The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, March 23, 1858, Image 1
SING. 4 -11 COPIES, } VOLUME L-NMIBER. 3& THE POTTER 'JOURNAL, muss= EVERY TaURSDAY moasiss, sv , Tbos. S.. Chase, Tv whims all Letters -and Communications should be addressed, to secure attention. Terml..-luvarlably la Alkilvaince : 1it,23 per A.nnaus. = Terms of Advortising; .1 Square LIO hues] inzertim, . - 50 a „ 3 „ „ $l5O c.sch subsequent insertion leas than 13, t 1 Square three months, - - • it , nine " _ " one year, L3tila and iigore wort, per eq., 3 ins, Seery subsequent Insertion, t_ColaninLaix months, - - - - ---•-- 1.8-00 I. 11 /a 46 ii 10 00 _ 61 II 7 00 1 . "-per year. 3O 00 4 11 46 ii - 16 00 Double-column, displayed, per annum 65 00 66 " SiX mouths, 3 0 0 61u three " 10 00 64 On. moath, 600 11 II per Niter. of :0 Uses, each insertion under 4, 100 ['arts of columns will be inserted. at the same rates. r Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200 Auditor's Notices, each, 1 50 ,sheriff a Sales, per tract, 1 50 !ferriage Notices, each, 1 00 Divorce Notice., each, 1 50 Administrator's Sales, per square for 4 itiirtions, Business er Professional Cards, each, .20L excetling V lines, per year, - - iOO Special and Editorial Notices, per line, 10 ./irdrAll transient advertisements must be paid in advance, and no notice will be taken ssC advertisements from a distance, unless they are accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference.- gusinez,s earb,s. JOHN S. MANN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Coudersport, Pa., will attend the several • Courts in Potter and Wlican C o unties. All busincvs entrusted in his care ivill receive . prompt attention. Office or 1140 it.. oppo site the Court House. 10:1 F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will yegnlarly attend tho Courts in Patter and the adjoining Counties. 10:1 AUTIItiR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all bUsiness entrusted to his care, with promptnes and fidelity. Office in Temperance Block. sec end floor, Main St. 10:1 ISAAC BENSON ATTORWEY AT LAW. Coudersport, Pa., %%I+l attend to all business eutrusted to him, with care and protniitness. Office corner of West and Third sts, 10:1 L I'. 11'11,141.6T0N, ATTURNVI" Al' LAW, WeliA,oro', Tioga Co., Pa., will atteud ale Couril. in Pu.u•r Coauties. 8; 13 U. W, BENTON, 81:SVEYOR AND CONVEVA:CCF,R, Ilay- Wwd T. 0., (Allegany Tp.,) Potter Co., Pa.. -will attend to all uuswess la his line, with tare and dispatch. U:33 W. K; SURVEYOR, DRAFTSMAN AN') CONVEY ANCER, Sinethport, 3l'lieati Co., Vu., will attend to busiroas tor nun.resident land holders, Upon rea,on:thlit terms. lieleren cos given if required, P. S.—Maps of sti) part of the County made to order, 4:13 0. T. ELLISON, YRICTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa„ respectfully informs the citizens ui the vil lake and vicinity that be will prowply re spond. to all calls fir professional services. Onice oa Slain st., in building formerly oc ' eupied by C. W. 411 is, Esq, 9;211 tOLLMS SIIITV S3IITII a JONES, DEALERS IS DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, *Fancy Articles, Stationers - , Dry Goods, Grocaries,' Mfiia fit., Coinltreport, D. E. OLMSTED, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, READYI-NIADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, kc., Main st.. Coudersport, Pa. . 1v:1 M.' W. MANN, psATAR IN HOOKS STATIONERY, MAG. ALIN'Eti awl Music, N..W. corner of Main aid Third sta., Coudersport, 10:1 - E. R. HARRINGTON., jEwsLun, Coudersport, Pa., having engag id a wind** is Schoccuaker .t Jackson's Mier* will carry on the Watch and Jew e l r y hasiaeas there, A fine-assortment of Jew „elry constantly on hand. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired, in the best style, ,on the shortest aotiee—all work warrante d. 9:31 HENRY J. OLMSTED, (6UCCEIMO3Z TO JAYE. W. /IMMO )EALER IN STOVES, TIN k SHEET IRON , WARE, Maio at., nearly opposite the Court Douse, Coudersport, Ps. Tin and Sheet Iran Ware mode to order, in good style, on . abort notice. 10:1 COUDERSPORT HOTEL, D. T. GLAMMIRE, Proprietor, Corner of Main and Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot. ist Co., Pa. 9:44 ALLEGANY !LOUSE, IMILTEL Y. MILLS, Proprietor, Colesburg Patter Co., Pn„ men miles north of Coo -46040ril 444 . , ' . . 1 . . . - . 1 • . . . - . I - - r • 1 . - A- 1 • r . - . I.' • 1 - . •• . . - • . . . * . . , . . . , . . . 4 • . .1 -. .'; i .• " i . . - .- . . . . . ~.i' . : . • . . • • . . . . . . . ....•... .. . . . . • _ ----- 7 ------ ----• .--.-.._ _-- , . . . • • . - 1 i . . . . . : i - • , : ' i -., - • e ,,.....,.__....,,.,....... : ,...:,...,,,,..,.,..•,.:.•,,,,,.,, I ..... T .,...,. :,-..,:::.• ~.--._.:, ,• • • --,:--- •.• -, --- - -.- -, :1 •-, fop - i # •• ~* •., '.' •Ii ,:',i i.. ,- .' ." .-, ...; • . . ..... . ~. _. . , •.. - . . 0 i. ,-.. - ~ • , . i .-. I . ' . '.!,!, ~_,,..„..,, ~ 0 . ,:. ,,. .:! : - . ....i , . ..4. , 1 ,_.', .._ :...,':':-*-:,.' *•- .. .. 1.. ::.: ,j ,. -- ,';' ,. a 0 ,....'- ..- ( _:. . . . 1 . , ~.,„ ~ ' ' • :,.. ..' ',. ' t o : - .1 \ 4 -• . ..:.. ! . -,,., ,3 . ' A i l ----4 "....,:0 . ii • „ 7‘ ,.•-•• e l PH il r "d4 i e ' i ' • i , . . , ' • .. . 25 50 4 Uu 5 5u 6,,00 3 04 ill We think oar raptures;n-:'er will change - We pray, them not • But 'tis our lot— A word—a look—may, us esteatigo. But FatENDSMP is a sacred think; ' . It bears With ii no jealo:is stinae; 'Tis puresud mild, • • When undefiled- • ; By hope of gain, or hope of luit— A sacred . bond Of two hearts fond— In such a love, oh, let'us trust. • Let those whOse fincy.ronms above Thugs of this earth, oh, lot them kive— Give me a friead, Who, to the end Of life, no 111 e can from me serer,— ' On my fond breast Her head shouldrest, While I sang my song i)f—P•riendsiii over A>,11,0. 1 60 REPORT OF The Superintendent ofConution Schools in Potter County, Stor My commission which dates from the 18th of October last, was received about ' the 12th of November, Mr. Pradt :Lav ing resigned in June previous,- the office of Cuunty Superintendent was' vacant dur ing live menthe of the year for which this report is to be-made. A large number of the teachers for the summer schools were cot examined; none of the schools visited ; 'consequently theft. 'are-no records from which to ntake adefi- Rite report of that 'tuition of the schoel year, That I might be able, to ascertain, as nearly as possible, by inquiry while visit ing toe several school districts, those sta tistical items requasted iu the instructions the Department, I have- delapd :this report longer Null it L.Cier wise would have been. School Ilouse.—First class, none; sec .,nd class, forty-three; third class, thirty; nine. Few new school ;tous l es have been erected in the county during thelear, the best of which, in all respects, is hi the Homer district; but this is defectiVo in one or two particulars, in the arrangement of the school room. The bllck-board is too small for couvenicoo?, and no prOvis ion made for a recitation seat in front M it. A convenient reel/WI/on seat is an item quite generally orerlouked by directors in school house arrangement, unless one W their uu.uber happens to be an experienc ed teacher, and wide awake to j the im provements of the day iu eauuloa school education. There are school houses in this county, recently built, furnished - with s'eats and desks for two pupils each, somewhat after' the modern style; but not a place w ~. class of eight or ten spholari can be m.t counnodated convenient t, the Lmli- Warn , or otherwise. ThiS detieleupy has a great infi,uence in preventing the slo.tee;s'ul elassilienzion of pupils , and is eye source' of much-contusion in the ..ohoei room and perplexity to the teacher. .school 4 rcliitects re.—.No school henses have yet been built, or thoroughly reolutl oiled, front plans contained, iu the Penn sylvania School Architecture. A few U. the directors have given attention to thin; subject, and oontemplate.erecting housesl worthy of -the object fur which they are designed. ' Maimed of School Houses. —Briok, noise; stone, none; log, twelve; frame, seventy; total, eighty-two, =! &hoot Furniturc.—First dm charac ter, in none of the sehoul houses; second Blass, in twenty-ono; third class, In sixty one. &hook—First else, (traded,) none; seound class, (elassified,) eighty ; third ulas.s, none. Though all our teachers 'put.- sue asystcm of chtssification to 'some ex tent, yet with a number it is not as effi eient as we hope. to see carried out in the future. Many of our most skillful teach ers also are embarrassed in their efforts to classify their pupils, in consequenee of ir regular attendance and multiplicity of tezt•booke.. Ages of Ancherse—Viir Items under this and three or / four following heads are estimated for the first half,of the school year,-and are as correct as have been able to ascertain from obiervation and in quiry...a Under sere,nteel years of i , ..: , ....„#.:f40i1t r a,.-, - ,io-iiit , tiiiKiAi;f . : Pf r -Zile , .. iiA • iiio . c .i i:.4e4j, ; 40.4 4e, :iiiBieil),;4oi6li' - .., a f )110 v;iiii, _i',.. , :i,t2 . i•:itto'e ail fetu s . Original Autry. CWEITTIN you THR P5l TtUR JOURNAL.] LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP.. • II? Miss Woontock i t, R. I. Love bath wings as light as air; ' Huthght Is quick as lightning's - flare: He conies, he goes, - - In joys, Lu woes We know not when, we kilow not hoW His subtle arts • • 13tgu;le,our heart:, ' And inskei us pledge in sacreilvoir. ' ' - Then Love iv all a heantreous siteam •! Of bliss and happiness supranc— -Angelic joy, Without alloy; gturational. STATISTICS. 1 1 f , 1 COUDZEISPORT, lICTTER COU,Nlri,.F.k t T4 1 1,1PSDAY,'ItligtC# 230858. age, :nine; betiveem seventeen andtwerity one, inclusive., forty-eight; between twen 7 tv-one and twenty-five , : nizu•teen )f.tett , twenty-five and tiirty, tiventy-three . ; mewl thirty' and • forty, fourteen ;! be; tweet, forty and fifty, one; over fifty, two; one of whom: was over seventy. Total, one hundred- and sixteen. . . Birtkp (E. 4 tinuited.)—Porn_ in -Pennsylvania, fifty-nine; bJriiout of Penn .? • sylvania, fifty- - ,even. - Experience in Teaching.—[Aseertain rwith -sufficient exactness from ,inquiry 4 f those acquainted with the teachers.. where I have not had the oppirtunity of eeing - them.] Those who have 'taught hiss than one year, twenty-One; betivecn one, forty-one; froth ti.rec to six years. twenty-seven ; from six to .ten years, thirteen; from ten to twenty years, two; over twenty years, one. . Pernza nen!. 7'eachers.—There are:none who intend to teach .permatiently. the schools are usually kept open :only four months in the suntuvr and three in the winter, of those. woo are eng g,ed in teaching, their time is div;ded between that and someother employment.. I%i:lien ever they find 'en' opportunity to etigag,:, in a perniane.nt bitsiness they usually ex pect to do so., srder, therefore, to se cure permanent teachers,. the employiumkt :mist be more constant, with a compensar tion sufficient fora goad support Peofes' sional Read;nj.—Those who have read educational works, t hirt v-seven ; those who have met, seventy-min '. It will be seen from this, compared with the re port of the previous, year, that a larger proportion of our teachers . arc making themselves familiar with the modern im provements in the mode of teachin?. , Manner of ' Tearhin3, and genera/ abil ity to . Teach, and Goo:tn.—\ u.nbi!r of teachers who give full satisfaction, thirty four; medium teachers, sixty-five; those *hese services, had better be dispensed with, seventpr. Examinati On sand Certitirates.—From the, receipt of my commission (November 1:;) to the first of June, Dumber of eitodi s dates examined, -one hundred and one; provisional certificatexgranted, ninetypie; permanent, one; rejected, five. 'lwo of those who received previsional certifiCates at the time-ot examination, received,per manent. certificates ou visiting their. schools. instithtes.—During the three years q• the County Superintendency, two conuty institutes have been held. The tuttnb,:r .Jf teachers who attended these institutes: I have not the Means or ascertaiuing:; not: being a resident of the county when either ; were iu ses:ion, and Ile records king left from the former Superinu-ndent. There have been no district insti,utes, or associations. organized in the county to my knowledge. A teadiee.; n'ass, how ever, has ham organized and well sustain ed in connection waft the Coaderspoit Academv.'"Chis in=titution is suppbried by the liberdlity and enterprise of citizens in the county, and its students are made up tdmost wnoliy of y,ting ladies andlgen dein en from the differen t townships round who are pr.:paring themselves for mrs. Besides the regular drilling of re,;itation, ;laity instruction has he -n given - in the art of teaching. The class. has also :held wee y muctings.for the purpose of hcar lug leetur"s, reading. reports and essays, and holding discussions on subkets netted witn the kterests o: common schools. Wita but few exceptions,' the entire body °fit:hither:: in the o ointy have been, at some time, connected . w.tdr this school, and front it they have usually to their respective &his of labor. During the pat year eighty-three (over one halt) of tie. teachers of the county have been members of this institution. It is, C.cre fere. intimately connected with the c Mon schoal system, and has exerted a de `cided influence in elevating the stand..rd -education. &Iwo, Visitatio ne patrons of the schools have aceumpanied me, in several instances. in my official visits, and :this , some have dune at the matinee of their own business for the time. being. gore riould have been . pleased to have attended and witnessed the examinations of the clasSes, could they have been notified of the time when the Superintendent Was to be present ; but to give a previous mitice of the time of visiting Schools would, gen erally be impracticable from the distance they are apart, and the frequently bad state of the roads: In very few instanee§ patrons have visited their schools - inde= pendent of Superintendent's or Directors: visits, but none perhaps worthy of distinct notice. Such visits are usually the result of effort on the 'Part of the. teachers, and are an indication of the interest theY are endeavoring to create in the minds of both parents and scholars, On the subject 'of education. Direvtora' visits, in their regularity and frequency,' by no means come, up to•tito requiremeiats'Of the school law, nor eao it really be . expected that they will so long tusi they receive no compensation for 0104 services. - ,Yet too much cogligmeo MISCELLASF.OUS . . •An Mazur or two utight±he lin ipruved by 'dlre,e . tOr.4 - iit',visltin;* the selini4' Of their- u‘cn binned iate . neighborhood oe casionaily, i without in terferinit tnaterially with-any other. duties i•• A „large .prupur, tion, howevec, of direciLrsn;:vek visit tapir schools during eotire . 114s:don.. lion oz'ab.e:exe,?ptionSinity'bo•ni'cut:oned, pair- ticulariy u, .iboott,:tlebroo and I:Loulate: The , seeretaries• of tliCse districts I: have found Able:to give .a 'very eurreet state went of the oondition uk:theirschouls, of time skill of the. teacher in, classifying pu pils :Old faculty of •I3Ut one district fr . ) lOy knotided: , .e has • deeided •to act ; upon the recollnueutlation or the Slate 'Superintendent, by einplu3ing the ts.ecrr,.. taro . to- make a mon th ly v;v4i,t •,Of the schools, and till up the: blank repo:•ts fur nished fur that•purpesehy the School De part,nent: • °titer districts arJ thinking thverabie of tbe . aluVe4ieut, bal. have yet taken udaetion. . - ; • • • • Letviing ,Ciftructerist:cs.—The entire county is comparatively new. - Many of the-districts are settled only along the principal streams, and the inhabitants are engaged in the united occupation of agriculture and lumbering. -dis trites.are very spurselYsettled, and to ap pe4ranee preseut . ithuost an unbroken for est. In these distriets lumbering is the chief occupation, but Within the- past year the interest of the people on the'subjoet of edacation has increased considerably, which'fact is evinced by the offer of more liberal .cmaipethation fur the sake of ob• taining go id tette:lens. : The . middle and northern purl-loos of the county are quite extensivoly settled, and agriculture being the principal employment, the people are last collecting artfund 'theof the comforts Ind- ennveniences• of life: Still a large .majority of the inhabitantS throughout the county have nut yet paid for their lands. Wealth, therefore, is not abun dant, an , l the Weans are not at command for cli'bing all that is' de:sit-able in the con - struction of school houses, and supplying theta with furniture and apparatus. The 'face n uf dm country is hilly and portions tif it somewhat mountainous; soil tics, and very fertile; and having .an intelligent, industrious and enterprising people" to improve it, time is only wanting to make it one.of the best sections of the Com monwealth. • PuVic: Sf;ithrient— General intelli gence. i§ u 'Prominent . eharacteristic of the inhabitants- Of this county. They • are mostly ., settlers from New York and the New England States, and have brought with them, and still retain, a love of knowledge and improvement. They are all in favor, therefore, of a "common se:tool system." Some May retain their prechketions fir the system under which they have Mrmerly worked ; but the ma jority arc convinced, and, the rest are wil ling to be, that thecuannon school sys tem of Pennsylvaniais equal to that of any of the sister Senates. When its oper ations are tp.d-rstood the system is gen ityaily' liked. The Met that nearly all the districts in the county are wiling to pay a tax of thirteen -mills on a dollar fur sch-ol ptirposes affordS a strung ev id.mee of tme: interest the people take in the cause of education, and tint they are worthy of credit for doing all they can. 'No opposition need to b.: looked fur in this seel 7ra,!/ , :es.—lt takes tine fur great and general improvements in public matters of any kind. Progi-ess, however, has been wade in the f.iiluwing - particulars : First. Teachers have felt more sensibly the nisponsibility of choir calliinr, out on ly as li-int:tors in ti seia.mis - but abio as exemplars of sound. mural and relig ious .principles This is' au important item to be gained ; as with it there will be an effort, in a , curresponding degree, faithfully to discharg,e'the 'duties devolv ing upon them. &road. • In previously maturing pia ',shy which to regulate their slaves and conduct the exercises and re• chat ions of the.schiliol room. • Many have entered' mum the business of teaching - Without ail definite iitsa what they imited to acCOmplish, or how they 'were to du, it; consequently, a large portion of the ter.n is spent beture anything is real ly done, if at all. A poor plan, is better than none ; because to secure' it, thinking 'is necessary ; ! tlie attention must be called to the subjetit, .and action prompted by those thoug:4s will, follow ' , though the plan tuay be. erroneous in some particu s lass, yet it will probably . it-i' corrected by experience and comparison with 'thatliif otatirS. - The imptovenients-made hi this respect, are the result.of more extensive reading, of educational -works, together witia lectures, as opportunity: has present ed. Third. Oral instruction and trations are used' wire extensively than beretof,re, by , which the - exercises of the school roomare much . enlivened- and the , intetest. increased.,,, I have observed with satisfaCtion, ; even in the retired districts of the connty, 'that ,the want .Of Suitable school book's' has Len' in i'ineasiitesuP• plied-by the Use abr.& imitrUctioit, par- English ,OFaxiitinir and Men , tal..l.rithmetie. be.tezzs w, bc Though we hare: been: able to speak of progress in :the''cliaractar mid qualifica tions of teacher,, yet the yi Other ofgood teaciliers is not' sufficient' to.' meet ' the wants. of the 'schools; and for the present, some have.itt'ell ,licensed that would; not be:Were there 'others to take their places: Suitti4 alse,,who have established a good repUtatitim'its teaelterei, are. leaving :the bnsiness . for 'other employments, for, the reastm that thitY 'canna obtain sufficient compensation, and:One which is avaiiable A large 'number of the districts are sndly in debt.'' The - teaelierS,•-utt..r t.,ey earned their Money and obtained their orders, are frequently obliged to. hold front six to.eighteen wont: s Wore they ear obtain their value, or Sell them at a disount. They usually tied their money as. soon as it is earnyd,i- and' the fact that 04' cannot obtain it When due, is driving many of our best teachers front the profession. An improventent in the financial &part:neut of a number of the districts would be very bet - tea - dal. Greater facilities are also necessary for improvint , the qUaliticntionS•oftoacliers. One of the agencies tolwhieh we look at present for accomplishing this, is teach er's insti'utes. They `will he held here after, whatever it May cost; but-could the Legislature of our State think proper to encourage ns, by a'suiall appropriation to each county fur this purpose, it would be very gratifying to the friends of education. The want of a uniforin , school tax. throughout the State, and compensation to directors, are rtgarded as among the defectS of the present System.. Could they be remedied, still greater life and effectiveness would be giVen to the cause of education: . But these defects have been urged the attention of the School Department and the Legislature, by a Wrge number of the COunty Super. intendents, in former reports; there fore I leave them with this passing no. rice, hoping the time is not far distant when that attention will be given to them which the c.:use demands. - . While these dulects are referred to. with others that might -be mentioned. OM confidet is not at all-weakened in th,.. main fetures of the systeiu. ITbough not perfet, its utility and piaeticabiiity i t., will con : are -favorably - With those which have bet.n much longer in use, and we believe that efficient directors and super intendents, thoroughly to . carry 'out its provisiors, will secure to the people of this Commonwealth, all that its most ar dent frie ids-have anticipated. J. H 'NDRICK, County Ruperintendent COeDgR 'PORT, , September 15 1857; mutunitatimu. DEibIOORA.T Si'EAliS On. . Fur.the Potter Journal. " ' lose Tour Mouths:" Has the time come when one 'political party of this Pentheratic country shall cooky sat; to thv other party, "Close your moutas .! ' Shall those woo supported Mr. Bile man fur the Presidency in good faith—n t only voted fur him but:labored fur hint., ' sin - hiding their: time and money for the Purpose of securing. his election, and . thel•eby secure the success of that treat principle which they so much lov ede' and cherished. to wit: State and Ter liturial tight'. Popular sovereignty, and that the voice of toe majority shall he the coustitu iou of the land—snail - they be told to -forever shut, their lauuths" —beeaute they have bceu deceived? So Lire '7th resolution of the Democratic Couveut uu, ou the 4th iust., boldly as serts . t e l d for Mr. Buchanan in good He has not carried out the prin. ion whieli . : he was elected; but Tyrant; he defies the will-of the 1 ; He upholdS with all the power gh - position, tile plan w . hicil dis- Hi nineteen'counties out of thirty 'ausas. Tue 7th resolution is a' I u common sense. If. :the Con of Kansas, is . nut acceptable to I e men, "close your;- woutlis, 7 - 1 conduct his ,produced the re bathe !•—% l Vlieu it is well known slavery officers illegally and nu- . l fu.sed,- under the - plea of want of i give the people til nineteen cowl-. al right to vote under the terri ; A majority of the counties i cpreseuted,at all. Bear in mind, t' was not the fault of the people counties—it, was a deep_laid piau upon them the institution of Slavery. here a Democrat in all Pennsyl . 1855 that would - have dared to s a .principle in the democratic at -liantas . slioultl. be .admitted Union- 7 10, ; not admitted, but —with a 'Constitution forced up , a- pro-slaiery `.minority, backed esident 'Buchanan ? ot,' . orie.-- lad • been :lleiuticraey, then . Mr. ;it ' would. never have-ben Presi it bp doctrine was in IS, ti: : kivery ! 1 • torritOr Ina' mike its own FOUR - CEXTS • f TIEIWS.-41.25 . . • - . .. i, 1 - - shall hee(bi t ' !Oat laws. Congressfarce o . i the passage of its laws',) Slaveif into f iat !' 1 . . , .• out of any State or Territory; but leatie i. 1 tae people thereor perfectly free to form , i their an institutions subject only to the I Constitutieu of tIM . United States:: : ;31,1...A 1 13uelialiaii pledged himself to rho country, I ,lLfore and after electiim, that all, the poster , - the Ceustit .tion conferred. -npon, i tk, Executive, she ild be brought tcib,kr. liii a lino and Conciiiatory 'manner to rt!-1 , 1 score. the sameharm ony among the sister, Mates, that , existed. before - the': aple-Alf . I I discor d was east, into their -midst. ` - ' , ..14.; 9 0w. sets at defiance the _wilt of a large ': , majority' in -Kansas, - PentisYlvania .lie-,,,,. 1 Uweracy says . fliOse..yoOr„awitWr•-•7!-'i• hank : God there is a power behind the,' : ' t rone I °Teeter -than i the throne iself. L . ~ . , . . him' that sits thereon .baivare... . , ' •: f I tf,the principles ofthe Kansas-N , brae ka bill, as enunciated by the Rintiiinati. platform, had. been carried tnit - ,witha,., tiair and honest, hand, Kansas would hav,e, a t'ae a Free State. The' right of the pee., , 0:,to vote on - theiriConstitu . tio.if; waaatid is inhere:tit—it was not a right. to be, pir : ti but a right that could, not be taken . i away - without a violation' of the first fun- damental principles_ of self-government.... flu 'small counnunitiei all the people, way ass4able . and. enact, their laws,, tied ap.l Point o ffi cers tg carry theni into' effeet.-t The majority ruling it,, would 1,. * T ure,. din eueratic government. But, ~suppose ,,t hiS little community has grown. so large . that all cannot assemble together to make. s constitution and laws, and it , must - b e t. yne by delegates elected y the people. Pow, it becomes necessary for the- Legis-,. lature of this eomMunity to puss ,a law._ : i h "zi mt ori itg the people to ,elect ,delegates : , tb a convention to form a :constitution; in Order that they way be admitted into the, United States of America. Among. the... the details of this laW, we find a :clause. - Lil . - - 1 1 ,equiring certain officers to taae the cm:- 1 1.4 of the people, and register all. the' bond Ale citizens of the'coinemnity,,at a; Jvcri or specified time, in order, to know; :1,1 eteetiuu day who are:the :legal voters., ow, these officers . are 'of 'one politiCal . party, and the peopleni umeteeweeuntiea. •tut of thirty-four are of another party, aid officers perform their duty tn'tifteca counties, which are', of their own party, - thereby making them legal 'voters i brit l'efike to register the nineteen 'countitic thereby disfranchising the majority,' and toing tha minority power to earry. out, their favorite scheme. . • . . This is the kind of representative gov:.. ernmeut under which the Lecompton Con-. s'titution was formed,—one of the- most ! •Ilarittr , frauds . since the . Tea an Stamp .- ••etofLieome 111 ot England. -., And' • 1 ' -'' ' Pennsylvania says " dosc.yOur 1 , mouths. Hush, be still—don't talk-you ; ii-ill,raise the country:' Gentlemen, all: eatt - t, be gagged. ',have worked as hard. , 4 any of you in the good of . cause of. equal rights, but when you talk-ofeloeing_. m, mouth, or that of my br,, titers, it does . *in as though it as high time we had. anOther Declaration ' of Independence. , head the 2d resolutionof the 4th of March ij'on veution—" in the adiniiision of new .. States. with or without slavery, as they„ 44 a•et, the equal rights of all' the 'States will be preerved," &.c. "As t hey, dy elect !" Now own it, is a well-kn ,r. . M th et., that the people of Kansas , have .dc.-,. cidid, by a large majority, against. the Le-, cOMptou Constitution ; yet the democracy: of renusylvania - ures the 'admission :of Kansas under that most damnable ac of :._ %lilliany. and then Cries Out "close yonr, Motiths." What was the principle olat jetion made by the democracy against .. i le, Topeka Constitution? . 'We demarle.d -, , , . that it should be made by the people... WO: Ni ebta.ske men claiMed that it:_ was the - • .was, of a -political, party--that., if had been, voted upon by all the ton(1-fitie citizens of Kansas there would haVebeca a large majority against it. Just so' we He:nue:tits and Nebraska men of 1858 do. claim for the Lecompton frauds. .1n..1,856.,, our watch word in Potter County, and the. I , whole northern , ti , i, was, "Buchanan, .preekenridge and :me Kans 47 ..opr:, ‘44lonents pretended .that 'we ineant:thet . *iclianan would . eke Kansas - a.-: free . , state at all hazards. - -YV.e,Meani tie inch thin;.. But this 10, ,iil mean That,Kaii i . .4wolild be rap:. i How free 2- ....W14,, free to. make her own constitution and.lo- - ,. +lila its—free to , eetabli'slt - ;her. own do- . ine E stic institutions, free. from . 'all outside, iaterftirence, and especially fTern'the P.Fet!; ! ident and the Democratic party.. '..Wchate, liFe4 deceived. For! this . ,same P.mident , and his party are new fo'roingianaas in-,. to the Union at tbe ci.n.nontiniouth—.(Had: not t • 1 , • n , . that mouth better ; he . closed ;,)-- , with . ii . ecoustitution as repugnant; to the,peeple. o Kansas as was the . Declaration of In d'etiendence to the 11ritiskerown'in 1716., In 183 G, 31i: Buell nen ettxi'bi the aide of Thomas H. Bent' n in the U. S, Senate:'' -,J-, and there, too, as ,Silas , Wright, and .' Win. It. King, .and all than phelanz or. , t4lent and patrietisill -which Was then th pride and glory Of.the,democr . atiepFty . declaring that the peepletyp Atoyereign,—,; that the majority In st ideeide,- ft, ifl th e ~ .42 , , ; (11,41 1 f could not be l et vatic' • i that P cntcr 1 • .. IR E II II M i IMO i , ~... i~ i 1 ~ , , ,