The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 24, 1857, Image 3

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r „......,,,.. 7 ,-... f , : 1ia1,;,.17-,••f;/ 1 4 .11- - . 4 ,t ,
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PER...§9 . ,\AA. 77 -11 , 111, furnishl
rWildnrirt; - ' l Bcrinif 484ognize thp
tnat•Aunch,:of •tne, ppniutenee,!
• ..q1- 4 . co:Intl-Miter : whose -first leffari, sot
:!ifeeeptubleltdOecolumns The amyl:
E.,IYuiTEY Rill preach
in - this'ilnen - finxt; Sun day Dee: 27, morn
,mg ,41,14 giernOna. at the CoUrt house
Pp.iym -Vac Mont h for Janyary r is on
-ourjahle, having•new attraction for the New
War,iiipoitwhich is the announcement that
"..iii4 7 : - Stephei.` will d•.!yote her eutite time and
taleat to the IlAgnine. It con
-. Lilies tho first, number or a new continued story
-i'r6ln her Price $1,57 per annu m—pub
§lepheas, 12.13 Nass.nt St.,
New York.. •
. -
direct the attention of those
-r,l 'our •readers who desAre a liarrisburo;
,paper: this winter to the advertisement of
the - Daily Teleyrypli. ft,has been eon
.enlarged, and is now indepen;-
..dentlirpolities,--which leaves it open to
41).e.filvor of all parties. We rnuell . pre.
ler it: -to be independent than a wishi•- •
,Waslrißepittliean plp;er.
-:would cnll„the, attentiori .. of our;
-readers - to the -Lecture of Rev.' C. M.
fir 3.4 page this week.- They
will find'it wortlf-the time and ap-!
plie;.ition 'necessary to tvproper.reading of,
it; and even thoie who heard it delivered;
sill.find: it worth reading surer: - It is
published bY- request ',Of number of!
those who were 'andiiiere uat present at
:the delivery-of it. ; ; .
The Coal Templar, for December, is
ron our table—and as usual, •with contents
which haVe made it ono of our most wel
:come visiters. The - present is the second
number of the new volume, and contains
a good steel—engraved pVrtrait of ales.
FRANCES D.•GAGE, than whom there is
iMfa better writer for the home circle iu
—our land. -.The Goal Templar is a Tem-
Terance magazine, published
- St: Louis, 310., by B. 11. 31ills, at $1
per annuni—cheap as could be wished.
:fro paper_ be issued from this of
fice next week it being a season of gener
al pleasure for our people, and for. which
vhr "bands" arc amply deseriing. It is
but right that they should rest sometimes,
11:11 enjoy themselves if there is au
opportunity.' -We shall enjoy ourselves;
it, a pas. —. s,tiiiie we are getting accustomed
to, and for which wE are acquiring quite'
ail appetite by compulsion—that ofAodg-!
ing "duns." Our office being •"up stairs."
deprives us bf much practice; bnt we.
Lope to !quake : up fur lost time," the com-
. T.v ProsPectus of the .Golden Prize,!
in auother,Columu, presents the unusual
anomaly of'a:newspaper offering a large i
pecuniary premium for subscribers. Al-!
though we are not favorable to the class
of newspapers of which it is
.a ."distant
relative," or . rather representative,- wei
find, on looking over a specimen number'
sent us, that the Golden Prize has much
to commend it as well to the literary
as to, the, general reader. But as our
room is scarce we refer the reader to the!
advertisement in attotker column ; hoping
that some of them will there find induce-'
menu for stibscribiun- zr , to it. We solicit
an " X," friend Prtze.
;jinx es —With the view of ascertaining to
what extca.t the Bible or Testament i- used in
the Cot Schools of this County, the un
.der-igned, who is agent fur the distributi.on of
,thc-Scriptares, requests teachers to inform him
%hat number of copies of either are in the
Lauds of their pupils; and also how much use
is made of them daily tu their schools.
Parents mill teachers can now obtain c sup-
ply eif Bibles' t. 30 cts. caLli—referense Bibles
40 cLs., and Test ime its at G cts. Orders fur —
the schools shoalil b- sent in at once. Let 1 1 eCitilltr;pl7l4 .
the ye tr b-gin with r;Orrf Word of the hands I Corrected 11 - eel:l.y for the Journal,
of oar e4.l,lten. and 111, blessing will .tttend it. I BY
tii'll4t more suitable Christm sor .•few•Year's I I - SCIIIIOOII I / 6 .Ii I ER JACKSON,
Dealers in Dry Goodr. Grocery, flats i k Cops,
present.. can a parent, or relatit e, put into _the r
Boots t Shoe,. Cloekery,,Po'rk, Flour,
hind; of a child, than a copy of the Moly, ifeol, -Votious 4e.; te.,
Striptiares9 Who will tail to do this, accord- i MAIN STREET., 1301:DERSPORT PA
log to their ability 7 Copies will be furnished•
gratis, to any who are unable to purchase. l Ftota, superfine,ll bbl.,
C. 31. BLAKE, extra,
For the Pennsylvania Bible ci ‘ eisty. irs o , m
" " • 1 -
The addrois before the Potter County '' corts. 3IEAL, 31 too Mt.,
Agricultural Society, by S, P. Joussox, B
Esq., on Tuesday evening last, was att ,i i lßD ' a
able and-well-directed effort in behalf of) ",:.a
the farmer. A large and in telliovu t audi- tt• - - - -
knee listened to it with unmistakeable DEER "
:evidences of pleasure and I MtPLENIAAtIt- tb., • f• ibel 2
profit and ffe -atso A
.quently greeted the speaker with well- ?Bushel, - 2.60
Wairtr - 2 00
Jleserved applause. IVe regret that.Bvexw ' Sr -; 3 - 0 -
Johnson- Willttiot peitnit usAn .4 • 25%30
exceliene - tiii - dru= s : iVeiiOpe-he ill re- j a 87
-7: 1 . 4 44. 63
thisd -
con sideretermmation, as we believe I Porkrorsi " " 311
its good effects liould be r doublv rat anlnn--lEGGB.- Dozen, -,. 12,
- 4
Nu VI ?,Tozer,;. _,r;
. .4 00
uur could they who were ,. not EBEL; HIDSII, grien:NA lb,` t 4
• -
preieat, and and ° children of 8
16 kil" A r ;
' l62 eeirko4cre, zee alad'read - th - i; address I 4 44
-AAII4 -4Willg-tAbgLgitturing.
tr.-Mott* 01** iaettoro7,Te.44o-
otrisit"3:4444lfiti*gt Si #ptlilfiti:,
-7- eck• / 17 e*: - X.
etielleittirlaTieiltiff:deibtaillitiglintteli in
.(tirritittiortirrzytard'tal thci listoiyvof
.ait4.iircip.,.re4 of { ( Ted perence,
in the-world, as well - as - some goottadYice .
was folic:46'd kyltev.. l- Cf.'"3l i 'litake,
iho offered , a ..revolution;
.(Which..wp ; give
below,) With . ;a 4 ppropriaiel ei - eellent re-
aaks in regard=,tio: time nts
regret that we hai-C not room this week to
notice thiejnOtingtuore extendedly. The I
ipllowing is ;the resolution; referred to
Rexolvoct nit the sue:lm 'the 'Temper.;
once effort in_ this county. is a cause
_of joy to
;all friends . onieac'e,,.proverity,!and good or
; der—hut that it does not 1 - ttiolve any person
from the duty of rontinned antiVity in 'the no
i lite work of elevating, humanity to a big-her and
happier sphere. ; ; - ; •
!. We would '4O injustice to, ourselves and
those present, did we not inotice that the
CouderipOrt IhiSicaVisoCietii - ivere there
in •
theirstren,ltlii and acquitted titemsels e
nOlily. "Its - members cleseirt to ctter no
; - • I --
t - than laVe - .rbEttil to ice them now.
We have received frOnt a. firt{ friend, (though
a stranger to us.) the folf•wing lines address
ed, we helieVe,
.to 'one a ihe most estiniable of
• :
l our village women. With Jim following_ We
have . also received a ±l.3ncits lay the
same author, which breathes true pnetey---that),
of the swat: We, however; 'lir:towing, that its,
beauties cannot spoil With time, have laid it
in our drawer, and, will give it to Jour readers
when our eolifinus become less crowded. We
hope to hear bften,froni: our new ecnitributor—'!
and tender her the , poe t' s is our paper.:
as often as she_ may heemne insp*ritiel, as. in
the Snow Sang. The following being of local
interest, we give it this place amongiour Home
affairs : • ' ' • '
They say there's a star, for tLe faithful awl
That is shining afar,. in,tit:C heavens so blue ;
So tiny, so bright, no Clouds ever mar.
The pure twinkling light, of that beautiful ,star.
0 tell me of mine—l hkVe son7,ht it so long—
Say, say does it shine, hut the dark clouds
among. • ' ' '-•
Sitelrf. , boon, I would prize, if I only coird see ,
A star in the skies; ever shining for
- • • •
But listen, the fleet breeze wafts, to my.. ear, 1
A cadence so sweet, I atu,breataless to hear; i
1 It brings a ,good cheer, and bids me -rejoice--
1 The music I hear, is the ..still small voice."
Eleven-llile, Pa. I, S.
Horse Thicl: 2, A fellow came to this
place on Saturday last with afme horse,
: harness and buggy . i.traaCil. the latter to
i Mr. J. B. Smith, a merchant,. fora, gohl
watch valued at $lOO, and some money;
.left the harness with ° P..F.GlaSstiiire,
taking his saddle in place, and-proceeded
on his way. On 3.liMila3'inorning an'of
ficer and the owner Of the horse and bug
gy, (a livery
. concern„), from Chet ming
County, N. Y., arriVed• in pursuit of the
thief—claimed -- friend Smith's buggy and
friend Glnismire's harness, and leaving
their worn and jaded horse with the lat
ter, together with a gold watch as .securi-_
ty, took Dan's horse and left on the track
of their gainc—if they catch him. ~We
"fancy the feelings" of both Smith and
Glassmire,- at the result of their specula
tions. •
FOREFATIIEIte:.D4Y, 22d 'Hist., Was
eelebrdted With mtielf spfiii in New York
and Brooklyn. f Senator Ponglass waz in-.
sited, and accepted the..i.97itation i , to be
DIED.—In Pleasant, Tall 6- :, potter:oi. Pa.,
Dec. Bth. of croup, 31..ti*Er4p ' Oncid . RIanili ter
of George and Laura Weirneii aged' 3 - yearsl
months and 4 dn.vs. "
The little sufferer, durinethefeW dais pre 7
ceeding, her death, es.ltibited the fortitude, pa
tience and resignation of a mantic Christian./
Loveliness is' the' best term use - with lefer
once to the child; Ebel Ras lovely and
loveable in life arid in death , •
-"Calm uo the basom'of .
Dear spirit rest theepow ;
E'er while with ours thy fOotiteps, trod,
His seal watt on thy brow.
Dust, to it..z narrow home beneath.;
tidal, to its. resq'on high •
They that have eeezi thy look in death",
No inoie may feaio td dim"
-- - y t " a - '`‘, ~ -•- i -1., "4 ll ' . 1 ;_ -- - - - ~..„----:.--,=.---.....__i it_
,nvidtiaLazils _ ---- _ -,..,,r • ~..,---
unPo l lipri Tt 7rto.i% jrzl irew s s - : ':!; ,ol :hrrat 7 .I:ag fr ialiifeit ------ I-' 5.
- -1
1- 05 i 1 -- 9 ikB -. " ~. 1 . ... 7 . ir I ''''''
Progmet .I, ilte 7 .4ci s ,oiN,V , s Sityyji ih
,Fou. - ,:1 - yeafr,e-xiVe•--=4 „ .3-tsMALL•ARR.QU,T-.§.7AN D QuieK - 11 - ETUT(R . @. ! 1
,- -•-• _ •••• :4. :.,•., , ~...4,-, - - • ~._ --. _ •
.- ,) iricy446l,eni e~i a . ,',. ! „(11 -.." --' . ** • . ,z. ..3 'a,"...A..
1. ,- ;`' r i ec ial le ci k i,guitt `.--, -. 1 7;,- . f,
- ,- ---
, 5 •,?, -c , e lenu.'4‘ e'...L.1
AWAstifitcrite r ii.,9ree7sliibe.r:-.2,L1-_—:Tlie
171, 4v, V9U,./r ...,, .... •,-'1
p -1 N
~ 5 d • '' ' ' -
etetAll,zlS4tAttakcate the
4 1 t 5 tigit)A - telqc.Orii t 04401: f 'thd:
, § lO l4- - Pr*sillSik*iiki, 4 4 o6sl 4iti6itlon•
Tiii'Ar.., - at?ti,lii. secreteiiiti*.Aodided
!lit-if Ciiiiireis:reiectri ie to iiiitia dis-
ULLIOR Inovpmen . . H
~;...- zt . ::, ."...;..):e -. i' - i.',.'7, . /....,; ..: i'.:, -2 . . -":
Iglu lillitrtoentritts.
- 11\TOTIet is hereby-given that:there irill be
1.11 nn erection of Directors and Treasurer of
the•NIANSFfELD IRON ACORKS. at the Office
of the Coniianv„at Alansfield.-Tiogn county,
'On the 1:4 NlOnilay ofJanuarynext at 2 o'clock
M: of said day. •J: lIOADD. •
Dec.l7, 1857: - -- Secretary.
',for.' 1558! - -
THE .wortLti
All thi Far l orite Writers Retained, 'ipul
- ones addect
Still greater attractions for the New. Year
circulKtion of THE NEW YORK : LED-'
GER now Thrie; Ilundrrl and Thirty Thou
saw! Copir., - which is greater timi that of any
The profits on this un
paralleled circulation
enable the proprietors
expend stuns upon it
which would soon
swamp any ordinary
11 paper with a cir
culation of only a hun
dred thousand or so
would siul under the
expenses of TIM. LED
GER in less than six
-ooly for THE N.:YORK
only for THE N. ';YORK
Jr. writes only for THE
ETT writes only for the
SIGO WINE Y, and. Dr.
. •
every xliere acknowl
edged to be the best
family paper in the
world, hence its extra
ordinary and tinheard
of popularity.
The proprietor of the
LEDGER employs the
best talent, and by so
doing makes the best •
paper :in the country.
LEDGER is printed on
•:. , . beautiful oliite, paper.
and iscomposedof eight
pp., Making the hand
. snidest weekly paper in
the Union. It is pub
every Saturday,
• .
• and sold at all the news
• • ' • offices iu enerycity and
town throughout the.
country, and is mailed
for subscribers at per
annum; two,,copies are
. ; sent for $.3. Any per
:ton obtaining, eight
subieribers. at .$1 50 - •
each (which•is,our low-
est e lu b ,ra t es;)- a ltd.
sending -u¢
-$1 . 2. will be . , ; ti
entitled, -to -one copy • ,
free. Termsiuvariably
in,adrance;- Address
all letteti to
Publitherof the
• 44 Ann street, New
York.' * ••
• 47 no
1 .• Oo
r ! ... - er 22 00
••• 3 50
• 2 50
25@ ) 30
- 12
B.L;Now is good. •
' ' time to - subscribe, as
new' ory,•TRE BRIDE
be commenced in ,!TIIE ,
LEDGER - On, the first'
. . -
of Jaintary.. —• ' ' FOR '-'IIIE YEAR. - -7- 1
. ' .'"
A. ? al.' . N -0 -' 2 - - We - A ' single;' copy= -: ' = .:. ' ":_ : ' s ' 'St - On"
-have no Agents attthl
,:- , •'Two copiei- - • “ -' •.. ''• -."-' - ':-'''-'7,-no
. oriietl - to. receive. stilt- - ?rt. ...:
i -.4r... CO lei' .; -'- ." ..- •: ' ': ..." 7. , " .-.'.''
scripti on's for TilEr-'• - -
Fire'copies - -- - • : -''' - '-' " '- : 1:1'bo
• • ,• -: , LEDGERi. Suliicribers i
must always- remit 411- ,+ : t: T „, : ,,,.. - - -e a liv f n i t 9 2. i -..",,' .-.'. t; -*: ,..- ...: 1 : -''',Y- .:: :1 • ": : --1. -; ' ,„' 13-'''06..'.
.. -.---- ----"- ; - rest to us,.and - not setiil ,'"-
1 7 -` u li m ie i ..$ ll F- I ,b'Y' in- a de Fle . 4:- !.,"
_ .. , ..;.- • tr - -.. 3:,, - : •,'t ti - , ~. Au communications to tie.adclivsed4O •
or Tay ny money to -•- . • - --- - .• y 4. 1 •1' -,•,', ,
•'-', .r: :.1 -I 1 ' ,'.. ...- , lily-agents.. ;_ . I , :J-' ..:: .. GYO• DI `GNL I, t Cu , s-f- '
__llarrisbuirn - ;irti;
.-„A highmorattone kharacterizes;everyArti- -- tiftu - s -- M — c sc - c - e - mier 18 - 7. ' t.
Cje imTlilii LEDGER .lii fact,..theltatimi of "..- -1-, '' t W , ` r• 0 ,4,, ' -4- ~ i.' i , • . a, ' ,'7 7 :,
113,1%1U:ling gontributors are a-sufficient ,guai 4
suttee' thaLit itimdsin , tat:irked , contrazt,to a:
clakof meekly 'publications . that !httri for so :::..........,
long tlcitidecl.'.the country, but which, forte -QOURCLOTHING..of-Chotiey!snsanufacturi
nate& falba morals of Our people, are almost -1.0 ~ cut howl - at - i;*'lL B. SPENCER2i --
t extinct. .. , :.i.: . 4 - " .f. , , + '.. , ''' ' I . " 1 ( lA' -- ' " D, lre-kAdt i *
- , i , Pf" . ... ..._
a~.j ~z.
All of• the old and.
favorite contributors .
ATM ,continue to-write'
-for THE LEDGER.: as
expense will be . !
spared 1.; Scoure others'
Whose pens be:
considered compe'ent
to add to THE 'LEDG
attractions and!
usefulness. . .
.E11.51..1. -D. E. N.
NELSON write for THE
and all the other best
writers contribute to
voted to POLITE LIT,
—s ~.
1: 1
irti , l .... N .. 5 i,,,,, ..,
.\\ , 1t.„.„.,,.,;_,, , 6 ,, ." 4 i:. , 1 ... .1i
r.. , •z.. - .7. ,m • : ..: • i• - • ± 4 ::: N ..,77,„-,,,
.....,....,-,, ......,..4 YP....:1 iCtil 3: Xf:e..1i5.7,
• : oirtand,l lyttb4.•ttler...b.4-114, u - t;, - -g,•tiZST, As*primenk er, T , '.
~ ..._,.• --.,..• A.,..., • ~- - 1,•.
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. '
' CROCKERY -2- 11: , 11:DIVA - Itg - &GROCERIES t
, ... . - ... 9: ' __•".: i ..
~-.-...,-... • .ErpcT,Ofre:rec An, „pi er,
__;ollf.l 7
s) 4A<,
_ga t e, pr a qiozna . ng 0211111C5., ~, - 1
1 , ~. S! „; .;,• ' , :'•::,',.\- : : ' a ~ . - ',"l — ' ---' . - '• - ..,. cl .. •q_--, • •. : . •7::.• .:
--- -: ~' ,11AViN 4 Q . ..1i 1 01.7dri.Ti's'Ot; t- VIE : - STOO - I:..QP-' -. ' •
- 'T 0 - s; E\S' • - Nt ‘.. NI . N - - - .1 -- 'gr 1. ' - . ..
and reple n is hed - ‘vith - a. '' , ..\ -- EW ' and 'SPLENDID Stock - of.GOODS.-purchased.;
' •
since, for, Cash and froni first hand.' he i s to sdl at - - ,, reztly' -
. . ,
'' ' j_
He :his. OLD (.3 — 5t03113118 anci the PIT,BLIC,..IN..OENERAL,
thartleil'bo t und -- .74 - vi..111 SPRRENDET-or 17-NDERSOL:
NO*, j 4 YOLit T. 1.112 TO 14.71. - ;Gpoos cp.tp_rcin -a
- •
~C4,1111:011(' RegLdv .Pay
Stockend,races Avll:selectl..alund choicu'varietiCS'
C1,617a51„ '• lI.IIIDWARE, • •
-•; • SiIAWI4S, E311110.11.)ERIES I
DLI\TILT S, IIOSIERY,• - • • L gEs; EDGINGS, &C., &e:
In slibrt;evOrything - that. is connutnly found in a Country Retail Stoic,
•.• ; . .
where all aro cordially invited to :call:-
-. 1) 1 13' 7 in - 'r's TEI
TTIE llarriihrtr:9 'Tetivrails now in
the: second rear of:its existeuce. lt was
started last'fall rather as an, exPerintent, and
hits sueeeeded'beseindille mdst sanguine ex"
peetations °fits publishers. It has graelually
won its- - way . to public favor, until it has placed
itself upon firm and. sure.basis. and is now
one of the Permanent "Institutions". of the
Capital. It has 'been' specially condutted in
all its departnients witlfan eye single be the
public, good, and its, gradual and -steady' in
crease-of pationsige, has been a gratifying evi 7 :
denee 'of the public., dppreciaitiOn of the labors
of the .publisheillA Make it What it is, a'reiia-
ble record of the , pidblic events - Of the tint', lo"
cal and general: ' t shall be the effort - a the
1 221dislins to continue it in'the Spirit in - which
it ha,, thus tar he.eri conducted, to add to its
general anJ local interest, - and:to 'Merit its
steadily inerea,::ug patronage: • • •
During tho_appromCbitig,4 . szl i o k n e o t f ie tl , r
D - T :_t e n g
islature, it is ourintentiOi:
TELEGRAPH" a correct and relih!‘leexPonent of
the doings of thelegislature'Of Peznsylvitnia..
With this view, corps.of conapetent . . 4 !wort
,er* be employed in each Douse „and a te. 1 ,1;
complete and aecurate report of the proCeed"
ings will be given everyday opt.° the adjourn",
meat of the morning sessions, embracing thel
details : of the business of the sessions, sketches
of debates on all important and iutar.rsstilig
questions, and such ealitorial.eoutinenta as the,
importance of the aubjects, auu their bearing
upon the public interests may sugg63t. ,
The coarse of the' paper will lie sirirail
teal the,ahn of the editors being to
give fair and impartial aecOunis of the doings
Of the Representatives of the people, leaving.'
their constituents to judge of the action of their 1
public servants for themselves, on the 'reView
of thr , proeeediags, as they are fairly presented: l
to them through our columns. ' •
The session will be one of more - than - or - din":
ary importance. The . C'erangement ot the cur,'reney,
reney, and the peculiar posikioa- of the ,Bankst,
will require, or at leastovill much lez
islatiou, and will, in Consideration of its hu",;
portant bearing upon the general business
prosperity '
be a question of absorbing public,
It shall our province to present
to the• reader; of IVegraph full and nupar
hof et ; , u a lij lrts ec ofthe le . gislation upon this and all
= -
Owin"-to the derangement of business affairs.
generally, incorporated con:pan:es for mann
factut iug, mining and - otherptirpusts f 4 *-
require much legislittion, and all persons in- r:7 - 7.7 4 ' .
terested therein cannot fail to be beueliied by 1 Andeir.r.i . larr.ritosrittilis:
; a. caret ul every day reading of the proecediags I
un such subjects., .
Ali public documents of importance elms:, com*op.olitap. Art Association.
fluting from any of the Stat.* ticparunelaS, or III.E FA mous
from either branch of.the Legislature, will al- I •
so be published in, our coluums at the earliest
date possible. -- . - • ; Platen ASED' I AT A COST - OF - $.180,000 !
Business men throughout the State, who de- 1 AND riOii-mis ,
wont.n risxowstn STATUTE OP TUE
siren correct knowledge of the doings of their, (41.1.k3 E', K. SLAVE!!
representatives during the aessions,of the Leg-I
Re-purchased I' f ir sir. ,Illoasavd dollar!, with;
islature, and we know there aretuany,suchi; . -; •
hundrod pther ftsiiiiks Of Art;:in Paint;
4o not properly sppr6iato the' Teley
ing, Sculpture mid BronzeS, , comprise the Pre
!,throu;gli its ;columns Alley can obtain this
; knowledge, and_ we hope .to See 1.9 , ,be a wrrdedto the subseribera of the
„themselves of the opportunity .f.iittfrorth qipta ;CO:SMOPOLITAN.ART ASSOCIATION,
to obtain correct and 'early information. ylVe who willsubscribe beforelthe 28th etf-January,
know if they once received it they_ would not. 18.58, at which Onto the itvVards wilaalteplace:
a g ai n do- W iih "t it. . • "" S , I TERMS OF 'i'II.9,CRIPTfON" - .
. The c ontain also tfictzy la- Ti • Every ; inbseriber o f Ares dollars is entitled to
teat - news of the day, domestic and 1, T , 11;? - 1 , by
A coirY of the large' and splendid' Steel Eh
telegraph and the mails ; ,and will be l a pci•fect jug. entitled; " Mistrt:::r DEsittiV, also to
mirror - of the tieWs throughout-the worid. f ,e -
the .o.s.uorour.t.;.‘ lIT
Elie tncat, depaYtnient will lit attendede
neear;nl t o ,Ll,•••a•a: .. • •
•• _ •
as usual, and W il l, give a faitliftii recoriltvf s ' A 'Certificate
- in fife Award ori i remiume.'also
err-thing of interest - oecurfing input. immeili.i" freeradmis-sioinitte"..tisieldatanui-Ccii=
,The, faithfuliws;.:- ;tad- 'AV it fuopolitan , : • 7 ••• ' . •
whichthii - •depariirieht-• has biter!' coudacted ' Thus it lit -.444 tint'- every
(hree dollars
heretofore, will be a sufficient gnaittntylo our aid,
Le' neglected. SP - sti§-,erihternbtlanllf•
citizens - that theft' , ifinnediate i!tieVe_ . sev 1101.1 ! '' ,LEN
Lelleeted. •
The Tolvraph wilTbepublished -every , leve i it,t,9-149, the beautifully illustrated.
ning; , (Sunenys eze,epted,j;'Oti the. fotleivin: rtvo • illollarl.Art
teriaskl'" , •
,I'ffE' - ' Sit'ssrox:
wo•eiirtioil' ;;• :
Three opiks
• Five copies
2eff ceiksf
\"R ^and iiiior*tielirin fOr
sits bY . "; -1 1+2.) "' Is.
THE : GOLDEN P 1144 -
J . . FOR •
Illustrated. 1858,111414 r. atei
TUE New York, Weekly - 'GOLDEN - PRIZE is
one of the -largest literaty papers of
the day. An Imperial Quarto euntainingEtunr
PAGER. oT rottry cotruss, of entertaining mat
ter; and :I:En.t . .Nri.r.ti.mrttATEn , every week.
A Gift j r . Orth'iroin 50 cents to
$5OO 00 in gad, *ill . , be pre
sented to ench.subsCriber
'diately On receipt , of the sub
scriitioh nione3r.
' . I TERMS: I .
iOne n - Cppy for one year, $2 00, • andj gift.
, One CoOy for two years, .$3 50,aild - 2 gifts.
,One copy for three years, $,,11 00,, and` 3 -I gifts:
/ -
One .copylOr five. years,. $8 00, and 5 gifts. -
-- A HOME' g TEAD FO $10.1,,
. _ AND TO C 4113
Three:Copies, one year, , - $5 00; and 3 gifts?
Five copies„ one year, , :R8 00 d n
'----- -, 11 ' -- - gifts. 923 Farms for Sale - lailtheTaliey
Ten copies one year, I $l5 po, and:lt/gifts of Virginia at $lO. Each. ;
Tiventy-one ctipies one year ; 30 . 00 and 21 gifts
t , The articles lto be distributed are comprised fiI p ESE -Fauns' are • Situated in Botelourt
in the following list : - . lcounty, ?Western! Virginia, in 'one
' ' 2 Packages of Gold, containing-$5OO each: healthiest regions in the. world, asltas‘been.dein
-• 5• do - do • '-do - $209 each. onstrated ,by recent - statistics, c-The,nortbern
'lO d- I do --. do i;100 eac h ; I portion 9f the tract lies: Within .firs , tulles of
10Tateut 1.0,-;:m Hunting Cas- 1
,_, . i $lOO each.' KanawhJames and Jaes Biter Canalpthe south
:a • ed Watchk. - - •, ern portion - within
,eight miles .ofitheiVirglnia.
20 Gold Watehes"r•••-i- $75, eac h: and lrennessee railroa.d.. -T.he.main road front
50' '. ' 1d.0 . • - I '* -•' '- , -.-$6 O eac h.' Fir/Castle to Sweet Springs _runs lhaoug,k, the
10 6 , d , . . i - . $5O eac h . , centre of it. ,-•. These farms - till •be .:sold. by . ,
- 3 0 L a th e ,. c c ,' id w,, t ai e , • c. , •45.i. a ..h. tmtubscription. • , The-tract will be disidedjuto
923-sharesi ranging as folloye:-; --- .. ,•".',,,,;:-. '
• ' , OO Silver Huntiu L . Cased Watches-S3O each''
50:Silver - I,Vdtche:i ' • Fi, i d -to $23 wit': I 1 1 1 Farm of 200 I.Ac's, etintaifil,Tirott &lead.
-100 d Gold Guainl . Vest. andl ' ' - ' • 1 2•Pirnti" 100 - "' eneli'-- - -1 r '''. ' ' l S'' , '
' • • ,- $lO tas3o each.. - • .-: - r • • ~ ?,. . .: •',
I ' Fob 'Chains' • - j "4 a • ; 5 . 0 • '"' - -
Gold Lockelli, . BracClets,• Brooches, Ear 1 8 -
,c‘ " - 30 " •'d I -
Drops, Breast - Pini,llafflYins. Sleeve Buttons' I 10 1 1" . ' 0 .2.0,,'' " 'I• ti
Iting - 4,.Shirt Stids„;*Wajh lice=, goldand sill . 20 'ie' : i' 10 ` l ' '
vet thimbles. Mal a variety of other articles 3u " " 8 a "
- worth from 50 Bents to $lO 00 each. "--• ; 150 4 • 4 -' 5
" d - , •
- Inuaediately bn receruk• of the, 'subserip‘timi 100' -"
:•" 4 4 " ." ':' '` •
mOneyOtte•sub.4criliers untie will be - entered 200 . •"'- " 3 " " '.
upon our siihsc l ription' book opposite a num- • 500 " " 2-". • d'' ' : • -''' . •
t -:-.
• n -•.....-
her, and he gift Correip9tidiiig with tltt - nni- - These shares will be sold at $lO each ?and
her'will be forv4rded; within one week, to the l a numbered certificate to any one - makini app l'=
subscriber;' h i- Mail or express, post' paid; - /cation. One-half okthalmrchase money wilt. • i .
• ,k ---b' All•eonnaunicatitins stoUld be address-11)e, required before-the div.isiotyvhen,thal'am=
Ctl to •. - IT-t ' - ',I •I";:. : - :..rt ECRETT - &:CO..- bored certificate will bp, givert,tbeyther halt
AI ,and 49 Motfats_Railding; 335 Broadway, before the delivery of the -dee - di : after:ilia:di=
N'ew York:• , , r ~-; 10:26-ciD. .- vision. Thus it will be peicetved- that each
* _Specimen t. opies _sent free. - subscriber or purchaser is-sure c ol` getting ti
—1 two-acre lot at a very trilling priceovlillst at
i the, same time be hasp.' chance of, getting' 5 1
. i valuable /arm. The_ division to take,plata on
ithe first day of March, 1858,-unless,the.shares•
should all be dispoSed of beforc said- 614. 7 -,
j Due notice will be given when andw.herelhe
division will be made, so that th9s9 ( who, de
sire eon be present.
These lands are. surrounded-ley some of
most famous mineral springs - in the Sfate, and
arc iu tne midst of a:deeply, picturesque awl,
magnifigent country,. The title iszood, ha r
ingAately been conveyed by ; the-,,St-Fie,Ao..tho
present.-proprietor.,: Some-...portions., of, „tltt .
tract arc - well ,tiniberetic,'Atua l tPther,ptirtliis
contain iron,, lead ,andy,„lt ~POssesses at
strong:and good soil, like' most, lands ..iti 4 thos
Valley.: The two = acre iota are,all 7 ,in ons„hodr
-in a central and .elligible , Portion„ef-,thc gaeii
These lands are ,:sOld:•at a -price .bellivs,4llo!r'r
actual cost,- in order to.inducellettleritent,Foi
certificates, circulars Ste.;
apply;tO :+; ty t.:..-t '
- --,1 NirAgents Wanted., •.- Betlilahem,.:Pis.., l
- '-Also' for sale, , ,irr:•WftitrdVirgirtiit,-Farmi
partlrhaproved at frotal.sl2lto-s3s : iter acre'
-tar:Cording toldcation add - lint:Timm - el:1M 1
.1.0,24: , ..8t . .. -.t - - :.r.. ;.1...: . --f .r.::..: ew . 11.-:, ,
Year"....: •
subscribei is=also i;res - etitCd with` a
Certificate- in the `:!wards- of: Premilitni; •by
which a'tulanble work' or -Art, in. Painting or
ticulpturn, -, raay'b'C received in additicin,Atiui
giving , to . every -subrcrifier,:ttaLequivalent tci
•the value ofifirc &Jib:in,. and a_Certificategratis.
_ _
,91 00
1 75
Boo= 1
.. -
CA - upon - 0 of the londing.s3 Magazines - a fur
tristietl,Tinsteacbtif-Engraving and Art Journal,
it*. desired. :. -:.;:.1- :_.•.'r .•--.:: ...•.: ~..,. ~.
tio.lierativis:_rditricted - to la' singlez.shar,e ,
.Those t aid a grit Vs Dientbershipt,%rernitting ''l - 5,
• to - an: eitri Engraving, - and six.
likliets".. :I; .._:. .. • ... - :.:- ; . .1.,:i, _ :
Full"partietilari of theiAssoulatiOn are given
-its-.the A., t Jimattlfrlriejr - etanitainkorer slit);
r . spleGartileaviAgOriceltfis; 'rears per 711011
[ 'bp'r: Sji:§eiinere code '
s_ iikill'it . C:tent 'to`all per
ions Nib& desfrelty!itiiscrib'e;' on receipt of five !
'rpostig.cstarrips, - (1 c'enti.) - ' - ''.' _ - ' 1
',_`Address ' - . - .. .` - I . ' - i ' - - --
, - -' i ' CC. LDERti ;.:.iCtuary G. i. - A:i '
1!):22--dt. -- '•:'" ''. : -- IQ: lit:Pacrtinif s Are "! -rerk• `i
. .718,...G. B. 031CTO - 92' lionoii!iy-SCcretari,
. -
Coudersport, Pi.
.- . "7i 2 ''''-,' .4 3:4 '3 , - 7
VtelitV 6- 11V-tOij --- PLEI4O
Controveisial Chant—domicalll
. _ .
wConceixibitandVelumningly Carol
• —.
• A
11tE.0,4F al.01)1-E y,
. .
*iiebl dilltionto hOme.' - ‘to-!,eirery !hinny ratan
(ullor bpi cOntfor k
• _ .
• • • •
nitit,id.kunsp.Nt r t-ltm - 4 . 1104
freatOd in. tliii. - po . pin; ititlen-liu
ronr7and therbest
elTdits of ii:dinber or.: Guar .4L-rnons.-jly
4ggt.nn?ktho•wife'otcounttyr cousins , b at, ija :Ka
rori.te• sihiCh 4.rt,Ootopoaed of •Oetl
'l.lfrig rings aid 14 1 ...ieelets;•a : 0 isith
I 'Y - it:it - idle' rem ; Ar - ked-bs' PAdiltc,
_thus Abe, tide .of_d:d4 y `,.t. f1u0. 0 .04. 4 ;fr3
in!§iic : SS , p,4pUrl) , •
..-, :.:. IT pA:ltis i.i.,. 41: - 4p,.IT4}3..NVAY! I i
As, , ';'llasbaud..Prf Mr: AViOi t' r Or !‘7lfo . rlpflfl
Llu.fiftud,'',a tltthg,that ).tos been tici;er' /eAre
qiiepipid.ia - , I .iteratitritl ' ...: - :. - :
This Vocin (whith • ls'irritteir by as author'
,ttAr r gas,ti.t.ic-icitiAri to his pabliahors)•tortches
tipau ALL: T11.E.T0P1i.. 1 .3 pi, 240DER.N-sOcl
.iiTr.., 7 -...- '. .i --•- '• ' '• - -. ''' '' 4 :',''''' .
was, natreraally acithp'tiledgo 'ii'gitttn.
Otist of the first ;class"! but "the' . race,''.ls not
al‘vSys to the Syrift;"-als•proofett hy his be
-lug outstripped:in:his:own line. by r -,131.e5s
us !...stre,had netirly:betrayed (Ae.cFoth 7' . 4.ngfa!, -
for,-thaCOnceitlmFat of .which - 7e u -, •,.-
UNpEil. •BO'isik§ - -: 0; $50 . ,0 3,! . -..-
until wo• L shall have sold ~F ifty, Edi4ns, Ether .
which he .will have no - ohjeCtiOri, to tecalvo .
Proposals froth Comitry.T.Exititiitat,'talTitire - th
the admissitin •of• a 'delighted 'patine:to . ti . sight
ol•hint, At so ruttelta head,:- ,••• •..'. • .-- :.••••;,-.7
HUS BAND vs WlFE — hurtiorgitts,' satirical, pa,
thetie, and purcbaseable - -7-is • . - •
gime" Drateings by.
: of the euts being thrusts nt the eve
follies 'oi the" tlie day,: ,
iitISEiiND Vs. WiFi itlit - 4ikab . 4 roi being
that is, it takes both sides of the,.queStionf so
that Husbands perCeive the 'intim on Wives
and Wives. on Husbands, which id ibscif
triumph of skill: , ,
As a work orart, this is by far the most ele
gant little hook Ortlie kind ever, published
this side of the Atlantic. 'Heidg printed . ' in
"colors. in the old-fashioned Ilinmitinted Missal
style, upon extra tinted plate,paper r aad
fusely embellished With lioppires..ritost charm
ing designs, it cannot fail ofhaving an :4 ( niiit- .
ble notoriety.
Pkice s 66 Cents eiegnittlr.liotind: in
cloth. Sold, by tillillOoksellers in the United-
States.: Copies of this bOOk wlll 6e ien.f .
ni.til, postage' paid, to tiliY - part i or the 'United
States, on feceipt of the • priceGO cetititt
poitage startiPs.. • RUDD CARVE:I'6N,
Publishers and Booksellers; 310 BtxladiVny,
New York. —10:26-Bt.
S 1011: OlEj
- • •
innE ';l4.
. - n
ieady.,iOade,;,n ll arti,c43,6s4,mottly t ,;ijsed,l
iu Sof:, of pasinfi peo'ple, j -suelt fig
Plows, 'Coikitirs' Cle,vlS - 0i. 4 41 al
krtts - ,T.icks, Gritb-Hoei t Dra - glreelbi h Adges
Geati-hioolis Neck-Yokes , ; Tchipiiletteo," Aar
horse IV-SfiOeS;;Pf. tli
clutntity, so that
their ,h,prset of:6s,ttle- - shod l siFeelf,! .. i r olie no dao,T .
A9', rtiCle.,
:92 6F'0,,
hol m i n )t. St: notill en 4 ofthe PAT-°°ol
10:23 IPiR
:41: `L-DATIP OWN. ' I
:JSEND 0 • -
ptiblEshed in Atnericl, - -1.4 the beeeirihee-tiiunij
ber brtlfe-
M4llO over ilitztiplettilaßlijiiiitifis; iti nit giF l
ing hill - partibtilnrs
Asinaittlaii - liaddrttiNtear
single copies fifty cents. SpeectiViii'copiiii will
1?e Bent' air penownto3visigto aubsaibe ou
receipt of p)staVs:StalnPc (LS ceuaY
. 7 V. h. DERBY; Adtuary.,CA-A:Aiy
ViikedirerilP - eir Node.
, . e.'l7