The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, January 07, 1858, Image 3

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tor „i ',i , •??..AN :_.1%.f1iZa , ..:.* '4, 1,t.• - r, t , I i t fiVire ltilf,`,, .4 rilz , • - a iyal• .s. wr. b . 1 .... 1.,- , •-• •,. •
. it 4.
~ s . tirs o p
,K, rar , . vo x , rge 0...2 dirsti ps 1 num . crr a t?au . ,y..i.sat3ea,ofilhe consalidat:tl
i trl.llllt illig eilllt I
.. , ~_ . ,
.., .
~,1 , ,,, , ,
, : ,, twit .,, ita .: 2 ..... it y. ± . 11V ..... is f.': . I l i t : : - . 1 .,ii,... h i *9 _
.., I work ate ini2.,be.ratat,,r_.enneirte t t,s94ave sup.:
c, p ! , t , i pa,,,,,,! , y,/ , f3.,...i„ „a,,, ~,tt,„t guipattsed, artahe rialuiess,ofitsliteraiiiententa '
== to have onrltieltdsiu.thextinto' u.s.retiena NU, 11 . 1 ,,,,Ii i Sb,;eku l Y a. l2 " ' 1/4vi'es'. l n..s.i'o ' f;tli.e.Vr''''' ''' 'pictet ' '
; We are 'aviiig some fine sleighing tioli, 4 , a rriisit li ts .
I, , , i tti „t ,i , ief ,... e. r . . 4 , 54 ,1 us, rit,ti3ins. -- tray-'ttnag•__,..aziffe req.' before
t - , t - -•, r" , , - •..;.•• - t,•..1 _
a . 1 ,,,, mia ,.
E{i , „,,,,,,,,,,,, ;of the county
au s 3_13 z 'to `look np a -, ah • ) .1` ). '1 '', -I -"'t L " ri , ve , tssnellnant the. Anterican tress;.. ilVurged I
.cbunti of all ioc ciirreades - tinoc.ii 'there tt ` - li'''e. --- tl - ' -.: - -------'' ''-- .
Aittle'hereaboutsi after o hingsleetietniaecli , e :.., ..., .:.,..a..:... ,1. ...:-. a. ..7,:: e .t. fa i. S • • y e r —a-,teat, .eatcsof fa‘ - prilhec,pab s itahers
, , , , . , . ,
~ , , ,
,• e I have, l3 eTeitrat7uCeld.' to - comirien.4o tbektew„,rOunte
by,the resent financial Crisis:: ' '-- --' 1 - - -Gbd(7-Cheer lt`r:tuthrii-hieiiiThere 4nlanitau , avah -7 st. - 11NeiltVe 1,. , tinter =•-
, _______„.____ _ ._, •
~ . , . I Ittaffit.,ol4r atieh'inkluceuteriii• `attkseihet-i
s f
-:, ,lase. erar mute reason .nor ottrattmemzutotrinCY i ~...:... 1,,, :r . ..-.... . . .'- • •, . ' m .' 'a'.
1 '..
' .4 .". ... 1 1 C ii . 5: 1 4 all our rea. dei - a . ,ita „liY-e lumbermenuter , " a r it , - , t, • • - I- - . I li;
i'rtiod (41„„`m•e,rAllelti,„Pnialacl,4zint'n,.st,lrieritthiT11,1isue.1:
to suspend operations.'
.• n
- poem On the . Sidewalk," a carefulperu- ~ !,. , , ..,
.. , ,
the tabt*no...:aattoaire - the follOwinz eplettdid
• , -, • - ; winter on account et , Ital Lu. tinio—o
-:sal. It, ismit excellettt production.:' There • -•• 1 • , ' •- P c I pro. , . mine. ~They have purchaietf th.....t su
contrary-they, hafe . e . tery
, rmsOn for ac- t ,i ili - IYpld' iiilt . „ - 'eftlielipla‘te
. tmgrjaving.,
~is considerable merit in the poems of Gail,
tire operations,,' :P. , 'e,.,h4P:r, Milers will , - ~
fie: 1 tirf.k LAST 'bui•Eitii.; -,,
Hamilton, and the editors of the Minolta!
credit f ui .„, , _ eeur k s .' hi s `a gativ.ral aLconntiodatio , n mott,g, business dollar
ribste . - taln, copy of it to lb ef,era.,- three-
Era; deserve much- e . ,„tribcr,for.the year , 18 . 8. , ..1f, Ulls
men in order that" this, eau nty may real- Lingrtived at'a•c - ost- of overt Se - ,boo: avails bite
• valued petCto their columns. t
, . .
. , . , , _ , size some of..tbe beneats Pp be derivedcelehiltici A! I.;.;Dick. trina.ltlie:. original of
„ 'Profa7iityi; the mark - of a Fool.— E.c.• from the followto . g - good-clicer given 'by Raphael Morgium, after ,Leunet do I).i. Vinci.
and is the liig s't t • 1: `l.'
te p he
. eagraving
. ever I
1 Nerdy that is true; Litt then a great ' the .12liddletown (Pa) Journal ~..; ' ' I ,
,•-r', I
to. -
Fite of °Hillary three-dolar , engravings: I
•olany men have been branded ill mist - ake.: i 'Vje Itaver made it otir. business
' t• 1 • The firct impre,.sions of this engraving are
„The world might be regarded as peo i pled' sound our lumbermen 'in regard to the , held at al ' io, and it was the iivention of the
I . t. , amount 'of lumber midland, and find thaC;artist taat none of the eng,raVitlfr.S should ever;
arith foals if wt. a.e, the above max
"they have pretty generally sold off, and. ;j be offered fora lees sum than $3, being richly'
l im..litertilly, for there are none wbo at,
that - they intend today ia' a heavy suunlv
lot in some manner prea:n f e a .
m i c._we !i tinee t c. l s_ , sac - r i: 2 ; ptor i„ m. ,,..
e,ellyt i ih i lee i tit t 1 1 ` l3 - ' , subscriber w ill reenive the 11"..tzi
' • - e tt il l i C 2 l *( l7 y o w a irsa m . ei —e nelmap at thrrne dollars-jai - or this Splendid! one
e en 3 Tlid r i l
nraving, richly. worth $.7.; thud getting fur;
Killed ly the Falling
i Mills are - runninw every day, .end the en-it : • - s the value of eightalutters. I
learn that ayouna•
0 ma n na me d J° l " 2 U - tire 5 t - u.e - lc tu;wlo “ U'. - .1 - laliti . Vi l ill be run 1 IVe shall commence str.kittg loci the ettgrar-;
. ~ Nei, 1 Lan I:kr(be EXpee
: rich, was killed near Germania, inl Abbott t.brough,aja.e.4ol9 ' , holidays., ; ;,,,F*Toin this] . jags imill.e'li °et; • . 't
- I I/ - • I
ted that unpresstons oh' so large a plate can be!
['township, on the 28th ultimo., by a tree it is evideut_.thrit the demand' fOi - tiniber 1
taken as foist ris they will be called for by sub-
lite - ging upon hint while chopping-in the .at our market 'willibo as I:',i'ert• if not Weal .- J Reribers'. lye chili therefor:, furnish them ' i
' r . er than at any former: tittle .: The cry cat ; the ardor .. which sz . 1 1 .1 , ,criptijor: arc - ree ' cirt i d a .!
.cruods. Ile was a young luau, a German ' -
hard times bag but little . effect on our' Those who desire to
. nly,ititl their engravings!
twe 1:1..qi 're i
~ and li?:d no re in this Ititubcr.tuereliants." . ~ - I ct - Av and from the t•rst intprotsions. should i
14.r.oliutty. . i Au CLns.on of credit' now Will Sen.4:
b tl,leir sub,crtpli •ns withottt del'iy.
doubt- ].The cl,7rlviti,z can be sent on rollers; by ni.t.'l.
.-- ,
or n in ,, .• other mannc.t. as sat:seri:4ra shall
The fluids.—T;te knit hoods .• now.. l=s s aid- i n • br i c g. in g " 1/81deritbie In°ce.Yll, cede'. • •
warn by yaunt,2, - latlies are very pretty and into the county by the lumbermen in the t ' -
, • I $20,000 LW V7ORES OF LAT.
much warmer we should think than the spring. - , 1 ' i II .aidit ten to the superb engraving of “TilE
wilicii will he prescated to [
present style of bonnets or apologie.s for THE POTTER COUNTY Tv.ACIIEII.'S AS- i LAST Sbel ' Elt,
levert threc-d011..r subscriber fu- .16 - 8 the
Ez lATION' 1 "ill 11old its first regular ::hurt- , - . t '' '
bonnets. They have more to recomMendi. °L • " -1 pubh,hers have cutupieted arrangements
, tug, at the :3ellool .11onse , in Lewisville. on ;the
-them , for thie distribution, 011 the 25th day of De
than beauty • they are cheap, and • Thursday and !ridar, the 28th and 29th inst.
ceinber. 183 . tt, of a &cries of splendid works of
that in these tiatht times is samethina• • 'O. iginal orations wi tbe del,fered, bY.Mes,rs.
art, comietiog of one hundred rich and rate
tip ?It
1 OrlakdO 3'. Rae. - ;tLa.l't3corge W. Gri , riyr, and
They should be generally adopted. ' o , ' , av -c ill he req..; r htisses 8 tr.:1111. Ls tn. , u (Jul P'inliugs, valued at from SIAM to '.l. 000
tteclt. Al,o, 2,00 u mignihcent Steel-Plate L.l-
..- -:---.12.- -: , '; sod Alen L. Birii.„ ii Cutai.!:ittee has hetai , a- t
fro have reeeived„. the D,!eatuber and i poiated to report to ill.: Asociatian. question-1 ; gravings worth ir°ul t- 13 t" $ 5 'acil• " 111,00)
f brill-'
choke, ilolitl.:,) {].Dols. worth from $l to $3
, Co: ti geui , io-i and arraltve tits order '
January numbers of Harper' i .tl.7gru.ine. nr. . 5 .. . eeh n al.' in , 1'11,117 Til 1 " '
t.. 1 tag./ ail,o . t.r , . CI.SAND
Tlieir ' re f oort will he pre•sent. , d, on 1.. , -!l :‘ ...
f irlf IJ, worth 'l\l ENI Y 'f,dOI.'SAND Dui.-
The January number is pttrtieulaily wtil ta,raine• o," - tae ri-5 . .. day. L-t the pria.el. , .
...,. o , , is tl
, •,. poncti..lity bf. carried ot:t,•he the l'eGcliers. i "-, ','
1;11(11 witli interesting rettding at a mus- a t 3 to Vie pu'oli.iiir, and .vou will
, .11! the Friends of Education are e. rne,tly so- ,; ' ln ''''''' '''' '
nations. It has an illustrated article on Belted t..) attend, .ind become intinhers of the c ' n "'• :P "' 1'
cc " ''' L the M '.;`` ; " 7 " ''e CS , rutar"
v ,- 3 . 1. A. : , icsilor.
. sec. mad, you kilt Gt... 0 rcee..e with Ede first
"Idlewild" the Itome• of N. I'. Willis, A3 '''' 44l " 32- i Copy 3 ut.fil Lk ie . :: :h. l )SefilltiOit receipt alaitli..g
and which that fine poet prmounces in I - mAI It 11 - .: . I L 1 - ). : _ ; S oli to the E ig,r.l% l og ,-.,! .
I .
the lioner .lournal to be, a tint. picture.'''BE ''' ':-.
' I) N — TE I3I3 INS. --- - 1 " thu - l'esi'k"•'" ' " TIIE LAsT SCI'PER, "
spirit of the bride's fa - tiler, in th:3 VilLiga. on l'itir-- ' and ii, chance to di aw olie. of these " T.IIIZEL
both in and loth.r. • • i ..y - nJOTTling' . . 311 T ultimo., by neV. .N. 111 rke," TIIUU:_;AND l'iil;`,E-. '
, . 1 1-..i‘ell•-v..i... E•oi.. M . nnibcr of Asccinbly front
ii.n..scn.—,T. M. Judd & Co .of this. Lt.. , d. .r. , t , 1 Mid, Lire.,- 16 - hp NIA. * only
A. s
placet, have already sitipp. , d, sine,- the mid- d , u ''' ' '' ` '' of P - r.tebbins,:li q., all of this
, d 1..: of October, to Philadelphia and New t rA2.:.tin tli‘ Thielo..lor Club' are called I..pi)it
York, I Is saddles of venison, and expect to chant the requiem of one of brother
snip as :Laid) more. Others have also , hood—this time tho.eltiefest of them all—and
been shipping. We state this to show we to shout the anthems of a new-made Ben
our cotetnporariee in other parts of the edict. Joy go with the happy couple, and
: may their days of happiness number many
tp.iiate that if we have not done any brag
years. Mr. Benson and his excOterit s; ire
King. it WAS not•b2cause we have lacked trill • • 1.,
we... ?•pea./ t',:lr hoar} ninon at Ilarrisburg.
the umteliai. Three whole carcusse of a here he . r..t.:cits to represent the gpodpeopke
bd . .trs bare also been shipped. of •" Littl! ['utter" in the State Couneil.—Ea.
Jcw,t7:ll.l 1
Ptiii , " . l - 11 Leeds, tughtnd, a yowl.. man ' \VAT i'll- `V" - ‘ V i' 0' ' 1 I
, , .. • , 1.1 - ,—. —..,... . .t 00,3, -.tallary
.of '2 i feil down stairs and was `kill e d . ' 1. ist•B, ';:.- 0. 11 ~ , t .',• ..- ~; 11 , q , Mr. ALUM,
WATERS, of. Clint-in t 71., to Miss AGNES Wite.e4.
while atteuintin , to sn-tcli a kiss front an .
Abbott Township in eais c•Junty. '
n awilline• girl. An awful worn a•in E of
- f imoay seems to have
.I.Guken out in
That 0 . 41 tm“Tit to be tried before a jn- this . county—we learn of sererali additional
Ty of "tciiiing
. girls," on a charge of man- . cases to thosit above. We hope it Will confine
slaughter in the first de,..- - •:..T. The ben- its ravages to those who can appt-cc:ate the
nter, as ill thesi e.ites.-1:1). - OUt ENAL.I
tenet. should be one thonsand ki , ses from Pri
illing" young men. . 'The crime is etoGi•spO,l. i.,u—eqrk.eiri, •
1.19: the killing of the man, but being un; t'orrected.' ii'eckly fin- -ille Journal, . receive - The proffei-ed homage to,. .BY "
ler swe 1.4 lips—which is a siuiatiou of' •
. Dea!re..z in Dry Goods, Groccrfra, Itats .4- cap:,
the "Code of Nature." i Boot* 4 - : Aues f erotherzf, Path, Pour,
liral. 21 - Onti'li, :1: , ... ,3Y., ,i'c..
.- A Bonk is Pottc r Coun:y.---Sunie one' ; MILS B.l: k tik ; l: 4 14);"SV O T i='?" .6:4
has." come it" on Drexel & Co., the cor
rectors of retelSOleS Cuillib:riCit MACIO . I' _
PORK •• 6.
—or they drave manufactured a "wild eat"
.4 s
I ~ ,o; •i, ~
ft.; this county out of Irhole. cloth. In Colts mE.o., - e100n ! .T . ,, -,..'
their-list of Pennsylvania banks we find • L:l.•Tytt, 7 .7. 4 t).,
the fi;llowing set down.and•marked doubt: : TALL 6-7:, '• "
ful : "-lizok am
of Shokin, Sintt:tokin : . w " t ;
liS, " " "
i "
Darn, PutP:r Co:' We mh it distinctly: - : , ;:iouLt,r.l:i,l•l lb . ,
uutierstood that Potter County has not D ''''"•' -; ".' s ' ••-" -
I.:Ant: .-3eGAr. ii ) lb,
the honor of either a Bank or a Shamokin . Deign Arnis. " -
Dam- within its Territory—and we are ' !' , - i? 1311 ,1 4 10 -
• . rra Bi•:.kxs, ''&l !' , -
more desirous to have thh.; - understandin g • fircKwnEAr, ".-" ' -
with the world now when banks, as .? o .•crA, -
, CURS , ‘• lc . _
gcneraV-thing, are not worth a daM-n.: i t - yr : I/ ti
We hOpe the publisher 4. of the Dela-top . PvTATuEs` ~ t,
will set us right iit-this matter, a:: we are H „.- --:!.; T o „ ' _ I _
I‘+.l.lC - tA) have . a false reputation in such a .147- - :cr'itf•ias.ll,;re a, V, lb,
delicate matter as " wild cat"-inf: The dr
._.• cI.L.F ' ''
I..tgidattire, through suborned Philadel-; -I .
phis influence, refitscd us a ;real Bank --=-7-.
last winter----,u4 we are nut willing now to .q
-ii flu fllVetttzflunt,s
7 • •
; . f , ' . .....1- ; h ; -
take -a ii4itious.oza -from her. : ..:
• Liule G frtshot hylicrl'itripi;qte-We
pre informed tlat a very di.4rcssing aeci . ,!
dent neenreq•in Bingllam To - .?ship, jni
this county,.. Saturday last, by viltipli t.l,c.i,
life of a very. interesting little girl named;
FAiza.betit Warner, was taken ' Iler raid a' fi` Coi4e:tithe teiritllonlll2.l2
little boy named Volney Sacket, -Iv . pre
•••• -• ' •' ' r'. - . ,
ifflOilifi , •cilt• 9i-iicernilioc - ler ISDS..
playing ti ether, and the boy, by so;n - ci, - P - •', 5 -
--:--- ~
*cans getting his father's -gnu into -his] -y. • -
hands,. pointed it at a dog and,l . - TN..p.Pf..Nl4lDlvons OF .4.147 ! ,
but there being no cap on , it, it did-nut I ''. : • A • • . 7 ; - 4 ' -1 111Gitil e riliC i
,:,i - rIVE-puLLA_ :eli• -
i . -,
go . off. Ile then _went into ther•hou . se atm , • Tt? E rER 1 - 51..8S C RI B E .', .
. . .. . 3.
. - - .. -,
betting' a;, cap put it on the tube. orl'i . , - ' ‘ ::..itjj,
• f T.liii unt.vr
coming out; he pointed the gitil at the ltt-, ; • 1 l'-. OFFER •
' tle girl, saying, , " , 111 § ll 9°t• 3. . -u ' i-l: ''' . "I:ll.4lletki • • • - "A GE N •17 S- GET ii I.N!G •R I C Itt I • .: H I
the gillY bff, - slidjfite'-ii . rl was I: alutest, . -• •
. ' -.-
. ----.' The•union Of EMERSOYS MAGAZINE and ;
ataritly'a . corptt:, IN:p.liaTs-,ti l ot learned; puTsisi'S 31ONTIILY has given to !the' cbi:-
all the particaars el . the case, but we.m7e; soll9n.. l .7,ll l *. i .a ti cirril i Tll4 t Zeg t a r ri ' d ";'.;l l a l-i
informed that the boy seems to be:utterly
indifferent a. to the deed, ivitlout realiz,i s s i e ili eu tl iT . d- t f;;;.itit • conib • iiiiitilaii". Orliteia' if abd
artistic talfnc..proh.ible„ , nrtrif4led b_y•m,-oth r l
ing - die great Crime he.-has- aec M
itientall”. leeakazitie.ift•the,m;l44;..''Lihi?lssitho. fillt•
Jlicouth;'th'e sale iri:,the tfaile:Wtittaari : croyn
e `i'miklfliiid • :' -Mfg! Pomo of curl frier, ds' in 1 pubstribtrn eietlidiiil • 01 ,K1, carivF; nod the
. ,
..‘ i.
_ _G
Emerson's ...NTagazine
A.Nr. •
.TIVO.:(iii.g ' IT.DIAG.A.;4IN.ES -cilia,
Reasoas oilig Non $119v.41 subscribe for
For 2838.
Bcc.tuse . literory conicnts
during the tear. ernbrae, coat...lhittions from
over ONE i'N IlIZEI) different writers. and
; thinkers,. numbering- among them the most
distinguished of American authors.,
j &matt: its editorial departments,
"our litticliii, - ••Oar Window, - alit ••OarOlio,"
will each be conducted hy an able editor—
, and it - will.Furpass. Inahe variety and rid:M:s3
Of its iqiiloliiti evn crts, any other magazine.
liocaus2 it will contain, daring the
year, nearly-six huadred original pictorial il
lustrations from de::ii;tis from the rirstAni,-ri
. can artists. ,
: for the sum of three dol
lars yen will rr , !eive .this splendid monthly.
more richly worth that sum than. any other
niagay.ine, and in:" suptrb engraving of -Tar,
LAST worth five dollars.
JAN,: llecause you will very likely drAw
one of the three thousand prizes to be distrib
uted on the nth • day. of Dectiuber, 13i,d—
perhap that is worth
Notmidis:Al:di:4; that. th , :9e extrilordipo•r;
imlw:truents ctln hardly fail t.9aectnpliitittu ,
ohjeetzz of the pubUsheis vb . :chola further ef
fort:4, yet they have tietertuined to continue
through the year
To any rersow wlia wilt get up a club of
twenty-four subseriber3, either at ; our or more
post-ofikes. we 7.v iil pre.,eut a splendid Library,
consisting of over Forty Largo hound
elobra . the' most popular works in
the market.' • The cich may be formed at the
chili Drier, - TwaPonri a tear, 'without the
elm:raving, or at the full price. Three Dollars.
'with 'the engraving of the Lost Sliiipt.c each
subicribc-. List'and descriptha of the
hrUry, - and specimen' cop:: of the
. 31.1;:gaziffe,
will be forwarded on raccipt of '25 rents. Offer
200 Lihraiics.or - S,OOO vtdmaes, have already
becu di: ributed in accordahre with tlii3 biter,
and we should be glad of an opportunity to
furnish a Library to every clergy Man. to every
school teacher, or to some one at•every
oifice in the country,
- 's,i r,o
S 00.
. 22 ,I)O
I 2
- 10e12
- 120_.14
2 ;ii
2 (0
The simecss' whi t or
.:gents .nee meeting!
; Ns - ist. ! rl most: iSt.011i,)1111g. A tnouis the many . '
evidences of this Met, see tar' permitted tu
publish the fulip . wing ,
-: ::/G4O
GE!: nalinNL;---The following facts in relation
to what cour .Igents-are dinng in this sect iOn. ;
may b 3 of use to sumo enterm ising young,mOn
in want of employment. Tl.:e iter. John E.
.I. , rdon, of this place, has unde, since laet;
Christmas. over'.: , •;-1.0 1 ,:o iit hir...agenev: `Jr. i
David M. Idc•Ath, of ltidgly - . Mo.. v tt - .!
Agent fur Platt County. tnaking'SS per day!
on :melfi,Sub-Ageut employed by him. awl
Messrs Weimer Evans, - ofoeegun, Mo., our,y
agents for lloit County, ar3 mating from 4;8
to .F., 4 2L per clay. and your humble,,eriant,has
made, since the seventh day of last January,
over $1,7u0, bcs,ides paying fur 3no acres of
land out of the lnitiness worth over $1,000,—,
You - are at iiiic•t. to pul , lit-ft this ,tateuient,
if O'n like, and to refer to any of the parties!
\y ill' such intintements otter. any,-
body can obti.ia subseribers. - We invite eve
ry gentleman out of.eatployment i and every
lad) . who desire a pleasant money-niakingae4
i:upatiou to apply at once Or an , ageney.-“-
Applicants sltutdd inclose 25 rentsfor aepee..!
`men copy of the Magazine. which will always,
e forivarded tti ith antwer iu. aPpiieation =. by
iettirn rasa
$ 7 ?-e6
'As we desire to place in the handS or every_
pcnain who s prepo?:psito get ?club, and aI- ;
'so of Lyiry - agent, the eugrai:ing of;
" THE LAST StiPPEIV," ns specimen; each
$3 will recie,ve the
by, return sped-I
!liens of our publi,:nt:ou s s.nni one of the mini- . '
beredsabseription iecelpts, entitling the hotil-.1
er to the, illgttZi Iltone- rear, :and to &chance
in the distribution.. , This offer is taadc o'4
to whollesirci to actAs agents or to iorm
chits: Addreir.,el'--.O.aiI.CSIUTiIIc,CLP.-ii - N I
Fla. 371 Brorbn-ey. N. 7.
a t . 8. oi r tilPl
!1( .4.tWf
. O, • .
Q.,U 1.0 TURNSIc9I7..
7 r i i
i• - 1 1•
iri:.:::' t" ' - :j , - ':' •.., - - S-IT : - : Es B lar. a 1
t- , .;• , .c:
i,•;•.• . . - • , ._ , .• ~..,
cos ha ' nft ' IViiitt. ^',tne ' ;., LARGEST, - ansl: ,EST
.f •. fr .• - ~,- - . . , :.
. i .:.. i ., DE!,:.e s all- , 31 0 .„: : c 0,.,.,
r; cCr, Df~ere l i i.l't~ficr~ a c jci, J Isea;i s o
MANiST -;84;
and -replenished' with a NEW - end SPLENDID
since., for Cdsh and .fronifirstliands-, he is
He would say : ta hiS•OLP CUSTOMPI.S.4mI
'that he is hfiunii NEVEIt TO SU11101)
• • , NOW IS 101 R TIME; TO litiY GOO
Cash or
. . My. stock enlaces well selected.• And hoine va'
CLOTHS; ••-• • • 'HARDWARE, ,
In short ; everything that is commo n ly found !in it Cour
Mere all are cordially lnvit l eil to call'
• • .. . •
COUDERsFoRT, Dec. 1,1857.-10:25. ' I
PitifAYEeTu S.
payjp.Eqflq,ii FORTHE
i .
rilliNEE lirarrapi7- , pally plegrap4 is now in -
-..11r.t7te second ve4 of ire existence.: •It; was] • . .. 1 ;• • • . .
atartid.' fait fall .rather tia anl experiin'nt;de an Ton'New York w iekl2, - GOLDEN . PRIZE. is
has stie•ceeded'heyOnd the titoSt san,guine ex,..; one, of the. largest :literary papew of
1 An Imperi tlQuarte COtltililliDgElti/IT
i pcetations:-of its_ publishers.l It has gradually tiheilaY
PAyiliit, Olt EORTE eutitoss, of entertaining loot
! wun its 'way toyoblie favor i luntilit t has placed i
' aself-upon a firm and sure hliSis, acrd i s„ no „ ter : and EU:GAN TrAi 1,.1.c.5va. , . - tso ever week.
1 one of the permanent " InStitution" of the A G r ift worth from 50 cents to'
enpitat. It has been specially conducted in I $5OO, 00 in giold, ttill• be pre
; ill] its departments with art :single tb ' tile , '. - ' '''''• ' - ' ' ~
Grbbilb rood, and its 1 I I : d d . l
gral . au an stea-y n-i
; sented to each irnme
' J
,•••_ . s::!. - se, of p.ttranage; lri s -bee n. a gratifying evi- i Cliatebe, on receipt-of the sub
delv," of the public appreciatieM.of the labors i SC/11. tion money. : . rL ' •
;9f the p :;% t ; t lishers to Makc:_it'What it is, a relia-1 . _ --- „
itb,,,_ ;Scots o f":_lie'public e'vents of the day. 10-1 . .
. . , TERMS::
cal and Aneral. ft, shall be
the effort of the ! • One Copy for one year, $2 00; end 1 gift. ;
publishers to tr•ontintite. It in the Spirit in which( One coos for twd years. s'3 50, and 2 gifts.
l it has thus far bezu coudt, -..ted. to add to itc i one copy for three years, •$5-.00, and 3 gifts.
• general aud local-intercqt, situ 'o merit its I. One copy.for fiviyears. s'zi LW, and 5 gifts.
, steadily.increasiug patron:s,e.
... i . .1,..x) TO (muss -
I During the approaching sesiruit of the beg- I Three Copies, one year, $.5 00; and. 3 gifts.
! islature, it 4 'our intention to make :he b DA.ILc . Five - copies, -one year, $8 00, and 5 gifts.
; TattiGntell''' l n correct and reliable exponent of', Tel: copies, one year, $1.5 00, and lo gifts
ithe doings of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. i tr„,, ii i..,....prie copies one year $30'60 and 21 gifts,
' With this tctv, a corps of competent Report-1, The - The artie , .. to be distributed are comprised
'era will be - ehlployed in anch.flOnse,andafall: I-in the foilo - Wing, h . :
rcon Iplete and accurate report of the prOceed- '
2 Pucka -•-es of G'
11, I
; lugs will be glyen every day up to e adjourn- - , d „'"
I mutt of the inOrag sessions,: embracing the ''' 10 • .. •
.• tic: . ,
details of the.bhsiness of thesessions, Sketches
10I'atent Lever
of debates :0n.: . a.11 iMportane and iuteresting;
ed Wltches
questionS,.aud sueli:editori:ticonalmeats as the. i ' ' '•
importance of the ailbjtiets, and their - n'eariiig i
. d
upon.the, ' - 1 . .i," °.
: - The Cenrse, of. ity. paper' will be a:4c ily am- 1 °° - (1°
300 I.adie4 Cold
`teal in ilotitiiv,. the Aim of the editors i -
"Ou Silver liuutin
, give fair and impartial accounts of the doing - . I - . .
50u .S . liver Watch
of the.Re.preseutatives of the people / ' leaVing I
, On, Gold'lluard,„
t their Constituents to jtidge of the action Orthair •1°
• . • t • Fa: CI -ii •
public servants for the,nselves. on' the review i ,„ -, '',._ l 7'
of the preeeediugs,.as - they are fairly; presented t s ' 34 ' - "" e - a '
- . Drops, I.3reat l'ins
'to ale.lil t‘hrougli our columns.. . Rims,Studs Shirt
i TI.D .. .7.ZOESIUtt -will be one of ore than ordin- ,
Lver thimbles, and
I ary . iritpertanee: The trerangement of the cur:-
rem-y. and the peculiar position of the hank=,; worth from 5) con
will require. or :It least, will excite, much: le-, i
•i Immediately on
money, the subset{
' islatlon,_ and will,fin 'consideration of - its ii7.l-
.i k
' portant I.‘ea.,-ing upon the 'general business ! upoi our subscrip t !
prosperity, he ft •Ttlestion of llbsorbinz - public' her- anti the g irt e " ) ?
interest, it ,_:1 1 ,:a .1:e our province to present . her will be forwar!
to theireulers of the .:': , 1. - 11.rop/ , full and mipar- t su)3erib . er • 1 . 11 '''''' z '.
tial records of the kgish...lion upon this and ail ' '..."A1l cemzunt
' eel 10 ::-
other - subjects..
; 'A ' - • - • 2 (10 'Cr%" . :ll
Owing to the derangement of 14 , 1•CleSS a m 'airS ' ''. 3 CI ' • P-- '•-'
.gener.lllf, incorporated companies .for t ruanu- :New York-. .
factmn4, mining and other purpaaes, tv4 also '''.,..-4" Specimen-tot
much legislation, and all perato.s iii-. ;* -- = 7- ' - ' - * : ' ---- '' --- ;
terested therein cannot, fail-to be . BRILLIANI
.. . .
a careful every day readmg-of : the proceedings;_ YOURTIi
on, such subjects., . . .
All public documents, of importance cure-! Ctiztracipcilj.t,
tutting from any of the -State - departments, or ITN I I
from either.branch of the Legislature,.mill al-1
so be published in
t our columns at the earliest I DLISSELOOF4F G
(taw I.,,s.ibie.. , r . . • . - . • ! rrEcnssim .
.116:iriess !nen throughout trielitute, who de- ' AND POWERS' tionr ;
sire a correct knowledge of-the doings of their
.. ci r p E E
representatives during tire sess!ious of the Lt„-_g- ' „,„ hr . l ',.
islature, anti we know there ore many anew,! '--Purt.''"(' for
do . not properly . appreciate - the reteuriyph. several hundred of
Through its! columns they . can ohtaig :wi t , i"g• SelliPtlll'e and
_and- IV6 -hope to see .;them avail' iniums to be awrn
themselves of the opportunity it affords . thew' C 0 Sik.l oPOLITA
to obtain correct and early infqrmation. We,, u-ho wit; subscribe
knoW if they once received it titer would not 18.5:3, ut.. : WiliC..)l tim
. ~ .
again do n ithout, it: ;- . ; - • ; . . ',I i TERMS 0
„. .
'file 711,:vraph will contain also. the,,.vei-y. ta r ' Every subscribe
test news or the. day, aoMestidand foFtlisn, by I A coThi- or-the h.
telegraph' and the mails.; lila Wilt be a per,Lect gra v i a , lLen t i t t ed i
ntirror of the news throuSlictilt the world..' ~ ' A cop; of the
, The Loc.u. department, u t ill be attended to ! one; .vear ' also ta
ns ust',l,. nod ve;il give a faithful reebrd.Of cc- I A Certliica le hi tl
ery tiring of interest occurring in our imeneli-1 'A freel.dmissioi
ate midst. The faithfulness and ability' with „ nop pli ta c„ G a ii er ki
which this department has bsen•
„Conducted 1 . Thus it ' -seen
heretofore. will I,e a sufficient gOaranty tiiitur i paid' thel'inbscrik,
citizens- that their Itented.htte interests ivill net I SPLiNDID-TIIRE
be . neglect-d.- '
The Tell-p.(l)k will - ho published every:eve I but, also," the beat
ning, (Suneays 'exCepted.yl 612'. the folio : Wil l i-Two ....Dollak
. ._
..FoiLTRE , stss - ib.,; - ..... ...... - i Each auiescrilie
A. ..sinfe'.-eiiiii . ' •' ;' ''' ;?.'-' - ;:' -' i. ,7 f6o ~ ec_Flik*, 1;illi
:T3soicupicii ~....' • -., t . .' : •-; - 1"-,7* . :, ;,i , h101......)i,,i„abie ,•
Three copies ~• - .'. '' -- • -; 2 ' . 1.0 ; Sett tptale! ? Anay 11 4
-' FiVe"- - copieS.:". ,I:i.l'I.: '. '; .:: •. '- 4 . -.00 •' • giYing:,tot...elrcry I
-Ten copios ..: -.- . ..,,. ' ' 8 . 00 ''..:' thevalueOffilrec/O '
';. ' ' • FOR - TILE . -- Y:F. A it. ' . - r . ,i i ..5,y,..,,,, 9 t A q e
, ~ , .. , 1 I'fished, histett.d.of
A . siivrfe''
.-- g , ' ! 1: ••, ,- - :,.$4OO i :if deiired.l. .: -
' .TwO'Opie,al, , : • .. . I: t . , :: : : ,- ----1: 06 ,1 , :,,;,! , oe. „ - •,,,, n r - i s - '
.. 2 1.....; - ....." SO O -: 1 ‘'ilio§ - e - 4 1 ' - pilng• - 41% Itr :- I I
'Three' copies ': —„ ' - .
Viye copies ..: -- f re entitled to a
' "fen
" P - 19 ...--;• -:;- :"''.-- ' ' I f - •-'• - 25.00 '.
I . ; - tickets: , ..... -
rk47l',ayable invariably in .adeanet , -. I ' Fullizar - licidar
- All communications to he addressed to :.!' in ; the -Art ,lourst '
...._ - . . '_GE,O..LEI (INTL?, & Co:, i t tisPlagdid: Engravt•
. ,:i
.. , ..
~ , - i 'lfarrisburg-.l'a.. • z::.; I bet... ..'Specimen c
II ..:tgalsevna;lNce, erg- '.
ES;33 - .. ... . . :',;..11.15012.4. - 1039 wire. t
i t
, , ~
,:-.---,---- ,
postage Stamps,:
llNE7.and stip en ieles in the* Dimg line. few' Addreial . i._. ,
R. 4ale by: 1 :0• 1 21 ' B.' K.. S. l - ' 4 . . L. DE '
__,_ ...
0 oME CLOTHINOrIir Chenies mandfat Vaal - ~'' ' c,' - '
.0.7.c. - i - lhats - ! ,- aiI.I. ~. .1. t firEitieEß'S - -, ''' ~'t _ ItaL.ti-.1.0. OV
1( 4, D. W. g i Agt. Oesderspeit, Ps.l
J 0
, R or be
I ea4v
Jn , GO
Must alttd, 1.
: ,• i-
• s
e • :4 - 4 ••••• • - 1. --s
" %L.` ' • _
~1.~ ~'.9, ..' , ' _ .~
OF •':
1•1 E 5. 4 -'•
Fyf GOODS pttielras.eci
, sell et irpatk;
- •
Pay I"
leties of
DGING.S, &c.,
try Retail Store.
- .
outaLuing $5OO each
0 ay each
O.dv slOU . aach
upting,C"s- 1 wl; each
s'a e:►c!.
you each
Vatc.hes 1•,;35 each.
easecl, Watches $3O each.
. $lO to s:ls each.
" I I ana l. $lO to $3O Caeb•
Bracelets, Breoches; Ear
Cuff Pins, Sleeve IlLittoos.
Watch Keys, geld and sil
variety of other articles
to $lO 00 each. • .
eceipt of the subscription
hers name - will. be entered
r iots, book opposite a tutu
,Frospondit4 with that mint
,Jed, ortC week, to the
-or eXpiT,lu.:llo:( paid.
rite :glans sllOlll,ll be aqdrets-
Buildin:;,* 335 Broadway,
. freo. .
Y.EAr... ()F Tills.
6 - •Ait-Assoaiailon.
E rAMor •
A COST - OF slBtl,ooo
p,?. , :cowlsi.) ETATI:Tr. OF TYE
six'thoomad dollais, with
ier v.-ork..:of Art, in Paint,
konzes; eompr:No 7 the Pre
cd to the subseriber of the
ART SS 0 C - f 1119.14 ,
befori the 28th ot44.4iitiry.
the awitrds will titid,
of three do?lare. is entitled to
rge entl._stileudid'Stgel En-
e ilwarii of Prespinnas, islso
in jle - Dussfildortaud Cos-
. . . . .
Ont for eyery rkree do/larr
r'not only receiyes, a ::
tifolly illuirecf'
Jo l7: ' -
. u at.
'Art rnp.l,, One,•; --- , - . ' - .. ,
~is . t olsofpresented with a
A;traifji, of Pretniutps,•,ky
coFk of..krt,,in" Pain ti og,or,
• rcueiveit in addition, thus
.111).crklit•t• . an, equpiaieut : to
lan ;
. all 4 a:Certinent e gratis..
easing $3. ;qagazines_ic fur;
Lagrayirqanil Art Journal,-
lestrietO go siugle share.
.emberships, repaitting*,tlsi
i extra Engra. viug, and six
of the A seotiatiiii itie'tiveu
1, which contains 'over eixty .
prive,o4/ cents per num.;
'pies will.bc sant•to all per
, subscribe, on receipt of live
15 cents.).
A.ctuary.e. A. A-..„‘
548 Bioadtraq, ;.'Veto. York:
1" RTON, Notoority Settettry;
-•(.:AtitILDINLCOOP i ttIA
.11onntbitil,Controveriinl Chant--Coinically
".! e r Sr - Pri4/811,5i9: 21 7 11
- •Altr4NT ,l 4u 2l 3% : QuizZle4 ll : : .-
r•so icy y •
W*rh will come hom4 '' to Berri fwitiS 'ratan
; r (afteol4) biepaid 'sixty - contir foelt..) •
treate.# in thie pent. witti:arliti.
woe 4rid-41ieity of xtunncr 0w:44114 Lhe Pest
efforts - of ii. number of • Pinar ,Apiltonte,
ile'isthnd-the Wile% country cousinactiß. thus*
toj!.:Ate...hus eoinpnoil
•I jog ring,-Iplitl broxillt3 r gitt3 ela4pilklyigt a
bill at Siewaria.
It will be itriialkod I)y . 4•Disee4iiiig
tit the' title of
Wife; possesses a tiouble.silne- , --
"Husbaud alma Wite, 7 l' "NciloS.a,iisas.
ilLbaatlT a. thing that has. Leers .nor t erfLeArs
alte•npla in 4,iteralurd ~1 !
This I'octn (whfuh is written' by,aii itni.har -
3)ITEa3ALLY CSOWS to his publitliatslioucte4
ETY. : ..i‘
was, as is universally in.ans•
orist of the first class; hitt race IS: not
:I;vays to the Swift," as is prtro+eis by if:A p
ia', outstripped in' his own late -by--14bleas
ns 1 .- w had nearly,hetriyed the wurlior.'s 11141711,
for the con-raltnent.of'wliith w,e &rev. •
L7NDEFt DONDS OF $ 50 , 00 3;-:,1 - ...T,
nctil wq shall blig Afold..FiftY g3itiong,l grim
which he, will have,. icitY Pbjec,tiorkito-iceircr
properials from Courlyk-rll4 l .iitcir.tel4ll . * i
the adtiiie.,..!tia of a deligttidl:"7 l ilit t;ii - A;Sight ,
of ay-so much a. head.'
, .
lit seAso r.. ‘Wtrshutuorontl,iaiiileal,*c.
tbetie, and purchaseabio4-is.
• • ipint ir by lioispia, ,l !fle
some of the cuts being thrusts at ihe
fdlliei of the the day.
- linenoas vs. Wtradsreautrkablafoibant •
'• • . : • -4MI3II.)B.iN.TV.OILii.
that is, it.takes both side'n of
that llus.brtudi pereeire•the satire' an
aitdWi'res oa tttiabaudB,
.wltiabl in it. 4.
tii'irniph of skill. • ' , =-1 -
"M a"work of art, this is hi:fa;:raszttoit
gala little book of the kina - Arier; . Publieis4
tiiizsid: of the. Atlantic.. Being
eolurA, the'.olif-fashiblied Illarninate;S4l4iLl .
style, upat. extra tinted plate paper,- Snit Vpro
fusclY ensbellisiisA with I . l QPPiti's m04t 4 1 111-
lug, tleshzus: it eanttos fait of
Price '6O Cents, eleganily:. banit4 is
Sold- brali booksellers in. thel.iiiirted
States..., Copies of this book will • be. seat • b
Ltil.; i;o`stage' paid, to Any part orthe
States. on re,:eipt of 'the price-60 cents---in
stamps. RIJ.DI.):t CARLIVION, .
- Publishers anfl.Booksellers, 310 .BrAtailicity,
. Nov: York.
"923Tainis for Sabi liithOlridlOY
. of Virginia at $lO Each. -.L.
FilliESE Farms are situated in • Bateau:l,
caunty . ,.lVestern Virginia, in ionic Of.
healthiest resnons in-the world, As has been dem
-on3tritted by recent statistics: • :northern
portion of the tract lies'within five. •Initorsif
_Kttuawha'and James River Cattal; the 'ioutis,
ern - portion within eight. miles of the Virgiels.
and Tennessee railroad. The main road from .
! ,*:nrastle to Sweet Springs runs through-tha
cenitt,-2f it. These farms will Le= sold hr
sahscriptio.Z. The tract will be divided inlo
923 shares, •ran i ;HaC as • -
1 Furna of 309 .4C's' i SSl:tale; it on k
'2 Farms ' 100 . " 4
4 iu .0 50 If 44 .
44 30 fl
. 20 " 20
'2O '''4. • " 10 "
30 41 II o
• i. j• 'ff.! u 5 u
100 ' a 4 "
2 0 0 u u 3 11
G oo 44 11 2 it
These shares will be sold at $lO each; as;
• a numbered terh:licale to any ono making appli
I,catton. One-half of the purchase money witi
be required before tho.division whenthentsna
bered certificate wilt. be - given--,tbe other, hill I
~ liefore the delivery, of, tik.deed. aftte - the di- ,
; vision. Titus it wilt, be„..percefeed• that Aaeh
1 finb.criber or purchaser Is sure, of getting a
two-acre lot at a very, tlitlirf,g price, 71K1st?.t.
i the same time he has a chance L of ; getting a
e'eluabli c farin. The divisiciataJa"l:l;pla - ce ore
I the first day of March; 1 - 85 F, tinless-the, .:S4res:
disposed of, before seii
Dap noticewill be given wlin-Istid;e4l;iet*thro
I division be nicide,
sire can b' • -.
.I.Thee,innds,t , tre eurrciuxided hy'soini . JOf : the
most fantails ,; m ural vprihgs ire.the Stat'eis-fand
are in trie-midst of a deeptrpieturesqueitnd
magnificent counciry.; Thci title is - good; he
!in.-lately been conveyed by the Slate -eu Afis
po ' ckent proprietor. ; Some portions - of_ the
tract-tire well -timbered,' and: •other
contain iron, • lead.and-,conl. '-lt ,iesseiScii
strong,apd good soil, like. rhost - 14ndiLiu. tnik
Salley!..] The tWo-store lots arc ztiilan one body
IP ir-f eAtral.and•elligibikportion the_tract - ..
Thow lands are sold: at:a price helve tfi!osfr
itt:flllli e4Si, in orpler to indneesettlenrcktify
cortilit'.a tee, cirenlaril - C:,.apply, to • - . •.;
• - D. theici-twhlt.,..
Bethlehena l .ych w
mso fur iare. in Western Virginiai, farms
partly improve,d,at Irons $l2, .to §3rt,pqr -- ..ace i
fr!eorfling to location and improvemsteti,,- :: •••
= ••?_ IN 7. :111t1
ts - Crikei. kegps coprtkatitly,olilingtd
ready inade;all...n,rti4M commonly: Psfid,
inline of, page,- t01cb,•64
Pi , :ks,,Grab-I.locs,.PrAg l reet.ii;WSllolN
r9irs."l(';','" - -t:licit'lloise 6.#—Sh ! O)s-bi:,;..ket
(inn 40y pii4Onwlio.iliajf - iirbri
th4ii hoi.;:f sird44, - iic4baf Flo (Wk.,
A riy Ifn4,
hot, iiiialt,isoribeeb4orthOl*riii4ik
• D:4lll.l).ll4MQ•crs •
.Tlie,ranst aupeiblyillustiAtetiMagaitnivier
piiblislic4 in AinCrica r ie the Deeenat+r- Duni—
bei of tile CoE)foroLvFAN AnT : ..:tovaN,#?.. m eow;
tainieg i e
lug: full particulire iittbe teuefitief the Ces—
u?.l°lll,4B A54" 411 ?:? ) ..t. 1 -FPARatti*f36:
- Sperling'?4l,.irn
be rent:all' ii . erson4, wlio . 7lsh to 'sifbierike..urt.
receiprolftve-peztve - stuitipei- (vcietebn) , - ;
,Miztrsts -
C. L Aeteary C A.
649 Aveiipay, 21•?-ie