The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, June 24, 1858, Image 1

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Thos. S. Chase,
TO whom all Letters and Communications
should be addressed, to secure attention„
Terms—lnvariably In Advance:
$1.25 per Annum.
Terms of Ad.vertisirtg.
1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - -
1 u -
cc 3 16
Each subsequent insertion less than 13,
1. Square three months,
" six "
1 " one year,
_ _ _
Rule and figure work, per sq., 3 ins. 3 00
Every subsequent insertion, 50
1 - Column six months, _lB 00
10 00
I • i
. /I
per year. 30 00
61 61 is 16 00
touble-uullizen, displayed, per annum 65 00
is " six months, 3 00
11 It three " 1G 00
16 Is one month, 600
is per square
of 10 lines, each insertion under 4, 100
Parts of columns will be inserted at the same
Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200
Auditor's Notices, each, 1 50
Sheriff's Sales, per tract, 1 50
Marriage Notice's, each, 1 00
Divorce Notices, each, 1 60
Administrator's Sales, per square for 4
Business or Professional Cards, each,
not exceding 8 lines, per year, - - 500
Special and Editorial Notices,•per line, 10
Var All transient advertisements must be
paid in advance, and no notice will lie taken
of advertisements from a distance, unless they
are accompanied by the money or satisfactory
g•ltOilteso Carts.
Coudersport, Pa., will attend the several
Courts in Potter and rliean Counties.. All
business entrusted in, his care will receive
prompt attention. Office on Main st, oppo
site the Court House. 10:1
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa.,
regularly attend the Courts in Potter and
the adjoining Counties. • 10:1
Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business
entrusted to his care, with proiuptnes and
fidelity - . Office in Temperance Block, sec
ond Boor, Main St. 10:1
_ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will
attend to all business entrusted to him, with
care and promptness. Office corner of West
and Third sts. 10:1
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro', Tioga Co.,
I'a., Will attend the Courts in Potter and
IPlican Counties. 9:13
Mond P. 0., (Allegany Tp.,) Potter Co., Pa.,
will attend to all business in his line, with
care and dispatch. 9:33
ANCER, Smethport, 31'Kean Co., Pit., will
,attend to business for non-resident laud
holders, upon reasonable terms. Referen
ces given if required. P. S.—Maps of any
part of the County made to order. 9:13
respectfully informs the citizens of the vil
lage and vicinity that he will promply re
spond to all calls for professional services.
:Office on Main st., in building formerly oc
cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22
Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods ?
Groceries, Sc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa.
Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, &c., Main st.,
Coudersport, Pa. 10:1
M.: W. MANN,
TAMES and Music, N. W. corner of Main
stud Third sts., Coudersport, Pa. • 10:1
lEWELLIIR, Coudersport, Pa., baying engag
ed a window iirSchoomaker & Jackson's
Store will miry on the Watch and Jewelry
business there. *fine assortment of Jew
elry constantly on hand. Watches and
Jewelry carefully repaired, in the best style,
on the shortest notice—all work warranted.
WARE, Main st.; nearly opposite the Court
House, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet
Iron Ware.made to order, in good style, on
short police. 10:1
P. F. GLASSUIRE, Proprietor, Corner of
Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot
ter Co., Pa. 9:44
!PAVEL M. MILLS, Proprietor, Colesbnrg
. Patter Co., Ps. seven miles n orth of Cou
dersport, on tip; WeU ville Sosd. • 51:44
[Written for the Pogcs Joutrgal.l
I stood beside a rushing itreani,
And listened to its, ceaseless ;-song,
As, 'smiling in the sunlight's gleam,
Fearless and free it sped along.
I asked : Why pause natooparlding tide,
Nor in thy baste one thought; bestow
Orrthose, who, standing by thy side,
Would fain divine thy constant Bow
Dost thou on Mercy's' errand hn?tte ;
And must thou to.thy work away,
Nor e'en one precionth moment Waste
Amid these in sportivipayi
Do thoughtless hnndieds daily share,
From factories and.mills, the spoil
For which then art not Wont to spare
--- $1 50
4 00
..... - - 550
6 00
7 00
1 50
Oh I the great Millennium, will be here sure
" as fate,
And for that "good time coming" we'll open
wide the gate.
No longer need we tremble when we Lear of
Old King Death, •
Who used to shut our peepers and make us
.stop our breath ;
For with our panaceas, our syrups, and our
That cure for sure and certain our life's un
numbered ills,
We've but to take a dose of thls, a little draught
. of that, •
Apply a little plaster somewhere beneath the
Or, with some subtle unguent, within the way
It takes but precious little to be the great an
And if our love proves fractious, her spirits
sure to soothe,
(For lo 1 is it not written ; " LOVe's course
ne'er did run smooth,")
We've but to wear about us some patent love-
It makes one so attractive, you see like shot
. 'twill fix her,—
The love is quite devoted, as lasting as the
We need no longer whine, nor try how sill)
we can be.
I? some ambitioua female:, (the kind we need
not name,)
Dare prate of rights of women, and, speaking
of the same.,
Should tell us of a nation deriving its just
From consent of those it governs, we'll rise up
in that hour,
And prove to the rebellious, thus lost to proper
We knoW their rights and our's; and knowing,
dare maintain I, •
But we'll flatter them at parties, and surfeit
them with praise,. -
GiVe up our seats at concerts, and "tote" them
to the plays;
We'll choke them with tobacco; if they at
tempt to walk ;•
Our breaths may smell of brandy—but then,
hOw fine we talk I °
And in the the public papers, you see, to keep
, all right,
We publish five-mile sermons, replete with
'proverbs trite, -
And sayings of old bachelors, from Paul, the
reverend sage,
Down to our doughty President, the rarest of
his age;
And withi our splendid rhetoric, we can so
That not the smartest-of them all can find one
reason why.
And that reminds me forcibly of a story long
How an humble artizan, a man of grief and
Came up into a city, and healed the sick and
Until the poor all loved Him, the generous and
kind l
How he snake the words of Truth, and taught
them of a Love
So great, !so true, and Infinite, all death it
would remove;
He told them to repent and live,—the Jews,
who had stood by him,
Wert:Pall io shocked and horrified, they.cried
out "crucify himl" -
So, ever since, through time and change, the
path of all Reform . . - - -.
Has wound among the roughest ways, beset
by many a thora ;
And Jews, as in-those olden times, will curse
the Lardy few
Who strive to teach the people, and sputa the
good they do.
Now,' in pursuit of fpne—a name—l've i often
heard it'said, :
The "chaie is long and difficult," the arrows
badly.' sped,— 1
With due respect and deference to worthy seer
and sage, !
Ili say goOd-bye, and leave with yen, The
Progress of the Aga. ;
Pm Yen, April 9,'59. _ T. J. L. Fottas. •
Thy generons,, unremitting toil 7
Though small, yet a resistless power
Is pent within'thy foaming breast;
For e'en the forest oak must cower,
Cleft by the saw at thy behest.
Thou dost not check tby onward course
To question What the world will say
Of thee, thy power, or lack of force— .
The goal 's beyond,,thou may'st not stay T
Liss has its miss:on to fulfill,
However humble it may be;
And every tiny mountain rill
May help to swell the mighty sea.
May I, like thee, amid Earth's strife.
My way with even tenor hold,—
Serene in all the storms of Life, '
Till Death his pall shall roud me fold.
GLEN WOOD, May, 1858, wi X. B.
For the Potter Journal
g er .A. 4 old lady; reading an account of a
distinguished old lawyer who was said to be
the father Of the NeW York bar, exclaimed,—
"Poor man ! he had a dreadful set of chil
dren." I
I)tbotea to 14'frilieiples of :cilia Dahioalleg, qqa file Disseliginfioq of Um Y.itellign 40 bets.
_ Vtittati.onat.
Read before the Potter County .Teachers'
Asiociation, at °swage Village . , on
- Prickly, May 28th, 1858,
Intellectual Qualifications sect*
essary for the Successful
The Law of our State has prescribed a
list of studies with which it says, those
persons aiming to become teachers, shall
make themselves thoroughly acquainted.
But it has fixed tio limit to the progress
the teacher may make in his advance
ment; it has but laid a foundation on
which to build as lofty and noble a struc
ture as the workman chooses to erect.—
In the public sentiment of our county,
the building has advanced somewhat
above the foundation, and to rear the
structure a little higher, is the object
of our coming together.
The Law says that the teacher shall
have a competent knowledge of Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar and Geo
graphy. And when it says that, it means
more than many of our teachers mean by
the same thing. Yet supposethese are
learned as they should be, and that it is
about all that a teacher will be called up
on to teach in a district school, it is well
to enquire how large the house shall be
built before he can live in it witkpm
fort and profit, or, how far shall the teach
er rise in intellectual. qualifications above
those he is to instruct.
Amon. '' the first requisites after what
the Law demands, Ishall be inclined to
place a considerable knowledge of the
Natural Sciences. Children learn of what
they see around them; sensible objects
possess, the principal interest, and if their
' curiosity is gratified, they will learn from
these with but little urging. Deficient
as , we know so many parents are in abili
ty to give the desired information, if
teachers have really the interest they pro
fess to have in the rising generation, they
should qualify, themselves to administer
1-to the children's wants in this particular.
The young-lady who teaches the summer
school, will excite no little interest, and
Confer no small benefit on her young. pu
pils, if she Can explain to them thestruc
ture and uses of the flowers they bring
her, and find names for -the wild plants
they have called indiscriminately weeds.
Though she may not teach Botany as a
study in school, there will 'be many a
spare moment improved,' and many a •
thought-seed planted that will spring up
and bear abundant fruit. The child will
respect the teacher -who can answer his
inquiries—What Makes 'it rain ? what
makes hail? what makes lightning and
thunder ? . These can and should be ex
plained to the child who has curiosity
enough to ask•concerning them, and some
what of shame will attend the teacher
who has no explanation to give. I well
remember my -Childish admiration of the
teacher who first pointed out Orion and
the Pleiades. My, interest in the stars
was much increased when I knew that
they had names. On this subject we
would farther say, that a teacher is. not
well prepared to teach Geography, till he is
quite familiar with the leading principles
of Astronomy.. Though he may hardly
have occasion to mention that other plan"-
ets revolve around our sun having days
and years of different lengths from ours,
his explanations of day and night and the
cause of the seasons will hardly fail to be
more clear and intelligible, if he has in
his own mind a full understanding of
. these Astronomical truths.
Physiology seems to be gaining ground
in our schools; among teachers, and to
some extent in the common school. This
is as it thould be. I think it,would be
well introduced more extensively into the
district school, but for their own health - ,
as well as the physical well-being of their
pupils, teachers, before commencing their
first school, should acquaint themselves
with the principles of physiology and hy
Why History has been so universally
neglected in our schools, I do not know.
I believe that in some of the Eastern
States-it is as regularly taught in common
schools as any other branch. But in this
State, and New York so far as I know, it
is not in the schools, nor Would I willing
ly undertake the task of naming all the
teachers who knot about as little on the
subject as their pupils. Without under
taking .to decide at what age children
should take up the study as a regular
pursuit, we must say that the individual
who considers himself orberself fitted for
a school teacher, without a good knowl
edge of the history of. on own country,
has ite - d•the - standard too low. Young
men learn the political history of the na
tion from news-papers,—know when par- i
titular laws were passed, what distin
guished statesmen voted for or against
them, and what the effect has been or is
to be, and that is about the extent of
the n knowledge of history. Youngla
dies know as much less about it as they
read, less politics. To give a reason for
the study of History would seem super
fluous, but that it is not so, the pre
vailing ignorance on the subject proves
too well. In the words of an eminent
man of our own day: "The object Of study
ing history into enlarge and elevate the
mind, to fill it with useful thought's and
dear conceptions, extended views of hu
man character and conduct and interest
ing recollections of , the past." • Surely,
there is a worthy object. We are con
stantly reminded that the- future pros
.pezity, of our country rests- with the
yciuth of the present. We would ask how
they can be prepared for the trust with
knowing what has been done before
them. The time is too short. for them to
learn by observation, for when they begin
to observe, the time has already come
for them to act. To study the past, I
I therefore, to learn its wisdom and avoid
its mistakes, seems indispensable. There
may be those ho*ever, in the teacher's
['profession, who care little to look at the
fixture or study the past with 'this object
in view, feeling that they have little to
do in the guidance of national concerns.
We might speak, then, of the interest
which could be excited in the school
room by means of this knowledge. When
a dais have learned a hard and-not very
interesting lesson In Geography—have
learned - that here is a lake,
there a river,
and near by a town, reward their indus
try, and fix these facts in their memory,
by telling them what battle was fought
on the . Lake, what tribe of Indians once
hunted and fished along the rivers,
what eminent man has had his birth-place
or residence in the town,'"or any circum
stances of interest which imay be connect
ed with each. Froth the history and his
torical literature of our country, we can
gather a store of facts for amusement and
It is hardly necessary to recommend
Algebra, as it is so commonly taught in
the winter schools, that the chance of get,
Ling a desirable situation often depends
upon being able to teach it, and besides,
we find scholars already so willing to take
it up before they are well prepared, that
at present it needs no urging.
I know that in this utilitarian age, the
study of the dead languages is frowned
upon by many respectable men, and we
are urged to direct our attention to sub
jects of practical, importance. Yet we
submit that on these same practical prin- 1
ciples it cannot be dispensed with. Some
of the advantages might indeed be deriv
ed from the study of the foreign lan- 1
guages of our own time, but not all. We
do not expect every student to study every
lan . c . mage that has contributed to form our
own, in order to be thoroughly acquaint
ed with his native tongue, yet we may
mention the Latin as entering so largely
into its composition, that one who would'
understand well our own language, can
ill afford to be without a knowledge of it.
To insist on the, four years' study the col
legian bestows upon it, would demand an
impossibility of the majority of our teach
ers, and if possible -would, perhaps, be
unnecessary, yet the teacher who devotes
a year to it, will probably feel well repaid.
One teacher of our acquaintance has said
that in studying Latin six mouths be
learned the definitions of more words
than he would by studying -Webster's
Dictionary an equal length of time.
We might go on to speak of the excellent
mental discipline which our prominent
teachers assert into be, but it is our pres
ent purpose to speak principally of imme
diately praCtical things. We would also
earnestly recommend what we know some
teachers to be doing, that is,
studying the
German language, when they are teach
ing in a district where educated Germans
reside. We might give as a -sufficient
reason, though by no means the only one,
the multitude of eases that will occur in
which it may be used, from the large ad
mixture of Germans in our population.
We would also urge upon every teach
er as early, as possible, to become well
acquainted with some work on intellectu
al Philosophy. If it is important to un
derstand the structure and functions of
the body, it is certainly essential that we
should understand the functions and pow
ers of the mind. It may be of use in low
ering our conceit, and 'showing ns how
little we really know of the mysterious
principle we call ourselves, yet teaching
us to apply what we can know to some
good purpose. Perhaps there is nothing
taught in our Academies that will give
more real preparation for in, than the
discipline and knowledge that will be
gained by a thorough training in this
branch. From the subject: of which it
treats it must necessitate close thinking,
while many of its' facts and truths are
such as every person assuming the re
sponsible station of teacher should under
stand. Those having the culture and di
rection of the , young mind, should under-1
stand, not merely the practical hints'
thrown out in newspapers and school
boOks, but the philosophy of the mind as
taught in scientific works. Me wilt then
be enabled to de. ace his own practical
rules for the. man gement of his scholars
aid the regulation o f 136 own mental hab
its. To enable i
, m to weigh well the
evidence on whiclr',he founds opinions,
and, to support then opinions with argu
ments worthy an intelligent, reasonable
man, ,are some of the i) " W bjects to be at
tained by this purattit. e shall find
constant opportunity to pursue-the study
and'practice its teachings in intercourse
with our scholars, and watching the work
ings of our own . minds. - ,
I have reserved Ito mention last of A,
what must,, howeve'r, come first, without
which these acquirements' will never be
t made, orbeing ma e will be , ofmnall use,
namely, a habit of ' en '1 aativity, which
will make the most of eery opportunity'
that comes - in its; way All teachers
probably have noticed he difference iu
children in this respect,- 7 -that some are
ever wanting to know ore, enquiring
deeper into the reason o things in their
studies, and into the causes of phenome
na they see around thi.n. They are
pleased with the bright; Intelligent child
who asks a reason and under Stands it
when given, but there are many who do
not think of the• ina:ortaiice . of this habit
in their own minds . There are some,
who for the sake , of seeming wise, learn
a mass, of facts without connection or re
lation, and which they know not how to
use when acquired.' And there are very
many, who with god opportunities for
improvement, live a if in a dream, bus
ied with their own ideal world; building
bright, airy castles Of the knowledge they
will obtain, the good they will do, and
the distinction they will win at some fil
ture time, but, meanwhile, the golden
time for troprovemeUt is passing away,
and habits are formir which will more
effectually preclude f advancement than
any hick of opportuntty could possibly do.
Others, in seeking only present gratifica
tion and pleasure, seeni almost to forget
that there ts anything nobler to seek.—
But one who has chosen the noble voca
tion of Instructing others, to accomplish
the task wortiiily, must be something dif
ferent from all these. The - teacher must
possess an observing mind that will knoW
what is passing around him, that will
gather facts from observation, conversa
tion or reading; a reflecting mind that
will.associate one fact with another with
which it has some connection, and refer
them all to some- general prinCiple to
which they belong, The mind that ha
bitually does thislias.already made more
advancement than many'a colle..e.gradu
ate, diploma itchand. And for such a
mind, the. acquirements we have marked
ow as desirable for the distalet school
:teacher in Potter county, will'not seem
5 Prt. trq 16tttr.
(From the Pottsville Democratic Standard.]
Ma. EDITOP6.—I have just returned
from an interestina., visit to Potter County
in this State, and as my attention was
there directed to some subjects of interest
to many of the people of this county, I
have concluded to address you a letter for
publication. The great want of Potter
County is laborers, to clear off and culti
vate her wonderfully rich productive soil.
I was informed that laborers who could
work in the woods—or could ditch, make
fence, plough and •do other farm work,
could make from 80 cents to $1,50 per
day, beside their board. There is plenty
Of demand there for several hundred la
borers, who could find 'ready employment
and cash payment. The reason for the
scarcity of labor is this—that those who
go them able and willing to work are im
mediately tempted by the very' low price
of uncle red land, to,buy fifty. or a hun
dred acres,' and go to work to clearing and
cultivating for themselves and thus in a
short time, becoming independent land
holders and farmers. ' I was informed by
G. B. Overton, Esq., the very gentleman
'ly agent or the Bingham estate, that at
present, very considerable settlement is
going on in the county, and that this
seems to be increasing in a compound ra
tio. 'Uncleared lands, - of rich deep soil,
and every foot of which can be tilled, can
be purchased at from $2,50 to $8,50 per
acre. These lands are remarkably well
watered, and are covered with pine, hem
lock, beech, maple, cherry, black-walnut,
oak, and chestnut timber: The bottom
lands along the larger streams,_ when
cleared, are generally regarded as the rich
est and deepest soils, but are in - their nat
ural state covered with pine and hemlock
timber which is much more difficult to tired the hard woods, which per
, tain to the table lands, back from the larg
' er. streams. Beside 'the bottom Boil is
colder, subject to earlier frosts than the
table lands and in my judgment, not so
inviting to settlers ; who purpose to clear
and farm. There are, is Potter County,
some seventy families who have remtoied
froin Schuylkill and are: now engaged itt•
farming. Alt, or nearly all Of them lit ; ,
ing on land purchased by their respective
heads and which they now 'are clesiriiig
and: improving. Nest of - them reside
near 'Germania - on the head quartets ot
Kettle and Pine Creeks. I bad the . pliNia.;
ure of meeting our old quandom citizen,
Capt. Mills. his son Sam and Son-in-law,
Dan Qlassmire, and their respective (amt.
lies. i Sam lives about 7.miles from Cim
ders.port, the County Town—on the Wells.
vilte toad--has over 700 acres of excellent
land, improved, with a large well furnish-.
ed Tavern House, a store, Sawinill, fine - •
large barn, and other out-buildings] bis r.7 7
cattle'are of the best blooded stocks, his=
farm well fenced and cultivated, yielding
'him as he informed me, very' heavy crops. •
As an instance of the strength and pro-
ductiveness of the soil lie pi?inted out to
me his oats field which was new in oats
for the seventeenth successive year and
until the last three years had never been
manured. On the whole, Sam is a riaedel
farmer, is becoming rich, has a vety tine
family of sons and daughters who he is ,
very carefully and commendably *dumb.
ing. The "Old Captain" resides nho'ut
two miles from Coudersport, has over 500 .
acres 'of land, with good imProvernenta,
tells ma he is out of debt, with money st
interest, has his heart open to receive any
one from Schuylkill county, and the kind
cordial greeting and many attentiona he.
bestowed on myself convinced. me I con
stituted no exception in his attachment to- ~
his Schuylkill County friends. - \ , • ' -
Dan Glassmire is the propriettir and ,
keeper of the principal Hotel in Couders
port, a very large, well finished establish. ' ;
n,ent, he is also the owner of some out •
lots and farming land, out of debt,.and
annually adding some $2,000 to his "pile."
Fresh Venison and Trout, added to the '
many other delicacies of his bountiful
boards. Spirits liquors, are under; this
law of the " teetotal" Judges of Potter
county, who construe even: our new -
cense law as giving them unchittrolled.dis;.
cretion in rejecting applications. for _
ceases and which they exercise to the
chagrin of any would be humanitarian,
who seeks to relieve suffering man •with • :.. •
,potations of rectified spirits and burnt-Su.
gar, yelept in Schuylkill Co., Brandy
Dan regaled us however: with, is Lager,"
And such Lager! Yuctiglingiand Lauer •
can't be beat in this part of theiworld, but,
the marvellous superiority- of the Lager.
made at The Germania Brewery in Potter
county, my cultivated taste can't explain.
The County Town, Coudersport, is. a -
beautiful place, situated on a plateau on '.
the Allegheny river. The Cohn House _
and other buildings are of the most taste
ly and commodious kind. - The private
residences are all built in cottage style,
very pretty, with spacious grounds around
and ornamen .ed with shrubbery and flow
ers. The town g enerally has the appear.,
ante of a thrifty New England village and
impresses the stranger with the anomaly.:
that whether there be persons of extmor._ .
dinary wealth there ornot, there are cm
tainly no poor people there. The houses;
however small, are clean, well painted and
with , grounds ornamented with flowers.,
and shrubbery.
Potter County althoughrepresentedon
the map as amongst the Spurs of,the Al., ,
leghetry range gives no indication of any, ,„
upheaval or disturbing of the rook strati-
ficatiOn. On the contrary the general lay.,/,
of the rock is horizontal,-while the valleys, •
which follow the streams seem to be'ruade
entirely by washing, and may properly be,
said to represent gutters formed in ,the
plains; The stranger who travels in this 1 .
countyby reason of the roads following
the streams is likely to be greatly deceived
as to its true geological l formation and to
be impressed with the idea that the cone.
ty was very mountainous. : This hew. ; .4
ever, far from the fact. Oh either side
of the. roads the traveler notices steep
slopes, but on ascending them. will,find .
that the country spreads off from p , ;; l
of these slopes in beautiful table land.
Even the slopes generally are covered with
a deep soil, and may be advantageonily. ,
farmed. The air and - water , of Potter ,
county, are remarkably pure, making it
one of the healthiest loadities
world, and which fact is now l indiming,
many invalids from the,westand northt.o.
spend there their summer months. -Trout,
fishing, and hunting, unrivalled elsewhemi :
afford attractions there forthe- sportstnan,
as the abundant success of our frie,n4...
Campbell, Palmer, Womelsdorf,
and others of our citizens can at
In : conclusion let me add that a, fear
hundred laborers who depend inn_ their ,
daily earnings for support, and are now
out of employment in Schuylkill Co., and .
who can do work on the farm* in the.,
forest ,can find
..ready employment at gond
wages in Potter, Co. Thoire,ivho have
saved from three to eight hundred dollars;
can buy enough land, so that With . geed,
saving management they canclearit and;
become independent farmers. ilia them;•
however first prepare their minds for a;
year or two' of some privationa and to,
oombine the essentials of indasy aux"