The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 29, 1858, Image 4

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    'l4'3-1 - s;itbettly interested in the adventures
of the 12.1 t -i Pole, that she forgot herself
anti r sarropudinzs. Masses ofsla,-:
. hair 11111 over. the delicate hand
; that stiviiorted. hefhead ; morning,gown,,
,of i'repeh muslin, fell apart, and rC
yeaiecla ..vbite embroidered skirt, from be.;
.neath which obtrUded one swan foot; in
an o p:et-wort: silk stocking; the slipper
havinu fallen to the groand, Thus ab
sui-1x2.1 ,he took no note of time, and
;night have remained until summoned to
.dinner. had not a slight . - rurtling disturb
ed her. She looked up and saw a coarse
lace peering at her between - the .pine
b:mglis,.with a mostdisemsting expression.
She at onee recognized" the man they had
net during their ride; and starting to her
feet, she ran liken deer before the hunter,
It was not till she came near the house,
that she was aware of having left her slip
per. A servant was sent for it, but re
,turned saying it was not to 'be found.
She mourned - over the loss, for the little
pint kid slippers, embroidered with silver,
;rem. a birth-clay present from Alfred.
As iOJU as he returned, she told him the
adventure, and went with him to search
the arbor. of pines. The 'incident trou
bled him greatly. " What a noxious ser
pent, to edam crawling into our Eden !" he
exclaimed. "Never come here alone
wingin g .dearest; and never
-go far from the
house unless Fladam is with you."
ller circle of enjoyments was already I
small, excluded as she was from society
by . her anomalous position, and educated
far above the caste in- which the tyranny
,of law and custom so absurdly placed her.
But it is one of the blessed laws of con,l
rusatiOn, that the human soil cannot missl
that to which it has never been aecu.stotn
_ ed. Madame's motherly care, and Alfred's
'unvarying. tenderness, sufficed her crav
ings for affection; and flit' amusement, she
took refuge in books, flowers, birds, and
those champs of natural scenery for which
her lover had such quickness of eye.
was a - privation to give up her solitaryl
rambles in the grounds, the inspection 'of
birds' nests, amid her readings in that pleas
ant alcove of pines. But she more than
acquiesced in Alfred's prohibition. She
said at once that she had rather be a
pner within the house all her days, than
ever see that odious face. again.
Mr. Noble encountered the cotton-bro
ker, in a way of business, a fear_ dais after-
ward; but his aversion to the unclean con- 1
versatiou of the man, induced him to eon
peal' his vexation under the veil °ream:non
courtesy. He knew what sort of remarks
any remonstrance would elicit, and
shrank from subjecting Leo Leo's. name
to such pollution. For a short time, this
prudent reserve shielded him froin the at
tacks he dreaded. But Mr. Grossman
soon began to throw out .hitita about the
sly hypocrisy of Puritan- Yankees, and
other innuendoes oblivotiSlf intended to
annoy him. At last, one day, he Om
the embroidered slipper - froni
. his pocket,
and, with a rakish wink of his eye, said,
" I reckon you have seen this before, Mr,
Noble." _ _
Alfred felt an impulse to seize him by
the throat, and strangle hin ou the spot.
But why should he make a scene with.
such a man, and thus dra: , Loo Lou's.natne
into painful notoriety ? The old roue was
eviddiltly trying to foment a quarrel With
him.. Thoroughly animal in every depart
ment of his nature, he was boastful of
brute courage and prided hiihself upon .
having killed several men in duels. Al
fred conjectured his line of policy, and re
solved to frustra:e it. Ile therefore coolly
replied, " I have seen such slippers; they
are very pretty ;" and turned away, as if
the subject were indifferent to M.A.
[To lc evntiatted.]
!ts Cause and Cure--Mr. Hen
. derson's Discoveries.
From the Buffalo Comriercial, .hive 29
Ever since the disease known as pota
to rot first appeared, various hypotheses!
have been offered as to its cause and cure.'
A malady attacking an esculent so im,
portant and forming so large a portion of
Par daily food, was at once recognized as
a national disaster, and researches of sci
putifie men were directed to its study.—
lip to the present time -no satisfactory.
theory has been promulgated. In giving
Oblicity to that which we are now about
to notice, wCi'sliall confine ourselves most
ly to what
been done by actthal.cX
periment, and to the legitimate conclu
sions 'which inductive reasoning froth
those experiments affords. Our personal
knowledge is confined to the following
facts :
* i
Qn the 'morning of the 24th of June,
Mr. Alexander Henderson of this city,
left at our office a glas's jar, containing a
sound and healthy potato plant. covered
in by a perforated paper so as to ,afford
sir. He had placed it there at 7a. m.,1
and with it were cenfined some six oil
sight insects, which Mr. H. believes to
p© the source of the potato rot. The in-'
sect itself we. cannot, describe scientific
ally. It iv tilsout . half the size of the
common halve-oy, of a brownish color, has
six legs, two pairs of light wings; two an
lennm, and a long, strong proboscis: Mr.
i. thinks it is the l?hytoeoris, hutris not
positive as to that. At the end of twen
ty-foils bones the plant was evidently dis
pssetl, The insect was actively engaged
upon its various portions, which became
}gown and mouldy in the leal while the
Oasts, in thp couise of two oAhree days,
tuffered a putmcent change, until, on
the 2Stii, some of them fell over by their
pwu weight, the stalk being swollen and
coillin.4y4 in stone places quite, to a jelly
of a fsiclily green . :
iltudißson informs .us takes place
unifOr.uly, but' moat.' rapidly 'whoa the
-phtut. is freely - to aim
.air, - as .the. spechneti exposedwas: not.
T.o all external appearance, the dire.i,e ..
was ideatical with the ordinary potato, t
asit !attacks- the vines.) • .Some . pieces ti
early; (this years) potatoes; placed in the
%Fere .attacked by the.rot!
during the four days of cxposure.•
Mit. Elendersm'states that he has been
engaged in this.researelisinee 1845 ;"that
in .1850 he ,discovered the In_ on the .
viper, but (thought it .was confined to
IDttring the last 'year he haS found
it on the tubers; - and watched. its effects
- t.
upon them. It 'appears 9n 'the vines . in
from' two and a 'half to tliqge, in( ! uOis urter
pliniting, according to soil and . mantire
richly manured soil producing the perfect •
insect sooner.
'l'he natural history of the insect begins
with. the development of the egg. This
is invisible• to the naked eye, but can be
seen With the . aid diens agglutinated to
the : . skin of the potatO. ISOf an oblong'
furiii and is planted, with the seed potato.
Thdegg may be hatched iu a warm, moist
place. The eutre.period of development
is not settled. - Mr. H. expOsed.a plant to
theinsect, under proper precautions, and
front the time of tfie exposure 'to the time
theyoung insect of the next generation
obtained his wings was three months.
The process of reproduction has been in
geniously watched by Mr. Henderson.
The egg planted with the seed potato is
hatched, and the: young insect stays in the
ground until he gets wings. In the mean
time he is engaged in stinging the tubers,'
each perforation poisoning the root and
begetting the rot. While yet in the
ground, and as early as the tenth day of
existence, the young insects cohabit, and
from the great rapidity with which they
propagate; Mr, Ih. argues that the egg is
deposited before the first emergence from
the ground, althougk in case of cold, wet
weather, the insect sometimes leaves the
vines and returns to the tuber. Only a
few days arc required for the entire des
truetion of the vine. The insect is re
markably industrious, but the desttuctiun
of the vines does not affect the tuber ex.-
cept,to stop its growth.
Mr. Henderson finds a ready explana-1
tion for the greater healthfulness of the
potato' in sandy soil. , He finds that the
grains . : of sand greatly annoy And cripple
the insect,' and as the light soil is heaved
up by', the growth of the root, the sand
imparts or fulls down, preventiog the ac-1
cess of the fly. In a stiff soil the insect
readily leaves the ground through thel
crackti opened by the growth of the tuber,
and having stung it, conies to the surface;
and attacks the vine, espeoially 'after heiiey
showets. - During the past Winter . Mr.l
Henderson has had thousands of the young ;
insects hatched under glass, and to try
their }tower of mischief, has experimented
with hugs only a quarter grown. The
plant exposed showed nu mistabahle signs
of diSease on the fourth clay.
These statements we regard as impor
tant. j 'So much i 3 evident., . Mr. Hender
son, by means of this insect, produces po
tato tot at will. ' When a healthy plant is
shown us, the insect applied, and the rot
folluWs in four days with unerring certain
ty, there is good reason to suppose that
the p'roblemhas been . solved.
Asi to cure, Mr. HeLderson thinks there
is no iserious difficulty. If we put a stop
to the planting of the egg with the seed
notate, we stop the propagation of the in.
sect. The egg being invisible, any means
applied should hi thorough, and reaoh
the whole surface Of the rout. Mr. Hen
derson states that by spainklin,g quick
lime over the potato as it is cut fur plant
ing, the moisture will dissolve the lime
and bathe the tubers in a caustic alkali
which will destaoy the egg. At this time
of the year the ravages of the insect may
be prevented by packing the earth around
the tuber firmly with the foot, which will
smother the insect. We may add that it
is probably the same insect which has re
cently attacked the grape-vines.
Sipee writing the above, we have fotind
one of the inscetsin our jar, which had
deserted the now rotten vines, at work un
derground upon a sound young potato.
REV.: J. HENDRICK, Principal.
rpm: Academic Year is divided into three
Sessions of thirteen weeks each :
Tue Winter Term commences, Tuesday,
Dce 15, 1857.
The Spring ,Term.. commences, Tuesday,
April G, 1858.
The Fall Term commences, Tuesday, Aug.
24, 1858.
Competent Teachers have been secured for
every branch of Stitcly.
Classes will be so arranged that students
may enter to adVautage at any time.
A Teachers Class will heorganized, in which
, dnennentionthe paid to the studies usually
j taught in Com n Schools, and the beet meth=
od of imparting Instruction.
Primary Branches, •. $2,50
Common English, • "•• • • 3 , 50
higher English, 'with Algebra, ._4,75
Higher Mathematics,. 1, • • : 6,00
Latin and Greek, " - • - 6,00
Drawing: (extra) : 2,50
Music, with use of Piano, (extra) .. 10,00
French, (extra) 3,00
Without other studies, .: 5;00
Room Rent, each,, 1 ) 00
The Past success of this 'lnstitution under
the Preceptorship of Air. UENDILICK has induc
ed the Trustees to secure a continuation of his
'services. We trust an intelligent public will
give it that support - which seems to be due to
such an Institution.
ELI REES. Presq. $.
G. B. OVERTON, Sec'y. 2
Rerchanta and Traders will be on ther.guanfind not a C.ointerteit of Morse a Ind4n RoOt
KIN signed A. B. Monre.- AU' genuine Indian Root Rills
bate the name Mid algoatuze! of 4.. J. White M.,
- 'op
etch box. _
AhorC present yei, 'With cr _likeness 'rof
DR. MORSE—the inventor- of MORSE'S ; IN
DIAN ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist has
spent the . greater-:part'of his lifeln 'traveling,
having sisited Europe; Lksia, and Afriba, las
tcc(l,as North 11mcrica- 7 +has spent three years
riinotig the Indians of our Western .cbuntryr—
it was this way that the Indian . 'toot Pills
Were first discovered. Di:Morse
,waS the tirst
man to Ustablish the fact that all diseases arise
eti•ength, health and Pie depended upon, this
vital Hui&
When tho various pasp.ages beccirn9
and do not act in - perfect harmony
ditfere •.t functions of , tjtC body, the bi
its action, becomes thick, corrupted
eased; thus causing all pains, sick
distress of every name;; ourstreng
hausted, our health ;ye itre deprived
nature. is not assi?ted inl throwing off
nant humors, the blood will become choked
and cease to act, and thus our light ,'f life will
forever be blown out. How impor :ant then
that we should• kelp the various pa sages of
the body free and open. And how pleasant
to us that we have it in our poWer to put - a
medicine in your reach,' namely. N rse's In
dian Root Pills, manufactured fro , plants
and roots which grow around the ountnin
()us cliffs in Nature's garden, for the health.pd
recovery of diseased man. Coe of The roots '
Trout which these pills are made is a lidorific,
which opens the pores of the skin; a d assists
1 1i
Nature in throwing out the finer pa is 'of the
corruption within. The second is a plant
which is an Expectorant, that operisi mid un
clogs the passage to the lungs, mill tints, in - n
soothing manner, performs its (July by throw=
ing off phlegm, and other humors Troia! the
lungs by copious spitting. The tiara). is n Di
uretic, which gives ease and double, strength
to the kidneys ; thus
. eneourageti, -they' draw
large amounts of' impurity from the blodd,
Which is then thrown out bountifully by the
urinary or water passage,
'and which contd .
not have been discharged in any other way.
The fourth is a Cathartic; and accompanies
1 the other properties of the Pills while engaged
in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles
I of impurity which cannot pass by the other
;butlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in
great quantities by the bowels.
From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's
I Indian Root Pills not orb' enter the stomach,
but become united with the blood, for they
find way to every_part, and completely rout Out
land cleanse the system from all impurity, and
the life of the body, which is the blood, be-
I comes perfectly healthy; consequently all i
sickness and pain is driven from the system,
! for they cannot remain when the body becomes
so pure and clear.
The reason why People are so
_distressed i
when'. sick, and why so many die, is - . because
1 they fio not get a medicihe which will pass
to the afflicted parts, and which will open the
1 natural passages for the disease to be cast out;
hence, a large quantity' of food and other mat-
; ter is lodged, and the stomach and_ intestines
are literally overflowing with the corrupted
mass - ;. thus uadergoing, disagreeable fermen
tation, constantly mixing with the blood,which
throws corrupted matter through every vein
and artery, until life is taken from the body
by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to
themselves victory upon victory, by restoring
millions of the sick to bldoming 'health and
happiness. Yes, thousands who have been
nicked or tormented with sickness, pain and
anguish, and whose fe'eble frames have been
scorched by the burning elements of raging
fever, and who have been brought, as it were,
' 1 within a step of the silent grave, now stand
I ready to testify that they would have been
numbered with the dead, had it not been for
this great and wonderful . medicine, Morse's
Indian Root Pills. - After one or two doses had
been taken, they were , astonished, and nbso.
lately surprised, in witnessing their.charming
effects. Not only do they giro immediate ease
and strength, .and take away all sickness,
pain and anguish, but they at once go to
work at the foundation of the disease,
which is the hfotd. Therefore, it will be
shown. especially by those who use these Pills,
that they will so cleanse and purify, that dis
easethat deadly enemy—will take its flight,
and the flush of youth and . beauty Will again
return, and the prospect of a long and happy
life will cherish and brighten your days.
Sold by SMITH & JQNE.i, Coudersport • also
by all Medicine the county. A.. J.
WHITE Sr; CO., No. 50 Leonard St., New York,
I Proprietors; WM.-ML'bGE-R: CO., ;proprietors
of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Ointemut,) Earl
ville, Madison Co., N. Y., Cenei-al Agents.
LQW Prices and Ready Pa*,
THE SUBSCRIBERS arc offering for sale
an entirely new stock, consisting of
NOTIONS, kc. &c.
In our selections the Wauts of all have been
remembered. The Gentlemen cut find in our
stock of Beady Made Clothing an elegant
Fashionable suit, or a substantial Business
suit, :tad we have Hats & Caps and Boots &
Shoes to Match. -
The Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets.
beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming;
a good assortment of Dress:Goods, and trim
mings; Gloves, Mitts . , Hosiery A.r.q Gaiters.—
And, last but not least, corded and skeleton
Skirts; also,
Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and
Brass Skirt-lloops ; beautiful -JO Necklace
and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and too many
other things to enumerate,—all of which we
are selling low for Cash, Lumber, or, any kind
of Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, F.1411:40„ coo
stantly on band.
W. B. & J. 11. GRAVES. '-
Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa., June 5,
DRAPER end TAILOR, late from the City of
Liverpool, England. Shop opposite Court
House, Coudersport, Potter Co. Pa. ..
N. 13.—Particular attention paid to CUT
TING. 10:35-1y..
EW 'GOODS—A?:Fige Assortment just
41 received' at, WASTED'S.
• 4.4:it kgdra *II
CURAIME BY. .11101Aitalirt01
WHICH conveys the remedies to the ca
'IF ties in the lungs through the air peal
• gea;. and cbeeihat at - Aire - et contact with
disease, neutralizes the-tubercular matter,
lays the cough, causes a free and easy cxp
toratiou, heals the. lungs, pnrifies the blo
imparts renewed vitality tekt the nervous syst
giving that tone and - ,energy-S0 indispensa
to the restoration of _health. To be able
'state 'confidently that . ConSumption is cure
by itilmlation,ls tome, a source of - unallej
pleasure. ; It is as.much under the control
,treatment as any - Other formidal
„diseise ; ninety ant Of every hundred c
,can be eared in the first :stages; and fifty
cent. in the second; but in the third, stag_
isimPosSible to save more:than five per cc
for the tangs arc so cut. tip by'the diseeis .
to bid defiance to:medic:el:skill: - Even, 11
.ever,:in the' last stages, Inhalation affords
treordinary relief to the suffering attend
this fearful scourge, .which annually destr
-Milety-five thousand persons in the, Uff -,
States alone ; and - a correct ffiticulatiorish
that of the present itopulettiett of the ea
eighty millions are. destined to fill the C
sumptive's graves. -- ~i'..: .
Truly the quiver, of death has no arrow
fatal as CoestuujitiOn: . In-all ages it lies h
the great enemy of life, for it spares neit
age nor' sex,- but sweeps off alike - the . br.
tut heantiful, the graceful, and the gifted:
tile hip of that Supreme Being from wl
cometh every good end perfect gift, I am .
alibied to offer to the afflicted a perman
and speedy cure in Consumption: - The
cause of - tnhereles is from impure blood;
the iinmediate effect produced by their dt.
cition in the lungs is to prevent the free
mission of air into the air, cells, which ca
a weakened vitality through the entire sYs
Then sorely it. is more rational to expect gr
or good Irina medicines entering the car
of the - pings than from those administ
through the stomach ; the patient will ell
find the:lungs tree and-the breathing easy
ter Inhaling reinedies. Thus, Inhalation
local remedy, neverthelessit acts constitu
ally, and with more power and certainty
'remedies administered by the stomach.
prove the powerful and direct influence o
this mode of administration, chloro
inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility
few minutes, paralyzing the 'entire net‘ - o,
system, so that a limb may be amputated with
out the slightest pain; Inhaling the ordinary
burning gas will destroy life in a few hous.
The inhalationof ammonia will rolls the
system when fainting or apparently dead. The
odor of many of the medicines is percer tible
in the skin a few minutes after being pal sled,
and may be immediately detected in the blood:
A convincinteproof of the constitutional effects
of inhalation, is the filet that sickness is al
wayS prOduced by breathing foul air--is not
this positive evidence that proper remedies,
carefully prepared and judiciously adminis
tered through the -lungs should produtle the
happiest results?. During eighteen rears'
practice, many thousands suffering fronl dis
eases of the lungs and throat, have been un
der my care, and I have effected many remark
able cures, even after the sufferers had been
pronounced in the last stages, which fully Sat
isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal
disease. My treatment of consumption is
original, and founded on long experierMe and
a thorough investigation. My perfect ac4uain
tariee with the nature of 'tubercles, &c.i ens-
bles me to distinguish, readily, the - various
forms of disease that _ simulate consumption,
and apply the proper remedies, rarely being.
mistaken even in a single
. case. This famil
iarity, in connection with certain pathological
and microscopic discoveries, enables m to re
lieve the lungs frcan the effects of con ratted
chests, to enlarge the chest. purity the blood,
in\part to it renewed vitality, giving energy
an tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States and Canedas by pa
tients communicating their symptoms bj letter.
But the cure would be more certain if the
patient- should pay me a visit, which would
give. me an opportunity to exmnine the lungs
and enable me to prescribe with much Treater
certainty, and then the cure could be effected
withtut my seeing the patient again.
- -
'with the
ood loos
Cis and
it is ex
of, and if
tbe st,
G," W. GRA FIAM, M. D.,
Office 1131 Filbert Street, t (Old
No. 109,) below Twelf b,
THE subscribers take this methot
forming their friends.that they or
ceipt of, and are now opening, a cho
desirable stock of
to which they invite the attention of
desire to make purchases. Our stock
has been selected with great care, an
ticularly adapted,to the wants of thiF.
of our country. Our stuck of Dry Go
sists of
and a - yariety of other articles, too nor
to mention. We have also a complete
went of
all of which will be sold uncommonly
for retaily pay, and for approved credi,
reasonable terms as any other establi'l
Millport. - Aug. 11, 1850:L-9:13 ly.
Having removed to the spacious lofts
• CAti,Y 13tIEDIN
105 aml 10.7 . CHAMBERS STREET, itu
Is now offering for cash or on appfoved
a large well-assorted stock of
Of all the - styles, qualilies' and materia
ally found in market. Haring one of tl
est sale-rooms in the city, (50 by 15;
with ample facilities, and an expedl
near twenty years in the business, pu
may feel assured of being as well se
this house as at anrotber in the trade.l
1l Orders from the country ffilc i
care and promptness;
th R A NGES XND LEMON'S just: 'Tee'
ICY 10:3 W fl it T. H. GRA
4..1 Goods jnet received at OLMST,
first nci
is a
in a
of in
iu re-
!ce and
I 11 who
is Inge
is par
ds coo-
on a.
in the
s usu
e hug
nce of
ei a
i red•b)
. NE\
Pricep Greatly' Reaucecl,
No. 333 .73roatliCay; N. Y.,
.. .BOSTON & N.:.
rLargest Assortment, of„ Pianos; Melo
:lcons, Musical Instruments,' and Magical
Merchandise - of aII I:inch:4; in, the UnitpdStates.
Piano - 01'6M Ton differentlianufactories, com
prising those of every variety of style, from
the plain,-neat and substantial pi, octaves, in
Walnut or Rosewood Ca ses,from $l5O to $2OO,
to those of •the most elegant finish pp to One
Thousand Dollars. No house in the , Union
can-compete with the above, in the number,
Variety and celebrity of its instrumeuis, nor
in the Extremely low prices at which they' are
sold. -
PIANOS, with or without Iron Frames; pcia
sassing in their improvements of over-strings
and action, aleligth of scale and compass of
tone equal to the Grand Piano, united with
the beauty and durability of structure - of the
sqUare Piano . ._ They are justly pronounced by
the Press and by the first Musical Masters, to
be equal to those of any other 'manufacturer
They are built of the best and most thorough
ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand
the action.of every climate, Each Instrument
guaranteed to give satifaction, or purchase
money refunded,
perior InstroMents in touch and. durability of
make. (Toned the equal temperament.) Me
lodeons of all-other styles and makes. Price
$45. S6O, $75, $lOO, $125, -sl4o—doubh
Reeds and two banks of Keys; s2oo—less
liberal discount, Clergymen and Churches,
all extra discount.
aid Apical Instruments - of all hinds, at lower
prices than ever before offered to. the, public
A large disemust to . Teachers and Schools.
The trade supplied ou the most liberal' terms.
SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at great. bar:-
gains, constantly In store, -'—price from $3O to
111USIC.,•9,ne of the largest
.antlliOst se.
ledted catalogues of Music noW published,
comprising many of the choice and most pop
ular airs of the day, and will be sold at, one
third off irons the regular prices.,
Music sent by mail to all parts of the coun
try, post-paid. Particular and personal atten- •
tion paid to all orders received by snail. Sat
isfaction guaranteed in every instance, Pianos
and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed on
puachase. Pianos and Melodeons \ for sale on
monthly payments. Second4sand Pianos ta
ken in exchange for new. General and select
Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded
to all parts_of the country by mail..
Great inducements offered'to AGENTS
in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace
Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of
Music. 8:46
New York Weekly Press/
I of the . best literary papers of the day. A
large Quarto containing TWENTY PAGES,
or SIXTY COLUMNS. of entertaining matter;
One copy for one year, end 1 gift, ' $2 00
Three copies. one year, and 3 gills, • 500
Five copies one year, and 5 gifts, B'oo
Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts, 15 00
Twenty-one copies one year, and 21 gifts, 30 00
The articles to be distributed are comprised
in the following list ;
1 United States Treasury
Note, $lOOO 00,
2 do do dp 500 00, 'each
5 do do do 200 00, each
10 do do do 100 00, each
10 Patent Lever Hunting
Cased Watches, ' 100 00, each
20 Gold Watches, '75 00, each
50 do 60 00, each
.100 . do. 50 00, each
300 Ladies'. Gold Watches, 35 00, each
200 Silver Hunting Cased
. Watches, 30 00, each
500 Silver Watcheg $l5 00 to 23 00,'each
1000 Gold Guard, Vest
• and Fob Chains, 10 00 to 30 00, each
1060 Gold Pens and
Pencils, 5 00 to 15 00, each.
Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sieve Buttons.
Biutcs, Shirt Studs, Watch eys, Gold and
Silver Thimbles, an a WO iety of other arti
cles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 00 each. •
On receipt of the subscription money, the
subscriber's name wilt be entered upon our
books opposite a number, and the gift corres
ponding with that number will be forwarded
within one week to him, by mail or express.
post paid.
There is neither humbug nor lottery about
the above, as every subscriber is sure of a
„i:rize of value. We prefer to make this lib
eral distribution amoug them instead of giv
ing a large commission to'Agents, giving to •
the subscriber the amount that would go to,
the. Agent and iu many cases a hundred-fold:s'
communications should be ad
dressed to
DANIEL A - DEE; PysLisngii,
211 Cenfre itreet, Neu, 3ork
use; has given the highest satifaction for
. ears; is scientific in construction, port
able, durable and. cheap. ' ;It renders rain wa
ter perfectly pure and sweet, making cisterns
more economical than wells, and avoiding the
diseases 'arising from the hard water of lime
stone regions. Five sizes; retail froth 'SB td
$l2. WhOlesale to the 'trade at the usual dis
count. Can be forwarded safely any distance.
Formerly made by J. E. 'Cheney k Co.; made
now only by JAMES TERRY & CO., at the old
stand of J. E. C. & State Street, Roches
ter,N. Y. For descriPtivo circulars address.
• [1,10:47-3m.) JAMES TERRY & CO. •
AVARI )- ASS(l.liirrb
Benevolentl:nstilulion,_utia liahed ty
IFI 11,
delimtntfig:.the relief of :Me aid , ad
.. treasicli-ofiliceed with Virulent and
Epidemic- diseaeir.
ICI allitersons afflicted with. Sexed-.
. e a l ,
v such
il. a N s E S s P s
, E lt I
IMPOTENCE 4 0 l e ß c l l e
p ffl :
0 A :1 , 1(
A,-• GLEET, - SYPHILIS,: the V
N1551, - ar SELF A111313R,i Ate. k e ,
awful destruetion of huManlife,
anal diseases, and a
Upon - the unfortunate Victims ,
t i azes by Quacks; several years ago
it Consulting Surgeon, as a clin
rWorthy'of . their name, to open,n
tt'oi the treatment of this lass of i
ill theft forms, and to give )]EDICT
El, to all who apply 'by
b ii • deSctiption of. their conilidoa.
aputiOu,,hatiiti of life, 'ltc..i . and in
streme poverty, to FURNISH Illini,
''E OF CHARGE. It ii needless
the Association commands the IN
ical skill of the age, and will tbr e ,[ll„
h approved modern..treattnent„ : I ;
The Directors, on a review of thti p4t,
fired that. theit hiburt in dab; sphenli
lalent effort, have been of great:her
fatilicted, especially to 'the younz, in,
r e rcsviVed to devote theniselve:l, wth
fed zeal ; to !Es very important bitte n
•St Published - by the Assoeiationdit
ou Spertuntorrhuta, or Semi:l3lWe.ll:nt
Vice of Onanism, Mttstoriniiics t . t? .
se,.and .
_other Diseases tit the'
by the Consulting - t - 3tugeor.,
not by mail, (in a sealed envelope, r ,
I ()FEARGE, on receipt of TWO .8 1
Man ge.
'ddress, for Report or treatme t,
it LIGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Et a r
j•ard Association, No. 2 South Nitatit'
adelphia, Pa. •
By order of the Directors.
0. FAIRCHILD, Seerdary. [1144-1
df all disease ; the great, first aline
Springs from neglect of Nature's.l 11l
en a cIIRE Is
!Abase, Negates: Debility, Strictures, Gl t
ravel, Diabetes, Pideasl . 4 of the Kidney:
ladder, Mereue-t.. , a1- -Itheumatbm, Kruj
ohm in the Pones Tend Ankbs, Disaba,
wags, Thrual, Nose and Eyes. rie r ej uj
ady ar Limbs, Cancent,propy, L'puipt
Srlj ;
. I 1
Vita's Dance, aiul all daomeeario,
alderngement of the Sepia! Orwinp,
Qt ITCH as Nervous Trembling, tossoni,
1,7 ory, Loss of Power, General Alealit
-Dininess of Vision with iieilliarspolsar
ing before the eyes, Loss of Sight, Wfti
nes, Dyspepsia, Liver Ditea,c, Eruptions
the face, Pain in the back and head, F,
irregularities and all improper discharge
both Sexes. D. matters not from
thp disease originated, -however long stai
of 4)stinitte the case, recovery is certain. a
a shorter time than a perroanenTeurecaa - be
reeved 'by ally other treatment, even after
diseitse has baffled the skill of eat - inentpl
cians and resk . ted all their means of cure.
medicines are pleasant without oder, can;
sickness and free from mercury or
Ihrring twenty' years of practice;l haven
from the jaws of Death manythousands.
in the last stages of the above meringue
eases had been given up to die by theirpt
cians, which warrants me in prondsiags
afflicted, who may place themselves uusle
care, a perfect and most speedy cure.
Diseases, are the greatest enemies to heat
they :ire the first cause of Consumption,:
ula, ,and many other diseases, and shoult
terror to the huthan family, As a pent
cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority c
eases, falling into the Vands of incoult
persons, who ndt only fail to curethe dist
but ruin the constitution, filling the syz
with mercury, which, with the ditease,
ten& the sufferer into a rapid Consumptith
But should the disease and the treat
not Cause - death speedily and the victim
ries, the diseaSe is entailed upon the chile
who arc born with feeble constitution!,
the current of life corrupted by a virus Fl
betrays itself in Scrofula; Tetter.thers, 7
Lions an other affections of the - skin, ,
Throat and-Lunge, entailing upon them a
existence of suffering and consigning the
an early grave. • .
SELF ABUSE is another formiable et
to: health, for, nothing else in the dread
Logue of hunran diseases causes so destn
a drain upon the system, drawing its thous
of victims through a.::few years of safe
down to an untimely grave. It destroys
Nervons system r rapidly wastes away dm
orgies 'of life, causes -mental deraugeme
prevents the proper development of the !pt
disqiialifies for marriage, society, bush
and all earthly happiness; and leaves the
ferer Wrecked in body and mind, predispe
to consumption and a train of evils morel
dreaded than death itself. With the ful
confidence I assure the unfortunate victie
Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy
can be affected, and with: the abandooraet
ruinous practices my patients can be rest
to robust. vigorous - health.'
• -The a filleted are cautioned:against the
of Patent Medicines„ for, there are so ne
ingenious snares in the columns of the 10
prints to catch and rob the unwary stiffs
that tuillitns -have their constitutions rue
by the vile compounds of quack doctor
the equalli poisonous Nostrums vendee
"Patent Medicines." I have carefully aneir
many of the so called' Patent Medicines
find that nearly all of ''them contain Car
ifblirnitte, which is one of the strongei
pnrations of mereetry, and a deadly I
Which instead of etiring the dikase dii
die System for life:- _ - .
„Three-fourths of the patent - nostrums
in use are put up by anprincipledand Igoe
1 ,
personi, who do not understand even the
phabet of the Ta ( e:tie needier:, and are
as destitute of:any k owledge• of-the
system, hatatig. one object - only in- vie')
dicey() make money regardless of cOnseq'
ceS. • •
Irregularities and all diseases of melee
females treated On principles establishet
twenty years Of practice, and sanctioac c
thousands of the most remarkable cures.
iciues with full directicens 'sent to any I
tlie "United Statesf or canadefe, by pi.
Communicating their syMptams by let
Business correspondence strictly CollY
Address. .
J. SUMA . TERVILLE , ) 1- 1 . -
' Office No. 'll3l Filbert .S l .l
- (Old No. 109,)
NEW 0 01jS-:-;:A Large and spit
. sortmeut just receivea at
10:1 ' '