It:'"G- 10- 2=-1140 17 -' 'll.l '•! . III , EISUIIEWS7NALET ras,e.q.t..ed 3A4c1,5, I MO - 70 1jOTIOE, is hereby given that, agyeegbly to u A, a,ct. of Assembly passed the 13th ofl iar,ll. 1 , 115. entitled :' An Act to snp.nd. an Act , lireeiir4 -I .ac inoe,e" of selling .,ed 'awl: , for saxes. ke.," and the several iSuppie ent:: tberettr. the folbTwing tracts of unseated lands, in the Gourily of Potter, will be exposed 40 public sale or ontcpy, for all rirrearages of ;axes, at tae Cont; 'louse in the said county pf Poti,ir; on Clip sgcgsp MONDAY of JUNE ;text ;•titt also certain tracts of SEATED 1 ~ANDS which are retuFne4 for unpaid taxes, ..rill be e.:ptajed for sale, at the time and place pforesaid. agreeably to the Act of )pril 29th, Ll-t-1, fur taxes due thejeon, unless previously rid. - . Warra4l, 9aantity. Warrantee or °feller. ligcs, .811e r Tany TOrnshlp. 0:1 WIT 4. W.. S. Joilusqi, R,A I 90 I.:it) ', IL 103 04 29 S. P. Lyrnan, IG 21 IS” 1814 043 itIF4 Abbot Township, • 7.g u John F. Cowan, .. 45 07 .59u " - ' 56 43 8 . 9 v " lt i 3 21 111 i " ti 55 42 950 0 ti . §t; 44 134 ° it _ 760 500 Wm. 31Toug,n11 3il 00 610 j:',llen }leafing ..?P 1 I 20.) James F. Earl ll 00 1134 le. Garret 41i, Pont:K.lly 134 t;11 PIT -" .. t 1.3 tits 1117 .5 55 hia 68 Pra a 41 59 57 TowpAip. sw J. D. .IrOurdy 5 82 ita " 651 )23C )::J7 Clara T o wnship. 234 6:tia, E.ceveps J Co. 10 87 3 32 ?0 80 3 08 43 43 ; tiv 5864 fitiSB '2l7d ;;440 OSSii " 544 i• ti 22.0 " it i 45 Samuel haven epuders.poq Buroysh, yil. ,perches 20 32 Deroy Ellsworth 21 - 32 22 " 231 l 32 l Euialia Township, Warrant. Acres 245 Haven, Itounsvil4 Couc 928 990 John r..Cowan 31 61 PO 4. ' :. ;47 6;4 230 " n 10 23 728 " ti , 47 5;1 319 " - " 12 09 183 " " • ' .. 700 0494 4729 4753 4754 47t;7 4764 VJOe SVII ','.20 W. 3 107 fl lusi " 1094 " 090 genry D{iaker 112 ; 000 11. Merrimack 1: ('o t :I= l 4 " " zoo W. T t 3: J. C. Moore 100 stolo I'irrpout 004 1 61 X'Llougall 312 ‘, 150 " 60 Eolalia Coal Company 140 A.. I,'. Cune 413 " " 400 Davicl V. 4:41 900 Timothy Ives 899 " ?CO " ct 442 U. C. Nichols 190 Alfred flelluroy 5924 5148 5149 yll9 ?127) 7:12,t1 ciones'eo Township. '3 S. P. Lyman iiarrison Township. 760 J. M. 11..qper *JO Ilionms Harper iliram Colvin Tlehron Township, 31 Sabi Sterens 4 Co. ip3 BE 13'29 1205 put; 19ci a 221 cc 41 (1 fi 15 58 t" '4 11 .4 16 .362 U a a 13 58 101 Nichols, Sleyens .1:Co, 7 46 24 - " 11 .1 177 130 Stun n el Haven 4 80 50 " " 170 250 Wry & Wm: S. Johnson 27 77 200 " 6' 22 20 907 " 44 " 100 70 . . 70 Mead, Burnham .1r Co. 18 27 150 " " " 39 15 165 " 44 " 43 09 225 " " ti 58 71 1100 " " " 287 10 512 " " ".. 1.1930 400 4.' 0 104 i 0 80 't " a 20 83 64 " a • 44 16 12 80 " " " 20 88 . 0,0 " " 4. 13 05 Hector Township. 100 C. Hunsicker k Garlnk 710 127 " 9 10 4j5 W. B. & V. H. Slanzhter 33 73 Jackson TolToship. 9,00 John F. Cowan do 0 do 0 do ic (51233 5114 ;599 do -4 ii 40 571 1'1" IL 40 61 y it ii 40 GO do it ci 40 61 do q It 40 51 330 Joseph Davis ' 13 55 495 Frederick Raviser. 20 32 393 Timcdby Ives 1-6 15 Oswayq Township, 529 S. 1. Lyman -3; 81. 287 " ' 4 ' - 53 47 229 ~ 1, , 42 59 192 " 0 . 35 72 623 it t , 77 28 291 ii , i 54 13 - 18 " " 110 901 " ( i 167 59 04 " i , 56 AS 4 9.,11'ry 4,' WM. S.4obdAdit 34 50 200 " ti 14 40 214 4, iII f 15.40 . .70 " t'. it 504 200 'Weston ,k Co. ' 43 20 180 " " 38 88 429 Stevens, Peet & Steyen4 92 66 416 " " "i 89 SS • 100 Elijah Jones 21 60 39 alb Stevens & Co. I 72 4') 4‘ 4, , II I. 360 Pa " It 41 18 40 eI/A " " II 46 30 75 tiiebol3, Stevens & Cq. 5 42 2f,4 " " " 18 06 109 Burnham,Weston &Co. 237 38 .Spry ~ 61 14 I) f 4 laii 5122 5124 314 31'24 51.4 306 1 ) 1300 3787 51C9 5159 •I?ortai Township. 5431 • . /14,8 Pelt% Anorn y 0 94 5430 . 1028 MorFison & Bunting 1;9 33 3555 1413 Tim*thy Ives 10 3tl 3557 . 453 " 15 30 5433 1100 (f, it 37 13 3553 251 B. Ir. Slaymaker 8 48 3554 453 4 '." 15 30 54G1 360 T. Tires Pi 20 5437 1100 Horace Bracket 4.0 50 :438 do Bpliiaini Newland ' 00 00 riVo db II " do `I 5440 do :;" I‘ .. du 5441 -do .1i" . " do 5442 do ,!“ _ ;I " do z. , 5434 . do enea Fleemaq : 40 50 5430 ' do A. .I.l.l.loyingtpq 40 50 _____ 740 icl - ‘c 24 97 4033 5443 (697 Sof-Moon Sttitwell 58 54 '4OO IL 0. Nicholas 13 80 Shardy Township. 176. 20u T. 4. Burdick & Song 440 184 . 228 4'ii II 6, - 20 07 lino ..- ;145 '4 II it 30 30 5.74 - 275 WeSton & Co. 59 30 588.1 ; 500 !‘ " 108 00 :(74 275 Daniel Shnw.-jr. 75 83 5868 ;36 11. 11. Stevens, .t Co. 48 38 2194 268 1irt4.31, Smith 13 88 21110 . 670' ;' " 2 48, 5855 poo 111e:i,cirlan and Weston 52 80 5857 440 r;" " • 38 72 5855 100 Asenith Lane 1 80 5859 125 Pqer p. Dedric4 13 58 5855 154 ~" '. • - 670 5866 174 '" II 8 00 5863 70A 11 10 99 ;i 5878 90 l i " " 10 56 588; 110 , 44 4- 20 24 5867 415 , -;( " • 68 06 1 2141 24 , ; ;1" 196 , 58:',q 235 WUqd and Smith 71 56 5857 300 ),11 I, 12 10 2176 ' • 50 Riiillard Kirk 4 10 Swocion Township, 70 Thomas Allen 6 44 50 C. 14. Jones 4 60 10is WM. Fearon ' 10 56 80 14.4 4 , 736 213 '44 44 2514 tewqffison Township, 090 Juilu F. Cowan 42 58 7190i'-." " . 42 56 ; 900 i, 0 o, 42 58 090 -,j u It 4 2 56 ;; 990 !'-‘ "; . •42 58 ; 000 tl . It 42 56 990 ;; " " 42 58 990 ;(d ~,, 42 56 269 il, 6, . 11 56 990 . i. , .t . 42 5?3 7094 " . 47114 7100 i'd .4' 47 20 1094- I. .f 47 04 7100 , k"i 47 30 990 .140 yd, WatscA 4 I,loyil 42 58 300 . •' 12 90 750 110 a'4,125 ~ ,5..1, ~, U !.13 74 ---,.. 881 • i'" " 31 88 ESE I I 0 4 41 2P II IM 74 24 b 52 75 24 29 64 22 80 3 80 14 97 116 G 5 71 2133, 2120 2100 2117 2119 4 56 5 71 11 St; 1c). 20 34 20 3513 5:120 5512 ;14 20 3420 ;A:1 GU MB OM 64 7 GO SO 41t 11 4 60 , 2 28 14 19 10 lit 5946 551 It;Middlebrook 2;1 titi 594'4 1064 I.lj Merriman 3: Co iii TO 596 U /100 " " 47 30 5956 1U69 Dpdge &Co 41 26 5957 ' 109 A , i '.' " 47 (1-4 5950 617, .k: V, Cone 27 86 5940 300 Al B. Butt 12 90 5941 GOO ( ( « 25, tiff [III 5938 1100 8111(urro's- 39 46 5114 1117 (..rret cf: Ilayse 96 26 5115 1117 ii” ~• 96 26 c 5116 1117 11" ~ 96 26 5119 1117 H e nry Garret 96 26 5120 1101 '1 .. .. 91 68 5521 1100 1 1 11. 11 G. Stokesbur y 91 60 5323 395 .1 " " 33 98 45.26 395 Trenry Garret 33 96 5117 1117 turret ci: Hayse 96 26 5 9 5 3 1081 Q/ark it. Bums]. 46 50 5150 990 Ju lius Crittenden 83 16 5151 475 . 1 1 ‘, " 40 86 5153 500 11 43 00 .1733 . 700 ;,'ark Scholowitchep gq 20 --, 743 Win 31cDutigal 44 90 5619 134 11iutiolplas 13ac1ipnt 4 84 Su:lntuit Township, 4645 455 Frederick Rayiser 414 2 -10 24gi 4liztKing 16 08 2107 A 216, 183 1 2109 j 2107 2.182 2165 S 211., 40 57 40 61 40 50 40 57 110 U. i.-114:rdock 02 100 aristian —C filer 8 20 100 ;i it ... 820 S 7 lan Hibler ‘)1 • - 56 A. G. Oltns%cd I 60 147 W. W. Willink • 12 OS iou Havens, Reunsville it ciuns 2Ft 70 40 4.. H. Earns 2 46 190. ii " " - • 11 73 70 II „ • 4 28 {33 Iv. Willink , 542 Sylvania, Township, 4757 po John F. Cowan •' 9' 4758 465 1 " 1 , 4759 po j ~ , " 4760 Vl6 i " i' 4761 • 91,10.•; ; . " 4762 990 il " 1 % 4773. 990 , i .- " '4 4774 _ 00 .:! " " 4775 KO .1 " 4776 Ecie :: 4777 600 il " .4778 .q•:)v & • ;4i30 7 99Ui; ..... 4931 \ R9O ~' " •, 47i2 400 Wm Bracket . • 4158 00 Timothl Iwo, . • SY I Y II OIa 4nd: 1Y ilarto,la T0V 1 .414,4%. 4756 990 3ohn E. Oelvan' . . 4 rl 35 470__ 960, i ". t' ' 40. 35 4776 960 i " " -, 16 A,5 4632 .. . 99c0 :". •., ' 0 Zl6. • - - West Branch 'Township,: 46 i 1.3 690 :40.1,1n F. cue lm ' 47 52 4649 990 i:". n .., .. 47 52 4650 Oa fl -" ' 1!-- - 47 53 2102 2107 ell ITEI 4618 1694 DEB ::,I 2107 4693 108 00 1:1 08 6 4,1 1!1!El 1:11 - ,liike.l r owuship. :,.395 llun4lkdr 3: Gar)oelr. : . 'vi 02 Xl2 , ,';ft q,. • • 2 7 26 712 “ . :f5 ' .27 91 . 'l9O - ~• ~4 A, VI 2 n "0 • • ;I" ;‘) 1 • 27 67 1/1 • 02 A - -.." 32 59 • /00 WtoOrpnugt:ll. ' I.4.ri' - 490 Witao l th J'• Ise; • • 11 41 1000 • :•••• " - ,5'30 do ",!. " . do 3t 2 5 . .., c ... , 11 31 ;4;:o t - , 9 i 1) 36 352 "' " ' 23:: 48 ' . ' . 099 A. If i llneF. ' 7O 29 400 . 1 li 0 28 40 1020 "- ;1 " 72 85 4 90 Lc 1 q . ' 27 69 200 " li .9 • 14 20 05 K • lll.):ol4o.lces 4 lillimgcli. 202 221 Itculien. Davis! • 15 61 -, 1:,...) Beni', TWA' 3 06 )60 .1. Y. l'une ' -t; 08 " 221 " " PA ",1 44 747 • 500 CeOas Bracket 22 50 .550 Wai. S. Johnson, 24 75 ii.OUIOt Township. 1uii.0 1 .4 & Alter lqi m,Hainiiton cf V ft 4651 . - 800 John F. Cow - alt 33 40 4652 60') - ." " '2B eu ISZEM 4659 495 .< .f 63 71 4654 495 " 9_ - •• , 23 80 4655 1 990 " tf ' - 47' 52 . 465.4 700P‘ P - - 33 60 4657 590 a 0 got 33 - 45:) , 9 990 " " -47 A 72 4659 990' " 0 - 47 . r 9!)0 46G4 RIO , 41%5 • 999 •• 4C6G . :190 •• 4667 990 •• - 4669 990 . 467:1 - 990 . q 47 55' 467:3 990 . lc - • 47 52 4674 960 f' i ~ 47 52 4675 990 . ff ,47 52 4619 . 125 . if . - .. 5 97, 4q78 249 .inhn King 1190 4E179 `4Oll Win 31.11hnigal 9 60 4678 .- . 4.7 8..11. EleriniA 230 5814 200 Mont: Lm-v 9 60 4211 Itubert Tubbs 120 16 4 67 1 ig 4 IS Wharton Township, 467 1 1 700 John F.COW au ISM 4684 800 tf ff ;38 40 4113/ - 700 ff ft GO 41194 ' 800 is tt 8 470 Q 9:0 •t 97 5 4705 690 0 ;313 470 U 690 tt p 13 47(7 ' ti 33 13 4713 500 24 Ou 4726 'TOO 33 60 47117 4;55 N •13 4734 800 •,1 :18 40 4751 7:10 .. <i Y•lsli 4755 990 u ' 47 52 -118 t 990 47 572. 4918 940 " t! 45 12 4921 ti9ll " " 33 13 492:1 400 n " 2103 492,3 WI • " 0 g,B 80 4925 560 " ti 211 88 4928 3..10 o 4 10 32 49'29 900 " v , 43 20 4933 990 tt •i 47 59 493-1 990 v tt 47 5 2 4938 300 " , s 14 46 4940 495 " - 23 b 4. 4941 495 " " 23 83 4942 500 " " . 21 06 4943 500 - v " 24 60 5908 400 v " 19 20 5919 300 o "14 46 4758 . 175, John King 8 44 1 990 Timothy Ives 47 52 2 10 900 tt " ' 47 52 3 851 v "4090 • 4 939.5" - 45 03 4920 896 Smith A: Brothers • 43 51 4924 100 R. W. Mclntire 4 90 4927 g l 700 H. 31. Wharton 'a3 60 4939 50 v . " - 241 4939 445 Henry Edwards 21 78 4772 491 Julius Crittende4 22 61 4774 100 Wm. Bracket 4 80 5908 275 A. Is. Cone - ' 15 38 4714 - 990 Edwar(l. Harris 47 52 4724 990 - 't tt 47 52 4935 990 W. Wiliink, et al 47 52 Seated Lands notta.riled. Urks.eatecl, - Allegany Town Alp, Acres. Warrantee or Owner. Tax. 105 Rufus Thompson 390 60 John Pye, jr. (3 09 71 Wm. Yeomans 113 100 Lemuel Lovel . 594 86 KD. Hurtburt I'l3 130 D. Holenbeok & Brother - 31. 00 115 Hiram Herrick . 471 100 Henry Lamberton 426 197 A. V. Stebbins 667 A /Zoe Township. sc, C. Carom 228 100 Ellen Mealing 330 100 James Nelson 294 150 I t eopold Henerwertz 158 Bi»ghanz Town Alp. 215 t's;, Q, Burnside 4 . 44 62 Hiram Crank- 1 80 74 Q. 31'llii ijels Z 1 (10 00 Edward Twrier. 422 romiship, 160 I;nritiol .11e.yett (.War, 4"S s iB)- 5 313 71 Colliu4 Lyman 402 3 7 8, M, Benton 30 2K 100 11, Naon :3 30 100 Win, wctrcleri 6 9 100 A. 3!. Benton 104 Coudervort Borough. l',reheß 128 R. G. White, 4 Vii. Lots, $9 Si 32 J. W. Wallace, 1 do . Lot, 52 32 C. 1' Dike, 1 'do . do 313 32. C. W. Johnson Ido do 15 30 Elizb'h Wright 2 do do 58 32 S. M. Mills 1 do do 141 91 Versel Dickinson 1 55 En !cilia Township. 50 John Crittenden . 496 247 Leonard M:Ricy 18 SI 50 F, A. Arnold 165 58 James WAi6l' 185 50 1, B. Dnyis _ 100 221 Samuel Haven 221 50 George Ayres - 115 90 J. W - --5 1 Inth 265 85 glynnw Walkev „‘ l i 26 . 50 A. F. Berney 215 50 Sampstm Ati4ol. • 115 Genesee Township, ' 85 W. T. Jones 152 97 Joseph lielinn rat 100 Richard Marble 130 150 Joseph Lawton 2.63 Ha rrisrn Town 4 ix, 50 Win. Cobb 909 44 .14 20 Wm. Bailey 89 199 Wm. Cobb - 546 • Hebron Township, 82 A. M. Benton 187 50 Beecher & Warren 830 36 - Sabra Bennett . 1 95 160 IL &W. S. Johnson ' 17 29 ' 350 Nichols, Stevens 4 Co. 28 27 39 James F. wick 223 39 Franklin:Galo - .2 32 . 53 E. P. 216 1 50 Sala Steens 130 15 40 991 gertor Township. 112 Isaac Empry 146 50 Pavid Wheeler 65 . 110 John Hunter '1 18 100 W. W. Guernsey l3O Homer Township. 100 Jesse Frost 430 50 John Glaspy 288 100 Harding & Upson 730 50 'Win. Dingman 115 1 - 66:'s . • re , • 67 r-I.ra Holliday . ST, Jackson. _7 . ownsleii. 384 ! Stephen 'Wilson 6 11 Israel -Ara.neuren 65 • o§krayo Tozczolci . p,' 116 James Franklin 303 57 Leo Frne4 148 100 ;Fitch Robinson 4.00 .i 7 47 54 47 5•! 47.5 47 51 Pleusant 'Paley Township. A's 91Aucnistps Hess & Vi) 195 S. - 4, Ostrander • , (35 Pike Ibicyship, 120 A. P. Cone .2103 2(53 - (3 84 1-10 ,c . . it 1 78 OS • Sanntel Carlin 7 27 150 50 48 J. E, Hovencamp 129 Roulet Tozoiship, 50 Samuel &P. 3,1. - Va . 65 .50 Horace Stiles: ( , • 65 190 Horne Coleuith 10 29 88 Joseph Coleman 2 26 49 ' Orange Pcnoyer • 1.54 67 Christopher Eaveland 3, 84 Sharon Tow ship, - 4(1 • J. C, (.Irrier 1 45 47 David Edglcy 108 50 D. Filler 320 100 Asenith Lane 130 50 T. McKinster . • 133 181 Silas Sutherland 371 50 Garret Vanden:at:l; 350 50 L. B. Sutherland 143 250 A. Sutherland 025 50 Thomas Tilson 115 415 B. Dedrick - 10 29 200 Thomas Bee . 310 50 D. Tubbs 1 55 50 G,' 1 3 , White 1 93' Summit Twrnslit:ii. 50 Thonris Gearheart, 220 130 Petev i ßest 260 50 Hiram Saith 40 50 Datiiel,Bertran • 82 50 David Card. 36 50 David Card 100 139 Peter Best • 260 75 Henry Shears 410 Sweden Township, 76 Bruce Ives 112 214 ' Leonard 11PIcey ‘2 7S Syteattiu, Twoish.ip, 100 L. Robison 130 L7ysses Township, 78 Henry Blackman 14S 75 . Cornelius Loucks , • , 92 45' James Blackman ° r. 60 79 Anson Blackman 1 2.6 These Brava 499 • Abram Bruner (War. 46a) g 85 500 " " " 4669) '2B 00 150 A. J. 13ennington 6DO 75 Hiram Cowan uJ r .50, di (i 65 130 Seth Dasart 169 389 - Win. Waters 5 06 436 ' T. It. Morgar; 10 03 105 W. Wetmore. 136 1501 Nels Patson 1 95 103 Nelson Nels. 103 uybealx, County Trcazurer, Coudersport, March 10, BE FM THE GOLDEN PRIZE FOR Illustrated.lBsB Illustrated ME New York weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is one of the largest and best literary papers of the day. An Imperial Quarto containing EIGIJT PAGES, OR rowry COLUMNS, of entertaining mat ter,: awl ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATE ( ) evert' week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $5OO C) in gold; will be pre sented to each subscriber imme diately on receipt of the sub tion money. One Copy for one year, $2 00, and I gift. One coOy for two years, 3 50, and 3 gifts Out copy for three years, 5 00, and 3 gifts One copy fur five years, S 00, and 5 gifts ASP TO CLUBS Three Copies, one year, $5 00, and 3 gifts. Five copies, one yelq, $8 00, and 5 gifts. Ten copies, one,yer,r, $l5 00, and lOgifts Tvreoty-Zine copies onc.year $3O 00 and 21 gifts The articles to be distributed.are comprised lathe following list : 2 Packages of Gold, containing ssoo.eacb. 5 du dq do . 400 each. 10 do do do 100 each. 10 Patent Lever Iluutive gas ed Watches, • f 100 each. 20 Gold Watches, s'"fs each, 50 do $OO each, 100 do $5O eaelt. '3OO Ladies Gold Watches $35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches $3O each. 500 Silver Watches $lll to $25 each. 4 000 Gold Guard, Vest, and i -Fob Chains, $lO to $3O each. 1 _ Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Ear Props, Breast l'ins, Cuff l'ins, Sleeve Buttons, Wogs. Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, gold and sit- yer thimbles, and a -variety of other articles worth . from 50 cents to $l,O 00 cv,clt. Thuntecttuf&Ty on receipt of the subscription . money, the subscribers name will .be entered upon our subscription book opposite a num ber; and the, gift corresponding with that num ber will be fbrwardcd,-within ono week, to the subscriber, by mail or express; post paid. Ate onagtualcations should be address ed to BECKETT d; Co., 48 and VI . .,Voffata Building, 335. Broadway, New York. l0:36-t39. *** Bpeeinaon COrktes sent free SyIINC,EIt is Agent for man of the most popular Xedieines now usc, a few of .which he will mention: J. R.-ST-AFFORD 4 CO.'S OLIVE I' 4 AR, DR. D..,JA.YNE .4 SON'S FAMILY . MEDI 3 CINES. • J. C. AVER CO.'S CIIERRY PECTORAL AND PILLS: SEVERAL KINDS OF CHERRI SYRUPS, &_c., led., Sc. - Stafford d: Cof : s Olive Tar is ap plied and inhaled by.wearing on INHALER around the neck and on the breast. His OL IVE OINTMENT is applied where the skin is broken, and is a popular remedy where known. Good forthe Whooping Cough. . up LEACHED MUSLIN'S:and a few other Si tiCit4 in the line of Staple Dry Goods, low for cash at .. E. E. SPENCER'S, 10:3 - D. w. S., ~14t TERMS ifitalailati:4lll4T i altr take•this"method Of in- I. forming their TriOniLi thnt they are in re eipt of, and urn renw-nlienittgr;tieltiiice stud I desirable stock of'.. STAPLE AND. FANCY - to which - they invite liteAstNi desire tolualte purchases, y has been seleetinVirith great ocularly adapted to 'tile NT4Ilt of our country, Oiniitock silts of I DRESS GOODS, TRI3I3i/N1 EMBROIDERIES, • - • 'CLOTHS, CASS! I YESTINGS, D mEsTics, stairmus' LINENS; PRI: HOSIERY, SII. and a variety of other article to meutlon, Welaye also a taciit of GROCERIES, CROCKERY MI of OtiGh will -be sold for_yeady.poy, itfQC itpprt) reasonable terms as app lommouly cheap et t credit on as r estatasbuient. kNICIILII.S; Millport, Aug. 11,. 1350--- ,:!: [3 ly. PL W. KING Er.: PATENT CHAIR 111AN1F.4,F 438. Broome One Door East of Broadway ; t , way,) NEWYORK, [Established A. D. INVITE a n examination of ety and superior assort'''. manufactured at their own eit: under their immediate obserr iueittdiug PIVOT REVOLVING CIA: SELF-ACTING VATt' i tiSlo;. CHAIRS; IMPIOVED INVALID \VII :EL CHAIRS, MAJOR SEARLE'S TRAVE .ING INVALID CHAIR. SPANISH' 'SPRING AND .SQUAB CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC, SPINAL ASb ASTHMATIC INVALID CHAIRS, AC., &U.' I&C., Embracing the most complete assortment, and choicest kinds for Parlors,iDrazeing Rooms, Chambers, Gardens, Libraries,lounting Houses, 0 . 1/ices, Public Institutions; Dentr,sts, Varbers,,ST., together with every desirable Sort adapted to the comfort, convenience attq luxury of the Sick, the Aged, the huirm, the Lame and Lazy, In point of ingenuity of deAigp, elegance of finish, quality pwl richness oil material, faith fulness of executiod. durability and cheapness, these chairs are unsurVassed.l For them, M. W. ICING SUN, were awarded the first and only Prize Medal. and this fao!ilty recommend them 43 preferable to bedslar couches fur patients afflicted with Spina/ Asthmatic or Pronchial affections. To either arm of the chair Mar be attached a convenient reading or writing; fb:F.R.,untl any combitta!tiou desired will be manufactured to to order. Circular with explanato& cuts, will be sent by mail if requested. and Orders [with re mittances.] promptly form art..d to any part of the world, LUXURY & CONOAIY! KING'S NEW CHAIR. "AS YOU LIKE IT," An Arni Chttir, Reclining Chair, Couch and Bedstead, comitts u IN ON ,] iS Stl,eeptible of twelve diftereut positions or changes, to meet the varied, requirements for comfort, conveni ence, luiury and cc/1410y, [ip space as well as price.] Whether 414A/1 , 1:4s ur healh„this celebrated CHAIR, "is sica7 1,15,V, IT," VINCer ' S 111 many respects, any -chair perhaps ever manu 7 factuted iii thbi or any outer country, The price varies from lytcra to tifrty according to iitti4l. To. Public institutions, as well as to individ uals, this.CllAllt is n very desirable article, and will he supplied in iltly . 11/mber on the most liberal tarot:. APPLY to or wthiress N. W. 1,;.1,\T, SON, 438 Broome st.. One door cost. of Vroutlii Nr.vz YouK, (Late Broadway, fi-cl4-Iy. EW GOOPB,—A Fir.e Assortwo, just 111 received ut. GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE The best Therapentic Agent er Int rodui:ed. DiCK-INSON'S - 1141. GN ETO ELEC. • w4m‘ TRW MACHINE .‘ is exciting the Vf4Tt ithqothing Itten • • • ::•_ 0:Otion of the Medi ; tl/ ; :; / l' , 4e4r- • • (11 ProfesSion nnd • --is. ' • a large portion of the intelligent lay men of the land. It is now clearly demon strated that the lancet, mercury, and all other internal " drug medication" may be laid aside with perfect safety to the patient and abid ing benefit to posterity. Wherever these ma chines have been introdueedi•they excite the ' highest wonder and praise. The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relieve 'and Cure every disease incident to humanity,—more particu larly all those painful and formidable distills , - es which have for centuries baffled the pro foundest ]earning end skill of'physicians. From whatever cause therelmay•be an ex cess or deficiency of the nervous fluid—pro duping nn excess or deficiency of : the acids land alkaline secretions—the Magnetic princi plea of the system are deranged, and can on ! lytie safely restored to their normal condition by an application of magneto-electricity, by means ;of 'PR; .DICKINSON'S MAGNETO EI 4 E(11110 MACHINE. 'apparatus will positively prevent, and speedily relieve and cur.e. Consumption, Scrotulit, Rheumatism, Palsies,: Neuralgia, Spinal Disease's, and all other painful maladies. however hopeless and of long Standing.. They are eminently useful in all sexual and urinary disorders, linden lady where the Coristitfition has Wen broken down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits 1 to 'which too many .of the young of both sexes arc So lamentably prone. DR. DICKINSti . N'S MAGNETO, ELECTRIC MACHINE Is ilthoitt the dangerOus eompli cationsOf batteries and acids--which fact alone rentlerS it superior to all others on the score of neatness:cleanliness, safety anti utility.— It :is, in fact, :a hanclunne parlor ornament; nuiy be applit.d by. a child ; and 'will last a lift-tinte, to the great saving of Doctor's bills, e. ' 'PRICE OF 'TIIE.MACIIINE $10; It will be safely packed and sent to any part ofl the 'gilded States. Sold wholesale and retail nt the Medic.itl Ctflice,No;:3B.NOlVini SSVE I ITII S6cet„Pbiladelplaja. Address, A. C. DICKUSSON, • io=l--iv. ORANGES .AND LEMONS just received by 10:3 W B. & J.ll. GRAVES. .Ikt 0 ,CHARGE FOR. SHOWING! THE NEW li - Goods just - receivedat OLMSTED'S. fit . t& - obkmiisitb - IC The Mope' at -Tut . Peiicd; I 1 ' -cal ita the world - - ' 7!.l;T.lALa.ticou 100 000 -- ) • . relit ATEPANT AND FASCINATING •-it. LI ELAItY AND Fa3IILV .MONTHLY MAGA'INE closes, its. first volume in June next:;l ming the few brief mouths of its ex. tence it has attained a popularity unequalled i n the a uals of the press, - : • Th i n p Wilier'. having offered liberal Pre.. t mitosis or device literary efforts : the Stories, llomanc .s, Essays, Poetry, and! other . spark. ling au interesting reading wis cotumenced In Janu ry last, and are being. l still publish , ed hi th % Visitor. : i The, New Voluule. trill he contineaced in Ju. ly 1i357i greatly improved and cularged— Eaelx u tuber will contain thirty-two extra laige siz, l o royal, octavo pages, Making a Mag. ItifiCOlt i i , - oluint of nearly 400 -Pages , for the yeari--or presentinw .an amount of .tile choi cest reading on all' subjects., • equal to what would cl , ,)st in the book stores! at least-fifty cent?, payable. inVitriably in advance. Stitne hf the most popular apdbrilliant male and female contributors are. regular cnntri.. liiiturs and the publishers Will spare no pains or espense to render the "Welcome Visitor" every way acceptable to a relined and intelli. gent cotimuuity. • II Thu pOlivatioill is adapted to all classes at popps; - .Atiou.of all wild stuck, is large Icare, and is par ts of 414 seedou F Dry Goode con- =s, nII3IIONS, tASOLS tVtgs ;TS, , N% LS, too numerous !complete misort- :kRE AND SAN, , ial) pople—the young and the old,--and- , where. ever seen and perused, tweets with- tiniVersa] aceeptatton. par Now is the time to. subscribe to thb New VolUnte. - * - i'...i* The back= numbers nt• be*. had (to conwlete sets) fur 3 cents each t , or, the whul series of V 4 numbers fur TWENTI'PIyk: cents. - Litter 1 inducements to Clubs and Can vas,lers.l FILERS, iL tree t, Late 468 lima& CEIM 'heir great Vflri . of CHAIRS, atilishmept, aud thou #1.4 111-1 - letuetaber, our terms are Fifty cents far Otte year; fur a single oop3t, or three cop ies trill he scut uutler one cover oraddress.for Ouo Pidlur. Address, COSUE4 k COMPANY, _ Publishers, No. :le North 4ovolith 'Street, (up stairs,) 10:1-.1y ts. lIECTWAItNT Of all disease ; the great,,llrst cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws STTFrER NOT Wtien a -IMRE is 41a.raateed • IN ALL STAGES I)F, DISEASES, Sclf-A6asr, Krrrozu Drbi Mricturez, - Glrets, * Growl, Diabetes, Diseases v .. the Kidneys nod _Madder, AUrrear4:al libruntatisini ,Scroffilo, .Ptaas in (he lionrx and Dirca3e3 of ae Luaus, Throat, Nom' and Kars, Peers upon the ..goci . e/ or Linda, Canrcrs, Droprv,-4 , ilrElic.Fits, S(., l'ita's P(111Cr, aid all dirrosrs oriaing /row a del-figment of the &Twit Oryitne, g s tTli as Nervous Trembling, Less of Mem- . ii• orY," Loss Pw . of oer, lieneral Weakness, Dimness of Vision u ith peculiar spots ripper , ing before tlie,eyes, Loss of right. Wakeful ' ness, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, lii•uptious upon the face, Pain in the track and bead,' Female irregularities a n d all improper discharges frost both sexes. It matters_ not from what cause the disease orig.inated, however longstanding" ' or obstinate the case, recovery is certain. and in a shorter time than aperrinineat cure can be cl- - 1 fedted by any other treatment, aton after the disease juts hauled the skill - cif eminent physi chins and resisted all their Means of cure. The medicines are pleasant with out odor,eansing no (sickness and free front mercury or balsam," Daring twenty years of practice, I have rescued from 113[1 jaws of Death inan,tlthotirrands, Who, in :thy last - stages of the above nieutiened dig.. ewes had been given up to die hy their physi (ions, which warrants me inprouit.sing to the Ile - Meted; who may place thcutstVes Muter my care. a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret Diseases are the greatest eneinies to health, ai they are the first cause of ConsuMption, Scrof ula, and house other disease;, tie d Should be a terror to the ittrumn family, As a permanent , cure is scarcely ever effected, a taajority of the' I eases litlling into the lords of incompetent I persons, who trot.only fail to cure the.diseasee but ruin the constitution, filling the . sy.stent I with mercury. Nrilich, - With 1118 disease, has, tens the :tifftrrer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatinent not cause death speedilt'and the victim mar ries, the -disease is entailed Upon the . chiltiren, who aro horn with feeble•rioustitutions, and !the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in ;Scrofula, Toter. Vlcers, Emir.. 1 nuns an other affections of the skin, Eyes, [Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief evistenoe orsufterin,g - and consigning, them to an early grave s SELL 4 1.11175 E is.another, formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the.]dread cats legue of htithan diseases causes so destructive it drain upon the system, drawing its thousands . rOf victims through a few years "of suffering i down to an untimely grave. It destroys the l' Nervous system, rapidly wastes away the en,- lergies of life, causes mental derangement,. prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies tbr marriage; society, business ( . and all earthly happiness - find leaves the Fut'- term- wreckedin . trody :mil ladudy PrOisp"sed i to consumption and a train of evils more to ht i dreaded than death' itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the unfortunate victims or iSell-AbuSe that a permanent and - Speedy cure can be affected, red with the abandonment or i ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust., Vigorous health. • • The afflicted are cautioned against the 1.130 . of Patent Medicines, -for there are so many ingenious snares in, the colthuns of the. public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their ccinstitutions mines! by the vile compounds of_ 'lriack doctors, or. the equally poisonous nostrums vended a'-. "Patent of I haveMarefully analyzer!, many of the so called l'atent Medicines air find that nearly all of them contain COSI;OSIVG. Sublimate, which is-one .of the strongest pre... partitions of' mercury and a deadly poises, which instead of curing the disease disables the system for life.. . • 1 . - Three-fourths of the patent nostrums new" in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant Persons, who do not undeqtand even the: id, phabet tif the materia nzedicri, and. are ' equally, as destitute of any knowledge of the hunniu system.( having one "object(only in view., and; that to make money regardless of consequeri-. ces. 1 , . • leregVlaritics and all diseases of males" and feraolesl treated ou'prinefp,les' established by. twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by I:thousands of t he most remarkable cures. lied icines with full directions sent to any part 01 , tie I,7nited states or Canaries, by patients cotmuniticating . their syMptoins .by letter ,- BusineSs Correspondence strictly confidenti- 1 , Address. ! . _ J. SITINIMERVILLE, M, A o.frice - No. 1131. rilbeit Sty ; • (Old No. , 'lO9, ) • . 1O:€-1y. - BELOW TWELBTII,. . xT E'.V -GOODS—A Laria and 5p1e440..." sortmenfjust receiYid at 10:1' 01,..WP0L P I L.A D L-1 1 ji I.A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers