The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 07, 1858, Image 4
"J -3*,, , A y4t0.1,4:4.1=i ~decte49,ll.AAP),ltep ren acre& 4,9 3 -lAel . ). Tice-C)4tellipr's Cogit, ipi „ltielt i iureffeet t 01 . nutr:- - rrig")Pilitliiilks* 6 4ifitr t,a,(re o eased i q'-‘ 14 .4114 c, 44 TV . r 8 ?i l4 t • #4tp,miC§f . ptes. • , 44/47.y.;_Tinlif,Ejys is • fiAted to lie tho4atention'of the Govern .briVfri- 'fr-441;1;t4riiee:iit stati -it) be - ,F9 - 94s4ed*Itg . . - .)htnli.ssl.9)] . offi,4;r :3 -• ; :,$) The : marriage ;of' the Princess rriuee 'Fredelicit-Williate of Prussia, 71 iiet down for thw•2s - th of 'January. • The;worlt otlaunehinn• the Leviathan .Im . - iirg,,ilo4ls but'surely. She wax moved a.few : feet for:ward every; day, Operationx.were_ suspeided_Pil the Sth by a-dense . • FR ANCIE:-•A most extraordinary theo tozieql controversy hss just issued from 314116. an opera dane ‘.- I f ii s. at_ tbo._Ael elute tripena e• p arts. The lady is a Protestant, and the .disens xion has been yeined ariswer to the l'•irs:ribus'atternpta made te - eolivert her by the Al./144 ThCfObald. • The work. is of a ' tutist - reMarlAle, tenflene:y, and has es cited the greatest. interest among" the writers of the drivers and other religious . 13E .K.I;S:D- TO_ fourt c_trsrEns.,—Boys, beiiiudEto.yonr sisters. ' You may live to be old, and never find,iuch tender, loving ,trietuittas these. sisters. Think. how ma ny things they do for. - you; how patient .tileyare with you . ; how they love you in I of. all, your iil Temper or rudeness; I)l9l,6e4ghtft : ',l for'tbeirs . . lie ever ready Ito oblige thein,, to peribral any little of-- fcitdoti thew- that lies in your power,— Think what'Yon•cait do for them, and . if li ttey'eFpresS a Wish,' be ready to gratify you AO • not know how happiness you will find in so doing. i F I never yet knew a happy and respected iTain who was not in youth kind to his isters. There is A beautiful song which aye Ide kind to your, sisters—not many may know The depth of tree sisterly, love; The wealth 4f the ocean lies fathoms below 1 , T 1 a eucface that sparkles above • 1)1i/bilpipq abeitisti alts. i,‘ • • Flom 1 JOHN A. RIDDLE, Merchants Hotel, North4th St., Phihcia )4 THE Mq4NANTS +IF-THE WEST AND NORTH •rt • -.. .11111111 , ADELIIIIA::.M-kRKET: beingiusilr .L. geeepsible f ,your,attcutionjs called to it, ais possessing facilitiesand advantages worthy -.6( your consideration. • Among its advantages maybe enumerated Ats location,.lioxing.shorter lines of communi cation An the interior, its proximity to the irog Anthracite Qoal districts of Pennsylvania, tile large and _varied extent of its manilas stares, being !aria advance of any other city Sit the iinitea.Stateq, the kgoderate • expensas sSecessary for.,carrying on business, etc., etc. ritarlict r s ossesses unrivalled ati - aints i es .f .e. th e sale . of :many kinds of produce, eaeh as Flour, Wheat ; Byrley, Wool,, Butter, cheese s -c., _while the , charges made upon sires and attendant"P..tieuses are more modar itte than neigborttg,scaboarti markets. - - Wif. W. I'.AUL, Wholesale BOOT, sins and STRAW GODS ,WARE/101.75E, No. 626 ibrket St. FOLFE 4 KING, Wholesale - CLOTHING ' HOUSE, No. - 430 Market and 425 Merohaat Streets. -• 7 PAYLOR, GILLESPIE 4- CO:; Whalen! - • GROCERS, Noa. 11 and 13, South Water et - ‘ 1;. C. FREELA ND, with CLINE 4. CAR RCL,..lmporters of WINES, BRANDIES, tGINS, te., No. 304 North 3d Street. 'l' MORRIS, PEROT 4 CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers ittBRUGS, CHEMICALS - , PAZITS,OILS, GLASS. DYE STUFFS, te., ,- No. ezi= Market. and 61 St. Tames Sts. KEYSTONE' STATE SAPONIFIER, or • ;•' : •-CONCENTRATED - LYE for 'making Soap. Hatiufactitred by the Penu.Slilt Co., Tare- tum,•Allekhany county, Penn. 'Represented " by LEWIS; JAMES 4. CO., Philadelphia. 4 j . ' TAYLOR, .Importers asd Cash' No. 305 Market Street, HOSIERT, ' -GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, GUM 'BELTS; SHIRT BOSOMS; WHITE GOOD*, - :EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SUSPEN.DERS, '!TEIREADS, COMBS: 4-c., 4.c: ,TNN,3 RAIGUEL CO., Importese of GOODS and Jobbers of FANCY and STAPLE. SILK GOODS, EMBROLDE , ,RJES, .4T., No.. 37 N. Third street. . 414-YES, - KENT,: SAYTEE 4- CO., Import lets and Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOMES . TIC DRY GOODS, No.. 239 and 241 North - Aid Street, abovse•Race. . - 111AISON SHITH,. OIL Cl,Cfrft lIANII FACTURERS •and - COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Waiehhuie N0..146 N.3d St. Nob HEYE EY . 4. CO., Importers and . Wholuale . Dealers . HARWARE, CUTT-1- '' Wand' GUNS, 427 Maritet'and 416 Co.'M inerCe-atreeth.--' - • • PA' L H. BIBIGHAUS, , Importer and --,-Wholesaie Denier in FOREIGN and DO ' ESTICeIHARDWAHE; isB:North..l4 oithet 4 1rILL, CROSS CUT, CIRCULAR and WAND - SAWS in' ny variety and style of •' the celebrated IXL stunt, mearilliaituted by WALTER CRESSON; Depot No. 603 Coma e ,grAsiolg,- HATCHETS, in great wt. 2Liety; manufactured by C. lIIMMOND, De= - -potlid.'so - Ccna irnerde , at: The attention `of theirad ale * ttailt"AtO theseg . oOds al 'being equal isi gonlity'and, any made. 1411FES BARBER, - Vaiildiale - Dealer in ,CLCCES,,Agent for the P,ATENT EQUAL IPIG7TIIIR,TY, TCL OClC.,..Marlolf eine ter oronti - Prss. -E n ~ cOret_ctL2ol PRATT 4. R.E4Tir; - "lntrfot4ern'Of W.A.TCH -1•ES;IE-WELRY.,and '6001431"X• ' - coraer . sth and Market•etB- •'., 3 rITCUc.IT . ; JONES &CO - , ;..impprtirs and4otebers is ' • Britialo4;.apv3A - 4qatvDrzGliods, ' litildarkecthrongh to 304 Church Altti7 . , • Vir:6ll,patfil palidj; fv t iwprot.!ea Non,- if!iBFIVR`IIS ( k,QYVA C9NTiPTION . 1 FIZE.,FR I ; DISEASES OF THE_MINIA_NO TiffilfAT I ' > . ...i - ARE: rogriywr --, . r -,:- _. ' ._,, I CURACUCIF itli INitAliATIOllf, jl 6 tr,lllcll,collyen, thPe-rf-Ifte,dses tp tll cieeie 1 •ITYtilithiliti T fliiiiiangs I.l:flett!,thii ja z i 2 ,li st „. I ges,„ and cons;mg in, dit.eft Conbect,With,the, , disease, neutralizes thiSlittercelai-Maiter, al !laysthe.i.tengiii itansei al freaitncf easesexpec-1 ; turafiot4diritlS ;the' linigk; pnrifiet BM biot;d 7 l 1 impqrytteren,wed I,:itality to_th - n eervetusteystrari". gitillf,3 I ;:fitt Wife OA .energyO: indisPensablt ; for the iearo - ration bf Fieal Ell.' - 7:(; - 1)2 Ittre . t() I • .. ''-' 1 fC' ; • ' • . .' stete contwlentiy; t tit ; oneumption tis. curable; ; by i4jl4.llo.tionc is To ir, , , t a source of unalloyed I 1 ph:an : ire. -It lii litetent4 - tnideitlie"itOntrol , of!, I medical trealipent, as any other formidable - ; i disease; milf , ty I; cod of every- bendred,teaseiSi I can be..e ured fir.the first stages; and; pity per ; t eent.tin'tlie se.4Und •,,' but in the thiiti stage it I is iiiiiioesible l tqlsitve more than five per meth; I_ for the Lungs are sO eat .up by .thi disease as f tto bid defian}teitq znedicateltill.t Even, how+.l i ever, iu the taut Stages; Titbit:la - flan affords ix , l I traertlinarye relirf to: the 'suffering .attending, „1 ; this fearful scourge, „which annually; destroys t niuety-lire ; thotisand - persons 'in' the United ! [States alone -,' and a correct calculation Shows I that of the Ft:Setif. population of the .:earth, !eighty tuiltheisiare -4estineetto fill 'the Con -1 sumptire'S; graves ' - ' '-' —--; - - Truly the quiver of death has nq arrow so I fatal; as Consumption. - In all ages it his been j Lane-great enemy of life„for itd spares neither.' age;ncir sex, tint sweeps - off- ftlike. the brave.-1 j lb- beautiful, the atracefuland the:gifted. 11y.." the Itelp . of that: Supreme Being Trom whom,l commit evert- g‘ i r tod'and perfect:gift : , I am en- alibied to olfer"to the atilieted,, a.; permanent! !and speedy. curt) in Consumption. The first ! cause of tubercle's is from iruPuretblotid, and I the immediate effect produced by their depo- i sition hi the lungs is to prevent. the free 'ad,: I inission ormir:iiito tha'sair cells', which causes , a weaheued vitality- through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational tb expect great er'goclttc,ine,--meditittes - entering the cavities of the lein,ro...ilitan.. : frova -those,. administered , ' tifFaugh .tinl,.stOnilich , • . the ;pa iicea t ..Willalways find thiliings - free the breathing easy, af ter Libeling remedies. Thus, luhatation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts enustitution -1 ally,tand with more power and eertaiuty; Man ' remedies administered by the stomach. To prove tlae,`poxrerful and direct influence of this this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled Will entirely-! destroy sensibility' in a !few minutes, `paralyzing the eetire 'nervous , system, so thatet limb may be amputated with out the slightest pale; inhaling the ordinary burning:l;as will destroy life in a feiv hours. :The. inhalation of ammonite will rolls° the system Whin f4iiting: or rppaiently_dead, The 1 odor of inany oflhe'rfnedicinee is 'perceptible 1 in tbe-ekin a feW minutes after-being inhaled. i ' and lazy be imniediately detected in the blood.; A convincing pr!oulof the constitutional elfeCds I of inhalation, i 4 the fact that sickness is al wayslproduced by breathing foul air—is ;tot this positive (vidence that proper remedies,' carefully ;Prepared and judiciously adesinise I tercd through the lungs should produce the; happiest 'resulto During eighteen years*; practice; many thonkends suffering from dis-; eases of tbe.lungs and-t4roat. -have been un-', der my; care, and I have effected many reine.ek- f able cures, even after the sufferers, l+'.l bee 1 p i rouounced in. the ltiltt stages, wh'sen fully sat-' isfies me that consuniptiou if s no longer a fatal disease. i My treattnee;,, of consumption is; original, and fotind^:4 on long experience and a thorough invet.aigation. 35e perfect acquain- , tan - ce With :lie natuee of tubercles, &c., ena- i hles• re': to distingaish,; readily, the' various ; fernis of disease that simulate consumption. I and epply the p oper remedies, rarely being` - mistaken even i a 'Single case. This canal- , iarityr ib eonnec,i ion: with certain pathological' and midroscopici discoveries, enables me to re-; I lieve the lungstfreni!tbe effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the f ehest, purify the blood, impart to it. renewed vihtlity, giving energy , and tone-to the entire system. ' Medicines with flit directions sent to any, part of the United States and Canadas by pa-' tients communicating their symptoins hy letter. ; But the cure would -be more certain if the; patient should pay , fne a visit, which would i give tne an opportunity 10 exaaniue the lung, and-enable me to tareseribe with much greater ; certainty,' and then the cure could; be effected without my seeing the patient again. ' G, W. 'GiIA LIANI,I4. D• 1 , 9 ! Office 1.131 ;Filbert street, (Old No. :1'09,) Selow n Tiwelf - th, PIIILADELPIII.I., FA. I • PROVISION STOIIE. • • E. K. SPENCER,' Oirers Grit.dt Inthtcements lirrEns or LIROCERIES, PROVISIONS &c., at c the store formerly occupied, by D. W. SPENCER, 011 *.i'd &teat, North side of Public Square, A good assortnient constanily.ori hand, from which I will ermines:ate a few of the leading articles, such as I Sugar, ! Mustard, Candy, Coffee, Cinnamon, Nuts Molasses, PUpper Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, Catsup ; Soap: Pepper, Yeast, Undies, - Spice, Shot, . • Ginger, Tobacco, • Lead, Cloves, -Snuff,' "G.'' Cups, Carb. Soda, Sega„rs, • C. Tartar," and many other things too numerous to men tion, will be fonnd in this department, which will be sold at a ltrifling advance from cost, for ready pay. PROVISIONS• - Constantly on hand, such as" - PORK„ SHOITLDERS, FISH, SALT, BUTTER, CHEESE, _LARD, BEANS, • :.OATS, FLOUR,, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,, DRIED DRIED PLUMS, and many Other attieles'ia the line of FrOvi lions not necessarytn mention. Also, " • 'WOODEN . WARE such'as Brooms, Was,h-Tuhs and Boards, Mops; Dinner Boxes, & c., whibh Will be sold low for cash or ready pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter, . Eggs, Cheese, and fact almost everything a • farmer raises, ,rill, lie taken in exchange for Goods, at theirl cash vilue. invite the at: turition of -Villagers, Farmers and Ltgahemen who desire- to matke Purchases in thp' aboye articles, and:solicit itten.4 to 411 llefutu par,; abasing; elsewhere f.; E. K. SPENCER: Conder.port, Jute 0, - -• Bibles 'Emig TatitamOsits: . A "supply 'of gohd - BIBLES" and TESTA MENTS„ suitable 'ffir the Con:fawn Schools: and , stnY•CIICAPi troy be hid' by calling at thigookstore of Jl.'ilV.-MANN, or . on,the'sitb scriber. 11 .:BLAKE,-Agt. of • rsp ;. ,• Penn'a Society-:et.. coucle eAlit6,il 85 .. • • , Thoseitna Ie to pnrchate wi ll heifizr nishAirati4toltsly,4 F, . t -1 „[10:=1 UPI WAR . ASSOLIATION; -•• _ .1 .. Be/mole/4 inititailionr, Wu/510411 :peer* 'endathrtintifoil the off- the vi - ek- , an d 'did -:treuedroffiicted With Virulent and . . 1 • disietper. • • - • '- 4 - T'au perscuaihilicted witlySexual Diiens:; as SPERMATORIIIIISA.:-SE)11 , - .tAVII,AVI ESS,: 111POTENC E, li R"ONO-!! r tlltEA, :IiILEET!, the Vice of :ON4NISA,'or'SELF!Aftusp,. 4.. c• • r , gc 4 0.119WX11.1) Asso:l3l'loN, in view Or title liWthl destruction -of 'hUninti life, caused! ryy • Se.ptal.— ;diseasc,s, - ttittl:,tTe deceptimistirtic-1 ti:scd: pion; the untbitimate :vinitni:.'ot, such!. i diseases by Qtiacks.SeVeral . yeavS ago - directed ! theireonsultingSWrg,eon;ns . .nlCHAßlTAßl , E, lACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispen, sarY tar the tree:tin - int Of this class of diseases, !in all their forins,4nd to give„,:dEDICAL VICE GRATIS, to , all wlni apply by letter, ilvith . a.`destripti'm of their ,conditittn: , occupation. habits of life, kr..) and iin cases Lof trenie poverty, to FUP.NISH•3I.ISDICINES, FftElil or CLIATCGE.!! It is needless to add, that the -Association.!_O cnnands the highest Medical skill of the :Mt.. and will furnish the !. Most approVed4hodern treatmenC, The Directors: on a review of the past, feel. assured dint thCir labors in this 'Sphere of be, nevolent effort, have'been of great benefit to the aftlietcd, especi.dly to the young: and they F1311'4 resolved tit de'vote;theroselves, with re !wired zeal, to this very important but! much despised cause. Just published by tlfe Associttion, a Re port ouNperrnatorriiinaor Seminal the Vice of OnanisM, MaSittritation - !or! Self ! Atitse, and other Diseaseiof the:Sexual Or gans, by the Consulting • Surgeon, which will he sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope,)iFßEE OF CHARGE, on receipt" of TWO ST'.-‘IIIPS for!pnstage:. Address, for • Report or tre•ttment, Dr. GEOP,GE Consulthig„Sorgeon. Howard Asstwiation, No, 3 South Ninth Street ; Philadelphia. Pa. • ! lir order of the Directors._ EZRA. D. DEAD . nivELT.„ Presidmt, GEO.. FAIRCIIILD,', Secretary. [10:34-Iy. PIANO, grELODEON§ Si. DIUSIC.. THE d i kSli SYSTEM ADOPTED. PricestOreutly Reduced,- . HORACE WiTERS. ,No. 333 Brocidway . , ./747, AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON Instruments, • , THE Large 4 Assortment of Pinnoa, Melo deons, 314sical - instruments, and Musical Merchandise of ail 'Mil l i's, in the Cuited States. Pianos from Ten dit Tempt Manufactories, com prising those of eN'ery i variety of style, from the plain, neat,ar,d substantial tq' octaves. in Walnut or VictsCwood Cases, from Sl5O to s2oo , to those of the most eiegant„finie4 up to o ne Thotoand Dollars. No hot"..: in V./0 Union cap compete with the alh:.we in the number. varietj- and celelirit: of its instruments, nor in the Extreme!): 10* P:ics at which they arc sold. HOP.ACE WATERS' MODERNIMPROVED PIANGS : - witb or - without Iron Franges, pos sess;.4 in their improvments of over4trings. ‘dnd actiOn, - a length of scale and compass of tone equal to the Grand . Piano, united with the beauty and durability of structure of the Square Piano. They are justly pronounced by the Press and by the first Musical Masters, to be equal to those of any other . inannflicturer. They.are built : of the best and most thorough ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand the notion of every climate. Each - Instrument guaraitteed to give, jatifaction,' - or purchase money' refunded. SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at great bar gains, constantly in store,—price - from $3O to $l4O. HORACE WATERS' MELODEONS.—Su perior Instruments in touch and durability of make. (Tuned theequal temperament.) Me lodeons of. all other styles and makes. Price $45, SGO, $75, $lOO, $125, sl4o—double Reeds and, two banks -of Keys,. S2oo—less a liberal discount. Clergymen and Churches, an extra di: count. MARTIN'S CCIT)JIS, - BROWN'S HARPS; FLUTES, FLUTINAS, - ACCORDEO:SS, - and Mnsical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever before offered to the . public. A la;•gt di,eount to Teachers andliielioids. The trade supplied on the most liberbl terms. MUSIC.--One of the largest and best se lec-ed catahigues of 'Music now published, comprising many of the choice and most pop ultr airs of the day, and will be sold at one third off from the regular prices. Music sent by mail to all part. of the coun try, post-paid. Partieular and personal amen.; tiva paid to all -orders received by mail.. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and rear allowed on puachase. Pi e ,nos and Melethlons for sale on monthly paprents. Sedond-liand Pianos 'a ken in exchange for new. General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail. Iler'Great inducements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of Music.B:46. • 1 - 1 - W. SPENCER is Agent for many of the 1.9 • most popular Medicines now in • use, a few of which he will mention : . J:t. STAFFORD Sr. CO.'S OLIVE TAR. -- DR. D.- JAYNE SON'S FAMILY MEDI- . CINES. • J. C. AYER CQ.'s CHERRY PECTORAL AX Pius. SEVERAL KEWS OF CURRY SYRUPS, &c., &c. ger-J. R. Stafford & Coi's Olive Tar is ap plied .and inhaled by wearing on LNLIALER around the neck and on the breast. His CL IVE applied where the skin is broken, and is a popular remedyirhere known. flood for the Whooping Cough. YATES COUNTY NURSERY. . w . H. OLIN 1 CU., of.the Yates County Y.V • Nurseries,' have for 'sale . a largo and valuable assortment of FRUIT TREES of all varieties usually. cultivated. These Trees are ,vcipag,and of vigorous growth. The qnalitie are' the tpbst'cliOic.clipciwn, and are warranted aksmn. Also, a. line stock of TIWES and SHRUBBERY, for fall delivery. • • . ' Aar Address orderrto C.'BEACEL•P:en Tan,. Tates•Oo., N. Y. Orders left with ROB'T. W. NILES, Coudersport, will be - . promptly filled. • . , " LEACHED MITSIANS ancla few other ex 111 ticks in the line or Stage D,ry Good, low forrpash At E. K. SPENCEIR'S, • 10:3 • • ' %A 5". S; . , Apt - • t r iri4.?tifiESAtill LEMCM jg st received' liy I*- , 10:2 .•' _ &4, a. GuyEs,f. =MI •1 COUGHS,-COLDS;,IIOARSENEFS,- -- jIMONCIIITIS,WHOOPINCAKP, CROUP MIMI AND . • , 9- i CONSEOTION. I • ; IDCtIIE A 01/D i ITITIT. HEADACHE AND,SORENESS TUE :BODY., Take: the, Cherry Pectoral on goiug to bed, and wrap up warm, to scent during the night., ; E,OR A COLD AND COLTGLI, take in morn ing, noon and evening. necording to the direc= liens on the-bottle, and,the difficulty will soon he. removed.. None wilt Long stiffer.from thiS trouble when they find it eau]. be so readily cared.. Persons atUi.led with:n seated cough. ;rh;ch breaks them of their rest at night, will find by takingoe,Cherry Peetoral .on geing to bed; they may he sure of sdund, unbroken. sleep,,and consetptent, refreshing rest. Great relief from suffering, and an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands Who .urd thus afflicted ; by this li/rail/able-remedy. .from its agree:age' ellects in these cases, nippy find themselves unwilling to, fore& its Ilse when the necessity for it hasnesed.. TO SING} B PUBLIC SPEAKERS /his remedy is invaluable, as by its action on the throat and lungs, r, hen taken in small a9antities, it removes all hoarseness in a few hours, -and 'wonderfully incre4es the !power mid flexibility of the, voice. ' AsTini.A. is generally much• relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so obstinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. The ntnYPEcTO-j j UAL will cure them if they can be cured. - - - . I3RUNCIIITIS or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungs, may be cured by taking. Cherry Ilectorttl ip small and frequent doses. • The uncomfortable oppte,sion is soon relieved. {FUR imoup.. Give an emetic of antimony, to; be followed by large and frequent doses ut the ()berry Pectoral, until it subdues t:le dis ea,e. If taken in season, it will not f::11 to cure. WHOOPING COUGH mq: be broken up and. soon cured the of Cherry Pectoral, THE INFLUENZA is speedily removed by this rordedy. :Numerous instances have beeu noticed itnere whole families were protected from: any serious consequences, while their neighbors AN ith l zut the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. .;Fort coNsumvrtos in its earliest stages, it,should be taken under the advice of a good physician if possible, and in every case with a careful regard to the printed , direetions on the bottle. It' judiciously used; and the patient is carefully nursed meantime; it will seldom fail tt subdue the disease. IFor settled CONSUMPTION of the Lungs,. the CIiERRII PECTORAL should be given-in do ses adapted to what the patient requires and can bear. 'lt alwaYs . affords • relief; and. not .unfrequently cures patients that Irere consid ered past -hope. There arc many thousands scattered all over the coentry, who feel and publicly proclaim that they owe their lives and present health to the Cherry Pectoral. Many years of trial, Instead of impairing the public confidence in this medicine, has iron for h i en appreciation end .notoriety by fur exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic' vir tues and the unmistakeable benefit conferred on thousands of sufferers, could originate and arid maintain the reputation it.enjoys. While Many inferior remedies thrust. upon the com menity, have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by •every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, add produced cures too numerous:and too re markable to be forgotten. !Mille it is fraud upon the public to pretend, that any one medicine will infallibly mire— still there is abundant proOf that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing, but alps Lit invariably Cure the maladies for which it is employed, As time makes these facts wider and better known, this medicine has gradually- become the best reliance of the afflictefl, from the log- - cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces of European Kings: The CIIERUS PECTORAL is manufactured by a 'practical . Chemist, and every ounce oflit un der his own eye, with invariable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from cOunterfeits. consequently can be relied on us genuine without adulteration. Prepared and sold by JAMES, C. AYER, Prac tical end Analytical Chemist,Lowell. Mass. . Sold by SEITII JONES and D. W. SPEN CER, Coudersport„ and by country merchants and druggists everywhere, 10:25-4m. 11 EW GOODS. Low Prices and,Ready Pay, AT SHARON 'CENTER I IIE SUBSCRIBERS are offering for sale an entirely new stock, consisting of pity GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, - CQOCKEItY, CLASS - WASZE. BOUTS & SHOES, HATS- & CAPS, UM-. BitELLAS, PARASOLS, - WINDOW SHADES, ' , WALL PAPER, READY - j . MADE CLOTIUNG, YANKEE NOTIONS, xc., &c. In• our seleetionS the wants of all have-been remembered. 'The Centlemen can find in our stock of Readi._ 'Made Clothing an' elegant Ft shiOnable suit, or a substantial BusineSs, snit, and we have Hats & Caps and Boots lc Shoes to match. The-Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming; a ; good assortment of Dress Goods, and trim mings ; Gldves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.— And, last but hot : least, corded- and -skeleton Skirts ; also, Rattans, • Skirt-Whalebone and Brass Skirt-Hoops; beautiful !Jet Necklaces and • Bracelets, Corals, Fans, •and too many other things to , enumerate,—all of which-we arc selling low fdr Cash, Lumber, or any kind of PrOduce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH con stantly on hand, . . W—B.-tt J. H. GRAVES. Sharon Center, Potter- c04,.1. - • jtkne 5, * . ' LEWISVILLE , STEAM' GRISTMILL . "ARRANGI 4 irrillil'undersiined having 4101 out '-I forma: orgreq.s cif ,the Levristrille Steam Grist are 'agitated tot de all manner of grinding, its. they believe, to the satisfae tionot•their chstomere:. Como acid see.' I ' • • • O. A. LBWIS, CD,AII',O2V 4.wift 7,irtri t rth:-118,. 1147.-114. ;- , ;flow __ — 6 . 44 .... i , rarawittioirElts . , _ T"Alf. kulocribers 00.,inptividt of in- f6iMitik ilieir friiiidi th'dethiYhd4'illio-, dipt . .:ofialaillaml nair.iriamikagp:e elmiaecnnit . des l' i P ?t4e l S-9f • 1 - i ;-11 -i•i • • qII t '.., '' - 18T.ilit.k. - AMY iAkY biri-dettlbg, 1; ikivitiCii - ilioiiillifielitiiitieliiid of ki..tilio desire to inikkirmrcEiis — e - s. Our, stock k! large lia'slieiti'kelieteil'ufitliVreii'6iii, - illi s d 'is par iiieularly sulitilte& to „ ilm wards. a ;this -sec iion 13!,0ur eflntr.T.. l ,or)to,elc. o of pry_qood s til can Sist.4 'o ; 1 tintss (1661113:111111MIN - Gli.1111 3 / 3 ONS, '- i- . ..,:; riNiIkIOII_ERIES,;;IPAI3;:V4QI4S , ._. , , i .; . ~, ~Cl. . (llll§,X...kSBllllillES - • '-' • -•" ''" '"*F.S'I'INGS; 2 I)()- -. ''`l - ;ti-. .i •_;:.: .1 ffIobIESTICS, , ;:: '.. . slll.RTititiii • ' ' ' '• '-' — LINENS, ' 'PRINTS; • ' '' • ;V. - :_,f rIOSIISRY;:f I SHAWLS,' . : and 4 yaripty.of otherarticles; too 'numerous to mention. We liare also a complete assort '`. GRPCERTESi ItAilDWAllt 'ILNI) ' i i ..: .`.. ~,; ' t OIkOCKEItY; ai I lof which will he - . sold uncommonlyr cheap f'rready p.iy, 'And , for approved credit on as r 1 asemabie terms a!:an y m o i th s e s r : l es N ta tc hlha o hLu a cut: 3iillport, Aug. IT, 15.5t,.-9:13 iy. • * N.- W. -KIPIG It SON, , PATENT • CHAIR IIiNUFACTCRERS, 438 'Eroon-,p3' Street, . One Doak Edst 4..;S Broad ' . [Este:biz - Ad .4. D. 1.833.,1 jiNVITE an examination of their great vari . ptynnd §urrt . rior.assortrnent of EILAIRS, ur nufactured at tteht own establisluvent. and under their huntediatU obseii - ation and ttirec- Out', inelnding . . . . . PIVOT REVOLVING CILAIRS, SF4I.F-ACTING _EXTENSION RECLIIBENT CHAIRS, • . • .• . PIPROVED INVALID WHEEL CHAIRS, lIAJOR SEARLE'S TRAVELING IN VALID . . . SPANISH - SPRING AND. SQVAB CrlIA SPINAL AND ASTHMATIC CHAIRS,AC., • Embracing tit.: most c,mplete assortment, and ch.oicP-„,i, kinds for Pariors, Drawing Rooms, Chan!!.e.ra, .G,.rckns, Libraries, Cou»tiv liouies, flgices,i'tiblie Institutions, Denlies, Barbers, 4.c.„ t",other with every desirable sort adapted to the comfort, convenience and luzury of the Sick, the Aged, the Infirm, the Lame and Lazy. In point of ingenaity.of design, elegance of finish, quality and richness of material, faith fulness of exec.:Utica', durability and cheapness, these chairs' are unsurpassed. For them, M. W. KI.G A: SON, were awarded the . first and only Prize Medal, and the faculty recommend them as far preferable to beds or couches for patients afflicted with Spinal Asthmatic or Bronchial affections. , . . To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or writing DEsic, end any combination desired will be manufactured to to order. At Circular with explanatory cuts,' will be sent by mail if, requested, and orders [with re mittaucesd promptly foFtyardcl to arty part o! the Nora. ET_TX - ITIZY & 'ECONOMY! KING'S NEW GHAIFL "AS' YOU LIKE IT. 1 . . An Arin Chair, Reclining Chair, Couch and Bedstead:lcounts-D iv ON ,J is susceptrole of twelve dint:rent-Posit ons oil changes, to meet the varied requirenie is tor :comfort, ,conveni ence, luxury and cco only, Lin spac. , : as \veil as price. 3 — Whether in sickness oelitalh, this celehrated eniut "AS you Wit IT,",CXCOS:In many respects, any chair pe:rhaps i ever manu factured in this or any other countiy. . ..The price caries from . FOrn to 'Thirty Dol lars, According to finish:: - i . To Public Institutions Ens ,well aslo individ uals, this CIIAIR is, a very desirable amid() and will be• supplied in any number on th , • most liberal terms: Apply to or, address M. W. kiNG SON, 438 aroorne . st.. One door east of Biondway, .N.sxr YORK', (Lute 468 .f.roadiray: • 9:44—1y. VIEW GOODS—A- Fino Assortment just 11 'received " , OLMSTED'S. GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. The best Therapeutic Agent ever -Introduced. DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO FTFC • - Z= TRIC; MACHINE emuiv.N. ' • 36^. IS exciting the :•• 4 '7absorbing. atten • , tion of the ,Medi - cal Profession and a large portion of the intelligent lay men of the land. It is now clearly demon- Istrated that the lancet, msrcury, and all other internal drug-medication' may pc laid aside i with perfect safety is the patient tind :Odd ing benefit to posterity Wherever these ma 7 chines have been introdueed, they excite "the highest wonder and .praise. The apparatus_ , is adapted to prevent, relieve and cure eVery disease incident to liiimanity,-- 7 -•more partien larly all those painful and formidable diseas !es which - have - for centuries batlledlthe pro foundest Icarian, : arid.skill of phYsicians. Froth whatever cause there may be an ex cess or deficiency of the nervous fiuid•-r-pro ducing an excess or deficiency of the acids I and alkaline secretions—the magnetic priaei ples of the system are- deranged, and can on ly. be safely restored hi-their normal - condition by an . application of inagneto-clectricitc, by tricruvi lot • i)Th DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This'apparatus will pOSltively prevent, ,and. speedily, relieve and cure ,Consuniptic. tilieuniatism, I Palsies t ta Nenbril Spinal Diseases, arid all i. I other painful 'maladies; how-ever hopeless and , of long standing. , They,are, eininentlY useful hi all sexuaV•and•urinary. disorders, particu lady-Where the Constitution has been broken I dawn aad rifted by Unnatural solitary habits tc which too many of the young of both sexes 4to sOlditientablf prone. - • ' DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC I MACHINE 14 without the (iadgereu!-,compli cations of batteries andacid.s•-w lach fact alone I renders it superior tcl_, ay:others, on the score! of neatness, cleanliness, Safely,and Utility.— It is; in l faet, a handaome - parlor ornament; -may be, applied by_tc,ehild ;_and will last, a life-ti greaiLstiving4L.of Doctor's: bills, .te.l • irAigE 07 THE MACHINE $lO, ruiti :sent to 4any • p rt'Of the -United States. Sold wholesale and rtlaiLat Street, p4i4kcielphil i , Address, I 4i 0;i 1 i0K/NSONi 110.;,1-1y. • , . • • Z.O qrf.A.DO ft, EOII,,SIIOIVIKCi THE ,NEW • 'l ' ° f4s: illat*OYea 4 ,- Q4 I PT.PWs, - • • '../iEw 4 tonsil' '.i.i.tliiii-wAG.O•• rot., .. Ifol , Ale by ' / Jo t NitS;llllig - 4kjplas;: ICdiPl*Titelli hi:o li; 1 tit!7 -: _st.c' ' l. : .. - 3 • 3- :% , ,1 . 'l' 4 .- _ _ .... ...Ile ::',.,--b- - 1- _ r n ,24 7.),V 7f- akeyest an o 7 , l 4 Bdt aili a: .. .. i ~- ~.-,,,• 4,.'n...),-" , . 7...11 `..- , '0 , . _,, .4,4• , , „ Elreulailconieo,99P.. . . LITERARY. AND. .r,ANII,LS, ..10.NTIILT 'M AGAZINE' Vicine'a " fi intyalaine sin 'Ant next. ,During - iTirte3l.Flitief,,iiionthaafjt s ex _ tends it' his ail; inel a' ptip'ulariq• in: tb annals- ; • • „ ; • The.pilblitters. 1 44`4 11 gPir t ete4 liberal tit ais for - Cliori't l -11terarY - ell:nrin, the Sfoliei. Rimanees,'ssayni Poetry,:and -, Otlier and, interesting; reallinx in 4:tniviry hist; and are being ' in!the ', •.• • - 7s ' ,• , The New Tolumemill - be.eipmencaccd ic,la, ly 1857; ireatty:jUsirpik&aail '9llnrge3:-, Each!_ ramfber „eunluite . thirty-Me extra, farge Sizd* royal oetavo pageS,Making . a - meg., ttificent tulitme of:Autarky 490 pages" fur the, year-7--or. presenting nn :lumina pf ; the cbpj.. cest reading on all - subjectrf;. equal in *hat, tkortlfl curi in 'book. - stpres .nt - least 817 cents, payableinrarlably ia.advatice. Some of ihe'niost itoptilai•and brilliant melt and female' contributors • hie regular contri butors aral the' üblisher&will spare no or c.s.itetc:e fu mutter, the 'Yelectitie Visitor eKery way acceptable tv a refffneal'undintelli-. gent comaMnity.. : The publication is adapted I to all classes - lot people—the young ,and thebld7 7 -and where, ever seen and perused, meet vita itt....kiersa:c. aeceoation.'..- * acceptation.':. .- -.— Ur l'ilayf 14. tild / , tinia to . subscsibe to 1/14 New Volume. ' -.- -•"*.„-* The buck numbers- . mily be- bad '' . (tt complete sets} - for. 3 cents,caili, or the' w4olt . series of 12 numbers for TIVEN $ v-nvE cents.. Liberal. inducements tolubs- and "Can-. c i .. cnnerc. - . , IW - Bemernber, our terms nre- Fifty cents for one year, for a. single or tinee 'cop-1 ies will be sent under one cover or address for One Dollar Address,l • COSDEN S cOMPANY, - Publishers, N 0.33 - NorthiSelenh Street,. up itairs;) ,: 1 0:1—ly • Of all tlisease ; . ;theirreat, first cause Sprinks froht SUFFER xorr When a IM guitranieod IN ALL 6TA:OE Oi SECRET ~DISEASES, Self-Abase, Nerroue Debility, ,Strtnre,i, Girtlt, ; Gravel, Diiiletis, Disease., of tlit'' Kidneys and Bladder, -Mercurial Rhotod,ali4k, Scrofula, • Pains in the Bones-and Ankie:, Pi.geasid of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and . ET, poor: upon tie Body or I,inibs, Cancers,. Dro Jsy,' 1 :EpilfplicF4l, ~St. ,Vila'ii. Dance, and all. Aii,cotre..terisiny from a clomp -meat of MC Sexual Crggikr, SUCH as Nervous TOmblilig, Loss of Metn- . ' ory, Loss ,of Power, Gc criii Weakness,. Dimness of 'Vision with pectitiiir g,ots appear ing before the:eyes, Loss i of Sight, Wakeful. !less, byspepSia, Liver Lista s ' Eruptions area. I the face, Pain in the back a.ld head, Feualle I irregularities end all imp-ope: discharges from both sexes. It matters riot from v, hat cause the disease originated, howto-er lorg standii g or obstinate the case, recui•ery isrertuin, eta! in a shorter tine Diana permaneFt cute ea nbe ef fected by any-other treatmert, glen after the disease has baffled. the skill f eminent plivsi-- Mans- and resisted all their m ansof cure. ; t . he Imedfcines are pleasael withou odor, eau ling no sickness and free from mer'cury Or balsi , m. During taventy,years of practiee,d have reset eil from the jaw's of Deatfirnan3thousands, who, in the last stages of the mentioned,abor enticMed, edis eases kid been given up to le bilheirphy..ii i.cians, which warrants' , me in promning to the nfflicted, whet may_pluce, therSelves . undermy care, et,perfect and most Elie tly i cure.:. Secret Diseases are, the. greatest enemies .to health,,as they are the first cause of Ccinshniptien,.Seiof ula, and Many other diseaSeS, a:tad should be terror to the Iturnau family,i .As a permanent cure il? Scarcity-ever effected a majority of On cases falling into the hands of .incompetent persons, who not only fail to ctirethe - diocases but ruin the constitution,' . filling the system [with mercury, which, , ,WitliAlie disease,. has tens the sufferer - into airapid.(ionaumption. • But should , the disease and lithe - treatment riot cause death apeedily and the victim mar -1 rte.., the disease is entailed. Upon, the condign, who are barn with feeble - constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Setofufa, TCtter. Ulcers. Erup tions an other valet:lions -ot 'the skin, Ejee, 1 Throat and Dings, entailing upon Came a brief existence of and cemsleirg them tb an early grave. i • ', ~ 1i„,... SELF ABUSE is another fortnidala enemy to health, for nothing else in the 'dread dread cats-. logne of human diseases, causes so destructive la drain upoif the sy , teni, drawing its.thousands • lof victims through a few Years of Suffering down to an untimely grace: It destroje the Nervous system; rapidly wanes (may the en 'ergies of- life, causes tiantal tluengtment,. . p 1 event, the proper Ilereioptnent of the system, tliagth:litics for marriage, society, : business.' and all earthly happiness, and leaves the suf -1 fercr wrecked in body and mind, -predisposed I to consumption and a train of evils more to be i dreaded than death itself. ' With the fulifst I confidence I assure the . unfortuinite victims, of ISelf-AliuSe that a permanent and 'sneedr nett can be affected; and with the abandonment of ruinous practices ° ldy patients can : be riiitorinl to robust; vigorous health,: , .' i The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are- -80"nwq iugenious, snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and sob the : linwery sufferers that milliOns have their censtitulions ruined by the : vile compoundsof , quack dOcitirs,..or. the equally 'poisonous nostrums i - ended re "Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so called !Patent .Iledicinest and find that nearly all of thnneontain corrosive Sublimate, Which : is one of ,thq atte444 plc's paration.s -of ' mert;,ury libel a deadly Poiroae, which instead of curing tlx disease dibbl& the system for life. , •• , :];, •-• .: -., - i • • • . . ..,. iThrec-Soiir.tehKof the pptent, nostrums: stow I in use are put.up by tiaprincitiled,4io.igtionintt persons, who do not unders!lund.eves44.4l, phabet of the nacterld me4cd, and are . equally' as destitute of .any knowledge of the human system, having one objeOt only. id V . ieni, and ; that to make money rega r dless of coneipea-, [ ees. " . ' 1 - 1 , irregularities:and all discuses of thulei and females treated on principles _established by twenty years of practice; and. saictiOne'd by. thousands of•the most temwrilablemires.-llfed icines with full,directionS sea; to Any part of: the" . tinitcal Stutee .oi•Capadis, .by I patients.. eommuuicating ;Their syniyitim's• bylettir.— Business coc.rpspoucleilmeilrictly confidential.: Address. - '' : 7' " .. tr. . B W I \I I NIRVIttE .. .AL I), ' - ‘OfFite ' i s Pi: 1131 1 •111bert Sti-,, . .. (01d - IsTo.' lo g • - ! ~ . , ~ • /0;6-It. ,:".,-!'• littiow ;rwsifip;'" ' , ," , • :P,11.1 L.A D" g I, -P II I A: , . i, • . . XTEW GOODS-Liiree-nnd Spleed4 At 01:. ,, sorinion't.isseTetdiyik-it-' -',--..-"- ,' -• • -.- ,;•-frOwnfriv.l', CM