.. .. , . . . .- • _ , ... . - ' • : i• • - 0.. . _ .. ' • .. • • - . ... . ' . ' • .. ~ .... . . ... ' ' . • . ....---•-•-•.------.---,_ • • SINGLE. COPIES,- } . ', 1 . • - - eeliota • - VOLUME X.--.-NUMBER. 30: . ' ... -4LM5....,.......1..a...11 .- THE POTTER. JOURNAL, . 1 I . . ~• ; • , , , , • PUBLISIIED EVERY TUCTISDAY MORNING, BY ffilginal ! t trity. ... Thos. S. Chase, i i -L 7 --- --- --- —=------..-. '-.....--,—..,-------------=. "_To' whom all Letters ' and CommuniCations! [We found; the following pretty dirge of: should be addressed, to secure attention. - !some one's sixteenth-ar affections laying on,, the floor of our office ante-rOom : a few- Morn- i 'Terms--Invariably In Advance ! lags since, where it had! beeb left by its fair Sl,2* per Annum. I but unknown ilutlior, orisoMe one else, while! ,insousancnuorginninma • LT ttttttttttttttt rittuomm • Terms of Advertisi.M.-r. We were in the elysiura territory of Morpheus'. t IWe had re - salled not to publish another ar , .! I Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, -- 7 ' 50 ' tide withot.t knowing the author's imine, but Each subsequent insertion less than 13, I 41 g / 3 ‘4 .. •• $.l 50 , . •-,.. there is so much real . merit lin this that we: 2 50 believe we would do the! readers of the J 0121171 I. Square three months, :Qt, as well aS the fair unknrwu, great injus-; 4 " BIS " 4OU tire by sunprtLssin , t.i -We ope. she will con , .: 11. " nine " 5 50, • • 1 i '. , . tinae liar fa VOI'S occastontativi though we ii;.pe; .1 " one year, c 00: , not without ei-antic us 'the Lon:a-• , ,1e. •e. cf her! Mule and figure work, per sq., 3 ins. 3 06-50! . name. to wliFeh we are but just!}'entitled.—* 1 Every subsequent insertion, - En. OF J0nt...34.] i 1 d Column six months, IS Oo i 5 0 - 0 ~ .ll, 00 i• For-the Potter-Journal. 1 1 ~ 44 44 7 00! THE SOUL'S GRAYE YARD. 1 a u -per year, 30 001 1 ---- ' 7 .. 4 . ..,., .41 44 16 00 Slowly among, l my dead—Ll:tot , rnourning now— Vouhlc-culumn, displayed, per annum 65 00 I part Hi... long grass thqt-hi withered there, I && " six mouths, 32 00 And look upon the graves. 'l'i:.3 mane years - t 4 44 three , tl6 00 Since Tills one grew and ttvined about my && • && one month, t; 04) , heart i I . 44 44 per square i A lovely II TO—for hondr, faMe, success; of 10 lines, each insertion under 4, . 1 00 'For all the dory this life. had to give— Parts of - columns will be inserted at the stone "Peat others *lied—might id not come to me? rates. . ;This. the bri.4ht ri•ion 'of my' i sixteenth rear, Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 2 00' Drooped early; perished,mnikwas buried here. i Auditoc:s Notices, each,' 1 50 ^Then here are some black head -stones, very Blacriff's Sales, per tract, 1 501 . ' low, : Marriage Notices, each, . 1 , 00 . . That Spr.ug's first early gran; may bury them, Divorce - Notices, sash , 1 ' o ' Eyell as dark Cents ha buried underneath ; 1 Administrator's Sales, per square for 4 i Darka cres that crushed and harassed and 1 513 l insertions, , coil-Tidied 01.31`1e.33 or Professional Cards, each, Th ' unwilling Soul to bear them. to their end not exceding S lines, per year, - - 500 . Lie buried here unheeded noW,—forgot. Special and Editorial Notice., per line, 10 i ger All transient advertisements must be Some disappointments too, most sorely borne paid in advance, and no notice will be taken In their brad iriumpft o'er /1. trusting heart, 1 • of advertisements from a distance. unless the Died 'neahl a heat enly Love's all-healingt am accompanied by the money or satisfactor, - power, ! - referenee. . 1 And foi their power to sOfted and subdue, - . Ny;..r., ne - cre:lt Is' buried ; 'the i daik earth 1., . Heaped smoothly over them, friends thanked . g 1 it Silt f 5,5 641.115• . for aid ••!To bury our dead out of our s'ght." lonommou ttttt [1111121.11111%11.1.11111161111:1121111M1 tttttt 11111111111 • il, ~,, to t• , e .i. ache_. p e ,,,,, t,u -,,, L springing JOHN S. MANN, la, rt ATTORNEY ANN) c i.)1 ::,;-„ ELL „, 11. AT LAW.. That in iti,.: . +ls up joyfully to Meet all love, LH liappow,s, ~it4-est---that turns Coudersport, Pa.. ..\-;11 attend ;he several A "I • 1 ". Y• ' rout ~:arcs tu.,,t it has Inadt and strewn with Courts in Potter :in.] M'Kean Coanties. Ali . business entrusted in his care w aoyer, ill receive L, g..ther i ` n the tlif . e,. , ening path of Life prompt attention. Office ou Main st., oppo- . I ? site the Court House. • ' 10:1' W . hat hopes may slid be Jett; what bitter cares F. W. KNOX, -- ; Still to be met and conquered, and borne on To the soul's. cuurchyard, to the hallowed ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa., trill ; , ffround regularly attend the Courts in Potter and; . '' ' hicu the world seeth not, which no friend, the adjoining Counties. 10:1 may ace, ARTHUR G. OL3ISTED, : Nor dearest brother dream of. The new Year ' Turns soul-eyes inward. : Many, a region dim ATTORNEY k• COIJNSELLOR AT LAW ,I A.s that around. me—with the, ghostly Surma ' Coudersport, Pa.. will attend to all business - That rise when Time opens the coming, year, entrusted to his care, with promptnes and,Atoi clos,ts all behind it, Spreads around fidelity. Office in Temperance Block, see- The souls that look and listen. Beautiful and floor, Main St. 10:1 dreams ISAAC, BENSON. • fast perished in the dreaming r 4orious hopes CLerisited as the heart's children—nursed ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa.. wid j and fed, attend to all business,eutrusted to him, with Loved :old prayed over--sieep in silence here. care and promptness. Office corner of West W h e have sown flowers above them, earth's fa and Third sts. 10:1 I \4 flowers . ' And d ,- .sew; .-i- . On theth the moonlight falls. i L. P. WILLISTON, i llonven's suaii o ht arid it SIIMIOWS i and our' ATTORNEY- AT LAW, Welhboru". Tioga Co..' tears - , Pa., will attend the Courts in Putter . .and Shall daily water them. for our good. 31'Kr:in Counties. 0:13 Cot, , f..;:.,1 - ntr, .1-m. 1 e:is. '----------...- R. W. BENTON, . , ,- 4 .7 .41 /4trtfll:' t'-'clif-. . SUSVEYOR AND COS E - AN CER, Ray- Mond P. 0., Alk.gany Tp..) Niter Cu., Pa.. will attend to all :Justness in hi, line, \ridi care and dispatch. W. K..KING, AL - liNEYOII.. DRAFT6MAS AND CONVEY- ANCE:R, Smetliport, :Il'Keitu Cu., l'a.. wiil attend to business for non-re,ident laud- Tat.: ...Tlti.-061:11'S , PREDZOTION holders, upon reasonable terms. Refereu- ees given if required. . P. 5 . _....m„ 1 ,„ t „„,. ItCacili.:;, a low weeks singe, one of De part of the County 'mule to order. t):1,.: Quilievy's p-ipers " Three Memorable .‘itirtlers,y—recalled to my • mind the O. T. ELLISON, strawy , •ireamstanees of one of the most PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport. Pa.. in .. .; ),stel.:Jas do:nestic dramas that ever respectfully informs the citizens of th vii- .4,.. i , . laze and vicinity that he will pron i i,l%. re _ L1 ,,,, - , Lie ingenuity of luatt, or required 'pond to ail calls for professional• service,. tllc flitl - lit 01 time to develop. office on Main st., in building fortiori:: o,:-. 'II,o loc.:lay o: our store des amid one cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 11 :_ ` 2 . 2 • a th,, wlide6t and u: st p:,ii:,...,,,.1t: re _ COLLINS 5511111. -E. A. JONES. gloW, lii I.:1, ; . OW 1A1LC....11 . ..1. , .:.IC "..,- SMITH ok JONES, , head waters pf the Ilapi—,tai:._.;,..r: k, ..,ti DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS. the base Lk the Blue itidge. this, Fancy Artich:s.Statioucry, Dry t;uonl.i.: Ihe precise spot—Crusslaitd—is a sub- Weeeries, 4.e., ,Ilain at., Coudersport, Pa.. lime and beautiful scene, where two tor le:I :est-crowned raii l 4es of mountains cross .1-). E. OLMSTED, each other at oblique angles, k.t tit:: inter,seetuig point of these ridg- DEALER IN DRY ()ODDS, READY-MADE ": es nestles a, little hamlet, pained, fr o m Clothing, Crockery, Oroceries, 4:e., Maui s., Coudersport, Pa. i t. , : i , its elevated position, Alt:1100M. - - -- - , At foc period at which our story opens M. W. ItIAN.N, ; • the four estateS, in the four angles el the DEALER IN BOOKS & STATIONERY, MAG- irreL;ttlar mountain cross, were owned as AZINES and Music, N. W. corner of Main , , " 1 - :.. and Third sts., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 i jvh "' • ' 1 The eastern farm, called Piedmont, E, It; HARRINGTON, • lwas the life pl'operty of Madame Ander a Virginian lady of the old school. fEiiii.ll:it: eoudersport;Ta., having engag- I , 1 3't Ad a- window in -Schoornaker A: Jackson's 1 The western and most -valuable eStatt , Wore will caary.on the Watch and Jewelry I was the inheritance of Hontira Paulo, an business there. A fine assortment of 1 s 1„ r , t , I ward Jew- orphan I dire - s -- riand daurd ter and " elry constantly .en hand. Watches and' '- ,Jewelry carefully repaired, in the b est style, ; ut Aladanie _%-uderly. ' ,sin the shortest notice—all work warranted. 'The northern anti smallest one, called, 9:2.1 front helpg the deepest vale of the four— Hawe's Hole—was the property of old Hugh Hawe, a widower of gloomy temper, parsimonious habits, and ulinost fabulous wealth. . lIENItY J. OLMSTED, Omppgsgoa TO JAMES 8311T11.) -lEA4gR. IN STOVES, TIN J.; SHEET IRON WA.R.F,=Main st., nearly opposite the •Court I 2 i 1 .I.'ne southern ftrut—nanted ;from the House, Cudersport, .Pa. Tiu aud 61mm. i; - ' '' . ; extravaput cost of the elegant mansiOn- Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on short notice. - 10:1 ! house, elaborate out-buildings and highly ornamental grounds, which had absorbed the means of;the late uwuer, "Farquier's Folly"—was the heavily-mortgaged pat rhuony of Godfrey Farquier Dulanie, the grand: on of Hug' , .I.lawe, and now a ALLEGANY HOUSE, . i young aspirant for legal honors at . the liui . t 6A.IIUP.L - U. - MILLS. Proprietor, colealurg I versity of Virginia. ! -; ' Potter Co., Pa,, scion mile's north of Cool'But 1 little benefit it: the' heir was to be , - IlinPorl, on the Werisviße Road. 0:44 limped frOm - theinherittince of his father's COUDERSPOItT IIOlE• L, IL F. GLASSMIRE ' prwrietor, Corner of )4airt And Second Streets, Coudersport; Pot ter Co., Pa. ' 'J:44 -.. !:"-- ,I --: -. % AMIN' -A ' •,.. " -"' --.- . . -.. ~ ' 1• - ~---...._ .• ...,., r ...•_ . .i... ; .-, ..., , '...i -.; ..- , .;: ;:.: - ' :' :.: ' 7 ... _' r0 -"-..-77t‹...,_15-, , 1 1 . - -,. crib. _e- . 4 . 7\ _ ...,; . : • ~,- , - .., • • -,,,-, -,-.- . ...-ir '..---...._ '...-::: ......,.•.., , -,,i !.= - ' - , - . . .. _ .., . • I .. - • - 1 ~..- . . . . 111 - • ~ • - --- --;.zlV '.• y..i. , . A) - ' • . , . • . , • . . ._ , . „ . _ . .., " . . • ItiVENING BY EM MA D. E. N. SIJUTIIWg.MTII elicit:o to ti)e, i'riocipio of Ii DiFseitlioltioft of iffONlitg, riterottli•e. qi)o CHA: i Glt I COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY,. 'JANUARY 28, 1858. burthened• property. the ffrst place, old Hugh' Hawe had bought up iu his Own name all the claims against the es tate _of Fariinier's Folly—doubtless to prevent a foreclosure., and to save the property for his grandson. But, unhappily, Godfrey had mortally offended the despotic old man by declin ing an anicultural life, and persisting in the study of a professiOn—a -course that had resulted iu his own disinheritance.. To wake this punishment more bitter to his grandson,, the old man had taken into favor his nephew, Dr. Henry Hawe, whom he had established near himself at Farquier's Folly. At this time, the distingUished heir, having finished a term at the University, had come down to. spend a part of his va , cation in his native place. It was upon the Saturday evening of .his arrival that be found the little hotel, and, indeed, the whole village of Alta wont, in a great state of excitement, from the fact that the celebrated heiress, Miss Honora Paule, had just stopped there, and passed throu g h on her way home. Those who had been so happy as to catch a glimpse of her face, vied - with each other in praise of her many charms, while those who had not,. listened with eagerness, and looked forward to indem nifying themselves by seeing her at chuch the next morning. Me next day, Godfrey Dulanie attend ed Church, where he saw and fell in love .with the must beautiful and intellectual looking girl he had- ever beheld. From tne, cheapness and simplicity of her attire, he supposed her to be some poor depend ent of Madame A uderley's, in whose pew she sat. ' Godfrey was completely- capti vated, and he resolved at once to woo, and, if possible, win.this lovely being for his wife, pour girl though she was. He was glad she was poorp because she could for that reason be more easily won. But on accompanying Mr. Willoughby, the clergyman, and his brotherin-law, Ernest Heine, home after iehurch, what was his astonishment and dismay at being intro duced to the supposed " poor girl" whom he found to be no other than the cele brated Miss HOnora Pattie, the greatest heiress and belle, as well as the best and noblest girl, in the Sate of Virginia.— She greeted him cordially, and in a few minutes the company were busily, engag ed in conversation. The topic of " capi tal punishment" having been started, Godfrey turned to Honora, and said: " I take an especial personal interest in having capital punishment abolished— Miss 'Pattie, do you believe in astrology : 1- Honora started, fixed her eyes intently upon the questioner, and then withdraw ing them, answered— " Sir, why did'you ask me if I believe ill astrology. " Because, Miss Paulo, I was about 'to relate fur your amusement a prediction that was to concerning myself, by a professor of that black art." " prediction," exclaimed Mrs. Wil loughby, drawing near with eager interest. "lies, madam," replied Mr. Dulanie, '• a prediction which, if I belies . eertuitily dispose me to favor th,• a1.,_11:1,...ent of the death penalty.-- Three years since, while I was sojourning for a Short time in the city of Richmond, on toy way to the I7niversity, I chanced to hear of the Egypi'tan Dervis, Achbad, who was at this time creating quite a sensation in the city. His wonderful reputation was the theme of every tongue. " Idlenesr: and euriGt.itv Combined to load me to his rooms. lle required a night to cast my horuse“pe. Ile demand ed, and I gave him, the day and hour of my birth, and.then I took leave, with the promise to return in the morning. The next day I went—" ?" questioned Ilonora, ear nestly. ." My horoscope was a uouriort-scope indeed! It 'predicted 1M- me—a short and stormy life, and a sharp and sudden death." "Good Heaven ! But - the details ?" " It prophesied four remarkable ecents, the first of which has already come to pass." A And that was—!" A' • " The loss of-my patrimonial estate'." • Singular coineidende r 4 interrupted Mr. Willoughby, as he aroSe and joined his wife and brother-in-law at the other end of the room. " I thought so when the prophecy was fulfilled," replied Godfrey. "And the other three events?" softly inquired .flonora. The ether three events, if they fol low as predicted, must happen within the next two years; or before I reach my twenty-fifth anniversary. roe first of these is to be the unexpected inheritance of vast wealth." Upon hearing this, a bright smile play ed around the lips of Honora, and ban ished , the clouds from her brow. She waited a few minutes for him to proceed, but finding that he contibtied silent', she said— • "Well, Mr. Dulanie„ go on!' what was the third predicted event?" MM "Do you: command me to inform you?" "No, sir; I beg you, l l of your courtesy, to do v s e o ry ." w he said, dropping' his voice to a low uudertonk, "It was to he Inv Marriage, With the woman I should worship." A deep ViVid blush! supplanted the bright smile that quiver'ed over Ho !Min's variable thee. "There was a pause, brok len at length by voice, as she gently inquired— ; 1. " And the fourth ?" • 1 The answer .eaine reluctantly, and in tones so low as to meet Oulyiher ear. " The fourth and last prediction was, that before my twenty-01e birth-11 ( w should perish on the searuid." A low cry broke from the lips of Hci ~nora as her hands flew! up and covered her face. • After a mihute or two she dropped -them, and looliing him steadily in the face. said with qoet firmuess. , — ! " You doubtless -wonder at my "emo tion. Now hear me. ;On the autumn following the summer, it which that pre diction was made to youi, I was iu Balti more with my granchnother, and with I Mrs. Willoughby, Who was ; then Miss Heine. Curiosity tooll us to the rooms of the Egyptian, who Was then- practie ing in that city. And after sonic such preparations as he had used in your case, he cast my horoscope and read my future. It was this, that before my • twentieth birthday, I should be a bride, but never a wife, for that the fatal J'ormn of the seaf fold arose between the nuptial benediction ;and the bridal chamber. Such were the words of the prophecy." She s:oke with a solemnity that seemed to overshadow every'other feeling. - CIIAPTER IL THE SYBIL'S C 11101.7% The next day Honora informed'. her grandmother, Madame Anderly, of God t'rey's presence in the neighborhood,' and the old lady sent her only brother, Colo nel Shannon, to fetch him to Piedmont. Godfrey accepted the invitation. On his arrival, he found that General Sterne, the governor elect of Virginia, and his son, had just taken up their quarters, for sev eral days'i with Madam Auderly ; and the old lady, in his honor, at once sent off cards of invitation to some of the neigh bors to visit her that evening. • When tea was over, the company ad journed to the drawing-room, where, soon after, the guests invited for the evening joined them. First came Father O'Louberty. the parish priest of St. Andrew's Clint-eh, at Crossland. The next arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby, and Mr. Heine. Immediately after them came Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hawe—the doctor, a man of great fashion and elegance, the lady, a' dentate, pensive woman, with a sort of sad, mooniight face, beaming softly out , between her fleecy locks of jet. And, last of all, to the astonishment of everybody, came old di ugh 11 awe, who had been invited as a matter of courtesy,, and was not in the least degree expected to make his appearance. He came not alone. On his arm he brought a young girl, uninvited, but whom, I with stave courtesy, he presented to hostess as Agnes Parke, the daughter of • a deceased friend, and'now his Ward, who had arrived only that morning. and whom, presuming on Madame Auderly's well known kindness, he had ventured to pre sent to her. Madame Auderly. a reader of faces, was certainly attracted towards her; and, after a little talk,. that confirmed her tirA fav orable iwpressions, - she took the hand of . the orphan girl, and conducted her to the, aroup formed by the Misses A utterly, Mr:' i'7 'Sterne, Mr. Heine, Mr Dulanie, and Ho uora Pattie: • Under the auspices of Miss Rose And ! erly, they were just about to form what Ishe called a Sybil's Circle, for which pur.! pose, Messrs. Heine and Sterne were! dispatched to bring forward a round ta ble. - Miss Rose went to a cabinet to seek the "Sybil's Leaves," which she presently Produced. All then seated themselves around the table. I A dead silence reigned. Rose-shuffled the cards, turned them with their faces down, and then,. addressing lfer right ! hand neighbor, Mr. .Sterne ; in a low voice; she demanded " What would you with the Sybil . : ; ' "I would-know the future partner of Imy life," was the- formal. ansWer. - "Drawl".-- The young man hesitated fOr a While, smiled, and, rejecting all those cards that were nearest - himself, put his hand under the pack, and withdrew the lowest inie. "Read!" he said, extending the card to the Sybil: 4 ‘ Hear!" she exclaimed: . i• 'A widow, beantiful,as 'Twill-pc your lot to,wqd— With t rich jointure, - which 'shdll pour ' Its blessirrs on your head.'" r There was a, general_ clapping of. hands, and shouts .of laughter. • • It was now Miss, Jessie'S turn to'. fest her fate: - Being - a yentig la4y, she would . , EIM;a1113 not put the question in the USUaI form, but merely inquired what should be her future fate: The answer diawn To dandle fools and chronicle gmallbeOr.'" a reply that nearly extinguished Miss Jes sie for the evening. "I declare, if hre is not Mr. Hugh ['awe " exclaimed the lively Lilly,' as the old miser sauntered deliberately to the table, and, stood looking with indolent eu riosity - upon the game of the young peo ple. "Came, Mr. Ilawe ! I declare, you shall have your fortune told!" ',wellz--the commands of. young ladies arc! nut 'to be disobeyed," replied' the Illd . than, 12-,allaiitly„as.he extended his hand and drew a card, which he passed to the Sybil. Amid 4 1 profound silence, and in a sol emn voice; she read— " Thy Et te : looms full of horror ! From false frieti'ds, Near at. hand, perdition threatens thee ! A fearful stands in thy hone of life ! An enemy-La fiend lurks close behind The radh . tner of thy planet—Oh, be warned!'" " Pshaw.! what serious mockery chimed the old man, scornfully, as he turned awity, aud' gave place to his ne phew, wile 'had all the while been -Posted beg ind him, pceping over hii shoulder.• " Will you permit me to test my for tune ?" inquired 'the , "fliseinating' -- Dr. Howe: . .3 '• And what would YOU with the sybi?l" was the response. " I would know the future." " Draw !" said the Sybij, in a tone of assnmed.sternnesm Smiling his graceful but most sinister smile, the doctor drew a card, and passed it to the reader. .‘ hear !" said the latter, lifting the tab let. of fate, and reading— - •.1 know thee.'—thou fearest the solemn night 1 With her piercing. stars, and her deep frin,ds' might ! 'acres a tone in her voice thou fain wouldst shun, For it asks what the 'secret soul hath done! And thou h—there's it weight on thine—away!— rack to thy home and pray " Look ! I declaie how pale the doctor has grown !" exclaimed the flippant Jesiie. " One would really think, to look at him, that 'a deep remorse for some unacted crime' preyed on him." " Nonsense ! Jugglery !" said the lat ter, turning away to conceal his agitation. The eyes of Honora Patio followed him with the deepest interest—there was that upon his brow that she had never seen before. The nest in turn was Agnes. Turning to her, Rose said ; " Mint sack you in the magic circle, lady ?" My destiny," answered -the lucious tones. " Invoke the knowledge !" Agnes drew a, tablet, and passed it, as' usual, teethe Sybil, who read— ,oll. aSk me not to speak thy fate! 011, tempt the not to tell The doom, shall make thee desolate, Tho wrong thou mayest 'not quell! A way .1 A v-d/ !--Isr death would be Lien as a mercy unto thee 7 Agness shuddered, and covered her face with her hands. • "Put up the tablets ! They are grow ing fatal !" said Rose. " Not for the world I—now-that each word is - fate !• There is a Couple yet to be disposed of ! Miss Paule, draw near " said Mr. Heine.. The cheek of Ifonora Paulo changed ;! yet striving with a feeling that 'she felt, to be unworthy, she sii_iiet, reached forth, her hand, drew a tablet, awl passed it to the S)bil, who, in an effective voice, read— "'Bet how i= this ? -A &elm is on my soul !: I see a bride—all crowned with flowers, and • • • • Ai in ihilighttal visions, on the brink 01' a art , id chasm—and thou art she !'" Heoura heard in silence, remembering the strange correspondence of these lines with the prediction of the astrologer made' r ow , ago, endeavoringto convince Lerself that it was mere concidence,and' vainly trying_ to subdue the foreboding of her heart. " Mr. Dulanic !" said Rose„ shuffling the tablets, and-passing them to,diitia. • He drew a'eard; at returned it'to be persued. • • ' The Sybil took: - it, - and' a thrill of su4 perstitious terror shook her frame as she read— _ Ditgraec'and ill, i eAed sha;:itthi death are iiecri:' I An:irrepressible - low cry broke front - the pallid lips of, Henora. "Throw. up the cards she said: It is wicked. -this tampering with the ; mysteries of the titre I„ - - The above is the commencement of Mrs: Southworth'S.great story,' which is • now beiug published.im the New, York - We l , gilve this as, a sample; but it is only the begindinz'of this most" interest- I fag, - fascinating, and" beautifut talethe balance, or !contintiation:of it, can only be found n,tlie New Yorl i r. Ledger, the great family paper, for which the Most popnlar writers in 'the 'intintry contribUte, - and eii - einthe - found . at - '-all. the- , stores ..throughotit city eciuntry; *herb I:=NEV TERMS . . 7 SI.2S papers are sold. Remember and > fur l the New York Ledger of a;uckuaryl6, and in it you will get the contirMation•Of story from where it leaves off hereYlf you cannot get a copy from i i. v i t ewg office,•the publisher of -the •Lekter - will, mail you a copy on -the = receipt of -fife cents. • •.•• - • - • • -The Ledger is' mailed, to subseribe* $2 a year, or two copies for $3. Address your letters to Robert Bo,nner, pUblisher; 1-1 Ann' street, New. York.- It -is Abe handsomest and best family - paper , in thO country, elegantly illustrated, and champ terized by a high moral tone. - ,The story is; of itself alone; • wort,h`; the price of the Ledger. TO, pursue, the his tory of the lovely heroine,- Miss Paule.— how she came to be a bride for only ,sn evening, and all the strange, and- absorb ing particulars connected ; therewith, -will be a treat for all who take the troubleto get the Ledger. Rachel Bentfy, thelovAy daugbter of one of the richest inerchantS of.Londen, having married Georrri Heftinan; . .otie .Of her father's clerks, - euring the old Mao's abeence in India, be on, his-retnindis ' inherited her and discharged George. The litter being overwhelmed .tiy-dis'appoint merit, took to drink, - -and Ina feiryiirs became a habitual drunkard; his wife sup: porting herself and two -children---Rich ard, now a fine boy in his thirteerith'year, and Mary, a sweet child of si*—,by sell ing, one after another, the remnants of her once costly wardrobe and jewelry . ''' On the last day of - Deceinber:of the year in which our story opens, ..RadlieV . was without food, light or fire, ankthati'Very day the rent must be paid. •;* Little Mary was moanibg for bread, - and crying with cold. • , The drunken father was at , tbe klraw shop. The agonized mother hadbut aneinOre article of value left—a locket i.nontaining a lock of her father's hair.: Shehad hoped to be able to save this, the lasOnementix of her once happy home. .BlitgOaded hp little Mary's cries for food sheiseized the: locket, rushed to a pawnbroker'S, obtained a few shillings, put by the - amount of the rent, and with the, rest purchaaed a little baead and milk for her children,,and then set out, with them, to visit the old, eonfi• dential clerk of herfather,-Peter Mangles; who had ever been kind to her; to consult him about sending Richard away from 'the contaminating influences with which:he was surroun ded. . . . • On returning home late en.New - , T Year's eve from her fruitless visit, for the, old. clerk was not at home,,Rachel4iseovered, that her husband had been home and - Stolen, the sum she had put by .for the rent from,. the place where she had concealed it,:and 0-one off again to "The Cretin and-illa., pie" tavern to waste - it in ,dintdonness' Little Mary, chilled and hungry ) - bega4 to cry for food, and the suffering mother.,4 hopes of regaining a portionpf the money taken by her husband, .set out *Air her children to the haunt of vice whither George Hoffman had gone. - • There was 'a...great croWd.at,tlie . tai.of " The Crown and Magpie." • The land lady—a stout, vulgar-lookingwoman, with red ribbons in her cap, a•-:•profasion - -of false curls, a heavy ,gold • chain round her neck, and numerous rings" on her Int hi: hers—was busily engaged in pouring- . Out gin for her r the regular ones she was treating—for it inuak, riot be for gotten that it was NeW=Year'S • Such was the seene . Of vice " add dissips tion which met the eye and siekebed the heart of Rachel, when, with littlO:NarY tier arms, and protected by the presenoo of her son, she ventured into tilt() Aoiise,,. " Is .Mr.• iloffman here V She inquired' . . . . faintly. The question . had,to be repeated several times before she could gti an answer.i,':,: l " Can't tell the names ofinynt tomers,'L_repked mistress - Of Crown,and.rMagpie," snappishly." ( 1.., : - ; , : "Perhaps ypu_will oblige,rtm,lly nticetl taping-7 • " Too busy, ma'am;; r. Hot. water Sally 1 Three and . eight-pence, half directly! . : .t t " You can't :go im there V.', ibonted,the l andlady.,....asa - ehel:-tris making her Way towards the parlor. 4! Mine is a respelta ble house ;.1.. allow no ;females- ; beyond the bar.", . • - 2 (1 " lam Mr. HUffman's wile. 7.; "So they all., ,s i tlt;" .answered' #tO wa m A noviiii a - sneer. j There_ was a coarse, mocking 9 froin the crowd'of half ,driinken- viret4cri standing near.' 7The.eyesiif Richard flash . ed angrily ;1;a - the voice; inci"stilr mp the imploring look ofhispother r . estram= ed him. , "Let us return ,homef,As deqiiairirig - tinte "1 ieel at ,heirt." 322 =MM= FOUR . CENT.B; Her smile so soft, her heart so kind, Her voice for pity's tones so fit, All speak her woman —but• her mind' Lifts her wherebards and sages'sit: Richard ll'offnian. A • TALE . 01? Lowe AND. BlipttuutlON.l M IMI ENE NICII ME =I ESIIIM ' :: IMEN lIMI BEIM