rain is gelling, the shell siLgs of childhood in the old barn. So this dreamy influence, like a 1110.1i0W: illg haze, then crept over us, and so the rain gently pattered on the shingles.— And if we do not somerseti as theta from the "big beam," it is.becans‘: the sinews have_become stiffened by the toil of years. The old gable with its diaMend swallow hole, drifts baf'ore us. Cunningly perch ed up by the.side of the otigit rafters, are the swallow's nests, the little nest lings tWittering plc; 3 ah:ly an d the o ld ones p eer i i , v: down froth their mud wahs upon the scene below. ' ' 7 —But while we dream. it c noon-whis. tie dispels its shadows, and t:le phitr:tow. bark grates on the rugged shore of the; present. - Every leafaud blade without, is pendant with a tear. And would it. be unmanly to weep that we bave.drifted so far frodi the shore whose -,wavelets mur mur so sweetly? Again there is a murmur in the 51,61!.1 It is gentle a.' the falling of tears a-d ,:s - I holy; as the. companionship of angels, for it brings across the parched fields alio. n 7. leer shower of the one, andl to the bronied lips, a kiss Irani theother.i, As we passed the open door, the hum ming of the wheel rose and fell, as the, bousewite beat her tucasu l xe.d Steps back and' forth with the twisting and winding of the thread.' Like 'the (weird, incanta tions of the magician that monotonous murmur awoke its echoes! They. were heard and garnered when the heart was young ' and a light-hatred child satin . the hearth-corner and watehCd the bright play of the blazing fire, upon the unpinned 1 timbers of the room. Parallel with:the hearth,. stood the old wheel. The flames ' played fantastic shadows upon the walls and ceiling; and fell softly upon the full cheek of her who then dt;* out the warp' and woof of the household homespun,' Her hair was dark and dlOssyj; her eye full Of life's young beimitTg,'aud her step elastic with its:vigor. : Iler smile was the onnshine of-our eaild-life, and her words the sweetness of its -Song. l'hus, she walketh in our memory to the wheel's steady humtninfi., as she walked; often by the fireside, and we hear also the gentle songs she sang to us till oar eyelids were, weary,with sleep, and o 4 heart full of dreams. • The shell but tiihrtoureth; it is 1 like a dream. The Ong and t 1 '0 whez:l's ' steady hum, aca hushed. arid she who sang, walketh no more by the . bearth.-- , The.: hearth itself is, hiddea • imtler the .....: ~.~i'.`:.:..~w:'iv.~s~'y~.. s ~v µ~„~^~ t ,'. ~S'!..'Yfr. l .r~: ` fi r 2J~'..r ~1 1,7 •xtl':?F:;:afYY'!n..^L•'l~SiY"~`e4e.;~"✓Z;Y-y„,~.'~+rt~'~~_ „~.`.~c~ .^. ~. rte_ ..i~rd'K'~- Ell !ME KEE E ISM TERKS:; , SI.23- - rhxoll46 - bIT-,-1;-',* • ' - - h ly lady lift my side:* 'Yet!: she has had' no ,treilide,tllat know about, - but they say her husband not kind Olier.7' _ NOt kind to Ler. `liikWife,', v he..rof lore of hi rn ' - has le~t hone , parents ; frmt nd `o follow his' forfun'cil. that lie rini , be hippy, VllO, long day: toils 'that hiu:LAne .' riiujta'Lo Pleasant, his ch.ildriairell- - dris:s - ed," -- ,ohld:: and dutiful, "and o.tiriect - 'weidliei with esr,,er love for his There is no reproach humor face, as' lie'talies=tlie.44pC.r . from his pocket and sits - down ttireiid. r .' - No 'pleasant word, 'Or "greethig'falle her ear; th,e light slie'brings - _-fOr gar is takeri - lifeeltaiiically. Ood_ of thanks:' 'Her 'face heatt'achitiA;,"bUt'therdis pithy ; nd kiss pressed forehead.' ' Is 1M sick?'" -.V7ho tiny; nriwiiaried and-PntlefifT' his ill-I,zviner,.attil-peiiiil'? 2 ::lV'n - UeloW 1 1; -Sweet voice eharir.s away, neryotisnceq-7. 7 :-. Whose dot,' - '-solt hil6ci'...preSs'#al.liporr his foreheadlwi ? ti,e'eltildren,' , watehes , ' 1 t . •Jns the too F. , ,krzng.1.7.„ , biro sr - I . is iiarctal ilts,ArdN Well,' dJes he not pay-lictl.oll.V:gifp': her fine clothes, vlsec'her . .isrtb. Ifead'ttf his large house; Arith . ;Seriantss.lo do bbt; biddiug?; Does - he not-0110nt4,...i.-ieyert. indulgence:: : Ah. but look into her hear‘l,-;Orie-cit:'- ress, one hiving kiss..on° irerd _talideir.: uess. W6,uld buy_her 1u.turk.4:•:.• , 1740`- wctelms from the see'qn'trish'- laborer eotue hclue from,. his work, .throw: his arm - about the homely :sunburnt-It* man, nho waits' foi hini. at the •cbrner.',- and say "A.b. Molly darlin.% what should. 3 i do without' you, sure ?" - She turns to lock -into the glass. Nog ly is dark, stout ; and hard feutared. „ Her rap is fair,: beautiful;" her form .'slight.. and cracefcl; yet all her love3iness Guys not eue such earesi,• and word •.of:leart :3polien .1 • • Aks for Tier! The bitter cap alusttici.:. drained every day: in vain site. , maitif:- smiling, and arraved_in ler • inu4 hedorn-1 inn dress; in thelnpe of one slick wurd as he threw a protusely :to her lin:fore: they tnarried. In vain, IVbeil .lufferir.g.all pain, does she wateic' fur sympathizing looks and wordS. !der ruZo;:nd is not.liarsli ne e.) ies her uo piraimre,.ro inquh-erico; is shoply Not Kilid.—liitton,lYA...D.To-2.- , . MADAI' 7 I.II. , I in de:cr:be:-. the Jraining - she .und,ii.Wenf. Et he: or Parisian society in the.las 6 tee&' tury : .61 had two teeth out';'`-iiiv.4.. whale-banc,stlws that pinclieitincter,tiln:,..4_, bits feet N i rere inzpri.ione..l. in Lie with which it Was luip';:ssilfie . f , re'l - 4:„ walk : 1. 11:1.1 pap.'rs put on niy 'and"l the iirst tine my - lire; der to get rid of Iny - counti had au iron collar pukon squinted a little at titnea r'' out on goggles as soon a_staWets'eln - 0!:, au urn id these:ft it,lli 6 ;mirs:=- I was, niorenver, - wit:.',6:'litit .e C . surinlk - ,1 when jley titlll . .ed,of . fl;iving:rn - 4 . rnaSt..r to teach whatl, thought k t ne - ni . ; enotigk - alreadyto this, I. was TOrbidden to run '1&1p - ' , Ci ask questions."s' • " l• - • : Naturally *omen talk:More'liliab?men,. The 'learned Buxtorfl -in his z Hebrew Ltisicon,t hatthepritneval namei= Eve, is derived from a root . ;'signifying Talk ;and and it was perhapsfroni idea of this kind that the,Rabbium Owed their,;_ tradition that twelve baslidts s oi: ehivatit. —it could not for ,there -- F*ere . ; no neighbors to gosiip'3bo r at; 7 4-'.were:ritial: ed doWn into l'aradrsii forAilam iind;Eve , to amuse themselves - -with; t vet e Adam -picked' Lp . th . reP, and-Eve the other , nine.—Ei.i.;riteth.. &nat. HOME A 11:grt7etr:.—Tile world - ia for; the working lieu ;,but home`iii-tLe Vaea.. - ‘frefuge.• )Ve come to it when . tse Eire weary or weak; our.refresbnen't is :I; ., our rivt is there pre reticetliiae t we re., 4 , cover from Sickness there, and. whert die in peace, We die There. • • "Cee what I ail :" " See y fathci• was 1" is au old - and exi)ealtiit b:o saying,. ~7~ BEI =~" MEE ME