E ro.v , • O'or the Potter Journal ABBOT, Feb. 22, 1858. T.. A. &twit—Dear Sir:—ln years page has been said that, inter gunny was the receptacle of all the-horse counterfeiters, and " m ceihuic- a& rascals" of the ponntry, This may 4vP been in PO /inle;b l 4( 3 9e had 49piAl *katalleintinen,ce of the press', and 'the poking "era of 'a :few laborers in the pause of right, had changed sorueu , hat the phatractertkrtFpu_ -fAritditothe end that ihis.:liAtesrepntationbn nut injured, lertptrtue to ash a - question or two io re, tiop:to',l?'*ntiisliipli-trillspirel at our Puittr - 99 Art uL its 10. s t. session. lie,t me prem i se by inafting;a few state: men 'of pieta. The grand jury found a true 011 stg.ainst. janjei-li. C. Coe, for the larceny pin yoke of cattle; the pmperty of 11. L.l3ird; 'or...Sweden Township. Mr. Bird; thioa . gli a :.desire to bring - the of -tendert to justice, had' made three trips to Williamspart, arid been to great trouble d'eapensei four •witnesses (from %Vit iator. it and-thereabouts) bad left their - 'oak's and their occupations, at a great sacrifice of time and mosey, and borne • heti, 19:44-i9 'tlie - same purpose. 'The ease was closely traversed, Is all wno beard it can testify, and a jury of twelve impartial men returned a v'erdict of guilt against the said Coe.. So fay all was right, but the rest .of the tinasotion, I venture Lo say, is without a parallel in the erinti nal annals of this or any other conntry. Upon the rendition of the verdiet, Coe tic yiberaiely left the roan roam, spent a, few moments in arranging his business, and pa deliheTge/y feft:.the town, in the face ,of eatin g sheriff, and jury—walking about a hall Mile from Cott4rsport, where find ing 'a horse saddled - and . bridled, be mounted and took French leave. Now, Mr. Editor, there is evidently Mamie sonieWhere. It does not rest with! bhe people !af the county, for I have heard ut hne Volpe in the matter, anti that has! , beer; the yoke of iudignatiop. i am not versed in the intricacies of the law, and! the .question I wished to propound was this. ' Who is to hlame? That it is a burning shame to the ad ,uunistration of justice in this county, no! one can doubt; and, the people of the • co my have a right to know by whom it} ioris brought about. If the paltry con-I aidemtion of three hundred dollars bail,l which the county may get, be brought up to 1 eatennate the matter, it makes the phame deeper still, If in Fetter County p Man cat buy out of fitates' Prison, when the sentence Is richly deserved, I appre nd that we shall have a greater flood Of Om and cattle thieves than ever, Bnt I ask. again, Who is to blame ? Ancil hope you may be able to answer, not only me, but the people of the demi ty. The person who lost the cattle did s cuity nobly." - The witnesses from Ly coming oounty, who made such a sacri fice did their duty like men. The prose eating attorney and his associates did their duty in the trial with great ability, and the jury, in their verdiet, did their duty like those, who desire to rid' our i county of such pe,sts. Farther than this I cannot gh; but ask for light, In conclusion, it is . a poor remuneration to the proiecutor, and the witnesses who identified the thief, for . all- their expense and trouble, to know that he is now'run- Ding at large, and eon, and undoubtedly will, talcs means to vent hie. malice ou them, for discharging their duty In aiding to convict Win. True, we were toll, that, Pas a boy, he possessed a _high sense of honor ;" but I take it that few of us will believe that much of honor or honesty re= }mina in the breast of one who will steal and drive away the last yoke of cattle (Kau a poor uei:ghteer, Aud it is a poor satisfaction to the people of the county to knew that the felon is at largo, and pro bably among us, and that he has accom 11:ces, too; and more, that the fingers of justice are so weak, or the loiye of money so strong, that if a criminal is proven guilty, instead of receiving the sentence of the law, he . ein coolly walk away, with put so much assaying, "by your leave, Frs." Yours ) inquiringly, A. 11. C. (Not being versod in the law, we are finable to .answer the inquiries of our cor respondent, fqrther than tq state that there were three ways by which the crim inal WA; have been retained in custody, viz : Jet, The'Judp,* couhi huge paised immediate sentence, and placed the crim inal in the bands of the shera 2d, The District Attorney could have emu - et' his immediate arrest by a bench warrant, and thus•pkeed him in the custody of tile sheriff; and, lastly, he could have been deliviise(into custody of the court by his bail pond. Tr, sming; this, however, dU not charge hi amp ,upon any one; r t t 413 'l4! H. C." Pre inßi 3 somebody hlsmem—rict. JoVrt.] or. the Potter Journal. , irk s Repubilvagg papty. f lde aim, and what etilln Ware 4ts darn Vetwasph. Pie Republican ?Arty, WM 101 Pinch plat .of Freedom, is a, necessity of the times—a reform party: In the history.of tip rp,rld, long established power in the same hods, whither in Church or State, we • cornipt i irusolent.. and tyrannical, erefore, the .itecansitY,.., now and then, I co , it il, bo opposed toy,e. new power, in the spirit g reform, to cut away the corrup promo94 to rehabs/a Op . purity of first riper" Farina iet..." t h e religieus i c eitittili A g o eau aititlEigirgii t lSe Roman Catitego Chtirch as the 104 9f i ajl nbtivhcs ; and .the light of the worbl 11 1 AdlieiAShe Was sitting on the seven killed Qty of Rome; 0. harlot covered with „all le „,.n- '4if:abo - ttiinsiiorti'lhct detilitueo3.l: (The ''fet*ersheaded by the indefatka file lerMki; bath 'Luther,, ikt*.steci 4,iiiri4 the corruptionslatßolllC; *E jat 1 her with her ungodliness and defilements :and guided - in the .narrow path by the !true li'ht of Christianity. They esti hashed- the Protestant Churches' of the. ;.day. So in affairs of State, in -Popular', ''Governmeuts, power in :the hands of one; party; lougeontinged, may grovir corrupt ;1 itu Wruicli we-may . -see--aiiotable_instuneo I in theboasteur chtitti of supriority of the' i Demi:fee:lth; PartV= l,- .141, th , // are , the; !party Of ..t. lie , peopl t. , 7 7 7.4 at ‘.te.7 .• ore Ilia! paTfy , ak the ounittry.—'That,.as they he- I Ilieve;11 righteeusuess-and g094-'l 3 was; ;.lodged' in. derusaleai, 36,1 that nu -good; I thingjeould come yf Nazareth! I .l.rue, I !that they. once icetethe; party of the peo; I pie, true, - that , they once were , the : party i of the country; and ;true that they once, with sincere dCVotion,,clieliOed, guarded, Viand protected' he liberties of the people, i from a love' cif principle; and not as la+, 17aouring, wit hißoPri-sbl'auilnee in 1 1011 471 'age tit .4he principle, while,. with their, 'hands', they chain the liberties of the pro.' iPie.,i .- - ' ' . 1 . - Ag it*, thisshain democracy the Re-. r pablican party prolest 7 —by the sacred ! .principles of:the Declaration of Lidepend (cove they prof st.. They raise 'the zatite s(anc('ard of . forgo; they beat the drum 1 fur vOlunteers and, in the holy name of !liberty callUP n every citizen of our coat -country,-reflect i nion o deeply, and to act Idecisively; an if be Would preserve his ! own freedoui, o take . position - under the Istandard of lib r .uty, and to show. an iindi vided front. now. Shall the. Republican party, triumph? By unity, of purpose, and tiitlesible determination. How shall ; thrs unity of purpose ne accomplished' By a ; complete and thorough organization, thatshall. reach,: every neighborhood, hamlet, yillage, and City in ,the land. Let every !roan lit4d hiiniself aloof. from corruption; let no man-barter or trade his vote for place, profit, or p"ctst;; let every man be a sentinel, and 'no man parly 'with the ene , my upon the post o duty; let this once be dune, and the gt at standing army of the people will mar Is forward toe victory ,iu 180, thtil will i ve, preserve and per- Ipetuate their lib2rti $. _SVECTATOR. 5, BaB. O! ittnat. • _;4 .1 Cpviiiiii.foßi. PA., iffoNing. ilial•cl) i 857. T. S. CHASE, EDI ICIR AND; PUBLISHER F. A. A heti retired from the editorship cf Melieau Citizen, having sold: it to a kr. Ronamig, who an nounces in, his salutatory a4msitive oppo: :,ition to Slavery aggression. The retir ing, as well i OS the new Editor, will accept our ctingratulationsl. .• iserWe Igarn from the Missouri Dem.- ! q-rat, that Champion Vaughn, Esq., the able and:independent edit oeof the Leuven worth (Katisas;) Times, hes commenced the publieMion ot . a daily paper. We hope his success nay be eminent. J. J. ICr.AsxsoN, the petted villain of the 13,:idei Ruffian Administration at Washington, and ri'stnia.ster at Leaven. worth, Kansas, was ; burne . d in effigy by the citizen] of that place, on the evening of Feb.;l.stli, and resolutions passed threatening, to "hung the villain when we catch him.", Good news,, that. MVP Col sl Forny, in an editorial in the Press, on the majority report of Mr. Buckalew on the Kansas Resolutions in the State. &mate . says : 'Om draught from the great Den o: spring of the ( xxvi . 'wit/ of the majo it ' • issipate from every mind the hazy dons of logic which Mr. 13. has ingeniously` thrown around this question." Conal:crxox.,ln the artiole of "Tim othy (in Potter)," in the JOURNAL of last week, the laSt senten should read : " Er ror alone &ars investigation,' stud God. "has given us faculties fur, use, nat to lie "dorinantand to'allow others to do our " thinking, 'we flisluatar our Maker, cle dfraudlounielies, atici 'do great injustice "to the woild." We make this correc tion in inatine te, and by relaest af, the author ,of the article. Se" TheWashinoton Correspondent Y. of the N. Y. Trit!v2e of the 25th ult., has the following an dii in regard ta - the Nebraska bill, which speaks for itself: "The speech of Mr. 3lillson of Virgin ia yeiterday, vindiCating his vote against the Nebraska bill, from a Southern point uf view, and_demonstrating incontestably the poter of Coudess over the Tarrito ries, created, a sensation among the F. F. V.'s. a 44 Mr. Boaock, one of his col leagqes, was atptions to get the floor to cqrreet the damaging impression left by the phileiqphie and - MileciTort, which had attractpd sq uNch lattention i in the hall. Mr.. Milisfi said that he ryas told that under tbo,Nebraska that the pteple had a right to, ar i s . l laws is fav'or of Slaym, but none against h . 114p the fiq wer oform “ora way; "meant -only in one way—the "AcVli.ern Wail' . _A- quiet turn of sar casm at this' point; - made some of the ChiYalry \Once: , . llasisasintlie tient'. legislating' 2iausissriia; Pa., Feli. 24, 1858;::' . To the ' Senate ta-day, the majority Coin mittee otifk:ausas . .gesOlutions reported the resolution in of the Lecompton Con • • ,T I.stktution, aecuaipauied by . lengthy. re port, urging. the speedy . admiesiou of Kan ` sas' under the; Lee - M.ll)ton COUstitiltiOM ylF,ll,a declaration of the right of: the'peo pie to alter the same 'wh'eliet 4 er - they Ae= t.siYo to doso llifotilVfil'apeeaifd' j Locum . ., and suamiuitig the ground. assum ed in the President's Message.. . - :- • . • The report *as ordered to . be peintod, A motion to postpone action, in .ordezto allow the minority of the Committee to report, "vas defeated by the united veto of the Domoerats'. - I . - We find the above in the- telegrams 'of the New York4tilies of 25 . th ult 4. and have since read the majority report of 'Mr. Bitokalew. It is, like the Message which it attempts to defend,. a misrepresentation of well-known facts;written, but 'is ably and argues - thd subject with a zeal which Would deserve; the highest praisC if ex-1 pended in a nobler object. than the sub : I. version of popular rights and personal lib- i erty. The report is mainly an attempt to 'justify the tecompton Scheme by coat. paring it with the Constitutional Conven tions Which framed the two.o ustitutions under which, respectively, the people of -1 this state have lived ;- , .:assuin ing that &Alt the latter were adopted in 'convention, without subsequent .opportunity .tor. the people to pass upon -them. It is -very true that no direct vote of the people was I had upon either the Old or the New Con- I stitution of.this state; nevertheless, the' I people had au opportunity to pass upon them indirectly, and quite as positivelyl as if the vote had been by speCial election I —inasmuch as the Constitutions were each questions at issue in the generarelections 'which followed their adoption in Convea itiona privilege which the Lecomptorr ' Constitution, in the v.ntat positive terms; denies to the people of Kansas, inasmuch as it provides that it shall not b.e amend ed previous to the year 1864. The peo ple of the Independent State of Pennsyl vania lived under their priwitiie consti tution fourteen years, until 1790, when . they changed it, for the one under which they lived until 1838; when in turn that' was so amended-as to constitute the pres ent constitution of the State—the 'chief provision of which, is that all future ' amendments shall Le submitted to a- rote of the people. . But even' if that had not been the case; there is a great difference between thel - I People of Kansas of to-day, and the Peo pie of Pennsylvania in 1790 and even 1838—the respective dates at which our Constitutions were adopted. Then, the question which is now threatening the 'stability °Nile Union was one of second ary importance—now, it is the all-impor tant issue, nut only in our nation, but is fast becoming the. axis upon which the entire political world revolves; and one which we are' free to confess that we im am will shake the whole foundation of the present political fabric of the world, under whatever code it may be found. The people of this country have before them too many precedents, not to be jeal ous of their rights when assailed by polit ical . patronage or personal ambition— and have seen too much of the sad • effects of inactivity when those rights are assailed, even in their own past political history. They have resolved upon a reform iu this respect, and all the perfidy and sophistry l of their delegated servants cannot change !their. purpose.. They have resolved no longer to be blinded, by Party'fidelity,:to the demands of national principles, and are too ,well informed to he misled in their efforts to bring about that reform, which in to remove a great blot front-our nation. : al character and give it a place among the free nations of the world. The blind en thusian which our autocratic. President has recently exhibited in behalf of Slavery, will fall harmless at thefeeief those whom it was intended to crush j, it has even al-. ,ready created a happy, zeal, in 'quarters heretofore'indifferent to its itnportance,iii behalf of the great.reform now so sincerely undertaken by the true patriots of our na 7 I Lion; and front them, in the present-in - - stance, will the political ambition Of mon archical usurpers receive its first •Qiig*, and soon its final quietus. .. .. Of the attempt of the Commlittee ma jority to silence investigation ,by. .hasty action, -we have .but a word. or two to say. It is characteristic Of the party'and prin.' ciples in- whose behalf it was adopte ,le oth in the State and National Senate, and 're-, ceives' the hearty condOmnation of all - erne patriots in the nation-it is inconsistent with:our national character in the pat; and tends' to itwititux - Oloora'datiou-ofoir TOW- ToM aria Tiara 41 5 i7Mar vidual and national; and like'4 441/TPa; Lions of pn t kver, mill finally overnllol)..pr shanle anifdise#fiturf4its gftl#l4 i-- ifittc,furSit;llnrkl:-. ~.I ' ' q i*Llliio N ticlrraillTp, 4 ; 1,, , ''..... Ili4, iiiiii'A WO Co ngitlis f r ( k is afii: mot, by his service to the slavd-pCkter t‘i. exeating his whole influence to sustain th minority rule in Kansas, has obtained . 1 a-plaCe,on t,hp Special {lnuits' ittga ortferod by !Congress to inquire into all thefacts . conticieil;Witiv.thel-,llebontiteaOrinStit : ul- tibm-''''''As - ra - niettilidi - of that' Coinniittee' he steadily . - refitseS 'to-do what' gairgres' yoted ... oould b,., , ; done Tic "not Ohl:) , 'slip; - pots. the:Calli , inn scheme to force. an oW . , Aux, lops Constitution on a. protesting .F.Ol ple, hut he. refuses to obey Congresi ;lifts orclerio inquire into the faits connected i with 'that scheme. It is 1 :.; . aid that the _Prsideuthasiudicated to the . Lecomptoti. ites the, llottse that iuresra tion mast - , 0 bp ,rstrangled ! , Calhoun mast not be ex.i. po4eti,.becattse he has' done nothing that has not buil dictated by - the Prestdent, and luvestigation, would expbse the fact. Allison _'White.complies, 4 l ith, thin' der sire of-the President, and , so strangles in vestlgat ton. , . . . . . yet In tire. face of th record, the .14eWistowu Democrat has tit. assurance t. ) give currency to the follow;ng assertions tud r e by ita editor from Walihington un: der date Feb. 15 : - ..A. 'The representative from k our'distiict; a u.'Liaswi*WilfrE, pert - rued the pail ~ °f i st true Statesman; :i. wel as :a soundD. niocrat,, upon' this question. As soon .1.4 like President's: policy war foreshadow- ed by the - Annual Message, Mr. W. Set,l tO i work to acquaint- himself' with Lall the .I facts, pr . o. 'and ant., Upon' the subject. By correSpondence. With pet -opal friends,' reAditi ., ' , in Kansas, as well . - by close ex annaation of &the ofiicial re orts of Gov.'s Walker, Stanton and others he obtained' tht. thorough' inforination Welt is nem • , • ei . of sa i y to . a tbrmation a eorr et judgment,, AO result was a solid co vietion of the juStiee and Wisdom, as well expediency, - of Ithe President's policy, a ti ' therefore, when the subject cattle bull) e the House, 3.1. White's vote Watt _ from he beithuin,,,.' re . orded - to sustain the Pres dent .And s i ii ha c vino. taken a stand in s ppoit of the right, he is that kind of a emocrat that he feels confident his coma ueuts will.ap prOve his course just as sooas they ex aMine'and understand the. atter as he has done. As to the rea feeling and itu wishes of his constituents,.i is impossible for hirti to know them. The hundreds of letters he has received, are bout .equally divided—one-halffor and the; otheragainst the President's policy; the .Democratie , newspapers in his district are, with but one exception, I believe, either main or siipporting that policy; and,; as for county 1 . utee..,ings, only two have been held ; one in I Centre, the other in Lyco: ing, and the farmer sustained while the I. tier. denounc -cc/ it. Surely, under Bab yeurustances, the only course a rtpreseatative could take --l•to say nothing of duty—was, to exam ine the subject ititnself, yott according to his own judgment, and Id...av • time to vin dicate,a him. . , , . .IL F. Every person who has kept watch of :kr. White'S votes ititheSpeeial Commit tee know' that the above statement as to ,i his obtaining , a" thormi- , 4 irifor.n.ttion" oi thug ;r the facts neeessary to for:u a correct I jltdgment, is not tru4 becau'a, he has setiadily refused, as a ntembor of the Com inittee, to make any eiciairy whatever. . "gx-Secretary Stanton was in Kansas all the titne. this Lecomptnn fraud : was hatch : , He was the ageid of the AdminiS tiation, and therefore- had access to all the documents, Pnd know all the facts. , I .11 Mr. White desired a thorough knowledge of the matter, and ;was willing that.his constituents should obtain such knowledge, why did not he cote to sub', ; pm l na 3.4. Stanton. before. the .Cothinittee, to 1 testify as to this seheme - of fraud and tyranny? Simply beause Mr. White is aiding the President to strangle investiga, I • The Leeomptory sehnae being evil will net bear the light. As to the wishes efithe people of this district Mr. Whitc.knows perfectly well, that a large majority or them are deter, uppo.tl to this scheme to give a minor'ity supreme control over`the *ina;. jority, But we do not:doubt that. he an ticipates that party, drill, aided.,by ,ntum newspapers, like the Lycoaling - :Gazette, and Clinton Democrat, will, finally oyer come,the will of the people, of_ this dis trict, in accordance with the Lccempton thictrine of permitting the minority to rule. kn that t however we , believe he , will he mistaken, There are papers in the dis trict and otit otit, that will not be mum. a'id when the people come to understind the impudence of this scheme of their aervanko act the master,, and dictate tol pliero ,what measures shall pass, We:have lie fear of:the 'result, 'The majority ! Orel bound 4 1 , rule, net on/yi in Kann 4 s 6 W- 1:4 thca Congres;ional,DOTrict, r ear-Tile oldest - ,married couple Mire are supposed tic, be n Mr. Snyder and his wife,'who reside at Burnside Pa. He is Ill; and she is 107 years old, 'afid•they hFro beeEtniarried 93 years r -o.nil,Accordingly, wee marria . at the rrileF4y,e-NPI *f aadiP• aces. is the r ,, , rowttib•-ie, oat' 'or iigeltfac Ti pi, have etiabl4ctthe tlaie3 ) OWer to rule ;the, Naticin 'Sict4 820-c'and a sad. rate ; Wht,te, the - 3101111 - .4:0f uougcess ,frtlu; Vitliirsil l fict is 'a getiviii,siiieinien Ohba •!gee.: l linewhig full. well that 2iinc-knths qf his constiteents are lwariniytqposed re , the, I . Aramptoi . u_tyranny, yet i , hee::anse, the Sta r ve •Power requires the triumiph! of Le compton,l lie goes_for:_it._:- the peapte elect sueh timber fur Memb?.rs of 'Congress - ?-1 1 0 - ---mit iGh play the Coward to the South • Whichints , already seemed; fui.thes erilp ihe Von tenipt of all-brave spirits in both sections. ALS an eriilenie 'br this; take the 'follow ing, froln.the ilfraShington rrrespendent of the 'Missouri Deni..?artat. Speak.in. , ' of the - oft •repcated' threat of diSsolvtug the this'writer •sayS ; • ' . "But suppose the sMitli in au hoar should iocline, to .thesub -, gestiensl urthe. administration, and make the admission of under. the . .becompten Iconsti tution an. ultlinatum-- 7 whatl then ?i. The north May as well take up the goage now as at any future time. , tie every Section : akissue the .same threat is made, ,The ilortlt.has-played. the cOward'often enough, and if it „yield now there is nothing , left I in. .s tore !far. it .but 'perpetual .1 diSltoaer, and an endless series of igueniiuious de- I feats. If it abandon the peopie of Kan- i sas, Who' arc . bone of its • bone and 'flesh] of. its flesh and prove reereant'lte- thel cause'-of -free labor,- then let it hold its peace forever, hugging the vonvition of its own inherent' impotence, and cittietly sulnoitting to be ruled bythose who have the couragel and rapacity fer.rnling. If it be bullied !low, . it. will dwell !in the , shadol cif fear as ;ages the got ernmenf lasts. • Every •evneesskin it has hitherto wade ; has been the signal fun new and inore•rapaciouls dein:lnds; and ho alterna:: tive consistent with sectional 'equality is left it, but i the prompt rejetholl of the Lecompton Constitution—the prompt re jection of the southern 1, . . A SoUthern Pap-zr Itl.tti,inig Lin . • pleasant Trrai lis'.. " The Louisville:Democrat has the bold ness to opp , '.tse . the Lecompton, Constitu tion-froth tlie start. It tells its leaders, 1 , 1 and the people of the Slave States truths 1 tbat must be very - unwelcome. 11c - re is a. sample of its talk on the 'subject,: "Let the: movement be Puslied - j and we shall soon, find the protest uncoil:pron.', ising and indignant. Wei, skull tell the doinocraey of ave south the truth,l howev crunpilitahle it may be to, some Sifthein. This movement kill be sz4)partet; b, nu party in the free states. The northern democracy will not go to the. black repub licans; the inferences betwccii them are irreconcilable; bat it is efinally char that. they will not support the s.i...th in this movement. They couhl not if they would, and would not, if they could. ' It is,uot worth while to tell us what they will do. 1 5 We know it now that they are be *inning to speak, ' 'is we shall ;know it after they in )cat:ini , on the sub- - j COL If ;sible to piisti this matter tb ' I i astern V agitation surpassing aollt. ) ung time we havc ilct zeilvsed. .It isit.n.thi be „I:wit : 2)l4ldg - sertinnat,. for-it 'maid hare no' .1t0;),..rt in the five states. How long it will last in its effects, none can fOresee. The south, hazzards all this for ru possi ble good; nor is it den:andel; of her by i any necessity; while it is plainly against her areal-of poptalar and state ,rights. ," •Le.t us take in Kansas, and localiie the strife,' it is•said. We ean'tlmagine how•any one can flatter himself that the strife will.be localiied by any. suelapoliey. The very oppoiite result will lie produced. as sure us.the sun rises and sets ;1 and we 4 the south would be i.n. the •zeir:i.q. The act of taking iu Kansa s with the:Leen:up, ton .constitution can't be defended. _The northern democraby will nut defend it.— They: will repudiate it., unanimously. and emphatically.. They could resist the Wil mot ,proviso.: It ,was unjust , and unfair. They °mild repeal the-Missouri con:prom- Ise, for that was right and defensible, but even that required all their power iu stem: ming the' torrent, el sectional prejudice. Now they - - are - .required to tako , a free state. into the Union with a slave state constitution; to leglalize slavery ,where the .People, don't want it. They.can't do it. ,_. AtEP N I.T. lliliCAN CON V ENTION.. 111 .' eon ention of .. delegates representing the eity.tif Philadelphia., and many of the mini:dies- of this :Commonwealth; . assem bled at Ilerr'S Hotel ) Ilarrisbnir , ' on 3lon-• 'day, 22d : inSt.. •- ' .• . . .. - . , .'• The ConVention - was 'organized by . 4-.1 ~ . . e. . - pointing eiditfcAD;Orti FISEIMI, klsq., of Dauphin' . county as ( Iti'xinae, and G.v.o. S: -Kilo; -,Esq., •of Ca•ubria county, as sebretary.:: - After shell . orgataliation, and a full and from interchange of. opitdons •ameng the 'delegat&i,Lth'e' follewing Preamble ' and Restitutions ware introduced, read, fully discussed, Mad ordered to be" pub !Mod. !'.. • .: ''''. ' ' . -- • Warata.ks, it is desirable thatall those opposed te the iinisrule of the .4) , Tatinnal Administration, and especially yo its atroe- WAS attempt to, force Slivery ,'upon' Kan sas aoinst the irill;of the people, should . unite at the ensuing election. n the State and "Ceinti tiekets, without regird differeacias . of Opinioa on other subjeCti,, and without regard to the mede or form OPffeogng,sal.4 o NPeti tliero,l4re, of 'Lemuel 'l'i .. , '''ll,. - 7.:Se'quested i 4. elpt t hosertlling t aticlel,tlijenti'lo he' sO l nic'4l4 not ear) Inly*Xie.' .(,.. iteei?" -- neW' , that, tiliitib call should di & tati44 - -itati g that; 'i thus - inviting, n o Indiiiitlualotir party is expected to sa cr i.. flee any principle, 'nor to approve of any prineiple_of those .witlClylioni be acts, saving onty-earmelft, Opri-procricat lostil.:- ity to politicatc&T tib-.," - iFd - i. - t he even aion'of kiinian..s.ta , 13/,OTt. the.free...mi.; -- ritories'Of this-Rein bile.' 4' . - '--- I- ' , -- , ' , e, !"-'' . -71(4i6tiVik'Priiiifil tiiiieeettniiiii . 4ifibis 7 7 1 Conventinirbe.;iikil ,d .ibirtlic - ;l3ltaiiiiiin and Secretary there ',:and iiiat.lthe nanny... be published in .all .the.journars-,:of this State.,: friendly. to il ! cause:Of Freedont, .. justice and right. • 1: . :.`.l -.. : . _ . . .. , :JOlibrA.' BLS - .131; _C,l t aii nan ;_ , , 7 , , l ip - ' GEO. S. .It. [NO; , A.SetiViar.y; ..-)..... ' ' . A c — a - rrespoadiltift iirilie'‘.Y.' Y....4'yr," Ast,. thus speaks of the reepptiouof the: action of the -- Conention, by - national lioliticians,:nnilet date-of . ~ - . ! ~ W.tsurstrrov,- Tuesday, Eeb: 24. 11153. - "The, action Of the Ilepublipans:-a-,ssem bled. iii:, State Conyeution yeiterday. at Harrisburg, Pa., is decniedjudicious.' I .learn frOta.a gentleman who Was .present that the leading Itepulilicans of- tits,: State ' I .e:l:insulted With senie :of the.L - principal I Anti,Lecolupton _ Democrats. before the ICo tiventioa esseinbhld ;. Vitt it war agreed 'upon, in Convention, that they would not I proceed to take ailt action against tlie. I.LeConapton .Pc.aistiqiii,in as itepublieans, ' bat adjourn:sine c 1 , '..with instructions to - their State -Centro . -Committee to call a Convention, at an early. day, Of all those' opposed to the 'Le anipton liana. This i. Twill . be done, .and the „convention- will, probably, be - .held sometime, during the last of June. 'll4 acti. , of the -Repub licans meetS l the *ishe'.„F . 1i Anti-La cont . pton Demeerati.l of Pan ..lvinia, and is viewed by, the_ Anti 7 Lecompion Demo. !craws of the llou..te- of Representatives 1 from , Peiisylvani, j as a-wise movement in the right direetf Interesesila_ Irpia Kansas. Special Cor. of the LiwitEN.6Ej, ' The Investigat'l proctireds inform:it, presence of the Shawnee son County, - their) preacher, Mr. Sc warrants fOr City :11i'les acted 1 day Morning. iriSt action. They ca night with three. Clerk of the Shawl didate inuned t4ox is 31aefiliaue, al:d The Committee chi a.session the same night, and the msitlt of the - proceedings was of an interestiag character,, .A Free- State man, Air. Brown of Shawnee, stat- . t - fd that he was at the polls all day on the th of January, and that a man named Wiley was the last who . voted-, at nine in thel evening.l i 4 name on the poll list is numbered One htindred and sixty. The Judge of Eleetionlswore that ' Bailey was tile Lk Man that i 'veteti, and that he clos ed the polls at that tiute. ' The whole •nutubtr of votes'on the Shawnee returns, as fuund by the Committee in the aludle hix., was oc'r 1.161{! hundred !' . Godfrey, the Clerk, who is j 4 young man, somewhat oblivious of the .. conequences of tamper ing with election :returns in Kansas, and - of a frank - and Open countenance, was called in and swore that he took ;he re turns to Westport; and that in a room he longing to Cul. Boone, in which were that •gentleman; . ,Mr. Danferth, a 'member of the felon Convention, a son of the li c v.. Tom Johnson, and one or tiro others, and. that he sat down•l'Md wrote, while young. Johnson, Darifert , and Boone read from paperapro 'ably an old poll-book—. o •a•number-of mutt , until the list reached. the number state above. . The Judges' and Clerk's certi eate - was written on a, blank sheet of . pa -r, and then appended to the forged retu ns. I - - The enutinati .n of Godfrey was rather. interesting.: He answered all question& propounded to hit with the utmost frank ness and night s , ess. On being asked - what +Ali hishnst . ess, he replied,%“a gam bier." He Star . that he came to Kan sag to make it a.S ave State, and-that th a n reason why he tol , the.se.thiags, was that he was aenvinee. 'that ` -it must-be Free,, and . he *is gob •to learei2l: The - men iniplicated by his 'vidence are among the. principal tuemli:'. - Of the Pio:Slavery par-. ty. Danforth, is ~ personal friend of See,. retary Cobb; . was sent , here:. to work for. his and the extremeProPagantliits' inter-. est, and is , the Kanads-corrwpondent of The Charleston (S.-C.) Mercury. ' Reis a man of ability and - influence; - lioniteis well known in Kailm history. Previous .exiclenc possessed by the-Committeeint- Plioate Gen. Calhoun.: . The report of the. ,Committee .will- be' published-in• a few days, and will helot-an fixtrel . nely inter-. iesting character.. I •.. - I . -• i • vss, 2t iiould raise, Ad.minist E REAS - . Let • V the Estate o ilarrison Tovinsbili ceased, have.been.g alfiSersons indebted ecrto make intraedi; tMiing , cLittns as diem to the - zatlicri.' nenr Janes' : ,l ~CaTners settlement., • '3 4iiigbata, Fab. 2 !,41, Egg, Chair. tlo call a Convention $ unite .to effect the ;Add at Flarrisburp,, 2aer-than the first-Of ES 6icago Tribune. 1858 111OR'D D SCOVERIES • t ~ng'Counnitice Laving on that required the- I udges of Election at Fill Precincts, in John- Marshal, the fighting wart,- was sent with arrest. Me Prairie a posse, and on don tailed for-the scene of Inc back on Saturday, risoncns—a Judge and' ee Precinct, - and a can- M= 111=21= toes Notice,. • ers of l adniinistettion toi- JosNeu - I.lq.sy, late of 1 Pottee!Connty; Pa:, de nted to the Underaigned, to said estate are request-- tte payment, and. . those t the' dame, will present .er, l inßingbarnyowaShip duly authenticated fur 'll. J. circLER, Adpa';.: . IS:18.. ; !-4 0 : 3 . 4 ., - :,:1- 3