~ I . fi . _ . Vita-: c .14. :::-.., ::..,....., ;...,....1.....!. arsos,oFA4A.vt. THE CAPTURED _NEGHPES'Iii Their si l tee . viiii47ar A d tetl Co4clJtinit.--Efea.rfgkSSO'r L • The Charle4ert_3/ciwry of the 2d tos.t.l publisties„llNT foilowityzz!sopmr*atioai from "4 SOlllATito)iiii4j/;74id'i,-,i) Mr.- Itlell_ter f-2:l7,iMr very : interest ht aci, punt of theseHreple aina , r . ende:s fur- . 1 tiler tleseriptim . iuunceeSLiar,y--; -, .But a.i some of thel-receill contributions4l) your paper presented---a—picture altegethei bright, I weitid her:glad to show both pidesi.. r ,-- i:,:i • , -.1..- , -.!`• 4 ---i - . : .;', c - -i-.. , `7 , "- .•=,, ~.,-; i Of 004 inibeilknieoMpirp4iely,, 1 - found L'ati-..."nt :2ts—kif flit& ielt•-• , sothe :56 were females,: 'A:here were about:so °Lb era .(I donut pretend to exactness in fig-, pres) I il :tlielic IrWards.; i Et-varied& stages 0 dispw,,, You haVe already,shown, tluit fie ti,eLtionS.,are..frtim altnost' under 1.4 e Equator,-latitUde s,*,3o,S.:l9tigitu.de ..14.- ,I*3 B. In the fewhooks tewhich'lliAe hod:access sit:Me:l:saw thete,'l have not .., *found teem des.eribeil. Beireti'a - e - ipl4 , miens: - Wete in. ;Central Africa744vi,fig scene's in theisonthernliart. • Biirtii7s yoluities,_tts.l4 as:ll4 1, - d.:,_g 4 on e , .are :-. eriitive Ut:'. , 0,1111 dud Centrul i ;A:fricao, that I mil somewhat at_ allog fei refereh : ues. The ,nei.roes are- of .yarious agts, frotty'lliirty *ars to a • few- 'Months, -er even wLeks—so.m . c,- - 17sliouldr judge, hav ing been, born onthe'passage. It is won derful—how either Mother Or inlindstir-• siked siteh an event . , * - .'' it -has already .been :stated .that they, belong to various tribes... This is soon apparenCfrom the differenee of-shades, from ;their being cong r egated ie separAte groups, ay& the e vid ent- r inability to eOn verse generally with each other. fob served nothing like general concerti of thought or action 'between -them, 'exeept. in the ehatitinc , ; and elapping - of hands. In these all, under the leadership of 4 4 , limn, the largest among them, uiatted.i• ... . It has also beeo noticed that these AT ricans are far lalow the size common to p:te same age of uegroes amen , * us. -• Thi, iii understood to refer to height; for, ema ciated, as most of them are, uo on+ot better_ skilled in human anatomy-than- I tun, could conjecture what their Weight; in, health, it be, - Among the wok puinber,it Struck me that the man ober,. referred to may have been five feet eight ibehes high—a few more may reach five feet six; but besides these, there did not seem to be any of the men who were rover five - feet two or three inches. Somejfew, half a,dozen, perhaps, of the men, and a few more vibmetb seethed in good - h'ealtl. and . condition. It is supposechthaFthest exceptions of the, former were 'of such a, ware not stowed away in -the holdi, but were employed in working about the slav er„, The vronicM, fur sint.e, unexplained* reason, were i lmdoebtedly, to betten con dition' than the men.. You have alreath. stated that the, latter were' wholly nude. l. grid "the 'fortnertearly - so: - - - -One -Of-the nye si , frular • of the exhibitions l isa.w. pas that: of* 7./onatr. whose, Itatt. ds !}were: aelirlieu liy - al)4ir of cotton gloves- - ;al= Most, • her'only. covering. - • •'.Theris' Wag Scarcely any . comehness among them; ane . the only one whose appearance agreeably aTtracted atteniiou was these-styled Prin nesspwhose tattooing pertainly pie evi &Mee 'of great dexterity and skill lin the. , . art. .. • .-I havfne pretensions. to science, aim. must leave the ethnological luestions t:. the learned, who, I trust, are e»goged in their itiyestigitions. But to even do pasual observer, the clifferenCe of tribes i quite evident. I was surprised that fen or. none exhibited the very thick lips anc Bat .noses ! *tech we are 'accustomed ..tt,. gee iff *the, African: The hair nook doubtless a kinked, but, in aecOrdane with' the L usage of slavers, it lids heel, shaved, p , bably . At . , the time of sailing . froM Africa. Outeommunications wits them were made in-part by signs, *whieli they- understoo d -• readily, and in pan* through-an int erpreter. ,This man . was one of the slaver's crew, wheditt not pro-. . fess knowledge of the negro dialect; but the -, principal .negro had*. a - smattering; knowledge of, Portaguese, fronilhaving worked on ships, &c., on the coast; and in this language he conversed with the interpreter: * . •1t..-was evitlent , they- under.- steed each•other, for upon our party. ask ing:the sailor to show us the Congo tribe, the negro brought three men. whe..tool: ' their places befo:e us; and - I distinctly heard.hina say ''OeUg,o.n i I was struck with their:teeth ; some were even as usu.* : pl. One tribe-Atari thetwo.central upper fore Meth - out. nut la :a semi-cirele;: while in another; thelrotit teeth were sharpen ed tee point. ***lllany of the ' . negrees; es liecially with,,lhe 'aid 'of an old 'flannel shirt or trowserS, looked' as familiar* . "htiusehold. or plantation - slaves. - In many, Aguelilhe feature and expiessionreminded of fauiiliari fitees at home, - • ''':':" - •.T.lte .result.6l the .whole visit- *as in: tense sympathy for-them.and indignation' trilards• their captors: . , You may reader she horiera - nf:the "Middlsi passage,": but ;the. balf, eanpot he told • tis one, *fear, of -these unfortunates will tell the..tale. Airs: •entery - , !dropsy tind.ophthalrnia4,lll4 be lieve jlie productions of,Contact, 'want of ventilatiou.and,:wantitfexereistit , 7 -are.the ,prevailing, ?diseases,, • But Oen': where; .these jr,ey e 91 :4;VIsible; the spectacle was -:harrowing:.. A: skeleton taken' down fret' 'the nail of a doctor's closet, 'and- presenti! 'g'd:to',3: ont'view,..-iviatild stareplthe mare delerigtivb of mato iny tban Many 'of these riving, walking spes of the human frame. The effect was very startlin g , .when: yowl:um:A, egr.;spAtong, o ; err , ItanuchesiWith.theirviineesfdravinizpite-. hind their elbOWS,',in ittn:attitUde conimpu to . '4lei habetins;:bn WhiCh initi?ati fratu.e.-clothediaileih.',gan;ettatit ,- I„.SO*, when sitting 'and told ; to,rise,"Alid 6o w it:l. trdiffienitk Movedwitha, step as tottininglitel eier4iir after illnesc*,S.:-The he:kr eeeteitd:but,..n r il4ll' encased ]ie;a" 141ack, CoVering., ,It s cotnutou to speak of a mait ;being reduced to skin and Lone, . bt;t one ivt*'.l4lt4 these eatt , scareely.uae the expression again, 'Bat it '011S•18, to besaid oftlicser'ecnife. paritiyely lin :health, .**What Can describe the sick?: saw one pear orea tore! swolferCto the mast wonderful! size wiih'drepty;; as;;lnt lay on liis.back, edl,hts. handi4, - signirving one of our partyia-request for his segar, w when-given-to smoked-7ith the greatest' avidity. !Another manifested Wittitiiandieolied to ottr . !,beeton-1 inqsjto.. come s to. us, by pointing ll4 which we conqrued into inability to move.. fwo.hiy.near, whose troubles had ceased death;: while:at:other; the.m6St affect ing t .of :of - Six, Or: eight years; : lair-on :its side,:in,the Sun • on' the stone. wharf i , w ith eyes _closed an 4: ne otit or evidenee of life than the slight motion .of the' slotnaeV,lndiCatittg The ptior, creature: alone and unattended, had rested its head :on its little.ltaild its naturally: as out-own littie.onesdo, and in this . 4ouelting;: attitude• •of suffering ehildhaed ivas' fitt: losing-the conscious nessofarlife whose', experience had been only that of sortitiv:and suffering. -. • !.One thing-impressed me foreibly,the oamplete docility, amounting to mere trie cliattieiti:*stibmission-, of 'all : these. 'crea tures. • thesiek:i ward the physicians were applying eahatic to the eyes of the patients. . • When thiipainful. remedy *as applied —and poor. creatures, they knew- not that it was a remedy, or anything but part of the tsystem "ertielty to which they had .been, subjected—they covered their faces with their hands in pain• and with their heads,.all bowed in meek sub mission; and though-many were young children, not a atund, nota murmur es- - caped.., The scene was truly touching; to one 'of any sensibility, the horrors . of a battle-field were less so.. I left, the scene chastened and . humbled but with grati tude, too, I trust, to *Almighty God for a tot cast in a Christian land. • OMEN These negroes purchased on the West Coascat . from 50 cents. to $1; and costing seatce . ly more . than $lO or $l5 to be lie !iv ered on the coast Of Cuba, were all to be sold by . contract at 8560 round, or One hundred and seventy-seveu thousirqd nine hundred and , eighty dollars ($177,980) for 'the cargo.. Sirch gains are too 'tempt ing to: resisted' by those who make iiasie' to be rich. A O:II...ARLESTONIAN. RED COATS ON AMERICAN SOIL.— Some of the Canadian military companies partiCipated in the Atlantic Telegraph - ent?n.trat ion in New York city Wednes day:, We quote from the Express of that city t OUR CANADIAN GUEiggc--The fir time; since " Evacuation Day,"- probably, a cotupany of British troops marched dirt!' our streets yesterdry. It was u novel spectacle, and liaturally excited much at tention and remark. ...The sSene was'.a •gratifying,_one; and, to New York eyes, an o nen of that-"-solidarity of the nations;" of which the Ocean Table is unquestion ably to be Atte: prectirsor. These Cana dian soldiery are a . fine-lookincr body_of li ..ien; and doonor to their colors.. ur citizens soldiery, we need hardly say, will take good'care of them while here. Women anctwarriors.—Wi th women -LS with wariiors, , , t here's norobhery—till's conquest. " 7rircio - n:'---:Treasdri is . like - diamonds.; there's-nothing to be made of it by the mall trader: LOW 1) AS - SoCIATION,, c •• , PHILADELPHIA. Benevolent Institution, -.established by special Vndowinent for• ti,e relit (he nick and die , tressed, afr7icted Virulent and - .• ' ,• ; ,B:yidemic diseases. persons afflicted with Sexual Disess -I._ es, such as SPERIIATORRIIOIA, sr:mi "ZAl; , WgAIiNESS, IMPOTENCE; GONOR itiItEA: GLEET, SYPHILIS, the' Vice of ONANISM, or,SEI.P ABUSE ,te'„ &C. TheIIOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual disc Uses, ‘att - d. the deceptions Prac lised upon' the unfbrtunate victims of such diseaseshy Quacks, several years ago directed heirEonsulting Surgeon, ns a CII•ARITAt3LE ACT"..Worthy of their name, to open - o.:Dispen -ni• - y tit' the treatment of this class of diseases; in ell their forms '. and to give MEDICAL AD= VICE GRATIS, to all who 'apply by letter, With, a' description of their condition,, (age, ocC`tipation,liabits of life te.,l and in cases Jf extreme poverty, FREE OF OfIARGE., It • needless to aild that the Association' c r omniands the highikt Medical Skill of the ago, and •will'furnisli th most'dpproved - modem treatment. , l'he Directors, on a review of the past,- feel assured that then- labors in this sphere of,he ierolent effort, have - been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the ,yonng, and the; hate lesolved to devote theraselVeS, with, ie. neyied zeal; to this very important but much despised cause., • . - , , Just • Published by to Association, a, Re port on Sperinalorrhcea, or.Serainal Weakness, the Vice - of Onunism, Masturbation, or Self- Abase, and" Other Diseases of - the Sexual ,Or ga,ps,.bY 4,he Consulting-Surgeon , which will hosent by (in a sealed enyelope,) FREE OF CHARGH, on receipt of- TWO. Sa'AILPS for postage, •_ .: - Address, . for iteport •Or treatment, Dr, GEORGE Pp: ClALllOUN,Oons.uiting Surgeon, Hoviar&Association, No; Z.South Ninth StPqct: Philadelphia; • . - .3 - Ityzorder of - . - 1,'.- - ",:EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Pretid. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. E10:24 -Iy. ELE42I()Er MOCLANAT'ION: IEI,IIII-SVANlTalven:Tei ,os:the'.General.4B-. seatitilt tato Ccauipa,trwettlat cifTen4B)-1-. er,titlecti"*ft :AnV:retatiiir to-.the elec tions,:orNs- Cmurannirealth;?.l.3rorkroved the second of:JA)y, A: D. .nne.! ausOuil .eigbt bundret• endlAttilly-hin , T4Oetare, Sbcritf-of -the - goatity'orPotte.‘, Petioeylvanie: do hereli.r tinike'kuown aold ;give notice: to the ; electore: of. the 'county . aftaiT:stiid,' that o iut Efection :will be •he tit 411 se Id, ; county •of Potter;son 'the SECOND Tttl'.l4-A.Y 112t4) of ,Obtober, ,- 1858• r at'which`timo State and County zacers as follows are to 'be electedf.to,ivit: .014 , person for J2itclyen, - tf-, t h e : s upreme Court' of the ConintOr tee' f .l tilt 47' Venn-sill: canna.. One person-Ar,,,cancil ,ffthe• Commonwealth of Pennsyluvetim' One rrsan fiir,47lenther. qr. augiress fr r the Xtrth icOngreisonal• Dail; iet,Con't poseti.'of the COnutieS'• of Ay•conting, Sut 1171,2a71, Center,Vaidoll, POLter..(l74 .1111:01in. Two persons for illembett •of the Ito um: - of Repre'Sentatives'olthe•General lily' of Pe'linsylecinitc; . fn - conjunction'ipith the county:of 2700,. nt the ties, of Tiagu and s .t - otter, ;;;#: • , OnepersonAr Treasu . r..." y the county. i t t Potter. . One. P-rsi»i for -''Coninzis.siOner' . of the county : rif . • , • One person fur Auditor of the county of Potter.- • • r I aISO make known and as -in and by the.l3th seetien , ofthe'nforesiiid'act. 1 ' nm . directed;;tlit erery fit.rson, excepting j as tices'of the Peace ; who'bold any olliee of ap pointment of profit or link. Oniler the Govern ment of the United' Srites oi-of this State, 'or of any city or ineorporated , distriet• whether a cominissioneeollicCr or otherwise, a -subor dinate officer or agent, lvlib is or'shall be ein ployecl.ttnder the legishitirejudiciary; or ex ecutive department - or this State . oti the truited' States, or of any city Or incorporated district; and also that every member Of Congress and of the State Legislature, : and: of thy=select and common council of any eitT or commissioner of any incOrporated - ditricti is by law incapa ble of holding or exercising a the: same time the office or appointment of Jticig-Eq,' Inspecicir, or Clerk - of any election in this Counnonwealth, and that no Inspector - or Judge, or, other Offi cer of any such election shall be eligible to any - office then - to be noted for. I - Also, that in the - fourthesection of the Act of - Assembly, entitled.- "An Act.; relating t 6 elections and for other purposesi". approved. Aril 16th, 1840; it is enacted that the afore said 13th section shall not beconsticied as to prevent any military officer or Borough officer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any general or special election in this Com- Monwealth. It'is further directed that the meeting of the return judges at the Court House in Cou dersport t make out the general returns. shall be on the first Fridarsueceeding, the genera' eleetion,- which will be the' lath day of Oeto her. The return judges of the counties of Lyeom ing, SuiHvail, Center, Clinton, Potter and Mit"- cOmpriAtig• the XVth Congressional- Lriet, will tiicet• at the Court 'EP.tise in Haven, Clinton county, Tuesday, the 19th day of October net, tot make out an official return for Member of Congress. • • The return judges of Potter anti.. Tioga counties shall meet at the Court House in the Borough - of Wellsboro', in - the county of Tioga. on Tuesday - ;*the . l9,ll•dayootOctoher, 1858, to tunice return for Members of Assembly. I alio hereby made known and give•notiee that the places for holding the aforesaid gen eral election in the sertniti townships and boroughs within the county of Potter, 'are as follows to wit ; FortLe township of Abh'tt, at `the house formerly occupied by T. 8.. Abbott •in said township. ' '• . •- • For the township of All'egdny, at the school house near the place formerly ctwued . bY Ches ter Andrews, in said-township. • = • For the township of Binl;ham,. at the house of A. R. Lewii, in said township. • For the 'township of •Clara, at the school. I house near Sala: Steven'; -in said'township. - For the -township of &dant, at • the New Court House in the Borough of Coudersport. For the township of GP_Mesee,•at the house now occupied tty S. &Basco; in EllisiSing., For Me township-of-Harrison 'at the house., recently occupied by IMl3Artholamew; in said township. For the township of Ilehron, 'at the sehbol Mine No. 5, near Henry Ingraham's in said . 'For the township 'of Hector, at the' house of Anna 'Wilbur, in said township. ' For the township of Holier; at the school house near Jacob Peet's in said township. ' For the toWnshiptof Jackson; at the house of Benjamin Bars.e, in' said township. • For the township of Keating, tit the house of Pliny Harris, in Said' toWnsiiip: For the townships of Oswayo,. at the house of John Wells, • ,'• For the township of Pike, at the. bonie of Elijah Johnson . ; in sttid•townShip. ' •• ! For the township of Pleasant Valley, at'the I school house in said - township. "", • . For the township of Portage at; the. Sizer school house, in said township. For the township . of Roulet,' at the school I house near George Weimer's in said township. For the township 'of 'Sharon- at 'the 'Sharon Center school house, near John Voorhees': For the township of Sweden; at tne hbitse , of Asenatli ,Taggart,' in said township. ; • • For the lawusiiip of "Stewardson, - - at the house of'John S. Clark, iri•said - For thel township of SiMunk-at the honse, formerly oceupidd by Uel Cook, in said town- - For the township of Sylvania, at the house school near - J. : ll.'loes' ' in said township.: For the township of I.7lyssei; 'at the house of Atlas Bennett, in said - township. , • : r - For the , township of , West Branch,.nt , ,tbe house of Lemuel Hammond; in said 'township. '•'For the-township of .Wharton at the house' of Stephen Horton, in said township. : - • For the BorOugh of Coudersport, at. the Court House in Said *rough.. Given under soy .hand, this . 20th day 'of August, A. D. 1858. " • C..TAGGART . , Sheriff. • • Notice of Application. • NOTICE hereby given that application bui been made, iu dim form of to the Court of CCornnion Pleas of Potter Connty, fora charter of - ineorperethin of the "FIRST neTLlonisi EPISCOPM CHURCH at Oswayo, and that"- the. Court !has apPOirited the- THIRD MONDAY of September neit, for'the , hearing of parties ilatereated: ISAAC, BENSON, . • Ate,y for Applicants. • P. P. - Srotty; Preit.; 1 ' t . • /VW 1, 1 ;16 1 .v,. - s e e p . of,Board of-Trns.. An i 185R,' - • - 0 (MARGE .FOR SHOWVG - ITIE,NEW Li' Goods:l4n recoired ttt -OLMSTED'S. 110 1 . /V.-60.11;18-A anti A-1 3 F°StinentjUst.iqc•PPV 3 44 , - 7 iji Li :I • MUST .- - ,r7C .A.V i T.LO N. • ~ ; - s. _ .. - t hei r, • , 2., • - mer,c,bimas ..pa Tra(lern will be e er gnarl OA, ntrt be Imposel iipg&tij , :atontiterteit Of .316nte'alriditzilteet Pillic sigpediut: B. Moore. .TAlt RePtlin, Trilisn , RPot tali bale theilten Leapt eignnhant ntpiii.g;. P,'4lle, ce,'„Oris, Above : preSenz f yea Astra a Ilken vss of . morise—tha inventor of 31Q4.5124./X-i DIAN ROOT - PILLS.. This..philanthropisatas Spent the' greater part of ;his tralfeling having visited Earcipe;l..ASia,. andl,Africa, .fts. Weil-as.North Arnerida—bal spent years among the Indian's of. our. Western, ehuntrp‘r-, it was in this Way that. - „the: Indian:Hoot; Pills Weretirst.discayer6d. -- , Die Morse Was 'the .first man to establish, the - fact that :di diSeases. arise from IMPURITY OF .THE rELOOD,Dat-ony strenuthi.itepith.'aid,life:Aepentlell. upon. this witnk'fitiid.; =.r When the various passages hecOme clogged, And, do lint 'perfect} harinfortywith rite differe Itltinctionstathe butly;llMbloodlhse's action, becomes thick, corrupted' avid,ilis cased ; thus causing, all - pains, sickness and distress of...eve4'hatile ifour)stieng4 is . ex hausted, our:health. we 'ore, deprived : of, an : • naffire is not assisted in tlifc4ifigofr tile - stag naht htimors,,the - ,biiiod.t,Will.,bei.opte, choked. and Cease to act",:and tlcapue.:light.pf life 'will foreWer out. itujitirta''itf 'then that we should .keep passages„cil 1 the, laidy free and: onen. r . And how Pleasant. - to us that' dye. have ; it in our power. th;ntit medicine lift.year idifin.- - Uhfit'inion'ufatithredl,frorp'pl4c .. . !'and robts',Whleh.groii around 'the , ous cliffsin Nature's garden, fru' the health'aig recovery of disaaied man. One of the roots I .from WhielkiheAs idttderi,Sifdhrific, ''.which opens the pores of die' skin, and'aiiists' N'atUre in &roiling:6o th e gr, -parts!oeot' tbhi afrrefithin 4- sv4hin.---- -The .'fsi'cond , ; is at. tilanif 'Which is_ an Expectorant,--that opens and Un-; Clogs thli).pitgage tolthelurigs,"elnd:ltinsl inf a! 'soothing manlier, performs:itS.duty bytiirriWi in g o 'phlegar, - I tintr.hihmliurno,rs from, thq lungs by, copious spitting, T„he third is Di-, erotic, which;gives ease ; anfl.deuble - strength to the kidneys; thus •encourageel, they (draw large amounts of impurity ,frem..the,blhod; .which is .then' tlfroivii - out botuftifully •by the urinary or' water passing* , and which Would not. have,been discharged in any i ntheri : way.: The Imirth is a 'Gullet-tie, • and acenhipahies the-other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the -- coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by thei other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed Off in great quantities by the bowels ' ' From'the above: it is slidwn'that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pill, lAA only enter the stomach, -bat became imited,4with 'the blood ter they find way to every halt. and - completely runt out and cleanse the gfsteni from all imp rity,'and the life of the body, which is the - .blood,- be comes perfectly efflthr;:. consequently all sickness and pain IS , driven from the SYsteni, catingt remain when the body becomes s , ) pure and . clear. The reason why people ;ire sodistressid when sick, and w . why so in.tny is because they do not get , a niedwine which to the afflicted parts, :anti the natural passages for the disease to, he cast oat; hence, 'a large citinntity of fopil and other , mat ter is lodged, find the:stothach and intestineare - literally everthiwirig- With the corrupted. mass; thus nadergoing diSagreeithle fermen tation,:constantlymi±ing With the biood,Which .throws corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Mas'se's' PILLS have addrd tf• themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions of the sick to ;blooMing health and happiness. Yes, thousands] who have been ritekdd-or Iclrmented• with sickness. pain ;and anguish, efintr'whose'.feeble fratites: h4VrtAtei, searched by the buinilig_elementS of raging fiwer, and who have been brioni_At q ns it were. within a step of the 'silent; grave, no'w ready to testify:, that they wonl have, beet: numbered *ith the dead, had it. - mot! been.ftn tiliS 'great - end . Woudetiful'inedicine. - Itler.Se's Indian Rout Pills. ; After orieor two doses had been taken,. they were ;astonished„ und :tbs.:- mutely Surprised, in Withessi l fig'tlieir clotrinin k ;- elfeetS.' Ntit only do they give immediate ease and :strength, • and' take away. all sickness. pain and anguish, but -t h ey -at once ,go to work- at the foundation' Of the di'S ens e which is the blond. ) Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those who usq these Pills, that: they-will - so cleanse and purify, that dis ease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush 'of youth and:beauty .will again return, and-the prospect•ota long, And. happy life will cherish and bri,g,htert your..dtlys._ Soldeby - SMLTH-4 JONES; CotolerspOql alto by' ail Itediel iie‘bea ids - the'ciiunty: , WHITE fk. CO., No. 50f-Leohard,St., New York;: Proprietors; lh M. 3IUDGEIc proprietor's 'of. Dr. A..Trask's Magnetic- Ointment,) rifle, Madison Co., \.I Y., General Agents.. • COURT PRO'CLANATION; • WIIERE AS . ..the....110n.. 'Robert 1 G. White, Y President judge, and the Joseph Tana and G. Ur-Colvin, Associate, Judges or the Coilrth of 01;e;r" rfrittlner - and • General Jail Delivery, quarter Sessiohs of the Peace, Orphans' :Court:And' Court of COmnion 'Plea§ for the 'Connty cif;Phtter ' hare' issued , their I precept; bearing. die the nineteenth day or August,ln the - year of onri Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and to me di rected, for holding a! Court of pyar and Term iner and : General Jail , Dellyery; Quarter Ses sions of the'Peace,'Drphans' Cblitit, and Court I of Common Pleas in the Borougl of Condor -I.sport; on MONDAY, jibe Mint daY.of Septern. , Iter next, and to continue: one week.. I Notice ; is therefore - berbygiren - td.the - .Cror- - otters, Justices of the:Peace. and Constables within the county, that they he then urd there in proprr persons,, at 10: o'clock - ..t. hi of said ..day, •trilh their records., •inelui,si.: :ions, examitiations, rind Other reinewiliranc,6S; to 'do those things *Which' to their othces,ap pertain. to be done. ..I:And :those who aro hound by their recogniztences t i Ct .prosseonte against the prisoOrt - thitt - ain - br 'shalt ittibe jailer ' said county' of Potter, are: to be then and titere to prosecute - against-thern as will be just. v:,'. Dated at COrnanibciar; AUgustl2s, 1858; and and the 82d , year of the ;Independence cif 'the I United' States of 'AAnerica: , = I '• ' ' AVC.•TAGGART; Shertff.,-, • , • • Z. J. T .51PbON • CARRIAGE - 4k 1V.i1G0.7 AtA - Kpri;, and , PAIRER: Coederspeit; Poiter,pcir.T'9..`,tOio! thidinetlid, of iriforiikipdthe fic in geziiiral 1114 he, fa . to do in. his line ireeipthess, 'uOd lk moss.aceo.mnr.platipT,_terrns.• .. en • c . T ' " tr Oeptirink-inv,eriiibjy.e(feiie4.pq delivery dfl thic)rojk. ;of. , Pltisl;it:CE; to en oi.a. - cot:-.# - -e1 2' :21. 4 . p i TtMOMW.W - AP wi et , zgligitill'•=itAbligT.EWlT: l '' Prides , ready*Reducear ,nguAptivofi ~,, tts • 1- • AG tr-Cg t iiPAE§T BOSTON &N. , ,_.-InttstrAillu4olklol. dgoits ' _ldusleal,lnstruatenta,and Musical Sier§tt haillse PihiisqithirTeitittifferint:Sittnitf;etories, ,6 tinali. prising, those "Sfyle,!• - fr6 - 6 the , pittiu;'itetittinif iValititt or Ras Cfaseqcirdin sllso.ict $2OOl ij.titose•of the most elegant finish upf:tiAltfe , T liatisttia tad_ compete •w - Ihe " 4tirOer: 'Yitilety and:c6lebtriti'of iii4rtimerits, riot. id Zhd. Eitreniely : goty prices ih'tvltieh they are'l tOltiCE NI'''ATERS.' MODERN 111PRONTli *ith or, trithont, ltTa Frannesi • p03".:/ 1 e:Csielfin : tlieir - improt;Cfaeut of-s:OYer;stiltlgS action,.a - length of saalei and epiapaSs - of tplle united - Vitt the bettutYriUd 'durability structure of the maretPitintii'llief are justly'f*Mitianced by Press and by' the first Inisical,itaiteis i •ro .linv'ottier niatiOrdeturei• ' They are htilli.betlieb4;st imisViiihro ugh lylseasent d)asuiterial..`and , guaranteed to stand'. .the-aCtioi oVeyery clitta: to. 11..Eaeit Instrument ' kaaranterd gi ye sa ti factiim; :or , pardhase. Money refunded,. ri •: ;TIORAGEz: WATERS! -MELODEONS:,--Su perior Instruments in tonch land!. durability. in imake.-(Tuned the;eqUal , teUmerament..) •Ale [lodeons of all other styles .and makes.. ilirtee 1 560, $lOO, - 'Sl'25, ..•f,4l , lo—doubli. • Reeds and Tat,' batiks"-of Keys, g2oo=less t. iiflQr:il:cliscciunt 'l' Clereatln and ()hutches. :in extra Alit , . co nut. =I GUITARS:I • • • • - :BROWNiS, HARPS ' '•.: . • - FLUTES,' •t , FLUTINASi• . - ACCORDEONS 7 : -- .. , • ' • =.- • ' -VIOLINS? nd Musical Instruments ()Tall kiads, , at lower Prices than 'ever before Offered to -the A large' disdount to Teanhers and• Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal teitus. 'SEOONDLIUND PIA - NOS, 'at great bar= gains, cobstOitly store r -4-priee from , s3o to i!IVSIC.--One of-the-largest tad best se lected- catalogues of Muaie.finii(ptibirshed, Comprising , tho'ny.:Of _the choice and Most pop nlar airs of the day, and Will he sold at:one thireolf from the regular Prices. Music sent by mail to . all parts of ,the coun try, post=paid. Particular and personal atoll tionTa id to all orders received by-mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed in, every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and-rent allowed, on. imachase. Pianos and Metodecrts.lor s ; ale ou monthly payments. - Second-hand Pianos la :ten in exchange for new, ;; Getteritl and select Cataloguek and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts-of,t4 ; xmantry-hy mail. •&: - "X'great haltican'tnts'offeredito AGPZTE iir all Paris dfile'colinfrY,, - to sell Waters'-Pianos., Melodeons, and Catalogue of qusie; " 8:46 • A VOll.-tIi"EIRMETODT I *no, stu.iviiiiii:s OR .iiir.: ~ ' .. ,. ; . :...,.. :4 ! v. ..1' ,• r.), - --. 4. i . i .: , z l - .., • ,-;:.. 1 _ -New`York leekly Prets, - I, :. ...., _. A ~43E4.c. T IFULLY. , ~.. TIaIif.IBTRATF,D • !• • rAireivir twiisrAp - ART THE NErWryomi, WEEN.I4Y,PPESS is one the, bust of tt i 'flay. A 'Jorge Quarfp con4kioipg 4 TWAVY.P . A.C4F e 'zt. or $ TY,-COL eiaieitaining matter find' ELEGANTLY, )I,IOSTRATED ever week. - • - • • • • , GIFT nORT,II r itI24IIE, .CENTS_ TO iloQii,t4,lViLL'll3 - 81.:NT - TO EACHSEFt• :30MBER•* - ON -- 'RECPHPT OF 'THE - 5013‘ , .• 3CRIPTILIN 110::EV. • -,TERMS- 7 IN ADYANCE;• • Oneeopzfoto . ne'ner, Three copies one year, nnil'3 gifts, 5 0(. , Fire copies one year, Arid 5 gifts, - B . Ot Ten copies one year, an!l 10_gifts, 15 0(, Twenty-one. coplei one yedr,,antl 21 gifts, 3 . 0 00 The . ‘itr4eles tolje'arOiib4ted arelothiniSetl in the folki . iving ' 1 'Llited States Treasury 'Note; - • $lOOO 00, 2 do ' do,' do '5OO 00, each. 5 ._'do do „ do_ , 200 00, each -10 do do ' do 100-00, each. • 'lO Patent •Lever" - Bunting - • .• • - Caged Watches, - - - 100 00, each. 20 Gold Watches, 75.00, each. •50 • ' do • .60 00, each. 100 ' - • 50 00, each. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches, 35' 00, each. 200 Silver liiinting i Cased - • Walcho- - 1 30 00, :h. , _ eau 500 Silvet. Watches,, $15:00 to 25 00, cacti 1000 Gold Guard, .I,rp 10:46-ly • ,- and Fob Chain. 4, 10 00 to 30 00, each 1000 Gold Pens • - ". Pencils, - i •• 5 00 . tol 5 •00,- each. I Gold LOckets, • Bracelets,' Brooches, -Ear Drops, Breast Pins, eitif Sleeve ButtoriS, Rings,: Shirt Studs, • Watch', Kays ' Gold and Silver Thimbles , and la -variety of' other- arti- Cies, worth from' 50-centsAti $l5 00 each. ,• • • On receipt of the 4nbs.triptioit money s the subscriber's natnOvilt be entered upon our books opposite .a number, and•the - gift corres panding with that uurnber •will be forwarde.d• within one week to him, by. mail ot. , •exprrsi t postpaid. ' • L .• •• - - The - ither h , mbutr - ere is neither hembu,g.nor, lottery -about the ;above' •as every] subscriber. is, sure of:. a prize, of va!lue... We prefer, to make: thisrlib eral distribution atdond them instead.ot!gir lag a large comanssioa to .Agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go .to the.. Ant and ia mAny cases a bundred-fold , more. • • fier•All communications should be ed dressed.to— , ' DANIEL,...i.DEE, PUBLISHER, (10:43] 211 Centre sired, ;dew rork..- ,SRlNifezie • ' Rc - g . • ..gi) . tp ; t4ttltthe'foll(niiPg Accooptiliave been ; pas,Seit`tihil" :filed - in .he Register's ()ince ceitinty,Pncl.tliat: the saws will he, reienlf-to, the. Orphans' COPit Of said county,CorifirinatiOn . - anil ai lowa4ce, on TuEs pAy, the 21st day, of - .tep terdber Cotit•tllonse .the-,tbro', of "COnclexpOit, vtz ' , , .A,ceoptip,pf Adtninlitritrii' of .the; estate: of Daniel 1 . 419., of,lle-. rbn township .4coont;it of Nirtn., Aletzgei.;,_,Adinitkistre pi' of the:e.,k - tafet.ofr:V. Metzger: fle.c7l it We : 110.04 • Atriltitivorr teou erEport, • ti . 11, 1858 ; 1 ''''' '''''''''' 1143. I. • 4,1107041:11-11 a Ell-2 411 EN 4401.0.varliK tNG-'I,PURCHABIA - • ' 11:11140 ,11.7: 41 4 , ir4 STOCK REPLi . kb:ll4l) • Ati t ll i w r t 'y 4NE3,lr 4-7 1 41 porowp.ll..-„Ns ";,:; 1110 T IVEATiiE , Expecte! LAIVICS;':BAR Cr •••, CIIALLIES,'-itnit'other-•-•: • ST3IIIE-ft iG-0 , 0 ;, •• .; „•.. •-•• 3 uST PEd:l\sl, l _ be SC,Lb - eil Ej • . •• • ,Also,a Lkites,4l( or c'o I,INENS.TRIY,LS, .tc., • - 1 , f0r..3.11;5, Ail) Bpy6l. S tit,t4 AT' • LOW. .11G11) FOR 4fiADY PAY, MEM HdTS: P 4 LIT -P.B F,STRAW, 'cotoltvo - ' 4EO HORN 'itrlthe tAR'GES T & B EST, assortraent SOFT li t kTS esewi e ed in TBIS . IIaRIiF Boots & Shoe LARGE ASORTMENTS PRICE&—AND, lIAT IS 0111 IMPORTANCE, ARE WELLM, FROM -GOOD_ STOCK. =I ...MAKE '. HAY- Chile the Sun Shines! Butbefore commencing, see tt, have; ave' icileptY - of . good utensil such' as' ' - ,SCYITIIES 7 ET M iATIIS,ORKS 4 R. If anythin6r, is.laulting, please , at OLIIIS l'ED'B-4 1 1tuty on Ili ClOthing,: - Vioti CRAVATS, COLLARS and h largebt GLOVES' HOSIERY uow oh !laud Grto c A full, guppiy, at the folvest pri T • '''T ' -• • . T Wairanted g,ive s;itisfacttol the money_ref‘tniied. TRY dc;ndorsporl. 1858. , . . I.;_t ST 'OF. CA USES far' trial :Cottilty Court, tit Septe Term e :o3d. . Tipp ,05 A Li.; A. p. coo, N. Reimbldj,' E. Pees & Jun. Lyman, " ; - I.lfitues, et al. Wll:irtop 'fp. use of i John Earl, jr. t 1 ilkinrop,.. "" Wilkinson. Cu Biooks," Roynolds, ".; ': KrPns6. ' "' 31'Intyrq. " C.ll''. Ellis, " J. 1.,} ": Pike TownsbiT; " Reynolds; -" JoneF. Mann ' Ross, Die,lrinsotri Allegany, To*.ns):tip, _ Salm i , E eli:o Ayres,- -.- 0 Buskins, Westervelt, .• • i s , Jones, " Jones, use - of N: -C. 'a; N: 'Pratt.. p Haskiti iiisetit'S. P.' • 1! " Maynard it 1 - ' Bently,„ " Darse, Jones, • • - ‘ 4 Bradlee, a. a CorWtif used liidter Suwon: Jew JOnes,". • - 1." Cone t Pekree, • • ' • Clark,. • 41 Jones,: S. Laus.ing, •", A. IL Foil, use of 1 T, Mania Br," Knox, • • cF,llswer Jacitson SchUol Diet. •-" ' "Nichols, Yorley, int 11,,pkins 4 H. J. l 01.1Q-iTED,Trot Ed wr rds, Fldritige, Foster, NEW (ODDS. Low. Prices and Ready AT SHARON CENTER. • • E. SUBSCRIBERS , are, offering Jan 'entirely. lielY stock, 'consisting DRTGOODS; 'GROCERIES., DARIO '''' o o oo kFMY, GLASS . WARE, 13.0 ••-• :41r , §ROES, BATS & CAPS% ti . • _WINDOW SHALES; . NALL. P:AREn, - FEA IIADB• CLOTHBIG, 'FANO L':•"• NOTIONS, - • In our selections the wants of all 4: reme:rabered: r- The Gentlemen tairfx' stock of Ready Made' Cletbir.g.lo FaFili,ol4o4q sobstal.l4: B u#,And ire have Hats L Caps and - Shoes tO match. ~S 1 .• Ilya. Ladies "caiiAnd Fashienabh li!cantifullyitrinfined;or bnniletennt ood : c of ,Diess mings;':Glc . iivei.; gosiery'and AlldlnSt ; lbut:not l'er.S . t. corded. 50 Skirti ' ;" 418,0;' Rattans...Skirt - V al' Brien Sltirt-Re.tila, beautiful-Jett' ana :13racelets. Corals, Fine. and I t3;',efitiiaer;itc. , a lror' are silting Lumber,or, FLOUR, 31.EAL,1, 0 ' - - • - B. k, 3,,z • Cdid6i