UM= -,n tAtrfft Sfixfitaig. INFANT FQ9p.—What a Bahy costs' red, —Whelf it necesgary to feed infants artific ially, and cows' milk to used, itiotad be first boiled, then - skimmed, sweetOiied'a little with- sugar, and yt a little aaed, not . enough to t gwe it a ailtish . tast4;..-milk thus ;prepar ct ,will • :not only prevent the indigestion Aitd, consevent acidity, flaiulenc,e, colic, from ,whiett Auckiog_chil aniter &g _ine* but will actually - :Ftve them. - . • hearty _infant will swallow, - during .the first year of its life, fourteen kindred foundi of initk, in which are twenty-one bounds of cheese, thirty pounds;of }utter, and a hundred and twelve pounds of au ' At Wiz tents a quart, with the .i?ec ip3s:?.ry. sweetening,"eaeh "dear " little crea pre costs, for alone, fifty dollars for h& first year. = .ffairs Journal of Health. 'Prosperity is 144 without many fears and distastes, and adversity is not without comforts and hopes. We see in needleworks and embroideries, it is more pleasant to have a lively Ny9rl;upqn a sad find solemn ground, than ID have a dark .and melancholy work upon a lightsome ; ground; judge, therefore, of the pleasure kif the heart by the pleas ure of the eye. Certainly virtue is like precious odors, post fragrant when they are incensed or pru.shed ; fOr prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover vir kne,—Lord Bacon. pirl heard a good linsband at his book say, kkap to einit, study some time of the 'year; made as pinch for the increase of learning as to let the land' lie fallow for some time maketh for the better in 'pease of corn. If the land be ploughed Avery year, the corn eometh up thin; so .those which never leave poring on their ;books have often times as thin invention as other poor men.-4'oger'3sclEgm. tile-Those who read everything are .tbought to understand everything too; but it is not always so. reading fur pishes the mind only with' the materials j:of knowledge, it is thinking that makes Fahat re read ours. We are of the ru minating kind; and it is not enough to t cram ourselves with a great load of col lections—we must chew them over again. 1--C4fznaipg. or A wolpan is either worth a great, deal or nothing. If good for nothing, she not worth setting jealous for; if she tie a . true woman, she will not intentionally Igive any cause:for jealousy, A man is a ute to be jealous' of a good woman —a fool to be jealortiq a worthless one-z--hat IS a double fool to put his throat for either pf them. sir said that a German doctor pace wrote n work in five volumes, to prove that tiul human mind Was so constituted patura infirmities, that once in every seven days man did one foxiliall act, and puce in every twenty-four hours sai4 one • foolish thing.. Hsu the minutes how they run, How.many makes the hour full complelp, How ufny hours bring about the day, }How trim days finish up the year, How many Tear a moral man may live, „at ghakespere . 1 - _ iIiNOS, 111EtODEONS & MU SIC 1 - THE CASH' SYSTrig " ADOPTED. . Prices Greatly .T,educed, - RORA_PE WATERS, • No.. 30a Broadvay, N. Y., AGENT FOR'THE BEST BOSTON ' & N. Y, '' ' itistrulit:pnts. ." fr4HE Largest Assortment of Pian4 Melo t deons, Musical Insquments, and Musical ' Merchandise of all kinds, in the United States. Pianos fromiTen different Manufactories, com prising those of every variety of style, from • 'the plain, neat and substantial 6i octaves, in Walnut or Rosewood Cases, from $l5O to $2OO, to those of . the most elegant finish up to One ffhanSand Dollars. No house in the Union Fan eciMpete with the above in the number, variety' and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the Extremely low prices at which they ige _.. 'raid. .. - ItortAcE WATERS' MODERN IMPROyED PIANOS, - With or without Iron Frames, pos sessing in , their improvements of over-strings and action, a length of shale and compass of • lone equal to the Grand Pink?, united with 'the beauty and durability of structure of the ! Square Piano. They are justly pronounced by . the Press and by the first Musical Masters, to ?oe equal to those of any other manufacturer. :They are built of the best and most thorough oy Seasoned material, itifl tuaranteed to stun .the action of every climap. Each Instrument raganteed to give satifection, or purchase am oney refunded. • - UORACE WATERS' MBLODEONS.—Su pariot listruments in tench end durability of 'make. "(Timed the equal temperament.) Me , lodetniul of all other styles an 4 makes. Price 345, $Ol, 's7s, $lOO, $125, sl4o—double 'Reeds and two banks of Keys, s2oo—less a liberardispount. Clergymen anciphurches, .stn extra discount. . , • MARTIN'S 'GUITARS, BROWN'S' HARPS, FLUTES, FLUTINAS, • . ' ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, AS Musical , Fuairtitments of all kinds, atlOwer prices than over before offered to the public. ,kllarge discount to'. Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. ' lalUSlGr•One of the largest and best se- , • lectod "catalogues 'of , Music now published, '_ compriOng many, of th . p choice and most pop ular 0 of the day, and will be sold at one \ 'third olf from the regilar prices. \._ Music spit brutal to . all parts -of the coun 7 17,.p05t-p0.4 ParticuTar and persotud atten -4 ~... paid to all: orders ipceived by mail. Sat ilkion guaranteed in pvery instance. Vianos n ,;• lodeons for rent' and rent allowed on ;', - i ii i .v t i e. Pianos and' Melodeons for sale on \ f n „;0 , usyments. gvf end-hand Pianos ta- W e ' n . ja . 4," hang& for new". . General and select fint 4 lo gnek ~, and Schedule of prices forwarded to all piTZ .„ f . the country by mail ' . K ru m / nducements offered to AGENTS innts 41 % he country, to Era the Horace Wa r plann4 . Velodeons, and Catalogue of Itsble, ' ' B:4s _ . „ ititPORTAInk DISCOVERY. 1 -- p N4U MP TION - 4ND ALL pISiASES 9F TOE LUNGS ANQ THROAT .: 1 ARE POBITWELY , . WRAIBLE .11314.14T10N . , , Conveysithe remedies to the cavi. j I ' ties in the lungs through the air passe.. ges, -and ! coming ;in direct, contact .with the disease, nentralio tlis tubercular matter, -al. lays the cOugbj causes a free and easy expec toration, heals the lungs, purifies the-blood, imparts-renewed vitality to the nervous system, that tone and indispensable For the restoration of health. 7p Ibe able to statelcoufidently that Consumption is curable by inhalatin, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. it is as much under the control of `ziedital treatment as, any other formidable disease ;• ninety out of every lipaired cases ~au be cured in the first stages, and fifty per senOn the secqnd ; ,liut in the third stags it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the Lungs are so *Alt up by, the disease as to bid defiance - to mcfflcal skill. Even, how ezier,'in. the last stages, Inhalation,affords ,ex traordina7 relief to the suffering attending this fearful•ecourge which annually destroys Mutes tifflusand persons in the United States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present pppiqatiort of the earth, miliions are destined to fill the COn sumptive's graves. -Truly= the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption.,ln all ages it has been the great enemy of lif, for' it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the hraio, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the, help of that Supreme Being from whom 'pm:oath every good and perfect gift, I am en afibleld to offer to the! afflicted a permanent and • speedy cure in Consumption. The first pause 'of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immgdiate effect produced by their depo sition in thelungs is-to prevent the free ad mission:of air into tha air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then svirely it is More rational to expect great er good from medicines entering the cavities pf the lung than from! those administered through thestorpach • the patient will always find the Inns free andi the breathing easy,,af ier Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local -remedy, nevertheless it acts copstitution ! ally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. Te prove the powerfuil and direct influence of this this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in- a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous Systein,l so that a limb maybe amputated with out the slightest paip ; Inhaling the prdinary burning gas will destroy life in a few - - The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the 1 systein wheii fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin ft few minutes after being inhaled, and niuy be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing probf of the eonstitutionil effects of inhalation, is the fact Wet sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul not this positive evidence that proper rerpedies, carefully prepared apd judieiously adininis tered tbrqhgh tile lungs should produce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering frqm, dis eases of the lungs and throat, have been un der my lean, and I have effected many remark able cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat : , isfies mil that consumption is no longer a fatal My treatment of consumption is origihal and foppded on long experience and a thOrotighlmvstigation. gy perfect acquain tance with ihe.nature of tubercles, pc., emi r bleS ;vie; to' distinguish, readily, the, various farms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply thedirOper remedies, rarely being inistakqn even in •a single, case. This fungi.- iaritY, in connection with certain pathological and ini4oscopie discoveries, enables me tore.; lieve ilii; lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the bloo. impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone \to the entire system. Medicines with full directions .sent to ally 1 pari,pf t 'e United tiites and Canadas by pa tients co municating their symptoms by letter. Dot thepure would ho mare certain if the pitienti s . ould pay me a wit,' which wild give me n'opportnnity to gamine the lungs and 'enith e mo "to prescribe with , much greater cerlelntil,.and..then the cure could be cifeeted without my seeing the patient again. • (:*, GAM, M. Et., 4:7,1fte0 1431 Ebe rt Street; (Old NO. 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PROVISION . , STORE. E; It. SPENCER, Oirers Great InAucements TO BUYERS OF cgitiEs, PROVISIONS &c., at the etore. formerly occupied by p. sP4NcIER, otr 3d Street s North aide a PUbliC Spore. GROCERIES. A good assortment constantly on hand, from whichi I will enumerate a few of the leading articles, such as ' Sagar, Mustard, Candy, I Coffee, Cinnamon, Nuts 1 Molasses, Pepper Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, CatsUp, Soap. Pepper, - Yeast, Candles, • Sgice, Oils, Shot, Ginger, , Tobacco, Lead, • Cloyes, Snuff, "G." Caps, Carb. Soda, Segars, C. Tartar, and many other things too numeTous to men tion, will be found iff this department, which will be sold at a trifling advance; from cost, for ready pay. I 1 1 •PROVPIONS ' I Constantly . on hand, such as PORK; HAUS, SHOULDERS, FISH, SALT, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, BEANS, ' OATS FLOUR CORN MEAL . . . BUCKVrittAT FLOUR, DRIED I tkPPLES, DRIED PLUMS, and many other articles in the line of Provi sions not necessary to mention. Also, WOODEN WARE, ouch, as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops t 'Dinner, Boxes, &c., which will, be sold low for , efisti or ready pay. , ' Oats, Potatoes, Butter,: EggihOheese, and infect almost everything's gilder raises, will be taken in exchange for f icids; at their cash ;value. I' invite the at tention of Villagers, Fanciers and Lumbermen who desire to make purchases in.the abote articles, and solicit them to call, before pur chasing' elsewhere. E. K. SPENCER. •Cotideisport, - Juriti 9, 1857,-40:3. " • ; ket.cutors' Notice. L,ettersi teitsmentary having been granted to the undersigtipd on the last Will and Testa ment of LUTHER. STRONG, late of Heb7n Township, Potter County, Pa.; deed, • all th se itithibeed to the estate, will make immediate payMent, and those having claims against the same will Present them immediately to ABACrAIL ,STRONO, Easentiix. WM.V. IdETpElt, Executor. . Hebron; April, 9,18514:-3S- 641 " • , y ro . ‘ A For the rapid Cure of ORBS, COLD t S, HOARSENESS, . BRONCHITIS,II4IOOPING , COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND • • • _CONSUIIPTIOL TO CURE A ,COLD, WITH BEADAUtib I AND SORENESS OF THE BODY. Take, the y Cherry pn going to bed and wrap Warm, to sweat; (hiring the night. . FpR A C 01,1) AND COtJGII, take in morn.: ing,-noon and evening, according to the direc=, Lions on the bottle, and the difficulty will soon' be removed, None will long suffer from this, trouble when they find it can•be so readily cured. Persons afflicted:with a seated cough,' which breaks them of their Test at night, will, find by taking the Cherry Pectoral on gcing to bed, they may be sure of sound, unbroken sleep; kind refreshing rest. Great relief front suffering, and all ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who are 'thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy. From its agreeable effects in these 'cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for it. has ceased. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPE CKERS this remedy is inValnable, as by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes all hoarseness in a few hours, and wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. • ASTHMA is _genetally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so Obstinate as to, yield entirely to no medicine. The CHERRY PECTO RAL will cure them if they can he cured. BRONCHITIS or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungs, may be cured by taking Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. The uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved. FOR CROUP. Give an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent doses of the Cherry Pectoral, until it subdues the dis ease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and soon cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral. THE LNFLUENZA is speedily removed by. this remedy. Nuinerons instances have been noticed where whole fainilies were protected fropi any serious consequences, while their neighbors without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. FOR CONSUMPTIO4 in its earliest stageS, it should be taken under the advice of a good physician if possible, and in every CaS9 with a careful regard to the printed - direction? on the hpttle. HlNielously used, and the pqtient is prefully nursed meantime, it will seltiora fail to subdue the disease. For settled CONSUMPTION of the 'f i lings, the CHERRY PECTORAL should be given fa do ses adapted to what thp patient requires and can bear. It always affords relief, no not unfrequently cures patients that were consid ered past hope. ;There are many thousands scattered all overithe country, who feel and publicly proclaim that they owe their lives and present health to the Cheriy Pectoral. Many years of trial, instead of impairiq the public confidence An this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and notoriety by far exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its Wends. Nothing but its intrinsic vir tues ac i d the unmistakeable benefit conferred on thousands of sufferers, could originate and and maintain the reputatfon it enjoys.- While many inferior remedies thrust upon the com munity, havelhiled and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too re markable to be forgotten. While it is' fraud upon the public to pretend that any one medicine will infallibly cure— still there is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral does not, only as a general thing, but almost invariably cure the maladies fox' which it is employed. .as time makes these facts widpr and bettar known, this medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the afflicted, from the-lo cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces of European Nines.; -The CHERRY PECTORAL is manufactured by a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it un der his own eye, with invariable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be tenet' on as genuine without adultevation.- Prepared :and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Prap - Opal and Analytical 011emist,Lowell,31sss. Sold by SEfill & JaNES and D, W. SPN- Clilt, Coudersport, and by country merchants and druggists everywhere. 10;2:5-4m. COUDERSPORT A.C.ADEPIIY, 1857-'5B. REV. J. RENDRICK t Principal. THEAcademic Year is divided into three sessions of thirteen weeks each : • , The Winter Term commences, Tuesday, Dec.'ls, 1857. The Spring Term commences, Tuesday, April 6, 1858. The Fall Term commence!, Tuesday, Aug. /-1, 1858. Competent Teichers have been. secnred for every branch of Study. Classes will be so arranged that students may enter to-advantage at any time: A Teachers .Class will lie organized, in which due attention Will be paid tq the studies usually taught in Commn Schools, and the best ineth od of imparting Instruction. - E%PE;iSTS PER TERAI. Primary Branching, $2,40 Common Englisli, - . 3,00 Higher English, with Algehra, " 4,75 Higher 'Mathematics, . ' 6,00 Latin andGreeir, . . - , • 6 , 00 Drawing, (extra), 2, 60 .. 'Music; with use of Maio, (exta) . lo,qo French, (extra) . • 3,66 Without other atudiea, -. 5 ,40 Room Rent, each, . , . . 1,00 , , The past nieces§ lot' this „Isuditution under the Preceptorship of Mr. I:batistes has induc ed the Trustees to secure a continuation of his services., We,, trust an intelligent public will give it that support which seems to be due to such an Institutiqn. - • , - , - -!ELIREBS, Pree't.. . .. 3 G. B. OVERTON, See.y. r :i s - .' -.- LEWIS' MANN, - ?4 , ' . . . • ', - 14103 FRENCH,',: . ..! 2 'SOBIESKI ROSS: ' °' A FißsT,Aliss YiIEKLY PAPER, w7t" OTIPITIt- t EIIE4DNT TO zwa SCIOIO/WITa • NEW. YI)R1r: EXCELSIOR I "; ' is a, first class Fatally. Journal, beantifilly 11- luslotted, of the largest size-,--eight 'pages, or fort, - C:014(1113 - ' imperial quarto, and is devoted to Litaiature,Neivs,Morals, and General celtapy, . . • ". • --The . codijorial department will be under the immediate..stiperVisionl4ALF.XiNDElo. MUN SON, Who is widely..kno"Wir to the public as having. bees connected with. several of 'the most popular journals of the day-. Although giving a handsome preient to each subscriber, iotending to surpass all in our lib erality wo are determined that the "Excai sloe" ;hall notresemble those journals usually known as "gift papers." in any particular. Its contents shall be suitable for Hums, as our aim iS to secure ita welcome in every fatally. We shall fill our columns weekly with inter esting and, thrilling Tales, Romances of Real Life, arid Sketches of Travels, Men and Char acter beside a fall digest of the news of the week,k a nd all events of general interest: . ONE OF TEE FOLLOWING NAMED PRES ENTais sent free of postage to each subscriber ramEnte.ritx ON RECEIPT , Or THE SUBSCRIPTION MONEY.. SOIrEPULE OF PRESENTS. AN EBONY CASKET, containing a full set of (liarqon4 Jewelry; Ear Rings, Necklace, Brooch and Bracelets, •11 eside a lady's enam eled jeweled Gold Watch with Chatelaine, and a gentleman's English Huntin g Case, full. jeweled, Gold Watch, with Chain worth ' • • saoa 06 TWO SUPERIOR PIANOS, Rosewood and 'Wadi Walnut case,.worth , $3OO and $4OO t $7OO 00 WATCHES, Hunting Case $6O to $lOO GOLD WATCHES 30 to 50 " (Lade's' and Gentleman's) 20 to SILVER HUNTLNG PATENT 'LEVERS, ' ' 15 to SILVER PATENT LEVERS 13 to " WATCHES , 7to - Ladies' CHATELAINES 6 to GUARD CHAIN'S (Ladies' . and Gentlemen's) • 10 to VEST AND FOE CHAINS 10 to " AND GUARD CHA:LNS Bto BRA.CELETS,Vameo & Mosaic 10 to ARALETS t forladies Children sto BROOCHES, Cameo and Mosaic 6 to . Florentine .4 Lava 6to " Gold (Ladies' and , Misses') I to EAR DROPS, Florentine 44 Lava 6 to " , " Cameo and Mosaic 6to " " Gold (Ladies' and Misses') 2 to GOLD RINGS, plain and chased 1 to ' " STUDS, gentlemen's 2to 44 SLEEVE BUTTONS, (gen tlemen's) various styles 3to 5 " CUFF PINS, (Ladies') 3to 4 " SLIDES, for Fob or Ribbon Chains 3 - to 5 " WATCH KEYS Ito 10 " 'BREAST "PLNS, (Gentle - men's • 2to 10 " .LOCKETS, Double Glass ,P to. 15 ‘t • , ge2 to 5 " THIMBLES 4to 6 TERMS TO SINGp SIII3pORIBERS Tiro Dollars per year, urn one Present. Four " two years, " four Presents. nye IA three years, " 'five " TERMS TO CUBS, With a preAcnt to each subscriber. ; AND AL WAYS 9178 EXTRA PIiFSN'T to the getter up of a 010, Clubs of three $5 00 " ' 1 .• five A 04 " " .ten /§ OU . 11 1 , twenty (one extra to the agent): Cluhe larger than 2L in the saihe Preportiqn. The ritblisher, ALBERT. PALsty.n z 'has been known for many years as - the Peblisher etthe Northern and Southern MERCHASITS' AND MIN- UrACTURE JOURNAL, (edited by - Faenteri HUNT,) and he with confidence refers to the lead ng business men in almost every town in the United States (to most; of whom the M. and M. Journal has been circulated) es to the re sponsibility and integrity )vith which' his pub..' lishingbusiness is conducted. Having secured the agency of a prominent Jewelri: Manufac turing establifiliment in Newark Rev( JerSey, he is led to offer prespta, in similar articles, - but these who desire it Fan receive their Ares- eats in books. LOCAL A.GENTR, • All Postmasters, Merchants and Business Men to whom we have ever forwarded a copy of the M. and M. journal; or their clerks, or any other intelligent and, responsible person, will confer a favor by forming a Club or act ing as Our Local Agent and Correspondent. PREMIUMS TO LOCAL .A.GF.F4 TS & OTHERS Any person sending Ido subscribors (with the full price of. subscription) will receive a supherb Hunting Case, Gold Watch and Chain, of the best English workmanship, fill jeweled, and worth $BO, or, at choice ono of Prince's Melodeons, of the same value. The person-who can raise a list of $OO, 'with in a period of - three months, will receive a superiorPiono, made by!Hallet, Davis & Co„ Boston, worth $3OO, and which cost s2l's cash, or, at choice. a small set lof Lathes' Diamond Jewelry r woith the same amount. for Lists of 50 with thq full price, a beauti ful •Gold Watch, worth $4O; will be paid. For smaller or larger liSts, parties may se lect any articles from ottn.oublished schedule, of Watches, Jewelry; Books, &c., worth in the proportion of $8 for each ten subscribers, or, if preferred, can retain $5 in cash, or 50 cents from each subscriher, - For further terms * to Agents; address the office. i I Thu names should be & l ent each , week until the proposed numlaer is ;completed, in order that the presents and pa ' 'may be promptly. mailed. Athlress - ' , • - .A.I.,BERT ?A1.211i11., PUBUSEIEII, 7 _ NEW IC E*CELSIOIA. .offiCe: 385 Broadway, Newyork. DW. SPENCER ielgent for many of the . most popular Medicines now in used a few Of which he will mention: STAFFORD & CO,'S OIJIVr, TAR. Dl; ; D. ..TAYNt 1 SOti 4 'S F AATTLX MEDI, CINgS . J. Q. AYER . 0 AAPj'AR§.. NTPS .fie.,:a:e age • SeirJ. R. Stafford do CI plied and inhaled by we around the neck and on IVE OECTSIENT is applif broken, and is it"pciptilar 7 Good for the Whooping and :a'few, other az _ - 'Sraple ,Dry—Goodn 'EI SPENCER'S, aitAst, SLEACHKD MUSLIN:, tides in 'the line o low for easli,at Es. . 1 '10:3 -,-..ian4POta r IMAD4, I7 ,ARTERS. WIRE subscribers take'ildi-; 'forming their f,ridnds that:theylire Ilire ceipt of, and are now openiug i . a Oice; Sad desirable' of * , I_, STAPLE AND FANG'Y , to' which they invite the stieution or all who desire iomake purchases. Oar stock is large has been selected with greet care, and is par ticularly adapted to the wants of this section of our country. - Our stock 'of Pry Goods con = lists of . DRESS dOODS; TRIMIEINGS;RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES • ' VESTINGS, DO MESTICS; • SHIRTHCOS, LINENS, P,RINTS, ' • HOSIERY, SHAWLS , and a variety of. other articles, too numerous to mention.. We hare also. is complete assort meet /' ' GROCERIES; HARDWARE AND • CROCKERY;,.' . all of which will . be sold untommenly cheap for ready pay,- and for approved credit on as reasonable terms as any.other establishment. '''MANN &NICHOLS. Millport, Aug. 11, 1856.-9:13 ly. CHAIR MANUFACTURERS, One Door East of Broadway, [Late 468 Broad way,] NEW-YORK, .[Established A. D. • 18331 - INVITE an examination of their great vari ;ety and superior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured at their own establishment, and under their immediate observation and ifirec tion, including PIVOT REVOLVLNG CHAIRS, I SELF.ACTING EXTENSION RECUM ENT CRAIRSs IMPROVED INVALID WithEL CHAIRS, MAJOR SEARLE'S TRAVELING IN VALID CHAIR. ' • SPANISH SPRING-AND SQUAB CHAIRS. • RHEUMATIC, SPINAL AND ASTHM A TIC INVALID CHAIRS, &C., &C., &C., Embracing the most complete assortment, and choicest kinds for Parlors, Draining Rooms, Chambers, Gardens, Libraries, Counting Houses, Offices, Public•lnstitutions, Dentists, Barbers, 4e.; together with every desirable 'sort, adapted to the - comfort, convenience an& Ifixtiry of the Sick, the Aged, the Infirm, the Lame and Lazy. In point of ingenuity of design, elegance of finish, quality-and richness of material, faith fulness of execu4ou, durability and cheapness, these chairs are' unsurpassed. For them', M. W. KING ,& SON, were awarded the first and only Prize Medal, and the faculty recommend. them as far preferable to beds or couches for patients afflicted with Spinal Asthmatic or Bronchial affections. 30 15 10 20 20 - 20 20 15 To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or writing DESK, and any combination desired will he manufactured to to order. A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be sent by mail if requested, and orders [with re mittances,j promptly forwarded to any part of the world. LUXURY & ECONOMY! KING'S NEW CHAIR. "AS YOU LIKE IT." An Arm Chair, teclining Chair, Conch and bedstead, Ecomant D IN ON ,] is susceptible of twelve different . positions elr changes, to meet the varied requirements for comfort, 'conveni ence, lutiry and, ecOnalnYi [in space os well as priec,] 'Whether in sicicness or this celehrated GjiAlji "AS - YOU JAKE IT, eXCIIIS in many respects ) , any chair perhaps ever manu factured in this or any other country, The price varies from Fifteen to Thirty Dol lars, 'according to To ?ladle instlintionS t as well as to individ uals, this camr, very desirable article, —1 will be supplied in any mituber on the most liberal terms. Apply taeir liddress M. W. MG. SOM, 438'Broome st., Olio door east of Broadway, NEW Ycmc, (Late 468 Broadway. 9;44,1y. TEW GOODS—A Film' Assorttpeat just received at OLMSTED'S. GREAT REVOLLITION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. The best Ttleirapeutle Agent Intirpduced. JOYS .GNETO ELEG, IC MACHINE exciting the 3orhing Mien , of the Medi- Profession and trge portion of intelligentlayt Aearly demon strated that the lancet; mercury, and all other internal t' drug medication" may be laid aside with perfect, safety to the patient and abid ing benefit toposterity. Wherever these ma chines have been introduced, they excite the highest wonder and praise. The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relieve and care every disease incident to humanity,—more particu larly all those painful and formidable diseas es which have for centuries baffled the pro foundest learning and skill of physicians. From whatever cause , there may be an ex cess or defiCiency of the nervous fluid—pro ducing an excess or deficiency of the acids and alkaline secretions--the magnetic princi ples of the system are deranged, and can on ly be safely restored to their normal condition by an application of magneto-electricity, by 1 means of DR: DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will positively prevent, and speedily relieve and cure Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Palsies, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all other painful malaies, however hopeless and of long standing. They are eminently useful in all sexual and urinary disorder:3, particu larly where the Constitution has been bredren down and ruined by unnatural solitary habit's to which too many. of the young of both.sexes are' so lamentably prone. • DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO: ELECTRIC MACHINE is Without the dtuagernus, cations of batteries and arids--which fact, alerce renders it Bumpier to all others on the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility.— . It: is, in fact, a handsome parlor ornament; may be applied by a child;-and .will last a lifetime, 'to the great staving" . Doctor's bills, dm. - . BRICE OF THE MACHINE $lO.. It . will be safely packed and sent. to any part of the United States. Sold wholesale and retail at the Medical Office,No,'3BNOßTH SEVENTH Street r iPhiladelphia.",Address, -.A. C:DICKINSON, 40-1-Iy. ' CHERRY - SYRIThig, ,o; i'Olive Tar is alp ga gon INHALER th breast... His 01,- Id where the skin ie re edy where know 7. Cough.' 16:3. PO TO FOR SHOWING THE NEW L'l Goode jest received at • OLMSTED'S. • INK and atap e articles in thelDrn g !bitter :L. sale by: i;,0:2,)_ E. L B.L . W. R - IN 4 tc SON, PATENT • 438. Broome Street, WEL - 4 6**gi •-- 4 - 2'he C7l#Test . atui )lla n d sotneet calin' the icorid-t. Clrcul,itlion 100' 000 TELEGAIC.T • • AND . PASIDINATiNt ‘LITERARY - IiAGAZLNE closes its ant voliigte in Su. ext, During the few brief months of iiot,er.i tenco itima attained a popoiafitritniciurdleel in • the :annals of the Press. r -• • • Theinablisheri her.iincoffered liberal M. miumsfor choice literary efforts, tlae7stories t Romances, EsSays; • Poetry, and other spark= ling And interesting reading was commenced in January last, and lare.,being still.publisli-- ed in the Visitor. The NeW Volume will be Commenced•inJu-- ly 183'1; greatly improved, and .enlarged..,... Each number will cdntain. thirty-two extra !Argo sized royal octavo pages, making a Mag. ni cent volume of =nearly 400 pages for .the yettr:or preienting .an amOint -of thi choi- • cest reading on all subjects, equal to what - would cost in the book stores .at least fifty cents, payable invariably in advance-.. Some of the most popular and brilliant Male. and female contributors are regular' contri butors and the publishers Will spare - no.:Jains" or expense to render the ~.." Welcome Visitor'' every way acceptable to a refined and intelii, gent community. - - f The publicatio' is adapted to all classes of . , people— , the you g and the old-=and where- ' ever seen and , p ruSed, meets With, univaisal acceptation. - . . _ geirNow is the time to- enbranixr to the New Volume., . . . . _ , * The back numbers may be - Bac? (tot complete sets) for 3 cents each, - or the *hole series of 12 nurobers for TwEvry-yrvE-cents. Liberal inducements to Clubs and Can vassers. ger Remember, our terms ate Fifty cents; for one year, for a single copy, or three cop- ies will be sent under one cover or addresifter One Dollar. Address, COSDEN Publishers, No. as North Seventh Stmt . , (up stairs,) Philadelphia. .10:1—ly Of all disease ; the great, first cause Springs from .neglect o N'atuye's-la4sl SUFFER -NOT! When .. CURE Is -ginnnnteed: • IN ALL STAGES OF • SECRET D] S EASES, - Self-Abuse, Nervous Debay, Strieturea, Gieeis Gravel, Diabetes, DiSeases of the Kidneys . anil• Bladder, Mercurial: Bh - eumcitism, Scrofula, Pains in - the Bones and .41.41e5, - Diseaies of the Zungs, Throat; Nose - and Byes, Veers upon the. Body or Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy,,Epileptic.b'as, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseasesarising from a derngement of the Sexual Organs, SUCH as_Nervons Trembling, Loss of 3fem-. ory, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of - Vision. with pecnEati spots appear.. ing before the eyes, ; Loss of Sight, Wakeful-. ness, Dyspepsia;Liver Eisease; Eruptioos upon the face, Pula in the back and bead, Female irregularities and All improper discharges front both sexes. It Matters not from what, cause • the disease originated, however long standing or obstinate thecase, recotieiria certain, add in, a shorter time than a permanent-Ore can beef fected by any other treatment,""even after the disease has baffled the skill of eminent physi cians and,resisted all their means of cure.. The. medicines ire please nt wi th out odor, cau sing n o . sickness and free from Sneraury or balsam. During twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of Death many thousands, who,. in the last stages of the above mentioned dis-. eases had heed given' up to'die by . their phyri clans, which 'Warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves:under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure: -.Secret Diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of.Consinaption, Scrof ula, and maiiy other diseaseS, and a terror to the human family, , As a' permanent, cure is searcqy ever effected,a majority of the cases falling into the hands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to carp the diseaies but ruin the. constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, has-. tens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should Vic disease and" - the treatment not, cause - ,dcath speedily and the-victim mar- • ries, the disease -is entailed upon the children, who are bOrn with feeble t:onititutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in -Scrofula, Tetter,Ulcers, Erne , -tions an other affections of the skin, Eyes, Throat and Lunig., entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early gram • . • •• SELF ABUSE' is another formidable enemy to health, for nething else in the dread eats log,tte qf human diseases causes so destructive a drain, upon the system, drawing its thousands of vicHniS through a few years 'of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the. Nervous system, rapidly -wastes away the en, orgies of. life, -causes mental ,derangement, prevents the praper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage,,society, 'husinesst and all earthly.happiness, S i nd leaves the suf,' ferer wrecked_ka body and mind, predispOsed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy Cure affected, and with the abriutlopment ruinous practices My : patients can be restpred - to robust, vigorous health.. `The afflicted - are cautioned- against the ase . ,of Patent Medicines, for there are. so lam ; ingenious snares in the columns of 41.01014. prints to catch and rob the unwary : suffelrera. • that millions , have their constitutions ruff:A by the vile compounds of qUack doctors; ory the equally poisonous nostrums vended as, "Patent Medicines." . I have carefully analyzed.i many of the so called Patent Medicinexanci find that nearly all of them contain Corrosiyft, Sublimate, which is one of the strongest pry parations of mercury and a deadly peisok which instead of curing •the disease disable& the system fer,life. , - • Three-ftatetha of ,the,pcit4t.nostrenti new in use artypqt up by unprincipled oa igno_,Tatit persons, whq npt understand even phabet of the materiitinedica, .and are,.eqqa\ly. as destitute pf any knowledge • of the: Itlinfia s,ystem„ havrpg- one object only in rview,, : aad: that to make . oney regaidless of consequen . L . Irregularities and all diseases of male's and females treated on principles establiihed by twenty rani of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. IMed- , joiner; with, full directions sent to.any part - of ' the' United States - or: Canaditi, -ty - Patients communicating,* their, symptoms by. le4r.— Bnsinessf Oorrespondence strictircuatideittial... Addreium — • • ' ' ET. - .ST,MNIERVILLE, )41;D% OfrideNca: 1131 rillbert St., -(Old No. - 109,) ' BELO7 lITELYTES,I - PHIIAD)3LPHIA. NlOir C;oolDtAlargo . an: stittincnt - pist ieitived & „.., ,