The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, April 22, 1858, Image 3

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    CoNixwN - LdAtiadir.
•i • For the Potter Journal.
CLAka, flotter Co., April 19i 1853.
EDITOR ..rothni'LL
Dear .Sii.---Although a stranger to you
personally, I have long.-been a reader of
.your valuable paper—irideed I have learn
ed to look fur its weekly visit:to my quaint
little bome,! as one, does for the face of a
familiar friend.. Many a social chat have
we enjoyed (your paper and I) while wan
derinc, upon the lulls which surround me,
and which Some Vim . has poetically saidt - 1
have." capS" upon their peaks made from
the clouds.; I have a fancy for theethe-I
real, so taking your last paper for a com
panion intellectually, and a sandwich phys
ically, I Started (as often before) in quest
of one of these "caps," and to negotiate
with the fairy milliner. who has "set up
shop" in a:hollow hemlock upon the hill
sop, for a spring bonnet of cloud-tissue.
„Filled with these fanciful notions, I wan- ,
-dered on until, exhausted, I sat down upon
a log covered with bright mosses and hoary
lichens, opened my paper nervously, and
read with strange feeling the story of the
good angel " Sandaiplum," wondered who
was its author, and it there might not be
:some mysterious truth and comfort to be
realized from this beautiful legend of an
-Terstitious lore. After tasting my sand
wich and - a draught from a spring at my
-feet, almost coucealeti, (like a thousand
.blessings,) beneath a covering of autumn
.dyed crimson leaves, my eager eyes rested
:upon the next article with a/inn/War cap
tion—" A few hints to_ moan." Upon
a careful reading 1 found it was intended
. for the locality of your . village. Being I
somewhat of un invalid I have seldom vis
ited there, but among my "dear five hun
dred friends" I have the - happiness to
.count many of the residents, and from
them I have learned that the people, gen
erally, are intelligent, hospitable, kind and
sympathizing, to a fault, and your ladies,
young and old were, commercially speak
ing, a "choice Variety." Indeed, I have
yet tobelieve that Diudenes" is an ha-,
partial observer of the habits which attach - i,
to the dames and esquires of Coudersport.!
husbatid (who by the way is a "smart '
Mall") visited your place, as usual. last
"court," .and upon his return I inquired
after the " latest news,"
and like an vbe
-dient spouse as he is, he told cue various
news aid strange things which have hap- I
pened ainon e .,n- you, but -said not ,a word I
that the public had suffered such griev
.ances as your correspondent sets forth.l
I write This to be assured of the truth,l
and to know if your hitherto- noble-mind
ed ladies have so far fallen from their hiyhi
• estate, as to form theu.selves into bands,
so that their " espionage upon the affairs'
. of their neighbors" slay be more concen
trated. That there way be a few such I
doubt not, but.the assertion of ". Diogeues"
is a sweeping one. However the "Dames"
are capable of refuting any such imputa
tion, if innocent, (as I hope,they are) by
their eieellent virtues, and should the
youthful " Diogenes" wish to test by act
ual " facts from observation" who spell&
the most time in unnecessary "gadding"
or unprofitable " small talk," the dames
.or esquires, I think if they chose, they
could meet him "armed And equipped"
for the issue. : It is to be hoped he is,one
of those " whose follies may cease with his
youth," and not of the number who mill
be ignorant in spite of experience.," Now
that his eyes are blinded to the truth you
might suggest . :to him a retreat in-• the
"tub" falluius in history as the domicil ofl
• ancient Diogenes. Ile might be troubled
to find a Grecian " pithoi," but I cannot
see why an empty molasses cask would
not answer for him quite as well. lam
growing weary and these mattemf-fact
ideas have dispelled my " illusions." The
fairies upon the hill-top-are at their eve
ning vespers, and with the hope that this
leaf gathered among the withered ones.
around me may be kindly received, I bid
you good night and return home.
Tca.catersl Association.
The sOgular meeting of the PO f';-3.8. COUN
held at Oswayo 'Village, on Thursday.
and Friday, tL•e 27th and iistit of May ues.t.
The Exercises will commence oalhursday, at
.10 o'clock A. 1., and close with thc forenoon
session on Friday. Essays will be read by
Misses E. Cordelia Hydorn, Molina Parish and
Helen Raymond. Addresses will be deliverEd
by Mtssrs. J. W. Bird, M. O. Crosby, O. P.
Rooks, and IL H. Lyman Esq The iriends of
the Association are cordially invited to attend.
WM. A. f+IONROR See'v.
N9IICO to School Teachers and
'THE County Superintendent of Potter Co.
arillbe at the flaming places. and at the times
here specified fur the purpois of examining
Teachers, sir,:
E144513171:0, Saturday, May Ist, at the
' tfunse,
HEtliii)S, Monday, lifay sd, at the School
Home Not of Mr. Greenman'e.
SHARON, Tuesday - , Ilay 4th, at the Center
School nous?, two miles below 31illport.P
The examination will commence at each of
the above places at 10 o'clock, A. 31 Teach
ers are requested to 'bring pen, ink and at three sheets of paper, together with a
reading book. Other notices will .be given
nest week. J. HENDIC , K,
County 'Supertr"2tendent of Potter Co.
Coudersport, April 20, 1358.
caorta x, BAN.TemNi
far These Machines are now justly ad
mitted to be the best iu use fir Family
Sewing, making a new, strong, and elastic
stitch, whicu will so: rap, even if evety
fourth stitch be cut. CircuLrs senton-ap
plication by letter. Agenta canted. [35.
4tiii,. ,ativOtoiii*;
,Health and 13eauty.
11oW io be the Moat, beautiful woman in
the-world. Bow 'to be : more beautiful
after marriage, instead'or more ttgly,, as •ruost
wives now are. How to transmit
,your beauty
to your children without lesing l it yours::ltl
How to be sweet. without perfume, .cheerful
without stimulant, rosy without rogue und ra
diant without paint. : 'The means are certain,
within the reach of every woman and are de
t.tiled with ample directions! in . a "Letter to
Ladies," which will, be inalled.prePaid to any
tress on the receipt of 25 cents in stamps
or American coin Address .
L4o—tf. Dlt: T. L. CIT.APIiAN,
No. 47 West i 3tli Street; New York.
T tit )II SANDS ;
Ti.oulanle would Give ',Flat f sheik' Pirtunee to
SD them to Dr. yLEit who, by Spirit
aid, can sza what others guess !at ; can
see your disease, see all its extent and progress
and see the means of mire. For descriptire cir
cular and a list of almost miraculous cures per
forme.l during he past live years la, they West
and South, send one 'three cent stamp, and
address Dr. S. Tyler, 442 i Brod d way, - IN,ie-w York.
Persons at a distau6 can be treated by
sending a lock of hair. age, sex and symptoms.
Consultation fee. $5. ;' L4O-tf
S. w.
. .
TIM Machine is. played by means of piano I
keys ' • two copieS are printed at Once, in
less time than is required to produce one with
a pen. Divines, whilclin the pulpit, will be
free.] from the inconveniences attending an
ordinary inaunst•ript ; Anthors secured from
losing the result of many hours of inental ap
plication, by the destruct:on of a Single copy
while in the hands of the-publisher; Editors
no longer troubled by the necessiiry correction
of errors in proof 51.00,5, incidentl to manu
script copies ' - Reporters May'. wittrless labor,
furnish printed repeats; Merehants, : While writ
ing a clearer letter and sating time, will keep
neatly printed copies instead of the illegible
ones they now obtain by means of the copying
presit and any pcxsort with failing sight, {or
paralysed or amput.tediirm wiJl still be ena
bled to pursue his literayy labors With greater
ease, rapidity and c-crtitii.ty than ever before.
By a slielit medifteatiOn, raised Ictters may be
printed far the benefit or the
The Price of one Printing :Wadi ine,sloo.
For Circulars tcititi Full PurtiC l ulari, send
stamp, ami
L4o—tf. No. 44'4 Broutlu - ay, New York.
Do' ypu- .vEA •
, CO .,
-Myers, 85 ltarcia* St. -
A LllO6 C every one, certainlyi every mer.
AIL chant, has sometimes very strongly wish. 1
ed that he had a reliable correspondeut and
friend living In Oils great metropolis to whom I
he could send for the transaction 'of some bu
siuess or the r Orehise of some article, that he
could not make it convenient to go to the city
to do, or to buy himself, with fall, confidence,
that the business would be well done, and at
a reasonable expense Fo him. Haiing become
satisfied by a considerably extended .observa- I
tion and experience that this is an Ulinost uni
versal want, we bare establishei.bo4 house to
supply it. We have found" that of
persons from .llaine to Georgia are roust Intly
sending to us to tixecitte orders, involving pnr
chases varying froth 25 Ants to ii.s many hun
dred dollars, and we believe' in eyery case:
those employing 5r..4 have been s'at.slied-, bath,
with the quality of the services rendered and
equity of our charges. We rnehn that clu.'
charges shall in all cases be. fair:, Ind reasona
ble, being predicated on the tine and labor
consumed. It. is certain, that beingconstant
ly in the market,' buying largely for .cash,
we can BUY st.rrsa than anyi single Put--
chaser can. In fadt, we save tol our friends'
Much mere in prices'-than the 'consmission we
charge. No 1213. n; who only I occasionally
comes here can be.fireiliar with:a market so
extensive as this.. We being here all the time,
are thoroughly acquainted with it, and know
where to go to find every thing in first hands
and at the lowest rates. • We haye found that
many of our distiiirt, friends, : wish to send ins
country produce to sell,' sometimes the pro.
reeds to be invested in goods, sometimes in
money. •Accordirgl,y we have made the very
best arrangements : Fci enable us to do justice
to those who maynonsign to us. Our charges
for selling, are a usually live per cent., although
in special cases of very large or very jsmall
transactions, equity might require it to he va
ried from that. We hare a circular giving
more at length the scope and plan of our bus
iness, with stateinent of our thdrges for bily.
Ju g some of the lehding articles; which will be
sent on applicatioir. ' • •
Letters of inquiry only .01091 d contain.
stamps to prepay the replies, •
Wm. G. Lhmb4t, of A. & iLawience
Co. New York. ,
Wm L. King, of k Co;, New York.
David S. Brown, of David S. Brown & Co.,
Ph , ladelpilia. 1.
J:.oeph Cabot, Philadelphia..
. G. Baty Bleke,; of Blake, Hoye . & Co., Bos
F. Cabot Sr. Co.', Boston. '
Stanfield, WecOrrorth S; Co., poiton.
J. C. Cabot, of Wales, Calipt 4 Co., St.
Louis. t -
And many othem
N. B.—Pafticular attention iS given to pro
curirg Insurance: Policies. (Life, Fire and Ma.
rine), in .the best and most reliable offices. In
formation furnished of the standing and res
ponsibility of lneurance Compdnies. Railroads
t •
and other Corpo • tions. 1.40-tf.
A T a meeting. of! the TOWN COUNCIL of
the 11or& of Coudersport, held on the fifth
day of April, A, D. 1858; the following resolu
tion was passed. On 'motion, it eras:
Rewired, That all Side-Walks ordered to be
built b 7 the Ordinance Of Mayl2s, 1851, now
remainteg nnfiniehed, roost be completed by
the owner or owners of said Lbts by the first
Monday of May next, Otherwise the Town Coun
cil will let the sane to the lo*rest and: best
bidder, adding ;0 per Oath, -to the cost ofeom
plating the same.
And that the above Resolution be publish - ed
iii the Pater Jotirmi. for three weeks.
• D.P. GLASS3llRE'Burgess.
.1 •
Coedersport, April 6, 1853.-63i3-3t.-
OME CLOTIILG" of Chenei's
0 Int haat at: SPENCERA
D. W. 114 *ea
PAIRER, Condereport,Potter Co., Pa:, takes
thi3 method of informing the pub
lic in general that Ile. is prepared_:.
„ all work in hialine rith.promptness,'
'in a' workmen-like manner, and -upon the
most accommodating terms. Payment for
• Repairing invariably required on delivery of
' the Work: All kinds of PRODUCE
taken on account of Work. 10:35.
IiVIIEREAS the lion. Robert G. White;
Y- 7 11+ President Judge, and the iron's. Joseph
Mann and G. G. Colvin; Associate Judges of
the Courts of Oyer .5: Terminer and General Jail
Delivery, Quarter Sessipns of the Peace; Orph..
ans' Court and Court of Common Picas for the
County of Totter, hive issued their precept ;
bearing date the twenty-second day of April, in
the year of our Lordone thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-eight, 'and to me direeted;fo!
Balding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and .
General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the I
"Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common
Pleas, in the Ilorough of Coudersport; on MON
DAY; the 21st day of June next, and to con-1
tinue .one • week.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables
I withinthe county, that they be then and there
in their proper persons ' at lu o'clock A. M. of
said l day,•with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
I examinations, and pther remembrances, to do
I those things which to their offices appertain
to be done. And those who are bound by
their reco l gnizancrs to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of sai.:
county of Potter, are to be then and there to
prosecute, against them as will be just
Dated at Commasroier April 22nd, 1858,
and the P 2.1 year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
A. C. TAGG_AMT, Sheri'
FOR Trial at JUNE TERM, 1858, , , of ,the
Court of Common Pleas of Potter County.
W. T. Jones, Lys. Deloss Dwight.
Gillingham, use of): „
A. P. Cone.
N. J.l.lills,
. Asa Stevens, Luke
Russell k Baskin, "
Stevens, et-al.
Foster Reynolds, " Thomas Gilliland,
Pikenownsbip, I " D. J. Chappell.
E. Rees &J. Lyman jr " James Grimes, et al.
" N. V. Jiteksou, & Eli
W. T. Jones,.l I Rees,
W. G. McClelland, law" A. Woodcock.
Matthew Wilkinson ; " Temple Wilkinson.
W. T. Jones & co.. " N. Woodcock.
Curtis,Erwin Brook" S. P. Itcynolcis. •
E. M. Carpenter, " Riehard Shay. jr.
John Kronie, " %adieus Mallory, et at.
:SAieski 12. %V. Mintyre, -
yersei Dieklusan, " C. IV. Elite.
Allegany Township, " John Lyman:
Same,. " Soule.
S. E. Ensworth, " Pike Township:
Alonzo Dwight, •' 1 S. P. Reynolds.
issoc Kalen. • " .jones, Mann & Jones,
Sam'l i'. Westervelt, " W. T. Jones, •
John A. Davis. " W. T. Jones.
Hoskin. ?iv. of Platt li „ Harry Ellis. •
& Plait,
Ilaskin4".': of " Maynard & Wilcox.
Johnson, "
William Radie, " Carl Breit), d al.
William Itadde, " Hans Raronsen, et al.
- Nathan Woodcock, I" Crittenden it Johnson.
W.. T. Jones; 1 „ I A. P. Cone & 0. T.
Jonathan Glace,. Sytvanus.Jonea.
S. G. & W. Lansing," David T. Hall.
S. G. &W. Lansing, Dennis' Hall. ,
John E. Edwards, ,!, Jonathan Nichols..
H. J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary.
Coudersport, April 12 ISSB. f
$.500,000. • 00.,000.
tioznestead Land Company,
'litilihe3 liNoql9
in the State of irtheonsi3.
COMPANY, having disposed of a suffi
cient number of shares to warrant an early
distribution of their Land, now. offer to the
'public the remaining unAalti Shares,. and take
pleasure in announcing, that, ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND ACaES of choice farming Land, sit
uated in the Counties'of Winnebago, Marquette,
Iraushara, oz:toga:de, Shetraile, Port cue. Jrara
thoiti, Chippemi, St. Croix and Polk, State of
Viss-onsin, will be distributed to Shareholders
of said Company, before the adjonruntent of
the present sessian of Congress. These lands
are among the best farming lands in the State,
ranging in value from five to twenty-five dol
lars per acre. This Company. holding as a
they do, a largo quantity, are compelled to
sell a portion of ;their Lands for Cash, and
' take this method of disposing of One Hundred
Thousand Acres, at a, reduced price. The dis
tribution will take place in the City of Wash
ington, under the direction of thirty-one Mem
bers of Congress, one Member selected from
each State in the Union. The land offered is
free from any encumbrance, and WARRANTY
DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE will be executed
immediately after the, distribution, to the par
[ties entitled, thereto, by Trustees appointed
for that purpose. The distribution will be as
follow's :
100 •• , " 80 •'
100 " it 160 "
1 0 0 it dt . 320 " "
25 '" " • 640- " ". .
3 " is 1000 " "-
1 u " 5005
Eight Hundred tad Twenty-nine Tracts com
prising One Hundred Thousand Acres.
- The Atucrican Homestead Land Company
respectfully solicit your early co-operation in
the organization of Clubs, and will allow 10
per cent. on all subicriptions amounting to ten
Shares, payable in Stock of the Company.
All orders must be;addressed to the "Ameri
can Homestead Land Company, Washington;
D. C.," giving the full address of each Share
holder, naming' the Town, County and State
in which they reside, and to whom the Shares
are to bedirected.
The - Company respectfully refer to. the fol
' lowiaggegaemert for any information relative
to'the quality and 'collie of the Lands :
• State of Wiscontin ;
" DOrr. " " " BARSTOW,
."'-" - DEWEY: I ' • • -
Trustees: _
Es-Geveraor BARSTOW% ,I,,attesville, Wis. ,
Court, Ny#ll St., New .
TUOMAs SetKetary.
Wiabiaktoz4,D: C., Bard', 1858. [4B4t
Sham; Fives
.Dollari Lac h.
14,,0,T :1 , C,E! .:
tienCY IL Dent,',ll - Nii; De-..-Term,•lBs7.
• vs (in the' CiitirA - orCammon
Amax'an Karin.riPleitiof Potter Ciitity:
fora trecinfiand in Jackson Township in said
county, hounded wit fte.ginping
at the north West - Corner of said IL H. Dent's
lot 1.10.. 11 {formerly held"by I,: L. dt _0;
.1 ,1 ;
Stade,' under'a contract with the Trustees-of
the Bingham Estate.) onthe linebetween JaCk
son and hlysses Townships and about eighteen the Wast line' ofrwarrant
1811, Mende slonethe west line of said lot
No. 11, south seventpibur and six tenths Per
c'aes, then% by. land/ now or, late of the Bing
ham Estate West one hundred and ten perches.
thence by the same north, seventy-nine :,per
ches to the Aforesaid Township line, shence
along the said line south S7:l degrees east one
hundred andleti perches to the, plaice of be
ginning, containing forty-nine acres and seven
tenths of an 'nem. with rari . allowance of six
per cent for roads, &c., he the same more or
less, and knoWn as lot No. 10 of the suh-diVis
ion of H. H. Dent's binds {formerly Bingham
Estate lands) and parts of warrants So's. 1811
& 1825. , • -
And riow to wit; February 16,1858 On mo
tion of F. }V, Knox, Esq., Pin Att'y, rule on
Deft to appear and plead by the third day of
next term, or Judgement by default, and pub
lication of rule. directed by the court.
Potter County, Is.:- —Certifie4 from the records
this 23rd day of March, A. I).- 1858. .
37-4 t. 11. J. OLNISTED. Prodey.
Henry H. Dent, No. 23, June Term, 1857.
rs. - In the Court of Common
Daniel Haynes .ti Pleas of: Potter County.
for a tract of , Land in Hector Township, con
taining one hundred and fifteen and seven
tenths acres, or thereabouts, bounded as fol
lows, to wit : Beginning at twenty-fire per
ches'no tit from the S. W. corner of. Lot* No.
74 - of the allotment of H. H. Dent's lands, noir
hi possession of Joseph Smith, thence*west one
hundred and fifty perches, thence north seven
ty perches, thence east forty-four perches, I
thence north eighty-six perches, thence east'.
one hundred 'and six perches to the west line
of lot No 83 of the said, allotment, thence
[ south one hundred and fitty-six perch^s to the
place of beginning.' being lot No. 73 of the
allotment of H. 1-I. land in said Town
ship and part of Warrants No'l. 1790 & 3460.
And now to wit : February 46,1853, On mo
tion of F. W. Knox. Esq., Mira AtVy, rule on
Deft to appear and plead by the third day of
next term or Judgement, and the court direct
publication of said rule according to law.
Porttr County, sa.:—Certified from the record
this 22nd day of )larch. A. D. 1653.
37-4 c; H. J. -OLMSTED. f'roth'y.
Henry H. tileu, 1 Nu. 2::9 June Term, 1857. I
ra. In the Court of Common.,
Henry Haynes i'lea; of Potter County. ,
l• - - ACT/ON i -Or • EJECTMENT
for a tract of land. in Hector Township in said
county .cOntaining, sissy-sis. and five tenths
acres, or there:ibout, bounded as follows, to
wit: Beginning at the south west corner of
tot No. 60 of IL IL Deatit. lands contracted to
be sold to Saninel Royer, thence east thirty
four rods, thence:South sixty-seven • and. three
tenths perched to the N. line of 13t No. 74.
thence west one hundred and nineteen and
three tenths perches-to the east line of lot No.
73, thence north one hundred and six perches,
thence east 'eighty-five•and three tuatfis per
ches, thence South thirty-eight and seven
tenths perchesto the place efbeginning,.being
lot; No. 83 of IL H. Dent's lands iu said ToWn
ship; .(formorly Bingham Estate.-lands), and
part of - Warrants No's. 1789 & 1790.
And now to Wit: February 16;11M. On mo
tion of F. W.-lir:Mx, Pltrs Att'y, rule on Deft
to appear and plead by the third day of nest
' term or Judgement. and the court direct pub
lication of said rule according to law.
Potter.County,lta.:—Certified from the record
thiS 22nd day of March, A. D. 1838.
37-4 t. I H. J.-OLMSTED, Proili'y.
A_A Remaining in. the Post Office at COU
DERSPORT, April lst, 1838 : - , ,
Armstrong, Chloe-2 Hosie, Benjamin
Ackei, Sam'l Y. Heigie,-Adelbert
Babcock, Linian lensen, Miss Maren
Barnhart, Win. Jackson, N. V.
Benton, R. W. Johnson, Chas. W.
Brown, 0. G. Kelley, George
Cole; Jas. ILI Lyman, Bertna-M.
Cool. W. P. ! Lyman, Mordecai
Crittenden, Julius-2 Luce, Julia
Curtis. Henry Monroe, Wm.
Dingtnari, Elmira Mehring, J. -
Dwight, Orson - 31*Kinney,.Geo. W. -
Eldred, Jas. B. - Northrup, S. H.
Ellis, George Ross, Jno. P. .
Ellis, Crosby' W. Russell, Susan
Fessenden, S. C. Randolph, Preston
Galusha, Viola. - Rathbone, Henry
Golam, Lucinda Riley, Sophia
Gross, Abrain Sheldon, Geo. W.
Gooarieh, Athos Short. Wm. -
pardiner, Jas. A. Tilotson. Eliab
Hart,Napulcon Brock- Tudar, Isaac
Away . Thatcher, Edwin
Hackett, M. M Watson, Martha
Harder, James - Whitman, Sloeman
Harding, J. W. Williston, R. T.
Hall, David T. Woodcock, Calintha
Holmes. Theresa . Young, Mrs.-Abram
I Young, Ambrose
• Jar PerSons.mlling for, any:of the above
Letters. Nraplease say they are - advertised.
JOHN - 31. JUDD, P.
Low Prices and Ready Pay,
SUBSCRIBERS are offering for sale
JL an entirely new stock, consisting of
• I NOTIONS ; &c:, &a.
In our selections - the wantaof all have been
' remeMbereiL The Gentlemen tan find in our
stock. of Ready Made Clothing: an elegant
Fashionable suit, or a substantial Busineas
snit, and•see have Hata & Caps and Boots &
I Shoes to match: -
' The Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets
beautifully trimmed,.or bonnets and trimming;
a good assortment of • Dresti Goods, and trim
mings; Gloves, Mitts, llosiery and Gaiters.—
And, lastbnt not least, corded and. skeleton.
Skirts ; also, Rattansi' Skirt-Whalebone • and
Biass Skirtleops; beautiful Jet Necklaces
and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and too many
other things' to enumerate,—all of 'Which; we
are selling low for Cash; Lumber, Or any kind
of Prodnee. .FLOUR, MEAL, FISH &c., con
stantly orl band
&l. M. GRATES.
:Sharon' Center,' Potter' Co, / . Pa., Jane 5,
1857.-10:3t-tf: •
03ANOM & W -14F046:1S just received by
10ar - W• A. k U. WAVES.
New7vretic; At • verrtiaelnents. Moths, Bed . Bags, Mosquitoes, Ants, ` 'lea's,
.-:`!--='" .- - - - '.' '-'- -- - • ' l'lantinsecis, Vermin on Fowls suadUnibtals.
1858 ,-, • , - i'l :- - .1858. sel.rekina Cash .: .. ", .-, •' , L': ! '
fr . , ,' ~ 1 r re.. No geods sent en commission. ,
IIErRICIITAIRDSICkN'S " lael,:l.,ibyral wholesale Tenn mail" to
- ; - . ADVERT,ISIIIS 'HOUSE. Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
, `
• ' ' ' BM BRO&DWAY, li. I.: A, I'" Cco:.tar's" Privateeireular to Druggiataabd
inrites th e special Ottattfen of all Agents--Dealer: Dealcrs sent , by mail,'on appacatlon. ' ' , l;
• -=andllmila. generally to do folk4cirtyr lash . 1 Sold. Wholesale and retail. at 4 , 0 Colts
and valuable Acire4ements from -Few Foy* faros” Principal Cepa!, No. Still
City. t . 11 _. . , , , _Broadway, Iliewilirork,aad by Drui.
Oats and Peolcrit everywhere. ' .-
1 , For the , People._ , ..
On RecelpforOiE DOLLAR,
' I will forward by mail, post paid) sines
etent quantity of the Rat. Roorh gyp; .E . P.
teminotor to destroy all of thiS clasp of
,I vermin that may infest your premises. I.
, te,,, Address all letters to - -: 'I,
38$ Broadway, New York.
xtgl. To save mistakes and trouble: i ..
I. Wr:te in a plain hand the name of Post.
Office, County and State. ,' • ' -
2. Register your letter, and it will come at
my risle.
3. New. York and . Eastern money , preferred.
lIA R I' ER' S' WE E K L I":
1 1 Te•-• - • . • •
... it Togiliq ti . joliczOlog. -
Employs the Best, ale!it in th e World!
One . copy for tweati weeks $1 00
One copy for one! year - 2 50
"One copy for two ye . ars - . . 400
Five copies for oneilyear 9 00
Twelve copies for Obe'year '2O 00
Twenty-five copied or one year 40 00
- Harper's . "Weekly' and ''Magazine," one
year, $4,00.
-_.. L11 ..!1
Postmasters Seill2
twenty-fire, will re i•
" Subscriptions ma "ci
I .
a club of twelve or
re_a copy gratis. -
nunence With anyvitn•
gratuitously supplied..
be furnished *to Any ex-
Spreitnen numbe '
liack.numbere ea
tent. .
Clergymen and T
Chia hates.'
! HARPER & 'SitiOTHERS, Publishers,
2 1 '.1-3uni Franklin Square, Nev York.
hers supplied at lowest
Publiihed ihds base, Feb. 9, , I 839,
Fifty .Years in Chaing:
tren4s• TIV HIMSELF. i
43n Pages, Cloth. ailt Bach. Price $l.
TW is the titleitaf one of the most intensely
interesting biogr. phis of the day. It is a
plain hit4Jry of ail American slave in the far
donth, 'who, after iwo or three escapes and re:-
captures, finally, n old .man, found freedoM
and rest in one h the Northern States. .
1 ' WHAT ' RE, PRESS SAY.'". .
, .
The story is to d with great simplinity; but
with much pone en 4 pathos. W'noe'ver takes'
it 4 iVill find it difficultito lay it down until it is
finished.—Natiorial Era, Washington. D. C.
A narrative of heal experience like the abave
will have far mu effect against slavery than,
the ingeniously rought novel, however true
to life its pieta+ malt - be.-47n. Bapliit..
Here is a book of fillets, stranger than fiction,
and a. thewandlfuld 7ore thrilling,; a simple
tale of life-long pyre -ion, revealing truly the
workings of th " pe. i rliar institution".in our
country. • To t o story-living we - would say,
here is a story i orth eadiag.-- .fission Record.
i_ :,
In each coup i in t i r free States, to t-ngan . e,
in' the sale ; of !Lim a ove work immediately.
Such can easily cleartfrom • • • ,• . I
.1 , $5O TO .$lOO PER 11IO1TEL
The work is ibeautifully printed and bound,
and is as lar-7,,elas the books that sell for 51,25 ;
i but as sve.mcan to sell- at least ONE HEN
DEE° THOUSAND COPIES,. through agents,
we have madelthe retail price ONE DOLLAR.
A SAMPLEICOPY Of the book will be.sent
by maul, postage. paid 4. on receipt of the price,
and our private circular to Agents, with terms,
etc. . ' Address ' , . •
H. DAYTON, Publisher,
35-3 mo. -No.' 29 Ann-street New York.
We aniajoinl a few .names of thise who re
commend MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S
Prest. Eaton; Unioh University : "The fall
ing of hair ceased, and my gtey - locks changed
to original cdlor." Rev. C. A. Buckbee, Treas.
Am. Bible Union, N. Y.: "'cheerfully add my
testimony." Rev. H. Y. Deg,en, Ed. "Guide to
Holitie;ts, ' B6ston : "We can testify to its'ef
fects." - Rev. E. R. F.4irchild, Cor. See. Ch'n
Union, N. Y.: "Used in my family with ben
eficial effects." - Rev. ;A. Webster, "Ch'n Era,"
Boston : 't Since using
,yourreparations, I am
neither bald or grey as heretofore." Rev Jas."
H. Cornell, Cor. Sec. ; etc., N. Y.: "It has re
stored the hair of one ,of my family to its orig
inal color', and stopped its falling out," etc., etc.
We can quote from numerous others of like
standing in Europe and America, but for fur
ther information, send for circidar to
[35-3m0.) • . No. .3558r0cm-st., N. Y.
Debility, and, all Diseases arising from a Scrnfu
lour or .trniioperiihecl State of the Blood.
Has stood the test of over ten years experience,
and is recommended by all the most eminent
physicians as the most valuable remedy in use.
Dr. WILLIAMS, the celebrated Physician of the
London Consumption Hospital, toqk notes of
its effects in about 500 cases, an 4 found it
mere efficacious than all remedies lyet discov
ered. This remedy; so valuableachrn pure, be
comes worthless or injurious when adulterated
See that the label has the eagle and mortar,
and the signature over the cork of each bottle;
as thousands have beencored by the use of
the genuine_article who had used others with
out success. Sold by all Druggists;
35-3 m- USG:MA-N . & CO.
Within *Ili:It-shell all the merits lie;
Of Christadoro's never equaled Dye;
Red •it makes black, to brown tninsfortns a grey,
And keeps the fibres always frotn
This matchleski revitalizing Hair Dye still
holds its - position as the most hap:dee:3 and
efficacious Hair Dye in the World. *, Prepared
and sold; wholesale and retail, and applied in
ten private rooms, at CIIRISTADORO'S No. 6
Astor House, Broadway, and by all_Driggists
-and perfiiiners in the United States.,
GENT.—Gro. - li...zysEz, Pittsburgh, Pa.
• • [35-3m9.]
Every Species of Vernon
Rat;.Roach, &Q.Extermihator.
• Put up in 20c., 33r., 65q., aad• $1 Boxes.
For'tlie; Destritction of Rats, Mice, Ground or
Field: Mice, Molai, Roaches, Croton' Buge;
Bed Bug Extermina,tor:
Put ;Tin 25c., 50c., 75c.; and 1$ Bottle..
- eo o Powder.
Put up In 150. aud itlc. Bozo. , To ;Destroy
• , •
:. , nArs; ROACIIZ4 BUGS,III.974CTa I .IC,f - '. .
'Mat the Farmers s4 i t , * 2 - ..,.-.;,. :
A late writer says that '!theiariousk sties .
of verui.n, are mnltiLlying-,at it, &aria -rate
throughout; the land. Their , r.ivages hale be- .
come a matter of serious - dre'd. , '• 1 .A . Poitthwiter
in Illinois, writing to "Clistar's"'Depot.,liiiis, /1
••I'lle country is. literally overiun, with. hemp .
(rats, mice, ac.") Another, from the lanai
State, says, "The rats - positiiely ga ll . 'thiy
halters olf.tay hones while in the.itab:e '? Au
Ohio Ctirre:.pontient remarkti, '"They•(th grits)
itre everywher,.. , -•-in the house, !the - be! i `anil
Under. eyerY stump in the E'eld.". •In the Sontli. -
it is still worse. A Ir.te order from the Navy
Yard ,at .11•thile.was for thiriV poundi too
Rat Exterminator alone. • - -
(W hat the People say':' • • - I '
I i • NETT Tons, April 12. 18511.,;
Dear Sir :—lleying a groauxtamy rats s i fount.
t roy siable and shop, I thought I would try Jour
Ij.,ti:rtninator, and bouz4t one f
,your •
boxed, arid fixed it according:to yonediiee:tioss.
Tlie next Mbrnirg I found' oter one.'hundred.
and fifty dea.d ruts. L - Llce Pleasnra in saying
that it .will do more than you ; say
,it will. I
hare also tried it on steam-lioat.s, and satisfied
them that it the greatest thing of :the
i J. S. UNDERUILLICi. 435 10th st.
1114 Juni 21st; IESI. J
. IYeat brother, J. McCreery,.P.
pureltase . d a box of your . Mit Exterminator,
found if to' be what you recomniiad. it'
be, a perfedt ft-it detroyer. • rildrewithincloso
for of it. • Yours,.-&e, ' - •
.ASHLEY , MtGriERy..
.NEW Yon, Dec.,l7i 1857.
All this summer 110 been
troubled with Ro.iclics and Mice. I was atca
ttily ashamed of the house, 'for tlie!Rottibea
wcre,ercrywhera, "anti" I dou't:lctioir what I
should have done, by this time. I. pnrchasted
a btixrof yotir Exterminator and tried it, and
• in one week there; was . not et:Roach or lioniis
in the house. '; • "
JO!EIN GIVEES;• No. St Elm it."
llooßE's SILT Wons.s,Oune 8,1857:
Dear ha're useclit,.(the Rat, Roach,
Exteitainator) three night', And it: is mak.
hag a 'sa'd havoc among the Bat tribe. .
Yours', .te.,. • 3. B. - B.EVOM:
What the Press. sa:a .
We latog:, by antual,experience, that "Cos;
tar's" Preparationi for Rats, Roaches; Bed Bugs
and Insects generdlli,ttre complete and perfect.
exterminators. .7therever`" Cost:lee Eiter
minittois have been used',;--they have never
faild to perfonn.nil that is claimed for them.
Ilouseiseeppre should not fail to try them. . --2f.
Y. Alias, ifay, 17th.
• ,
Wkrit the Druggists say r• , , -
A. J. B . LOCKSO.It, (Druggist,) New Lisbon, O.
"Your Exterminators prove satisfaitory."
G. & T. E. 31cDONALD,..-(Druggisis i ) !Cita
, _Brunswick, N. “We tried the Rat, R'oach,.
&c., ,ExtermivatOr,, and. itnnswered a Load
- - •
E. B. CUNNINGHAM : Pruggistjßearii. — Ditot,
TVis. "It Lthe Itoach, Ace.; Eitertnigs,-
tor] is highly iatisfactory:to those' who haft'
tried it.", 1 , •
SAMUEL HILL, [Druggist] Deer Creek,":Piek
away Co., 0., t•The Rat,.. Itofteb,Litc.4 Ez•
terminator does all it ie recommended to do."
LeLanon, Pa. 1" We are "pleased to say that.
which is sold gives satisfaction.",
DR, 11. WAY NE do SON, .Wholesale;and.
Retail Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. - .
135-6t.j • , -{ •
4 Benevolent Institution, eitablizhed by special.
endowment for the relief of - the sicisand die
tressed, ?filleted with Virulent ;and • , -
Epidemic,diseases. . •
O all persons afflicted with Sexual Disess
RIPEA;" GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of '
the awful destruction of harden hfe;:cansed
by Sexual diSeases, and t. a deceptions prac
tised upon the unfortunate victims of such
diseaies by Quacks. several years ago directed
their ConsultingSurgeonots a CHARITABLE
ACT worthy of tlieir name; to open a Dispen
sary for the treatment of this class Of diseases,
in all their forms,.and togive - MEDICAL -AD
VICE GRATIS, to all who apply' by-letter,
%vita a deseriptitm of theft' 'Condition; (age,
,occupation; liktbiti or life; • &c.;) and in caaea
of extreme poverty, to FURNISH - MEDICINES
: needless- to add
that the Association commarids . the highest
Medical skill of the age, and wilt furnish-, the
most approved modern treatment; •
The;threetors, On a review of the past; feel
assured that their labors in' this sphere of be
nevolent effort, have been pr great benefit to
the afflicted, especially-totheyeatag, and they
have resolved' to devote themselves ' with re.
„newed real.4o this very .: importaut but much
despised cause.
.. ,
' Just Published by thO'Associ.ttion, a 'Re
pia on Spermatorrbosa, Lr Seminal Weakness,
the Vice of Onanism,.Masiarbation:Or Self-
Abuse, and other Diseases of the! Sexual Or.
gans, by the ConSithirig SurgeortYWhiCh will
be sent by mail, (in a sealedreaselope,) FREE
OF VIIA,RGE,' op receipt of-TWO STAMPS
for pintage.
Address, foe ;Report. or treatnient,"Tir.
GEORGE FL CALHOllN f OonialtingStirgoon,
DorrtirdAssOciatioxt; Net. 2 South Ninth street,
Philadelithia; Pa; •
.13,fordelof the Directors; •
GEO.:FAIRCHILD; ffevelitry. l , . 1014—/y.
DRAPER' and.TAILOR, late . fi.:l-ra the City, of'
.14veriool; Euaiend. Shop •opoaite -Cyurt
Eduae" Coudersport; Pvitt , sr Co. Pe:
.N:B:--Particular attelditioii paid to CUT..
" - TING. • • • • • .11:1;Nip4i.