The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 09, 1858, Image 4
_ .. c l i c !±...A..!.... ,- , ,, ,4 ,, ,t-7..•• -,-...r.... :5.:4,-.m--0,- , ... tetz,, , , ,, i, . a -- -- -7. t _ 0 , -4 'Ott ' itij---,--.- . i_s .-,,,.... 1 --- .....: , - ~,,- t ~..< -..., , -_.,. - drunken-fellow iii Yaine, has lodged a complaint against his. wife for riying - Aira - otioljokt i a. on hkna Wh - sti JOS is The,la4y in - question had better AguiCii4 Desile. s, NEW FOOD E08...13ZE5.--IGtilicranit.tates that.t*oli,ivicultuthlists of.the departuient pf the Var, recently discovered their bees fc4ipg.iipoo,qakes of oil sced,_which bad subjected to the oil Press, AlUdwidcliwas used us manurefor potatoes. irk; be.4.m4er,e afterwards allowed litind twee 0f4111 . .5 food„ and slieir.ox4ners hlve ruarded with near!y ten times !,11c usual increase iu their_proaUgtious of , .„ • A:NOVQI BIZSINESS —qtrawi have al fAfayseshoWn Which way the wind- blows, ut they new have - anew off:1'u! ) and point pni.untutstakably the way .a vast cintintity raflilluor Witness the foltowiud from western paper: “Nearly'all, if not fill, the drinitir.g .Saloons in St. Louis, it is said are furnished-with straws for suck jug juleps, by one man; "avho sells them for one I).rid a Elf , or two dollars .a thou. Pand;_ from two acres of land on which lie - groWA rye;" annually ; he sells about Twenty-four hundred, dollars worth .of ptraws. They are also:packed 1n barrels plantainidg about twelve thousand straws, and shippt4 to New Qrleans, St. Paul, And tlielilterinetliate places, and the de ;nand is it:et:easing:" Noyel and Ektiaordinary tIEW SCREDULE .- OF PREMIUM'S FIZEEM trICITETP: STATES .IrOcra:4AL - PtibitShinf-- House.. ruNCOURIED'by the U N . W.k A g P,L D streCES our ... novel eitraordina ry Premium Offers,. in the circulation of the long-i*tablished and popular pictorial month /y. the' UNITEI: = STATES JilertllAL, and in the kyle skrour Nalculbie, Hooks, we now announce our new programme of premiums for the sea son of 1858 and 1839, embracing the celetira_ ted ArtjTnionßeries of twelve larve and Splcn- Oid Steel Pint% Erig - raving, and a schedule of GOLD WATCHES, RICH JEWELRY of all kinds ' GOLD:PENS, etc., offered on a scale of liberality surpassing 'all 'previous offers. Our Jewelry is composed exclusively of tlie richest first-class articles, warranted - to he polidlold, or precisely at.represented, nod ev pry person selects his own. premium. Ours is the.onliyublis.hing Douse that offers 'Premi ums ori this - plan, or that furnishes this . class Of Jewelry.. • . • • .The following is a list of a few of the arti olei; with ihmatuount o(the club for which it, is given as a premium, and the pustage re- quiredlcir its a olivery by. mail: AplendirFnetached Lever, Enam, elee Dial eighteen carat Gold • • Watch; warranted& perfect time keeper'''. • . - $6O QC, ele g ant Lepine En.imeled Dial 18 carai.GOldrWatch '- T,argeriontile-Sliffe 'Gold Pencil r and Gold P.en, warranted to be... [Pastas?, gold throughout . - GOD 'Se. Beautiful Gold Pane il, warranted to be, solid gold throughout Gold PenCil, (Told Watch Kan - , and Gold Tooth Pick combine.' Extensive Silver-Case Pencil (war * +Anted same as 'coin) and Gold Pen Rich Gold BancLßracelet Fancy Gold Mosaic Bracelet Superb lined did - d Locket, eugrav , . and turned- - - . . 4co Set of. Gold Cameo Ear Drops 6.00 ! Set of Geld Coral Ear Drops, 6 00 Gold Cameo Pin for Lady, 5 00 Gold Fla, entiee Piu for Lady, • 500 Gold-Bar Cluster Pin for Gentem'n 2 0') Set of Gold Camet Studs,' 3 00 Setof Engraved, Lined Gold Studs, 200 pet of Gold Cornelian Sleeve But - tons; for Lady or Gentleman . , Superb Friendship' itg, solid six • teen dardt gold, richly enameled; 4 00 41: Miss's Ribg, sofid sixteen carat • told, set with stone; Among the Engravings are trhp - Signing Of the Death Warrant' of Lady bane Grey, froin th>ctif-. t.Orated Painting by Daniefliun im• giion.l22 inches long by 17 inches Wide, $1 00 12c The Trapper's Last Shot, from the great painting by W. Itaiiney, /8124, The Angler's Daughter, from the . great painting .by Landseer,, p i .o.rki T i g ,frOm the painting by F. W. Edwards. . 50 9p, (For full &Wale, see cur Catalogue.) The lhartt Srarts JornsaL, contains six teen large foliopages, ably edited and pro fisely illustrated. Price only 50 cents a year. Our. Ca:talogue . contains over 1,000 of the most Useful, entertaining, and popular works of the day, , • , Any person sending us 50 cents or more either for. the .lotimu, or for Books et the loW est;prices, is entitled to the same amount in any of the premiums of his own selection from the schedule. He is also entitled to extra prerniriaisaniounting to''sl,-and extra Books orlOurnala amounting to $1 for every clitb of slo;llinkreceiving-,f0r..510, Books or ;Mr- Dias amounting to $ll, and Piemiums amount tO,sll.„ The amount to.. prepay postage ~pretninnis,, should accompany each. TetL4r,i3Onvited. to . form e, club, and we . arrange with some person at every Yest Office, as, agent and cot - res. ! ondent,, who will be richly paid therefor.. Speeimeni, and Catalogues sent tree on ap7 *cation:, Send i a few subgeriptici,ns pace and select your premiums from theahoxe, et.,when yen receive the Catalogu,e. • 210 , 1- EMERSON 4 CO., • . 406 Broad Way, :Sew' York, Notice - of Ap - plica,tiou. OT= is .hereby given that application ,0111 has-been made, in, due form of km, to the Court Of Dommon..Pleas of Potter County, f ar a-charters Of. incorporation of the lifxreolilErr EPIE,COPAL CIIIIRCH at 03Way0. and that; itho....t;enrt -has appointed the THIRD biONDA,Ir of September nest, for. the hearing of parifts.iiatOitsted:' -ISAAC BENSCIN, ...Ate.y for zipplicantz: P P. STen' 4 2 " P"s't 's f Board of Tres. 14. -la-14*AX Sie.Vl 4 Ang• 1858, - • EW'PqO:4ll-;, 4-Lirto:'sind,splen4l4 As ' ftoitta tin;jest eceired at, led" '" ' 'OLMSTEDT:', ''fit'SGlEN - 1 1 11Mt u itMEIR 4 N PROSPECTUS. IrOLICTA.IIE T.J . R.71 7 g E , Bbauis ska#llßEß. itrgcmuivlcs, I[3llF-ENTons, I).)4llttfacittNr§V9 .07)11.0s. jiipd sciENTiFic:AgErzac,:x; , .if...bas %u gl y -reached its Fourvr,t:Ntli will eater upon a . New 1 7 .,oltune on the.l.lthor . .Sep- , temper. - It is the bnly weekly publication: of tine kitsd nosy. ,issupd:in tl ls, nonatry;.,pul iY has a. very eSdeusive circulation du. ull tye Spates of -tee Union.: neit,-as 6.1111 C might Trom-its title, a (-try, abstruse work on technical science.; - on the contrary, it.- deals with the great events going the/ scion t.Mcouee hanieai and industrial - worlds ' as, to plc:mem-Id instruc r y every one, If the. Mecham hi or ..t).rt,zan ivislies to know;st Machine in use,, -, to make any zuhstunco ployed in his basiuess-if the!jquse-:yid wish es to get a mope tor - mak dig i a good color, ,tu. -if the Inventor. wishes to i know what Is go ing on iu the way of juiprovements--if qaunfaeturer iwi:slies-to keep posted with the tunes.. and. to ernpidy ty.e' best facilities in his ou siness—if tine -tu t ln of Leisure and Study wishes to.keep himsnif familiar with the pro o. M ress made ~.the,uheinical laboratory, .or ' the construction of. telegraphs steamships, railro-Ms, mowers,s. and a thousand Other machines/nu(' appliances, both of peace .Mud war—all . ,rliese,e'esntovot can be found in SCIEN'MVIC Ai`cir.RlCAN, - . and -pot ffse &here. They are here presented iu 9. reliable interisting form, adapted to the eotimtv impsien/of minds : nnieurnCd in the - Mistier branclMs of science and art. - - - TERMS CoPy, One Year, $1; Ono Cmiy, Sik Months, $1; Five Copies, Sts.l\fautlis, , Tea Copies, Sir Mouths $8; Ten Copies. / VaLve Mouths,•:.:,:ls; Fifteen Copies, Twelve 'doutlis, ' 4 22 ; Twenty Copies, Twelve -Months, aCivance, . .:Specimu copie3 sent gratuitous'y for in p2ction. Southern and Western money, or 'ostage Stamp, taken forsubscriptions.; ',otters sloiphl bp directed to"_... MUNN & CO.:128 .F.ulton-6treet, A ,„&" 4essrs. Co. are extensively . engaged in procuring, patents for new irivett lions, and',will advise- inventors,. wifliout charge, in regard tp the novelty - nf: their ha itroveinents. OF .CAUSES 'or. trial in P,ntter County Court, jat September . Term,: 1858, -- i !-- -- Gilling.ham,!use- of 1 .r, A T., Cone, • rN. J. .1,11-11 s - ' ' - '1 - • ' !Reynolds, ! " Gilliland, 'E: Rees & JIM. Lyman, ''' Grimes, et al , 1 , , Wharton T. use of ). “ John Earl, t al. t•• 'Henry Nelson, - . jr.,• Wilkinson, - " 'Wilkinson, eurtis,Erwin Si: Brooks'," 11..tynolds, .. ;Carpenter, ! ,'", Sirty, .Krouse, • - ' - ''' Martin, Mallory et al. !Ross, ' '' ' " M'lntyre, ' Dickinson, ' - ' " C: W. Ellis, • , Allegany Township, ". J. Lyman, late Tr'r. sa l -ne t - c• - Same. - • Enswortlt, " . Pike. Township, l !pwight, l' 'Reynolds, - ' : Nal 111, • - " Jones Mann k; Janes • Acres; "'• Haskins; Westervelt, " Junes, • • - Davis„ " Jones,. Raskin use of N. 0. 1• 4 ' Ellis, . . I; G. N. Platt. Laskin use of S. P.' . 1 . „ Maynard 4 Wilco;, Johrsou • - 5 Beutty, . •-- " - " Ilars, . Jens.", •I - t , . .11rn , lle., it. at • 1 Coif th use. of Pottet• Co." Bart. S.; .rnn. . ..A .Fllliso:3n‘. et I. J,:in.e3, ' ' ' l'' `11:6:e f -7 Pearie, --• J . - • (‘• Clark . , -- - ' -- I Glnice, • ', •' "• Jont. , , . S. G.'Sz W:LanSing, ''' _ , Hall, ,' -;-..! , ' - •° A. IL Ford, u",e'of :1_ ,„: x i,. T. zz A , . 1 .,. Jonf , s, Manna Knox, .1 • F. Ellsworth; White Jackson School Dist. " & Ives. ' • 30 00 'OO 8 00 2 5 4 00 sou. MEM Eldridge,' - I ‘Burley. snrvi'r Foster, " 11 , 1)%i s .C: Jones. 11. J. 01.311-_,TED,'Pi-6:12:Y.. Aetentioa THE WIIOLEI 4 00 CLAITN.t& .V 110 hitve run the v.-elf-known ' 7 ifi.D: at Wellsville, for the last tw tears, hove made a general Sitting ouli:id e end in, and have filled it .up, to.overdo\ying 'with 2 GO G11.60.T.'+;.1112S & PROVISIONS,. BOOTS S SNO ES , a gencaral variety o Idurdware & Cutlery. comprising ":141 'things tiecessary for FamilicF, Mills, Mechanics, Farmers, &e.; and we are bound not onlylo Regulate, but to beat the crowd in the 1 00 12e 50 9c LOWEST. PRICES, . BEST: QUALITIES, in till.; town and Olean. -One o,f the firm hay ing had oyER 20 YEARS' EVERLENCE in Merchandizing,—and with aliundantitecunia, ry facilities, Wa knaw we can ' BACK our.statements, And everybody invited to • ! test the truth of the same, We furnish llerabants and Pedlard CHOICE SUPERFINE FLOUR at S 4 ; SALT at $1;75; Fine YOUNG-HYSON.TEA 3?l cti..? lb.: Choice WHITE.FISH and TROUT $4,50 4-bbl.; BEST NAILS $4,25 7rl keg,—other things is pro Portion. We. can good, and expect to iceeive pay i . Or oui.lp h or.and investment by Selling, large amdrits„.iti.:the, wholesale Way„ to Merchants, Hotels, p (llEuts ,We are aware that every Picaninal shop tells the same yarn, and advertisO ten ,tiMai more than they,hai e or can do ; tint come and see uB i -artd you ;will.sayt. NO.LIKTO.T.MNI: E. _P. GLAIR.--one 6,f the fins - has built Et , ••! ..• -'-Office adjoining the and is piepared to furnish -- DTIAFTS - A'NO . BILL4 OF: EXGRANGE for this country, Eugland„y i elsnd and• Scq land, puke Collections & RiguitianCes, buy all I 1 3. 0, 1 ( ..VJ it its value, furnish Gold and Silver, &c., and otherAbirms growing out of the business. • LOCATION—Fobt of W..101K-110ADiST., on the Rair-Road•Tritei. :777: ... • • - .• MEM lEEE CM IT P ',..: ......N.. k....., .. 0..... i....„., W. "s * tllll ... '• ,r -9 . 6"4 17 (i;4,',,,, t,,,,t-,.1,4:: -- 14-, , TA. 5\we,,,,,, ~...,,... k 4,1k--,--RE -1 ,i,„- :4,1r4,1 $ 1 10r5,111 rVttkl ° ;l,CiJ ‘4 i [flat C a.IT T E 0-N; . Morcbants and Trders Itill„,te,Qhth.ltir:lctuttmLitA•l 3 4 bo , l upon by u,,Countetteit'of More Root signed,e.B. .31o0e. ' Afteflulte Itoot rino balm the tutmo!ittos siitizturo lot a. 'oda tE 'Co4 oa A6O presefit . .yop Ittcencs.s . ,. qt ilftillitii—the - -iiivene6t. - Thisfphiltipthiophit spent the greater Rdr2 -of his life in - imvelhi . Lavish'visited Ei:trolie; anti. :Afrjencn, - s aninut the IPlliani3 nf cyan: D - - 1r wain this Avay.tliilt - the` • Rtxit nivete dizooreiel . the firs! mite: tQ eat^bush the fzlet t;‘,r.t. rill 1' cases ri From IMPURITY dir,ool7:—that Oili strength,. health tin3l life crepended. upon thh.; vital' •-•- ..\\' to-a the variatiqa i:- - ;ftges become cloggc-it rued do not " perfil6t ,liarrann-.• with tit., differ° ,t function's-of tioily;the'Llatl los. r et its action, becomes thick ; corrupted and. dis eased ; thus -cauAtig all 'Tatins, s siCkful , Ss - and j , tstr e sii e'ttry name ; oar • strength is e'( - - hanF fed,-our bein we are: deprived - of. aid: if nafure is not assisted inthroWing off the stag : : nrint hinnats, the'blood Become :choked and cease het, and thus'eur light of life wil:1 forever - be :hloWn out, How important theft that ~we slionld keep the various Passittes. - ot the -body free apt', open.- - . .:=Anil',,how• pl , atsant to us that We here it in:Vnr power to • fait medicine it your reach ? , 'namely. Morse's - In. dian Root Pills, -matpilicttired from plants and roots which grow around • the mountitin ouS cliffs in Ntiture's garden, for the healtiand recoverr'cif diseased Man: Quo of the 'roots from tliKse: Pills are made is a Sudorific, Which oiktisthit'Pofes of the 'and assists Ntitare in•throWing out the finer 'parts of the corruption within.- The liecond's is a plant which is an Pipectorant,Hthritbpanand nu tlie•:tiassagd'to.:o6 Itittgs;arid - thus,' in a soothing manner, perfornis is throWL ing off liftlegjn,, and atiMr Inimors — from the lungs- opious-SPittingl - The third Is' a Di uretic; Which . gii-es - case and doiThic: strength to the. kidneys ;- thus encouraged, - they. drr,v, - large a:mot - Mt:it of impurity from the - blood; which is thrif throren out bountifilly by the urinary or water paisag&, 'and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The foUrth is' a Cathartic, and' accomPanies the other properties of the Piles while ougo”- ' ed in purifying the blood ;'the ..doarser partieles of' impurity which; bannot•pass by the other ontlets:are thus taken up : and'ebnveyecl off in great'quantities by - tliebewels. • "From The adore,it is showntliat Dr. :gorse's: Indian Root PHIS not only enter the stoinitch; but become united with the blb9d. for - they find way to every part, and coMpletelyrtnit out and cleanse the 'sys;f Vont' alfiminirity, and thedife 'of-the body;.'whi'ali is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy ; consequently all sickness' and paiiisldriven from' the SYstcm,, fot they cannot remain When the' liedybecomes so pure and' clear. • ' .;' The reason -why'i.peoplc are . -6'lll - stresse'd'; when sick,-rind-wir,riso runny die; is- lipeausal . they do not" get itinedicine WhiChpASl , to-the afflicted - parts', .and 'Which Will op . en,the: natural passages forthe diseifs.eto : b'e Can 011 t ;!1 betide. a Ivirge fprantityorfoodUndlsthetMat= l i terisinclged; and' ma and intbstitie6 are literally overflowing with the iorriipta9 mass ; thns uadatrgoirtg fernten-! tatio n, : co lista!, tly Mixing with the timid, Mehl throws eerritpted matter through every and artery, until - Fife is' taker: from lice bed.?, by disease. • Dr. MoiFe'sl s l.r..T.,9 have r oildrit thrrmzelves iirtorblis iesiortr), tiflion:4 of the.siek• - tri th , iim•rals who' hart: been racked - or fornicated w'th s"ckpess, pain null a:id k:11 • c fci hate beeii treor . ra'd hi- the tinrniuffr elOrt,:mts -of raging ftver, rind who )era broaght,"fts• lt were. :••tep of- the ready ;r , that hues for.r . .' I m:ushered wi•t,; , he dear ard it rot' i•en for, this great T. , - wonticrful m tdicine: ' in' :Aftftrotte'or two doses' . had been: tskra - , they were' iistoniShrd, and abse r , intoly surnristal, i•hartning only ,10:lbeV give iiimictilate case and : strfaluqh: and tnlhi awry nil ;deka ..sS. 1 n and anguish:' INA • they: itt, • once , gb : to et 'the T ! ,ontletiori' of the d which is the b'ocd.. :Th-rri . ore, it - will lie shown. espeeiidly by'rhom w;10t , . , e these Pilll.-, that they will cle , dise . And p thut ease—that tike its end the finch o youth itod•bi.:iot,- will ' resq:'ri: and the prO3peet pr p, inr:g and hap*}' life will el;eri-Fb and br:g-ht;!.nyotrdayr.. s!' • Sold by SMITH 6'z'Jtlr - .ZES, Ctinder,part:llSo by alt Medicine thtal.ers ;.r, the cduntv. • watrE k, 56.Letir.:!rd =4., Sew Yorl;., Proprietors ;'"WM. MUDGE profit ietors of 'Dr. S. Tr'al , lt's'-)litgnetir :v.'-Y. Gorier:a .Agiof.:4. • • " • • COURT PROOLPIHIO.IOii. - IA - TITE.!Itt A.S . : - tile lion..ll.obert. G. White, VV. Presider:t Mann lind G. G: Colvin. AssoCiate .tudge§ the Courts of, Over 4 Termiuct- and General beliv`ery - .'sqltarter Sessions of tile, Pea ^c, Ortilians' Conrt'atftl 'CoUrt Common rte,,as fur fhe County of Potter, haN'e, .issued .their precept, bearing date the nineteepth ,dok of Atigust,; - lt tlie 'year of our Lord one thousand eight huncirod mid fiffyL , eight, and to me di recteil,.fOr hblding, a':Oonrt cif ,Ckyer and Terhr. leer and Cle i neritl, Jail 'Veils - err, quarterSes tli‘e'Peate., Orphans' Cohrt, and Court of ,Common Pleas, in the llorongh orCtinder, sport. an . lOICIYAY,' the 2 1 4th of SeptUin ber ue4t, and contin tte'ohe week. ' Notieie is therefore-hereby given to the' COr oners, Justice's of the Pertc6 and 'Constables within the - county, that they be then' and there irr.their proprr perscMs. at I'd o'clock A. AU of said with rolls,- records, tions,•examinatio l ns; and-other reihinribrarid§, to' do thOselbingt w do: their bilide§. lap pertain to be done. And those who'are botind b3r:their: reco - gri - 74nees brossee ufe against the prisoners that are;or shall . lie`in the jalrof said Coitttiy - of , Potter, - aie'to be then'attd there to prosecute agaiiist , thern as be-inr:t: • 'Dated - at Vounasrodr, ,, Aunst q5 ; 1858,,and and aid 82d year of the Indept ndence of the United States of America. r, c,' " :•A. C. TAGGART,: er111".- j - :"T.ItCOJIP_SON; !'':: " eARRIAGE.4,,iYAGON; MAKEl%,:,firad Coudersport,Yotter Paii takes tbis.utetbod.of informink4l4 pul3l-.rtTa-Tiro lie, in geriera Atint is,ptepared r fo do all work in his line wltl.r.promptness, - . as,Nvqrkman t like': manner,' and ,upon ~most, kteecaninodating.Jerms. , l Payment tfor inyatiablyseoired, on delivery of. kind4,9r- };ROD-UCE taken' 40. , 1 ‘liun 1 P srur P , tat At.4l.4lligterirN.l6i.itAi.!..S IPricees Gi 4 etttly - 1 4 ••• • i ; i110)1 , 01-* F. A , ATER, '1 Prba;llC4' 4GENT 1 4 0. 1 i TH A4STIYOS : fOX4 l e" • britisiinaelitS•.l i'OHl.l,lor2tess`Assortnient ,of Pianos, Melo deeiss,!Musteal Instruments, and I‘Nsical 4 -,r,char.a Ft 6f 121 1 5 1 r ds, in the United States: Rialtos fccan Ten inherent:Manufactories, thon of every variety of style,- trom 4ir..plaig, neat and substantial oplave.s I%' - lw mut cr Rosc-vvogil Cr ses, frqm • . 150 t 0.5200, the inort uP to One I'liolzand Dollar, No I..rise in the Union can empete With the abCit in the number. li•Lriety and celebrity of its inscrunient.' nor it, the Ex,...kniely low pricqs at pinch they' are c,bl; , • !MACE WATERS' MODERN IMPROVED m':111 or•Witho:tt Iron Fra•nr.ta, pos.- .iessin tranr improvements of , ovef-streg and at :ion, a 1c.0.. , ,th of. scale and ,compass of ,'!.one equal to hie Grand Piano, united, i!lie beauty and durability of strus.itue oil the Piar.n.. They rite justly pronottneetb;!, h. 'Press and by the first 3lnsical Masters, tC, e cunci to these of tiny other manufactbrer i rhe} I . ,re' knit. of the be.l and most tlnnotiglc y fnaterial, and guitranteed to stand I 'the action "I , e) try eiiinatp. Each Instrument , g-tatrinterd to giNe satifactlon, or, pureaase n.criey refunded. _MELODEON:S. - 7 S n, perior lasiruments in touch and durabiltty of i lmake. (Tuned the equal temperament.) I Ale ' todecmi of all other styles and makes. price 615, $6O, $75, $lO9, i;31.25, sl4o—(loubl4 and two banks of Keys, s3oo—less liberal discount. Clergymen ;tad Churches. an extra di=count. I '' .lIARf INS GUITARS, f s HARPS, I r , ILUTINAS, i .ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, ;and )fusical Instruments ,of all kinds, atlower priCes than ever before offered to the public,. LA large, discount to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at_yreat i l bar gains, Constantly in store,-,price from p 0 to , IFIRISII.C..-.One of the largest and hest se lecied ia-talcentes of Music • now published, comprising map.y.of the choice aud mapt pop, airs •of the day, and trill be sold at quo off from the regular prices. I . usi.cient by mail to all parts of the coun try, post-paid. Particular and personal atten tion paid to all orders received by mail: Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. ll'ishaos and Melodeons for rent .and rent allowed on puachase,, Pianos. and Melodeons for isale on monthly payments. Second-hand Piano's ta ken in exchange for new. General and select Catitlogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail. W i r Great inducements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of Music. 8:46 :putz*ron :Eyr,gylito#Cl: Imo SUBSCRIBES FOR THE , New York Weekly Press, A BEAUTIFULLY ILI:4USTRATED 'FAA ILY II:T;gSPAPER ! lIE NEW YOIU WEEKLY PRESS;is one of ttlq best htantry.papers of tbe dity. A p.ia.rto 'ling - TWENTY PACES. cr X.TY of e:.teit;tiNiii'g. iLL USTI.t A.TED every G iFy WORTH FROM 50 (7. - NTS TO On Of) WILL TIE r TO EACH SCR 111 3E a : (PT OF THE. SUB-! JOVE_` Y.. . . one co' frig ):ear, nn 'w2 0r , Three c -, oles - one'rear and 3 giftei, 5 00 Pire-cories 0: , -....year,*anit 5 gifts, 8 0.3 Ten ef.pis.: 1 an,l gifts, 1 15'0i., TwefA - yt•elir.• - c[optes ,ne yeqr;eo42l gifts, 30 od. ' l'lte arti,des to be dis...ii.butedal:ecoraprigefl 'U 1,/.e f01,1,, , .1in IdA :— .. .f : .1 „, , 1 [Tett,. d States Treasury , .ti0t ,. .4. , . ;:-.,*;1,';'00 00, . s 2 e‘a - ,do , .do 'OO Da,-each. 5 au . 'do . do 201: uo, eacii "10. ,dg •do do • t*,o 00, edc4. . .. •, „Id Pater t Lever . iluuting i . . C. , .sed V,..tches, . .1100 00, each. .20 Gold Watches, . , I ,1 70 00, taell. 00 do. ' . 60 00, edch 100 do Lndi,s' Gold Watches, .. 1 .43, 00, each. 20u Sitri:i fl.ninfug Cased, , • • • W.uft•lies; . • 30 00, eslch_ 500 Wateli6s; , _:sls 00 to 25 00, each Ixoo Co, i t;ur.i.J. Ve,t . and Fob. bialbs, 10 00 io 30 00, each 1000 G6ld . Pens aud • I Pencils, , . 5 00 to 15 00, each. Gold ,Lockets, Bra:celets,, Brooches, Err Props, Breast, Pius, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons Rings; Shirt-.Studs,Watch KtF.y,s,J4old and 'Silver Thinibles, anti n yariet,yi of, other arti cles, i orth from 50 cents to .$5 00 each. - On rtic:eipt of -the subscription inonCy, th sfikscriber's name will be entered upon. 0u b00,k.4 opposite a number, and lie gift-corres wund:ing with that number wit be ibirrtirdeci ithin one week to him, "Ly mail or 'e2preeB., pod! paid, . • • There is nelihOiliumbu,g not lottery, : about the ahoYe; asrevery stibscribr is. sure. of a prise Uftiflue, We prefer to larinke.this, eral, ilistrihhtilcni among then instead of giv ing alar'gb engin:Os - icon to Agents, giving t 0.., the subscriber tha !bait would ga.ter. the Agen't - tuk4 iu ,niallypitses u hundred-fold more.... • • d'oinirnaniaatiimis eh0u1d..1:43. ad dressed to , - DANIEL • ADEE;:ptritisatii, [10;431 . 2,11. Ceiitn,atteet x Welt •Y&k. Mil • ' ReglSte-r -CSl,otipa, XT I PTIcS is hereby:6'l , 6n that the foli*.q ! Acdolatits have been ,iirtis'ea filed in the :Fte4iste?S; Office in F'•ottet.,*ld that the sante . be "presentiti r to* the, Orphans' Cintrepf&iigatiptt and al= loviitne'e 7 . o•TtJESVAY;'illel2lst: 'slas . . of SO", !ember next, at the Court "foli . se ,121 - the-VO'r;o' of. Cotidetitobit,'viz• - • • 1 . - " ' "„‘ Account 4)f 'Polly: fligley,-#,dmigitiatrix of the estate. of Danierßiglex,'!adell,latii of Efel ,brdn township: • --'s• • • - Accou,nt of ;Wm.hH.• Meirger,' Aartnnistie-, for of the egtate!of- F. 1.;.. Mciteger,• late lof. the, Bstou Ovcif CotidersP ' • :•••••A: ott , 4erspori,C4C;pg.,l:4l.4s/C' ''"' • • u eacf. - an en a 10111g y. ! t • ?. • • " • AL 7 :r. 1 2 1 , * „ . .:1:t t. 1.1 ••- . - ANN - u AL - FAIR • OF TEM - nettt etc qtfritlat rat Agt* T® -Bp - ,BpLB, ATcouppusPoßT., . . Weelnescia . v-axia:Thursday, (:),cto t gria 180 - 1. & 14th 185 , • ...1: f::.: i, :/. - ;:.ii,1jitt......., ANV,REGT_TriAI'ICiNS': ' 2 - • ' .j.. .. , - .' • I. . All Annuals, ,w ''oe cutnpete for I ituniums ; filrall liax e li en i , 111n1 nylled- 41 .t 110 CoMilth:l4-:the persons. presteritinc! -- theturttrleast - f our. „- e „. previoeis to the Aunual Ealr,•and,alt7urtimalS, Cxeprbriedingstocli.'sh a ili t ,i. t "' tired ina .raised , in :t he IlUount y.; but when :Woriting-''Oteir , .or 21. 8 •4.,k,d Kn . ~.. *•Mares'are‘cntered for Prentititag, they - . shall be eligiblu-.if:one • 19;18,Rised i; ! eounty. : . . - . 1 . . . 11. No person or. persons Shall_ be permitted to.compete'for . a Premium on .. .- arliie.of Donieutie 31:ittufacture, or Rutter or . pheeSe, unfess*the .s.itee.o,4 i been made or manutat i tured by .such perstin:.4,lierStnis„or . :his M;theiri aiii ii,. families; Within . the Year ti-at it:shall beoffe're" .. d*tbr a pietuitnii: -': ' , .• 4 .-' ' III.: P,N.ltibiturs must bt:Tonie members. of the Society, hare their ii t ie . and 'iniintlo4 CCM:red on the Secretary's bOtik4o or betbre:44:. 43* next prey, the uPening of the Eslibition; au all artieica.and animals must be hrought. Nc i t t the••earlyl'as noon of the firstidr..y Of , ::Nnibitioni ii t a t l eit f,„.: t i,.,: vtr, be suitably•arrat.:2 . ed.'r Tine-liintit,ter's thiiiot - ,ilirmiti to ASSIIRE any . Nratica's these requitements;',oe.t.,lflk,iiititiles:'-eall: be Submitted •to Ab e J ed' , W bile, e Very* effort will be uladn4p,sccure. the exaininatioti and proper flak e if , I cry article ou :exhibition,. justice th; tiroseecho; comply .thit4.?he .r Wes of,t,li e s,. ( i requires thatthey shall in all: seises hist receive. attoutiOte. - .. .. : .. ' IV. • Articles or animals reinnyedlefore. the elosef..of :theExhibition (erupt permission of *We 'President) can nut receive a Premigin,,though awarded. V. Should any individual enter-nu animal in any other-name—than that (11 bana,,fir/owner, the ',person making such untrf:sliallrinot, he allowed a pre h ii, should one be reported by the Judges, nod : shalt .tie precluded froth unvei l - Iv , iitcyliitare e.ihibition of the Society. •• , 7 ,' , • ~ , , • , - • 1 1 1." 'Persons . entering stock of* • the age `of ;three years yearkand* . under, shall fur& the evidnce ,of thetimewhen the :animals were dropped, to be filed by th with the Secretary;. and the ages Of artituals:aboVe-this; To be given- on tn.' their entries. • . '.. ..,, - . -.• • 1 *V It' "The ,JudgeS sha)l in all, eases' err ithbol4 inpetitioc. , premiums., where the animal or tick: is _not' worthy, though theie'le ,no 4o • , , , - - -TOL • 1541. - preiniiiins'are to:le nwared;:to Bulls, 'COws, or to that hi been fitted Tor.the butcher--the intetititcu of ilic,Society beingto prothete the ling of superior, anim . als inr breeding purposes, ... I. LX. - -NV henevcr itlshall appear to.tlie J.udges thnt articles of.Sifierior merit been presented,. net noticed -in the Premium List,- they" Shall inake gyceial rel. thereof to the Boardidf Managers,, ' X . . It. is particatarly desired that 2 co per,soms, shall - be present while the .ltd, are examining the Stock referred to them„ except . those ,taking charge of the Wats, unless by special request: • •.• .-:-. . LIST OF COMMi ITTE'ES. OF JUDGES: 'The following ComMittees..of Judges on Premiums bare been-appointed by the Boni Managers of the Potter County Agricultural and Horticultural SocietY : • • ON CATTLE. ,1 • ...ON SHER?. GARDEN AND ORCHARD ; •-yi.DIE,' merman As111)61 Monroe, - -I Wm: M1)0112 . .411, FRUIT. , RORNITICI. t•• •Ili ' Jesse M. Greenman, •Mrs. - J: N. DnaMc; GaylordG. Covin, 1. 1 /. 0 ..) 1 51 1, ,x 1 - 4, / _. - . ,•, ~ _. , .. . W. 8.,A3 - res, . • -. - - _Clurk: Crum, . Dr...Ed w arillJorg, - ,f , Lewis : Nan; 1050pli Knowlton, ,henry Nelson; (All's;) Lfcnry Yentzer,. .. • , o. p,.As te bbi t Lucien. Bird, • , SetiCnig - gart, . , D. W.' Denton, " A. - C,Tag ~ Alineron Nelson, D 8. - • Dolbee, .. X. D. Bennett.-_• _. ." 11. Al.lielfo Isaac Thompson, -0. 'D. : Perry, • itoUSEFIOLD If. tivrAc- 4 F. W. Enos, Geo. W. G. Judd,. , - '• 4 W. H. Warner, . ON rrOCLTRY. .1 . . 4: °U ;S: - ' - ' " N. J. NA T. 3 - i. •-, I ' " A. F . : lone' H.- 11: - Drio.n U r-1. • (.8 ' • - • - • Alan Son C. Stevens. jtio. m. ii - 41 , , , urn, 4 . -, D. 1. Glassman . , ' _ff , NNlson Cluk, '" • J"°- 13 . Small- nisv's' mum - \VIII. H. Hydorn, . i. Russ, ti , Alrneron Alsoni :'t,-- • C •, -• • ' ' ADLULTTEL_ ,gi-I M T - Junes ;',''' '5, Koss, • . Henry Andreson, ,• • • , • • .J. , - . 4, Jose; h Minn, ~A lwk:ron Nehon,. - • I os FARMS. ThOr , thy,Tvc , s' David CroWell; '•• :. . ''''..- t' S: ol P lin s sSrU j i Smith, '-' ' !: y lA ,, i d„ x • l , n it e .,. r k E lT„ 'lL ,;; s . . “t . S.. Al,, Mill's, .' I George Weirnr, - Gardner - 1-T.YOlinsted, ' 1 Beason.• sl2. • " • saae • Dennis' Hall.' ' • - ' - • ''- . . . 1 , .Ai • • , 'GRAINS GRASS. • .lISSODOICAL di' FAICUING .o.D. rase vprej ! . 'lNixi.t:lle.i.:l.s.. . I Barris Lyman, Daniel Lurk, - Eli Dees, 'II" - ll' '' ' 1 Jiilin S . ; Minn, . IL v; 11 WL'i'le; •-, • -: 1::.-H. 11.111 , 5 ck, I J. Q. llerricl,' • i C. -P. Kii " ur ! r ) • John Ta W. H., Metzger,. g.gart , , O. A. Lewis . - ' Laac I'. llowe 1 .. -.., 1 . , 1.1: -P., pird,„ ~ • - : 1 . . Seth Bri. ~. 6 g'... D. F:,,r_ilos;:inire. I ON HORSES Titus W. Burt, \elso,i Perham,. Nt.1:11 J. Mills, Lyman Nelsou, Ira Canfield, Henry Phillips, Jolsu H. ON SWINE ilaral Ueo. Estes, • David Crowell, Lyman, O. C. S 4 artier. IiONVA ft DASSoCIA-TION BCIMUNOII hy special 'oldie: Tent for ,;:c !rctic:f of - he sick and with "'indent and' EjlidAnir. aisease.s. , no all person's afflicted with Sexual Diseas es,l-such as S4IOIATOKRIEF,A, SVIII-- i.VEAKNESS;, I:II:.*OTENCE; GONOR at :CEA, the "Nice of ONANI,:iM. or SELF The 1101VALD in view.. of the awful destruction of human life, minsed diseases mid t .c deceptions ,prac isea ni.ons the 'a:derma:J.2 vittims of such riisett§et,- by- Cid , cies ; Sr yer,ilyears ago di, acted zioir Ct. hsulttng 2. a LILA RITAR4 AcT I,9r:thy of thll..intme, to op e n a Dispel/ . ,ary for the treat:Mut ut this class of diseases, u'll their. forins, to giveINIEDICAL AD VICE GRATIS, to, all who apply by letter, - with' a descriptit. of their condition, (age, bOctipatlon, habits: of life, and in eases ektreme poi - eric 4 ,, to FURNISH MEDICINES REE It is M - titdiess to, add that - the Asstcht'iled &matt:tit& - the 14,diest medical skill of Lie age, anal vv.ill, furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on ii review Of,the past, feel assured, that Uttar: lai)ers in this sphere of lie-. 'hevOlent effort, hi:vit.:been of great benefit to the afflicted; espePi‘lly to the and the) Mire rPsolYed to aer!o l . e. themselves, with re . neWCI zeal, to th.ig.t e ery important but much despised etitie. t. last Publishml I - 13f the Association, a Re ,oort on Sperniatorrh(Ca, or Seminal WeakneSs, the Vice of Onanism, 'Masturbation . or Self- Abuse, and Other; Diseases 'Of tide Sexual,Or- - guns; 'by the CoUsulting Siirgetinovhich be-sitnt by a'sealeif eilyelope4PßEE OF -CHARGE, an receipt of TWO STAMPS for poStage: • '- , • Address, foi ;Report or 'treatment, f)r. GEORGE R. CILIIOI I N Consulting Surgeon, lictivard Association, No. 2 South NinthlStreet, Yhil:idetphia; Pal • . order - of 'he DireetOri... . • , • EZRA - 1). HEARTWEEE; President.' ! • GEO: PAIRCHITO, !- Si , •;!relizr)l.: 110:.241;y: 5p Op, ePcf, 91111 E BEtiT FILTER, MCOWN 'for' Family use; has giventhe highest satifactionfor many "yearsl isscientitic in construction, port. able, durabl&and cheap:. it renders rain wa ter. perfectly .pure• dnd sweet, Making cisterns More economical_than wells,. and avoiding the diseases ttrisinerom thelard water•of Stone regions. Five sizes-; retail from 'sB :to Sl2. Wholesele.ta :the trade attbe usual Can ,be forivarded safely any distance: formerly made Cbeney.& Co.; made nowqMly b TAMES ; TERRY & CO.. at the old Stand.of J. E:: G. do Co.,:State . . Street,. 'Roches ter, N., Y. For liescriptive- circulars -address. - TERP.Y•& O 0 WA Vo.tfiAliGH,FOrt , ' SHOWING THE NEW jiviVrep'skred 'at OLUSTF4.) o°; ..., P.11L . .21)...:LP111A . t • - IC.LDZIFI _ PATENT IWATER .FILTER. NEW 1.001)S, *.O NC 1 ices and, Ready PR 4.T• • IIIE .51,)SCP31,MRS giv . alering for an euy Irtly newi siock, Qom ibtiag of IIRY GUODS, CQOCKF:ItY, G1., 1 45S 800 RATS pi.. : ELIAS!, AVIM:gDiNV . - WALL CLU In our sete'etitny= 1 !1 2,:e vtarns of -nllhtint rein einbe red, 11'?. eat:, F. et; 41 stockof V.eeely STYiUe ,Cll.h . rg Ftur.111Onal):(! n sub.. - Und w.e G4i.luid lig' Shoot to match. I .'lll `LatlieCcon find ;Fashionable TA beat,ifully trimluMl l ,. or bounev and Mai :t good utzi...orznitutt Of Dress Goods, ^Ed t mugs; kllot:-cs, rtffS,llosiery and Elio: Atid J '1361 , but not .108t;.corded and Ike Sitilis ; ..11, , 0 :Rti.tto?.ts, Skir;-WM:lebon t 1-1 Y,... Shirt- ; Iteautifl.l JO ;full. :Hid Bracelets,- Ckals, Foos, and too other things' to :.eriuMierate-,—oll of istki are selll n irlor - for bash, Lumber, or of of Pi•oduco,. , - FLOtill, MEAL, FISII•it, 1 stern 13 , "on hand. •1 1 ' ':- '.' ' •1%, ". 8.1,7, J.ll. GR.% aron.,qent - er,_lPotior Co., ri., Jo •—lpi:".3„:tr. - . .1... . .. . Fi 1 1144,0 RT ,DEAD-QUARO AE subscribers. talie•this mettrot. ' Sopping their:Jilin& that theyarth d-eif,- and 'are ow o'penhig, a chain iable stock of TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOO% hich they iralte the attention cf 6 ,r 1 re to - make purchnSes, Our stoat! been belectud •#ith great care, iso larly adap,te - d to the wants of this couitry, , Citunteek of Dry Gooll RE'S.6O.ODS,TREVINGS ,RIBBi` -'EMBROIDERIES, .PARA4IIIS CLOTHS, .CASSIMERESir TESTINGS, DO- • • • .- • .--- - MESTICS , • • , :LINENS,' PRINTS, - - 1 . HOSLERY; ;.'. triltriety of idher articles, tocr ention. WeAtave also a cpmPlett— nt of ff GROCERIES,'WAT S, 15 ... -,PROGKERY; of3l-1A4,3111 tie Sold .feadY and:fqapyirced Creed - iscknibleltierlitsVat Snpr. other , MANN .kNO 111' ceip l desi, to • des has tic ,triNOE,S AND tEMONS ittg - .1 ivak [1