The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 29, 1858, Image 1

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LI Coaderiport. Pa., will attend the several
Courts in Putter and M'Kenn Counties. All
L . 4 tosinceslentrusted in his care will receive
I prompt attention., Office on Main st., oppo
site the court. House. 10:1
F. W. KNOX, .
) lITORNU AT LAW;.Conder'sport, Pa., will
agularly attend the Courts' in Potter and
4. the adjoining, Counties. 10:1
f.• oudeniport, Pa., will attend to all business
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entrusted to his care, with promptnes and
tdelity. OffiCe in Temperance- Block, see
• cad door, Main St. 10:1
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, BURNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., wi
u rand to all business entrusted to hint, wi
r me end promptness. Office corner of W
,t / tud Third sts. 10:'
h 1101INFI AT LAW,
Wellsboro', Tioga Co.,
a Pc., will attend the Courts in Potter and
It Iliran Counties. 9:13
" .., loud P. 0.. (Allegany Tp..) Potter Co.. I
: sill attend to all business in his line. w
are and dispatch. 9:33
n W. K. KING,
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-ANCER, Smethport, ArKeart CO., Pa., will
, attend Ur business for non-resident land
_ IDiders, upon reasonable torms. IReferen
a .
. Cti giyen if required. P. S.—MaPs of any
ita of the County made to order. • 9:13
' 0. T. ELLISON,
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. IUPICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa.,
n ,^ tnpettfully informs the citizens of the vil
, lige and vicinity that he Will ptomply n
o ti,und to all calls forprofessional services.
to ogee on Main st., in building formerly oc.
,f9i9 by C. W. Ellis, Esq. . - 9:22
C , E. A. 'JONES.
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ITEM AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., win
Ettad to all business entrusted to him, with
art and promptness. Office corner of West
ud Third sts. 10:1
It. w: BENTON,
load P. 0.. (Allegany Tp.,) Potter Co., Pa..
till attend to all business in his line. with
tre and dispatch. , b.:33
o,li, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods,
Groceries, Main st., Coudersport, Pa.
Clothing, Crorkery,-GroceriCs, &c., Main st.,
teudersport, Pa. ' 10:1 •
111NES and Music. N. W. corner of Main
47 Third its., Coudersport , Pa. I0:1
V•GLER, Coudersport, Pa., having engag
ili window in Schoomakei & Jackson's
Etere will carry on the Watch and Jewelry
kaiiiess there. A fine assortment of Jew
lr! constantly on hand. Watches and
/orelry carefully repaired, in the best style,
lathe shortest notice—all work warranted,
b I4. A4E, Main s t . ,
nearly opposite the Court
1141 e.•Coudersp ort, Pa. Tin and Sheet
cia Ware made to order, in good style, on
11 :ort notice 10:1
GLACIIIPE Proprietor , Corner of
44::: and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
co.,lir Pa. 9:44
tXtEL M. MILLS, Proprietor, Coleshlrg
1:611Er C0.,,P5.; seven miles north of Cou
'llett, on tie Wellsvillißoad. '9;44
grintrlf Int-trg.
As life's unending column polars,
Two,mirshaled hosts are seen—
Two on the"trampled!shores
• That Death flows black between—
One'ruarchesto the drum-bf at's roll,
The wide-mouthed ciariott's bray,
And bears upon a crimson serail,
"Our glory is to slay." i •
. Ond move; in silence by the stream,
With sad, yet watchful eyes,
Calm as the patient planet's gleam,! • ,
That walks the clouded skies.
Along its front no sabres shine,
No blood-red pennons wave;
Its bawler bears the single line,
"Our duty is to save.' .
For those no death-bed's lingering shade;
At honor's trumpet-mill, •
With knitted brow and lilted blade
In glory's arms they fall.
For these no clashing falchioris bright,
\o•stirring battle-cry;
The bloodless stabber calls by night—
Each answers, "Here am 1,1"
For those the sculptor's laureled bust, .
The builder's marble piles,
The anthems paling o'er their dust,
Through long cathedral aisles.
For these the blossom-sprinkled turf
That floods the lonely gravtes,
When . spring rolls in her sea-green surf
In flowery-foaming waves.;
Two paths lead npward from below,
And angels wait above,
Who count each burning life.drop's flow,
Each falling tear of love:
Though from the hero's bleeding breast
Her pulses Freedom drew •
Though the white lilliesin hen crest
Sprang from that scarlet dew
While valor's haughty champions wait
Till all their scars are shown, .
Love walks unchalleged through lthe gate,
To sit beside the Throne I
—Atlantic Monthly..
Wild falls the night, around me,
Chains I cannot break have bound me, ,
Spirits unrebuked,-undriven
From before me, darken Heave ;
Creeds bewildered, and the saying
Unfelt prayers, makes need of praying.
In this bitter anguish lying,
Only Thou wilt hear my cry ing—
Thou, whose hands wash white the erring•
As the wool is at the shearing;
Not with dulcimer or psalter,
Butwith tears, I seek thy altar.
Feet that trod the mount so weary,
Eyes that pitying looked on Mary,
Hands that brought the Father's blessing,'
Heads of little children pressing, '
Voice that said "Behold my mother," -
Lo! I seek thee and no other.
Look! 0 sweetest eyes of pity,
Out of Zion, glorious city, •
Speak, 0 voice of mercy, sweetly,
Hide me, hands of love, completely;
Sick, in prison, lying lonely,
Ye can lift me up, ye lonely.
In my hot brow soothe the aching - , •
In my sad heart stay the breaking;
On my lips the murmur trembling..
Change to praises undissembling ;
Make me wise Rs the evangels,
Clothe Sam with the wings aneel.
Power, that made the few bares 711 R oy,
Power, that blessed the wine at Ca:na.
Power, that said to Lazarus. " Waken !"
Leave, 0 leave me,not forsaken!
Sick and hungry, and in prison, ,
Save me. Crucified and Risen. .
grifttrV Cats.
From the Atlantic Monthly
1.00 LOO.
Mrs. Jackson was in fact approaching,.
and Louise hastily ,resumed her duties.
Had Mr. Noble been- guilty of settle cul
pable action, he could not have felt more
desirous to escape the observation of his
hostess. As soon as she entered, he took
up his hat hastily, and went out to ascer
tain whether his horse had been duly
oared for.
Rutsaw Louise no more that night.—
But as he lay awake, looking at a star
that peeped in upon him, through -an
opening in the log wall, he thonght of
her be,autiful eyes when the sun shone
upon them, as she emerged from the
shadows. He wishdd that his ;mother
and sister were living that theY Might
adopt the attractive child. , , Theo he re
membered that she was ;a slave, reserved
for the New Orleans, market, and that it
was not likely that his good mother could
obtain her if she were alive and I willing
to undertake the charge. Sighing, as he
had often done to think bow luau pain
ful things there were which he
,had no
power to "remedy, he fell asleep and saw
a very small girl dancing with a pail of
water while a flock of white doves were
wheeling round her. The two pictures
had mingled on the floating cloud-canvass
of dream-land .
He had paid for his entertainment be
fore going to bed, and had signified his
intention to- regains' his journry soon
as.light dawned: All was silent in the
house when he went forth; and out of
doors nothing was stirring but a dog that
roused himself to bark after, him, and
chantieleeiperche.d on a stump 'to crow.
Her was, therefore surprised to find Lou
ise at the crib where his horse w_s feed
ing. - Springing- toward him, she ex
" Oh, you have come! Do buy me, Sir !
I will be so good? I will do everything
you tell me! Oh, lam so unhappy ! Do
buy me. Sir!"
He patted her on the head,. and looked
down compassionately into the swimming
eyes.that were fixed so, imploringly upon
" Buy yon, my poor child? " he replied,
"I have no house,—l liave' nothing for
you to do."
"My mother showed me how . ,to sew
some and how to do some embroidery,"
she said coaxingly. "I will learn to do it
better, and I can earn enough to buy
something to eat. 011,40 buy me; Sir!
Do take me with you •
"I cannot do that," he repried ; "for I
must go Another day's juurney before I
return to Mobile.? . . .
"Do you live in Mobile?" she exclaim
ed, eagerly. - father lived in Mobile.
Once I tried to runaway there, but they
set the , dogs after me. Oh, do carry me
back to Mobile!".
"What is your name?" said he;- "and
in what part of the city did you live ?"
"My name is Louise Duncan; and my
father lived at Pine Grove. It cyas such
a beautiful place! and I was Po happy
there ! Will you take me back to Mo
bile? Will you ?"
Evading the question, he said—
"-Your name is Louise, but your father
called you Loo Lao, didn't he ?"
That pet name brought forth a passion
ate outburst of tears. Iler voice choked
and choked aaain, as she sobbed out,—
" Nobody has ever called me Lao Loo
since my father died."
He soothed her with gentle words, and
she looking up earnestly, as if stirred by
a sudden thought, exclaimed,—
"How did you know my father called
me .L Loo ? "
He smiled as he answered, "Then you
don't remember a young man who ran af
ter you one day, when you. were playing
ivith a little white dog at Pine Grove ?
and how your father called to you, 'Come
here, Loo Loo, and see the-gentleman ?'"
"I don't remember it," she replied;
"but I remember how my father used to
laugh at ie about it long afterward. He
said I was very young to have gentlemen
running after me."
"I am that gentleman," he said.
"When I first looked at you, I thought I
had seen you before ; and now I see plain. ,
ly that you are Loo Loo."
That name was associated with so many'
tender ruemeries, that she seemed to hear
her father's voice once more. She nest
led close to her new friend, and repeated .
in mot persuasive tones, "You will buy
me? Won't you?"
"And your mother? What has become
of her ? " he asked.
"She died of yellow fever, two days be
fore my father. lam all alone. Nobody
cares for Me. Yuu will buy me,--won't
you ?"
"Buz tell me how yon came here, 'my
poor child," he said..
She answered, "I don't know. After
my father died, a great many folks came
to the house,• and they sold everything.
They said my father was uncle,. to Mr.
Jackson, and that I belonged to , him.—
But Mrs. Jackson won't let me call Mr.
Duncan my father. She says if she ever
hears of my calling hini so again, she'll
whip me. Du let me be your daughter!
You will buy the, won't you ?"
Overcome by her entreaties, and by the
pleading expression of those beautiful
' eyes, he said. ."Well, little teaser, I will
see whether Mr. Jackson will sell you to
me. If he•will, I will send for you before
' 7 oh, don't send for me l" she exclaim
ed, moving her hands up and down with
nervous rapidity. "Come yourself, and
come soon. They'll carry me to New Or
leans, if - you don't come for me."
"Well, well, child, be quiet. If I can
bay you, I will come tor you myself.--
Meanwhile be a good girl I won't forget
He stooped down, and sealed the prom
ise with a kiss on her forehead. As he
raised his head, he became, aware that
Bill, the horse-boy, was peeping in at the
door, with a broad grin upon his black
face. He understood the meaning of
that grin, and it seemed like an ugly imp
driving away a troop of fairies. He was
about to speak angrily, but checked him
self with the reflection, "They will all
think so. Black or white, they will all
think so. But what can Ido ? I mast
save this child from the fate that awaits
her," To Bill he merely said that he
wished to see Mr. Jackson ou business,
and .had,.. therefore, changed his mind
about starting before breakfast.
The bargain was not soon completed ;
for Mr. Jackson had formed. large ideas
concerning the'price '"Leewiizy" Would
.bring iu the market; and . Bill bad told
the story ofirhat he had seen at thderiti,
with sundry jocose additiOns, which elle
ited peals of laughter froth his tlia.ster:.—
But the orphan had won the - ydung man's
heart by the childlike centidenCe she had
manifested toward bun, and. conscience
would not allowlim to 'break' the soleii,n
promise he had given her. After a pro
tracted conference, be agreed tOt,ay eight
hundred dollars, aud to come 'or Louise
the next week.
. ,
The appearance of the sun, after a long,
cold storm never Made - a greater change
than the announcement of this.arrange
ment produced in the countenance and
manners of that desOlate childj 'The ex- .
pressidit of fear vanished, and listlessness
gave place to a springing elasticity of
motion. - Mr. Noble could ill afford to
spare nolarge - a sum for the 'llixtiry of be 7
nevolence, and he was well aware that
the office of protector, which he had tak
en upon himself, Must neeessarially prave
expensive. But - When he Witnessed her
radiant happiness, be Could not regret
that he had obeyed the generous impulse
of his heart. - Now, for the. prst time, she
was completely identified with' the vision
of that fairy child who ha so captured
his fancy four years before. 'He never
foreot the
of her voic , and the ex
pression of hereyes, when Eihe kissed his
band at parting, and said, 'II thank you;
sir, for buying me."
In a world like this, it is much easier
to plan generous enterprise 4 than to carry
them into effect. After Mr. Noble had
purchased the child, he knew not how to
provide a suitable home for her. At first
he placed her with his colored washerwo
man. But if she remainediin that situa
tion, though her bodily wants would be
well cared for, she must necessarily lose
much of the refinement infpsed into her
being by that early environment of ele
gance, and that atinosphe're oflore. lie
did not enter into any analysis of his mo-.
tives in wishing
.her - to be sqfar educated
as a pleasant companion for himself.
The only question he asked' himself was,
"How he should
,h&ve , sister
treated, if she had been, placed is such
unhappy eircunistnneee - He knew very
well what construction wotild'be put up
on his proceedings, in a society where
handsome girls of such pnrentage were
marketable; and he had so long tacitly
acquiesced in the customs; around him,
tliat - he Might easily have :viewed her in
that light hiinself,''had she not beconie
invested with a tender and sacred interest
from the circumstances in which he had
first seen her, and the innocent confiding
manner in which she had implored him
to supply the place of her father. She
was always presented to his imagination as
Mr. Duncan's beloved daughter, never as
Mr. Jackson's. slave. Ile said. to himself,
"May God bless me.according to my deal-,
ings with this orphan ! May I never
prosper if I take advantage of her friend
less situation
As for his protege, she was too ignorant
of the world to be disturbed by any such
thoughts. "May I call you• Papa, as I
used to call my father ?" said she.
For some reason, undefined to himself
the title was unpleasant to him. It did
not seem as if sixteen years of seniority
need place so wide a distance between
them. "No," he replied, "you shall be
my sister." And thenceforth she called
him brother Alfred, and he called her
Loo Loo. •
His curiosity was naturally eacited to
learn all he could of her history ; andlt
ivas not long before he ascertained that
her mother was a superbly handsome!
quadrothi from New Orleans, the daughter I
of a French merchant, who had given her
many advantages of education, but from
carelessness had left" her to 'follow the
condition of her mother who was a slave.
Mr. Duncan fell in love wilt her, bought
her, and remained strongly attached to
her until the day of her •death. It had
always been his intention to manumit her,
but from inveterate habits of procrastinaz
tion, he deferred it, till a fatal fever at
tacked them both; and so his 'child was
also left to "follow the condition of her
mother." Having neglected to make a
will his property was divided -among the,
sons of sisters married at a. distance.from
him, and thus the little daughter, whom
he had so fondly cherished, became the
property orMr. Jackson, who valued her
as "he would a colt likely to, bring a high
price in the market. She was too young
to understand all the degradation to which
she would be subjected, but ehe had once
witnessed an auction of slaves, and the
idea or being sold filled her with terror. -
She 'had endured six months of corroding
homesickness and constant fear, when Mr.
Nolte came to her rescue.
After a few weeks passed with the-col
ored washerwoman, she was placed with
an elderly French widow, who was glad
to eke out her small income by taking
iMotherly care of her, and giving her in
struction in. musk and French. • The
caste to which she belonged on'tho moth-
~ . ,
cr's - side was rigorously excluded 'from
schools, therefore. it was not easy to ob
tain for her a goOd education in the Eng
lish branches. These Alfred took 'upon
himself; and a large portion Of his eve
nings was devoted to bearing her , lessons
in. geography, arithmetic, and, history.—
Had any one told Aim', 'a year before, that
'hours thus spert• would have pved oth
thah tedious, he would not ha - ve
believed it: : But there Was a romantic
charm 'shunt this secrettreasure thug'sin
gularly placed
,at his disposal ;\ :and the
loi•e and gratitude, he inspired gradually
became a necessity of his life. Sometimes
he felt sad to think that the th i ne must
come when she would cease to be h Child,
and when the quiet, -imple relation', now
existing between them must neessarily
, t,
change. He said to the old Fre ch lady,
"By. and by,: when I can afford it, I will
send her to one of the best schools at the
North. There she can become teacher
and take care of herself." Madame La
basse smileil, shrugged her shoUlders,
and said; "Nous verrons." She' did not
believe it. ;.
The years glided on and all went pros
perously with the young merchant. Thro'
various conflicts with himself, hiS honora
ble resolution remained unbroken. Loo
Loo was still his sister. She had beconie
completely entwined with his .existeuce.
Life would have been very dull without
her, affectionate greetings,' her pleasant
little songs and the graceful dances she
had learned to perforth so well. Some
times, when • he 'had a peculiarly happy
evening in this fashion, Madame Labasse
would look mischievous and say,
-" But
when do you think you shall send her to
that school ?" - True, she did not often re
peat this experiment; for whenever she
did it, the light went out 'of his counte
nance, as if an extinguisher were placed
upon his soul.. " t ought to' dd it," be
said within himself; "but how eini Dive .
without her ?" The French widow was
the only person aware how romantic and
how serious was this long episode in his
life. Some gentlemen, whom lie frequent
ly met in business relations, knew that he,
had purchased a young - slavei whom he
had placed with French woman . to be !
educated but bad he told thein the true'
state of the, case ' :they would have. smiled
iuendulously. Occasionally, they utter
ed some joke about the fascination which
made him so indifferent to cards and her-!
ses ; but the - reverse with which he le-1
ceived such jests checked conversation on
the subject, and all, except Mr. Grossman j
discontinued such attacks, -after one or
two experiments.
As Mr. Noble's wealth increased, the )
wish grew stronger- to place Louise in the!
midst of as mucn elegance as- had sur
rounded her in childhood. When the
house at Pine Grove was unoccupied, )
they often went out there, and it was his
delight to see her stand under the Gothic
arch of trees,. a beautiftil tableau vivant,
framed in vines. It was a place so full
of heart-memories to her, that she always
lingered there as long as ,possible and never
left it without a sigh. In one place was
a tree her father had planted, another
a rose or a jessamine her mother had train- I
ed. But dearest of all was a recess among
the pine trees, on the side of a dill. There
was a rustic garden chair, where her fa
ther had often, sat with her upon his 'fume,'
reading wonderful story books,, bought for
her on his summer excursions to New York
or Boston., In one of her visits with Al
fred, she sat there and_
- read aloud from Lal
la. Rookh., It was a mild winter day. The
sunlight came mellowed through the ever
greens, a soft carpet of scarlet foliage was
thickly strewn beneath their foci, and the
air was redolent of the balmy breath of
nines. Fresh and happy in . the glow of
her fifteen summers, how could She other
wise. than
,enjoyl the poeni . ? It j was like
sparkling Wine in a jewelled goblet. Nev-
er before had she read anything- aloud in
tones so musically. modulated, kta full of
feeling. And the listener ? How worked
the wine in .him ? A voice within said,
"Remember your vow Alfred! this charm
ing Loo Loo is'your adopted sister.;" and
he tried to listen to the warning. She
did not notice his tremor,. when e 'he rose.
hastily and said,!," the sun is nearly setting:
It is time! for nay sister to gohome."
" Home ?" she repeated, with a sigh.
" This is my - home. I wish I could stay
here alviays. I feel as if the spirits of my
father and mother were with us here."
•Had she sighed for an ivory palace inlaid
with gold; he would have wished to give
it to her,- 7 —he was so much in love !
A few months afterward, ;Pine Grove
was offered for Sale. -He resolved to pur-.
chase it,.and give her a pleasant surprise
by restoring her to her old hi '
nue on her
sixteenth, birth-day. Madame Labasse,
who greatly delighted in managing mys
teries, zealously aided in the preparations.
When the day , arrived, Alfred proposed,
a lorig ride with Loo Loo, in honor of the
anniversary; and during their absence,
Madam, aecoinpanied by two household
servants, established herself at Pine Grove.
When Alfred returned froM the drive, he
prepo . sechte stop and look tit the,dear old
Ono, which hid companion joy as
sented. But nothing. tould exceed her
astonishMent at findinc , 'Madam I,,tibasse
there, ready' to preside' at a,:table spretid
with fruit and flowers. Her feelings over
powered her for a moment, `Mien- Alfred
said, " Dear sister, you said von wished
you could lire 'here always; and thisishall
henceforth' be your home."
" Youltre, to good I" she exclaimed;
And was :about - to burst into tears. i . lßut
he arrested their course by saying, play:.
fully, " Come Loo Leo; hiss my hand; and
say, Thank' you, sir, for:buying me.!- SA!,
it just as you did six years ago, yonlittla
Ilerswinuning eyes siniled like sunshine
through an April shower,: an& he. went
through the pentomine; which , she had
often before performed at his bidding.:
Madame steppetd her little.Pst.:
" But, Sir; when do •you think youu - shall
send her to that-pennp ,
"Never mind,"- he- replied•-abruptly;
4 Let us be happy I" And he••• ,
ward the table to distribute the ifruit.' _
It was an inspiring spring-clay; and - end- •
ed In the loveliest of evenings, ' - The air
was tilled with the sweet breath Of . jessa.
mines and - orange-blossoms. , Mactame
touchetlthe piano, and,in quick Obedience.
to the circlingiound,. Alfred and Loti,Loo•
began to waltz... It was long.before yoatk,
and happiness grew Weary:of therevolving•
maze. But when at last she complained
of dizziness, he playfully - whirled her. Ont;
upon the piazza, and placed. her 0n... a. •
lounge under the Cherokee rope her moth
er had trained which was now a mass of
blossoms. He seated himself in front of ..
her, and they, remained silent • for'. some
minutes, watching the vine-shadows play ,
in the moonlight. , As Loo Loo leaned
'.over the balustrade, the clustering "roses.
, hung over her in festoons, and trailed on
i her white' muslin drapery. Alfred wai
struck, as he had been many times before,..
with the unconscicus grace of tier attitude..
In imagination, he recalled his first vis, ,
ion of ier in early childhood, the •• singu,
lar circumstance that had united their .
destinies, and the thousand endearing,ex- .
periences which daily had strengthened
the tie. .As these thoughts passed thre, .
his mind he gazed upon her With. devour'.
ing earnestness: She Was :too .beautiful
there in the ;moonlight, crowned.. witl, -;
roses I - •
• " LOo Loo; do you love 7" he, exclaimed: •
The vehemence.of his tone startled r iv -,
as she sat-there in a mood still dreamy as ,
the landscape. I;.
She sprang up, and, putting her arm
about his neck, answered, " Why, .Alfrci#,
you know your sister loves you." ;1. •
" Not as, aJirether, not as a brother,
dear Loo Lool he said, impatiently, as h:
drew her closely to his breast. • " Will
you be my love,? Will you be my wife/'
In the simplicity of her inexperience,
and the confidence induced by long habits
of familiar reliance upon him; she replied,
" I will be anything you wish." • ; ,
No flower was ever more unconscious Of
a lover's burning kisses than she was- Of
the struggle in his breast. I
His feelings had been purely compas
in the .beginning of their hitr-
I course, his intentions had beespurel
kind afterward ; but he had gone ok blind- .;
Iv to the edge of a slippery precipice.
Human nature should avoid such danger- ,
ous passes. . . . ,
Reviewing that intoxicating evening in ,
a calmer wood, he was, dissatisfied; with :
his conduct. .In vain he said to
that he had but , followed an univer,s4',
custom; that all his acquaintance would.
have laughed in his face, had he told theliu
of the resolution so bravely, kept during
six years. '['he remembrance of his Motlii-,:
er's counsel . came freshly to his mind;
and 'the acensing voice of conscience said, ,
." She was a friendless orphan, -whim mis
fortune ought to have renered : sacred.
What to you is the sanction of custom.?
Have you riot a higher, lay within your
own breast ?"
; He tried to silence the monitor by say-
ing, " When I have made a little more :
money, I will return to the North.
.• I will,
.marry Loo Loo on the way, and - she shidf,
be acknowledged to the world as my wife P
as she now is in my own soul."
Meanwhile,., the orphan lived in her fa: .
.ther's house as her . mother had,- lived be
fore her. She never aided the 'voice I pf,. ,
Alfred's conscience by pleading . with him ,
to make her his wife; fur she:was. cOei-'
pletely satisfied with her condition,- and,
had undoubting faith. that whatcvhr ho
did wasaliyiiys the wisest and best.
. I •
They had lived thus nearly a year, when
one day as were riding on, horseback
Alfred saw Mr. Grossman .approachidg.-
" Drop your veil," he said, quickly, to his,
companion ; for 'he could not bear to have
that Satry even look upon his hidden flow
er., 'The cdtton-broker noticed the acticM, .
but silently touched his
. hat, and passed,
with a significant smile on his. uneoniely.
countenanee. ; A few days afterward,.
when. Alfr6d had gone
,to his business in
the city, LooLoo strolled to her favorite .
recess on the hill side, and lounging on ,
`the rustinSeat, began to read the seeond
I irolntue of," Thaddeus of Warsav:." ~:ilto
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